Newspaper Page Text
Business News -^PER? wat Httle chan-j? in the commercial paper marke* yesterday. Tha I letter nam*s continued to move at ?% par centv while names net so well ?, were discounted at 7 and 7* per cent. Local bank* are not buying J^e volume and most of the demand comet from the interior. Dealers i?ort a fair business in bankers' acceptances, with both local and interior iSks buying. ?_ (#TTONS--JVim?ry yajket Firmer pealing? in gray or unfinished goods l^ft increased slighly and prices are a Hade farmer then they were at the be *--.;?*? of the week. It was reported S&y that the lowest bid that Utti? meet with response in 64-60, ?ia-inch print cloths, the trade stand jT was 23 cents. Spots were ob Snable earlier, in the week at 22 M Z?ts Some buying on speculative ac iflBBt is evident in the market, accord 2 t0 doth brokers, but it has not ?jfomed the proportions that it did last ?rtr Large buyers and users of gray ^od? are operating cautiously. Many iftlfm ?ay they ?re waiting until they ?. see a cioarcr market for the prod Srts they m*-**6 before placing more ?raer*, for the basic fabrics. - - Pema-id for fine yearn goods contin? us fairly steady, according to sellers if this class o: merchandise. Fine im Mrtrd organdies, ginghams, St. Gall ?riss?s and similar goods are not of 'ered freely and are obtainable only in ?ioited amounts. SILKS?Dull Business Qepins to Pile Vp Stocks There are indications that the quan ?j.y o? sirs goods in the hand? of mills l8d pofflmission agents is increasing. goo? mills that a month ago had noth jef to eier are now seiling goods for immediate delivery. It is possible for iebberi or other buyers to obtain i?ods from commission agents on m?iBorandum. a system of selling that tos abandoned a couple of years ago ?her. the 'shortage" of silks began to I? is.? <cm\i of the smaller mills in the New Jersey manufacturing section are ?ported to have notified their workers of impend:">; shut-downs because of lack of orders. This applies particu? lar! to milla making georgette and nepe-de-chines. Some other mills are working half time. Trade in broad silks is being carried on mainly by the small jobbers, who hiva cut "their prices about 25 per cent ?ate the first of February. On geor? gettes the cuts have been as deep as 35 per cent in cases. Few mills have begun taking fall or? ders. Ordinarily much fall business is booked in January and February. Few talesmen are on the road looking for fall business. Manufacturers gener? al? say they are unwilling to book fall business, bat most buyers assert that attempts to secure orders now for de? livery in July and August would meet with failure. FURS?Europeans Buying in This Market Considerable buying of American furs for European account has taken place in the local market within the last week. Most of the buying is be? ing done by British commission mer? chants acting as agents for English, Scandinavian, French, and even Ger? man fur merchant?. One large dealer reports the sale of more than $200,000 worth of styins to a London commis sien merchant. A large shipment of skunk placed in the recent fur sale in London by an American dealer, but withdrawn because the shipper's limits **>*ere too high, has since been sold at lit limit priced on it. European demand, according to deal? er:, is centered on skunk, raccoon and opossum. Average skunk skins are bringing ST. The Europeans are paying cash in American dollars. The local demand for skunk has in march i<uh American R : ?f Committee for Hungarian Sufferers co-operating with ?foaericau Re?ei Administration Herbert Hoover, Chairman Produced under the supervision of Mr. R. H. BURNSIDE o? the Hippodrome Committee on Production Ethel Barrynor? Floreico Moore Blanchi B?'.??t Kattiarln* Kaalrad Amelia Cii-.gnam Frnnclne Larrlmor? M?r> Boiana Nanea O'Nsil Im Clair? VNIenna Susal >'i3 Cowl Lauratt} Taylor U.l D?n Lenora Ulrlo Pageant at 9 o'clock. Dancing at 10 o'clock (strictly formal) Ticket? $!n.00, Tyson Co. & McBridV?. IM\ IDEM) NOTICES The Merchants Bank of the City of New York. ~ ? March 1 tth. 1910. d.ii. Boa-rl "f r>ir?ctor? ha? thi? day w iar?d a dividend of three per cant iliV liiy,lbl? ?March ?7th, 1??0, to etook StK^ (jt ???cord at U oclocH A. 31, "" 'Cut dat? OWKX K, FAYNTER, (.'a-*hlar. Tw Barrett Company (N. J.) ._? Quarterly dividend cf Two Dollar? har? hu? wen decJarrtd on ths d ftf ,\.rtI'".il' .*'''""?< and n quarterly divt fiick ''?'??i of "''"?'' Rtock and fi quarterly dl\i ,j,..'1 On? Dollar and ?Seventy-five Ceuta W ?f1!.! ,,U1"' on ,ho I>r*??'erred Capital ?'?sap " R**r,"e-t Comjwiiy, New Jeraey. tt?ekhS, ?? Apr? lei. 19-Jo. to Common . uc. ,.?r,, cf r?,.orrt as a( Ul8 cl0|)ft oi buj)_ 5?"to ? ,1'")'- 15'J0' l*n't "n April Ulh. *?* a? t? *? feterrea 8.o.;kholder? of word ? -??>*. eloae o? businesM Marvh 32nd. 1$20. i:r<\KST j. tiTKER. Tr?*aurer. ^UY-SPRIHGFIELD TIRE CO. ?to c\m?er?i? alv,aen<? o? ono dollar ?nd SKt. u, *. '%?-}?1 t>or on Vue em Par **? ?L'.r ?? ytock of thl" Company haa ?SShoiA.??*1i p^y-^? Apr? i. x?ao. to ?tata ataren is r*50rd ** ?? cl?** ot bu?i *?? Y?* ? r.'jieZAMAit. Bacratarf. ~ iwit, March S, 1J20. cr?a??d, according to daalar?, and opoiBum is showing more activity. Manufacturing furriers are buying cau? tiously, but several large deals have been consummated between dealer? who aro hopeful of a spurt in manufac? turers* buying in the near future. Trices aro holding firm all along the line. LEATHER?Manufacturers Busy With Fall Glove Output Glova manufacturers are now in the midst of a busy period preparing for the fall season. Fall prices for the higher grade leather glove? have been advanced about 80 per cent over last year's list. For the fall trade manu? facturers have closed large contracts 'for cape and suede gloves, which prom? ise to be the leaders in the late 1920 selling. Though leather prices have declined a little, the advance in labor has offset the reduction. Cape gloves for fall are bringing J40 a dozen whole? sale, compared with $26 a dozen in the preceding year. Suede gloves are marked at 930 a dozen wholesale, against J21 a dozen in the fall 1919 ?season, These gloves will retail at from $4.50 to $6 a pair. In the cheaper qualities cap? gloves will sell at $22.60 a dozen wholesale, while suede models will bring $21 a dozen wholesale. Retailers will place these gloves on sale at prices bringing from $3 to $3.60. The serious shortage of mocha is causing glove manufacturers consider? able difficulty in delivering orders made up of that material. Mocha gloves will bring enormous prices and the demand is expected to rrlore ,than double the supply. It is generally believed that men will wear suede gloves for the fall season, while women will usa the 16 | button or long French type glove. Silk j gloves for both sexes are in good de ! mand for the Easter trade. ! JEWELRY?Reta?ers Report | Record Demand for Novelties Local retail jewelers report that the j demand for jewelry novelties is ex ; traordinarily keen. This fad is not | confined to the poorer classes, as it j used to be, but has extended into Fifth j Avenue jewelers there are devoting ; much epaco in their show windows to 1 novelites. j ( Among the novelties that are leading i in the line of jewelry for men are cuff 1 links with the chain or "soft" connect j ing link, gold belt buckles made in | solid metal rather than with the mono | gram set in, and a unique solid gold : keyring, oval in shape instead of ; round, giving more room for keys and 1 making less bulge in the pocket. Both | men and women are ready purchasers ! of these buckles and "soft" cuff links. , Notable among the novelties enjoying ' a brisk sale on Fifth Avenue at present ! is a cigarette case flask, made of gold ? or silver and designed for the travel ' er's convenience. Retailers predict a big season for the i bracelet because spring dresses, with ; short sleeves, will, it is believed, add j to the sale in both moderately priced ! and expensive designs. Wrist watches : for women continue as a good sales leader in the novelty shapes, with a ribbon wrist band. These watches are being shown in values reaching $1,000 ; as represented in jewel-encrusted cases. Fancy combs for evening wear are having a big sale, indicating in the mind of the jeweler a season of gayety that will increase rather than diminish, bringing with it requests for many wanted accessories of evening dress. Liverpool & London Insurance Report? $5,570,602 Surplus Report of the United States Branch of the Liverpool and London and Globe ; Insurance Company, Ltd., a stock com ! pany that has been doing business in ? the United States for seventy-two ?years, as of December 31, 1919, shows : tota! assets of $18,710,037, with un ' earned premiums and other liabilities ; of $12,959,435, leaving a $5,750,602 sur? plus. The assets include $419,000 in ? real estate, $1,960,750 in first mortgages 1 on real estate, $4,788,846 in govern? ment, state, county and municipal bords, $5,531,158 in railroad and other bonds aiyl stocks. Cash in banks and offices aggregated $2,772,865. Directors of the United States branch are Walter C. Hubbard, of Hubbard Bros. & Co.; Thatcher M. Brown, of Brown #ros, & Co.; W. H. Wheeiock, of Brown-Wheelock Company, Inc., and E. W. Sheldon, president of the United States Trust Company. DIVIDEND NOTICES V. Vivaudcu, inc. Times Building, New York March 11, 1920 DIVIDEND No. 2 The Board of Directors of this Company has declared a quarterly dividend ot fifty cents (50c) per share on the Common Stock, pay? able April 1, 1920, to stockholders of record March 15, 1920. S. M. SCHATZKIN, Treasurer The American Agricultural Chemical Company N-u- York, March 11th. 1930. A quarterly dividend of one and one-half p?*r cent ( 1 '^ ?". ? on the Preferred Stock of this Company (No. 69 >, and a quarterly dividend of tu?. p?-r cent (2?t) on the Com? mon iltock (No. 3 + ? have be?u declared, payable April 15. 193?. to stockholder? of record at the "lose of business on Monday, March 22, lf)-'3. THOMAS A. DOB Treasurer. American Telephone & Telegraph Co. A dividend of Two Dollars per share will be paid on Thursday, April 15, 1930, to stockholders of record at the close of busi? ness on Friday, March 19, ?920. On account of the annual meeting the transfer books will be closed from Satur? day, March ?0, to Tuesday, March 30. 1930, both daya included. O. D. MII.NB, Treasurer. CTBA CANE SUGAR CORPORATION. Preferred Hto?U Dividend. A quavterjy dividend of Jl.75 per share has this day been declared upon the Pre? ferred Stock of this Corporation for the quarter ending March Jiet, l?20, payable April 1st, 1929, to stockholders of record at the close of business March 15th, l;20. March 5th. 1920. H. F. KUO?BR. Treasurer. AMERICAN CAN CO. A quarterly dividend of one and three quarters per c?oi has been declared on the Preferred Stork of this t'ompany, payable April l?t. 1920. to Stockholders of record at the close of bu&lneau March 17th, 1920. ?transfer Book? will remain open. Checks mailed. It. H. 1SMON, Secretary A Treasurer. FINANCIAL MEETINGS TB35 BORDEN COMPANY ANNVAL MEETING. The annual roeetlnk of The Borden Com? pany will be held Wednesday, April 3Ut, 1930, at 10 A. M.. at No. 15 Exchange Place. Jersey City, New Jersey. For the purpose of the meeting; the Common and Preferred Stock books will be closed from March 20th at il o'clock noon until April 22nd at 10 A. M. F. b. 6HOVE, Treasure*. Buyers Arrived FalrehUd Servie? ALBANY?-Bporburg Millinery Co ? H. M. Sriorburg, millinery; 021 Broadway, Alexandsr. ALBANY?Xatnstk*/ Co.: R. Katuarky, dry goods; Broadway Central. ANDERSON, 8. _,??Lesaer Co.? B. Leaw, dry good? and clothing; Herald Square. ANDERSON, 8. C??-8. PollakolT. clothln? ?and ahos?; Broadway Central. BALTIMORE?Hecht Broa. A Co.; F. 8. _ Deutaoh, women'? garment?; MoAlpln. BALTIMORE ?McDowell - Co.? J. H. EI?er, carpet?; McAlpln. BALTIMOREM. Plmes te Co.; Dava Ptmca, upholstery, furniture: Pennsylvania, BALTIMORE ?Ooldenberg Broa.; Oacar Sodberry, dres? good?; Bt. Andrew. BALTIMORE?J. H. Hurat Co.; I. M. Par? een?, white gooda; 1104 Broadway, room 460. BALTIMORE?Hochechlld, Kohn et Co.; 8. Jacobaon, upholstery ; 3S0 Fifth Avo nue. room 1411. BALTIMORE?Hutaler Broa. Co. ? Miss J. P. McFeely, Jewelry, leather good?; 352 Fourth Avenue. BALTIMORE! ? J. w?Ib Furnitur? Co.; John Wets, furniture, carpet?; York. BALTIMORE?C. D. Hallar & Co.; W. T. Heller, millinery; Alcacar. BOSTON?Smith. Blair Co.; Mr?. M. F. Wither?, women'? garment?, furnlahing roods; Me Alpin. BOSTON ? Faahlon Shop: Mr. Coliman, ready to wear; Knickerbocker. BOSTON?TJlllan St Karon; Mr. UUlan, woolen French serges; Knickerbocker. BOBTON?Tuttle a. Robinson; 8am Rob? inson, mfr?. ?Ilk waist?. Broztell, B08TON?Max Levin, clothing: Grand. BRIDGEPORT, Conn.?Howland D. G. Co.; Mrs. M. Fray, Infanta* wear; 404 Fourth Avenue, CARLISLE, Pa?O. T. Mclntyre, clothing, furnishing goods: Hermitage. CHARLESTON, 111.? Parker Dry Qoode Co.; J. A. Parker, ready to wear; 44 East Twentv-thlrd Street. CHARLESTON, 8. C?J. Goldman Co.; ?T. Goldman, general merchandise; Broztell. CHICAGO?Caraon. Pirle & Scott; A. R, Wlieon, millinery, basement ; 404 Fourth Avenue, CHICAGO?The Boston Store; F. Mllltng ton, curtain?; 44 Bast Twenty-thlrrd Street. CHICAGO?J. Grossman, clothing, furnlah? ing gooda, hats; Pennsylvania. CLEVELAND?W, Taylor, Son _ Co.; Miss C. Herman, Infants' wear, basement mus? lin underwear; Mis? A. Loomls, base? ment millinery; 225 Fifth Avenue. CLEVELAND?9. Block, piece gooda; Broadway Central. CLEVELAND?William Tailoring Co.; J. Spitz, clothing; Pennsylvania. COLUMBUS?Union Hat A Cap Co.; D. T. Keating, hats; Nethorland. COHOES, N, Y.?Boswell's; M. IT. David? son, dry goods, etc.; Contlnontal. COHOES. N. Y.?W. S. Whalen, clothing; Elks Club. CORTLAND. N. Y.?Boaudry, Allen Co.; G. F. Beaudry, dry good? and millinery; Breslln. DETROIT?Crowley Broa; S*f F. Long, dress goods; 43 Leonard Street. ELM IRA, N. Y.?8. F. Isrard Co.; H. Y. Iszard. ready to wear, corsets, muslin underwear, waists, infants' wear; 404 Fourth Avenue. EL PASO, Tex?I. Laskin * Broa; I. Laskln, dry goods and reacfy to wear?; Breslln. ERIK, Pa.??T. C. Bauer; Mr?. J. C. Bauer, millinery; Breslln. FREMONT, Ohio?-Chllds Clothing ?Store; W, T. Chllds. clothing; Broadway Central. GRAND FORKS. N. D.?C. Johnson, wom? en's wear; Murlborough ORANVILLB. N. Y.?L. IX Goldberg, dry goods; Elks' Club. HAGBR8TOWN, .Md.?Barnhart Overall Co.; A. W. Barn hart, cotton piece goods; Breslln. HARTFORD?Brown Thompson ?: Co.; Miss M, Williams, infants' wear; 230 Fifth Avenue. HARTFORD?G. Fox it Co.; Mrs. R. M. Broeel, ribbons; 6 West Thirty-second ?Street. HHRKIMER. N. Y.?H. O. Mutiger & Co.; Mrs. MacDcnald, cotton dresses; Wol cott. HO KNELL, N. Y.?BabcorW & Davidson; Mr. Davidson, ready to wear; 404 Fourth Avenue; Jay Co. HUDSON, N. Y.?E. Spencer, jewelry; Marlboro ugh. INDIANAPOLIS?H. P. Waason Co.; Miss M, E. Sadler, coats and suits; 3 20 Went Thirty-second Street. INDIANAPOLIS?C. Miller, furnishing goods; Hermitage. KANSAS CITY?Wolf Bros.; N. L. Carter. ready to wear; 303 Fifth Avenue. KINGSTON, Pa.?F. J. Reeser, upholstery and draperies; Grand. LANCASTER, Pa?Buchanan & Brown; ?I. Buchanan, cloaks, suits, millinery; The Annex. LANCASTER. Pa.?Hager ? Bros.; W. R. Laird, upholstery, furniture; 404 Fourth Avenue, [>th floor. LOUISVILLE?L. Sternau, furniture, etc.; Breslln, MERIDIAN, Miss.?D. Rosenbaum's Sons; M. Roaenbaum. dry goods, clothing, carpets, general merchandise. 15 East Twenty-sixth Street; ?"ornerset. MONTREAL?C. Kaplan, rlece goods; Breslln. MOULTR1E. Ga. ? Friedender Broa; L. Friedlander, coats and suits; 1161 Broad way. NEW HAVEN?Metropolitan Mfg Co.; C. A. Morse, furniture; Wallick. NEW JIAVEN', Conn. ?Lawrence Eck, woolen piece goods: Park Avenue. NEW HAVEN, Conn.?A. L. Starln. woolen piece goods; Park Avenue. NEW ORLEANS?Marka-Iaaacs Co.; Ben Isaacs, miUlneryj 1150 Broadway; Baer S- Lillenthal. NEW PROVIDENCE. Pa. ? J. M. Bair, genera! merchandise; Navarre. NORFOLK, Va.?Watt, Rettew & Clay; Mrs. A. Potter, coats and suits, waists, furs, muslin underwear: Mrs. Ma?? Brighton, millinery; 23 East Twenty sixth Street. NORWICH, <"onn.?Reid & Hughes; W. H. Cruickshank, merchandise; Miss A. L. Bresnan, ribbons; 404 Fourth Avenue, ? Continental. QWOSSO, Mich.?Lyon & Bond; H. Lyon, dry gooda. etc.; Longaore, PHILADELPHIA?M. Epstein Co.; ?M. Epstein, furniture and carpets; Broad? way Central. r PHILADELPHIA?Milady Dresa^_M Cos? tume Co.; Miiiard II. Rubin, dresses; Aber'leen. PHILADELPHIA?Berg & Burg; B. Berg, women's ready to wear, outer garments; York. PHILADELPHIA??, Omsa Co.; L. Gross, woolen piece goods* 11X2 Broadway. PHILADELPHIA-G. A. Uu.a;>.\ knit un derwoar und hosiery; Breslln. PHILADELPHIA?Harr,;?:-, it Block; I. Block, mfr? waists; Herald Square. PHILADELPHIA- -(' Horn Co.; ?. Horn, carpets, furniture; Aberdeen. PHILADELPHIA - - G. Kelly; B. Barnett, ?irv goods, carpets, cloaks; Ansonla. PHILADELPHIA?N. Snellenburg & Co.; ?I F. McDermott, furniture, beds, bed- j dings; 1261 Broadway; Great Northern PHILADELPHIA? Strawbrjdge & Clothier; F. P. Walsh, housefurtiishlngs; 230 Fifth ; Avenue. PHILADELPHIA?W. R. Wilson, tailoring goods; Grand. PHILADELPHIA ? Samuel Holme?, ata- ; Morton* ; Breslln. PHILADELPHIA? II. Welner, dry goods; Arlington. PHIUflilbPHIA -M. Tamarin Co.; M. 'l'a marin, furs; Pennsylvania. PITTS BURGH--Kaufman Dept Stores; R. Delndeoker, ribbons, basoment ; 3261 Broadway; Aberdeen. PITTSBURGH?Lee & Hughes; E. Leo, furnlahing goods, neckwear; Navarre. PITTSBURGH?J. Home Co.; R- L. Knight, pioturea, frames; 225 Fifth Avenue. PITTSBURGH ? Flnkelhor Bros.; L. 8. Finkelhor, clothing; 906 Broadway. PORT HENRY, ?M. Y.?E. M. James, gen eral merchandise; Breslln PORTLAND, Ore.?N. P. Jensen Co.; N. P. Jensen, notion? and general mdse. ; York. PORTLAND, Me.?Porteous, Mitchell A Braun; J. F. Traver?, cloaks, suits, dresses; 432 Fourth Avenue. 5th floor, .PROVIDENCE?Callender McAuslan & Troup; Mr. Abrama. ready to wear; Miss R, M. Garaghty, gloves; 230 Fifth Ave? nue. READING, Pa.?Britton'a; G. M. Britton, men's, women's wear, Grand. ROCHESTER- B. (forman Co.; Mrs. Lull, ready to wear; 226 Fifth Avenue; Assoc. Mdsg. Corp. SAN FRANCISCO?Raphael Welll Co.; H. Lazarus, wash goods; 16 West Twenty- j sixth Street. 8AVA.NNAH?The Vogue; B. Shuiman, millinery; 303 Fifth Avenu?, room 1717. SEATTLE, Wash.?Western 111. G. Co. ; W. H. Lawrence, domestics, silk; 60 Worth j Street; White * Pardee. SHELBYV1LLE, Ky.?M. Ruben, women's I wear, etc.; Elks Club. ST. LOUIS?KHne Apparel Co. | Miss Julius, coats and suits; 404 Fourth Ave- j nue. ST- LOUIS?Carter Dry Goods Co.; A. K. Miller, petticoats; 329 Broadway. SYRACUSE?Belloff Broa; L. A. Belloff, | mfrs. men's, young men'a clothing; Mc- ; Alpin. SYRACUSE-?David G. Tobis; David G. ! Tobia. ladies' coata, suits, dresses, skirts, j waists; McAlpln. SYRACUSE?H. Harris, shoes; Coiul- ? nental. TIPTON, C?a.?II. Kulbu?h. dry goods and clothing: Broad way Central. WESTMINSTER, Md.?Nusbauin & Jor- I dan; C. E. Nusbaum. dry goods, general ; merchandise; The Annex. WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. ?H. titern. clothing; I Pennsylvania. WILMINGTON. Del?E. IT: Pyle Co.; Mr. Bailey, ready to wear; Marlborough. YORK. Pa--Regal Umbrella Co.; F. W, Zercher, mfrs. umbrellas; Herald Square. Buyers Coming COLUMBUS, aa,i-~Da,v!d Rothschild ft Co.; Gerson Rothschild, placing order? oa coat? for next fall ??aaoa; it East Tweniy-sUth Street; Fr?d Bauer; la ax. pactad March IT. stantmnrjsT'iaim msmsasa waaaaaat **???***?j.? ? ? - iwstou-ction ?CHOOU ?a~V*?-si? t?tfc Btrsat. ?secretarial tramiajt; _4i*rtd*i_ la *R*nM-_- Da*, wsahas. PRATT Business Troubles Petition? In Bankruptcy Following petitions in bankruptcy wen filed yesterday Id United States District Court: OVERSEAS PRODUCTS CORP.?Inrol. untary petition agt Overseas Product? Crp.. importer? and exporter? of general mer ohandiM, 67 Wall at. Liabilities, 175, 000; assets, not stated Allen R. Mem hard, 120 Bwair., attorney for petitioner?. L. WEISS?Involuntary petition ajrt L. Weiss, .lobber in ladies' hat?, 81? Sway, Liabilities and asset? not stated Samuel Lasser, 877 Bway., attorney for creditor?. Schedules In Bankruptcy Schedules In bankruptcy filed yesterday in United State? District Court were as follows: BENJAMIN OROSflMAN -- Schedules of Benjamin Grossman. 56J Weet I75th st., show liabilities of ft,741, with no assets. Max Greenwald, 1403 Bway., attorney for petitioner. FRANK J. BUB?Schedule? of Frank J, Bub. Poughkeepsl?, N, V., ?how liabilities of $S,77S. with no asset?. Bub ha? forty five creditors. 8. H. Brown, 234 Main st., Poughkeepsle, attorney for Bub. Receivers In Bankruptcy Receiver? In bankruptcy appointed In Federal District Court yesterday were as follow?: Arthur F. Ootthold was appointed by Judge Learned Hand aa receiver in bank rutpcy for Oversea? Product? Corp., under bond of 125.000. John L, Lyttlo was appointed by Judge Learned Hand as receiver In bankruptcy for Prudential Hthograhlc Co., Inc., 95 Duane st., under bond of 312,000. MORRIS FBUR8TEIN AND ALEXANDER FEUUSTEIN? Involuntary petition agt Morris Feurateln and Alexander Feursteln, retail delicatessen, 3514 . Bway., trudln** under natno of M. Feursteln & Bon. Lia? bilities, 23.600; assets. $500. William N. Lewis, Kent av. and North Third st., Brooklyn, attorney for petitioning credi? tors. Judgments Filed In New York County The following Judgments were filed yes? terday, the tir?t name being that of the debtor. Barber, Harry?Alexander Ham? ilton Institute .*... 1138.05 Benaonhurut Yacht Club?3. Stein 493.34 Brown. Willard P. ? National Surety Co. 328.80 Board of Education of City of N. Y.?W. Kelly; costs...._ 106.65 Curley, Albert H.?A. Chodack. 108.41 Ounneen, Jame? M.?Gem Spe? cialty Co. 130.41 Compoelt Metal Lath Co.?West Virginia & Penn. Coal Co., Inc. 3.601.18 Cornell, Charlee?L. Rosen. 214.20 Canni; relia, Benny; Joseph Uaro fold, Giovanni Buecellato and Concetta Barca ? National Surety Co. 1,030.19 Dickson, Alexander?Lenox Sand & Gravel Co. 182.25 Davis, John, admr.?Greenwich Bank . 13,321.30 Hison, Robert?Oqeanlo Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. (White Star Lino); costs . 109.0? Hlcott, Edward?H. H. Hughes.. 0,443.46 Films, Inc., .Tooeph J. McDonald and Leopold Wormser?Hub Lumber Co. 402.14 Gold. Sender?M. Friedman .... 134.48 Harbor City Canning Company and Stephen Crlsanlll ? 1'. Pasfone & Co., Inc. 27,965.18 Hackel, Barney ? Lichtenberg Bros. & Co.. Inc. 140.27 Hamilton, Margaret ?> People, etc.?. ?. . 100.00 Halpern, Emanuel ? Langrock Bros. Co.; costs . 119.30 Havhurst, Alfred J.?National Surety Co. 178.04 Italian Press 1'ubIHhlng Asso? ciation?.!. M. Huber . 1,148.71 Klamsworth, Ida?O. E. Keller 137.?10 Kb**' ??. Julia?City of N. Y. ; costs. 125,38 K? George?Alexander Ham? ilton Institute . 3108.40 Llndor. Samuel?D. lanello et al 142.30 Lewi.?, Elizabeth, and National Surety Co. ?People, etc. 500.60 Levldow, Morris P.?C. Graft"- 649.50 Levy, Henschel, and Samuel Bergoften?8, O. Bornhelmer.. 1,364.25 McDonald, Patrick J.?Alexander Hamilton Institute. lit!.56 Market Street Realty Co. ? People, etc. 100.00 Same?Same . 100.00 Mesaurl, Dominick?A. Kelly ... 348.73 Marcus, Aaron, and Thomas Aiken?H. Ryder; costs. 27G.31 N. Y. Consolidated R. It. Co.? I, Peder . 100.00 N'Htional Cotton and Grain As? sociation and Joseph C. Cooper ? W. W. Roseman . 315.SO National Cotton and Grain As soclation.W. W. Roseman . . . 215.70 Palumbn, Theodore ? E. M. Man-h . 458.90 Quak---]- State Dairy Co., Inc.? Gramm Bernstein Sales Corp. 193.46 Rice, George C.?J.; costs . 107.19 Reutter, Karl J.?Crasno & Kob ler . 112.20 Rogers, Ralph E.. trustee?Na? tional Surety Co.-. 138.35 Soficld, Stephen B.?C. M. Rose. 235.80 Scher, Samue.1. and Joseph Winkelman (S, W. WalstNCo.) ?S. E. Goldman Co., Inc. 1,392.43 Stelnman, Philip?E. Mitchell. ..1,982.74 Standard Liquid Recording Co., Inc. '?i foreign corporation) ? A. Bishop et al . ?38.30 St. Nicholas loe Kink. Inc.? Raislfr Heating Co., Inc. 295.71 Schroedor, Caroline?P. A. Webb; costs . 119.62 Schroeder, Theodore ?- F. A. Webb; costs . 119.62 Sexton, Cornelius M ? E. K. Orle wits . 4 15.66 Thompson. Bros,, In..-. ?B. Wolf s'nsumii .'. 2.S75.80 Talbot Mfg, Co, 'a corporation) ?F. W. Tunnell & Co., Ino_ 2,?88.07 224 w^st 34th Street Company? G R. Davis. 7.680.20 224 West 34th Street Company? L. M. Klein, et al. 23,004.31 221 West 34th Street Company? S. H. Stonra. 30,568.36 224 West 31th Street Company? A. Levls, et al. 7,680.31 224 West 34th Street Company? E. Morde?al. 23.004.31 Weber, Robert U.?J. Herman.. 5-4.93 Wuest, Hans !(., and Robert G, Barber?J. J. McGown. 1,910.19 In Bronx County Films Incoporated, Joseph J. Mac dot.?!! and Leopold Wormser? J. W. Ford, .-i ai. $402.14 Marino, Angelo- B?f tiheimer, & Schwartz Pilsener Brewing Go, 1,215.59 Rosen, Samuel?A, Di-tberg. 242.05 Dorivian, James X.?M. A. Hays 10.09 Satisfied Judf?ments In New York County The first name |s that of the debtor, the second that of the creditor and date when judgment was filed: Utis Elevator Co,??Tolvn Wana majter inc.; July 12, ini8. 39.061.57 Same?General Accident Fire and Lift- Assurance Corpi... Ltd., of ' Perth, Scotland; July 12, 1318.. 6,900.3? Same?Same; July 1 :, 1*3l?. 6,632.18 Rafter, Edward A.?L. H. Green; July 3, 1917. 111.90 Carhartt. Hamilton?L. Sherry; Nov. 12. 1914. 1,517.73 Becker, Ambrose *W, ? R. Altman & Co.; De.r. 3, 1919. 103.93 Miller, Samuel?D. Rosensteln; Jan. 29. 1920 (vacated). 400.00 Fradus, Jacob?G. Gangl; April 2?, 1J17 (reversed). 500.00 Same?Same; April 27, 1917. 8,717.48 Ancient Order of Hibernians?H. D. Raker; Sept. 4. 1H15. 7,347.20 Same?Same; Nov. 2, 1.H8. 307.62 MortorejH, Raffaele?Italian Im? porting CO. of N. Y,, Inc.; Mar. 31. 1918 . 13 7.00 Smith, Louis R? J. F, Me Nabo?; Sept. 23. 1010 . 225.00 Sutfern, Robert a. and Edward C.?B. M. Clararon; July 22. 1918 . 3,108.55 Smith, Graham ? Leimonlcos; June 2, 1915 . 204.26 Hughes, Ralph?City Brass Foun? dry Co.; Jan. 15, ISJIi. 803.61 MeAdoo, Walter C?F. V. Har? per; Sept. 9, 1919. 1,030.96 In Bronx County E. W. K. Holding Corpn. ? The City of N. Y.. D.-c. 31, 11119.... J57.00 Financial Items H. 1!. Porter. Chauncey H. Murphy and Sherman Day have been elected directors of the United States Mortgage and Trust Company, filling vacancies on the board. Other retiring directora wer? re-elected. William A. Read & Co. have purchased an issue of $1,500.000 first mortgage bonds of the Southern Transportation Company, at 89 to net 7.15 p?r cent. The bonds are secured by a direct ilrst mortgage on mod? ern marine equipment Just purchased, con? sisting of sea going tugs end barges cap? able of making trips to Cuba, where the company is considering extending Its busi? ness. DANCING INSTRUCTION LOVELIES 637 MADISON avK \Cw.59*$l S?-Ptaa, Cla*5 Lessons \ ft With Individual Instructor for. . I U We gutrante? to teach you to 4?nce ?11 the labtet mildern ?Janees ?ulekly u4 correctly. 9 LESSONS? $5 PRIT ACT LESSONS. 10 A, 11 to 11 P, at.. without AppaiAtnuMtt. The Urgent and the best Paneta? Scnoot ?1th a wonderful oren-ieu*. marm*m~m> 1. 1H I II 1 1. 1 1 11 ? K?DERN DANCES. WILMA GILkEORft. Vernon Castle Graduate, 19? Waal STth at Circle 4SI?. Navy Orders From The Tribune'e Washington, Bureau WASHINGTON, March 11.?Orders Issued by the Navy Department to-day follow: En?. J. B. Bonwell, to TJ. S. 8. Neptune ; Boa. L. Bouehar, to ?ub. chaser 252 ( Lt. T. P- 9,?Tl' lS Vfc ? Pi ?-10 : L*- w* ?? Cwer. ?ft y^-o8; ,*-*?! !.,H.W- S* B- Claude, to TJ, S. S. R-ia.* U. J. P. Compton, to u. s. s. CM? Lt. D. E. Cummins, to U. 8. 8. BL Louie: Lt. A. D. Dougla?, to ?. 8. 8. to-U; Com. W. B. Fogarty, to duty as member of board to survey vessels Pnclfte Coast, Sa? Francisco; Bo?'n H. C. Fredericks, to U. 8. R-14 : Lt. T. B. HendJey, to U. S. 8. K-4 * U.C. M. Holton, to U. 8. S. L-3 : Lt U) J. 8. Ivea, to a dea., Atlantic fleet; Lt T. Ket?ham. to U. 8. 8. Michigan; Lt (J g.) L. 8. Kinnear, to U. 3. 8. tj-15 when com. ; ?"*?.-. JX,A# Nlcbo1?. t? ?. 8. S. Taurey ; Lt. H. 8. Olsen, to command U. 8. 8. Wando ; Lt P. H, Park, to TJ. S. 8. S-2 : Lt I Parker, to U. 8. 8. 0-8; Lt. (j. K ) p p Patteti, to TJ. 8. 8. Fulton ? Lt Com. P. p! Powell to U. S. 8 Graham when com. ; Lt. F. D, Powers, to U. 3. 8. Taucey ; Lt P M &A ft K ^nnKei;RLtdq(,j""g)t?RCOm to U. B. 8, 0-7; Lt. K. Sparrow, to U. S. S. i * '' ?jtV,Com' C' C- Toa<>< l? U* S. 8. Will lam B. Preston when com. ; Lt. J N Wal. frY^N-i S< K"8: U- P- W- w???n. to 3 ATLANTIC CITY.N.J. IArvAmericaa Plaa Hotel of Distmcuoixarvd ItealComl&rt FIREPROOF OARAGE. j CAPACITY ?OO. Ai !?Wic Ctty ? f V ft?e OCEAN FRONT fIRtPROOf Unusually attractive during Winter and Ear'.y Spring Seasons. Luxurious lobbios and restful sun parlors. Charming after? noon musicale? complimentary tea service, and evening concerts. A palatial residence for those seeking rest and recre? ation. Sea water in all baths. AMERIOANnnd EUROPEAN PLANS We ?--annot describe tne many feature? ol THE HOTEL FREDONIA Tennessee Ave.. Just off Boardwalk lSuropeun Plan, In an advertisement. Out booklet win convince you. ?Sth Season. AmbftMaador Hotels In h nantie City, Mew York. Santu Barbara and Loe Aagmlom. NRW YORK STATE HOTEL. RAMATAH J?i inuiutt? /rain Urund Central. uO electric trains daily. Cuy con? veniencia In tlie country. W'iuturk .*.io -u, Saddle Jrlorat?s. Daily J Concerts. DANCING. MOTEL GKAMATAN Lawrence Paru. Hronxville. N. T.I Qedneyiwrm Hotel WHITE PLAINS. N. Y. Edward H. Crandail Open All Year ' Private Motor Bus Service Without Char?? BOONTON, N. <L Favorable weekly rates. Open ali year. Folder. G. N. VINCENT, Boonton, N. J. WASHINGTON. I). C Burlington Hotel American ?nd European HOMELIKE, CLEAN, PERFECT CUISINE 3S0 Room? with Bath ?;? to S3 FIVE MINUTES FROM EVERYTHING Washington, I). ('. ABBEVILLE, N. C. THE South for hospitality?THE MANOR, Aahevllle, N. C,?tno Uejt inn South. PLOK1DA A DCllCHTI-Tl. WINTKR? FLORIDA WEST COAST. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MORTGAGE BROKER Opportunity for experienced man only t?, associ?t?; himself with first class concern. D. ?j., Box 7~>. Tribuno Office. S1RR0GATES' NOTICES PARROTT, JCL.A I'AU!,H1N'(1.--1N PUR' of an order of Honorable John P. Cohalnn, a Surrogat*? of the County o? New York, NOTICE to nereby given to all person? having claims against Julia Pauld ing Parrott, late of Hie County of New lork, deceased, *\o present the samo with voucher? thereof to the subscribers, at their place of transacting business, at the office of Sullivan & Cromwell their attor? neys, at No. 49 Wall -itreet, in the Borougr. of Manhattan, in the City of New York. State of New York, on or befoto the 1st day of May. 1920, next. Dated, New York, the 22d day of Octo? ber, 131). MADELEINE BRUCE. GEORGE P. PAHRO'PT. Executor* SULLIVAN & CROMWELL, Attorney? for Executors, Office and P. O, Ad? dress, 19 Wall Street, Borough of Man? hattan. New York City. 'IN PURSUANCE Oh' AN ORDER op Honorable John P. Cohalan a Surrogate of the County of New York, NOTICE ;-. ; her. >>;. h?*'""'1 to ?H persona having r.lalsi i apuii^i George Blair, late of t n? County i of New Yi.i-'.v. deceased, t.? prosenj the ?sume \v:ll; vouchers thereof to the sub ; ucribera, at their iiiuce of transa ting busl ' lu?a, at the onlcH of Jonas & Negburger, their attorney?. No. 116 Broadway, Bor? ough of Manhattan, in the- City of New Y.irk, oti or before the I'th day of Seple ber next. Dated. New York, the 1th day of March, 1920. MANUFACTURER*?' TRUST COMPANY, M AR If BLAIR, Executors. JONAS & ?EUBURGBR. Attorneys for Executor?, lu Brua.lvvay, New York City. ARNOLD. WILLIAM II.?IN PlTtSCANCH i of an order of Honorable JOHN P. CO- ,' HALAN, a Surrogate of the County of New . Yortt, notice is hereby given to all person? haviUB claims against WILLIAM K, j ARNOLD, late of the County of New Yorlt, ? deceased, to present th? sems with vouch- ' evs thereof to the subscribera, at their ' place of transacting business, at the onVe i of their attorneys, Messrs. Spencer, Crd- i vay ?fe \*.'ierum, No. 37 William ?trett, , Borough of Manhattan. Ciiy of New York, j en or before tne Vth day of July, next. Dated New York. January -'nil. 10?0. AviLLiAM B. ar:;old, GEORGE L. CHENEY. Executor?, j SPENCER, Or.DWAY &. W1EUCM. At? torneys for Executor?, ?i William j Street. New Yi>.-? Cuy |?ING. BENNETT J.-?-TN PURSUANCH of an order of Honorable John P. Co? halan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, Notice I? hereby given to all per? son? having claim? against Bennett J. King, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the same with vouch? ers thereof tu the subscriber, at hi? place ef transacting business, at the O.T.ce of hi? Attorney, William C. Orr, B?q., No. it Chamber? Street, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on or before the litfc ?gay ef June next. Dated, New York, the lltb day ot De ctmber. 111*. EDWARD B. KING, Execotoe. WILLIAM C. ORB. Attorney for Bxee?. i tor. No. II Chambers Street. Borough 1 ?t Manhattan. ?lty et New York. Loaf and Found Roomi and Board*?*? Fwrnlatiad AparttneiiU LOBT, FOUND AND RRWAROS AUTOMOBILE STOLEN REWARD Hudson, 1019, speedster O 47868, motor 8370B. license 46702. This cat* was stolen by being towed, as It was locked, 11 A. M.. March llth, Fifth ave. and 32d st. Also. Sedan Crovrolot, 1918, car number JI24?. llcenso 19602, all new mud guards. Perfect dwcrlp Mon of thieves can be given. Comipunl?ata with E. B, Hopwood. 65 John st.. Saw York City. Telephone BeeTiman 8987. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET WEST BND AVE. 818 (tOOth ?*.).---_?.??_? front room, rultuble two; fine location; private family. Phone Rlvei?$d? 4800. ONE large room fronting oh park; private bath; In doctor's residence; also ?mall front room. Telephon? Harlem 1320. 48TIT, WEST (near Fifth ave.).?A large, attractive room. Mrs. Holden, telephone 3335 Rhlnelander. FURNISHED_^ARTMTS TO LET SIX-ROOM APARTMENT, completely fur? nished, southern exposure, open fireplace: 1200 a month, from April till October. 1920. Telephone Schuyler 6200. 120T1I, 434 WEST.?High cla?? 3-room apartment?, kitchenette, nicely fur? nished. Apartment S-O. Telephon? Morn ingslde 8440. BOARD WANTED BOARD FOR INFANT, six week? old; references required. Call 62-B, Ch?laea Hotel, West 23d st. , HELP WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION MEN?Good paying proposition to op?ralo moving picture machine in theater; ex? perience up necessary. Call day or evening. American Theater. Building, entra?e? 844 <lh av. (43.1 st.). 'Phone Brvant 161?. LEARN TO BE A CHAUFFEUR?Pleasant and profitable work; day and evening classes. Send for free booklet and visitor'? pass. West Side Y. M. C. A., SOI West 67th ot. LEARN OXYACETYLENB WELDING Great demand for trained men. Eight weeks' course Class now forming. 2lld St. Y. M. C. A., 215 Wast 23d St., N. Y. WHAT ABOUT YOUR FUTURE7 The all-important quostlon is: Where wiil you be 5 or 10 years from now7 To know what your IIfa work should be Is the first Rtep toward a successful future. From tho study of the face, our analystB can determino the right job for you. No trade tests; no psychological tests. Ask us all about it. Booklet "L" on request. Mer ton Institute. Inc., PS Fifth ave. (at 15th Ht). N. Y. Telephone Chelsea 4064. HELP_WANTED MALE ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A CHANCE TO MAKE GOOD? Succe,ss in life does not come through hoping or wishing, but through effort. I DO NOT CARE WHO OR WHAT YOU ARE. If you are honest, ambitious and industrious, aged 21 to 35, we have an opening for you with excellent pay and a won? derful future ; act quickly. Ap? ply, by letter only, N. W., 930 Tribune Building, New York. ATTRACTIVE OPENING FOR GOOD OFFICE MANAGER, MUST BE EXPERT ACCOUNTANT AND SYSTEMATIZER EXPE? RIENCED -IN TEXTILE LINE. UNUSUALLY EXCELLENT OP? PORTUNITY FOR THE RIGHT MAN. REPLY IN DETAIL TO L. M. K.. BOX 187, TRIBUNE. BOOKKEEPER, practical man, real estato experience d?sirable but not necessary; $.10, call Friday, i-:i p. m. Lane, 118 Nassau ave., Brooklyn. BOY, bright, energetic, with fair education; excellent op? portunity; good future. Call | Sears Roebuck & Co., 115 5th : Ave. ; BOY for office. Apply Mr. Black. Peter Henderson & , Co., 35 Cortlandt st. ! BOY wanted hi the auditing; dtpartm-nt ; j chanco for avancement. Apply 736, International Paper Co., 30 Broad. ? BOYS wanted in largo advertising asency ; I chance for advancement, fall .1. Walter Thompson Company, 244 Madison ave., New Vira City. BOY for errands; bright; references. 1410 Third ave., Yorkvltla Electric Company. BOYS FOR ERRANDS, ill WEEK. HEWITT, HI NAVY ST.. UROOKLV.V. BOY strong !?? run erranda and make him? self useful, Peerless Printing, 241 W. 23d. CLERK wanted by Insurance company; good opportunity for advancement. An? swer, stating A'/r. experience and salary : desired, B , Box 602, Tribune Office. DRAUGHTSMAN having experience in gen? eral mill work, conveyors, machinery lay-outs, pip? ing, etc. State age, expe? rience, salary, and how soon available. Christian firm. Apply by letter only. E. D. MORGAN National Sugar Refinery YON'KEP.ri, NEW YORK GROCERY CLERKS, experi? enced ; excellent future for right men; opportunity to be? come managers. Apply 159 j Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn. OFFICE boy, bright, energetic, with fair education ; excellent opportunity; good future. Ad? dress P. O. Box 3, Madison Square Station. OFFICE BOY la i*ales department of larg? corporation ; good importunity for rapid promotion to ambitious boy. Underwood Typewriter, 2d f!'*nr. ?Hi ?ese;/ st. OFFICE HOY wiwite?; bright. Intelligent American, 18 t?> 18 yearn old. in whole? sale house. A.. Bos 885, Tribuna Office. E BOY, wanted in auditing depart . salary <l?>. Call Room 701. Inter ?! Pbp r Co., 30 Broad st. SALESMAN?One accustomed making ISO in $1C0 a ??-ek. commission basis, to sell un - w-nlial household article; futuro guaranteed, Call International Purchas? ing and Sales Agency, I ! 2 West Broadway. SALESMEN. ? Opening for live wire men to sell well known make automobile Mr? m New York. Brooklyn and Queen?; com? mission. J. W. P. Mordaunt, 34 43d ?t.. Corona, L. I. SALESMEN.?Dignified men, with ?orvtce selling experience to solicit contracta from lawyer? for their proco? aarvlce. Mr. Ray. 1009 Tribuna Building. / SALESMEN to sell a hjjjrh class security soon to bo listad on New York Curb. Gnash, 81 Maiden Lan?. city. Wants HELP WANTED MALI SPECIALTY SALESMAN Who would like to locate In New York City, or COLLEGE ORADUAT? who can ?how record of ?ucee?* U wanted to represent a, large corporation In negotiation? of a difficult nature. Position worth $5,000 to right man. r 3, H. Huntington, 105 We?t 40th at., bet. 9:30 and 1 o'clock. STOCK ROOM CLERK wanted by ln*mr snee office; excellent opportunity. An? swer, stating age, experience and salary desired, B., Box 694, Tribuna Offlce. ??,??"?,.. 'a,,. ,',,,-., ., -a t?? HELP WANTED FEMALE CASHIER, men's furnishing store; expe rlenc? not necessary; permanent posi? tion: typist preferred; start lit; advance? ment; al?o girl for clerical work. OLough lln, 10 Church st. , COOK, in private family; pleasant sur? rounding?; good wage?. 60 Montgomery Place, or phone Prospect 107. Carfars refundsd. FILING CLERK, agreeable working con ditlons, opportunity for advancement. B., Box (90, Tribuns Office. GIRLS AS CLERKS AND AS TYPISTS Girls, age 17 and over, want? ed for permanent positions. ? HOURS 9 to 4.30 SATURDAY, 9 to 12 LUNCHEON SERVED FREE. Free Medical attention, Dental Advice, Insurance, Circulat? ing Library, Gymnasium. Classes in Stenography, Type? writing, Dictaphone Operating, French, English, Home Nurs? ing, Millinery and Dressmaking, \ with competent instructors and without expense. OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS WITH SOME HIGH SCHOOL OR BUSINESS SCHOOL TRAINING IN TYPEWRIT? ING TO QUALIFY AND FILL EARLY VACANCIES. SALARY TO START, $12. RAPID ADVANCEMENT TO THOSE WHO MERIT IT. QUALIFIED APPLICANTS WILL BE STARTED IMMEDIATELY. Apply any day between 9 and 4.30. (Monday and Wednesday until 6 p. m.) Room 5030 Metro politan Life Building, 4th Ave. & 23d Street. Use Madison Avenue elevator to 5th floor. GIRLS WANTED Permanent Work Positrons open in several Departments $15.00 A WEEK TO START Regular increases with many Opportunities to reach earnings of $25.00 TO $30.00 A WEEK 48 hours (or less) a week NIGHT WOKK ALSO For Young Women over 21 years $18.00 to start. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE?*? : 1158 BROAD WAY, MANHATTAN 8:00 A M. TO 8:00 P. M. 45? E. TP.EMONT AVE.. BRONX 9 :00 A. M- TO 8 :00 P. M 81 WILLOUGHBY ST-, BROOKLYN 9:0" A. M TO 8:00 P. M ABOVE OFFICES ALSO OPEN SATURDAYS TO 4 P. M.. SUN DAYS I P. M TO 5 P. M. 44 PEARL ST.. MANHATTAN 11:00 A. M. TO ! :00 P. M. 1836 -ROADWAY. BROOKLYN 9:01 A. M- TO 6:00 P. M. or telephone MADISON SQUARE 12000 New York Telephone Company HOUBEWORKER, capable, gocd cook; good references required; ?60. Mrs. {Vice, phone SiiiiO Lenox. HOUBEWORKER, young, small house: suburb; all conveniences : good wages; exceptional home. Phone Whitehall 9?9. NURSE.?A young or middle aged woman to take entire chat-go Of two-year-old boy; going to Long Iaiand in May; wages 850. Telephone Schuyler 47S0. Apartment 83, 219 West SOth st. SALESLADIES, experienced In cloaks and suits; good salary. S. Kopitofaky, 'JO Man? hattan avs.. Brooklyn. STENOGRAPHER-BOOKKEEPER, rapid, expert worker, with knowledge of office details, follow-up systems, etc.: Christian preferred; ?alary 825 to commence. Hlme baugn * Browne. Inc.. 4J1 Fifth av?. TWO FRIENDS, experienced ntir?e for child ?y. years, maul for general House? work; n.i laundry; Weat'-heater County, twenty miles from New York; references required. P. O. '.'!, Hartsdale, N. Y. TYPIST wanted by insurance, company; good opportunity for advancement. An? swer, stating age. experience and salary desired, B., Box UOU, Tribune Ofilc*. WAITRESS wanted; four in family, wages JS0 for experienced person. Box' 3, Ard?ley-on-Hu,d?on. Tetepho-n? Irving ton 1453. WOMAN MANAGER WANTED TO TAKE ENTIRE CHARGE OF CLEANING FORCE, ETC., IN LARGE BUSINESS BUILDING IN CITY; HIGH SALARY TO THOROUGHLY COMPETENT AND EXPE? RIENCED PERSON. APPLY BY LETTER ONLY. IN CONFIDENCE, TO OWNER. ROOM ?7?, 50 CHURCH ST. DO NOT CALL._ FOR SALB At EQUIPPED PBHTAL LABORATORT. best location en Bast Sid?. Inquire Wellnsky, 1ST Oran,* s_ Help W.ntod Situation? Wonto-d Bueinen? Oww-*wr**??itta)t HELP WANTED FEMALE -? YOUNG LADY Refined and well educated, wanted in high class business office to do clerical work. No objection to beginner, if effi? cient and neat. Pleasant en? vironment. Apply, by letter only, giving references and salary expected, to Resident Manager, Wm. Filene Sons Co , 225 Fifth Ave., N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE CHAUPFWUB, married; -good referme?*; city or country; yearly position; $31 or ?QulvalenL Apartment l-K. 1(3 Wast I92d st. COURIER?Moat reliable English courier living in London who worked tor m? desire? en?-a*ements for a ?arty or fan? lly or ladies; highest references. For In? formation address ML. & Burrtll. 2* Broad street. MACHINIST, reliable tneettanlc, with Ion? ?xperiene?. desire? ?fpeclal Jobs or work to develop Inventions, etc.; has own shop, facilltlea Olson, 1*7 East 3*4 at. MAN, 42. good penman, deelres position at anything. Reimers. i?7 Bast 77th st. YOUNG MAN wishes position a? book? keeper. William Lltner, 215 Throop av?.. Brooklyn. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CHAMBERMAID, young Irish girl; good references; $65- K., Miss Hofraayer*a Agency, 10 East 43d st., third floor. Tele? phone 8947 Murray Hill. CHAMBERMAID, assist waiting: city or country. Mies PltzCerald a Bureau, ???>* Fifth av?. COOK, young; good manager; sacellent references. Mita FltzGerald's Bureau. 366 Fifth ave. GIRL wishes position as lady's maid, manicuring, etc. M. B. Harris, 163 West 163d st. NURSERY GOVERNESS, young, American Protestant, cblld over five years old. good reference; $60-$?6 M., Miss Hoi mayer's Agency, 10 East 43d st.. third floor. Telephon? 8047 Murray Hill. | NURSE, young; two children; excellent references. . Miss FltzGerald's Bureau, i 366 Fifth ave. YOUNG LADY wishes position as stenog? rapher. M. H., 634 East 3d et., Brookiya. BUSINES3 CARDS Carpets for Sal? 3,000 YARDS CARPETS. 300 yards earn? pattern, 31 00 yard up. slightly use?!. SUITABLE FOR ALL PI'RPOBES. In Wii ton. Ajcmin?ter. Slounes. Brussels. Whtttall?. RUGS, anlooms. Saxonys, Wiltons, seamed or seamlesB. with or without border, ail sizes, all prices, all colore: small Rugs 36.0? to $15.00; medium ?lie. $20 to $40; larg? rugs, $45 to $85 up. In elzes from 3x6 to 20x40, plain, mixed or Oriental patterns; making over, cleaning, laying, dyeing ; beau tlfui. reasonable. 8TILLINGS, INC.. ?J3 62* Madison ave. <6*th). Plaza $836. Diamonds DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY BOUGHT FOR CASH. estates appraised. pur ? chased. BENNETT. 175 Broadway, upstairs. - j ? ? ?-? ??? # I Dictaphone Cylinders . DICTAPHONE CYLINDER3 transcribed promptly, accurately; expert stenogra l ; phy, typing; manuscripts reviited an1 S typed. Florence S. NewSeld, 43 West 33th st. Greeley 24 28. Furniture Wanted : HIGHEST PRICES raid for furniture, an? tiques, pianos, bric-a-brac, books, art, etc*. GABAY, 88 University Place. Phon? Stuyvesant 2ii77. Men'? Clothing; COME UP ! ! WHERE PRICESARE DOWN Buy a Stitch Suitor Top Coat direct from maker to wearer and atvs retailer's profit. Wonderful varues, $39.60 to $4$ 50 3flch Co., 621 Broadway, eighth floor Bieecker t. treat subway or ' L" Mat ion. WHOLESALER ALSO SELLS AT RETAIL Men'? and Y??un? Men's Suits & T?*p Coal*. LATEST STYLES FOR SPUING AT $29.SO and $33 do. VALVES TO $50. SAVE TRY-ON TKnrPLEA A. .Sr B. CLOTHES SHOP. 62 W. 3od st., Opp. Hotel McAlpin. Patents PATENTS Over 70 yearn' practice; all communica? tions strict'y confidential ; hartllook on patent? free on request; epeclal facilltlea for office consultation. M?jnn 4 Co., patent at? torneys, 811 Woolwortb Building. New York. Ka?s I ORIENTAL RUGS ^ T?!?: ! t it y b.iusht for highest cash, appraising a 'specialty; call or writ?*. Basnejian, .J i West 4Bth at. 'Phone 6101 Bryant. Typewriters TYPEWRITERS RENTED Non-Visible, 3 l?os., $5, Visible, 3 Mos , $7 5* up in.tlal aayment eptiir-? if pur?-hased. AMERICAN VYR1T1 MACHINE CO.. INC. 339?Broadway, at Worts Bl (Tel 5401 !0 E 230 St opp Madison A??. (Krank;.:! TRi'. TYPEWBXTSB EXCHANGE. 10 Biiciiy St. Tel. 4T33 3?rc;?*7. I'ruriKs BIG BARGAIN.?New and used wardrob? trunks. 606 Sixth av?.. bet. 30th-Slat ata SUMMONS SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OP N>w York. County of New YorU.?ROSA PARN?S, Plaintiff, vs. HENRY PARN?S. Defend at. t. Summons, Action for Annul? ment of Marriage TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT; YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to an? swer the Complaint In this action and t? serve a c?py ?.f your answer on the Plain? tiff's Attorney within twenty day? after the sf-"rvicir- of i hi.-? ?ummur,?, exclusive cf ?h<* day of service, fand ;:; < as? ?if your ?*.:?-:?? : ? ?.;;, ai or answer Judgment will be taken agaii ? j ?a by defauil for th? ef di mand< I in the ? tnj .j:n* Dated New York, November ist'n, 1^19. ISADOR? aHAl'iR? Attomejl ? r Plaintiff, .. ? md lJ. O. Ad-ir?ss. 1?0 Broadway, ??rough .f Manhattan, City <jf New York. To Henry Paraea, the above ;.ar.*.ed de fen lanl - The r??i?'go,ng summons Is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of Hon. Nathan Bijur. a Justice of the Bu prt-?ie Court of ?he State of New York, dated the l'.th day of-February. 1920, and filed with the complaint in the otflce of the Clerk of the County o'. New YorK, at the County Couit House, in the Borough of Manhattan. City, County and State ef New YorK Dated New Yorlc. February ISth. 1J29. IjSADORE SHAPIRO, Attorney for Plaintiff, Office and P. O. Address, 120 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. SUPREME COURT NEW YORK COUNTY. ?DAVID FRANKLIN GIBSON. Plain? tiff, against LOUISE HOR1*>N, also known as Louise Weinschenk, and Louise N'e?f. and LoulKe Gibson, Defendant. SUM? MONS ACTION TO ANNUL A MAR? RIAGE. TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: , YOU ARE HEltEBY M'MMONBD to an? swer tne complaint m this action and to : sarv? * copy of your answer on th? piatn tiR'a attorney within twenty day? ?n?r th? ' service of tnis Summon*, i xetusiv..- of th? ! day of eervice. and m case of your faiiur? ' to answer or. appear Judgment wilt b? i taken ?gainst you by default, for th? r? | iief demanded in the complaint. Dated th? 10th day of January, 1930. LX)JlS C. A. .LEW IN. Attorney for Plaintiff. Office aud Post Offlt? Address. 14 South Main ?Street. Port Chester, N. Y. To LOUISE HORTON. also known as Louisa Weinschenk, and Lou.s? N*af. an? Louise Olbson: Th? foregoiug summons t? ser*v?4 upon yon, by publication, pursuant to an order of Honorata? Edward R. Pinch, Justice ef toa Supreme Court, tetad th? 38th day of January. 1920. and filed with too complais? in th? office of the Clerk of the County of New York, at th? City of New York. LOUIS C. A LEWIV. Plaintiffs Attorney.