Newspaper Page Text
Logt and Found jRoomt and Boardcra Furnished Apartment. ? Wants ?jIb _ Situationa Wanted Bualneae Opportunittes Shipping News LOST, FOUND AND REWARD3 LOST.?In I. R. T. subway train about 6.46 p. m.. February 9. at 57lh at. station, black leather portfollo cnse corualnlng corre ?pondence valuable to owner only; llberal re ward offered. 'Phone John 32?9. FRED. A. LANDECK, 1 Liberty st. LOST.?Small open faced gold wotch, Thurs? day noon. from top north bound Fifth ave. bus. between llth and :15th at; reward. 19 West llth st. Chelsea 430. LOST KANKBOOKS LOST.?Rankbook No. 283,474 of the Frank? lin Savings Rank. Issued to Auguatus F. Johnson. Payment stopped. Please return to bank. 658 Eighth ave., New York City. All persons are cautloned not to purchase or ncgoilate same. LOST!?Rankbook No. 285,890 of the Frank? lin Savings Rank. Issued to Ernest Von bargen. Payment stopped. Please return to bank, 658 Eighth ave.. New York City. All persons are cautloned not to purchase or negotiate same. LOST.?Rankbook No. 319.297 of the Frank? lin Savings Rank. Issued to Jack Llno now. Payment stopped. Please return to bank. 65S Eighth ave.. New York City. All persons are cautloned not to purchase or negotlato same. roST.?Rankbook No. 625.565. Seamen's Hank for Savings. 7G Wall st.. New York. Payment stopped and cnncellatlon appiled for. Please return to bank. LOST.?Rankbook No. 945,644 of the Bank for Saving*. 2S0 Fourth ave. Payment ?topped. Please return to bank. LOST.?Hankbonk No. 1.144,914 of the Rank ror Savings. 280 Fourth ave. Pay? ment stopped. ?llcasc return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 1,095,293 of the Rank for Savings, 280 Fourth ave. Payment stopped. Please return to bank. LOST.?Rankbook No. 1,095.293 of the Bank for Savings, 280 Fourth ave. Payment ?topped. Please return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 1.054,260 of the Bank for Savings, 2S0 Fourth ave. Payment stopped. Please return to bank. r.' .. =? FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET ONE large room frontlng on park; private bath; ln doctor's residence; also small front room. Telephone Harlein 1320. WEST END AVE.. 818 (100th at.).?Large front room, euitable two; fine locatlon; private family. Phono Rlverslde 4909. 94TH ST.?Beautlfully furnished room, with twln beds; runnlng water; sultable for two; $r.O per week. Phone Rlverstde 1269. 77TH ST.. 154 WEST.?Large front room. private house; gentleman; reference. BOARDERS WANTED LARGE ROOM AND LIBRARY IN EX ciuslve 7-room apartment, West Side, Broadway frontage; miles of river view; dlvlded use of entire apartment. with meols. for couple or two people; $300 per month; without meals, $150. R., Box 684. Tribune Offlce. HELP WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION AUTO INSTRUCTION WE TEACH REPAIRING AND DRIV SSC. IN SHORT TIME; LICENSE GUAR? ANTEED: LADIES" CLASSES. AMERI? CAN AUTO SCHOOL. 726 Lexington ave. (Ei'th). Plaza 4016. LBARN TO BE A CHAUFFEUR?Pleasant nnd profitable work; day and evening classes. Send for free booklet and vlsltor's pass. West Side Y. M. C. A., 306 West 67th st. LEARN OXYACETYLENE WELDING Great demand for tralned men. Send for frpe admission card to opening lesson of new eight-week t"rm beginning Wed. Eve , March t+. 23d St. V. M. C. A., 215 W. 23d St.. f" MEN?-Good paying proposition to operat* moving picture machine in theater; ex perlence unneceasary. Cal! day or evening. American '1 heater Building, entranca 644 8th av. (43d st). "Phone Brvant 1519. WHAT ABOUT lOUR FUTURE? The all-Important question is: Where Will you be 6 or 10 years from now? To know what yriur life work should be ls the flrst step toward u suocossful future. From the study of the face. our nualvsis can fletermlne the right Job for you. No trade ie?tp: no psychologlcal toats. Ask us all jjbout it Booklet "I." on recjuest. Mer ron Instltute, Ino., 96 Fitth ave. (at loth ft). N. Y. Telephone Chelsea 405 1. a?-:_-~irrr ~ - _ HELI'W^A^TED^MALE 1 l ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR PRESENT POSITION IN LIFE? Have you the courage to try? lf you have and your record is fclean, then we have an opening for you with good pay and a real future, but you must act quick, for we can't take every one. Apply by letter only, 1\T. T. 932, Tribune Bldg., N. Y. ADVERTTSINO AGENCY. WTTH RAPIDLY GROWING BUSINESS FtEQUIRES THE SERVICES OF MAN TO WRITE AND SET AD Y?^iM?XEtrrS' PREPARE LAYOTJTS. KTC. MUST HAVE KNOWLHDGE OF PRINTING KPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR **AN WHO CAN QUALIFY. STATE AGE, EXPERIENCE, SALARY EXPECTED. LETTERS TREATED IN CONFIDENCE OFF1 ??" B?X B 6&?" TRIBUNB *?.T;*.BO0<,,1 ?PDortunity for boy to ponnect with a live. growing ooncern. Multicolor Bales Co.. 298 Broadway. Worth 715. ROYS FOR ERRANDS. $11 WEEK HEWITT. 61 NAVY ST.. RROOKLYN. BOY for busy ofnee; coanco for advance ment. Goldstein & Goldstein, S66 liroad BOY ln advertlslng agency for flling and to run crrancis; salary lo start $12 Crltch" > ! - _ ?_-' Uoom 1015' F'atlron Building; ROY for service department ; good opportunity ?J? a u1.vanv7mfv.,,u ln. mechanical fine. Bar y?tt Addlng Machine Company. 366 Broadway. DRAUGHTSMAN having experience in gen? eral mill work, conveyors, machinery lay-outs, pip ing, etc. State age, expe? rience, salary, and how soon available. Christian firm. Apply by letter only. B. D. MORGAN National Sugar Refinery YONKERS. NEW YORK DRAUGHTSMEN SEVERAL DETAILERR WANTED IX OUR DRAFTING ROOM; PER? MANENT F.MPLOy.MENT; AN OP? PORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMEN'T FOR MEN WHO SHOW ARILITY WRITE. OrVING REFERENCE AN'D EXPERIENCE - ADDRESS CHIEF ENGTNEER E. W. BLISS CO., BROOKLYN, N. Y. KXPORT. S#T?r_l boy? wanted for general offlce work; very best possibilities of advance ment for bright and wllling workers. E. I. <lu Pont de Nemours Export Co., 120 Broadway, New York City. HIGH CLASS 8ALESMEN For premter line of advertlslng art calen dars; must be experlenced advertlslng snles nian: terrltory, Cuba, Porto Rico. West Indles. Colombla, Venezuela. Appilcants in tervlewed llth floor, 207 West 25th st. i EXPORT DEPARTMENT. FRIDAY. i MARCH 12TH. ; KAN wanted to help on flour truck. Torrens". HELP WANTED MALE GROCERY CLERKS, experi enced; excellent future for right men; opportunity to be? come managers. Apply 159 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn. OFFICE HOV, export house; opportunity for advancement excellent. Allied Foreign Trade Corp., Room 631, 44 Whltehall st. OFFICE BOY wanted ln atiditlng depart? ment: salary $10. Call Itoom 701. Inter? national Paper Co., 30 Broad at. SALB8MBN. SECURITY. Wall Rtreet firm offering aeaaoned, divi? dend paylng stock has opportunity for a few additional producera who havo made good; experience ln the telephone selling neceasary; good aalary and commission. For Interview phone Mr. Caln, Rector 3663. SALESMAN?One aceuatomed making $60 to $100 a week, commiaslon basis, . to sell an esaenttal housohold article; future guaranteed. Call International Purchaa ing and Sales Agency, 412 West Broadway. SALESMEN to eell a high claaa aecurlty aoon to be llated on New York Curb. Gnash, 61 Maiden Lane, city. SPECIALTY SALESMAN Who would like to locate ln New York City, or COLLEGE GRADUATB w ho can show record of success Is wanted to rcpresent a large i urporatlon ln negotiations of a difficult nature. Position worth $6,000 to right man. J. H. Huntington. 106 West 40th at., bet. 9:30 and 1 o'clock. STENOGRAPHER.?GENTILE. OVER 21 ; SALARY COMMENSURATE WITH ABILITY. CALL OR WRITE ADVER? TISING MANAGER. INTERNATIONAL MOTOR CO.. WEST 6 ITH ST. AND WEST END AVE. WANTED.?Man nnd wife for out of town position; wife general houseworker; all around handy man, alBo chauffeur. Phone 1231 Garden City, or write Box 33, East Wllllston, L. I. WANTED.?-Young or elderly man to de llver packages. Standard Dental Supply Co.. 200 East 23d st. YOUNG MAN, WITH A GOOD KNOWLEDGE OF THE PRINTING BUSINESS, FOR GENERAL OFFICE AND FOLLOW UP WORK, IS OFFERED AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY WITH A LARGE HOUSE. WRITE, STATING QUALIFICA TIONS, GIVING RELIGION AND PAST EXPERIENCE, TO MR. H. A. JONES, CARE JONES & LEIGH MFG. CO., 58-60 FULTON ST., NEW YORK CITY. YOUNG MAN, good education, ? for position in buyers' ofrk*t excellent opportunity. Address P. 0. Box 3, Madison Square Station. YOUNG MAN to assist ln rare and training of boys- rcsident position. Phone or write fnr appointment. Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Aaylum, Ralph ave. and Dean st., Brooklyn. HELP WANTED FEMALE A YOUNG GIRL, ABOUT 16 YEARS OLD ^ FOR CLERICAL WORK rf)NLY' IN THE OFFICE OF A LARGE MANUFACTURING FIRM: MUST WRITE A NEAT HAND &??T?JN rERSO*' W. T. CO., 46 BAR-' iiOOKKEEPER.?Asalstant; muat be quick" accurate, with atenograpliic experience-' pleasant surronndings. light nlry office; good opportunity for right party. Chsster Clothes. inc, 79 1< Ifth ave, COOK, in private family; pleasant sur roundings; good wages. 60 Montgomery Place, or phone Prospect 167. Carfar'o GENERAL houseworker for small family wages $70 pr:r month; references requlred' Telephone Clrcle 7173. GIRUS for pastlng labels; steady position good salary. Franco Electric Corporation' 104 South 4th et., Brooklyn. Telephone Grecn point 1700. ? MILLINERY SALESWOMEN are offered LIBERAL SALARIES Commissions on all sales by ABRAHAM & STRAUS, INC, Fulton Street, Brooklyn. Apply at EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. I OFFICE ASSISTANT and STENOGRA i PBER; must be good typlst and ac I qualnted with offlce routine. Peckett ; Headwuar Company, 826 Broadway. j SKETCHKR for dresamaker, one who will help; on parlor floor. 9 'East 65th at. 1 SMALL GIRL wanted ln large advertiaing j agency; one who ia famillar with onerat i Ing a mlmeograph. Apply J. Walter Mhompson, 244 Madison ave., New York STENOGRAPHER-BOOKKEEPER. rapid expert worker, with knowledge of offlce detalls, fol!ow-up systems, etc.; Chrlatian preferred; salary $25 to commenco. Htme baugb. & Browne. Inc. 471 Flfth ave . TYPIST?Automobile agency; state saT ary and experience; apply by letter only Plerce-Arrow Sales Agency, 233 Weat 64th st., New York. lu WANrED.?A general servant who la good cook; muat be clean. orderly, of good ar> pearance and disposltlon; family of two adults and two boys; six room duplex apart? ment; washlng and heavy cleaning-dona by Nlsitlng woman; good wages and permanent r? !\0n?1Mr,5ht P"80?- (Telephone between 9 and 11 Monday, Vanderbilt 1659. SITUATION8 WANTED MALE CHAUFFEUR. married: good referencat; city or country; yearly poattlon; $36 or equivalent. Apartment 1-B, 183 w?at 102d at. >?-?? COI.OHED. long experience: economlcal. ex '.*' cook; alao good manager; pr vate ,?. n ly, or *n,lre. c?ar? bachelor's apart? ment best of referencea. Barry. 49 Mlaslon st.. Montclair. COUR1ER?Moat reliable Engliah courler living ln London who worked for mo , deslrea engagementa for a party or fam? ily or ladies; highest raferences. For ln. ! forrnatton addresa M. S. Burrill, 24#Broad ; 8treet. -oio?o FELDER. cyllnder and Unlveraal. wishes steady poshion with chance of advance? ment; state conditions: can aaslst nressmnn F. Herd. 17 Ward st? MaapethT L. pre88man' MACHINIST, rellnble mechanlc, with long experience, deslrea special joba or work to develop Inventions, etc; haa own ahOD facilltlea Olson, 147 East 32d st. PIANIST desires position with player aiano roll house or music publishera. lioward D Barnes. 409 East 136th st. . SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE LADT desires to place her excellent French (Swiss) governesa with family goina abroad withln six months; can recommend har hlgbly^ra. R. S^ Plenwmt. IM BmI /. HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRLS AS CLERKS AND AS TYPISTS Girls, age 17 and over, want? ed for permanent positions. HOURS 9 to 4.30 SATtlRDAY, 9 to 12 1UNCHEON SERVED FREE. Free Medical attention, Dental Advice, Insurance, Circulat ing Library, Gymnasium. Classes in Stenography, Type writing, Dictaphone Operating, French, Engiish, Home Nurs ing, Millinery and Dressmaking, with competent instructdrs and without expense. ? OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS WITH SOME HIGH SCHOOL OR BUSINESS SCHOOL TRAINING IN TYPEWRIT ING TQ QUALIFY AND FILL EARLY VACANCIES. SALARY TO START, $12. RAPID ADVANCEMENT TO THOSE WHO MERIT IT. QUALIFIED APPLICANTS WILL BE STARTED IMMEDIATELY. Apply^any day between 9 and 4.30. (Monday and Wednesday until 6 p. m.) iloom 5030 Metro? politan Life Building, 4th Ave. & 23d Street. * Use Madison Avenue elevator to 5th floor. GIRLS WANTED Permanent Work Posit'.ons open in several Departmeuts $15.00 A WEEK TO START Regular increases with many Opportunities to reach earnings of $25.00 TO $30.00 A WEEK 48 hours (orless) aweek NIGHT WORK ALSO For Young Women over 21 years $18.00 to start. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES: 1168 RROADWAY, MANHATTAN 8:00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. M. 453 E. TREMONT AVE..'BRONX 9:00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. M. ? 1 WILLOUGHBY ST.. BROOKLYN 9:00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. M AROVE OFFICES ALSO OPEN SATURDVYS TO 4 P. M.. SUN DAYS 1. P. M. TO 6 P. M. 44 PEARL ST., MANHATTAN 11:00 A. M. TO 2:00 P. M. 1336 BROADWAY. BROOKLYN 9:00 A. M. TO 5:00 P. M. or telephoue -. MADISON SQUARE 13000 New York Telephone Company SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A.?A.?COUPLE, Jap and Engiish. very capable; small family of adults; $180. W., Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d at, third floor. Telephone 8947 Mur? ray Hlll: CHAMBERMAID. young Irlsh girl; good references; $65. K.. Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d st., third floor. Tele? phone 8947 Murray Hlll. CHAMBERMAID-MAID, Engiish; four years' reference. Miss FitzGerald's Bu? reau, 366 Fifth ave. COMPANION.?A lady desires posi? tion as eompanlon to a lady or children; accuatomed to travelllng; genlal dlsposltlon; thoroughly c'om pctent and wllllng. Address Com panion, 1368 Broadway. COOK, CHAMBERMAID, WAITRESS, friends; exeellent references. Miss Fitz? Gerald's Bureau, 306 Fifth ave. s COOK, young, g\>od manager; country pre? ferred. Miss FitzGerald's Bureau, 366 Fifth ave. DRESSMAKER. out by day; qulck remod eler; $3.50. G. A., 163 West 126th st. HOUSBWORK, exceptionally neat young woman; good cooli and waltress; refer? ence; $50-860. Irwln's Agency, 639 Sixth ave. Greeley 2399. NURSERY GOVERNESS, young, American Protestant, child over five years old; good reference; 860-865. M., Miss Hof? mayer's Agency, 10 East 43d st., third floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. NURSE, young; two children; exeellent reference. Miss FitzGerald's Bureau 366 Fifth ave. NURSE, young, hoBpltal tralned; excep ttonal referertee. Miss FitzGerald's Bu? reau. 366 Fifth ave. PRACTICAL NURSE, city or going south hlghest references. A., Box 864, Tribune Offlce. WAITRESS-PARLOR MAID. young, Scotch Protestant; three years' reference- 860 C. MisR Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d st.. third floor. Telephone 8947 Murray BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SPECIAL TO FINANC1ERS AND RROKERS Owner of large" acreagexof OU Leases. upon which a test well Jias been started, wants partner or brokerage concern to finance -with view to large organization, the stock of which would attraet .speculative lnvestors in lante numbers owlng to location of property sur roundlng development!.. etc. together' with rapid advance in price of oil and the ln creaslng Interest of the public ln everythln* pertalnlng to oil production. This would be a partlcularly good proposition to add to present holdlngs of any OH Company already organized and capable of expanslon. Bank references exchangt.l. Address B.. Box 677 Tribune Offlce. "' FRU1T STORE, all klnds of fruits and vege tables; good stands; exceksnt spot Na? tional Cash Register. 299 SUmner ave.. be? tween Gates ave. and Monroe et., Hrooklyn. WANTED?Gentleman to share expense of ?ffi $E_?i.sKereno?**"?*?' ** **, ( mon WATER Sandy Hook. 11:23 r1:49 Governor'a Island. 11:44 ??? Hell Gato. j;20 1-*1 ARRIVED YESTERDAY Veaael ? Port Departure Columbia.,.Glaagow .Feb 2 Lake BIancheater..Santlago .Mar 1 Standard.Palo Blanoa.Mar 1 Morro Castle.-.Havana.Mar J> Lakevlile.Neuevltaa .Mar 3 Cherokeo.Charleston .Mar 7 W. H. Tilford.Nyborg .Feb 23 Suaquehanna.Dartmo?*h .Feb 20 Cornucopla..,.OloraTtar .Feb 16 Edgemont.London.. .Feb *0 Dochet.Conatantlnoplo ..Feb fi Santa Roaalta.Buenoa Ayrea.Feb 2 Tartar Prince.Boaton .Mar 7 Turrialba.Klngston .......Mar 4 INCOMJNG STEAMSHirS Due To-day Roman Prince.Dartinouth .Fab I Lake Farge.Havre .,.Feb 12 La Porouae.Havre .Feb 21 Oallloo.Hull .Feb 21 Ablanaet.Hull .Feb 21 Ruth.Gothcnburfc .Feb 19 Exeter City.Brlatol .Feb 21 East Sldo_.Bordeaux .Feb 21 San Glovannl.Naplea .Fob 26 Eastern Star.Gibraltar .Feb 23 Munamar.Antllla -. ?.Mar 6 Due To-morrow Abangarea.Crlstobal.Mar 2 Italla.Palermo .Feb 29 Fort Victoria.Bermuda .Mar 9 Due Friday Mauretania.Southampton ....Mar C Adriatic..Southampton ....Mar 3 France.Havre .Mar 6 Nlagara.Bordeaux .Fab 29 Rosallnd.St John.Mar 8 Due Saturday Santa Luisa.Crlstobal .Mar 7 Volumnla.London .Fob 28 Invlnclble.London .Feb 13 Portugueae Prince. Havre .Feb tl Caledonla.Liverpool.Feb 17 Sarcoxle.Dunklrk. OCTGOIXG STEAMSHIP8 Sall To-day Mail Vessel closea salls T.a Touralne, Havre.. 8:30 AM 12:00 M Fort Hamilton, Ber ' muda . 7:30 AM 11:00 AM San Juan, San Juan... 8:30 AM 12:00 M Eurymedon, Batavia...- 12:00 M West Hassayampa, Shanghai .- 12:00 M Northern Paciflc, Ant? werp .- 12:00 M Vaaarl, Liverpool.- 12:00M Kerkenna, Bordeaux... - 12:00 M Oallahad, Giasgow.... - 12:00 M Jacques Cartler, Havre- 12:00 M Panola, Stoc.kholm . . . .- 12:00 M Cape Romnln, Bor? deaux .- 12rOOM Lako Frolono, Hull....- 12:00 M BUSINESS CARDS Carpets for" Sale 3.000 YARDS CARPETS. 600 yards same pattern, $1.00 yard up, slightly used. SUITABLE FOR ALL PURPOSES, ln Wll ton, Axmlnster, SioaneB, Brussels, Whlttalls, RUGS. artloomn, Saxonys. Wiltons, seamed or seamless, with or without border, all sizes, all prices. all colors; small Rugs $5.00 to $15.00; medlum size, $20 to $40; large rugs, $45 to $85 up, In sizes from 3x5 to 20x40, plain, mixed or Orlental patterns; making over, cleaning, laylng. dyeing; beau t If ui. reasonabie. STILL1NGS, INC, 620 C28 Madison ave. (69th). Plaza 8835. Diamonds DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY BOUGHT FOR CASH, estates appralsed, pur? chased. BENNETT, 175 Broadway, upstalrs. Furniture Wanted HIGHEST* PRICES paid for furniture, an tlques, planos, bric-a-brac, books, art, etc. GABAT, 38 University Place. 'Phone Stuyvesant 2377. Men's Clothing COME UP! WHERE PRICESARE DOWN Buy a Stltch Suit or Top Coat direct from rftaker to wearer and ssve retaller's profit. Wonderful values, $29.50 to $-4 3.50 Stich Clo., ?2l Broadwny. eighth floor. Bleecker street subway or "L" station. WHOLESALER ALSO SBLLS AT RETAIL Men'a and Young Men's Suits & Top Coats. LATEST STYLES FOR SPRING AT $20.50 and $32.50. VALUES TO $50. SAVB TRY-ON TROUBLES. A. & B. CLOTHES SHOP, 62 W. 33d st., Opp. Hotel McAlpln. A?KOHAN KLOTHES SHOPE?A Selling suits & overcoats for men & young men at $18.60-$24.50; prices formerly $29.50-$40 Rargnins. 1416 Broadway, cor? ner 39th. tOna Might up.) Patents PATENTS. Over 70 years' practlce; all communlca tions strlcUy confldentlal; handbook on patenta free on request ; special facilities for offlce consultation. Munn & Co., patent at? torneys, 611 Woolwortb BuHdlng, New York. Rugs ORIENTALRUGS ?* ?ndn^0?n? ... . .. . . . size or quan tlty bought for htgheat cash: appralalng a apeclalty; call or wrlto. Basnajian. 80 Weat 46th at. 'Phone 6101 Bryant. Typewriters TYPEWRITERS RENTED Non-Vlalble. 8 Moa., $5. Vlalble, 3 Moa.. $7 64 up. Initlal payment applies lf purchaaed. AMERICAN WRITING IdACHINB CO* INC 339 Broadway. at Worth 8t. J Tel. 5408 20 E. 2Sd 8t., opp. Madison Are. .Franklin THJfi TYPBWIUTER EXCHJCNGB. 10 Barclay St. Tel. 4738 Barclay. Trunks BIG BARQAIN.?New and uaefl wardroba trunks. 606 Sixth ave., bet. 30th-31at ata _ StjMMONS SUPREME COURT, NEW YORK COUNTY ?L. & E. FRBNKEL. INC. Plalntiff, against G. VERZOCCHI, also known as and trading under the name of Gulseppl Verzocchl and Glovannl Verzocchi, De? fendant. Summons: TO THB ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to an? swer the complaint in this action and to ses-ve a copy of your anawer on the plaln tlff'a attorneya wtthln twenty daya after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service, and in case of your failure to appear, or answer, Judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded ln the complaint. Dated February 2nd, 1920. SLADE & SLADE, Attorneys for Piaintlff, Offlce & P, O Address, 200 Broadway, BoTOUgh of . Manhattan, City of New York. To G. Verzocchl, also known' aa and trading under the name ot Gulseppl Ver? zocchi and Glovannl Verzocchl: The foregolng summons Is served upon you by puhllcatlon, pursuant to an order of llon. Nathan BIJur, a Justice of tha Supreme Court, New York County, dated the 20th day of February, 1930, and filed on that day, with a copy of the rompla.nt lh the offlce of the Clerk of the County of New York. at the County Court House, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, the original complaint having been filed in aatd offlce on the 3rd day of Feb? ruary, 1920. Dated Naw York, February 20th. 1920 SLADE & SLADE, Attorneya for Plalntiff, 200 Broadwav New York City. THB PEOPLE OF THB STATE OP NEVi York, By the Grace of God, Free and Independent.?To Douglaa Walter CaniD Ke!!' ?l'a1el, Mall1t- Ian Douglaa Camp? bell the heirs and next of kin of Aimae Marie Suzane Therese Josephine LaFarge Lawrence Campbell, deceased, Send Greet WHBREAS. Frderlck S. Whitwell whn realdea at 166 Marlborough Street, the City of Boston. Maas., haa lately applled to the Surrogatea' Court of our County of New York to have a certain Inatrument ln wrltlng.jrelatlng to both real and ner aonal property, duly proved as the last will and teatament of Aimee Marie Suzana Thereao Joaephlne LaFarge Lawrence Campbell. who waa at the time of her death a realdent of the County of New York, deceased; THEREFORE. You and each of you ara cited to ahow oauae before the Surroaraten' Court of our County of New York at th. Hall of Recorda, ln the County of New York, on the 19th day of March, one thou aand nine hyndred and twenty at half ' paat ten o'clrck In the forenoon of that day. why the aald will and teatament should not be admitted to probata aa a will of reirl a.ul personal property IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF we have I caused .the aeal of the Surrogatea' Court i of the said County of New York to h? ' hereunto affixed. lo pe | Witneas. Honorable John P. Cohalan ,. ,, ? Surrogate of our aald County of [L. S.] New York, at aald County. the 13th day of February. in the year of our Lord one thouaand nine hundred ftn& twenty. DAN1BL J. DOWDNEX, ? Cltfk ci ??? tiutrof attsr fjWrtb IBoverlc, Calcutta.-?-? 2:00 PM Munplace, Cardenas... - 12:00 M/ Munsomo. Nuevltas_?- ia:00 M } Stephen, IS(o de Janelro- 12:00 M Iloilcnos; BuenoB Ayros- 1:00 PM Sail To-morrow FrederUc VIII, Chrls tlsnsand.10:30 AM 2:00 PM Canada, Marsellles ...10:30AM 2:00PM San Jose, Klngston... 8:00 AM 12:00 M West Alsek, Buenos Ayres .- 12:00 M Apache, Jacksonville..- 12:00 M El Mundo, Oalveston.. -T- 12:00 M Momus, Now Orleans.. --- 12:00 M Hull Friday Leopoldlna. Havre..., 8:30 AM 12:00 M Bergensfjord, Chrlstl anla .9:30 AM |:00 PM orro Castle, Havana. 8:30 AM 12:00 M Philadelphia, San Juan 9:30 A_f 1:00 PM Manoa, Ooorgetown.. .12:00 M 3:00 PM Colon, Cristobal .12:00M 4:00 PM Waubesa, Antwerp.... -??? .12:00 M Carolyn, Clenfuegos. .. '?- 12:00 M Delco, Havana.- 12:00 M Craster Hall, Valpa? ralso .- 12:00 M Lake Farlston, Fuerto Colombla ..".?*- 2:00 PM Sail Saturilny Baltlc, Liverpool . 8:00 AM 12:00 M Philadelphia, South? ampton . 8:00 AM 12:00 M Londonler, Antwerp .. 8:00 AM 12:00 M Mormugao, Llsbon ... 8:00 AM 12:00 M Karhanshah, Ilam burg ...,..10:00AM 2:00PM Bronte. Pernambuno.. 6:30 AM 10:00 AM Matura, Georgetown.. 7:00 AM 10:00 AM Zacapa. Port Liroon .. 7:00 AM 11:00 AM Cherokee, Cartagena . 8:00 AM 12:00 M Coamo, San Juan _ 8:30 AM 12:00 M Gen. G. W. Goethals, Cristobal .12:00 M 4:00 PM Columbia, Olasgow ... - 12:00 M Mesnba, London .- 12:00 M West Grove, Man choster .- 12:00 M Charlot, Copenhagen . - 12:00 M Walton Hall, Alex andrla .- 12:00 M Tunica, Patras .- 12:00 M Exetor City. Rrlstol.. - 12:00 M Fram, Tampico .*. - 12:00 M Munamar, Banes .- 12:00 M Edlth, San Juan .- 12:00 M Connorsvllle, St. Thomas .- 1:00 PM West Avenal, Santos. .- 1:00 PM El Monte, New Or? leans .- 12:00 M El Valle, Oalveston...- 12:00 M San Marcos. Oalveston- 12:00 M Lenape, Jacksonville . - 12:00 M AMERICAN PORTS BALTIMORB, March 9?Arrived: Strs Lake Hewes, Rrnlsaf; Hadnot, Tuxpain; Lake Galata, Port Tampa: San Eduardo (Br), Tuxpam; Sorl (Ital), Taranto vla Hampton Roads; Seotlsburg, Liverpool, Rexmore (Br), Liverpool. Cleared: Strs Cojdwater, Oran, Alglers, etc; Castletown. Norfolk and Newport News; San Eduardo (Br tank). Tuxpam; Sherman, Valparalso. CAPE HENRY. Va., March 9?Passed out from Baltlmore: Strs Norman Monarch (Br), Piraeua vla Philadelphia; Seattle Spirit, Philadelphia; Trevean (Br), Calala; Flrmore, Dalqulrl; Lake Tulare, Port Tampa; Waukesha, Boca Grande. I BOSTON, March 9?Arrived: Strs Lake ' Strabo, Oalveston vla New York; Kekettt eut, Baltlmore; Meteor, Newport News; Essex, Philadelphia; Cowan, Norfolk. .Salled: Strs Ernemore (Br), Glasgow vla Halifax, N S; Lake Ellenorah, Charleston I and Jacksonville; Norumbega, Norfolk; I Eyota, Norfolk: Lake Ennls, Norfolk; i Covedale, Norfolk; City of Columbus, Sa? vannah; Nantusket, Baltimore and Nor? folk. CHARLESTON, March 9-?Arrived: Strs Lake Furibault. Jacksonville. and salled for New Tork; Choctaw, Philadelphia. Salled: Str Cicoa, Havana; Lako Yelver ton. Cardenaa and Matanzaa. OALVESTON, March 9?Arrived: Str S M Spauldlng. Tampico. Salled: Strs Gretfryda. (Br), Havre; Ploneer, Jackson? ville; Lampasas, New York; Freeport Sul phur No 1, Freeport. JACKSONVILLE, March 9 ?Arrlvod: Strs Arapahoe, New York vla Charleston; Juniata, Baltlmore vla Savannah; barges Southeast and William J Lermond, Nor? folk (ln tow). Salled: Str Lenape, New York via Charleston. KEY WEST, Fla., March 9?Arrived: Str Onelda, Havana. MOBILE, Ala., March 9?Arrived: Str H F Dlmoek, Bocas del Toro; schr Phlllp M Urooks. Hayti. Salled: Schr Akstrans (Nor). Freeport, England. NEWPORT NEWS, Va, March 9?Ar? rived: Strs West Nosska. Norfolk; Car maratha (Br), Genoa; Teguclgalpa (Hond). New Orleana: Lake Fibre, Norfolk; We.?t Ashaw, Norfolk. Salled: Strs Malvern Rar.go (Br), Norfolk; Hawaiian, Antwerp; Lake Flbre, a part in Panama. NORFOLK, March 9?Arrived: Strs Tidewafr, Genoa; Ahala .Providence; Russ, New York; Lake Fontanet, New Orleans; Tfespool (Br), Newport News; Port Dar wln (Rr), Sydney; bark Rosa M (Ital), Savona. Salled: Strs Kofuku Maru (Jap), Buenos Alres; Minnlo De Larrinaga (Br), Manchester: Port Darwin (Br), London; West Ashawa, Newport News; West Nolska, Newport News; Milllnocket, Antilla; Plke pool (Br), Danzig; Regulus (Nor), New? port News; Sidlaw Rango (Br). Antwerp; achr Wm Taylor. St Georges. NEW ORLEANS, March 9?Cleared: Strs Atenas, Bocas del Toro vla Swan Isl? and and Cristobal; El StRlo. New York; Inspector, Bremen, Germany via Norfolk; Macorls (Br). Guantanamo, Huba; Nelson, Clenfuegos, Cuba; Paiismina, Bocas del Toro vla Cristobal and Havana ; Torres, Tampico; Yoro (Sond). Ceiba. PHILADELPHTK, March 9 ? Arrived: Strs Hotham Newton (Br). Sunderland; Lako Benton. Nuevltas: Lake Glebe. An? tilla; Nameaug, Agua Ama,rga: Duquesne, Portland, Ore; Bayonne, New York; Oulf cll, Port Arthur; Ontario, Boston. Paaeed Delaware Breakwater, bound out from J>hiladelphla: Str AVcstern Ally, Norfolk. "Passed Reedy Island, bound down from | Philadelphia: Strs Parkesvllte, Buenos I Alres; Gulf mald, New York; Mana (Nor), Newport News. PORTLAND, Me, March 9 ? Arrived: Str Crabtree, Norfolk; schr Hespa, Nor? folk for Boston, was blown off shore,and lost spanker. Salled: Str Eleftherios K Venezuelos (Greek), Glbraltar for order*; schr Ella Pierce Thurlow, Norfolk. W PORT EADS, March 9?Arrived: Strs Archltect (Br), Tampa; British Baron (Br), Oardiff; City of Fllne, Philadelphia; Hartfield (Br), Cherbourg, France; Hon duras (Nor), Port Barrlos; Lake Flthian, Providence; Luclgen, Norfolk; Neptune, Frontera; Westlande. Brest. Salled: Strs Herbert G "VTyllc, South Shlolrts, England; Korsfjord (Nor), Progreso; Rochelle (Br), Port Banes, Cuba; York Harbor, Porto Rico. SAVANNAH, March 9?Arrived: Strs West Haven, Hamburg; Western Front, Liverpool; City of Rome, Boston; schr E L Comeau (Br), Key West; barge Herm Itage, Cuba. Salled: Strs Asslnippl, Per nambuco ad Buenos Alres; Fairmont, Hampton Roads; Lake Pepln, St. Mary's; Juniata, Jacksonville; Eurana. Kobe. SAND KEY, Fla.. March 9?Passed west. 8th: Magunkook, Ferrarn. (Ital), Goo<l speed, Amsteldijk (Dutch), Vennacher (Br). 9th: Therca (Swod), Santa Ria, El I Sud, Gymeric (Br), San Jeronimo (Br), Gulf Coast, British Enslgn (Br). FOREIGN FOBT8 Departnres for New Tork Tlorrg Kong?S S St Andrew. Shlelds?S S Wlsla. Fayal?S S Byfleld. Havre? S S France. Rochambeau. Avonmouth?S S Allies. Brlstol?S S Brlstol City. Panama Canal, Cristobal?S S Panaman, Herakles. Marsellles?S S Madonna. Genoa?S S Pesaro. Antwerp?S S Salcdonier. Hull?S S Graciana. Gibraltar?S S Ansaldo II. Alglers?S S Klngsbury. Trleste?S S Federlca, Argentiti.:. Palmero?S S Titanta. Brlxham?S S Watness. Shlelds?S S Sark. Arrivals from New York Hong Kong?S S Cuzco. Yokohama?S S Wlnyah. Shanghal?S S Orteric. Madras?S S Seekonk. Montevldeo?S S Brownlng. Oenoa?S S Dante Aleghlerl, City of St. Joseph. Panama Canal, Cristobal?S S General O H Ernst, Steelage. Port Natal?S S Hypatla. Bahla?S S Tapajoz. Antwerp?S S Nlle. Havre?S S Lafayette. Liverpool?8 S Belglc. Para?S S Justln. Pernambuco?S S Canadian Ploneer. Hull?S 8 Francisco. TKANSPACIFIC MAILS The connecting malls close at the Gen? eral Postoffice and City Hall Postofflce Station, New York, at 6 p. m., as follows: Hawaii, Samoan Islands, Australia and specially addressed mail for New Zealand, vla San Francisco, steamship Sonoma, March 11. Japan, Corea, China, Slam, Siberia, Cochin China, Netherlands East InAiee and Phillpplne Islands, vla Seattle, steamship Suwa Maru, March 14. Tahiti, Marqueaas, Cook Islands, New Zealand and specially addressed mail for Australia, vla San Francisco, steamship Moana, March 17. Big British Strike Averted LONDON, March 9.?The danger of a nation-wide strike of highway trans? port workers, which would have in? volved between 150,000 and 170,000 men, has been averted. At a pro longed conference at the Ministry of _?lr__&__&__? ?stM* to ?u Cashier Killed, Bandit Shot in Battle in Bank Four Men Attempt to Rob Kan sas City Institution, but Are Driven Off KANSAS CITY, March 0.--An at? tempt by four bandits to rob the South Sido Bank, ?Thirty-ninth and Main streetB, in the'heart of the residence district, by daylight to-day, was frus trated when offieials and employees drove off the robbers in a revolver bat? tle. Glenn Shockey, cashier of the bank, was killed, and one of the rob? bers either killed or injurqd. An official of the bank saw the four men reach for their weapons aa they approached the door of the bank, and he attempted to close the door. One of the bandits fired, and the shot grazed the official's head. An attempt by the janitor to assist in preventillg the en trance of the men resulted in further shots being fired. One of these killed Shockey, who was behind%the counter. As the four men forced their way through the doorway of the bank Henry Strohmeyer, bookkeeper, dropped be? hind his desk, and with a revolver opened fire on the robbers. Shockey likewise is said to havo flred a re? volver from his cage. The bandits fled without getting near the counter. As they leaped into their motor car a shot struck the last man and he crumpled. His companions dragged him into the car as it sped away. A motor car salesman.gave chase for several blocks through the residence district, but gradually was left behind. The South Side Bank was helj up February 2 by a single robber, wnw es caped with $4,000. Army Orders From The Tribune's Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, March 9.? Navy orders iHued to-day follow: Aiken. Lt M. K., to ti. S. 8. John D. Ed? wards when commlssioned. Baker, Lt. Z. A., to destroyer squadron 2, U. S. Pacific fleet. Brown, Lt. L. F., to U. S. S. 0-5. Butts, Lt. Comdr. H., to naval hospital, San Diego. Cain, Lt (J. G.) D. A., to duty Virgin Isls. Dann, Gun. C. L., to U. S. S. Olympia. Dunning, Lt. F. W., to U. & S. Eagle 46. Hayes, Lt. (J. G.) F. E., to board valuation commandeered property, Navy Departf ment, Washington. Hazard. Ens. M., to U. S. S. Eagle 54. Heck, Lt. J. C, to U. S. S. Eagle 46. Kenyon, Comdr. G. W., to Command U. S. S. Lca. Lieber, Ens. J.. M., to U. S. S. Hovey. Megin, Pharm. H. J., to duty with 7th Regi? ment Marines, Camaquay. Mewshaw, Lt. (J. G.) H. A., to U. S. S. Pyro when commission ed. Mulrooney, Ens. L. J., to U. S. S. Eagle 23. Murphy, Ens. C. P., to U. S. S. Eagle 54. Permut, Ens. R. E., to U. S. S. Eagle 46. Pollock. Lt. W., to U. S. S. Pyro when com miasioned. Provost, Lt. (J. G.) A. B., to U. S. S. Pyro when commissioned. Quinlan, Lt. Comdr. E. H., to command U. S. S. L-8. Salfi Lt. E. F., to U. S. S. Pyro when com mlesioned. Smith, Comdr. C. E.. to command U. S. S. Sinclair. Snead, Lt. G. M? to submarine duty. Stewart, Comdr. L. M., to command U. S S Yarnall. Swynenburg, Lt. (J. Q.) S. P., to U. S S Bancroft. Clark, Lt. I., to U. S. S. Nereus. Gunn, Lt. W. E., to 6th Naval District q_Y* t iT'^f;' to marine recruiting office, balt Lake City. Usera, Lt. (J. G.), V. H.. to Porto Rico. - T Many Notable Guests Attcnd Reception bv Studio Club Tho Studio Club of New York com posed of girls studying music', art dancing, various forms of lierature and tbe theater, gave a reeeption vester day at its clubhouse, .'35 East Sixtv-sec ond Street. The guests of honor included Daniol Chester French, Herbert D. Adams, Paul Dougherty, Augustus Thomas, Francis Rogers, Thomas Fogartv. Miss Ethel Barrymore, Mrs. May Wilson J reston, John Drew, Miss Lydia Field Emmet, Frank McGlynn, F. Luis Mora Mme. Sembrjch. Mme. Homer, Rubin Goldrnark and Walter Damrosch. Sascha Jacobson played. ?-????-_ Australia Growing Lucerne On the Merridin State Farm in West? ern Australia trial plantings of lucerne at the rnte of five pounds of seed an acre hav? producod crops at the rate of sixty-one hundredweight an ncre TRAVEL _ -HLines american une Post Mail Steamers NEW YORK?PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON Philadelphia 12 Noon-Mar. 13|Apr. lOlMay 8 New York 12 Noon Mar. 27 Apr. 24 May 22 St. Paul 1, Noon Apr. 3|May. 1 May 29 NEW YORK?HAMBURG Manchuria ..Mar.27iMay 8 June 19|July 31 Mongolia . .Apr. 10|May 22|July 3 Aug. 14 PHILADELPHIA?LIVERPOOL Haverford .Apr. 10 RED STAR LINE N. Y.-SOUTHAMPTON?ANTWERP Kroonland .Mar.24|May liJune S Lapland ...Apr. 3|May 8i June 12! July 17 !llnl1and_.Apr. 7|May 15jJune 19 Zeeland . .r..July 24 WHITE STAR LINE N. V.-CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON Adriatic 4 p.m. Mar. 20| Apr. 24lMay 29; July 3 __._ ?-^S<LR"rularly Theresfter OLYMPIC it8, &3 NEW YORK-LIVERPOOL Balbc 12 m. Mar. 13 Apr. 17|May 22June20 Cednc .Apr. 101-1_ Oriana .end Apr.!-j_ Celtic s p.m.May 15!June 19lJuly 24 NEW YORK-AZORES-GIBRALTAR NAPLES?GENOA Canopic 3 P.M. .... Mar. 16 May 11 July 8 Crehc 3 p.m. Mar. 31 May 26 July 21 International Mercantile Marine Company 9 Broadway New York /rft/,, you going- to W/ Europe?Send for VTjfl Y "The American Traveler* f in Europe?1920" 1 It Solves the Problem. . t_cA\ Mailed Free. tL^i -***\ "IERICAN EXPRESS /S.J 'a^! ^f***' ^zsy* FALL RIVER LINE To BOSTON r*?m Wer 14, ti. B., Fulton St.. 5-oe p il -__? Orehaatrai on Each ???--- ' "? NEW LONDON (.NOKYVirnrrvi., ?. Philadelphia.Mar. 13|Maracaibo. . Mar 17 .Caracaa.Mar. 24 X.uiia... Mar ai BLISS. DALLETT & CO./Oe'nl.Mer.. ?b0?? Jle72_g?nover- S2 Wall Strt'et. CENTRAL HUDSON TjNlT" ?errtca Alaooat_tut?4 tw tte ?eajaa. TRAVEL TRAVEL RAYMOND-WHITCOMB ' TOURS*"CRUISES The Best la Travel Special Easter Cruise to the West Indies Spend the laat dlaagrceable days of our long-drawn-out Winter crulatna among the aunny lalanda of the Carlbbean. The wonderful Weat Indian Cllmate la then at Ita beat and the magnlflcent troplcal foresta are with flowers. _ Sail April 3 And Meet Spring* Half way Thla cruise Ineludes Cuba, , Jamaica. Panama, Central America and Nassau; Easter AVeek, ln fasclnatlng Havana. Other Tours to California' Europe, South America, Japan-China, Round-the-World Write at once for details Raymond & Whitcomb Co. 225 Flfth Avenue Telephone Madison Square 6270 ENGLAND^BELGIUM *THE RED STAR LINE Steamers "LAPLAND" and "ZEELAND" and the American Flag Steamers "KROONLAND" and "FINLAND"?ihe latter three equipped for Oil-Fuel?sail regu larly between New York, South? ampton and Antwerp. *COMFORT, SERVICE and unexcelled cuisine are to be found aboard these splendid vessels. INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE COMPANY "KROONLAND" March 24, May 1, June 5 "LAPLAND" Aprll 3, May is, Juno 12, July 17 "FINLAND" April 7. May 15, Juna 1> "ZEELAND" July 21 RED STAR LINE 9 Broadway, New York AMERICAN LINE New York?Plymouth Cherbourg?Southampton One Class Cabin Service Moderate Rates Fast United States Mail Steamers 'PHILADELPHIA" Mar. 13 Apr. 10 May 8 Jut S "NEW YORK" Mar. 27 Apr. 24 May 22 Jut II "ST. PAUL" Apr. 3 May 1 May 29 Jut 21 International Mercantile Marine Co. \~ OFFICES: 9 Broadway, New York Tlione 8300 Bowllng Green '< 1'ussciiKer iibU FroinUl Services. ! Vasari .New York to Liverpool . ' Columbia .New York " Londonderry and Giasgow. . . . ! Mauretania .New York " Cherbourg and Southampton. . i Italia .New York " Naples . Pannonia.New Yark " Patras, Dubrovr.ik and Tricste. Saxonia.New York. Imperator .New York Carmania .New York Royai George .New York Mauretania .New York Columbia .New York K. A. Victoria.New York {tr.perator ....New York Mauretania .New York Carmania .New York Caronia .New York For .M?T. .Mar. .Mar. .Mar. .Mar. Plymouth, Hamburg and London.Apr. " Cherbourg and Southampton.Apr. Liverpool .Apr. " Plymouth, Havre and Southampton.Apr. " Cherbourg and Southampton.Apr. " Londonderry and Giasgow.Apr. Liverpool .Apr. Cherbourg and Southampton.May Cherbourg and Southampton.May " Liverpool.May Plymouth. Cherbourg and Liverpool.May Ialer fiailinfrs apply to 21-24 STATE S1RE?T. NEW YORK. &MPASKIE 6WERALE TBANSATLAHTIQU5 feprca* PottaJ garvico Special Departure s. s. "LE0P0LDINA" (Former S. 8. Bluecher) NEW YORK?HAVRE March 12th Noon Exoellent Accommodations All Clause* NEW YORK?HAVRE l.A TOTJRAINE.MAR. 10, APR. 84? JOB 2 FRANCE.MAR. 18, APR. 14, MAY U ROCHAMBEAU. . MAR.19, APR.23, MAY 27 I.A SAVOIE. . .MAR. 27, MAY 23, JUNE 19 IA LORRAINE. .APR. 3, MAY 1, MAY 2? LAFAYETTE. . . APR. 10, MAY 8, JUNE 5 NEW YORK.?BORDEAUX NIAOARA (From Pler 84, N. R.). MAR. 25 COMPANY'S OFF1CK. 19 STATffi 8T.. N. T. European Steamship Reservations Now Is the beat time to plan your Bure pean trip. We are offlcially appolnted agents of all the Transallantic Steamship lines and are authorlzed to make reservationi, for nish latest salling schedules and di&grami and IssuS actual tlckets at regular Com? panies' tariffs. Also furnlsh complete passport Infor? mation. FRANK JOURIST C0. (Established 1875) 489 Fifth Ave., New York Phone 7390 Vanderbilt GET YOUR STEAMSHIP INFORMATION from General Headquarters In any city the Raymond-Whltcomb offlce is the place to bring your steam? ship problema. Wo are offlcially ap pointed agents of all TranaaUantic and lranspacitlc lines and can furnlsh choice reservations and tickets to Europe, West Indies,- South America and any part o< tne world. Come to us and let our exp?rts tell you just what you want to k-nov; about sailings by ail lines and C'omparativo cost of accommodatlona RAYMOND & WHITCOMB CO. n'A' 5^?-.,or Steamship Information 255 Flfth Ave., N. Y. Tel. Mad. 8<i. 6270 VISITORS EXCURSION SUNDAY, MAR. 14 Philadelphia$2.70 leave West? 23d St., 7:47; Liberty St., 8:00; Jackson Ave., Jersey City' 8:19; Newark, 8:13 a.m. Swcdish American line Direct to "., GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN s.s ST0CKH0LM 22,070 TONS DIKPL. MARCHM2CTH May .Ist Short route to SCANDINAVIA Daily connections to Germany *?? all part* of Continent. German Subjects no longer f> quire Permit to depart. PASSENGER OFFICE. 24 State St., *? ? pRimMNTERN\TIOVli ^ tgAVELSERVjCt ?-.._. riynHi-nsS sATtf>rAC i." Reservations Everywliere Accurate Passport Informa <r AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL, TRAFFIC \ND TRAVEL 8VM-Al 2'.' PnL*<8ciw- Suite ~in - Bcudiu r-i ? "THE PCBUO BE PLEA8ED" C0L0N1AL LINE BOSTON B<??*4.40 PROVIDENCE IS*, S2.97 AIJL OUTSIDE STATEROOMS $10* to UM Seat UhnPnt M. N.rtb HMt. Dally * tufliay. _? ? *? tt. 'Poaa* Serlas Mtt. STATE SSIBOSTOH^ Jf'0?'"t?-,$4.i2. Providencedirect.9Z.W. OI'TSIDE STATEROOMS ?ft? * M lfc OaIl? lncludin* Sunday. 6:00 PM D1NAVIAN ERICAN N0RWAY. SWEDjJ, DENMARI, PpLAIV Conunental ??*?*?, FrtderikVIU.sf^'J Oscar IL?April ? FrederikVUI.IbJ,; 1 FrederikVIHltotf For Paaaenser Rate*. etc, 1 WmT.J^ IpnmT'Q Travel UUUlV 0 Service COVERS THE WOBJLD . THOS. COOK & SON ^ Ui B'WAT_ MI FIFTjIj*^ HT7DSON RIVER ?AT *<?**,,. Dayllcbt service np tha Hudson omssr ? CANADIAN PACIFIC KAILWAV Hotal^Trans-Cpntlaeatal AU-y?r