Newspaper Page Text
i t0St* FOVy?> AyP REWARD ???ST-?In Fifth a.v*. DUB- or 10th *t. be ?tweei-? Fifth ave. etui Broadway, on Febrtt X tsth, paient leather changevpurso eon ?IfLinK $to gold pl??ce and currency. Ro {??JaTBird. U* Broadway._ LOST BANKBOOKS ,?c-p?Bankbook No. 807,411 of the Union nt-rie Paving* Bank is missing. Any per -? having <i claim to It ?s hereby called tL, ?n ?rest?! the same within ten days or ""?btnit to having said passbook canceled and *????? ein Issued._ T?St Zyankbec* No, 74?,l'.9i) of the Union hime Saxiux? Ha-'k 's missing. Any per isiivl'ig a claim to it I* hereby called upon nreietit Ok1 <t?im?' within ten days or sub it: to bivhig aaW passbook canceled and a ^K one Issued_ oofe No. 730.712 of the Union mm- Savings Hank 1s missing. Any per V -,,,?? ?? claim to It is hereby calle?l EL to present the same within ten days or t>mit to havins said passbook canceled an?l ? _ _ 77wT_---l-;.r.ko.?'k No. 284.,Ul of the Frank *M_ Savings Bank Issued to Carrie Mon ?," ,.-,. ? ; . rood. Please return to r; , .-.. ? . . vew V^'k City. All SgoVis are ca.? ? ?= not to purchase or ??el I j ' __ ...._._ _wf ..-..- tboot? No. 216,668 of trie Frank ii'-i' ?savings BeM* Issued to Plora Mon _ ?_\* n( stoppiid Please return to | ink 6SS ".tghth ave., New York City, All ? i?rie-i.* ?*' ?avx-jned not to vm.vaase ut ? S?Ytate ?am? _^_| AeT ?-Bankbook No? 616.327. The Greenwich i "Svinss Pank, ? ? ?4? Sixth ave. N. Y. stopped Please return to bank. :1" i<- No 13.825 of the United ??_ -, . . Bank of New york. Pay ?e n turn book to bank- : : .-- . N 81 . I 15 of the Ex l-\:t\ ? - ta Bank - V\ est 23d ?t. stopped i ? ase return to bank. t No. 1,004,305 of tho Psr.k foi - ? "'-"-? -? Fourth ave. Pay j. *n;'','? | . .??-?.? return to bank. ',":7~ : ' N?>? 151.291 Issued by the '"-..'.-?? s iare Savings Bank. Finder will ?fees? ? ih* bank. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET I ?-..- si -'. ? v--Two adjoining rooms, ..' ; . ? : ? isant; running water, f..'-.'.- . .,.- bs h room; In private rest dit 115 W EST i Apl. Ut?. ? Large el? cl ricil v, , . . ; nivi rsity. tA 1 ? omfortablo fur - ,,suitable ?or tw<? gen n ; i ..- : 'h no ?"?-' 2 Mein se. NEW JFKSEY FCF.N- :.- attractive, private: . - he isekeeplng. I 12 ?^r . rk, N. J. Phone Gu^e Tira' ..K. '? ; TORinSHED Al'AKTMEXTS TO LET j KIVEP.Si i'"'2 CApt. 9-1).?Two i -1 :.:.- '- ath and kitcll ?P.i-.'.e. :. - - - - Apt. 94. 1G5TH ST -- WEST.?Six rooms, bam.;. furnish ilately clean; rtier er.cei. 2s-: BOKOU.I! OF BROOKLYN FRANKLIN ST (A torla, I t.)?At? tirai ? 1-- : oms; light house? keeping Phoi ' HELP WANTED MALE IN-I Kt l I'KiN IEARN TO BE \ ' HAl r'KEl'R.--Pleasant ?-: profitai work, ?lay and evening flit'cs t.r.i ; : tree booklet ai;?3 visitors pss? West Bide l M. C A., 30G West Rib t?. SHALL ! STA?7 SHALL 1 GO? Before - : - - ai ,-? tin ; ? .t if you ?re on ;:. i 'L' kn< ??? what > our liUwork si a stai ; In the i Igl t director. I'lie ' nalyst will know trcm a the vocation for rou. This stud don known scientl?c (a?a :-.- - tests; no trade t? sts. :,-, . ' ? ' ? "L" on request. Mertot Ins.te In 96 Fifth a\e. (at ljth i-). New - tie < helsea 4054. HELP WANTED MALE ADVEP.TISING MAN 0/ ability; spj? al work -?? texi md tit am ial iv-'ekl-? :?. commise - . Box 557, ARTIST ?no l'.r.? a g?>ed j??l) ? b'.t \\ants a better ??.-- everj oppi n ?)?:<.' y lo r.iVe !'.'" - more; a chance to grow witti leadli -? lor li Its fiel i : poster ffortj e, .... ?tick? -i"t s drifter. Studio ?ter nlghl fi . New York Thorough knosvl fde? of figui ' ' ???'' '' '?' e8SI " (iji. Sa ' I only by ability. Bring fp?citr-: ^ Call irda: ftertu ..;-'. Lin In SUpare .'. '?'??? B00KKEE El A large manufacturing ted i I N oi toik, Vf _ desires (he servi ? l horoughl) ? >? ? -lenced ... : . ? ?? ? ? ?. ? i ? H. v ? >r?; yea ?? In n lahufacl urin-t ? . - ? rs if age and be an t^e is ,. splei did op (fertui ... p ible man. \t ::<--1 Ml ? I i rtis, Hotel Manhat - ? . . ? to salary, etc. : Intei ul wi lit? , a ppllcatlon. Boy? v tic bo "'i errands an?1 ass g dep irtn nl musl b" <... horoughl> ? ? Hal ? i ?? ; '.'- Fulton - :. 1 ' HOYy. : ? ? to help in shi - Cti ? \\ v\ I latr.i i- i l Lafaj ?. . New York e himself useful and . : l'r id I? ts Co., 1105 '?? : : klyn; building '50. ?RIQHT tor general ofTlce work Addr? Ing su la i ^ refer? m e ? s you can begin work, A., Box ?2?, Trli iti ? PKA1 rSMl [CAL, WANTED; STA'I . 'EltlENi 'K AND SALARY "X?Ei ..; i-. 816, TRIBUNE ! ' . !A1 ESMAN, ; oinpeteni and ao *? : on popular '"?--': ? - and com permanei : isil ion '? '?;",?' ai once to ?'??' -t sky, ?I 15 Fifth ave. >lAX: ? ?? hite, handy with tools, . ? n< rally usoful ; call --1 Li" '' w' vt Mtn sl - easement. Al ''; : pictun fitter -? anted ; ? ? : write, Kenned> & hhIL!'! ' bright, neat, en? rgetio and i ' ' by lat-Kc concern; ad \[ [ '% Call J Menlst Co., 105 Hud ''l2,:.1'1 I mat cm er wanted; ', oi write, Keuie- ? & f,.,SxlB' ' us promises, but a inviv'."; ; ' ? '"' v"u lf >'ou can Btand j ,, '.?" ' ? ??' n : ou to sell stock in -, , ' ? ? ? tal banking ' In N? w York or our home lion'. ?V1 - and strong co-opera fi -? Mi Buckloy, l Fast Phone Vanderbilt T^L'9 for ^ihr0^ rVU A "? JXEN' ,vh0 appreciate a secur to sen. Buyers of this " ' trgo i.Its nod sales "J < build up a permanent liberal commission. ' !" i. 61 Broadway. S?.'?h j_,_ ? 'M KTCA.N EMPLOYMENT. mm r... ethnical men, speaking Span rai fr,.^ain employer? in Sputh and Cen "?i ?nJ*. ' : " R,co? ,-ul'a- Pbllil-pines O?Mffoi. thl'0"*1' "Want" ?-oliunns of IN '?nl, "Va INTERNACIONAL; rftte live "?linn i " ' ' ?'' ' harge ?1.50; cir.-u M ,[i 15.000 M, i-, .... um ,- i . a-,. ? . ' -tun ?? ?? , Inc., 47? Raveling salesman vu"> woul i lil e ?o locate In ?e-.v Vork C.'ty, or 'OLLEGE GRADUATE ; ? ' ?i. ?how record of sucoess ;"??' ted to represent .-? larRe v-rperauon in negotiations of p u d?lii'iilt lud .ire r??tlon worth ?6,000 to right j .. "la'1 an.*. Iliintlngtfu?. 105 Weft *?m St., bet. and 4 o'clock A^TF-? Z.-~~ *ho ,.:?Experienced dto maker: one CM'nd?r ?.'. mako r'-ady on fiat bed and '''?'?Be?. 8 Bnd creasing presses; give u^'b.r^ **,e- ?alary expected and ?tato HL-Haltlt?l '??',. "?' single: factory located a^'?more. _d. _,( Box 823, ?rribune i , HELP WANTED MALE STOCK SALESMEN who appreciate a secur? ity of high merit to ?oil. Buyer? of this ?took Mhoulft make huge profit? ai*-4 sales? men Who ?ell It should build up a permanent ?SStP^S?; l?*r** -**1'0*4' "beral commission. Call Room ?220, fil Broadway. - ? , -j vovnc: MAN .JSTJ-J-E*- ior PBcklng room; slendv work. APPLY 373 FOURTH A VI?., tOTH Fl.oon. HELP WANTED FEMALE ~ . A REAL OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN 17-25 years of "age. We offer all the.advan? tages you can think of and $15.00 PER WEEK as a starter, with more pay and good chances of advancement. # Experience of any kind is not necessary. COME AND SEE US. ROOM 530, 24 LISPENARD ST., JUST BELOW CANAL. The American Telephone & Telegraph Company. Automatic Telegraphy. THOUGHTFUL YOUNG WOMEN Like to employ their minds as ??trail as their hands. The day Is short when the mind Is inter ested. The new method of hand? ling telegrams?Automatic Tel? egraphy ? requires Intelligence a-' well as finger dexterity. The work jossesses ever-changing in? terest. The pay Is good, Tho occupation Is est ?< iced, THli WESTERN UNION TEL? EGRAPH CO TRAFFIC DE? PARTMENT. Rdqm 1702. 24 Walker Street (near Canal and Broadway), Dally, including Saturday, 9--1 p m. Also at SG6 West 125th Street (near Eighth ave.), I>a?!y at 9 to 1 p. m . and Tues? day & Thursday evening, 6 to 0 p. ra BILLING CLERK ON' ELLIOTT FISHER MACHINE. DUTION, 6 I FIFTH AVE. CLERICAL WORKER, active and refined, preferable with high school education. some knowledge typewriting desirable, for growing profesional office; pleasant sur? roundings. Reply in own handwriting. 2428 Adama Building, stating age, ex? perience (if any), religion, salary <*??. peel ed. GJRLS AS TYPISTS. Girls, age. 17 and over, wanted. as typists. Permanent posi? tions. Large financial institu? tion. Hours 0 to 4;30. Satur? day half hoi i day. Luncheon served free. Opportunity to study stenography and opera? tion of dictaphone without ex? pense. Salary $12. Call after 9 A. M., room 5030 Metropoli? tan Life Building, Fourth Ave? nue & 23rd Street, New York. GIRLS AS CLERKS. Girls, age 17 and over, wanted as clerks. Permanent positions. Large financial institution. Hours 9 to 4 :30. Saturday half holiday. Luncheon served free. Opportunity to study typewrit-; ing, stenography and dicta? phone without expense. Salary to start $.12. Call after 9 A. M., room 5030 Metropolitan Life Building, 4th Avenue & 23rd Street, New York City. GIRL, sum?), wanted In large advertising agency i one who la familiar with operat? ing a mimeograph. Apply J. Walter Thomp? son Co., 241 Madison ave., New York City. GIRLS for light anil clean chop work: no experience required; good pay while le.irn Ins. raise as eoon us qualified. Goerz Opti? cal Co., 317 East 34th st. GIRLS, 16-17, learn ribbon blocking; Unlit work, pleasanl surroundings, high pay. Oroinan & Sons. 11 West 20th St. CIKLS for light, f.lean work, permanent. Apply 373 Fourth ave., l<*t!i floor La reo fire Insurance company desires serv? ices several young girls for filing reports and general office work Aapl-y lo Northern Assurai ? < !o? 58 John Bl .MAID for ladles' photographic; studio; hours S:30 to 1:30. Apply Mrs. McCaul & Dickson, 20 Most 46th si. NURSE .MAID. ;:??''*. with ".vo children; experience unnecessary; country. Tele? phone Beekman 8239. Box 5G1, Tribune OtBce. YOUNG f.ADV for dental office; high ?al? ary. Demist, 251 West *2d St. Srtl ATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, expert, undertakes special posting bookkeeping work, temporarily, permanently, monthly, auditing statements rendered Income tax reports; competent,, te? llable; references, income Audit Co., 148*! Broadway. ACCOUNTANT; auditor, executive ability and extensive publie accounting practice, desires permanent engagement; prefers per? sonal Interview, Ik. Box 566 Tribuno Ornee, Bl ?OKKEEPER, ASSISTANT, experienced; ton -.'?rs recenl employ: highest refer? ences. ' it , Box 060, Tribune Office, CHAUFFEURS SUPPLIED Experienced, furnished wlthoiit charge on short notice, with inferences irives: 'gated. Phono Chelsea 4?63, Kgency, 159 Weat 23d ft. CHAUFFEUR wishes private position; city or country; Al references. 770 \\ o:-t Lnd ave. Hart. MAX, mn-rrted. 30, desires position, pack? ing, shipping, generally useful. L. F. Meany, 117 Foster ave., Brooklyn._ PUNTER wants work. inside. C*.>tsida; ex? cellent r*oik gt/\ranteed. Hermann. 114 Eut sat 4b HELP WANTED FEMALE ??""". I ? ..?HI LI .' .? POSITIONS FOR YOUNG WOMEN ARE OPEN IN SEVERAL OF OUR ' DEPARTMENTS. $15.00 A WEEK TO START, WITH REGU? LAR AND FREQUENT INCREASES THERE A FTER.PE RM AN ENT WORK ? 4S HOURS OR LESS A WEEK. MANY OPPORTUNI? TIES FOR ADVANCE? MENT TO POSITIONS IN W H I C II THE EARNINGS ARE $25.00 TO $30.00 A WEEK. PART TIME WORK A NUMBER OF POSI? TIONS ARE ALSO OPEN TO YOUNG WOMEN ? MARRIED OR SINGLE ? WHO FIND IT CONVEN? IENT TO WORK ONLY 4 TO 6 HOURS DUR? ING THE DAY OR EVENING. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES : 1158 BROADWAY, MANHATTAN 453 E. TREMONT AYE., BRONX 81 W1LLOCOHBY ST., BROOKLYN ?8 A.iM. TO S P, M.i (SAT., S'A M. TO 4 I'. M.) SUN,. 12 M. TO 4 P. M. 4 i PEARL STREET, MANHATTAN (11 A. M T? I 2 I'. 51.) 1336 BROADWAY, BROOKLYN 68 YV HOUSTON ST.. MANHATTAN l.'1 A. M TO G P. M.) OR TELEPHONE MADISON SQUARE 12019 NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO. THE WESTERN UNION TEI ? EGRAPII CO. The Public demands especial care on thi part oi those who handle tele? grams That, is why w.i cser- * ciso especial .?ire in placing , ' yoting 'voni.-n ?n our telephone department to receive these mon? tages. They must bo intelligent and courteous, and they are. Handling telegrams over the telephone Is the highest phase of telephone work and wo pay ac? cordingly. You will enjoy the work, it \3 diff?rent. Come and see. THE TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT THE WESTERN UNION TEL? EGRAPH CO, Room 1702, 24 Walker titreet (near Canal and Broadway), Daily, including Saturday, 9 4 p. m. Also at 356 Wesl 123th S;re?t (near Eighth uve), Daily 9 to 1 p. m., and Tuesday ant Thursday evenings C to 9 p. m. STENOGRAPHERS wwint/.l 121 by manu? facturer, excellent c?wn? ? for advance? ment. Apply in tiers.Hi. Lamson ,". Hubbard Co . r.ii't Fifth TYPIST, no ?articular exp?rience neces? sary; must, flo neat and ai mate. Apply In perHon, National Association of Credit Men, R..01H 517, 261 Broadway. BUSINESS CARDS Carpets ai?cl >i\y?., 1,000 YARDS FINE CARrETS Jl yard up: 500 elegant rugs, all sizes, ?il colors, $5 to $05 up; MAKLNU OVER, CLEANING, LAYING. DYEING; . reasonable. Stllllngs, Inc, 020-028 Madison Ave. (5.1th st i. Plazo S335. Diamonds DIAMONDS ?\ND J13WELRY BOUGHT FOR CASH, estate* appraised, pur? chased. BENNETT, IT;" Broadway, upstairs. ? Furniture Wanted HIOHHJST PRICES paid for furniture, ?*? tique?, piano?, brlc-a-brac, books, art. OABAL SH University Place. 'Phou? ?tuyvesant 2377. Iiug.3 Wanted WANTED, ORIENTAL RFC, FINe'qUAL ity, small allover design on d irk ground ; Antique Persian preferred; r? ??in 11 ft. by 10 ft.; will pay good price. l?>x 78, Times. Square P. O. TrnnliH BIO BAROAIN ? New and used wnrdrob? trunks. 60?; Sixth ave., bet 30th-Ilst sts. STORAGE NOTICES THE T J, O'REILLY STORAGE WARE HOUSE CO., fopmerly O'Reilly Brothers, 258 to L''>4 St. Nicholas avo. :- To Mi^s H Aaron, A. AdlerDhaii, Mrs. Kenneth iJulkley, Mrs. Joseph Carlin. Mary , F.. Clark, A. A. Cone, Mrs. .s. Craven, Eli:-. Cunningham, Coraly Do Vet, E. H. Eddy, Mr. an?l or Mrs Waller ?'. Felter, Mrs. Minnie Forsbaek, Mr ,and or Mrs. Louis, Mrs. L. S. ?leer, Mr. and or Mrs. John 11 . and or Edith ' May Hasklns, Mrs. J. Hlrsohlleld, Mrs. ,\. A'. Hogan, Mr. E, Holt, Rosi llowley, Karl lllova, II. Ittmann, Mrs. Eliz. Lu Rue, M|sf Lucllle Lawrence, Nl?-^. Fred E. Lewis, Helen ? Ingersoll, Axt., ?fred Lodging, Mrs. Bella ; Looinis, Boberl McCoutt. Mrs. E. MeLewee, Mrs. M. T. Mac Vean, ?Miss M. Meeker, Mrs. Louise Ml'ldleton, John Moriurty, A, P. Mor? ris, N. Newman. H, B. Pogson, Helen E P^t, Mrs. I'. Redman, Mrs A Beissman, Mary M. Remington, A. Sachs, G?ssle Sando wltz", ?'.race Stlmson, Win. Thorn well, Mrs. i Elizabeth Vaughn, ?>. .1. Weinert, Miss M. L. Wiley, H. ,L. Williams, Miss L. Zipfel, Jose? phine Kllpatrlck, Miss Louise Bowen; You and ea?'h of you are bdreby notified that the time for the payment of this firm's lien upon the property hereinafter described having expire.!, after due notice tihei'eof ha?l ? Loen given you, this Hun will .aus.? such ! property, to wit, Household Goods, Personal : effects "and Merchandise, stored by, you in j their warehouses, and Silver Vaults (or in which you claim an Interest), to be sold at public "auction according to the statute In such case? mad?? and provided, at their war.?- | houses, :;>?> to 364 St. Nicholas Ave., Borough i o? Manhattan, City of New York, oi Tuesdaj morning, March 2nd, 1920, al 10:30 o'clock, ami will be continued succeeding Tues? day at the same time and place until sale Is completed by Daniel 11. Kennedy, Auctioneer. Tilt; T J- O'REILLY- STORAGE WARE? HOUSE COMPANY New York. February 21st, 1920. PUBLIC HEARING . NEW YORK HARBOR LINE BOARD will hold a Publie Hearing in Room : 512, 39 Whitehall Street, N. Y. City, at 11:00 a. m., March 4, 1920. to Consider application of Do.-k Department, N. Y. ! City, for modification of pierhead line between Pier 4 7 t-rui West 72nd Street, No-th River, Boi-f A?b of Manhattan. In- i teicotrd parties U-rtted to attend or b* I r?u>r?*?mt?d and te heard. j Shipping ?^wl ~' ." A_? HIGH WATER ' AM I'M .Sandy Hook . 8:31 R:57 Governor'? Island .H:S? 0:10 Hell Gato ...7.10:3? 10*:>8 ARRIVED VESTERDAy Vessel Port Pepnri urn Pastern Light.Bordeaux .Fob 4 Rosalind.Hallftix .l'*'*l- 17 Gal?:?( as.Hnn Juan .P*eb 16 Carrillo.Ringstun .lreb 14 Britannia.Lisbon .Peb 7 Val?clH.Halifax .i'*"h 17 Lake Beacon.Puerto Padre . . .Fob 12 1 uki'view.?-., Lucia .Peb I I E. J Luckenbach. ..Philadelphia ? ? .Fob IS? Biuandrecht.Payai .Pel* 7 Boiliugham.Rotterdam .Fob l Suwanee.Ardrosean .i:m 39 ConloocooK. '..Mo nail .Peb 13 Millinoi'ket.Hun Juan .Peb 15 South Polo.Payai .Fob 7 Lulttaoaa.Rio Janeiro .fan 28 ?antaskot.Liverpool .fan 80 I In in ill mi.Newport News. ?? ? ? Lang ley.Antwerp .t ,Fob 3 City of Manila_Hull .l'b G INCOMING STEAMSHIPS Due To-dtiy Olonrlrlg-a.Barry. ,TanM3 AVenttjool ,.Dartmouth .Jan 1.8 Pnrtmoutb .Payai .inn ?: Weuhxi wken.1.1 ver pool .Inn Ie' Ml hlgan.Don ton .fan 27 N*ew York City_Bristol .Peb 1 Bayamo.Havana .Feb. 11 Henry Clay.Antwerp .Ian 31 Nethnrparli.Gibraltar .Jan. 30 Imperoyal.Southampton . . ..inn. 29 Rayonne.Gibraltar .Pel? 2 East Indlar-.London .Feb 3 B 1*011 le.Habla .lau 31 Severance.Shields .Inn 31 Lake Duncan. , ..Nuevitas .Feb 13 Londoadier.Antwerp .Peb 1 Due To-morrow I Bufbrd..'Antwerp .Feb B j Moccasin.Bio de Janolro.. .Feb ? St rabo.Buenos Ay res.Fan 22 Antonio Lope*.. . .Havana .?Peb is j Alllanca.Cristobal .T.Feb lfj Due Moniluj I T..-i Sa vole.Havre .Feb 14 K. Aug Victoria. .Liverpool .Feb 14 Duca d'AbruzzI.. .Gibraltar .Fob 12 Chicago.Bordeaux .Peb 1 I-T'*. .1. Luckenbach..Rotterdam .Feb 7 ' 'alamares.Bort l,(mon.Peb ! I Port Hamilton... .Bermuda .Feb 21 Due Tuestluy Monterey.Vera Cruz .Fob in Morro Castle.Il a vana .I*.-*,, 2 11 So lei wet.London .Feb 7 , Roman Prince.Dartmouth .Peb fi Montolair.<'ardiff OUTGOING STEAMSHIPS Sail To-dur Mall Vessel closes na l's Snxonla, I/ondon . 8:00 AM 12:00 M Nieuw Amsti 1 -.111111. Rot? terdam .... 8:00AM 11:00 \M Belgic, Liverpool . ?:00 Air 12:00 M Orizaba, Bilbao . 8:30 AM 12:0') M Stavai gerfjord, Ber? ge- . 9-.:i0 AM 2:01 PM niui ppn Verdi, Naplca.10:00 AM 2:00 I'M Oscar 11 Copenhag' n.. 10:30 AM 20 '. Punta Ami, Valparaiso. ?:00 AM 11:00 AM ? . m 1. Vi ... Cruz. 7:30 AM 11 . ? A VJ ' 'oamo, San Juan. 8 30 AM 12:00 M Panama. Cristobal ...32:00 M 4:00PM ? ?'? 11I irnc, 1 'c-rnam bui 1 . <*> : 30 AM 10:00 AM llorli nslus, Buenos Ayr,.5.8 :00 AM 12:10 M ' *i 1 Nassau, Pa ra - '. ? Ibo .10:00 AM 2:00 PM Tole , Bridge, Christi? nen < 1 nsui Paillson. ? . ?? of Lincoln, < !al San Giorgio, Nal les... - - - 12 ;00 M Ka cnibc, Singapore . ? 12 :00 M Vutuirn, Ant.verp .... - 12."0 M 'I 11 1 .. i! Prince, Shanghai .- 12:00 M ' ; .* (Ulla, Dan:*.!),- ? . ? - 12:00 M Schob le, Trieste . . .- 12:00 M Ma **.??". Hull . "?. HiOO M Idaho, Antwerp.- 12:00M Tyr. Dunkirk .??- 12:00 M \ ! ?. Naples .- 1 - ? Briiib ne .-? - 12:00 VI Da le l'nitn'y. Havana-?- 12:,l0.VI M tan Prince, Cape ?; o\*.. .- 12 00 M Davenport, Montevideo.- 12:00.M Luise Nielsen, Bui non Ayres .- 1 :0ft PM ? ivgaret, San Juan. .- 1:0QPM Lake 1 ,ouise, Puerto Sail Monday Ardg?wan, London....- 12:00 vi IV r? i.'iu ! 'rincio, Shang - ha I .-. 12:00 M P .? Luckenbai h, Rot? terdam .- 12:00 M Sail Tuesday Mormugao, Piraeus ^JiOOA?I 12:10 M rn na, 1 ien ia . . 9 30 AM 2:00 P.M canillo Santo Mana. 7:00 AM 11:00 AM Rosalind, St. John's. . S:00 AM * 2 00 M ?".*? ."?i*'1 Rotterdam . ,- 12:00 M It' is, St. Nazaire .. ??- 1:00 I'M of Colombo, In rhal?.- - - 2:01 PM Cfithln et, Brisbane . - 12:00 M < llena . ? . Pernamliuro ? -- ? 1 . " M Ti 1 1 fly, Buenos Ayres- - I.' 0 : ! pi lanor, Itel AMERICAN PORTS BA LT1 MORE, Peb ""? Arrived: Stra lia (Br), Gla 5go? : Seal! le S?,: ? it, Scattl' . Jean, Hamburg, etc; Calavei Porl Tampa; Sldlew Range iBr), Middles horo Bai manu ' Br), ' lardlff ; Alt iNorL Bei gen etc . Cltj of Eureka Glasp ,< ci . ?on, Wilmington, N. i '. ; Pan 1 Dai'iuiro. Cleared: Strs Luke Figait, Nor folk; Western Scout, Avonmouth and Gla? now via Norfolk. Sailed: Sirs '?' ? ire, Daiquiri; Chamblee, Tampa; Weal iiure land Kobe via Savannah and Yokohama; Gunborg (Sw-ed), Norkopping and Gothen bore ?. la Phlladcipma. BOSTON, ?-II. 2"?Arrived: Sirs ITaleric (Br.), Calcutta and Colombo; Lake C 10, Banes: Nacooc'/ e, Savannah. Sailed Stra Banes; Nacooc'ee, Savannah; Lake Pray, Philadelphia ?ailed: Sirs Anglo Mexi? can (Br . Liverpool rjid Glasgow; O lar Si rings, Norfolk; Elinor, Norflok: Cowiehe, Lake Barney, Norfolk S Ira I ? .???'. N w Voi k. Ridiant, New Vork. CAPE HENRY, Va., Feb. 20. -Pussed out fron Baltimore: Strs Lake Elon, Tai pa; j ;. Kol'i . etc, via Savannah ; liaj ?1 (Br), Havre; Sherman, New Vci A 1 : a '*.. ( Span ?, Manzanillo. CHARLESTON, Peb. 20?Arrived : Strs Guai 1, Rotti rdam; Corrale.-* New i ? ?'< . Ignai In, River Tj ne 1 Meo?, Ha\ ana * Cayuga, Matui /.as. Sailed: Sirs t> riagfi S*' w ' >rlea ns; Porl Morgn 11, P ?? v - Jag mei ii , 1 la Iveston ; 1 'a nagi . . .. 1 * I PHRNAN?INA. Pia., !?'?'!>. 20 An Sir Gliilurtlnd (.Vor), Charleston. Sailed; Sti I ? Purlough, Norfolk .1 VCIs -' *N\ 1 LB IS Feb "?' - Vrrived : : C 1" ' oast towing barge Monongah la Porl Vrl hur; Junlata. Baltimoro via i 1 una ? ?rapahoe. New York via Chai 1 .-*. (on; Mohawk, New York via Charl Saili -1 sir 1 'iino, Mobile; yachl Wh liaml. MO BILK, Feb. 20?Sailed: Sir Bo' cli ''? - '. Belize; Everglades, Cuba.; schrs Gertrude Parsons, ' lubo ; Sea man, Matan :as. NRW ORLEANS, Feb 20?Cleared Strs Cubadist, Havana; .1. Oswald Boyd (I r), Tampico; Lake Gaboon, Matanzas via Cuban ports; Lake Wlnona. Porto Rico; Ni 1 Un e, Frontera via Tampico ini'l \ ra t.'ru: Qulinstam (Bond), Omoa via Porl Portez; Tegucigalpa (Hond), Ceiba; Ti ix iilo, '1'ela .is Truxillo. NEWPORT NEWS, V*eb 20 _ Arl Strs Sagadahoi Norfolk; Bregaya, Nor fo .. : W atonv, u o. pearl Harbor. s ? Strs Solborg (Nor), Cienfuegos; West ?' - i y Buenos Avre.n. ;.*'' B.K, Peb 20- - Arrived: Sirs '?? *: wood (Br), Livei pool. Lydia, Malmo nica, Portland; Morganza, Ne\y York; M si Hi .'..??,. Inc. Tai oma. Sailed : Strs Lake P y mis Cristobal; Lake Bosby, Hamburg anil Breinmi; Kearney, Boston: M J Scanlon, Bo ton: Lake Dancy, Santiago and Man zanlllo] Bake Conesus, Boston. Key West1 (Nor), Buenos Ayres; Beechwood (Br), Ci iifucgos; Crown of Castile (Br), Gla gow and Cardiff; bark Sydnaes (Nor), Monti video. ? HILADELPHIA, Feb 20?Arrived: Strs Porl Antonio (Nor), New York; Bayonne, New York; Herbert L Pratt, Tampico; Bake Kyttle, Jucaro; Lake Ontario, : Iciuique, '*ic, Lake Silver. Boston; Lehigh, en irleston ; Grecian, Norfolk. CLAYMONT, Del, Peb 20?Arrived : Sir Bui n a, ||, Tampico. DELAWARE BREAKWATER. Del. Feb 20 -Passed out from Philadelphia: Sirs Houma, Tampico; Merrlmack, Baltimore; Manchester Merchant' (Br), Manohester: Bi ']? 11 (Swed), Gothenburg, etc, via Tampa; Hi 1 iciuique; Storfjeld (Nor). Newport News, Sailed: Str Mijdrecht il)u:), fi nn Ai .-'? rdam, Norfolk. REEDY ISLAND. Del. Feb 21 Pas- ,1 down from Philadelphia: sirs Bglani Chile; West Vac,., New York: .1: udu (Br). New York; Sun. Sabine; I*' A Tai lin (Br). London, Skodsborg (Dane N01 ? " tan, Bosio?. PORT PADS., Peb 20?Arrived : Strs Ad . 1 ' (Bal), Norfolk : Infanta Isabell (Span), Havana; Mlnooka. Mobil?; Nina. Ei uador. via Panama Canal; Santtirca, i Pono Rico. Saileil: Sirs Johan Ludvlg 'I 'inckel (Nor), Progreso; Manzanillo.! GaB*eston; Panoi!, Tampa; Pansu : la, del Toro, via Cristobal and Havana; ' Rama, Bluetielda, via Cape Gracias; Scantlc. Liverpool, via Norfolk; TIpton, Tela. PORTLAND, Me, Feb 10?Arrived: Str Mississippi (Fr), Havre. Sailed: Str Roch Island Brldse. Antwerp and Rotterdam; Bohr Ruth Martin. Savannsh. SAN PAAJ?CISCO. Feb 20?Arrl/ed Str Cuutio, M*A?Uaa. Sailed: Btrt Shiujo ^??Wt?s^nlS^M^ff Weat SeKoVla' andHkAmMAI?' iob 20 -Arrived: Stra Tox V' < t , ,', ' ,AntyVr0i *t'?lpua, New York; ,IJn ,,. ' " ',">> '"? Jaeksonvllfo; City of Co : ',;''; .''","?? ,","?"'?"?.!. Jacksonville and lln'i ,, " . '?'il.-id.-It.lilH. Halle,!: str?. Jel oL " fegi Chloomlco, Kobe and ?o TAMPA -',lyL''Ll,y 2nR"" 'rouble.) ?di ,v,: ,,' ' "'''? 20--"^''Hed: C. S. Pe , ?, , , , ' ,!"v- Pensaoola. ci ..'.t ,',? I'-m,'','X; ,|V" 30?Arrived; Sirs an un ?, ,'"' ' ?'"'"'?-Imil?. and ?ailed Mr ??n ?"announced port; ?Vueoes?, New York; ii '??'..""? ? ?-' silled i Strs West MU i,, , 1 iverpooj via Norfolk; Welllng u ;:'r[[-,.\:Y:i^r" Torres, Tampico. I OR] ARTHUR, l-.-h :,...?Arrivid: Ptrs ,;"" ?'?-' Now Orleans; Coinnei Bowie '??11..-1-11, Splentlor fltal), Leghorn. Sail .',' -;',;:: :? : t'-o-i. Baltimore; War Sikh ,,: '; ; 'V. ' ";.'.' ril>" f"'- orders; Brith-h ';! ', I ?'') FIJI Island via Panama Canal; ??'.?; '-A nertcan, towing barge, Tainnlro. -.v.sii ivfiiY, Fob ?O.?Paeeed west loth: ;:'?."? ?.'i|ei ; 20th, F i> Asch?\ Qoodapeed, ?i ,".",;;','? '-V."1""' '''all. Oulfoil, Llthopo ns, i udillac, Marinao (Ital), Lake Tulare, , Lake Downshlro, Lake ?Jadsdan. FOREIGN PORTS Departures for New York Gibraltar -S :; Avensdow, Maraodak. 1 lartmouth?S S Kermoor. Mancln stei - S :? Virgula. Buenos 'ivi'is- S S Bantu; sehr Henry Arrivals from New York ?";< Lucia 8 H Eldorado Mars? tiles -s s Eole, Bordeaux -S S Wesl Munham. Gibraltar?S S Bird City, Forabv. Panama Ci nal, Cristobal?fl H Mlddea. Bristol ? -S S Lake Frugality. TRANS-PACIFIC MAILS The connecting malls close at the On i ?ml Postofflce and City Hall I'ostnfnVe Si 11 n, New York, at ?! p, m? as follows: Hawaii, '-?ri San Francisco, steamship ' S m?a, !'< bruary 20. '?'''? ill, Japan; Corea, China, Slam, 81 " ! ? Cochin Chtna and Netherlands East Indies, San Francisco, steamship?; 31 bi : la Mai u, February 23. Japan, Corea, China, Slam, Siberia, Cochin China, Netherlands East Indies and 1 hHipi ? tslan Is, ?? ..i Vancouver and Vlc ' i-, B, C, steamship Empress of Japan, F? brua ry 25, Standard Business Dress For Women is Demanded ' - ?' Dispatch '.'? The Tribune COLUMBUS, 0., Feb. 20.?Standard? ization of women's dress and economy in its making were uried here to-da by Mrs, ! or 'H- King, president of the Nati mal Women's Association of Com? merce, speaking before the Convention i of ; In?! organin Lion. The business woman ?if America, said Mrs. !?'. should wear clothes she can afford to buy, not a badge of servitud i or any regulation uniform, but clo .: s chosen and worn with ? ? To be specific," continued Mrs. King, "the ! sines ?? woman should wear a d; rk tailored u : or a fine piece dress, ??-i a texi - that best suits her posket book,'; m mon .?sense heels on her sibly ii f.i. of lace about the neck i. I no low necks, no georgette this emphatically?no fujli !.! Hie summer Iime. "We do i: it think the girl of "0 and the wi . lan of ? .1 should dress the same, save Hi I both should wear as modish clothes as ' ?, ..- ,can afford and still nol be conspicuous. "Far be it ?'rom us to discourage any girl from looking as well as the Lord made her und hoped she would be," ?',..- delegate to the convention. "If sh? can ..Mord charmeuse for her one pi i- ' 'rock, let her buy it. if nor., cl p? " serge, or even cotton, well made, will I iok appropriate. "She should wear no- jewelry, un? it.-; ?I o ring or two ami a wrist watch. Save the pendants, the beads, the brooches and the ornaments for v ling a nd home wear." One-Cent Postage Approved WASHINGTON", Feb. 'JO.-?One-cent. postage for local cr drop lett&rs was a] pi ivi d to day by the Senate Post oltic Committee, which incorporated tii" reduced postage amendment of Senators !'? ;!, South Carolina, and Mc Kellar, T?i ssee, Democrats, in the i< ' iffict ?? propriation bill. Vppropris ion of $1,400,000 for a transcontinental airplane mail route, from New Vork to San Francisco, also wa ' into the bill and the com mitte .- lopted a sub-committee's r? mm datit rca abolishing other air ii ne mai! services, with a proviso for pi ivai .i rj ! ' contracts if trans ? t ,','i not exceed railroad ? . i , - ? The t: n mit! e added an amendment ? nmisa?on to investigate n ranspoi ta?i< n in metropolitan t-iti? s and ' linais, including airplane, tube ; nd i tinn? ! projects. Irmy Orders / ron V) '?"? ',,?'- ".Yaahinglon Bureau WASHINGTON, Feb. 20.?Secretary) of War Bai dir? ted commanding officers to ? . t.i the regular army reserve by March .'; i !'.'... all men enlisted prior to :? ?- ?I :.'. i ??;',', who have completed their pr?s scribed period of active .service who are nol under court-martial charmes and who de ii ?h furlough. This will be effected on he [ ...' .vins hedule : .Men of sis \ irs' active service to be fur loughed by Pel ruary 2!), 1920; of five years' service, by March 10; of four years' service, I,. '?.-? a id three years' service where onlj three : r ' active service ?a required by the terms of .heir enlistment, 4,y March 31, : i; Na^ y Orders , , . /?;, /'.- /. ,, '. !' whin g ton Bureau ff] V: ; , ' . Feb. "0. Navy or i.i- follow: .-.., . , ,-. i . ci Alonzo B.. U. S. S. i inverse when com. 1 ,,-,'n ?' W. to 11 S. S. Brooklyn. ,. i,, ,., !. \V., to V. S. S. Mc 1;. rm . . i ,'.,->, Ens. \'- . to U. S. S. Maddos. Doffl?>rrieyer, Gun J. H. to Beach Radio i n, San Krancisco. i,- oway, Com. R. S., I?. command U. b. ?S. ? lusse ? F?ansen ' '. C. ?... to U. S. S. Husaer? K ? . , . Inch. M. .!-, to U. S- S. Brooklyn. Mc-ICenna, l.t. .'- I-. to U. S. S. T3rnoL!yn. Me . -ve Gun. W. N.. to U. S. S. Beaver. ... . ,-. Mach., <:. G., to V. S. S. Golds ' ' ' ? Small, l.t. .1. D., to U. S. S. Flusser. ,,-. igel, 1,1 ". to U. S. S. Bailey. ,; ? ,,:. , ?. 4.1 F. D., to naval air sta *' ti? n. 'V, -j \ l)vn\ Pending for Fahneslock Dweliing, in l^ast 72d Street ? ? - pending for the sale , - . i Pifty-sec >nd Street, a three ?.. ..- ; rli Kl on lot 25x100, owned by Hai i'is F; :, i : ?ck. Activity in 113th Street , T-Iarrv Goodstein has resold through j? (j_ jV.,, : i8 West 113th Street to George M Swick; through A. Douglas, 268 West 113th Street to Jeanette Chamas, and through Samuel Phillips, 272 West. 113th Street, to A. I-rankel, three dwellings. Sale in 135th Street McDowell & McMahon have sold for -t..','-.. | Hooper the three-story dwell ?? on'lot 10.9x103. at 563 West 185th Street, to Bernard Shapiro. Buy in Sylvan Place ].- y Thomas and Thomas R, Craw? ford have soi,I 18 Sylvan Place, a two L,ioi-y dwelling, on yol ^?^8^ft Inner ?'ark Avenue Hotel Leased for S 100,000 The C. ?t k. Lunch Company has leased the Grand Union Hotel, at th southeast corner of Park Avenue an 126th Street, a four-story building, o plot 75x90, at an aggregate rental o * After extensive alterations the com nan" will occunv part of the buildin for a re^tau.^ur. bchmidt & Donah represented Q<30X?8 Ehret, the owner. Realty Trading in City and Suburbs Most Folks in* Market Eager to Own Apartments Interest in Realty Wider Than Ever; La Jacquette, on West Side, Acquired by Investor; Many Houses in Upper Section Change Hands The La ,1 acqu?t te, at 160 West Eighty-seventh Street, a nine-story apartment, has been resold by Irving Judis and Joseph Silverman to H. G. Wise, of Wise & Whitlock, mill agents. The La Jacqucttp is on a plot 108x100. It was acquired by the present sellers from Mrs. a. lelai'de M. Mcgeath re? cently. The new purchaser has made this purchase for investment. Wellington Court Hns New Owner Wellington C?urt, the six-story apartment at the southeast corner of Broadway and 143d Street, has been sold again. Harry Rogers reports selling it to Charles Galcwski for Sam? uel Beckman. The house measures 100x100. Monterey I? Sold Again The Monterey, the six-story elevator apartment building, on plot 100x100, at 41 Pinehurst Avenue, southeast cor? ner of 170th Street, has been pur? chased by the Bonenson Realty Com j pany from a client of I. K,ohn. Evidence That Demand Is Active II. T. Wood has sold for the West , Park Realt. Company to a Brooklyn ; Syndicate 180 Clarettiont Avenue, u six ; story apartment house, on plot 75x91; i for the Consolidated Assets Corpora? tion (Ralph Ittelman, president) to i Joseph Freedman ?r>01 West 151st Street, a six-story elevator apartment : structure on plot 75x100; for B^Leven ! thai 247 East 122.1 Street, a six-story ; 42-foot apartment house, and for the : Arsonno Holding Corporation (H. F. Mansfield) 150 West 103d Street, a siv story house, >r: plot 37.6x100. E. K. Van Winkle has sold to Abraham Dank. I'.) Ola Broadway, a 27-fo j't-wide flat, five stories high. John H. Pierce has sold for the. ! Joseph Rosenthal Realty Company 20S ? and 210 Wert 1 Sid Street, a sixrstory I apartment on plot 50x100. The new owner is' an investor. Ames & Co. have resold the tene- j ment at 212 West Twenty-seventh Street, 2:.x0?.r), to Cinder Brothers. i P. T. Cogley -||r.s sold the four ??tory studio apartment, on lot 25x100, ? at the southwest corner of Fifty-sixth j Street and Eighth Avenue. Investors Are Active Buyers The Morgenstern Brothers Syndicate] has ^o!d to an investor the Benclare, a six-story elevator apartment house at ? 300 to 306 Convent Avenue, northwest I Shoe Concern Gets Old Home of Vanderbilt The shoe trade has claimed another fine dwelling in Fifth Avenue, the sec? ond in the last two days. Announce? ment was made yesterday that the former home of Brigadier General Cor? nelius Vanderbilt, at 677 and 679 Fifth ? Avenue, on plot 50x100, between Fifty i third and Fifty-fourth Streets, has | been leased through Clark T. Chambers to the firm of Cammeyer. The lease ii Cor a term of years at '? an aggregate rental of $1,500,000 for ! the first term. The lessee will erect 1 upon the site a six-story building from - plan? by Mouse & Goldstono. Earlier in the weck Hanau & Son leased the southwest corner of Fifth Avenue andl Fifty-sixth Street through the same, broker. Healy Buyer of Cortlandt Street Corner Building John J. Healy, the restaurant pro? prietor, is the buyer of the five-story building at the southeast corner of Washington and Cortlandt streets, re? ported recently sold in these column?. Mr. Healy is to alter the property into an office building at a cost of $25,000. Two en', ?re floors have already been leased to jaw firms, and negotiations are pending for thi ground floor and basement. S mue] J. L'ankoos was the broker. Bronger & Co. negotiated the sale of the property at 312 to 31b' East Thirtieth Street f r Moses A. Kahn and Edward Rosenfeld to the Madison Square Boys' Club, recently announced in these columns. Apartment and .Store Buildings in Bronx Sold The Axelrad Mortgage Company, Peter Axelrad president, sohl for the Stebbins Realty and Construction Com? pany 1879, 1881 and 1883 Southern Boulevard, two five story apartments and a store building, on a plot 122x116 feet, to the Margulies Building Com pany. M. Diamondstotj has sold to a Mr. Solomon 1007 Grand Avenue, south west corner of 165th Street, a live story apartment, on plot 48x100 feet. Buys Third Avenue Flat from Bank The Emigrant industrial Savings : Bank has sold through Thomas J. I O'Reilly the four-story tenement, with store-?, at 3711 Third Avente, on plot 27.7x95.9. Jacob Newnaark is the buyer. Robert. M. Bush <& Co. sold for Mrs. Bessie I? C. Deichier, of Philadelphia, ?i-l-l East 147th Street, a twenty-five family house.. Fordham Road Corner Buyer The Realty Managers Corporation has sold to Nevins & Gr?2enberg the six story elevator apar(|0fcnt house ? with store?', on niot 103.18x89 feet, at the southwest corner of Fordham Road fand University Avenue. Seventh Avenue Flats Bought For Occupancjteby Negroes Tiie Probitas Realty Company has sold to the Revonoc Realtv Company through W. H Caldwell the southwest I corner of 14f>th Street and Seventh Avenue, two six story tenements, o:i plot 80x100. After renovation the apartments will bo offered to colored 1 tenants. Home Buying in Brooklyn Th.? Bulklcy ?St florton Company has sold 21'J De Kalb Avenue a one-family dwelling on lot 20x100 to William Borriello. Charles ('. Steile has Sold the two story and basement'dwelling at 198A Bergen Street to Axel and Anna Lind quist. Brokers in Staten Island Sale Albert B. Ashforth. Inc.. and Cor? nelius G. Kolli were the brokers in the sale of eighty-four a-cres at Eltingville, S. I., to the Society for Improving the ConrJitlo't cf the Poor, reported in yes? terday's Tribune. MidtQwn Offices Leased Teaso & Elliman have loused offices at 52 Vanderbilt Avenue to Hinds ?S Mose?, offices at 14 Elast Forty-fourth Street to Ralph Barton and the parlor floor at 21 West F? firth Street to?R. Seligman. ? Dwelling for Captain Winn Pease & Elliman have leased for | Mrs. F. C. Ryder to Ct.ptain R. A. Winn I the thvv'e-story at 419 West ? End Avenue. corner of 14Cd Street, near City Col- ? lege, on plot 125x100. F. W. Seybold, I of John R. Dav?30H, waa the broker. The same syndicate sold to a client of ; Stanley Wolfson, tho two five-story apartments at 547 and 555 West 186th ? Street, on a plot 175x100, at the j northwest corner of Audubon Avenue, held at $300,000; also bought and Te- i sold 4 West 115th Street, near Fif'h Avenue, a ?ve-tstory house, 20x100; also sold through E. Loewenth-1 & Pona the one-Htory taxpayer, 1312 Union Avenue, 25x112. Kean Syndicate Buys Four Flats George Kean & Co., George Kean president, have purchased the two siv t-tory apartments nt 11 to 15 West 100th Street, on plot 75x100. They also purchased 514 West 170th Street, corner of Auriubon Avenue, a five-atory apartment, on plot 25x100, and prem? ises 518 West i:-54th Street, a six story 43.9x100 apartment house, held -it ??8,000. Ennis & Take a Profit Charles II. Kohlcr has soid for Ennis & Sinnott 145 Wadsworth Avenue, ? iivc-story tenement, on plot 37.6x100 ; feet. Activity in Harlem Section Weil & Mayer have resold to Sam? uel Shlionsky the Park View, a seven story apartment, orf plot 45x85, at the northeast comer of Madison Avenue j and 124th Street. J. Cl.-rence Davic? ar.d C. C. Dean negotiated the sale. Charles L. Nobel has sold 2438 Sec? ond Avenue, southeast comer of 125th Street, a five-story flat, on lot 21x78. Louis Carreau has sold for Foot ft ' Martin 370 West 116th Street, a live- | story apartment. Max K?rner has sold to a client of i Fried & Krakower the six-story apart? ment house, on plot 50x84, at the i southeast corner of 108th Street and Fifth Avenue. j The Hester Realty Company has soit, j to Samuel Eckstein the six-story building, on plot 40x100, at 403 East i Ninety-second Street, adjoining the : northeast corner of First Avenue. Hammersley Flats Are Sold The Hammersley fiats ut 302 and 30-1 '' East 103th Street, a six-story structure, on plot 40x125, have been sold by Louia Gordon Hammersley Trust to Louis Goldstein. Brett & Goode Compary negotiated the transaction._; James S. Alexander Jr. Buys Estate at Hartsdale C. H. and R. C. Peckworth, Inc., ha**e sold property situated on Greenacres Avenue, in the Gneenacres tract, Harts- ; dale, consisting of new house on large ; plot, to James S. Alexander jr., of ! Brown Bros. & Co. Chauncey B. Gril- , fen & Co. were the brokers. Burke Stone, Inc., has sold tho Fr*id '? Davis house at Clifford Park, Tuck*?- ; hoe, to John R. Fisher. The Scarsdale Estates, Robert E. Farley, president, has sold a plot in the Greenacres section of Scarsdale to George Bendixen, of this city. * Suites Leased From Plans Pease &. Elliman have leased in the apartments being built by J. E. R. Car : penter for fall occupancy, at 050 Park Avenue, apartments to J. G. Shepherd and to Arthur Heine; also, apartments in the building under construction at 115 East Fifty-seeond Street to Dr.: U. T. Hyraan, H. R. Knowlton, E. : FleischmaVi, N. B. Foster, David Remet and William Knight jr. .-? Sales of Orange Realty Edward P. Hamilton & Co. have ; sold for Mary E. Hall 33 New England Terrace to E. Denison Williams. Also ?for the Aider. Company to G. S. 0'D?*U ;90 Center Street. Orange, and for ! Mary C. Funger 1SS Center Street, Orange, lo T. A. Ritson. Factory at Woodside Sold G. P. Butterly has sold for the Pictorial Soap Company the factory at ' 93-94 Fourth Street running then to Third Street on plot 75x200, Wood side, L. I. The purchaser is Saul , Levine who will build additional build- i injrs. _j REAL ESTATB? ?OROCGH OF MANHATTAN 65TH ST., H3AST.?RESIDENCE, TEN" rooms, two baths; $ *_'5, onn. Telephone Rhinelander 9 ft. BOKO I (.11 CF BROOKLYN Two Family Houses '. Tapestry Brick Best 5*"'-tlon Flatbush, Ave. T. and 7th SI . near Ocean Parkway; ll rooms and I wo Kith-, Two steam plants; hardwood (1 ira and trim, electric and ras lights; box porch; somLdetached, having pla ?? for garage, with driveway; every room an outside room; nric<> $13,000; terms to re Bpoastble purchaser: possession. Also two-family frame house, Ea.?' 9th St. and Avenu? M, Flatbush, 13 rooms; all Improvement? Price Terms. k MORRIS & L..V.-MI Kl. ?MEYERS, I Madison Av., N*. Y. Phone 1827 Groinerry. LON'O ISLAND Cjty Estotte,. NEW HOUSES Ready for inspection Office open Saturday ifterooon. Sunday & Monday. ??NEW BUNGALOWS~r At Sprintffli-ld, Qu?dis Co., New York C"it>, ; roi ms, bath, furnac-e heat, flee trlcttj beautiful decoration?; plot 7.70'' squure feet; 6 to h minutes' walk to station, o-..??.v. mores churches, publie and )? ijfhial Bchools. Price ?4.500; c;i?h ,.-i.;r.(l, ?1.500. W. Schahehorn, Op. Ma.. Springfleld, I..I. Telephone: Springfield 1817. 100 ACRES. MOST SELECT AND HIGHEST FORTION : Cu<* WHEATLE? HILL: HAS NO EQUAL. ? JOHN RITCHIE HILL. WESTJIURY, L. I. I'oR SALE, OVERLOOKING BOUND.? Desirable new house, large plot, every modern Improvement, Itj bath?, garage and garden; bargain to quick purchaser. EDWIN P. ROE, VVhltc-stone. L. I. RE.iL ESTATE FOR SALB HOMES WITHIN THE HOUR ALL SECTIONS $6,000 to $30,000 ? CLARENCE 9AVIES 32 NASSAU ST. JOHN 60M Operators Buy j Building on Fulton Street ?-i Is the Eleventh Structure on That Street Purchased by Elias A. Cohen and His Friends in the Last Year The Broadway-John Street Corpora? tion, Elias A. Cohen president, has bought its eleventh building in Fulton Street within the last year with the* purchase yesterday of the six-story loft at 114 and 116 Fulton Street, ad? joining the southwest corner of Dutch Street, from the 114 and 116 Fuitoa Street Corporation. Tiie builoing, which is urmer lease until next May, occupies a plot 51x82. It wiil be con? verted into high-arrade ofn>es by tho buyer, who now owns a frontage of 40o feet in this street, and reports negotia? tions in progress for the acquisition o? other properties for improvement with a sixteen-story office building. Joseph P. Day negotiated the transaction. New Home for Chemists The Charles P. Noyes Company hss sold the six-story and basement offlco and wareroom buiiding at the south? west corner of Washington and Des l?rosses Streets to the Katzenbach & Bullock Company, chemists, tor occu? pancy. The seller of the property is Theodore Burt Sayre, a playwright. I The building is now occupied by th? Hoffma'in-La Roche Chemical Works, of Ba.*le, Switzerland, which will, on or before April 15, move into 19 and 21 Cliff Street, purchased recently. Brown Sells Nineteenth Street Loft The Goroka Realty Company, Dr. Moses Goldberg president, has pur? chased 8U Fast Nineteenth Street, an eight-story loft, on lot 25x100, from Frederick Brown, who purchased th'* property recently from the estate of Thomas Adams. East Sixteenth Street Loft Sold H. T. Wood has sold for H. W. Gen nerich 13 East Sixteenth Street, an eight-stoiy loft, on lot 25x92. Sale in Fortieth Street J. S. KelL-y & Son have sold for A. E. Venino to Irving Bruns 45*3 West Fortieth Street, a four-story business building, on lot 25x100; a'so for St. Mark's Protestant Episcopal Church the. ground at 339 Washington Street, on lot 25x60, under lea**e, improved with a five-story business building, to G. H. Stege. New Owner for Twenty-ninth Street Loft White-Goodman have sold for the Hudnut Realty Company, Richard A. Hudnut president, the six story and basement loft and store building at. 115 and 117 East Twenty-ninth Street, on a plot 50x100 feet. Greene Street Property Sold E. Sharum has bought from Samuel Silinsky, 47 and 49 Greene Street, a seven story loft, on plot 48.4x100 feet. Sales of West Side Lofts John Finck has sold the seven story loft at 41 West Twenty-first Street for Herman Lakner, also 113 Spring Street, a five story loft, on plot 37.6x100 feet, ] -for Richmond Rochester and 37 West. ! Nineteenth Street, a seven story loft, i for Jacobs & Livingston. Sixtieth Street Garage for Tire Co. M. S. Ames has sold the two story garage, on plot 25x100.5 feet, at 20 West Sixtieth Street, to the Madison Tire Company. The Cross & Brown ?Company was the broker. Sale of Bl?ecker Street Lofts The two storv lofts, on plot lOOx 100 feet, at 127 to 133 Bleecker Street, have been sold. The Jaffray Realty Company is the owner of record. Thirtieth Street Buyer Plans Changes E. A. Turner has sold 25 West Thirl ieth Street for J. Heit and 27 West Thirtieth Street for the H. S. Ely estate. This property -was formerly the uptown office of H. S. Ely & Co. The buyer intends to remodel the build - ing into stores and lofts. Second Street Loft for Manufacturers Max Biernian, cloak manufacturer, bought from Nathan Sadovsky 130 an-! 132 Second Street, a six and a half ytory loft, on plot 42x100 feet. Samuel Grossman and D. Geisler were th? brokers. REAL ESTATE WESTCIIESTEK COl'NTx* | //T'STCHKSTER CO UNTY SPECIALISTS ?BTJI?135?3 ? ESTATES HOMES ACREAGE 7n?BEST<n^ESKHESTEH ?nwt:s -?vors -Kwrs - mMS ROBERT E.FARLEY ORGANIZATION 12 East 44th St. Murray Hill 7730 } (Ol MHY KKTVTMS FARMS. FLRMHHED HOUSES. ALONG HUDSON RIVER . NICHOLS & HOBB1E, 7 ??t 4Xd St. / YOU ran obtain fls-e year lean? of the be?t business corner* In Whl'a Plains, N Y Store about 20x60. John T. Reliill. Agent. White Plajna. NE?* JERSET SUMMIT X. 3 Owner offer* id-room horn? garage. 130 feet road frontage, fir.? loc? tlou. $18,500; dlso fln? old country home, !:ir*ie bam fined for gamge. 400 feet front j.pte, l.'trgc* ground.?. $30.000; or. residen?? with 200 feet frontage, $l*.E.Q0. Invee-lg** tlon welcomed. T., tit'*' Springfield ave.. Bum mit. or agents. ENGLEW?0D7N. J. -*?&?-? H. Weatherby & Co., Englewood, N.J. UEONIA AND BOGOTA, N. ?. House Sites'with all improvement* Piles will be much higher soon. Buy yours at prient low prices. C. B. Hitchcock. Inc., llogot?. N. .1. MAINE KOH RENT.?EIQHT-ROOM FURNISHED cottage, near Bar Harbor, Me.; launch. rowboat, canoe. Ashing tackle, handball court. A. K. I'KAY, 241 We? 72d at. FA( TO It V ritOPKBTV FOR SALE OK BENT FACTORY SITES. ABOUT 30.?00 SQUARE FEET. T'r-e ?ml clear; price $60.00?; railroad facilities A!t*> ?bout 234.0O1 s>ju?re fe.-/. price $100.000, railroad elding. Will not subdivide. I.I.ST WITH IS FOR REAL ACTION. Have Urn? and delay by sending full de? scription cf jtour factory property. For Sale or Rent; also Lofts. The demand te great; we have clients waiting. JOHN E. HENRY. JK.. 189 Montague St.. Brook)th. Phone Main?7979 or SiSS. pyFLBXISHEP APARTMENTS ToHTjpw*" 368-25? WEST 2?D ST.??X roem?. % bsjMiS) newly rencated, *?'e?ni net?t. eiactri* ;;;0i ? lease.-? liai p?r monta on Agent, ^4 ^^,x SM at? *