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HOTEL LOTTI PARIS I f you have once stayed there ? you will go back. If you ?ven'*? ?nd w*nl to ?** what ^pert hotel training, refined l?e|?ng and a kindly spirit can paje? of an hotel, book your ?0008??* 7-9 Rue Castiglione "Under the Arcades." CLARIDGE'S __,?-? Europe's Most Mod? II ATI? I cm Hotel; 300 Rooms ? ill I ijLi and 30? Bathrooms; If V * **?* Grill and Tea Rooms; . w+Tft Spacious Restaurant. D A w IV Large Swimming r|||\||J Pool and Turkish I. ALETTI, Atanaslns Dir. Avenue des Champs-Elysees RESORTS ATLANTIC OTT. W. i. Laurel in the Pines Lakewood, N. J. EQUABLE CLIMATIC CONDI? TIONS. GOLF, RIDING AND SHIXTLRED WALKS.. DAIL1 CONCERTS AND DANCING. BRANCH OFFICE, GEO A. HOHN 5? SONS, BROKE'.S. ^Hal'iLV-NK i Mltl?. U.K.OB? H?ddonHaii ATLANTIC CITY 1 RIGHT OH THE BEACH I ALWAYS OPEN j ATLANT.'C CITY. N.J. g jAivAmericaa Plaa Hotel i JofDis?Rrim^RealComiort | JFIREPROOF GARAGE. ? i CAPAC?TY 6O0. f% /Z?VV^?ZZiVi VYMO???-ATiA>rnccrni TORLOS GREATEST HOTELSUCCESSj ATLANTIC CTTY. N. i. Cmrpati-, .: t.r ne* i. .' .! r* ?t ?.no r?cr?*U?? HOTEL CLARENDON ??gg!&?n. *nd cotias-*. Direitly on ocean. lS-hol. golf cours? Now open. Booklet* on ?JplltAtlon. 1180 Broadwav. New York. STORAGE NOTICES WAREHOUSEMEN'S SALE O!' GOODS TOR UNPAID CHARGES. In with the provision of law, ther? b?*_g due and unpaid charges, for ?iilch the undersigned, Liberty Storage ?nd Warehouse Company, is entitled to a Han as Warel ous? man, on tUe u loda here- ; inafter described, and >!u. notice having been given l ? all parties known to claim an Interest therein, atcJ tho time specified in Buch noti - tor payment of such '?ha-rges having expired, there will be sold a' public auctli n. at th? auction rooms of W. H. FLATTAU i* SON, southeast coiner : of 13th Street <? University Place, -Man- : hattan, on Tuesday, March 16th, 1920, and. continuing o-:. each Tuesday and Wednes? day thereafter until all the following Bttperty has been sold: .Household goods, consisting of bureaus. fiolffonier.. desks, wood, iron and brass Md? (DAttregseu, linens, pillows, portieres, o?'?;?, bedding, dining room furniture, M?kerai cha rs, carpets, rii'.s, pictures, p.irrors, sewing machines, library and par ??r .'.rnltur-, boxes and contents, barrels sne ...tents, china, glassware, boric .a-brae, upright, squared and grand pianos, vio ...s, violoncellos, guitars, banjos, mando .'Ina, zitiiers. music record., trunks and contents, clocks, souvenirs, trophic., bath ?cales, eiectrli lamps, electric fixture?, ?ectrlc motors, toys, tennis rackets, golf ?ati*. pers*.:i_i effeots, clothing a. d mlscel j^neous, held for the account of C. Mon ??ta tlllpiii, c. W. lioukl, Mrs. Marie ??dwell, Tyler H Bennett and Mrs. J/lar H. Bennett, Dr. Norbert Stadmuller, a,?a Helen A Coates, Mrs. Elsie W. ?V,' L- R* Umbenhower, Mis. William ? Brower and The Aeolian Company, ?J?. p. W, Clare. Mrs. \V. S. (ill!, Mrs. ?? O'Mahoney, Mrs B. B. Cowles, Estate w t.1 Jo!,eph W. Herbert Jr. and Joseph (?__, bert Jr- Hria Ludwtg Hauman & \.^ny' &s thelr interests may appear. ._?,, cal *Iul ?cientiflo instruments and ?PPiUi.cea held for the account of Dr. jornert .tadtnulier, and Mr?. Elsie W. noya?, .,?mc* furniture, consisting of filing cabi- ! 22 ?. , "' ?mce chairs, sectional book- , iii if for accoun' "f R- H. Sanborn. * ??ni , K "ovv ?t"f<'<l with said Com- * __?!' ? Us warehouses, and all to be ; ?riiLj -"Pf^fleally announced and de- ' Kr'Md at time of ?aid sale. , aau ?Lg.uds !r,ay be He,:U at th? Place of UBvUtV-1" j_Jtur.lay preceding the sale. ?T,.T).>TOKA(,Kj! WARKIIOl-.SK CO.. ?TV sk\\. "_, W? 8T ANI> 48 AND u??,1H *T-' NJEW VOBK CITY. N. Y. ^.WftLlAM R. WUOL, Secretary. WAREHOUSE SALE OF GOODS FOR UNPAID CHARGES " ofA<u ?HDA-N'CE WITH T .IE PROVISION ! 'hare.. ? !hero belnS due and unpaid i ?s'or_?! ?.0/ w,iU-h the undersigned Hobaon i ??,, Warehe,u?o Is entitled to a Hen as , ?trib._ nJa" on the K?od5! hereinafter de- I U _T?!i , duo "?tlce having been given to ; ?i E_7 f. known to claim an interest there- ; P?vn_Z. '.tlme ?Pec'He?. In euch notice for ; there in "uch tharses having expired. ! ?Er ? ?" n? ?old at public auction at it?th jLVnttri'h A action Rooms, 101 K?st t> f",^- on Thursday, MjircU 23th. 1030, ?vervTi. '? Hr"1 continuing on each and > liiursOay thereafter, beginning at the JSSuJ^J' i'n,tl "!1 K?0'18 >*re ?old. to wit: ?ultt. _i furnl??"-e conslsllng of parlor farj'fnrlu00"1 ?ultea. dining room suites, lib- j ?runwr,?. tur*' P'?nos, vlctrolaa, musical In W a?r. ' t'*rPet?. 'UK?, trunks, ht^es, bar- i !|*'lir ?. ^ae.B' conteiit? consisting .f cloth brtc-a ir O"^?- P?P*rs. stationery, pictures. ! kWdlnr * chlna *n<t glassware, silverware, | ptrsmiTi a_?p*.ne8 antt ?naterlals and other ? RL''*:" held for the account of W?tD^LT_ B, I'KARRON, ALICE L CiOD b"r??-.^?.ON C. THOMAS. MAHCAKET U*9 M?i%V.I;..VHITMAN. HARRY BUR cA??>p?rt.!_.oU^VID *-'I'ARY. MRS. I.. H. 1'^CA^PvEIiv?MR8' J* BHISSOV. MHS. H. *?? io,'J??s* P- HOI.iA, MRS. ANNA "*?red* lnSIDiiR ?^HOENFELD. being now ' 'S? ?tinS. ** ?. Hob??n Storage Warehouse I ?US?*. .7" i** on exhibition at the time ? a ,ai?' an<J on each day of sale. Hob?? Storag? Warehotu? i mJlki7! WT?ST ?1ST 8T. ^ ?? WttUAM HOBSON. Proprietor. Realty Trad Old Downtown Sections Active In the Trading Realty Company Purchases Five Loft and Office Buildings in Water and in Front Streets for Cash Charles F. Noyes Company has sold for William C. Cammann to the 95 Wall Street Realty Company the five loft and office buildings at 107 to 111 Water Street and 108-110 Front Street, i The transaction was on an . all-cash basis. The management of tho prop- : erty has been placed in charge of the Noyes Company. The. property sold has frontages of about 63 feet on Water Street and 42 feet on Front Street, with a plottage of 9100 feet. Deals In Greenwich Street Wm. A. White & Sons have sold to Bertram Stokes the five-story and base? ment building, on plot 25.0x62.5, at 327 ? Greenwich Street, southeast corner of Duane Street. Mr. Stokes^ will use the building for the provision business. This is the second sale of this build? ing by the same brokers within six months. Berlin & Schneider have purchased from John A. Schappert the six-story store and loft on lot 23.6x112.S, at 74 Greenwich Street. Harold Hotchkiss : was the broker. Hall J. How & Co. have sold for John G. Gerber to Daniel F. Farrell the five story building at 207 Duane Street on lot 26x58. Tenant Buys in Pearl Street The Noyes Company has sold for Dr. ; Lewis M. Kommel 3f>4 Pearl Street, a i live-story building on lot 23..5x60, to ; Edward Sempliner, the tenant, dealer in boots, shoes and leather. Mr. Sem? pliner purchased the property for all I cash. This sa?t} is of additional inter- :< est because the same brokers sold the property to Dr. Kommel fifteen years ago. He now realizes a substantial profit on the investment. Investor Gets West Broadway Lot The two five-story loft buildings at 502-4 West Broadway, on lot 50x75, have been purchased by Mrs. Anna Hel- : fat, through Jacob Shapiro. Quick Resale in Twenty-third St. Frederick Brown has resold to a i client of Harry B. Cutner the five-story loft building, on lot 25x98.9, at 18 East Twenty-third Street. The realty, which is under lease until next May, was acquired about three weeks ago by Mr. Brown from Borden and Will- . iam H. Owen jr., through Albert B. ; Ashforth inc. Sale of Two Nineteenth St. Lofts The Stebbins Realty and Construc? tion Company Inc. has bought from Silas Swartz 139 to 149 West Nine? teenth " Street, two eight-story loft buildings, on plot 120x100. Estate Sells Sixty-eighth St. Garage George S. Runk has sold for the es? tate of Teresa M. J. O'Donahue 166 East Sixty-eighth Street, a three-story garage, on plot 25x100. ?-? Mrs. Georgia J. Appleby Sells West 69th St. Dwelling _ P<?ase & Elliman have sold for Mrs. Georgia J. Appleby to a client for oc cupancy the throe-story and basement , dwelling at 125 West Sixty-ninth ! Street, on plot 16.1x55x100.5. DANCING INSTRUCTION LOVELL'S .637 MADISON Ava. \Cok,59*St. Class Lessons With Individual Instructor for. . Phone 4S43 Plaza. We g?iraim-c to teach you :o dance <?:; the Uteit modern dances ?juickly and correctly. 9 LESSONS, $5 rnrvATB lesson& io a. m. to n p. m, without appointment. Tt?> largest and the best Dai ing School with u wondorful orchestra. MODERN DANCES. WILMA GILMORE Vernon Cast ??a Graduate, 103 West 67th St. Circle 4026. STORAGE NOTICES WAREHOUSE SALE OF GOODS FOR UNPAID CHARGES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVT- ' s'.nn of law, there being due and unpaid charges for which the undersigned, The Ansonla ?atorase Warehouse Co., is entitled io a lien us warehouseman on the goods ' hereinafter described, and due notice hav ing been srlven to all parties known .to , claim, an interest therein, and the time ? specified in such nonce for payment of ! su h charges having expired, there will be. sold a: public auction at the Monarch Auc? tion Rooms, 161 East 12S>lh Street, New Yo;k j ON ' TUESDAY, MARCH lfiTIf, 19?0, AT 10:30 A. M? AND ON FRIDAY, MARCH 19TH, JOiO. AT 10:30 A. M., AND IP SALE THEREOF IS NOT COMPLETED ON SAID DATES THE SAME WILL HE CONTINUED AT THE SAME PLACE ON EACH AND EVERY TUESDAY AND FRI? DAY THEREAFTER, BEGINNING AT 10:30 A. M. ON EACH DAY AND CONTINUING UNTIL ALL THE GOODS ARE SOLD' THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY. TO WIT: ! Consisting of Dressers and dressing tables. ; chiffoniers, washstands, tables, chaira and ? rockers, betis, mattresses, bedding, parlor suits, mirrors, tabies ami stands, cabinets, I pictures, clocks, rugs, carpets, sofas, divans.: davenports, sewing machines, oil cloth, desks, i bookcases, library tables, lamps, vacuum ? cleaners, gas and oil heaters, stoves, orna- ! ments, vases, brlc-a-brae, musical lnstru- j mints, china and glassware, kitchen furnl- ' lure and utensils, linens, blankets, quilts, ! books, trunks, chests, hampers and contents (personal effects), clothing, etc., draperies, I curtains, etc., restaurant IKtures, pots, pans, ? counter, chairs, tables, show case, etc., dressmaker's establishment, wardrobe?, i chairs, tables, machines, dresses, time clock, ? adding machine, typewriter, and all other ; personal effects, household goods hela for the I account of the following parties concerned: ; CATHERINE CUNNINGHAM. J. T. DAR DIN, DOLORES FOURNIER, MRS. M. JACKSON, -MRS. MAE KEKSON, HELEN j KEEVAN, ABE MOON. ALBERT P. j WEHER AND LAHN FURNITURE CO.. E. | M. KKRNAN. all now being stored In said ? Ansonla Storage Warehouse Co.'s warehouses. ? The goods will be on tjxnlbltlon at the timo | and place of sale and on each day of sale. ANSONIA STORAGE WAREHOUSE CO. 137-J30-141 West 09th St. SUMMONS SUPREME COURT, NEW YORK COUNTY. | -?ERNEST C. ROMANO, Plaintiff, agalnat ROBERT R?MER, doing busl- ; nee* und-r the name of ROBERT ROMER j & COMPANY, Defendant. _ TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: , YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to an. swer tho complaint lu this action, and to ! serve a copy of your answer on the Plain- ? tiff's Attorn.?3?V8 within twenty days after I the service of this summons, exclustve of I tho day of service; and In case of failure to appear, or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for tho re- : lief demanded in the complaint. Dated N. Y.. February ?nd. 1920. GOODMAN & WERNER, | Plaintiff's Attorneys. Office and Post | Office Address. No. 61 Chambers Street, Borough of Manhattan, New York City, i TO ROBERT ROM ER, doing business as. ROBERT ROMER & COMPANY: The foregoing summons is served upon ? you by publication pursuant to an order of Honorable Nathan Bijur, one of the Jus? tices of the Supreme Court of the State of Now York, dated the 24th day of Feb? ruary, 1920, and tiled with the complaint In the office of the Clerk of the County of New York, at the County Court House In the Borough of Mauhattan, City. County and State of New YorX. Dated New York, February !7th. 1920. GOODMAN & WERNER. Attorneys for Plaintif?, Office & P. O. Address. No. 61 Chambers Street. Bor ou*h of Manhattan. New York City* ing in City a Buyers for Fine Homes On East and West Sides Fleming House, in 67tli Street, and CurtistA Dwelling, in 66th /Str?eet, Among Sales Douglas L. Elliman & Co., have Bold for Mrs. W. C. Fleming her residence at 43 East Sixty-seventh Street, a four story and basement private house, on lot 20x100.5. The purchaser after ex? tensive alterations, will occupy it as his home. The same brokers recently sold 47 East Sixty-seventh Street for Lewis S. Morris to Mrs. Herbert Mc Bride. Brown, Wheelock Company, Inc., has sold for Commodore Arthur Curtiss James, 102 West Eighty-sixth Street, a four-story and basement dwelling, on lot 20x100. The buyers, Mandel? baum & Lewine, intend to alter the property into an American basement house when the lease expires in October. L. & A. Pincus have purchased from Mrs. Elenore S. Wyckoff, of El mira, the five-story private house at 62 West Fifty-second Street, on lot 20x100. Tho seller was represented by John Finck and the purchasers by Charles Meyers. Sales in Harlem and in Heights The three-story dwelling, on lot 20x 100.11, at 23 West 120th Street, has been sold by Charles Moeller. Tho Merit Realty Corporation (Mar? cus L. Oak, president), has sold 'the three-story dwelling, on lot 17x100.11, at 150 West 123d Street to Mrs. Flor? ence Scher, through L. Rappaport and M. Beck. Ernest T. Bower has sold for Mrs. Sarah Brownell the three-story dwell? ing at 64 East 124th Street, on lot 18x 100, and for Mrs. Catherine L. Minifee the three-story dwelling at 234 West 123d Street, on lot 14x100. Ralph Russo has sold 306 East 120th Street, a three-story dwelling, on lot 19.5x100.11. Fitz Howell has sold for the Equit? able Life Assurance Society 224 West 138th Street, a three-story dwelling, on lot 21.1x99.11. To Alter 6th Avenue Building At a Cost of $400,000 John H. Scheicr, architect, has filed plans for the alteration of the one? time O'Neill-Adams department store building, occupying the block front on the west side of Sixth Avenue from Twentieth to Twenty-first Street. The property is owned by the United State3 Realty and Improvement Corporation, and was leased recently in its entirety to the Partos Realty Corporation. It's alterations, it is estimated, will cost about $400.000. A number of stores, show and sales rooms, lofts and offices are to be installed. The Partola Manu? facturing Company will occupy a large portion of the structure, which will be known as the Partola Building. -. French Hospital Gets Adjoining 33d St. Property City Magistrate Joseph S. Schwab has sold, through the Schwab Realty Com? pany, 441 and 443 West Thirty-third Street, a plot 52.8x100, to the French Hospital, whose building on Thirty fourth Street abuts this property. ' The hospital also owns the adjoining parcel at 445 and 447 West Thirty-third Street, whicn is used as a nurses' dor? mitory, and now controls a frontage of 100 feet at this point. The Thirty fourth Street frontage is 108 feet. > Mrs. Hoyt Sells 5th Avenue Home for Apartment Life Pease & Elliman have leased for J. E. R. Carpenter an apartment at 630 Park Avenue, a suite Of twelve rooms and four baths, to Mrs. Louis T. Hoyt, whose residence at 726 Fifth Avenue the same brokers sold to Farquharson & Wheelock for alteration into a busi? ness building. ? ? Buy Site for Store Building Ennis ?fe Sinnott have purchased, through L. J. Phillips & Co., the plot, 75x100, on the east side of St. Nicholas Avenue, 100 feet north of 170th Street, facing Mitchel Square. The property, which was acquired from the estate of Philip Feuring, will be improved with store buildings: -? Corporation to Buy Buildings The three four-story buildings, on plot 50x83, at 154 to. 158 West Twenty fourth Street, near Seventh Avenue, will be taken over by the 156, West Twenty-fourth Street Corporation, with F, L. Goldman and R. Messline directors. The Francis McCabe estate holds title to the ?realty. To Make Over Hotel for Women The six-story hotel at the southwest corner of Hudson Street and Twelfth Street is to be made over for use as a hotel for the Young Women's Chris? tian Association, the owner of record. Katharine C. Budd is the architect and estimated the coat at $25,000. Tenants Buy in 74th Street Kasimir ?fe Meltzor, tenants, have purchased 502 to 506 East Seventy fourth Street, a six-story building, on plot 75x100, from George W. Grote. Joseph G. Abramson represented the purchasers. a Investors and Operators Figure in Bronx Buying J. Clarence Davies has sold for H. I. Smith 878 and 880 East 156th Street, a three-story store and apartment house, on plot 68x70. L. J. Phillips ?fe Co. have sold for the Bellmil Realty Corporation to Harris and Maurice Mandelbaum and Fisher ?fe Irving I. Lewine 1030 to 1034 Boston Road, two five story apartment houses, on plot 50x200 each. The Kean Zucker Corporation has purchased the property, 40x95, at 800 East 179th Street, corner of Mapes Avenue, and 415 East 187th Street, a four-story house, 33x100, which it im? mediately resold to M. Wecsler. Jacob Jurin, for Louis Barman and others, has purchased the property, 25 xl30, at 1560 Inwood Avenue from El? len M. Breen. Steinman ?fe Steiman have sold for Arkin ?fe Horowitz to a Dr. Rosen 1076 Simpson Street, a five-story flathouse. S. J. Taylor has sold for Fanny E. Downs the three-story residence, 16x 100, on the northerly side of West 184th Street, 112 feet west of Grand Avenue, and for Bernard Lynch 2454 Devoe Terrace, a two-family house, 25 x90, to P. Kiernan. Storminger & Juneer have sold for Josephine Strassner the four-story flathouse at 3416 Park Avenue. The Stebbins Realty Company has bought through Fred Lowenthal 432 East 156th Street and 997 and 999 Mor? ris Avenue, two five story apartments, on plots 50x100 feet each, from the William F. Kenny Company through L J Greenberger, and 1064 Sheridan Avenue, on plot 60x100 feet, a five story apartment, through L. J. Green? berger The Stebbins Company also sold 2354 Southern Bo^lev#-d, a five story apartment, on plot 50x100 feet, to Julius Goldberg, through Samuel Goldmeyer. ? Larchmont Garden? House Sold The-Colonial residence of James G. Baldwin on West Brookside Drive, Garchmont Gardens, has been sold to Otto Egjjfers. of this city. Georg? How? was the broker. rid Suburbs Many More Make Good Profits in Apartment Resales W. Emlen Roosevelt Parts With the Twelve-?tory Westminster, in 86th St., Near Park Av. Corner The Westminster'apartment, at 68 and 70 East Eighty-sixth street, a twelve-story structure, erected about seven years ago by Samuel A. Herzog, has been bought by J. C. and M. G. Mayer from W. Emlen Roosevelt. It occupies a plot 64x100, about 100 feet west of Park Avenue; Howard L. Lewis was the broker. Monterey Passes to New Hands The Monterey, a six-story elevator apartment, on plot 100x100, at the southeast corner of Pinehurst Avenue and 179th Street, has been resold by tho Wellfinanced Investment Company. Sale of the Esperanto Sharp ?fe Co. have sold for L. H. Ull man the Esperanto at 229 West 105th Street, a six-story elevator, on plot 100x100; sold recently by the same | brokers for Frederick Brown. Operators Get Ashton Court ? Thomas J. O'Reilly has sold for the Doumen Realty Company to the Benen i son Realty Company Ashton Court, a. : live-story apartment, ort plot 80x100. Invests In Eighty-first Street Flat Henry Wasserman has sold the four story flat, on lot 25x102.2, at 239 East Eighty-first Street. Two 142d Street Houses Sold The two six-story apartments, on plot 37.0x99.11 each, at 543 and 545 West 142d Street, have been sold by Sidney Ettinger to Isaac Kind. Resale of Bradhurst Avenue Corner The six-story apartment at the south? east corner of 149th Street and Brad hurst Avenue, on plot 50x99.11, has been resold by Max Seligman through Jacob Shapiro to Abraham Schlussel berg. Corporation Buys and Sells Steinman ?6 Steinman have sold for the Daylight Realty Corporation a five story flat at 570 West 172d Street, on plot 02.6x100, and have sold to tho corporation 23 West 123d Street, a five story flat, on lot 25x100. j Cash for 99th Street Flat The Lebertan Corporation has sold the Miquelon, a six-story apartment at 206 West Ninety-ninth Street, for all cash over a mortgage of ?80 000 held by the New York Life Insurance Com? pany, to a client of William A. Carr, of J. Clarence Davies. Sale in 165th Street Tho E. .1. Maas Realty Company, Inc., has sold for Harry Schweitzer to E. E. Monette 235 to 239 West Ki5th Street, a six-story elevator apartment on plot 75x100. House in 1.78th Street Sold An operator has purchased 508 and . 510 West PTSthijfStreet, a six-story ele? vator apartment, on plot 75x100. Her? man H Felstein, the present seller, acquired in?.- property last month. Tenant Buys in Amsterdam Ave. The J. & L. Realty Company hau sold to William Zimmer, the store tenant, the five-story building, on lot 25x74, at 765 Amsterdam Avenue. Morris Florea has sold the five-story single flat at U27 West 115th Street. Sale of 112th St. Tenement Harry Sugarman has sold for A. Heyman 348 West 112th Street, a five story tenement, on plot 33.4x100, to Lipschitz ?fe Bro. Estate Sells in 13th Street Rice & Hill have sold for the estate of the late George R Fearing the five stpry store : nd lement at 306 West Thirteenth Kire-Jt, on lot 28x55. Ex? tensive imp ovements are planned. Art Dealer Gets Fine Madison Avenue Dwelling Pease ?fe Elliman have sold for the Burnside Corporation, represented by L. 11. Slawson ?fe Co., the four-story and basement dwelling, on plot 34*xl00, at 238 Madison Avenue, the second house below the site of the old Have meyer residence, at the southwest cor? ner of Thirty-seventh Street, which for many years was the limiting point of the business invasion of Murray Hill from the north. The buyer is Frederick A. Lawlor, to whom the same brokers a few years ago leased the Senff residence, at the northwest corner of Forty-first Street and Madison Avenue, a site which is to be shortly improved by tho F. F. French Company with an office build? ing for its own occupancy. Mr. Lawlor is an art dealer, and will use his new location for business. New York Title Company Buys Borough Hall Section Building The American Trust Company and the New York Title and Mortgage Company have purchased 205 to 213 Moivtague Street, Brooklyn, near Court | Street, Lo accommodate _ the growing business of the two institutions. The building is of an attractive Doric type, j with pillared front. President Harry A. Kahler an- ? nounced yesterday that immediate pos- ; session would be taken of a part of | the building and the remainder occu- ? pied us soon as leases expired. Business Space Leased George R. Read ?fe Co. have leased to 1 Kwong-Yuen & Co. space at 15 West i Thirtv-fourth Street, and to Duntley ?fe j Co. space at 9 East Thirty-fifth Street. ! The same brokers have leased for Hen? rietta Hutcheson the building at 132 East Twenty-ninth Street for a term of years. Harris. Vought & Co. and J. Clarence Davies have leased a large space at 15 and 17 East Fortieth Street to G. W. S. Patterson ?fe Co., inc., importers and exporters. The Charles F. Noyes Company has j sub-leased for the Southard-Robertson I Company the building at 21 and 23 : Peck Slip, corner of Water Street, to the Ackerman Manufacturing and Ex- j port Company for ten years from May 1, at an aggregate rental of $75,000, and has sub-leased back to the South- | ard-Robertson Company a portion of i the ground floor and second floor of the building, where the company will continue' to maintain their executive i : offices. , Dwight, Archibald & Perry, Inc., j have leased for Guion Brothers 37 and ! ! 39 West Twenty-fourth Street for a j ' long term of years to the 37 West Twenty-fourth Street Corporation. These buildings were formerly occu? pied by the Collaiza Restaurant. The lease is significant of the changing of the character of this block between Broadway and Sixth Avenue from be? ing one of tho popular restaurant j blocks in the. section to a mercantile I line of occupation. Cushman A Wakefield, Inc., have i leased offices at 50 East Forty-second I Street to Chisholm ?fe Chapman, the J. P. Devine Company and the Burden Iron Company, and offices at 52 Van I derbilt Avenue to the W. B. McLean Manufacturing Company, Ludson R. Harrington and Daniel O'Connell & ?Co. REAL ESTATE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN For Sale?Plot of 6250 Sq. Ft. on very prominent corner of Leonard Street and Weet Broadway. Frontage 126 foet, adjoining Subway and Bllevated Sta? tions. Old building?. Possession in 00 days. JOHN CONSTABLE MOORE 00 Kost .4th. Telepnone Tanderbltt 818D. REAL ESTATE FOB HALM HOMES WITHIN THE HOUR ALL SECTIONS $6,000 to $50,000 3. CLARENCE DAVIES 32 NASSAU ST. JOHN 6094 ROCKVILL? CENTRE Wonderful bargain, 4 minutes from rail? road station, 6 2-3 acres land, including R room houso with all Improvements, garage, barn and chicken houses and Incubator houso. Price to quick, buyer, $16,000. $10,000 can remain on mortgage. 8-room house, plot 60x735, waterfront, hot water heat, gas and electricity, garage for two cars, 30 fruit trees. Price $12,000. Cash required $8,000. 8-room house, plot 75x200. Price $7,000. Mortgage. $4,000. Located near school. New house, plot 50x160, open fireplace, all Improvement?, good locality. Price $8,000. Mortgage $3,200. Other properties; if they aro for sale we havo them. HENNINGS Opposite Station. PHONE1 634-R. FOR SALE.?MA"? 1ST OCCUPANCY. -Vine covered Virginia Colonial .Mansion, on Stewart Avenue, Garden fits- Estates. Beautiful houso. Contains 14 rooms and . baths. Every modern convenience. Fireplaces. Two-car garage, with 3 rooms and bath, for a chauffeur. Corner plot, 232x..20. Beautifully planted with fully matured trees and Bhrubs. Fruit trees and vegetable garden. Price $76,000, which Is far below the present value. For Information apply to C. A. NICHOLLS, 185 Madison Avenue. Telephone Vandor bllt 8373. WITHIN THF HALF HOUR Send for particulars of more than fifty houses, ranging In pilco from $10,000 to $26,000, all within thirty minutos of the heart of the city. B. KNOWLES, JR., Room 1303, 62 Van rterbllt ave. Telephone 7567 Vanderbllt. westchestEr county ffESTCHESTER COUNTY SPECIALISTS P^?H30!?!PI ACREAGE ESTATES HOMES 6th ave., cor. 44th St. Tel. 7070 Van. Fish NEW COLONIAL HOME, large plot, con? tains large living room, open fireplace, dining room, pantry, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 2 tiled baths, gas, electricity, hot water heat. Price $12,500, terms. REYNARD & KRAFT, 206 Huguenot. Phono 2541. ( COUNTRY ESTATE* FARMS. FURNISHED HOUSES. \ AU NC HUDSON R?VERl NICHOLS & 1IOUBIE, 7 East 42d ?u PELHAMS, MOUNT VERNON, NEW RO chelle.?Houses, Iota and apartments for sale and rent LAMBERT & LAWRENCE, Westchester & Boston Railway Station, I'elhamwood, N. Y. NEW J ERSEY ENGLEW09D, ?????. i? s* 7 Keai estate H. Weatherby & Cit.. En?lewood, N.j I.EONIA AND BOGOTA, N. J. House .it", whli all improvement?. Prices will be much higher soon. Buy yours al present low prices. G. It. Hitchcock. Inc.. Bogota, N". J. fl.VWORTH. N. J.?FOR SALE, HOC. 10. tJx large rooms, all improvements, Al condition; eight lots, near West Shore R It. station. C. T. MORTIMER, Pino St.. Haworth, N. ,r. STUDIOS WANTED STUDIO WANTED by a reliable firtiit who will tahe lease and pay right price. Desires a good siied work room about I!). ..I with top north light. Elevator not essential. It must be in n good and well kept steam heated building. Address Charle? Allen, Room 6. ., BOO Fifth Avenue. New York. Phone Grumercj* 7051, MORTGAGE LOANS MONEY PROCURED; FIRST. SECOND mortgages. PEARSON &. SON, 424 East 7th st., Brooklyn. Write, oftll, after 7. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET 22D ST.. 258 WEST.?Electric lights, steam heat; newly renovated, ti roopis and -? baths; $135 up, leases. Agent on premises Immediate possession. Few more left. BETTY ALDEN, INC. Apartments of distinction, 89 Park ave Murray Hill 0884. TO LET lOR BUSINESS PURPOSES? To Let Large Store Near 5th Av. In the 50's. Possession October 1st John Constable Moire 00 E, 84th ST. Tel, VANDKRBII/T K1H9 ??mu ?ii wiiiwHPiiiiMwiim? TO LEASE?Large Art Gallery AdjoiniiiR r>th A\e. in the 60s. Wonderful exhibition and salesroom for painting's or "'?OHN1 CONSTABLE" MOORE 60 East 34th. Tel. Vanderbllt SIM Home Buying in Brooklyn O. E. Allard and J. J. Levy have sold the two-family dwelling on plot 40x 100 on west side of Rugby Road, 100 feet south of Dorchester Road. The Meister Builders, Inc., has sold to a client of James Cavollo a three story dwelling at 736A Union Street on plot 16.8x100. The Bulkley & Horton Company has sold 87 Waverly Avenue, a three-story brick dwelling, on lot 18.9x100, for Mary Farrari. Henry Pierson & Co., Inc., have sold an eight-family apartment at 160 Gar field Place for Charles J. H. Roper, and 49 Montgomery Place, a dwelling on lot 20x90, for John P. Steich. The Jerome Property Corporation has sold a three-story single three family flat at 395 President Street, on lot 20x100, for C. Schwartz. " ? ? More South Beach Bungalows Mrs. George S. Scol'ield has sold her property at South Beach, S. I., to Ste? phen Messerer, who will erect a number of bungalows. The Cornell Reaf Estate and Auction Company, Inc., was the broker. i .i ? i New Building Plans Manhattan 4?TH ST, 604-606 W; for a, two-story warehouse, 40x100; Standard Oil Co of N Y, 26 Bway, owner; C E Ellis, 26 Bway, architect; cost $.5,000. 46TH ST, 031-639 \V;-for a two-story gar? age and workshop, 12x100.5; Standard Oil Co of N Y, owner; C A Kills, archi? tect; cost, $00,000. Bronx HARRISON Av. w s, 671. 164th St. n Mor? ton place; two 2-story hollow tile dwell? ings, 21x56; \Vm L Phelan, Inc. owners; Wn. L Phelan, 2045 Ryer Ava, pr?s; Moore * Landsiede!, 3d Ave and 145th St, architects; cost, $24,000. HARRISON Av. w s. ?91, 164th St, n Mor? ton place; two 2-story hollow tile dwell? ing, 21x40; Wni L Phelan, Inc. owners; Wm L Phelah. 2045 Ryer Ave, pr?s; Moore & Landsiedel, 3d Ava and 148th ?t, architects, cost, $20,000. ? In the Auction Market AT 3208 THIRD AVENUE By Henry Brady LAFONTAINE AV, a s, 15.3 s 170th. 25.7 xlOOx23x100: vacant; John Kenlon agt Catfcr Kaegran at al; Alfred H Towniey, ref: due on Judgt, $1,569.39; taxe?, etc, $110. Sold to plaintif, for $1,200. A FEW YEARS AGO You bought Sugar for 6 cents a pound You pay ISc for it now You bought a pair of shoes for $4.00 You will pay $9.00 for the same shoes to-day You bought a suit of clothes .for $20.00 To-day you would have to pay $40.00 for it Everything else has gone up in proportion Except Real Estate Owing to lack of building, and great demand, rents have risen But Real Estate is selling at the same valuation to-day as when you bought Sugar for 6c, shoes at $4.00 and clothes for $20.00 Real Estate should therefore increase in value 100 to 300% in the next few years. It can not always remain at the present prices Real Estate is always the last to rise in price, hut it always rises in proportion to other commodities This is the psychological time to buy it, particularly property located In the Heart of New York such as will ke offered at this sale The properties are rented for ridiculously low prices, as most of the leases were made many years ago Many of the leases on these properties expire May 1st. Purchasers not wanting to occupy the premises themselves can obtain largely increased rentals and make a good investment, with the opportunity of selling at a profit. THE SALE ?S ABSOLUTE The property must be sold No matter what price it brings Supreme Court Paurtition Sale, Charles F. Brown, Referee, of the Henry Astor Trust Estate West 45th Street No. 239, 241, 243, etc., to 267, inclusive. West 46th Street No. 148 & 150; 252-266, 304-350, 358-372, 357-373. West 48th Street No. 516 & 518, West 49th Street No. 447, 449, 463 & 465. West 50th Street No. 454, 456, 458, N. E. Cor. 12th Ave., 641, 643 & 645. 8th Avenue No. 489, 503, 537, 607, 724 to 742, 725 to 731, 884. 9th Avenue No. 650 to 658. 10th Avenue jNo. 689, 714 to 720; 726 to 732. 3rd Avenue No. 704. Most of the leases on the above property expire May 1st, 1920. Land only under the following buildings is to be sold, subject to leases ex? piring at dates from May 1st, 1920, to May 1st, 1931. ?Some with re? newal privileges: Broadway No. 1531, 1533, 1535 & 1537, N. W. Cor. 45th St. (Astor Theatre). West 45th Street No. 211 to 225 (Bijou & Morosco Theatres). West 47th Street No. 503 to 521. West 48th Street No. 504 to 512. West 49th Street No. 457 to 461. West 50th Street No. 442 to 452; 647; land adjoining N. E. Cor. 12th Ave, West 51st Street S. W. Corner 1 1th Avenue; 602 to 610, inclusive. 10th Avenue No. 691 to 695; 697 to 703; 722 & 724. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION, WITHOUT RESERVATION, at the HOTEL ASTOR, Broadway & 45th Street (45th St. Entrance), 11 A. M. TUESDAY, MARCH 9th, 1920 70% may remain on bond and Title insured free by TWo mortgage for three years at 5%. Guarantee and Trust Co. For catalogue and particulars apply to J. Clarence Davies, 149th St ?and 3rd Avenue, or 32 Nassau St Joseph P. Day, ?"*-???* Agents and Auctioneers morris & McVeigh, ^?^?* , Attorneys for Plaintiff s