Newspaper Page Text
W. F. Ladd & Co. Investment Securities New York Midwest Refitting Company THE remarkable growth of this Important oil refining ei e'^riie. from Its moderato be? ginning In 1S14 to th? present, is les rlbed In the current number of our Market Review. l.V idea of this rapid develop *? mrnt is pained from the in ;rrase in net earnings, which were \n 19H $690.580. and in 1917 $11.S76,SS4. The net earn ?>;j.? for 19IS u'ere practically on c. oar with tliose of 1917 after . ?itation of income tax. HPHIS analysis of Midwest Re * fining touches upon holdings - arge interests In producing companies?Increase In refining i Ity?strength of commer posltlon due to assured sdp ; ( rude oil through 20-year contracts with practically all important oil producers of Wyoming?and a three-year , ::'.:an?.',ri of Income account. Sent on request for K-497 HUGHES & DIEH ; Storks?Bond?.?Grain rPhtla. Stock Exchangt Member?-* Pitts. Stock I Chicago Buardc f Trad? 50 Croad St., New Vork 612-SSb Tel. Broad 5140., Fifth Avenue Office . . Ave Tel. Vande.-bllt 9533 Harlem Office .???: St Tel. Harlem 5f>? i. del* :?:;>. 143? Walnut Street BEim tfO?MJb nninatl"tia bought for cud ?d on t ht closing we jjy .i ?."o?il1?'??/? Bond, So Coupons a S:"0? 2d 4*4*/? Bond. 1 Coupon :?.(?? ,1 fl ,?,, Hood. I Coupon i :'"?'?l li ''4'" Bond, 2 Coupon?) S30?'.ili r;iej Bond, 7 Coupons URiit & LO? -t.-,.c,,T SI Pine St., K. ? I stment Securities R.C.Megargel&Co. J7.Pine Street-NecuY?iK. I ni ted Drup-Earned $14.88 A Share on Common in 1919 ??I Drug Company report;1 or : ye ir ended December ?l las. ir] after all charges of $4,275,004, lent to $14.88 a share eai netl 01 . ., compared with $2, ? ,21, :. share in 1918. N, t sal ? 1919 ?? nountt d to c !"?*. - ; .. ? ??:.; an with $51,028, receding year. Op?rai ing - :: 1,026, i aving $19, -".- - ? 01 her expenses to 11.(507 agains! $12,657 292 Afl er depreciation taxes, ? of $1,888,673 and exci ? - profit s, etc., of $1,000,000, sur .- I Stocks Kx liividnid i Sugar I.el . ?a? ex .! * i Tel & Cable .: :, . ,. Pack .:i . ** . ! ? n Pacific R . . i' - i-.varo & Hudson. , \latcl Lod? ... : ?-i & 7 Vi ex ........J Horn ?'< pi ? .v Httsbui Kh U R. -i at Mol Trui ?- omp Ipi pi . . 3 hi "' :? p ' ?? ; : . . . ' '. ? Enarn <v Stami .l1-. i V*oi K Air Braki .3% ''?;.- rfoll & Western i:..? ?'< " -??? Arma.' '?? and 5 ? \ ? '??' -? . luthern (pacifia . . .I Va ? if-ur Stores ? ?'.1 "?; S < IP? Pdj pf .Hi .- Indus! Alcohi : .2 eel i on allai.Hi Rediscount Rate On Treasury Bills Advanced to 5 P. C. Action of Federal Reserve Bank Removes Differen? Hal in Favor of Certifi? cates of Indebtedness The Federal Reserve Bank of New Vor', announced lute yesterday after? noon an increase in the rates on ad? vances and rediscounts secured by cer? tificates Of indebtedness from 4-% per cent to 5 per cent. This change, which is the first increase since the general revision upward on January 22 last, remove? the differential in favor of certificates of indebtedness as against bankers' acceptances. All other rates of discount remain unchanged. This announcement, made nfter the board of directors of the Reserve Bank had been in session, was in accordance with the general expecta? tion in the financial district. It was explained that the latest raise was part of the general campaign initiated by the Federal Reserve Board to relieve the credit strain and discourage over expansion. Since the January 22 chedule was announced there had been a large increase in borrowing?) against certificates of indebtedness as a result of the favorable rate. The commercial paper rate remains at 6 per cent; that on advances and re? discounts secured by Liberty bonds and Victory notes 5Vi per cent and that on backers' acceptances T> per cent. Sponsors of the acceptance market have urged the necessity of putting bankers' acceptances on as favorable a basis as certificates of indebtedness for some time, pointing out that the differential in favor of certificates was halting the necessary development of a discount market in this country. The increase in the rate announced yesterday revived reports that the Treasury Department would put out new certificates' at 5 per cent. Many bankers are of the opinion that the Treasury ought in the future to bor? row at the prevailing market rate and not under the market, as in the past, by means of utilizing the machinery of the Federal Reserve system. Call money yesterday opened at 7 per cent and closed at 15 .per cent. Bor? rowers bid between S'? and 0 per cent for time money, and extremely little was lent. The Phi|ade!phia Federal Reserve Bank also'increased the rate on ad? vances and rediscounts secured by cer? tificates of indebtedness. a Steel Makers Not Seeking Business "^Yndencv of Buyer.?? to Hold Aloof Fails? to Move Manufacturers Steel makers as *et show little dis? position to open their books for for? ward business despite the tendency pmonir some consumers to take their chances in waiting for lower prices. "The decision of one notable pro? ducer." says "The Iron Age" this werk. "to sell for second quarter mav, point toward the end of price advances, as thf-se bookings will be made at 4 cents ror plates, shapes and bars, but the initiative in all negotiations is still with the buyer. There are signs that the bulk of third quarter delivery pur? chases yet to be made will be done at higher prices thai: are the average, possibly ?2 a ton above the war level of prices." Among the recent inquiries for equip m< i." from the railroads is one by the New York Central for 150 locomo? tives ami l'6'J.t?O cars of which 10,400 are heav steel, part ?hopper cArs and pan ;.!1 steel box cars. The bock 'sland is inquiring for 35 locomotives' and 3-.250 cars, The Union Pacific has bought H!2 locomotives and the St. Paul wants 100. The Crea; Northern has ordered 1 000 i h rs and the Soo Line 300. The Steel Corporation, it is stated, has undertaken to furnish 22,000 tons for cai < nstructiou and repairs. The Santa Fe and the American Re frigi rator Trai it Company, according to "1 he Iron Trade Review," are in? quiring for 5,000 refrigerator ears, re? quiring about 21,000 tons of material; the 1.:inoii- Central is a . .?. ? prices on 1,000 gondolas and the Cuba Railroad o*n 700 cars. Steel orders for car repair-a, in? cluding 26,000 tons in one lot and 5.500 tons for the Pe in ?.. Ivania Ra ilroa 1, have bi en placed al Ch ?cago. Orders or. the bo k? of tin plate manu fat I ur( r - '?' I'M sent are said to ex? ceed 20 000,000 b ixi : :pi i i enting ov< ? six months full operation. Empire Steel & Iron Earned $ 3 (>. ! (> a Share on Preferred i oi olidated earnings of the Empin .St!j. i and h >i Company and the ( Irani Iron Works for the year ended Decem bei 31. 1919, disclosed net p ofil -. iftei ge's and Fi leral taxes, of 5404,105, equi\ tient to $16.16 a share, $100 pat. eai ned on the $2 500,0^00 preferred stock, compared with $484,503, or $19.38 a share, in L918. Gross income last yeai amounted to $851,789, a ^falling off from the pre ceding year of $355,240, Interest, de? licie1;.: ion, etc., aggregated $3,89, GS1, leaving a $462,108 net. Federal taxes were $58.1. a decline oi' $452,000, Holders of the pr ferred stuck received $100,000 in dividend payments, after which a $254 108 surplus remained. i ?hilds Frlclt arel B. ? Aldi n have been ..i, cte<l llr'-ctors of l ho N*i i Western Railroad Company, succeeding ; !,. late Hi nrj ' ' '*'ricl' and William < ; I?IacDowell, resigned. Standard Bank of South Africa, L "1T7E RECEIVE monthly reports dealing with * ? trade conditions in South Africa, and will be glad to send copies to firms interested on application. Established 57 Years 350 Branches & Agencies Resources $306,125,415 W. H. M?CINTYRE, Agent 68 Wall Street, New York ^^^mam?mmsm??i^^mm???mm?wmmm?mm?kmmmm??tm?mm?mtW?mJMmm The Day's Bond Market At IJ. S. Government Transaction?* ?ales. Liberty 3%*, 1947. $ftfi3,000 do lut 4s, 1947. 79.000 do 2d 4s. 1942. 194,000 do 1st 4%s 1947. 177,000 do 2d 4%s. 1912.. do 3d 4%s. 1928.. do 4th 4%s, 1938.. Victory 4%s, 1 i?23.. do 3%s, 1923. 1,71,6.000 1,774.000 2,163,000 1.810.000 1,679,000 Quotations Liberty 3'4? do 1st 4s. . High. , 95.70 . 90.60 do 2d 4s. 90.20 do 1st 4%s.. do 2d 4'is.. do 3d 4%8.. 4o 4th 4 U?. Vit-tory 4 %s . . do 3%a _ 91.4 0 90.66 02.82 00.70 07.70 97.70 Low. 04.30 90.20 89.90 91.00 90.34 02.50 00.50 97.56 07.58 Last. 94.50 90.20 89.92 91.12 00.50 92.54 90.64 07.64 07.62 Yield. 3.83 4.61 4.70 4.81 4.94 5.38 5.00 5.31 I 4.35 Net j Chgc. > ? .42 I ? .60 ?.22 I ? -.16 I ?.16 ? -.28> I ?.06 ! -.06 ?.08 C5 Bid and Asked Quotations Closing Closing Liberty bonds. Yesterday. Tuesday. 3%s, 1947_ 94.40<tf> 94.50 95.80^ ?5.92 1st 4s, 1047_ 90.20? 90.40 90.405) 90.SO 2d 4s, 1942_89.90? 00.00 Ol.lO?V 91.20 l*t 41,4s, 1047.. 91.16? 01.30 91.28? 91.H0 2d 4V. 1042.. 00.46<( 90.50 90.66((j: 00.70 3d 4%s, 1028.. 92.66? 02.58 02.80.4' 92.82 ?tth 4'4s. 1038. 90.60? 00.64 90.70? 90.72 Vic 4%s, 1023. 07.60? 07.64 97.68? 97.70 do 3%s. 1023 97.60? 07.64 97.68? 97.70 Pre-war issues: ?2s reff. '30.100%@101 2s coup, -30.i00Vs?101 .:s rep, '4 6. Ms coup, '46 4s reg, '25 4s coup, '25. .., 2s Pan, c, '36. , 2s Pan, r, '36. . 2s Pan, c. "38.. 2s Pan, r, '38. . os l'an, reg. . . , 3e l'an. coup. . Phil 4s, '34_ Phil 4s. '35_ Phil 4s, *36. D. Col 3s, '65. . . 80 . 80 .106 .106 .100 .100 ;100 .100 . 88 . S8 . 90 . 90 . 90 <$ 92 (a 02 ?106 = ?106* <aioi #101 (?il 01 (??101 # 01 ? 91 (il 95 @ 95 ? 05 @ ? ioo%@ioi loo'-iT-ioi 80 89 106 106 100 100 100 100 88 38 90 00 00 97 Foreign Govt. and Municipal Bond? (Interest To Ile Added) nid. Anglo-French Extern 5s, 1920.. 95??? ? Argaritine Intern 5s. 1045. 72% Canada, l?om of, Notes, 1021.. 96% du 5s, 1021. 96% do 1026 . 03 do 1020 . 93?,, do 1931 . 01 ?Chinese Gov Hu Kug By 5s, 1951 43% Cuba Extern 5s, 1044. 91 do Extern 5s. series A, 1940. 86 do Extern 4%s, 1049.v 73 ; Dominican Rep 5s, 1058. 79 ! City of Lyons 15-yr 6s, 1034.. 90% City of Marseilles 15-yr 6s. 1034 90% \ City of Bordeaux 15-yr 6s, 1034. 90^ ! City of Paris 6s, 1021. ?Jap Gov 4%s, strng??ln, 1925. do I'2s, 2d series, 1925. do 4s, string In, 1 931. ! Citv of Tokio 5s, 1052. '? U K G B & 1 5-yr 5%s, 1921. do 3-yr 5%s, 1922. 93 do 10-yr 5%s, 1020. 90' do 20-yr 5%s, 1037. ; M< x Extern ?trl ?s of '90 do Extern gold 4s of '04 C * N W??, j, . 9 000.95 do 3 Us , 3.000_ Chicago Ry 6a _ _ 2.000. 67 CRI*P?n4i 1.000... . 72.-W 5.000....;. 72V? 18.000.... 74 a do rfg U ?" '** M00...... 66% 10.000. 65% 7.0a0. . 65 1.000. 64% 5.000.m 12.000. 64 ?V? 1.000. 641,* 1.000.. f,r, 5,000.; r.R-% 10.000. 64% 10 000. 64% C St P M ft O fit. 1.000.102% Chicago Un Station 4M:? ?er A 1,000. 78% C ft \V~t Ind 4. 1.000. 69 20.000. 58% , 7.000.58 Chile Conner 7s 10.000.102 1.000.101 V, 10 000.ion 10 000.1 no it, 25.000.100% 5.000.101 do 6s 5.000.. 79U, 1.000. 79 " C C C * St L 4%s 1,000. 76% 2.000. 77 do gen 4s 2,000. f,7 (ijl 92 1,000_.. 66'?'. M 02 Cleveland S L 4V,S 0fcl06% i 7,000."86 ((..106% Colum ? ft E 5s (<7101 stamped @101 2.000. 82 (a 101 Comp-Tab-R 6s ((?'101 1,000. 83 <8| 01 Con Gas tern 7s ?( 91 2.000. mo-w. (i'ii 95 ; i.onn.loo'ij, ((i, 95 2.000.100M di 05 j 2,000 Of ? 500 6.000.75 do con 4s 1.0U0. 68 do ri? il Va? 3.U00.66 do L S 3%? 10,000. 50% N Y C & at L deb 4s 1,000. U;t?,a N Y ti & L, H & P i?. 1,'t/OO. 78 do p m 5? 1,000. 02% N Y N H ft H 65 lu,000. 75 12,000. 76 3,000. 74% do deb 3%s 1964 2.000. 45% N Y O *. W 1st 4s 1,000. til N Y Rys adj 5s 2,000. G*.,) N Y Tel deb 6s 6,000. 94% do 4 ?;H 2,000. 78% 1.000. 70 1,000. 78% 3.0U0. 78-t4 N Y W ?t Bn 4%i 3,000. 431., Norfolk & W cvt 0s " 2,000.101% 10,000.101 do con Is 7,000. Nor 1'acitic 4s lO.OoO. 6.000. 75' do 3s 1,000.f,;{? 4,000. 63 ' 2,000. 53V* 9,000. 53 Ore Short Line 6s 3,000. 99% do 4s 6.000. 81 Vi 3,000. 81% 5,0011.81 1,000. SO'.. Ore XV K K ft N 4s " 1.000. 68 Pacific. G & E 5s 74% 75 M? 1,000. 1.000_ 6,00U_ .100% Pacific T & T 101 1,00m. 3.000.100% Penn con 4 90% 70% 70% 94 \ Anglo-French 2,000. .. 2,000. . . 4,000. ;h> 1,000. 96 145,000. . 2,000. 3,000. . 3,000, . 53,000. 48;?,000. 12,000. 3,000. 96' 96-4 9t>\-8 96-.? 96% 96% .10 0. 90v,? '.16 \ H 96 A 95% 96ft 96% 96 A 96-4 96% 9.6 -h 96% 96-ft 96% ' 1,000. . Argentine (. ;," 1 I. .. Ch : 1 ?<? Hy 5 2,000. . 8.000. . City of Bordeaux 6s ir,,ooi). 90 t Copenhagen . 85% 19-15 28 , 1954 28 aies) ? Jap 1st ser 4%s 2,000. 1,000. 2,000. 1,000. s30f. 5,000.s30f. 10,000. 1.000. 3,000. 2,000. 115,000. do 2d ser 4%s 35.000. 10,000.s30f. 10,000. s30f. 10,000. s30f. 8,000.s30f. 4,000. 10,000. u30f. do stlp loan '; 5,000.s30f. 1,000. ! 0 000. 5,000.s30f. 2.000, .'.... ; Great Rr I 5%s 1921 Asked. 96% 74 96% 97 93% 94 91% 45% 92% 9uV? 74% 80 90% 90% 90% 91 71 71 94% 94 91 86 31 1,000.lOO-.,, 5.000.100% Den & R G con 4s 2 000. 623; 15.000. f,2 do imn 5s 10 000. 67 do rfg 5s 5,000. ... 41% do ctfs of deposit 5.000;. 39 Detroit Riv T 4% p. 2.P00. 75 Detroit Tl Rvs 4V,S 2,000..'.... 64% Duluth *? Iron R 5s 5.000. 89% E T V * G con 5s 1.000. 86% Erie prior lien 4s 6,000. do 5s 1068 8,000. .. 4,000. .. 3.000. 78' 88% 88% 88. 4 OOO. 883,! 4s 1.000 3,000. . . do rr? 't^j, 4,000... 10 --'I. . . 1,000. . . do cvt *s ser A 10.000. 39 do cvt 4s ser B 5.000. 33 11 000. 371, do cvt 4s ser P 1,000... 5.000... do gen 4% s 1,000... 2,000... 3,000. . . 1,000... 1.000. . 2,000. . . Peo Ga-, ft Coke of Chicago 5s 3,000. 67 Peoric & E 1st 4s 10,000. 51 88' 88% 80% 80% 80-B 80% 80% 80 54% P?re Marquette 4s 54 *-. ; 6,000. 67' ; Reading gen 4s 44 ' 8,000.791 44%|R I Ark Si L 4%s 44 ,000. Rutland Can 4a 1,000... . ?St L Ir Mt ft S i 10,000. St L Rk M & P 5,. 72% 71 70% 70% Of. 70'-j 71 70% 70% 70% 71 71% 71% 70-% 70 % 7o% 70% 62?; 68 lr 000. 40 Fla F*-' <~ 4%s 1,000. 77 Genernl *'iee 3Vis 4" H St L & S F 6s ser C Hock Hud 70% T K 4?% 13?4 1.00 ?i .00 City Vf'4 'Ja >, 1.000. 68 V "~v 4ii.H 2.000. ,'- *?? ,fp. 5, 1 000. fifi??. fi.ono. 57 ii ono' '. ' . ' ' r,7.i? 1 000. . 5714 d oon ^7 P.00O.. ... [ 56T? 10 000. . 561.. 1.000. . .. ; 56 do *?*?- Ss 12.000. 16 O?*?1 rfg 4s '?' 000 . . ,73 10 0OO. ' 7"i'. ?jn noo ... 7*M'. ?* (^00 72 6 Son . 92 do J? -"?53 5.000.66 V. lilinoi- -'*eel 41-?s 1,000. .. InterW-"-Met 3 000... ni 2,000. 2,000. 85% do 4s ser A 36,000. 58 10,000. 57*% 1 000. 57% 1,000. 573; 2.000. 5^1. 15 000 58 2,000. 58% 1 000. 58 do 5s ser B 7,0on. 60 30,000. '. .. . 6R' ., 10.Oi)O. 68 do ndj fis 4 OOO . 62 1.000. 63 I.000. fi?.-.. 10,000. 62% 80 City ni Lyons Os City <-f Marseilles fis : ' 00. .. City of Tokio n'oo ' lorn Canada ; notes 1921 do 5%s 192! 6.000. .. . . 1,000... ? ,010. . do r. 1921 81 | 1 R ' ; 10.000. 1 000. jK 17% St 18 17% .000, N y citj Mav 8/ 4', : 1 00 1966 /?'', Huiluuv. A g Ci 01 1 . ' 000 . . - 'j. ting I 000, . T '?? T <? 2,000. . OiluM &eh 5s Corporations Calif Ga? S 1, o? do ctfs of deposit 5,OOO. 18 ?nterboro R T rfp 5 1,000. B2 10.000. 5.; 10.0 II . . . 10.000 8.000 ?'2.000. 52 5.000. 52 5,000. 52 r. 000. 5:; 9,000. 52 ;, 000. 5" 1,000. : 000. 52 1 000. 52 '.OOO. 5-J 4,000. 52 int Mer Marine 6a 3,000. 8; Iowa Cetitval 4s 31 000 10,000. . . do inc 'is 2,000 .. 38 000 12.000. . 19.000. S 00m . . r 000... R.OOO -, 000 8.000. . . L Swn 1st 4s 2 ' . do T( rminal 5s 13, 11 I 10 48 ;. - 47% 47 46 V '4? St P ft Kan City S L 4%s 1,000. . . . 6G Seaboard A L Is do :'???. 2,000. ? 5 100. . So Pacifie <?? I 1,000 . . I 42,000. 5,000 10 001 . . 41 10 s? 40% ? 1 39% 100 ,100 V. 100 ,00 '. . Katisa;. Citj lOiOO 1. do 5 s 1,000. . '.'? s rov ?. . 2 00 ' 1 :???'?'?'. ; ,000. col 4s I OOO. 81% 7,000.... jjl Centra! Leath' ?I Is Ai.u Arbor '? A I' & Cen R R'c 1,000 % Ches do ndj 4s '? 00 . . 69 S3% lt O cvt 4,000_ 3;000. .. . i ,000 . . . -,. . 2,000. . . . gen 4%s 6.000 Lack Steel 5s 1923 13 000. 93 L E & West 1st 5s 5,000. 81 Lake SI, gen ^Vs 1,01 0. 63 1 000 . . . 07% 1,000. 68 do 4s 1928 3,000. S4 Lehigh Valley 6s 1,000. 00% 1.000. 99% Liggett & M 2.000. . do 5s '....I. .-. ? 00 do San F Term 3,000. .. ?Southern Ry 5,000. . 2,000. . .' ? ' : dois' 73% S4% 84 ? ; 000 14,000 2.OIT 58 8% do 4s M J" O di* ; ' 001 000. I.000. 76 1 ' N 4s :: 1,000. 7 v '? ?? 78 II '.S' 1 i.--.i 76% Ralt O tem 6s 84''. 8?% 84 84 ' '? 84 84'. -s '? 000 8 0'?0. 1 000. 7 . : 000 do -c Rs i 1 000. 65 1 000. fil% 1.000. 6", .1 000 . ri?. 1.000. 65 1 000 .... 64% do ev* ""S 1 oon. fi? 1 000. fir?i; 22 ono. 6i \t, 1 ono. R4V, t non . , fi-;i; 1,000. ..'..'. 65 i-o'H 4s 1 noo. 65 5 000 ..'.'.' 6(T 1 00.1. \\[\ '. 64V, A Ono . 64 do n 1 *t%? do oon 14 nno. R"V. 5 000 . 82*<? de -=- "??'?.s 16 non. 73" 1 .1 non. ni.?-' R 000 .... 73% 1 oon' "' 73 do r?'??., T, ? & V "'?? Js ? 000. 57iA 0 non. r."?". "- 000. 55V. do T ?? C'4s 'i 000 50 Beth <=*-?' 1st 5s 1 oon._. 94% do vf- -,< 1 non. 85 nronk1"" "?an T R? 1 000 . SO'-? p,.^!,'?? V Elev 5s stamned < 000 . 61 % Brook'?- TJ Gas 5" 2,000. 74 1,000. 16% 1,000. 76% 3,000. 76 do cvt 4%?. 2.000. 76V, 5,000. 75% 2 000. 75% 2.000. 75% 1,000. 75% 2.000, . , . 75% 9.000. 75 C & Alton 3%s 8.000. 33 1,000 . 02% C B .<;- Q Illinois 3%s 4.O00. 71 do Nebraska 4s 12,000. 89% do joint 4s 4.000. 94% 5 000.94% 5,000. 94% 8.000. 94% 3,000. 94% 5 OOO. 94% 7,000. 94% 2.000. 94 Great Western 4e 5 000. 55% 12.000. 55 M & St P cvt 5s ser B 3.000. 72% 2,000. 72% 2.000. 72% do gen 4%s 1.000. 77% l.OOO. 77' l.OOO. 76% do cvt 4 %s 4.000. 71 3,000. 70% 6.000. 71 2.000. 70% do rfg 4%s 11.000. 60% 32.000. fiO 22.000. 5914 do ren 4s ser A 6.000. 67 l.OOO. 66 do deh 4s 1934 6,000. 63 do 5s C & P W div 2,000. 96 Lonit Island uni 4 i.":"'.. do rfK 4s 2.?OO. L & N unified 4s 2,000. 1.000. Mich Con deh 4s 1,000. Midvale Steel 5s I,." 0_ 109% Tenu Copper 1 3.nii(l.. 88 iTexa & P lsl D ,000. Thirrl Av rfp 4 s 82% 69 Toi S ' 4 W 4s 10,000. ! 80% Toronto H & B 4s 81 ;-: 000. 6 78 141: rfK IS M il v.- Elec P. Light 5s 2,000. . . Minn ? St I 5,000. . . do 4s 2.O00. 42 M St P & S S M 4s 1,000. 7S% M K A T of T 5s l.non. 96% M K * T 1st 4s Union Pacifie 4,000 . do lsl I? : 000. ,000 . do cvt 4i 85% do rfg 4fl United Ry Inv Pitts issue 000. 3.000. 57%|U S Realty & I 11.000. do 2d 4s 10,000. 30 ' Mo Pacifie 5s 1965 1.000. 81%:u do pen 1s 10 000. 57 56 7<,! 5 o.ifi. . . 5fi-'' ,000. 7.000. 9.000. 2 ,ooo. Rubber 5s 3 000. 5,000. 3 000. 5,000. 74% 74 85 84% 84% Si 10,000. 56% U S Steel s f 5s 000. fi On 56* 56?! 4 000.553; Mobile f- O new 6? 1 000.100 Montana Power Es 4 000, ..... 85=??, 4 000. 8=?% 6.000. 85 1,0.00. 84 Morn* ft Et sex 3%s 3.000. 70 New Orl Termina! 4s 2 000. 62 N Orl T * Mex 6s 10.000. f>3% N Y Central deb 6s 3.000. 91. 16 000. 92% 12 000. 9?R 5.000. 9"7? 21 000. 92% 2.000. ..... 92% 4.0C0. 92 do rfg. 4% ?> 000 . . do 4s 1934 4 000. . 2,000.. 10 oon. 9fi% 5 000. 96% 3.000. 96V. 1,000. 9fi-~?g 1,000. 96 6 000. 96% 1.000. 96 do registered 500. Virginian Ry 5? 5 000 .... jWabash 1st' 5s 2.000. ? do 2d 5s 2.00O. West Maryland 4s 1.000. 52 ? 3,000. 51 ?A 2,000. 51 West Pacific 5s 1,000. 82 1,000. 81% 1,000. 82'.. 2.000. 81% 77*i West. Shore 4s 9,000. 71 75% Wilson Co cvt 6c 75%: . 5.000. 92 95% 8:1% 82% 88U 80% $25,000,000 Kingdom of Italy Royal Treasury Five-Year BVf/o Gold Bonds (Series A) Dated February 1, 1 920 Due February 1, 1925 Principal and interest payable in New York in United States Gold coin, or, at the option of the holder, principal payable in Rome in lire at the fixed rate of seven lire per dollar. Principal and interest payable without deduction for any Italian taxes, present or future Coupon- bearer bonds in denominations of $50, $100, $500, $1,000 and $5,000, which may be registered as to principal at the Lincoln Trust Company, New York City. Application will be made to list the bonds on the New York Stock Exchange. The proceeds of the Loan will be used by the Italian Government in payment for purchases made in the United States, which purchases will aid greatly in the industrial and economic development of Italy. To this end a national policy of rigorous economy has already been adopted. The privilege of taking payments, at maturity, in Rome at the fixed rate of seven lire to the dollar adds to a sound and conservative invest? ment the possibility of a substantial profit in exchange,. In this connection it should be pointed out that the recent success? ful flotation of a large domestic loan by the Italian Government and the increase in the activity of Italian enterprises give substantial evi? dence of the likelihood of a return of the exchange situation to a more normal basis. Price 97%* and Interest to net about 7-/8% Payments may be made in full or in instalments Subscriptions will be received by KIdder, Peabody & Co. 115 DEVONSHIRE STREET 17 WALL STREET BOSTON NEW YORK C ii r h Market orks [jower as Selling Increases List Is Heavy, but Moins lift? ier Than Market on Stork Exchange; Wibl Fluctua? tions in hit. Petroleum Stocka on the Curb suffered re ; tively less in the decline y< ?terday than the issues on tho Exchange. While pnces worked lower as n rule, the selling was not --o heavy and urgent as mighl have been expected in view the sharp drop on the big board. One of the weakest spots was Gen ?;.] Motors, when issued, stock, which dopped from 24% to 23, moving in lire with the old stock --i the Exchange, ? i :: uffei ed s? vere y. Die'??? was a \\ ild market in Inter national Petroleum. It opened '-' point." iff at t;!, and was subsequently de i res: ed i o 56 ' ?.?. bul met supj orl that level and rallied to 58% at the l< >e. White Oil got down to 26% and 1 ?I not rally, Simni: Pc troleum was .airly firm. Ti., ni ws that President Wilson had signed 1 he oil leasing ' ill, t h ^- ; < by ; ?irowii g open more than a milli n ? tires of land in Wyoming for oil <.!<? ,-elopi nt, came Ioo late to be n :-c; ni a factor in the market. Boston & \ mi ;? ( '?'?'??? w hich will be directly affected by this favorable action, was steady around 1%. Sal? '.'recle Pro? el j? ers was off at 18 %. In the industrial group General As? phalt was -i weak issue, breaking to 70, a new low. It is now clown about ndred points from the high price of 1919. Nortl Am rican Pulp and Paper was steady. While much of the selling on the Curb yesterday vas professional, there was also considerable liquidation. Industrials Sales. Open. High. Low. La :; I0U ?Acme Coal . . '." , '?S? 21 ' ?., : m - a.??;..., Explos S 8^ s 120 ? ?Alumin Mfg. 29% 29% 29 29 (I Am Candj . .. ??' : '.'? . ' ' '- . :?.?? Am \\ rit Pap.. ' : 600 Armour Leath . ! '?: j 15% '??? IU00 in hi Nichi : 2 I U 24% 23 :a: . iij do pf. SSV4 SS1 10? *Brit-Am Chem S j S ;. ?Br-Ani Tob cp 18% IS ? ' 18% . i ' do . rts. .7 : V 7 SOU Car U & Pwr 2% 2 -. :.'.. I 0 'Conlej Tin K. 23% 23% 23% - .. Gen Asphalt.. Su v 76 77% ;. Gen Mo wi. .. 24% 24% 23 23 A 1200 ?Gen Tractor. .1 1 7s 7t 4900 ?Goldwyn Pict. 26% 27 26 600 Grape-Ola. I% 1% 1% 1 ?< . ?100 do pf. 1Tb 1?8 1 7h 1% 100 ?Havana Tob pf 3 '?> 9 9 100 ?Hook Val Prod 16V* 16% 16% i A ? 7000 Indian Packing 13% M 12% 13 l? 10 -Kay Co Cad.. 1% rl7s 1% ! tk 1200 "Locomob n wi 21 '? = 22 21V4 21% 1000 Marconi of Am 5 5 4*4 -i7! 100 I Mont Ward.... 3! 34% 33 34 TOO ?National Mot. 2% 2% 2*4 2% 1200 No Am P & P 57^ ?Tf? 5% r.r.^ 100 ?Ohio HI Body. 30 30 30 30 2000 ?Orpheum Cire. 30% 30% 3? 30*4 20i "' ?i ?Packd Mo pf 95 95 95 95 200 Perfection Tire 4% 414 414 4?^ 700 ?Pressm T & It 2 L' 14 2 2 500 ?Radio Co w i. 2% 2% 2% 2% 700 'do pf vv i.. 2% 2% 2% 2% 300 ?Rainier Mo... 31 31% 31 31% 4600 ?Republic Rub 4% 4% 1 I 400 "Hoot & Vaml. 46 46 4,r. 45 3000 Submarino Ht. 12% 13% 12% 12% 805 ?To.ii! Shlpyd?.168 168 160 160 960 ?U S Hi Sp T! 33% 33% 31 31 1000 ?Un Pic Pr C. 12 12% 12 12% ???non Un Profit Shar 2% 2% 2% 2% 8000 ?l'n Ret S Cdy 15 15 14 14% 300 ?C S Distrib.. 54 54 54 54 ?non V S Stmih Co. 3 3 2% 2% 500 ?U S Transport 10 10% 10 10% 30000 ?Warren Bros. 60 60 HT 58 BOO Wayne Coal .. 3% 4 3% 3% 600 ?Wm Davies... 42 42 4i% 41% 600 ?Willys 1st pf. 95% 96 95 95 Standard Oils Sales- Oven. High. Low. La I 1800 ?Anglo-Amor O 25% 26 25% 25% LO 'Ohio Oil Co. :?? ?So Penn Oil. d of N Y ?V uuni Oil Uyc x. High. i... 335 335 300 30 i 390 380 383 583 . Lust. 835 .: ' i 380 383 : ? i 'Alliance 0& 00 ? VI ed Oil .... ??, ?.- ; lg Roy? Vnna Bell Wyo \. .????<;.' Other Oils Open. High. Low. Last. R. 15 I" A 15 Corp .'':1 : 50% 31 M ? 8% ); -il Pet. . . . li. ne Oil. . I0i Koston- .Vyi . knet V C. Carib '-'? id.. I ?re . Oil. ? . I ml :? Em 2.C. ! n ,?? Co . ' ?.?; - Pel. . 2 ; i . . 0 12' .. ? ' ? Duq ?esi i Oil. <i: . 0 : 13; in Pet 8 2200 En; m ei - E'et.. 1 ' - 'A t , Oil. 1 . .! ::.. I l&G. : en Oil... 3 ? ? Gi ilan ! Oil. . 37 200 G nrock Oil . V G fey-Gi lesp. : , ; i' i Oil. A A ;? i ?en A n ? -. i ?1. 95 0 A dion Oil.. ? ; i ?Indianern. Rei' V :: Internal Pi ( . 60 ? i? Island O & J r. 5 Ivi Pel Corp 3' . ,-ingston Oil. I i ..... ?? ?; . I : 10 ?Lorn St; Gas 31 M nu O.!.. I !A l ?Ma ica.l i O.l. I. : - VIi tritt Oil C A M Pe?. 3 O.l ? " . ". i i. ; 154 900 ' Midw .-? T (J.I " i M . P of Me 2 i" i No Am ?; & H. 3 1 i ?P nm ?? . Oii. 7 K ?P p > . ?????- 38 21 I ? Pro i <Si Rel li A R .ek Oil 1 ?R.< -. Tex Co. . ! '? . ii Ryan Pel . . 3'i Sal Crk Prod 50 H ipuh a Refer. .'. A . i ' .. i;.. . Oil ... im. -Simms Pet. .. ;;.:>? 50 Sta Con Cp ! ', 51 ? ncer Pi r ('. A A a iton Oil.. . C Ste i ? r Oil. ; : 4' : ' 1% 8% 2% 12% I % l.% St "''??? i ?L \V lllS. 8% 8'i I ?? 1 "A 3% ;?'? 3% ; ' . 49 ?in 36? , j 1% 18% 3Vi A -%l 148 's 'Texas ( o w :. 100 T .v !? C ?V U. . A .Ai P & R. -. ? - i". con d & !.. ' I p cal Oil. . 13' " "i i' Ti v 9 Pet. ? V ctoria Oil.. . lean Oil. : W. ylai 1 O & G M W hi .. n Oll. . ? ?- 'I ?White Oil. ?Woodburn Oil. 10 Vi 15 10 V? 34 L% : P 88 I A 1 -, ::? .. 26% 7 ; 36 M 1 :.. '???'?i 48% I? " 33% 1% 19 J 10 44% ? 1% lA : ' % ' ? ;% 4% 1 " , 26% 6 ? Mining Open. High. Sale?. '?. -Br Col Me l?0 * \i'. ir ? linea. 1 1 . 0 f Atlanta ... :??? 2' B ? : I? (a p) 15 " 16 1000 ' Bel -h K (a M 15 16 700 Big Ledge .... % 4150 Bo VIj ska ... 76 Booth . 5% 25 ? ?a & Mont. 68 ' A! donia ... 35 $ ?0 i : nada Copper. I1! C; ndelaria Sil % % Carson Hill G 24 25 10 ?!':. hboy . S a. 8' 31 0 ?Con . Vir Silv 5%' 6% 300 Cn son ?An G. 1 7 Low. i.a?t. ' 6% 68 36 1% 66 1ft \i 21 8 1800 'DeB ier lA.n M 40% 40% 40V. 7! 01 Dh ?de Ex (a p) % }| ?V 1000 El Salvador Sil 3 3 121 0 ?EurtCr M Co. 1 ?, 1 ?>? 4500 ?tEufcka Holly ?J (j 500 ?!?'. rly-nme Mg 1% 1% 7500 "Cold Z Div. .31 32 400 ?Golden Gate. .1 1% A ' ?fGoldfield Con 1,1 13 43 ' ?tGol Ifield I)ev i;f% 13% 2700 ?fGoldfield Mer 3% 4 26 10 *? Great Hend. . 3 3 375 Hecla Mining.. 4 '-^ 4% % 1% ;,-t 1% 31 1 13 13 3 ' ?'? 400 ?Hond Am Syn 17% 19% 1 1% 2400 ?Mim Hutler. . 21 1500 Mumbo Exten. 6% 2700 ?fKewanaa ... 3% ? ?TKnojc Divide. S 1000 Louisiana Cons % 400 ?tMacN Cr M. % I:.n ?tMcNam Min. '? 1000 Mason Valley. 1% 1000 tMcKinl?y-Dar. 61 100 ?Motherlode Cop 5 3% 1 !5'J ! 76A| .". '? ?', 68 " 1ft "4 24 ??< ? 8% 6% 40% ' % lft i 1% 32 i-? ; 13 13 4 3 i 4% 19 I 25 , 6% : 4 ! fil % Sale ?. ""T)pen. High Low. Last 800 Jlurray-M M Ltd 75 75 75 75 600Nipissing Min. 10% 11 10% 11 600 Ophir Silver M 1% 1% 1% 1% | 1700 Prince Cons .. % % ,A %[ 200 Rand Mines Ltd 3S 38 3S 38 5 II 0 'Ray Hercule,. IV? i'4 1% 1% 6400 Ropei>-Group M Si % ft %: ?o i ?Silver Dol M. ?', ft ft ?'-. 301 ' Slh -r K of Ariz % % 'j % ; l. ?-?-Silver King D 5 5 5 5 1250 I ?tSllver Pick. . IS 18 15 16 I.Standard Sil Ld ft ft A Ai I. ?Stewart Min.. 38 IS 18 18 L200 ?tSuccess Min. 6 6% 6 6% 2000 ?Sutherland n. 4% 4%. ?'?% 4% 350 ?Tono Belmont 2?ii 3 -\?, 2% 1250 ?Tono Divide.. 2ft 2% 2ft 2ft >' l Tono Exten..". 2% 2% 2ft 2ft r.'ii... Mining. 2% 2% '?'? ?** 2% 1500 United Eastern 3% 3ij 3% 3% 600 "Utah Revenue 1% 1% 1% 1% 20.!tU S font M 8% 8% 8% 8% 300 Unity Gold M. S s 8 S 2500 ?tVictory D(ap) 11 11 1" 10 ? 900 tWash Gold Q. 98 10" 98 100 3300 ? White Caps M 12 13 12 12 1500 Wiibert Mining 6 6% 6 6 Bonds Sales (000 omitted). Open. High. Low. last. $25 ?Allied Pack 6s.. 77 77 70 76 86*AmJ & T. "22. 95% 05% 94% 94% 4 ?Am T & T, '21. 94% 94% 94% 91% 5 *Belg Gvt 6s, '21. 98% 98% 98% 98% 50 ?Belgian 6s, '25. 96% 96% 96% 96% I 5 ?CCC&StL 6s, '29 87% ST7* 87% 87% 105 ?Gen Elec 6s, '4". 98% 98% 97% 97% 15 ?Inter I? T 7-?. . 60 67 65 65 Sale?. Open. High. Low. J.aJt 2 ?Ru.-s Gvt 5%s.. 30 31 30 31 25 ?Russ Gvt 6%s. 31 32 31 32 4 ?Swiss Gvt 5%a. 87%. 87% 87% ^7% ?Unlisted, +Se!!3 cent-? per !.?r?. New Issues Listed New issues li.xied on the Stock Ex change yesterday by thf governing committee included $67fi,Qp.Q adduiymil ?j per cent cumulative preferred st??l of the Dayton Power <fc Light Com puny; temporary certificates lor t,,;.<A,' shares ($10 pari additional capital j ock of the Middle States Oil Corpora? tion; $5 374,100 common, stoe'; B of thi L.igpei.1 .v Myers Tobacco Com my; $26,210.800 capita] -nock 'bar $50) of trie Philadelphia Rapid Transit C?m panj. -.- ? To Extend Syndicate An extension of the life uf th? banking syndicate which undrruroic. the $45,000.000 French cities' [oan o ' fered last fall, ??planned by the mari iger . it was learned yesteid?.W Thi original syndicate agreement ex pire .March 1. Since only about ha.f of the bonds had been sold up to Feb ruary 1. the syndicate is to be ex? tended for :.. indefinite period. ?XX r^--~S 1 1 M M i'i m ms^&?2z ":> Beyond tihe Reach of C?rct?imm stance A voluntary trust, established j[\ with The National Paris Bank will insure an income for yourself or your dependents in future years, no matter how cir? cumstances may affect your per? sonal fortune. Our services asitrustee under voluntary or "living" trust are described in a booklet which we shall be glad to send-you, "The Trust Department of The National Park Bank." National Park Bank Our trust ojjicer will be glad to confer with you. The