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^^M-MaiM?w------w*-??_--_---?"*?**--*>^?*?--*"*f-**^ Lost and F?u?#l m? T _-_ __ j___ Halfr WsmUd Rcoms anci IWd.r. \\ AlTltS ? S!tuati?"? Wanted r ...... S ?d AtsKrtmantt w ^^ ... w Buimeii Opportunities fcOST. FOUNDjiXNp ?EWAHD3 ?as*?T/sdv's velvet nannbag, Thursday, **twe?a 9 *nA * so ?? "' ? <:-*'h"?' ?? 5th near 30th at. or on 3d ?v, arcenwloh v-raae contents ne follows: Ono diamond *i rnf-v pendant, one diamond and ruby S??osls'-" on? diamond and ruby brooch. I_ ?ufinum and diamond wriat watch, S_ k'oM vanity ?ases, initials ?. tt.l v.v?. S check books, currency end papor?. tVrv liberal reward and no question? t?k?<l. M?* H Barry, 8.10 Weet 103d St. j'Uone Rlversido 41,09. _ ;??T ??Left In taxloab, 83 West S8d st.. March 6. 1030 p. m. Martsn ????J. *?* ? irn above address; re\v.v,J. M. D. Ihur LOST BANKBOOKS ' .-sT-.BanKh-H.U No, 746690 of the Union ntme Savings Batik Is missing. Any ? r.,r?on having a cUim to It la hereby called ? noon to prest??? <lto ??**!?> within ten days o? submit to having said passbook can? es) lad a"i * WV one issued. ti>ST- Bankbook No 370244 of the Colon ninio iftavinM Bank is missing. Any person h_Vins a claim to it is herehy culled upon L? arasen! the same within ten days or -_*>mit to having si'.d passbook cancelled .nd a new on* issued._ Ii!a??jf__0Banlvbool1 No. 134290. North Rtver '-savlncs Bank; payment ?topped. Kltul ? return to Rank. 31 West S4th Street. vow Sfork. ._ tOST.?B?nkbook No. 74.7 3? of the United States Savings Bank of New York. Pay meut stopped. Pleas? return book to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No 141,349, North River Savings Bark. 31 West 3?tb St. Pay? m__T T"**?'?wl Kindly return t?> bank. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET 2! 2 WEST 72D. Two rooms, bath, kitchenette: very well *-<* computeiv furnished, Including Unen, saver maid service If desired: long or -hort leas Possesalon from Monday, 15th. 3T. MARTIN. _ S'TII ST, 70 \\es:- Beautiful furnished front room, \?ith riressiiiK room, running ?ate;-, electri-ity; also front basement; -.-{orenccs. Owner. TB ST. 143 West?Five rooms: bath, real kitchen, two bedrooms! rent $200; walk n Cali Vanderbllt 6000; room 1591. FURNISHED APARTM'TS TO LET SIX-ROOM APARTMENT, completely fur? nished, southern exposure, open flreplace; J?00 a month, from April till October, ? '.-* Telephone Sohuyler 5200. l.OTH, 4S4 WEST.?High class 8-room ?pa-tments. kitchenette. nicely fur ashed- Apartment 3-G. Telephone Morn ,f,|de in BOARD WANTED BOARD FOR INFANT, six weeks eld; references required. Call 68-B, Chelsea Holt). West 23d st. HELP WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION LEARN* TO BE A CHAUFFEUR?Pleasant ?nd profitable work; ?lay and evening rlafses. Send for free booklet and visitor's pass. West Side Y. M. C. A.. 306 Wast Kth ?t. SHALL I CHANGE MY JOB? Before making a chant*, find out what your life work should be. The trained analyst can determine, from a study of the faqe, ?hQ right Job for you. This study Is hased on known scientific laws. No psycho? logical tests, no trade tests. Call here for full details Booklet "L" on request. Merton Institute, Inc.. 96 Fifth ave. ?.at 15th st.), N. Y. Tel Chelsea 4054. ffi YOUNG MfclN", 17 upward, desiring rallway mal] clerkships, $110 month, write for free particulars examinations. J. Leonard (for? mer government examiner), 872 Equitable Building, Washington. HELP WANTED MALE ' BOY for office. Apply Mr. Black. Peter Henderson <_. Co.. 85 Cortlandt st, :10V wanted for errands; insurnaee knowl? edge preferred; good opportunity for ad? vancement. Apply Room 806. 6S William st. VOY wanted In the auditing department ; splendid chance for advancement. Apply Room 736. lntei*natlonal Paper Co., 30 Broad. RO?B wanted In large advertising agency ; chance for advancement. Call J. Walter Thompson Company, 244 Madison --arve., New Vork City. BOY?Export house; bright and well rec? ommended; good opportunity. Parson? ?v Whlttemore. 299 Broadway, room 1718. CLERK wanted by Insurance company; good opportunity for advancement. An? swer, stating age, experience arid salary desired, B? Box 693, Tribune Office. DRAUGHTSMAN having experience in gen? eral mill work, conveyors, machinery lay-outs, pip? ing, etc. State age, expe? rience, salary, and how soon available. Christian firm. Apply by letter only. E. D. MORGAN National Sugar Refinery YONKERS, NEW YORK OFFICE BOY wanted; bright. Intelligent American. 16 to 18 years old. In whole sal? house. A.. Box 865, Tribune Office. SALESMEN?Pev.ral ambitious experi? ence! men to do special house-to-houan work for newspapers in naarby towns with a cracker jack premium, needed in every horma Mea en ruing bltr money. Liberal guarantee against commission. Call and look. Room 1101, 150 6th av. SALESMEN to sel! a high class security roo? to be listed on New York Curb. Gnash. 51 Maiden Lane, city. SPECIALTY SALESMAN Who would like to locate In New York City, or COLLEGE GRADE AT;-: who c.nn Show record of Hucoess is wanted to represent a large o?*e*i?ratlon In negotiations of a difficult nature. Wi?-fU.n worth $5,000 to right ?nan. J H Huntington. 106 West 40th st., bet. 9:30 and 1 o'clock. TOCK ROOM CLERK wanted by Insur? ant.? nfiice; excellent opportunity. An ?wer. stating age. experience and salary ??sired, B , Box 694, Tribune Office. TOC.VO MAN for office work and errands for export house; must be bright and reliable ?no not afraid of work; good ?alary and ad? vancement to right young man. Apply Bruns *'?--k. 276 ?Spring st. HELP WANTED FEMALE AflTIPT. FASHION, EXPERIENCED AND jBBQINNERS HENRY BLOCK. INC.. 15 ^8T ?8TH ST. >? CHAMBERMAID-LAUNDRESS.?Willing to ?o to country; good home and wages. Write are of J. j. Twohey, Dsvenport Neck, New Rochelle, N. Y. CLERICAL workers and filers I several young Udles for interesting work ; high ?cnool graduates preferred; |14 weekly to EMt The Efficiency Mall List Co.. __5 W?-t 6*fti? rt. cOOK., in prrvtt? family; plea-ant s-ur roundmge. good wage?. 6<f Montgomery ... '. or Phouo Prospect 167. Carfare . '?funded. aOUSEWORKBR. eapahts, good OOOkl ?WsrenoM required; 1-0. Mr?. Prtoe. Et -~^-_~-^__J^? _?!!?? Cnrtara paid. ^TtBES WAf*THlI>/~Two .ndergraduate nurses In OrtboMsdlo Hospital in Brooklyn; Eg .mW? S-M full maintenance. Telephone "Wstur t?7C Address 184? President at. ,T*N'^*APHHR-BO?KKK_?PH"RrT_.B4T. sJ.Pl?^t.,T?rk*,*? wlth knowledge of office Dr_f_b__tol,0Tr'u'> ._.?*??** ?*??? Christian ***** * ?roast, Ine.. ?71 -fifth ara. *?_?!.? I?,1**1*** ??TMrHsnee? nurse tor sana 1*4 years, maid for general house ?wa?.'. no? l*u?fnr; Westohsster County. g ?,_rciro? ?eus hi?~~ HELP WANTED FEMALB ? GIRLS AS CLERKS AND AS TYPISTS Gir?a? age 17 and over, want? ed for permanent positions. HOURS 9 to 4.80 SATURDAY, 9 to 12 LUNCHEON SERVED FREE. Free Medical attention, Dental Advice, Insurance, Circulat? ing Library, Gymnasium. Classes in Stenography, Type? writing, Dictaphone Operating, , French. English, Home Nurs? ing, Millinery and Dressmaking, with competent instructors and without expense. OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS ? WITH SOME HIGH SCHOOL OR BUSINESS SCHOOL TRAINING IN TYPEWRIT? ING Tp QUALIFY AND FILL EARLY VACANCIES. I SALARY TO START, $12. RAPID ADVANCEMENT TO THOSE WHO MERIT IT. i QUALIFIED APPLICANTS WILL BE STARTED IMMEDIATELY. Apply any day between 9 and 4.30. (Monday and Wednesday until 6 p. m.) Room 5030 Metro? politan Life Building, 4th Ave & 23d Street. Use Madison Avenue elevator to 5th floor. GIRLS WANTED Permanent Work Positions open in several Departments $15.00 A WEEK TO START Regular increases with many Opportunities to reach earnings of $25.00 TO $30.00 A WEEK 48 hours (or less) a week NIGHT WORK ALSO For Young Women over 21 years $18.00 to start. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES: 1168 BROADWAY, MANHATTAN 8:00 A. M. TO 8:90 P. M. ilt E. TREMONT AVE.. BRONX 9:00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. M. II WILLOUGHBY ST.. BROOKLYN ?:0? A. M. TO 8:00 P. M . ABOVE OFFICES ALSO OPEN 6ATlRD\Yg TO 4 P. SI., SUN? DAYS 1 P. M. TO 5 P. M. 44 PEARL ST., MANHATTAN 11:00 A. M. TO 3:00 P. M. 1?38 BROADWAY, BROOKLYN 8:00 A. M. TO 6:00 P. M. or telephone MADISON SQUARE 12*00 New York Telephone Company GIRL FOR SAMPLE DEPT. LARGE TEX? TILE EXPORT HOUSE. J. F. COMINS & CO., 74 WORTH ST. SALESLADIES, experienced In cloaks and suits; good salary. S. Kopltofsky, 90 Man? hattan ave.. Brooklyn. STENOGRAPHE!?.?-Christian: neat, Intelli? gent, high school training; some exporlence; start $22.50. Apply after 2 Saturday, Lam son Co.. 9 East 37th at. TYPIST wanted by Insurance company; good opportunity for advancement. An? swer, stilting age, experience and ?alary d?-sired, B., Box U03, Tribune Office. WAITRESS wanted; four In family; wages $t;0 fur experience?! person. Box 3, Ar?bley-on-liudaon. Telephone Irving ton 14?3. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE CHAUFFEUR, married, wishes position; commercial; 4 years In Buck service station; best references. A. ICut, 4G1 East 80th st. CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC, city, country; reference; seven years" experience. Vau goin, 91 Kingston uvo.. Brooklyn. COOK, colored, experienced, alt around ? ref? erences. Call, wrlto Victor, 113 West 4tith. COURIER?Most reliable English courier living In London who -worked for mo desires engagements for a party or fam? ily or ladies; highest references. For In? formaron addreiis M. S. BurrUI, 24 Broad street. _* HORSEMAN, middle aged, married, with long experience rxo trainer and tiding instructor, desires position to take charge of gentleman's ?table in country; the very beet reference?. A. S.. 42 Gray 8t.. New? ark, N. J. *_ MACHINIST, reliable mechanto. with Ion? experlenoe, desires special Jobs or work to develop Inventions, eto. ; has own ?hop, Tacllltlea Olson. 3 47 East 82d ?t. MAN, 42, good penman, desires position ?t anything. Reimers. 157 East 77th ?i. MARRIED COUPLE (90) want positions in country as superintendent and house? keeper; ?mall club or estate : highest ref? erence?. B.. Box 700, Tribune Office. MASSEUR, -with license} long experience. Karl Nleman, 826 43d ?t.. Brooklyn. Telephone Sunset 6868. YOUNG MAN desire? position as book? keeper. William Sltner, C>5 West l??h ! st., car? Ant man. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE | OIRIi wishes position as lady's maid, manicuring, etc. M. B. Harris?, 168 Wirt 163d ?t. ?'??i. ?apaci ?,;.'l,-r-iiiT, i ae *n v.m BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MORTGAGE BROKER Opportunity for experienced man only to asnociat? himself with first olas? concern. IX B., Box 76,?Trlbune Office. FOR BALK At EQUIPPED DENTAL LABORATORY, best location on But Sid*. Ingot r? WoUuakl/. 8ST Of** 4*. Mills Building Is Leased By J. P. Morgan & Co. Well Known Broad Street Structure To Be Removed in Two Years and Tall Offices Erected on Site; 800 Concerns Must Find New Place? 1 The Mills Building:, in Broad Street, ' across from th? Stock Exchange, for years ono of the great structures of the "Street," is to be removed at tho end of two years and a new building erected on its site. J. P. Morgan & Co. have leased tho property for twenty-ono I years, with four renewal privilege?, ! which makes tho lease e/irfhtyvfour ; years. Tho lease dates from Mar 1 next, I but it will not be until May 1, 1923. j that the bankers will get full posses? sion of the structure. About that time the last of tho 800 or more leases for office space in the structure will have 1 expired. In the mean time plans for I the development of the. site will be j decided by the Morgan firm. Just now , tho bankers have no plans; neither have thev selected any architect to work with them on the scheme, and they are not sure just how high the building will bo carried above Broad Street. The solution of the office space needs of the Morgan firm will determine all these factors. j The property was taken because tho bankers have not sufficient space in their line structure at the south corner of Wall and Broad streets, which they completed five years ago at a cost of $?5,000,000. The anticipated office needs of the firm for many years to come wero considered in planning this struc? ture. Tho war upset calculations so badly that the Morgan firm had to lease more than half a floor in the Mills Building to house its increased clerical force. The bankers came to the conclusion that larger acommodations would be necessary soon to handle their business and negotiations wero started with the estate of D. O. Mills City Private Home Sales Cover a Wide Territory i Pease & Elliman have sold for tho | estate of Sarah Bacharach the four story dwelling, on lot 23x83.6, at 45 ? East Eightieth Street. Samuel II. Martin has sold for the estate of Emily Hoyt the four-tstory dwelling at 130 West Sovcnty>flrst Street, on lot 18.0x100. Harris B. Fisher has sold for P^d ward Severin Clark to a client for im? provement, 36 East Thirty-fifth Street, a four-story dwelling, on lot 2;"Vx60. William Metzger has sold for Slamuel C. Baum 11 East 129th Street, a three ! story dwelling, on lot 16.8x99.11. L. J. Phillips & Co. have sold for | William Milne to Ennis & Sinnott the ! three-story dwelling, on lot 16x1:02.2, 1 at 123 West Seventy-eighth Street. ? Oscar D. and Herbert V. Dike have : purchased for a client from the es I t?te of John A. Fackler the thxee storv dwelling, on lot 20x100, at 430 ! West Forty-fourth Street. This build? ing will be altered for business and I apartments. Huff & Conger has sold the tSiree [ story dwelling nt 441 East Eighty fourth Street; also the threc-tstory dwelling at 618 West 147th Streert. Lisca & Palladino have sold far Dr. Carmel Atonna to Antonetta Cav*a the four-story dwellijt at 422 Eust 116th Street, on lot 19x100. Porter & Co. have Bold for Charles P. Searle and Harrison A. Searle to William J. Jones the three-story dwel? ling at 32 West 126th Street. W. J. Huston & Son have sold for Ennis and Sinnott to Joseph Beck 469 West 134th Street, a five-story dwel? ling, on lot 18x99.11. The Tillie Klingenstein estate has for th? Mills Building. These negotia? tions, which were carried on without the assistance of real estate brokers, were concluded yesterday. In view of the high value of property in the financial district, particularly at the jpnctlon of Wall and Bi'oad street?, the most valuable land in the world, the rental agreed upon by the Mills family and the Morgan firm probably will be a record breaker. At any rate, such are ; tho observations of real estate men fa ; miliar with fee and rental values in the ? heart of financial New York. The building that will be erected on the Mills Building site, which contains about 23,000 square feet, a little more than half an acre, will be a tall struct? ure, a building of at least twenty stories. Architecturally it will har? monize with the exclusive six-story banking building of the Morgan firm. The lower floor of the new building likely will be connected with the Mor ! gan banking floor?. The upper part of j the building , will be rented to Wall Street concerns. The late Darius O. I Mills erected the building. For many ! years it was one of the most talked of i structures in' the country, because of i its architecture and the investment : which it represented. It is said that I Mr. Mills spent $3,000.000 in putting ! it up. Tho great stairway in the large I court in the Broad Street front of the I building has been its striking feature. ? The removal of the structure will put \ great pressure on the renting situation ! in Wall Street, for it will put upward ! of eight hundred concerns in the hunt for space. Some of them are large cor ! -porations and require large space. ] Henry Clews, who has been on the ?ground floor of the building for many ! years, is among those who will have to j tind new quarters. i sold to a physician the four-story ! dwelling at 136 East Seventy-ninth ' Street. I M. A. DeBaun has sold for Mary S. ; Clarkson 426 East 141th Street, a two story dwelling, on lot 16x100. The Everett M. Seixas Company has sold for Adele Mahony 505 West 145th ?Street, a four-story dwelling, to Bertha P'rey. Antique Dealers Get Fine House The Louis XIV Antique Company, Charles P. Miller president, has pur? chased from the North Madison Ave? nue Corporation the five-storv dwelling, on lot 23x100, at 9 East Fifty-fifth Street, opposite the Hotel St. Regis. A. J. Robertson and Hannah Freud nego? tiated the sale. The property will be altered extensively by the new owner for occupancy. Countess de Montjour Leases 6th Av. Realty for $500,000 J. Arthur Fischer has leased from Walter C. Wyckofl', trustee for the es? tates of Countess de Montjour and Mary M. Barrett, the five-story stone building at the northeast corner of Sixth Avenue and Thirty-eighth Street for a term of twenty-one years, with renewals. The aggregate rental for ? the first terms is $500,000. John R. ; and Oscar F. Foley were the brokers. Macy Estate at Hewlett Sold John F. Scott has sold for Miss Car j roll Mucy, her country place known as ? Birch Corners, in trie Hewlett Bay j property at Hewlett, L. I., to Ira A. j Kip jr. The property contains about three acres. J. Albert Johnstra has sold the two family dwelling, on plot 30x100, at 19 Hank Street, Flushing, for Albert ! Schorske to ,Tnnf>nh CvavtrfnvA REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN BOItorfJH OF MANHATTAN FOR SALE IV. E. Corner West End Ave. & 67th St. 5 STORY & BASEMENT B'LD'G RIZFi 123x100 2 ELECTRIC ELEVATORS?100% SPRINKLERSYSTEM POSSESSION ENTIRE B'LD'G MAY, 1921 Your Own Broker Only, Tel. 4932 Barclay. 217 Broadway, N. Y. Frederick Brown WKHTC HESTER COCNTT For Sale S.E.Cor.B,way&65thSt. 5 Story?25 x 100 Possession Entire B'icTg May 1st, 1920 Your Own Broker ONLY Frederick Brown Tel. -1933 Barday. 217 B'd'wnr, N. Y. 68TH, EAST room?, 2 ba lander ?0 -PRIVATE RESIDENCE, 10 ith?; $26,000. Phone Khlne BOROrOH OF BROOKLYN OVR one and two family houses In Pint bush, Urooklyn, all Improvements, detached , *?*.i rage?. Prices |7,D?O to $15,000; cash to suit; iicv quickly. Write for appointment, Jmnu Realty & Finance. Co., 815 World Building. COMPLETE COUNTRY HOME at a most REMARKABLY LOW FIGURE Colonial il'.'Biirn, 8 largo rooms, ? tiled baths, all th>! very latest Improve? ments mid convenience??, open fireplace, larca veranda opening- off beautiful living room, e-lcR-ruit sleeping poix-h. connecting with bedroom. Very fluent environments, Large plot, treea arid shrubbery; near uta. nnd trolle:' Bervlco, A Very Unusual Opportunity to Buy a Choice Home At YOUR Figure muMMown NK'.V YORK OFFICE, 17 W. 4SD ST TELEPHONE Jiri*,-:A? 11ITJ. 7323, or New llochello Ofllce, 2?S I1U?IENOT ST.. TELEPHONE S242 -NEW UOC1I EI.LK. tO.N(i ISLAND IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. A distinctive Colonial dwelling, 7 rooms and 3 baths. Would cost 26% morn If this house had not been contracted for prior to recent advanoes in cost of building materials. On large plot at Garden City Estates. Terms can be arranged. For further details and ap? pointment to inspect call or phone C. u. Holt, 186 Madison Avenue. Phone Vander bllt 8373. I?P1AITTIFT.*L CORNER, STUCCO, 1-8 acre, fl rooms, 2 baths, 3 fireplaces, hot water heat, cas, electricity, hardwood floor?. 3-tuu laundry, delightful porches, spacious lawns, trees; newly decorated; desirable district; something choloe. S 15.600. $S.iOO cash required. BREWER, 25 Midland ave. (tel. 4S-R), Whit? Plains. NEW JERSEY FOR SALB.?DESIRABLE TWO-FAMILY resldenoe of 14 rooms, with all modern Improvements; building in good condition; barn and chicleen house; on lot (10x220; well located In the village of Patohogue, five minute?' walk from railroad station. Price less than $6,000. Terms of payment reasonable. F. GYTTK1BGE, Fatohogue-SMymouf h Mills Corporation, Patohogue, N. Y, I FOR BALE.?AT HACKENSACK. N. J., to close estate. IB-room house, good re? pair; plot 165 feet front; best part of town; large tthade trees. Apply L. F. CLAREN? DON, 78 Oold ?.., New York. Phon? 710 Beekman. ENGLEW0QD, ???3%** H. Weatherby & Co., Englewood, N J. L0WQ BEACH Bungalows for rent, reasonable. Call on M. DEFFLEY. Tali.?, '1ms from station. LEON1A AND BOGOTA, Jf. *. House Sit?* with All improvement*. Prices will be much higher aeon. Buy yours at present Iott prices. G. B. Hitchcock. lmmm Bogota, N. J. LONG BEACH Bar-gala, 100x100, ou Broadway, 0, MOCK, 200 W. 101st. REAL ESTAT? VOR ?ALB HOMES WITHIN THE HOUR ALL SECTIONS $6,000 to $50,000 J. CLARENCE DAVIES 12 NASSAU ST. JOHN COM EAST ORANGE NEW HORTES. Price ?7,750 um We have the house yon want. i- n ?, /> II *>??. D- L. * W. A m MTU Connolly ft Connolly, station, last Orante.. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET 9STH ST. 4a West?Unfurnished apart? ments, S rooms, bath, kltehenett?: all bu-provamaata, Room 44?, 141 Broadway. Plainfield Substantially constructed attrac? tive modern home, 18 rooms, heated concrete garage. $18,000. Cash required $5,000. Immediate possession. J J Srkw.rt, T8 Broad St., MORTGAGE IX>ANS MONEY PROCURED FOR IfT AND ID mortgages. PEARSON A SON?, 4|4 Baa? Tth at.. Brooklyn. Writ* or call evenings after ?. 12-Story Lorington On Central Park West Corner Sold Deal Pending for the Leas? ing of the Property for Apartment Hotel; Three 181st St. Houses Sold The twalve-fltojry Lorington apnrt mcnt, on plot 100x150, at the north corner of Central Park West and Seventieth Street, has been sold to Raymond Marx. Negotiations are pending for the lease of the property for twenty-one year?, with renewals on a net rental basis, to a well known hotel man, who will at the expiration of the prosont leases alter the building into small apartment hotel suites from plans by Robert T. Lyons, architect. O'Connor ?fe Bain represented the pur? chaser and Rose & Paskus the seller. Heights Honses Passes to New Owners The Condor Realty Corporation has purchased from the Atlantic Realty Company the three five-atory apart? ments, with stores, at 554, 660 and 55S West 181st Street, on plot 125x119. Slawson & Hobbs and N. A. Berwin & Co. were the brokers, and Norman Den zer has beer? appointed manager and sales agent for the new owners, who, it is understood, are negotiating for the resale of the property. The Netherlsnd Sold CharleB Kimmelman has bought from the College Holding Company the Netherland, a six and one-half story apartment, on plot 217x90, occupying the block front on the north sido of 158th Street, between St. Nicholas nnd Edgecombe avenues. The seller ac? quired it recently from Bruns Brothers. S. Wacht represented the buyer. Buyer for the Milano The six-story Milano apartment, at 125 and 127 West Fifty-eighth Street, has been purchased by Samuel and Henry A. Blumenthal from the Milano Company. It occupies a plot lOOxlOOx irregular. Albert Field was the broker. Tenements Sold and Resold The Charles F. Noyes Company has sold to Elias A. Cohen for J. H. Kean the ten five-story tenements, including 83 to 95 Goerck Street, and 314 to 318 Rivington Street, covering a total plot? tage of 175 feet in Goerck Street and 69 feet in Rivington Street. The prop? erty is assessed at $132,000. Mr. Cohen has resold eight of the ten properties to separate buyers for investment. Other Heights Houses Sold Frederick Zittel & Sons have sold for William E. Keys 4926 to 4935 Broad? way, corner of 207th Street, a five story apartment on plot 125x100. A. H. Levy and Jacob Cohen were associate brokers. L. J. Phillips & Co. have sold for Richard Grant the four-story flat, on lot 17x100, at 554 West 156th Street. i The brokers have been appointed agents. The Progressive Commercial Associ ; ation of America, Inc., has bought from Charles Murphy the six-story apart? ment, on plot 43.9x99.11, at 131 and 133 1 West 145th Street. Buying in Harlem Section Charles Wynne and Louis II. Low '? have resold to V. M. Z. Boyajain the ?five-story apartment at 523 West 123d ; Street, on plot 33.4x100. O. G. Manns j was the broker. Sisea & Palladino have sold for the ' Isaac Pick estate to Adolph Cappello 2291 First Avenue, a four-story tene ? ment with stores on plot 28x75. H. T. Wood has gold for Simon Levy the Park Court, at 405 West 115th : Street, a six-story elevator apartment ! on plot 65x100. The Richelieu and Potomac apart i ment8, two six-story elevator build j ings, on plot 87.6x100.11, at 4 to 10 ? West lOlBt Street, have been sold by I Nathan Tekulaky to L. Zucker ?ft Co. Tho Moll Realty Corporation has ; bought 1464 Fifth Avenue, a live-story ? flat, on lot 25x100. John Peters has sold for the Eugenie Lahm estate to James Carvey 61 East 108th Street, a four-story flat, on lot 17x100.11. A. W. Mead has sold the four-story building at 188 West 125th Street for Annie E. Palmer to a client, of Ernest ? T. Bower. Other Houses to Change Ownership ! E. H. Ludlow & Co. have sold for ? Mary W. Nadal the five-story apart? ment known as the Livingston, at 126 ' East Nineteenth Street. The house will | be conducted on the cooperative plan : after extensive alterations. Tho same brokers have sold for the Bank for | Savings the five-story tenement at 60 I Henry Street, on lot 25x100, to Rosa Snitkousky. James H. Cruikshank has resold to Edward B. Jackson the five-story flat at 518 West Fiftieth Street, on plot 25 xlOO. Harry Sugarman was the broker. Otto C. Boden jr. has resold through Schleindler ft Leibler 320 East Sev i enty-fourth Street, an eight-family tenement, on lot 25x102. Manufacturers Buy Building Occupi?ed in Burling Slip The Charlea F. Noyes Company and Pease & Elliman have sold to the Phoenix Asbestos Manufacturing Com? pany the four-story building at 7 Burl? ing Slip, which the concern has occu? pied for .some time. It covers a site 20x ; 60, and was purchased from Elias A. | Cohen. Sale In Greene Street E. H. Ludlow ?_ Co. have sold for the Chichester estate the five-story fac? tory and mercantile building at 96 Greene Street, on lot 25x100. To Take Over Warehouses The two six-story warehouses, on plot, 54.1x175.3, at f. and 7 Vestry Street, ; through to 26 and 28 Laight Street. I are to bo taken over by tho 5 and 1 ' Vestry Street Corporation, H. J. Al heim. H. P. Cameron and W. S. Petty ' directors. The realty was acquired last ? month by Benjamin Bernstein at the , Helen C. Juilliard executor's sale con . ducted by Joseph P. Day. Mr. Bern ? stein paid $103,000 for each building. Twenty-second Street Loft Sold M. ?ft L. Heas, Ino., have sold for tho ! Sallye Realty Corporation the six-story I building at 54 West Twenty-second I Street, containing approximately 17, ? 000 square feet. All leases expire on ; February 1, 1921. . ' a Talmudical Institute Gets New Home for School The Talmudical Institute of Harlem, i Jacob Lunltz president, a charitable \ Institution which has maintained a j school in the upper part of tho city I for ten years, has exchanged its quar | ters at 64 and 68 West 114th Street, j on the same block. The latter Is a flve-story structure i known as the Royal Lyceum, on plot ! 53.7x100.11, and was acquired from the i Newman ?ft Wischer Construction Com { pany. But slight alterations are neces | sary In the school's new home and It ? will be ready by May 1. The pr?sent ! homo consists ox two three-story dwell i ings, on lot 86x100. which th?*? new buy i ers will remodel. Lots in 163d Street Sold Slawson ?fe Hobbs have sold six lots I on the south side of 163d Street, adjoin j Ing the Broadway corner. Banker Buys Rye Estate Stewart C. Schenck has sold for Mrs. Zelia K. Poet hoar estate ?. By? to Walter S. Heeler, of the United States Trust Conwaof. Tenants to Buy Astor ' Realty in Prince Street Form Corporation lo Take Over Loft Building Occupying Block Front Tho late William Waldorf A?tor estate, to part with more realty, it has become known through the formation of tho 569 Broadway Realty Corpora? tion. The property at that point is a six story loft building:, occupying the block front on the north side of Prince street, between Broadway and Mercer street, a structure fronting: 100 feet on Broadway and 110 feet in Mercer Street and 200 feet in Prince Street. Interests identified with the Light olier Company, dealers in lighting fix? tures, and tenants in the building are to get control of the property. The in corporators of the new company are Charles A. Gottesman? treasurer of the Lightolier Company; Max Blitzen and Emanuel Klein, also of the same ad? dress. It is capitalized at $25,000. FOREIGN RESORTS PARIS and the HOTEL LOTTI ?the one suggests the other! There are many Hotels in Paris, but only one "Lotti." 7-9 R ue Casfiglsone Europe's Most Mod? ern Hotel ; 300 Rooms and 300 Bathrooms; Grill and Tea Rooms ; Spacious Restaurant. Large Swimming Pool and Turkish Baths. I. ALETTI, Managing Dir. Avenue des Champs-Elysees VISIT WHITBY Yorkshire, England, and the ROYAL HOTEL Overlooking St. Iluda'* Abbey and Quaint Old World Town and Harbor. Self-Contained Suites with Bath?. Cp to Date in Kvery Way. Write or Cable. RESORTS LAKKWOO?, N. J. LAKEWOOD, N.J. Oldest and most exclusive hotel in the jersey pine belt. Famous for its cuisine and social charm. Golf, Polo, Shooting, Riding, Special Baths, Sun Parlors, etc.. for convalescents. Phone 430. A, .T. MX KT*IIV. Tlont. Laurel in the Pines Lakewood, N. j, EQUABLE CLIMATIC CONDI? TIONS, GOLF. RIDING AND SHELTERED WALKS. DAIL? CONCERTS AND DANCING. BRANCH OFFICE, GEO A. HUHN & SONS, BROKERS. ?M FRAN? r. BUWJm, g ATLANTIC CITY.N.J. ? i AivAmeriicaa Plaa Hotel | jof DisiiRciioRandRealCoirxfet I I FIREPROOF GARAGE. f i capacity goo. ft/alterS.J&ezAy? Utoix ^?Ote.ATLANllCCnT? WORLD'S GREATEST HOTEL SUCCESS] ATLANTIC CITT, N. *. Baaurpasaed fur nealtaiul real and reerestle* WASHINGTON. O. C, Burlington Hotel American and European HOMELIKE, CLEAN, PERFECT oriSINE .'{.SO itooms with ?nth .*.:'. to *"> FIVE MINUTES FROM EVKKYTHINO Washington, I). 0. 71.0KIDA HOTEL CLARENDON ??ZSS&in, and cottages. Directly on ocean; 13-heU golf conrie. Now open. Booklet? ea i applleation. 11?? Broadway. Now Torlt._ DANCING INSTRUCTION L0VELL ,?57MAOISONA\ Ce?.5**$r. n'M it 4848 Plata, C i i ? s Lessons With Individual Instructor for. . We guarantee to teach you to dance all trie latest modern tlanrte ?.ulekly and correctly. 9 LESSONS, $5 PWVAT? LI880N8. 10 A. M. to 11 P. M., without appclntnuCV The iarafss; and the bwi I) aiming Si-hool #lth a wonderful orchestra. MODERN DANCES. WILMA GILMORB, Vernon Castle Graduate, 109 West S7ta st. Circle 4026. BUSINESS CARPS Carpets for Sale i 8,000 TARDS CARPETS. 500 yard? same pattern, 11.00 yard up. slightly used. t StHTABLE FOR ALL PtTRPOSES. In WB I trm. Axmlnster, Sloanee, Brussels, Wiilttall*. ! I RUGS, artlooms. Saxony?, Wilton?, seamed ! I or ?ieam?eae. with or without border, all ; [ eizo;s all prices, all colors, ?mall Rug* $5.00 to $1500: meillum size. $?0 to $40: large I rugs, $45 (o $85 up. in elz?s from 3x5 to ?fN-tO. pluin, mixed or ?Oriental i?atterns. ? making over, cleaning, ?eying. dy??lng; beau i Uful. reasonable. STILLINOS, INC. 620- . I ?28 Madison ave. t5?th>. Plaza 883S. Dictaphone Cylinders D?CTAPftONBJ CTLINDBRS transcribed I | promptly,, accurately; expert stenogra phy, typing; manuscripts revised ana type?. Florence 8. Newfleld, 41 West 89th i ?U Greeks jtySS. " I TRAVEL TRAVEL ENGLAND--BELGIUM ?THE RED STAR LINE Steamer? "LAPLAND" and "ZEELAND" and the American Flag Steamers "KROONLAND" and "FINLAND"?me latter three equipped for Oii-Fucl?sail regu? larly bet>v,een New York, South : empton and Antwerp. *COMFORT, SERVICE ; and unexcelled cuisine are to be ! found ?board these splendid vessel*. 1 INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE COMPANY RED STAR LINE 9 Broadway, New York ??KROONLAND" March 24. May 1, June S "LAPLAWD" April 3. May 8. June 12. "FINLAND" April 7. May 16, June 1? "ZEELAND" July 2. GOING TO EUROPE? Moderate Bates ^|/m One Class Cabik. Service American Line Fast United Stat? fiSjil Steamers New York?Plymouth?Cher'whip g?SouttantfriM "PHILADELPHIA". Mar. 13 Ap . 10 May 8 Joae 5 "NEW YORK"... .Mar. 27 A* r. 24 May 22 Jon? 1? ?ST. PAUL".Apr. 3 May 1 May 29 Jaae 2f INTERNATIONAL MERC3 NT-LE MA RLNE CO. OFFICES, 9 Broadway, Mew York 'Pilone Bl~i Bowling Oreen G U?AR D- A NIC H?R Passenger su-d Freight ?W vive?. Columbia .New York to Londonderry an/ 1 Glasgow.Mar. 13 Maurelania .New York " Cherbourg and Southampton.Mar. 20 Italia .New York " Naples ._.Mai. 27 Pannonia ....New Yark * Patras. Dubrov r.ik and Trieste.Mai. 31 Saxonia.New York " Plymouth, Hamburg and London.Apr. 10 Imperator .New York " Cherbourg anV, Southampton.Apr. 10 Carmania.New York " Liverpool ..,.Apr. 10 Royal George .New York ** Plymouth, Havre and Southampton.Apr. 14 Cherbourg a? ad Southampton.Apr. 17 Londonderry and Glasgow.Apr. 17 Liverpool t.Api\ 24 Cherbourg and Southampton.May 8 Cherbourg and Southampton.May 15 Liverpool .MBy J *? Plymouth- Havre and London.May Ie Royal George. New York " Plymouth, Havre and Southampton.May 19 Caronia .New York " Plymoutfc , Cherbourg and Liverpool.May 22 , For later an?-in*ga apply to 21-24 STATE STUU-I, NEW YORK. Maurctania .New York Columbia .New York K. A. Victoria.New York Imperator ............riew Yerk Mauretania .. ?,.New York Carmania .New York Saxonia. New York Swedish American Line' Direct to [GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN, s. s. STOCKHOLM IMMUNES MM?CAtf LiJN? Fa*t Mail Steamer? NEW YORK?PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG?SOUTHAMPTON Philadelphia is N-(K,n Mar. 13 Apr. 10 May t New York IS Noon Mar. 27 Apr. 24 May 22 St Paul .?Noon Apr. 3 May. 1 i May 2 NEW YORK?HAMBURG Manchar?a ..Mar. 27 May * Jone 19 July 31 Mongolia . .Apr. 10 May 22 July 3 Aug. 14 PHILADELPHIA?LIVERPOOL _ _ , Haverford .Apr. 10 ilMSH L.Nf? RED STAR LINE -..O?O TON'S DISFL. SAILING MARCH 20TH May .1st Short route to SCANDINAVIA. Daily connections to Germany land . all parts of Continent. German Subjects no longer re? quire Permit to depart. PASSENGER OFFICE. 24 State St., "W. T. Cohpaskk SistoMlMtVismjumm, ? bears*? PaetaS tUmrwe NBV NEW YORK?HAVRE FRANCE._IAK. 18. AFB. 14, KOCJi.-IirREAU. MAR.19, --PR.22. LA SAVOIE. . MAR. 27, MAY 32, J LA 1.0RRAINE. APR. 8, MAV 1, : I.AFAYETTE. . -APR. 10, MAT 8, J LA TOURAINE. APR. 14. JUNE 2. NEW YORK?fcUKDi_A?JZ. NXAGAKA (From Pier S4, N. H.) iUb. X5 j COMPANY'S OFFICE. 13 STATE ST.. N. T. j "THE PUBLIC BE PIJEASED*** COLONIAL LINE I BOSTON ??*4.40j PROVIDENCE S? $2.97 | ALL ?OUTSIDE STATE&OOMS ?10? ta 9*M Heil? Price? include War Toe. ??at Lssvte PJ?r 30, K.rth Hiv?r. Daily * 8-a.a*. a? ? P. M. 'Phon. Sartas Mtl. I N. Y.-S0UTHAMPT0N?ANTWERP i ?Kroonland .M?r.24 May 1 i Jaae 5 Lapl-sd .Apr. 3 May * June 12 Finland .Apr. 7 May IS June IP Zeelanri .July 24 WHITE STAR LINE N. Y._CH_^BOLPX.--SClUTTIAMPTO?ii Adriatic 4 P.M. Mar. 20? Apr. 24aMay 29 July 3 And Kegnlarly Thereafter OLYMPIC ?Z\ ?S NEW YORK?LIVERPOOL Baltic 1. m. Mar. 13 Apr. ?7 May 22 Jama 26 Cedric .Apr. 10-? ?? Oriana .end Apr. ? - --j . ?,- . Celtic s P. M.May 15 Jaae 19 July 24 NEW YORK?AZORES GIBRALTAR? NAPLES-GENOA Canopic 3 p.M. Mar. 1C May 11 July 0 Cretic 3 P.M. Mar. 31 May 26 Jdy 21 InternatioBaJ Mercantile Marine Company 9 Broadway New York RED "D" LINE Worcester, $4.12. Providence direct, $2.70. Ol TSIDE STATEROOMS. ?1.08 * $3.10. Daily, Including Sunday, 6:00 P. M From Pier 19, E. R. 'Phone 27?0 Beekmaa. ?Ticket* ai Pier er Con?ol!d?t*d Ticket FALL RIVER LINE To BOSTON From Pier 1?, N. R., Fulton St., 5 F. M. Orchestra on Each Bout. NEW LONDON (NORWICH LINE). Str. ivs. Pr. 40, N. K., Houston St.. -wit. day? only, 6:30 P. M. Lv. Pr. 70. E. R.. _2d St., 6 P. M. BRIDGEPORT LINE: Vs. Piar _?, B. P... C.uh. Ht., 1 P. M. Pier 70, E. R., 23d St.. 1:16 i*. M. PIbi- J1. Foot M(iiit_|M? Stree', Brook.yn. For Porto Rico, Curacao und Veae.tjela Philadelphia. Mar. 13'Mnraoalbo-Mar. 1* Caj-u-rar?.Mar. S4jZuIl?...Mat. ;?' BLISS. DALLFTT it CO., (Jen!. Mgrs,, Phone 10072 Hanover. 8- Wall Street. Weat Indies. Cemrrl and Kim*!, Amerio? UNITED FHLIT COMPANY 17 Buttery Place. New York. STORAGE NOTICES SURROGATES' NOTICES THE PEOPLE OF THB STATE OF NEW York, By the Oi ace of Ood, Free and Independent.?To AMELIA KAUFMAN, BERTHA ZIMMERMAN, DAVID KAUF- j MANN, BENNO KAUFMANN, HERMANN KAUFMANN, KA RI, KAUFMANN. AMALIA GRUKNBAUM, SOPHIB j ORUENBAUM. CLARA STERN, LENA QOLDMBYBR, HANCHEN REUS. FANNT ? KAUFMANN, the heir? and next of kin of 1 JACOB F. KAUFMAN, deceaaed. Sand Greeting: I Whereas. AMELIA KAUFMAN, who re- i sidos at ?3 49 Weat 146th Street, Borough and County and City of N?w York, has ; lately applied to the Surrogates' Court of our County of New York, to have a c*r- j tain Instrument In wrKlng, relating to j both real and personal property, duly j proved aa the last v.-lu and testament of ' JACOB F. KAUFMAN, who waa at the i timo of hla death a reatdant of the Bor- j o'JKh of Manhattan, City and County ot j New York, deceased; ; THEREFORE, You and each of you ara cited to ahow cause before the Surrogates' Court of our County of New York, at tha I Hall of Record?, In the County of New j York, on the 2nd day of April, one thou- j sand nine hundred and twenty, at half- ; past ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day, why the said will and testament should not be admitted to probate ?a a witi of real and personal property. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF w? have caused the seal ot tha Surrogate-1" Court of the said County of New Tork to be hereunto affixed. ' WITNESS. Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogat?? of our said County of Naw York, at said County, tho 18th day Of Feb? ruary, in the year of our Lord one thou? sand nina hundred and twenty. DANIEL J. DOWDNBT. _C^rk o- -he Surrogate?* Court, _BUSINESS CARJP8_ D?a-monda 11 r * DIAMONDS AND JBWBLRT BOD?HT FOR ?"ASH, eetacAs appraised, par chased. BENNETT, 175 Broadway, upat-trs WAREHOUSE SALE OF 000DS FOR UNPAID CHARGES IN ACfXJRUANC'E WITH THE PROVISION of lav?, then.- being due and unpai'i charges for which the undersigned Matthew's Express s-. Van <-'o . Inc , !s entitle to a lien na warehouseman on the go^xTB herein? after descritxxl.. and due notice having be?-n given to ?11 parlies ki:own to claim an In f-rest therein, and the ilin? Mx-i-ified in auch not?oe for pu ?ment of euch ?.-harges having expired, th*r? t?HI be sold at p?ihll<- a?<*tlo-1. at MKi BLEKCKER 8T? NEW YORK CITS. ON MOND.Y, MARCn ?0TH, 1S2?, AT 1 P. M., and eohtlnulag on each and every day tl-creafter, beginning at the earn? hour urail all goods are eold, to wit: House hold furniture cunslatlng of parlor suits, bedroom suits, dln?r.g room suits, Jlbrarj furniture, pianos, viotroiae, m ;a!. ?1 Instr-j rnents, carpets, rugs, trunks, boxes, ?>arrels fuit cases, contents consisting of clothing Unen, bOf-ks, papers, stationery, pictures, brie a-brac. china and glasnwa?e, stlvarware. he : ding, draperies end matt-riale and other per sonal eflects, also barber fixtures etc , he; I tor tha account of tha foi;owtng parties cor cerned: C. McNally, i. Lynch. M. Totago. T M. Romina, Philip Miles, F?.eney. Herold. F B Wilson, Cecala, being stored In tho Mat? thew's Express & Ven Co. Warehouses Tha goods will b? ou exhibition on tha day of tne sale. MATTHEW'S EXPRESS 4 VAN CO.. INC.. 200 Bleacher St . N. T. SUMMONS Furniture Wanted HIOHBST PRICE? paid for furniture, an? tiques, piano*, brio-a-brae, booka, art. at?*. OABAY. S? University Plaee, Pheo? ?iuyvesant 3377. . . TrmJks i B-SaS2tB?A?X__* ar^ortT^lea ? SUPRBMB COURT, NEW YORK COUNTY. ! ?ERNEST C. ROMANO, Plaintiff, against ROBERT R?MER, doing busi? ness under the name <>f ROBERT ROMER I & COMPANY, Defendant. 'TO THB ABOVE NAM?D DEFENDANT: I YOt: ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to an i ?wer the complaint in this action, ahd la ; serv? a copy of your answer vn the Plain ; tlrf'e Attorneye within twenty days a?ter the service of this aummona. exclusive of i the day of service: and d* cat* of fallut-? '? to appear, or answer, Judgment wilt Isa taken against *> ?>u by ?JefauU fo? tha re ! lief damanded in th* complaint. ? Baud N. Y-, February fod, lflO. OOODMAN * WBR?BB. 1 Plaintiff? Attorney?, Office ?ad Faat OAe? Addrea?, No. (1 Chamber? Stras*. Borough of Manhattan, New Tork City I TO ROBERT ROMER, doing buaineaa a? i ROBBKT ROMER <V COMPANY: j The foregoing ?ummoiii la servad upon . you by publication punRtant to an order u' i nonorable Nathai; BIJur, oh? of tho Jus? tice? of the Supr-m? ?''oue-t of the Sta's > of New York, dated the -'th day of Fsh ruary, WiO, and ?lud with the com ?taint la th? office of the Clark ol th? County of New Tork. at the County Court Rouae In th? Borough of Manhattan, City. County and Stat? ot Naw York Dated Naw York, February ?Tth, 1?*N_ OodDMAN 4 feHRNSR, ?Uterney? for Plait??iff. Ofn>? ? T. O Addraa?, tie. b\ Chamber? Str4Htt. Boif. ougU of Mj-ahatuu?, New York Cur.