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Phone, Rector 5000 Josephntal & Co. 120 Broadway, New York Members New York Stock Exchange Foreign Government Bonds Private Wires to Principal Cities Frei\ch Government Bonds can be bought today at about the following prices: 1,000 Fraaoa 4s of 1917....54^ Victory 5s. 66^ New 5s of 1920...$73 The redemption value of these bonds with French exchange at par would be approxi? mately : 4s of 1917_$193.00 Victory 5s_ 193.00 New 5s of 1920 289.50* *Carrie$ 50% premium in semi annual redemption by lot. Circular 11-66 on request. GhandlefuGompany IMMNUTK 35 Pine Street, New York I'htladclf.hia Xew Haven Baltlmor* NEW ENGLAND today offers great? er opportunities than ever before to discriminating purchasers of safe and profitable in vestments. Shall we send j/ou our ciirrent Book? let TB S57, de? scribing seven Sc Iccted Xew Eng? land Preferred Utocksf CHARLES WESUEY& COMPANY Corrseponients of HoIlister.Whlte & Co. 01 Cedar St., cor. Trlnlty PI. Telephonea Rector 3901-2-3-4-5 XEW YORK Boston I'Uilatlelphla Newark Sprlngfle'd Provirtence PlttBfleld Porilartd 1 TUTH MARINE TRUST COMPANY BUFFALO.NX \ tVENTIETH YEAR OF SERVICE CAPITAl AND SURPLUS 5EVENTEEN M1LUON DOLLARS PRICHITT &CO. MEMBERS OP NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE INVESTMENT SECURITIES SIXTY?~ B ROADWAY NEW YORK CITY Odd Lots Writ* ?>ept. 10 (mSHOLM&^PMAM Uemtors New York Stock Erchangs 71 Broadway New York City 1 piown Offlce.39 13. 42nd St. Harletu Offlce. 290 Lenox Av., cor. 121 lh at. Bronx Offlce.301 K. 149th St. brooklyn Offlce.32 Court 3t. Yonkem Offlce.12 N. Bri&anof Nivai-k Offlce.777 Brond St. French Internal Loan Brown Bros. & Co. announce that the offlcial subacrlption price on March 10 for the new French lnterna] loan of 1920, based on the closing rate of exchange March 9, is $72.99 a 1,000- j iraag feead. ' I Profit - Taking Checks ^.dvance . In Stock Market Prices Hold Well Despite Pressure, but Sensational Fluctuations Confined to Specialties; Money Strain a Handicap Proflt - taking in large volume checked tha advancing movement of Btock prices yesterday, and eave for sharp gains in a few of the volatile specialties changes at the end of the session were relatively small. Gen? eral Motors scored the greatest ad vance, closing at 312, up 11 points, after having sold at 823. The short interest in this issue apparently had been very large, but action of the stock during the afternoon indicated that it had been rather well cleaned out. Crucible Steel, which responded sensationally on Monday to the fj? vorable stock dividend tax decision, I continued its advanco during the early j trading and reached a new high for i the year at 240. Later profit-taking ? and short selling caused a reaction, so ) that the stock closed down a frac? tion. , The market opened strong, but be? fore much progress had been made considerable pressure was exerted on I most of the active stocks, both rails j and industrials The demand was suffl j ciently strong, however, to prevent the j drastic reaction which was so widely I expected. Prices eascd off here and I there. but they came back well, and | on the whole tho market displayed ! much better resistanco than it hadsfor | some weeks. Gains exceoded losses in < number and Bize. ! A good deal of discrimination was j shown in the purchasing of railroad j stocks. Roading and Union Pacific | were notably strong, but other active | rails were not much changed. The j comparative stolidity of the transpor? tation shares was disappointing to many traders and brokers, who haa ex j pected that the decision regarding val uations would cause an immediate boom. Undoubtedly the decision was a highly favorable influence, since it insures the carriers a substantially higher return than they would have received had the government won the case, but it was difficult to give this or other good news tangible cxpres sion in view of the money situation. Call loans yesterday were renewed at 8 per cent and the rate later droppod to 7 per cent, but the Street , has ceased to regard fairly low call rates ns being of much significance. What is needed is a good supply of time money. Wall Street would look upon a substantial increase in the supply of time funds as the solution of all its difficulties, even if the rates wer? high. But so long as brokers must depend almost wholly on the unstable call market for their funds a real bull market ia regarded as almost an im possibility. The banking situation does not hold out much hope for immediate im provement in this respect. Probablv there will be no real stock market money easo until commodity loans have been liquidated rather thorough? ly. Some observers believe that money will bo easier after tax payments are cornpleted the middle of this month, but it is hardly likely that this ease will take the form of an adequate sup? ply of time funds. * Money and Credit Call money on the Stock Exchange yesterday renewed at 8 per cent and closed at 7 per cent, the same rates that prevailed on the preeeding day. The greater part of the day's demand, money brokers stated, was filled at the I higher rate. A few small time loans were reported to have been made, but the larger banks are still holding off from making loans except on call. The ruling rate for money yester? day, compared with a year ago", follows: ~ ? Yester- Year Call money: day ago On mixed collateral_ 8 5 On. industrial collateral 8 5% Time money (mixed collateral): Sixty days. 9 o%?5% Nipety days. 9 B^fa-5% Four months. 9 B%@5% rour to six months. ... 9 6%@5% Bank Clearings?Bank clearings in New York and other cities yesterday were: v. ?,. , Exchanges. Balances. New York.$838,564 734 $61,003,924 Baltlmore - 16,543,987 8,084 095 ?0*t0" ;???? 58,578,116 12.029,815 Philadelphia .. 72,754,394 18,841,557 Sub-Treasury?United States Federal Keserve credit balance, ?44,858,299. d.,S?IverrL,ondon> 77B/sd; New York, ?1.28; Mexican doilars, 99c. The Dollar in Foreign Exchange Sterling and franc exchange moved sharply upward yesterday on further reports from overseas that gold ship ments were likely and on the official announcement from the Chancellor of the Exchequer that the British govern? ment had been purchasing Anglo French bonds in tho open market to take advantage of the existing discount m the market value of the bonds. Bankers expressed the view that France, too would ship gold. Belgian ; trancs and lire also were slightly i firmer, and marks shot up from 1.11 cents a mark on Wednesday, which was the highost quotation in several ! ?'eeks, to 1.27 for cables yesterday. 1 here was better buying on the ex pi'ctation that perhaps Germany will get credit in foreign countries under [ tho new conditions which the Allies have been discussing. Japanese yen ; turned weaker, and are now selling ( about two cents under par. Japan has been a heavy buyer in the United States in recent weeks. Ycstcrday's rates, fompared with those- of a week ago, follow: (Quoted doilars to tho pound.) Yester- Week day. ago. Sterling, demand .$S,64 13.4275 Sterling, cables . 8.6475 8.4350 Sterling, sixty days.... 3.6050 8.8905 Sterling, ninety days... 8.59 8.3775 (Quoted units to the dollar.) Francs, checks . 18.72 14.22 Francs, cables .13.70 14.20 Belgium, francs, chks.. 13.20 13.62 Belgium, francs, cables 13.18 13.60 Lire, checks . 17.82 18.32 Lire, cables. 17.80 18.30 Swiss, francs, checks... 5.97 6.17 Swiss, francs, cables... 5.95 6.15 (Quoted cents to the unit.) Guilders, checks . 36.75 86.70 Guilders, cables . 86.375 36.8125 Austrian crowns, checks .41 .37 Austrian crowns, cables .42 .38 Sweden, checks. 19.75 18.70 Sweden, cables .19.85 18.80 Denmark, checks.16.20 15.05 Denmark, cables. 16.30 15.15 Norway, checks. 17.20 17.10 Norway, cables. 17.30 17.20 Pesetas, checks .17.62 17.27 Pesetas, cables . 17.70 17.35 Greece, checks . 11.40 i0.77 Greece, cables . 11.50 io.87 Manila, checks ?. 48.75 48.75 Manila, cables . 49.08 49.00 India, rupees, ..checks 45.25 45.75 India, rupees, cables... 45.50 46.00 Japan, yen, checks. 46.60 47.50 Japan, yen, cables. 46.75 47.26 Argentina, checks.102.00 102.80 Argentina, cables .101.50 101.50 Brazil, Rio, checks..... 27.75 27.75 Brazil, Rio, cables.28.00 28.00 Marks, checks . 1.26 1.04 Marks, cables . 1.27 1.05 Czecho-Slovakia, checks 1.14 ?-. Transactions Yesterday in Listed Stocks Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings (Copyright, 1920, New York Tribune, Ine.\ Day Before. 864,000 1,458,700 1,723,600 Yesterday. Railroad stocks ... 291,500 Other stocks . 1,364,400 All stocks . 1,427,900 Yesterday. Day before. V. S. rorernmmt bonds. 97,743,000 $12,076,000 Railroad bonds . 1,684,000 1,102,000 Other bonds . 2.217.000 3,127,000 All bonds. 11,646,000 16,304,000 Year a*o. 1920. 179,800 6,493,200 765,100 40,626,900 944,900 47,120,100 Year ago. $5,269,000 1,131,000 3,319,000 0,719,000 Janaary 1 to dato. 1919 6,761,300 23,998,400 29,769,700 1920. $625,992,000 68,216,000 81,514,000 775,722,000 1918. 7,144.500 23,689,900 30,834,400 1919. $449,963,000 66,822,000 76,480,000 693,731,000 Record of Stock and Bond Averages (Copyrluht, 1920, New York Tribune, Inc.) Bfinice thus Ranre fnll Day Year far 1920. year 1919. Yesterday. Before. A?o. Hljrh. Low. Hl*h. 20 Railroad Mocks . 67.30 66.70 72.85 67.30 68.60 78.80 30 Industrial stocks . 95.87 95.83 89.40 110.30 88.70 119.33 60 Stocks . 84.44 84.18 82.78 92.66 77.14 99.54 10 Railroad bonds . 73.63 73.52 80.65 76.28 71.76 82.80 10 Industrial bonds . 89.27 89.38 94.85 01.46 89.27 95.70 6 Utillty bonds . 73.66 73.70 35.85 74.53 73.48 87.75 25 Bonds . 79,88 79.90 87.37 81.71 79.48 87.91 Low. 63.35 79.20 75.92 72.83 90.56 71.80 80.21 Riarh. Low. D1t. Net 1920. 1920. Rate. Sales. Open. High. Low. Close. chge. Bid. Ask 45% S4"/4 ? Adwnes Rumely .... 300 40/, 40% 40 40!/,? '/t 40% 40% 88% 65% 6 Ajax Rubber . 1600 75 76 73 75%? % 74*4 76 2 1% ? Alaska Gold Mlnes... 3900 1% 1% 1% 1%- Wo ? 2 2% 1% ? Alaska Juneao. . 600 2% 2% 2% 2%? % 2% 2% 63*9 36!/4 ? Allls-Chalmers . 2900 42 42*4 41% 41%? 1% 41 41% 95% 73 8 Amer Beet Sugar_ 1000 83"/a 84 83 83%- 83 84 12334 105 10 Amer Bosch Maj.... 3100 114% 117% 114% 115 + % 114% 115 6134 38%? American Can . 7800 45 45'/? 43% 43%? 1% 43% 437a 14334 1241/e 12 Am Car & Foundry. 10200 137% 139% 137 137%- 137 138 116% 112% 7 Am Cor & Fdry pr.. 400 113 113 113 113 -- 112'/2 113'/2 64% 39% 4 Am Cotton Oil. 2400 45 46% 44'/2 46%+ 1 45K2 46V2 15'/a 11% .80 Amer Drug Synd .. 1000 13 13 12% 12%? >/a 12% 13 104% 95 6 Amer Express . 200 104% 104% 104% 104%+ 2% 100 105 30% 18'/2 ? Amer Hide & Leoth. 2100 22'/2 23 22% 22%+ % 22 22% 122 90% 7 Amer Hide & L pr.. 3900 104% 103 102"/2 103'/a? 1% 104'/2 105 47 38 4 Amer Tee Secur. 1400 42 44% 42 44 + % 41 44 68 53 6 Amer Ice Secur pr.. 800 63 63 62% 62%+ 2% 61 63 120!/2 87 6 Amer Int Corp. 8600 96% 96% 85</a 95%? % 95% 9534 14% 1234 1 Amer Lo France.... 1000 13 13% 13 13?%+ % 13 13% 86% 74% 3 Amer Linseed ...... 1000 81 81 8OI/2 81 + % 80'/8 80% 99% 92% 7 Amer Linseed pr_ 200 94 94 94 94 + ?/2 93 95 105% 82 6 Amer Loco . 18S00 9834 99 9634 97?1 97 07'/2 107 104 "7 Amer Loco pr. 200 107 107 107 107 + 1 107 10834 30'/a 16%? Amer Ship & Com.. 6800 23?4 24% 23% 24'/4+ % 24'/8 24'/4 72 66 4 Amer Smelting . 41C0 64% 64% 6334 64 - 6334 64 46% 39 3 * Amer Steel Fdy. 4800 46% 4634 45% 46 ? % 45?/2 46 140'/2 123% 7 Amer Sugar . 1900 130% 13034 128'/4 129%? % 129% 129% 118% 114% 7 Amer Suifar pr. 200 116 116 116 116 + 1% 115 116% 99 77 10 Amer Sumatra Tob.. 6600 88% 9234 88 90 + 3 90 90'/2 100% 96% 8 Amer Tel & Tel.... 2200 99 09% 98% 99%+ V\ 99 "'/a 283 225 20 Amer Tobaeco . 600 238 245 238 245 +10 243 245 74% 54% 6 Amer Tob See. 15800 58% 59% 6734 58%+ % 6834 69 9734 92% 6 Amer Tob pr new... 400 92'/2 92% 92>/2 92%- 90 92% 165% 112% 7 Amer Woolen . 31900 128% 131% 125 125 ?4 125 125'/2 61% 38% ? Am Writ Paper pr.. 200 4434 44% 4434 44%+ % 44% 45 21% 15% ? American Zinc . 300 20'/4 20% 20% 20%+ 1 19 20>/4 69'/2 60 6 American Zinc pr... 800 66 66 66 56+8 63% 66'/a 65!/4 64 4 Anaconda . 6100 68% 68% 68 58 ? % 67% 67% 27% 23 ? Ann Arbor pr. 200 25% 25% 23% 25%? % 26 25'/2 67% 45%? Asso Dry Goods. 600 6034 6034 49"/2 49'/*? 1% 48i/4 49 9 6[/4? Atl, Birm & Atl. 200 8i/8 8% 8% 8"/e? % 8% 9 65i/8 76 6 At, Top & Son Fo... 10900 8434 85 83% 84'/2- 84'/a 84% 82 76 6 At, Top & S F pr... 300 78 78% 78 78%+ % 78 78i/2 1525 1350 20 Atlanta Reflnlng .. 25 1520 1625 1520 1523 - 1530 1675 93 84 7 Atlantie Coast Llne.. 2200 88 89 88 88%+ % 88 89 176% 137 10 Atl, Gulf & W I_ 6100 157% 159% 156 156 ? 1% 156 157 75 63 8 Atl, Gulf & W I pr.. 200 65 65 65 65 + % 64% 65 123% 103% 3% Baldwin LocomotWe.. 79900 119 121 117 117 ? 2% 117 117% 102% 98% 7 Baldwin Locomo pr.. 200 100 100 100 100 - 100 101 38% 28% ? Baltimore & Ohio... 4600 37% 37>/2 ~ 36 36%? % 35'/2 3634 49% 42 4 Balt & Ohio pr. 200 48 48 48 48+1 47% 48 134% 114 8 Barrett Company.... 6200 121 124% 120% 123 + 1% 121 123 31% 17'/2 ? Beth Motors . 1500 23% 23% 22!/2 2234- 22% 2234 95% 77% 5 Beth Steel . 100 86/4 86% 86J/4 86%+ 1% 83% 85 102% 81% 5 Beth Steel, Class B.. 26900 91'/2 9134 89% 89%?2% 89% 8934 114 108 8 Beth Steel 8% pr... 200 113 113 113 113 - 111 113 95% 91 8 Bklyn Edison . 200 95% 95% 95% 95%+ 1% 95 97 10% 7[/4 ? Bklyn Rap Tran ctfs. 100 10 10, 10 10 - 9% 10% 15 10 ? Booth Fisherlcs Co.. 2100 11 11 10% 11 + % 1034 11% 120 93 10 Burns Bros . 300 106% 106% 106% 106%+ % 106% 107 106 08 7 Burns Bros pr. 100 106 106 106 106 + 1% 100 109 11^2 7% % Butte Cop & Zinc... 3100 10% 10|/4 - 934 9%? % 9% 10 29/4 22 ? Butte & Sup Cop_ 1400 26% 26% 263/B 2634+ % 26% 2634 27% 15 ? Buttcrick Co . 300 18% 18% 18% 18'/4? 1% 18 19 2834 17 ? Caddo Oil . 1600 21% 22% 2134 22'/8+ % 22% 2234 85% <74 6 Calif Packing . 600 78% 79% 78% 79 + % 78% 79 46 2734 ? Calif Petrol . 2900 36% 36% 35% 35%? 34 36% 36 75% 65 7 Calif Petrol pr. 200 70 71 70 71 + % 70% 71 134 115% 10 Canada Paclflo .... 8700 121% 124% 121% 123%+ % 122% 12334 10434 72 5 Central Leather _ 19600 84% 8634 84% 85 + 1 843/4 85/4 191 175 8 Cent of New Jersey. 100 191 191 191 191 +16 180 210 61% 45/4 4 Cerro De Pasco. 1400 48% 49% 48 48?1 47% 48% 144% 117% 10 Chandler Motors_ 13900 139 141% 137% 137%+ % 137 133 E83/a 47 4 Ches & Ohio. 6800 6734 68% 67% 68 - 67% 68 1134 6 ? Chi & Alton. 300 9% 10% 9% 10%+ 2 8 10% 10% 7 ? Chi Great West. 2200 10% 10% 10 10 - 934 10 27% 21 2 Chi Gt West pr. 1100 25% 26% 25% 26 - 25% 26 41 ?4 30% ? Chi, Mil & St Paul. 9900 39% 40% 38% 88%? % 3834 39% 6934 4534? Chl, M & St P pr... 7400 6834 69% 67 68?1 6734 68/4 89 75 7 Chi & Northwestern. 600 87 89 87 88+1 83 89 120?4113 8 Chi & Northwest pr. 300 116 117 116 117 +2 116% 117 106% 78 6 Chl Pneu Tool . 200 8534 85% 85% 8534+ 2% 85 90 41% 23% ? Chi, Rock Isl & Pac. 41600 3934 40 38 3834? 1% 38% 3834 66% 64 6 Chi, R I & P 6% pr. 800 65% 65% 65 65 -? 65 65% 78 64% 7 Chl, R I & P 7% pr. 800 76 76% 76 76 - 75% 76 51 42 ? C, C, C & St L. 300 48% 60 48% 50 - 60% 51 68 63 6 C, C, C & St L pr... 200 63/4 63% 63% 63%?4% 63% 68 21% 15% ? Chile Copper . 1800 17% 17% 16% 16%? % 1634 16% 41% 31% 1% Chino Cons Copper.. 2100 34 34 3334 34 + % 3334 34 4034 33% 1 Coca Cola . 1000 36% 37 36% 27 - 36% 37 44% 36/4 3 Coi Fuel & Iron..... 700 40% 40% 39% 40%+ % 39% 40 27 20 ? Colo & Southern. 600 25% 25% 25 25 + % 25 26 65% 36% 1 Columbia Graph _ 22100 48% 48% 47 47%- 47% 47% 67 53 6 Coi Gas & Elec. 500 66% 66% 66% 66%+ % 66 66% 63% 65%? Consol Cigars . 200 68 68 68 58 + % 58 60 87% 75 7 Consolidatcd Gas- 300 82 82% 81% 82%+ % 81 82% 20% 1634 2 Cons Int Call Min.... 4600 19% 19% 19% 19%? % 19% 19% 93% 78 7 Continentai Can .... 300 86 87 86 87+2 82 85 13% 10% 1 Continentai Candy .. 1600 1034 1034 1034 1024- 10% 10% 90 76% 4 Corn Products . 10100 86% 8734 86% 8634? % 8634 87 107 101 7 Corn Products pr... 200 105% 105% 105% 105%+ % 104% 106% 31% 25 34 Con Textile . 1400 28% 28% 28% 2834? % 28% 29 240 189 12 Crucible Steel . 36900 225 240 225 226%? % 2263,4 227 450 400 10 Cuba-Amer Sugar .. 100 410 410 410 410 +10 400 430 54% 39% ? Cuba Cane jgugar ... 4000 43% 44% 43% 44 - 4334 441/3 90 89% 9 Del & Hudson . 1600 94% 95% 94 95 + % 93 95 191 1C5 10 Del, Lack & West... 3900 176 184 176 182 + 7 180% 185 9 6 ? Dc-nv & Rio Grande. 1000 7% 734 7% 7%? % 7 7% 16% 9 ? Denver & Rio Gr pr. 5100 15 15% 14% 15 ? % 14% 16% 13 10% 1 Dome Mincs . 1600 12% 1234 12% 12%- 12% 12% 67% 56 2 Durham Hosiery _ 200 66 66 66 56 ? 2 65 06 147 99 6 Endicott-Johnson ... 6100 109% 109% 105% 107 ? 2% 106% 107% 104 100% 7 Endicott-Johnson pr. 100 102 102 102 102 + 1 101 102% 15% 9% ? Erie . 10100 15 15% 14% 15 + % 15 15% 25 17%? Erie 1st pr. 3900 24% 25 23% 24%+ % 24% 24% 17% 12%? Erie 2d pr. 800 17% 17% 17% 17%+ % 16% 17% 95 65% 8 Famous Players .... 700 77 78 77 77 - 7634 77 P0% 85 8 Famous Players pr.. 300 90 90 88% 89%? % 89% 90% 33% 26% 3 Fed Min & Smlt pr. 100 32 32 32 32 + 134 31 32 135 100% 10 Fisher Body . 300 11934 120 119% 120 +6 119% 125 48 33 3 Fisk Rubber Tire.... 6100 38% 38% 37?4 38 ? % 38 38% 36% 21 ? Freeport Texas . 800 26 20 24% 24%? 3a 24% 25% 19% 21' ? Gaston Williams .... 16C0 15% 1534 14% 15 ? l' 15 15% 183 175 8 General Chemical.... 300 175 181% 175 181%+ 6% 180 200 75% 58% 6 General Cigar . 3100 65% 68% 65% 68' + 2% 68 68% 172 152% 8 General Electric. 800 167% 169 167% 169 + 1 165 168 4S5 225% 12 General Motors. 46900 305 323 305 312 +11 310 312 8934 73% 6 General Motors pr... 300 79% 79% 79% 79%+ % 79 79% 85% 69% 6 Gen Motors 6% deb.. 2000 71% 73% 71% 73+2 72% 74 90 84 7 Gen Motors 7% deb.. 1200 86% 86% 88% 86%+ % 86 87% 32% 24%? Gen Motors ctfs. 77800 30% 32% 30% 31 + % 31 311/' 85% 64% 6 Goodrich, B F.. 4900 72% 72% 71% 71%? % 71% 713,4 10234 92 7 Goodrich, B F, pr.. 300 9334 93% 93% 93%? % 93% 94 ' 55% 36 ? Granby Mining .... 400 37 37 S7 37 ?? 37 371/ 81% 68% 7 Great North pr. 6600 79 80 7834 79%+ 1 79s- 797* 41 33 4 (it North Ore subs. 500 3834 38% 38% 38%? % 36% 36% 9 7 ? Gulf Mob & North.. 200 834 834 834 834? % 83-i 9 33 28 ? Culf Mob & Nor pr. 300 30 30 30 30+1 26^ ^1 84% 5734 ? Gulf States Steef .. 1000 68/4 68% 67 67 ? % 66 67% 71 55 6 Homestake . 800 55 55 55 55 ? 7% 51 60' 623.4 50 4 Ilas & Bar Car Co. 1600 62 62 60 61 ? % 60% 61 108 86 5 Hartman Corp . 100 90 90 90 90+2 87% 90 39% 30 ? Hendee Mfg . 1000 39% 39% 38 38 + % 36 39 16 13 1 Hupp Motor . 1600 14% 14% 14% 14%_ 14 '141/ 93% 80% 7 lllinois Central - 3100 88% 93% 88% 93%4- 5% 931/, 95 22% 13%?. Inter Agricult . 600 18 18% 18 18%+ % 18% 19 6134 60% 6 Insplratlon Copper.. 1000 64 64% 63% 54 _ % 633.4 54 4% 3% ? Intcr-Cons Corp. 300 4 4 4 4 + % 334 4 14% 9% ? Inter-Cons Corp pr.. 200 13 13 13 13 _ 12% 13 133 112% 6 Inter Harvester - 3900 127% 130 126% 127 + 1 127 12734 51% 27% ? Int Mer Marine. 7100 3534 36% 34% 35 ? % 35% 353,4 111% 76% 6 Int Mer Marine pr.. 8600 91 91 88% 88%? 8% 88'/, 8834 89% 7034? Inter'l Paper . 10100 81 81 78?4 78%? % 78% 79 26?4 1934? Inter'l Nickel . 3100 21% 21% 21% 21%? % 213a 21% 6% 6 ? Iowa Central . 400 6 6 8 6 ? % 6% W 51% 35%? Iron Products . 2000 44% 45 44 44 + % 431/! 44i/2 21% 14 - Jewel Tea . 200 16 16 16 16 I % 15 V/* 19% 13%? Kansas City South... 1900 18 18% 18 18 _ 171/ ici' 152% 100 4 Kelly Springfleld... . 6100 122% 122% 121 121 ? !A 120 191 105 96 8 Kelly Spfd 8% pr... 200 99% 99% 99% 99./,, \? ?8,, \tl 90 66 ? Kebey Wheel Co.., . 300 70 70 70 70 I 4 70 80 333a 27% 2 Kennccott Copper- 2100 29% 29% 29 29'/?4- >'? 001 > -,03 48% 24% 1.20 Keystone Tire. 19900 41% 41% 38% 38%_ 1% 33% 39 8 9134 63 6 Lackawanna Steel ... 4300 75 75% 73% 74 _ E 74 7L 38% 28 ? I*e Rubber & Tire.. 1000 34% 35% 34'/, 35 _ 341/ ?/a 47 40% 3% Lchigh Valley . 2900 46% 47 46^ 46 - % 46 4L 14%? Lig & M Tob rta.... 400 ir./! ie./. 1*./. ?,, . it 46 46!/2 18 14%? Llg & M Tob rta.... 400 16% 16% 16% 18%+ *l 32 25% 2 Loews, Ino. 6100 31% 32 30% 31 - % 31 ,, 28 17%- Loft Candy . 6900 20 20% 20 20%+ & !J% oQ'/4 70 43 - Loose-Wile* Blscutt . 1000 54 54 62 62 - 2^ 52 M* 183% 145% 12 Lorlllard, P . 400 162 162 162 162 +2 162 165 112% 98 7 Louisville & NashTille 2900 104 105 103% 104%+ 1% 104 104./ 136%108 10 Manati Sugar . 200 112 112 112 112 + 2 113 v?& 33% 28 ? Manhattan Shlrt ... 200 30 30 30 30 ?- 29" Ji 30% 23 2 Martin Parry . 500 24 24 24 24+1 24 25W 3534 18%? Maxwell Motor Co .. 400 28 30 28 30+2 29'' 31 63% 47%? Maxwell Motor 1st pr 300 55 55 55 55?2 53'* 57 122 117% 7 May Dcpt Stores... 3700 128% 132 128 128 +1 128% 129 222 151% 10 Mexican Petrol ... 1 28900 181% 187% 181% 184 + 3% 184 185 -lo 21% 2 Miami Con Cop. 1200 22% 22% 22% 22%? % 221/, 23 71% 22%^ 1.20 Mlddle States OU.... 5200 34% 35 34% 34i!t- % 34% 34% 52% 42?| 4 Midvale Steel . 2100 48 40 46% 46%_ 1" 46% 47% 18% 9 ? Minn & St Louis new 3100 18% 18% 18 18 ? '/. 17a,, in 75 63 7 M, St P & St Sto M. 300 73% 74 73% 74 + V* 74 75 18 8% ? Mo, Kans & Tex pr. 900 16 17 16 17 + % 16% 17 31% 21 ? Mtasonrl Paeifle - 9200 30 30% 29% 29%? % 293,! 30 49% 36 ? MUsouri Paciflc pr.. 1800 46% 47% 46 47 ? % 47 43 ?9/a 61% 3 Montana Power .... 200 66 66 66 68+1 64% 65'/, 61 86% 4 Mullins Body . 2600 44% 43% 44J4 46%+ 114 48 4/ 38T. 89% SVk National Ae?.. 800 36% S?S 86)2 MjJ?* 5% 87 National RUeult . .. National Aniline .... Nat Aniline pr . Nat Con & Cabin . .. Nat Enamel & Stpg-. Lead . Ncv Consol Corp . .. N O, Tex & Mex .. New York Air Brnke New York Centrnl . . N Y, Chi & S^t Louis N Y, N H & H.... N Y, Ont & West .. Norfolk Southern . . Norfolk & Western. . Northern P acifla.... Nova Scotia Steel_ Ohio Gas . Okla Prod & Ref. . Ontario Silver . Otis Elevator . Otis Steel . Owens Rottlintr Mach Pacific Mail . Pnn-Amer Petroleum Pan-Amer Pet B. . . . Poriah & Bingham.. Pennsylvania R R... Penn Seab Steel. Peoples Gas & Coke. Perc Marquette .... Pere Marquette pr. . Pero Marq prior pr.. Philadelphia Co - Pitts C, C & St Lou Pierce Arrow . Pierce Arrow pr .... Pierce Oil . Pierce Oi! pr . Pittsburch Coal .... Pittsburgh Coal pr.. PltU & W Va . Pond Creek Coal ... Pressed Steel Car Pnllman Pal Car .. Pnnta Alegre Sugar. Rail Steel Spring .. Ray Con-sol Copper.. Readlng. Readlng 1st pr . Reading 2d pr . RemLngton Type ... Rep Iron & Steel . . Rep Motor Truck . . ) Ryl Otch N Y shares Rutland R R pr_ Savage Arms ., Saxon Motors . St Joscph Lead .... St Lou & San Fran St L & San Fran pr St Louis South'n .. St Louis South'n pr Seab Air Line pr.... Sears, Rocbuck .... Sears, Roebuck pr.. Shattuck & Arizona. Shell Trans Ter ... Slnclalr Oil . Sloss-Sheff St & Ir.. Southern Pacific ... South Railroad .... South Railroad pr.. Strombcrg Carb .... Studebaker . ? Stutz Motors . Supcrior Steel . Tcnn Cop & Chem.. Texas Company .... Tex & Pacific . Tobacco Products .. Tobacco Prod pr ... Tranacon OU . Union Oil . Union Pacific . Union Pacific pr ... United Drugr . United Drug 1st pr. United Alloy . United Frult . United Ry Invest .. United Ry Invest pr U S Cast I P & Fo U S Food Prod _ U S Alcohoi . U S Realty & lmp.. United Retail Stores U 8 Rubber . U S Rub 1st pr_ U S Smelt & Ref ... U S Steel ..' U S Steel pr . Utah Copper . Utah See Corp . Vanadium Steel .... Va-Carolina Chem . Va-Cur Chem pr ... Wabash . Wabash pr A . Wabash pr B . Wclis Fargo Express West Maryland .... West Pacific . Westinghouse Mfg .. Wilson Co . Wheeling & L E.. .. Wheeling & L E pr White Motors . Willy3 Overiand ... ; Wisconsin Central .. Worth Pump & M.. 20% 19% . L-w. 115 60'/_ 87% 9% 74% 14% 471/s 99 73'/_ 32 341/a 20/4 18'/2 96 79</a 60'/4 45 Va 58'/2 Va 45'/4 ? 6'/. Va 8% ? 125 % 30?/2 Va 60 1'/_ 33 1i/4 92 2</2 87 % 38 1/4 4234 Va 24'/3 Va 37 % 29'/_ 2 48 ? 66 Va 38 % 65 Va 68'/a 1/4 100 % 18'/a V* 83 1 57i/a ? 90 ? 28?/a Va 18% % 95i/2 Va 116/a Va. 80'/_ Va 96'/2 i/e 1834 1% 78'/2 Va 3234 1/4 32'/a ?/? 74'/2 2/4 92% ? 40 % 100/2 ? 25 1/a 67 /4 16 ? 16 % 24 1% 33 % 17/a Va 28 Va 17% 5 228 2% 119/4 % 11/2 ? 80 Va 41 1/2 72 ? 99/4 1/4 25 % 57% 1 28/_ % 18 Va 62 Va 11/a Va 24 ? % 13 ? % 21/a ? 65/3 ? Va 25/a ?4/2 30/a ? Va 78 Bid and Asked Blrl. Asked. Adama Exp.. ;n ;au Ad Humely pr H.S^ 60% Al Chalm pr M si " Am Buls Noio 4U 43 '1" Pr . 45 ft 50 A Beet S pr. 82 A Ii 3 4 Fy. si> do pr .170 A Cot Oil pi ? Am Shlpbldg. ? Am Smelt pr 94 ' W A.?. SI Bid. Asked. I Rld Aalrari 100 Vi 11:, Am iiuff ...110 pr 82 115 80 00 A St Fy pr. 91 A Sum T pr SIVj SO Am Tol & c. 4s GO Ann Arbor .. 1", ;.; Assets BI Co. ?'4 ;. A 1) U lst pr 01 60 do 2d pr... 05 70 Asso OU . ..110% 116V4 Auto Salea Co 12 !P, n''U ,Pr L"-- ?6H 28^ lyoattier.. o5 62 do pr . S7, 95 ISarrett Co pr.100 100 liatopllaa M.. i i^. liku EdUiotl.. 85% 37 Brown Shuo .; 88% luO do pr . 07, % 67 BruiLSwldt .. GV& 7% Buff II & P - do pr .... BuiY & 8us. do pr .... Bush Term. .. ? <?ai. SouUiorn 41 50 Casa J I pr. 98 93 Cent Fdry... IS aa do pr . 23 56 Cmit i*>a pr.105 107 C & S A Tel.109 111': Cortaluteed .. 53 58 do lst pr .8414 (' & Alt pr. 12% 15V C A E II!... .-.'_. 7 ' do pr .... 8 - SV Cl & Pitts 100 09% ? 100 Bid. Asked. Kresgo S 3 ..165 151 do pr .102 108 Kress & Co.. 78 _. Kress pr ... 100 ? Laclede Cas... 40 43 Lako B & \v. 9% 11 do pr . 21 22VI -i_g r: II T..1K0 105 . do pr .ino no L-W I! lst pr 99 do 2d pr. ..lio Lorillard pr..i01 vi Mackay Cus.. 04% 7 . do pr . 62 0? Manotl Su pr 95 100 Manhal Beacli '3 2 -?\'ai- Uockwell. 58 00 lax M 2,1 pr 25 28 M<i" 7)o nt pr.104 Mex Pot p.-.. 95 Mich Central. 82 MSP&SS.M pr. 92 do Isd Uues. 50 Mont ['ow pr 98 Morris & Es. BO Murltns r.y pr 97 Nash & Ctut..l01 Nat 1:13 pr. .110 Nat rl & S. 65 do pr . 05 N E & S pr 98 . Nat Lead pr.104% im NRRM lst pr ? INYC&SIi lst. 56 do 2d pr... 4? N Y Doclt... S4 do pr . 45' \orf 4 W pr US N'orth Am ... 51 Mag F y pr. - 101 127 100 110 100 03 l'li) 100 60 4S 83% Bi 71% 55 10 1 We* __. . ..~,t'si> M lst. 64 65 Wtlsou Co pr. ?5 97 WlUy. O pr., 86% 88 , do pr .m 113 WP & M pr A 89% 03 1 do pr B.... 72 78 <>!iio Pue! .. 40% 50 CSP SI .* ocl do pr . 90 105 Cluett IVa pr.100 I"l C & 3 2d pr. 40 4S Col Uraph i?r 83 S!) Comp Tab Ro 4S r-2 Com Cigars... 58 00 do pr . 7S% SO Cont Oan pr.100 105 Cont Ins Co. 73 78 Crox Carpet.. 34 56 Cu Am Su pr.101 110 Deere Co pr. M% 104 n L & \V...17'i% 175 Pet Edlson... 105 107% T>.it Ua Hit. ? 100 Dlcmond Xt.113 125 D S S & A. 4% 3% do j<r . 7 10 T>ur ITos pr. 99 101 rckhoni Coal. 23 24 Em Brand*.. 21 25 (lo !>r . 82% l?8 Tel M ft S. 12% 15 Klsher By pr.100 113 Gen chi'iiL pr, 96 98 (-ic-i Cl,:af pr 05 100 00 pr deb. 85 99 <1 S S ls: pr ? " Tnt Motiir. ... ? do lst pr .. 09 do 2d pr... 57 Int Paper pr. 85 Int Nickel pr 85 xs Int Sa't _ 67% 70 Jewel Tea pr. 40 41 Tfavier J . ..105 KfTBAM pr 62 Koilj Spr pr 03 KelMtc Wheel. 68 K_jm _. D M. I Otis Blev .... Otla St_el pr. ? Owens Bot pr. 37 Pacitlo Coast. 25 do 2d pr. .. 4 5 "i- G ^- H 43 Pac Trl & T 40 P Am Pet P.-.175 Penn I C pr. 3o !' - rta & E.. 14% Pettl Mullt... 36 1 do lst) pr. .. 35 P F W & O.120 Pitts ftool pr 87 P & \V Va pr 73 Pr St Car pr.191 P B C N J . 60 Ity St Spu pr.101 Rem Ty pr... 90 do lst pr... 33 Rons&elaor . . .102 R I & 8 pr. 9S S-S S * I pr 30 j3 P R Sugar. 200 I do pr .105 Standard Mill.123 I do pr . 80 Stewart War. 35 Studebaker pr. i'?) T &? P i.l tr.235 Thtrd Av liH. 13 Tldewater O11.1S0 TSI. A- \V ctfs 3 30 107 68 107 101 109 100% 98 220 113 140 101 ft w 11 T 30 110 103 115 93% do pr Pnderwood T.172 175 'lo l>r . ? 120 I ii Rasc & P. 85 90 Cn Piear St..l00 224 do pr . . ..107% 140 I' r>r"e 2d pr.lSO ? TSCTPftF pr. 44 47 V 8 Kxnresa. .27 SI C 8 S ft R pr 45% 4.8 V?. I 0 * O 87 90 Vulean IHtln. 24 2fl wS _W M'icr !? 20 Lumber Dealers Form Association INew Combine Is the Largest of Its Kind in the World NEW ORLEANS, March 9.?Leading wholesale lumber dealers in the United States, it was announced to-day, have formed the American Lumber Associa? tion, which will begin operations later in the month, with headquarters in Chi? cago. Comprisinjr dealers from every largo American city, the new associa? tion is said to be the largest lumber organization ln the world in point of capital and business ectlvitj repre? sented. L. Germain Jr., of Plttsburfh, has been named president of the association and L. R. Putnam, of New Orleans, has been selected manager. According to a statement issued in behalf of the association, "It is founded 0:1 tho conviction that intelligent dis tribution of the wood products now being manufactured in the various pro ducing regions will be of unquestioned service to the lumber consumers of the entire world. The organization will start operations at a time when the world 3 demand for American lumtfer is reaching a volume hitherto une qualed. Russia is out of the world's lumber markets, and no other nation approaches America's supply. "The association will have nothing to do with the naming of prices on lum? ber which will be fixed by the manu? facturers, as at present." 1-* Bank of Germany BERLIN (via London), March 9?Tho statement of the Imperial Bank of Ger? many, issued February 28, shows the fol lowing/changes, in marks: Total coln and bulllon . . . Inc . 1,960.000 Treasury ' note's 7.7.. 7 7 ' l'nc' 60' .iS'SSJI BU,?3hV ?ther *"ta... l-SSC '828-000 SivindcI__?rwl.?ss- U02i :r ..V..V;.V::*S2. n'ftlaT* Ofer seeurltl?_.t ,11,13.,000 N'ntA. I.n,?? ..Ino- 566.296.000 Oth?r i!->.YnVi.Ino- 80?._63.000 Total ?old holdlnte, 1.001841.000 mar___ In Wall Street - Stock Dividend PoMribllltlM Wall Street was still talklng about (he stock dividend vdeclslon yesterday, and lt was a continuing influence in the stock market, where many indus? trial shares made further striking ad? vances. It -ls estimatef' that about forty big corporations outside of the Standard Oil group are in a position now to go ahead with stock disburse ments. The following table, compiled by Dow, Jones & Co., lists the most important possibiiities, with the sur? plus per share and the total surplus, on the basis of last annual reports: BurpMio- Total Oompany Per Share ??'$"?? Amer Car & F.$10} $|*.??.|;j AmerJUInseed. 63 >?'"2'iIS Amer Sugar. \\ Qllvill Amer Wool. " JJ'sIMH Amer Tobaeco. 110 ff*||o*?In Bal.lwin Loco. 66 11.3. , Hrake Shoo. 211 V, i 2..'., ??<)<) ChamllerMot.V...:..... M ,..*&", Cruclble Steel. 15-J 5?'S?M2l EJ I Du Pont. 122 ?'J"'I2i General Kleo. 4* "loJIf Internat Paper. 95 ? IVlA'kV, Internat Harvester-.86 ?|'2o5'?^ Morris ft Co.1.760 62.823.S64 Ropubllo Steol. 113 33.880.971 United Prjiit. 32 *??"?? Jf? U S Steel. SI 466,888,4^1 A Spring Rlse If there ls anything in the tradition that "stocks will go up when the sap starts in the trees," the recovery that ha3 gotten under motion in the stock market this week may be the annual "spring rise." At least, that is the opinion expressed in many quarters in the Street, where it is held that after a brief reaction the market may go still higher on the rally. "We be? lieve," said A. A. Housman & Co. yes? terday, "the foundations are well laid for the so-called spring rise. A dupli cation of Monday afternoon'B violent advance would be undesirable, but there is every reason to look for a constructive market. but one which money rates will not allow to get out of hand." Mexican OU 8hares Biexlcan oil issues displayed special strength yesterday, with Mexican Pe? troleum one of the topliners. At the high price of the day, 187%, the stock was up more than 7 points. It closed at 184. Pan-Amerlcan Petroleum waB also ln demand at advancing prices. The Street heard of impending devel opments with regard to the future of these properties, which rumor had it would be extremely favorable. It is believed that such developments will have to do with prospects of large pro? duction ln Mexico in the near future as the result of dwilling operations now being pushed. Advices from Tampico are to the effect that twenty-eight wells are in process of drilling and several of them are nearing the pay sand. In the past some of the new wells ln that district have come in flowing from 100,000 to 250,000 barrels a day. Success therefore in a com paratively small percentage of the drilling operations under way might add greatly to production in tnat pro? ducing area. Mexican Petroleum has several wells drilling, and the Mexican Eagle Oil, subsidiary of the Eoyal Dutch, has five nearing completion. When the ban was recently lifted by the Carranza government upon drilling there was a rush to get rigs into opera? tion. The Rails Around the Street the feeling ln many houses is that the railroad shares ought to and will do better in the long run. The opinion was expressed yes? terday by one leading broker that the main reason tho rails are not moving up faster is the pressure of foreign selling. Cities Service It was pointed out yesterday that the decision of the United States Su? preme Court in the stock dividend case means a whole lot to holders of the common stock of the Citie3 Service Company. All stock dividends declared by tnis corporation are affected by the decision. Cities Service paid 6 per cent in stock dividends in 1916 and another 6 per cent in 1917. In 1918 9 per cent was paid in this form, and in 1919 12 per cent. Up to the first of this year the company had paid a total of 33 per cent in stock dividends on common stock, which at current quotations represents a market value of more than $33,000,000. In addition the company has paid in cash dividends on its com? mon stock a total of $7,008,077. Janu? ary earnings of Cities Service, re? ported yesterday, showed a balance available for dividends on the com? mon s-tock after all charges amounting to $1,344,059. Production at present is running at the rate of 500,000 barrels a month. Calumet and Hecla Omfts Dividend Difficulties under which the copper mining companies are operating were emphasized yesterday when the Calu? met and Hecla Mining Company, a con cern which has paid dividends to its stockholders since 1S71 aggregating more than $160,000,000, omitted the dividend usually declared at this sea? son. In the final quarter of 1919 ..the company paid $5 a share. Production costs of the company, which operates in the Great Lakes region, averaged about 18 cents a pound last year, whereas there was quite a period early in the year when copper prices were well under that figure. Calumet and Hecla has a remarkable dividend rec? ord. During the peak of the war, in the 1917 boom, it paid its stockholders $85 a share in cash dividends. In I91G $75 a share was disbursed and in 1918 $55. Dividends paid slumned to $10 n share last year, when the cooper in? dustry was hard hit by the* sudden failing off in tho dtemand for the metal. Crucible Crucible Steel gave an extraordinary display of strength yesterday consider ing the fact that it had undergone a remarkable rlse on the day before. It got away to a slow start, opening 225, compared with a close of 227 on Mon? day, but in the course of the next fif? teen minutes showed a turnover of 6, 200 shares on buying that carri?d it swiftly to 240. That was the high water mark for the day and ten minutes later Crucible was down to 238, the decline to that level being made on the sale of 2.100 shares. After that Cruci? ble acted in a saner fashion. As a result pf the lightning change that has been wrought in the market posi? tion of Crucible, the bear traders who recently made it one of their targets are confining their operations in other parts of the list for the time being They also appear to be leaving General" Motors alone. ?* Dividends Kejrular Declaration* _ . Stock "??*? . _ holderaof AmVolvco:::?8 ? gg?* ?&? r.1?T>p?-'V. 3l* ~ Mar'16 _ Tal Pet pf. l*i q A ! M__lfi Con Candy Co.. .26 ? 2ur 4 MaroS D & W Min Co. .15 ? ln,- i \ / Dominlon OII?' 1 M A?r 1 Mar 16 Dugup Tr Co pf.$l q Apr 1 m? L-W BColstpf 1% Q Apr 1 \u,l \i l\? e*. Vj ? Mar 15 Mar 10 s 1? r m 'i'p'ri ?"? SAA Mar 15 ??'?**? o T h hLM.*?.^.P' 1% S Mar 31 Mar 20 il IV ton Co V* Q APr 15 Apr 1 5? ., "!! Q Mar 81 Mar 30 TcVTVco-pfJ.T. Q "??} $?\l ?? Pi......... IJ.S0 Q Ap* 1 Maxli Municipal Bondi On March 15 Federal bceae tax reteraj _l Ttxpajan ??rcaada| Wmtt paJ bond* wiD find tktt Sfc exenpt feature. ol tk?e b?? enabie __?_? to -UteriairjT. doe* tbe araoant of Uiei jU, wonld noraall- bare to p\^ Send fer current offering ta Spitzer. Rorick & Company Established 187! Equitable Bldg., New Yor, ToIedo Chlcag, Physical Condition of the Returned Rail. roads. Necessity of Tax Re. form. The Outlook. DiacttMed fn th_? weelc't \uoe of THE BACHE REV1EW The REVIEWls istutdweekbtni Copiu mta) ha had apon reqauL J.S.Bache&Co. B9TAELI5UED 18W Members Neto Yerk Stock Exchemtt 42 Broadway New York Braaehas aad Oorretpondwii thro-ghont the Unltea State* Under discussion at the pres? ent time with a wide diver. gence of opinion existing, and many interpretations of there suits of the new railroad law. makes pertinent an analysis of RAILROAD SECURITIES so we have prepared a three pifi discussion, alzlng up and Inter pretlng the altuatlon and dlvldtnc the railroads Into a comparlaoa ot classea. EAST ?.. WEST Thta ls a comprehenstve artlek contalnlng the best of prevalilni oplr.lons and a brief d'.sctmlon on fifteea of the Eastern Koadi and fifteen of the Western Roads In addition, there are several other regular features and iisoussicms m: American Snmatra V. 8. Steamship V. 8. Kuhber Subraarine Boat Pressed St. Car Kyan 1'etrolenm In the Current Issue market or/.v/o.v Oratis on reouest for B-Z%> R. H. MacMASTERS & Cl ilembere ConsoUdated Stoek Eawa. .V. 7. 69 Wall St. New York Hanover 9SS0 Orouiid Floor j U. S. Steamship Outline of proposed new plans. Morton Petroleum Official statement to stockholders. Qlven ln current Issue of ear Financial Forectut Free <m reauest. Xeh for X* ?*? MSWoLFESCa ESTABLISHED IS06 U BROAD ST, NX_W YOKfc Phone Broad 25 I.M. TAYLOR &C0. Incorporated INVESTMENTS 7 WaU Street Boston Clerel_?J Philadelphia rittsba** The Profit Operation in Foreign Exchange fully explained in Let? ter D 310. Copy on ap? plication to J. T. Keane &Co., 44 Broad St.,N.Y. LIBER1Y BONUS All denominations boujht for ea? Baeed on th?, closing we P*7_,,? 347.94 for a $50?8U.% Bond. 55 OMg $45.12 for a $50??d 4%% Kond, 1 ?*2_i S47.03 for a $50?Sd 4%% Bond, 1 ???? $45.40 for a $50?1th 4^4'o Bood, 8 WfJJ $48.76 for a $50?5th 4%'.. Bond, 7 Wr" PURDY & COh ?t Tel. John 3l74-?-?-7. 84 Wae jj*? *L_ TEXAS PACIFIO COAL & OIL McCLURE, JONES A REED Xembers New York 8tock Sseha?f . 115 Broadway Pbone 7?? ?*? American Locomotive Orw" New orders taken by the An>?ri{* Locomotive Company, according w an??uncement yesterday, ln?^f*A for the Canadian National R*"*** 2 for the Akron, Canton 4 TottW town Railway, 2 for the Suropter ? ley Railroad, 8 for the Oregon^ ber Company and 1 for the W*"^ Portland Ceaent Company.