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BONDS Long and- Short Maturities United State? Gov*t Foreign Government Municipalities Railroads Public Utilities Industrials also Strong Industrial Preferred Stocks TheNationalGty Company ?ata Ofllee* flatten?1 City Sank SalUtr* Uptown Offle?. F.rtn Ave. ft, 48r? St. Correspondent Offlcss in ever i S Cities Hartshorne, Fales & Co. Members Net? York Stock Exchange 71 Broadway Telephone 7610 Bowling Ores? Jelke, Hood & Bolles BONDS NOTES STOCKS Suitable for investment MEMBERS NY- STOCK EXCHANGE AQ WALL ST, NEW YORK Founded 1797 Seasoned Investments 30 Pine Street New York Bonds for Investment Harris, Forbes & Co Pine Street, Corner William NfciW YORK Plan to Grow Own Cotton British Manufacturers to Pro? vide $75,000,000 for Project LONDON, March 11.?Empire cotton growing; on a commercial basis almost immediately is foreshadowed from a meeting: held yesterday in the House of Commons, which was attended by pome of the Lancashire, members of the House and other persons financially interested in the cotton trade, accord? ing to "The Manchester Guardian." A suggestion was approved, says the newspaper, that the Lancashire cap? italists provide 15,000.000 pounds ster? ling for commercial dovolopment, to be invested in cotton growing in some selected colony or colonies, subject to reasonable facilities by road and rail to be provided by the colonies where cotton is grown. The meeting was adjourned for a week In order that Inquiry might be mad? into the practicability of Lan Ms-lr? pro-iding the 914,000400. Market Shows Resistance to Heavy Pressure Short Sales and Profit Taking Easily Absorbed; Oil and Motor Shares Are Strong and Active Although the upward movement of security prices were somewhat less vig? orous yesterday, the stock market as a whole was strong. Excellent resistance to the considerable pressure which de? veloped as a result of profit taking and short selling was displayed at all times. Brokers saw in the strong under? tone evidence of a good technlcaleposi tion, especially as prices had been ad? vancing rather steadily since Monday afternoon and a sharp reaction, there forer* would have been natural. Interest centered largely on the oil and motor shares. The former were stimulated bv the announcement that the Standard Oil Company of New York had increased the price of gaso? line 2 cents a ?allon. This was ac? cepted as another indication that oil producing and refining companies are in a favorable position owing to the enormous demand for their products. The statistical evidence tends to show that in spite of the tremendous boom which has been witnessed in the oil business, including the development of a number of important fields, the demand for petroleum and its products is in excess of-the current output, so that trade interests are freely predict? ing even higher prices. There is talk of $10 a barrel for Pennslyvania crude. These things tend to stimulate specu? lation in oil shares, perhaps to a greater extent than is warranted, since at present prices the stocks of many companies may have discounted a good deal in the way of increased earnings. There was nothing in the news to account for the strength of the motor issues. Probably it was based more on technical conditions than anything else. A substantial short interest in the motors has been built up during the recent advance?an advance which amounts to over 100 points in General Motors?and the continued. Btrength of the market is inducing some of the bears to cover rather than face the possibility of further losses. Copper shares generally held most of the-gains made in preceding sessions. The coppers are influenced a good deal more vthan most stocks by the trend in 'the foreign exchange market, because so much of their product is sold abroad. The pound sterling yesterday sold at $3.83, or 61 cents above its re? cent low, and other foreign moneys gained proportionately. Later, a sharp reaction wiped out the ?rains reported earlier in the day, but this was not especially disturbing in view .of the extent and rapidity of the recent ad? vance. There is an inclination in some quar? ters to ascribe the recovery in foreign exchange rates to improvement in the trade outlook. This view may possibly prove to be the correct one, although that is doubtful. It should be remem? bered that more than one element en? ters into the exchange rates. The export trade itself has held up very well, as the January figures show but it is to bo expected that the Feb? ruary statistics will exhibit a declin? ing tendency, which will continue for some time, until eventually the bal? ance is restored to something like a normal basis. Money yesterday renewed at 7 per cent, . which rate was maintained throughout the session. There was no ; change in the time money situation, the I supply continuing so scant that high bids failed to develop any considerable offerings. ? ? -?-? Money and Credit Call money rates were unchanged yesterday from the preceding day, all loans being arranged at 7 per cent. Bankers stated that much of the ap? parent ease of the past week has been I due to the deposit of funds in New ? York for payment of taxes next Mon I day. In view of the proximity of these j payments there was more of a feeling i yesterday that rates may work higher i until after they have been concluded. ? In some banking quarters the opinion I was held that the government would not redeposit a large part of the tax I moneys in the New York banks. The ruling rate for money yester? day, compared with a year ago, follows: Ye s tor- Year Call money: day ago On mixed collateral.... 7 5 On industrial collateral 7 5M? Time money (mixed collateral): Sixty days.8%@9 5%@53i Ninety days.8%@9 6%@5% Four months.8%@9 6?<?@5% Four to six months..SUa. 9 5%@5% Bank Clearings?Bank clearings in New York and other cities yesterday were: Exchanges. Balances, i New York -$831,864,532 $79,737,029 ' Baltimore . 20,306,145 6,840,197 Boston ..'.. 55,998,294 15,512,061 Detroit . 18,018,433 4,105,000 Philadelphia ... 79,424,169 17,472,232 Pittsburgh _ 26,039,355 9,310,471 Sub-Treasury?United States Federal Reserve? credit balance, $68,292,397. Silver ? London, 69%d; New York, $1.21; Mexican dollars, 92%c The Dollar in Foreign Exchange Sterling exchange climbed slightly above $3.83 a pound yesterday, the highest level reached since the recovery : from the low level attained early in ; February, when the pound was quoted ! as low as $3.18. After touching the , high mark sterling exchange, reacted 1 and sold down to $3.7225 at the closo. i Francs and lire moved up and down i with sterling and, like the latter, closed ! at a lower level than that of the pre ? vious day. Marks also reacted some? what. Yesterday's rates, compared with those of a week ago, follow: (Quoted dollars to the pound.) Yester- Week day. ago. Sterling, demand.$3.7225 $3.5525 i Sterling, cables .3.73 2M ! Sterling, sixty days_8.6875 8.5275 i Sterling, ninety days.. 3.6725 3.5125 (Quoted units to the dollar.) ; Francs, checks . 13.39 13.80 Francs, cable3 . 13.37 13.78 Belgium, francs, chks. 12.82 13.52 Belgium, francs, cables 12.80 13.50 Lire, checks . 17.97 1S.07 Lire, cables. 17.95 18,05 Swiss, francs, checks.. 5.82 C.06 Swiss, francs, cables... 5.80 6.04 (Quoted cents to the unit.) Guilders, checks . 86.125 37.375 Guilders, cables . 36.25 37.50 Austrian crowns, checks .45 .38 Austrian crowns, cables .46 . .89 Sweden, checks .20.35 18.80 Sweden, cables .20.45 18.90 Denmark, checks. 17.75 15.15 Denmark, cables . 17.85 15.25 Norway, checks. 17.65 17.35 Norway, cables . 17.75 17.45 Pesetas, checks. 17.72 17.55 Pesetas, cables . 17.80 17.42 Greece, checks. 11.33 11.52 Greece, cables. 11.43 11.60 Manila, checks _.... 49.00 49.00 Manila, cables .49.25 49.25 India, rupees, checks... 45.25 45.625 India, rupees, cables... 45.50 45.875 Japan, yen, checks.46.25 46.75 Japan, yen, cables.46.50 47.00 Argentina, cheeks.102.00 102.00 Argentina, cablea .101.50 101.50 Brazil, Rio, checks-27.75 27.75 Brazil, Rio, cable?.28.00 28.00 Mark?, check? . 1.46 1.02 Marks, cables. 1.47 1.03 Obsacho-Slov-kia, che?tks.. 1.28 1.08 X Transactions Yesterday in Listed Stocks Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings (Copyright, 192?, New York Tribune, Ine.> Yesterday. Rnilroad stocks ... 166,700 Other stocks ...... 1,273,200 All stocks. 1,439,900 Dar Bvfore. 278,600 1,203,200 1,481,700 Yesterday. V. a. ?roremraen* bonds. $7,440,000 Railroad bond? . 1,074,000 Other bonds ........... 8,124,000 AU bonds . 11,644,000 Day before. $8,451,000 1,114,000 8,326,000 12,891,000 Year ^^^^^^^^ aero. 1920. 266,300 6,763,300 849,200 42,971,100 1,115,600 49,734,400 Year ago. $6,946,000 1,139,000 2,412,000 9,498,000 January 1 to date. 1919. 5,991,200 25,163,300 31,154,500 1920. $652,971,000 70,516,000 83,514,000 807,001,000 1918. 7,481,500 25,116,900 82,598,400 1919. $464,822,000 68,119,000 78,214,000 611,155,000 Record of Stock and Bond Averages (Copyright, 1020, New York Tribune. Inc.) Range thus Range foil Day Year far 1920. year 1919. Yesterday. Before. Ago. High. Low. High. 20 Railroad ?lock? . 68.45 68.45 72.35 68.45 68.60 78.80 30 Industrial stocks ..J_ 98.50 98.03 89.00 110.30 88.70 119.33 50 Stocks . 86.48 86.20 82.88 92.66 77.14 99.64 10 Railroad bonds . 73.96 73.80 80.40 76.28 71.76 82.80 10 Industrial bonds . 89.20 89.37 94.75 91.45 89.20 95.70 5 Utility bonds . 73.76 73.66 85.87 74.63 73.48 87.76 t& Bonds . 80,01 79.99 87.24 81.71 79.48 87.91 Low. 63.35 79.20 75.92 72.83 90.56 71.80 80.21 1920. Rat?. 25 ? C5 6 65!4 6 1'/2-~ 1% ? 36!/4 ? BQ'/a 7 82 8 75 8 128% 105 10 205 170J4 12 31% 38% ? 143% 1241/8 12 116!/4 112'/8 7 64% 397a 4 1BZO. 36 72 88% 2 ZVa 63% 92 95 95'/2 Sales. Open. High. how. 83% 69'/* 74% 1% 2'/4 42% 82 90% 84i/a 15'/8 117 30% 122 47 68 120'/2 14!/2 86% 99% 105% 106 3oyg 72 MjOVa S2 115% 46?4 Adams Express .... 4100 Advance Rumely pr. 1800 Ajax Rubber . 100 Alaska Gold Mines'.. 2400 Alaska Junenu . 200 Allis-Chalmers . S900 Allis-Chnlmcrs pr .. 1000 Amer Agr Chem- 1600 Amor Beet Su/iar ... 800 Amor Bosch Mag... 2800 116 Am Brk Sh & Fdy pr 1000 199 Amer Can . 16900 47 Amer Car & Fdry.. Amer Car & Fdry pr American Cotton Oil .80 Am Drag Syndicate. 95 6 American Express .. 18J/Z~ Amer Hido & Leath. 90'/a 7 Am Hide & Leath pr 38 4 Amer Ice Securities. 63 6 Am Ice Securities pr 87 8 Amer Internat Corp 12% 1 American La Frnnco 74% 3 American Linseed .. 92/2 7 American Linseed pr 82 6 Amer 104 7 Amer 36 33 69% 60'A 74% 74% 1% 1% 2/4 2'A 44 42/4 84 82 91 90% 84% 84/a 118 116 205 199 47/a 46/a 2600 141/4 141/4 139% 140/4+ 100 113/4 113/4 113/4 113/4? chge. Bid. Ask. 81/4 83 68/a 74 1% 2/4 42/4 82 90/4 84% ?Class. 83 - 69%+ V? 74%+ 1% 1% 2/4 42/4+ Va 83/2+ 2V? 91 + 2/4 84/2+ /a 117/4+ 1/4 116 205 %30 195 46/a+ % 46/4 /a 139% 140/4 112/a 115 69/a 76/a 2 2% 43 83 91 843,4 117 214 4634 400 47 47/4 47 47/4+ 1/4 **3/a 47 1800 12% 12% 12% 12%? V? 12% 12% 2400 115 117 115 115 + 2% 113 115 800 23/4 23/2 23/4 23%+ /e 23/B 23% 3900 107 107 10534 106 + /a 105% 10634 200 46 46/a 46 46 + Va 45 47 200 64% 643,4 64% 64%+ 1/4 64/4 65 9100 1000 1000 400 Locomo . 13900 100/2 101% Locomotive pr 200 106 106 98/2 100 13 13 83/a 8334 93 93 98% 13/2 83 95 1634 ? 56 9334 80 86 39 140/2 123/a 99 77 100% 96/a 283 225 74% 64% 97% 92/a 6 165/a II2I4 7 61% 38'A ? 4 7 6 8 3 7 10 8 20 6 Amcr Ship & Com. . American Sme'?nj?. . Amer Smellintr pr. .. Am Smelt pr A. American Snuff .... Am Steel Foundry... American Sugar .... Am Sumatra Tob... 19800 4-100 200 200 98 98%+ % 9834 13 13 ? 'A 13 82/4 82/4? % 82 93 93?1 93 9934 100 ? /a 9934 100/s 106 106 ? 1 105 107 27/2 28 27/4 27/4+ 1 27/4 68 68 66% 66%? % 66% 94/a 94/a 94/a 94/2+ /2 94 81 81 81 81 ? % 80 300 II2/4 II2/4 II2/4 II2/4+ 8/8 112 1600 46/a 46/a 45/2 45/a? /2 46/2 2100 132% 132% 130 131 ? 1% 131 700 91% 92/a 90/4 90/4? /a SOJ* 27% 66% 95 82 116 45% 132/a 91 99/4 95/a+ 3 84 05/a 126/a 127 46/a 46% 21% 65/4 27/4 67/4 125 86/a 82 9 93 176/a 137 75 63 16/a ? 64 4 23 ? 45% 4 107 6 76 6 76 B 6/4 ? 84 7 10 5 Am Teleg & Tel. 7100 99/4 100% 99 99 ? Ve ?9 Amer Tobacco. 2600 269 ?65 ?59 ?84%+ 8 ?64/a ?65 Am Tobacco Sec,.... 19800 63% 67/4 63% 64^+ 8% 64/4 64% Am Tob pr now. 200 95/2 86/2 95/a American Woolen.... ?4100 129 131 Va 126 Am Writ Paper pr.. 700 46/a 46% 46/a Amer Zinc . 800 20/4 20/2 19% Anaconda. 4100 60% 60% 69% Ann Arbor pr . 200 25/4 25/4 86/4 Aasoc Dry Goods ... 2000 49 49/4 48 Associated Oil . 400 117 117/2 117 At, Top & San Fo.. 2600 86 86 8514 900 80 80 78/a 100 8?4 834 834 114 112/a 7 123/a 103/2 3/a 102/a 98% 7 38% 23/4 ? 49% 42 4 134% 114 8 1% 31% 95/4 102/a 114 15 11 15 120 8 11/2 291/4 27/4 28% 85/a 46 75/2 68 134 10434 1 ? 17/2 ? 77/a B 81/a 5 108 8 10% 7/4 10 93 6?4 7% V 22 ? 15 ? 17 ? 74 6 2734 65 . 7 59/a 4 115/4 10 72 5 20134 175 8 61% 454 4 62 47 4 14534 117/a 10 At, Top & San Fe pr. Atl, Birm & Atl_ Atl Coast Line. At!, Gulf & W I... Atl, Gulf & W I pr. Atl Refln pr. Baldwin Loco Co... Baldwin Loco Co pr. Balti & Ohio. Haiti & Ohio pr_ Barrett Company ... Batopilas Mining.... Beth Motors . 4400 Bethlehem Steel. Beth Stl, Class B_ Beth Steel 8% pr. .. Brooklyn Rapid Tr.. Bkyn Rap Tr ctfs... 400 89% 89% 88% 4C00 107% 159% 157 400 65 65 65 100 114 114 114 113/a 114/4 ? Booth Fisheries. 4600 37100 120/4 122% 119/2 120/2+ 1/4 120/4 120/2 200 991-4 99/4 99/4 99/4+ /4 99 100 9100 37% 38% 37 37 - 36% 400 49 49 48/a 48/a-? <8 R00 125/2 127 125/2 125/re- 124 200 1% 1/8 1/a 1/a- 1 22% 25/4 2234 25 + 2/4 2434 300 86/2 88 86/2 88+1 86 30100 92% 94/8 91% 92/4+ % 92/8 300 113 113 113 14% 14% 1434 103/4 1034 10/a 11% 11% 11% 2100 700 10 Burns Bros . 400 10834 108% 107/2 107/2 + 591/_ 734 9/4 10% 27/a 42 /a 61/a 91/2 106 /a 41% 78 66/2 54/2 21/4 41% 4034 44/2 ?.'7 65/a 9234 67 ' 65 63/a 87/3 20% 13% 93% 107 S1/4 240 54/a 85% C6% 105 9 16% 5% 11 67/2 28 39 147 15% 27 95 9034 15/2 35/2 48 3 6/2 19/2 192 73% 100 9434 172 435 85/4 90 33 85% 102% 65/a 49% 81% 41 38/8 8/2 84% 63% 71 16 93% 221/. 47 4 ? 4% ? 7 ? 21 2 30/4 ? 45% ? Brunswick . 300 Butte Cop & Zinc. .. 800 Butte & Sup Copper. 1600 Butterick Co . 700 Caddo Oil . 2200 California Packing.. 200 California Petroleum. 6100 Calif Petroleum pr.. Calumet & Arizona. Canadian Pacific ... Central Leather .... Central of N J _ Cerro De Pa3co. 71 CO Certainteed Corp ... Chandler Motors ... Chesapeake & Ohio. Chic & East III. Chic & East Ills pr.. Chic Great West_ Chic Great West pr. 200 200 4400 800 120O 400 300 Chic, Mil & St Paul 1S6O0 75 78 23/3 64/a 64 42 15/a 31% 333/a 36/4 20 36/a 87% 53 44 65/a 75 16% 10/a 76/4 101 25 189 39/a ? 79/2 7 89% 9 165 10 6 ? 9 ? 3/a ? 7/2 56 2 29/a ? 33 3 99 5 9/a ? 17% ? 65/a 8 85 8 10 ? 26/4 3 33 3 21 ? 12 ? 183 8 58/a 6 98 7 85 7 152/a 8. 225/a 12 69/a 6 84 7 24/a ? 64% 6 92 7 36 <? 31/4 2 68!4 7 33 4 2934 ? 7 ? 57% ? 50 4 51 6 13* ? Chic, Mil & St P pr 7 Chic & Northwest.. 3 Chic Pneumatic Tool Chic, R I & Pacific. 7 Chic, R I & P 7% pr 6 Chic, K I & P 6% pr C, C C & St Louis. Chile Copper . 9200 V/z Chm? Consol Copper 18?}0 Coca Cola . 1800 Col Fuel & Iron. Col & Southern. Columbia Graph ... Columbia Graph pr. Columbus Ga? & Elec Comp Tab Record... Consol Cigars . Consolidated Gas ... Consol Int Calla Min Continental Candy .. Corn Corn 2000 200 3100 50 2600 400 400 10100 1600 300 Products .24100 Products pr.. % Con Textile . 200 23 12 Crucible Steel . 121O0 220 6600 48 1CC 82/4 100 96% 400 1S3 1000 7/2 Cuba Cano Sugar... Cuba Cane Sugar pr. Del & Hudson. Del, Lack & West.. Denv & Rio Gr. Denv & Rio Gr pr.. 1800 14% Dul, So Sh & Atl... 200 4/a Dul, So Sh & Atl pr. 200 10 ' Durham Hosiery .... 200 56 Elk Horn Coal. 3600 24/? Elk Horn Coal pr.... 100 37 7% 7% 7% 10/a 10/a 9% 27% 28 27 19/a 19/a 18/a 22/a 23/2 22/2 80/a 80/a '79/2 36/8 38/a S6/a 72 72 72 65 65 64'4 2000 126/a 126% 126/a 126/2+ 6100 86/2 88/4 85% 88 + 234 87% 20O 20134 20134 201% 20134 + 1034 190 52 52 51/a 61/a? /3 51 800 55 56 65 66 + 1/8 62 24100 141/2 145% 141 144/4+ 5/4 144 69% 69% 68% 68/a- 68I4 6 6% 6 6%+ 1% 7/4 734 8/a 734 8/4+ 1/4 8 9% 934 934 934? 1/4 9/4 26/3 26% 26/a 26%? /? 86/4 41 42/a 40/4 40/2+ /a 40/4 61 61/2 69/2 59/2? 34 69/4 91 91 90 90/a? % 89% 88 88 88 88 + 2/4 87 39/2 3934 38 38/a? /a 38/8 77/2 78 77/a 78 + 66 66 65/4 65/4? 52 54/a 52 54/a+ 3/4 I8/4 18% 18/a 18/4? '/4 35/a 35/a 34% 353/a+ % 37/a 37% 36/a 36/a? 40% 41 4034 41 + 26/4 26/4 26/4 26/4 + 47% 48% 47% 47% + 8734 89 87% 89 ? 59% 60 59 59 ? 50/a 60/a 50/a 60/a? 61 62 61 62+2 82/a 85/a 82/2 83%+ 1% 19/a 19% 19/a 19/a? /a 1034 11 1034 11 + /8 92/4 93% 91/4 Si/a? % 200 105% 105% IOS/2 IO5/2? 1/2 28 28 28?1 232% 227 /a 228/a+ 40/2 45/2 45/a? 82 /4 824 96% 96% 195 194 7/a 7200 160O 200 39900 800 1000 830 '/a 1% ?A /4 Ve Va 15 4/a 10 56 24% 37 Endicott-Johnson 1800 IO7/2 Erie . 8400 Erie 1st pr. 8300 Famous Players. 1600 15% 2434 80 90 15/a 33 80% 13/2 69 50/a 83 61% 4% 15,8 135 115 51% 111% 89!?8 2634 61/a 2134 44/4 19/a 152/? 106 96 105 90 33% 48/2 &1% 12/4 224 38% 471 /? Wa ? II234 6 IIO34 7 27% ? 76/a * 70% ? 19% ? 35/a ? 14 _ 39% ? 13% ? 4 8 66 ? 27% 2 24% 63 Famous Players pr... 100 Fed Min & Smelt.... 300 Fed M & Smelt pr.. 1000 Fisk Rubber Tire.... 1600 38'4 Froeport Teins . 900 25/0 Gaston Williams .... 700 16% General Chemical.... 100 192 General Cigar . 1S00 69% General Cigar pr_ 200 98 Gen Citfar pr deb_ 200 G7 General Electric. 2100 163 General Motors .298C0 318 Gen Motors 6% deb.. 1400 72|,4 Gen Motors 7% deb.. 1000 86 Gen Motors ctfs. 38600 31/2 Goodrich, B F. 5?C0 73'/a Goodrich, B F, pr.. 400 944 , Granby Mining _ 800 33J4 Gray Davis . 200 35/? Great Northern pr.. 2000 81% Gt North Ore subs.. 1600 39 Greene Can Copper. 2000 35% Gulf Mob & North.. 200 9 Gulf State 8tcel. 1000 68% Hask & Bark Car Co 4800 61% Homestake. 800 55 Hupp Motors . 4000 144 Illinois Central . 400 93>/z Internat Agrien! ... 3000 19?/2 Internat Agr?cul pr. 200 74'/2 Inspiration Copper . 3200 56% Interbor-Con Corp . 7100 44 Interbor-Con Corp pr 3900 15% Internat Harvester . 1300 130 Internat liar pr_ 500 111 Int Mer Marino. 6100 36% Int Mcr Marine pr..v, 4400 Inter Paper . 12900 Inter Nickel . 8900 14% 4/a 10 56 20 37 107% 106% 1069? 15% 14% 14% 24/2 79/a 90 15/a 33 37% 25/a 16 192 (.934 98 87 77 65 52/4 I8I/4 35 36 40/2 25/a 4734 88 69 61 62 8334 /a 19/a /a 1034 % 91% Va 105 27/a /a 228 45/2 82 95/a 190 7/a % Iron Products . Jewel Tea. Jewel Tea pr. Sans City South... Kelly Springfield ... Kelly Spring 8% pr. Kelaey Wheel Co.... Kennecott Copper .. 1.20 Keystone Tire . 6 Lackawanna Steel .. 700 200 200 2100 9?4 8C% 22% 43% 15% 41 18 S00O 122 200 9934 24% 81/4 90 15/a 35 38/a 25% 17/a 192 63% 98 87 I68/4 167 330 318 7334 72 86 33 74 9V/z 41 354 81% 39/2 36 9 69 63/a 65 15/4 93% 21/4 75% 56% 4% 15/a 130 111 37% 93 82% 2234 45 15% 41 18% 14/a 434 10 54 23 33 106 /a 107 14% 15 24/a 79% 8934 14 33 37% 25 85/2 31/a 73/a 944 394 354 80% 38% 35/a 9 68/4 6134 55 H/4 93% 19', -a 74/3 66/a' 4 14% 12934 111 36/4 91 80% 22 43% 15% 41 17/a 8/8 ? Lake Erie & West.. 16 ? Lake Erie & West pr 28 ? Lee Rubber & Tire.. 300 9100 8100 4800 200 200 500 4 40/2 3% Lehixh Valley . 1600 80 31! s 39'/2 74/? 124 224 34% 47 124/b 122 99% 993/4 20634 164% 12 Lig & Myers Tob Co 800 165 18 14/2 ? Lig & Myers Tob ris 200 16 32 25/2 2 Loews, Inc . 1900 304 28 17/a ? Loft Candy . 2000 20/8 70 45 ? Loose-Wiles Biscuit . 200 67% H0/2 106 7 Li* & Myers pr- 200 106 II2/2 98 7 Louis*/ & Nashville.. 4100 107 48 39% 7 Manhattan Elevated. 300 46/a 33/a 28 ? Manhattan Shirt ... 200 31 Va 69 60 ? Martin Rockwell .... 200 60/a 88% 18y??? MsxwsU Motor Co... 700 ?0% 80 32 40/4 7434 12/4 224 34% 474 165 16 30/2 20% 57% 106 108 47 31 Va 60V? 80%' 80 31/a 39 73% 12/4 224 3434 47 165 16 30 19% 57% 106 107 46/a 31/a 60/8 88/? 82/4 + 9634 194 + 4 734+ Va 15 + % 4/a? /a 10 + 1/a 56 - 24 - 37 + 4/4 r? 4 24%+ % 79/a? Va 90 - 15/2+ /a 33 ? 2/a 38 . 2534+ % 164 192 +IO/2 6934+ 4 98 + 14 87 + 4 167 ? 2 323/2+ 9 734+ 14 85/2+ 4 324+ % 734? 4 94/2+ Va 41+3 354 8034? ?4 38% 36? + 1/a 684+ Va 62/2 55 - 14%+ Va 93%? % 214+ 1% 7534+ 434 55%? % 4/a 14/, 130 + % 111 ? 364? 91/a+ 1% 81 %+ 1/a 224 4334? /4 15%+ Va 41 - 17/2? i/2 123/2+ 2/a 122/ 99%+ Va m 80 +10 31/8+ '/? 394+ 14 744+ % 12/4+ Va 224 3434? % 474 165 + % 16 + 304? 19%? 57%? 106 ? 107"/a+ 37 48% 126 I/4 25 88 92/a 114 1334 10/a 1034 109 8 10 27 19/a 23 80 374 72 64 126% 88/4 210 51% 64/a 144/2 694 8 8/a 934 26% 4034 60 91 90 3334 77/a 65/a 544 I8/2 35% 364 4034 26/2 48 89 60 54 62/a 84 19% 11 9134 106/a 28/a 229 46 824 973/a 195 7% 15 54 10/a 60 24 42 1?20. 63/a 222 26 71% 52% 18/2 78 11 18 31% 49?4 69/a 61 38% 125 118 72% 89% 11/a 89/2 86/4 6% 17/a 47% 117 77/2 36/2 62 49% 48/2 3634 21% 29 100/a 83/2 77/4 60% 5% 9/a 142 41% 65 38% 1084 103/8 474 43/2 3534 16 41/a 32 61 42/a SO/4 82% 23/4 63% 303/4 27% 103/a 1920. Rat?. 47/a ? Mar Mot Co 1st pr 161 % 10 Mexican Petrol ... 2 Miami Con Cop 1.20 Middle States Oil- 9I00 4 Midvale Steel . 9100 - Minn & St Lo new. 400 7 M, St P & S Sto M. 300 ? Mo, Kans & Texas. Mo, Kans & Tcx pr Missouri Pacifie ... Missouri Pacifie pr Montana Power ... Mulllns Body 214 2234 42% 9 ? 63" 7 ?6 ? 834 ? 21 ? 36 ? 61% 3 36/j 36/4 110 1111/4 44 ? 83 8 66/a 7234 4/4 14 39/a 92 644 23% 55 43 30 23/2 16 . 10 83 68/4 60% Sales. Open. 300 66/2 26100 189 E00 23/2 High. Low. 66/2 66/2 191% 186 Close, chga. Bid. 66/2+ V/a 65 187/a- Va 187/2 3/a National Acme . 700 4% 6/a 120 28 61 31 71% 67'4 37 40 20 ? 11 ? 33 ?? 23/2 ? 48 ? 34% 3 60 4 4834 ? 15% ? 614 B 2I/2 ? 16 1 84 8 National Biscuit .... 200 118 7 Nat Biscuit pr. 200 113 National Anilins ... 7 Nat Aniline pr. - Nat Con & Cable.... 6 Nat Enam & Stpg... 6 National Lead . - N R R of Mex 2d pr. 1 Nevada Cons Corp... New Or, Tex & Mes. 0 N Y Air Brake. 1100 100%- 107(4 106 5 New York Central... - NY, Chic & St L.. 5 N Y, C & St L 1st pr 5 N Y, C & St L 2d pr. 2/2 New York Dock - N YiN H & Hart... 1 N Y, Ont & West... - Norf & Southern 7 Norfolk & Western. 7 Northern Pacific ... 5 Nova Scotia Steel... 4 Ohio Gas . V? Okla Prod & Ref... Ontario Silver . 1000 II8/2 109 96 102 2234 85% 86 35/a 94 124% 6534 110% 77 21% 16% 25% 18 50 9% 240 74 894 174 6434 32% 33/a fi2/2 84/a 37 93% 64/a 13% ? 14/a 1 15% ? 11 ? 22 ? 6/2 _ 214 8 Otis Steel. 1000 Owens Bottlln? .... 400 Poeiflc Mail . 400 Pan-Amer Pet .?7900 Pan-Amer Pet B- 6800 Parish & Blngham.. 200 Pennsylvania R R... 64100 Penn Seaboard Steel 200 Peor?a & Eastern... 200 Peoples Gas & Coke. 1100 P?re Marquette - P?re Marquette pr .. Philadelphia Co - Pitts C, C & St Louis Pierce Arrow .34600 Pierce Oil . 3600 Pittsburgh Coal _ 300 Pitta & W Va_'.. 10OO Pond Creek Coal ... C00 Pressed Steel Car .. 400 Pullman Palace Car Punta Alegre Sugar. Rail Steel Spring .. 400 Ray Consol Copper.. 2600 Reading . 45100 Reading 1st pr. 1000 Reading 2d pr. 1600 Remington Type'r... 200 Rep Iron & Steel-28900 Rep Motor Truck.... 400 6.50 Roy Dtch, N Y sh... 26900 6 Savage Arms . 1200 Saxon Motors. 4900 St Joseph Lead. 2000 3434 64 119/2 116 9O/4 73% 48?4 82 105% 26% 58/2 86/2 115/? 137/2 12/4 231 43% 193 14% 196 95/2 106 33% 66/2 35 190 38 St Lou & San Fr St Lou & Swn.... St Lou & Swn pr. Seaboard Air Line. Sears Roebuck ... Sears Roebuck pr.. % Shell Trans Ter. 8 Otis Elevator . 300 140/2 140/a 138/4 1384* 6100 200 300 200 800 233 2600 119/ 8600 30 119/a 119/a 83% 80 Sinclair Oil .41600 41% 44/4 41% Sloss-Sheff St & Ir.. 2500 75/2 76 74 18 ? 60 6 60 4 80/a 7 100% a 94 ? 166/s 10 25 ? 26 584 68% 99 137 11/a 23900 194/2 202% 194 9600 384 39% 37/2 156/2 12 160 61 90?4 20 64/a 284 168 27% 125/2 110 24% 81 90 14% 38 384 25 53 205 12% 2934 25/a 65 31% 78% 1-6% 56% 96/a 143% 76 109 40/2 176 83/4 2034 1534 43 28 63% 77/a 40 64 914 61 Va 924 115% 109% 80% 68% 8 Southern Pacific Southern Railroad .. 4600 26 Southern Railroad pr 800 584 Stromberg Carb ... 1600 674 Studebaker . 49800 96 Stutz Motors . 1600 134 Tenn Cop & Chem.. 3000 10% Texas Company .... Texas & Pacific... Texas Co 30% pd. .. Third Ave Railroad. Texas Co fall pd.... Tobacco Products . .. Tobacco Products pr 100 Tran Con Oil. 24100 Transue W Steel. 200 Twin City Rap Tr... 200 Underwood Type ... 200 175 Union Oil. 7000 33/2 Union Pacific. 4800 1254 125 United Alloy . 1600 45 45/4 United Fruit . 1600 201 203 United Ry Invest .. 4000 11% 12/4 United Ry Invest pr. 600 26 26% U S Cast I P & Fo 67 - 16/4 + 16/a 24%+ 17/a + 294? 8% 233 + 119/2+ 81%+ 1% 434+ 1% 43/a 74 ? 1/2 72 23800 101% IOI34 100/b 100/4? 4 IOO4 IOO34 25 58 67 95% 134 10% ? Vz 25 254 57 58 66/2 67 97/8 974 135/2 136 1034 10% 198 199 38 Vz 38% 400 189 300 14 200 190 6800 684 93 26% 68/3 32/2 192 14 190 70 93 271/2 68/a 32 Va 175 35/a 189 14 190 68/4 93 26/4 58/2 324 175 33/a 25 68 - 67 + % 97/4+ 24 136%+ % 11 + % 198 + 4 38% + ' 1/4 192 +15 ? ? 14 ? 4 13% 14 190+5 ? ? + 1 + 23/ 274+ 58/2 + 32/a+ 1 175 + 64 175 344+ 1 34/a 69 93 Vz 68/4 93 27/8 69/a 30 1244 124/2+ 69 94 274 60 35 190 34% % 124/b 125 45 45/a 199 200 4O0 18% 100 47% 200 314 2000 684 24900 86 1600 48% United Retail Stores 18300 75/8 U S Rubber . 33000 107% 1033/4 10634 107 U S Smelt & Ref... 1603 69/, 70 69/2 69% + U S Steel . 68100 100! U S C I P & F pr U S Express .... U S Food Prod .. U S Ind Alcchol U S Realty $ Imp 106% 107 ,2 101/8 99/a 99%? 25 4J I6/4] 10 185 69 97 87 166 323 73 85/a 324 73 944 41 34/a 80/a 3834 35 9 68 62/a 51 1434 92/a 21 /a 754 % 60% 4 14 Va 129 Va 1104 m/a Va 36/4 3634 91 % 81 Vz 22% 43/a 1534 40 17/a 192 69% ', 100 88 | 168 3234 74 86 32/a 73/a 944 42 35/a 81 39 36/a 10 70 6234 65 15 93/2 22 76 564 4/a 14/a 130 12% 57% . 72% 91 10/a 31 57 12% 27/a 64 119 554 m? 14/b 22/a 6634 32 93 130 954 9 ? 42 ? 59/a 4 76 6 7/a ? 20/2 ? 48/j ? 8% ? 20/2 ? 544 4 106 7 43 4 64 5 94 ? 16 ? 49 4 22% 1 86 7 120 8 67 6 69 - 99/a U S Stesl pr . 1300 1134 113% 113/4 113%+ 1% 113 Utah Copper . 4000 76 76% 75/8 754? Va 75 Utah Sec Corp . Vanadium Steel .... Va-Carolina Chem.. Va Ir, Coal & Coke. Wabash . Wabash pr A. Wells Fargo Express West Mary . West West Pacific pr .... Westing Air Brake. West inch o uso Mfg .. Wilson Co . Wheeling & L E_ Wheeling & L E White Motors .. Willys Overland Willys Overland Wool worth .... Worth Pump & M Pacific . 800? 254 pr. pr. 1C0 125/ 4400 80 70 99% 114 75/8 10/a 6O/2 71 90 9% 29/4 66 11/4 26 63 112 53/4 73 13 21/2 69 26 90 126 83 4 Bid and Asked . , \* B'd Asked. ?m amIci?! Aclv Rumely.. ?to* 41 .Int Taprr pp.. 85 -" a!? Iff v1 pr ??* i.'.? Im ?Nickel pr 85 Aj? Ilk .Noto. 40 4.1 ?lut Halt ..... 63 ^".pr^-. 4.">V? 5'J I Iowa fentraj. 5 ,9?? Jow?l IVa pr. 4? 100H1./ Kaysi-r ....105 U7 }a KCFtS&M 74 31 39 73% 12/b 224 3434 - 474 Va 105 % ? Va 30/4 % 19% Va 66 - M06 1 107 47 + 1, 31Ka+ 1/a 60!4+ /, 88yV-1% 46 29/a 68/a S7V? 913, 82 22% 46 17 42 184 123/2 100 80 31% 394 744 124 22/2 35 474 170 30/2 20 58 107 107/a 48 32 60/a 80 Am Bt Su? pr l - Ara B S & JT 90 Ara Ctui pr... l*,i Am Cot O pr. ?. ;,5 Am .Malt & O 8l)i? ?5 Ala fc-iilpbldg.. ?? IL'3 Am Siiu/T pr.. SO 90 Am ?Steel *r* pr 'M'A OH Am Sugar pr..lH 11? Aul Sum T pr ?.4V4 ?O Am Tel & C.. 48 53 Am Z?ic pr. .. f.4 C6 Ann Arbor ... 15 ig A 1) O 1st pr (i"> 70 do ^d pr.. .. (ii 70 A li & W I pr 64 C5 Amo S Corp.. 12 11 do pr . ;'iiVs 28? Bamott Li-atli. 55 (?2 do pr . 85 95 Il;irreU Co pr.100 Bklyn Edlnon. 851 Brown Shoe... lui) pr. 52 IK.6I .spring pr 99 Kolsey VVu pr Du Koos & D M 4 I do pr . 20 Kresge 3 S. ..135 'Li l>r .li)2 lii-rc-os. & Co.. . 7? ! ?1? pr.101% ?L-W 11 1st pr 99 ? (I ? 2d pr_110 IiOrlllard I' pr 104 lilaca?y Cos... fil 11.5 Renn? L';?~> Bid A.-il.ixl Sar.102 'uS Jtop 1 & ? pr. 9>< Roploglo Sloel 3S 81-S H & I pr 90 3 1' B Siurar.200 do pr.10? Stand MBUnif.125 do pr. SO Stow't Warner 35 Studebaker pr.100 I Sup Stool pr..l00?4 103 T & 1* Ul Tr.235 35ft I TJdo Wat OU.ISO TS;Ij&\V ctfg. 12 do pi* otfs,. IS Tw C R T pr ? Und Typew pr ? 100% 40 ?8 240 112 140 90 Bid Askod. tJCSof Am. 100 224 do pr.107?4 140 U Drug- 1st pr 50 50% do 2d pr_130 ? U 3 I Alo pr. 96 U 8 S & R pr 46 Vul Detannlng. 24 d< 100 48% 101 210 13 23 90 n*H 4.1*4 W McT 2d pr.. W I'nloo ToL 86H SCH W Mfg 1st pr. 64 67 . Wilson Co pr. 95 (?7 Wis Central... 39 32 Wool worth pr.lll 113 W 1\&M pr A 87 H 05 do pr B_ 72V4 76 120 M:? pr . ri.I iU Sugar. 113 P. 106 pr 5% 109 100 60 ?i 61 100 99 30 Burns Bro* pr.100 Buff It & P. do pr . Buff & Susq. do pr . Bush Term . Caso J I pr.. Control Fdry. do pr . 36 56 Cent Loath pr.l03Vi 107 ? & S A Tol.lOO 114H Ccr Cor 1st pr 8414 ? Cavo A Hits ? 80 C St P M & O 6? 72 do pr. 90 10". I.CCCAStL pr.. ?5 .TS ?Cluott-Pea pr lot : Col ?4 S 1st pr 51 ! do 2d pr.... 40 I C?>n Cigar pr.. 7:1 I Ormt Can pr..l00 ! Cent IiiRi:r.... 74 Crex Carpet... SI Cub-Am Sug..405 do pr .101 110 Deero Co pr.. 0'J% 102 Potr Edison...106 IOS niirh Hos pr. 9? 190 Em-Brandt .. 21 25 do pr . 82% S6 Fisher Body..117 130 do pr .102 Oen Chem pr. 96 O M * Km.. 28 Int Mot Trtt.. do lut h <? Martin Rockiv. ."8 Math A!k V.. 28 . May U S pr.P'4 Mi/x Petrol pr 95 AM'-h Central. S2 MStF&SSM pr 91 do 1 1. 52 Mont Pow pr. 99 Morris? ?fe Ess. ? Bo 115 101% 29 110 100 102 H ?IS 80 105 60 110 98 Mr..102 pr... [2 aYa S ?5 110 75 ?r Mull Body pr. 97 Nish & Cha.. 104 N Cloak & St 61 do pr . 95 N B0 .1 S pr.lQi NHRofM 1st pr ? N Y I. & \V.. 85 Vorf Sc \*7 pr. GS N American... 54 -V Fcls p pr. ? Ohio Fuel ... 49 Otis Rev pr.. ? Otis Steel pr . ? Owens B M pr 90 Pa-tile Const.. 25 do 2d pr_ 4'l Poclflc Devol. 70 no n a h -.1 Pacido T it T 40 Pan-A Pet i*r,175 Penn I C pr. 90 P M prior pr. 63 PcV-MuU _ 95 Pioroa-Arr pr.pulios merco Oll pr. IM 95 P Ft W & C.120 124 Pitt? i*te<rt pr. 97 P A W Va pr 73 Pr Stl Car pr.102 P S 0 o? N J 60 Ry Stl 8p pr.104 . Rein Type** pr 9i% 100 g da lit pr... M ?3% lis 71 10O 101H 16 90 71V. 5', 10+ 93 97 101 2n0 95 f.fl 115 89 77% 103 68 109 Board Member Expelled Stock Exchange Acts Against B. B. aMrcuse Bruno Benjamin Marcuee, a member of tfre firm of Marcuse & Co., of Chi? cago, was yesterday expelled from membership in the New York Stock Exchange. Announcement of this action was made from the rostrum on the floor of the exchange before the open? ing of trading yesterday. Aside from charging that Mr. Marcuse had made a false statement to Stock Exchange au? thorities, representatives of the ex? change would not discuss the case, ex? plaining that it was "an internal matter of housecleaning," which did not di? rectly concern the public. _ Although Mr. Marcuse was in the city Wednesday nitrht and appeared be? fore the board of governors, of the Stock Exchange, ail effort3 to find him j yesterday to get his version were unsuc ' cessful. Mr. Marcuse joined the ex? change on December 17, 1914, and since his firm is in Chicago, did not per? sonally trade on the floor, but the firm did its business through other floor members. Under the rules of the ex? change. Mr. Marcuse may retain his seat without.the privilege of member? ship or sell it at the ?current market price. In Wall Street Inactive? Strong Many of the so-called inactive stocks caught up with the onward march of prices yesterday. Some extremely large advances were r?K?s*cr*d *"! number of these issues on <??Pa? tively small transactions. There was ?Kelsey Wheel, for instance, ! moved up 10 points on a trade o? ovo shares. Columbia Graphophone pre? ferred advanced 9 points on an ex? change of fifty shares, American Brake Shoe and Foundry preferred J?mP^ 30 ?points on transactions i.nv^lving 900 shares, Central Railroad of New Jersey went up 10% on 200 shares, Underwood Typewriter 5% on 200 shares, Inter? national Argicultural preferred 4% on 200 shares and General Chemical 10ft on A single sale of 100 shares. "What Do You Think of the Market?" ' The board member of a leading Wall Street stock exchange firm: "It is my own opinion that this market will go considerably higher, as the general trend appears to be upward. However, wide fluctuations are likely to occur. It is no time to buy unseasoned securi? ties. I believe the steels, coppers and rails offer the best speculative possi? bilities." Associated Dry Goods Although directors of the Associated Dry Goods Corporation did the ex pected yesterday, when they declared j an initial quarterly dividend of 1 per cent on the common stock, .thereby putting it upon an annual basis of 4 : per cent, the stock advanced 1% points on the announcement. The annual re? port, Which will be issued to the stock? holders within the next ten days, is expected to show less than $15 a shane earned in 1919, after deductions for taxes and for preferred dividends. Even then the company will have done much better than in 1918, when only $2.04 was earned, and in 1917, when $1.54 was earned on the stock. The company benefited in 1919 from the widespread retail buying which held up well dur? ing the summer months, a period when sales have fallen off in other years. Dry Goods, ha? outstanding $18,818,700 of 6 per cent cumulative first preferred, $6,725.500 of 7 per cent cumulative second preferred and $14,985,000 com? mon. ? Exchange Offer Expected Formal offer is expected to be made shortly by the Pennsylvania Railroad to exchange new fifty-year 5 per cent mortgage bonds of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis, guaranteed by the Pennsylvania Rail? road, for minority stock of the smaller road, of which $19,292,956 is held by the public. The remaining $65,567,155 of "Panhandle" stock is owned by the Pennsylvania. It is understood that the offer will be made on a basis of $100 in bonds for each share of stock. The P., C, C. & St. L. owes the Penn? sylvania or its subsidiaries some $19, 390,000 for advances for improvements. The Buying in Reading Palm Beach is supposed to have been a big factor in the market this week. A well-known professional operator who has been trading over a fast wire to New York is credited with having been one of the heaviest buyers of Reading on its sensational rise since Monday. The same operator was an active buyers of rails on the move of a fortnight ago. He is supposed to have covered in a large short line on the February dip. The Call of the Ticker Brokerage houses operating wires to branch offices in the interior have been handling this week a steadily increas? ing volume of buying orders. This is taken to mean that out-of-town traders, who go to make up a large part of what Wall Street is wont to call the "public" is perking up confidence enough to get back into the market. Somebody said one time that "once a speculator al? ways a speculator." The speculative fever is difficult to combat once a kill? ing is made. The big market of 1919, when anybody and everybody made money for a while, is still fresh in the memory of most traders. About Money Optimism generated by the swift ascent in stock prices this week has not blinded the Street to possibilities of further trouble due to credit condi? tions. It would not surprise many folks were the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to mark up its official rates of discount again. In fact, it is understood that the directors of the institution have the matter under con? sideration. In connection with the heavy payments being made through the banks on account of Federal in? come and excess profits taxes, due on '?? Monday next, the date of the first in? stallment, it was pointed out yesterday that the money market could not be expected to benefit from any improve? ment in the position of the banks such as would follow from increased gov? ernment deposits. The disposition of the banks, it was stated by one banker, is to do everything possible to re? duce their indebtedness at the Reserve institution, and any slack that might develop will likely be taken up for that purpose rather than in an ex? pansion of Street loans. Looking ahead, many leading bankers are said to expect extremely tight money in May or June. At a private dinner re? cently given by a prominent banker to a number of his friends it is under? stood that this opinion was expressed by several of those present in the course of a discussion of the general credit Situation. Big Crucible Holdings Intact According to a high official of the j Crucible Steel Company of America ' none of the important holdings of com? mon stock has been sold* It appears in the light of this information that che selling on the recent dip that car- : ried Crucible to 189 represented short selling mainly, plus weakly margined long speculative accounts. It may be recalled in this connection that Cru? cible acted better than the majority of the high-priced shares during the fore part of the late fall in market values, and never did move downward | with the rapidity of General -Motors, i Crucible was again a firm spot in the J market yesterday, getting up to 232^ and closing at 228, up %, ? Interesting But Untrue It was reported in Wall Street yes- ! terday that the Krupps, of Germany, I the steel organization which forged a ! large part of the? big guns that tried '? to batter down the Allied line, were ? planning to establish a selling agency here. This was denied at the local : agency of the Deutsche Bank. ? Bank of England LONDON, March 11.?The weekly statement of the Bank of England -hows the following changes: TQ?al reservo. ?31.554.000 Inc. ?669 000! t.hvulation... 102.SS7.000 Inc. 1 73? 000 Trillion. 115,084,-??O Inc. 2'39144a ' Oth. securities. 91.155.000 Dec. '"75'ooo Pub. il.-posits. 18,554.000 Dec. n S84'd00 Other deposits 127,.'49.0<)0 Doc. 8'o7->'ooo Notes reserve.. 31.912,000 Inc. 'tot'ooo Gov. secur. 40.388,000 Due. 12.3:tM00 The proportion of the bank'p reserve to liability this week is 21.62 per cent last week it was 19.16 per cent. Rate of discount, 6 per cent. ?-??-_ Stock Exchange Seat Sold Robert S. Kilborne has sold his membership on the New York Stock ??0!^*6 t0 E<l***d Talmadge Jr. for $98,000, and Prank J. Conntllf Jr. p_r We recommend a BOND to Yield About* 11% Liste- on the New York %A Exchange and SECURED by , MORTGAGE on the property ,1 a company with a LONG DIVIDEND RECORD or? fc Preferred and Common Stockt, Full Details on Request GLIDDEN, DAVIDGE & CO. Members N. Y. Slock Exchang? 20 Broad Street New York Personal Contact in China ?ft/TERCHANTS of China ?*?"" always give preference ?to firms and individuals with whom they are personally acquainted. This is true likewise of banking. Por handling your items grow? ing oat of import or export transactions it is important that your bank bo perma? nently located in China and well and favorably known. The Park-Union Foreign Banking Corporation meets both these requirements. Its Shanghai office is espe? cially equipped with every facility for the prompt transaction of business to all parts of China. YOKOHAMA SHANGHAI TOKIO PABJ8 SEATTUB SA3-T FRANCISCO Park'Union WREIGN BANKING CORPORA? 56 Wall Street, New York Paid Up Capital and Surplus, 12.250,901 Under discussion at the pr?s-' ent time with a wide diver? gence of opinion existing, and many interpretations of there suits of the new railroad law. makes pertinent an analysis of RAILROAD SECURITIES so we have prepare?! a three pae* discussion, sizing up and inter? pret ing the situation and, dlvidlnf the railroads Into a comparison ot classe?, EAST vs. WEST This Is a comprehensive article containing tho best of prevailing opinions _nj a brief discussion on fifteen of th? Eastern Roads and fifteen of tho Western Roada? In addition, there are several other regular features and discussions on: American Sumatra ?. 8. Steamship XJ. S. Rubber (Submarine Boat Pressed St. Car Ryan Petroleum In the Current Iss'je MARKET OP1X10X ?ratis on request for B-it. R. H. MacMASTERS & GO, Afember? Consolidated Stock Exch. N, 7. 69 Wall St. New York Hanover 9536 Ground Floor T?TH MARINE TRUST COMPANY BUFFALO.NX EVENTIETH YEAR OF SERVICE CAPITAL AND SURPLUS SEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLARS __?___u_???i__u??.TU r a. National Fuel Gas Co. Capital Stock - ? $16,493,000 Surplus.13,600,000 Surplus 73% of Capital Average of over 20% earne on Capital stock for past 5 year?. Dividends 10% Annually Financial condition justifies extra disbursement. Price on application. 74 Broadway - Neu? \oriij Telephone t Rector 2721 Robinson & Co. Investment Securities E6 Eschar-?? Placa New Yof afemeera ?"?to York Stock *xc*a*W* Foreign Exchange Tomorrow The logical profit operatl*? tally ?x plaine?! In Lett?* K 32. ?Copy on application ta J. T. Keane _ Co., 44 Broad 8t? Mew York. hated the ?eat of William A. **** ?M fo* ?98,000.