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March 15? Tax Day If your tax report ia completed, die importan? detail? of your invest? ments may easily be transferred to one of our Stock and Bond Regis? ters for permanent ref? erence. If vour report is not completed, the Regieler may help y?u ?n making it up. and also be valu? able for future use. Ask f?r Reg?-fer "R"? No Obligation. Robert C. IV! ayer & Co. Investment Bankers Equitable Bldg. New York TeL Rector ?770 EXEMPT Annuities Aae 45..Yield 634% Age 50..Yield 7%fo Age 55..Yield 8^4% Age 60..Yield 9U% Age 65..Yield lIl/>% | Age 70 .Yield 13U% | Income for Life guar- W anteed by one of the j| strongest financial in- g stitutions m the world. B Booklet and Details upon Application. ROBERT ?. SASSEEN 115 Broadway, New York. U. S. Steamship Outline of proposed new plans. Morton Petroleum Official statement to stockholders. Giv?n In cnrr?nt Issue of our Financial Forecast Free on request. ?sto for .Vo. 59. YLSWQLfE?CO. II ,1 BROAD s? NEWYORF^ Phone ?r?ad 2? 1 Franklin r,Ti& Company Eaeblitbed \%%% New York ?5* Brooklyn Bond Market Improving Investment Houses Prepare To Offer New Issues As a result of the improved sentiment in the financial district and the in? creased demand for investment securi? ties, several of the distributing houses *U1 soon bring out new issues, the of? fering of which had been '.?clayed until conditions became better. Bond houses yesterday reported greatly heightened activity in railroad bonds and all kinds of foreign government issues. The favorable decisions of the Su? preme Court, the announcement tha^ Great Britain and France would be able to pay off the Anglo-French loan with? out renewing any part, and tho quick absorption this week of offerings of bonds of the provinces of Ontario and Manitoba, Canada, are among the de? velopments which increased tho activity in the bond market, and convinced in vettrnent houses that the time is now Propitious to bringing out a limited amount of new offerings. I Great French Railway Strike Fails It should Interest the world to see a Nation like Franco definitely set its face against Radicalism, To see the progress made in the struggle for a permanent Peace based on law and order. To note that spirit in the French people which illustrates once more their splendid common sense and integrity. The American investor would do well to investi? gate the peculiar merits to him to-day of the Republic of France 5% Reconstruction Loan of 1920 Price to-day $74.91 per 1,000 franc bond Ctfcalar on request Gude, Winmill & Co. Members Net? York Stock Exchango 20 Broad Street, New York City Telephone Rector 8880 BRANCHES 7 East 45th Street, New York ?Olea Co-e, I_ I. .? ?? ' '? ?? ??''?^??^?^?^^^i?-?WWMWW?-MWs->MaW-WIWMs^^ I-*-.-ut??-.? I. ... i ?? ??. ..???-.--?.??pi.ii_?i?-i. - ! ?in .?_?- i?-i., i. iiP-i...-.?" "?'? ".'*" i'?---?'?-?iiir--'---? ?? ???yty?a . The Day's Bond Market U. S. Government Transactions Sale?. Yield. Libarte 3Ha, 1947. $296,000 8.72 do 1st 4a. 1947. 93,000 4.59 do 2d 4?, 1942. 192,000 4.74 do 1st 4'?4a. 1947_ 336,000 4.83 1 do 2d 4 %a, 1942.1,128,000 4.98 i do 3d 4<4a. ?928.1.121.000 6.27 do 4th 4%a, 193S_ 2,186.000 6.10 Victory 4%?. 1923. 1,238,000 6.60 do 3??a. 1923. 811,000 4.49 Quotations Liberty 34a... do 1st 4s.... do 2d 4a_ do let 4%s.. do 2d 4 ?4s.. do 8d 4%s.. do 4th 4Sis. Victory 4%8... do 8 % s. High. Low. Lut . 96.20 96.10 ?6.10 ?O.SO 90.30 90.70 , 89.B8 89.40 89.60 , 91.30 91.00 91.03 . 90.04 89.80 89.90 , 93.10 93.04 93.10 , 90.18 90.02 90.12 . 97.44 97.28 97.36 . 97.40 9T.34 97.34 Bid ana Quotations Closlntt Yesterday. 96.10f? 96.24 90.50 89.40 91.00 89.86(fi 93.06 90.08 Closing Wedneaday, Liberty Bonds. 3?ta. 1947 ... 1st 4s, 1947... 2d 4s, 1942... 1st 4 ?is, 1947. M 4%a, 1942. id 4?-??>. 1928. 4th 4'is, 1938 Vic 3%8, 1923. 97.30 Vic 3*4a, 1923. 97.30 Pre-war issues: 2s rear. '30.100% 2a coup, '30.100% 3s rep, '46.89 3s coup, "46.89 4s, res. '26... .106 4s coep, '25.! "6 ' 2s Pan. c, '86... ?00 2s Tan, r, *3i\ . .100 "s Pan, c, *38. .100 2a Pan, r, '38.. .100 3a Pan, reg.88 3s Pan, coup.... 88 Phil 4s. '34.90 Phil 4a. "35. 90 Phi! 4s, '36.90 D Col Ss. '65... 97 Foreign Govt. and Municipal Bonds (Intereat To B? Added) Bid. Asked. Anglo-French Extern 6a, 1920.. 97% Argentina Intern 5s, 1945.,... 74 Canada, Dom of, notes, 1921... 97 do 5s, 1921. 97% do, 1926 .92% do. 1929 . 93% do. 1931 . 91% ChineseGov Hu Kus Ry 6a, 1951 45"* Cuba Extern 5s, 1944. 90% do, sones A. 1949. 80$ do 4??s. 1949.:. 71% Dom Hep 5s. 1958. 79 City of Lyons 15-yr 6s, 1934.. 89V_ City of Marseilles 15-yr 6s, 1934 89% ?5? 97% 97% 92?, 93% 91" 461 91V 90 V? 76 80 90% 90?i City of Pordeaux 15-yr 6s, 1934 89% 90 City of Chacen 25-yr 5Vis, 1944 '.'9% 79% French. Paris City 6s, 1921_90@ 90->i Jan <Jov 4??jt>. 8tr!n In. 1925.. 75% 76% do 4V>a, 2d series, 1925.75 75% do 4w7 etr'.n In, 1931. 60 61 Ian. Tokyo City 5s, 1952...... 58 58% U K G P & I 5-yr 5%a, 192?.. 95% 96 do 3-yr 5%s, 1922. 92 92% do 10-yr 54s, 1929. 90% 91 do 20-yr 5%s, 1937. 87% 87% Met Kxtem strln 5s of "99, 1948 30 32 do gold 4s of "04, 1954. 21 29 (Sales) lan 1st ser 4%s 97% 97% 97% ?knfflo-Preneh 6a 28.0<">0. 6.000. 20.000. 1.000. 9 132.000.'97% Argentine G 6a S.noo. 74% 1,000. 74 1,000. 75 City of Bordeaux Cs 3.OO0. 90% 5.000. 8?i% City of Copenh 5'a.s l.fOO. 79% City of Lvons Gs 2.000. 90% City of Marseilles 6s 2,000. 90% City of Paris 6s 31 000. 90% 5.000. 90% 5.000. 90% 5!,OO0. 90% 2.000. 90% 1,000. 90% City of Tokio Bs 17.000. 5,000. 5,000. Dom Can 5?,^s notes 1921 1.0A0. 10,000. 1 000. do 1920 1.000. 98%1 2,ono. 93%> do 5s 1921 2.000. 97%: do 1931 5,000. 91%, Jap 1st ser 4%a 5.000. 77 ! 11,000. 75%i 20,000. 70 58% 58% 58% 87% 97% 97 ! 25,000.e30f.. 76% 6,000. 76% do 2d ser 4%a 15,000.75% 10,000...... 75 10.000. 75% 1.000. 75% 12,000. 75% 2,000.. 75% 5.000. 75% 4.000. 75% 1.000.s30f.. 75 1.000. 75% do ?tier loan 4? 1,000. 61 4,000. 61% 14.000. 61 2.000. 60% 1.000. 60% 35.000.61 5.000.s80f.. 60% 11,000.s30f.. 60% ! of Cuba 4%a 1.000. 74 ' K of Gt Britain & I 5M?s 1921 4.000. 95% 6,000. 95% 11.000. 9574 25,000. 95% 5,000. 96 do 1922 29.000. 92% 25.000. 92% do 1929 2.000.?0% 24,000.91 do 1937 22,000. 87 5.000. 86% 17,000. 87 10,000. 87% 29,000. 87 4.000. 87% 8,000. f, 000 1,000. 3 000 . 10,000. 76V? 75%iTJ S of Mer 6a 2.000. 71,1V.. 7<)%;>* Y C 4%a ?957 871, 82 0?/2? 2,000 5,000.s30f.. 76%? 1,000. 76%i 3,000. 76%' 8 000. 77 | 5.000.s30f.. 76 ? 8.000. 7f%l 2.000. 7R%| 6.000.s30f.. 75%| 1,000. 76%' Railway Adams Esp 4a 1,00??. 67 Ana Smelting 6a 7.000. 82% 1,000. 83 1.000. 82% 10,000.82% Ara T * Tcv fe 2,000. 97 2,000. 97% 1,000. 97 2,000. 97% 1,000. 97 15,000. 98 Am T & T col 5? 8,000. 8J do co! -Is 1,000.78 5.000.77% do 4 Via 2.600.81% 24.000.81% do cvt 4a 4,000.68% 1.000. 69 Armour Co 4%? 0.000. 82% A T & S F gen 4? ir.,000...... 78 May 4,000.96% do 4%a 1966 4,000. 96% 11.000. 96% do 4VJB 1967 4,000. 96% do 4%8 19C6 1,000. 90% do 4s 1957 2,000. 86% Other ?Corporations A T & S F gen 4s 1,000. 77% 2,000.78 600.76% 2,000.78% 1,000.78% 1,000.78% 3,000. 78 do adj 4a stamped 1,000.68% 68% Atl 1.000 6,000.69 C L lat con 4a 8,000 1.000...... do L & N 4a 1,000...... Bait & O tern Ca 18.000. 8.000. 80,000 It 68% 87 87% 87% ' ,">'U ?> ? % a ? ? O < TA 5,000...... 87% 11,000. 87% 5.000...... 86% 6,000. 87 1,000. 87% 1,000. 87% 15.000. 87 do cvt 4%? 4.000. 64% Bait A O cvt 4%a 2.000..66 8,111.0...... U4_ 6,000.66 . 3.000.64% do r?a 5a 6.000.64% 1,000. 64% 1,000.64% . 10.000.64?S do prior lien S Via 1.000..83% . do gold 4a 1.000. uhk 3,000. 64% 1.000. 64 ? 2.000. 64?2 15.000. 64 2 . 1.000.. 6* do Pute L E & W Va 4s 8,000. 66% . 0.000. 6(1 do Swn 3%s 1,000. 74 3,000. 74U, do TA 0 4a % 10.000. 49a/ _ . 3.000. 40S Beth Steel rig 6s 2.000...... 84% . 1.000. 85 ?o p m 6a 1.000. 84 Bklyn 'Rap"f*f*7a 6,000.44*_ _, 6.000. 45% Bldyn Un Elev 6a 1, 1,000.62>>4 Buah Term conis _ , 2.000.....fn Cal Gas A E 6a _ 13.000. 85% 0 of Ga Ry 6a 6,000. 90 3,000. 90% C?nt Leather 5a 4,000. 95 Oant Pac gtd 4a 11,000. 72 _ 1,000. 72% 2.000. 72% Chea A O cvt 6a 1,000. 79?_ 10,000. 80 1,000. 79a/ 11.000. 80 Kan City So 8a 4.000. 58 1,000. 66% Kan City Ter 4a 7.000. 71 Kentucky Cen 4a 8,000.72% Kings Co El 4a 8,000.53% Lake S 4a 1928 1.000. 87 do 4s 1931 * 1,000. 83% Lehigh Val 6a 1.000.100 Liggett 4 M 7a 3.000.107% 2,000.107% do 6s 4,000.88 Long lui rfg 4a 1.000,.66 Lorill.ini Co 6s 1.000. 87% LAN unified 4a 1.000. 81% 4,000. 81% R.000. 81% 10,000.81% Manhat Hy 4a 10.000. 66 Mich Cen 3%a 5,000. 69 2,000.70 Midval? Steel 6a 1,000. 83% 1.000. 83 Minn A St L rfg 5a 10,000. 55 do con 6a 7,000.74 do 4a 2,000.48 M K A T 1st 4? 1.000. 67% do 2d 4a 8,000. 82 do rfg 4s ctfs of depos 2,000. 36 Mo Pac pen 4a 2.000.67 9,000. 66% 6,000. 66% 2,000. 66% 15.000. 67 Nati Tub<i 5a 1,000. 90 . . 4,000...... 91 1.000..-80%!New Or! Ter 4a do gen 4 %a 8,000_..61% 1.000.76%! 1,000. 61 1.000.76%jN Y Cen deb 6a 15 do cvt 4%a 14,000...... 74 1,000. 74 Chlo A Alton rfg 1,000 do 8%a 8.000.84 O B A Q gen 4? l.OdO...... 78 5,000. 78% 2.000. ... 78% do joint 4a 20,000. 94 12,000. 93% 60,000. 93% 10,()!JO. 94 42,000. 937/4 _, 32,000. 93% Chic Gt Western 4s 5,000. C5Vi 14,000. 55 .C M & St P cvt 6a aeries B 10,000. 71 80,000. 92% 1,000... . 92% 4,000. 92% 3,000. 92% 1.000. 92% 1,000. 9214 1,000. 92% do rfg 4%s 5,000.78% do con 4s 6.000. 89 1.000. 69% do rfg 3%a 21.000. 65% 5.000. 65% 1,000. G5% r Y Dock Co 4b 3,000. 62 f Y Gas E L H A Power 5s 2,000... do p m 4a 2.O00... 1.000 C4 do 1.000. 71%IN Y Lack & W 6s do cvt 4%s ' "" ^^ 1.000. 71?4?N 1,000. 71 ?1.000. 71% 2S.000. 71$ 32.000. 71V4 13,000. 71%; 1,000. 72 ! '?MO. 72% N 1,000. 72*Cc 1,000. 721/4 N 1,000. 72% do rfg 4%a 20,000. COu, N 80,000. no?vIi 7,000. 61 i do 4a 1925 4,000. 78 ! 2,000. 7794 5,000. 78 i do deb 4g 1934 w? ?-V00,. 65 % i Niagara Lockport doKen4aaerA Ont Pwr 6s i,?j?.?u....,. (jsVs1 ?> noo w do 68.C A P to di*? Norf -??Z -fe85 1.000. 99% N H & H 6s 5,000.76 2,000. 75% 2,000. 75% registered 0,000. 73 2,000. 72% Y O A W 1st 4s 2,000. 51 Y Rys adj 6a ctfs of depoa 4.000. 7 Y T-'enh 4%s 2,000.79 6.000. 78% 3,000. 79 do deb 6s 2,000.. 1,000. . 3,000.. 94% 9 I % 95% 2,000. 97% 10,000. 97 2.000. 97% 7,000. 97% C A Nwn 5a 1921 2,000. 96% do gen 5s 1,000. 95 2,iJ00. 95 do gen 4s 5,000...... 76% CBl&P gen 4s 1.000. 72%, do rfg 4a 1,000. 68%; 5,000. 67 2.000. 67% 1.000. 67 1,000. 67%! C A West Ind 4a 15,000. 61 I Chile Copper 7a 4.000.103% do 6b 2,000. 79 10,000. 79% 0 0 01AL-79S'?'ShortLln84' St L dlv 4a 2,000. ?6% Col Indust 5s 1,000. 73 Col A So 4%a 1.090. 72% 5,000. 72% 1,000. 72% 4.000. 72% Corop Tab R 6a 1.000. 82 Con Gas tem 7a 10.000......102% 52,000.102% 3,000.102% 1.000.102% 5,000.102% 5,000.102 do con 4s 10,000. 75% do Pocah Coal _ Coka 4a 1.000. 77% Nor Pacific 4s 10,000. 76 1.000. 7?% 1.000. 75% l,000.a30f.. 75 1.000. 76 7,000. 75% 1.000. 75% do 8s 11,000. 53 'Or A Cal 1st 6s 1.000...... 91% 1,000. 92 Or Ry & Nav 4a 1,000. 75% 12.000. 81% 5.000. 81% Or-W PR & N 4s 3.000. 68 4.000. 68% Pacific G A E 5a 3,000. 79% 15,000. 79% 1,000. 80 2,000. 70% Pacific A T 6a 2.000. 85%"n1?4^3 5,000.101 8,000.100% 26,000..101 Del A H cvt oa 3,000.84% Den A R Q con 4a 1,000. 64% do rfg 5a 21,000.42% 5,000.sSOf.. 42% 22/00.42% 1,000...... 42% Dal A Iron R 6a 1.000. 89% 4,000. 89% S T V & G con 6e 1,000.88 Erie cvt 4a sar A 5,000.40 do prim* lien 4s 4,000.64% 10,000.56 do cvt 4s ser B 5,000. 41 do cvt 4a ser D 8,000. 44 Fia C A P con 6s 1943 3.000...... Fia E C 4%s 7,000.,,... Hook Val 4%s ?.000. ,000...... M rfg 6a ,000...... do inc 5a 6.000...... m Cent rfg ?is 8,000_ do 4b 1961 80% 78 70 70% 58 18 72% 1,000..,.. do 4s 1963 83 69 4,000 do 4s 1953 1.000. IH Steel 4 ?4a 6,000. Indiana Steel 6s 2.000.92% 1,000. 92% - 92% 66% 82% 18% 18% 7.000...... Xntboro-Met 4%s 8.000. 88,000.. Ao ctfs o? 6.000.. 8.000...... * Intbo R T rfg 5a 2.000. 66 18 .000. 8,000. ?,000. 2,000. ?5.000. ?.000. 14.000. 68.000. 1,000. 4.000. 1 66 P B" ?55% 66 66% _. 66 66.000.. 66% 18,000. 66% 41,000. 56 19,000...... 66% 38.000. 66% 10,000. 66%i 12,000. 66%! 20,000. 56 2.000. 68 Int Her Mar 6a 6.000. 00 < 1,000..,.,. 8?% Iowa Central 4a 2,000...... 48 KOFiSiMfa 10.000. 65% e.000,,.^., ee Kan City So Be 9.000.?1% 1,000. 91% 1,000. 90% do 5b 1968 3,000. 89 1,000. 89% 6,000. 89 4,000. 89*4 1.000...... 89 1,000. 89% 4,000. 89% do 4%s 1921 6.000. 97 10,000. 96% 5,000. 97% do gen 4%s 4.000. 81% 13,000. 81% 10,000. 81% 5,000. 81% 2,000. 81% Peoria A E 1st 4s ! .000.55 do lie 4s 5,000. 24 Phlla Co 5s 1922 2,000. 87 1.000. 87% Prov Sec Co 4s 6,000. 40 Pub Set? of N J 5s 1,000. 63% Reading gen 4s 10,000.79% 6,000. 79% 8,000. 79% 1,000..,.,. 79% Rio G W 1st ?is 9.000. 62% B I Ark A L 4%s 7,000. 61% 25.000.62 1,000...... 62% St L Ir Mt A S 4s 10.000. 73% 2,000. 74 do 4s Riv A G dir 6,000. (9 St L & Mer B 4s 3,000. 85 St L & S F 4s Ser A 2,000. 58% 12,000. 68% 1,000. 5314 1,000. 58% 10.000.68% 20,000. 68% 10.000.68% 4.000. 68 2.000. 58% 4,000.68% 12.000. 63U 83,000. 68% 1,000.68$ 5.000. 58% 6,000..,,.. 68% do 6s Ser B 2.000.69% 2.000. 69% 4.000.69% da adj 6s 10.000.84% 4.000. 65% 2.000. 65% 7,000...... 64% 8,000.64% 1.000.65 4.000.61% 1.000.65 do ino 6s 46.000.60 8.000.49% 36.000.60 25.000.60% 5.000.49% 10.000.60% 18.000.49% 80.000.60 4.000. 4,000. 60% ?% Commission Rate On Liberty Bond Sales Quadrupled Investment Bankers to Put New Scale Into Effect Next Monday; Losses Are Sustained at Present Rates A group of fifteen leading Investment houses which deal in Liberty bonds over the oounter yesterday announced a higher scale of commission rates to take effect next Monday. In explain? ing the rise, they said in a statement to the public that they have been trad? ing in Liberty bonds and Victory notes at a loss, and believe that the business Bhouid now be put on a paying basis. Tho new ratu will be more than four times the old. The existing custom among members of the New York Stock Exchange is to charge 20 cents to in? vestment dealers and' 30 centB to in? vestors for every $1,000 bought or sold. Those investment houRes, operating under tho new rate, will charge, the public $1.25 on $1,000 on denomina? tions of $1,000 or more; $1 on $500 on denominations of $500; 75 cents on a $100 bond; 50 cents on a $50 bond. Heading the Movement The following bond houses are among those who demand a "living wage" for their transactions in government bonds: The National City Company, the Guar? anty Trust Company, Harris, Forbes Read & Co., Kissel, Kinnicutt & Co.; Real & Co., Kissel, Kinnicutt & Co.; Kean, Taylor & Co.: Equitable Trust Company, E, II. Rollins & Sons, Red? mond A Co., Estabrook Company, Her? rick & Bennett, Jelke, Hood & B0II03, Blodgett & Co., and! Colgate, Par! r & Co. "As a patriotic duty every one was willing to contribute liberally !n time and expense to the proper distribution of the United States government Lib? erty and Victory loans," the fifteen investment houses said in a Joint state? ment, to which other houses are ex? pected to sign their names. "The undersigned, all of whom have given freely of their services in con nection with the distribution of United States government issues, feel that the returns for handling these issues at least should equal the expense in? volved. "A careful computation shows that transactions in these issues are costly greatly in excess of present charges, and. in line with action already taken in other cities, it is tho jud'gment of the undersigned that the following is g proper scale to cover the cost of transacting business in all Issues of United States government Liberty and Victory bonds and notes." Observers of the bond market ex? pressed the view that the higher scale ought to bring about a broader market in the government war issues, because the investment houses will have finan? cial incentive for encouraging such business, which they hitherto lacked. Sought Cooperation of Exchange Instead of independently raising their scale, the investment houses first applied to the Stock Exchange for a general change, but decided a change of policy from that quarter would come too slowly and. immediate action was desired. Investment bankers, in first taking the matter up with Stock Ex change authorities, asked that mem? bers on the floor chargo investment dealers 1-16 and investors % for exe? cuting Liberty bonds transactions. Although a group- of investment houses acted independently, the ''bond crowd" at tho Stock Exchange are much interested in the proposed change and soon will hold conferences to work out a new policy. ? Irving Trust Becomes A National Bank Change Is Step Toward M?crg ing With tho Irving Na? tional Bank After the close of business to-mor? row, the Irving Trust Company will be known as the New York National Irv? ing Bank, Frederic G. Leo, president of the institution, announced yesterday. The conversion of the trust company into a national bank is a preliminary step to the consolidation of the Irving Trust Company with the Irving Na? tional Bank, which is controlled by the same interests. "It is planned," Mr. Lee explained, "to have the consolidation take place as soon a3 the necessary legal steps are accomplished. The consolidated institution will then be known as the Irving National Bank. "Under the provisions of the Federal Reserve act, the new institution will combine within itseif practically all the powers now possessed by the Irving Trust Company and the Irving National Bank, including the right lo act in all trust capacities, and the present branch offices of the trust company will be continued as branch offices of the Irving National Bank." Under the existing law a national bank cannot establish, local branches, as a stato bank can, but a state bank can apply for a national bank charter and retain its branches, as the Irving Trust Company has done. It was announced that the present official staff'and employees of both In? stitutions would be retained. St 86 ? 57 Third Av rftr 4a 1,000. 46% 1.O00. 46% do adj 5s 10,000.JM% 2,000. 80 Toi St L ft W 4s 4,000.47% Un Pacific 6a 1,000.101 1,000...... 100% 4.000....."-.100% do 1st 4s 4.000. 2.000...., 1,000..... do cv 4s 14,300.84% do rfg 4a 9.000.72% 8,000. 1.000.. 3,000.. 4,000.. 0,000., 5,000., L A S F ino 6s 6.000. 49% S,0"9. 50% 14.000. 50 .1.000. 50% do G* Scr C 3.000_ 12,000. 80% St L Swn Ter 11.000.... St L Swn 1st 4s 4.000. 63 2,000. 63% do con 4s e.000. 66 St. P & Kan City Short L 4%i 1,000. 63%j Si P M & M 4%s 3,000. 91% St P & Nor Pa? Gs 1,000.._ioo%| Seab Air Lina 4s 1 10.000. 80%I do rfg 4s 1,000. 45% d0&68. 89% Un M*"?** 7.000. 89% 3,000. 39% 4.000. 39% U 1.000. 39% I.O110. 39% So Bell T & T 5s 2.000. 80% So Pacific cv 5a 70.000.103% 3,000.103 1,000.103% 1,000.103% 20,000.103% 6,000.104 6,000.103% ? 1,000.104 1,000.103% 1,000.103% do ov 4s 78% 70% 79% 79% 78% 79% 79% 73 72% 73 72% 73 72% ctfs of ilepoa 13.000. 27% S Realty & I 5s 5,000.75% 27,000. 76 11,000. 76% 5.000. 5.000. 2,000. Rubber 78 2,000. do 5a 1,060. U S Smoltin? fa 6,000.102 U S Steal s ? 6s U S 76% 7014 102% 84% 4,000 6.OO6. 12,000. 2.000..... 3.000. 4,000. 2.000. 1.000. do rfff 4s 5,000. 6,000. do col 4s 5,000. 1,000. 2,000. 2,000. 70 Southern Ry Sa 2,000. 6.000. do 4s 2.000. 1.000...... Taxaa Co at fa 1.000. 20,000...,. 1.000. 1.000. 7,000..,.,. 1,000. 06% A L 5,000 4,000 1,000 1,000 Utah Pwt 2,000. ??'3|Va-Cnr'Chem 6s 7*5% 10.000. 94% 75_!W"abash 1st 5s * 1.000. 89 68% ?West Maryland 4a 69 68% 86% 86 io$%! .102% 1,000 West Pacific Es 4,000. 1,000 52% 83 81% 2,000...... 83 Wilson Co 1st fa 8,000.97 d? cv 6s 1,000.|l 1.000.92% Investment Information Queetioru of general interest te I ?Jnt-eifor? wilt be anetoered in this column, in which ease only initiate will be usad. Others will be an? swered by mat/. Address all in 3 wrist, inclosing a etampe?, ad. resssd envelope to Financial Editor. The Tribune, ISA Nassau Streit, Ne*? York City. High Yields and Well Secured Question?I have about $8,000 to Invest and a friend of mine told me that there are ?orne Bood railroad bonds which he believes are quite safe and will return large dlvi demis. Among them he has mentioned St. Louis <fc San Francisco mortgage gold 6 per cent, series "A." Will you kindly give me your opinion regardm-,* thin bond and nlao any other liondi which would yield a good return and be reasonably safe??13. P. Answer?There are many railroad bonds offering high yields at present. The price of money ?3 so high that in- ' vestments must return a substantial in- ! come. The St. Louis & San Francisco ! prior Hen 6 per cent bonds are the | series "C," duo July 1, 1928. The ? amount outstanding is $10,598,000, which, together with the sories "A" and "B" (all tho same issue), makes a total of $119,787,125, They are a first lien on 1530 miles, a first collateral lien on 94 miles and a second lien on 919 miles and a third lien on 760 miles. They are also secured on $16,660,000 common and $7,083,400 preferred stock and on the leasehold of the company in the Kansas City, Fort Scott A Memphis Railway, which owns- 1,211 mi^es of road. They are further secured by de? posit? of various bonds and stocks. At present prices tho 6 per cent issuse yields about 8% per cent, if held to ! maturity. Other bonds offering sub? stantial yields are Denver & Rio Grande first * per cent, 1936, a first lien on 1,G00 miles, to yield over 8 per cent; Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific refunding 4 per cent, 1934, a first lien on 815 miles and a first collateral lien on 364 miles, to yield over 8 per cent, and Baltimore & Ohio Southwest 3% per cent, 1925, a first collateral lien on over 700 miles, to yield over 8 per cent. All of these bonds cover important mileage and appear at present to be well s?3cured. Wo believe they offer un- ? usual opportunities for investment. Must Learn to Read French Question?Will you kindly advise me as to the following: I recently purchased a email amount of City of Paris 5 per cent 1919 premium bonds. A? you know, these bonds are redeemed by drawings, with in some ca;?eu a vary large premium : but if one is lucky enough to draw theso premiums, how U one to know that his number ia the lucky one, as there sceraa to bo no list of sui;h drawing's published, and, as the bonds seem not to be n^ristered bonds, how will the City of Paris officials know who is the lucky one? Also kindly tell mo your opinion as to the investment value of these bonds, and oblige. ?A. C. R. Answer?We know of no means of ascertaining the lucky numbers of Paris bonds drawn for payment other than subscribing to some Paris paper, which would in all likelihood publish <ihe numbers. It appears doubtful that any such publication will be made here. Most brokers have ceased trading in this Issue, pending a ruling by the De? partment of Justice as to its legality. Not for Small Investors Question?I would like a little informa? tion, if you please, or. Standard Oil securi? ties. Is the commoit. Btock considered as (?rood as the preferred? How are dividends paid on the co-imon. ?o much a hurd'-ted or so much a share ; that to, if th? stock ia 300, 10 per cent dividends would be ','?0 .' Is California common at $316 consider?! reasonable? I suppose it is good substantial stooh. I have received letters from brokers, but would like your information first. I am a married man and cannot take too many chances.?H. A. Answer?We do not consider Stand? ard Oil common Issues good invest? ments for people of limited means. The stocks are subject to violent fluc? tuations and in most cases, while 'the equities are large, the Income return is comparatively small. Market prices are not considered in computing divi? dends. If a stock pays 10 per cent, par $100, the dividend is $10. The pre? ferred stock of the Standard Oil of New Jersey is entitled to a good in? vestment rating, as is the preferred stock of Atlantic Refining. Standard Oil of California is a very successful company, yet the stock is highly spec? ulative. For pure investment pur? poses we think you would do better to comme your purchase to preferred stocks of successful corporations or good bonds. Amertcan Newsvender Question?Can you tell me anything con? cern inu; the prospecta of the American Newsvender Corporation, at 220 Went Forty Becond Street, is its atocK worth anything and if so does it pay any dividends?? C. E. A. Answer?The American Newsvender Corporation appears to be making headway. Since its latest patent was perfected last September about 1,000 boxes for the automatic sales of news? papers are said to have been dis? tributed among publishers in eighteen different states, 1,000 more are ready for distribution and still another 1,000 are being manufactured. The boxes are in use in Buffalo, Washington, Raleigh. North Carolina, Atlantic City and Philadelphia. The concern has a factory In Newark, N. J., for the manu? facture of tho mechanism. New stock is being sold to pr?vido funds to in? stall machinery for making the metal casings, which are now bought from outside concerns. This, it is said, will effect a big saving. Tho boxes are sold or leased to newspapers by the News box Sales Corporation. F. A. Naufften, general manager of the latter, states that the company can show a slight profit now, but no dividend has b?en declared. East Coast Fisheries Question?Kindly give ma an ?expression of opinion a~ to tha stock, both preferred and common, of the East Coast Fisheries Products Company. What about tha people back of the corporation? Can the stock be considered a good purchase for th? conserva? tive investor to put In "tha strong box" and forget it, only to bring to mind on the dividend dates? What about East Coaat Fisheries Company??J. B. K. Answer?Do not put any stocks away In your "strong box" with the idea of forgetting them until called to mind by dividend dates. Earnings and dividends of corporations that have operated con? servatively and successfully over a pe? riod of years are subject to change, and therefore the best practice is to keep your investments in mind at all j times, lest developments arise making it necessary to act promptly to protect yourself. The East Coast Fisheries Products Company is a new organiza? tion formed to take over several small? er fish-packing and distributing com? panies which have operated on th? Maine coast for a number of years. It has a contract with the East Coast, Fisheries Company, with which it is closely affiliated, to market the ''catch" of the latter concern. Its affairs ap? pear to be in competent hands, but the company has yet to demonstrate its earning power on what seems to be a generous capitalization. As no state- : merit of actual earnings ha3 yet been i issued by this company or the East Coast Fisheries Company the possibili- j ties for the stocks of either, we be? lieve, should be Judged in the light of a speculation. Four full columns of In? vestment questions and am? steers are published in The Tribune every Sunday, Legal inv-wtment for trust funds. New Issue of $120,000 GUARANTEED FIRST MORTGAGE CERTIHCATES sy2% w On building just completed N. E. Corner Burnside and Davidson Avenues The Bronx 32 Apartments and Seven Stores All leased. Rental $40,000 yearly. Conservatively valued at $190,000 Certificates in any amount over $100?interest starts immediately Orders may be sent by mail or telephone Order by Seriez Number 16,626 Lawyers Mortgage Company Capital and Surplus $9,000,000 59 LIBERTY ST., NEW YORK 184 MONTAGUE ST., B'KLYN Tel. 7905 Cortland TeL 7686 Main \ Oil Stocks Up On Curb Market As Public Buys New High Prices on Current Movement Are Recorded; General Asphalt, Houston and Elk Basin Leaders Oil shares displayed aggressive strengt!? in the outside market yester? day on active buying for tho long ac? count. Public participation was fairly large, Curb brokers said. In a num? ber of the leading oils new high records were made for the current movement. General Asphalt common, classed as an industrial, but which in reality is considered an oil share, Jumped from an opening of 93 to 101% and closed almost at the top. Houston Oil, which sold in the 80s on the recent break, rose from 111 to 118 on dealings of 1,500 shares. The company has started development work on its 340-acre tract in the Hull field in Texas, it was reported. This is said to be one of the largest individual proven areas of oil land in a single parcel existing in domestic oil fields. Continued buying was in evidence in Elk Basin Petroleum, which crossed 11, the highest price in several weeks. Announcement was made that the com? pany has acquired the Mutual Oil Com? pany with refineries in Wyoming, lubri? cating and great plants at Chanute, Kan., and Kansas City and marketing and distributing stations In Kansas, Nebraska and the Northwestern states. This purchase will make Elk Basin, it was stated, a complete unit in the oil industry, with extensive producing properties, refineries, tank cars and s distributing system. Submarine Boat was under some pressure and held around 16%. The Homer field oils were firm. Industrials Salea. Open. High. Low. Last. 3500 ?Aetna Explou. 9 9% 8% 8% 16300 Am Safe Raz.. 10% 10% 9% 10 700?Alumin M?g.. 29% 29% 29% 29% 1700 Armour Leath,. 10 ll>?a 16 10% 600 Austin-Nichols. 21 24% 21 24 1800 ?Benford Au Pr 2% 2% 2% 2% 300 ?Brit-Am Chem 7*4 8 7*4 8 1200 ?Br-Am Tob cp 18% 18% 18*4 18% 1400 ?do rts. 6% 7% 6% 7% 1000 do reg. IS1/? 19% 1SV4 19$ 11000 ?don* rts.. 7 7% 7 75s 100'Bucyrus Co... 23 23 23 23 200 ?Butler Bros... 53 53 51 51 500 ?Conley Tin F. 26% 26% 20% 26% 500 ?Continent Mot. 12 13 13 12 12000 ?Gen Asphalt.. 93 101% 92% 99% 300 ?do pf.146% 155 146)?8 155 300 ?Gillette Saf R.175 180 175 179 2100 ?Goldwyn Pict 24 24 23 23% 400 Grape-Ola. 1% 1% 1% 1% 700 do pf. 2 2fr 3 2,'j 200 ?Hall Signal... 6 6 5 8 800 ?do pf. 99% 99% 93 98 1000 ?Heydcn Chem. 4% 4% 4% 4% 300 ?Hydraulic SU. 34 > 34 84 84 100 ?do pf. 15 15 15 15 500 Indian Packing 14% 14% 14% 14% 200 ?Kay Co Gas..- 1% 1% 1% 1% 200 Keystone Sole.. 13% 13% 13% 1?!% 100 ?Line Mo Cl A. 48% 48% 4S% 48% 100 ?Locomobile n? 20 20 20 2<i luOU Mont Ward.... 34 35 34 35 1200 Marconi of Am 5% 5% 5% 5% WOO No Am P & P, 5% 5% 5% 5% 300 ?Ohio Blower B 32 32% 32 82% 400 ?Orpheum Circ. 31% 31% 31% 31% 600 Perfection Tire, 4,% 4% 4% 4% 1100 ?Press T & R.. 2% 2% 2% 2% 1200 ?Radio Co wi.. 2% 2% 2% 2% 1400 ?do pf. 2% 3 2% 3 1405 ?Rainier Mot.. 89 40 89 40 400 ?Reo Motors... 27 29 27 29 2800 ?Republio Rub. 4% 4% 4% 4% y"n ?Root & Vand. 47 47% 47 47% 200 ?Stand G & E.. 17% 17% 17% 17% 100 ?Stand Gas pf. 37% 37% 37% 37% 6000 Submarine Boat 16% 17% 16 l?j% 1000 ?Sweets Co Am. 5% 6 6% 5% 1200 ?Swift Inter... 46% 48 46% 47% 900 ?Temt CfcF Pr.. 42 42 40 40 1400 ?Tob Prod Exp. 20 20 18 IS ' 750 ?U S H Sp T.. 81% 33 31% 31% 500 ?Un Pict Prod. 13 13% 13 13% 2400 Unit Profit Sh. 2% 2% 2% 2% 600 ?Union Carbide 71% 73% 71% 73'.> 6000 *U Ret St Can. 15 15 14*i 14"% 10000 U S Steamship 3 3 2% 27s 600 U S Transport. 10% 10% 10% 10% 600 Wayne Coal... 3% 4 8% 4 800 ?William Daviea 4t2 43 41 42 700 ?Willys Corp.. 20 20 18% 19 100 ?do 1st pf... 95 95 96 95 200 ?do 2d pf.... 75 75 72 73 Standard Oils Salea. Open. High. Low. Larw 800 ?Anglo-Am Oil 27% 28 27% 28 60 Galena Signal.. ? 65 65 65 80 ?So Penn Oil., ? 842 840 840 125 ?Std Oil Cal... ? 844 835 843 175 ?Std Oil NJ?- 790 750 775 245 ?Std Oil N Y.. ? 475 468 475 Other Oils Salea. Open. High. Low. Last 25000 ?Allen Oil. 1% 2% 1% 2% 4000 ?Allied Oil.... % % & ft 1000 ?Amalg Royal. 35 40 83 40 6100 f Anna Bell Wyo 80 83 80 81 400 ?.Associated Oil. 1% 1% 1 1% 5700 ?Boone Oil_ 4% 4% 4% 4% 1800 ?Boston-Mex... 2% 2% 2% 2"% 1000 ?tBoston-Wyo.. 1% 1-ft 1% 1ft 1200 ?Cario Synd... 30 30?- 28 29 9000 ?Cities S BT Sh 40% 40% 40% ?10.% 1000 ?Colombia Em. 10% 10% 9% 9% 1500 ?Cosden & Co.. 9 9 8% 9 SoOO ?Dominion Oil. 14% 16% 14% 16% 1100 ?Duiiuesne Oil. 7% 7% 7% 7% 2500 Engineers Pet. 1% 1% 1% 1%" 14600 ?Elk Baaln Pat 10% 11% 10% 11% 700?ErtelOil_? 1% 1% 1% 1% 1800 ?Esmeral O&Q. % % % % 600 ?Federal Oil... 8% 4 3% 3% 600 ?Gilliland OIL. 43 44% 43 44% 300 ?do Pf...... 87 87% 97 97% 6500 ?Glenrock OIL. 3*4 8% 8 8% 600 ?Guffey-Gillaap. 81% 83% 81% 82% ilOOH Pet of Don.. 3% 8?% 8_ 8*2 1600 ?Houston OU. .111 118 LU 118 4100 ?Hudson Oil... % % % "?? 1500 ?Internat Pot. 70 70% 69% 70 6200 ?Invincible OiU 85 87 83 35% 1000 ?Island O _ Tr 6 6 4% 5 600 ?tLance Creek. % % % % 2000 Livingston Oil. 1% \& * 3 i*g 400 ?Lone Star Gaa 37 37 86 36% 2200 Magna Oil.... 4% 4% i .-,*?, 400 ?Manhattan Oil. 20% 20% 20% -20V, 1500 ?Maracaibo Oil 21% 22 21% 22 8500 ?Merritt Oil.... 13'A 21% 19V4 21_ 1000 Met Petroleum. 2ft 2% 2?i 2*2 600 ?Mexico Oil..? 1% ] ?! ?y* {?, ?600 No Am OAR... 3% S% 3% S% 8000 ?Ohio Ranger.. % *2 2 ?? 600-Okla Nat Ga*. 41 41* 40 4o? 600 ?Pan-Am Pet wt 19 1? 13 19* 200 ?do pf..,..,.. ?3 1000 ?Phillip. Va*.. 40? 600 ?Prod & ?}., MU 800 ?Bad Book ofC W* 600 ?rtoi'Ss ?00 ?Red Roc_, ?| .la-al*-*. ? 63 Subscriptions to this Loan close March IJ in Brussels, but by arrangement made by the Soci?t? Generate de Belg ue, our Brussels Office can purchase these bonds, at par, up to March j/, 1Q20. Belgian Loan 2,500,?00,000 Francs 5% Internal Premium Loan Issued in 500-franc Bonds At the rate of exchange on March nth, these bonds may be purchased tor about $39.37 Should Belgian exchange return to nor? mal par of exchange, these bonds, at par, would be worth about $96.50. There is an additional return to the holder depending, as to amount, upon whether his bonds are drawn for redemption, or cailed by the Belgian Government after 1940. We are prepared to procure Belgian francs for the purchase of these bonds at current cable transfer rates. A circular giving detailed information ?will be sent on request. Guaranty Trust Company of New York 140 Broadway Fifth Ave. & 43rd St. Madison Ave. St 60th St. 268 Grand St. London Liverpool Park Hav_i Brubuu f I 83?4 11 1% 21% 18 25 4J% Fries. 3500 ?Seouoyah O&R 6 100 ?Simms Pet.... 800 ?Skeily Oil.*. .. 400 So States Cons 1600 Spencer Pet.. . 1200 ?Superior Oil.. 100 ?Texas Chief... 14500 ?Texas Co wi.. S?0 Tex & Pac C&O 90 % JOOTex-Rang P&R. 1% 9200 ?Texon O & L. " MuO ?Tropical Oil.. 2.100 ?Unit Tex Pet? 1L00 ?Victoria Oil.. 200 ?Vulcan Oil.... 500 Wayland 0_G? 5)00 ?Whits Oil..., 300 ?Woodburn OIL Open. High. Low. Last, % lft 20% 1% 1% 7% 5 29% <5% 35% 11% 1% 22% 18% 51% 98 1% lft 21 1% 1% 30 0% 33 It 1% 21% 18 25 49% 96 ? 20% 1 1% 7% 2b 6 Va Stocks Ex Dividend 35% I Mar 15?Advance Rumley pf. 111J. ' Mar 15?American Bank Xote pf. ? ' Mar 13?American Beet Sugar pf...... I1 Mar 15?American Bosch Magneto.. Mar 17?American Can pf. Mar 15?American Car & Foundry.... Mar 15? do pf. Mar 13?Amer Hid? & Leather pf.... MarlS?Amer International.. Maria?American Linseed pf. Mar 12?American Locomotiva. 1' Mar 12*? do pf. IV Mar 12?Amer Smelt A Seo pf A etpd. I1 Mar 12? do pf B. 1! Mar 12?American Bnuft. 1% 50 97 1% 1 21 It 29% 6% ..?1?. f 1 I n i Mar 12? do pf..,. Mar 15?Amer Steal Fdye Temp pf. Hi Sales. i 500 Alaska-Br C M. ?00 "America Minea 1 1 ..00 ?Arizona Silver 1% 7500 ?tAtlanta. 3 I 500 ?tBclch D lap) 13 !.'00'Belch E (ap) . 11 ! ?00 Big Ledge. ft .I.-.00 ?tBooth. 6 7000 +Bost & Mont.. 65 2,"00 ?tCaledonia_35 100 Canada Copper. 1% 100 ?Carson Hill G. ?3% 2500 ?tCashboy. 8 75 ?Cons Vir Silv. 4% 3000 Cone Cop Min.. 4% MOO ?De Beer Con.. 41% ?MOO Divide Ex ipr). % 26010 ?Eureka Cr M.. 1% 9 ?60 ?tEureka Holly 1 M00 El Salvador M. 2% 2 M00 Emma Silver.. 11 M00 ?Forty-nine M. 1% :M00?tGold Zone D. 29 300 ?Golden Gate... 1% G ".00 ?tGoldfleld Cona 14 12500 ?tGoldfleld Dcv 8 Ti?O ?tGoldfleld Mer. 3% ! .'OO Hecla Mining.. 4% iOO ?Hond-Am Svn. 18 2200 ?tJim But:eia. 23 1700 tJumbo Extern. 8% ')O0 Kerr Lake. 4% 1500 ?tKewanaa.... 2 25700 ?-Knox Divide.. 12 , ?00 ?tMacNam Min ft 7400 ?fMarsh Min.. IS 350 ?Motherlode Cop 5 S00 NY HomfcRos M 13% ? 200 Ophir Silver M. 1 1 ?00 Prince Con_ % ?MOO Roper-Group M ft 700 Seneca Copper. 15 M00 ?Silver Dol M.. % .MOO Silver K Aria.. % 87t00?tSilver Pick.. 24 500 Stand Sil Lead. ft 1200 ?tSuccesa Min.. 6% 2?>00 ?Sutherland D. 6 " 360 ?Tono Belmont. 2% ?MOO ?Tono Divide... 2% 2000 Tono Exten... 2% 270 ?Tono Mining.. 2% 1300 United Eastern. 8% 2?)00 ?f U S Cont M.. 7 9400 ?tVict D lap). 8% HOOfWaah G Qtz.. 99 Mar 1S Mar 15 Open. High. Lor*. Last j f^ ff; Mar 18? American Woolen....?? 1" Mining do pf. -Barrett Company.. - do pf. -Bethlehem Steal... - do Claea B...... do 1 per cent pf. 19 16 18 2.'00 tW End Cc 2750 fW Caps Min.. l.VOO+W C Ext ?ap) 2000 Wilbert Mining Silea (00O omitted) 88 ?Allied Pack 6s 45 ?Am T & T. '22.. 95 1 ?Am T & T, '24.. 94VI 7 ?Balg Gott 6, '21.. 97"*/ 10 ?Belgian 6a, '25... 96^L ? ?CCC&StL 6a. '29. 87% 87 SO ?Gea Elec 6a, '40.. 99% ?9 3 ?Gort of S**r**d fa. flfc 9? 7 7 6% 1 Bonds Open. High. Low. Last 77 94% 94% 7 ?Int?r B * f?.?; Il ?U*_ltftr& MBto par share. -Mar 10 ! Mar 1. ! ?Marl6? do 8 per cent pf. 2 I Mar 13?Booth Fisherlea 1st pf. I? 1 Mario?Case. ,1 I Thresh Mach pf...? 1* ?Marl2?Chino Copper. I Mar 15?Columbia Graph Mfg Temp pf 1" : Mar 20?Commerce, Nat Bank. 2? ; Mario?C G E E ?ft P Co ot Bait. 2 ! Mar 15?Cons Int-Callahan Mln. 3 : Mar 19?Continental Can. 1' 1 Mar 19? do pf. M 1 Mar 16?Crucible Steel pf. 1 I MarlS?Cuba Can? fjugar pf. 1* Mar 15?Cuban-American Sugar...... 2'. Maria? do pf.... 1 Mar 20?Durham H M T Cl B, % and fe e Mar 16?Blectrlo Storage Battery.?' Mur 16?Endlcott Johnson. 1' Marl?!? do pf. 1 MarlS?Flsk Rubber. *. Mar 20?General Electrlo. 2 Mar 16?Gulf St Steel at tr ctf* lat pi. IV. MarlS?Haskell * Barker Car. X Mar 13?Helme, O W. 2*., Mar 13? do pf. 1? MarlS?International Salt. 1? Mar 15?Kelly-Sprlngfleid Tire 4 p 0 pf 1 ' Mar 15?Keyaione Tire & Rubber. 3'^ Mar 15?Kresge, 8 S pf., 1 Mar CO?Kress, S H pf. 1 Mar 13?Le high Val R R. . Ma.r 15?Liggett & Myers Tob pf. li MarlS?LorUlaid. P. :? MarlS? do pf. 1 . MarlS?Manati Sugar Co pf. 1 MarlS?Manhattan Electric Supply... 1 MarlS? do 1st pf. 1? -Mar IS?Manila Eieo R R & Light.... 1 . Mario?May Dept Stores pf. la. i .klar 13?Mexican Petroleum. 2 Mar 13? do pf. 8 Mar 20?Middle Statea Oil temp.10c I Mar 20?M St P & S 8 M leased linea. S MarlS?Montana Power. "i? Max 18? do pf. 1% Mar 16?N An _ Cham temp v t ette pi 1 '? Mar 12?National Lead.,. Lai Mar 19?National Surety. 8 Mar 12?Nevada ?Coo Copper...,,...,. % Mar 13?N Y. Lack A Western Hj.... J'. ?Mar 18?North American Co. 1:a Mar 19?Northern Pacific Ry......??.. 1 >. Max 15?Ohio Citlea Oaa pf.......?*.. I*jt Mar 80?Otis Steel pf...?????? H MarlS?Pan-Am Petrol at Trans...... !_ Mar 13? do temp common B,....... I1. Mar 20?Penney J C Co temp pf....... ? ?t Mar 20?Pettibone-Muiiiken let pf.... L_ Mar 15?Plerce-Arrow Motor Car pf.. ? Mar 20?Pierce OU % per cent pf.S Mar IT?Railway Steel Spring.? MarlS?Ray Con Copper. \| Mar 16?Republic Iron ?ft Steel pf..... 1 ?. Mar 15?Sears-Roebuck _ Co pf....... 1 a Mario?South Porto Rico Sugar. 6 MarlO? do pf. t Mar 15?So Ry Co. Mo A O St tr ctfa. > Mar 16?Stromberg Carburetor. 1 Marl6?Tezaa Company. 8% Mar 18?Union Pacific R R...... ; .... Marl?? do pf.. 1 MarlS?United Cigar Store? 00m ?UK..10 Mar 16?4Jnl*_ Dyawoo?. itt ^tt3Dt_U*Ki_i::::::::::::::::: I? Mar It?Utah Copper.ju. Mar 16?Weyman-Burton. ju, fiar 17?Whit? Motor..... ?