Newspaper Page Text
Lost and Found Rooms and Boarders Fumished Apartmenta tOST, FOUNP AND REWARDS AUTOMOBILE STOLEN Ford, 191!>, Sedan; motor. 2,938,433; ) black body with red strlpe. bumper, Mac Bcth lenses, tire rack rear, right door panet shows break repalred; using 1319 license, nutnber tinkiiown; stolen In Brook? lyn February 21st: llberal reward. Cotn munlcate with E. B. Hopwood, 65 John st., New York City. Telephone Beekmun 89S7. LOST.?Saturday, Feb. 21, In bus or between 10th and 11th sts. on Flfth ave.. black silk hamibag contalnlng money. gold watch, gold pencll, cards, Idontltlcatton papevs." "? value exeept to owner. Reward. No questlons asked. Return to the C.rosvenor. 37 Flfth ave. LOST.?A diamond bar pln. between East 69th st. and East 47th at? Avlgnon Rcs? taurant; reward. Return to Mrs. W. 11. Ytarnum. 133 Kast 69th st. LOST BANKBOOKS t.OST.?Bankbook No. 173.139 of the Union Dlme Savlngs Bank Is missing. Any person having a clalm tQ lt is hereby ? alled upon to present the'same withln ten days or submit to having said passbook eancelled and a new one Issued. LOST.?Bankbook No. 821,724 of the Union Dlme Savinga Bank is missing. Any person having a clalm to it Is hereby < alled upon to preseni the same withln ten days or submit to having said passbook canceled and a new one issued. LOST.?Bankbook No. 712.651 of the Union Dime Savlngs Bank is missing. Any , person having a clalm to It la hereby called upon to present the same withln*ten ; days or submit to having said passbook canceled and a new one issued. LOST -Bankbook No. 331,614 of the Frank? lin Saviugs Bank. Issued to Sarah Smith. Payment stopped. Please return to bank. 65S Elghth ave.. New York City. All persons are cantloned not to purchaae or negotiate same. LOST.?Bankbook No. 185,564. The Greenwlch ( Savlngs Bank. 246 & 24S Sixth ave, N. Y. , City. Paym< nt stopped. Please return to bank. LOST.- Bankbook No. 393.637, The Greenwlch i Savlngs Bank. 246 & 24S Sixth ave.. N. Y. j City. Paynv nt stopped. Please return to bank. I LOST.- -Bankbook No. 618,464, Tho Greenwit h : Savlngs Bank. 240 & 2IS Sixth ave.. N. Y. City. Payment stopped. Please return LOST.?Bankbook No. 132.932 of the Excel sior Savlngs Bank, 79 West 23d st. Pay? ment stopped. Please return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 63.362 of the U. S. Savlngs Bank of N. Y. Payment stopped. Please return l?.r?. to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. .r,5,363 of the U. S, Savlngs Bank of N. Y. Payment stopped. Please return book to bank. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET EXTRA LAROE. Ilght, comfortable fur nished ftont room, suitable for two gen tlemen; private house. Phone 6302 Melrose. C6 IRVINO PLACE. Charmlngly fumished rooms; superlur private house, roferences eesenl ial. FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED TV.'O BUSINESS MEN want modern room near subway, Manhattan or Brooklyn: private; state terms. Box 1703, Pator BOtl, N, J. BOARDERS WANTED 1 EAST 6DD ST.?Attractive single room; cxeeilcnt meals; references requtred. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET WBST END AVE, 925.?ElevCn rooms, 3 batha, handsomely furnlshed; six months or longer, or would sublet to purchaser of furnlshlngs. Apply Superlntendent, 12 to 2, or call 2325 Academy. WEST 72D ST.?Business otlleo to lcase. Dr. Brahdy, Lenox 4010. HELP WANTED MALE ANSTRl (TION AU fOMOBILE KNOWLEDGE ts s. valuablc asset *o Increase your earn? ings. Learn at New York's most complete achool. Mechanical course $66. with drlv lng too. Write for Catalog T or 'phone ? 270 Clrcle. BTEWART AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL 223 Wt?t 57th St.. at Broadway. Al'TO LNSTRUCTION WE TEACH REFAIRING AND DRIV INC LN SHORT TIME; LICENSE GUAR? ANTEED: LADIES' CLASSES. AMERI? CAN AL'TO SCHOOL, 726 Lexington ave. t5l'th). Plaza 4016. MEN.?Good pavlng proposltlon to operate moving picture machlne In theater; ex perience unn -cessary. Call day orf evening, American Theatre Building. entrance 644 Ith av. <43d st.). 'Phone Bryant 1619. LEARN OXYACETVLENE WELDINO. Great demand for trained men. Elght week"' couiae. Class now fortning, 23d Street Y. M. C. A., 215 West 23d st., N. Y. LEARN TO BE A CHAttr FEUR? Pleasant and profitable work . day and evening tlasees. Send for free booklet and vlsltor'a pars. West Blde Y. M. C. A., 306 West I elth st. SHALL 1 STAY? SHALL I GO? j Before maklng a change find out if you ! are on the right track. To know what your llfeuork should be Is a start ln the right dlrection Tho trained analj-t will know from a study ot your faeo the vocatlon for you. This study is based on known scientlflo laws. No psychologlcal lests; no trade teats. Ask us all about it. Booklet "I," on request. M?rton Institute, Inc, 96 Fifth ave. (at 15th st.i. New York. Telephone Chelaea 4064. HELP WANTED MALE BOYS.?Two V.rlght. clean eul boys who have had some experienco ln advertising depart? ment of newspaper or punlu-atlon ; excellent opportunity for advancement, startlng at $12 per week. Apply Mr. Saul Brown, Datly liarment News, 2SI Fifth ave. BOY, about 17 years of age. for office; steady position; good chance for advancement. Apply 9 a. m? Room 304, 17 West 42,1 st. OFFICE BOY.?Exceptlonally good opening with first clasa advertising companv for brtght boy willing to learn; excellent oppor? tunity for advancement ; llberal salary for right young man : unless you want a perma? nent place and aro willing to work falthfully do not apply. Call Room 1601, S W. 40th st. SALESMEN OF MIDDLE AGE 'an find the lnduccment of high i< niuneratlou with us and the eo-oper ;<>.ion that goes without bellef thar many o. Hg-eallbre salesman doesn'i begin to strike his strido until ho's in his fortics. flhow us character, good Intention. wiil ingness to work, and ooiifldence bred of, and well open to you the door to succeea, condlttoned only by your viin to succeed, and remun eratlon to a degreo that will ln short course mako you tliianclully lnde pendent. I CALL AFTER 10 A. M. SUITE 1002-116 NASSAU ST., OR PHONE BEEKMAN 7834 FOR APPOINTMENT. SPECIALTY SALESMAN M ho would like to locate In Now York City, or COLLEGE GKADCATE who can show record or succe?s la wanted to repreaent a large corporation ln negotiations of a difficult nuture. 1 oaltlon worth V-,000 to right man. fi..H-, Huutington. 105 West 40th at., bet. 9:80 and 1 o'clock. STENOGRAPHER '""*?? Tnls Is an epportunltv fw ?? J. Sresslve two-Asted man State ?.???(?!' ons and aa.ary by letter. J0h? Pou"hek Pagctty1'0" ??- wwagaa Stock Salesmen Wanted With or without clientele. Good commission paid. Live leatis fumished. Genera! Agencies Lmt'd, Room 17-19, 1966 B'way. t>TOCK SALESMEN who appreclate a ae curlty of high merlt to sell. Buyere of thfe etock ahouJd make large proflts, and aaleamen who aell It ehould bulld up a *armanant clientele. Large sales. llberal i rommiaaloa. Call Rooin htO. ?i Broad 3BC Wants HELP WANTED MALE SOI.'TII AMERICArr EMPLOYMENT.? Sltllled or technleul men. speaking Spnn itdi. cah reach employers ln. South nnd Cen? tral America, Porto Rlco, Cuba. Phlllpplnes and Spaln through "Want" cnluinns of 1N GENIERIA INTERNACIONAL; rate five cents a word, minimum charge $1.50; clrcu lallon 15,000. McGriiw-HIll Co., Inc. 476 Tenth eve., New York. WANTED.?Experlenced dle maker; *ono who, can make ready on flat bed and cyllnder cuttlng nnd crcaslng presses; give references, age, salury expected and state whether married or single; factory located In Baltimorc, Md. A., Box 823, Tribune Office. help Wanted female INSTRICTION The United States School SECRETARIES 642-644 Fifth Ave. (45th st.). The oldest and pro-cmlnently tho most suocessful. Prepares for and ohtains excellont posl tlons. Wrlte for Catalog A. Prof. Meagher, M. A.. Dlrector. HELP WANTED FEMALE A REAL OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN 17-25 years of age . AS LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE OPERATORS We offer all the advan tages you can think of and $15.00 PER WEEK to start, with more pay and good chances of ad vancement. Experience of any kind is not necessary. COME AND SEE US. ROOM 580, 24 LISPENARD ST., JUST BELOW CANAL. The American Telephone & Telegraph Company. GIRLS AS TYPISTS. Girls, age 17 and over, wanted as typists. Permanent posi tions. Large financial institu tion. Hours 9 to 4:30. Satur? day haif holiday. Luncheon served free. Opportunity to study stenography and opera? tion of dictaphone without ex pense. Salary $12. Call after 9 A. M., room 5030 Metropoli? tan Life Building, Fourth Ave? nue & 23rd Street, New York. GIRLS AS CLERKS. Girls, age 17 and over, wanted as clerks. Permanent positions. Large financial institution. Hours 9 to 4:30. Saturday haif holiday. Luncheon served free. Opportunity to study typewrit ing, stenography and dicta? phone without expense. Salary to start $12. Call after 9 A. M., room 5030 Metropolitan Life Building, 4th Avenue & 23rd Street, New York City. GIRLS, 16-17, learn ribbon blocking; light work. pleasant surrouudlngs, high pay. Groman &? Sons. 11 West unih st. STENOGRAPHER.- lllgh class automobile agency; siate experience and salary de sired. A . Box 830, Tribune Offlce. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A?-A..Chlld's nurse; young American Protestant; some uin training; $fiu-$o:.; child 3 to 5 years old. C, Miss Hofmayer's Agency, in East 43d st., 3d floor. Telephone S'.U7 Murray llill. CHAMBERMA1D-WAITRESS.?Young Irlsh girl; exeellent references; city apartment; S50-S55. R., Miss Hofmayer's Agency. 10 Last 4Hd si? 2d floor. Telephone 8947 Mur? ray llill. COOK-HOUSEWORK. ? Flnnlsh-Engllsh girl with child ii years old; city or coun? try; best references. Lehti's Agency, 77 E. 125th st. Hairlem 6615. COOK.?Young Irlsh girl; exeellent long ref crences; $70. T., Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 1<| Last 43d st., 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray llill. COOK and waltress and houso workers (Flnnish-English), girls; good references. Lehti's Agency, 77 E. I.ilh st. llarlem Hli. COUPLE (Flnnish-English). cook and chauffeur, cook and butler; references. Lehti's Agency, 77 East I25ti st. Ilarlcm 5616. GOVERNESS or companlon to woman; I wlsh to seeure inialilon for reflned, well educated elderly woman; is Chrlstian Sclent ist and a c'ellghtful personallty; does not speak any foreign languege. Address Dr. C. W. W., Box A. S32, Tribune Olllce. GOVERNESS.?Engiish; speak s French, Italian; wll! take two children; exeellent references; take charge motherless children; good housekeeper. Miss Fltzgrald's Burau, 300 Fifth ave LAUNDRESS wlshes work Thursday, Fri day. O'Neill, 348 W. 56th st.. care Mlnnock. NtlRSERY GOV ERNESS.?Young Engllsh wotnan; child over ilvo years o)d; good citl references. F.. Miss Hofmayer's Agency, iy East 43d st., 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hlll. | NURSE.?Scotch; two children; exceptlonal references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 360 j Fifth ave. NURSE.?Young; thoroughly capable; ex? eellent references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bu I reau, 306 Fifth ave. NURSE.?Hospltal trained; city or country. Miss Fitsgerald's Bureau, 806 Fifth ave. WAITRESS or parlormald. young American Protestant: hlghly recommended ; country preferred; $60-$li5. K., Miss Hofmaver's Agency. 10 East 43d st., 3d lloor. Telep'hono 8947 Murray Hlll. BUSINESS OPPORTIN1TIKS TREASCRER WANTED.?LARGE ENGI neerlng and constructlou firm estab llshed hlteen years. doing domestic and ; foreign business. requlres services of actlva treasuror, ramlltar with flnancing con tracts and haiidllng funds; man with ex perionce and some capital preferred- cor I respondence co?fide ntlal. A Box' s:i Tribune Otlice. ' FARTNER WANTED WITH CAPITAL TO join engineer ln American-Letvlan eng' neering and trades business; necessarv to tp?J?d tlm^ *' R1'a' L*<v"?. A , Box 717 Tribune Offlce. '?'? Help Wanted fJituations Wanted BwsineBS Opportunities HELP WANTED FEMALE POSITIONS FOR YOUNG WOMEN ARE OPEN IN SEVERAL OF OUR DEPARTMENTS. $15.00 A WEEK TO START, WITH REGU? LAR AND FREQUENT INCREASES THERE AFTER.PERMANENT WORK ? 48 HOURS OR LESS A WEEK. MANY OPPORTUNI? TIES FOR ADVANCE? MENT TO POSITIONS IN WHICH THE EARNINGS ARE $25.00 TO $30.00 A WEEK. PART TIME WORK A NUMBER OF POSI? TIONS ARE ALSO OPEN TO YOUNG WOMEN ? MARRIED OR SINGLE ? WHO FIND IT CONVEN IENTTO WORK ONLY 4 TO 6 HOURS DUR? ING THE DAY OR EVENING. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES: 1158 BROADWAY. MANHATTAN 8:00 A. M. TO S:00 P. M. 453 E. TREMONT AVE.. RRONX 9:00 A. M. TO S :00 P. M. SI WILLOUGHBY ST.. RROOICLYN 9:00 A M. TO 8:00 P. M. ABOVE OFFICES ALSO OPEN KATUR DAYS TO 4 P. M., SUNDAYS 1 P. M. TO 5 P. M. 44 PEARL STREET. MANHATTAN 11 :00 A. M. TO 2:00 P. M. 1336 BROADWAY, BROOKLYN 6S W HOUSTON ST.. MANHATTAN 9:0., A. M. TO 3:00 P. M. OR TELEPHONE VAD1SON SQUARE 12000 APPOINTMENT AT ANV HOUR. NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, auditor, cxecutive ability and extensive public necoiintlng practlce, desires permanent ongagement; prefers per sonai imerview. II., ilox 000. Tribune Otlice. CHAUFFEUR, 10 years' experience, private; excellent references. Williams, South and Bryan ave.. Hollis, 1.. I. FORMER wine merchant, (10 years old, in telligent, ? unquestionabla character, can give any securlty or bond, secks erriployment .suiiahle his age I;., Box .',93, Tribune Office. LOCKSMITH practical, expert; state salary and hours. John Gramm, 139 West 22d st. MAN, elde-ly, Christian, desires position as watehman or light porter work. doorman, anything; handy with tools. Schwartz, 1019 East 170th st. I'AINTEH, expert; room painted, $2; room papered, $2.30. Dlamond, 320 Henry st. SUPER I NTENDENT. Wanted, position as superintendent on farm or private estate; thorough knowledge and 13 years' experience in northern territory. Ad dress A. W. Brown, 110 South .Main st., Mansfleld, Mass. YOUNG MAN, 20, two years' newspaper advertising experience, deslrea position. ("all Williamsburg 617. YOUNG MAN. 1'.'. three years high school, desires position cvenlngs, 7 to 11 p, tn. Samuel Rebarber, 400 East 171st st.. Bronx. YOUNG MAN wishes position where there is a chance. William Litncr, 213 Throop ave., Brooklyn. BUSINESS CARDS Carpets and Kuffc I SLOANES, W1LTON, AXMlNSTEIt. . WH1TTALL CARPETS, ? $1.00 yard up, in gray, blue, green. brown : mlxed eolors, for all purposes. Rugs all i makes, all prices, all, $12.30 to $43 00 up. MAKING OVER, CLEAN1NG. LAY | ING, DYE1NG, reasonable. STILLINGS, ; IM'., C20-02S Madison Ave. tOOtlu. Plaza I SS33. ORIENTALRUGS a,"y ^f,,tlon' ? ^ slz.) or (juan tuy bought for cash; appraislng a ? pecialty; call or write. Basnajlan, 39 West 46ih at. 'J' 5101 Bryant. Dinmnnds DIAMONDS AND J EWELRY BOUGHT KOR CASH, estates appraised, pur? chased. BENNETT, 175 Broadway, upstairs. Furniture Wanted 1 HIGHEST I RICES paid for furniture, ?a tiques, planos, brlo<a-brac, books, art, I fttc. OABAf, ?8 University l'lace. 'Phon* 1 Ctuyvesant 2377. Men's Clothing COME UP! WHERE PRICES ARE DOWN Buy a SUch Suit or Overcoat direct from in&ktT to wenrer and save retatler'B profit. Wonderful values. $25 to $33.60. Stlch Co.. ! $21 Broadway, eighth floor. Ble;x;ker street cubway or "L" station. '^1 QTY1 F^ of I1 'kli grado men's and oiUL LJJl-/kj young men's clothing. LATEST STYLES FOR SPRING AT $12.50 ?. $37.50. Exceptlonal Values. SAVE TRY-ON TROUBLES. A. ft B. CLOTIIES SIR ?P, 52 W. 33d st., Opp. Hotel McAlpln. A?KOHAN KLOTHES SHOPPE?A Selling suits & overcoats for men & voung men at $ lS.50-$24.50; prices formerlv 1 $29.50-$40. Bargains. 141C Broadway, cor ' ner 39th. |Ono fllght up.) Patcnts PATENTS. Over 70 years' practlce; all communlca,. tlona etrlctly confldentlal; handbook on fatents free on request; special facillties for i office eonculiuilons. Munn & Co., patent at i torneyr,. 611 Woolworth Building, New York. Trunks ~ BIG BAROAIN ?New and used wardrobe trunlta. 606 Sixth ave., bet. 30th-31st sts. Typewritcrs \ TYPEWRlfiis RENTED 1 KT?yT$!\*\ 3 M?S" f5- "Sair????*-. 3 Moa.. $7.50 ivL ,'i Payment apprfes if purchased. AME??7,??N WR1T1NG MACH1NE CO, INC, ?a w? <8?*5.W*?' al Worlh St- ) Tel. 5408 ro h 2Sd SI , orp. Madison A*?. 1 Franklia TIIK TYI'EWfUTEIt EXCHANGB. 10 Barclay Bt Tel. 473S Barelay. SLRROGATES' NOTICES IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate I of tho Cqiinty of New York, notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims j against James McLean. late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the I name, with vnuchers Ihereof, to the suh' Bcrlbera. at their place of tranaactlng bual pess, .No. a9 John Street. Borough of Man. hattan, City of New York, on or before thn 23rd day of August next rua"ryt,?VoCW Jf0rk' UlC Uth day 0?Feb SARAH McLBAN, M. L1NN BRUCE, HE1.EN McLEAN RAVENSCROFT, M L1NV RPi-er ?.. Executors. Mcle-.r, a,, t l?7A"?rney for Sarah fii w imt 2h I'""1 Bru<:*' Executors. nitt? ciV, b'/v'.''' B???Sh of Man nattan. (. ity of New York iVelen'M T~ OT"KMAX. Attorney for Heien McLean Ravenscroft, Exeoutrlx. n rltt^'v*1' Borough of Manhat tan, city of New York. Shippin HIGH WATKR AM PM Sandy Hook. 11:34 . 12:01 Governor's lsland. 11:29 13 ?. 01 Ilell Oato. 1:11 1:38 ARRIVED YESTERDAY Vessel Port Departurs Dlcto.Cclto .Jan 28 Monterey.Vera Cruz.Feb 10 I Morro Castle.Havana .Eoh 20 I Poncc.San Juan.Fob 19 Munatrcs.Puerto Padre.Feb 20 I Santa Olivla.Charleston .Fob 21 S Osslneke.Fayal .lan 31 j l,ake Francis.Guantanamo .Feb 1 7 ! Tolilwa Maru.Matanzas .Feb 10 j War Soldier.Newport, Eng-Fob 24 Ranenfjord.Bergen .lan 24 | l.ysefjord".Curacao .Eob 12 Bata.Liverpool .Feb r> ! Nameckl.Rlueflolds .Feb 14 Mohnwk.Incksonvllle .Feb 21 City of Savannah. ..Savannah .Fob 21 Vlndal.Klngston .Feb 8 SolfukU Maru.Buenos Ayres.lan 29 \ Jamestown.Newport News. . .-? | West wego.A vonmoulh.-. K. Atlg. Viclorla. . .Liverpool .Fob 1 4 Bylayl.Rotterdam. ? Antonlo Lopoz.Havana. -j Arapahoe.laeksonvllle. ?i INCOMING HTEAMSHIPS Due To-day Antonlo Lopez. . . . Havana .Feb 18 Westpool.Dartmouth ..'an 16 Mlchlgan.London .Jan 27 New York City_Bristol .Feb 1 Netherpark.Glbraltar .Jan 30 i Imperoyal.Southampton ...Jan. 29 j Bayonne.Glbraltar .-.Feb 2 Bronte.Bahla .Jan SI Lake Agomac.< 'ienfuegas .Feb. 19 Comm. Rnlllns.Santlago .Feb. 1 9 Lake Duncan.Nuevltas .Feb 13 Manoa.Barbados .Feb 18 Londoadler. Antwerp .Feb 1 Soinerset.London .Feb 7 1 Roinaii Prlnce.Dartmouth .Feb 6 Mcdlna.Genoa .Feb 7 Montclalr.Cardlff .Feb 7; Brelfond.Amirterdam .Feb. 7l Lackawanna.Shlelds .Feb. 7 Moccasin.Rio Janelro.Feb. 5 Due To-morrow Pr do Satrustegul..Havana .Feb 20 Munamar.Antllla .Keb 20 Due Thursday Chicago.Bordeaux .Feb 1 Mesaba.London . .Feb 1 4 Tlvlves.Cristobal .Feb. 19 Due Friduy fedrlc.Liverpool.Feb 18 President Wilson. . . .Naples.-Feb 14 Due Saturday Imperator.Liverpool .Feb 21 Carmanla.Liverpool .Feb 18 Slephan.London .Feb 13 OCTOiOING STEAMSIHPS Sail To-day Mail Vessel closes salls Lapland, Antwerp _10:00 AM 2:00 PM Advance, Pt au Prince,12:00 M 4:00 PM Mormugao, Lisbon ... 8:00 AM 12:00 M San Giorgio, Genoa_ 9:00 AM 1:00PM Schoharle, Patras ....10:00 AM 2:00 PM Caracas, San .luan- 9:30AM 1:00 PM Ft. Hamlltorf, Bermuda 7:30 AM 11:00 AM Iroquols, San DomiiiBO 9:00 AM 1:00 PM, Rembrandt, Matu.-hes (e,- .-??- 1?:00 M i Mlchlgan, London.- 12:00 M Rimouski, Genoa.- 12:00 M Mar Tlrreno, Dunklrk.- 12:00 M Sylvla Viclorla, Val encia .- 12:00 M Storfjold, London.- 111:00 M Comeric, Yokohama....- 12:00 M Munwood, Matanzas...- 12:00 M Polycarp, Pernambuco.- 12:00 M. Cascado, Cristobal.?-? 3:00 I'M Patria, Marscllles.- 2:00 PM Orci. Valparaiso.- 1:00PM SUPREME COURT, NEW YORK COUNTY. ? L. cv E. FRENKEL. INC, Plaintiff, against G. VERZOCCHI, also known as nnd tradtng under tho name of Gluseppi Verzocchl and Giovanni Verzocchi, De fcndant. To G. VERZOCCHI, also knc n as and trading under the narne of Giuseppi Verzocchi and Giovanni Verzocchi:? The foregoing summons is served upon you by publlcation, pursuant to an order of Tion. Nathan Bijur, a Justice of the Suprcma Court, New i'ork County, dated, tho 20th day of February, 1920, and flled on that day, with a copy of complalnt, in the offlce of the Clork of tlie County of N.w York. at the County Court House. In tho Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, the original complalnt having been fil'-d In said offlce on tho 3rd day of Feb? ruary. I'.'UO. Dated New York, February 20th, injo. SLADE &- SLADE. Attowicys for Plaintiff, 200 Broadway, New York Cllv. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT Vi U' ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to an- ! swer the complalnt ln this action and tol serve a copy of your answer on the plain? tiff s attorncys within twenty days after: l ho service of this summons, exclusive of j the day of service, and iu case of vour ' failuic to appear, or answer, judgiiient will be taken against you bv r]efn!,lt for the relief demandod In the complalnt. Dated February 2nd, 1020. SLADE '& SLADE, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Offlce & P. o Address, 200 Broadway, Borough of ' Manhattan, City of New York. SURROGATES' NOTICES niK PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW lOHK. by the grace of God, free and In dependent. To William II. F. Sutcllffe, Henry H nds, James Hlnds, John Illnds, Edward I Hlnds. Robert Hlnds, Walter Harwood, Will- ! lam Harwood, Frank Harwood, Ernest llar- | wood. Walter Patterson, William Patterson, the heirs and next of kln of Fanny C. Sut- ' Cllffe, deceased, Bend greetlng: YVhereaK. Emma R. Illnds and William H. I- . Sutcllffe. who resides at 9I>:, Woody crest Avenue, Borough of (he Bronx, the City of New York, has lately applied to tho Sur- ! rogates Court of our County of New York to have a certain Insiriiment ln writlng, re lallng to both real and persontil propertv , duly proved as the last will and testament of l-anny c. Sutcllffe, w ho was at the time or I her death a residenl of the County of New York, deceased. Therefore, you and each of you are cited lo show cause before tho Surrogates' Court : of our County of New York, at tho Hall of Records, ln tho County of New York, on the 29th day of March, ono thousand nine hun dred and twenty. at haif past ten o'cloek in the torenoon of that day, why ihe said will ; and testament should not be admitted to pro bate as a will of real and personal propertv I ln Testlmony Whereof, we have caused tlie seal of the Surrogates' Court of the Bald County of New York to he hereunto afflxed Wltness. Ilnnnrahle JOHN P [L. S ] COHALAN, a Surrogate of our said ' County of New York, at said Coun- I ty, tho 16th day of February, in tho year of i our Lord ouc thousand nine hundred and ' twenty. DANIEL J DOWDNEY, Clerk of ihe Surrogates' Court. IN PURSl'ANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of ihe County of New York, NOTICE is hereby given to all persons having claims i against Wilson G. II. ltandolph. late (,t ! the County of Now York, deceased t? I present the same with vouchers thereof ' to the subscriber, at place of transactlng ', No. 191 Montague .St., Brooklyn, New York, on ur before the' ISth day of August next. Dated. New York, the 10th day ot Feb? ruary, in20. HAMILTON TRUST CO.. Executor. EDWARD J. CONNOLLY. Attorney for Executor, 189 Montague St., Brook LEMUEL E. QUIGG.?IN FURSUANCH of an order of Honorable John P Co? halan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, NOTICE Is hereby given to all ter sons having claims against LEMFEL E WL 1GG, lato of tho County of New York' deceased, to present tho same -nlth vouch? ers thereof to Ihe subscrlber, at his place of transactlng business; No. 135 Broadway Borough of Manhattan. m the City of N'ew York, on or heforo tho 10th day of Feb ruary, 1920 Dated, New York. the 29th day of July l91'-> MURRAY T. QUIGG, Admlnistrator with iho will annexed. 13a Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, ' Nc-w York City. IN' PURSUANCE OF AN ORDKR OF i Hon. John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York. notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims against Walter Glyn. also known as Eleazer Bar- j nett, late ot the County of New York. de? ceased, to present the same, with vouchers thereof, to the subscrlber, at her place of transactlng business, at the ofttee of Rounds, Hatch, Dillingham & Debcvotse, | No. 82 Cedar Street, Borough of Manhat? tan. in the City of New York, on or be? fore the bth day of May next. Lated. New York, November 4, 1919. JESSIE BRCSH. Bxecutril. ROUNDS, HATCH, DILLINGHAM A DEBEVOISE. Attorneys for Executrl*. , IN PURSUANCH) C* AN CRDBR OF j Honsrab'e John P. Cohalan, a Surrogats i ? f tha County of New York. NOT1CH la ' hereby given to all persons having claims ! sgalnst Clara J. Gordon. late of ths ' County of New York. deceased, to pressnt ths same, with vouchers thereof to ths ?ubscriber, at place of transactlng business, care of Taylor. Jackson. Bropny * Nash, Ne. 30 Plne Street. In ths City of New Tsrk. on or before tbe 22nd day of Ne vember next. . Pt"*3' New Tork. the 31st day of Ma* Ti?HQUITABI.B TRTJBT CO. OF NBW IroRK. Executtr. ig News ?-??-? Mllllnocket, Fajardo... ???? XtOO PM Buffalo Brldge, Llabon.- 8:00 PM Zarembo, Trlesto.?- 1:00 PM Sall To-morrow Lafavotte. Havre. 8:30AM 13:00M Antlila, Bllbao . 8:00 AM 12:00 M Ancon. Crlstobal.12:00 M 4:00 PM Korona, St. Thomaa.. .12:00 M 3:30 PM Rotnan Prince, Havre..- 12:00 M Frankdale, Newcastle. - 12:00 M Annctta, Klngston.- 12:00 M Sall Frlday Klboney, Conatanza .. 8:30 AM 12:00 M Rrltannla. Llsbon -10:30.AM 3:00 PM Morro Caatle, llavana. 8:30 AM 12:00 M Alllanca, Crlstobal ...12:00 M 4:00 PM Vlndellla, Olasgow ...- 12:00 M Lexington, Newcastle . '- 12:00 M Lake Aurlce, Man zanlllo .- 12:00M Snil Suturdiiy St Psul, Southampton. 8:00 AM 12:00 M Mongolla, llamburg... 9:00 AM 2:00 I'M La Savoie, Havre. 8:30 AM 12:00 M Reglnn rriliilla, Naples 9:00 AM 2:00 PM Fort Victoria, Bormuda fi:30 AM 10:00 AM Princoss May, Klngston 7:00 AM 11:00 AM Munamar. Banes. 8:30 AM 12:00 M Uberaba, Hantos. 8:30 AM 12:00 M General W tl Gorgas, Crlstobal .12:00M 4:00 PM Calamares, Crlstobal.. 8:30 AM 12:00 M East Indian, London.. - 12:00 M Nantaskot. London.... - 12:00 M Chinese PrlncC, Capo Town .- 12:00 M Lebanon, Rotterdam...- 12:00 M Slberian Prince, Havre- 12:00 M West Eldara, Shanghal- 12:00 M Korowlee, Hamburg...- 12:00 M Hambleton Range, Newcastle .- 12:00 M Pennsylvanla, Buenos Ayrea .- 12:00 M AMERICAN PORTS BOSTON, Feb. 24.?Salled: Stra Gull foril, Norfolk; North Wlnd; Norfolk; .1 H Devereux, Norfolk; Sunahlne, Philadel? phia; Currlor, Port. Arthur. CHARLESTON, Eeb. 24.? Arrived: Str Mohawk, Jacksonville (and salled New York); Lake Ellenorah, Jacksonville; Lake Stlrling, New York; Lake Yelverton, Savannah. orf the bars: Str Santa f'lara, Chlll. Sailcd: Stra Calispell (from Cuba), New York; Sag Harbor, Cuba; Lake Mon roe, Cuba; Lako Elsmere, Jacksonville. GALVESTON, Tex, Eeb. 21.?Arrived: Strs El Capltan, New York; John M Con nelly, New York; Mount Evans, Liverpool; Toplla, Tamplco. Sailcd: Strs Lako Strabo, Boaton; Holden Evans, Tamplco; Weatern Ocean, Mancheatcr vla Norfolk; El Mundo, New York. JACKSONVILLE, Eeb. 24.?Salled: Strs Junlata, Baltimore vla Savannah; O T Warlng, Baton Rouge. MOBILE, Ala.. Feb. 24?Salled: James P Whitney, Cuba; schs E. A. Sabine. Cuba; W. D. flassock, Cuba. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 24?Cleared: Strs Abangarez, Crlstobal, vla Port Llmon, Coperaa; Sagua La Grando, Cuba; Hoven, Tamplco; Infanta Isabel (Span), Barce lona and Cadlz, vla Havana; Norma, San tiago; Cuba, Surlname, Port Barrios vla Bellze. Sch Altair (Port), Oporto, Portu gal. NEWPORT NEWS. Feb. 24?Arrived: Strs George E. Patteraon, Provldence; Eretza Mendl (Span). Iqulque; Mahana (Br), Wellington: Alector, Norfolk; Ozan kee, New York; Bushrod, New Yorkft Var dulia (Br), New York: Willlcasno (Br), Cardlff; Runa (Nor), New York; Sydney Maru (Jap), Rotterdam; Utoka, Balti? more; sch Yukon, Porto Colombia; Unida (Nor), Wilmlngton; Borwlndale (Br), Ha? vana; Luxpalilc, New York. Salled: Strs Tela (Nor), Leghorn; Lebanon, Rotter? dam; ii. ][. itopers, Tuxpam; Vardullla <Br), Danzlg; Runa (Nor), Santlago; Utoka, Havana; schs Yukon. New York; Madloen (Dutch), Sabang, Batavia; De ranof, Norfolk. ?? NORFOLK, Feb 24?Arrived Strs ('one peak, New York; Lake Flgart, Baltimore; Sahale, New York. Rimouskl (Br), New York; Bournemouth (Br), Newport News; East Scout, Baltimore; Cowell, Wilming | tdn, N C; Brlghton (Nor), New York; I Tocantins (Braz), New York; Vlctorloua, I New York; Pioneer (Beig), Rotterdam; j Cruso, Valencia; Frances I. Sklnner, Bre men; .lonancy, New York; Kevive (Br), New York: Oranje Nassau (Dutch), New York; schr Mt Ralnler, Charleston. Salled: | Strs West Galec, Boston; Sahale, Everett; Lake Flgart, Kingston; tug Bathalum, i Providence. I PHILADELPHIA, Feb 24?Arrived: Strs Doonholin (Br). Brlstol; Verona (Nor). Port Antonlo; Choctaw, Macoris; Glyndon, ICaibarien; Schroon, Rotterdam; I". J. j Luckenbach, New York; schoolship Ann apolis, San Francisco, via Guautanamo. DELAWARE BREAKWATER, Del, Feb 24 Arrived: Str Coldwater, Philadelphia for Baltimore. Passed up t'or Philadelphia: Strs Santa Rlta, Tamplco: Derwent River , (Br). London; .lala Mendi (Span), Agua Amarga, Passed out from Philadelphia: Strs Wm A MCKenney, Ponta Delgarda; Sunbeam, Port Arthur: Verbania (Br), Liverpool; Yadkin. llavana; Ramon Mari mon (Cuban). llavana; Lajte Pcwaukee, Arroyo; W M Irish. Tamplco; Vestalla (Br). Brlstol; Manham, Crlstobal. Salled: Schr Avlator (Br). Philadelphia, Glouces ter. Mass. REEDY ISLAND. Del, Feb 24?Passed down from Philadelphia: Str Herbert L Pratt, Tampico. PORT EADS, Feb 24?Arrived: Strs Adriatico (Ital), Norfolk: Belvernon (Nor). Progreso; llarald (Nor). Cuban ports; Harald Walker, Tamplco; Ilonduras (Nor). Port Barrios; Iroquola (Br), United King dom; Lako Elmhurst, Cabanas Bay; Mount Vernon (Nor). Progreso; Santa Allcia (Br), Tamplco: War Gaekwar (Br). Plymouth; schr ltarteny W (Br), Algiers. Africa. Salled: Strs Historian (Br), Uverpool; Lake Fisher, llavana: Momua, New York: Santa Leonora (U S transport), Coion; Standard. New York; W C Teagle. Balti? more; Welllsley, Manzanillo; nchra Outlz (Port). Oporto; Portunenese (Port), Odoi-Io. PORTLAND, Me. Feb 24?Arrived: Str Lake Oaspar. Norfolk. Salled: Str Cralg rownle, Norfolk. P()RT TAMPA, Feb 24?Sailcd: Str Mas COttev llavana via Rev West. SAVANNAH, Feb 24 -Arrived: Str Craster Hall. Mejlllones. Salled; Str Cltv of St l.ouis. New York; bark Lveglirat (Dan), Korsoer. TAMPA. Feb 24?Arrived: Strs Poeldljk (Dut), Baltimore; Panoil, New Orleans. Salled: Schr Leonle O l.ouis,- (Br), Car denns: Abble c St ubbs. Clenfuegos. KEY WEST. Fla., I'eb. 24?Arrived Str Lake Elon, Baltimore. Sailcd: Strs Flor? ida, Port Arthur; sch E. L, Coineau (Br), Savanna li. PORT ARTHUR. Texas, Feb. 24?Ar? rived; Strs Oulfoil, NeW York; Bayonne (Ital), Venlce; Keechie (towlng barge), Tampico. Sniled: Strs Roanoke, Bayonne; Splendor (Ital), Malla; tug Gertrude (tow? lng barge Providence), Galveston; tug Senator Bailey (lowiug barge), Tampico. SAN KEY. Fla., Feb. 24?Passed west: 23d, Gulf Coast; Nortonlan (Br); 24th, El Rlo, Standard Oil Company and barge, San Rleardo (Br), Saccarappa, George lt. Jones, Erwan (Belg), Indian (Br), Will? iam ('.. Warden. Lake Freeborn. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 24?Arrived: Str Manoa, Ilonolulu. TW;shrdlu cmfwyp etaoln shrdlu etas cni FOREIGN PORTS Depiirtures for New York Alglers S. S. Allaguash. i lenoa S. S. ('ornucopia. Llsbon - S. S. Ablanset, Havre- S. S. Royal Ocorge. Gibraltar S. s. Eastern Star. Liverpool S. S. Orca. Ilong Kong?S. s. Suverlc. Barbados?S. S. Sommelsdijk. Azores- S. S. Englewood. Fayal -S. S. Aledo, North Bend. Shields?S. S. Rock Island. Hull?S. S. Gallleo. Amsterdam?S. S. Sylfld. London -S S Mesaba. Callao?S S Bbro. Arrlvals From New York C.othenberg.S. P. Stoekholm. Port Said?S. S. Garoet. Perlm?S. S. Kandahar. Bremen?-S. S. Zaea. Antwerp?S. S. Quimba. La. Palllce?S. S. West Zeda. Piracus?S. S. Assiout. Bordeaux?S. S. N'iagara. Liverpool?S. S. Anglo Egyptlau. Lyttleton?S. S. Llberty. Perlm?S. S. City of Corlnth Kobe?S. S. Orterlo. Delagou Ttay?S. S. Karroo. Buenos Ayrea?S. S. Hlckman Gibraltar?S. S. cian Macglllrav Para?S. S. Manco. Bahla -S. S. Portfleld. Plymouth?S S Garlbaldl, Manchurla. Reykjavlk?S. S. Lllleborg. Itobe?S S Miincastor Castle. Dakar?S S New Brlunswlck. Bombay?S S Seekonk. Callao?S S Otterstad. Antofagasta?ri S lnca. Brlstoi?S S Chicago City. TRANSPAC'IFIC MAILS Th* connecting malls close at the Gen? eral Poslofflce. and City Hall Postoffice blatton. New Y'ork, at 6 p. ni.. as follows Japan. Corea, Chlna, Slam, Slberti Cochin Chlna. Netherlands East Indies and Philipplne Islands, vla Vancouver and Vic? toria, B. C, steamship Empress of Japan February 25. Hawall, vla San Francisco, steamshlD Manoa. February 26. I llawall, Japan. Corea. Chlna, Slam siberla, Cochin China. Netherlands East Indies and Phillppine Islands, vla Seattle steamship Manlla Maru. February 29. Hawali, Guam, Siberia and Philipplne Islands, vla San Francisco. United States army transport Sherman, February 29. Japan. Corea, china, Slam, Slberia Cochin China, Netherlands East Indies and Philipplne Islands via San Francisco steamship colombia, March 1. Hawaii Samoau Islands, Australia and New Zealand, via San Francisco, steam? ship bonoma, March 11 House on Lower Eaet Side Sold t B-F- ?nowiea Company haa aold 2'tt Lewis Street, a two-atory dwelline, on lot 19x100, fofl. the Lynch estate. FOREIGN RESORTS HOTEL LOTTI PARIS IF you have once stayed there you will go back. If you haven't, and want to see what expert hotel training, rcfined feeling and a kindly spirit can make of an hotel, book your rooms at 7-9 Rue Castiglione "Under the Arcades." CLARIDGE'S flAmnV Lurope's Most Mori i-ill I II I ern Hotel: 300 Rooms [\\f | fili and 300 Bathrooms; GrillandTea Rooms; ?<k s nvn Spacious Restaurant. \* A lt I \ Large Swimming I ril\l|J Pool and Turkish Baths. " I. ALETTI, Managing Dir. Avenue des Champs-Elysees KESORTS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. y//s"""*//t OU THC BEACH w ATLAI1TIC CITY % i liADDOfl HALL J iemfomt? OCEAN fRONT fIRtPROOf Unusually attractive durinfr Winter nnd Early Spring Seasons. Luxurious lobbies and rest'ul sun parlors. Charminir after? noon musiraioe with complimontary tea service, and evening concerts. A palatial residence for those seeking rest and recre ation. Sea water in all baths. AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PLANS ATLANTIC CITY,N.O. , AivAnxericaa Piaaiiotel ? of Di5imdioi\^Real<^iivioi-t I riRBPHCOl' OABAjOR. 5 THE LEADING RBSOftl' HOUSE ?FTHE WORLD ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. UTHE b'ATlQN'S HZALTH SHW HEALTH I* EFFIOICNCY A Germlclse Climiie and Clesn St.'eets Ho Bust. Ko Birt. Innaraertble Outdesc Recrectians and Inaoor BnteruinroienJs Ownership Manigcment Jsriah White & Sooafife, THE" HOTEL."" FREDONIA " Tenncssee Ave., just off Boardwalk European Plan, in an advertisenient. Our hook let will convince you. 2Sth Season. Ambassador llotels ln Atlantlo City, IVew York, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles. ? NEW YORK STATE QedmyFarm Hotel WHITE PLAINS. N. Y. Edward H. Crandall Open All Year , Private Motor Bus Service Without Chargs PORTO RK'O Condudo-Vanderbiil Molel SAN .11 AN, PORTO RICO Newly completed and open for tho f,r>--t time thir? season. Dlrect steamer service from New York ayory Saturday. FLOHIDA A DELIGHTFl'L WINTER? FI.ORIDA 1VEST COAST. NOKTII < VROI.INA ? TT1E MANOK- Aslieville. X. C In America an Knglish inn. DANCING INSTRUCTION '637 MADISONAVS. 'lCon.59*St, "P/fnts' 4816P/m\ CLASS LB8 fcONS wirh i ""l?In-.! i? ?trurtion for 10c. | 9 LESSONS, $5 | PRIVATE LESSONS, 10 A. M ts 11 i f il.. without appolntmsnt. *?- in,.., INSTRUCTION PIFRCF school * * ^ ^ ^ E* 656 W. 181st St. SHORTHAND ?BUSINESS?SECRETARIAL GRADUATES PLACED in GOOD POSITIONS PRATT OCHOOL. 12 Wtst 49tn StTMt Hsuratarial traiuLu; tndlildual is ?truction. Dn: sraoloa, DALTON 'W1MMINO SCHOOL 808 West ."Sflfh ^;r - -j Weul 44th Street CITATJONS THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW York, By tho Grace of God, Vrer- and Independent.?-To Douglas VValter Camp hrll, Marcel Mallet, lan Douglas Camp t bell, th>' helrs nnd next of kin of Aimee Marie Suzane Thereso Josephlne LaFarge Lawrence Campbell, deceased, Send Greet ing: WHBREAS, Frderlck S. Whitwell. who t restdea nt HJ6 Marlborough Street, the City of Boston. Mass., has latoly applied to the Surrogates' Court of our County of New York to have a certain Instrument in writlng, relating to hoth real and per sonal property, duly proved as the last will and testament of Aimee Marie Suzano Thereso Josephino LaFarge Lawrence Campbell, who was at the time of her death a resldent of the County of New York, deceased; THEREFORE, Tou and each of you are eited to show cause before the Surroga"*' Court of our County of New York, at the Hall of Records, in the County of New York, on the 19th day of March, one thou? sand nine hundred and twenty at half past ten o'clcck in the rorenoon of that day why tho said will and testament should not be admitted to probato a< -. will of real personal property IN TESTIMONY WHEREOP wo have caused the seal of the Surrogates' Court of tho said County of New York to be hereunto aflixed. WTtness, Honorable John P. Cohalan rr e -i ? Surrogate of our said County of 1 ^Z }?r\ S1, 8ald County. the 13th day of February. ln the vear and0?went0y ?n? thousand ?>'?? "undred _ JDAN1EL J. DOWDNBT. Cierk of ths Surrogates* Court. TEAVEL Uncle Sam'a faacinating Weat Jndia island ia plan ning a g?yand brilliant aorial season. ThenewCon dado Vanderbilt Hotel, opened in Oetober, offera all aporta and diveisiona in an unuaual troptcal aetting. THE 16-DAY ALL EXPENSE CRUISE $150 UP takes you to and around thie laland of Enchantmenl in Urge cornfortsble veteels cslling at principal ports and returniti* U> New York usinx ?he ?tramer a? your hotel for the entire trip. Il'riir (or sailings, illustrated booklet PORTO RICO LINE 11 Broadway At"" ruacuici ??o l-rngm bervica*. N. A. Victoria.New Yorkto Plymouth, Cherbourg and Liverpool. M, * Carmania .New York " Plymouth, Cherbourg and Liverpool_. JU, j imprrator .New York " Cherbourg and Southampton..Mar" Vasan .New York " Liveit>ool . ?? ' Rova! George .New York Columbia.N1 York York York Mauretania .New York Saxonta .,.New Yoik pannonia .Nv-w York K. A. Victoria.New gYork Carmania .New York Roval George.New York Mauretania .New York Caronia .NVw York Columbia .New Yoik Imprrator. New York M.r. , tverpool .ik , Plymouth. Havre und Southampton.|^, ' jj Londonderry and Giasgow.Mar" li Oierboutg and Southampton.Mar'M Plymouth, Havre and London.Mar'li Patras. Dubrovt:|k and Tricste.Mar'11 !'!VPrP??J ..'.'.'.Apr] 3 LiverpW. .*I^ j Plymouth. Havre and Southampton.An li Cherbourg and Southampton.Aor'17 Plymouth, Cherbourg and London.Aor '?' Londonderry and Giasgow.?.Aar 1) Cherbourg and Southampton.. ...Mit I For Uter mjIIriti apply to 21-24 STATb blREE'I. NEW YORK. ] SWITZERLAND i f/(c J 'aradisi < ' (01 ? >-.; 0/ (><< fl ?ai)>( " itri < 1 is, it'/n re f he most sequestered vlllage has so e fascinating charm of its own. While in Europe don't fail to become acquainted with the manifold attractions of the little Alpine Republic. Write for packet No. 100 rontatn tng (amous Hotel Guttie, maps, etc, cnclosing 10 cents for postagc. Official a^ency of the SWISS FEDERAL RAILROADS 241 Fifth Avenue. - New York FLORIDA ZI-?ZZT?Z FLORIDA TRAVEL BUREAU bermudJ ideal Resorl VII < vpense lou BERMUDA TRAVEL BUREAU "AsU MIL BELI. all ul.out BERMUDA" tickets hm rfseitons everywme^f i j C0MPA5f?ie GEXFRALE TRAK5ATLflHUQU? m Sxpresa Po?taS Service * " NEYV rORK?HAVRE I.MWIITI FEB. :*;, APR. 10, M\Y IV SAYOIE . .KKB, '.'?. \S VR. 27, 1U\ L.V lOI IIA1.VE.MAH. 6, APR. 24, .11 NE ROCHAMBEAl .MAR. 16, Al'K. " M VY Ilt.VM K .MAR. IS. APR. 14, MAY L.V LORRAINK .APR. ::, MAY 1, MVV NEW YORIv?BORULAUX CHICAGO (From Pier 84, X 1: . V| \ij NIAO \|{ \ (From Pler M, N. R , M \ [{' COMPANY'S OFFICE. 1D STATE ST N* SCANDINAYIAN - k l"or Pa-.scnKcr RatCl N0RWAY, SWEDEN DENMARK, P0LAND Continentai Lurope Frederdi VUI.Mar. 11 Oscar 1!.April 8 Frcderik ViH.Mav 6 Frcderik VIII. May 13 etc., I B'wv, N. Y. Swedish American Line DISPL. ? 22.070 Tt?'S S. S. STOGKHOLM MARCH 16, MAY I, NEW YORK DIRECT TO UOTHENBURG, SWEDEN. Short route to S< AMMN.VVI V. Daily eonneetions to ti?-nuuiiy uud ull uari? of Conl iiicnt. PASSENGER OFFICE. 24 Stat* St.. N. T. Trayei Service COYERS THE WORLD THOS. COOK & SON US, BVVAY 58l nvTH AV^ -mi PrilUC BE PLEAREIV BOSTON ?xs??4.40 PROVIDENCE ???, S2.97 ALL OlTslDE STATEROOMS $1.08 to *J.li4 .... . Both Prices Includt War Tax. at ? P. M. 'Phon? Sarlng 9411. ODTSIDE STATEROOMS, SI.08 & $r? 1B i Laiiv. Includlng Sunday, 0:00 1 \*> I Tkktu at l>iw er Conaolldatad T'cket un ,. | FALL RIVER LINE To BOSTON From Pter 14. M. R.t Fulton St., 8 00 P at -__. Orehwtra on Each Bo?i * I-M'M'Lines AMERICAN LINE Yant Wall =-?->njert NE'* YORK-r-LVMOUTH CHERBOURG? SOLTHAMPTON St. Paul 12 Noon Feb.28Mar.27Apr.H Philadelphia 12 Noon Mar. 6 Apr. 3 May 1 New York. Mar. 20 Apr. 17 M?y 15 NEW YORK?HAMBUKG Mongolia . r p. m. Fes. 28 Apr. U Manchuria .Mar. 27 May 8 PH1LADELPHIA-L1VERPO0L Haverford .Apr. 5 Miyll RED STAR LINE NEW 'i ORK?SOUTHAMPTON CHERBOURG-AMUERP Laplanc".2 P. M.. Feb.8 N. Y.?SOUTHAMP'I ON- ANTWERP Kroonland .. Mar. 11 Apr. 24 May 29 July 3 Finiand ... .Mar. 24 May 1 June 5JnlylC Lapland ....Apr. il May 8 June 12 July 17 Zeeland .June 19 July 24 WHITE STAR LINE N Y.?CHERBOURG?SOUTHAMPT0N tLapiand... ir.K. Feb. 25 -1 Adriatic .. . Mar. 20 Aor.24 May 29 Jclv 3 tTo Snnthnmpton, Cherbonrit, Antwerp NEW YORK?LIVERPOOL Cedric.;2 noon Mar. 6'Apr,l(! Balric. 12 m Mar. 13 Apr. 17 May22Juae26 Oriana .end Apr. Celiic .. 3 p. M. Mav 15 June 19Jh1t24 NEW YORK.-AZORES-GiBRAi.iAR NAPLES-GENOA Canopic.3 p. m. Mar. Ifi May 1! Oetic.i r. y.. Ma/. 3! May 26 International Mercantils Marine Coatpwy 9 Broadway New York PACIFIC COAST Ar-d the West Now i ?-. i he besl tlra to arrange row | plans for n st Su Hotel and Pulln i . ? ? ations ran b* si ured lo bettei | ?? ,:... Moro careful ati ctvcn by submitting ?. iur ; - ? FRANK TOURIST CO. 1K!> | II 1 || ^\ | N, , v, ,,, t, of!K Phone , 10 '? ai RED "D" LINE *? iLX^ FOR roRTO RICO. CCRACAO a:. 1 VtAKZ'ELA c.aracas.!-'? h. 25 Zulia.Mar. ' Philadelphia..Mar 10 Maracaibo ..Mar. 11 BLISS, DAL.LKTT & CO. Gen'l llgra, Phone 10072 Hanover. S2 Wall S CENTRAL HUDSON LINE Service discontlnued for the s?ason. CANADIAN rACIFIC RAII.WAT Hotels?Trans-Contlnental All-Year K?'J<? F. R. PERRY. <;. A Va.-Mi.Dept.. 133" B'tfW. >? ?_ HUDSON KIVER DAT I INK Dsyllcht service up the Hudson dicoi 'invied for inn season. 75: oadway rsroaaway, m tne B-irough oi ajsnnsv?" ln the city of .New York. State of >?* York. on or before the 11th day of J"3e' 1920. Dated. Xew York. the 8th day of D* cember, 1919. GUARANTY- TRUST COMPANY Of NEW YORK. Temporary Admini?;r?tnT DAVIE.S. AUBRBACH * CORNEtU Attornevs for T-mporary Ad: iinistr? tor, Offlce & P. O. Address, M Na*J?' Street. Borough of .Manhattan. "? York City IN PURSUANCE OP AN OBDeS ?' Honorable JOHN P. COHALAN a Sur? rogate of ths County of New York, a*** October 16. 1919, NOTICE i? hereby Ii"" o all persons having claims ?fa"r 1ENKY C. LAWRENCE. late of "' County of Now York, deceased, to fT*".L the same with vouchers thersof M ?'., aubscrlbers. at their place of tran??=!;" bnslnecs, at the offlce ot WALTON. o*-' NISTER & HUBBARD, their ??:?/n';J No. 20 Nassau Street, m tr.e City o. ?>' York, on or before the 30th <!ay- ol A?*" next. Dated. New York, the 30th d?y of oclr ber, 1919. LUCY L. HCTCHINSON. GLADYS L. Hi:BBARO. Execuirlc'S WALTON, aANNISTBR & ?l'ISSA5S Attorneys for Kxerutrtces, 20 ^?"M Btreet. New York City. ---#--* BOMMBRFELX>. AUGUSTA II-IN ^% suance <.f an order of Huiiorabie ??%?[ Cohalan, a Surrogate ot the County p ' .. York, NOTK B i- hi reby given to ?ll V sons having clain s against Au8u,;\-,? Soi ? . rfeld, late i t! - mnty o> j*^ York, deceased, i ?> present the sani* ??', ? i hers thereof lo the subscrlber* _ tli>*ir place of transacting business. st. ofll.e of their attorneys. CravatJl * ?? derson, at No 52 UiLmra Street, <3 ^ CitjKof N'ew York. on or before tae " day of July next . . gm Dated, New York. tho thirty-nrfi " of December, 1919. AI-HERT STRAL'SS. FREDERICK STBAlM CRAVATH & HENDERSON. ^"^S for Eiecutors, 62 WUUam Street. *? Tork Cl?r,