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Rival Societies Add to Tangle Over Bonuses Veteran Organizations Clash at Hearing; Charges Pass gefore House Committee; Witnesses" Views Conflict $1 a Day Plan Opposed plat Amount of $500 for All Urged as Fair Measure of Compensation WASHINGTON. March 6.?Efforts of the House Ways and Means Committee to formulate a soldier relief program ver? again complicated to-day bv con? flicting views of witnesses and injection 0f the rivalries between various for? mer soldier organizations into the bearing. The committee devoted much time to listening to a controversy between S. Lovenbein. chairman of the rank and file association, and Marvin Gates Sperry. national president, of the Pri? vate Soldiers and Sailors' Legion. L.ivenbein, answering a question of Representative Kitchin, Democrat, of North Carolina, concerning "phony ru? mors" that Lovenbein was a socialist and a communist, retorted that Sperry "is controlled by Henry B. Martin." Martin, who was present, told the committee he had. no interest in the organization Sperry represented, but ?advised him on certain economic legis? lative measures." S^gges.ion.s for Compensation Lover.bein's suggestion was that every man who had served be paid Si a ?ay.Wth a minimum of $1S0, and that of Sperry was that a flat bonus of $500 b? granted. Ninety per cent of the former service men favor some plan of financial re? lief, Richard Seely-Jones, of Washing? ton,' D. D., editor of a service news? paper, told the committee. He insisted that more than SO per cent of tho<se in rue military and naval services were unorganized. It was difficult, he said. to test "the p'..lse of the discharged veterans through spokesmen of organi? sations." Posts of the American Leg-ion and other organizations in the Middle West, he said, favor the pro? posed land bills, adding that former soldiers would bo tho last citisens to precipitate a nancial panic if that might be tho result of granting a bonus. "The feeling among ex-soldiers," Jones added, "is that they should get at least an even break with those who worked in shipyards or munition plans." Dollar a Day Assailed Sperry's advocacy of the granting of a flat bonus of $500 to every one who had served was accompanied by sharp precipitate a financial panic of Loven bcin, which he referred to as "a skimp? ing dollar a day." Discriminations in regard to periods of service, he added, would only create [ confusion, delays, favoritism and breed j jealousies and bad fefelings. The witness declared that the fund I ing of $400,000,000 annual interest due on foreign obligations proved that the ! government was not "weak financially and could give financial relief to all foYmer service men." Canada to Welcome Preset 'Several Americans to Attend Imperial Conference Special Dispatch to The Tribuns MONTREAL, March 5.?Arrange . ments for the Imperial Press Confer I ence, which is to be held in Canada ; next summer, are rapidly approaching \ completion. This conference, which ; will be attended by 100 of the leading editors and publishers of tho British , Empire, including men like Lord Nor th clifYe, Lord Durnham, Lord RiddelUand others of similar prominence, as well as publishers of Canada and some dis? tinguished Americans, promises to be the greatest event of its kind in the history of the British Empire. The meetings of the conference will : be held at Ottawa and will extend over three days, but before and after that event it is planned to take the jour ' nalists on one of the most extensive tours of Canada that visitors have ever had opportunity to make. j As at present arranged, the visitors will arrive at Halifax July 25, where ; they will be welcomed by representa? tives from tho press of Canada, the ' governor general, Dominion government and the Nova Scotia government. Resort Train, Bound Here, Wrecked; Two Men Killed WILSON, N. C, March 5?The Flori? da Special, on the Atlantic Coast Line, north bound from Jacksonville to New York, was derailed near Lucarna to? day and the engineer and fireman were ; killed. ! A score of passengers were shaken. ? up and some slightly injured. The ' cause of the accident is not known. *'\ Are you a "40" man? Here is a really unique opportunity to "stock up" on high grade balbriggan and lisle underwear at an incomparably low price. The big feature?s this: The assortment consists of fresh samples from one of the largest and best known underwear manu? facturers in the country and is in one size only. Shirts 40 Drawers 36 This enables us to offer for rapid removal 2,000 shirts and drawers at a figure that is far below ?$$??7? usual lowest-in-the city prices. We believe that men who generally wear 38's and 42's should also take advantage of this exceptional value, as it has been our experience that men who wear these sizes frequently purchase size 40. Taken from our regular stock, these gar? ments would sell anywhere from $1.49 to $2.89 each. Special $1.09 a garment ?tSSTw?-rtaln Floor? 35th Streets Herald Square New York Store hours, 9 to 5.30 *WSr^^^~.',-'.'.~':\0}?i'!^i:^A^^^s\ P-'v'.'v'"!, .' \? '???'?- ?*? '.-?.?'i."?"-,.?-? ' '..:?-? ?>-; ??>->+-\!H ??Mmmm ,1 LOWER NEW YORK. AraiFaltonYWCACafi U? . US.TON ITEIIT api&kiS'HMM am? J??ca 1'i.VNEft IN GREENWICH VILLAGE. IJCNCHEON Tlir pilo DINNER TEA '"^ ?"*?*" ATMOSrilEKB 149 WEST 4th ST. Between Washington Sq. and Sixth Ave. THE TALI Y?HO P??*A* caters three *tea shop ?HU IMLLI !!U 5324 .^ ri? tu?, I Corntr I LUNCHKON 20 EAST 34 STREET iJfi Iva KUvm 1 Corner LUNCHEON TKA DINNER Ur.DER TWO FLAGS" LUNCH K?OM 16 East 39th St. A la Carte?Home Cooking?Prompt Serrica Motion pictures of France ?hown. Hours 11.30 to 2.30. FOR THB B_Nl. IT Of THt AMERICAN COMMITTM FOfc x>?vm tateo pkanCs 8e'??e Cngii?l) Coffee f^ottse-" e. 44tb *t. ?(forme 28 Wert 43rd Afternoon Tea, Hot Waffles, 2 to 5 P. M. u Special Feature Dinner Daily?5:30 to 8 P. M. J??* Cooking?Constant Change In Menu?A La Carte All Day MRS. COPELAND OFFERS REAL Breakfast FOOD AT Luncheon 16 East 43rd Street Next to Hotel Manhattan A FIXED PRICE Dinner foe ont-of-tL<.-ordinary places of New York, wkere unique atmosphere tad food peculiar to varied tastes invite the dit criminating, will appear uder "Enchanting Tea Rooms" in The Tribune tack Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Denies U. S. Grain Men Back Boom for Hoover Chairman of 17th District Cam* paign Says Shattuck Is Not in Organization Watson W^sbburn, temporary chair? man of the Hoover-for-PreBident cam? paign committee in the l?th Congress District, with headquarters in the Hotel Manhattan, said yesterday the United States Grain Corporation is not behind the Hoover movement. The Tribune yesterday printed the text of a lettet sent to Republicans soliciting support for Hoover among the Republican dele? gates, some of whom interpreted it a: a sort of threat that if the Chicago con? vention fails to nominate Mr. Hoove, he will go elsewhere. When the atten tion of Mr. Washburn was called to thii he said: "The interest in this movement indi cated by the insinuation that it is in spired by the Grain Corporation i iiorlinriH nn iininrpnt.innnl trirnit.e to t.Vii importance it has already assumed. A statement has been published that 'in? fluential Republicans* are satisfied that Edwin F. Shattuck, 26 East ?Seventy eighth Street, is one of the organizers of the campaign in the 17th District. Seeing that I am one of those who started the effort to secure Hoover delegates in the 17th District, I state most emphatically that Mr. Shattuck has had nothing to do with it. i "The campaign was started by Re? publicans, among Republicans, who have no other motive than their desire to see Mr. Hoover elected on a Repub? lican ticket." Mr. Waahburn announced that an? other headejuarters will be opened on the West Side, at the Hotel Belle Claire, Broadway and Seventy-seventh Street. There will be a Hoover meet ing at the Biltmore to-morrow after? noon, at which an important announce? ment with reference to policy will be made. Dinner to Bryan Called Off The friends of Colonel William J. Bryan, who were planning a dinner for him in this city on March 19, received, a telegram from Mr. Bryan yesterday suggesting that the time is inoppor? tune for such a dinner. Therefore the dinner has been abandoned temporar? ily. It la understood that the strength of the anti-prohibition wave in the metropolitan district had something to do with the abandonment of the spread. a . U. S. to Hunt Shoe Gougers Retailers' Margin of Profit To Be Scrutinized WASHINGTON, March 5.-~The de? partment of Justice took action to-day to determine the margins of profit taken by shoe retailers in this city, and which may develop into a nation-wide investigation. Howard Figg, special assistant to the Attorney General in charge of the price reduction campaign, would not say, however, to what extent the de? partment planned to go in calling for the shoe dealers' business statements. The local dealers' committee will pre? sent detailed figures upon which the department will determine whether there is profiteering, Mr. Figg said. Bank Clerks Must Earn $125 Monthly to Marry Federal Reserve Institution in Chicago Promulgates Rule for Male Employees CHICAGO, March 6.?A book of rules for employees of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, circulated to-day, says: "No male ?employee receiving less than $125 a month salary will be per? mitted to marry while in the service of this bank, without first taking the matter up with the chief clerk." "The sum set in the book is the minimum on which an employee can risk a matrimonial venture/' said C. R. McKay, vice-governor of the bank, who added that the rule was "impera? tive." "The bank officials believe that is the least sum on which two may live in these days," he said. McCutcheoit's Dress Cottons Attractive assortments of the season's most exclusive Cotton Fabrics are now being shown: St. Gall Hand-Loom Dotted Swiss, Printed French Organdies, Rodier French Novelties, Permanent Finish Swiss Organdies, Dress Ginghams,' Irish Dimities, Novel Sport Fabrics. Fifth Avenue, 34th & 33d Sts., New York Broadway ak? $c Compamj at 34th St. Direct by Subway, Tube and "L.' Select "Sonny's" Clothes at Saks -?none are better made, and the prices are right Featured Saturday: Boys' Regulation Sailor Suits at $7.50 The ideal school and play suit, at a ?very low price. Blouse is of White dean, with collar and cuffs of All Wool ^.avy Blue Serge to match Knickers. ? Sizes 3 to 8 years. Illustrated. Boys' Serviceable Suits With Extra Knickers Special $17.75 These sujts are in the newest Spring models, fea? turing new belt and pocket ideas that are exclusive with Saks & Company. Tailored in a wide range of highly dependable mixtures. Sizes 8 to 17 years. Boys' Smart Suits Special $21.75 Extra Knickers included. Because of their excep? tional workmanship, these suits will prove a splendid in? vestment at $21.75. They are made of the very newest suitings, in a wide range of boyish patterns. Sizes 8 to 17 years. Second Floor. Girls' Spring Coats Saturday ? At $19.75 Stunning sports and full length styles?made ex? pressly for the girl of 6 to 16 years. New in eveiy line, and beautifully made of Wool Jersey, Velour and Novelty Coatings of splendid quality ; some full lined. One style pictured. ? ,?* r: For the Girl of 12 to 16 years Youthful Suits for Spring Special at $29.75 Suits made especially for the growing girl, strictly correct in their very clever styling; pleated and box effects, showing smart leather or self belts. Produced in Checked Velour and Homespun Suitings of known de? pendability. One style pictured. Girls' Dainty Pongee Frocks Special $15.75 Nice little "dress-up" frocks that are suited to many occasions. Fashioned of natural color Pongee Silk, richly hand-embroidered in youthful colors. Second Floor. TO CLOSE OUT SATURDAY? 439 Pairs of MEN'S SHOES Broken selections of higher-priced models ? ? * Reduced to $8.45 All shoes of a very high grade, taken from our regu? lar stock and reduced because the size ranges are incom? plete. Made of Vici Kid, Cordovan Color Calfskin in lace models; Patent Colt, and Gun Metal Calfskin in button models, with Fawn color cloth tops. Fifth Floor. SATURDAY ONLY? Women's and Misses New Skirts for Spring at a very low price $18.50 Worn with the pretty ?Mouses created for Spring, these skirts make a delightful costume at reasonable cost. Dozens of styles to select from, in box, side pleated, and strictly tailored effects, developed in all wool plaid and striped maierials of dependable serv? ice-giving quality. Waistbands 24 to 36 inches. Fourth Floor. Women's Mid-Season Coats ?handsome fur-trimmed' and strictly . tailored models Reduced for Clearance! $75.00 to $8930 Coats... Reduced to $49.50 $89.50 to $98.50 Coats... Reduced to $69.50 $ 110.00 to $ 135.00 Coats... Reduced to $89.50 $145.00 to $155.00 Coats.. .Reduced to $110.00 None Sent C. O. D., Exchanged or on Approval. Fourth Floor. Exceptional Value? Women's Gold-Filled Watches " Special $9.50 Fine convertible-style bracelet watches?as pictured ?in dainty gold-filled case, fitted with 15-jewel movement. A perfect timekeeper at a very low price. Main Floor. Extensive Preparation Makes Possible % Saturday ? Sale of Women's Spring Suits at liberal savings on their actual worth in today's market Special at $49.50 Handsome tailleur and demi-tailleur, sports and elaborately embroidered suits, all skilful reproductions of much costlier models, beautifully tailored in tricotine, fine serge, tweeds, hair line suitings, worsted checks and toille de laine, handsomely silk lined. Any suit in the collection would cost one-third more if bought in the present market! Special at $75 A wonderful collection of the most charming suits anywhere assembled, exact reproductions of costly im? ports. Some are in Eton effect, others are smartly belted, and many are exquisitely embroidered. In their clever style treatments and unusual grace they are Paris itself I Produced in fine tricotines, serges, Poiret twill and velour checks of excellent quality. Fourth Floor. Limited Strictly to Saturday Sale of Fashionable Silt and Cotton Petticoats at liberal savings in price Every one of these petticoats is made according to our usual high standard, in material well worthy of your entire confidence. It will be some time before such values can again be offered. Taffeta Petticoats, in a variety of changeable) colorings, with pleated and ruffled flounces. $4.95 Special) Taffeta Petticoats, of the highest quality,) with sectional flounce, trimmed with hern-', stitching and tucks. All wanted colors. ? Special/ Silk Jersey Top Petticoats with tucked mes-) saline flounce, finished with ruffle_Special} Fine Satin Petticoats of unusual quality, in) ^^ a large assortment of colors. Flounce finished [ $7.95 with ruffle.Special) v White Tub Silk Petticoats with double panel) front and back, and tucked flounce... .Special) Extra Size Petticoats, in black or colored) Sateen with ruffled flounce.Special] Serviceable Cotton Petticoats, in plain) " colors and figured effects. All very service-> S1.25 able materials..Special) Third Floor. $6.95 $6.95 $3.85 $1.95