Newspaper Page Text
?SECURITIES OFFERED AND WANTED Clinchfield Coal Hodgman Rubber Pfd. Ford Motor of Canada Gillette Safety Razor Metropolitan 5c to 50c Stores Colombia Sugar Michigan Sugar Godchaux Sugar Com. & Pfd^ , Holland St. Louis Sugar Tenn. Ry. & Light Standard Gas & Elec. Com. & Pfd. City Service Com. & Pfd. r ^orto_tIac_ieribmc?L&Ca _j}2 JSx?mO. Sti_-?> lle-iTirtiU XfDCMO DETROIT Pl_Lr\D_LPHIA PITTSBUROH L J.K.Rice, *?r. & Co.WiUBoy I 100 Anierirnn Piano Com. A Pfd. [I J' BO K. W. ?i?l--. Cominon ? ? ? Northern Pu per i ?53 ?iirat American ItiMirance 25 Home Insurance i 100 K'.ri.y Lumber Com. & Pfo. ! too Kerr Navigation I 100 National Sugar Refining 50 North Uivcr Insurance 100 Northern siecurltien ."?tuba ? 10.M N. Y. State Rys. 4V?s 215 Rome liras* _ Copper 50 Texni Pacific Coal & Oil I 60 Tidewater Oil i BO Victor Talking Machine J.K. Rice, Jr. & Co. Will Sell ?! 10 Company 50 Alias Portlntid Cement Oom. 25 Barrett-Nephewa Co. 50 Childs ?t I?.-~t.> Pfrt. j IB FMellty-Plienb; Insnranee 50 Humble Oil & Rcllnnig I 100 Klrby Lumber Com. _ Pfd. |i 85 I.iliigh Valley Coal Salea I 200 Mahoning loa! IL R. * 50 Manufacturers '1 rust ?25 Royal Typewriter Com. 50 Midland Securities 50 ?Singer Manufacturing 50 ?ex;;-, Pacific (oui A Oil ? | OU ?in- Wheel Corp. Pfd. J. K. Rice, Jr. & Co. Pilones 4000 to (010 John. 38 Wall St.. N. Y. I Texas Pacific Coal & Oil Empire Steel & Iron Central Aguirre Sugar National Sugar Indian Re?ning ?m C. Kerr & Co. | 2 Wall St., N. Y. Phone 6780 Rector r/t/S.'>A'V'?.f','WW.WJ'W//f-~ ' Mark A. Noble Theodore C. Corwla NOBLE & CORW.N *? 85 Broad St. New Tark .,1 Nat. City Bank Safety Car H.&L. Central Un. Tr. B'kiyn City Ry. Telephone lilt Broad Woodward Iron Common | Merrill, Lynch & Co. Trading D?partaient 1 120 Broadway, New York P m a R? ctor 7t?S3 to 76S2, Incl. IjEasl. Steel Con. ?.'entra! Ajuirre Sugar |Saiety Car H. & Lt. Cuantanimo Sugar R. J. Reynolds Tob.* Equitable Trust I Sione,Prosser & Doty f 52 William St. Hanover 7733 Ontario's Mining Output Decreases TORONTO, Can.. March 11.?Pro? duction of non-metallic minerals in Ontario increased in value from $14, 130.!>3f5 in 1918 to $15,971,371 for 1919, according to a report issued to-day by the Ontario Bureau of Minos. In me? tallic minerals there was a decrease from $66,178,059 in 1918 to $11,510,742 in 1919. The total decrease was from $80,308,972 in 1918 to $57,483,113 "for ?JJ?19. The ending of the war was responsi? ble for the falling off in metallic min? erals, the report suites. Metals are not required in the same quantities now as when the production of munitions was at its height. The total gold production of Ontario for L919 was 505,907 fine ounces, worth $10,451,688, the largest output to date . I an increase of $11-,429 over 1916. Ontario's gold output now exceeds that of the American Union, California alone excepted. The average grade of ore treated at Porcupine and Kirkland Lake remains nearly the same as here? tofore, the extract per ton being $9.50 and $11.81, respectively, for 1918. Dividends Kxtra Independent Pneumatic Tool Company? An extia dividend of 6 por cent has been declared In addition to the regular quar? terly dividend of 0 per cent, both payable April 1 to stockholders of record March 20. Torrlngton Company?An extra dividend of 1 per cent has been declared In addi? tion to the regular quarterly dividend of ? per cent, both payable April 1. Regular D?clarations Bato and Holder? Period Payablo of Itec. ?Vmerii-an Ag Oh. - <j Api. 15 Mar. 22 do pi. !!i(? Api. 15 ?Mai. 22 American Type V 1 Q Api. 15 Apl. 10 do pi . 1^* ? Apl. 15 Apl. 10 Aahcviiie P & 1. pf 1 ? Q Apl. 1 Mar. 18 Associated l?ry O 1 W May 1 Api. ? do pi. 1V4 y Jini? 1 Muy 8 do 2d pf. l*? ?-.' June 1 May 8 Bank of the US. _ Vi ? Apl. 1 - Barnhuit Bros. A ISpliullor. 1st pf 1*4Q May 1 Apl. 26 do 2d pf. 1%. ? May 1 Apl. 26 Canadian-Connec? ticut Cotton I p o pf. * Q Apt 1 Mar. 10 Canadian Croeker Wheeier . 1 ?** Q Mar. 81 - do pf. 1** Q Mar. 81 Carolin? P * I-.. 1 ?i Q Apl. 1 Mar. 18 Chas?: Nat Bank. 4 Q Apl. I Mar. 28 Chatham A Pho.S<U>0Q Apl. 1 Mar. 20 Coal A Iron N U 3 g - - ?Bluer & Harris.. 2 Q Apl. 1 Mar. 21 ilo pr. 1 ?4 ?J Apl. 1 Mar. 31 KliBt ?Nut Bank.. & W Apl. 1 Mar. SI II R M-lllnson pf. 1 *? Q Apl. 1 Mar. 32 J.-eM C?*p Copper.$0.25? Mar. IS Mar. 11 ?v.Y.-rs T c". T.. I1,.? Apl. 1 Mar. 18 Manant Slstr* pf.Sl.75 Q Apr. 1 Mar. 22 Mlas Valloy T Co.K.OO Q Api. i Mar. 33 M Y Oil (stock).. 100?- July 1 rh"!p3-t>od_e . ..S2.&0Q Apl. 8 Mar. 22 Beading Co _ 2 Q May 13 Apl. 20 Bobt Bel? 1st pf 1*4 4 Apl. 1 Mar. 16 Boval IJok Powd ? Q Mar. 81 Mar. 81 do pf. 1%Q Mar. 81 Mar. 81 ftandard Screw.. 6 Q Apl. 1 Mar. 15 United aas Imp. 2 Q Apl. 16 Mar. 81 Wal worth Mfg ..?0.85 U Mar. 15 Mar. ( do pf. 1HQ Wa*a,31 Mar. 10 WUlya Id pf.I1.T6 Q Apl. 1 Mar. 21 Yadkln IUt Fo pX 1% Q Aal. 1 Mar. 1? Pubitc Utility Securities Bid Amer T.lght it Traction com.. do pf . Adirondack Eleo Power com.. do pfd . Amer <".><? ? Electric com... do pfd . American Power * Light com d< ifd 1' 89 It 76 191 .18 55 67 7 Amer, Public Utilltlea com. do pfd .,.?.-.? SO Amerlenn Waterworks Electric a Am W W * B participating pf 8 American W W A B 1st pfd.. 47 Carolina Power & Light com.. 84 Cltlea Service com. 801 do nfd . 70 H do bankers certificate? .... 40 do 7 p o, ?pries B, 1968. IBS do 7 pc. series C, 19(8. 100 Colorado Power com. 14 fio Pf?! . 90 Commonwealth Tr, By_L com IT do pfd. 87 Denver One ???? -tec 'ten ".?,... ?7 Blectrle Bond & Share pfd ... 86 Bmpire District Electric pfd. 55 Federal Light & Traction com 5 do pfd . 42 Gas & Electric Securities com 300 do pfd . 80 Northern Ohio Electrlo com. ? do pfd . ***** Northern Ontario h _ P com 10 do pfd . 60^ Northern States Power com... 47*^ do pfd. ?3 Pacific Gas & Efleotrlo pfd... 83 Bopubllc By & Light Co com. 16 do pfd . 60 ?outhern Calif Bdlson com.. 86 do pfd . 99 Standard Gas _ Electric com 17 do pfd . 87 Tennessee Ry, h _ P com.... 1 do pfd . T United Light & Rys com. 23 do 1st pfd . 63 W estern Power com. 17 do pfd . 67 * Bonds Askid 105 92 14 7? 131. 40 60 7*i 12 25 4 T 61 87 400 73 42 108 18 95 20 40 93 90 65 7 47 400 85 20 65 14 66 61 8? 85 18 119 115 460 21% 176 60 ma. :: ..5? .. 86% Appalach Power 1st 5a. Cincinnati Gas & Elec 5s, Co\ (Gas & Elec 5s, '27. . Pallas Elec 6a, '22.. East Texas Elec 5s, '66. El Paso Elec col 5s... Great West Power 6s, Midwest Util 6s, '25.. ?41). North Ont Light & Power 6a. North States Power 6a, '26... Sugar Stocks Bid. Asked. Card-Am.. IS 66 99% 76 79 79 85 71 H 64 64 8? 103 19 89 S ? 26 66 19 69 82 J0(l 83 81 90 78 * 69 ?7 Bid. Aalted. Elk Basin Petroleum Co. 10% 11% Houston OH Co com. '17 Imperial Oil. Ltd . 110 Magnolia Petroleum Co. 440 Merrltt Oil Corporation. 2014 Midwest Refining Co. 173 Northwest Oil Co. 40 Producers and Refiner? com.. 8% Sapulpa Refining Co . 6% New York City Bond? ?eonrlty. rate, maturity. Bid. Ask. Tiel Inter 4%?, 18IT do 4%?, 1??>. do 4*Aa, 1963. do fit?, 1967. ?6% do 4%?. 1983. ?0 do 4*4?, 1964. t0 do 4%s, 1963. ?9 do 4*4?, 1960. 8? do 4%a, 1960 op 1(80. 90 do 4a, 1959. 86*4 do 4a, 1958. 86V4 do 4s, 1957. ?flii Reg 4s, 1955-'56. 86% do 4n, 19.16. 90 Inter 3,%s, 1964. 77 Coupon 3%s, 1984. 77 ?Reg 3%a, 1950-1954 Inc.. 4.86 do 3%s, 1940-1950 Inc.. 4.86 Beg and coup (serial) ? 4%a, 1919-1930 lnc. 4.86 ? , ? Reg and coup (aerial) - ' 4*4a, 1919-1931 lno_ 4.86 ? I? Reg and coup (aerial) 4%?, 1919-1933 lno_ 4.86 ? ? New York State Bonds Issued In coupon and registered form ?ot interchangeable. Coupon oond? reg tsterable. Canal Imp 4%a, 1964_104 Highway Imp 4%a. 1988.104 Canal Imp 4*4?, 1966_99 High Imp 4%a, 1966. 99 Barge Can Ter, 4%s, 1945 99 High Imp 4a, 1967. 16 Canal Imp 414s, 1065. 95 High Imp 4s, 1960-'63 lno 95 do 4s, 1958. 95 Canal Imp 4s, 1960--62 lno 95 Bar Can Ter 4s. 1942 & '46 96 Federal Farm Loan Bonds ,9 op 1924. 96% 8. 7.75 5.86 6.00 6.10 6.35 6.45 ?.66 Short Term Securities Security, Rate. Due. Bid. Ask. Tleld. Am Cotton Oil 6s 1824... 96 96% 8.95 Am Tel _ Tel 6a. 1922.. 94% 96 do 6s, 1924. 94 94% Am Thread 6s. 1928. 99% 100% Am Tobacco 7a 1920.100% 100% do 7s 1921 .100% 101% do 7s 1922. 101 101% do 7a 1923 .101% 101% Anaconda Cop 6? 1928... 94% 96% Armour & Co con 6? 1920 1924. 99% 100% Beth Steel Corp T?, 1923. 99% 100 do 7s, 1933 . 99% 100 Can Pae Ry 6?, 1934. 88% 94% Cent Argen By 8s, 1937.. 80 83 C. B & Q (joint) 4s, 1821 93% 94 C C C A St L 6s 1929. . . RB% C-Am Bug 1st in 6s. 1921 Cudahy Pack 7a, 1923... D & H R 11 6s, 1920. .. Fed Suer R Co 6s, 102*. . Gen Electrlo 6s. 1920... i Ot Northern Ry 6s, 1920 106 106 100% 100% J00% 97 97 SI 97 4.20 4.20 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.16 4.15 4.16 4.16 4.16 4 H a.1* 4i,ss, 1938 op 1323. 4%s, 1937 op 1!_2 6s, 193S op 1023.. ?O?, 961 99 97% 97% 97% IOO14 97% 97% Gulf Oil Corp 6s, 1921 do 6s, 1922. do 6s. 1923. 97% Hocking Val R R 8a, 1924. 92 Inter R T conv 7s, 1921.. 70 Jacob Dold Paok 7a, 1920. 99% 100% do 7s, 1921. 99% 101 do 7s, 1922. 99% 101% do 7s, 1923. 99% 101% Kan City Ter Ry 6a 1923. 97 98 Kenn Cop Corp 7s, 1830.. 96% 97% L Gas L 1st & ref 7s, 1929 96% 96% Liggett & M Tob 6s, 1921 98% 98% Molina Plow 7?, 1920. 99% 101 do 7s, 1921. 99% 101% do 7s. 1922. 99% 101% do 7b, 1923. 99% 101% do 7a, 1924.: 99% 101% N T Central 6?, 1828.99 99% Philadelphia 6s 1922. 94 ?A 95% Penna 4%s, 1921. 96% 97% Proo & Gamble 7a, 1921..100 100% do 7s. 1922.101% 101% do 7s, 1923.101% 102'.4 Pub S C N J conv 7s 1922 85% 87% R J Reynolds Tob 6s, 1923 98' 98% Southern Ry fis, 1922- 94 94% St P U D guar 6%s, 1923 96 87% Swift & Co Ha, 1921. 98% 93% The W I Sug F C 7s, 1929. 94 98 Utah Sec Corp 6s, 1922.. 84% 86% 6.40 6.45 6.45 6.65 6.60 7.35 7.65 6.80 6.96 8.20 8.46 6.86 6.60 6.95 8.60 6.35 6.00 6.30 6.15 14.40 6.60 0.10 6.30 6.55 7.30 12.40 Markets in Other Cities Bid. Aaked. do pref. 70 C Aguirra. 84 Fajardo ..139 Gt West..400 do pref. 115 Guanta'mo. 77 Mat-Am 10 22 ,Mat-Ampf 70 76 80 Michigan.. 11%, 12% 85%?National .160 185 143 INi Niqueo.225 420 |S Cec now 12 118 do pref. 75 78%)Savannah.. 43 15 1 do pref. 88 14 Chemical Stocks Am Cyan. do pref. By-Prod .. Caasin Co. 25 Hook Elec. 65 do pref. 65 Ky Solvay. 80 Mec Co p. 03 Merrimac.. M^fc 93 45 Dow Ch.. .220 Du P C p. 9% lOV?ilMuliord Co 53 Fed Chcm.100 105 Alk p 95 do pref. ? 99 Semet C..155 Grazelli ..155 175 SolvPoc.180 do pref. 9D 100 I Tobacco Stocks Con ley Foil.250 325|R J Rey A.520 70 70 110 06 8T% 56 100 165 \V Holmes. 160 do pref. . 97 J S Young.. 127 do pref... 90 Mac A & F.150 For R-A T.130 170 101 136 102 160 136 do ser B.120 do pref. 105 Univ Leaf. 140 Weym-B ..160 do pref. 97 540 440 107 108 101 Steel and Ordnance Stocks Am Brass.210 Atlas P.w.155 do pref. 84 Bab & W.117 Bliss. E W.400 do pref. 62 Can F&F.195 Carb Stl.. 90 do 1 pf.100 do 2d pf 70 Colts A.. . 54 D P Pow.300 216 162 89 120 450 68 205 100 110 75 57 315 East Steel. 37 Emp S & I 25 do pref. 70 ?Here P..200 *do pref 08 Niles B-P.110 do pref. 08 Scav Mfg. 390 Thorn Iron 30 Win Cor. .400 Woodward. 35 *Ex dividend. Miscellaneous Stock? Am Chicle 73 do pef. 72 76 i\m Leuth. 56 70 do pref. 94 98 Am Mfg. .155 165 do pref. 87% 90 Am M&F.100 ? Am Typ F 42 46 A D T NJ 25 35 A W c pf 94% 98% Atlas P C 70 75 BB&S 1 p 80 90 do 2d pf ?5 75 ! Bor C Mk.109 111 Bush T pf 72 77 Celluloid .150 155 \ Chads Co. 85 00 d.i. pref. 05 100 : City Inves 68 75 I Crk W pf. 96 101 D L & W.162 170 Draper C.llt 115 F R 1st pf 05 00 ' ir.t Sil pf. f.5 100 L'n.a L pf 00 95 Nat Cash. 120 N J Z wst.287 N Co 1 pf.100 O'Neill pf. 98 Phelps D. 230 Phil J Cor 56 do pref. 86 P & W pf. 95 R Reis&C 15 do pref. 82 Ry Bak P.130 do pref. 8f> Singer Mg.158 S L IM&S 13 Stoll S pf.100 S D F pf.100 ?Stern B p. 105 T&PG&On. 95 Valvol pf.100 V Raaltin. 40 do pref. 80 W C Kerr. 50 do pref. 77 W & B pf.100 Yale & T.2G0 39 35 75 210 102 113 101 410 35 45 ISO 293 103 99% 250 60 90 17 84 135 89 163 47 105 103 109 09 104 45 85 Baltimore Salsa. Open. High. Low. Last llOAtlantlo Pet.. 3% 8% 3% 3% 25 Bait Trust.160 160 160 160 90 C T Sugar com. 7 7 7 7 60 do pf. 9% 9% 9% 8% 60 Com Credit... 88% 23% 28% 23% 283 Coaden com_ 8 9 9 9 1190 Celestlne _2.10 2.15 2.10 2.15 20 Cosden new... 45 45 45 45 160 Con Power_ 97 99% 97 99% 440 Davlson Chem. 86% 36% 35% 36% 100 Elkhorn . 37 37 37 780Indlahoma .... 8% 8% 8% 19 Mer & Min TV. 85 59% 65 7 Mt. Ver Ms pf. 90 90 90 31 Maryland Cas. 76% 75-% 75% 60 New Am Cas.. 23% 23% 23% 110 North Cen_ 66 66 66 lOPenn Wat Pr. 79 79 79 60 Un Ry Com... 11% 11% 11% 85 Wash Brfl & A 14% 15 '14% Bonds $10000 Con Pr 4%s.. 73 37 8% 69% 90 75% 23% 66 79 11% 15 6000 Con Gas 6s. 11000 Con Coal 6s. . 1000 Dav Chem 6s. 1000 Elkhorn 6s. . . 6000 Unit Ry Inc. 2000 Unit Ry 4s.. . 91% 98 95 94 42% 62% Boston 60 Adventure .... 90o 46 Ahmeek . 71 60 Alaska . 1% 10 Algomah . 30c 10 Allouez . 35 50 Anaconda .... 60% 110 Ariz Cml. 13 3610 Big Heart_ 9 100 Blngham . 7 495 Cal & Arizona. 65 48 Cal & Hecla...375 2220 Carson . 23 20 Chino . 35% 255 Copper Range. 44 685 Daly West_ 4% 610 Davis Daly_ 10% 840 Rast Butte . .. 15% 200 Franklin . 3% 125 Helvetia . 3 % 115 Indiana . 76c 4 8% 8% New York Bank Stocks America ...500 610Garfield N. .230 .216 .205 .. 2 i."> ..420 .150 Atlantic . Am Exch. Battery .. Bowery .. Bryant P. Bway Cent. 150 Bronx Nat. 150 Butch & D. 35 Chase.430 Chat & P..295 Chelsea Ex.125 Chemical .. .580 Citz Nat.. .255 Ciotham _200 305 Greenwich .275 215 Harriman ..360 ? Hanover ...820 160 ;ndustrial ..205 100 Im ei Trad.550' 160 'Irving Nat.385 ? Liberty ... .400 440 Lincoln ... .275 305 Manhat Co..250 ? Mech & M..400 590 Metrop'tan .310 265 Mutual _490 385 Merchants ..230 ? New Neth. .200 .850 ? N Y N B A. 160 .228 233 Park .730 .175 ? i'acifie t^. .135 460 Produce Ex.375 ? Public .345 ? Seabi ard ,. .650 230 Second _400 180 State .210 ? 23d Ward.. 150 170 Un States. .170 850 Union Ex.. .175 960 Wchester A.200 95 Yorkville ..375 Trust and Security Companies .37 .245 I City . I Coal & I. I Colonial . ! C mrr.erce Columbia Corn Exch..450 I Cosmop'tan. 110 I Com'cial E. ,115 ? Com'wealth. 221 j Cuba ,..'...170 Fast River.. 160 I Fifth Nat..160 : Fifth Ave. .900 ! First Nat...930 I Foreign T B. 85 78 91% 98 95 94 42% 62% 90o 73 1% ?,0c 36 60% 13 9% /65% 376 23% 36% 44% 4% 10% 15% 3% 3% 75c 4 4 6% 9% 7% 68 21% 6% 81 11 17% 60c 62% 34 16 78 91% 98 95 94 42% 62% 78 91% 98 95 94 42% 62% Sales. Open. High. Low. Laat. 40Rapubllo Trk.. 41 41 41 41 280 Sears R.230 232% 230 230% 16 Shaw . 67% 960 Stew Warner,, 42% 125 Stand Gas - B 18% 67% 42% 19 39 48 62 73% 25 62% 89% 21% 97 76 70 89% 67% 41% 18% 89 46 60% 71% 24% 60% 38% 21% 97 78 TO 89% 67% 41% 19 - 39 46 60% 72% 26 61% 39% 21% 97 78 TO 89% 90o 71 1% 30c 35 60% 12% 8% 7 61% 365 22% 35 42 4% 10% 14% 3% 3% 75c 4 8% 5 Alliance ... 80 fAra Trust. ? Am Surety. 73 Bankers ...360 Band & M.220 Bklyn T Co.500 Cent Union.390 Columbia . .335 Commercial 150 Empire Tr. .300 Equitable ..205 Farm L & T.42 !40 .250 230 Franklin Fulton Fidelity Guaranty . .372 Hamilton ..255 Hudson T.. 155 Kings Co...640 Law Mtge.,115 90 370 230 515 400 345 160 300 43 250 Lawyers T.. 122 Lincoln Tr. .175 Manufac'ers.205 Mercantilo .310 Metropol ...295 Mttre Bond.. 87 Mut T of W.105 Nat Surety.205 ?N Y Title.135 N York T..625 N Y LIST.725 Peoples ... .275 Realty Asso.105 260 Title G & T.! 210 37S 265 665 122 Un StatesN330 1ISM? T.405 U S T Guar 80 Westen ester. 130 W & BT&M.165 240 215 380 840, 580? 395 415 285 425 360 240 210 480 755 700 425 185 128 305 93 125 212 145 745 115 3S5 860 415 85 140 175 70 Kerr Lake 190 Lake Copper.. 150 Mass Con. 2030 Mayflower O C 150 Michigan . ""% 850 Mohawk . ?7% 275 New Cornelia. 21% 200 New Idrla. 6% 187 New River pf. 80 90 Nlplsslng . 11 1600 North Butte.. 17 250 North Lake. . . 50c 75 Osceola . 62 115 Old Dominion 3 4 795 Seneca .16 250 Shannon . 1% 60 St Mary's_ 63 540 South Lake... 30 600 Sup & Boston 6% 50 Trinity . 1% 1225 Tuolumne. 85c 126 U S Smelting 23 do pf. 412 Utah con_ 100 Utah Metal.. J 55 Victoria .... 61 Winona . 60 Wolverine Railroads 60 Bos & Albany.127% 127% 127 20', Boston h. 67 67 16 do pf. 85 86 10 Bos & .Me pf A. 47% 47% 12 do pf B. 72 72 39 Bos & Prov..140 140 47% 1% :i% 63 30 5% 1% 99c 70 47% 8% 2% ;t 1% 21% 10 7 67 20% 6% 80 11 16% 50c 62 32% 15% 1% 61 30 6 1% 85c 63 ',4 47% 8% 1% 21 Va 65% 85 47% 72 140 12% 70 36% 26 43% 63 68 12 70 35% 24 43% 63 990 73 1% 30o 35 60% 12% 8% 7 64% 365 23 35% 43% 4% 10% 14 % 3% 3% 75c 4 4 6% 9% 7 67 21 6% 81 11 16% 60c 62 33 15% 2 61 80 6 1% 90c 631/3 47% 8% 2% 3 1% 21% 127% 65% 85 47% 145 10 10 do pf. . ,_ 89 6000 Swift Intl_ 47% 160 Thompson .... 62 2000 Un Car &. Car. 71% 225 Un Paperbd... 26 1200 Un Iron W... 61 245 Wahl . 38% 100 West Knit_ 21% 10 Wilson pf. 97 30 Wrlgley . 76 Bonds 34000 C C Ry 1st 5s. 70 1000 Swift 1st 6s... 89% Detroit 60 Columbia Sug. 19% 19% 19% 19% 25 Det Edlsorv ... 1 06 % 1 OR % 106 % 1 06 % 90 Ford of Can..430 435 425 425 3850 Pack Mt Car.. 25% 26% 25% 26% 2100 Reo Mtr Car.. 27% 27% 27% 27% 50 Lincoln . 48% 48% 48% 48% Philadelphia 171 Amr Stores... 45% 46 45% 45% 60 Brill . 48 48 46 4? 120 Bald Loco pf..100 100 100 100 66 Elec Storage..120 120 120 120 345 Gen Asphalt... 94% 102 94% 102 100 Gen Asph pf..l55 155 165 155 15 Kevstnne T pf. 3 4 1845 Tj Superior Cp. 20% 3 4 20% 63 86 25 23% 2A 2% 25% 48% 19 Lehlgh Nav.. . 62% 433 Phil Co 6% pf. 35 468 Phil Elec. 25 592 Phil R T t c. 23 200 Tonopah Bel.. 2-rV ; 200 Tonopah Min.. 2A, 117 Union Tract. .. 24% : 1185 Unit Oas Imp. 48 % 50 W N Y ??i Pa. 12 12 10W Cramp & S.150 160 9 W Jers & S ?S 39% 39% Bond?? ' ?5000 El & P T 4s. 61% 61% ! 3000 C Tr N J 5s. . 67 67 I 1100O L Sup Cor 5s. 60 60 I 1000 Lehlgh V C 5s 97 97 < 9000 L V grr con 4s 71 % 71 % | 4000 Penn gen 5s. . 89 89 13000 Phil El 1st 5s 90% 90% 4000 Read gen 4s. 79% 79% 2000 W N Y & P 4s. 63% 63% Pittsburgh 14% 34 20% 62% 35 24% 22% 2 A 2r* 24% 4R% 12 350 89% 61% 66% 69 97 71% 89 90% 7014 63% 100 Am Vit Prod. . 60 Am Rolling M. 10 A Wn Ol Mch. 6516 Ark ?Nat Oas.. 250 Barnsdall Crp. 49 14% 61 14% 61 34 20% 63 24 %' 2314 2iV 2% 25% 43% 12 150 39% 61% 66% 59 97 71% 89 90% 79% 63% 14% 3% 123% 123% 123% 31% 32% 31% 31% 70 35% 24 43% 53 6% 166 1% 115 99% 100 10:<.!4 10 4 6% 155 1% II Ei tSee New York Title and Mortgage. {Includes American Trust Company stocks. Insurance Companies Am Alliance. 270 800/Great Am..375 285 Hanover ... 80 City of NY.175 Con'nwlth. .300 Continental. 72 Fid & Phoe.620 Franklin . 85 Globe & R.800 825 78 6 ?0 Home .530 Nat Liberty. 170 Niagara ...230 Stuyvesant. 50 560 260 76 Standard Oil Stocks Bid Asked Ancrlo-Amerlesn Oil Co, Ltd.. 27% 28 Atlantic Refining Co pf.1550 1600 10 l?os & Wore pf. 10 10 Conn & Pas pf 68 210 Mass Elec pf. . 12% 28 ?Main? Central 70 840 N Y. N H & H 36% 65 Rutland pf ... 24% 16 West End _ 43% 7 do pf . 63 Miscellaneous 460 Am Oll & Eng 6% 6% 27 Amoskoag . ..165 156 200 Am Pnou ... 1% 1% 30 Am Sugar pf.115 115 639 Am T & T .. 99% 100 17 Am Wool pf..l03% 104 95 Anglo Am Cm 11 11 60 Boston Mex P. 2% 2% 30 Century Steel 3 % 3 % 280.Eastern Mfg. 31% 165 Elast Bos L.. 6 % 225 East Steam... 23% 44 Edison .163 170 Elder . 30 10 Fairbanks _ 67% 230 Gray . 35% 281 Int Portland.. 18 23 Int Cot M pf. 93% 200 Int Buttonhole. 4 10 lut Products.. 26% 85 Libby . 29% 41 Loews . 10% 56 Mass Gaa ... 71 108 do pf. 60% 129 McElw'n 1st pf 97 830 Mex Inv. 45% 646 ?Nat Leather... 14% 43 N E Tel. 89% 1575 Ohio Body_ 31% 320 Orpheum . 81% 126 Parish & B. . . 41% 100 Jtoot . 48 5 Keece But'hole 16 3D Shawinut S S. 25 245 Shams Magnet 16 200 Stewart Mfg... 40 46S Swift .124% 125% 124 % 12 600 do Int. 47% 48% 46% 46% 20 Torrington ... 75% 76 Va 75 10 Un Drug.135 2S do 1st pf_ 60% 185 United Fruit. .201 120 United Shoe. . . 46% 60 do pf. 26 3610 Ventura . 17 415 Walworth .... 23 8360 Waldorf. 21 650 Wick Wire... 25% Bonda 31OOO Am T A T 4a. 1000 Swift 6a. 32 6% 23% 153 30 67% 35% 18% 93% 4 26% 29% 10% 71% 60% 97 46% 14% 89% 33 31% 41% 48 16 25 17 4 6 Va 135 50% 202 46% 26 17% 23 21 26 11 31 23% 163 29% 67% 35 18 93% 4 26 28 10% 71 60 96% 45 14% 88% 31% 81% 41% 11 ?% 32 6% 23% 153 29% 67% 35 18% 93% 4 26 28 10% 71% 60 97 45 14% 88% 32% 31% 41% 4,8 16 24 17 46% 60 Carbo Hydro.. 2% 350 Carg L & Z... 7% 46 do pf. 3% CO Erie R R . 15 640 Guffey. 32 . 120 India Brwg ... 4% 10 do pf . 13 310 Gay County O. 1% 10 Lone Star Cas. 36 100 La Relio Iron.115 4460 .Mailand Ref. . 6% 250 Ntl F'proof pf. 14 10 Ohio Fuel OH. 30 .125 Ohio Fuel Sup. 52% 120 Okla Oas .... 42% 62 Okla Pr & Rg. 6% 170 Pgh Brwg ... 6% 60 do pf . 16% 20 Plttbo- Coal ... 60 80300 Pitta Jerome.. . 10 60 Trans Cont Oil 27 10 Un Naturl Gas.324 100 Western Maryl 11% 130 W'ghouse A B.110 10 W'ghouse Elec 53 100 West P T&WP 8% '.% 7% 4 15 32% 4% 13 1% 36 116 6% 14% 30 62% 42% 17 60 10 27 124 49 2% 7% 3% 15 S3 4% 13 1% 86 1?5 6% 14 30 61 4 2 6% 6% 16% 60 10 27 124 43 2% 7% 4 16 22 . 4% 13 1% 86 116 6 14 SO 6% 17 60 10 27 124 11% 11 % 11 % 111% 110 111% 53 8% 53 8% 77% 77% 89% 89% Boston Curb 135 60% 200 45% 25 % 17 22% 20% 25% T7% 135 50% 200 45% 25% 17 22% 20% 26 77% 89% pf 113 113% 440 Borne-Scrymser Co. 425 1 uckeye Pipe Line . 94 Chesebrough Mfg Co cons.... 230 do pf . 106 Continental Oil Co. 600 Crescent Pipe Line Co. 32 Cumberland Pipe Line Co. 140 Eureka Pipe Line Co. 138 Galena Signal Oil Co, pf. new. 95 do pf. old. 99 do com. 63 Illinois Pipe Line Co. 176 Indiana Pipe Line Co. 97 International Petroleum Co.. 68 National Transit Co. 29 New York Transit Co. 185 Northern Pipe Line Co. 100 Ohio OH Co ..*.. 870 Penn-Mex Fuel Co. 66 Prairie OU A Oaa Co. 670 Prairie Pipe Line Co. 250 Solar Refining Co. 850 Southern Pipe Line Co. 148 Si.uth Penn Oil Co. . 840 Southwest Penna Pipo Linea.. 87 Standard Oil Co of California. 343 Standard Oil Co of Indiana.. 810 Standard Oil Co of Kansas_ 615 Standard Oil Co of Kentucky. 450 Standard Oil Co of Nebraska. 510 Standard OH Co of New Jorsev 780 'lo pf.". 113% 114% Standard OH Co of New York. 468 472 Sandard OH Co of Ohio. 600 do pf ?,. 105 Swan & Finch Co. 95 Union Tank Car Co...,.130 do pf. 100 Vacuum Oil Co . 450 Washington Oil Co . 3T Miscellaneous Oil Companies Btd. Asked. Atlantis Lobo? OU Co. com.. 60 86 do pf. 116 13? Coaden - Ce ....? 8? ? do nn*j"f ??????????? ???*?**?& ?till 4(1 245 3 07 626 84 160 143 98 103 68 185 100 70 81 190 104 880 60 680 266 876 153 850 93 848 835 635 475 635 "8 5 625 110 3 00 136 102 460 43 Bid Arizona Extl2 Arizona Sllv. 1% Blk Hawk..82 Bohemia ... 1% Bos & Mon. 63 Calaveras_? Chief Con.. 4% Con Copper 4% Crown Rsv.SO Crystal new.33 Denbigh . .31 Ask i Bid 13 Mex Metal.16 1% Mid Moss... 60 65 1% 4% 4% 45 36 35 Eagle B B.2 1-16 2% Fortuna . Gadsden .. Homa OIL. Houghton Iron Blosa. Iron Cap.. Jerome Ver.43 La Rose....40 Majeatlo ...20 3 1% 11 60 80 11 1% 13 75 40 12 60 60 24 Moj Tung. Monarch ...? Nat L & _.. 8 Nev Doug...10 New Baltic 3 Nixon .14 Onondaga ..15 Orpheum Pilgrim . Pioneer Rngr Pet Balnter Ask 18 70 14 76 9 14 17 40 .31% 31% .14 16 .800 1.00 .?? 45 1 1% Commodities Cotton A further broadening of the demand for early new deliveries was evident In the market In yesterday's early trading. Busi? ness was more active than for some time past, and prices made new high ground for the movement on both old and new crop month.?, with March making a new high record for the season. At 36.63c for May and 31,K0c for October, however, there was a good deal of realizing, which became more active during the early afternoon, when the disposition to take profits may have been increased by re? actions in foreign exchange. Prices lost a good part of their earlier gains In con? sequence, with May selling off to 36.35c and closing at 36.53c. The general mar? ket closed steady at a net advance of 5 to 30 points after having shown gains of 28 to 65 points as compared with Wednesday's final figures. Private cables said an early break In Liverpool was due to the advance In ster? ling, but the English market rallied very sharply Just before the start of trading here. This was attributed to straddle buying and trade calling in the near months, and the local market oponed at an advance of 5 to 32 points. These gains were soon increased with the buying of new crop months, accompanied by re? iterated reports that trad" interests wore hedging forward sales of spot to both for? eign and domestic trade interests. There was also buying on the unfavorable weather. with a prospect of Its continuance In tin South, and new crop positions sold 55 to 65 points net higher, compared with ad? vances of 28 to 36 points in the old crop deliveries. In the case of May contracts this made an advance of over 5 cents per pound from last month, and in addition to realizing there was probably scattered selling in the late trading on a belief that the technical position of the market had weakened. Reports were circulated that 60,000 bales of cotton In the Houston stock ware ear? marked for shipment to Germany and that there was also a good demand for cotton out of the local stock. These fea? tures had no appreciable influence on the market, and traders, at the moment, seemed to be chiefly Interested In the big discounts on the late months, the ab? sence of spot pressuro and the less favor? able view of the new crop start. South? ern spot markets as officially reported were unchanged to 60 pointa higher, gen? erally unchanged. The locar spot market was steady and unchanged at 41c. No Bales were re? ported. The range of prices follows: Svn Metals. 21 22 W'ed. close. 39.45 S W Ml f p. 8% Sil Reef....17 Texana.21 Unt V Bxt..38 Yukon. 1% 4 IS 24 88% 1% 64% 11% 66 17 11% 64% 17 9 86 U% 66 IT 9 87 Chicago Salea. Open. High. Low. Laat. 415 Am Bad rta... 1% 1% 1% 1% ?600 Armour Loath. 16% 16% 16% 16% T6 do pf. 96 95 94% 96 ?00 Armour pf...l01 101 100% 100% 30 Booth Flan. 875 Brlsooe .... 36 Bunte Broa. .. 17 100 C C & CRy pf. 9 136 Chl Pneu Tool. 86 87 296 Cudahy .100 100 100 100 65 Com Edison. ..106% 106% 106% 106% 680 Cont Motor?.. 11% 12 11% 12 60 Holland Sug.. 17% 37% 17% 10 Hartman Corp 90 1100 Hupp . 14% 130 Caso Plow-16% 140 do 2d pf. .. 73 7600 Llbby . 28% 1700 Mont Ward... 33% 116 Mldweat U pf.. 39% 800 Mitchell . 38% 1800 Nat Leather... 14% 170 Orphaum Clr.. 83% 58 Public Berv... 7? 10 do pf.,. 38 ?8 Quaker Oat?..360 11 do pf.a_?l ?20JJU0 Katar...^(7 90 16 16% 73 29% 35 40 38% 14% 32% 77 38 360 ?6 8714 90 14% 15 73 27% 33% 39% 38% 14% 31% 76 88 380 85 17 17% 90 15 15 73 27% 34% 40 38% 14% 82 77 88 ?60 IS ?7_ Open. High. Low. Clo3e. Mar... 89.64 39.75 33.60 39.50 Apr- 37.40 37.40 37.40 37.00 May... 36.35 36.63 36.30 36.63<?J'36.66 36 27 July... 83.SO 34.03 33.74 33.77(?33.80 33.75 Aug- 82.75 32.75 32.75 33.06 32 75 Oct.... 31.45 31.SO 31.45 31.55@31.68 3125 Deo.... 30.6S 31.00 30.60 30.60? 30.65 30.36 Jan.... 30.25 30.45 30.12 30.17@30.18 29.91 Feb- 30.10 30.10 29.90 29.90 29.65 Southern Spot Markets?Fort Worth steady, unchanged, at 41.76c; salea 700 balea New Orleans firm, unchanged at 40.75o; saleo, 2,799 balea Mobile nominal, unchanged, at 39.26c; sales nil. Savannah Arm. unchanged, at 40c; sales, 1,208 bale?. Charleston steady, unchanged, at 40c; salea nil. Wilmington and Norfolk unchanged at S9c; salea nil. Baltimore nominal, un? changed, at 40.25c; salea nil. Augusta steady, unchanged, at 40c; sales, 1,440 bales. Memphis steady, unchanged, at 40c; salea 3,400 bales. St. Louis steady, 50 points higher, at 40c; sales, 110 bales. Houston steady, unchanged, at 40.50c; sales, 958 bales. Little Rock steady, un? changed, at 30.50c; sales, 650 balea COTTON STATISTICS Last Last Yesterday Week Year Port receipts... 40,333 ??23,008 13,403 Exports . 48,628 - 2,455 Exports, season.4,637,509 4,436,968 3,121,667 N. Y. stocks- 61,724 61,030 86,214 Port stock?.1,345,060 1,429,849 1,340,488 Inter receipts... 16,160 16,949 9,468 Inter ablpm'ta.. 38,460 17,394 8,779 N. T. arrivals. . 6,171 1.839 194 LlTerpool Cable??Spot cotton ?raiet at IT yotnta on tha baala el 17.8Id for middlln*. ' Bale?. 4,000 W?l Awj lean. 3,000 bale?. Import? nil. ??"tuI" opened easy at 6 to 13 point? dec4ne. Cloaed ?teady at 18 to 44 point? ??3v?nc*. March, 26.4Bd; May, 35.36d; July. 24.38di October. 22.41d: December, 21.66.1 ?Jan? uary, ?1.26d. Manchester: Yarn? irregu? lar; cloth? quiet. Cereals Wheat?The market wa? ?teady to firm with offera limited. In Minneapolis Prl?f? remained unchanged, while In Kansas City a aomewhat flrmor tone prevailed ano quotation? were unchanged to 3 cent? higher. Th? milling demand wa? very ?low and according to advice? from Northwestern milling center?, the present dullness In the flour market ?I? unprece? dented and buyer? are showing absolutely no Interest. In the looal market there wa? an active export demand which wa? supposed to be for French account, and sale? were reported of 300,000 bushels. This demand ha? been In evidence for the past week or two and haa practically absorbed everything In 'sight hero. In consequence prices In the local market aro very strong with No. 2 red winter quoted as high as $2.68 o. I. f. New York. Trans? portation facilities are largely responsible for the scarcity of wheat for export, but It Is evident that foreign countries aro still desirous of buying hero an?l are willing to pay good prices for prompt ship? ment. Corn? The prediction of bulls In tho market that the May .position In Chicago would ?ell at SI.50 were realized during yesterday's session when the market sold at that point. There was active buying early In the day, based on tho strength In foreign exchange ns well as on unsettled weather In tho West and small receipts. ; Western cash markets regained part of tho loss of Wednesday, although the demand was not particularly aggressive. After I the market had reached the 11.50 mark ? there was- heavy selling on resting orders and prloea experienced a partial setback. ! On the wholo the undertone was strong, j however, and closing quotations ranged i from % to 2 cents not higher. The car i situation was believed to bo the dominant | factor and considerable Importance was at? tached to reports that Iowa was offering to consign corn to Chicago. Yesterday's Prevlou? Year New York: close close ago Corn, No. 2 yellow.$1.77% 31.77% ?1.67% Chicago: May. 1.49 1.47 J.40% July. 1.43 1.41 1.35% Oats?Tho market advanced early with corn and rye and on the strength In ex? change. There was an absence of export demand, however, and prices lost most of the early gain undor liquidation. YcBtorday'a Prevlou? Year ..New York: close close ago No. 2 white...$1.03%?1.04 $1.03% $0.73 Chicago: May.83% .88% .64% July. .76% .T6% .14 Bye?Market firm. Yesterday'? Previous Tear New York: close blose ago No. 3 West-$1.93 $1.92% $1.67 Floor and Meal?Quotation? were: * Yesterday'a Previous Tear New York: close close ago Minn, patent $13.12% $13.12% $11.05 Cornmeal...4.00@4.10 4.00\@4.10 3.2503.66 Bye flour ..9.0009.40 9.00? 9.40 7.6008.35 Bran.62.00 62.60053.50 44.00 Cottonseed Oil The market wa? strong and higher early In the day on active covering, due to the sharp advance In foreign exchange and In sympathy with the strength In grain and provisions. The subsequent erratic fluctuations in the exchange market and the reactions fh other commodities led to heavy profit taking, however, and toward the close the market was easier, closing generally unchanged to 20 points net higher, Total sales were 23.800 b?rrela The range of prices follows: Wed. Open. High. Low. Close. close. Spot... - - - 19.00 19.00 Mar_ 19.36 19.35 19.35 19.20@19.40 19.00 May... 20.45 20.45 20.22 20.21@20.23 20.10 July... 20.39 20.92 20.51 20.50@20.53 20.50 Aug_ 21.15 21.16 21.10 20.70@20.s0 20.65 Oct.... 19.00 19.25 19.00 19.27@19.70 18.90 Sugar and Coffee Current Year prices ago Sugar, granulated, per Ib..l4@l8 9 I Coffee, Kio No. 7, per lb.... 15% 1 <> % ? Coffee, Santos No. 4, per lb.. 24 19 I Sugar?Prices In the market for raw i sugar were unchanged, at 11.03c for duty ; paid Centrlfs, although at tho close of ; the day the undertone appeared to show more steadiness. Early In the day It was j said that the Royal Commission had I bought a very limited quantity of Cubas 'at 3%o f. o. b. for north side, and at ! 9.70c f. o. b. south side ports, but It was ? believed that this business was the cul ; initiation of overnight negotiations. Later In the day there seemed to be a buying l Interest f. o. b. Cuba at 9%c and even as high as 10c from outside operators for March-April loading, with no firm offers at that price level. In oost and freight Cubas It was said that for New Orleans Cubas were available at 10 %c, owing to tho lower freight rate, but wero not being offered at this level for Now York. While this price might possibly have secured business bids at 10 Vic c. f. were not firmly made. Refined sugar was unchanged. Coffee futures.he early sticngin of sterling failed to inspire any fresh buying of consequence In the market yesterday morning and call prices broke sharply, or 30 to 36 points below me previous close, under realizing or liquidation, some of the early offerings attributed to European liquidation and selling by local weak bulls. After the Initial break tho market di?I much better and gradually worked up? ward on covering and buying to undo hedges by the trade. Throughout the day July was the most active month, that usually being the season of the year' when tho trade expects the greatest scarcity of coffee. Final prices were 6 to 11 points net lower, having worked, up from a net loss of 33 to 37 points. A special cabio from Santos reported futures 175 to 260 reis lower, but this seemed to have little Influence on values here. Firm offers from Brazil wero few In number but some low Santos offers were reported, but prices were very Irregular. Resales of Victoria 7s and 8s were reported to New Orleans at 18.60 sterling, or about 95 points below regular offerings. The local spot market was unchanged, with a fair demand reported. The rango of prices follows: Wednesday's Open High Low Closo close May_14.25 14.47 34.38 14.47? 14.48 14.54 June...- 14.68014.69 14.64 July... 14.40 14.67 14.40 14.0'S'iT 14.70 14.77 Sept_ 14.26 14.48 14.2? 14.47 @ 11.43 14.55 Dec... 14.20 14.30 14.20 14.4-.@14.44 11.53 Butter, Cheese and Eggs Butter ? Receipts wero 7,117 packages. Creamery, higher than extras, lb, 67 Va? 68c; extras, 92 score, 67c; llrsts, 90 to 91 score, 65@66%c; firsts, 88 to ,89 score. 62 @64c; seconds, 83 to 87 score, 56@61c; lower grades, 63@65o; held, extras, 62 V? @63c; firsts, 63 @ 62c; seconds, 53 @ 5sc; unsalted, higher than extras, 71071 %c; extras, 69 %@ 70c; firsts, 64? 68c; seconds, 59<ii63c; state dairy tubs, finest, 64@66c; good to prime, 68 @ 63c; common to fair. 45@56o; renovated, extras, 64@56c; llrsts, 62@53c; Imitation creamery, llrsts, 45? 46c; ladles, current malte, firsts, 42 %@ 43%c; seconds, 33 % @40 %c; lower grades, 3S@39c; packing stock, current make, No. 1. 33%@40c; No. 2, 38 V?c; lower grades, 35? 38c. Cheese?Receipts were 1,246 boxes. State, held fiats, specials, 29%@30c; average run, 28@29c; lower grades, 15@27c; twins, held, specials, colored or white, 29@23%c; average run, 27%@28%c; lower grades, lS@27c; Wisconsin, whole milk, tw'ns. 27 @30c; single dairies, held, 30@31%c; double daisies, held, 28%@31c; young Americas, 32? 33c; state skims, flats and twins, held, specials, 18@21e; fresh, spe? cials, 17@18c; prime to choice, 13@16c; ?fair to good, 10@12c; lower grades, 4@9c. Eggs?Receipts woe 32,175 casca. Fresh gathered, extras, dozen. 46? 47c; extra firsts, 42Vii@45c; firsts. 43@44c; seconds, 41 @42c; dirties, No. 1, 40@41c; checks, good to choice, dry, 35@36c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby Western hennery white3, extras, 53@54c; firsts to extra firsts, 60052c; gathered whites, firsts to extra firsts, 60@ 62c; Western whites, under grades, 49o; pullets, 46@46c; Pacific Coast whites, ex? press, extra firsts to extras, 52@53c; firsts, 50@51c; pullets, Petaluma, 45@46c; other' sections, 42@44c; other Western and Southern, gathered whites, 45?61c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery browns, extras, 43@50c; gathered brown and mixed colors, extras, 46? 47c; firsts to extra firsts, 44@45c. Livestock, Meats, Provisions Yesterday Tear age Live eteers, fair to prime, 100 lbs.$12.00(8) 14.60 $14.25018.50 Dressed beef, sides, lb.17? .23 .19? .26 Live veals, com? mon to prime, 100 lbs. 18.00024.00 17.00@22.00 Dressed veal, city, lb.24? .34 .24? .32 Live ewes, 100 lbs. 8.00@12.00 9.00@13.00 Dressed mutton, city, lb.17? .23 .18? Live lambs, fair to prime, 100 lbs.19.00@20.7a Dressed lamba, city, lb.20@ .84 Hogs. 100 lbs_15.26@16.25 Dressed hoes, bacon, lb.23%?.23 Mess beef. bbl.. lfi.00?18.00 Mesa pork. bbl.. 42.00@43.00 Lard. Middle West. 100 lbs. 21.20021.30 28.15@28.25 Financial Items Directors of the Bank of the United States have authorized an Increase In capital stock from $1,000,000 to $1,500,000. A dividend of 2 %* per cent was also de-; clarcd, payable April 1. Frank A. Vanderlip, chairman of the ; committee on finance and currency of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New j York,'will address a special meeting of' that organization on "Inflation" to-day. ! The executive committee will submit a re- I port on a budget for the Federal govern- i ment and other commltteea will present reporta on a consumption tax and school legislation now pending at Albany. I French Gold Held In London May Be Shipped Here Plan to Send Part of $400,000,000 Deposit to Meet Anglo-French Loan Is Under Consideration * Francs may meet its obligations In connection with the Anglo-French loan of $500,000,000 which matures next October by arranging with the British government to release some of the gold which Franco deposited in London in 1915 and 1916 as collateral against British loans to France, it was learned yesterday. Despite the fact that an unofficial cable from* Paris reported that such arrangements had been completed, i*t was said at the French Financial Com? mission that its members had not yet been apprised of. such an agreement, although it was known that negotia? tions were now being conducted be? tween the French and the British gov? ernments regarding the part each should pay in the meeting of the Anglo-French loan, which J. Austen Chamberlain, British Chancellor of the Exchequer, has announced would be paid off, and not renewed. Before the United States entered the war, when France was borrowing heav? ily from Great Britain, the Bank of France placed gold in London as col? lateral, and the British gave sterling credit to the extent of three units of credit to one of gold. According to re? cent Bank of France statements, this gold deposit in London is now approxi? mately 1.978,300,000 francs (roughly $400,000,000). ' A dispatch from Paris said positive? ly that some of this gold collateral would be freed to be used by France in connection with the Anglo-French loan, but this could not be confirmed locally. Those informed of the situa? tion, however, said it was possible that the Briti?h had agreed to have the French substitute securities for gold that they might wish to withdraw to settle French indebtedness to Ameri? can investors. Regarding reports that Great Britain and France would ship at least $200, 000,000 of gold alleged to have been re? ceived from Germany, bankers were in? credulous, and denied that they had a high probability of truth. A repre? sentative of the Bank of France here denied that France has received any ?jold from a foreign country since the igning of the armistice, and bankers estimated that Britain received hardly more than $100 000,000 of gold from Jermany In the payment of foodstuffs under the Spa agreement, under which the United States received $172,000,000. Bankers also made light of another report that $250,000,000 of gold from overseas was now on the high seas, as? serting that, in order to do this, under tho regulations of the underwriters, it would be necessary, to send a flotilla of twenty-five ships. FINANCIAL MEETINGS CHICAGO ASI) NORTH WE8TKRN RAILWAY COMPANY. NOTICE OF SPECIAL AND ANNUAL ?MEETING. Notice ' Is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Chi? ngo and North Western Railway Company, duly called by Its Board of Directors, and the annual meeting of said stockholder? will be held at the General Offices of the Company, at No. 226 West Jackson Boule? vard, In the City of Chicago, Illinois, on Tuesday, the 13th day of April, 1320, at 11 o'clock A. M.. for the purpose of con? sidering and deciding: (1) Whether th? stockholders of the Company will concur in and authorize the creation of a bonded Indebtedness, by the Issue, ut such time? and in such amounts as from time to time Its Board of Directors or Executive Com? mittee may de,ermine, of bonds, payable! in gold coin of the United States of Amer? ica of or equal to th?; present standard ot weight and fineness, and limited so that the amount thereof at any one time cut standing, together with all outstanding prior dob?, of the Railway Company, after deducting therefrom the amount of all bond;* reserved to retire prior debt at or beiore maturity, shali never exceed three times the outstanding capital stock of the Company, or of a successor corporation, maturing May 1, A. D. 2037, and ? bearing a rate of interest, not exceeding the lawful rate, to be determined by ihe Board of Directors or Executive Committee at the time of Issue, payable semi-annually; and the execution and delivery by the Com? pany of a First and Refunding Gold Bond ' Mortgage to Trustees to be designated by the Board of Directors, dated May 1, 1920, '? conveying in trust the corporate property : and franchises described therein, to secure : the payment of all such bonds which are ; to be issued for the purpose of purchasing, ; redeeming or refunding, before, at or after i maturity, the outstanding obligations of | ?he Company, and of other companies whose now are or hereafter shall be owned or acquired by the Chicago and North Western Railway Company by con? snlKiation, purchase or otherwise; for the pcrpose of the ft: ture enlargement, im provement, extension and equipment of the properties of the Company and of such other companies; for the construction, purchase or acquisition of other rail- , ways and property, or for the purpose of reimbursing the Company for money? which at any time may be or may have been expended for any of the purpose? aforesaid; and will approve sueli mort? gage In the form to be submitted at said meeting, and will ratify the action of it? Board of Directors authorizing the crea? tion of such Indebtedness, and the execu? tion of ?uch mortgage; and (2) Whether the Stockholders of the Company will au '.horize the purchase of all the property, including all franchises, rights, privilege? and Immunities pertaining thereto and all appurtenances thereof whatsoever, of each of the following named proprietary companies: Wolf River Valley Railway Company, Belle Fourche Valley Railway Company, ?lames River Valley and North Western Railway Company, Maeoupin County Extension Railway Company, Iowa Southern Railway Company, Missouri Valley and Blair Railway and Bridge Company, Wyoming and Northwestern Railway Company, Pierre, Rapid City and North-We?tern Railway Company, Pierre and Fort Pierre Bridge Railway Company, The De Pue. Ladd and Eastern Railroad Company, and The Albany Rail Road Bridge Company, In consideration of the payment to each of-"aid companies of the sum of one dollar and the assumption by this Company of ail the debts, liabilities and obligations of each of said companies; and will ratify the action of its Board of Directors au? thorizing such purchases upon suoh term* and conditions. The further purpose of ?aid meeting will be the election of Directors and the trans? action of such other business as may coma befoie said meeting. Transfer books will be closed on Friday, March 12, 1920, at the close of business on that day and will he reopened on Wednesday, April 14, 1920. By order of Cm Board of Director?. Dated Chicago, Illinois, January 21 1920. WILLIAM H. FINLEY. President. JOHN D CALPWISIiti, Pocr-tary. SOITIIKKN PACIFIC COMPANY. NOTICE OF ?MEETING. 165 Broadway, New York, N. Y. January 2, 1920. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholder? of the Southern Pacific Company wlil be held at the office of this Company In An? chorage, Jefferson County, Kentucky, on Wednesday, April 7, 1920, at .twelve o'clock noon, standard time, for the fol? lowing purposes, viz; 1. To elect fifteen Directors. 2. To consider and act upon all ques? tions and matters which they l^srally como before the meeting relating to Federal con? trol of the Company'? properties under the act of Congress of March 21. 191S. or any agreement or settlement with the Govern? ment in respect thereto or relating to the termination of such Federal control by the return of the properties or otherwise, and/ or relating to conditions resulting from or succeeding such Federal control, and gen? erally all questions and matters growing out of or incident to such control, ter? mination thereof, or follow.,,-- Condition? 3. To transact all such other business a? may legally cone before the meeting, In? cluding the approval and ratification of all action of the Board cf Directors and of the Executive Committee since the last annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com? pany. For the purpose of the meeting, the book? for the transfer of stock will be Sl?"???.?' 3 ?'cl?ck P. M., Tuesday, March a ' ?, 2iiJ*nd w!l1 be reopened at 10 o'clock A. M.. Thursday, April 8, 1920. ay order of the Board of Directora HUGH NBILl* Secretar-. BANK STATEMENTS BANE STATEMENTS UUARTER-Y REPORT OF the Industrial bank of new york condition at the ?!?"/'_"' the 28th day of February, !JJ2fl. _?*??. Btnck and bfrnl* lnT??_ifct?. ?i_. ( . Bue from approvod reserve df-pos?*"?. it?? ?? 85? o-?ey'-att-rtWii *"_*' to? K't-.'o_i^" ?^^^^":"??* __SJ?^?^ol_-- f? ??* Y' dtaUto". Du. tram the Federal R*?-***? Bank of New York Isa? efltats. JJABTLTttEB Capital ?tot- . Surplus: Hiirplii? fund .... i:iidlTldod profit? Deposit? : Preferred. M follows: Deposit? by the State of New Tor?. Not preferred, a* follow?; _ TtaT do?,nc<*nin?^k and ?the?' deposne'. " Us' i?W?' ot which ' ***** '"? = . legally be required within thirty day?. a ?a Certified checks.??'_"*,."*. em's-,m Due trust ^tapantes, banks and banker?. c-)t>8''"l "?.?I.? $250,000.06 2,.,<06,981.?2 Extend total deposit?.. Other Uabllltio?, viz.: feiffAui ;her iiaonilii*, viz.; mamama.** Mortgage? on real estate owned.?-??;. ,?..'? Accrued Interwt entored on book? at close of bust-tee? on ?bore date-. 1,089.61 Accrued Interest Estimated unearned dl??xiunt? U 185.10 -? ?MUll W.W1.442.TI State et New Tor*. Ormnty of New Y?***, a?. : _ ? ^^ I STAUORTON B LYND President, and Jt'NIUS B. CJXmB. Oaabter of Industrial Bank or >?_ York ' located and doing business at No. ?523 4th Am, In the City of Htm York. In said Oouu?. t?_, duly'?worn each for himself, ?aya the foregobig Itoport U true and corrot hi all respect?. ? _? h_ of his knowledge and beli?f. and they further ?ay that the uaual bei neue of ?aid lnstfeuu- |? buen transacted at the location required by tho Banking Law (Chap. 869 of the Laws of mt) ?i not e'soShore. and that the abovo I'eport Is made lri cnmpllance with an official notice received h*. the Superintendent of Banks, d?sign?t?-,? the twcnty-eiglitli day of February, lfJO, as the d?,' j which ?uch report shall bo made. I hereby certify that at the time when I signed my nix? hereto ?_ .Notary Public whose name U attached to the certificate iwrelribelow contained asked me Use (juani?, "Do you solmonly swear that tho ?tatemen? contabied In the foregoing report are true?" 454 ; replied. "I do." ?" * STAUGHTON B LTM>, Pre*--. J. B. CLOSE. Cashier. State of New Torh. Our.ty of New York, ?8.: I, PIERREPONT E. TWITCH EU., a Notary Publlo In and for the o-mn?? abev? ntawi i, hereby certify that, on tho 10th day of March 1320. there appeared before me STACGHTON B LYS? whuss signature Is appended to tho ?tatome-it herein above contained, and at the time wh? be ,?_^; auch statement I asked iilm, "Do you solemniy swear that the ?Utoments contained lu ?j? fontMja flaport aro true!" and be replied, "I do." ~* [Baal] PIERBEPONT B. TOTOTBIX, Notary Pubtj, CertiJJcats flled to New York County. N. Y. Kings Oottnty No. ITS. F?e_j-_r Na. im s York County No. 203. Register No. 1262. ComjnlwU? ?pire? March 80, 1921. State of New York, County of New York. an. : I, prERREPONT E. TWITC*P?TJIJU a Notary Publlo to ?nd for th? ooooty aeon bs**m-1 a? hereby rortlfy that, on the 10th day of March. 1920. her? appeared before ma JUN1UB B. CLOSE whose algnature la appended to the statement here?li;above contained, and a*, the time whoa he aiir?! auoh atatement I asked htm. "Do you solemnly swear that the ataiemont? contained to _* fontot-j report are true?" and he replied, "I do." [Seal] PIinUtEPONT _ twitckh^ Notary Publia Certificat? filed In New York County. If. T. King? ?County No. 172. Register No. logs. *;*, Yerk County ?N'o. 203. No. 1262. Ctommlssion exvlre? March 30, 1921. REI'ORT OF THE CONDITION of 8. O. Bcbwabaijh, 134T 1st Are.. New York, Private Banker, a\ the close of bU3lne6? on the 28th day of Febnia!>, 19^0 KEsorncjss. Stock and bemd Investment*, rli. t seeurltiiK . ?*79.1!*1.75 Private eecurlties. 25.768.26 Loans and discounts secured by other collateral . Loans dlscmmt* and bills purchased not secured by collateral. Ac?unts reccivnblo . Due from customers for exchange, money orders and steamship ticket? ?old. Due from approved reserve de? positaries .$13,211.94 Due from . foreign banks and bankers . 1.192.63 TRUST COMPANY STATEMENTS S50.00 1.225.00 144.00 4.034.00 14.403.87 2.480.56 Specie . Other currency authorized by the laws of the United State?. 8,565.00 Foreign currency . 8,652.91 Cash items, viz. : Exchanges and check? for J next (lay's collections.$2,659 59 Other cash Items. 339 27 Other assets, viz. i Furniture and fixtures. f 1.400.00 Accrued Interest not entered on books at close of busi? ness on above date. 514.00 2.998.86 1.91400 Total .$144.618.01 LIABILrjTES. Permanent capital . $5,000 00 Surplus . 36,893.69 Deposits: Deposits, subject to notice, withdrawable only on pro sen'.ation of pass-books. .. .$89,700.77 Funds held awaiting traua laumuu abroad . 1,125 55 ????? 91 832 32 Sundry llabilltle? . 10.892.00 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE CENTRAL UNION TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, at the close of business on the 28th day of fy ruary. 1820: RESOURCES Stock and bond Investment?. ???: Publlo aecurliiBB .$40,J09,10j.*? Private securities . 21.235,r??>) Real estate owned. ?.???.TOni Mortgages owned . 1.5U,Klt'. Loans and discounts secured by bond and mortgage, deed or other real ostat? ooliatoral. 8tS.H9.jT ?id discounts secured by other co.lateral . f?.tllMt \l Loans, discounts and bill? purchaaed not secured by collateral_ .59,*SM*S.fS Ovardrafie (secured) . Mll-Si Duo from approved reservo depos?tanos, loss amount of offsets . ?4.098.8S3.IT Due from trust companies. baakg and bankers not iuc.uded to preceding Item . 1.68T*lU.0i - BTW.?TJ.OI Ppecl? . 2,'???.8'*-.5' Other currency authorized by the Laws of the United ?tata?. 634<M'.? Duo from The Federal Keeerre Baaa of New York ?ass offseU. S4.SM.4N.*?: Customers' liability on acoeptanos? (6f?a liabilities, per contra). 12,l?I,tM'* Oilier aaset?, viz. : Accrued Interest entered on books at close of busbies? on ab?te date .;.. $l.m.I4?.ST Advances to trust? (secured) . 148.023.60 - L8?5,ir?.i: Total .$144.618.01 FINANCIAL MEETINGS Total.$2S5^?8.lllIi *r___**__xDBS Capital ?tod. .|*JJM,*NlW 6urpl u? : THE M-HCHANTS BANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Notice is hereby given that a Special 1 Meeting of the Stockholders of this Bank '. will be held at the office of the Bank. 43 ! Wall ?St., New York City, on March 24,1 1920, at 11 o'clock A. _. At this Meeting j the Stockholder? will be Invited to con? sider and to act upon an agreement for I the merger of this Bnnl< Into President '? and Directors of The Manhattan Company, ; which agreement has heretofore been ex? ecuted by tii(i officers of t-his Bunk by authority of the Board of Directors and has been approved by the Superintendent of Banks, and to transact such other business as may properly come before the Meeting. The transfer books will be closed at the close of business ?March 23rd and reopen ?t the beginning of business March 2_:h. OWEN E. PAYNTER. Cashier. THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANKoHheSiTYofNEWYOBK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tbat at a meeting of the shareholders ?f The ?1er* cuanta National Bank 01 tue City u? ?Nat York, held on January. 13, 1920. It wa? voted that the aid Bank go Into, Uqul?a* tlon and be crue '. an?l dissolved. AH holder? of ? otes and other cr?diter? ?f ?aid Banking Association are hereby notified to present av-'h notes and oth*J claim? against the Association for pay? ment at Its Banking He use, ?Number 4| Wall Street, New Yo"k City, until Febru? ary 2?, 1120. and ?hereafter to It? liqui? dating agent, the Fresidont and Director? at the Manhattan Company, at Number *? Wall Street, New York City. By ordsr of the Board of Director?. O. *_. PAYNTER, Cannier. lasted New York. January 13. 1?1?. Surplus fund ... Undivided profits .$ . 2.861.507.83 Deposit?: Preforrad as follows: Du? New York State Havtogs Banks . f4.501.948.0t Other deposits due as executor, administra? tor, guardian, re? ceiver, trig'^e. com mt**?o ?r d "posltary. . 4.268.598?04 bv the State of New York . tOO.OOO.M Depu . . .... ?lie Superin? tendent of Banks of Stau of New York.. 81,768.81 Other depcelts secured by a pledge of agaets 2.051.530.00 Not preferred, as follows: Depoults subject to check .16?.9TB,r40.5? Timo deposit^ certifi? cate? and other deposits. the pay? ment of which can? not legally be re? quired within thirty days . S.S62.S5T *? Demand certificate? of dupnutt . 8,443,8'.?\11 Cashiers' checks out? standing, including similar check? of other officers . 803.600.88 Due trust eompanioa, baiJw and bankers.*.' 9 557 024.IT 17,S?.5w?.S: THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK cf (he CITY of NEW YORK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a ! meeting of the t-hareholdera of The Mer. chants National Bank of the City of New York, held on January 13, 1320, it wa? determined to, take aucb proceeding* at may be necsary or "onvpr.i.nt ,0 ?r KBnlze this Bank.?*; Associatior. aa tn In? corporated bar.., of file State if New York by the 1 f The Merchant? Bank ? f the City of New York; and also that when this Bank shall have been organized as an Incorporated bank of the State ef New York proceeding? be taken ts> merg? H with the President ind Director? ef tu? Manhattan Company. By ordo?- of the. Bonrd of Director?. O. ?. PAYNTER, CmT*?<s*_ Dated New York. January IS. Its*. NOTICE OF A SPECIAL JIEETINO of the? STOCKHOLDERS OF FRED E. ROSE BROCK _ CO.. INC. A ?peclal Meeting of the Stockholder? of the Fred E. Rosebrock & Co., Inc., will be held at the office of the Company, 860 3?2 Washington Street, in the Borough of Manhattan, City, County and State of New York, April 16th, 1320, at 3:00 o'clock in tho afternoon of said day, for the purpose of considering and acting upon a resolu? tion adopted by the. Board of Directors of the Company at a ?Special Meeting held on the 9th day of March, 1320, by which said resolut ?on the Board of Directora in their opinion deem it advisable that the corporation be forthwith dissolved. By order of the Board of Directora. OTTO I.EMMBRMAN, Secretary Dated, New York, March 9th, 1920. CHICAGO, SAINT PAITL, MIXNE\POI__ AND OMAHA RAILWAY COMPANY NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Stockholder? of the Chicago. Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company will be held at the office of the company, in the city of Hudson. Wisconsin, on Wednesday April 14, 1920, at nine o'clock A. M for the eloction of director? and the trans? action ef aucn other business a? may come before said meeting. ' Transfer book? will be closed en Fri? day. March 12. 1920. at the close of busl ness on that day, and will be reopened, on Thuraday, April 16. 3920. ?/*-????. on Dated. February 28, 1320 JOHN ?Ac?ll?*ge?R&*Z?'** ExtOTid total deposits.lfW.8l5.l~-W Rediscounts . 14.0O0.0wM Acceptance? of draft? payable at a future date or authorized by com? mercial letter? of credit. li,5T8,$WM Other liabilities, viz.: Reserves for taxes. f7*i*?,t4S.tT Accrued interest en? tered on books at close of business on above date . tlMMLt? Estimated unearned dis? count? . 408,2*8.24 - I.048.SM.1J Total .$255.8?,!?.'* REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TU_ UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK at the close of busbioss en tho 28th ruary.> K*CSOI*Rr*ES. Stock and bond lrvestments, via?! Public securities. Private securities. Real estate owned. Morteaees owned . Ixvan? and discounts securei*! by bond and mortgage, deed or other real estate collateral . Loans and discounts secured by other collateral . . Loans, discounts and bills purchase?! not secured by collateral. Duo from approved reserve deposi? taries, leu amount of offsets. Specie (gold certificates). Due from Tho Federal Reserve Banl? of Now York less offsets. Other assets, viz. : Accrued Interest entered on tyvaks at close of business on above olate Total .$62.511.?* n day of F* $4,6TT.*!?.?-1 6.064,509? 1 ?15,?~.~ 4._8.?t? AM" M.IJ-,?*? ?.ttunt-t* 4,?T8^n-? 1M.0M.H UARnjiTiai. Capita! Stock. Surplus: fund .$12.000,000.00 Undivided profit? .... 2.T26.89812 $1000.( l4.rM.~?-^, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A special meeting of t?o stockholder? of Ostrander-Ersklne Manufacturing and Commission Corporation will be held at the office of the Corporation, No. 16 pi.vmo? vtreetv ^orouKh of Manhattan. Jty ??f New York. on the 19th day of March. 1320. at 12:30 o'clock P M* for the purpose of voting upon a propoaltlon to change the name, of said CorporaMo? to the name p?trander-Br?kii.o Corporation _ JAS. C. ERSK1NE. President HARRY H. ROCKWELL, Se??uryf March 11th, 1930. "'' Deposit?: Preferred, a? follow?; Due New York State Savings Ranks ... $2,418.?14J1 OUuc deposits due a? executor, adminis? trator, guan?an. ro oelver, trustee, com? mittee or doposltary 8.5$1.8it.5? ?Other deposit? as cured by a piedg? of asset? . 1JJ85.M0.O? Not preferred, as follows: Deposit? subject to check .2Z. 423.91t.f? Time deposita cstrtj cate? and other ???posits, the pay mai?? of which can? not legally be re? quired within thirty day? . te8.92S.ST OUior certificates of deposit . 3.626.248.05 Due trust companies, banks sad bankers. 5.500.62?.?* Eilend total deposit?.. Other li abilities, ?i?. ; RoMtrves for taxes. $220.000. Ot Aceruod interest entered on books at close of bu-nesa on above data 4S9.424.M Estimated uitearue- dl? oounto.*. *???*" n**** 45.? Sotal ._tM,?lT.?*,?