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FINANCIAL MEETINGS "^XBS^ r. GOODRICH OOMPAXT^ The annual meeting of the stockholders .,The B. F. Goodrlch Company will bo hVfcl ?< the offlce or tho company, 17?0 SUdway. Borough of Manhattan. City "nd Bt?" of??;>,>'"r *?*?. on Wednesday. yarch 1?- 19E(1- at 10:3? o'cloek A. M E the followtng purposen: (1) eleetlng \T th? common stockholders) aix dtrec ?V>n to holi! office for the term of three JJE,, ,j> amendlng Section 1 of Article I ,f the by-i?ws of tho company to road lifellows: w "The annual meeting of the trtockholrt ,- ghail bo held nt Its offlce ln New Tor* C?y at ;l.30 o'cloek A. M. on the third Wednesday of April ln each and Jifirj r*?r bc?Inntr.g In the year 1921 f gsld day I* not a logul hollday, and if a logat hollday then on the day fol lowlnK. for the election of directors and the tranwvction of such other business as) m?v properly come before tho meeting ?? , ,3) trsiuwctlng such other business as Lff nroperb come before the meeting or Mj adjournrnem or adjournmonts thereof. Br orJcr f the Board Of IMrectors. " B G. w ORK, President F C. VAN CI.BRF. Secretary. Pated. February 16, :'.<20. X gpeclal meeting of tho utoekholders of ?? P. F. Ooodrlch Company will be held : ti tbf ofPc i ' thi company, 17?0 Broad- ! ?av Bon :?"!"? of Manhattan, ritv and l R?t? ot New V.irk. on Monday, March 8 :,., ..j i( SO o'cloek A. M.. for the pur. , Aise of voting U] in a proposttlon to re- ! du? !t? capttal stock from $109,600,000. '? gasfstlns" of 494.000 shares of preferred thi par value of $100 each and (,iOt'M> eu:i- -a ? f common stock of the : Mffyalue of $100 each. to $108,412 000 to consi?( of 4.<4 !C0 shares of preferred stock oftne r*" value ol $100 each and 6C0.000 | riiarfj of c on stoi k of the par value ,if Jl^n each. By ord< r of the Board of TMrectors. B. O. WORK. President, >' C VAN i'I.KKI', Secretary. pited. February It". 1920. A ipeclsl ' eetlng of the stockholders of ry.. B. F. ''?? idrich Companj* w'.u bo k?:d at the i thi company, irsn Btoadwa] ?? of Manhattan, City aad State ol N'ew York. on Wednesday, y.nToh It I at .twelve o'cloek noon. for th? puri srfdertng and aoMnj: ?Efon. among ( her thlngs, the following prepositli na to wit: the -.'mpjny under (Vcticn 2* ol ok Corporation t ia ' : t thi lssuance of common ttock v ? nal or par value. and i capital stock of ?? instead of its pres P'tal stock. it will have 1-0 >v ires of the par value tf 11*0 ??? pr ferred stock with the lifata ' " ? ? -1 now provided by its certil i orporation (of which Ou y outstanding will be ttiltf i ' ' and 1,600,000 shares of without nominai or par ?Km a approve, authorlze and di ? ?- >: tho company to make 0 . and flle a certlficate ?' l he company, pur nant ' 'Ion. The terms upon *Wen tl ng shares iir? to be nelungi new shares aro to be U foll Prefi ?:. ?'. stock av:',! re r:*tn un I, the present common I r LUged Khare for f!iar? tor ( res of the new , ommon ' ? : i or pajr value. I. To exi tion ;.:id is- | ? ' ?? y of $30,000 noo ; nt oi Five Year Sev( n iv-r ! ? ? ; v tes, and to ap- ' prow ui which such aotes ai ? led an I the lssuance ! purch ,-?? -.v.ii rants glv ing to 1 r of ea !. m-j. h v arrant wc ;?.-:; from tho date '???'? '? ' " and oni ?;.. rtoi ?1 . i ? , at the price of !'?? :?? ? . ? redut tion in '. > ?' Isions of su< : company shall l<>sue ?'"'? ?' < ? -? a;n condltli ns '?'? i> ration f :? -.s t han $S0 per '? "' 1 $100 pi ::,-ipal ' ^' ? ' ' ? and to aul horizi confer upon i he holders rlghi to oonvert Uie after t? . ; ., rs from nnd maturlty or ommon stock on : ' - ? fsufc ect to 1 " ? ?') un ?? r sui h i >gu ' adopt. '. rs to set ' l^1" ' ' ' '????. ? ' ? tij ie issue i i ires of ': fil .,. ,.,- p-r ? ' - 125,001 shares, for '?? *? ?? upon such I erms ? b ti : ol directors : ? > :' pri rlbe. era and dlrec- ; ind . blngs necessary frprop' ? ?;. v Incldi . : r an j "thi otl busl i ? ss as meeting or any aci ? ' rits ? hereof . ? rectors. ' K President, ...... ,.arv __" WESTKRN 1.1.1 (I'tK COMr.WY, 1N< 0UPOK.4 I i i> 195 BkOADWAT J bi lary 25, 1920. OLDERS .' '. ?; ? hat, pursuant rd i ?" dlrei tors. ? ? ' thi st liolders of '"''?": ? pany. In orporated, ? ' ra i, will be held oi ;:- ; I 20, tt ten ? loi k Ipal ifflce of said corpor B irough of City, for tl ?? pur ? . ii ?!? foll w Ing proposl ,''?'' ? : ? Third of Us ?rpi ttioi bo as to the numbei ?' shares of issued by ?; 000 .,l,r..r..H *" " i shall 1 .. ,::.;t;a! or ; ? ? d ..?'., alter Article : 3 Cti tlflca .<? of Incorpora llminati I hi rel rom the - .?. - -.i preferences, right * iver ot voi Ing power I stock, i nd i hi svords ieratlori" ln the . ; nd bo as t o I ovls! ns t esei ving rls ? - ? ? i ???.?- or addltional ' ' red or c( mmon, at any time :a a reductlon ln the ,:'?' .-. - h th corpora itti 800,000 shares <> i ? . i;.- i ' Ii ei tenl and ' ? oi tho authorlzed ? : ' " ? I the company. I MM.l.S O. DuBOIS i 'i 'sldent. RGE C. PRATT ,_ :- ? reta ry. OT?te"kS iii;<iiti? (O.Mr.\.\v, 1M Ulll'OKATKl) 1!).". I.KilAlllVAV N'i ?/ \ : , February 26, 1920. "0 THE . ! OLDERli given ? hat, pursuant a roso. f its board C d --"tors, ' ?P< ? :." ?.-...:- h< I lers of ;;.?.. i ni orporated, ? New ' .? ration, will b held on 'I. i ::. 1920, at ten ? ? ;?- Ipal office of Broadway, norongti :?'..?? iattan, New Vork City, for ~* purp | voting upon the following P'OPOSIU :. (Ii To Artl.le Second of its Certtfl ..?? ,?.? Incorporatlon so ?s to Provide ihal the amount of stated "?aplt^l with which t!:o corporation Jnll earry oi, buelm.-ss shall be WJ500' To amend Article Third of its J-erttficate of Incorporatlon so as to ; ' ? Ii that the numbi I ires of Btoi k that may bo Issued by ? rporation shall be 1,000 01 0', ol 000 shares i f the nomlnal r : ?r value of $100 each are to bo fred stock and Ot'O.i'uo shares :- b! nl; have no nomlnal or par -' ^:? to be common stock. To M.ittt.ri Article Fourth of Its ?' Bte . : :. oi poral ti s., ns to ' P? ? 11 n In pi ovision for tha i -. rights an 1 obllgatlons of '* Preferred tock ol the corporation , be detormlnod upou "* -I i i Ing Ize an Increase In tho i : nal from $32,600,000 lo nd an lm ease In tno num tares from c.OO.000 shares to ;:' *?'?'??<??- shares, which 60O.OOO uddl "?nai shares shall be preferred stock. CHARLES G. DuBOIS President. GEORGE ?.:. PRATT ~~?__. . Sei i-tary. !fe\v.J""ilt Of \iinu:tl Meeting of *W?AKU Mll.l.KK COMPANY, INC. v.t"8 Annual Meeting of the Leonard ; K'"' Company, Inc, will be held on the i 'h? t ''' -Va-'"'h 1920, at two O'clook In ! !i? '*?""?"'"? *' l"? offlce of the Corpora Xl?ro,"?' ;i Whliehall Strcot, liorough of !or ..a,'-a". City and State of Now York, blf. . l^Puae or electlng a Hoard of lieni ' lvvo Dlrectora to servo at all ia-1'0"* of Stockholders during tho ensu- , Hi* r and ''?colvlng and acting .ipon 7* Ml eucfc other busthese us may prop- i %n=?'"e betore the meeting. w,*? Is also given that at this meet ilon f>re "::! '"' voted upon the proposl tht, ?} ?" reasing tho Capital Stock of r~j company from Fifty Thousand Dol K '0|1? Uundrod Fifty Thousand Dol Presldent, LEONARD MII.I.P.K. Secretary, OLGA B. MU.I.Elt. ijaj'l 1. r ruary 24, 1980. ' aI!CK ls HEftEBTc GrVEN THAT TlllO Thi a'Ju1 Meeting ol the Stockholders ot ktecti :'":'???"? Tobacco Company, and an ?t th" directors thereof, will be huiu Jlonl- ''m';e t,f ,ne Company. at -No. 7:. SS ??wy Sl'eet. Jersey City. N. J.. at ' d?V. .,0ci''>k in tiio forenooa of Weduoa TaiTw h 1Ctn- 10-'0' Ur bo?fc'*f,rr*t' Rn<1 Comnion Stock trans hth. iS. War? closed at noon. February ?fyoalr \,0,..*nd W1U b? reopened at 10 ^ M- Ma.rch 16th. 1920. CHARLBS F. NEILBT, SecrstarTi FINANCIAL ??^2? ^,1 PUBLIC AUCTION wwx-;??? 2sh?"'? f^pRaJ Stock FENWA\ KKAI.TV TRUST Ownlng rO? ?,?>in* ?ronnd? ot Boaton Rwd Sox. 11 3.} ?B5NB8D.AT- MARCH 8, mo at Real Kntth *?LHl2 r00m2. of th8 ?o?on ".eai Bntate Bxchango. No. 8 Congrewi uZ. ^0,..N<V S5 Con^r*" Street. Boston, H^,.u,UCt,?!Jerrr- H" anrt ?mgrular-tha a?fd Ttnli Tn*Jnt7*.M or HBrr>- ?? F?*ee ino Fvnway Realty Trust, being all the m." .V,OCk ?i 8aK1 TrUBt' a?W ??>? ?S n^,.?,,n ac;ord??ce with the terma und of ? M?'r ?f a c,,ria,n not" "n<1 Mwmmt vember ,T,r ^ "P.War<1' t,atod No" nr?n Li' > .?? defnult '" ^e payment of been mad? lntf,'('st (,f ?**" nota having ,,r';'E'^'-;Y PARK oomprlses thre? hun? dred thlrty thousand (330,000) square feet SiV^SSl1?0^!0! ,0S'?, WUh -???????? o* .lor p> aml Landsdowne streets. ln the City of IV-.eVn a^f"8ed '? "19 for Four Hundred Thi Thouaand Dollara <$415.000.00). mSSTk*? ahoad of tu0 8tock' bonds se .uied by mortgage now outstandlng to tho .tmount of One Hundred Twanty.flve Thou aand Flvo Hundred Doliars ,$iV:0ni $15 000.00 of said bonds maturo each year' and nll bear Interasl at the rate "f flvo,m P?r ?????? P?yable seml-an A^i'. I"u,tnv,?- J ark l? leased to the Boaton American League Base Ball Club by ieaa? explrlug Amrust 31. 1030. at a veariy ano'nV\?f ?,hW{y Thouaand Dollaxa ft 30 000.00) said ciub also covenantlng to pay SiL^-l? UlXPS' vvator rutos' Inaurance. ,*,?!,, 1 , ?a1d pu,'"? ohaiBea of whatever nature lavled on the property. Tha per? formance by s*ld Club of al! of its agree? ments under said lense ia furthor guar? anteed by a chattol mortgage of all Its PtJI^S?1 1T,0JHVrl>'- recorded i? the oftlco of the ( ity ( lerk of the CUy of Boaton. Rto.? ?, . '-',' b* suUi tf" m>w ncU1 by the* ?ate Street Trust Co., Boaton, Maas., in accordan.e with an agreement dated Janu? ary 4 1913. Coples of said agreement and oi aubsequent mstruments relating thereto may bo extimlned on application to the at ? torneya below named. TKKMS OF SALE: Caah. T ,.' "r -urther mformatlon applv to FOW LER. BAt ER & K ENN EY, attorneya for Joaeph J. Lannln, No. 50 Congress St., Boston. To HOLDER3 op Jeffenon & Clearfield Coal & Iron Co. Second Mortgage :>?? Bonda SLVKINQ FUXD NOTICB. Notice is hereby givep i8 provided In Article 3 of ihe IndentUVe dated .lune 15.1 1 ss"- securing tho above bonds, that seaied orfera will be received up to io A. M. on Monday, Mfcrch 15. 1020. bv the United Statea Mortgage & Trust Co.. at its offlce, ; No. 65 Cedar Street, ,\ew York. for the i sale to It ns Trusteo at the loweat price | at which such bonds shall be offered. not exceedlng 105% and accrued Interesrt, of sufficient of the above bonds to exhaust the sun of Twenty-nine Thouaand. Flfty four Dollara and thirtv-one cents (S?9 - 054 31 >. . ' | Offera shall be seaied and endorsed "Of- : fcrs for the sale of .lefferson & Clearfield Coal A Iron Company ."'.'- Bonds to Sink- - nKPA^TMENT addressed to lho T?UST JEFFERSON ,v' CLEARFIELD COAL &1 IRON COMPANY, t> , ., \\y VBO' H CLUNE, Treasurer. Dated, Rochestor, N. V.. l-'ebruary 9. 1020. To Holders of American Telephone & Tclegraph Co. Torrporary Threo Year 6 Per Cent Gold Notes Due Octolur I, 1022. On and after Februar> 23. 10:0 TonT- ! porary Notes of the above issue may be presented 10 the Corporato Trusl Depart? ment 01 Bank. rs' Trusl Company at 16 Wall Street, Now Yorls City, for the pur l" ';' '' exchange foi Permanent Engraved ?>' ''" "' tllls issue. Temporarv Notes will be received between tho houra of lu and '- A M;; ,;,,-:! lI 0 Permanenl Engraved A' ,- " ',; b cielh red in exchange th. re for between the le urs ot 10 A. M. and ? ; '? "? ot the day following the presenta- ! '-?-'!' ol the tet ; orary notea. BANKEKS' TRIST COAU'ANY, Tniste? ! _1. 'UUmin, Jlt., Vtee-President. Andrew J. McCormack, Auctioneer i Dun Petroieura Corpn. Stock at Auction , AJDRIAN If Mll.LKR * SON will aell J '' auction on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3d, < ?/'-' ,,: J-'z o'Clock, at the Exchange I 1 -aiesroom, Nos. li and 16 Vesey Street... \'. 'or Ac unt ol Whom It May Concern 2,000 shs Dun Peti-oleum Corporation. FINANCIAL MEETINGS THE htERQHANTS NATIONAL BANK of ihe CITY of NEW YORK NOTICE IS liEREBY GlVidN that at a ? meeting of tr.e sharthuidcrs of The Mer- ] chants Natlciial Bank ot tne City of Ntw ' ' Jork. held vE Ja!,u.iry 13, 1020, lt waa ' Setermined to taki. such proceedlngi ai may b? nec .-, sary or <'onvenient to or eanlze thla Eai.K.nsc Associatioi. as an tn- ! corporated baji.. of ciie Staty of N?w Vork by the name cf The Merchants Bank ?f the City of New York; and also that ' when this Bank stia',1 have been organized ! *.a an incorporated bank of the State of ' New York proceeding* be taken to merge it with tha Prcaidenl tuid Directora of tht ' Manhattan Company. 1 By ord?:' uf tne Honrd of Directora i 1 <>. E. PAYNTEK, Caahta?. Dated New York, January 13. Uja. THE MEROHANTS NATIONAL BANKof the GSTYof NEW YORK NOTICE IS HEREBY Q1YE.M that at a meeting of the charcholdera ?f The Mer cnants National Bank of tha City of New Tork. held on January 13, 191?, lt waa voted that the aid B?:ik go into liquida? tion and be cinael an.l dlsBolved. All holders of ? otes nnd other credHori ? f aaiu Bstik'ni, Associatlcn are hereby ' Ootified t,j present ai th notes and othw." claims against the Aaroclation for pay? ment at its Banktng Hcuae, .N'umber 4S Wall Street, New Yo-W City, until Febru? ary 2S, 1S20, and thereafter to ita llqul datlng au'ent. tb? Frealdont and Dtrectora ?t liif Manhattan Company, at Number 4* Well Btreet. New York City. By order of the Board of Dtr'-etora. O. E. PAYXTER, Canhler. Dated New York January 13. 192*. NOTICE. To Stockholders of CAPITAL POLISH1NG & PLATING COM PANY, INC. Please take notice that a special rneetltiR Df stockholders of the Capital Polishlng * Platlng Co. Inc, is hereby called, and wll! be held at tho law office of Alexander Slater. : .", Broadway, New York, on the 1 Sth day of March, 1920 at 3 P. M-, for the purpoae of yotlng i:;,on the proposltlbn that such cor? poration be forthwlth dlssolved ln the man? ner and form preacrlbed by Section 221 of tho Central Corporation Law of the Stirte of New York. New York. N Y.. January 31st. 1920. l<y order of the Board of Directora. I! \T.RY SCHREIBMAN, President. DIVIDEND NOTICES RAINIER MOTOR CORPORATION; rreferred Stock Dividend Tlie quarterly dividend of 2% upon the preferred stock of Ralnltv Motor Corpora- | tion has been declared, payable March 1, 1920 to stock of record at the close of | business February 2G, 1920. CUatka will |< bo malled. J. A. Kainier, Seoretorj-. Now Y'ork City, February 24, 1020. OFFICE OF LOCKWOOD, (iRKE.NE & CO., MA-NAT.ERS BOSTON, MASS. ? Common Stock? Tha quarterly dividend of 2% ($1 per s!.a>- 1 upon the common stock of Interna? tional c.tton Mills has been declared pay able Man h J. 1920, at the offlae of Iho trai iter agents, the Old Colony Trust Com? pany, Boston, Mass, to all stockholders of record at close of bualnesa Feb. 3 6. 1920. INTERNATIONAL COTTON MILLS, Al.i.AN B. GREBNOUGH, Treasurer. oi'FICB OF LOCKWOOD, C.RJKENE * CO., MANAGERS i. )STON, MASS. ?PREFERRED STOCK? The quarterly dividend of l\% upon the preferred stock of the International Cotton Mllla has been declared payablo March 1. 1920. at the olflcc of iho transfer agents. the Old Colony Trust Company. Boston, Mass., to all stockholders of record at the close of business Feb. 16, 1920. INTKKNATlor Al. .COTTON* MILLS. AI.LA.N B. GREBNOUGH. Treasurer. XEW YORK TRANKIT COMPAKY, 18 Broadway. ?w York. l-'ebruary 26th. 1920. A dividend of four dollara per share haa '? been declared on the capital stock of this company payable Aprll 15th, 1020, to ? atocRttoldera of recoro at the closo ot business March 22nd. 1920. .\w commuulcatlona regard ng payment or afcange of addreua should be sent 10 ? the Undcraigned not later than Aprll 8th, 1 1920. GEORGE CHESBBRO*. Secretary. UNITED STATES CAST IRON VIVK. AND FOUNDRY COMPANY. New Y'ork. January 20th, 1920. j The Bcard of Directora of thla Company has thla dav declared u. dividend of flv?, ; per cent (5}?> on its preferred etock, pay- j able one and one-quartor per cent OVft) quarterly; the tlrst quarterly dividend to I be paid March 13th, 1920. lh Stockholdera of rocord March lat. 1920. 1 B. F. HAUGHTON. Secretary. Sluiiip in Gold Reserves Calls for Increase in Rates But Local Institution May Avert Further Advance in Rediscoimts byBorrowing FromOther Reserve Bauks The state of reserves at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, as revcalod by last Saturday's statement of eondi? tion, will not automatieallv bring an in? crease in discount rates, It was said ?t tho bank yesterday. According to the normal way of calculnting gold reserve, that against outstanding notes was re? duced to 39 per cent, 1 per cent below the requirement. AUhough the re? serve act provides that when such a docline bclow tho required reserve takes place discount rates must he raised automatically, it was pointed out that this provision would npply in practice only when the reserves of the whole system got down below the re? quired minimum. The reserve of tho system against deposits and outstanding notes is now some 5 per cent above the minimum, and it was said at the Re? serve Bank here that its reserves can i be immediately brought up to the standard by means of rediscounting bills at the other Reserve banks. Regarding the proposal of the Fed-! oral Reserve Board to change the re-j serve act to authorize the Reserve j banka to charge a sliding scale for ad-1 vances and rediscounts according to! the extont of the borrowings of mem? ber banks, it would be pointed out that , this was designed to give the Reserve, banks another check on the credit sit- j uatiori. They are already authorized j to rcfuse to discount bills of an insti- > tution considcre-d up to the de-! sirable limit as a borrower. It was pointed out in some quarters that this' rule might work a hardshlp on tho j banks which are the largest borrowers. j No announcement was made of an in- i crease in discount rates at the Reserve I Bank, but one is eonsidered likely in brokerage circles. WASHINGTON, Feb. 24,-^Two amend ments to the Federal Reserve act de signed to carry out recommendations made by the Federal Reserve Board in its annual report urging higher rates for excess loans as a means of check- i ing speculation were introduced to-day by Chairman McLean of the Senate Banking Committee. They were pre pared at the request of Governor Hard? ing of the board. One amendment would permit equali zation of rediscount rates charged na? tional banks and state banks or trust companies, while the other would au? thorize the board to ostablish graduated ? of discount "on the basis of the i amount of tho rediscount accommoda tions by the Fede'ral Reserve Bank to the borrowing bank." Business Troubles Petitions in Bankruptcy The petitions ln bankruptcy flled in the 'v"rp"?s^!l^,","i"1 Court yesterday .i-V^'^ir" "%BVoa -Voluntary petition! tlodI by Harry Hersog, of Spring Valley. ' rhf' llabilities are $57,922, and the issets nothing. The principal creditors j Pvn[:;''T','\'u''r Br0s.:! *8-50?: irustees for Bvelyn 3 Chapman, $8,290; William Bach ach Jullus Bachrach, .loseph S. Marcus, t ol -Xi!l,0I1i'! Bank of Xew York, Paul ^Vnilerl?an'*v*14V000' The Petltloner's at 5,?ayej ls AbrJh8m Splro, lZo Broad- ] i\hF?? ? M,ARCUS?Involuntary petition ; Iled against Leon Marcus, of U39 Fourth Vvenue. The llabilities aro about $20,000 ind the assets about $1,000. The prlncipa ' .redltors are Louis Bclikoff. $500- Sllver rh?"" J..;f; Benjamin Pearlman, $300. Ihe petltioner's attorneys are Cohen tnS,itpa^?n?d Shapiro, 31 Union Square? ' DRAGON RESTAURANT CO., INC a so i aJrT^m^6 Ff'V" R?ft^rant-Invofun- I ary petition flled against Dragon Res auran Co? Tnc ()f J&?(. Broartw?&v T) labil ties and assets are not stated The >rincipai creditors are Hadley Construc- ' ?aJn*?0* JrC--,,$,!'70?: Charles Dunker I >2.408; Paul silversteln, $800. The pe ? \ p'Tu8 ?,Uorney la Samuel C. Duberstein, I Recelvera in Bankruptcy ' The receivers In bankruptcv flled ves- ' ;onoaws: "i0 UnHed st"?? Court werfw LEON MARCUS?Judge Augustus N ' Hand a-ppointed John L. Lyttle receiver ; 0nRrnMarCA^"h a bn"J f'f $500 rNP ?w -RESTAURANT COMPANY. : lnl,., also known hh Pekin Restaurant1 ompany?Judge Augustus N. Hand aS- ' pointed Augustus II. Sklllin receiver f r ho Dragon Restaurant Company inc* ?vlth a bond of $2,000. The petition state's ha the stockholders are some nlnoty-odd hinese who quarrel among themselves, nd that the recelpts, which, on some ays amount to over $i.0u0. aro not T T IV Iffiny b?"k- bllt '-etalned mainly ; h? tSB?tM1Hiers,'or Ui<>lr own benefit, to ne i.rft.t dlsadvantage of the creditors ' ivhose claims amount to more than $20 00o' ? Schednlcs in Bankruptcy ' '-.rn d ?;a,'" ?,ank,rvpt?y fik,d in the united Mates District Court yesterday ivere as follows: * -oleratty A.SBESTOS f'ABRIC COMPANY INC schedules of Asbestos Pabrlc Co.."ln'c of -.:.. Broadway show llabilities ofj-n'oTi iinl assets ol $3,462. The principal cred ors are: Woven Steel Hose ind Rubber .-M.p.aiy, $1,588; Staybestos Manufactur ng Company, $1,760; Globe Woven Beltlnir ompany $3,022. Tho potitloners' attor' ^Yond lire^Y 8' ^'^ ** "bsl *??- | novPHSi'IC MERCANTILE CORPORA- ! TION ?bchedules of Republic Mercantile orporatlon of 4-1 Whitehall Street. show llabilities of $51,697 and assets as $1 -?4<i ihe principal creditors are: Hong ken'g ind Shanglml Banking Corporation, $7,10c Henry D. Comlngs, $4,225; Flnlay. Dtck v Co., $l,S?7. Tho petitioners' attorney is ueorgo L,. Lewis, 165 Broadway. Asisnniens t JACOB ABRAMS, groce,-, 10 East 114th Street, has assigncd for the benefit. of cred? itors to Clarence M. Davls. Judgments Filcd The following judgments were flled yes? terday; the first name being that of tlie di-'btor: In New York County Altfeder, Nathan, and Elias Co hen (Altfeder & Cohen).? M. Rlchman. $51X45 Bemsteln, flam?E. Feiner. 625.15 Beardsley, Henry S.?B. Abert ot al. 105.20 Blaslch, Tony, and Fidelity & Casualty Co. of New York?Peo ple. etc. .. t.600.00 Bracker, John ? Sheffield Farms Co., Inc. 137.31 Chelborg. Axel?Conford Realty Co., Ino . 123.85 Cohen, William?D. D. 1,1s. 916.00 Cassatto. Ralph, and Fidelity & Deposit Co. of Md:?People, otc. 600.00 Chaudouard, I.ouis?B. Rollat.... 422.15 Country Service Corp.?Procter & Gamblo Distrlb. Co. 196.84 Doremus, Selma?II. D. Burn ham. 376.16 Eedy. Fred'k Q. ? Parshelskv Bros., Inc.'. 118.35 Friedman, Morris S. ? Ilarlem Embroidery W'orks, Ino . 452.80 F. & R, Waist Co., Inc ? E. Meyer. 111.89 1 G-ottlteb, Jacob ?A. M. Rooen berg. 2.19.2') I Crcsson, William?D. Kahn . 131.23 ? Gasser, Arthur?City of N. Y.. . . 160.S5 l Henderson, Chas. J.? E, II. B. Cranwtll. 216.71 Hubsch, Arthur?B. Wllllger. 279.65 | Inirutl. Chandeller Co.?Hudson Braas Works. 143.20 i Kails, Tome, Louis Bnlogianls and Thanssio Beloglanis ? T. Koufas ct al. $89.40 Kuhlmau, Fred W.?M. Llndsay .1r. 140.93 Kuhn, Jesse E.?Remiller Corp... 161.34 l.auer Mfg. Co., Inc.?S. E. Selo-_ corroNs American Telephone & Telegraph Co. Cenvsrtlble four and Ono-Half P. C. Gold Boodt Coupons from these bonds, payable by their terms on March 1, 1920, at tho offlce or agency of tho Company in New York or ln Boston, will be paid in New York by the Bankers' Trust Company, 16 AVall Street. G. D. MI1.NB. Treasurer. American Telephone & Telegraph Co. Convertlbla Four Per C?nt Gold 8onds CoOpons from theso bonds, payable by their terms on March 1, 1920, at the ofllce or agency of the Company In New York )v in Boston, will 6"e paid in New York by the Bankers* Trust Company, 16 Wall 3tresC G. D. MILNB, Tres*arer. _ Business News -TPHERE was a falr amount of bills movin., in ? ?? ?.,* jj 1 merclal pnp,r ycaterday with tha b^ !*'. t?l, ?V *' C?m* per cent. Intorior banks were th. prindpaW.T. VE\11**^ ** 6% all thoy can do to take care of the neel 0f Zi,'11 ^ ln3tltUtiona have wa? . better demand for bankcrs' acceplanc L Z tl ph '", T"8- Ther? waa understood to havo bern tho princ,Jl , , ver Rc"MVe Bflnk COTTONS?Buyers Expect Lower Price* Selling agents for cotton mills say that buyers ure cominpr into the market ; primcd with tho belief thatT roductions j in price are at hand or immincnt. Some I of the sellers assort that the pessi i mistic talk now poinjr nroiind the mar ! ket is unfounded and is being fostered I principally by the newspapers through - I out the country. Jobbers and retailers, especially from the middle West, are in clined to quote their home papers lo ; the ofTect tlint n break in commodity I prices has already occurred. So far there has been no real break in tho prices of finished goocls. Some classes of gray, or unfinished, goods, particularly sateens and voiles;, are be? ing offered from 10 to 15 per cent be? low the. high levcls of a month ago, but this has not been refleeted in blcached or printed cloths. Some in the trade point to the fuct that prices have borne tip well under some strong bearish ittfluences, includ ing the foreign exchange and domestic money situatlons, us an indication of inherent strength in the goods murket They assert. that production is still behind demand, although admitting that demand has fallcn off lately. A new anpln on this situation was ex pressed yesterday by the vice-president of n leading converting house. "Ordi narily," he said, "the influences at work would have softnned prices consider nbly, but. holders of goods have made big prolits in the last few years and therefore do not need to throw their mcrchandise overboard to raise ready cash. In short, the market is better prepared financially than it ever was to withstand some hard knocks." SILKS?Demand for Cheap Shirting Materials Cheaper grades of silks. principally Japanese habutais and crepes, and mixed silk and cotton fabtics are the principal materials demanded of the silk market now by shirt manufacturers. The higher grade and more cxponsive materials are being passed un in favor of those costinr; less money? Considerable shirting business is re? ported from salesmen on the road, par? ticularly those traveling through the west and southwest. Jobbers in these sections are buying fairlv liberally now and desire matcrial for immediate or nearby use. The largcr jobbers in Xew York and other big cities are purchasing little at present, but some of the more op timistic mapufacturers expect them to begin large operations within another month. The jobbers were among ihe largest buyers in December and have plenty of stock to run them another month, in the opinion of producers. Raw silk showed no change in price over the weck-end holiday. Average grades aro quoted at about $15 a pound. Throwsters and silk goods manufacturers are adhering to their; policy of hold ing off for lower prices. Yarn producers report some inquiry from silk hosiery manufacturers who are forced into the market for ad? ditional supplies to keep their machin ery moving. However, -yarnr, at $20 a pound. compared to $lf) last year, are too high for heavy buying, and the hosiery men* say they are eonfining their orders to the bare necessities. LEATHER? Wholesale Shoe Business Improves Wholesalers in and about New York reported an improved busines yester? day. The tendency is toward shorter vamps, but no such models as have re? cently been introduced, which were of a decided foreign adaption, will be car nick et al . 573 87 Llppman, Irving?Nagle Pac.king Co. 111.95 Lynch, Oscar J. ?M. II. Gross s;an et al . 980.70 Ludwig. Fred'k W. (Frederick W. Ludwlg Co.)? C. A. Daniel. 897.20 Last, Arthur J., and Martin, M. Jay. or Moe M. Jakofsky? M. Saal . 097.27 Larsen, Fritz?-T. S. Watts; costs . 13R.CS Meyerhoff, Henry?J. \V. Ar mltage . i'S6.D7 McDuffie, Marshall VV. - K. II. Hartstone . 1.2G8.96 Mercer, James S.- -B. Altman & i'o. ?10.82 Metal Shelter Co., Inc?H.Llp schuetz . 237.20 Metals Disintegratlng Co., Inc-? !?:. Saxe .7... 4,492.23 -Miller. Kitty, und Loula Wilson? People, et,-. 500.00 Monnier, Charles?W. II. Wulff. 2,819.37 New Republic American and European Corporation, Inc. - M. Ooldberg . 200.00 Oriando, Nicholas?J. E. O'Con nor . 278.32 Pellegrina, John (John Pelle grlno Atito Exchange)?Au tomotlve Electric Service Cor? poration . 173.r>0 Rablnowltz, Leiser 1. Balsam. 238.76 Sldney, B. Bowman Automobllo Co.- R. F. Frank . 2.180.-13 Shlndelman, Samuel, an<l Jai ob YVelss (Pcerless Sweater Mills) ?Appel Hall Knitting Mills . 560.3G Steiger, Sam?P. M. Chemis & 184.14 Schuman, William E?,T Zli gale . l,13f>.98 j Tlirc-11. Mary A M. J,. Tirrell . 635.60 Van Name, Albert B.?Pacific Hann . 390.70 ; Vlastos, Peter, an,'. Teddy Ferras ?W. O. liaiiy . 363.83 | Van Cotl, Frederick W.?L. I. Purcell . 13.194.0O In Hronx County French Celluloid Novelty Co., Inc ?U. S. Casualty Co..s. $32.10 Rai; e ?Same . 4(i<. 1 7 Freeman, Harry?3. Katz. 65.72 Olgllo, Mlchael?-N", Zwlebel et al 42.45 Ginsberg, Joaeph?23d Ward Bank 80.17 Helntz George?S. Bleusteln_ 167.75 Kan bourian, Chs rles S - K." M. Jefferlan . 1,003.30 Linde, Wm.?M. Nitzky. 86.30 Mulvey, Peter F.? T. li. Thorn.. 276.72 Ollver Productlons, Inc. -J. W. Ford et al. 230.ns Perllo. Wm. A F. C. Gelb. 420.72 Ri aenthal, Samuel M. J Lasner 2,000.00 Stetler, Wm.?E. M. Curttn. 70.72 Vltale, Alfonso?J. Corcione.... 61.47 Senderowitz, Meyer, and Zelich 'Rablnowltz?M. Davideon . 64.85 Satisfied Judgments The first na7ne is that of the debtor, the second that of the credllor and date when [ judgment was flled : In New York County Everett. Edward W.?J. A. Carey; Dei . 12, 1919. Same?Same; Dec. 19, 1918. Passholz, Henry A.?13. Welles: Aprll 6, 1918. Cart, Warren L.?A. B. Crosby; July 3. 1918. Evans. or I >unraven? Annie?F. N. Dowllng; Deo. 27. 1918. Erdody. Mabel D.?C. F. Rabell; July 16, 1918. Eaglo Plpe Supply Co.?Pierce Poundatlon Co.; Jan. ?7. 1920. Moses. Annette R. ? Common wealth Hotel Constructlon Cor? poration; l)ec. 4. 1919. Parsh-lsky, Isaac?City of Xew Vork; Aug. 28. 1916. De Cordlve, K.?A. J. Sanville; ?iiirre 23, 1916 (reveraed). Parshelsky Broa., Inc?City <,f New York; Aug. 18, 1916. Falklngham, Perclval K -Export American Products, Inc; Jan. 9, 1920. 275.20 Strauss, Malcolm?Carey Printing Co., Inc; Oct. 4. 1918. 1,140.82 Falklngham, Pcrcival E. ? Export American Products. Inc Jun. ?, 192(i. 1,066.20 Monaton Realty Investlng Cor? poration?A. E, Jacobs; Jan, 6, 1913 (roversed). 824.14 In Bronx County ilcManua. Marie?J. Whelan; Oct. _ ??? 1914..??.$184.99 Schwalbenberg. Margawt?j, .r0r dis; March 31, 1916 ;. 1 367 "9 Zanelli, Peter A.?J. Kleiman; Oct. 20. 191?. ?; 75 iModstiwrstrk,or o(Terc<i to th? tr?de , MoSt wholesn ers are of opinion that wi?l l ?t ?"?d five-eighths inch-vamp : m? i the,renl drawing card for the re ??ndex of 1920. An extensive de ; mend for such oxfords is in -evidencc. there ia also a arge inquiry f?r aatin low shoes. At thi, time the percent age 0f low shoes being sold is ap Pfoximately 80 per cent. Wholesalers a?sert that this schedule will also hold good for hext fal] and winter. In walk 'ng oxfords tan and blacks are in most demand, with the other colors receiv ing but little attention. Colonial ; styies are on the wanc. Buckla ef . ects also are Koing very slowly. ' Hrogue oxfords for men are meet? ing with un usual favor, and indica i tions point to this style as a leader or sp-ing and summer wear. Rub? ber footwear continues to sell well. < with stocks on the hands of the wholesalers moving rapidly. The men's retail shoe trade ia at a standstill. Commuters are moro con cerned in reaching their homes than they are in shopptng for bargains in shoes. Dealers in the mean time are having a good opportunity to go over their stocks ,and get them into shape, and many of them have taken advan tage of this falling off in business and nave had a general houseclaning, and no doubt when waJking conditions be e. me more favorable jnanv odd lots or shoes will be offered as an incen tive for buying. Fl.RS?Wolvcrine and Fox Advance at Auction Sale Prices bid by fur dealers for wolver me at the eighth day's sale of the New 1 orii Fur Auction Sales Corporation yest irday sent that article to a record price oi $46 for tho best skins, and a general advance of 30 per cent over I average prices obtained at the sale last fall. Gray fox advanced 10 per cent over last fall's figures, while white hare re-| mained unchanged. About .100 buyers were present when the sale opened. Spirited bfdding prevailed in tho early hours. Skunk and nutria, staple furs, in which there is widespread interest, will go on the block early to-dav, which will mark tho close of the sale*. JEWELRY? High Prices Check Imporlalion of (iems Importers with representatives in foreign markets report that. it is be coming more and* more difficult to ob tain diamonds, pearls and other pre eiouH stones abroad. Buyers forttinate enough to get anv of the gems are said to be paying prices ranging from 25 to 50 per cent- more than ruling quotations in this country. Many of the American buyers refuse to pay the increased prices, being ufraid that the jewclry industry of the country i together with the other trades is oii the vi rge of ;i downward movement in prices and are returning home with mail assortments. Owing to the shortage of labor the gom cutters of Holland and Belgium are unable to keep up with their orders, and members of the local trade here expressed the belief yesterday that efforts being made to establish the diamond-cutting industry on a permanent basis in England would help the situation matcrially. Although business continues good ! with the retailer, wholesame jewelers report a slackened demand. While the Christmas holiday trade was of record proportions, retailers now ad mit that on several lines their orders were in the majority over those of the j consumer, and, as a result, stocks on hand are sufficient to carry them un til the Easter season without visiting the wholesaler or jobber for addi? tional spring supplies. This condition, however, is not causing the wholesaler much concern, as the demand for .iewelry for the summer and fall sea sons is of large proportions. Army Orders P'roat Thr Tribune'3 Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, Feb. 24.?Army orders issued to-day follow : Honorably Discharged Garretson, Lt. V>. M., Med. C. Hough, Capt. A. G., Med. C. Guthridge, Lt. E. W . Den. C Corwin, 2d Lt. E., inf. 1 ovington, Lt. C. M.. Med. C. Stanley, Maj. II. II.. Med. C. Ryan, Capt. D. R., inf. Renwick, Capt. W. U., Q, M. f. Sherman, Capt. E. 1!.. ]?'. <\ Doty, 2d Lt. D. E., Air Svc Couper, Lt. Coi. W., Q. M. C. Smith, Lt. L. A., Chem. W. Svc. Chilcoe, Lt. S. S. C, Air Svc. Keealer, Capt. A. A.. Eng. Kimball, Lt. (,'. P., inf. Price, Capt. \V. T., Q. M. C, Pernot, Capt. ]?'. E., Sig. C. ? ???' eeney, Maj. H. (.'.. Q. M. C Van Wie, 2d Lt. II. F., cav. Guy, Lt. W. S., inf. Stnpleton, 2d Lt. 1'.. F. A. II. i linjr. Capt. I:. E., Med. C Algcr, Maj. R. W., Q. M. c. Ivt .. M.-ij R . Eng. Gi lt Lt. D. B.. Air Svc Smith, Lt. C. R.. infantry. Davi Ison, Capt. L. C, infantry. Townaend, Capt. I).. Medical Corps Dean, 2d Lt. .1. W., field artillery Partridtfe. Lt. II. T., Quartermaster Corps Groom, Capt. W. C. infantry. Ostrora, Capt. P. V., Quartermaster Corps. Siunal Corps Larabee, Lt. Coi. A. E.. to New York. Sadtler, Capt. O. K., to New York. Flood, Capt. J. 1'., to Salt Lake. Edwards, Capt. 1'. S., to Camp Alfred Vail, Resijrned Franklin, Capt.. E. L., infantry. Saunders, Capt. B. J. jr., air service. McFadden, Chaplain E. C. Infantry O'Ponr.eli. 2d It. J., to Camp Holabird. Egan, Capt. G., to Indianapolis, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Harrisburg. Maxey, 2d Lt. D. R., to Takoma Park. Glass, l.t. Coi. R. R-. to Corvallis. Franklin, Capt. E. L., to Fort Sam Houston. Leishner, Capt. W. F., to Camp Grant. Rothrock, Capt. A. D., to Camp Funston. Morrison, Li. W. H. H.. to Camp Upton. Green, Capt. J O. jr.. to Nogales. ^ Keepcrs. Capt. G. S , to Nogales. Foote, Maj. A. E., to Camp Grant. Atkins, l.t. Co!. J. A., to Camp Benning. Kjrby, 2d l.t. J- 1- ? to Camp Jesup. Richardson, Maj. J. S. S.. to New York. Newsi n, Maj. H. !>-. to New York. Quarlvrmaster Corps Price Capt. W. T.. to Fort Logan. Phipps Coi- F. li- Jr.. to Charieston. , Partridge, l.t. 11- T., to Covernor's Island. Field Artillery Houston. Capt L. V.. to Camp Holabird. Berry Lt. A. C, to Camp Holabird. Unger Capt. A . to Camp Holabird. Sherman, Capt. E. H.. to Fort Snelling. Carey. Lt. G. J-, to Walter Reed Hospital, Waahington. Mfdical Corps Wright, Mai. F. S., to Oteen Bishop, Capt. H A.. to Manila. McGill, Maj ?'? '''?? to ('amp Funston. Harrlson, Maj. F? <o Fort Sill. Kfrisolving, Capt. D. I... to Oteen. Belflla, Lt. J A., to Little Silver. Air SAvice Pottcr, 2d Lt. C. M-. by plane from I.angley ' to Pope Field. Miller Coi. A-, to Fort Sam Houston. Miller! Maj. H. .1. F., to Mitchel Field. Miscrllancous Taylor -'.1 Lt. lt. E., Sun. C., to Camp TJpton. Crouse', Capt -1 W., Vet. C . to Camp Pike. Hinckley. Capt. K. J'.. Vet, C, to Fort Myer. Munson: Maj. F. G., Judge Atlvocate Gen- 1 eral's Department. to Waahington. Rowe. Capt. J. T-. C. A. C., to Takoma Park. [ve8| Maj. R-. Er.g . to Governor's Island. ' , Sntberland, Capt. \V. H., Adjutant General's Department, to Atianta. O'Connell. Maj. D., Adjutant General's De- j ] partment, to Pittsburgh* to Fort Myer. Welch. Maj. W. H., Cav.,?* Fort Riley. Cottrcll, Capt. J. S., to Governor's Island. | 1 Buyers Arrived Falrchild Service ALBANY?Liopshutz Bros.; J. Tdopshutz, ready to w.-ar. 1161 Broadway. AI.BANY?W. M. Whitney & Co. j Mr. Rextrew, Infants' wear. novelties; Miss McGlll, muslln underwear; 1133 Broad? way; Fellows ALLBNTOWNi Pa.?Marsn & Albert; Max Albert, ready to wear, men's clothtng; Herald Square. AI.I.KN'TOWN, Pa.?G. J. Rltter, whole :'.il" mllllnory; Breslln. ANN ARROR, Mich.?MIIls Co.: E. F. Mllls, women's wear; Park Avenue. AtiTOONA, Pa.?Ivllne Bros.; Miss B. Noel, muslin Infants' wear; 23 East Twenty sixth Street. AUHtJRN, N. Y.?Foster. Ross Co.; C. F. Ross, toys, leather goods; Miss Price, corsets, infants' wear. underwear; Chas. F. Moss. waists, suits, coats; 1170 Broad? way, room 505. BALTIMORE?G. II. Sohmldt, upholstcry and drapery; Wuodward. BABTIMORE?B. Wise, piece goods; Broadway (entral. BABTIMORE?Stewart & Co.; C. B. Chandler, men's, boys', clothing; boys' [urnlshh-urs; 2 West Thlrty-seventh Street; Assoclated Ory Goods Co. BABTIMORE?American Wholesale Corp.; M. (J. Frazier, muslln underwear; W. A, Applewhite, hoslery, underwear; G. M. Eytlnga, ribbons; P. B. Beck, toys; ?'???< Fourth Avenue. BENNINGTON, Vt?M. Burle & Co.j.Mr. 1 urk, ready to wear; 37 West Twentv Blxth Street. B1RMINGHAM, Ala_?Markstein Bros. Mil ''nery Co.; Davld Markstein, rnilllnery; 679 Broadway; BOGABUSA, !,?.-Strug Bros.; M. Strug, woolens, elr.thlng; Grand. BOSTON?Rellable Skirt Co.; Bouls Cohen; sklrts; Breslln. BOSTON?J. Schneiderman Co.: J. Schnel derman, jobs ln cotton and woolen goods; Broadway Central. BOSTON?Hub Novelty Dress Co.; S. Rothonberg, cotton and woolen piece goods, silks, satins and velvets; Madison. B i i S T O N?Gilchrlst's (upstalrs); Miss Minehan, glrts', .lunlor's white dresses skirts, intddles; (basement); Mrs. Al lartl, muslln underwear: Miss Ford. mll linery; Miss Markus. girls' coats. dress? es; Miss Keltner, Mulin underwear, pet tlcoals, Infants' wear. brassleres; A. I ohen, jobs. coats; Mr. Aronson, men's wi hi . 200 Fifth Avenue. BOSTON Fllene'a (basement); Miss Go'ld Ing, waists; Mr. fi'Brien. women's mlsses', coats, suits; Air. Rlng, women's misses' dresses; Miss J. Callahan, silk,' muslln underwear; Mr, Goodhue, gloves -25 Fifth Avenue. BOSfTON?Jordan, Marsh Co.; R. A Bed-' ley, laces (basement); B. A. Crawford. flannels; F. Coleman, dress goods. black and colored; l\ J. Flemlng, eottons, linens, blankets. etc; Miss D. K Feeley women's negligees, etc: E. I. Lahty! laces; ('?. AV. Little, rugs, upholstcry (basement); \V, E. Morgan. ribbons; Miss M McLaughlin, gloves (basement): A. McMttrlck, blankets, quilts, eottons U Ross, coats and suits; AV. F Varnum, boys' clothing and wash clothlng; 432 Fourth Avenue. BOSTON?R. H. White & Co ; Miss F 1-I'^.M-ald, suits; 432 Fourth Avenue. BRISTOL, Tenn.?E., W. King r0.; H B Urumlt, ready lo wear; 256 Church St n-et. BUFFALO?-Adam Meldrum * Anderson; ?Miss Galligan, corsets, infants' wear ?' 30 Fifth Avenue; S;y?. Trdg. Co. BUFFALO?M. Segal, ready to wear; Breslln. BUFFALO?'William Hengerer rn ; s j Bradshaw, cotton and woolen piece ,,; ''? - West Thlrty-seventh street BI ! i ??. !.u Fllnt & Kent; R. W. F0r. rosler, floor coverings, etc, 220 Fifth . V \ ? II lie. BUFFALO- -,T. N. Adam & Co.; .1. A Tay >r, laces, handkerchiefs. cinbroideries, 1 ??' : ? W esl Thlrty-sevi nth Strei I l.lll-Ai.ip -Wm. Mengerer Co.; Miss P Brlnton, ready to wear; C. X. Kierst rugs carpet, linolcums; S. .1. Bradshaw. wash and dress goods; Miss J, M Be]| mllllnory. trimmings; 2 West Thlrty-sev m?.?1^"1 Assoclated Dry Goods Corp. BI 1 FALO J N Adam & Co.; F C tineheart, upholstery, lace curtains, ' rapei los; \\ . A. Brost, notions, but? tons, trimmings, toilel goods; Miss De lemple, leather goods; Chas. Suess Bloves; Miss Treat, art goods; j. a. i a> lor. laces, neckwear, handkerchiefs and embroideries; Miss B. K Mnvo mll linery; 2 West Thlrty-seventh Street: Assoi lated 1 >ry Ooods Co BUFFALO- -Siegrs^A Fraley; J. J. Glaser, hosh ry, knit underwear; JI. A. Stumpf rugs, carpets; 212 Fifth Avenue; p. S Farmer. BUFFALO Uens & Kelly Co.; Fred Mey ers silks. dress goods, piece goods; W Baker, toys; A. E. Vetter. ready to wear; ?Mr. Kline. jewelry, leather goods. toys ,,,?"-'.'.!n,''s:. '1:I.; Broadway; Fellows. BLRLINGTON, Vt.?Old Bee Hlve: Taul c namberlln, rugs; Laura Vlncent, mll? llnory; Woodstock CALHOUN CITY, Miss.?Boland Co.; J. Boland, general merchandise; Navarre. CANTON, Ohio?M. Conley Co.; M. Con ley, general merchannise; Grand. CHICAGO?Carsou, Pirie & Scott Co.; Miss Cross, furs; 404 Fourth Avenue. CHICAGO -Chas. A. Stevens & Bro.; Miss Mssllng, basemenl rnilllnery; 40 East rwenty-second Street. CHICAGO- Sears Roebuck & Co ? H Kucera, dress eottons; 115 Fifth Avenue. CHU lAGi i Mandcl Bros. ; I. I. Flte ' trunks, traveling bags; 13 East Twenty s' cond Street. CI1ICAOO?L. Friedman; L. Friedman, ' rurs; Pennsylvania, CHICAGO?Scheyer & Co.; S'.g Scheyer, n presentinc; Pennsylvania. CHICAGO?H. & L. Tauslg; H. Tauilj, ' stoves. furniture, etc; Pennsylvania. CHICAGO?C. Lovine, women's wear Aberdeen. Cllli AGO?L. Ivllne, Inc; S. L. LeDosky, readj lo 'Wear; 1. M. Mekus, pieoo and! dress goods; 1133 Broadway; Fellows CHICAGO?Carson, 1'lrie & Scott; Mr. Schoenkopf, ladies' ready to wear; M P ! Freni h, curtains; Miss Cross, furs; Miss Cantwell. trimmed hats; 404 Fourth A venue. CINCINNATI ? Falr Store; K. Krag?r. house dresses. muslln underwear, chil? dren's wear; Miss C. Flynn, Jewelry, no tlons, trimmings, statlonery; 22 ' East Twi nl y-sixth SI reet. CLEVELAND?W. Taylor Co.; M. Unkefer, cotton piece goods; 225 Fifth Avenue. CC LUMBUS. Ohio?Greon-Joyce Co.; M, A. Si its, ready to wear, cotton piece goods, silks, sa.tins and velvets, 256 Church Street. COLUMBUS, Ohio?M. J. Federman; C Melancon, dry goods; 27 West Twenty f.xih Street, COLUMBUS, Oa.? David Rothschlld & 1 " : ' P. Moody, underwear, hoslcrv ? ?' i Leono rd SI reet. COLUMBUS, Ga.?Green-Joyce Co.; M. A. ' ready to wear, domestlcs; 256 i 'h un h Street COLUMBUS, Ohio?F * R. Lar.arus Co.; Mrs. E. Slmons, gloves; 225 Fifth Ave? nue, Associated Merchandlsing Cor;-). CORNING. N. Y.?Fred Wuersmlth. tallor ing gi ods; Grand. DANBURY, Conn.? J. D. Plaut & Co ? Miss M. O'Nelll, rnilllnery; care Ameri? can Dry Goods Co., Grand and Mercer Streets. DANVILLE, v'a.? Scarco Co.. A Scarce dry goods and general merchandise; Gregorian. DAYTON, Ohio?Eider & Johnston Co. : R .1 Elder, ready to wear; 220 Fifth Ave nue, Syndlcate Tradlng Co. DENVER?Joslin Dry Goods Co ? I J Shadford, domestlcs, linens; J. l> Sulli Vnn- rePresentlng; P. .1. Sullivan, gloves; A. I-. Pphlman, coats, euits. knit goods ^ ' I ast Twenty-slxth Sireet DELPHOS, Ohio?S. Shenk, dry goods and ' clothing; Broztell. DES MOINES? Weinberg's; B. Weinberg ready to wear; 1170 Broadway, room' DETROIT?A. Suffrln, silks and woohn pi. goods; Walllck. OETROIT?Crowley, Mllner & Co ? T P Stack, suits; 116 West Thlrt v-second Street. A, Fantl. DETROIT?J. L. Hudson Co. ? R L Thompson, shoes; C. J Glbbons, coats', suits; \. T. Crockelt, basement millln cry; Miss J. Webb, suits. J. J. Riley waists; 22'. Fifth Avenue. lETROiT- Crowley Bros.; A. J. Gulmond, prlnts. ginghams, wash goods. 42 Leon- j BTROIT- j, L. Hudson Co.; A. Neydon carpets. rugs; 226 Fifth Avenue. Asso? clated Merchandlsing Corp. DETROIT- Davidson Bros.; I. Davidson ints', children's wear; Pennsylvania! B.A 0 .. Pa. -Smith & Sons; C. F. Smith. Jewelry: Breslln, SLIZABETH CITY, N. C?Stevens Job bi.'iK" Co.; E. M. Stevens. notions, laces1 and embroideries, ribbons, gloves; Alca ....: 3L PASO, Texas?M. Aruhdeacon. dry goods; Broadway Central. ELLWOOD CITY, Pa.?G. L. Reynoids, dry goods; Herald Square. 2LLWOOD CITY, Pa.?ihe Quaiity Shop George 1. Reynold, dry gooda, wall paper, china, men's furnlshlngs, Herald; Square. iUIE, Pa.?Trask, Prescott & Rlchardson; Mr. McCormlck, upholstery and drapery care 2>i West Thlrty-second Street EURSKA, Calif?Daly Bros.; F. A. Dodge, underwear, notions, laces and embroldorles; 120 West Thlrty-second Htreet. '?AYETTEVILLB, N. C?M. Lefkowltz A Son; H. Lefkowltr, jewelry; Grand cORT WAYNE, Ind.?C. Snowberger, women's wear; Breslln. 'REDBRICKSBURG, Va.-T. N. Brent dry goods, etc; Collingwood. IRA.FTON, W \t,.? \\. Archdeacon, d.lthiilg: Walllck. IARR1SBURO, Pa. ? Dlves, Pomerov &i Stewart; W. H. Bennethum, ready to .' wear; 230 Fifth Avenue, Syndicate Trad- ' Ing Co IARTFORD- Brown. Thompson * Co ? r \V. Pass, ribbons, embroideries trlixi Tradin c'? F'fth Avenue' Syndlcate IARTFORD?--.,;. Fox & Co.: P A. Montel toys, chlna, house l'urmshings. truni ^ ? ?at.P!?t%k1U W?St ?"*~mi\ IUDSON, N. Y?The Marsh & Bachmsn \ co.; L. Becker, floor coverings etc I'.intinental. ' NDIANAPOLIS-Pettls Dry Goods Co ! 1. ( laj-k, ready to wear; 230 Fifth Av.' nue; Syndlcate Trartlng Co NDIANAPOLIS?Hibben, Hoilwe? & Co. ? w^isti?c DERBY STYLISH STOUTS In Fine French Voiles In addition to our line of silk waists, we are now showing a wide variety of fine cotton voiles, all cleverly designed to slenderize the full figure, and priced from $3 to $6. Immediate Deliverie*. 40 W. 32nd St., N. Y. IT. T. Cummlnga. hosiery; J20 Broad way. INDIAJNAPOLIS? Pettla Dry Oooda Co.: H. R. Anderson, notlons, toilet goods,, 230 Flfth Avenue, 15th floor. INOIANAPOLIS?King Outfltttlnf Com )>any (I. E. Solomon & Co.); Harry It. Frledman, coats. suits, dresses; 56 West Twentv-second Street; Grossman & Bro.; McAlpin. JACKSONVILLE. Fla.?B. Enright, wom? en's wear; Alcazar. KANSA9 CITY. Mo.?Kllne1* Ctoak and Suit Co ; Mrs. Edgar, dreasea; 40* Fourth Avenue. KHYSER, VV. Va?II. Kaplan Co.; M. I. Kaplan, ready to wear, rnen's furnish Ings: llerald Square. LA CROSSE. Wis.?Lewle Fur Co.; II. I.ewis. furs; Madison. LA PORTE, Ind.?Samuel Fox's Sons & Co.; A. L. Osborne, silks; 350 Broad v, av. LANCASTER. Pa ? M. T. Oarvln & Co.; .1. H. Ross. coats. suits and mllllnery; rnre 37 West Twenty-slxth Street. L1MA. Ohio?Lelser Co.; B. W. Blum, ready to wear, 1133 Broadway; Harry i:. Lyon. LOS ANGELES?Broadway Department Store; Geo. Gardner. men's furnlshlngs, hats; ft5 Madison Avenue. LOS ANGELES?Rullock'a; Mrs. C. Dor sey, women's sporta wear; 225 Fifth Avenue; AsBOclated Merehandlslng Corp. LOUISVILLE?Z. C. Offutt, carpets und rugs; Broztell. LOUISVILLE?K. Levin, clothing; Broad? way Central. LYNN, Mass.? Goddard Broa; H. F. Por ter, ready to wear; 432 Fourth Avenue. LOUISVILLE?Carter Dry Ooods Co. ; E. M. Smith, laces, rlbbons, hosiery, tn?n's furnishinps; S. M. Wright, coats. suits, muslln underwear. carpets. draperies; W. M. Carothers, drcss goods, silks, 43 Leonard Street. MARION, Ind.?Falr Sex Apparel Sh?p: Mr. Alexander, ready to wear; 1133 Broadway; Lyona. MEMPHIS, Tenn.?M. Lewls. dry goods and general nulte.; Aberdeen. MEMPHIS?Block Mtllin-ry Co.; O. Bloek. mllllnery; r,7n Broadway. MEMPHIS, Tenn.?Bry, Block Mercantlle Co.; E. B. VVlegner. Jobs suits, dresses; 11''.0 Broadway, S. Solomon. M'KEESPORT, Pa.?J. D. O'Nell Co.; \\"illiani Heilman, ready to wear, mil I inery . I Ireslin. iMJDDLETOWN, Conn.?Jamea II. Bunoe ,v Co.; K. M. Rlorden, housefurnishinss, 104 Fourth Avenue. M1LWAUKBB -- Glmbel Bros.; Robert Creenwald, hosiery. notlons, sporting goods; Miss Houlihan. hosiery, Broad way and Thlrty-second Street. MINNEAPOLIS I). Oerstel, women's woar; Aberdeen. MINNEAPOLIS A. Roisman & Co. ; A. Roisman. furs. 156 West Twenty -sev enth Street. M1NNEAPOLIS?Wyman & Partrldge: Mr, Garhart, carpets, rugs. remnanti; 43 l.eonard Street. M1NNEAPOLIS?L. S. Donaldson Co.; C. E. Kisher. toilet goods. notlons; 230 Fifth Avenue; Syndicate Tradtng Co. NASHV1LI.E, Tenn.?Castner-Knott Dry Ooods Co.. Robert Egan, house furnlsh inga, toys; 23 East Twenty-slxth Street. MONTREAL?O. Norir.andln. general mer , handlse; Wallick. MOMTREAL, Can.?-La Mode Parls'.enno; .1 W. Oavis, mJlllnery; Breslin. MOUNT PLEASANT, Tenn.--A. Rosenberg Co.; A. Hosenberg, general mdse., Broadway Central. NEW HAVEN, Conn.?Shartenberg & Rob inson; A. A. Breton. kltchen furnish i.'ics, toys: 404 Fourth Avenue. NEW HAVEN. Conn.? Oarnble-Deemond co.; F. J. Stanley, notlons. stationery. j wolry, toi!?-t goods: 312 Flfth Aveti'i-. K1HVPOHT?Klng McLeod Co.; W. W. Poole, ready to wear; 404 Fourth Ave? nue; Jay Co. NIAGARA FALLS. N. Y.?Nlagara Dry Ooods Co ; W. ,T. Ancus (basement), hosiery. notlons; F. .T. Fisher, merchan? dlse manager; 433 Fourth Avenue. NORWICH, Corm.?Reid-Hughea Co.; G. R. Grifford, notlons. toilet. leather goods, stationery; 404 Fourth Avenue. NORWICH, Conn. ? Kadlsh Bros.; R. Kad ish, ::;frs. of pants; Broadway Central. NEW PHILADELPHIA, Ohio?S. Davl dorf, women's wear; Aberdeen. OMAHA, Neb.?M. Spelsberger, Sons & Co.; N. Speisberger,. mllllnery; 578 Broadway. PITTSBURGH?Kaufman ft Baer; L. Kaufman, ladies' ready to wear; Miss 71. Wallace, ladies' cloth; Mlse Looby, dresses, costumes: W Kaufman. drugs. toil"t goods. urnbrellas. candy, pictures; 404 Fourth Avnue. PITTSBURGH?Kaufmann Dept. Store; H. Starr. basement dresses; Harry Mapes. Jobs muslln underwear, pettlcoats for basement; 1301 Broadway. PITTSBURGH?Lewin-Nelman Co.; Miss O'Brien, children's gingham dresses. children'a coats; Mr. Koch and Miss Broderlck, muslln underwear, jobs cot? ton. silk petticoata, overall aprons. sacques; Misrt Kessler. Jnbs hosiery, bags; 1160 Broadway; Solomon. , PITTSBURGH?Pittsburgh Drv Goods Co.; W. McKelvey, notlons; 4 3 Leonard Street. PITTSBURGH?Meyer, Jonaseon & Co. ; A. Caaper, suits, 100 West Thlrty-second Street. PITTSBURGH?F. Half ft Bro.; R. Half, floor coverings: Pennsylvanla. PITTSBURGH?Roaenbaum Co.; B. F. Whitehead, clothing; Collingwood. PHILADELPHIA?Kahn Waist Co.; S. Canter, waists; Gregorlan. PHILADELPHIA ? C. Shaw, women's wear: York. PHILADELPHIA?Wlener & Pollner; W. Wiener, mfrs. of rnen's and children's clothing; Grand. PHILADELPHIA?L. Benjamln, furnlsh Ing goods; Grand. PHILADELPHIA ? Samuel Gross. dry goods; Herald Square PHIi A i (ELPHIA?Dannenbaum Mllllnery Co.; Mrs. J. F. Ryan. mllllnery; Broateit PHILADELPHjIa?Sidney Neuman, fur nlture: Breslin. PHILADELPHIA?Ulman, Bros.; B. H. Ulman, woolen plece goods. 1270 Broad w a y PHILADELPHIA?Meyer Cravis & Sons; J. Cravls, cotton and woolen n>lece goods, siUs satina and veivets; 33 West Thirty-fourth street. PHILADELPHIA?Olmbel Bros.; V. Zaln er. general mdse.; I). S. Hcott. men's furnlshinga; Broadway and Thlrty PHILADBLPHIA? M. Frank ft Co.; ML I-rank. cotton and woolen plece go?d?; 11 '2 Broadway. PHILADELPHIA?BIauner*a; J. Hlrachl, girls' summer dresses; 116 Weat Thirty second Street; A. Fantl. PHILADELPHIA ? Lit Bros.; Miaa M Doyle, waists: 1261 Broadway. PHILADELPHIA?Olmbel Broa.; Miss Mc 'lague, upstalrs cotton summer dresses: Miss Loerner, basement cotton mld-sum mer dresses; Broadway and Thl<ty second Street. PORTLAND, Me ? Eastman Bros. & Bancroft; J. I. clark. china, houaefur nlshinga, toys, Miss A. C. Ballev, rlb? bons; Mrs Peregrlne. representing: VV B. Lowell, m-n's furnlshlngs. hoslerv Miss C E. Merrill, neckwear, toilet goods; 404 Fourth Avenue PROVIDENCB?Faln Co. : I. Faln. whole Bale dry gooda; Breslin. PKOV1DENCE?M Katz Co : M Katz mllllnery; Wallick. PROVIDBNCE?Metal Products Corp.- L F. Hosenberg. various; Breslin. QUINCY, 111. - - Halbach-Schroeder Co.; Miss F lluf, waists. petticoata. sweaters; j Miss F. Schaeffer, muslln wear. aprons H. Btranckmeyer, housefurnishings, tovs and economy (basement), R. W. Ha'l bach, ladies', misses'. children's ready to wear, cotton plece gooda, lnfants' wear. Pennsylvanla RBADING, Pa.?Dlvea, Pomaroy & Stew- ' art; R. J. Calrn. house, furnlshlngs. tovs notlons: 230 Flfth Avenue. R1CHMOND. Va?L. Hutzler. dry gooda and notlons: Elks' Club. RICHMOND, Va?lde Mllllnery Co.; M. i Shlpper. mllllnery; Cutnberland RICHMOND, Va.? Wllkinson. Willlamson & Reed, Inc; ,f H. Wilklnson, general merehandlBe; 25fi Church Street ROCHESTBR?Dufly-Powera; Mr' West ' heimer. hosiery. gloves, leather goods baaement jobs; 1180 Broadway; Bolo- . R( CHESTBR?Stbley, Llndaay * Curr \ ! L Shaw, fura; 132 Fourth Avenue ROCHESTBR?Sibley, Lladaay* Curr i F-ites. tape, notlons, stationerv 4 ; 2 rourl h Avenue. ROCHESTER?McAlpln-Bullook Co. ? T \y Bullock, general mdae.; Breslin ' Br"?nnTER~L A ?:s"n- r^ytowear; SACRAMENTO?Weinaock I.ubln Co ; Miaa B. S>we?tman, mualln, silk undarwear disin c "U*: A88,"'!iU*:-<" Merchan SAvVBiL?^f8?-?W. G. Webber ft Co.; J. M. Whlteman, mllllnery. toys <o* Foui lh Avenue. *"? ,v* S>;-N JB^;"CISCO--R?piutal, Weill * co.s c. A. Biddle, baaement shoes; Miaa Fer- i SCRANTON'?J Rub.. ^stein; J. Rubenateln. 1 lefui'' O'Don'nell, mllllnery; Im-\ Durable silk is selling silk Beaver Silk?the silk of the alluring loveliness that last*. Women love its beauty. They buy it for its durability and its chicness?a refinement that our vives changing fashions. When silken gowns bear it? well-known Rope-Wcave Se! vage and Beaver trade mark discriminating purchasers are satisfied. Offerings lo Buyers SILK TRICOT Jersey flesh an.l htgh colors. prompt and futuro deliveries. for pettl coats, pantaDttes. underwear. bloomers. chemtses. Becker. Spring 2240; Becker, Am sterdam. New York. IHVER WANTED BUYER WANTED FOR PR03PEROCS r-OTTON MILL. LAWYER. BOX 31?. RALE1CH. N C. SELMA. A!a.- Eltasberg Bros.; Mr. Ellas b?rg. ready to wear; 404 Fourth Avenue; Jay Compsny. 3IOUX CITY. Iowa?"Weinberr's; L. Weln berg, Miss Dlcklnson. ready to wear: ll?n Broadway room 602 SHAMOKIN, Pa -Burd <S- Rogers Co. De? partment Stnr?; W. S. liaupt. generat merchandise; Wallick. SPOKANE?Spokane Dry Goods Co ; S. J. Fengilly, furs; 40 1 Fourth Avenue. 8TAUNTON, Va.?Bryan's Dept. Stor?; J. II Bryan, general mdse.; R. S. Blakn inan representative: Breslln ST. JOSEPH. Mo.?Wheelcr Motter Mer contlle Co.; B Slade, general merchan? dise; Mr. Lindbeck. general merchan? dise; 72 Leonard Stre< t. ST. LOUIS- Marquette Cloalt & Suit Co Herbert Frank, fall clothing, plle fabrlc coats for ladies' and Juniors; 112 East Nlneteenth Street, room 703. S T. L O U I S?KUne's; Miss Robertson. dresses; 404 Fourth Avenue. ST. LOUIS?Famous & Barr; T. D. Page. Jobs silk dresses. spring suits; 37 West Twenty-sixth Street. ST. LOUIS? B. Nugent & Bro.: A. S. Mar ris. suits; Miss Sullivan. dresses; Mlas Storman, waists; 1110 Broadway. s Solomon. WASHINGTON?S. Kann Sons Co.; II. H. Miller. piece goods; 432 Fourth* Avenu* ; ST. LOUIS ? Stix, Baer & Fuller; B i Schneff. toilet goods. accessories: 116 "West Thlrty-second Street: A. Fantal ST. LOUlS?Ely & Walker Dry Goods Co. . J. Carpenter, remnants uni jobs. H. Kurtz. wash goods; E. P. Cave, domes? tlcs; B6 Worth Street. j ST. LOUIS?Rlce Stix Dry Goods Co.; H. Holler, wash gods; 377 Broadway. : ST. LOUIS?Scruggs. Vandervoort & Bur ney; G. E. Klagrs. books; Miss R W. | Lewis, notions. buttons, underwear; Miss G. M. Plckel, fancy goods. novelties. randy; R, M. rhamberlaln. men's, boys' clothing, boys' furnishlngs; 225 Fifth Avenw: Assoclated .Merchandlsing Cor? poration. ST. PAUL?Bannon Bros Co.; O. E. Sau ter, house furnishlngs, 105 Grand Street. i SYRACUSE?"W, i.osi;.an, woolen piece goods: w'a: ick SYRACUSE, N, Y.?Chapp?ll-Dyer Co.; Mr. <;reen, notions and general merchandise; 6 West Thlrty-second Street. i TOLEDO? La Hallo & Koch; W. F. Marlott. men's furnlshlngs; 22." Fifth .'.venue; Assoclated Merchandlsing I'orporatlon TOLEDO?Llon Dry Goods Co.: Miss Mill? er, rnilllnery; Miss G. S. Alder.-represen ling; Miss B. Murray, ready to wear. waists. sweaters, handkerchiefs, neck? wear; Miss Breese, F. W. Kolhman. G. B. Corry, representlng; O. E. Aubertln, rnen's. boys' clothing, men's furnishlngs, 23 East Twenty-sixth Street. UNIONTOWN, Pa.?Krieger's Underselllnr store; Joseph Aarons, women's children's ready to wear for bargain basement; 35 West Twenty-sixth Street. WASHINGTON- S. Kann Sons Co.; Miss A. Hagen, ladies' ready to wear; 431 Fourth Avenue WASHINGTON?Lansburgh & Bro ; G W. Trall. white. colored wash goods. dress llneiiH, flannels: Mrs. VIrglnia Edwards, art goods; 22" Fifth Avenue. room !90ti. WASHINOTON?LansbUrgh .* i'ro.; J. H. Michaelis, woolens; 220 Fifth Avenue. In Wednesday and Thursday WATBRTOWN N. Y ?A. Ei;ipaall 4 Co.; L. A. .lohnson. sllverware, Jewelry; A. R. Zlmmerman. china, glassware; 116 West Thlrty-second Street; A. Fantl. WATER BURY, Conn.?Scott's Cloak House; w. D Scott, coats and suits. corsets end brassleres: Grand. WATERBURY, Conn.?Slgal Bros.; C. Sigai, rnilllnery; Wallick. WASHINGTON?N. H. Berman, dresses. 3 West Tw nty-nlnth Rtreet WOONSOCKBT, R. 1.- Harrls-Mowry Co.; J. W. Chaput, kltchen furnlshlngs. chlna, cut glass, sllverware; 404 Fourth A venue. YORK. i'n. Max Williams, wholeoale no u._>;i-. hoslery and underwear; Grand. BUYERS COMTXG CHK'AGO?United Merchandise Corpora? tion: Charles D. Daum, dolls. Infants' llannelette bathrobes; kimonos, Ivory goods, brassleres. sweaters, silk under? wear, novelties of all klnds; Pennsyl? vania. Is expected from February 26 to March 3. Navy Orders From The Tribune's Wanhinpton Bureau WASHINGTON, Feb. 24.?Navy orders issued to-day follow: GaeUmi. Lt. A. L., to TJ. S. S. Albatross. Harris, Lt. (J. G.) O. E.. to U. S. S. Fulton Jukins, Lt. (J. G.l T. C, to U. S. & Whipple when commissioned. Kelley. Ens. J. N.. to U B. S. Rainbow. Sanner, Ens. G. B., to U S. S. Minnesots. Thyson, Lt. L. C, to navy yard, Norfolk. Twining, Lt. R. B.. to U. S. S. Twigga. Frost. Lt. 'J. G. ) L. G.. to U. S. Naval Forces, Eastern Mediterranesn. Herlihy, Lt. <J G.) J. E., to U. S. S. Scor pion. Higgins, Lt. Comdr. M. E., to O. S. S. Scor pion. Palmer. Lt. C. J., to Zrinvi Petereon. Lt. ij. G.) W. L., to U. S. S. Aroostook. Business Items Bids will be openea by the quartermas ter general of the army at 10 o'cloek. february 28, for 500 palrs of cordovsn puitees. Immediate delivery Ia required and tim? of delivery will be a determinlng factor in making awards. On th*. same day blds will bo opened for 600 palrs of cordoven dress shoes. On Kebruary 87 blds will be opened for 13* patrs of offi? cers' ruseet dress boots. Delivery of shoes and putteea may be made to any zons supply office .-elected by the contractor. The executive committee of the Tsnners' .. will hoid a general spring meetln* **' '?' ?" Hotel Traymore. Atlanttc Cltv on May f, and 7 The War Department nnnounrei i-hincM m dates of opening of Mds for sho-s to be supplied tho irmy. March 9 wm ?.* '?'.P*ntng -is-e ror 300.000 palrs aua February 26 I i (00,4)00 palrs Fhi Deccan Trading Company of Ror bay, inc. has received authorlzatloa from tarj ol state. Btats of N-w Toik to ? hange the corporate name of th* flrio lo the Deccan Trading Company. In ??' The head offl s ef the -ompany in" India has been transtemMl to Calcutta Off, c?s at Dharavl-Bombsy. Delhi, Cawnoors! UnueT' Karachl tt"d Amrltsar'wm T5^ Charles A. Anderson & Co., imr-ovteri. and exporterp of chemlcals, have S??V"