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RAYMOND-WHITCOMB T?URS??CRU1SES The Best In Travel Special Easter Cruise to the West Indies ?spend the last disagreeable clay? of our long-drawn-out Winter crnlsln* ?mon* the sunny Island? of tho Caribbean. The wonderful West Indian I'limafe Is then at Its best and the magnificent tropical forests are abl-\-*e with flowers. Sail April 3 And Meet Spring Halfway Th!? cruise Includes Cuba, Jamaica, Panama, Central ? America and Nassau; Easter Week In fascinating Havana. Other Tours to California^ Europe, South America, Japan-China, Round-the-World Write at once for details Raymond & Whitcomb Co. 225 Fifth Avenue Telephone Madison Square 6270 VISIT HAVANA NOW Gay, care-free and scintillating?the popular Cuban capital is more alluring than ever. Ample Hotel Accommodations despite the many visitors. Our luxurious steamers, sailing weekly from New York, will take you there with greatest comfort and convenience and at moderate cost. WARD LINE AND I & ?THE RED STAR LINE basen "LAPLAND" and "ZEELAND'* ar, ] the American Raj S.raners "KROONLAND" rod "FINLAND"?the la::cr three ectiipped for Oil-Fue! ? ?ai! regu? l?r} between New York, South taptoo and Antwerp. ?COMFORT, SERVICE ?ni unexcelled euis'ne are to be found aboard these splendid vessel?. HTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE COMPANY RED STAR LINE 9 Broadway, New York "KROONLAND" March 24. May 1, June 5 "LAPLAND" April 3, May S, June 12, "FINLAND" April 7, May 15, June 1? "ZEELAND" July 24 New York?Plymouth Cherbourg?Southampton One Class Cabin Service Moderet? Rate? Fast United States Mail Steamers "PHILADELPHIA" Mar. 13 Apr. 10 May 8 June 5 "NEW YORK" Mar. 27 Apr. 24 May 22 June 19 "ST. PAUL" Apr. 3 May 1 May 29 June 26 international Mercantile Marine Co. OFFICES: 9 Broadway, New York Phone 8300 Bowling Green CliKiai?N^;H'^R: l'aasenger and Freight Service?. Columbia .New York to Londonderry and Glasgow. Mauretana..New York " Cherbourg and Southampton. Italia .Mew York " Naples .?.? ?Wnia .............New York " Pairas, Dubrovnik and Trieste ?aiosi?.........New York " Plymouth, Hamburg and London.. Imperator .....New York " Cherbourg and Southampton. knnama.New York *' Liverpool .,.?. Royal George.New York " Plymouth, Havre and Southampton Mauritania .New York " Cherbourg and Southampton ....Mar. 13 ....Mar. 20 ...Mar. 27 ....Mar. 31 _Apr, _Apr. _Apr. .. ..Apr .Apr 10 10 10 14 17 Uaabia ....'.'.'.'.'..'.'. [tew York " Londonderry and Glasgow.-.Apr. 17 ?f* A. ?Victoria.New York " Liverpool.ffi' ?* ?Mrator .Wew York " Cherbourg and Southampton.?Jay o Mauritania ...New York " Cherbourg and Southampton.May O !*"???* .New York " Liverpool .?????.?ay :> ;W?a .New York " Plymouth, Havre and London.Way V $H George.New York " Plymouth. Havre and Southampton.May U iron?a .New York " Plymouth. Cherbourg and Liverpool.May ?I For later nailing? apply to 21-24 STATE STREE?. NEW YORK. _ GET YOUR STEAMSHIP INFORMATION from General Headquarters In ?ny city the Raymond-Whitcomb Im* 1s ,tl,: P'a-ce to bring your steam ?P problems. T\> are offlcially ap wintm agent? ot all Transatlantic and ?aa?pa,.?n*. Unea an?! can furnish choice ? ??a-rva'a .ns end tickets to Europe, "?? Indie?. South America and any M" '>' the world Come to us and let "'?Mfti tell you just what you want t,~n"v'' abo"t sailings by all lines and wmparahve coal ot accommodation?. RAYMOND & WHITCOMB CO. (Si ?i?..^" ^dr Steamship Information I"' *''*" Ave., N. Y. Tel. Mad. Sq. 6270 Europe?Send for \*V$M "The American Traveler in Europe?1920" It Solves the Problem. Mailed Free. AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL I>EP'T. il? W. ;i?tb St. C5 Broadway, ?RiftSH une |Mt?^?f?.l?Wl?ftANSflTLAMTI9?e ? ? hum PoatcJ gtrvice o?a?V .,^ NEW YO?C?HAVRE >S?r?Dl3?A .MAR" ,2 kotB^Ui.. MAR. 18. APR. 14, MAY 1% lX^vr^J-AU. .MAK.l?, APR.22. MAY 27 r**AYl 7. MAY 22. Jl'NE It? U*avUSaJ>,"E APR. 3, MAY i, MAY 2? ------- JUNE 8 !, JULY 0 kUX MAB. 25 ^A?avSTF A,'K* 10,'MAY 8, JUNE "?" ^IKXINK.VPR. 24, JUNE 2. JUL *IA<HIW, YORK?BORDEAUX C01?l?nA?..(Jro:n 1>ler 84, N. R.)..MA1 *-^VsFro? __ KF1C1C. 1? STATB ST.. N. T. tins ???>w?OS- COOK * SON Bermuda Mort attractive season to -visit this beautiful Island. *? BaDing twice a week. Apply prompt? ly for hotel and steamship accom? modations. FRANK TOURIST CO. (Established 1875) 489 Fifth Ave., New York. Tel. 7390 Vanderbilt. ?M nrm at* W Toot. TPsSSu wTamKa Orient trous toomtk rM.r. ncn uw* i iuc ?Mer n?Foot >i?ntagui nCU U LlnC Street, Brooklyn. For Porto Rico. Curacao and Venezuela. Philadelphia. Mar. Maracalbo.Mar. 11 Caracas.Mar. 24|Zullu....-.Mar. 81 BLISS, DALLKTT * CO., Oonl. Mgra, Phone 10072 Hanover. 8? Wall Str??t CENTRAL HUDSON UNE ??rvlce dissontlnued tor th? season. HUDSON BIT?? PAT XI1I?_ DejrUght ?wiMtuttiMHi ?tow?, tinned tor tko mmmw. Mrs. dark Davis Plans ^me 68th Street Home Buys Two Dwelling Houses And Will Alter Them Into One Structure Douglas L. Elliman & Co. have sold for Etectus D. Litchfield 24? and 248 East Fifty-eighth Street, two three story and basement houses giving a combined plot of 33.6 feet, which will be altered into a single American basement dwelling by Mrs. Clark Davis for her own occupancy. This is the block in which Mr. Litchfield bought about twelve houses, and in addition to the one above mentioned he has re? sold 240 to Francis Stanford, 242 to Mrs. Winston Hagenand 2.34 to Mrs. D. Leroy Grosser. Buyer Plans Small Suites L, J. Phillips & Co. have sold for Heilner & Wolf to Jessie C. Wright the four-story dwelling, on lot 21x100, at 3 West Seventy-fifth i Street. Mr. wright purchased last year through the same brokers the adjoining house at 5 West Seventy-fifth Street and al? tered it into small apartments. He plans a similar alteration for the house just purchased. Sales in East 80th Street The Brown, Wheelock Company, Inc., has sold for Margaret A. Knapp 179 East Eightieth Street, a three-story and basement dwelling, on lot 16.8x100. Other West Side Sale? Frederick Zittel & Sons have sold for Nina Chatillon to Ennis & Sinnott 34 West Ninety-fifth Street, a three story dwelling, on lot 18x100. Spear & Co. have sold the five-story American basement dwelling a Colum? bia College leasehold, at fil West Forty eighth Street, to the Diomedians of New York, Inc. The three-story dwelling, on lot 16x 100.11, at 360 West 122d Street, has been sold by Nelson M. Strong. _TRAVEL_ Lines AMERICAN Um Vast Mnil Steamers NEW YORK?PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG?SOUTHAMPTON Philadelphia 12 Noon Mar. 13 Apr. 10 'May 8 New York 1*2 Noon Mar. 27 Apr. 24 ? May 22 St. Paul 12 Noon Apr. 3 May. l|Msy29 . NEW YORK?HAMBURG Manchuria ..Mar. 27 May 8 June 19 July 31 Mongolia ..Apr. 10 May 22 July 3|Aus. 14 I PHILADELPHIA?LIVERPOOL Haverfcrd .Apr. 10 j RED STAR LINE N. Y.-SOUTHAMPTON?ANTWERP rlroonland .Mar.24'May 1 June 5 1 Lapland .Apr. 3-May 8 June 12 ! Finland .Apr. 7!May 15 Jnne 19 Zeeland . .Juiv 24 WHITE STAR LINE N. Y._CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON Adriatic 4 P.M. Mar. 20'Apr. 24May 29|Jn!y 3 And RegnlArly Thereafter FtfPIC &?*? &3 NEW YORK?LIVERPOOL Baltic 12 M. Mar. 13jApr. 17JMay 22?June 26 Cedric .Apr. 10- - Oriana .end Apr.'-1 Celtic 3 P.M..'.May 15 June 19'JuIy 24 NEW YORK?AZORES-GIBRALTAR? NAPLES?GENOA Canopic 3P.M. Mar. 16 May lljJuly 8 Cretk SP.M.'. Mar.31'May 25 July 21 International Mercantile Marine Company 9 Broadway New York WEST COAST OF SOUTH AMERICA (i to Buenos Ayroe via Transanilin? B. K.) DIRFXT PASSENGER SERVICE FROM NEW YORK via Cristobal. S. S. "EBRO" MARCH 20 May 22, July 24, Sept 25, Nov. 27 I>arpest and most luxuriously 'ap? pointed Passenger Steamer regularly running between NEW YORK and WEST COAST OF SOUTH AMERICA. PACIFIC LINE <The P?<*5flc Steam Nartjatlon Co.) SANDERSON & SON, Qon'l Agents. 23 Broadway. N. T. Tel. Broad 2360. or Any Steamship Ticket Agent. Reservations Everywhere jAccurate Passport Information mMrWC ANR fHAVE ?.r Pn.iWrt?'v?'?:$.y'i,'; il J ? ? -'.*#' NORWAY, SWEDEN DENMARK, POLAND Lonu;l<ntal Europe Oscar il.April 8 Frederik VIII.May 6 United States. Ma y 13 Oscar II....May 27 For Faaeenger Bate?, etc., 1 B'way, Jf. T. Make it your headquarters while in Europe. O?iciai agtncy of the SWISS FEDERAL RAILROADS 241 Fifth Avenue, New York "THE rt'BIJtC BE PLEASED" COLONIAL LINE BOSTON"*-*4.40 PROVIDENCE^. $2.97 ALL O VXSIDE STATEBOOMS $108 to *3M Both Prices Include War Tax. M?t Lu?m Pier 3a. North Kivw. Dally *. ?unit?. ? I r. I. 'PU??? Sari?? Mil. STATE iw momm IWorce-Jrter. $i.lZ. Providence direct, $3.70. OUTSIDE STATEBOOMS, ?LOS A ?3.10. ? Dully, includlnc Sunday. 5:0? P. M. Frem Pier It. E. R. 'Phone 37*0 Beeknian. fbtoU ?t Ptar or Conaolldated Ticks* (Mm. ?CANADIAN PACTF?C RAgLWA* Ratals*?Tran?-C?nttn?nt?.l All-Tear Root? p. p; PERRY. & A. Psee. Dept?, ini3'way. N.t Tall Office Building for Times Square Realty in 44th Street Next to Criterion Theater Pur? chased as Site for Com? mercial Improvement Alfred M. Rau haa sold for Blumen? thal & Levy the three buildings at 157 to 161 West Forty-fourth Street, on plot 63x100, adjoining the New York and Criterion theaters, recently sold to the Famous Players Corporation. This property is within 1,00 feet of the corner of Broadway and Forty-fourth Street, and directly opposite the Clar idge Hotel. The property has been Bold to a syn? dicate represented by Armin H. Mittle man, president. The owners intend to erect an office building for moving picture and theatrical interests. Sales in Wall Street Anne* District E. S. Willard & Co. have sold the southwest corner of Rector and Wash? ington streets, 40.0x89.2, for Benjamin S. Welles to Elias M. Rahhal, who will renovate the building for occupancy. The same brokers have sold 70 Green? wich Street for Sahadi Brothers to Regina B. Saportas and the property at 30 Washington Street for the John McCroden estate. Buys on Pearl Street William A. White & Sons have sold for Miss Helen C. Butler and otliors to William Lubock the four-story build? ing, on lot 25x100, at 549 Pearl Street. Interest in Old Section Revived Frederick Brown has bought from John A. Lewis 10 and 12 Vandcwater Street, an eight-story loft on plot 3Bx 109x irregular. All leases expire next May. William C. Walker's Sons were the brokers. Sale in Vanderbilt House Block The four-story building on lot 25x 100.5, at 50 West Fifty-eighth Street, is to be taken over by the 50 West Fifty-eighth Street Corporation, G. E. Macnichol,' C. L. Dixon and F. D. Hen? drickson, directors. The owner of rec? ord is the Isaac S. Long estate. Takes All Left of Seventh Avenue Lot Pepe & Bro. have sold for Antonio and James Bianculli the lot at 48 Le? roy Street, now Seventh Avenue and Varick Street, to a client. Most of the lot was taken for the extension of Seventh Avenue. Deal in New Silk District Pease & Elliman have sold for Louis Kalamanowitz to the Atlas Finishing Company the four-story and basement dwelling at 5 West Thirtieth Street, on lot 25x100, just west of Fifth Avenue and in the new si'.k district. It will be altered for ?ccupancy by the new owner. 23d Street Loft Deal Edward Wolf has sold for Geis Bros, and J. Garner the seven-story loft at 153 West Twenty-third Street to H. Heidenrick. Hotel Argonne Sale Nets Salvation Army $200,000 47th St. Structure Bought For Use of Service Men a Profitable Investment The Salavation Army is understood to have made $200,000 clear profit on a sale of the nine-story hotel at 145 to 153 West Forty-seventh Street, which it bought in February, 1919, through William A. White & Son Co. A syndi? cate of Cubans and South Americans, organized as the Hotel America, Inc., which now operates a hostelry at 102 East Fifteenth Street, Is the buyer. The building is on a plot 120x100, be? tween Sixth and Seventh avenues. It was erected fifteen years ago by the Potter Mordecai Syndicate. The Salva? tion Army purchased the realty for about $700,000 as a home for enlisted soldiers and sailors. It spent about $100,000 remodelling and refurnishing the building and changed the name to the Hotel Argonne. Having no further need for the property it accepted an offer of $1,000,000 made by the Cuban syndicate, through John J. Fleming. ? Demand for Bronx Flats Are As Strong As Ever Samuel Cowcn has sold to a Mr. Isaacson 121-1 Evergreen Avenue, a five Etory apartment, on plot 40x100. Charles Calewski has purchased from Morris Rich and Eva Kampermacher the "Echo," a five-story apartment, on plot 50x100, at 2010 Valentine Avenue, northeast corner of 179th Street. Louis Levy was the broker. A. H. Levy has resold for Mrs. Lena Herman 584 East 137th .Street, a b?x story apartment, on plot 50x100. Angelo L. Frumiento has sold for a Mr. Eichiherest the four-story bouse, on plot 50x75, at 2038 Hughes Avenue, to the Nlehel Realty Company; also 2130 Hughes Avenue for Frank Schul bert to Louis Paff, and 2068 Clinton Avenue, a three-story house, to H. Klein. Julius Trattner has sold for Philip Stein to August Jantzen 647 Fox Street, a five-story apartment, on plot 40.6x 125. Isaac A. Benequit has purchased 1 from Rebecca M. Trube, the two houses ; at S95 and 897 East 167th Street, throughAdolph Trube. George S. Runk has sold the three three-family houses at 308 to 312 East 165th Street for the estate of John F. William Knolhoff. More Dwelling Properties Sold Caihn & Cahn has sold to Harris Golden 19 Minerva Place, a two-family house, on lot 25x125. Edward Polak, ! Inc., was the broker. J. Clarence Davits has sold, for the estate of Simon Bernheimer 1035 and 1037 College Avenue, two three-story flats, on plot 44x92. D. A. Trotta has sold for James Brownshield 1495 Boone Avenue, a three-story frame dwelling, on plot 25x100; also for Charles Lutz, 3192 Webster Avenue, a three-story frame dwelling, with two store, on plot 25x 83x irregular. The Wood-Dolson Company has sold for the Friedman Marble and Slate Works, Inc., six lots on the west side of Whitlock Avenue, 325 feet south of East 156th Street, on which a large factory will be erected by the buyers. ?350,000 Rental for Garage Greenfe'.d & Saffir have leased for the Cahano Realty Company, to a client of the Silverman's Exchange, from the plans, the two-story garage now in the ? course of construction at 215-221 East Fifty-fourth Street, on plot 100xl00: i for a period of twenty-one years at j an aggregate rental of $350,000. I ~~ - ^ BUREAU OF INFORMATION 1463 Broadway ?New York Telephon? Bryant 8962 8th Avenue Row To Be Brought Up to Date Old Walton Block, Between 51st and 52d Sts., Taken by Trio Who Plan Things The Broadway-John Street Corpora? tion, Elias A. Cohen president, has subleased through Henry Shapiro & Co. to Harry S.lverman, Joseph Meltzer and Joe Relnhorn, the Walton block, on the west side of Eighth Avenue, from Fifty-first to Fifty-second streets, covering a plot 200 feet on the ave? nue and 100 feet on each street, now covered by fourteen separate buildings. The lease is for twenty-one years, from May 1, 1920, at an aggregate rental of $750,000. Most of the leases expire May 1. The lessees propose to remodel the property. Harry Silverman and Joseph Meltzer are the lessees of the Garden Restau? rant property, at Seventh Avenue and Fiftieth Street, recently leased by the Schulte Cigar Company. Exporters Lease $6 a Foot Section The Charles F. Noyes Company has leased for William H. English 42 Duane Street, southwest corner of La? fayette Street, to the Eastern Trading Agency, general exporters, now in the Broadway-Chambers Building. The property will be extensively improved and occupied exclusively for office pur? poses. Mr. English recently purchased this property through the Noyes Com? pany. Rents on Broadway north, of this property through the Noyes com? port, were $6 a square foot. s Buyers for Large Apartment Houses On the West Side Lawyer Sells the Andrew Jackson, on Riverside Drive; The San Domingo and the Barrington Sold Nathan H. Stone, of Stone & Schlei? mer, attorneys, has sold the Andrew Jackson to the Manshell Realty Corpo? ration, a syndicate of investors, who are jobbers in woolens. The Andrew Jackson is a seven-story elevator apart? ment on the northwest corner of River? side Drive and 149th Street. The structure was built in 1912 and contains forty-two apartments. The property fronts 102 feet on the drive and 173 feet on 149th Street. # Twelve Story San Domingo Sold The San Domingo, the twelve-story apartment at ?949 West End Avenue, has been sold by Byrne & Bowman for Stewart Forshay to the 112 Madison Avenue Corporation. The building oc? cupies a plot 75x100, facing Straus Park. Barrington Passes to New Hands A client of Morris E. Gossett has purchased from Benjamin Winter the nine-story Barrington Apartment at 203 West Eighty-first Street, on plot 112 xlOO. M. Cohn & Co. and Henry I. Coop? er were the brokers. Amsterdam Ave. Block Front Sold The Bolton Apartments, three six story structures, on the westerly side of Amsterdam Avenue, between 176th and 177th streets, on plot 200x100, have been sold by the Great Northern Apart? ment Corporation to Morris Resnick. The building contains twelve stores. Broadway Corner Sale ?Frederick Zittel & Sons have sold for William E. Keyes, 4925 to 4935 Broadway, southwest corner of 207th Street, a five-story apartment, on plot 125x100, having ten stories. Abraham Zauderer is the buyer. Other West Side Deals Anselm Frankenthaler has sold for the French Church Du Sainte EsprK to a client of Schlesinger & Lazaroe 3 and 5 West Ninety-second Street, a six-story elevator apartment, on plot 50x100. Charles Wynne and Louis H. Lov? have resold to a client of I. Kohn the five-story apartment at 763 and 765 Co? lumbus Avenue, on plot 50x100. # Harry Sugarman has sold for Minnie Bussell 527 West 123d Street, a five story apartment, on plot 23.4x100, to the Harsug Realty Company, which immediately resold the realty. Asso? ciated with Mr. Sugarman as brokers in the resale were Charles B. Van Valen and Nicholas J. Melleli. Charles S. K?hler, Inc., has sold for Joseph Greenwald 656 We3t 178th Street, a five-story apartment, on plot 50x100. Buying on East Side Maurice Wertheim and A. L. & S. Wolf son have sold for the estate fit John J. Foy the four-story tenement, on lot 25x100, at 806 East Forty-fourth Street to Gustave E. Walter. E. Harris has sold 67 East 104th Street, a five-story flat, on lot 25x100.11. ? Harris Gives $60,000 Profit For Site Bought at Auction Sam H. Harris, of Cohan & Harris, is the buyer of the five four-story dwellings at 239-247 West Forty-fifth Street, which L. & A. Pincus and M. L. Goldstone bought at the auction sale of the Henry Astor estate on Tuesday at the Hotel Astor for $315,000 and which Joseph P. Day announced from the auction stand had been resold a short time after at a profit of $60,000. The property is between Broadway and Eighth Avenue, with a frontage of j 100 feet, in the heart of the theatrical district and 125 feet west of the Mo i rosco. Bijou and Astor theaters. It is ? said Mr. Harris plans to immediately ! erect a theater on the site. Trade Claims Fine Dwelling William C. Ivison, stock broker, has leased the dwelling at 12 West Forty eighth Street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues, occupied by his family for the last fifty-four years, to Crawford Burton, of Burton Brothers, cotton goods, who will alter the property ex? tensively for business purposes, The lease, which is for twenty-one years calls for an annual rental of $9,500 Douglas Gibbons & Co. were the brokers. m Results of Auction Sales AT 14 VESBT STREET By Joseph P. Day EDQECOMBE AV, 58, ? a, 91 a 138th st 16.10x100, 4-sty stn tnt; Mary L Frase agt Chas W Galvtn et al; Jas D AVil Hams, res: due on Judgt, $12,897; taxes etc, $531.49. Sold to the plaintiff fo 812,500. 17TH ST, 432. a a. 375 e 10th av, 26x95 6-sty bk tnt & strs; Clarence C Veraan agt Bttla Rothenberg et al; Allen ( Bragaw, re?; due on Judg-t, $10,749.84 taxes, etc, $211. Sold to the plaintll for $10,000. REAL ESTATE J< CQN'NECTICL'T ?-DEUGHTFUL HOME? 50 min?tes ont, 5 min. station. OVERLOOKING SOUND, BATHING. YACHTING. New Real Colonial House, 4 MASTER ROOM3. 2 BATHf* 3 SERVANTS' ROOMS. w ' BATH, EXTRA TOILET. HOMEY LIVING ROOMS,- LABGH POBCH. Every modera liiiproremri.l -iki o>uicu_nc6. Garage two ears, man's room, heated I__U3- LOT. BESTBICT-D SURBOUNDIN?S. SELL BELOW VALUE EARLY POSSB-SSION. REAL ESTATE BOROUGH OF MANHATT*? r-,-^ APARTMENT FOR SALE In Co-operative Apartment House on West 57th Street Co net it In it of On? I room? and bath On? 4 rooms and 3 bath? On? I room?, ?tudlo and bath, also extra servant's room and a ?Infle large ?tudlo. Entire space can be made into handsome 13-room apartment, ?r can be occupied as nota arranged. POSSESSION OF PART IN 80 DATS CRUIKSHANK COMPANY 141 Broadway -VIC. B'WAY, 110TH ST. ES ft., six story, modern apartment house. Rent $1S,000. Price $110,000. Bavin*? Bank mortgage. Easy terms. BYRNE & BOWMAN, -_30 EAST 42ND ST_ 6STH, BAST.?PRIVAT? RESIDENCIO, 10 rooms, 2 bath?; $25,000. Phone Rhine lander 90. LONG ISLAND NEW HOUSES! AT OLD PRICES |" 6-Room Brick 50x^ft $7,100 6-Room FramerEX?lea?c3!ods^-$9,900 porch; plot 60x140 ft.; terms. RICHARD T. ?HILDS 47 W. 34th SU New York. Phone Greeley 340. FOR SALB.?DESIRABLE TWO-FAMILY residence ot 14 rooms, with all modern Improvements; building in good condition; barn and chicken house; on lot 60x220; well located In the village ot Patchogue, five minutes' walk from railroad station. Price less than $6,000. Terms of payment reasonable. F. GCTTRIDGE, Pntchogue-Ply mouth 31111? Corporation. Patchogue, N. Y. LONG BEACH Bungalow? for rent, reasonable. Call on M. DEFFLEY. Take 'bus from station. LONG BEACH Bargain, 100x100, on Broadway. C. MOCK, 200 VV. 101st. NEW .lERSXTl Having just purchased a larger property, will sacrifice my Jer? sey suburban home, with ga? rage, to quick buyer, for $21, 000; $5,000 cash, balance easy terms, takes it. The grounds front directly on the water, extending back to Lake Drive. The house is of the most mod? ern architecture, complete in every detail and ready to move into now. Not an extra dollar need be spent on it. It has 11 rooms, a sleeping porch and 3 tiled baths, beautifully fitted. There are many fine old trees and a lavish planting of flowers and shrubs. The property can? not be duplicated to-day for $3.5,000 and is only three years old. Built by day's labor and in apple-pie condition. A bargain for some one. For details write COTTON, P. O. Box 529, City Hall Station. Morristown, N. J.^^??^ bath, steam, pas, electricity, sleeping and 2 other porches; garage; chicken house; plot 50x100; 10 minutes Lack. Sta. ; excellent neighborhood. Price $7,500. H. I. JOHNSTON, Morristown, N. J. FOR SALE?Two new 7-room houses; will be ready April 15th; best location in town; plot 55x160; steam heat, hardwood floors, open fireplace, tile floor bathroom, white enamel finish throughout. If look? ing for well constructed home. Inquire I. 15. .JOHNSTON, 419 E. Dudley Ave.. Westfleld, X. J. Tel. 624. ENGLEWOOD, *53j^ H. Weatherby & Co., Engiewood, NJ. LEONIA AND BOGOTA, N. J. House Pites with all improvement* Prices will be much higher soon. Buy yours at present lo**v pries?. G. B. Hitchcock. Inc.. Bogota, N. J. WESTCHESTER COUNTS COMPLETE COUNTRY HOME at a most REMARKABLY LOW FIGURE Colonial design, 8 large rooms, 2 tiled baths, all the very latest improve? ments and conveniences, open fireplace, large veranda opening off beautiful living room, elegant sleeping porch connecting with bedroom. Very finest envlronmenta Large plot, trees and shrubbery; near sta. and trolley servlco. A Very Unusual Opportunity to Buy a Choice Home At YOUR F^ure I. NEW YOKiv OJ-tMl-r.. i. >V. 42D ST. TELEPHONE AlLn-A? illlA, .323, or New Ilochelie Offlco. 228 HUCJI-'ENOT ST., TELEPHONE 3242 NEW KOCHELLE. FOB OCTOBER: MODERN RESIDENCE Completo In every detail; about 3 years old, with living room, ? playroom, den. sun parlor, dining room, kitchen. 6 bedrooms, 3 baths and sun parlor; double heated g.irage; convenient, r? Plricted, improved section. Not built for speculation. Price {33.000. CR Alia? -39 Huguenot Street New . D. Alien, Kochelle, N. T. Tel. 74?. TUCKAHOE, N. T. Houses, single and double, $4,000 and upward. Act quick. Come out at once. PATRICK it tVHALEN Depot Square, Cornell Building. Open Sunday. Tel. 7?0?433-J. MODERN HOMES White Plains and Bcarsdale, 310,000 up. POSSESSION MAT 1ST We lnv4te your Inspection. WHITE PLMMS H.Y High Class Home, in t-Sonth Yonkers; 10 rooms, 2 baths, steam heat., gas, electric light; In excellent condition; plot 49x111; room for garage; price $15.500. J. A. RIORDAN, 53 -8. Broadway; tel. 217 MORTGAGE LOANS Mortgage Money $35.000 to $50,000 for private dwelling? $50,000 io $250,000 for apartment? up to $500,000 for business properties, mujf be centrally located; Manhattan only. Lawrence, Blake & Jewell 115 Broadway Telephone New York City Rector--4080 _# $2,|oo,ooa be? ?sf^T REAL ESTATE TO JLEX FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES HEAL ESTATE TO IJ5T FOB BUSINESS PURPOSES 17,000 SQUARE FEET ENTIRE TOP FLOOR ALBEMARLE BUILDING BROADWAY at 24th Street Opp. Madison Square Park Location UnsurpassedL Possession May 1, 1920. AlbertB.Ashforth,A^_, 12 East 44th St. Murray Hill 1100 v//Afs/y/sssjy/s//ss/s//rs///ss///xw//r/s///^^^ FOR RENT Possession Feb. 1st, 1921 LOFTS-OFFICES-SHOW ROOMS 8-14 West 30th St. I 12 Story High Class Fireproof Building 100% Sprinkler System MAX N. NATANSON, 432 4th AVE. TEL. 8112 MADISON SQUARE W^/?WAW?^^^ BOROUGH OF MANH.\TTAN BOROCGH Or MANHATTAN FOR RENT ENTIRE BUILDING, 74-76 Sth Ave., 12-Story Fireproof Building, containing over 100,009 sq. ft. 100% sprinklered. 7 Floors Available February, 1921. APPLY KLEIN & JACKSON, 501 Fifth Ave. Tel. 4520 V-nderbilt OR YOUR OWN BROKER. 136 West 34th St. . 25x98 5 Story & Basement POSSESSION AT ONCE LONG LEASE 907 Broadway. 'Phone Gramercy 6052 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOMES WITHInVhE HOUR ALL SECTIONS $6.C0C to $50.000 J. CLARENCE DAVIES S2 NASSAU ST. JOHN 6094 NEW YORK STATE FOR SALE Country Home, 14-room house; poultry; tenant house; large garage; maple, pine grove; never failing stream spring water; fruit trees (25 acres); if you want some place, 3 minutes from car une; electric light from car line; view Catsklll. Adams, Al? bany. N. Y., Stop B, Western Ave. MASSACHUSETTS $6,000 BUYS fine New England home In Hampton, N. H. ; two story frame house, eight rooms and fine bathroom; splendid larre cellar; wide piazza around two sides; fine shade trees; live acres good land; 25 min? utes' walk from beautiful North Beach, four room bathhouse: 15 minutes' walk from cen? ter of town; postofflco, schools, churches, stores and Boston & Maine Railroad station; $2,600 down, balance easy terms. Address E. PICKHARDT, Islington, Mass. BOROCGH OF (REtXS forest $.110 <_5arDeii0 16 Mint-tea from Pean. Station. Houses and Villa Plots for Sal*. SAGE FOUNDATION HOMES CO. il W. 34th St,, or Forest Hills. !.. ?. CONNECTICUT CHOICE PROPERTIES ? RfIJ_SS" GREENWICH-STAMFORD Section EDW'D H. PECK, lTet' 44-Ji St., IS", T. 5C10?Vanderbilt REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Office space Immediately, about 1.5i)0 sq. feat, anywhere within 10 blocks of Grand Central. Urgent. Address Mr. R. F. Eastern, 605 Fifth ave. j UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LIT j 22D ST.. 26? WEST.?Electric lights, Stuart? heat ; newly renovated, 6 rooms and 2 I baths; $135 up. leases. Agent on premises. Immediate possession. Few moro l;ft. SALS OR K-BSTT igKX Do/?//ow-2>on'?n6iay%? ~ ; ; BUY YOUR HO/ttE J?^'^^ ^'? BEPORE Pf-UCE-JT i ,~N 1 ADVANCE NEXT^PRsNG YONKERS MOUNT VERNON Specialist In Westchester County Homes. Acreage. Farms and Business Properties. H. W. SULLIVAN, 593 So. B'way, Van Cortlandt Terrace. ?? ? Tel. 5SS0. Open Sundays. Going South; bargain for quick buyer. Po. Vonkers Colonial Cottage on high ground near d-?pot and school; S rooras, bath, 3 car garag"; plot 83x131; newly decorated. WHALEN, 480 So. Broadway. Phone 2*49. 7 Room lions?, hot and cold water, gas. furnace. h?at, good neighborhood. Pre?? $r?.,n00; $1,400 cash. K. F. IHGJ.INS, T?9 So. 10th Avenue. Tel. 819 W. .".It. Vernon. 7 Room Smcco,/n?*wly b'jllt. In excellent location; lot 50x105: (Tarage. Price $12,50?). A. WCESTENHOEFER, 31 Mount i criion Avenue. Tel. _0.j. SOUTH YOXKERe: New Dutch Colonial seven room dwelling, with garage, large plot; $16,500. THOS. S. BURKE, Flagg Hldga. Getty Square; also South Broadway at Valentine Lane. Phono 6060-5061 Yonkera BASTINGS. Nine rooms, 3 baths. Bteam heat, etuce? rrarasre, fine river view; easv tern--?- gr?at bargain. $17,000. R. M. DEVINE, Has tlngs-on-Hudaon. Phone 701. NEW ROCHELLE Bayers, tell us your wants. Number of rooms, baths and price. We will submit you the best list of properties here. KOIBE _ CO.. 57 Lawton. Phone Ilia, Residence 2565-M. RYE Artistic Colonial Dwelling; high eleva I tion. beautiful views of surroundlrg country; 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 open fires large plot, $25,000; reasonable term Mi SS E. M. DRUMMOND, 90 Purchase at, Tel. 811. NEW ROCHELLE.?Buyers tell us your want;;, number of rooms, baths and j price. We will submit you the best Hat of properties. KOLBE ?C* CO.. 57 Lawton St. New Rochelle. Phone 3S6. Resid., 25C5-M. Immediate possession ? Bunga iow, 6 rooms, hot water heat, gas. electricity; plot 50xm?. Housf 3 old. Price $12,500. Terms. THE RENN1CKS REALTY COMPANY, 8 2 Worth Ave. Tel. 2476. PLEASANTYTLLE. N. Y. HERE IS A BARGAIN?Salo?Nearly ? a?ve choice land; fruit and shad? trees; good dwelling; iraprovemen s, s tea a ! heat; large hennery; earn; small utrear... i $8,600. Other p.-^pertlea. L. U. MORTON. I Tel. 399. MAMARON ECK LARCmiONT WORTH BUYING. This seven room HOME. Tiled bath, two fireplaces, land? scaped gardens, unusual view of Sound. Owner leaving town. $16,000. Terms. ARTHUR S. HAWLEY, 40 Post Road. Tel. 425 Larchmont. ! Beautiful Residence, near water, house i 15 rooms. 3 baths, 8 open fireplaces; grean I house; 3 acres; garage for 3 cars, chauf ) ii-ur ??uarters. Price $45,000. W. L. i VAR?AN _ CO., Opp. Depot. Tel. 394. MT. KIsCO. ~~~ DOBBS FERRY Hollow tile stucco House, 9 rooms, all Improvements, sleeping porch, rtver view; 3 minutes from station; spacious grounds; plot 50x120; location Ideal. Circular upon request. Price $10,000. Cash $4,000. COOK.E, Main St. Tel, 124. PORT CHESTER 1 Arre?H mile from R. Rd. Station. S'.ato Road. 9 rooms. 2 baths, electricity, steam heat, artesian well. Garage ?vlth apartment. bath, etc. Price $12.000. CARPENTER _ PELTON. INC. TICKAHOB At Port Chester. 40 minutes from Grand Central. 7 room house, all modern Im? provements: fine residential section. Prie? $8,250. THE OLIVERE-GAINEY AGENCY, 48 No. Main St. Tel. 1134. 2 Family Dwelling. 9 room?, 2 baths, all improvements: plot ?-lxllQ. 10 ruinates* walk to depot and all stores; iratunable. J. CONWAY. Ch?:-?lnn: T.i. 4ti3-lt. CRESTWOOD PELHAM New 1 Room and Attic House; steam j heat, gas, electricity, sleeping porch, sewer; $12,500. $5,000 cash. MRS. CHAS. LOI. W. Crt-stwood, N. Y. Tel. 608-M Tuckaho?. Frame and Stucco House* f ?rooms*, oath, gas. electricity; large plot: garage; con? veniently located; restricted section; pos? session May 1; price $11,800; on reasonable terms. D__TCH * ?NNOIXY* tad. 174?, cor. Fifth ave. and ft at., at station. BRONXVILLE It ?s?.?., gat. ?loctrtclty, steam heat, sswsr. Plot 90x180; near station: $14,600. half ?ash. MRS. ?CHA8. LOGAN, Crest weed, K. T. TsL ?08 M Tuckahos.