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Foreign Government Bonds are selling to-day at extremely low prices, due to the unprece dented decline in Foreign Ex? change. Rates are now show? ing a strong advancing ten? dency and return to normai conditions would provide un usual profits. Complete details of several attractive foreign Government Bond*. purchase of which we recommend, will be sent upon request. Jfe speria'.ire in all Issues of forrign Government Bonds and im-ite your inquiry. Kelley, Drayton & Co. Memb*"9 SHP York Stock Krchange LortTs Court Building 40 Exchange Place Telephone Broad 3392 _I Lee Tire and Rubber Earns $3.14 a Share Company's Net Sales in 1919 Were the Largest Ever Reported As ? resultt of the unprecedented dercand* throughout the country for automobile tires the Lee Tire and Rub? ber Company in 1919 made the largest net sales since its organization. Net* last year amounted to 85,583,993, or $974,069 more than ln the preceding year. Expenses, etc. totaled $4,999,949, leaving $564,044 in groes ope:atir.g profits. Net profits after all charges sr.d Federal taxes were $471,805, equlvalent to S3.14 a share earned or. the 150.000 outstand ing shares of common stock, no par. wfcich compares with $200,348, i. $2 a share, earned on ihe 100.000 common shares ln 1918. In his report to stockholders John ,T, Watson jr., president, said: "Sub itantial additions have been made, which will permit us to icrease our production and enable us to take ad vstage of the increased demand for our product, which tt present is the larg? est in the history ol" the company. "The additional capital acquired through the issuance of 50.000 shares of new stock during the past year will materially reduce the excess profits Ua the company will be obliged to pay in the future and will also place the- company in a strong financial position. In the past the director? ".ave felt it necessary to retain sil profits to inc.-easc the working cap'ta! with w-1 ich to car? for increasing business, but the company should -oon b" in a position where the direc tors can give eonsideration to the distribution of such part of the earn? ings ai conditions warrant." RHPART OF TH~ CONDITION OF THK METROPOLtTAN TRUST ' OVrANT OV THE CITY OF NEW TORK AT THR CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON THE 28TH D.V* \i FEBRUARY, 1320: RESOURCES. Btock and bond In-wsstments, vla.! ?P f., iritles . $8,771,446.17 ??-.. ;?- rll ea . 4.129,506.00 r.?al estate owned. 509,451.56 Mortgages ? ?. 1,389,850.00 ? . . . seem ed \y bond and r .or jajre daed or other real estate eollateral... 1,058.801.91 loans -? ' scounta aeeured by other . .:?,088,527.50 Loans. dlacounta and bills pur? chased not Becured by coilat ?re. 11,831,032.87 Overdrafta. 620.33 T>.e from approved reserve depoal tarles, [esa amount c- offaeta .$447.41*.J8 Due fr ra trusl com panJea, banks er** bs - ?-, not ?':. ? , ? . ln? .-.'ra . 983,487.85 - j 1S9.908.23 Sperie. -' 130.00 Other enrrency aurhorlzd by the La%s ot tha Cnltad States. 536,987.01 Ctfh r.ems. vts.: Exchanges a n rt ch'CAS for vt'\i day's clearlngrs.; $908,730.78 Other cash Itema . 811,853 01 -_- 1,213.583.79 Dsa from the F?deral Reserva Bar.k of Now York less offseta 8,828,184.1? Customers' liability on accep sn'.fg <?ee llabllltles, per eontra). 1.840,330.53 Other assets, <rtz Atxrued Interest entered on booK.s at c!o?i<j of cuamesa cu t'.o-.e date. 268,033 45 Toral .t50.305.41S.6S ?Market value. LIABHiITIEa Capital stcck. $3,000,000.00 Surplus; Surplus fasd_J8.000.0il0.00 Undivided proflta 353,193.51 -? 8,863,193.SI' Deposits: rrs;erred. us fo'.'.owa: Due Navr Tork State Bavtaga iianks. 31,806,033 '?.,. Other deposits due ai executor, adrn!niflirj.tor. aruardlas, r?v eelver, trustee, rotnrctttea o. dtposltory _ J.U7.S04.57 Depoe!-? by iho 8'ate of New York . TBe^oe^e Deposits by tha Bupe-'.ntendant of ;.?.!.'<!} ot State ot New Tork . 1 S.lUJtO Other dpposlta ?ecured by a Pledge of asse'.s 8I?,I80.0? Not preferred. aa f ollowe | Deposits subject to chec* .23.M4.M7.84 "tn* klepoalta. certlflca'ea and other deposits. tha p?>tnent or which cannot !?g*iiy be re Orulred wlthiu thlrty day?_. 637, Demand certlfl ?taa of deposit S7l.174.03 Other oartiQcRtaa of deposit. 7S,700.C? CMhiers' fheclts outstanding, la cludlng slmllar ohaolss oX othar Offlcera. 805.S0S.T1 Carttfted checka.. 139,031.70 ^apadd dlvidenda 70100 "ua trust oom P**iaa, bajvlis Ud baskora.... 3,005.856.00 -_, - ST,MS,770.M ?wjf P*7?M*. laolodlm; Indabt ?taeea for money Vx>rrowod. T?pr?eentad by notaa, cartlft c*tes of dapostt or othorwiso. 8.900,000.00 ??llscount? . 8.448.081.58 ?cepv*noes of draiu payablo ?J * future data or author '*ed by cosauosrclal lettara of Q,,i,r*<H* . l.?40,880.5? **W liahlllUas, vla.; *teservos for taxes, expenses, /"* ??. 3184.06S.81 **?nje? Intereat a n t'a r e d on t*?k* at elosa ?f bualoeaa on ?&t^t#un: ?MU ??W11" ~. T7.8J1.TS ?- JBS.048.S3 **?* ??????*?".??.?.*.M.-|5040*.41?.?8 The Day's Bond Market U. S. Government TxaiuacMons <t->i?? Liberty 3%s. 1947..... $519,000 do lst 4*. 1847 do 2d 4?, 1942 do lst 4Vi?. 1917. do 2d 4%?. 1942. do 8d 4%s. 1928. do 4 th 4%*. 1938. Victory 4%s, 1923... do 3%s, 1923_ 56,000 196.000 139,000 1.1-6.000 1.397,000 2.151,000 1,158.000 961,000 Quotatlons TleM 9.71 4.62 4.74 4.80, 4.98 5.28 5.10 5.48 4.4SI Hio-h Liberty 8%s. 96.18 do lst 4s. 90.48 do 2d 4s. 89.54 do lst 4%s_ 91.48 do lafc-2d 4%s.. 97.00 do 2d 4%?_ 90.00 do Sd 4%?_ 93.00 do 4th 4%s.... 90 10 Vlctorv 4%s_ 97.50 do 3%s . 97.43 97.38 97.10 Bid and Asked Quotations Liberty bonds. 34s. 1947_ lst 4?. 1947_ 2d 4s, 1942_ lst t%s, 1947.. 2d 4%s. 1942.. 3d 4'is, 1928.. 4th 4%a. 1938. Closinsr Yest?*rday. 96.06? 96.16 90.400 90.60 89.30$ 89.60 91.30?> Pl.RO 89.884:) S9.90 92.96? 9U.00 90.06W 90.10 Vic 4%a, 1923. 97.40? 97.42 do 3%s, 1923 97.40@ 97.44 Pre-war issues: 2s re*. -8 COUp. '30 3s resr, '46 . . . 3s coup, '-iR. . 4s, reg, '2f>. . 4s coup, '_5.. 2a Pan, c, '36 "3 Pan, r, '30 23 Pan, c, "38 2a Pan, r, '38 3s Pan, reg. . 3s Pan, coup. Phil 4s, '34. . Phil 4s, '35. . Ph.l 4.. ??.;. D Col ..3, '65 30.100%@10l L00%<g!10t (fi 92 . 106 106 . !00 .100 ,100 .100 . ss . S8 . 90 , 90 #106'; ?106i.i W101 (Sioi ?fi 101 auoi <rt, 91 ?5) 91 97 S> - 90 no 90 Foreign Govt. and Municipal Bonds (Interest To Be Added) Bid. Anclo-Freneh ExU-rn 5a, 1920. Argentina lntern &s, 1945. Canada, Dom of, jiotes, 1321.. do 5s, 1D_1. do 1926. 98 74% 97% 97 92 % ?" '??-:'. 93% do 1931 . 91-g Chinese Gov IIu Kurt Ry 5s, 1951 44% Cuba Extern 5s, l_i4i. 90',. do Extern 5a. ser.e.-. A. 1949. 80% do Extern 4%s, 1949. 73 Domi can Rep 5s, f.'.'.s. 70 City of T.yons 15-yr ss, 1.934.. 89% City of Marseillea 15-yr 6s, 1934 89*4 City of Bordeaux 15-yr 6s. 1934 89'i City of ParU 6s, 1921. 90% Jap Gov 4%s, strlng ln. 1925.. 74% do 4%s, 2d series. 3 125. 73 do ls, stlng ln, 1931. &9% City cf Tokio 5s, 1952. 66% U K G B &. I 5-yr 5%a, 1021.. 95% do 3-yr 5%.">, 1922.". 92 do 10-yr 5%s, 1929. 90% do 20-yr 6%s, 1937. S6% .Yiex Extern strl os of '99, 1945 29 do Extern gold 4? of '04, 1932 30 (Salea) Asked. !>8rV 77 97% 97% 92?4 ' 93% 91% 45% 90% 90% 75 XO 90% 90% 90% 90% 74% 73U 59% 58 95% ?2% 91 86% 31 Anglo-French 5s ?-? 000. 2]ooo! 77! 2,000!7 7. 4J000!7 7. 5 000 2.000. do 2d st>r 4%s 1,000_ I . ,.,?'.;' 74% 75 74% 74% 74 q, 74% do stlg loan 4s 3,000.s30f. 59 10,000. 59% 1.000.s30f. 59% 1.000. 59% 14.000. 59 2,000.s90f. 58% 19,000.s30f. 58% 1.C00. 58% 8,000.s30f. 58% 30,000.s30f. 59 7,000. 59% 2,000. 59% ? 15.000. 59% Rep of Cuba 5s 1904 l.ooA. 90% 1.000. 90% ! 1.0O0. .... 90% U K of Great Britain & I 548 192.1 25,000. 9?.% 5,000. 95% 6,000.. .. 95% 1,000. r,r,7i. 8,000. 98% 1,000 . 95% 6.000. 95% 4.000. 95% do 5%s 1922 2.606 "! ,000..... 8,000. do 5%s 1929 1,000. 14,000. do 5%* 1937 41,000. 86% 10.000. R6% 5.000. 86% 6.^00. 86% 9.000. 86% 92% 92% 91% 91 74% N Y City 4%s 1957 '4% 74 34; 74% 7X5:. ' 73% 78% l\l I " 78 . 73 73% May 6.000.96 8.000.96% do 4%s 1957 Nov 1.000. 96% 6.000.96 do 4%s 1957 reg 1,000..95 do 4%s 1965 8.000. 98% do 41,-is 1960 ?,non.9i!77, 90 no^ ?, 1,000. 13,000 .77 10,000.7.7 10,000.sSOf. 2,000.s30f. 10.000. J0.0CH.s30f. '.0,000. 73% Railway, Other Corporations Adam* Express 4s [Cen R R of N J 5e 2,ono. 99% tChea & Ohio cou 5s 15,000. 91 1.000. 9QVj [ do cvt 5i 2,00rt. 79% 85.000. 79% 24,000. 80 5.000. 73% do gen 4%s 1,000. .... 76 do cvt 4%s 2,oon. 74% 2,000. 74% _o ooo..., 7454 5.000. 71% & Alton 3%S 1,000. 83% B & Q IlUnoU 4s 10.000. 78% do Nebraska 4s 1,000. 90% do joint 4s 10.000. 93% 20 ono. 94 68,000. 93% 12 oon. 94 13.000. 93% 1,000. 93% C Great Western 4? 2,ono. 55% 3.000. 55 8.000. 55% C M ft St P gen 4 %s 1.000. 76 do cvt 4%B 11.000. 71 1.000. 71% 2,000. 71% 1.000. 71% 1.000. 70% 6.000. 71% do rfsr 4%s 2.000. 60% 8 000. 60% 14.000. 60 6.000. 60% 4.000_ 60% do 4s 1925 2.000. 78% 1,000. 78% 6.000. 78 do deh 4a 1934 1.000. 61% do 6s C A P W div 9.000. 96% 69 3 000. 1.000. do adj 4s 8.006. do adj 4s atamped 7.000. 69 2,000. 68%! Atl O L lst eon 4? l.ono. 76 do I; 4 N -I* 67%; 3,000. 68 ft Ohio tem 6s ! 25.000. 86 2,000. 86%i 1,000. 85%, 4,000. 85% do rfg Ks 1.000. ?4%! 10,000. 64% > 1.000. 64 do evt 4%s 13,000. 64%, 9,000. 64%: 5.000. 84% ,000. 64% 65 ,C ? T * F gen 4? 0^0.. 5,000. 64%i 1.000. 64%, do go'd 4s IOOOO.bSW. 64 ! do **itta L E & ! "W Va 4s 13 000. 86 do 8w 3%e 1.000. 73 I 2.000. 72%l 1.000...... 66% 1,000. 73 iO 8t P M ft O 8s 1.000.102% 1,000. 72% do rfa" 4a 7.000. 66 8.000. 66% 1000. 66% 16 OOO. 66% 1.000. 66Hi 2,000. 66% 1,000. 66% do T * 0 4s 12OO0.80 B 000. 49% Beth St??1 rfa 6* 9,000. 85 do p m 5s 1.000.14 Brooklyn Rap T 5s 6,000.80% Oanada Mo 5s ctfs of depr^H 3,000. 67% Con of Ga Ry 6a 8,000.103% 4.000.104% CMeago ITn Station 4%s ?er A 2006.79 ChV.e Cmver Tt 4,000.103 11.006.101% 45.000.101% 5.000.101% dots 6.000. 78% 1.000. . L000.90% 'o O C 'ft 8fc' ti 'gen 4? do con 5a " 1,000. 83u; Oentrul leather 5<> Col 1.000...... 94%i C?a Pacifle gtd 4* ? 1,000. 72% 1 *D,v?v..i.v 1.000.72% Oohrni O * % U i.000.7%%\ 1.000...... 82 1,000. 72 do stamTMd Oon R R ft BanHng 3.000...... 83 Co of r? 5s Oon CoeJ of ltd ba 3.0% .___. ?% ! M^.?? 8 000. 8.000. ft ?o 4%s 2.000. 1,000. 16,000.. ? Con Gaa tem 7a 2,000.100% 22.000.100% 2,000.100 Mi 8,000.100% 1.000.100% Den & R Q con 4b 6.000. 63% 6,000. 63% 1,000. 63% do rfft- 5s 10.000.e30f. 40% 1.000. 41% 1,000. 41% 6,000.?30f. 40% _. 4144 Detroit Edlaon rfg 6b 1940 __ 2.000.86% Dotrott U Rya 4%e 10,000. 66% 1 12,000. 68% E T V & G con 5s ? . 2.000. 87% Erie prlor lien 4s 4.000. 54 do ?en Hen 4a 1.000.45% 2,000. 45% 2,000. 45% do cvt 4s aer A _, 5,000. 38V do cvt 4s aer B 1.000. 39% 4,000. 39 1.000. 39% do cvt 43 6er D 2.000. 42% ?,000. 42 1,000.42V, G Bay & W deb B 1,000. 10 Havana Elec 5s ? , 1,^00. 84% Hock Valley 4%? 1,000. 70% Hud & M rtg 6s C.000.sgii II! Ccntvnl 5%s 2,000..."... 91 do rfg 4s 4.000.72% do 4a 1952 9,000. fi9 do -la 1933 1.000.G6% 2,000. GR% IlHnois Steel 4V,B T Jfll,000. 81% Indiana Steel 5a,'.,. ?m Interboro-Met 4%s 2.000.17% 15.000. 17% Interboro R T rf? i'm' -.000.52% ?<>*, 28,000. 53 2.000. 52% 65,000. 53 Int Mer Marine 6s 2,000. 90% 2,000. 90 Iowa Central 4a 1.000. 42 KCFtStM 4a 10.00.1. 65% Kansas City So 5s 2,000. 69'., do 3s 1,000. 55% Kan C ity Terminal 4a 6,000. 71 Klngs Co El 4s 1.000. r,3 L E & West 1st 5s 3.000. 7914 Lake Shore 4s 192S 7,000. 88 do gren 3%e 3,000. 6S% LehiKh Valley 6s J 7,000.100 do con 4%s 1,000.'. 79 9,000. 78 "^ Long Island con 6a 1,000. 91 u, L & N unirled 4s 2,000. 81% 2,000. 8lC 1,000. 81% do At Kncxv &. Cin div 4s 1.000. G9 do Hend B Cs J 3.000.101% do N Orl & Mob ' Ist 6s . 2.000.101% do bo Ky joint 4s 1.000. 63 Manhattan Ry 4s 1,000. 55 u, Mich Cen deb 4s 2,000. 80% 6,000.81 Mich State T 5s 1,000. 84% Midvale Steel 5a 5,000. 83% 3,000. sn * 8,000. 83% 1.000. 83% 3.000. 83% Minn & St T, rlg 5a 1,000_ 51% 2,000. r,4 , 3,000. 55 do 4 s 1,000_ 4T 4,000. 4 2 34 1,000.42 M K & T 1st 4s 1.000. 57% Mo Pacific 6s 1928 * 4,000. 84 io jren ls 6.00O. 57% 0,000. 57 U 2,000 .....' 57 MobiJf & O new 6s 1.000.100% Mont Tram Fg 1,000 . 71 New Orl Termi'rial 4s 1,000. 61 N Y Cer.tral deb fis 11,000. ..... 02% 1,000.... 9?% 8,000 . 92% 3,000.' 92% 4,000. 02% 8,000. .'.'.'.'. 92% 42.000....]. 92% 10,000. 02% 13,000. P23.i do 4s 1034 14.000..76% do rfpr 3%? 8.000. 65% N Y C ft St I, 1st 4.s 2.010. 78 NYGK L H & V 5s 1.000..... 82 N Y Lack & W 4b 25,000. 93 N Y N H & H n-o deb 4s 1955 1.000. kiu do deb 4s 1955 3.000. SI14 1.000.52 N Y O * W 1st 4s 2.000. 61% 14.000. 61' 12.0O7.60 N Y State llys con 4%s 1.000. 51 N Y Tel deb 6a 17,000. 94 1,000.._94% 1,000. 9i% do4%s 8.000. 78% 1,000_79 NYWiBn 4%* 9.000. 41 Norfolk So 5s ?er A 4,000. 53? 5,000. 54 Norfoik * W cvt 6a 19,000.101^ 90,000.102 do con ia 4 000. 75U do Poc-,h C & C 4s 1.000.77% Nor Paciflc 4a 8.000 .75 1.000. 7 4 1.000. 75s.: 2,000. 75% 1,000. 75% 14,000.75% 2,000.76% doSs 6.000. 63% Ore Ry ? Nav 4 s 5,000.76 Ore Short Lino 4* 6.000. 81 Oro VV lt u & N 4s 10.000.. 68 Paciflc G & E 5a 4,000. 79% 1,000. 79 6.000. 70% 6,000. 79 2.000. 79% Paciflc T & T Ea 4.000. 86 Penn 4%s 1921 5,000...... 97% do 5a 1968 12.000. 88% 2.000. 88% 8,000. 88% 1,000. 89 1,000. 88% do ifcti 4%s 6,000. 81% 8,000. 81% do 4s 1948 reg 7,000. 79% Pere Marquetto 5a 1,000. 85% dols 4.000. 70 Peoria A E inc 4s 1,000. 28% Phlla Co 5s 1922 5,000. 87% Reading c<m 4s 10,000. 79% 1.000. 79 81.000. 79% 10,000. 79% Republic 1 & 3 ir 2,000. 87 Rio O W 1st 4e 17,000. 60% R I Ark & L 4%s 4,000. 61% 4,000. 61% 8.000.a30f. 60% 1 8.000. 61% St L Ir Mt & S 5s 10.000. 87% 1,000. SS 9.000. 87 1,000. :..-% St L & S F 4b scr A 21.000. 58% 8.000.a30f. 68 6,000. 58% 1,000. 58% 4,000. 58% 2,000. 58% 2,000. 58% do 5a iicr B 7,000. 08% 1.000. 68% 15,000. 68% 1,000. 68% 1,000. 68% do fis Rev C 2.000. 86% 3,000. 86 do ndj Gs 3,000. , 1,000.. 10,000. 64% do inc 6a 8,000.. ('?000. . 5,000.. 5,000. . 1,000., 1.000. . 15.000.. 15.000. . 64',* f.4 500. 10,000. 6.000. t L S\vn 1st 4b 1,000. 20.000. do Tel minal 48% 48% 48% 48% 48 4 8% 48% 48% 47% 48% 48% 62% 62% 5a do con 4s ' 00t St P M * M 4%s 2.000. 89% do 4s Montana eict 1.000. 82 Seaboard A L rf(? 4 s 2,000. 4C% do R(ii G3 5.000. 38% 8,000. 39% 1,000. 39% So Bell T & T 5a 81% So Pacific cvt 5s 20 000. 102 IO.000.101% 2.000.101% 5,000.102% 35,000..102] j 13,000.102% 20.000.102% ; 47,000.ion 3.000.103% 10.000.103% ; 45,000.103 '?> 1,000.102% l.onn.102% .103 403% .103% , .103% .103% . ,103% .103% '8% ?9% 68% 69 58 58% 27% 000 1 000 25',000.'!'; 1.000.,/. 8,000 15,000! '. . . . 10,000. do cvt, ;s 5.000, a30f 1,000. 3 000. do rfx 4a 4,000. do rol ls 10,000. 1,000. 5.000. 68 yg Southern Tly 5 s 1,000. 84% 6,000. 84% do 4 s 2,000. Bgu 2,000.B8 4,000.. .. 58% 1,000. R8 1,000. s30f 57 1,000. 1,000, Third Av adj 5a 5,000. .. jUnlon Pacific 6 3,000.101 6,000.100% ?.000_. .100% do lat 4s 6,oo?. 82% 3,000. 82% do cvt 4b 5.000. 84 do rfsr 4 s 2.000. 72% 6.000. 72% U S Realty & I 5s 12.000 ..... 76 ?Un Rd of S F 4s ctfs cf deposit 26 j 2,oo?. .... 27 U S P.tibber 7s 1,000.102% 1 doCs i 1,000. 81% 1,000. 86 24,000. 84% | 4,000. 85 6,000. 84'? 2.000. 85 U S St?>e] ? f 5s i 14,000. 97% r.,000...... 97' ? 7,000.97% , 2.000.07 ;Utah ? N'orth 5a 2,000. 90% Utah Tower & I. 5s 1,000. 8!% Va-Car Chemical fis ; 3,000.98% 3.C00_ 99 do 5s l.OOO. Vlrgir.ifin Ry 5s 4.000. 82 IWest Electric 5s 1 5,000,. 05 Weat Maryland 4s l.OOO. 52% 1,000. 52% 1,000. 52% Weat PHfiflc 5a ; y 1.000. sa West Shoro 4s reg 1,000. 68% Wllso.-i Co 1st 6s 15,000. 97 2,000. :n;% do cvt fia 1 2,000. ..... 92 24,000. 91.v 37.000. 90% ... . 92 19.000_".. 92% ?Wlaconsln C 4s ; R9U 1.000. 69 94% Lorillard Stockholders Approve Stock Offerinsc At the annual meeting of the P. Lorillard Company held yesterday, stockholders approved the plan to offer 60,622 shares of common stock author ised but unlssued ln the company's treasury. Of that amount 40.411 shares will be offered to shareholders on a pro rata basis and the remalning 20,211 will be set aslde for the sale to persons connected with the manage? ment and operation of the company. The stock will be sold at par and riehts to stockholders will be about one sharo of new stock for each six now held. Directora of the company will hold a meeting to-day to flx tho data and terms of the offering. All retiring diroctors were re-elected with the ezcoption of B? P? Henry, who resigaod. Investment Information Qursttone of general mtereat te 4nve?Cora will be answer ed in thia eolumn, in which case only initials will be used. Qtbere will be an awered by mail. Addrear all in 2wrie$. tncloaing _ etwnped, ad reaecd envelope to Financial Editar, The Tnbune, I6i A' Stre>it, Neat York City. Orders Exceed Capacity Question?-Endicott-Johnson has been recommended to me hy a friend as a safe investment and speculative propo Bition atlhe present market price. I am in? formed lhat Ihe nhort Interest at the present time has reached a iarge proportlrn and the *i '' '~ benK absorbed hy the investment class. h-oni a reliable eource I learn that tho domestic demand'for ahoes in 1920 at the present rate of production will be 30 nor cent in arrcars of a normal demand, not taking into account that England, France and Italy are placing large orders d'jupite adverse ex<..mnge rates. Consequently I as tumen nBt the earninKs cf this company, un paraliellcd for orsranization and productivity, ?r _matrri?Hy increase the ensulng year. Would you reeommend thia stock a* a safe inve_lment??F. R. C. Answer?Tho Endicott-Johnson Cor? poration has shown large earning power since tho conuolidation on March 81, 1919. The company has a profit snaring plan with its employees, which is largely responsible for its undia turbed labor situation. The president of the company recently stated that 860,000,000 of business would have to bo refused this year, as the company's capacity, 75.000 pairs of shoes daily, is being maintained. Tho company's profits for 1919 aro expected to show close to $25 a share on the common stock after preferred dividends. While the common is more or less speculative, it would appear that many people ar buying the issue for income purposes and in the expectation of increased dividends. For the business man we believe the stock offers good opportuni ties for speculative investment. WicJkwlre-Spencer Steel Preferred Queetion?Will you plcuso gtvo me your opinlcn of the first preferred 8 per cent cumuiative etock of tho Wickwire-Spencer Steel Company7 ls there a r?_eonable mar Kin of safety and what haa the pa*r. record of the two companies been??K. B. W. Answer?The Wickwire-Spenccr Steel Corporation flrst preferred stock, of which thero is $7,500,000, is said to havo earned its dividends 4.83 times for the averago of the last three years, on the basis of the earnings of the merged companies. The stock apoears to offer fair investment opportuni'ties. Not Proper Classiflcation Question?Do you consider Contlnentat Candy 1 per cent, at the pre.-ent price, a pood nnd snfo investment; al?o. the Loft. Cnr.dy Company, paying no divider.d? Also, the Chicago Pneumatic Tool Compauy, paying 8 per cent??F. B. Answer?We do not. consider either Continental Candy or Loft's, Inc, stock a good investment. Both are new com panies, the lattef havins; been reorgan ized recently and the capital greatly increased. Earnings are not such in either case as to warrant the stocka being c.assified an investments. Chi? cago Pneumatic Tool Company's earn? ings in 1910 were not greativ in excess of dividend.-:, the rate of which was increased from G per cent to 8 per cent. Earnings !o October 1 last showed but 7.06 per cent on tho stock, or at the annual rate of 9.41 per cent. The stock is probably a fair speculative investment. Boston-Wyoming Oil Company Question?Will you kindly jrive me some information with regard to earnings of the : Boston-Wyoming Oil Company? Does it pay any dividend, nnd i3 it run by responsi? ble people ??W. J. Answer?The Boston-Wyoming Oil Company is in a better position since the passage of the oil land Icasing bill. The company has some good acreage in Wyoming. It is controlled by the Salt Creek Producors. Xo dividends have been paid, as the company's funds have for some time past been tied up await ing the. nassage of the land leasing bill. The stock apparently has speculative possibilities. Present quotations are about $1.25 a share. Tho company is ' endeavoring to have stock exchanged for tru_t receipts in order that the management's plans may be carried out without interference. It appears like a good move to exchange tho stock. United Retail Stores Question? Would you kindly give me some '; information aa to earnings and dividend ' paid on stock of the United Retail Stores? Do you think the stock ar. present price a good investment, and is it your opinion that . the stock will advance later??R. A. 0, F. Answer?The net profits of United Retail Stores Corporation for the six months ended January 81, 1920, were $4,708,332. A dividend of $3 a share was paid, leaving n surplus of $3,031, 285. The oarnings for this period were good, ns, may be seen from the report. It was not specified that the divider.d was for any particular period. The stock appears to have speculative po3 sibilities. Puts and Calls Question?Would you kindly give me any ' ? Information you have concerning option trad , ing? Do you have to buy securitie:. outright . . to deal in puU and culls ? What are the1 I possibilities of reuIizniE on your contract?? i E. B. M. Answer?In purchasing a call on ? ; stock you pay various sums for the : , privilege, depending upon the stock. j ! The usual amount paid is $125 for 100 sharoa. If you buy a call on 100 shares ! i of United States Steel stock for thirty; ' days at 100 it means-that you have the ^ pri"ilegc of calling upon the person [ who sells you the option at any time. within thirty days on one days notice | at tha prico mentioned. You probably would not exercise tho option unless you had a profit. If Steel were selling at 103 you could sell 100 shares at that > ' price, call upon the seller of the privi-' lege to deliver you the stock and your profit would bo $300 less the prico of i the call and commission and stamps. Puts are the reverse. They give you . ' the privilege of dellvering stock within a speciiied time. We cannot say what, the possibilities are. Everything de pends upon the course of the market : and the action of the particular stocks ' in which you deal. Valuation Not Yet Reported Question?WH1 you kindly stato if tho : Interstate Commerce Commission haa esti? mated the actual value of the MUsouri Pa I cific and the M., K. & T. raiiroade ? If 30, please give tl e figures.?W. A. C. Answer?There has been no valua , tion reported ?3 yet by the Interstate , Commerce Commission on Missouri Pa ; cific or M., K. &. T. Yield May Be Too High Question?In what way would you advise ; the investment of about $".000 whereby the , ' principal could be considered re&oouably safe . ; ar.d at the same time the best income would \ be derived therefrom??W. J. P. Answer?Do not attempt to obtaln | too high a yield on your investment. : In doing bo you are likely to Jeopardize your principal. It seems to us that seasoned preferred stocks, yielding . from- 6.30 per cent to 7 per cent, should meet your requirerrtrnts. Some of the : companies whose preferred issues fall i within this class are Central Leather, , National Lead, United States Steel, Standard Oil of New Jersey and Vir jrinia-Carolina Chemical. Four full eolumn* of in? vestment question* and an aicera ore published in The Tribune every Sunday. Prices Easier on Curb After an Early Advance Short Covering Sends Some Stocks to New High Lev els in Current Movement; Oils Are Prominent Stocka ln the outside market con? tlnued to dlsplay strength and actlvity yesterday. In the forenoon many of tho more speculative issues sold at new high record levels for the movement aa the shorts covered more of their commitments. There was alao some profit taking for the account of traders who bought yesterday, and in the after? noon prices cased off from the highs. Oil shares were prominent in the trading. Standard of New Jersey eoared to 780 at the opening, but ?et tled back to 755 at the close, which compared with a closing of 752 on Mon? day. Houston Oil rose to 110 and closed at that price. The Homer fleld oi!s were also strong, but reacted in the afternoon. Invincible sold up to 36. According to an announcement made by President Phillips, president of the Phillips Petroleum, that company will earn much more this year than it did in 1919. The company opened up twenty-two new propetties during 1919, hn said, and now has sixty eeparate producing properties. At the close of 1919 the company owned 439 producing wells, 231 hr.ving been added during the year. It, is planned to list the stock on the exchange. Submarine Boat continued on its rise, touchlng 19, the highest price in months, closing at 18 on dealings of 20,000 shares. Strength in the stock followed developmenta at the annual meeting of stockholders, at which a partner of Morgan & Co. was named a director. The annual report showed $2.69 a share before Federal taxes. Industrials Sales. Open. High. Low. Last. 1400'Acme Coal... 1 Ta 2 1% j 100 *Aetna Explos. 8 8 8 8 1100 Am Safe Razor. 10% 11 10% 10% 900 Am Candy pf.. 0% 9% 9% 9% 1000 Armour Leath. 16% 16% 16 1?% 900 'Benford Au pf 1% 1% l'/? *'<? 200 ?Brit-Am Chem 8 8 8 8 000 ?Br-Am Tob cp. 18 18 17% 18 2000 *do rts. ?% 7 6% 7 100 do reg. 17% 17% 17% 17% 2000 *do reg rts.. 6% 6% fi% ? -<* 100'Car Lt & Pwr 2% 2% 2% 2% 5000 KCu-Am Sug wi 44 45 42 43 6500 *Gen Asphalt.. 93 94 91 92% 600 *do pf.140 145 140 145 3700 *Goldwyn Pict. 25% 26% 23 24 600 Grape-Ola. 1% 1% 1% *3b 500 do pf. MI 11* li? W 100 *Hydraullc Stl. 33 33 33 33 2000 Indian Packing 14% 14% 14 14% 2000 "Kay Co Gas.. 2 2 1% 1% (00 Lima Loco_ 90 90 90 90 100'Locomobile n.. 19 19 19 19 500 Mitchell Mot.. . 10 10 8 8 2000 Mont Ward.... 34% 34% 33% 33% 2000 Marconi of Am 5% 5% 5% 6.% 0 'Orpheum Circ. 32% 32% 32 32 1000 No Am P&P.. 5% 5% 5% 6% L00 Patchogue-Ply.. 40% 40-% 40% 40% 2500 Perfection Tire 4% 4% 4% 4% 1400'Press T & R.. 2% '-% 1% 2% L500 *Radio Co wi.. 2% 2% -'% 2% 1400 *do pf. 2% 3 2% 3 2000 *Rainier Mot.. 38 38% 38 38% 3501 'Republic Rub. 5 5% *% *% 300 *Root & Vand. 46 40 45 45 600 'Stand O & E.. 17% 17% 17% 17% 200 *Stand Gas pf. 38% 38% 38% 88% 2000O Submarine Boat 18 19 1.7% IS 400 *Sweet3 Co Am. <r% 6% 6% 6% 500 *Temt C&F Pr (.2 42 42 42" 50 *Todd Shipyda.178 180 178 180 800 'Union Carbidc 73 74 70 70 :??'? ??' S II Sp T... 31% 32 31% 32 600 "Un Pict Prod. 12% 12% 12% 12% 4501 Unit Profit Sh. 2% 2% 2% 2% 8000 *Un Ret St Can 14% 14% 14 14'% i< ." M.: S Distrib.. 52 52 52 62 950 U S Steamship. 3% 3% 3% 3% 400 U S Transport. 10% 10% 10% 10% 1700*Will .v Baum. 29 29% 28% 29 600 'William Daviea 41 41 40 40 801 ?Willya Corp.. 10% 20 19 20 1200 *do lat pf... 95 98 94% 90 200 'Warren Bros.. 55 55 51 54 Standard Oils Sales Open. High. Low. Last. 200 *Ohio Oil Co.. ? 375 350 370 100'Praine O&G. ? 660 6L5 660 400 ?Std Oil Cal.. . ? ? 338 328 330 Std Oil N J.. ? 780 750 755 Other Oils Sales. Open. High. Low. Last. 600'AllenOil. 1% 1% 1% L% 5000 'Allied Oil .... fV V* % i\ 1. Amalg Royal.. 38 45 38 4h 6400 tAnna Bell Wyo 75 77 76 76 400*Ark Nat Gaa.. 31% 31% 30% 3J 8300 'Boone Oil_ 4% 4% 4% 4% 1800?Boaton-Mex... 2 2% 2 2% 10000 *tBoaton-Wyo.. 1% 1-rV 1% 1% 10.00'Brazoa Oil,... 15 18 15 18 1200'Carib Synd... 30 80% 29 30 , 11 *C itiea S BT Sh 40 40% 40 40% 500 ?Circle Oil. ... 3% 3% S% 3% 1500 ?Columbio T.m. 11 11 10% 10% '.: ? 'Cosden & Co.. 8% 9 8% 8% 800'Cushing Pet.. 2% 2% 2% 2% 12000 'Dominion Oil. 15% 16% 14 14% 500 *Duqueane Oil. 6% 7 6'^ 7 3500 Engineers Pet.. 1% 1% 1% 1% 30 ??? ?Elk Baain Pet 10 10 9% 9% 2500'Esmeral O&G. % % % % 1 10'Federal Oil... 3% 3% 3% 8% 6000 *Gilliland Oil.. 44% 45 43% 4tf% 500 ?'do pf. 09 99 96% 97 1000 ?Glenrock OIL. 3% ?% 3% 3% 200 'GurTey-Gillesp. 32 32 31 ' tj. 600 'Cium Cove Oil. 2% 2% 2% 2% 4 00 H Pet of Den.. 3% 8% 3% 3% 800'Houston Oil... 110 110 107% 110 4200 'Hudson OU... % % H % L00'Internat Pet.. 70% 70% 70% 70% 3800'Invincible Oil. 3R 30 35 85 1200 'Island O & T. 4% 6 4% 5 10 I LlvingBton Oil. 1% 1% 1% 1% 700 'Lone Star Gaa 88 87% 8p.' 87 400 'Maracaibo OU. 20% 20% 20% 20% 4300'Margay Oil... 5% 5% 4% 5' 800'Merritt Oil... 20 ?% 20 20% 900.Met Petroleum. 3 3% 8 S'% 70<r*Mexlco Oil... 1% 1% 1% 1% 300 'Midwest-Texas % % % % 3300 'Midwest Raf.. 160 1?? 150 167i MONo AmOiR., 3% ?% 8* 8% 700U *Ohio Ranger.. % % % % 100'Psnhan Pet pf IS' 18 18 18 200 'Panhan P&R. 80 80 80 80 1500'Phillips Pet.. 39 40 33 40 70u'Prod & Ref... 8% 8% 8% 8% 500 'Red Roek Oil. I 1% 1 isZ 1200 "Ryan Pet. 3% 3% 3 8% 2000 fSalt Ck Prod. 50 61 49% 4a% 3000'Skelly OU'.... 11% U% 11% 11^ 8000'Simma Pet... 30% 37 34% B4% 400 So States Coaa. 1% 1% 1 u i u 3300 Spencer Pet... 22% 22% 21% 22% 1.000'Stnnton Oil... % 1.. % il 140 '.Steiner Oil.... 5 7 5 tf 8900 'Superior Oil.. 20 20 18% 19 10000'Texaa Co wl.. 47 48% 47 47*1 1000'Tex-Ken Oil,, 3% 3% 3% 3% 600 Tex & Pao C&O.100 100 93 ?? 300 Tex-Rang P&R. j.% 1% lat "j*/ 10200-Texon O & L. j S x2 ^ *?* 2000'TrInity Oil... % 2 u fi 2000 "Troplcal Oil.. 21% 21% 20% 20% 4700 'Unit Tex Pet* 1 1% ? l? 800'Victoria Oil.. 1% l? l? l'tt 200'Vulcan Oil... 7% 7% 71* r2 800'Whelan Oil... 1 1 { * {* 7000'White Oil- 29% 30 28% 2S% 100'Woodburn Oil. 6% 6% 6% 6% Mining SaV*. Open. Hitrh. Low. Last 4500 Alaska-Br C M 1% 1% lA IA li" 'America Min. 1 1 1 x 85.00'fAUanta .... 3% 3% 3>A 31^ 700 'Arizona Sllv.. 1% 1% ju ja? 42. "-tBeleher D(ap) 13 13 12 13 3500 tBelcher E (ap) 14 14 13 14 23 0 Big Ledge ... ?& & rV A 3300 Bon Alaaka .. 74 76 74 75 2?. 'vBooth . 8 6 8 8 6000 tBost & Mont. 64 04 63 64 200 Burknett V CI O 1 L 1 1 2200 "fCaledonia ... 35 38 35 35 600 Cnada Copper . 1% H4 IX iu 25O0 'Candelaria Sil t* % H % 1150 ?Harson Hill G 23 23 23 -22% 2500 'tCashboy _ 8 8 8 8 150 'Cons Vir Silv 5 6 4% 4% 1400 'De Beer Con M 41% 41% 41 41% 11400 Divide Ext (ap) ir it % % 6000 ?Eureka Cr M. lT'j 1% l? 1% 8700 'tEureka Hoily % || i} % 800 E! Salvador Sil 2% 3 2% 3 1800 'Forty.nlna Min -% 1% 1% 1% 600'Gadsden Copper 1% 1% 1% 1% 2500 *fGold Zone D 29 30 29 30 1000'Golden Gate .. 1% 1% 1 l 2000 'tGoldfield Cons 13 14 13 13 12500 'tGoldneld Dov 7 8 7 8 20O 'tGreat Bend.. 3 3 3 3 ! 1250 Hecla Mining.. 4% 4% 4f? 4% , 300 'Hond Am Syn. 18 18% 18 13% I 1500 Howa Sound... 4 4% 3% 4 1300 'Iron Blocsom.. % j, % J. 2500 '+Jim Butler.. 84 24 23 23 2000 fJumbo Extan.. '8 S 8 8 116700'tKnox Divide. 7 9 7 8 7500'tMacNam Min A A % % New leeue $1,000,000 Porto Insular Possesslon of the United States Public Improvement 4**% Gold Bonds Dated January 1, 1919. Due serially January. 1931 to 1934. Princ.ra! and semi-annual interest, January 1 and July 1, payable in United States Gold Coin, at the Treasury of the United States or at the office of the Treas-jrcr of Porto Rico. Coupon bonds in the denomination of $1,000 with the privileg-e of rcaristration as to both principal and in? terest, transferable on the books of the United States Treasury Department. Aa completefy exompt from taxation as the Liberty *\% or 3\% bonds. By an Act of Congress these bonds are exempt from the Federal income Tax and from taxation by any State, Territory or District of the United States, or any Municipal or Political Sub-Diviaion thereof. Free aiso from tax in Porto Rico. Legality approved by the Attorney General of the United States Acceptable by the Treasury Department as security for pubiic deposlts acd eliglble to secure Postal Savings Funds on a 100 % basis. These bonds are issued in accordance with authority granted by an Act of Con? gress of the United States and authorized by the Legislative Assembly of Porto Rico. The population of Porto Rico, 1910 census, was 1,118,012. To insure the payment of these bonds a special tax provided by law is levied which will create a sufficient sinking fund for the payment of the entire principal amount when due. Price to Yield 4.70 Per Cent We recommend these bonds for Investment Complete circular on request Harris. Forbes & Company Street, Corner WJliam, New York Harris, Porbee ft Company Harris Trust and S-vinrs Bank Bo,toa Chicago ?Uniiated. fSel'.s cent* per share. Stock Ex Dividend Mir 1 f.?Advancc Rum!?y pf..,..$1'4 Mar 10?Ajax Rubber. 1 "? Mirl5?American Bank Note pf. \ Mar 13?American Beet Sugar pf. 1% Mar 16?American Bosch Magneto. ... 2 V4 Mar 1 7?American Can pf. 1 \ Mar 15?American Car &. Foundry.... S Mar 15? d o p f. 1 % Mar 18?Amer Hido & T.esther pf..., 3 -\ I Mar 18?'Amer Intornatlona!. 1'-i I Mar 16?American Llnseed pf..... 1% Mar 13?American Locomotive. l'j Mar 12? do pf. 1\ j 12?Amer ISmelt ,fc See pf A etpd. l>/5 I Mar 12? do pf B. ;.'-,. Mar 12?Anvrican Snuff. 8 1 Mar 12? do pf. 3 U 1 Mir IB?Amer Steel Fdy? Temp pf.... 1 ?1; Mar 19?Amer Tel & Tel. 3 Mar 18?American Woolen. i% |Marl?? do pf. 1 \ I Mar 10?Atlantio Otilf & W I S 3 pf.., %\ i Ma r 1 6?Barrett Company. 2 Mar 22? do pf. 1% Mar 16?Bethlehem Steel. 3 V. , Mar 16? d>> Class B. 1'4 Mar 16? do 7 per cent pf. X%_ i Mar 18? dr, 8 p?r cent pf. J j Mar 18?Bootb Flsherlta lst pf. 1% I Mar 15?Case, J I Thresh Mach pf_ 3 ?% Mar 10?Central Leather of. l\ ! Mar 12?Chlno Copper., ^ : Mar 15?Columbia Graph Mfg Temp pf 1% Mar 20?Commerce, Nat Banlt. _>3 Mar 15?C G E E i P Co o( Ba'.t. 2 Mar 15?Cona Int-Callahan Min. _ Mar 19?Continental Can. ...,.,......, 1*4 Mar 13? do pf. 1\ Ma.? 16?Crucible Btoel pf. 1 ?4 Mar 16?Cuba Cape Sugar pf. X% Mar 15?Cuban-American Sugar. 2', Mar 3 5? do pf. 1\ Mar 20?Durhara IT M T Cl B, % and Y* ex Mar 15?Electrlo Storage Battery. 3H Mar 16?Endlcott Johnson. li4 Mar 16? do pf. l?4 Mar 16?Fisk Rubber. *4 Mar 20?General Electrle. 2 Mar 16?Gulf St Steel st tr ctfa lat pf. 1 Vi Mar 15?Haakell & Barker Car. 1 r Mar is?Helme. Q W. _v_ Mar 13? do pf. lii I Mai 16?International Salt. 1 4 Mar It?Kelly-Springfield Tl.-e 8 p o pf 1 V4 Mar 14? Keystone 'fire & Rubber. :;0c Mar ll?Kresge, S 3 pf. 1% Mar 20?Kress, S H pf.... 1% Ma.r 10?Lackawanna Steel. UJ ? Mar 13?Lehigh Val RR. Si Mar 15? Liggett & Myera Tob pf...... 1% Mar 15?Lorillard. P. H Mar 15? do pf. 1*4 X?r 16?Manatl Sugar Co pf. 1 \ Mjj" i*?Manhattan Electrle- Supply.., l M*/ii? do let pf.1. 1% Mar ia?Manila Eleo R R A. Light_ 1>4 Marl5?May Dept Stores pf. 1% Mar 13?Mexican Petroleum. 2 Va Mar 13? do pf. 3 Mar 20?Mlddle Statee OU temp. 30o Mar 20?M 8t P A 8 8 M leased linea. _ Mir li-r-Jtentana Power. \ Mar 13-?- t^o ptf. 1%, ! Mar 15- J" An A Cham temp v t ctfa pf 1% i Mar 11?lr**t Enam & Stamp pf. 1 % | Mar 13?National Lead. 3. ? ; Mar 19?National Surety. 8 ;M.irl2?Nevada Con Copper..... '<, : Mar 3 3?N V, Lack A Weatern Ry.... l'i i Mar 18?North Ajnerican Co. IV* ! Mar 19?Northern Pacific Ry. 1% j Mar 3 5?Ohio Cities Oas pf. 3 >l Mar 20?Otla Hteel pf. lfc ; Mar 13?Pan-Am Petrol A Trans . : >., Mar 13? do temp common B........ i? ! Mar 20?Penney J C Co temp pf. 3 *\ Mar 20?Pettlbone-Mulllken lat pf... 1% Mar 16?Pierce-Arrow Motor Car pf.. 2 Mar 20?pierce OU H per cent pf. 2 M_r 17?Railway Stoel Spring. a : Mar 12?Ray Con Copper. 14 j Mar 10?Rem Typ temp v t cfa lat pf.. 3. a4 j Mar 10? do Serlea S. i-_ , 1 Mar 10?Remlngton Typewrlter temp v t ctfa 3d pf. 2 ! Mar 15?Republlc Iron A Bteel pf. 1*4 1 I Mar : 6?flears-Ronbuck A Co pf. jm | Mar 10?-South Porto Rico Sugar. 6 1 Mar 10? do pf. 8 Mar 15?Bo Ry Co, Mo A O St tr ctfa. 3 j Mar 16?Stromberg Carburetor. 1 Mar 3*?Tejtaa Company. 314 ! Mar 13?Cnlon Pacific R R. 2V> ? | Mar 13? do pf. 2 Mar l??United Cigar Btoree com atk. .10 ! Mar 15*?United Dyewood. 114 Mar 15?? do pf. jt ! Mar 20?United Frult. 8 i Mar 12?Utah Copper. ii: i Mar IS?Weyman-Burton . su I Mar IT?White Motor. 1 Mar 10?Woolworth pf. j?z New Trcaaurv Certificates WASHINGTON, March 9.?Secretary Houston to-night annoonced & new of? fering of Treasury 4% per cent cer? tificates of lndebtedness, bearing date of March 15 and maturing ln one year. Purchase of Treasury certinca-tes on the inBtallraent plan is made possible , by ruling AnnouncerJ by Secretary 1 Houston. The Replacement Value of Your Buildings OWNERS OF BUILDINGS are not fully protected against loss by fire unless the amount of insurance carried has been acijusted to meet the increased cost of replacement under present conditions. Through our Appraisal Department authoritative valuations of buildings are furnished for fire in? surance purposes. We shall be glad to send a representative for con? ference with interested owners. FOUR CONVENIENTLY LOCATED OFFICES 55 Cedar Street Broadway at 73rd St. Madison Ave. at 75th St. 125th St. at Eighth Ave. UNITED STATLS MORTGAGE &TRIIST COMPANY Capital and Surplus $6,000,000 NEW YORK vAr.J2LiA\t\ rtTurnr.rr' .Jr>r-?-*r~T i r. rv^ ~ t\-' r~.r, >^ The Bubble of Specuhibn Or the Secarity of Investment? There is no lure of unccrtairtty in our 5'/_<3J, Guaranteed Firit Mortgages. But there is <he assvrance of knowinf that your principal it absoluieiy safe and the income will be on time, and the contentment of a permanectt and stable return. We offc-r a new Serfes of bVi^> Guaraniesd First Morigage CertiScates secured by a $270,000 firat mortgafe on the Cowpertrnvni? property, 6th Ave. at 46tb Street, which sold at auction in December for $503,000. Participation certificates issued in * mounts from $100 op. ? Send for Speciai Booklet 3-E. Ee5fYor]_Jifk_.-1ortga^e Go. 135 Broadway. 375 Fuhon Sl_, 203 Montague St, New York Gty Jamaica. N. Y. Brooldyn. N. Y. Amofrcatn Truat Co., Depoaitary, Broadway and Cadar Street, Nerw York City - '?-Sjih.'j. Attractive Investments Canadian Government, Municipal and Corporation Securities Yielding from 6V2% to 8% The high ylelds now available are due to the present temporary exchange conditions, which are daily improving. In order to particip;ue in the present oppommities, we suggest that earlv decisions are adviaable. Canada ia in an exceptionally strong f undamentai eondition Copy of List D-26 phuily sent on request A. E. AEVIES & CO. Investment Securities _* 74 Broadway. New York TTarrbt TVR?t RMr.. Oilraam I"nij*i> ttaak Bldr . Tornnto T----.-TXHtn.Hnn Bldr..*al Belatont Hoose, Yietoria. &-?t-_r__________S__*,23 Established 1SS9 U