Newspaper Page Text
MACKAY & CO, BANKERS Members of ?V?? York Stock Exchcmt? Are your investments selected to meet your personal needs and adjusted to fundamental conditions? 14 WALL STREET NEW YORK COUPONS Payable at Our Office April 1, 1920 BRUSH ELECTRIC CO. 1st 5's, 1952 KNOXVILLE GAS CO? 1st 5's, 1933 SOUTHERN ONTARIO GAS CO., Ltd. 1st 6's, 1953 Henry L. Doherty & Company 60 Wall Street New York Conservative Investors Should consider the op? portunities offered by the purchase of high grade seasoned bonds at present prices. He shall he glad to make suggestions. J. M. Byrne & Co. Members yew York Stock Exchange Telephone Hector V000 60 Broadway New York Philadelphia Company The advance of Pennsyl? vania grade crude oil to $5.65 a barrel, the highest in history, is being materially reflected in the earnings of this great cor? poration. This Company has an un? broken dividend record of al ; most 34 years and combines i the best features of a profit? able public utility, natural gas I and oil business. Circular on Requtet Hirsch,Lilienthal&Co. Members .V. T. Stock Exchange. 161 Broadway New York The Railroads We have prepared an extensive chart enabling ready comparison of the relative merits of the more important railroad securities. A copy will be sent free oa request for Chart R.4 MILLER & CO. MEMBERS NEW TORK STOCK EXCHANGE EQUITABLE BUILDING 120 Broadway New York Ph?t'haW ,0? V-*r- ?? CommwcY?.. aanklqlT ?fBX1 CHATHAM & PHENIX (S) NATIONAL BANK k,\55/, Capital * Norplu? ili.noo.O?? 'HTIOV'1?-' R??ourf?j?.?150,00?,00? BANK H? Broadway. Singer Bldg. .....:?._ And JS Brauch?? Northern Central's Year For the year ended December 81, 1919, the Northern Central Railway Company reports net income after charges and expenses of $2,166,368, i-.prainst $2.166.368 in the preceding year. After dividends, etc., had been deduct cd surplus v-as >''jtj. Stock Prices Slump as Money Goes to 15 P. C. -,? Railroad Issues Tumble With Industrials as Liquidation Hits Market; Unfavorable Annual Reports a Factor A break in stock prices quite as se ; vere as any witnessed during the sus? tained decline which was temporarily 1 arrested a week ago last Friday carried prices of many stocks to new low levels ? yesterday. Railroad and industrial shares alike slumped heavily under a ; fresh outburst of liquidation. Not a i s-ingle active issue in the entire list | escaped the effects of the heavy selling ! which \va3 precipitated by unfavorable I money conditions, the unsatisfactory reports issued by the* Republic Iron and Steel Company and the New York Air Brake Company, and the reduction i in dividends of the majority of the ? porphyry copper companies. Although the decline was general, the stocks which had been leaders in speculative favor and in which pool operations had been most extensive '? were hardest hit. Republic Steel dropped to 87-k nnd closed at 88--.S, , with a net loss of 8-?, points. At yes ' terday's low price this stock showed a loss of 57-.?. points from the high ; Level reached in the boom which cul? minated last November. American I Woolen lost t>7? points, Baldwin Loco i motive 3:,4, Crucible Steel 5, G encrai ? Motora 4U?, United States Industrial ! Alcohol 4li, United States Rubber 5, ! and United States Steel 1%. United ; States Steel got down to 93%, a new ? low on the movement. Losses of sev ! eral points in the railroad stocks were common. The poor showing of the Republic Steel and New York Air Brake com ! panics caused a good deal of pessi? mism. Traders saw in these reports the end of the period of inflated profits and were inclined to believe that pre? vailing prices were higher than were j warranted on a normal profit basis. Brokers pointed out that United State? Steel common, as a 6 per cent stock was high, since government bonds could be bought to yield as much, but some of them admitted that the steel companies had excellent earning pros i pects, while Increases in asset value.1 were also said to warrant prices highei than those prevailing. By far the most Important markei ! factor, however, was the tignteninj j of money. Brokers are unable to gei time money at any prices and must 1 finance their operations almost wholl' '? by borrowing on call. Therefore, wher I call loans renewed at. 7 per cent anc : the loaning rate later soared to 15 pe: cent, stocks were unloaded in larg? volume. The selling movement was in creased by reason of the fact that an other increase in rediscount rates wa: generally expected. This expectatioi proved to be well founded, for late it the afternoonHhe Feredal Reserve Banl announced an increase in the rate oi paper secured by Treasury certificate; of indebtedness. This was believed t< , be a forerunner of increases in tit? rates on comercial paper and govern ment bond rediscounts. The banking position is hecoming in creasingly serious owing to the rapi< expansion of commercial loans and th< steady loss of gold, and for this reasoi 1 it is considered unlikely that any sub stantial improvement in the specula tive money market will take place ii ! the near future, especially in view o ; the Federal Reserve Board's repeate? assertions that the use of funds fo speculation must he checked. -1 Money and Credit Preparations by the banks to mee the drain on their resources from th ' March 1 dividend and interest dis j bursements and withdrawals of fund I by their correspondents in the interio were factors contributing to the shar; ? rise in the rates for call money yes terday. Although the opening and re newal rate was 7 per cent, the rat l rose steadily throughout the day unti it reached 15 per cent, which was th ! rate at the close. Bankers were o i the opinion that the. call rate woul i rule strong for the rest of the wcel ?The time money market was also highe : and brokers bid 9 per cent for mixe | collateral loans with little success. The ruling rates for money yestei day, compared with a year ago, follow Yester- Yea Call money: day. agi On mixed collateral.... 7 5: On industrial collateral 7 t;1 I Time money (mixed collateral): I Sixty days. 9 5%@5: f Ninety days. !? 5V_@5* Four months. 9 5 V? '" 5 ; Four to six months.... D ."'?^..V j Bank Clearings Bank clearings : I New York and other cities yesterdfl were Exchanges. Balance New York.$893,322,914 $57,675,0 I Baltimore . ... 15.491,-131 5,402,9: Boston . 68,327,037 22,283,5! ; Chicago . 122,131,279 90,941,1' : Philadelphia . . 82.639,989 18,001,0 Silver- London, 82%d; New Yor $1.29%; Mexican dollars, 98%c. j Sub-Treasury?United States Fe ? eral Reserve credit balance, $36,271 I 432._ I The Dollar in Foreign Exchans Net changes in quotations in tl , foreign exchange market yesterdj were slight, but the tendency ? pounds, francs and lire was cash i Pounds at the close in terms of dc Mars were worth one cent less thi ; at the close on Tuesday. Yesterday's rates, compared wi ' those of a week ago, follow: (Quoted dollars to tho pound.1) Yester- Wee day. ago Sterling, demand.. . $8.3875 $3.38 Sterling, cables. 8.3950 3.39 Sterling, sixty days.. 3.3525 3.34 Sterling-, ninety days. 3.3375 3.33 (Quoted units to the dollar) Francs, checks . 14.11 14.1 Francs, cables . 14.09 14.1 Belgium, francs, chks 13.57 13.6 Belgium, francs, cbls. 13.55 13.6 Lire, checks . 18.22 18.1 : Lire, cables ... . 18.20 18.1 Swiss, francs, checks.. 6.20 6.0 Swiss, francs, cables.. 6.18 6.0 (Quoted cents to the unit) Guilders, checks . 36.75 37.o Guilders, cables . 36.9375 37.5 j Austrian crowns, chks. .37 .;? Austrian crowns, cbls. .38 .?: Sweden, checks. 18.60 18.6 Sweden, cables . 18.70 18.1 Denmark, checks . 14.85 14,? . Denmark, cables . 14.95 15.( Norway, checks . 17.20 17.? : Norway, cables . 17.30 17.< . Pesetas, checks . 17.38 17.? .Pesetas, cables . 17.46 17. 'Greece, checks . 11.03 11.i Greece, cables . 11.05 ll.< Manila, .checks . 48.875 48.' Manila, cables . 49.125 49.( India, rupees, check-*.. 44.7!. 46.1 India, rupees, cables.. 45.00 46.: | Japan, yen, checks... 48.00 48.1 Japan, yen, cables... 48.25 48.: | Aigentina, checks ... 101.30 102.1 I Argentina, cables .... 100.80 102. .Brazil, Rio, checks ... 27.75 27.' I Brazil, Rio. cables... 28.00 28.1 | Marks, checks . 1.04 ~ij 1 Marks, cables . 1.05 l'i I Czecho-Slovakia, chks. 2 8 ?? ! ?-??______ ' Ata special meeting of the Grai Consolidated Mining, Smelting and Po Company siockholdn-s approved the creas? In capita! stock fron $20 000 i.? $25,000,000 and the Issuance of i 500,000 8 -.-M cent dsbc-r.iure bonds. Transactions Yesterday in listed Stocks Record of Stock and Bond Averages January 1 to dat?. 1919. 191?. 4,471,300 5,619,200 16,901,400 17,984,300 21,372,700 P.3,603,500 Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings Yesterday. Jtallroad stock* . . . 228,700 Other stoc*? . 1,005,200 AH stock? . 1,233,900 Day Before. 216,400 1,046,900 1,262,300 Yesterday. t?. S. government bond.?.110,451,000 Railroad bonds . 1.114,000 Olher bonds . 2,731,000 AH bond?. 14,296,000 High. Low. Dir. 1920. 1920. Rate. 34! 4 ? 65'4 6 1/a ? 15, _? 36" a ? 83'/4 7 82 89 75 45 "2 8834 2 2' 4 5378 92 95 96' % 95', 2 Day before. $9,041.000 1,022,000 2,466,000 12,529,000 Hales. 2800 Year ?go. 1920. 166.200 4,316,100 768.100 33,719,100 934,300* 38,035,200 Year ago. (Copyright, 1920, New York Tribune ?no.) Ran*? thoa far 1920. 1920. 1919. $5,119,000 $499,901,000 $361,410,000 1,024,000 57,618,000 65,228,000 1,691,000 68,219,000 67,502,000 8,834,000 625,638,000 484,145,000 Yeaterday. 20 Railroad ?tacks . ?.45 30 Industrial stock?. M-70 60 Stock? . 78-60 10 Railroad bonds . 7346 10 Industrial bonds. M-82 5 Utility bond?. 74-18 25 Bond? . ?".06 Day Before. 65.35 92.10 ?1.40 73.82 89.80 74.16 80.28 Year Ate. 71.75 85.83 80.02 80.48 94.81 86.72 87.2? Ran?? fall year 1?1?. High. ?6.20 110.30 92.66 7628 91.45 74.63 81.71 Low. 58.60 88.70 77.14 71.76 89.62 73.60 79.48 Hie*. 78.80 119.33 99.64 82.80 96.70 ?7.75 87.91 Low. 63.35 79.20 75.92 72.83 90.56 71.80 80.21 Close. Net cnre. Bid. Ask. 8 6 8 128*4 105 10 6134 3834 ? 1433,4 ,124! s 12 116'4 113 7 543? 41=8 4 1134 80 95 6 1834 ? 100!2 38 87 12% 7438 92' -, 82 104 1634 66 93?4 80 86 39 15'g 10U8 30?? 122 47 120! 2 14/a 86?s 9938 105*? 106 SO' i 72 100' 4 82 11534 46?? 140!-, 123'2 11834 116'i 99 1003j 745, 973, 165'.'; 105/ 613, 21'', OH' 65', 16' 6', 67',. 85' 8? 93 77 96i/8 54J. 2 93 115 101! 2 413-4 ? 15! a ? 50 6 54 4 7 ? 3/a - 45T-8 ? 76 6 6I.4 - 84 7 Advance Rumely Ajax Rubber . 1900 Alaska Cold Mines. . . Ahuka Juneau. Allia-Chalmers . AUIs-Chalmera pr ... Amer Agr Chem.... Amer Agr Chem pr. Amer noet Sugar.... Amer Hosch Mag. . . . American Can . Amer Car & VAy. . . Amer Car & Fdy pr. Amer Cotton Oil. .. Amer Drug Syn. . . . Amer Kxpress . Amer Hide & Leatli. . Am Hide & I,rath pr. Amer Ice Sec. Am Int Corp. 12900 American La France. 800 American Linseed.. . 2200 Amer Linseed pr.... 200 Am Locomotive. . . , Am Locomotive pr. Am Ship & Com... American Smelting. Am Smelting pr... Am Smelling pr A. American Snuff . . . Am Steel Foundry. American Sugar . . American Sugar pr Arn Sumatra Tob.. Am Teleg & Toi. . . Am Tobacco Sec. 16900 Am Tob pr new.... 400 American Woolen.... American Woolen pr Am Writ Paper pr... Amer Zinc . Amer Zinc pr. 400 1?a 200 17-8 4800 39! 2 200 83'4 2000 88' 4 200 907g 3600 80'-8 2100 111 8C00 413/4 18800 130 200 113 200 4158 1600 123? 800 99 700 22 3800 102 1900 40' ?'. 9600 1073? 107%? 5'/8 108 109? 3834 391/sr- 3 39'/2 40'/ 124' a 125 ? 5% 125 128 113 113 ? '4 113 115 41 ?a 41!V8~ 1'b 41'z 42' 12! 4 12'/4? '/a 12'/8 12'/ 99 99^8- 99 99? 20' g 201/2? 1/4 20!-a 21 100' 2 1003-4? 234 IOO34 102 Sales. Open. Hifh. Low. 1000 14ft 14?? 14/a 70 70 60'/a 50/a 9% 10 153,4 16 Net Clese. chg?. Bid. Aak. 200 1500 6900 1200 14100 2900 300 too 800 900 100 300 400 1800 70 50 9 Va 14 14/a? % 70 ? 3'/? 50 ? Va ?'/a? 1 14?2 28->2 29</a 27% 273/4- 1'/4 a* 4704 46 46 ? 2'/4 800 105?R 105'8 105'a 105%+ 7s 103 2800 1934 20", 4 193/4 20/4-f- Va 193 3600 61% 61% 60 60?2 60 200 95 95 95 95 - 95 200 811-a 81 Va 8II/2 81 '/2- 80', 200 101 101 100 100 ? 134 98 4900 41'2 41'-a 39 39?3 39 800 125/a 125'2 124/2 124/a? I'/a 124! 200 II6/2 116'-2 116!'.- 1161.2? '/2 116 4800 81*? 81% 80 SO' B? U8 80 3600 97' a 97' 2 96''r 9678? 1,2 96' 54' -a? 2 54'. 93 ? 2','2 93 116%? 6% 118 102%? % 102 1500 200 Anaconda . 12900 176!'2 139% 10 75 113! i 123! a 102% 38% 49'8 93 134% 111% 31% 95! 4 "02' 2 114 14% 10% 15 120 11! 2 29'4 27'4 283g 851-2 46 75% 68 134 100 IO434 61% 62 144*8 58% 10% 27 41% 593/i 87% 1203,4 106 % 36% 78 66 21% 41% 106 '?0% 44% 27 65% 67 63% 82' z 87% 2038 93 3 g 13% 90 31% 233% 100 54', 2 85 101 96 191 9 ?i638 13 39 147 104 15% 2? 17% 95 90% 33% 48 36% 19! 2 75% 94% 175 345 85% 90 65% 102% 55' 2 81! 2 41 84?8 38% 62% 108 16 90-4 22'2 83 C13-4 2 3% Baldwin Loco Co_ 60100 107% 108% 104'4 10434? 3% 63 112' 103' 98' 28! 4 42 89 115 105 17% 80% 82'8 108 10% 7% 10 93 7% ! 22 ? 15 ? 17 ? 74% 6 27% ? 65 7 59% 4 115% 10 96 7 72 5 45% 4 47 4 Ann Arbor . Asset* Real Co. Assoc Dry Good?. . . . Atch, Top & San Fe. Atl. Birm & Atl_ Atlantic Coast Line. . Atl, Gulf & W I_ Atl, Gulf & W I pr.. Atl Refin pr. 200 300 800 2000 1300 400 87 87 6800 143% 143% 139% 139%? 6% 139 300 63 63 63 63 1% 800 113% 113% 113% 113% 10 Baldwin Loco Co pr. 100 100 Bait i & Ohio. 9900 35 Balli & Ohio pr_ 800 48'; Barnett Leather pr. . 200 89 Barrett Company .. 700 116', Barrett t-'o pr. 300 106 Bethlehem Motors... 1600 20' Bethlehem Steel . 200 80^ Beth Steel, Class B. . 23100 85 Beth Steel 8% pr Bklyn Rapid Tran... 3400 133 Bkyn Rapid Tr ctfs.. 12C0 9' Booth Fisheries . 800 103, Burns Bro.-i . 400 103 2 Butte Copper & Zinc. 2000 9/< Butte & Sup Copper. 3400 24', ; Buttericls Co . 400 20 C.iddo Oil . 200 18' ; California PacMng... 4600 76y; California Petroleum. 1600 32 Calif Petroleum pr... 1900 70'/ Calumet & Aruona. . 300 62 Canada Pacific . 2400 121 100 34' 2? 2 47%? 238 89?4 11538? 3% 105 ? 2 193%? 13B 805g? 3% 83 ? 23 4 200 111% 1111-2 110% 110%? 1% 109'2 111 13'. H 118 47 7 21 30% 45% 75 113 80 23% 64% 54 200 96 12900 80% 803? 77 2600 47 47! 2 46' 400 49 49 49 13100 121% 123% 118 4800 55 55 54 800 10 10 9^ 1900 26 26U 253 9800 38s? 39' 2 373 9200 5534 57 55 1500 85% 86! 2 82 200 115% 115% 115! 400 83 83 80 41600 33% .15 33 600 73 73 72 2000 64 64' -, 63 15% ? 32 V 87 333, 36'/, 20 36' 53 55'- 2 76% 75 16% 78 10% 76% 26% 189 97 39% 79% 99 893g 165 6 9 10% Case, .1 I, pr. Central Leather .... Cerro De Pa^co. Certainteetl Corp . . . Chandler Motors .... Ches & Ohio. Chi Gt West. Chi Gt West pr. Chi, Mil & St Paul. Chi, Mil & St P pr.. Chi A N'western . . . . Chi & NVcutern pr. Chi Pneu Tool . Chi. Rock Is! * Tac Chi, R I & P 7% pr. Chi, R I & P 6% pr. Chile Copper . 1500 16*, Chino Cons Copper.. 6600 35 Cluett-Peabody . 200 88 Cora Cola . 1900 36?j Colo fuel &. Iron.... 300 38 Colo & Southern... 200 23 Columbia Graph . . . 7600 40? Col Gas & Electric. 400 56' . Consol Cigars . 300 56' Consol ('?gars pr.... 400 77' Consolidated Gas.... 800 773 Cons Int Call Min. . . 1400 19 Continental fan .... 300 80V Continental Candy... 3000 11 Corn Products . 12600 79 , Con Textile . 1300 27 Crucible Steel . 32100 194 11934 120%? 2% 120 137% 1003,4 33 3 108 5 100% 7 9% ? 17*a - 12% ? 65% 8 85 8 26! 33 21 12 58! 85 152! Crucible Steel pr. Cuba Cane Sugar.... Cuba Cane Sugar pr. Deerc Co pr. Delaware & Hudson,. Del, Lack & West. . . Denver & Rio Grande Denver <SL Rio Ci pr.. Dome Alines . Llk Horn Coal pr. . . . Kndicott-Johnson .... Fndicott-Johnson pr. Krio . Erie 1st pr. Krio 2d pr. Famous Players .... Famous Players pr. . Fed Min & Smelt rr 400 99% 99?.? 12100 40% 41/f 800 80 80 400 99% 991. 200 94 94 400 172 172 1600 8 8 2900 141.4 14", 1600 11% 12 1000 36 36 6900 106% 109'.. 800 101 101 12900 14% 147, 1600 23 23' 1200 17 17 2000 69 70 400 86 86 900 30' -, 30' ? Fisk Rubber Tire... 8900 225% 69% 84 64% 9334 36 68% 33 5734 35 50 86 13 80 % 13% 69 50% 3600 25' 1900 135 1000 63' 300 85 2400 158 4' 14' 135 115 51% 111% 89% 79?a 26% 88 71 61% 213-4 19% 118 105 33% 48! 2 102% 91?4 38% 47 2C634 18 110! 2 32 28 70 338 ? 9! 2 - 1123-4 6 111! 4 7 27% ? 76! 2 6 7I ? 70 6 19% ? 87 6 70 6 39% ? 14 ? 13% ? 12 7 2 106 96 273 247 102! 68 28 40! 165' 14', 106 25! 17! g ? 45 ? 18334 145% 12 110% 105% 7 112% 9* 7 136% 108 10 23 2 18% ? 47! 2 ? 117% 7 161% 10 21% 2 223 43' Freeport Texas .... Gaston, Wms & Wig General Cigar .... tien Cigur pr deb. . (?en Electric Co. . . General Motors . 28100 235' Gen Motors 6",, deb. 200 71' Gen Motors 7% deb. 1000 86; Goodrich, B F. 12100 67 Goodrich, B F, pr. . ? 300 94 Grunby Mining . . 400 36 (it Northern pr. 6600 78 (it North Ore subs.. 2800 36 Gulf State Steel... 1500 60: Hendee Mfg . 600 36 Haskell <?. Bark Car. 300 54 Hartman Corp . 200 87 Hupp Motors . 1600 14' Illinois Central .... 700 85 Inter'l Agriculture... 300 17 lut Agriculture pr. . 300 72 Inspiration Copper. 5600 53 Int-Con's Corp . 100O 4 Int-Cons Corp pr.. 1600 13 Int'l Hurvester . . 1400 1 16 Int Harvester pr. . . 800 112 Int Mer Marine... 16900 30 Int Mer Mar pr. 9100 83 Inter Paper . 11800 74 Int Paper pr slpd . 900 74 Inter Nicke! . 3900 21 Inter Nickel pr. 50 88 Inter Salt . 200 70 Iron Product? . 400 4C Jewel Tea . 300 16 Kansas City South. 4 Kelly Springfield 8 Kelly Spring 8% p 2 Kennecott Copper 1.20 Keystone Tire .... 7 Kresge, S S. pi . 6 Lackawanna Steel. Lee Rubber & Tire Lehit'll Valley . - - - Liggett & Myers. . Lig & My Tob rts. Lig & My Tob pr. l.Mws, Inc . Loft Candy. Loose-Wiles Biscuit 235' 2 228% 231 ? 4'.; 71', 71', 71%? ? Minn A 8t Louis new 7 M, 8t P * 8 Ste Mar 5 M, St P ft B 8t M 11 ? Me, K?n & Tex. ? Mo, Kan * Te? pr.. ? Missouri Pacific - ? Missouri Pacific pr.. 7 Montana Power pr .. 4 Mollins Body . 3% Nation?! Acme . ? National Aniline ... 7 National Aniline pr. 6 Nat Cloak A Suit. . . ? Nat Con & Cable . . 6 Nat Enamel A Stpg 6 National Lead ..... 1600 7 National Lead pr . . ? Nat R R Mex 2d pr 1% N*r Con Corp . 10 New York Air Broke 5 New York Central.. ? NY, Chi A St Louis 2% New York Dock _ 5 New York Dock pr.. ? N Y, N H A n. 39600 1 N Y, Ont A West .. ? Norfolk A Southern. 7 Norfolk A Western. . 5 North American , .. 7 Northern Pacific ... 5 Nova Scotia Steel .. 4 Ohio Gas . 3900 ? Okla Prod A Ref ... 4O00 ? Otis Steel . 1500 3 Owens Bot Mach ... 800 4 Pacific Develop _ 300 6 Pacific Gaa A Ele?.. 300 6 Pan-Amer Petrol .. 19100 , 7 Pan-Amer Pet B. 3 Parish A Blnghsm 3 Penn Railroad . 6600 ? Penn 8eab Steel_ ? Peoples Gas A Ceke ! ? P?re Marquette .... ? P?re Marquette pr. . 1 3 Philadelphia Co - 4 Pitt? C, C ft St Louis 1 ? Pierce Arrow . , ? Pierce OH . i 9 Pittsburgh Coal _ 6 Pittsburgh Coal pr. ? ? Pitts A W Va. 6 Pitts A W Va pr... 1 Pond Creek Coal ... 8 Pressed Steel Car .. 8 Pullman Pal Car . . 5 Punta Alegre Sugar 4 8 Rail Steel Spring .. g 2 Ray Consol Cop .... i 4 Reading . 16200 2 2 Reading 2d pr . 100 a ? Remington Type ... 15O0 4 6 Rep Iron A Steel .. 96800 ? Replogle Steel . 300 5.50 Royal Dutch . 200 a 5.50 Ryl Dtch N Y shares 6600 6 Savage Arms . 6400 4? Saxon Motors . 1900 4 ? 8t Lou A San Fran 25100 a ? St L A San Fran pr 300 ? St I^ouis South'n . . 800 ? St Louis South'n pr. 2000 'a ? Seaboard Air Line. . 4 ? Seab Air Line pr. .. 2 3,4 Shell Trans Ter .... 4 ? Sinclair 6 Sloss-Sheff St ft Ir. . s 6 Southern Pacific . . . 20 Ho Porto Rico Sugar ? Southern Railroad . . 6 South Railroad pr . . 8 Standard Milling ... 4 Stromberg Carb .... a 7 Studebaker . 34900 Studebaker pr Stutz Motors Tenn Cop ft Chem. Texas Company ... Texas & Pacific . . . Third Ave Rail . .. Tobacco Products Tobacco Prod pr . . Toi, St L A W ctfs Transeon Oil . 12900 Transue W Steel ... 400 Union Oil . 3600 l'nlon Pacifie . 7800 117% 118% 116% 116% Union Pacific pr United Drug United Drug 1st pr United Fruit .... United Ry Invest I'nlted Ry Invest pr U S Cast I P A Fo. . U 8 C I P A F pr. . U 8 Food Prod _ U S Ind Alcohol . . . United Retail Stores 21900 U S Rubber . 11200 U 8 Rubber 1st pr. . 100 111 U 8 Smelt A Ref... 1600 64 U 8 Steel .136900 9534 U S Steel pr . 1600 110% 110% 110 Utah Copper . 6600 70% 70% 69 Vanadium Steel .... 3400 45 V?-Carolina Chem . . 80O 63 Va-Car Chem pr . . . 100 107 Va Ir, Coal A Coke. 700 80 Wabash . 1600 Wabash pr A . 9000 Wells Fargo Express 400 Western Maryland . . 4600 West Mary 2d pr . Western Pacific . . . Western Pacific pr. Westing Air Brake. Westlnghouse Mfg . Wilson Co Wheeling ALE. 14 70 60 9% 14 14% 71 61 93/4 14% 27% 27% Worth P ft M pr A. Worth P A M pr B. Bid and Asked Bid. toVtd Adams Kip . . 29 34 Ad Rumely pr ?, Am Bk .Nute. 41 44 do j,r ?o pr . 44?i M O S Stl 1: Am Bt ?ug pr 80 !>u ?lmiientUte, Am B S & F. 87 100U Int M,y 1% do pr . ? 200 do 1st pr . Am (.'in p.-... 9ii luO do jtj p Am Cot 0 pr. - - S.'i i low? Central Am Malt A U 304 J>-%.lewol Tea pr vr Bid. Asked. 92 100 *V* lo OVi 33 14'? ? 125 i Arn Sl?pbUlg I Am HimiT pr. . >0 ? Am Hum T pr 8;iS ? Ani Tel &.- ('. . 50 | Am Tobacco..225 I Ann Arbor pr. j4 1) U 1st pr ?iS^i 50" 40 lis do 2d p.-. .101 118 1300 113! 1600 100 3200 29' . 5800 29' 26' M O: Auto S Corp do pr . 2i>'.? , Barn Lea'her.. 6-? t Bi?t!i Stl 7th pr !>7 , Bkl.Mi Edison. 94 ; Bkbn TJ Gas ?2 . Brown isnoo... 03 Si do pr . 07 , Bums Bros pr 69 100 l Burr n * p.. 4JH r,o 1 Buff & Husn.. ? 70 <lo pr . ? 54 ; Bush Tsrni .. ? 100 | Can Pouth ... 4' '? "0 ! Central Fdry.. "0 .loues Tsa J Kayser .... 105 Kel .Spring pr 9i Kelauy Wheel. tW do pr . M Keok 4 u M do pr . 20 K,-w,gu K S...?2". KrvsB & Co.. 76 15 do ?r .100 28H Lacledo Oas.. Si 74%, L, E ?: West. <l%, 100 , do pr . 20 ??'i i?7 I,-\V B 1st pr Og 10? 57 | dJ 2J pr,. . .110 115 i?7"i Ma.-luy Cos.. 65 V Ft W & C.U8 124 - rsLAW pr c'a 21 24 Pitta Bteei pr. 8? I'l Tw C It T ir - S5 Pr Stl Car pr.ioa 103 Und Type?TiU67H 172 ' a I or .i J S3 73 ; do pr ... .100 l'O l!y Ktl Kpg pr.1037? 107 I l"n Bag & IV 884, si "?" "? .' 33? ? c a or Am.i.;o ?--=* 100 do pr .10') ?8H U Drug 2d pr.IliO 107 f S I Ale pr.100 223 C H B & Imp 45 U? U 3 S i II pr 48 93 , t'tall He?.- Corp !)',4 113 |Vul IV??tilng 24 SO ; do pr . 88 42H W Union Tel 85 ?5HJW Mfg 1st pr 62H ,..,.. ...103 ?W.Uon Co pr, p-, .?.,7* fc-Lrl Tr--*0 350 Wla Central... 31 Tide ?at.?r O.170 210 I Item T>pe\t pr 98 do 1st pr.. . 95 Ren?s & .Sar.102 Stars-Koch . .217 do pr .115 Sl-S d & I pr ?0 t? R Sug pr. 102 Star.?! Mill pr 80 HteWt Wamrr 42 Super Steel... 43 d.? JPr_v - ? .100?, 193 i<<\ 90 97 135 4H Dividends Regalar Declarations do pr Manat? I Mannat Mauhat Maiihat Marlin Mart! HI Rate Period J1.50 Q ?1.50 ? II. Hug pr 65 mo Beach % ;i Eler.. 43 48 Whlrt. 81 3^ Rock?. bO 70 1'arry.. 24 100 102' 2 102'2 102' 6100 70 70% 68 800 317a 3178 30 1500 45'2 46 45 300 165'4 166 165' 4000 1658 16J4 16; 54 106 106 106 2000 27 27 26' 2900 18 18'j 17: 200 48 48 *" 48 IO2/2 104 30'. ? 3534 631.2 131 222 26 7134 6234 Lorillard, P . 1600 150 Lorillard, P, pr. Louis & Nashville Manat? Sutar . Martin Parry . Maxwell Motor . Maxwell Motor 1st pr May Depart Stores. Mexican Petrol ... Miami Consol Copper oOO 110 2000 24 200 2734 300 57 300 117' j 25100 170 1000 22'2 1.20 Middle States Oil 9800 27"e 4 Midrale Steel . 14600 443i 106 - 103 106 do pr 4 26/4- ys 26'4 26/e ciu?t*ei pr'.l?? 'a 18 ? 1 4 18 183b j <-'"1 & s 1?? pr 5? 48-4 48 53 ColVrsprpr: - /4 148 ? 4 146 148 font Can pr..l01 200 105'j 105' a 1051a 105''2? % 104 107 | f?,nt ??1*1" ?? <? 300 100'4 IOO/4 IOO/4 IOOI/4? 334 1001a 103!alcu8bIAmlJ^?lr'.375 110 110 ? 2 110 114 I do Pf .101 23 23 ? 3/j ? o<t|/JC,-tr K<ll?r.n..l03 273/4 273,4? 1l/< 57 57 - 117/a 118?1 Mat M 2d p.- 20 . May D 8 pr.. 104 Cent of N,-, ojo M?r IVrol or 97 i' & S A Tel. 109 114?, Ml.h Central.. Hi t'er Cor m pr 8414 - MStFAS-SM pr 90 '>' * AU pr 13 l.-.t-i do '. :. 5? Ch & hast 111 7U 7HIMont row?r.. H4 . . .T.;-; ?" ?"''? ?H Morris * Km. <# i Bt V M & O GO r,6 Mu;i BovK pr. 97 _dp pr . . . 94 105 Nash ?V Chat. 99' 1 A St L. 444 514'Nat BlSL-ult. .. 111 110 80 110 24 273,4 57 118 1703/4 22/s 29 44?i 23 25 50' -, 118 1653-4 167 ? 41.4 167 22'4 221/4? 3, 22 27'g 273g? i4 28'g 437s 437,? 15, 437, 26'2 27/4 56 119 Petr In n R ? IMam Match.. 117 D S H A A pr 7 Durh Hosiery. 5fl do pr ma. ! Elee St?T Bat. log ?o, - Kk Horn Coal 22 22'4 iFerl Min * 8. 11 2?% i Fbher IWy pr.loo rr? Idea mam . .150 44| '4 j do pr.96 ?0 425 110 107 97 125 10 fio 101 118 28 13 110 i 80 ?I N Cik t S pr Si El) A St pr !>S 5 ?NRHofM 1st pr ? 8 NTCAStL 1 pr 60 9 ' do 2d pr... . 45 5 N Y L & W.. S5 34,Norf A W pr. 87 Nora Seo Steel 55 N Falls P pr. - Ohio Fuel ... 45 Otis Ele? ...110 do pr .100 OtU Steel pr. ? Owmis B M pr - Paetfle Coast. 25 do Id pr_ 40 Pan-A Pet pr.175 (Penn I C pr.. 91 Put-Mull .... "-ft do 1st pr.-.100 Horco- Arr pr.100 l'ier? O? pr. if2 25 110 100 113 1:2 114 101 102 10 70 4 S "?i 5b 104 49 133% ?0 20O 80V, 115 Ajajc Rubber. . Amaltraniat Oil Booth Mills... do pM.$1 Carbo Hydrogen Co of Am pr. . 1 Chllds Company. do pfd. Eastern 8 S pr. B I du Pont de Xemours A Co. ? do debenture. . H I du Pont de Nemour? Pwd. I do pfd. 1 Gal Sie Oil pr. . do pfd. Liar ?? Meyers pr. Montana Power. do pfd. , >?' Y Tranalt ' Rainier Mot , ?standard Oil' Co I of Kentucky... |3 , SB Kressre pr. . 1 \ 1 West Coast OU. . Ji.50 .?orth'on Pump A M?;Ch pfd A. l?i ! . rt? Pfd B. 1>* ? A T Securities. . 11; Stock? holders of Payable Record Mar 15 Mar 10 1% 4'i l'i l's $4 Apr Mur Mar Mar ?1 Mar 10 Mar 10 Mar 31 Mur 15 Apr 26 May I M ay 1 Mar 31 Mar 31 Apr I Apr 1 Apr 1 Apr 1 Mar 1 Apr Apr Apr 15 Apr 1 Apr 1 May 5 Mar 20 Fob 21 Peb 21 Mar L'O Peb 27 Feb 2 7 Mar 1ft Peb 2 S Apr 10 Apr 2 0 Apr 20 Feb 2S I->b 28 Mar 16 Mar 18 Mar 18 Mar 23 Feb 28 Mar 15 Mar 15 Mur 2? Mar 20 Mar 20 Mar 15 Mark Sheldon, High Commissioner of Australia, who was prevented by lllneaa from keeping an engagement to ap*ak be? fore the Bond Club of New York at the la? monthly meeting, has recovered and wl" addresa the club to-morrow at noon. In Wall Street Easy Money Every little while New Street's "put 'n call* brokers sell an option for a "onfthat turns out big for th. lucky holder. One of them came through in Republic Steel common. It was a put that was sold.late Tuesday afternoon on 100 shares of Republic Are point, under the market that day. Th. pur? chaser Paid one palty greenback for the privilege of putting t-"> ?tock ?t 92%, the paper expiring at 2:45 oclock yesterday afternoon. The man who sold it had been placing a lot of puts land calls with a good deal of success ! and took a chance on this put at $1 : as more of a joke than anything else, : figuring that, since Republic had quite ? a break on Tuesday, it might be ex? pected to move up instead of down. As it happened, the extremely unfavorable ' annual report of the Republic Iron and Steel Company came out late Tuesday '? and resulted in a break of about live | points in the stock right at the open ing yesterday. Without waiting for the stock to go lower, so that he could ? exercise his option, the owner of the ; put immediately sold the paper for I $110, his profit being 109 on an orig I inal investment of $1. The man who I bought the put second hand later in ! the day had an opportunity to take a I profit of about $300 on his investment | of $110. Republic sold in the afternoon i down to S1%, or nearly five points un j der the put price. No Bet Certain brokers on the floor of th? i Stock Exchange were so sure yesterday ? that President Wilson will sign the ? railroad bill that they offered to wager | $10,000 to $5,000. But no takers were i found. Bad DayB for Pool? These days of swiftly declining stock market values are hard indeed upon the pools and cliques which have been patiently waiting for that last rise on which "to unload." Th? decline earlier in the month gave them a whole lot to ? think about, and they welcomed the re 1 covery of last week with open arms. ! But now new troubles arc besetting ? them. For not only has the market I gone into a soaond sharp decline, but, what is worse in some respects, the : managers of pools in a number of in? dustrial stocks have been told by the i banks, it is understood, that no addi ! tional credit will be available for them, I and that they must try to hold their \ stocks up in the market or run the j danger of having their existing loans ! called. 15 Per Cent Call Money Wall Street encountered a jumpy call I money market again yesterday, after a fortnight of comparative stability. CaH : loans renewed at 7 per cent, tip 1 per ! cent from the day before, and then i advanced by degrees until the rate got . to 15 per cent in the afternoon. It is ! learned that one of the principal ' causes of the fresh s?ueeze, apart from ! the falling reserves of the banks, is i to be found in the fact that a larger ? percentage of maturing time loans is i being paid off, being refused renewal, ? than has been the case for many ] months before. This is said to apply 1 to commercial discounts, as well as ! stock loans. Republic a Bad Actor Republic Steel's fall was a disturb j ing influence upon the whole market. i Hfre is a siock that sold at 3 45 on I the booming market of last November. ; Yesterday it sold at 87?i, some 9 I pf.ints under the close of the day be I fore and within about 17 points from \ the level at which it started on the long climb of 1919. Professional trad '? ers were heavy sellers of Republic at 1 the opening, and their efforts probably 1 were responsible in a large meas | ure for the early weakness in the ; stock, but later in the day a ; huge amount of Republic- held for i the long account was dumped involun I *.arily by holders whose margins had been impaired by the two days' break. j The demand for Republic in the stock ! loan crowd was very heavy last night, \ the loaning rate being 10 per cent, against 15 per cent for the general I run of industrial stocks. This was ac? cepted as indicative of the fact that a large short interest exists in Repub I lie. Crucible Steel loaned at 5 per ! cent for a while, but late in the day . was loaning flat. Chandler Motors Weak Announcement of a proposed ?50, 000,000 capital increase by the Willys Overland Company has been a drag on ; all of the motor stocks. It has directed . attention to the fact that hiph costs of , materials and the big business being swung has imposed demands for in? creased capital that must be met if the 1 companies are to go ahead with their programs. Rumors of possible financing I by Chandler Motors are heard in the financial district. The annual report \ of that company, issued the other day, i showed a big drop in cash and a big increase in inventories. Chandler was one of the weak spots in the motor | group yesterday, dropping 6% points to 118-i. One block of 2,000 shares of Chandler went at 120. The annual meeting of the Chandler company was held yesterday, when the directors were re?lected. New G MO Stock Listed Favorable action was taken yester? day by the committee on stock list of the New York Stock Exchange to list temporary certificates for 15,703,310 shares of the new common stock of no par value on the exchange. Trading will begin on March 1. These tem? porary certificates will bo replaced the first week in May by the stock cer? tificates. Between now and the begin? ning of trading in the temporary cer? tificates next week contracts for hun? dreds of thousands of shares of the new stock made on the curb on a "when issued" basis will have to be settled. | Some people were unfortunate enough : to pay as high as $40 a share for this stock on the Curb. Yesterday I 18,000 shares were traded in on the Curb within a range of 24'-? and 23. the closing price being 231,*. The old stock got down to 228*2 and closed at 231, off 4 V? points. The English Bank Rate Talk of a possible rise in the official rate ot the Bank of England, which would come through to-day, if it is to be made this v.-eek, is exciting much interest in local banking circles. The opinion was expressed bv international banr-s yesterday that if the directors of the Old Lady of Thrcadneedle Street decide to raise the rate this week it will be because pressure has been brought to bear by the British govern? ment to check England's huge exports on credit at the present. England is sending large amounts of goods to the Continent and is not being paid ?i cash. This situation is said to be throwing a great strain on the banks and dislocating the exchanges still fur? ther. Bankers point out that a higher bank rate in England at this time would likely have the effect of slowing down business. It is not believed, however, that a raise in London would affect the New Yorw discount market very much. The last rise in the Bank of England's rate was made in November when it was moved from 5 to 6 per cent following the marking up of rates on this side. Fisk Rubber Directors of the company are ! scheduled to meet at Springfield to? morrow and it was reported in the Street yesterday that dividends might be inaugurated on the common stock at that time. In some quarters a '? declaration at an annual rate of 10 per cent or $2.50 is anticipated. Current sales of the company are said to be breaking all records, the total for Jan? uary reaching $6,800,000. -MM*; ? ?? When Exporting to the Far East yjE SHALL BE GLAD to talk over with you any matters on which you feel in doubt. Our own branches in the most im? portant commercial centers of Japan and China, and our representatives on the ground in close touch with conditions, keep us con? stantly advised on the trade and credit situation and other important information that would be of advantage to you when planning your sales campaigns. Our facilities are at your disposal. YOKOHAMA SAN FRANCISCO SHANGHAI TOKIO PARIS SEATTLE Park'Union WREIGN BANKING CORPORATION 56 Wall Street, New York {'aid I'p Capital and Surplus }2 260.0119 The Present Market Price of Securities Many investors owning se? curities which show either a substantial profil or a sub? stantial loss are hesitating as to the advisability of selling and reinvesting. The depreciated purchasing value of the dollar makes it possible to reinvest at high interest rates. Owing to this condition many of the best bonds are today selling at exceedingly low prices. Ask for special list No. 509. Bonbright & Company Incorporated 25 Nassau Street, New York !?!? February Investment Suggestions Booklet TR. 1 on reauett. George H. Burr & Co., Equitable Building New York JHELLWiGSREUTTER Member? Nea> Yorlr Stoclr Exchanf* INVESTMENT SECURITIES 26 Broad Street. New Vor U Telephone Broad 6230 HENRY CLEWS & CO. Members of N. V. Stock Bxchaage, 11. 13. 15. 17 4 1? BROAD ST. Deposits received subject to cheque Stock, Bond 8c Note Issues of Railroad 5z Industrial Corapaniei Bought and Sold ?nd conservative advancei mad? thereon. Dealer? in LIBERTY BONDS Branch Office?? 52? Fifth Ave., M I ?Jen Sqeare. Uti Marren SI. Ml Third Ave., 1? Court St.. Breefcly?. We recommend Empire Gas & Fuel Co. 6cc Convertible Gold Notes of 1921 Exceptional yield at present quotations Well secured. Large earn? ing power. Attractive con? version privilege. Circular upon rcquei' H. D. Robbins & Co. INCORPORATED 61 Broadway New York I INCOME AND EXCESS PROFITS J TAXES FOR 1919 A booklet containing a diceat of the law and survey of the new feature? ? ffertinB !3in Income will ba ?'?-'? nlshed upon application. Metropolitan Truat Company of the City of ?w York ?0 Wall St. -?te Klfth A?? The Liberty National Bank has been appointed registrar for the preferred ?Ba common ?tucks of the Rani* r Motor Co' puration.