Newspaper Page Text
Lost ?ad Found . \\7 _^ M. ?_? He,P WAted Room? and Boarders (oj VV B. T? L S * O? Situations Wanted Furnished Apartments * * ?*-%??*??? Business Opportunities "PERSONAL HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED FEMALE CONRAD THTEDB. of Alt Rudnita, Ger? many: Important news concerning In? heritance. Communicate Bertha Walther, Tub? .City, Col. WILL the writer of a letter dated October 2?, 1?19. addressed to Smith. Kline * French Company. Philadelphia, and stgned a friend, please communicate with th* above mentioned firm.__ ~~LOST, FOUmTXmTrKWARDS DOG?Lost 63d at. and Eighth ave., Monday: small white dog. long- ears, short tall; an? swers name "Bud." Howard. Eby, S36 West 62d at. I.OST.?A diamond bar pin, between East ?9th st. and East 4?th st., Avignon Res? taurant ; reward. Return to Mrs. \V. H. Barnum. 123 East 69th st. LOST.?-Gray Persian cat with chinchilla markings, lost from US East 74th St. Sun? day ?venl?ig. "-"el*. ?2 ; wuitablo reward if re? turn??.! to th.ts address. SUNDAY, 75th' st., Park ave.. Irish terrier, brown, seven month?., reward if returned to owner. 8upt., Sl"< Park ave. FOUND.?Roll of bills on subway ?tteps. Communicate B., Box 59C, Tribuno Office. LOST BANKBOOKS LOST.?-Bankbook No. 7C4."?46 of the Union Dime Savings Rank la missing. Any per non having a claim to it I? hereby called upon to present ihe same within ten days or submit to having sali passbook canceled and a. new one issued. I.OST.?Rankbook No. 673.796. The Greenwich Savings Bank, 246 & '.14? Sixth ave.. N. V. City. Payment stoppe?]. Please return to bank. LOST.?Bank hook No. 207.3S6, The New York Savings Rank. Eighth ave., corner 3 4th st. Payment stopped. Finder please re? turn to bank. FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED TWO BUSINESS MEN want modern room near subway, Manhattan or Brooklyn; Private; state terms. Box 1703, Pater son, N. .1. 1?0TH ST., 14S WEST?I,arge room In suito or single; running water, electricity, gas; with or without kitchenette. BOARDERS WANTED 1 EAST 63D ST.?Attractive single room; ?xcer.ent meals; references required. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET HOTEL ST^ IX5UIS, 34 East 32d st.?Very desirable 2 and 3 room suites, with bath; full hotel service; would let few suites un? furnished; rates reasonable. Tel. Mad. Sq. 1564. WEST 72D ST.?Business office to lease. Dr. Brahdy, Lenox 4010. \ HELP WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION LEARN TO BE A CHAtirKEUR.?Pleasant and profitable work. day and evening fiasses. Send for free booklet and visitor' pa.'.-. West Hide V M C. A., 306 We ?7th tt SHALT. I STAY? SHALL 1 GO? Before making a change find ou* if you are on the right track. To know what your ilfi work should be is a ?tart in the right direi tlon; The trained analyst will know from a study of your face the vocation for ? i. This study is based on known scientific i s No psychological tests; no trade tests. Ask us all about It. Booklet "L" on request. Morton Institute, Inc., SG Fifth ave. tat 15th ? i. Ntw York Telephone Chelsea 40??4. ?HOP MA' HEMATICS, ?ilecnanlcal and an hltectural ?Irawin* r.Aa typewriting couiseq are si J I! available fjr registration ? t Brooklyn Central Y. M. C. A., it Han toi a'-e, Brjomyr. HELP WANTED MALE BOY wanted for errands; strong and neat, Charles P. Yung Co-, 19 Beaver st. Ih VS ?Two bright, clean cut boys who have hi 'i some expe lence In advertising depurt m ?; of newspaper or publication; excellent CH? .unit- (or advancement, starting at $12 pj i,ve.?k. Apply Mr. Saul Drown, Daily in m r,t Now?, 28? l-'iftli ave. BOYS WANTED.?Large camera supply hi use has opening for bright boys. WI1 1, ..m.:. .-. i in West 32d st. UOY, about 17 years of age, for office; stead) position; good chance for advance? ment, Apply 0 a. m., Boom 304, 17 W. 42.1 St. BOY.?Neat, bright boy to run errands and make himself generally useful. N. B. Xlnnman, 6 East 23th st. BOY WAN TED.?Young boy for general office work; must be bright and Industrious. Apply Boom 1110, 52 YanderMlt ave.. New York City. BOY, strong, for shipping and to make him? self generally useful, cotton goods house. Cantor-Greenspan, 752 Broadway. ?RAFTSMAN wanted, familiar with ma? chinery and factory layouts. Hadlrshaw Eieetric Cable Co., Yonkers, N. Y. OFFICE HOY .-?-Exceptionally good opening with first eiass advertising company for bright boy willing to learn; excellent oppor? tunity for advancement ; liberal salary for right young man; unless you ?ant a perma ! cut place and are willing to work faithfully i?-> not apply- Call Room 160r, 8 W. 40th St. fcALESMEN. AN OPEN" LETTER TO THE SALESMEN OF GREAI ER NEW YORK. Are you entirely satltfied with your present business connection? Ta it yielding you the income your effort and ability entitle you to? And how about tho futuro? Is there tile opportunity fur you to develop into a lin,000 to $20.000 a year man? If you cannot answer YES to these three 'uieatiuiis, if you feel that you an? STANDING STILL in your pres? ent position, then this advertisement carries a message for you. no matter what your sales experience has been, We are a MANUFACTURING COR? PORATION, wlt.ii a nationally known product, protected by a patent process which Is considered as important to the AUTOMOTIVE Industry from' an economic standpoint as , ? Rs-ssomer process ib to tho steel Industry. We have room in our organisation for a number of live-wire salesman, who are l-.oking for a job which they can make their life's* work-?where they can virtually get into business tor themselves. * If you ?ire mich a man, wo will give you the opportunity of making moro money during the next six months than you ever made before, ?nd after tnat. if your work has been aatlsfac ?31. >0<l mK* st?P '"t0 ?? PERMA? NENT POSITION In our merchandis? ing department on a basis of re muriaiatlon which will inauro vour financial independence. Right now, we aro increasing our manufacturing facilities and are look lug ior young men who arc ambitious to make u future for themselves, and who are willing to help us in securing the additional capital which we re? quire for business and plant expan? sion, by calling on Motorists in New York and vicinity (with cards of in i in.?,', ? i nd lnvl?"'K subscriptions ??tu t?>f-?r,n? oC s Per com Curau non S, ,c.O??Vr,'d ?tuCk' With a?'?">?? mon stock bonus. ??^n.- men,t,a <>ur organization hi their iiv.r?ve; ?old a 8ha,t of ?took m their lives before are now earning 2??.?*?0-m*S*M,on ba?l? ?rom ?loo to ?:?- L k *"?<- mora; 3" do not hesl tat; because of lack of experience In i is particular line ot wor?i; wo wl ?ght 'f'ron ?ti".iakr H ????????? ?i It? res* ?fu ?..1", ",ar,~i?n?. your sue Pock* h,.. ??& m**n mone-' >n >'<-"? F-KHViiVi-K-.n V.1,,.->r"par'-' -vou ?or a ? WtMAMAT FUTURE. Tou would like to know more abou this opportunity, wouldn't you? Then ?ddiesa. a letter to P. O. Box 411, ?aoisou .-?QUarr- Station, New York asking for an Interview, in your let? ter Kindly statu your age and selllr.t experlence. References need not be given until after you havo been ao eorded an Interview. SALESMEN, We offer an exceptional opportunity to wide-awake young men on our soliciting staff ;alary and commission, fie? Air. ItaM-i the Jetriah Tribuns? 8 East 17th at. \ SPECIALTY SALESMAN Who would like to locate In New York City, or COLLEGE GRADUATE who can show record or success !ft wanted to represent a large uorjioratlon In negotiations of a difficult nature. Position worth ?6.000 to right man. J. II. Huntington. 106 West 40th St., bet. 9:30 and 1 o'clock. Stock Salesmen Wanted With or without clientele. Good commission paid. Live leads furnished. General Agencies Lmt'd, Room 17-19, 1966 B'way. STOCK SALESMEN who appreciate a se? curity of high merit In sell. Buyers of this stock should make large profits, and salesmen who sell it should build up a permanent clientele. Largo sales, liberal commission. Call Room 2220, 6) Broad I way. _^^^ _ WANTED.?Experienced dio maker; on? who can make ready on flat bed and I cylinder cutting and creasing presses; give | references, age, Balary expected and state i whether married or single; factory located ! In Baltimore. Md. A.. Box S?3, Tribune I Office. ; WANTED.?Specification writer, familiar with largo country house work. Apply John I Russell Pope, Architect, 027 Fifth ave. HELP WANTED FEMALE INSTRUCTION WANAMAKER BEAUTY SCHOOL, ?383 Fifth Ave., Near 36th St. Leading School of America. EARN $25 WEEKLY. Hairdressing, Manicuring, Marcel Waving. All Branches Taught. REGISTER NOW FOR HIGH (.'LASS POSITION; WE CAN? NOT SUPPLY THE DEMAND; REACH OUT FOR SUCCESS IN AN BNVIBONMENT OP WEALTH AND REFINEMENT; DAY AND EVENING CLASSES Phone 1176 \anderbtlt. HELP WANTED FEMALE A REAL OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN 17-25 years of age LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE OPERATORS We offer all the advan? tages you can think of and $15.00 PER WEEK to start, with more pay and good chances of ad? vancement. Experience of any kind is not necessary. COME AND SEE US. ROOM 530, 24 LISPENARD ST., JUST BELOW CANAL. The American Telephone & Telegraph Company. i A YOUNG LADY with training fitting her to judge women's apparel and arrange prop? erly on living models for editorial illuntra | lions. Large organization. Office position. J with opportunity for advancement if ainbl I tious energetic and aggressive. II. E. Law j son, 243 Went 39th St., 7th floor. BOOKKEEPER and stenog? rapher, capable taking entire charge of office- Good oppor? tunity for right party. Write, t stating length of last employ ! ment and salary expected. Box A., 833 Tribune. CASHIER ? RESPONSIBLE POSITION AMID PLEAS I ANT SURROUNDINGS FOR YOUNG LADY POSSESSING INTELLIGENCE. INITIA? TIVE AND SOME EXPERIENCE. MOE LEVY & SON, 119 WALKER ST. I CHAMBERMAID.?Refined, competent maid; best references only. Write and I will call. I Mrs. Martin, Stillwater ave., Stanford, Conn. i CHAMBERMAID - SEAMSTRESS.?Protes I tant. Call 3 fb 5, 621 West End ave. , CLERK for office of large Institution In city; taetfulries? and some clerical experience rc ' quired; salary $50 per month and maln'o ? nance at start. Phono Mr. Clark, Cathedral j 6278, for appointment. | COMPETENT MAID.?References required: j housework In modern studio apartment; family of 2; hours 11 to 7:30; flti a week. Telephone 8383 Spring. ! COOK for small family in apartment; must j have references. Call Hadden, 1 Lexington ?ave., Thursday between 9:30 and 11:30. ! GENERAL HOUSEWORKER. white, ex? perienced; two in family; no washing; I good ?ages. 1000 Park ave., Apt. D-D. i GIRLS AS TYPIST^. ? Girls, age 17 and over, wanted las typists. Permanent posi I tions. Large financial institu I tion. Hours 9 to 4:30. Satur? day half holiday. Luncheon ; served free. Opportunity to ; study stenography and opera? tion of dictaphone without ex 1 pense. Salary $12. Call after 19 A. M., room 5030 Metropoli ; tan Life Building, Fourth Ave I nue & 23rd Street, New York. i_ 'GIRLS, EXPERIENCED IN LABELLING, WRAPPING MEDICINES; PLEASANT I WORKING CONDITIONS; HOURS 8:80 6:30, SATURDAY, 2 P. M.; WAGES $12 TO ; START; CHRISTIAN FIRM. APPLY, WITH : REFERENCES. AFTER 9:30 A. M? THE , PURDUE-FREDERICK COMPANY, 13S . CHRISTOPHER ST. j GIRL for general office work, with little knowledge of bookkeeping, stenography and typewriting; good penmanship desired. 1** ! Ington Motor Car Co., 16 West 61st St., Tth j floor. GIRL, Miiall. wanted In large advertising f agency; one who In familiar with operat ! Ing n mlmengniph. Apply J. Walter Thoinp 1 son Co., 1'44 Madison ave.. New York City. ?GIRLS. 16-17, learn ribbon blocking; light I work, nlenaant surrounding?, high pt,v. Oro mar. & fou?. 11 Yr??t 3? ta t?. GIRLS AS CLERKS. I Girls, age 17 and over, wanted 1 as clerks. Permanent positions. ' Large financial institution. Hours 9 to 4:30. Saturday half I holiday. Luncheon served free. ! Opportunity to study typewrit ? ing, stenography and dicta I phone without expense. Salary ito start $12. Call after 9 A. iM., room 5030 Metropolitan Life Building, 4th Avenue & 123rd Street, New York City. ! NURSE for child of 2; helft with Infant; wages $65 ; must have personal references, ! Call 40 East 66th st.. mornings 10 to 11. NURSERY GOVERNESS for two llttlo girls. 7 and 10. Call Thursday and Friday, Mrs. K. Ilramson, 317 Went 89th st. Telephone I River 6314. positions for Young women are open in several OF OUR DEPARTMENTS. $15.00 A WEEK TO START, WITH REGU? LARAND FREQUENT INCREASES THERE A FTER.PERMANENT ! WORK ? 48 HOURS OR LESS A WEEK. MANY OPPORTUNI- ? TIES FOR ADVANCE? MENT TO POSITIONS IN WHICH THE EARNINGS ARE $25.00 TO S30.00 A WEEK. EMPLOYMENT - OFP1CES : 116S BROADWAY. MANHATTAN ? :00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. M. 4G3 E. TR?MONT AVE., BRONX 9:00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. M. 81 WILLOUGHBY ST., BROOKLYN 9:00 A M. TO 8:00 P. M. ABOVE OFFICES ALSO OPEN SATUR I DAYS TO 4 P. M., SUNDAYS 1 P. M. TO 5 P. M. 44 PEARL STREET. MANHATTAN . ! 11:00 A. M. TO 2:00 P. M. j 183C ?ROADWAY. BROOKLYN ?8 W HOUSTON ST., MANHATTAN 9:0. A. M. TO 5:00 P. M. OR TELEPHONE VADISON SQUARE 12000 APPOINTMENT AT ANY HOUR. NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO. SALESWOMEN. We offer an exceptional opportunity to ; j wide-awake young women on our soliciting ; staff; salarv and commission. See Mr. ; ! Rabin, the Jewish Tribune, 3 East 17th St. STENOGRAPHER and typist, must he profi? cient in English and industrious. Apply j I Room 1110. 63 Vanderbllt ave., N. Y. City. * STENOGRAPHER, in automobile repair ! shop; salary lit proportion to experience i and capability. Apply In person, Flat lie- ; ' pairs Co., 640 West 58th St. 'YOUNG LADY as stock clerk; experience: ! not necessary but preferable; references, required; good opportunity for right party.: ? American Spectacle Co., 47 West 34th St. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE i A.?A.?Child's nurse; young American ! Protestant; some kin training; I60-?66; J : child 3 to 5 years old. C Miss Hofmayer's l Agency. 10 East 4 3d st., 3d floor. Telephone l 8947 Murray Hill. ' CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS.?Young Irish plrl ? excellent references; city apartment: $6?-*55. B., Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 ; East 43d st., 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Mur? ray Hill. _ s,_ COOK.?French ; good manager; excellent1 references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 366 Fifth uve. COOK-HOUSEWORK. ? Finnish-English girl with child 0 years old; city or coun- I try; best references. Lehtt's Agency, 77 E. ; 126th st. Harlem 6515. COOK.?-Young Finn; good city reference; $65 to $70. T? Miss Hofmayer's Agency, ; ; 10 East 43d st., 3d ?nor. Telephone S947 I Murray Hill. 1 COOK.?-Young Irish girl; excellent long rof ' crences; $70. T., Miss Hofmayer's Agency, I 10 East 43d st., 3d floor. Telephono S947 ' . Murray Hill. COOK and waitress and Ijouseworkers j (Finnish-English), girls; good references. ! I.ehtl'o Agency, 77 E. 125th st. Harlem ' ?111. COUPLE- (Finnish-English), cook and | chauffeur, cook and butler; references. Lehtl's Agency, 77 blast U'?t'j st. Harlem ! 6515. i FRENOfI designer leaving for Paris desires trade connected with manufacturers; six j ! years' experience. Miss Discount, 544 West ' "l45th St. ? GOV?F.NESS or companion to woman; I wish to secure position for refilled, we! I educate', elderly woman: Is Christian Scient? ist and a c'elightful personality; does not i speak any foreign languege. Address Dr. C. W. W., Box A. S32, Tribune Office. i Exclusive Dresses for Children Mansfield, 540 W. 143th St. Tel. 2390 Aud. ; NURSE.?Young, thoroughly capable; excel-j I lent references. Miss Fltzgorald's Bureau, ' j 360 Fifth ave. NURSE.?Infant preferred: exceptional ref- : erences. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 3GS I Fifth ave. ? NURSERY GOVERNESS.?Young English- : woman ; child over Ovo years old ; goo 1 i city references. . F., Miss Hofmayer's : Agency, 10 East 43d st., 3d floor. Telephone : 8947 Murray Hill. I WAITRESS or parlormaid, young: American Protestant; highly recommended; country] 1 preferred ; $S0-$65. E., Miss Hofmayer's , ! Agency. 10 East 4?d st., 3d floor. Telephone ? i 8947 Murray Hill. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, auditor, executive ability ! and extensive public accounting practice, I de.sires permanent engagement ; prefers per- j : sonal Interview. B., Box 560, Tribune Office, i I BOY, 15, desires position as office boy. Pin I cus Tlttu r, 215 Third ave., Brooklyn. CHAUFFEUR, 10 years' experience, private; , : excellent references. Williams, South and ? Bryan ave., Hollls, L. T. ?LOCKSMITH practical, expert; state salan'! ! and hours. John Gramm, 159 West 22d st. ! ? MAN, elde-Iy, Christian, desires position as watchman or light porter work, doorman, i anything; handy v. Ith tools. Schwartz, 1019 ? East 178th St. PAINTER, expert; room painted, $2; room papered, $2.50. Diamond. 320 Henry st. ! YOUNG MAN, 21, wishes position with ad? vertising ijrm. Call Williamsburg 617. AUTOMOBILES MARMON-FLETTWOOD SEDAN five passenger, newly painted, thor? oughly overhauled, new battery, A beautiful all year round car for a lady or gentleman to drive. Can he. Been a? St. Urban Garage, 119 West S9th St. THOMAS O'CONNOR. ? 7-Cent Sugar Causes Suit $1,202,565 Damages Asked for Failure to Make Deliveries An action for damages for failure to deliver sugar, which was filed in the Supreme Court yesterdny, reveals the sal? last September of 9,000 tons at 7.875 cents a pound, which price in? cluded coRt of sugar and all insurance and freight charges to French Atlantic ports. The suit is brought by G. H. Finlay & Co., who seek $1.202,565 in damages from the Sugar Products Com? pany. ?^ The plaintiffs allege that they cn i tered into an agreement with tho de j fendant last September to accept 9,000 I tons of centrifugal sujrar. The dcliv | pries were to be made in January, Feb I ruary and March, 3,000 tons at a time. ! The Finlay firm says the defendant re : pudiated the contract on January 12 j last and refused to make deliveries. At that time, it is nlleged, the price of the sugar at the French ports desig ; nated by the plaintiff was 13,24 cents a j pound. business Opportunities ST APT,M FOOD product? corporation Offers unuatial opportunity to lim? ited number Investors of $100 or more; Investment: protected; largo profits. 1!., Box 597, Tribuno Office,. TREASURER WANTED.?LARGE BNGT noorlng and construction firm, estab? lished fifteen years, doing domestic and foreign business, requires services of active treasuror, familiar with financing con? tracts and handling fund?; man with ex? perience and some capital preferred; cor? respondence confidential. A., Box S31, Tribune Oflloo. business cards Carpets nnci Kngu SLOANES, WILTON, AXMINSTER, WHITTALL CARPETS, Jl.00 yard up, in ffray^blue, groen, brown mixed ?olor..-, for all purpose:-;. Rugs a!! makes, all prices all sizes, $H1.50 to $45.00 up. MAKING OVER, CLEANING, LAV? ING. DYKING, reasonable. STILLINGfa, INC., G20-028 Madison Ave. i5Dth?. Plaza 8835 Carpet Cleaning , IEWIKO---MAKING OVER--CLEANIN?. 500 carpeta, rugs, portieres (all sizes). plain Oriental colors. Slightly used. At 1-8 original prie?. ?00 yds. of Inlaid Hue itum. ti.US GEORGE US7 SD AVE.. ?1ST HT. 4SS4 PLAZA Diamonds DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY BOUGHT POR CASH. estates appraised, pur? chased. BENNETT, 175 Broadway, upstairs. Furniture Wanted HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture, as? tiques, planos, bric-a-brac, books, art. ? tc. OABAT, 18 University Placa. Tu??? ?tuyveiant 2377. Trunks BIG BARGAIN. New and used wardrobe trunks. 506 Sixth ave., be.t. 30th-31st sts. CITATION LORD, FRANCES T.?THE PEOPLE OF the State of New York, by (he grace of God. free and Independent?Tu George F. Shelton, Madeline S. Markoe, Louise Slielton. Frances T. Parsons, Florence PItney, Harriet S. Sherman, Helen Shelton, Adele Slielton, Sabina Brennan, Sarah Lord McCormlcIt, Susan Day Parker, Crace Lord Nicoll, Klsle Couper Lord. William B. Lord, Meta H. Lord, John ?.'. Lord, George de Forest Lord. Edward Crary Lord, Frances Lord Seymour, Etta McCormlck Williams, Elsie McCormlck, Robert McCormlck, Phehe McCormlck Aver, Mildred McCormlck, Helen S. Clarkson. Madeline Denton Smith, Mabel Hlodgett. Ethel Denton Smith, Francis II. Markoe, Jr., Charlotte .1. Shelton; Association for tho Relief of Respectable, Aged Indigent Females. Board of Home Missions of the Presbyterian Church ; Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church, New York City Mission Society, New York Association for the Blind. Brick Presbyterian Church In the City of New York, New York Association for Im proviner the condition of tho Poor. The New York Life insurance ?- Trtfsi Company, as Trust?e of certain trusts created by said Will and National Surety Company, as surety' on the bond of said Executors and to all persona interested as creditors, legatees, next of kin or otherwise. In the Estate of Frances T. Lord, deceased, who at the timo of her death was a resident of 903 Park Avenue, In the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. Send Greeting: Upon fh? petition of Lucius II. Beers, is slding at Westhampton Beach, Long Cslanu, N. V., and Franklin B. l^rd, residing at Cedarhurst, Long Island, N. V., You and each of you are hereby cited to show cause be'fore the Surrogates' Court of Now York County, held at tho Hall of Records. In the County of New York, on the 30lh day of March, 1920, at half-past ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day, why the account of proceedings of Lucius H. Heers and Franklin li. Lord as Executors of the Laut Will and Testament of said deceased, should not be Judicially settled. In Testimony \\ here,.'-, We have caused the Seal of the Surrogates' Court of the said County o? ?New York :<> be hereunto affixed. Witness, Honorable John P. Co [L. ?.] halan, a Surrogate of our said County, at the County of New York, tho HUIi 'lay of February, In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty DANIEL I. DOWDNEY, ('?erk of the Surrogates' Court. SURROGATES' NOTICES SUERKEN. JOHN c.-~ IN PURSUANCE of au order of Honorable John P. Co- i halan, a Surrogate of tho County of Ne.iT I York, NOTICE Is hereby given to all per ?on? having claims against John P. Huer- \ ken, ?ate of the County of New York, de- i ceased, to present the saine with vouchers ; thereof to tho subscriber?, at their place of I transacting business, at the ofTlcu of their ' attorneys, Guggenheim?!-, Untermyer & \ Marshall, No. 120 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, City ot* Now Yorl;, on or be- ? fo'.-o the - l?t day of Juno next. Dated, Neu York, the 15th day of De- - ce::, ber, 1310. ELISIO KABTHE SUERKEN. HERMAN P. SUERKEN. Executors. GUGGENHBIMER. UNTERMYER & ; MARSHALL, Attorneys for Kxooutors, 120 Broadway, .Borough of Manhattan, * New York City. WELLBROCK, WILLIAM HENRY_In pur- ? sianeo of an order of Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, iiotlco is hereby given to all persons having claims against William Henry Well brock, lato of tho County of New York, de? ceased, to prosent the came v,ith vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at his place of transacting business at tho olfk e of Hendrlck i Hendrlck. Vo. 2 Rector Street, in in? Citjr of New York, on or boforc tho 10th day o? May. 1920. Dated. New York, the 5th day of Novem? ber. 1919. ARTHUR C. WELLBROCK, Executor. HENDRICK & HENDRICK, Attorneys for Executor. 2 Rector St.. New York City. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Hon. John P. Cohalan, a surrogate o{ the County of New York. NOTICE la here? by given to all persons having claims against Georgianna B. Wright, late ef the County of New York, deceased, to pre sent the same with vouchers thereof te tho subscriber, at his place of transacting business, at the office of his attorneys. Carter. Ledyard * Mllburn. No. 54 Wall Street, in the City of New York, on o? Wefore the ?d day of February, li>20, next. Dated New York, the 21st day of July. (?19. ' HORACE E. DEMING. Ex?cuter. CARTBK. LEDYARD i- M1LBURN. At? torneys for Executor. 64 Wall Strut Bor'-ugb of Manhattan. New York City WALKER, ELISHA ROBB?NS.?IN FUR* ; suame of an o'der of Hon. John P Cohalan. Surrogate of the Countv of New ? York, notice is hereby given to all per Sorts having claims against Ellsha Robblnt Walker, late of the County of New York, j deceased, to present the same, with vouch ere thereof, to the subscriber, at hi? place ef transacting business. No. 61 Broadway. la the City of New York, on or before the ! ISth day of April next. Dated. New York, the 23rd day of OoU Usr, 1911). JOSEPH WALKER, Jr., Administrator. ROUNDS. HATCH. DU LINGHAM A DEBBVOISE. Attorney? for Adminis? trator. 62 Cedar Street. N'tw York Cltj MEETINGS_| TO THE MEMBERS OF THE MANHAT? TAN NAVY i'l.L'B (Inc.): Notice is; hereby given that a special meeting of i the member? of this corporation will be held at No. 15 E. 41st Street, Borough of ; Manhattan, N. Y. City, on Wednesday, ? March 17. 1930, at tlve o'clock P. M.. to | consider and take action upon the propo- . sitien to increase tho number of Its di? rectors from 11 to not exceeding 40. I FRASER M. MOFFAT. Secretary. n. y. city. reby. 24,.ma. 1 Shipping News HIGH WATBBAM pM 12:37 1S:30 2:36 ARRIVED YESTERDAY ' Vessel V *?<-??- DePrlU?4 K Aui victoria...Liverpool .i, , ? We^Modus.Tiltil .Feh 1 Lackawanna.Arnolds .jet} ' n-lavl.Rotterdam .)->b J Wye.atyceli??: I : ?-? -Manchester .... ;Feb > Ed L Dohency HL.Tampic?. .Feb I ?MeAn::::::::::nne-jan?'iV?-:.>eb4 I Antonio Lopo*.Hovanu.Fob -o Westfield.? ?*????.??* ?? Corrales.Charleston .? ?>b .... W A Luckenbach. .Rotterdam .J ?' ! Kerkenna'.Dartmouth .Feb 4 Lako Erlo.Fayal -...Feb 10 ? Lo wther Castle.... Cristobal .Feb b LakeCayuga.Matanzas .J,e? ; Michael.F*ra .*<? "? 'l.akoLlda.Caimanera .Feb -l , Maasdljk.Rotterdam .Feb 7 Vindeila.Glasgow .1'eb t> 1 Lightbunne.Port Arthur. I Ed L Doheny III. .Providence.-? ; Loulsburg.Tampa. _ . .. I Julia Luckenbach..Rotterdam .feb l* I Ice King.Bremerhaven- - : Hamilton.Norfolk. ?-? i Scutney.Gibraltar. West Islny.Naples. Westmoreland.Avonmouth. - INCOMING STEAMSHIPS IM? To-day I Now York City_Bristol .Feb ? 1 Nethnrpark.Gibraltar .Jan j>Q ?Imperoyal.Southampton .. .Jan. ?9 I Bayonne.Gibraltar .Fob 2 ! Lake Agomac.Cletifuegas .Feb. 9 l Comm. Rollins.Santiago .l'eu, i? '? Lake Duncan. . ..Nuevltas .Feb l.i I Manon.Barbados .Feb 1 S i Lcmdoadler.Antwerp .Feb l i Somorset.London .Fob < | Roman Prince.Dartmouth .Feb ? i Me'dina.Genoa .Feb 7 Montclalr.Cardiff .feb 7 ? Brelfond.Amsterdam .Feb. ? I Munamar.Antllla .Feb 2u 1 < 'hlcago.Bordeaux .Feb 1 Mesaba.London .Feb 1 4 Tivivcs.Cristobal .Feb. IS Due To-morrow ? Cedrlc.Liverpool .Feb 13 ! President Wilson. ..Naples .Feb 14 1 ''aledonla.Liverpool .Feb 1 i ; Apache.Jacksonvlllo .Feb 24 Dae Saturday : Carmania.Liverpool .Feb 13 ? Pr de Sabrustcgul..Havana .Feb 2?. ?Stephan.London .Fob 12 Due Sunday I Imperator.Liverpool .Feb 22 * Lenapo.Jacksonville .... Feb 25 OUTGOING STEAMSmPS Sail To-day . Mail Vessel closes sail? ILafavette. Havre. 8:30 AM 12:00 M 'Antllla, Bilbao . 8:00AM 12:00 7.1 Ancon, Cristobal.12:00 M 4:00 I'M : Korona, St Thomas.. .12 :00 M 3:30PM San Giorgio, Genoa_ 9:00 AM 2:00 FM : Spartan Prince, Capo Town .3 2:00 M 2:00 I'M Roman Prince, Havre..- 33:00 M Frankdale, Newcastle.- 12:00 M Annetta, Kingston.- 12:00 M Sail To-morrow Siboney, Constanza .. 8:30 AM 12:00 M Britannia, Lisbon _10:30 AM 3:00 PM Mor.-o Castle; Havana. 3:30 AM 12:00 M i Advance, Hayti.12:00 M 4:00PM Vlndellla,- Glasgow ...- 12:00 M I Lexington, Newcastle .- 12:00 M i Laic? Aurlce, Man? zanillo .- 12:00 M Sail Saturday ?St Paul, Southampton. 8:00 AM 32:00 M ! Mongolia. Hamburg. .. 10 :00 AM 2:00 PM ? La Savoie, Havre. 8:30 AM 12:00 M Regina rl'Italia, Naples 9:00 AM 2:00PM F.n-t Victoria, Bermuda 7:;i0AM - ? I Princess May, Kingston 8:00 AM 12:00 M Munamar, Banes. 8:20 AM 12:00 M lUberaba, Santos.10:00 AM 2:00 PM t i puerai W C Gorgas, Cristobal .12:00 M 4:00 PM ?Calamares, Cristobal.. 7,:O0AM 11:00AM Mormugac, Lisbon.... 8:00 AM 12:00 M I cross Hill, Rio Janeiro. 7;00 AM 11:00 M ! W M Tupper, Kingstorf. 8:00 AM 12:00 M ; Pom-e, San Juan .,?.. . . ' 8 :?O'jVrd. ,1 2:00 M ! Berenice, ParlmanbV .10:00 Xtf y 2:00 PM i Pennsylvanlan. Buenos / Ayres .12:0?M 3:30 PM ' Alltanca, Cristobal ...12:0O>M i:O0PM I East Indian, London..-?? "2:00:1 ': Nantasket, London.. . .-? 12:00 M i Chines? Prince, Cape i Town .?- 3 ii :00 M i Lebanon, Rotterdam...- 12:00 M I Siberian Prince. Havre- 12:00 M I West Eldara, Shanghai?- 12:00 M i Kerowlee, Hamburg...-? 12:00 M ' ! Hambloton Range, Newcastle .-.?. 12:00 M ; Pennsylvania, Buenos i Ayre? .- 12:00 M Lockport, Buenos lyres' .-??- 3 2:00 M Thordis, Christiania. ..- s- 2:00 PM Valdura, Antwerp.- 13:00 M Magyirorsyag, Venice..- 3 2:00 M Sail Sunday Lako Frolono. Hull..:. ?- 12:00 M Altai Maru, Kobe.- 12:00 M ! Yangtsyo, Singapore. . .- 2:00 I'M AMERICAN PORTS BALTIMORE, Feb 2?. -Arrived: Strs W s Rheem, Tampico; Thistlemdre (lir), Liverpool; Belford. New York; Hulaco, Tuxpan; Mangore. Daiquiri; Loyal Citizen (Br), Jluelvu; B-thnor, Benlsaf; Jaboatao. Bordeaux. Cleared: Sirs Sidlaw Range (Br), Antwerp via Newport News: Missis? sippi (Br), (motor), London; Cymric Vale (l)i-i, Cherbourg; Silet::, New York: Calico rock, Tampa. Sailed: Strs Calicoroek, Tampa; Evailgelos (Orpek). Norfolk and Newport News; Lake Ypsilantl, Norfolk , and Newport News; Alt fN'ur). lUo do Janeiro. Passed Cape Henry, Ir.VnrrAl for Baltimore: Strs Dalana, Brlxham via St. j Michaels; Kate (Greek), Dunkirk. Passed Capo Henry, bound out from Baltimore: Strs Parthenla (Br), Glasgow via Newport News; Baymano (Br), Brest. _ __ BOSTON, Feb 26?Arrived: Strs w?ij c.onda, Liverpool; Chaco (Argi, Buenos , Ayres; i'aledonian (Br). Liverpool and j Oroenoc.k: Kershaw, Norfolk. Sailed: Strs j Lake JBIodsoo, Norfolk; Snuk Harbor, Nor- ? folk; Sorsicac, Norfolk; Cowan, Norfolk: j Elkrldgo, Norfolk; Lake Geneva, Norfolk; j Amolco, New York; City of Rome, Sa? vannah; Cretan, Philadelphia; Lake. Ennis, Newport News; Lake St. Clair. Newport News; Lake Faresman, Baltimore; lflver et?, Newport News; Lake Cannonburg, i Norfolk. CHARLESTON, Feb 25?Arrived: Strs Santa i'lara, Chile; Lake Fresno. Ne-.-r ; York; Natural Bridge, Boston; Maumee, New York; Crathorne, Nuevltas. EERNAND1NA, Feb 20?Sailed, 21th: ! Sir Escambla. Brunswick. GALVESTON, Texas, Feb 25?Arrived: ? Strs Domingo do Larrinaga (Br), Llyer- | poll via Havana; Torres, Tampico; Lake, Deval, Philadelphia. Sailed: Strs Allen-1 town, ?-; Kaduna (BrL Liverpool via Newport News; Antle.tam, New York; Pau! i H. Harwood, Tampico, Lako Sanford, i 'uba. I JACKSONVILLE, Feb 25?Arrived: Strs Pioneer, Tampico; Apache, New York via | Charleston; Lako EUsmere, Boston via Charleston. Sailed: Str Clark Mills, Gal- | veston. NORFOLK, Va, Feb 25?Arrived: Strs 1 Elba (Itui), Genoa; Lake Lesa, iqulque; I Katonah, St Nazalro; West Gotoniaka, Savannah: West Isllp, Baltimore; New Yurie (Dutch), Rotterdam; Petroleino , (Br), New Castle; Storborg (Norl, Barry; I Alfred Nobel (Nor), Rotterdam; Cowan- ' shanhock, Savannah: Lake Mcdford, Hall-I fax; Cottesmore (Br). London: Swinburne (Br), New York. Sailed: Strs Brighten i (Nor), Kingston; Keyvlvo (Br>, Santiago;! Swinburne (BrL Brazilian ports; New York (Dutch), Sabine; Nockum, Phlladel- ? phla; Petroleine (Br), Port Arthur; Cora p?ak. Savannah; bark I F Chapman, Rio ? de Janeiro. PAULSBORO, N J, Feb 25?Arrived.: \ Str Dlllwyn, San Francisco. PHILADELPHIA. Feb 25 ? Arrived: ! Strs Ansaldo Savola (Hal). Wilmington,1 N C; Derwent River (Br), London; East- ! ern Shore, London; Jrtta Mend! (Spanish), Agua Amarga; Joseph J Cuneo (Nor), ; Port Antonio; Wlnn"bugo (Br). Barrow '? Santa Rita, Tampico: West Nohno, New i York; Shawmut, Boca Grande. DELAWARE BREAKWATER, Del, Feb 25? Passed out from Philadelphia: ' Strs Herbert L Pratt, Tampico; Navarlno (Br) I Ant werp. ' ; REEDY ISLAND. Del. Feb 23?Passed I down from Philadelphia: Strs Lake Grampian, San Juan; Essex. London. POUT ARTHUR, Feb 25?Arrived: Strs' Cheyenne 'BrL London; British Peer' (Br). Manchester. Sailed: Strs Moha-vk i Mobile; Cape Premier (Br). Port Nata' ' > PORTLAND, Me, Feb 25? Arrived: str ? Easterner, Norfolk; sehr Ella F Crowcll i Rockland for 'New York. PORT TAMPA. Feb 26?Arrived: strs' Lake Harris, Baltimore; Lake Elon, Balt' niore via Key Wes*.; Miami, Havana via ' Key West SAND KEY, Feb 25?Passed west, 24th' Boden (Swedl, Fred W Miilor, Paulsboro:i 25th, Delaware (Br), Architect (Br)' Boechleaf (Br), Bun, British Earl (Rr)' Lake Ferrona, El Sud; south, 34th. Laka Sebago. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb 25?Arrived : 'S'r Colombia. Hong Kong. Sailed: ?trs Matsonla, Honolulu; Borgland. Christiania Horaisan Maru, Kobe; Glackamas, Queens town. SAVANNAH. Ga, Feb -.?.?Arrived: Strs Lake Popin. Antllla; Louisiana, Tampico , via Jacksonville; Nachochee. Boston; City I of Montgomery, New York; Juanita,! Jacksonville (and sail?-! Balt.naor?) ; Gra- I lielUe. FOREIGN PORT? Departures for New Vorlt Olbraltar-S B Dcvona. Docket, ^on ^?nhagen-?. S. Frederick VIII. Santos?S. S. Glens ff He. St. Michael?S. S. Canopic. London?S. S. Vlnelciir. SpUhead-P. S. Northern Pacific Liverpool.S. S. Vellaria. Rio de Janeiro?B.-S.. St. Bade. Panama Canal, Cristobal?S. S, St. An? thony. Arrivals From New York Lisbon?-S. S. Canto. Rio Grande do Bul?S. S. Glenshlel. Santos-?S. S. Francis. Gibraltar?S. S. Masslllon Bridge. Rotterdam?S. S. V\estcrdyk. Falmouth?8, S. Golaa. Montevideo?S. S. J.ancastnr Castle. East London?3. S. M'ar Earl. Sierra Leone?3. S. New Brunswick. Piraeus- -S. S. Aleppo. Bombay?S. S. Yeboshl. Panama Canal, Cristobal?S. S. Turrl alba. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS The connecting mails close at the Gen 1 eral J'ostoffioo and City Hall Postofflce j Station, New York, at 6 p. in., as follows: Hawaii, via San Francisco, steamship Manoa, Fobruary 2<;. Hawaii, Japan, "'orea, China, Slam, Siberia, Cochin China, Netherlands Ea3t Indies and T'hlllpplne Islands, via. Seattle, sfainshlp Manila Maru, February 21?. Hawaii, Guam, Siberia and Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, United States army transport Sherman, February 29. Japan, ?'orea, China, Slam, Siberia, Cochin China, Netherlands East Indies and Philippine Islands via San Francisco, steamsnlp Colombia, March 1. Hawaii, Samoan Islands, Australia and Nov.- Zealand, via Han Francisco, steam? ship Sonoma, March 11. Lady Astor's Guest, Home, Says British Favor Reservations Agnes Chalmers and Emma Trentini Among Notables on Kaiserin Auguste Vic? toria Flying Cunard Flag The Kaiserin Augusto Victoria com? pleted her first round trip between New York and Liverpool under the house flag of the Cunard Line, when she docked here yesterday morning, bringing among her 536 passengers Au? gusto Alencar, newly appointed Am? bassador from Brazil; Sir Alfred Booth, chairman of the board of di? rectors of the Cunard Line; Emma Trentini, "the Little Devil of Grand Opern," and Miss Chalmers, of Grand Rapids. # Mich., who has been visiting Viscountess Astor. Miss Chalmers, whose book "The King's Cupbearer," is said to have .started Lady Astor on her parliamen tary career, said that the British I favor the Lodge reservations. "The i people think that Congress was justi? fied in holding up the treaty, as Amer i ica has a right to protect herself." She said that it is the opinion in i England that President Wilson acted ! unwisely in expecting the treaty to be passed intact, and in trying to impose ' it on the people. British opinion, according to lier ob , servations, is changing toward the Irish. They are coming to admire the I tenacity with which the Irish are stick? ing to their ideals. Se?or Alencar was met at the dock by the Brazilian Charg? d'Affaires from i Washington, the Consul General in New York and a delegation of dis? tinguished Brazilians. Emma Trentini, of the late Oscar Hammerstein's opera company, who has ' been doing Red Cross work in Italy, ! is going into vaudeville for a while and then she will try the movies. Next spring she is coming back with the ; songbirds under the direction of George Blumenthal, manager for Ham? merstein, who said yesterday that a new Hainmerstein opera company will be launched to perpetuate the name of the famous impresario. Sir Alfred conies to inspect the of? fices of the Cunard Line here, espe? cially the new building under con? struction on lower Broadway and the freight terminals in Weehawken. Others who arrived were: Prince Andrea Boncompagni, who married Miss Draper, of Washington; Lord Mexborough, and Miss Irene and Miss Alice Lewisohn, who were met by Martin Vogel, Assistant Treasurer of the United States. Wife Beater Is Accused Of Too Many Marriages Prison Sentence Imposed on Konieo for Assault on Mate No. 3 Charged with assaulting Agnes Bruckner, whom he married Septem? ber 30, 191lJ. Charles S. Carlson, alias Charles Smith, was sentenced to tin indeterminate term in prison in the Court of Special Sessions yesterday. According to the testimony of Proba? tion Officer John T. Smitli, Carlson has two other wives whom he married earlier. Smith says that in 1900 the prisoner married Louisa Ellofsen, who is now living in Chicago with her four chil? dren. In 1917, he alleges, the ni'an took as wife No. 2, Augusta John? son, in Hoboken. She later cause' his arrest for bigamy and he was sentenced to the Hudson Caunty farm for one year. Agnes Bruckner,, wif/e N. 3, says her husband lived with her for eight days after she married him and then disappeared. She returned to her former position as cook with a family living at 12 West Seventy-first Street. On December 12, she testified, he called on her and beat her. a i Bill Fixes Woman's Citizenship WASHINGTON. Feb. 25.?After rati? fication of the suffragist amendment no American woman would lose her citizenship by marrying an alien and no alien woman would acquire Ameri? can citizenship by marrying an Amer? ican,'under a bill introduced to-day by Representative Rogers, Republican, of Massachusetts. I-? Navy Orders ?"rom The Tribune's Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, Feb. 25.?Navy or? ders issued to-day follow: Bailer, Ens. E. G., to TJ. S. ti. Niagara. Buckler. Mach. C. E., to ?. S. S. Beaver. Clark, Ena. H. L., to U. S. S. R-13. Edmunds, Bus. C. D., to TJ. S. S. Rainbow. Gregg, Ens. W. H.. to TJ. 8. S. Yarnall. Coward, A. P., Clk. J. F., to TJ. S. S. Arizona. Ivanhoe, Lt. (J. G.) F., to div. supply office;'. Ma?key, Lt. R. N., to Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Petross, Ens. ?.. to U. S. S. Auk. Ransone, Lt. C. B., to l\ S. .S. Olympia. Seet'eldt, Lt. F.. to TJ. S. S. Mississippi. White. Lt. C. N., to supply officer destroyer squadron 4, Pacific fleet. Archibald, Lt. E. G., to Villa Lobos. Carr, Lt. Comdr. C. W.. arrived naval ?sta? tion. Cavit?. Dennis, Lt E. G., to Quiros. Geer, Lt. Comdr. S. H., to command subma? rino base. Cavit?. Mille?, Lt. G. W.. to home. Prieoleau. Lt. Comdr. P. F., to home. Rodenbaugh, Lt. F. H., to naval hospital, Canancao. Shinn, Lt. H. L., to naval hospital, Olon ?apo. Cummings, Lt. W. J., to U. S. S. Houston. Lang, Lt. Comdr. R. D., to L'. S. S. Kan sban. TRAVEL TRAVEL CUNARD'ANCHOR l'SMt<iif?t am? Jtreigut Servico*. ^^^^"?W K. A. Victoria.New York lo Plymouth, Cherbourg and Liverpool. U^ ??mania.New Y?rk " Plymouth, Cherbourg and Liverpool..!!. flkT Imperator .New York " Cherbourg and Southampton..!. M?" ' Vasari .New York " Liverpool .' ' ua ? York ** Plymouth, Havre und Southampton.' UA* ! York " Londonderry and Glasgow. "vl'i? Cherbourg and Southampton.i!"it* 2 ?M?r.3fl Royal Georgt .New Columbia.N*W Maurelania .New York Saxonia.New York P?nnonia .New York K. A. Viclor?.New York Carmania.New York Royal George.New York Mauretania .New York Caronia .S'ew York Columbia .New Yotk Imperator .New York Plymouth, Havre and London. Pairas, Dubrovr.ik and incite Liverpool . a -? Liverpool.\'t'jF* ' yroouth. Havre and Southampton....]' Z ?: PI Cherbourg and Southampton Plymouth, Cherbourg and London Londonderry and Glasgow.?, Cherbourg arJ Southampton.... For Utor sailing? sxppiy to 21-24 STATE SiKi-JtT. NEw iORK. {-..14 t'i SOUTH AMERICA DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICE WEST ICOAST FROM NEW YORK S. s. EBRO.MAR. 20 FROM HAVANA via Cristobal S. S. Victoria, Mar. 3 S. S. Oriana, Mar. 17 FROM CRISTOBAL REGULAR SAILINGS e?s"Pcoast FROM ENGLAND to BRAZIL & ARGENTINE S. S. Orbita .Mar. 18 S.S. Almanzcra ....Mar. 19 S.S. Darro .Mar. 24 S. S. Andes .Mar. 26 CENTRAL AMERICA FROM CRISTOBAL CHAMPER I CO and Intermediate Port? ! ROYAL MA?L 1 (The Royal Mai! Steam Packet Co ' PACIFIC LINE ! (Tue Pacific Steam Navigation Co? NELSON LINE H * YV. -Nelson. Ltd.) South ?frica UNfON-CASTLE LINE (Tim Union-Castle Mall ?S. ?5. Co., Ltd.) SANDKRSON 4 ?SON. Gen. Agents. 16 Broadway, N. T '1'lione Broad?-23?0 Or any St amshlp Ticket Agent -tub poiTJc be nKAtanr COLONIAL UNE BOSTON ?bH.40 PROVIDENCE K&, $2.8? ALL OUXtstDE STATEROOMS $1 06 to *3;H Both I'rxcci Inau?t War Tax. Umax tutu P.ei 30. North Hivtr. ?ai;> & Sunday, at I P. M. 'Phone Spring ?4sl. RED "D" LINE n? i?^X^r? Knr Porto Rico. Curacao and Venezuela. Zulla.Mar - Philadel] hi?..Mar. 10 Mi.iiicaibo ...Mar. 1? Caracas.Mar. :. ? BLISS, DALLETT ?j CO., Geni. Mgrs., Phone 10D72 Hanover. 82 Wall Stre< COASTWISE STEAMSHIP LINKS -for all poin's ?outh. Old Dominion, Savannah, Southern Pacific Lines? b'or passenger In formation apply to Consolidated Hallway tlcktit ofllca or Companies' otlic "West Indies. Central and South America c s i t r. i> r n i i t c o m p a n t 17 Battery Placo, New York. RESORTS ATLANTIC CITT. N. J. W///?P"'"~'"W////A v////// on Tut fttAC? ''/////A y AHD THE BOARDWALK '///Y? ATLANTIC CITY % flADDOHIULf |CHALfb?1TC^ ^NOSPITAbLMIOHEUKey^ ATLANTIC CITY.N.J. AsvAmsricaa Plan. Hotel \ of Di5?inctioi\?ndRealConv?oiT ! riRBPRt^Or OARAGK. I mmitmmmu THE LEADING RRSOR1 HOUSE ?FTHE YV6RL? ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. "I** NATfX'S uz.1t: h shjp ? HEALTH IK EFriOi-HCY A Cormkide Climate ana Clean S'.eeti Ro Rua. Ko Bin. lanuBerablc Omaoar Recrartlana and Indoor Intarrainmente Ownenhip Hantgamaat Ja*iah White fcSyflk ?In Atlantic Cify ifs.Ke ... _AMA.C IACK U\T2CO.?, ATLANTIC CITT, N. J. (?am?rpMicJ f .r nsaltof ul raat and racraatl?* rLtmioA HOTEL CLARENDON fiSSS&n, and cottae'-a Directly on ocean, IS-ho!? folt cou-j-ae. liow open. Booklets oa application, UM Broadway. New Twrk. % IMMUNES AMERICAN LiAE F??' Mail ?'e???i?r? Nf? VORK?PL?MOUTH CHERbOUt? G - SOUTHAMPTON St. Paul i? Noo? Feb. 28 Mar. 27 Apr.24 Pniiadciphia ii Noc: Mar. 6 Apr. 3 Mit 1 New York . M?r.J.I. Apr. 17 M?IS NEW YORK--HAMBUkC Mongolia. "P. M.reb.28 Apr.W Manchuria .Mar. 27 Mu J PHILADELPHIA LIVERPOOL Haverford .Apr. 5 Ma* 15 RED STAR LINE N. Y.?SOUTHAMPTON AS'FMRP Kraonland .. Mar. i / Apr. 24 May 2!? juij ] (inland . . . Mar. 24 May 1 June 5 Julir II ; pland _Apr. .> May 8 June 12 Jal'; 17 Seeland .June 19 Jal? 24 WHITE STAR LINE N. Y.?CHERBOURG SOUTHAMPTON ?.driaric ., Mar. 20 Anr. 24 M?t29 Jalj 1 NEW YORK?LIVERPOOL Cedric.. 12 noon Mar. 6'Apr.II Baltic . 12 II Mar. !3 Apr. 17 May 22 June 21 Oriar.a .end Apr.- ?. Celtic .. M p. M May 15 June 19 jaly 24 Nt* YORK?AZORES?Gl?KAi.?AB NAPLES-GENOA Canop?c.2 P. ',: Mar. 16 Mir 11 Cretie. '* P ?? Mir.31 May21 inieroational Mercantile Manne l copia? 9 Broadway New lorn U ST R ALIA HONOLULU Suva ne* ?EA.UM The Paiailai Paaseugei steamer? i. M. S. "Nia-ara" R. M. S "M*!W 26.000 Tons 13.5U0 Toni San "rorr. Vancouver, U C ? er fare* auo sa-mit-b *?**??. \-*.va.m.. Tit ?iy., 1281 liroiiiiway, S. X., or ... C?u?di-?> ?ustrallar. Hoy;?. Mall Une. Hi) taefoum ii. Vancouver. B C IS??f^if*4*13- ?*r.??-?.Vnrr d?rect4t.1* Ol IMBE M.lTI.K(iliM>. ?1.UM* Dail> ?i i ling gun,| -, | m From PlC! -9. K R . ?;? ... IlieetUMI ViekeU ai Pier or Co:. . ?!..! it;:., . kft Ot-a ffRWEEAH AMCAlff NORWAY- -SWEDE N?DENMARK ."lodern Twin fccrvw Steamer*. Bergensfjord .Mar. 12 Apr.21 Siavar-.j-erfjord . .Apr. 2, May 14 P:;>seii;;<T '?Hire. 8-In I5-?,1f*> ?., N. T. I?R?CAN~ EXPRESS ?TRAVEL DEPARTMENT TKAVEL THI. AMERICAN W*T ! A. .-.:-- DepartmWt i Broadway Phone Bo\ mg ?r<?n Id.tH Niaj-i'.ra To The *?ea. For lllui:r?l?< cuide, add re ?a John F Pierce, Dept. '.?i. Canada Steamship Lim i. M mtreali Canse?. RESORTS LAKEWOOD, N. J. LAUREL HOUSE LAKEWOOD, N. J REST AND REFRESH YOURSELF? the health-giving p..xe air of Lakewoo? Completely equipped Hydro-Therapeutic Department in the Hotel. Abundance of pure drinking water from our own deep Pioneer Spring. Booklet. "Down Through the Year?," un request. First claw American plan. Noted for excellent cuisine and social charm. Auiiliar? ; Keating with open wood fires. Stock ; Lxchanse Brokers. ANDREW J. MURPHY. Mfr. 'Laurea in the Pine* Lakewood, N. J. EQUABLE CLIMATIC CONDI TIONS. GOLF, RIDING AND SHELTERED WALKS. DAIL1 CONCERTS AND DANCWO BRANCH OFFICE, CEO A HUHN .?v SONS, BROKK".3. MIA NU I t;Ul'X?, MUU-IBg? ?NEW YORK STATS Sharon Springs, N. Y. j I'AVtMON HOIH. \NO COTT*?"" I o--.n? r?r . -.- i- '? on ??r-i,llfa,'?* I I!..- ?.NNEX. Adjoining ??? /BSE Whit.? Sulphur Sprint-? ami Itiitlim? ?*??' hshnunt, upon? April M tm^?m^e^sm^swM^^.,*! .. mis*. _ WASHINGTON, I>- c Burlington Hotel American and hiin-pean ,.,aI\| [OMEI.IKH, CLEAN. I'KBFBCI ? ??JT a?(? Room? ?Uli liutli. **8?J?JS2?l TVE MINI TES IK' '" BVBB?TW Washington, 1? INSTRUCTION SPANISH?FRENCH-IT CORTINA rXCADWO^^ka t? v??t 4?.h St Trl. T,?.?d*rM?__i. EAUARD 'M:^-a?? SCHOOL t?'^0W .UttHATAXV. .^ a New . laases are now ?Anr.lnlT P^^j early evening acanlon*. Wrtt*JJ*EB, boot ? -Your r-ost W ?'? ?-'PP0^ and Bulletin 116. .. ? v?w PACE oi PACK, SO Church St, ???W