Newspaper Page Text
F Exeoutor < - , Trustee Chartered 1822 The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Nos. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue V ? At Forty-first Street New York # London Paris Foreign Exchange Administrator G-uardian Member federal Reserve System and New York Clearing House gMITH^ALLATIN, "\ 111 Broadway New York We take pleasure in announcing that Mr. Cleveland Cobb Member of the JVett York Slock Exchange and Mr. Rector C. Hutson have this day been admitted as general partners in the firm of Smith & Gallatin. George Plumer Smith Albert R. Gallatin Charlea H. Blair March 5th, 1920. ESTABLISHED 1784. (No. 139S] REPORT OF CONDITION OB' The Bank of New York National BanJ(ing Association at N*w York City, In the State of New Tork. at the dose of business on Feb. 28, 1920. RESOURCES Ijos-ns an? discounts Including rediscount?.$40,881,308.85 Acceptances of other banks discounted.?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ??? 4it>,s**.u* ?Customers' liability account of acceptances or this ban? purchased or discounted by It. 2,690.50 ?Total loan. .*?? I?.1S9,342.87 Deduct: ? ? . Notes and bills ?discounted (other <han .._._,,... bank acceptances sold) . .6,636,118.9* Acceptances of other banks payable at future date, guaranteed by this bank, by Indorsement or otherwise. 608,866.99 Foreign Bills of Exchange or Drafts sold with Indorsement of this bank. 866.816.55 _--.--?., ???i- 7.905,800.48 - 133,233,642.39 Overdrafts, ?.cured. $133.19t unseoured, $525.71. 657.90 Cnstome;*?' liability account of "Acceptance?' executed by this bank and by other banks for account of this bank, and now outstanding .?? $6,087,885.48 liability of foreign banks and bankers for drafts and bill? accepted by this bank to create dollar exchange and now outstanding .?. 400.610.9T .?_??.*.. - 8,487,898.45 TT. 8. Government securities ownedi Deposited to secure circulation CU. S. bond? par value).. $800,000.00 Pledged to secure postal savings deposits (par value).. \ 600,000.00 Pledged as collateral for State or other deposits or bill? payable . 2,171.648.00 Owned and unpledged . 486,542.80 War Savings Certlflcate? and Thrift Stamps actually owned . 937.64 Deposited with State authorities In accordance with pro? visions or Sec. 11-K, Federal Reserve Act. 220,000.00 Total V. S. Government securities........ 4,179,028.44 Othpr bonds, securities, etc.: ? Bonds (other than U. 8. bonds) pledged to secure U. S. deposits . $1,646,639.45 Bonds (other than IT. S. bonds) pledged to secure postal savings deposits .i. 857,647.61 Seourltles, other than TT. S. bonds (not Including stocks), owned and unpledged .,. 4,069,681.06 Collateral trust and other notes of corporations' Issued for not less than ONE YEAR nor more than THREE YEARS' time .I. S80.897.26 Total bonds, securities, etc., other than U. S. 7,144,655.28 Stocks, other than Federal Reserve Bank stock. 8,385.10 Stock of Federal Reserve Bank (60 per cent of subscription)...'.. 240,000.00 Value of banking house, owned and unlncumbered. $860,000.00 850,000.00 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank. 6,127,590,62 Items with Fedoral Reserve Bank in process of collection (not available as reserve) *. 978,212.24 Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks. 754,130.86 Net amounts due from banks, bankers, and trust companies In the United States ._ 6,113.9ft Kxehai.sfH for clearing house . 8,046,541.49 Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash Items . 1,168,719.77 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer.... 40,000.00 Interest earned but not collected/?approximate?on Not9s and Bills Receivable not past due.,. 63,951 75 Other assets, It any. 1,126,405.66 Total ..'. $70,445,831.81 INABILITIES Capital stock paid In .*..?.???**.. $2,000,000 00 Surplus fund. 6,000,000 00 Undivided profit* ., $957,627.34 l_ess current expenses, Interest and taxes paid........... 91,287.66 ?????? 866 339 68 Interest and rt'.count collected or credited In advance of maturity and not earned--(approximate). 178,689.60 Amount reserved for taxes accrued. 274,634 61 Circulating notes outstanding. 724,600 00 Den. and Hep-. its (other than bank depoBlt?) subjeot to Reserve (deposit? paia^. a within 80 day?): N>? amount? due to National bank?. $2,882,786.80 Nf.t ?>nv*unt3 due to banks, bankers, and trust companies in the United States and foreign countries. 12,99*1 493.8'4 cer'lned checks outstanding. 1,219,804 18 Ca.hiur'a checks oi? own bank outstanding. 2.698I422?23 IrriWMual deposits subject to check. 27 241329 97 OeniM.'s.te? of deposits due In leas than 80 day? (other than for money borrowed). 1,015,988.92 DlvWnd. unpaid . 1,894.00 TotiiT ?f ?1?mand deposits (other tlian bank de? posit?) subject to Reservo. 47,649,614.04 deposits subject to reserve fpayablo after SO flays, or -subject to JO days or mom notice, and postal savings): ?Other time deposits . 1,167,866.81 Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed). 1,178,048.68 Postal savings deposits .i. 1,168,820.00 Total of time deposits subject to Reserve. 8,603,185.89 TJnlte.A ?suites deposits (other than postal savings) : War loan deposit account. $28,000.00 ?- ?6,000.00 Bills payable with Federal Reserve Bank. 8,200,000.00 letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks sold for cash and outstanding. . 30,025.70 "Acceptances" executed by this bank for customers. $6,658,621.42 "Acceptances" executed to furnish dollar exchange. 400,610.97 Total .,. $7,059,132.89 Less acceptances of this bank purchased or discounted.... 2.690.50 ?- .7,058,441.89 S me drafts of this bank outstanding .?. 18,950.00 abilities other than those above stated . 12,000.00 Total. $70,445,831.81 liabilities for rediscounts. Including those with Federal Reserve Bank.. $6,535,116.94 Acceptances of other banks payable at future date, guaranteed by this bank by indorsement or otherwise.i. 603,866.99 Foreign Bills of Exchange or Drafts sold with Indorsement of this bank. 866,816.55 Total contingent liabilities . $7,905.800.48 ?Of the total loans and discounts shown above, the amount on which Interest and dis?3ount was charged at rates in excess of those permitted by law (Sec. 6197, Rev. 8tat_) (exclusive of notes upon which total charge not to exceed 60 cents was made) was $3,681,872.70. The number of such loans was 47. State of New York, County of New York, ss.i I, FKJJEpERICK C. METZ. JR Cashier of the above named tank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. _ . ,. . ' * ', '' ' .. F. J. METZ, Cashier. gubsoribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of March. 1920. [Seal.] KENNETH M. GIBSON, Notary Publia _ . ... ? New York County. Corr?ct-AttMt? * WALTER WOOD PARSONS,") ROBT. c. HILU r-Dlreotora HERBERT L. ORIOOS, J FINANCIAL MEETINGS CHICAGO, SAINT PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS AND OMAHA RAILWAY COMPANY. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETINO. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholder? of the Chicago. Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company will be held at the office of the company. In the city of Hudson, Wisconsin, on Wednesday, April 14. 1910, at nine o'clock A. M., for th* election of directors, and the trans? action of suoh other business as may com? before amid meeting. Transfer books will be olossd on Fri? day, Maroh 12, 1920, at the close of busi? ness on that day, and will be reopened on Thursday. April 1?, 192*. Dated, February 28, 1920. JAMBS T. CLARK. President JOHN D. CALDWELL, Secretary. Cotton Exchange members will vote next Monday on the question of closing the market Ooo4 Friday and the following Saturday. -?, ? , , , SS . . ,' =3 Livestock, Meats, Provisions Yesterday Year aro Live steers, fair to prime. 100 lbs ....$12.009114.80 $14.509818.00 Dressed beef, sides, lb.169 .30 .200 .26 Live veals, com? mon to prime, 100 lbs. 17.00924.00 18.00922.00 Dressed veal. city, lb.249 -84 .259 .82 Live ewes, 100 lbs . ?.00912.00 $.00912.50 Dressed mutton, city, lb.179 .23 .199 .24 Live lambs, fair to prime, 100 lbs. 18.00019.50 19.00920.00 Dressed lambs, city, lb.SO? .34 .309 84 Hogs. 100 lbs... 16.00@16.00 17.00? 18.26 Dressed hogs, bacon, lb.32H9.28'* .24% 9.24% Mess beef, bbl.. 16.00? 18.00 36.00(936.00 Mess Pork. bbl.. 42.00942.50 60.00?-? Lard, Middls West, ?JO lbs.. 30.16920.2$ 26.iO?a?M? ? Miscell?neo Public Utility Secnrltt?s Bid., A?k. Amer Light & Traction com...180 s 186 do pf . ?? Adirondack Eleo Power com... 12 do pf.?.," Am Gfts A Eleo oom.118 do pf . ? Amer Power & Light com. 66? do pf.,. 69 ! Amer Publio Util oom. 7 1 do pf . ?3 I Amer Waterworks Eleo. i j Am W W & B participating pf. 3 do 1st pf. *7 Carolina Power ge Lt oom. 34 Cities Service.370 do pf . :. 70 ?lo bonkers' ctfs. 39 do 7 p c series B, 1966.145 i do 7 p c serles C, 1906.100 Colorado Power com. 15 I do pf . 90 i Commonwealth Pr Ry St L com 17 do pf . 87 I Denver Oas & Eleo gen 6s. 87 Electric Bond & Share pf. 86 Empire Dlst Blec pf. 66 Federal Lt A*. Trac com. 6 do pf. 42 Gas & Blec Sec com.300 do pf . ?0 Northern Ohio Eleo com...... -? do pf .?? North Ont Lt & P com. 10 do pf . 65 ? North States Power oom. 46 do pf. 83 Pacific Gas & Elec pf. 82 Republic Ry & Lt Co com. 12 do pf. 47 Southern Cal Edison com. 86 do pf. 99 Staudard Gas & Electric com.. 17 do pf . 37 Tenn Ry Lt &. Pow com. 1 do pf. 7 United Light & Rys com. 24 do 1st pf. 60 Western Power coin. 17 do pf. 66 Bonds Appalach Power 1st 5?. 66 Cincinnati Gas & Eleo 5s, '56.. 80 Col Gas & Eleo 6a, '27. 79 Col Power, '63. 78 Dallas Elec 5s, '22. 99 % East Texas Elec 6s, '42. 76 do 7s, '21. 99 El Paso Elec col 5s. 79 Great West Power 6s, '46. 79 Midwest Util 6s, '26. 86 .Miss River Power 1st 6s. 70 North Ont Light & Pow 6s. 64 North States Pow 6s, '26. 84 Pacific Gas & Elec 6s, '31. 88 Puget Sound Trac L & P 7s.... 94 Twin City C & B 6s. 76 Un Lt R 1st 5s, '82. 73 Sugar Stocks Bd. Asked./ Bid. Asked. 2 Mat-Am pf 60 70 ?1 16 70 128 4$ 60 72 12 27 4 7 62 87 380 71 41 103 1$ 95 20 4? 9? 96 66 7 47 400 85 29 66 14 ?0 10 86 86 15 50 89 10 . 19 39 3 9 28 63 23 89 82 100 83 ' 81 90 7.S 69 87 96 97 78 76 Card-Am.. 18 do pref. 70 C Aguirre. 83 Fajardo ..138 Gt West..400 do pref. 115 Guanta'mo. 65 Mat-Am 10 SO 85 142 420 118 70 15 Michigan.. 11% National .143 |NNiqueo.225 |S Cecelia.. 75 1 do pref. ?Savannah., / do pref. 75 40 83 Chemical Stocks Am Cyan. 25 do pref. 50 By-Prod ..100 Cassin Co. 47 Dow Ch..200 Du P C p. 7 Fed Chem.100 do pvef. ? Grazelli ..160 do pref.100 30 58 110 53 105 100 170 102 Hook Elec 65 do pref. 65 Ky Solvay. 90 Mec Co p. 91 Merrimac. 83V? JMulford Co 53 Nisg Alkp 95 Semet C..167 Solv Poe.. 190 Tobacco Stocks Conley Foil.250 i. 5 Por R-A T.128 G W Holmes.150 do pref.. 97 J S Young.. 127 do pref... 90 MacA & F..145 16?R J Rey A.510 lili do ser B.400 136 do pref.105 102 Weym-B ..157 155 do pref. 96 Steel and Ordnance Stocks Am Brass. 204 Atlas Pw.155 d? pref. 85 Bab & W.117 Bliss, E W.375 do pref. 62 Can F&F.193 Carb Stl.. 90 ? do 1 pf.100 do 2d rf 70 Celts A... 54 D P Pow.300 162 90 120 430 68 205 100 110 75 57 310 East Steel. 37 Emp S&I 25 do pref. 65 ?Here P..200 *do pref 98 Niles B-P.107 do pref. 107 Scov Mfg. 390 Thorn Iron 30 Win Cor..400 Woodward. 35 12% 152 82 82 43 90 75 75 115 96 8 7 i/o 56 100 136 540 425 107 163 100 39 35 70 210 103 110 110 410 35 *Ex dividend. Miscellaneous Stocks Am Chicle 73 do pref. 74 Am Leath. 56 do pref. 90 Am Mfg. .165 do pref. 87 .Am M&F.100 Am Typ F 42 A D T NJ 25 A W c pf 94Va 98% Atlas P C 70 BB&S 1 p 80 do 2d pf 65 Bor C Mk.109 Bush T pf 72 Celluloid .150 Childs Co. 85 do pref. 95 City Invcs 68 Col E Sy.750 Crk W pf. 96 D L & W.157 Draper C.140 F K 1st pf 95 Int Sil pf. ?5 Lima L pf 90 70 93 170 90 46 35 90 75 111 77 155 90 100 75 850 101 165 143 100 100 95 Nat Cash. 120 N J Z wst.270 N Co 1 pf.lOlVa O'Neill pf. 98 Phelps D.230 Phil J Cor 54 do pref. 86 P & W pf. 95 R Reis &? C 16 do pref. 80 Ry Bak P.130 do pref. 85 Singer Mg.148 S L IM&S 4.1 Stoll S pf.100 S D F pf.102 Stern B p.103 T&PC&On. 90 Valvol pf.102 VRaaltln. 40 do pref. 80 W C Kerr. 50 do pref. 77 W & B pf.100 Yalo & T.260 120 275 104 V? 99 V? 250 60 90 20 86 135 90 152 47 105 103i,? 107 95 104 45 85 105 275 J\Tew York Bank Stocks America .. .590 Atlantic . . .215 Am Exch...295 Battery ....205 Bowery ... .420 Bryant P.. .150 l?vvay Cent. 150 Bronx Nat. 150 Butch & D. 35 Chase.430 Chat & P..300 Chelsea Ex.125 Chemical ...580 Citz Nat...255 City .375 Coal & I...245 Colonial ...350 Commerce ..228 Columbia ..175 Corn Exch.,450 Co.mop'tan.110 Com'cial E..415 Com'wealth.221 Cuba .170 East River.. 160 Fifth Nat. .100 Fifth Ave..900 First Nat...930 Foreign TB. ? Trust and Allinnce ... 80 fAm Trust. ?? Am Surety. 73 Bankers ...3C0 Bond & M.22? Bklyn T Co.500 Cent Union.390 Columbia ..335 Commercial 150 Empire Tr..300 Equitable ..284 Farm L&T.425 Franklin ..240 Fulton ....250 Fidelity _230 Guaranty ..365 Hamilton Hudson T. Kings Co, Law Mtge. OlOGarfield N..230 240 ? ? .Gotham _200 215 SOSiGreenwich .275 215;Harriman ..360 380 ?(Hanover ...820 840 160 Industrial ..205 160!Im & Trad.550 580 160j*lrving Nat.385 395 ?; Liberty _150 4 80 440 Lincoln _275 310,Manhat Co..250 ? Mech & M..400 590!Metrop'tan .340 265|Mutual ....490 3S5!Merch antd*..225 ? ?New Neth. .200 ?*N Y N B A.460 233'Park .740 ---(Pacific _135 460 Produce Ex.375 ? Publio .345 ? ?Seaboard ...650 230;Second _400 180 State .210 ? !23d Ward..150 170 Un States.. 170 950 Union Ex...ITS 960 W'chester A.200 95lYorkviUe ..375 Security Companies 425 360 240 210 480 760 700| 425 185 ,.255 ..155 .640 .115 90 78 370 230 515 400 845 160 290 435 250 260 240 375 265 665 122 Lawyers T.. 122 Lincoln Tr. .175 Manufac'era.205 Mercantile .310 Metropol ...295 Mtge Bond.. &7 Mut T of W.1TO Nat Surety.205 IN Y Title. 135 N York T..625 N Y LI&T.725 Peoples ....275 Realty Aaso.105 Title G & T.375 Un StatesN830 U S M & T.405 U S T Guar 80 Westenester. 130 W & BT&M.165 tSee New York Title and Mortgage. Insurance Companies SOOfGreat Am..265 ??Hanover ... 80 325SHome .530 78;Nat Liberty.170 ?55 Niagara ...230 90jstuyvesant.. 50 Am AlHance.260 City of. N Y.175 Con'nwlth. .800 Continental. 72 Fid & Phoe.620 Franklin .. 85 Globe & R.800 128 305 93 125 212 145 745 115 385 860 415 85 140 175 275 560 260 76 Standard Oil Stocks Bid Asked 27 V. Anglo-American Oil Co, Ltd. Atlantic Refining Co.1360 do pf . 113 Borne-Scrymser Co . 430 Buckeye Pipe Line . 92 Chesebrough Mfg Co Cons.... 225 do pf. 106 Continental Oil Co . 490 Crescent Pipe Line Co. 33 Cumberland Pipe Line Co_ 136 Eureka Pipe Line Co. 140 Galena Signal Oil Co., pf, new 95 do pf, old. 99 do com . 63 Illinois Pipe Line Co. 165 Indiana Pipe Line Co. 96 Intrntl Petrol Co Ltd. 70 National Transit Co. 29 New York Transit Co. 183 Northern Pipe Line Co. 101 Ohio Oil Co. 335 Penn-Mex Fuel Co. 54 Pralrlo Oil & Gas Co. 605 Prairie Pipe Line ck. 232 Solar Refining Co. 340 Southern Pipe Line Co. 160 South Penn OH Co.e... Sis Southwest Penn Pipo Lines... 83 Standard Oil Co of California. 313 Standard Oil Co of Indiana...' 665 Standard OH of Kansas. 665 Standard Oil Co of Kentucky.. 400 Standard OH Co of Nebraska. 480 Standard Oil Co of New Jersey 706 do pf -,. 11314 1?4V4 Standard OH Co of New York. 396 400 Standard OH Co ol Ohio. 600 do pf . 108 Swan & Finch Co. 95 Union Tank Car Co. 120 do pf. 100 Vacuum OH Co. 876 Wa?hlngt.o OH Co. 37 1400 113 Vi 450 94 240 169 510 36 145 146 98 192 67 168 100 72 31 188 105 345 68 ?25 235 360 165 323 ?2 318 685 690 415 500 710 616 109 100 125 101 886 42 H us Markets Miscellaneous Oil Companies Bid. Asked. Atlantic Lobos Oll Co, com... 45 65 d? Pf . 116 180 Cosdon A Co...... ?% 8% do new . 41% 42% Elk Basin Petroleum Co. 8% 9 Houston Oil Co com., .. 100 110 Imperial Oil Co. Ltd.".. 110 130 Magnolia Petroleum Co . 400 426 Merrltt Oil Corp. 18% 19 li Midwest Refining Co . 155 167 Northwest Oil Co . 40 60 Producers A Refiners com.... 8% 8% Sapulpa Refining Co . 6% 6 New York City Bonds Security, rate, maturity. Bid. Ask. Yield. Inter (?in, 1987. 95% 96% 4.68 do 4Ha. 1965. 96% 96% 4.68 do 4%s, 1963. 96% 96% 4.68 do 4 Vis, 1957. 05 Va 98% 4.69 do 4Vis, 1963. 90 91 4.71 do 4V4s. 1964. 90 91 4.71 do 4V?B, 1962. 90 91 4.71 do 4V4s, 1960. 80 91' 4.7! do 4%B, 1960. 90 91 4.7'. do 4s, I960. 86% 87V4 4.72 ?Jo 4a, 1958. 86 li 87 V4 4.7'. do 4a, 1957. 86 V4 87 % 4.7! Reg 4s, 1955-'56. 85% 87 4.7? do 4s, 1936. 90 92% 4.61 Inter 3%s, 1954. 77 79% 4.7( Coupon 3%a, 1954. 77 79% 4.7( Reg 3%s. 1950-1954 Inc. .. 4.85 4.65 ? do 3%s, 1940-1960 Inc.. 4.85 4.65 ? Reg and coup (serial) 4%?. 1919-1930 Inc.. 4.86 ? ? Reg and coup (aerial) 4V4s, 1919-1931 lue_ 4.85 ?? r? Reg and coup (aerial) 4%s, 1919-1032 in?;_4.85 ? ? form reg 4.2C 4.2C 4.21 4.24 4.24 4.15 4.24 4.15 4.15 4.15 New York State Bonds Issued -in coupon and registered not Interchangeable. Coupon Donds Isterablo. Canal Imp 4%s, 1964_104 106 High Imp 4 Via, 1963_104 106 Canal Imp 4%s, 1965_ 99 100% High Imp 4 ?is, 1965. 99 100% Barge Can IVr, 4'?s, 1945 09 100 Vi High Imp 4s, 19C7.95 87 Canal Imp 4 Via, 196 5. f?9 100% High Imp 4a, 1960-'62 lno 95 97 do 4a, 1958.. _. 95 97 Canal Imp 4a, 1960-'62 inc 95 97 Bar Can Ter 4s. 1942 & '46 95 ? ? Federal Farm Loan Bonds 4%s, 1939 op 1924. 9fiVi 98 4 Vis, 1938 op 1923. 96 Vi 98 4 Vis, 3 937 op 1922. 96 Vi 98 5a, 1938 op 1923. 99 100% Short Term Securities Am Cotton Oil 6s, 1924.. 96 97 6.86 Am Tel & Tel 6s, 1922... 94% 95>,i 8.15 Am Tel & Tel Co 6s. 1924 94% 94% 7.60 Am Thread 6s, J928_ 99 Vi 100% 6.S5 Am Tob?ceo 7s, 1920. .. .100Vi 100% 6.00 do 7?, 1921.lOOVi 101 Vi 610 do 7s, 1922.101 102 6.25 do 7a, 1923.lOIVi 102 6.35 Anaconda Cop 6a, 1929.. 94 Vi 95% 6.70 Armour & Co con 6s, 1920 1924 .100 101 ? Beth Steel Corp 7s, 1922 99% 100 7.00 do 7s. 1923. 99% 100 7.00 Can Pacific. Rv 6s, 1924.. 94 94Vi 7.65 Cent Argen Ry 6s, 1927. 80 83 9.40 C, B & Q (joint) 4s. 1921 93% 94*4 8.30 C C C ?-. .St L 6s, 1929... 86% 8714 8.10 C-Am Sug 1st II? 6s, 1921. 99% 100% 6.65 Cudahy Pkg Co 7s, 1923.100 100 Vi 6.85 D & H R R 5s, 1920. ... 99 09Va 6.00 Fed Sug R Co 6s, 192* .. 95Vi 97 6.70 Gen Electric 6s, 1920_ 99% 100% 5.60 Gt Northern Rv 6a, 1920. Gulf Oil Corp 6s, 1921_ 97' do 6s, 1922.'97' do 6s, 1923. 97' Hocking Val R R 6s, 1924. 92 Interbo R T conv 7s, 1921 68 99 98% 99 70 Jacob Dold Pack 7s, 1920. 99% lOOVi do 7s. 1921. 99% 101 99% 101 Vi do 7s, 1922. . 1011 98 % do 7s, 1923. 99% Kan City Ter Ry 6s, 19?3. 97% Kenn Cop Corp 7s, 193T).. 96 Lac G L 1st *. ref <s, 1929 94 ?a Liggett &- M Tob 6s, 1921. 98% Moline Plow 7s, 1920... . 99% -? do 7s, 1921. 99 Vi 101 Vi do 7s, 1922. 99% 101% do 7s, 1923. 99% 101 Vi do 7s, 1924. 99% 101% N Y Central 6s, 1920. 9:1 99 % Phlta 6s, 1922. 9.i 96 Pen 11a 4 Vis, 1921. 90% 97% Pro?: & Gamble 7s, 1921.. 100% 101 do 7s, 1922.100% 101% do 7s, 1923.101 Vi *"?" Pub S C N .1 conv 7s, 1922 85 R J Reynolds Tob 6s, 1922 98 Southern Ry 6s, 1922. 93% St P U D Guar 6%a, 1923. 96 Swift & Co 6s, 1921. 98% The W I Sug F C 7s, 1929. 94 Utah Sec CJorp 6a, 1922.. 84% 95 Vi 98% 101 102'< 87 98% 9 4 % 97 99% 98 86 Vi Markets in Other Cities Sales 50 164 650 62 60 100 15 10 12 168 40 B0 100 65 980 $3000 8000 3000 4000 1000 7000 2000 40 240 525 10 3 275 610 20 225 4 5 120 140 25 110 60 15 50 30 60 405 110 10 300 80 9 57 450 20 10 Baltimore Open Cen Teresa pf. 10 Cosden . 8 V? Celestino . 2.00 Cons Power. .. 90% Indlahomo, ... 7 % Kentucky Oil. 4's M & M Trans. 50 M Vernon Mills 53 Md Casualty.. 71% ilo rights. ... 16 .New Amat Cas 23 % North Central. 66 Pa Water Pwr 77 United Ry com' 11 Wa viand Oil.. 4 Vi Wash B Ann pf 33 Bonds v CoadaVi 6s A . . 95 ?'osden 6s H. . 95 Cons Pwr 4%s 78% Cons Gas 4 ?4 s. 83 Cons Coal 6s.. 97 Vi United gy inc 43 United KV 4s.. 64 High l,ow La3t 10 10 10 8% 2.00 97 7 % 4% 60 10% 23 Vi 11% 4% 33 95% 78% 97 Vi 4 3 01 v 8 H 8 Vi 1.95 1.95 96% 97 7% 7% 4 Va 4 Va 71 Vi 16 2 3 Vi 06 77 11 4% 33 Boston Anaconda. Ariz Crhl. Big Heart Calu & Ariz.. Calu <& Hecla.; Carson. Cuino. Cop Bange... Paly West_ Davis Daly... Hancock. Helvetia'. ..... Inspiration. . .. Island Creek.. Isle Royale.... Kerr Lake.... Mass Con. . . . Mayflower O.C. Michigan. Mohawk. New Arcaijian. New Cornelia.. Nipissing. North Butto.. Old Domblnion Seneca. Shannon. Trinity. U. S. Smelters do pfd. Utah Metal. .. Victoria. Wolverine.... 58 12% 8% 61% 60 22 33% 68 58 12% 12 S% 8% 61% 61 % 350 344 23% 22 10% ?1% 2% 63% 41 31 4 4% 8% 6% 63 3% 20 % .11% 16% 32 33% 42 4% 10% 4% 8% 53% 53% 41 41 81% 31 4 3% 33% 41 % 4% 10% 4% 2% 1% 4% 8% 6% 63 3% 20% 11% 16% 32 16 1% "67 46% 11 4% 8% 6% 63 8% 20% 11% 16% 31 66% 46% 2% 19% 16% 23% 97% 4 2%. 61 68 12 8% 61% 144 22 - 33% 41% 4% 1 0 Vj 4% 3 Vi 63% 41 31% 3% 6% 63 3% 20% 11% 16 % 31 66% 46% Railroads Boston & A...123 123 Boston Kiev.. . 63 Boston & M pf 4 5 Boston &. W pf 11 Chicago .Tun pf 80 Maine Central. 70 N Y, N H & H. 33 West End. 43 do pf. 53 63' 122 63 45 11 80 70 33 122 63 45 11 80 70 25 825 60 10 10 252 15 75 725 665 805 18 310 1165 30 12 250 2 65 343 16 10 15 5 980 100 272 15 37 300 865 10 6 895 375 120 46 818 10 40 55 493 33 95 1490 60 60 100 125 35 53 Miscellaneous Am Agr. 88 38 Am Oil & Eng 6 6% Am Pneu Svc. 1 Vi 1% do pf. 6 Vi 6 Vi Am Sugar pf. .114% 114 Va Am T & T_ 98V* 98% Am Wool pf..l04 101 Anglo Am Oml 9% 10 Boat Mex Pet. 2% 2% Eastern Mfg.. 31 % 32 Eastern S S... 23 23% Edison .155 155 Elder . 29% 30 Gray . 33 35 Int Cot Mills.. 93 93 Int Portland.. 19% 19% lut Products.. 25% 26 do pf. 73 73 Island Oil. 4% 5 Libby . 24 25 Mass Gas. 71% 71% do pf. 61 61 McEl 1st pf... 97% 97 Va Mergenthaler. 125 125 Mex Inv. 43% 44% MuUins Body.. 4 4 44 Nat Leather.. 14 14 N E Investmt. 90 90 N E Tel. 87 87 Ohio Body-30% 30% Orpheum Cir.. 31 31% Pacific Mills.. 165 165 Pullman .114% 114% Root . 47 47% Simms Mag... 14% 15% Stewart Mfg.. 43% 43% Swift & Co. ...119% 120% do Interntl.. 41% 42% Torrington ... 67 67 Un Drg 1st pf 49% 49% United Fruit... 188 188 United Shoe... 45% 45% do pf. 25% 25% U S Steel. 97% 98 Ventura v. 14% 15% Waldorf . 18% 18% Waltham Wch 39 39 Walwarth _23% 23% Warren 1st pf. 62% 65% Wick Wire_ 24% 24% 1% 6% 114 % 98 104 9% 2 % 31 ' 23 154 29% 83 93 19 25% 73 n% 71% 61 97% 125 43 44 13% 90 87 30% 31 165 114% 47 14% 43 Va 119% 41% 67 49% 187 45 25% 97 14% 18% 39 22* 62% 24% 88 6% 1% 6% 114% ?S% 104 10 2% 31 23 154 29% 34 93 1 19 I 26 73 o5 24% 71% 61 97% 125 43% 44 14 90 87 30% 31% 165 114% 47% 15 43% 120% 42% 67 94% 18 45 Vi 25% 97% 15 18% 39 23% 6 5 V? 24% Branla 11000 Am T & T 4s. 78 78 78 78 6000 Mass Gas 4%s 90% ??0% 90% uou 2000M?SS River 6s. . 69% 69% 69% 69? 2000 Swift 6s. 90 80 90 90 .. ..6-61tedu.NH etaotn shrdlu brnm The Importers & Traders National Bank OF NEW YORK CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION FEBRUARY 28TH, 1920 ASSETS I LIABILITIES Discounts .$26,993,218.55 Loans secured by Liberty and Victory Bonds. ... 5,986,256.93 United States Bonds and Cer? tificates of Indebtedness. 2,519,500.00 New Yor,j? State Bonds. 99,500.00 Other Bonds....-.*?. 69,000.00 Federal Reserve Bank Stock... 255,000.00 Banking House. 1,004,600.00 Demand Loans.$4,321,048.83 Cash on Hand, De? posit with Federal Reserve Bank and Due from Banks. 6,056,420.99 Clearing House Ex? changes . 2,405,601.46 , - 12,783,071.28 Interest Earned but Not Col? lected . 68,817.20 Customers' Liability Account of Acceptances. 3Q3.026.73 $50,081,990.69 Capital. $1,500,000.00 Surplus . 7,000,000.00 Undivided Profits. 1,468,599.39 Unearned Discount....,?...,.,. 302,862.86 Reserve for Taxes, etc. 185,575.21 Circulation. 51,000.00 Deposits .-.... 32,513,459.14 Bills Payable and Rediscounts with Federal Reserve Bank Secured by U. S. Government Obligations .'?. 6,757,467.36 Acceptances ..? 303,026.73 $50,081,990.69 DIRECTORS JAMES W. LANE of J. H. Lane ?5t Co., Cotton Commiission Merchant? ADOLPH LEWISOHN Capitalist JOHN W. PLATTEN President, United States ?Mortgage and Trust Co. H. H. POWELL President HENRY SPADONE President, Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co J. WALTER. SPALDING Chairman, A. G. Spalding ?5c Bros. ' EDWARD TOWNSEND Chairman E. P. TOWNSEND Vice-President EDWARD VAN VOLKENBURGH Formerly of P. Van Volkenburgh & Co., Dry Goods JOHN J. WALTON of Hunter, Walton & Co.. Produce CHARLES A. WIMPFHEIMER President, A. Wimpfheimer & Bro., Inc., Velvet? FRANK I. WORRALL President, Fred Butteffield ?5c Co., Inc., Cotton Good? OFFICERS EDWARD TOWNSEND, Chairman H. H. POWELL, President E. P. TOWNSEND. Vice-President C. F. REGAN, Cashier J. A. MITCHELL, Assistant Cashier G. H. BLISH, Assistant Cashier J. W. DOWNING, Assistant Cashier C. F. PUCKHAFER, Assistant Cashier 247 BROADWAY. OPPOSITE CITY HALL PARK Bid. Atfta. Arizona Ex. 10 12 Arizona SI 1% 1 5-1* Blk Hawk..SO 85 Bohemia ... 1% 2 Bos .& Mon..63 65 Calaveras .. .?Bc 1 % Chief Con.. . 4% 4% Con Copper. 4% 4% Crown 1?SV...20 60 Crystal now.30 34 Denbigh ...28 32 Fortuna. 4 9 Eagla B B 2 1-16 2% Gadsden- IVi 1% Homa.11 13 Houghton ..50 70 Iron Bios...30 45 Iron Cap. . .10% 11% Jerome Ver.42 45 La Rose_40 60 Boston Curb Bid AiSce? Majestlo ....20 23 Mex Metals. 15 18 Mid Moss...50 70 MoJ Tung... 8 12 Monarch ...? 95 Ntl L & Z.. 4 9 Nev f)oug..l0 14 New Baltic 3 4 Nixon.11 17 Onondaga ..15 40 Orpheum . .31 VI 31% Pilgrim ...14 16 Pioneer _80o 1.00 Rngr Petrl..? 4 5 Svn Metals.21 24 S W Ml f p. 2V4 4 Sliver Reef. 15 16 Texana.23 24 U Verde Ex.37 38 Yukon . .... 1% l*i Chicago 10 Am Rad pf..H9 119 119 119 30 A D Cohn... 35 35 35 35 1250 Armour Lea.. 16% 16% 16% 16% 150 do pf. 94% 94% 94% 84% lion Armour pf.... 99% 99% 99% 99*. 35 Booth Fish.... 11 11 1?% 10% ion Beaver Board. 55 55 55 65 210 Bunte Bros... 16 17 -16 17 20? Chi C & By pf. 9 9 9 9 5 0 Cudahy . 97 97 97 97 312 Cm W Edison.106% 106% 106% 106% 330 Cont Mot.... 12 12 11% 11% 21 Beere Co pf,..100% 100% 100% 100% 35 Hupp Motor... 13% 13% 13% 13% 5" Hartman . 88 88 88 88 100./ I Case. 15% 15% 16% 15% 20 do 1st pf_93 93 93 93 10 do 2d pf. 73 73 73 73 1200 I.ibby . 25% 35% 25 25 3000 Monlgy Ward. 34% 35% 34% 34% 15 do pf.107 107 107 107 2600 Nat Leather... 13% 14 13% 13% 133 Quak Oats pf. 94% 94% 94 94 250 Reo Motor_ 24% 24% 23% 23% 200 Shaw . 67 67 67 67 800 Stew Warner. . 41% 41% 41 41 4 0 Standard Gas. 18% 18% 18% 18% 1500 Swift Int. 42 43 42 42 900 Swift .120 121 120 120% 40 Thompson ... 44% 44% 44% 44% 25 Temtor pf A.. 42% 42% 42% 42% 700 Un Car (ex dl) 66% 66% 65% 65% 10 Un Paperbod. 22 22 22. 22 1300 Un Iron Wks. 66%' 68 65 68 255 Wahl . 38 88 38 38 450 West Knitting. 20% 20% 20% 20% 60 Wrlgly (ex di) 77 77 77 77 Bond.. $7000 Chl Ry? 1st 8a. 66% 68% 68% ?6% 3000 Ogdeu Gas 6s. 70 70 70 . 70 1000 Swift 1st 6s.. 89% 89% 89% 89% Detroit 100 Charcoal Iron. 4 4 4 4 1000 Continental Mt 11% 12 11% 12 250 Detroit Edlsonl06% 105% 105% 105% 20 Ford of Can..375 375 375 375 50 Lincoln Motors 46% 46% 46% 46% 260Mic.g Sugar.. 11% 11% 11% 11% 1100 Packard Mt C 22 22% 22 23% 800 Reo Motor C. 24% 21% 24 24% Philadelphia 1605 Amn Stores... 45 45% 45 45% 8 Amn Gas . 62 52 61 61 34 Amn Rys pf... 58 68 58 68 135 Elec Storage..112% 113% 112% 113% 15 Insur Co N A. 39 % 29% 29% 29% 7 Keystone T pf 34 34 34 84' 3715 Lake Superior. 17% 19 17%*18% 60 Lehlgh Nav .. 62% 62% 62% 62% ! 9 Lehlgh Valley. 4t> 46 46 46 100 Mexican Petrl.178% 178% 178% 178% ' 60 Missouri Pac. 28% 2S % 28% 28% i 780 Penn RR _ 42% 42% 42% 42% 25 Phlla R Trans 23 23 23 ' 23 I 30 l'hila Trac... 60% 60% 60% 60%; 2 Penn Salt - 75% 75% 75% 75% ' ? 314 Phils Elec ... 24% 21% 24% 24%: 12 PhllaCo 6 pc pf 33 33 33 33 ; 2570 Tono Belnint. 2-fir 2iV 2% 2% i 770 Tono Mining.. 2% 2% 2% 2% : 100 Trans Cont O. 25% 25% 25% 25% i I 1936 Until Gas Imp. 49% 49% 49% 49% 7 Until Com NJ .175 175 175 176 5 W .1er & Seab 39% 39% 39% 39% 25 York Ry pf... 31 31 31 81 Bonds tlOOO Am G & E 5s. 78 78 78 78 ? 2000 Elc & P Tr 48 61% 01% 61% 61% 22000 Lake Sp Inc 5s 65 67 65 57 Pittsburgh 200 Am Roll Mill.. 50 60 60 60 10 Am W G M pf. 93 93 93 93 6325 Ark Gas . 30 30% 29% 30% 130 Barnsdall Cor. 60 60 60 60 170 Carbohyd pf... 3% 4 8% 4 950 Guffey Gilles.. 29 30 29 29% 110 Ind Brewing.. 3V? 3% 3% SV_ 75 Kay Co Gas... 1% 1% 1% i% 175 Lone Star Gas. 35% 35% 35 35 1338 Marland Ref.. 5% 6% 5% 6% 45 Mfrs I. & H... 5S% 58% 68 V* 58% 100 Nat Firepf pf. 14 14 14 14' 20 Ohio Fuel Oil.. 28 28 28 28 98 Ohio Fuel Sup. 48 48 48 48 85 Okla Gas. 41% 41% 41% 41% 10 Pitts Brew pf. 16 16 16 16 2000 Pitts Jerome...10o 12c 10c 12c 500 Pitta Mt Shas. 41 41 41 41 35 Pitts Plato Gl.159 160 169 160 35 Union Gas_124 124 124 124 110 West Air Bke.109 109 109 109 20 West Blec. 52 62 62 62 Commodities Continued front page fourteen sian fly. This authority also predicts that there will be more spring wheat seeded this year than expected. Corn?The market opened firm, ow?ng to the show of strength In the foreign exchange market and on continued light receipts at primary poWU. Th? bllazard which was reported In the West on Thurs? day proved less severe than had been reported, however, and, as farmers seem more willing to sell at the recent ad? vance, the trade was led to expect some increase in the movement. Moreover, prices had advanced 11 to 14 cents during the past ten days, and it was thought that the technical position of the market had been materially weakened and that the situation had changed from an over? sold to an overbought market. At any rate, heavy selilntr developed and prices reacted sharply, closing only slightly above the lowest, with net losses of 1 % to l%c. Yesterday's Previous Tear New York: close close ago Corn, No. 2 yelIow$1.75 $1.74Vi $1.60 Chicago: May . 1.41% 1.43 1.34V? July. 1.35s', 1.36% 1.29? Oats?r.eports that exporters wero re? selling oats and that about 1,000,000 bush els had been resold for Baltimore account during the past week gave the, oats mar ket a weaker tone, and after i. compara tlvely steady opening prices eased off ant closed with net losses of 1% to lVic. Yesterday's Previous Year New York: close close ago No. 2 white.. .81.03%. 81.04 $0.72% , Chicago: May .82% .82% .63V< July. . .75% *77% .62e, Bye?Market easy. Yesterday's Previous Year New York: close close ago No. 3 West... $1.83% $1.85?i $1.55 Flour and Meal?Quotations were: Yesterday's Previous Year New York: close close ago Minn, patent ?13.12% $13.12% $10.90 Cornmeal.. .4.00?4.10 -3.76@3.85 3.25<g>3.5 Ryo flour. ..S.00?8.35 8.00@8.35 7.6008.; Bran .62.00 61.00 43.00 Cottonseed Oil Trading operations in the market yes terday were confined to the May and Jul positions, and total sales for the dHy wei 22,300 barrels. Early In the day the mai ket was firmer as a result of the shar advance in foreign exchange, as well i on the early strength In lard and cottoi but toward the closo an easier feeling d? veloped and final prices wero 7 to 1 pointa lower for the active months, whl bids on the othsr positions ranged fro; unchanged to 36 points lower. The range of prices follows: Thursday' Open High Low Close CJoe Spot... - - - ?8.50<S>19.30 - March.. - - - 18.So? 19.20 19.0 ,?,av.. 20.30 20.45 20.15 20.13?. 20.17 20. June... ?? - - 20.25020.55 20. July... 20.72 20.85 20.54 20.55? 20.57 20. Aug... - - - 20.50?i/<20.75 20. Sept... --20.50020.75 20. Sugar and Coffee Current Ye. prices ag Sugar, granulated, per lb..14016 9 Coffee, Rio No. 7, per lb_ 15% 15 Coffee, Santos No. 4, per lb 24% 19. Sugar?The market for raw sugar \vi firmly held at the advance, with tl tendency in sellers' favor, as 10,000 bai Cubas, prompt loading sold f. o. b. ? 10Vic to operators, with a further buyir interest shown at the close of the di at this figure. There were rumors thi possibly ' additional f. o. b. business hi been put through at 10Vic, but part?cula were lacking. The sugar futures mark opened unchanged to an advance of points and closed quiet, 10 to 25 poin net higher, the only salea recorded bell two lota of Muy at 10.75. Coffee futures?While, the official cabl received this morning showed a. higli Rio market, they probably fell somewh short of bullish expectations, and l. market here opened at a decline of > to points under realizing. After the ope ing there wero rather free offerings, b ileved to have been long li<iuidatlon, ai prices worked off 5 to 8 pointa. Late the day there was a sharp rally attribut to covering o? hedges against sales spot coffee, and prices work*d sharply u ward, closing at net gains of 16 to * points. In the local spot market salei we reported of Santos 2a and 3s at 26c a: ,4s at 24 %c, all premium coffees. Rio could be bought, one house reported, 15%o on the spot. There was a less of 25,000 bags Santoa 4s, futures shi ment, at 26c sterling credit. Brazil sho' no signa of weakening, prices report Arm. The range o? prices follows: Thursda: Open. High. Low. Close. cloi Mar ...- 14.80? 14.85 14. May ...15.05 16.20 14.97 15.19015.20 15 July ...15.25 15.45 15.21 16.44015.45 15, Sept ...15.08 15.25 15.03 15.26015.27 15 Nov ... - - - 15.25igil5.26 16, Leo ...15.05 15.25 15.04 15.24? 16.25 16, Butter, Cheese and Eggs Butter?Receipts were 8,675 packag Creamery, higher than extras, lb, 04% 65c; extras, 92 score, 63%?64c; firsts, 90 91 score. 61%@62%c; tirata, 88 to 89 SCO 58@61c; seconds, 83 to 87 score, 5' 57%c; lower grades 50@53c; held, hlgl than extras, 60%?61c; extras, 60c; il? 65@59c; seconds, 48?54c; unsalted, higl than extras. 67%@68c; extras, 6606 firsts, 60065c; seconds, 66?59c; state da tubs, finest, 62? 63c; good to prime, 61 61c; common to fair, 48?54c; r?nov?t extras, 63@64c; firsts, 61052c; Imitat creamery, firsts, 46? 46c; ladles, curr make, firsts, 42?43c; seconds. 39@4 lower grades, 38@38%c; packing sto current make, No. 1, 39%c; No. 2 3 28%c; lower grades, 35 037 %c. Cheese?Receipts were 1,728 boxes. St?? whole milk, held flats, specials, 2 ?W*Si average run, 28029c; lower grad 15 027c; twins, held, speciala, colored white, 29@29%c; average run, 27% ?28V lower grades. 18 027c; Wisconsin, wh jayj*' .?2*Sft, 27@29%c; single Dais held. 30>?31%c; double Daisies, held. 2 ?31c; Voun?r America* 32@S3c; st No. 1,250 BEPORT OF CONDITION O? , The Mechanics & Metals National Bank at New Tori. In the State of New York, at the ?lose of business on February 2?, 1920. RESOURCES 1. a Loans and discount.?. Including rediscounts ( except tiloso shown In b and c) _$132,170,030.86 b Acceptances Of other banks discounted .... 5.024,442.10 a Customers' liability ac? count of acceptances of this bank pur? chased or 'discounted by it . 237.120.71 ?Total loans .?137,431.593.47 Deduct : o Acceptances of other banks pasable at fu? ture date, guaranteed by this bank, by In? dorsement or otherwise (see Item 55b).$5.024,442.10 f Foreign bills of ex? change or drafts sold with Indorsement of this bank, not shown under Item il, above (see Item 65c). 498,497.65 - 5,523.939.75 $1S1.907.653.'72 2. Overdraft., unsecured. 7.344.19 4. a Customers' liability account of acceptances executed by this bank anil by other banks for account of this bank, and now outstanding.. 4,036,746.i:; 5. U. S. government securities owned: a Deposited to secure cir? culation (U. S. bonds par value) .$1,000,000.09 c Pledged to secure postal savings deposit? (par value) . 610,000.00 d Pledged as collateral for state or other de? posits or bills payablc.8,200.000.00 f Owned and unpledged 2 762,834.65 h War Savings Certifi? cates and Thrift Stajups actually owned 1.297.08 1 Deposited with state authorities in accord? ance with provisions of Sec. 11-K, Federal Reservo Act . 80,000.0. Total U. S. gov ernment securities .12,624,181.73 6. Other bonds, securities, eta.! b Bonds (other than U. 8. bonds ) pledged to secure postal sav? ings deposits . 189,900.00 o Bonds and securities (other than D. S. se? curities) -pledged as collateral for state or other deposits (postal excluded) or bills payable . 784,117.0? e Securities, other than U. S. bonds (not In? cluding stocks), owned and unpledged . 4,737,518.70 f Collateral trust anil other notes of corpora? tions Issued for not less than one year nor mora than three years' time . 625,000.0. g Deposited with state authorities in accord? ance with provisions of Sec. 11-K, Federal Reserve Act . 670.717.11 Total bonds se? curities, etc, other than U. S. 6,907.250.81 7. Stocks, other than Federal Reserve Ban It stock . 204,748.57 8. Stock of F?deral Reserve Bank (50 per cent of subscription). S60.000.00 9. a Value of banking house, owned oiid unlncumbered . 3,000 000.00 12. Lawful reserve with Federal Re servo Bank . 17,478 927 12 13. Items with F?deral Reserve Bank i:i process of collection (not avail? able as reserve) . 4,380 883.13 14. Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks. 10,868,750.04 15. Net amounts due from bulks. bankers and trust companies in the United States (other than Included In Items 12 13, or 14). 851047.23 16. Exchanges for clearing house_ 16.909,'720.26 17. Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank (other than Item 16). 629 527 81 Total of Items 18. 14 16. 18 and 17 .$33.037,907.95 18. Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash item? . 618 405 11 19. Redemption fund with U. 8. Treas? urer and due from U. 8. Trea. _? "r?r . 480.000 00 20. Interest earned but not collected? approximate?on notes and bills receivable not past due. 619 467 53 21. Other asset?. If any . 8,081 HiM Tot?l .$219.449.324.88 State of New York. County r>r New Tot* a?. I. JOSEPH, S. HOUSE, cashier of the ebare-1 statement is true to tlia best of my knowledge and Subscribed and ?worn to before me this 6th i Correct?Attest: T. FRANK MANVffiLEl 1 WM. A. JAMISON. r Director?. JOHN MoHCGH. j ^^ LIABILITIES 22. Capital stock paid hi.86,000, M? It 23. Surplus fund . 6.OO0.0?0.W 2?L a Undivided profits ..$7,518 828.36 b Les* current ex? penses, interest and taxes paid . 866,273..'i" -6,652,55111 25. Interest and discount coli??cted- or credited in advance of maturity ami not earned (approximate) . 634.144.57 26. Amount reserved for taxes accrued 6iS.692.6i 27. Amount reserved for all interest accrued . 633.51l.tJ 28. Circulating notes outstanding.. . l.'?0.ijW.W 30. Net amounts due to national ban!? 23,t'00,162.t? 31. Net amounts duu to banks, bank? ers and trust companies in the Vnlted Sta^s and foreign coun? tries (other than lncludixi hi Item ?.C, . S5 778.279? 33. Certified checas outstanding. 3, 33. Cashier'* checks on ma bank out? standing . l,!18,931tf Total of Items 80. 31, 32 ad 33_$64.429 277.63 Demand deposita (other than bank dapoilt?) subject to Reserve (deposits payable wihia 30 davs) : 34. Individual deposits subject to check 35. (Vrtlflcates of d?rposit due in lets than 20 days (other than foi money txurrowed) 211,110.? 36. State, county or other munldpaJ deposits s??.nired by pledge of asseta of this bank . 411.4M-W 37. Deposits requiring notice but l"ss Unui 30 days . S56?IIJJ 38. Dividends unpaid . 4 "??! j Total of demand do l?>si!s (other tliui bank deposita) sub? ject to Reserve, Items 34. 35. 36. 37 and 38..?$101.159 855.57 Time deposits subject to Rosorve 'pwaMs ?BBl 30 days, or ?ublect to 30 dn>s or more tsna, and postal tarings): 40. Certificate* of deposit (cthar than ? for money borrowed) ., 1.S9S.SW.*? 4L State, county or other mu-iteipal deposits secured by pledge of a* sets of this bank. ?PB.IJ? J 4?. Postal savings dopoelbj . Si?-!S?T? 43. Other tlm* deposita . MHjWMi To'al of time de? posits subject to Re? serve, Items 40, 41, 42 and 43 . $4.86?.485.83 44. United State?! deposits (other than postal Raring?) : _.... a War loan deposit aoooiint. famaam 4?. Bills payable with Federal K?wn? P.ank. srerured by D. 8. government ^.m securitiee . 23.000.W-?? 51. letters of ?redit a>?d trarel??' che?As sold for i-ash and ouUland- ... ? lng . lOliIU? 55. a A"T?*.ances ex??<rute?l by tills bank for cus? tomers' .J3.821.15l.58 b Acceptances executed by other bank? for ac? count and under guar? antee of this bank.... ??2.091.97 Total ...^.$4.483.153.13 d Leas acceptances of tills bank purchased or discounted (see Item lc) . -?57.1?O-1 ?.????.ou.* Total .potjMJsaaW 5*>. b Acceptance* of oilier bank* pay? able at future date, ruaran terri by this bank by lndorsemaut or ether- ?.ja wine ? see Item le) . 5 emma*. 0 Ko*?ign bills of exchange or i trails sold with indorsmn?t of this beak. m', shown under Item a. above ,?.?r#i (see Item If).k i9tL^mZ Total contingent llaWlltl?* (55 fc i and e) (t Schedule 23) b and c) (not Including Item* 1? ., .? ?.fl Mdule 23) Dimed bank, do solemnly ?wear that the ?M* belief. JOSEPH a HOUSE. CaaM? day or March. 1920. ._ HBNBT tWU?NX, N?Ury JPuMJ* - skims, fresn, ?pedal*, 18 O Slot prim? to choice, 13@16c; fair to good, 10?12o; lower grades, 4? 9c. Eggs?Receipts were 28,878 cases. Fresh gathered, extras, dozen, 65966c; extra firsts, 64?64%c; firsts. 62@62c; seconda, 60?61c, dirties. No. i, 48?49c; checks, good to choice, dry, 38?40c; state, Pennsyl? vania and nearby Western, hennery whites, extras, 58c; firsts to extra firsts, 64?67c; gathered whites, firsts to extra firsts, 54? 67c; pullets, 62? 53o ; Pacific Coaat whites, express, extra firsts to extras, 665. 67c; firsts, 53?66c; seconds. 61@52c; pullets, Petaluma, 52?63c; other section?. 60?51c; other Western and Southern, gathered whites, 63?Sift; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery browns, extra? 67?63c gathered brown and mixed colora eit?* 66?66o; firsts to extra firsts, 63054c . U. S. Exports to Mexico Gala JUAREZ, Mexico, Feb. ?0.?Import? from the United States into Me??? for the first ten months of 191? ?T grregated in value $96,431,981, an ?* crease of 34 per cent over the corf* ?ponding period of the previous /??J? according to a custom house v?W\ The principal articles imported *?*? shoes, textiles, silks, furs, notions ?*? articles of luxury.