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Phone, Rector S000 Josephthal & Co. 120 Broadway, New York Members New York Stock Exchange I Foreign Government Bonds Private Wires to Principal Cities PRICHITT X3QQ. MBMBBK.SOP NEW y O R. K. STOCK. EXCHANGB INVE$TMENT SECUR.ITIES SIXT Y - B R.O A DWAY NEW YORK CITY Now Is a Most Favorable Time for you to obtain 'an interest in New Eng? land induslrial con cerns which are fac ing an era of remark 'chlc prosperity. We have prepared a : elected List of high grade Preferred Stocks of several old-estab lished New England Industrial Corporations, which yield 6;2 to 8% Write today for Selected List T. ?.-356 CHARLES WE5LEY&C0MPAN1 HolIister\White & Co Cedai- and Church Sts. Tek-pliones Rector 8001-2-3-4-5. NEW VOKK I'oston Philadelphia '.ii'. :?'," iu'-:irlf! Proviilenco I'iUsfleld rortlanU ?;~-~*^ vzz'.arjicux.-?.: ji Philadelphia Tho advance of Pennsyl- $ vania grade crudo oil to $5.05 a barrel, the highest in history, ir. being materially reflected in the earninga of this great cor poration. Thi3 Company has an un broken dividend record of al? most 34 years and combines the best fealurcs of a profit able public utility, natural gas |i and oil business. Circular on Request Hirsch,Lilienthal&Co. Members X. r Stock Erchange. \ Gl Broadwny New York Investment Securities BljODGlETT nARTi Co.i!i? 42 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 974 Kllicoft 8fl. UH Genescc St Kuffulo ut|oa 6$ Devonstiire St. Boston Direct private wires connectlng all offices ?il^? O, duih nnd Trvlnir Kurat li?v? <?;.;. ttfl illi..,;or? of the UltUttd fteiaii Unfavorable Bank Statement Causes Break in Markel Indfistrial Shares Drop Un der Heavy Selling Pres sure; Railroads Irregular. Majority Showing Gains The exceedingly unfavorable bank statement publishcd after the close of the niarkot Saturday outweighed the passage of the railroad bill, which was the chief constructive develop? ment over the week end, in the minds of speculators and as a rcsult there was very heavy selling of a good many of the industrial stocks and in some of the railroad issues yesterday. The immediate money situation was un j changed, as demand loans wore made ! and renewed at 6 per cent, the rate ! which has prevailed for some days, j but brokers and traders were almost j unanimous in the oninion that tho j prespect of any real money ease was j exceedingly remote. The ratio of total reserves to net ! deposit and Federal Reserve notc I liabilitics combincd of tho local in j stitution is now down to 37.1 per cent, j while the consolidated statement jshows that for the twelve banks the ratio is only 42.7 per cent. Inasmuch j as the legal miniimim is 35 per cent j and commercial loans are tending lo ' expand while gold is ftowing steadily ! out of the country, it is considered likely that the Federal Reserve i Board will take further steps to re i strict the use of funds for speculation, probably by further increasing redis ; count rates. The request of the Fed? eral Reserve Board for power to con i trol- credit through tixing rediscount I rates for each member institution is : significant. Brokers believe that ex ' tension of the board's powers along ! the lines indicated would put all es ) tablished.j markets at the mercy of a ; political body and go far toward elimi nating speculation. A favorable development yesterday 1 was the publication of January for? eign trade figures, which showed an increase in exports over January, 1919, of more than $100,000,000, while ir.i ports set a new record. A good many traders found these statistics so en couraging that they bought stocks, but their purchases sufneed only to j arrest temporarily the downward j movement of the industrials, for after i a" brief interval of strength prices weakened again and at the end were close to the lowest level of the day. Steel, equipment and motor shares were the wcakest spots, United States Steel cemmon being especially susceptible to pressure. This issue dropped to 98, within a point of the low record for the year. Foreign exchango rates declincd sharply earlv in rne day, but rallied later. The bond market was fairly active and strong except for the gov? ernment issues, which sold lower. Money and Credit AfteT the close of yesterday's stock market session it was reported that about $1,000,000 of call money was loaned at 8 per cent. The offlcial re ncwal and ruling rate, however, during trading hours was 6 per cent, the same ; that prevailed all last week with the j exception of Monday. Time money con? tinued 8 per cent bid for mixed collat- j t ral and 8Ys per cent ,or all industrial. | The t'.me money being offered is still | said to be in small amounts. The ruling rates for money yester- i day, compared with a year ago, follow: , Yester. Year i Call money: day. ago. i On mixed collateral.... 6 5% I On industrial collateral. 6 GU I Time money (mixed collateral1: Sixty days. 8 5 V6(y 5% Ninety days. 8 B%@5% Four months. 8 bVs@5% Four to six months.... 8 b\b@5% Bank Clearings Bank clearings in Xew York and other cities yesterday were * . Exchanges. Balances.! Xew York_$624,403,592 $112,625 1GR Baltimore . .. 15,915,052 7,980,008 Boston . 45,916,370 16,303,682 Philadelphia . 81,087,232 20,258,440 ' Silver?London, 82d: Xew York, 81.29; Mexican doilars, 98%c. Sub-Trcasury?United State;; Fed? eral Reserve credit balanee, $109,357, 086. ' he Dollar in Foreign Exchangc The downward movement of the Eu- j ropean exchanges, after the recovery up to Saturday of last week, continued yesterday, and pounds, francs and lire j closed at perceptibly lower levels. As on Saturday, comparatively heavy of-j ferings of bills, particularly from the i South, were made. Yesterday's rates, compared with those of a week ago, follow: (.Quoted doilars to the pound.) Yester- Week day. ago. Sterling, demand. $3.31)75 $3.5125 Sterling, cables. 3.4050 3.36 Sterling, sixty days.. . 3.3(125 3.111875 Sterling, ninety days. 3.3475 3.3025 (Quoted units to the dollar) Francs, checks. 14.10 14.35 Francs, cables. 14.08 14.33 Belgium, francs, chks. 13.52 13.82 Belgium, francs, cbls. 13.50 13.80 Fire, checks. 18.1:.' 18.32 Lire, cables. 18.10 18.30 Swiss francs, checks. 0.22 6.15 Swiss francs, cables.. 6.20 0.17 (Quoted cents to the unit) Guilders, checks. 36.875 37.06 Guilders, cables. 37.00 37.125 Austrian crowns, chs. .38 .34 Austrian crowns, cbls .39 .,'{5 Swoden, checks. 18.50 18.30 Sweden, cables. 18.60 18.40 Denmark, checks. 14.80 14.40 Denmark, cables. 14.90 14.50 Norway, checks. 17.05 17.05 Norway, cables. 17.15 17.15 Pesetas, checks. 17.47 17.17 Pesetas, cables. 17.55 17.25 Greece, checks. 11.09 11.47 Greece, cables. 11.11 11.49 Manila, checks. 48.75 48.75 Manila, cables. 49.00 49.00 India, rupees, checks. 44.75 46.50 India, rupees, cables.. 45.00 40.75 Japan, yen, checks.... 48.00 47.90 Japan, yen, cables.. . . 48.25 48.15 Argcntiua, checks.. .. 101!.10 102.60 Argentina, cables.101.00 102.10 Brazil, Rio, checks... 27.75 27.75 Brazil, Rio, cables... 28.00 28^)0 Marks, checks. 1.04 1.02 Marks, cables. 1.05 1.02 Czecho-Slovakia, chks. 2.8 2.8 -?-._. Oinian Rnnk Statement BERLIN, via London, Feb. 24.- The statement of the Imperial Bank of Ger riany, issued February 14, shows the following changes, in marks: Total coin and bullion..lnc. 944,000 ??'d .Inc. 357)000 U-oasury notes .Inc. 85,179 000 Actes of other banks..Inc. 712 000 mils discounted.Inc. 1.591 699*000 Aavancea .Dec. Ki.Ololooo Investmenta .Inc. 31,894 000 Utlier securitiea.Dec. 712,322 000 Notea in circulation.. . Inc . 789 944 000 r!?osi,S ,??;.??..Inc.1,157,318,'000 Other habihties .Dec. 962,731,000 Total gold holding, 1,090.853 000 marks. May Admit Leather Free . Tlie scarcity of leather and leather goods m Germany is'still so acutc aiid prices have advanced so enormously doalers nnd it almost impossible to do busmess on the present basis Trade papers 111 that country, n is reported are Uking an active part in conduct n.g editona! ccmpaigris and solicitine Neenmaadatl9iii .to&h. gov^nmint ' that tho imporUtlon of leather good tree ot luxury tax be peraitted. 1 Traiisactioiis Yesterday in Listed Stocks -Record of Stock and Bond Averages Day Year ' Jnnuary 1 to date. Yesterday. Before. airo. 1920. 1919. 1918. Knilroad siocUa .. 216,400 74,900 128,900 4,114,300 4,369,900 6,488 800 Other Morks . 1,045,900 388,600 540,500 32,428,300 16,119,800 17,648,700 All stocks . 1,262,300 463,500 669,400 36,542,600 20,489,700 23,137,500 Yesterday. Day before. Year ajro. 1920. 1919. V. 8. government bonds.$9,041,O00 $4,719,000 $5,991,000 $484,329,000 $352,321,000 Railroad honds . 1,022,000 691,00? 1,614,000 56,416,000 54,119,000 Olhcr bonds . 2,466,000 639,000 2,424,000 67,118,000 66,418,000 A" bond" . 12,529.000 6,049,000 10,029,000 607,863,000 472,858,000 High. 1919. 35 45% 88% 2/4 53% 92 95 96% 46'4 95/a 128% 105 61% 42 14334 54% 15'/ 8 101% 30% 122 47 1201/2 86% 99% 105% 106 30; 2 72 1001 4 82 46% 93 /a 140i2 1183/4 Ik.w. Dlv. 1019. Rate. 25 ? 34i 4 ? 65' 4 6 1'a ? 1% - 36'/2 ? 84' 82 89 393 75 Sales 400 800 800 22C0 Open. Ili.'jh. 124 Vz '13 113.4 95 18% 1013,4 fe7 74% 9312 82 ? 104 1634 56 9334 SO 39'2 90 1231/2 117 77 96'/0 55/8 119% 433,4 15'/8 50 54 7 23 48'/2 691.4 107 76 76 Adams Express . . . Advance Kiimely Ajax Ruhlicr .... Alaskn Cold Minc.s Alasko Juneau . 1400 Allis-Chalmcrs . 3400 Allh.-Chalmcrs pr 100 Arner Ajrr Chem.... 800 Amer A?r Chem pr. 100 American Hank Note American Beet Sugar Amer llasch Magncto ? American Can . 2800 44% 4438 2 American Car & Fdry 2000 130;% 132 4 American Cotton Oil .80 Anr Drug Syndicate. 6 American Express . . Am Hide & Lealh. . . Am Hide & Lealh pr Amer Ice Sccurities Amer Internat Corp. American Linsced American Linseed pr American Loromo American I.ocomo pr Am Shi? & Com.... Am Smclting . Net rhge. Bid. Asl 200 41 41 41 41 ? 1' a 400 8334 83% S0' 4 80' 4? 334 800 1141,2 114'2 112'2 1121/2? 31/2 42', a 42 !'2? 2"/2 130' 4 13014? 31/2 42% 42%? 1/2 12' 2 12%? % 99' 4 99%' % 21% 2134? 1' a 103'/2 103' 2? 334 40":. 40' 4 i- % 800 9600 250 1900 on 1C038 74% 165' 2 61% 2134 59! 2 65'4 16 Vz . 27V* 67!4 75 125 85/8 82 8% 93 176/a 75 123 Vz 102'. 2 3S% 49% 134% 111/a 105 31% 17 102/a 84 101 114 14% 10% 15 120 84 140'; 64 103''; 98'j 28/ 42 115 97 1CS 10? 200 100 169C0 35' 4900 49: 8C0 119 :co 107 10 93 7% 17 74'.-a 27?4 65 59'/^ 1-151/ 72 104/ 45/ ' 47 11/a 29/4 27/4 28% 85% 46 75',2 68 134 IO434 108/a 61% 62 1447n 11834 6<<% 47 17! 33 10% 10% 27 413a 59% 87% 120% 36/a 78 66 49 68 21V4 41% 40% 27 65| 2 67 20% 93% 13% 90 107 1/4 6 1: 4/a 4 7 21 30/4 45% 75 113 23/a 64 Vz 54 '.2 63 2 1L.' ? B 333 20 36! 53 103 78 11 7C!. 1C1 26! 233'/2 191 41, 85 S6 191 9 16% 13 5% 91 147 15% 25 17/2 ?5 135 48 36/a 19% 100 75% 175 345 89% 85' 4 90 85% 1023/4 55/a 49% 81% 41 33 84% 16 623,4 381-4 9C% 22% 613,4 4/, 14% 135 51% 111% 89' a 79-8 26% 6% 51] a 19' , 48% 118 105 33 3 8 48% 6 91% -.2 22 38% 47 18 32 28 70 183% 69% 35% 40! 4 79/2 893/8 165 6 9 10% 4 82 Vz 108 9/a 17% 12% 65' a 100IS 21 12 98 58% 152% 225% 73'/2 69% 84 66% 93% 37 32 68! S 33 28 58% 13 50 35 80% 13/a 60% 338 9' 2 11234 27% 76% 72! 2 70 133.1 4 7 Am Smclting pr. 6 Am Smclt pr A. 3 Am Steel Foundry... 7 Am StI Foundry pr. . 7 American Sugar .... 7 American Sugar pr. . 10 Am Sumatra Tob.... 8 Am Teleg & Tel. 5 Am Tobaeco Kec. 7 American Woolen... ? Am Writ Paper pr. . ? American Zinc. 1900 6 American Zinc pr... 200 4 Anaconda . 4900 ? Ann Arbor . 800 ? Ann Arbor pr . 500 ? Asso Dry Goods. 2000 6 Asso Dry (;ds 1st pr. 6 Assoriatcd Oil . 6 At, Top & Santa Fc. 5 At, Top & San F pr. ? Atl, Birm ot Atl. 7 Atlan Coast Line... 10 All, Gulf <?. W I_ 5 Atl, Culf & W I pr. . 3% Baldwin Locomotive. . 7 Baldwin I.ocomo pr.. ? Baltimore & Ohio. . . 4 Hall & Ohio pr. 8 Burrctt Company.... 7 Barrett Company pr. ? Bcth Molor.; . 3000 5 Belh Steel, Class B. 116C0 7 Both Sleel 7% pr . 8 Beth Steel 8% nr ? ? Bltlyn liap Tran... ? Bklyn Rnsj> Tran ctf.s ? Booth Fishcrics Co. . 10 Burns Bros . ? Brunswick . Vz Bultc Cop & Zinc... 1CC0 ? Butle & Sup Cop_ 1600 ? Buttcrick Co . 300 ? Caddo Oil . 700 6 Calif Pacfcing . 3900 ? Calif Pejrol .y 1C00 7 Calif Petrol pr. 100 4 Calumel & Arizona. . 300 10 Car.adian Pacific . . . 17900 5 Cenlral Leather .... 11600 7 Cenlral Leather pr., 200 4 Ceiro Dc 1'a.sro. 1400 4 Certaintced Corp ... 100 Chandlcr Motors . Chesapcakc & Ohio Chicago & AHon.... 800 Chicago & Alton pr 400 ? Chic <<i East 111. 1400 ? Chic & East III pr. . 1CG0 ? Chic <;.-eat West.... 6100 2 Clue Orcal West pr. 29C0 ; ? Chic. Mil & St Paul 30600 '. ? Chic, Mil & St P pr 25130 ! 7 Chic & Northwest.. 2800 i 3 Chic & Northwest pr 1C0 1 ? (hie, R I & Pacific. 89100 I 7 Chic, It ? & P 7% pr 1400 ', 0 Chic, R ! & P 6% pr 400 ( ? C, C C: & St Lauis. 400 ? 5 C, C C, C & St L pr 200 1 ? Chilc Copper . 2800 3 Chino Consol Copper 2700 I 1 Coca Cola . 800 : ? Colorario & Soulhern 8C0 I 1 Columbia Graph . . . 3900 < 5 Coi lixs & Electric. 200 I 2 Consol Int Calla Min 1900 7 Continentai Vn.'.: .... 300 I 1 Continentai Candy 3900 4 Corn Products . 9600 i 7 Corn Products pr. . . . 200 1i 34 Con Textile . 700 ; 12 Cruciblc Slcvl . 23600 2( ? Cubu Cane Sugar.... 800 ' 7 Cuba Cane Sugar pr. 4C0 I 9 Delaware & Hudson. 700 < 10 Del, Lock & West... 400 V, ? Den & ltio C.-ande... 6J.00 ? Den & Uio (ir pr. . . . 297CO ' 1 Domc Mines . 400 ? Dul, So Sh & Atl_ 200 7 Emerson-Brandt pr. . 100 I 5 Fndicott-.IohnKon . . . 6600 1 ? Erie . 20100 ? Erie 1st pr. 8600 : ? Erie 2d pr. 2500 8 Famous Players. 1300 ; 10 PUhcr Body . s'00 li ? ii i.;k Rubber Tirc... 56C0 : ? Freeport Texas .... 3C0 '. ? Gaston, Wms & Wig. 800 6 Gen Chem Co pr. 200 ! 6 General Cigar . Ib00 ( Electric Co. 2000 1! 1% 1000 84 84 82 2000 97% 97% 97: 6600 59 59 56' 14C03 130 130 123 1C0O 46 46 44' 18'4 I8/4 17: 53 53 53 58% 58% 56' 15/a 15'-2 14 26% 27/4 26( 50% 5034 49', 300 69! 4 69% 69' 400 114/a 114/2 114! C600 84 85 83= 800 73 78'/2 78 1500 8% 8% 8' 1000 33% 83', 4 88' 2000 149 149 145' 200 64! 2 64/a 64' 39800 110% 111/4 1C8! 1 16% 117 100 38% 35' 49'a 43 119 113 107 107 21 22 20: 8o34 87% 85-' 200 102'4 102% 102' 200 112 112 112 9!00 14 14%' 13' 1500 1034 10% -,c 800 11 11 10! 300 105% 1C5% 1C5' 9600 12634 1263,4 124% 124% 56 ? 134 ? 103'/ /a 27 7!4 196 2% 41'/ 1'k 79i % 109% 110 1 /> 60?4 15 .'1% 52 % l6/4 74! 2 1 I 13 30' r ?994 tr j 61 12 C.oneral Motors .... 37800 245 6 (.'cnerol Motors pr... 4C0 79 6 Gen Motor-; 6", deb, 3900 71 7 Gen Molore 7"0 deb. 2000 8V 6 Goodrich, B !?'. 3100 70 7 (Joodrich, 15 F, pr... 400 94] ? Granby Mining . 300 39 2 Gray Davi.; . 700 '"'32' 7 Great Northcrn pr. . 9900 773 4 Great North Ore sub 6C0O 38' Gulf Mob & North pr 300 33 ? Gulf State Sleel. 2000 64 1 Ilupp Molor . 1000 141 4 Hask & Bark Car Co 600 571 Hendee Mfg . 4qq 37 7 Illinoiu Central .... 700 88 ? Internal Agricul ... 200 17' 6 Inspiration Copper 2S00 547 ? Interbor-Con Corp .. 6ic0 4] ? Interbor-Con Corp pr 7000 14 6 Internat Harvester 3900 113 ? Int Mcr Marine. 9600 313 6 ln* Mer Marine pr. . 2400 843 ? Internat'! Paper .... 4CC0 7C< 6 Int Paper pr ;,lpd... 300 743 ? Internat') Nickel .... 2000 21' ? lov.a Central . 300 6s. ? Iron Products . 200 44 ? Kansas City South. 4 Kan City South pr. 4 Kclly f-'pi ingfield . . 8 Kelly Spgfd 8% pr 2 Kennecott Copper . 1.20 Kcystone Tire . 1000 ? ICeokuk & Des M. . . . 200 6 Lackawanna Steel . . 65C0 ? Lakc Krie & 800 ? Lake Krie & West pr 300 ? Rubber & Tire. 2C00 3! 2 Lehigh Valley . 2400 ? Lig & Myera Tob rts 1000 2 Loews, Inc . 80C ? Loft Candy . 1GT0 Loose-WHos BLscuit . 203 12 I.orillard, Picrre . . . 2O0 6 Mackay Cos . 3CJ ? Maxwell Motor Co. . . 10C0 ? Max Motor 2d pr. . . . 300 7 May Dep't Stores. . . . 800c 10 Vcxic-m Petroleum,, 2410O 21'4 2 Mic.mi Cons Copper.. 800 2234 1.20MiddIc Slates tlil.... 7000 43!3 4 Midvale Steel . 6600 9 ? Minn &, Sl L new... 4500 63 7 M, St P & S St:i M. 300 6 ? Mo, Ksn & Texas... 9900 8% ? Mo. ICan v>i Tex r,r. . 50QO 21 ? Mlssouri Pacific .... 39300 36 ? ^ Mbsouri Pncitic pr.. 11900 01% .1 Morttann Power .. Zr>: 36% 4 Muilin* Body .| 40J 235%?14% 23 79 . Vz 7 71/.? 1/2 7 60/1? Mi 6 62 ? 133. 5 397 137 44' 100 95 273 24' 4' 68 28 40'/ 14' 25' 17/ 43 149 64 18; 20 117'i 161' 7100 18% 191 ? 300 433H 48-S 400 116%*1167/j 200 100 1C0 3900 23% 1000 30% 200 0 65C0 75! 3 800 12 300 21 2C00 32% 2400 4634 29', 12 29', 2? 1 1' a ? 1 sn Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings (Copyrlght, 1020, New York Tribune Inc.) Yesterday. 20 Railroad stocks . 65.35 30 Industrial stocks . 92.10 50 Slocks . 81.40 10 Railroad bonds . 73.82 10 Industrial bonds . 89.80 5 Utility bonds . 74.16 25 Bonds . 80.28 HiRh. Low. Div. 1919. 1919. Rate. 125 116 72% 89'b 11- ,, 89'/2 67s 17?/a 47-H 117 73| -i 32 60 47'4 48'/2 36% 20'-a 14'/2 99 SH<2 77t4 5078 5'/a 9', 2 142 4U8 65 73 f.l'4 ?C8',4 103',8 431/4 3514 151 2 42 32 51 6678 421-2 66 82^o 23! a 63% 29% 2734 103'a 104!', 1l7'-'a 9G 102 1063 223 77J 94 Sales. Open. High. Close. Net rhfce. Bid. Ask 110! 112 44 83 8 70 4! 14!/i 391/; 93 64!,a 233/i YA J/4 55 43 30 23( 2 16 10 88 68 M. 50?8 38% 4% 6iA 7 National Biscuil _ 400 111 7 N'nt Bisouit pr. 400 113 ? Nat Aniline . 3000 55!/2 7 Nat Aniline pr. 300 86 ? Nat Con & Cablo_ 1300 10 6 Nat Knamel & Stmp. 100 743i ? N R R of Mex 2d pr. 500 6 1'/z Ncvada Con Corp... 300 W/l ? N Or, Tex & Mex.. 900 46'/8 10 New York Air Brake. 2000 101 5 New York Central... 6600 73% ? N Y, Chi & St L... 6900 30 5 N Y, C & St L 1st pr 800 60 5 N Y, C & St L 2d pr 400 47!2 2/a New York Doi-k_ 300 34 ? N Y, N II & Hart.. 62800 35 1 N Y, Ont & 35C0 20!4 ? Norfolk & Southern. 300 133i 7 Norfolk & West_ 403 97 7 Northern Pacifir . . . 7900 78! 2 5 Nova Scotia Steel... 400 56 4 Ohio (in.s . 2800 43% ? Okla Prod & Rcf. . . 6900 5|.-2 ? Ontnrio Sib 120 28'? 51 70 50' 4 71-<4 673.4 40 20 11 33 23! '2 48 62 34% 50 483 4 15% 51'4 21'/2 16 84 100'/, 109 77'2 89! 4 IO3J4 19/g 6434 62! 2 97% 43 36 93% 13% ? 14'2 1 15!4 ? 23 Vz ? 11 ? 21 ? 6/2 ? 12% ? 214 S 1031 1 75'/, 3J% ? Otis Elevator . 7C0 123 Otis Steel . 800 30 Owens Bottling .... 400 57 Pacific Development. 300 71 Pacific Gas & Elrc. . 200 50 Pan-Amcr Pct . 26100 86 Pan-Amer Pct B... 1500 80 Pennsylvania R R... 79100 43 ? Pcnn Soaboard Steel 1500 23 ? Peoria & Kastern... 800 15 ? Peoples' (ias & Cokc. 200 38 ? I'em Marquctte . 27100 31 ? Pcre Marquctte pr. . . 300 50 5 Pere Mar prior pr... 200 63 3 Philadelphia Co .... 3800 37 4 Pitts, C, C & St L. . 1000 66 ? Pierce Arrow . 11900 55! - Piorce Oil . 4300 18 5 Pittsburgh Coal _ 400 57! - Pitts & West Va. . 1 Pond Crcek Coal.... 8 Pressed Steel Car. . 7 Pressed Sll Car pr.. 3 Pullman Pal Car.. 5 I'unta Alcjvre Sujyat 8 Rway Steel Spring... ?00 7 Rway Steel Spg pr... 400 2 Ray Con;; Copper. . . . 6900 4 Reading . 3C200 ? Remington Type . . . 300 6 Rep Iron & Steel... 32100 - Rcpub Motor Truck 100 - Replogle Steel . "00 5.50 Roy Dnt N Y shares 0100 - Saxon Motors . 1000 1 St .lo.seph Lead. 1G00 16 - St Louis & San Fran 41400 24( - St /. & Snn I-'run pr 130 33t St Louis & S W. . . 3ii00 17 St Louis & S W pr, 7C0 30 Seaboard Air Line. . 3100 9' Seaboard Air Line pr 1600 17 Sears Roebuck . 100 219 Shattuck & Arizona. 400 12 Shell Trans Ter. 8900 78' -10% 123 6900 2Z 300 19 1500 94 200 102' 102% 102% 200 11434 114% 114% 114% h 34 90'/2 1C0'/4 78 ? 3% 92%? 2% 92 % 93 104 ? 23/4 103% 107 20', a? % 20 203 75/4? % 75 75'. 71 ? 1 71 73 97%. 4% 97% 97! 43?2 42 45 40?1 36 39 9633? 6% 96% 963 Slnclair Oil . 28100 * 40% Southern Pacific .... 24600 98 Southern R R. 352C0 24% Southern R R pr. . . . 1500 58% Stewart Warner .:.. 100 41% Slromherg Carli .... 300 58 Studebakcr . 25100 87% Stutz Motors . 1000 118 Tenn Copper & Chem 1600 10% Te.xas Company .... 49C0 177 Texos & Pacifi .... 21600 377g Texas 30% pd . 300 174 Third Avenue Rail . . 200 14 Tobacco Products . . 1500 68% Tol, St L & W ctfs 7000 11% Trans Con Oil. 8900 23'4 12474 110 Transuc W'm Steel. Union Oil . Union Pacific .... I'nion Pacific pr. . United Drug 1st pr I'nitcd Alloy . I'ni'.cd Fruit . I'nited Rail Invest Un Rail Invest pr. . 200 U S Cast I P & Fo. . 300 U 3 C I P & V pr. . 400 U S Express . 200 U S Food Prod .... 36C0 l' S Ind Aleohol . . 6600 U S Realty & lmp. . 300 United Retail Stores 121C0 U S Rubber . 16100 U S Srnelt & R2f .. 300 u s Steel .101900 V S Steel pr. S00 Utah Copper. 1900 Yanadium Steel .... 400 Va-Carolina Chem , . 3900 Wabash . 13900 Wabash pr A . 6600 Wabash pr B . 2000 Wells Fargo Express 300 Western Maryland . . 16900 West Maryland 2d pr Western Pacific .... Western Pacific pr. . Westinghou^o Mfg Wilson Co . Wheeling & L. & E.'. Whteling & L E pr. 900 53 4000 31' 7800 120 400 67* 400 49! 700 45 Yz 700 18434 I8434 182% 182%? S2-ra? 33,; % 1103,4 1111 . 1600 '8600 300 3700 400 8800 5600 White Motors . 3700 Willys Overland ... Wiliys Overland pr. Wisconsin Central .. ,.? , Woolworth . coo 122,/ 122, Worth P & M pr B. 300 72 72 9900 300 1400 % 122% 124 Bid and Asked , Dlcl. Asked : ; ? 2ou j ,(3 ??,, ?;;;;; Bid. Asked. I>r \ir, Can pr.. Am C i& !? pi Am Cot O pr Am Ive See p A111 Mail & 1 Am ShlpbMg. Am Snufl . , d0 I'' . SO 90 Am Sugar pr.IlfiVJ 117 Am S-im T pr ,v;'L s6 Am Tol & <?.. 50 ' du p" ' 'I'.it I>. KCFt?&Sl <e| S|, m W K .>, ,') ? Krojee S I pr ?ii e\v,. Co, .102 . 7H .100 :%" .1U. A l> (1 2d pr. AUantic llof. 1350 14211 'I !"?.112=4 n::' Auto S Corp. 14 13 du 1 r. j,;it US' Bam leather. ? , 101 do pr . 30 ?>', Belh Stoel . . 82 M '?.:. BdUon. 94 ??; !'? '? I 11 tlas ..-J .. Biinvu Sliuo.. fl.'.'^ u7 lo pr . i : iis Bu na Bros pr 1)9 1 !'r Buff 11 * v 4,-jU -,,, Bult & Suso. * 70 Ca South ilie .1 I ;? . .'.I K.lrv . do ". 1 41' :.i> ? ( x .K.11 ??v S A T.l. II 9 pr Cor lst pr S4H I''' I'l. Ti..,:. S2 Kl i' M * o .1 ?:-? pr Ucledc ..,. U? & m Tob.105 r , f'o pr . 103 in'o 1 . ''" '-'?' Pr. ..110 115 "". I l* pr.104 107 : M,i -kj.v Cos pr 111 ij'i M.iiaa nl M.:.:,"ri%?,i- ^ ""' %?& fe" H ' ,; Mii.' Iloekw, |V in Jfartlu r.. . : '. ?'ath Alk \v iio '? Ma, J, f, pf , , Mex I'etro n 94 msi'&ssm ,,:. ,?-, lo 1 I...... h0 Motil Pmv pr 'i'l JlorrU & 1:,, ',.; M'J : Body pr 97 ~ ?? S Cliat.ioo .Nat Aeuio w \S (??, & .< pr .'| ;N 1... .'. S! pr 99 sat I....! pr.l!M< Mt!! >:M lst pr N ?> Docli p. 17 N V I, .?, \V. v-, : '? n .V \V pr. 67 IN falls I" pr Ohio Fuol 110 100 C ??'?? & 1'ltts. - l/luett 1'ea pr.100 lo" 1 & S lst pr. 50 5 , , do Jl pr. . |L> 4^ < 1 1 Ciraph pr. ? 99 ;:^V;a{'p%ir,:? ?;:, ?.... ?,. ? <-out losur... 71'.; 73% Oti, <<<<?] -, 1 oni Prod pr.lo.;'.. 105 * - 1 i'"\ L'arpeL 52 * -.,; Cruc Strel pr 97 '?? 99W 1 i' Am Su?ar.375 " ???-. ' ,']0 Pr .1'U llo !'-.ere 1 o i>r :?? '?. 1 i\ ]??'"' E Uson. 103 * lflfi ' I !l It 11 97 125 4ft 127 ''?''in Match .117 D S S & ,\ pr g furli HosJco-. ''i do pr . .-,., Eli c s OT Hj: 10H Blk II Oal pr 33 ^n-BrandS -, Fatrbanfcs ,,-, k'ed Mlii &'s 1 ? _.d? Pr . 30 ' i?her By pr 100 fleii Chem . .130 Gen 1 Uiir pr. 9-, do pr deb Sj '? ? ? M *; N 7 '? S .KU l?t pr HartTtia.i Oorp S7 Homfs'ake -'-? Int Asr pr 60 200 ' 115 101U 93 & .jjBII pr ' !'il--!tl.- Coasl . 's'. do .. i pr... 45 Paelllo Mail. . 29 I'liu A. r-.i pr.l"5 Partsh & Bing 3s Pcnn I C pr. Pi Pett Mull ... 33 do lt pr. . 98 i! Pleree Vn pr.100 '< . Pierce iiii pr 92 ?' Pitts 1 oal pr i59W ?, ; ' P Kt \V & C lljC ;? 1 V- IPltu Steel pr yil, >io '-?'' P A: W Va pr 75 ;?< ,:. p S C of .N .1 " ;:, .' ??< Re..l!t;, lai pr ,: '. t ? -| >!o 2d pr. . ; 1 35 "'' rtem Typ, pr. ?- luo "' lo lst pr. . ?'?> 9S? ':'.' rtotuis *.- Sar.102 107 ,'' H.sp I i s pr. 1"0'-.. 1,11 10 Savago Arni.... 72 7;, nj" Soarj-Roi pr.,113 116 ss S1S S ot I pr <i" ,-? P R 8uSar.2i 103 s"^Sto,-:ioo%,rfe?u^^^?? Bid. Asked. Tldo Water Tol) 1'r.vt pr.. o0 i-'^.W pv 1'ni ( Lty il T 30 do pr . - rnd 'rypowrit.167 do pr .tiin (' ?' 8 of Am 160 do pr .109 I l'niif l\1 pr.lMO Va 120 224 14'J C & C '?0 DeUm.liiK :'i do pr . 88 9 W 1,'nion Tol. "., s We-M Air Bke.lfl 11 VV Mtg Nl pr 02U c Wilson t'.) pr. 95 i) Woo ivor-Ji pr, 1 10U )'i IW P&M pr A 8S i Pel,. Mar. I'i b, : vi). IV),. I<>b. feb Mar. I'. b. Feb. Stocks Ex Divid^nd - American Kxpresn Ainerli .. n l.lnseed ?Anieri an Sugar l>- r ' ' 1'?,' do pf . . . American T, 1 '& \\,b\e.'.' '? allfornla Paeiting Canadian Paclfie Hv. 1 h. mieal N'at Bank .. pelaware .'.- tludoon ... I 'la mond M:il,-)i - Bastman Kodal< '.'.' ' V4 * ? do pr . * a - I0IK Ji.irii (loai pf. -Int Mot Truch .-. mp lst ,. ''" Temp 2d pf. - Iveokuk .>. Des Moines Ry' -N'at ISnam ,'^ Siantp ?New V,,rk Air Uraki -.Norfolk & Western tt'v ' javage Armti. . ; i. -Smith. : 11 I'aeil'lc ' -United Cigar Htor m'if' ' ;. -s c 1 p & \-u. ?{ ? ?L h Indusl Al ohol . -U b Steel Corporation. Reg , Rat American Can pf. . . i -\ California Packlng.. 1 u Central Leather pf 1 a' Continental Oil.. $3 Owens Uottling. , '-t. . '?<> Pf ........ international Salt McOraw T & u. . Packard M r t,f Pierce Ar M c pf Dividends ular Dcclaiations Pay *1.7 1 '2 Po rlod abl'. Apr Mar Apr Mar Apr Apr Apr Mar M a r Apr Holders of rec. 1 Mar 17 ~> K.-b 2S I Mar lo S Peb 2 4 1 Mar 22 1 Mar 22 : Mar 16 1 Peb 2 0 -"' Fi b 2:. I Mar 15 230 115 Int Hirr pV..'iii i,i?,4LdoJWp?. ir- - Int Fiper pr M in *i,td MlUln?.12S 140 ' ? ' ? ' 1 do pr .. . <?!) (io 105 int riper pr.. M \nn r x r*,UJ IW .NkW pr. S5Vi '22 'stuto.r Alabama (ireat Southern Reports Smaller 1919 Net Net operating revenue of the Ala? bama Great Southern Railroad Com with ?J,ii,!8,4i1 \n 1918. <^'o3s operating revenues last year "inountet to $iri--<o-oi. * with ^q.M. ?1?.529,73.9, compared To 1 $n9'296Vb.35 In ^ preceding year. ToUl operating expensea were $8,463 '"? lea^ing a $2,065,963 net Taxe S2n8G ^"Kil, rHVOrUe ??4Sd U,489,779. charK? balance was In Wall Street A Disappointment From the viewpoint of almost every? body in Wall Street excepting the pto feasional bears arul that specios of ob Herver who cares little what happens so long as he can say, "I told vou so." , the stock market was a sad, sad dis ! appointment yesterday. The slogan of ! the bean> was "If they won't go up I we'll put 'em down," and they pro ) cecded to conduct their day's cam ! paign along this line, and a good ; deal of success. For not only did the ! market fail to respond to news de velopments over the holiday, but, what. was worse, stocks decliiied rather j sharply when the professionals applied ! enough pressurr to take all of the joy i out of life for the bulls. The prepon | derance of the news over th': double ! holiday was looked upon as favorable, ! including as the biggest constructive i factor the passage by Congjess of the 1 railroad bill, which is now up to the J President for his signature. Willys Explains Plans John N. Willys, president of thd ; Willys-Overland Company, in a letter | to the stockholders, explains that the i move to increase the eapitaii-'ation ! from $7.3,000,000 to $125,000,000 through issuance of $25,000,000 addi ; tional common and $25,000,000 of a , "junior" preferred stock, is being put ; before the stockholders for their ap proval, so that the company may be prepared to raise additional working , capital whenever the directors deem such action necessary. "The earnings ; of the company in the first quarter," says Mr. Willys, "bascd on the present ' schedule of shipments, can be con i servatively estimated at $3,500,000, | which earnings will increase during ; the year, and will produee an annual | profit conservatively estimated at $16, 000,000, a showing which warrants the expectation that 1920 will prove 100 per cent the best earning period in the company's history." He states that it is to safeguard this earning power that careful financial provision for the fu? ture is being made. The company is now concentrating upon. production of two models, and entered 1920 with the jargest volume of businss on its books in its history. Current production is put at 600 cars a day. It is planned, according to the president, to expand production to 800 cars a day without additional plant investment. The Trade Figures To most people the foreign trade I figures for January, setting a new high , record for exports in the lirst momh oi the year of $731,000,000 were rether a surprise. So much talk about .he probable effect of the unprece c.ented fall in the foreign exchanges upon our exports had been heard that most ioiks were prepared for a b:., too?' The exPorts actually ran $49, 588,000 ahead of December $108448 rnLr,nCa^ of Jan'-!aO\ 1919* and $!.<! 000,000 ahead of the monthly average of 1910. ]t was pointed out yesterday .nat no one need get optimistic be? cause _of these figures. however since the effects of the recent panic in the loreign exchanges are not vet seen ihe lebruary figures and th*cse from now on are expected to refleet what has been going on behind the m international trade relations General Motors Interests back of ttie General Motors Corporation are apparentlv going j straight anead with their big pro? gram of splitting up the stock. n had been hinted recently that the plan might be called up in view of the break in the old stock of some 160 points from its high price of 1919 But announcement was made yesterday that i the corporation has formally made ap? plication to list temporary certificates ? fcr $15,703,310 shares of common stock without par value.- Favorable action upon tne application by the exchange ; committee on listing would result in the mauguration of trading in the new stock on the board at once. The mir I Ket for the stock is now on the curb I It is proposed to convert the tempo? rary certificates into permanent certifi? cates as of May 3. When Motors get ? its 15,703,010 shares of stock on the board it will displace Steel common - as the issue with the largest amount of _ stock hsted. Many market ob i:ervers expect to see Motors become one of the most popular speculative vehicles because of the large floating supply. The old General Motors stoc* *;f ,^eak yesterday, closing at 2351 , on 14^4 points. Steel's Close The closing transaction in Steel com* s'oon JT"tCr<!a^ was a sin*le bl?<* of 8,ono shares or ihe stock at 96 the low pnce for the day. That single trade lnvolved a monev value of K708 000 Steel sold as high as 98%, but the bears made it their nrev in the aft--^ noon drive. More Foreign Bond Liquidation Selling of Japanese government ster. Iingbonds and American railroad mort gage issues with the privilege of de? livery at a future date continued yes? terday. This is selling for English and Continentai account, the seller re serving the right to a deferred de liveryofthirtydays in most instances so as to be able to ship the bonds across the Atlantic. Japanese bonds aggregating $93,000 par value change,; hands seller 30" on a declining pric scale, with the biggest selling "in' th. ^iO?oonS?Ar:esv,-41^- In ,ht' ra? *^ * i? o^,tch.lson ?eneral -is went seller 30" at 77. The most strikiug transaction, however. was the trade of a block of $274,000 par va'.ue of Denver >'-? Kio Grande refunding 5s at ::<> -, drop of 1% points rrom the preceding sale. which was $10,000 also "sel'er 30 " A holder of $,".,o;)o ,;av v./,,,.' <",,- \y' souri Kansas & Texas ;ccond t "? nis bonds reserving the criviles-e ? ' having sixty days in which to make deliverv. Advance F'rice of l.ead The American Smeiting and Refminir Company advanced its price for lead fiom 844 cents to 9 cents a pound yesterday. The metal is now back c%se to the high record price established during the war A year ago lead was in hght demand at 5'. cents a pound. Rusr.ian Bonds Strong When sound investment and specu latiye securities were succumbing yes? terday ,o the attacks of professional Dears, Russian government external ttr^Ufc ddenI? look on Pronounced strength o? the Curb. On transac tions invoiving a par value of $30,000 o! the Russian 5V6s they advanced from an enening and low 0f the effeci that definite stens toward a settlement of the Russia'n problem have been taken by the Entente al ??' meeting of the Council of Premiers through the sending of a commission to Russia and the encouragement of commerce between the .Soviet govern? ment and the rest of Europe The Russian externals have been bou h rather actiyely recently by,persons c>f a speculative turn o?' mind and a o' taH^ et,bt?k Wh? iV- n?< ?*?id ol taking a long .unge gamblc. Waiting for the Word Rather spectacular developments are axpected immediately President ?K-i ," afh>:es l"B sio-tiature to ?? ? Oil leasing bill," which provides for the releaae ot oil and mineral lands ThleetbMrw..held by, the Ko^rnment ine bi.l was recently pasBed bv bo-h ac?rUe3,eof0f ConS""-, About 1,181.000 acres of government land are involved' much o/ ,t locafed in the heart of rfeh oi} ter*rtory in Wvomin? Th M.dwest Refinin* Comnany, c tro 1 The Bedrock Security of Municipal Bonds demonstrated by the experience of a prominent insurance com? pany in these investrnentsi. Income derived therefroifa Free from Income Tax ar.d (worry ; Booklet and List No. B-110 of Municips! Boads Yielding 4%% to $%% Sent Upon Request. Spitzer, Rorick & Company Established FCl Equitablc Blds., New York hicago Tolcdo The Vvest and the Exchange Problem Discussed in ihis weok's issue of THE BACHE REVIEW The REVIEIV is itsued meelfly ani Copies tt.g'j be had upon rcquctt J.S.Bache&Co. ESTABLISHED 1893 Members .Vei 5 >rk Stock Exchang, 42 Broadway New York Kranches an 1 CorresDondents thrc tghi it the I 'ni . States. Sterling, Franc and Dollar Bonds We have revised our cir culai on Bonds of Foreign Governments and will he glad to send it on request for j Circular 24-J. i It describes ten of the most I prominent issues?those whosc principal and interest are payable in straight dollar?, j those payable in doilars at a fixed rate of exchange and those payable in dolian ;it whatevcr happens to be the current rate of exchai Muir E? (p. Mcr.tbers New York Stock Exchange 61 Broadway New York THE I TRUST COMPANY BUFFALO. KY. EVENTIETH YEAR Or SERVICE CAPITAL AND SURPLUS BI j SEVENTEEN MILLIOM DOUARS mzs. rrrrnrrrrrTr^.-'vi-T-^jf^-f^ - gjgg 18 n rite Dept. 10 rKlSHOLM&CHAPMAN Hembers New York Etock Exeha*0* 71 Broadway New York City l Ptown uffiee. . .. ?2nd tti. u*rlem orH ? . 290 Lienox Av , cor. l*iin St. '?'?? >??< Office.i] ;. 14$th ?:? . drooklyii OlHce. : f:l ii VonkerK Office. 12 N BrMdwM Ne?a:k Office. :.. Broso St. feds fcr InvesiiiBent I Barris,Forbes&Co Plne Street, Cor--er Vllliom NtW YORK Westchester Fire Ins. U( mbcrs Xew 1 ? ,??. Sfor* 115 Eroudwa- Phone }6M Ueetet I. M. TAYLOR & CO. Inrorporuted INVESTMENTS 7 Wall Street Iio?,*c>n fl^veliind i'llihiUelptila IMtsliursU J by Stiii' lard Oil inter sta, :: j -:':' factor in the R'yominj; 1 -':i "'"'.'?'. is :? derstood to* c " active development work. Oil ti ??'?* men say they would not be sui - ? to see. the oroductior. of the Wvonin* Salt Creek field pushed up to 50,;)03 barrek a day in a few months one? the land ia released bv ^he govern? ment. Report* from \\*'yonung indt tate that hungry oi! nrosnectors a:? braving Arctic weather, caB?pl?S ?*v! the edge of the territorv irvolve.l. ready to juirp the moment the biil be? comes law.