Newspaper Page Text
Shipping News HIGH WATER A?M ?Psnfly Hook. 1:3 Governor's Island. -:-0 Hell Gate. 3:41 ARRIVED YRSTKRD.-iT Upa Tuesday Ramland.Antwerp .Mar f Mexico.Havre .Mar 1 Bardic.London .Mar 4 OUTGOING STEAMSHIPS V?i>**sl Port Departure ? Rath.Gothenburg.Feb if ! Stsrra Quemada , . Payai .* . Feb 25 Adriatic.Southampton? -Mar S Manehurian Prlnce.Para .Feb 24 Vtndellla,.Philadelphia _Mar 11 Osla had.Philadelphia -Mar 10 Oaterdal.Philadelphia. ?... ? Invincible.London .? Madison .Norfolk . Walton Hall.New Orleans? INCOMING ?STKAMSHIP? Due lo-iln? Roman Prince.Dartmouth .Feb ? T.ake Farge.Havre .Feb 12 la Perouse.Havre .Feb 21 Galileo.Hull.Feb 8t AblRr.i-t.Hull. .Peb 21 ^xe.or City.Bristol .Feb 21 Bast Side.Bordeaux .Feb SI ?San Giovanni.Naples .Feb 2? Absngarer..Cristobal .Mar 2 Maracalbo.Mayaguez ...Mar 8 Italia.Palermo .Feb 29 Nias ara.Bordeaux .Feb 39 ?Rosalind.St John.Mar 8 Mauretanla.Southampton ....Mar ?3 Santa Luisa..... ..Cristobal .Mar 7 ? otumnia.London .Feb 28 :n\ ineible.London .Feb 13 Portuguese Prince. Havre .Feb 28 Due To-morrow Kc/?*hambeau.Havre .Mar 4 France.Havre .Mar 6 Due Monday Stockholm.Gothenburg .Mar 3 Menas.Cristobal .Mar 4 Waco uta.Havana .Mar 10 P?pee.San .'nan.Mar 10 ? t Hamilton.Bermuda .Mar 13 Panama.Cristobal.Mar 8 Sail To-day Mall South close.*, 8:00 AM 8:00 AM Philadelphia, ampton y. Mormugaor Lisbon Karhanshah, Ham? burg .10:00 AM Canada. Piraeus.10:00 AM Ft Victoria. Bermuda.. 7:30 AM Bronte, Pofnambuco.. (:80 AM Mono Castle. Havana. 8:30 AM Philadelphia. San Juun 0:30 AM Matura, Georgetown.. TiOOAM Zacapa. Port Lliioon .. 7:00 AM Cherokee, Cartagena .X :00 AM I'onmo. San Juan .... 8:30 AM Gen. O. W. Goethsls, Cristobal .12:00 M Lake George, Haytl... 0:30AM Baltic, Liverpool . 8:00 AM Columbia, Glasgow ... ? ? Mtisaba, London ._______ West Grove, Man? chester .______ Chariot, Copenhagen. Walton Hall, Alex? andria . ?-" ? Tunica, Patras . ? Exeter City. Bristol..-' Fram, Tampico .?> Munamar, Banes . Edith, San ?Tuan . Connorsville. St. Thomas . West Avenal, Santos. . ?????. El Monte, New Or? leans . . El Valle, Galveston... - San Marcos. Galveston ? Lenape, Jacksonville . ? ? ? Sail To-morrow St. Bede, Bahla.?-? Sail Monday Jacques Cartier, Havre Vessel sails 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M *? ? ^^ , Ranenfjord, Bergen ..-? 1?:00M I Beilhaven, Havre 1...??? l?:00 M Cup* Romain. Bordeaux ?-.- 13:00 M Castle Point, Dublin.. -? 13:00 M Talsan Maru. Condor..- 12:0ft M Westmoreland, Sydney- 1:00 PM Clan MacQuarrie, Cape Town ..;.- 2:00 PM Slleta, Batavia .- 12:00 M Ctan Gumming. Java.- 12:00 M Menerlc, Singapore. . ,.- 12:00 At Putnam, Madeira .- 12:00 M Glendon, Nuevitas- 12:00 M Rastern -Breeze, Santos- 2:00 PM Philadelphia, Havana.- 12:00 M Cascade.? Cristobal.-? 12:00 M Carolyn, Clenfuegoa. .. - 12:00 M Sail Tuesday Canople, Gibraltar. .. .12:00 M 3:00 PM Turrlalba, Cristobal... 11:00 AM 11:00 AM Matura, arerrada. 9:00 AM 1:00 PM Cien H.P.Hodges, Haytl.12 :00 M 4 :00 PM St. Michael, Para.- 12:00 M Brighton. Kingston_- 12:00 M Pt. Judith, Cristobal.. - 12:00 M Arapahoe, Jacksonville- 13:00 M AMERICAN PORTS BALTIMORE, March 12?Arrived: Strs Lake Fanquler. Port Tampa; Chamblee, Port Tampa; Mangore, Daiquiri: Eastern Shore, Philadelphia; sch Jaco W. Hook, Cape Hal. Cleared; Sirs Missouri (Br), London; Lord Pownshhe (Br), Belfast; Marianne (Cal), Trii-Bte; Mandevllle (Nor), Port Antonio; Lake Ontario, San Juan; Ponce, Mayaguez. Hailed: Strs Point Lo? bos, Matanzas; Mexicano, Tampico; West boro, San Francisco; Mangore, Norfolk; Manchester . Civilian (Br), Manchester. Passed Cape Henry, Va., bound u.p: Strs Charles E. Harwood, Tampico; Lake Pearl, Boca Grande; Gulfoll, Philadelphia. Passed Cape Henry, Va., bound out: Strs Brandywlne, Port Lobos; Trlnidadlan, Tamplcp; Hadnot, Tampico; Lake Karris, Clenfuegoa. BOSTON. March 12?Arrived: Strs Cowoe, Norfolk: Kershaw, Norfolk: Glou? cester, Baltimore; Queen Helena, London. Sailed: Strs Lake Charlottesville, Norfolk; Proctor, Norfolk; Lake Butler, Providence. CHARLESTON, 8. C, March 12?Ar? rived: Strs Arapahoe, Jacksonville (and proceeded New York). Sailed: Strs Guaro, Norfolk; Saguacho, New Orleans. GALVESTON, Tex.. March 12?Arrived: Strs Marie (Ger). Mexico; Lake Fossil, Philadelphia; Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Sailed: Str El Mar, New York. JACKSONVILLE, March 12?Arrived: Str? Norman Bridge. Tampico; Mohawk, New Tork vta Charlestun; Persian, Phila? delphia via Savannah. Sailed: Sirs Cor? coran, New Tork; Gulfllght, Port Arthur. MOBILE, Ala.. March 12?Arrived ; Strs Lake Foxcraft. Havana, Cuba; Weatkjreka, Savannah; bark Loon, Celte, Franc?; son Josephine, Bermuda. Sailed: Strs H. F. Dlmock, Port Barrios; Montmeller, Hull, England; trnrk Benecla, Port Lobos. NEW ORLEANS, March 12?Cleared: Stts George E PaddleTord, Tampico; Harry Farnum, Tampico; Hatfleld (Br), Brest, France, vlat Texas city and Norfolk; Honduras (Nor), Belize via Stann Creek and Livingston; Owego, Fort de France, Martlnque; Radha, Carmen, Mexico, via Campeche; Westorlan (Br), Vera Cruz via Tampico. Puerto Mexico nnd Frontera. NEWPORT NEWS, Va, March 12- -Ar? rived: Strs Grey Eagle, Norfolk; Corrales, New York; Woudrlchen, New York; Munal bro, New York: Wearbri'dge, Fowey; Cas tletown, Baltimore; Grelben (Br), Naples. NORFOLK, March 12?Arrived: Strs Patksvllle, Philadelphia; Nobles, G<*loa; Lake Duncan, New York; West Erral. Wilmington;? Norumbega, Boston; Cotton Plant, South Shields; Irvlngton, Noordon ham: Adao <lt), New Orleans; Newb?rgli, Nowport News; Scanlon, Boston; Falrirmnt, Savannah; Lake Lida, New York; West Isllp, Providence: Orient, Newport News. Sailed: Strs Winding Gulf, Newport News; Alloquosh, Newport News: Deranof, Liver? pool; Munsome, New York; Easterner, Portland. Me; Canadian Sower (Br)? St Johns: Freeman, Genoa; Yoko Maru (Jap), La Plata; Clio, Rouen; Adao (It), Genoa; Lake Franconla, Newcastle; Scjiroon, Ital? ian port via Gibraltar (for orders); Ohlonan, Pensaeola. PHILADELPHIA, March 2 ? Arrived: Strs Kosctuszko, Danzig via Shields; Lake Bolnona, New York; Lake Silver. Everett; Santa Barbara, Antofagasta, etc. Passed Delaware Breakwater, round out from Philadelphia: Strs Galahad, Glasgow via Now York; Havur (Nor), Norfolk; Calla basus. New York; Ontario. Boston; Lake Fugard, Boston: Lake Linden, Baltimore Passed Reedy Island, bound down from Philadelphia: Strs Verona (Nor). Neu York; Ottar (Nor), New York; Montoso, Guanlca; Sunoil, Tampico; Joint Judith Baltimore; Paulsboro, Texas City. PORT EADS, March 12?Arrived: StrB ?-_- ?-3??-r- -?? - .-.-. Where to Go to Church To-morrow BAPTIST FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH B'way und 70th Street. PASTOR I. M. HALDEMAN, D.D. 11 A. M.?"HOW THE POVERTY OF ONE MAN CAN MAKE MANY KICK." S P. M.-"THK AWAKENING OP THE MOSLEM WORLD. THE THREATENED ASIATIC INVASION OF El'ROPE INDER THE GREEN FLAG. THE PERIL OF ENGLAND AND THE WEST. THE NECESSITY OF A LEAGUE OF NATIONS (IN WHICH THE UNITED STATES C..N HAVE NO PART) AND THE COMING OF ANTICHRIST TO BE ITS PROPHETIC AND FOREORDAINED HEAD." Those who desire to hear some startling facts about Western diplomacy, Asia, and the Prophetic League of Nations, ehould hear this sermon. Friday Night, March 19th. 8 o'clock, "The D?nger of Looking Into the Ark." CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH P. l?. Car. 93D ST. ?v.- AMSTERDAM AVB. Frank M. Goodchiid, D. D., Pastor. 11- Hr. Charles II. Sears on ' The. Qi?:I(mi?h of tin* New IVorld Mavomaut." 8?Lantern Lecture "Old Glory in the Philippines" LV WHICH TUB PASTOR WILL TEL... THE STORY OF HI* OWN TltAVELS. CALVAKY BAPTIST ?'III'HOI, West 57th St., bet 6th and "th Aves. REV. JOHN KOAt'H STRATON, D. D. 10.SO -''Chrisfa Return the Oidy Basis or Hope for tli,e Race." 12?Sunday School and Adult Rlble Class?*. f?-"Can a Woman Fall So Low That Chrtit Can no?! Redeem Hur:" Socond of series on "WOMEN VtHOM JESLS MET." Fifth Avenue Baptist Church 4 ta 8 West 4?th Street. OH. CORNELIUS SV?ELFK1N AND "REV. P. K. 8IN0IS_B, 11 O'CLOCK Suaday Sehool, 8:30 A .\r. Men's (.ia_., Leader, Mr Gilbert n. Montague. Women'? Cl__3, 9Ar,. Leader. Mrs, Katharine W. EUdy. Young Peoples Meeting at 0.30. MT. MORRIS BAPTIST CHURCH 5th Ave between 126th &. 127th Bts. CARL WALLACE PETTY, Minister I A- M - "The Itnsoii li rabies." ? !?. M - ' nie Philosophy oi' a Subway Guard." MVOISON AVENUE UAPTIST CHURCH, B?ADISON AVENUE, COP?. 31ST -ST. R*:'.-. George Caleb Moor, D. D., Faktor. II A. M.?"18 SIN A FANTASY7" ?P.M.?"AT THE FORGE OF VULCAN." Slaves of Work and Worry. m A. M.?MEN'S CLASS. K*v. A. T. Brooks. .fCDSON MEMORIAL?Washington 8q. A. KAY PFTTY Pastor II A. M. ?"THE UNCHAMC.ING CHRIST." 8P M? "SAFFRON SOULS." CHRISTIAN (SCIENCE Services are held in the foUovrinf CHRISTIAN SCIE.NCL CHURCHES Sundays. 11 A M. and 8 P. M. Wednesduvs. 8 P. M. Fix?! Church, L'en liai Park West and {Kith St. flt-end Church. Central Park West and C8lh St. Third Church, 12.1th SI and Madlaon Are. Fourth Church, 178rh gt. and Port Washington Afe. Fifth Church. Aeolian Concert Hall, 84 Wast -13d St RUth Church, 1935 Ai ?lions Ave.. Bronx. Reven th Church, 112th St. eust of Broadwsi, ?Mind ay 1 ' a. m. and 4:30 p. m. J-.lj.itli Church, 10:i East 77th St. Ninth Church, Park AvrJiUe Hotel, 4th At?, at T?iith Church. .r>7th Street, just ?N~t of Broad*-?? rSereml'. Chureh. 5562 *irn;ira Avenue. 11 A. M. PRET. READING BC?OM. 88 West ?2d St. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURES will be dsllvered as follows: KKCOND (lll'RiH OF CHRIST SCIEN? TIST, CStli flireer and Central Park Wast, by Mr E/.RA W. PALMER, ?' P. J? . Friday evening,, March 19, 1920, it S o'clo CONGREGATIONAL BROADWAY TABERNACLE BROADWAI AND rai'l'H STREET, i Re\. Dr. Jefferson, Pastor, will preach; II A. M.--"T'ie Kingdom of dod." 8 P. M.?"Liberty and Joy May Be Your*." li:4S A. M .?Bible School. Tun-day, 815 P. M.?Publlo Forum. Wednesday. 8 P. M.?Mid-vteok Service. MANHATTAN CHURCH f ?ast il--Rev. Geo. a. Johnston Ross, D. D. DISCIPLES OK I'll RIST CENTRAL 142 V* est HI?t Street. HR1STIAN Or. Mientan. Il A. M. HI U( II K P. M.?HON. HIRD S. ? OLER "( HARITIES." DIVINE SCIENCE First Church of Divine Science ?Hr-nd T>n il Pram. Waldorf .Astoria. Sunday at i > A. M. Rev. W. John Murray, Pastor "BXBSQ '?' ?F.IT'TLY NATURAL" Blbln Class at l> 45 A M it ??nipt! v. Sunday ia'h???l ai 11 A. M. CHURCH OF SPIRITUAL SCIENCE REV. Ill LIAN, ordained Spiritualist If ?i erf in doubl, worried, perplexed, dlsnp pointed or unhappy, don't wait, but ooms in to-day; you will bo courteously r? colyed In the open ii?iu and be impressed with the sincerity or lier purpose. Rev. Lillian ask? no qusstions :?n?l make? no ? larttes Room -07, 26 West 4Id. JEWISH FREE BTNAOOCC'E i ARNBGJE HALL. Si NO A Y MORN.. 10.?0 ALFRED NOTES, THE DISTINGUISHED POET. WILL DELIVER THE ADDRESS WITH HEADINGS FROM Ills ?'?'KMS. <??E CHOIR WILL REPEAT iiy REQUEST PART 1 OF HATDN'.s ORATORIO, 'Till* CREATION." ALL ARK WELCOME. TEMPLE RETH-EL. 5th Are. St 76ih St Sunday, March II, Jl A. _t, XUhU Leo XL Franklin 0f Detrot!. "A World Without Uod." AU Wei?cnie. TEMPLE EM ANC'-El,, Cth Ave., 4Sd St. Sunday. 11:15, Dr. Siiverman on "Can tho *>e?i'l Cenrnunicaie With the JJvlnf?" LITHERAN ADVENT Rev. Aujrastns Stelxnle, D.D. , Broadway, at Mrd St. Services 11 A. M. _. 8 T. M. , Hid week Lent?? Servie?*, , yre?neaa.ay/m P. M- i LlTTHERAJK CHURCH OF THE HOLT TRINITY 66th St. and Central Park West Rev. Charte? J. Smith, D. I). Pastor Services at 11 A. M. and S P. M. METHODIST EPISCOPAL Madison Avenue Church, 60th St. Dr. RALPH W. SOCKMAN, Pastor. 11?"Christ as Conciliator." S?Music: Dvorak's "Stabat Mater." Message. Rev. Leland P. Cary. OS?Soda! Tea and Young People's Meeting. CALVARY M. ?. CHURCH 129th Street and 7th Avenue. Minister In Charle. RV7V. H. INQHAM. B. D. 11?"How to See Good Days." 8?SPECIAL MUSICAL SERVICE, assisted by violin and 'cello artists. ST. PAUL'S METHODIST CHURCH S?th Street and West Knd Atenu?. RE/. RAYMOND L, FORMAN. O. D.. PASTOR. 11 a. m. "TRE STOREKEEPER." S p. m. "A MAN'S PRICE." 10 a. m. Men's Forum: "No More Sea." 6T. ANDREWS, 76th St. and Col. Ave. 11?"New fhallcr.Ro to the Churches," DR. FREDERICK LYNCH. S?"Hard Trials: The Way Out." DR. ALLAN MAC ROSSI E. METROPOLITAN TEMPLE, 14th St. and 7th Av. Rev. JOSEPH W. CHASEY. H. I>.. Minister. 11a.m. 'The Chler Conieretone." S p. tu. "Hidden Treasure." NEW THOUGHT Miss Villa Faulkner Page. Fellowship o? the Lifo More Abundan' Every Sunday. 11 A. M. Brooklyn Masonic Temple, cor. Clennont and Lafayette Ares., Brooklyn, N Y. Subitst. Maxell 14. "The Toaohlngs of .leans the Christ." Musk*. All Welcome. "THEODORE G. NORTHRUP Hotel MoAlpln (Green Room), 11:15. ; "THE MAN AT THE WHEEL." ; EVERYBODY INVITED. GOOD MUSIC. MRS. MARY CHAP?N, E Commodore Ballroom. All o'clock. "Poise and Personality," ?11 Welcome. NKW CHURCH (Swedenborglan) NEW CHURCH 36th St., between Park und Lexington A\ e: Rev. .lullau K Smyth. IJastor. Sunday School, 10:11, A. M. Service. 11. The Pastor Will preach. Subject: ?TEMPTED" PHILOSOPHY ?su , ,samw?*mm\im-,., ? Tower of Personality' Is a subject wliieh intorests ofery one. This 1? ?specially true when viewed In the Utjht and davelopud under tile fruida/ice ff Uie teachings of (lie Sears Philosophy wliieh makes folks think. Sunday, 11 a, ni.. Dr. P. W. Boars will lecture ou tills subject at ttio i rincfiss Tn63ir6 Bet. b'??* & ?th av. Admission to uon-suhsorlbers. $1. PRKSBVTERIAN BRICK~CHURCH Fifth Avenue and Thirty-seventh Street I .? . , , WILLIAM PIERSON MERRILL. MuHstcis: \ THEODORE AIN8WOBTH QREENE. DR. MKRK1LE ?111 preai-h at 11 atid ?. Till?!? School ot 0:4(1 A. M. f'aneral Discussion Bible Class at 10 A. M. I*r<i?(**<>r Charlea' Ttiadrieus Terry. Leader. Young People's Society Social and Supper Meeting, 5:30-8.00. FRIDAY NOON HOUR OF MUSIC AT 12:12. "Spanish Music." b> Clarence Dickinson, assisted j by Pearl Jiutton-SUradcr, Soprano; Berthe Bar,?., ! YloUruflt. SEVEN LENTEN ADDRESSES CHRISTIAN UNITY are being given in , THE BRICK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Fifth Ave. and S7th St. ' on successive Monday 'Afternoons at *:00, lieffiiiniufr Monday, February 9th. Speaker March 15th. at 4 P. M. REV. HENRY SLOANE COFFIN. D.D. "THE MIND OF THE MASTER." nt Rev. Charles Sumner Burch, d.d., will preside. The iRst speaker in ih<? series will be i Rt. Rev. Ethelbert Talbot, D.D.. Bishop of Bethlehem, Pa. CFNTRAI PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. V.C1*, i RAL Madison Ave. and S7th St. Rev. Wilton Merle-Smith, I). I>., Pastor ROBERT W. ROGERS, D. 0., will .preach at 11 A M. and i .SO I*. M. A ftei noon Subject : "ABRAHAM AND KINGS OF HIS DAY IN THE LIGHT OF ARCH/EOLOQY." Sunday School. 9 AS A. AI. Yfiimg People'? Meeting. 8 P. M. WedJiortd?}. i* l?. M., Devotional Mae?njt. FIRST PRESBYTCR??Cri?RCH Old F?rtt. University Place and Madlten Square Feundatlon. ?, , . Ro\. George Alexander. 1> D. minister? * Ha?. Harry Krmwrson Pnediok, T>. r?. Re?. Tliitnas (linhrie ftpsers. an-vices in University Place Church, Cor. 10th St , cm* Mook east of Fifth Ave. 11 A. M.?Dr. Fosdlek will preavh. X P. M Mr. *<p.t*ni. Fifth Ave. Presbyterian Church FIR!. Avenue and Fifty-fifth Street. Mini....... JRev. JOHN KB!.MAN. D- D. Ministers. JRev james PALMER, Ph. D. BISHOP Linn's R WILSON wilt prearli at tl A M. and 4:30 1*. M. At 4. Organ lloclla) by T^miMrood Faniani. Rit*lo School at 0:30. Men's C?law at 10 A. M. At N IS P. M . Wednesday, in the Chapul. Midweek Service conducted by Or. Paluwr. R?TC?FR"-*? PRESBYT?RIAl<~~CHURCrL 5**"%* 7,e,*V^ Broadway and 7Sd St. The Pastor, Rev. DANIEL RUSSELL, D. D? ?ill preach at 11 A. M. S P. M.??-Crest Leaders and rresent Problems (5) REV. DANIEL RUSSELL, D. D.v "WHAT SHALL THE CHURCH SAY?" BROADWAY PRESBYTERIAN CHl'RCI?. BiondwHy an I 114th Street. Re? WALTER. PCNCAN BUCHANAN, D. D? ; , Minister, ?Hi jweach 11 A. M. and 8 p. M. j WADTU PRESBYTERI?N~CHCRCH i ?"??? 825 West 155th St. ?or. John R. Marks*?. D.D.. IX.D? P?*tor I 11 A. M.--"What Time Reveals." ! S P. M.?"The Human Heart." ? St. Nicholas Ave.tJw?A.?&.'??L Ml/Oster. Re?. ELLIOTT W. BROWN. D. D. SetTice? 11 A M. and 8 P. M. WEST"pARK~PR?sBYfER?AN 1;h?RGhT"" Amiterdsm Avenue aed 86th Street. Rev. ANTHONY H. EVANS. 0. D.. ?tttir. Dr. Bran* wilt preach at 11 A. M. and t P. S3. Bvaidn? Su&jeot: "Oh* Pray? Life of Jem*." . PKP.SBYTERIAN I FOURTH PB???S PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL Cfturcfi of tfce ?ran?ftsuratton l'East 29th Street-Dr. BOLGHTON. Rector The REY. SHIRLEY C. HI'GHSON. Superior O. H. C. '.s preacliinB here DAILi. during the week beginning Sunday. March 14th, 10-0, at NOON and on MONDAY EVENING. The subject of his sermon SUNDAY Is the "Church's (Sacramental System " AT NOON ' MONDAT?"Baptism, the Door of the Church." TUESDAY?"Confirmation, the Seal of the Spirit." WEDNESDAY?"The Blessent Sacrament; God's Gift of Himself." THURSDAY? "Penance, tho Gift of Pardon." : FRIDAY?"Holy Orders, tho Priesthood of Christ." ! SATURDAY?"Matrimony and Unction, Divine Grace in Life and in Death." ; MONDAY at S P. M.?CHURCH ALLIANCE: Holy Confirmation. i C ft u r c fi th. ?Bncamation Madi?on Aie and 35th St. The Rev. HORACE PERCY SILVER. Rector. t 8 A. At. Holy Communion. 9:30 A. M. Sunday School. 11 A. M. Mom Ins Prayer. Sermon by the Rev. L. E. Sunder] and. 4 P.M. Special Musical Service "Out of the Darkness," by Gounod. John Donne. Organist and Choir Master. Dally Lenten Services with Prominent Speakers. 12:15 to 12:40. fcO/,lN THE iLABOUWERIH Tenth Street West ?-/Second Avenu WILLIAM NOJtMAH GUTHRIE.Jfrcrt? il A. M. service und sermon by the rector. Subject: ?CHRIST, THE DESIRE OP NATIONS." ?1 P. M. Interrogator}' on Splrlt-Survlval. Walter Franklin Prince, Ph.D. S P. M. Symbolic service and community singing. Church of the Heavenly Rest Fifth Art . nboTo 45th St. REV. HERBERT SHIPMAN. RECTOR 11 A. M. Right Rev. Arthur S, Lloyd. D. D. Confirmation Service 8 P. M. The Gloria Trumpeters SPECIAL MUSIC. Cljurch of tfje ?ransfi?uratiou 1 East 29tli Street?Dr. HOUflHTOX, Jteclur. COMMUNIONS: :, ? and 0 o'olock 10:^0: SERMON and MARTIN'S MASS in C. Preacher: Rev. Father lU'GHSON. o. H. C, 4 o'clock: CHORAL EVKNSONO. Three Anthem* 5 o'clock: SERMON-Rov. W. W. DAVIS. DAILY at NOON: Father HI'GHSON, O. H. C. MONDAY, 8 P. M. : O?nnrmaUon?Father Huglison. Cathedral of St. John the Divine Amsterdam Avenue und llltb Street. S and 10 A. M.~Tlio Holy Oommunh?-. 9 A.M.?Holy Communion (Japanese). 11 A. M.?Preacher, I>can Itohliins. 4 P. M.?Preacher, Rev. Theodore, 'Sedgvrteli. Dally Hat vices. 7:.'>0 A. M. 5 P. M. I choral eieept ? Monday and Saturday). Dr. Chorley's American Church History Lectuiv. Wednesday, ai 4 P. M, ?fete ?Qoma0*0 Cl)urcl) FIPTH AVE. AND .S3D ST. Rev. KIINEST M. ST1RHS. D. D.. Rector. . * A. M.?Ho!;.' Communion. 11 A. M.?Morning Service and Sermon (Rector). 4 P. M.?Evensong and Address (Rector). 5 P. M.?Hour of Organ Music. Dally Lenten Service..-,, 12, 5 "Rector!. Chapel of the Intercession (Trinity l'arlsb), R'way & 106th St. Rev. M. H. Gates, D. D.. Vicar. S tnd 8:4' a. m., Holy Communion. 9:45, School. Il a. m. Service and Sermon. 4 p. m.. Vespers. S p m., Oonnrmatlon, Right Rev. Charles S Ruruh, I>. D., Bishop of New York, officiating. ALL ANGELS' CHURCH WEST END AVE. AND 81ST STREET. Rev. S. De L-iucey Townsend, I>. D? Rector t Holy Communion . S A. M. I Morning Prayer and Sermon (Hector).11 A. M, Evensong (Rev. W. .1. )>. Thuinas?... 4P.M. Strangers Welcome. CALVARY CHURCH *? A" lie?. THEODORE SEDGWICK, D. I) . Rector. Holy Communion, s und 10:16 Il and S V. M. (Tho Rector) Noon-Day Services (l?:15-12:45). Preacher, Rev. If. V. H. Darlington A SCENSION^havbnd? Rev. Dr. PERCY KTJCKNLV UILCVJ*. Hector. 11?"The lniercliureli World MovvnuMii and New York" (Dr. Grant), 4 Muslo: "Manzoni Requiem," Verdi 8?Forum: Walter W. IJgget!. ?'The Nonpartlsan league i"i Action." CHURCH OF TIIK HOLY COMMUNION (Sixth Avenue and 30th Street. *) A. M. Holy Communion. ?I A. M.~ Morning Prayer (Rector), lu M?Holy (?.mnmiilon 8 P. M-?Evening Prayer (Rector). 12:20 P. M. -DAIf.Y NOONDAY 8&RVICE R:15 P. M THURSDAY?ORGAN RECITAL. ? Church of Zion and St. Timothy :m Weit r.;th Sired. Her. Frederick Burgess Jr., II. D., Rector. 8. 11 (Hector) and 8 ( llev. C. o. Hicks) Next Thursday ?veiling hi. 8:15. Rev Gustar A Carstouaeu, I? l>. GRACK ('III ISCH. Rroadwnv uml 10th St. Ht>?. Charir.?? Lewis Slat tery, D. D., Rector. Hoir Cnrum'inioii . SA M Service ami Sermon (Tlie Uectori.H A. m! Evensong (Archdeacon Stuck).8 P. M ' Daily Lenten Service?, 1?' 'in and 4 SO. ST. JAMES' CHURCH Madison Avenue X- 71st s'treet. Rev. Frank WtirflcUi Crowder, Hector, 8 A. M., 11 A M. (KKCTOR) 4 P. M. (Rev. B. RUSSELL ?OVRNE). ST. MATTHEW'S ?i?iiS?, Rev. Arthur II. Judge. D. D.. Reelur. UNI VKRSA LIST #V(lCH frifc DIVINE CriOr Qf ! PATERNITY Central Park West?* 76.Tf.ST. JOSEPH FORT NEWTOHD.D.I MINISTerV Will Preach Sunday Morning 11 o'clock "THE JOURNAL OF WOOLMAN." Double Choir. Visitors Welcome. SPIRITUALIST FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 159 K. 68th St., Near 3rd At?. SUNDAYS AT 8 P. Sf. Mr* M. E. Williams. Inspirational Speaker. Oood Mediums. All welcome. Lea? Thai Spirits Coniinuulcat? REFORMED Collegiate Church of New York THE MIDDLE CHURCH. 2d Ave, and 7th St. Rev. Edgar Franklin Ronilg, Minister, will preach at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. THE MARBLE CHURCH. 5th Av?. and 20th St. Rev. David James Burrall. D. D., Minister, ' will preach. 11 A.M., "Are You a Truth Teller?" 8 P. M., Dr. Daniel A. Poling will preach. Subject: "The Man Who Can." THE CHURCH OF ST. NICHOLAS. 0th Ave. and 48th St. Malcolm James MacLeod,) M|nlsteIi,. Robert *A, Courtney, S 11 A. M., Rev. Arthur F. Mabon. 8 P. M., Rev. Robert W, Courtney. 7:00 P. M., Organ Recital. THE WEST END CHURCH. West End Avo. and 77th Street. Rev. Henry Evertson < oDb, D. D., Minister. Rov. Thomas MoBride Nichols will preach at 11 A. M. <:?'.<) P. M? Dr. Cobb will preach. *.??v r. .?i., ur, a odd win prenun. Special Music, ?Maunders Cantata, "Oil i vet to Calvary." liana Kronold, Cellist. 7:30 P. M., Young People's Society. THE FORT WASHINGTON CHURCH. Fort Washington Ave. and 181st St. Rev. Irving H. Berg, D. U., Minister, will preach. 11 A. M., "Nicodemus a Timid Believer. 6 P. M . "Facing Enemies." All Seats Free. REFORMED CHURCH OF-HARLEM Lenox Avenue, and 123d Street. Rev. EDGAR TILTON, Jr., J'. D? Minister. will preach at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. HAMILTON GRANGE, Convent and 140th St. 11 A. M.?Rov. Robert W. Courtney. S P. M.?Rev. Arthur Fredcriok Mabon. SOCIET? OF FRIENDS RELIl'IOUS SOCIETY OP PKIE.VDS. Meetltlgl for worship, 11 a. m.. at 2_1 East 15th S?.. Man liatttan. and 110 Scherruerhoni St.. Brooklyn. UNITARIAN THE COMMUNITY CHURCH 11 A. M.? New Amsterdam Theatre, JOHN HALVES HOLMES. "DOES C'OD KNOW HIS OWN MIND?" 4:30 P. SI-Broadway Tabernacle, at 56th ?St. Vfsper ?Service, MK. HOLMES. "JAMES H. HVSLOP & IMMORTALITY." 8:15 P. M.?Forum, Ethical Culture Meet in? House. MR. NORMAN HAPGOOD "WHAT ABOUT RUSSIA'.'" 10 A. M.?New Amsterdam Theatre. HARVEY DEE HROW.N. '"Psychoanalytic Suidies: Miracles ?n Psy? chological Creations." >0t?if? FOURTH An'b.\'U>! AT 20TH HTKKtH?. Founded 1819. WILLIAM L. SULLIVAN. Minister. Service at 11 A. M. "THE MODERN MALADY" will bo Dr. Sullivan's subject. A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL. This Church is dedicated to spiritual ? life and discipline of charater, without ?constraint of creeds. UNITARIAN PREACHING, Church of the Saviour, Brooklyn S?pt. 28, 11 A. M. REV. JOHN H. LATIIROP, Pierrepont St. and Moni'oe Pi. Four minutes, Borough Hall subtrs?, ??VEST SIDE UNITARIAN CHURCH (Unity Con toi ail ?Society). 11 to-morrow, Mar! Hall, li'wuv und IITMi St. CHAIU.BS FRANCIS POTTER, "LO?ALTY ANO IUKKIKiM." T. M. C. A. AT THE 23D ST. T. M. C. A. StlN'PAT, March 14th, St 4 P. M., Judge Thomas C. T. Craln of the Criminal Court of Gen ???ral Sessions will speak on "Some Places of Criminal Legislation"; 5:16. Mr. B. B. Farnsworth on "Realities of Christianity," Mr. \V. \V. Argow on "Social Religion"; at 8 P. M? Mr. B. B. Farnsworth on "Co? operation.' DR. S. PARKES CADMAN "The In Two Worlds." KISMET TEMPLE BAND Bedford Br. V. M. t!. A.. 1121 licdrrird Aie., Bklyn. Sunday ,1:00 P. M. Men only. ."re?. Greatest Men's Meeting in (Jrenter Now "fork. V. W. C. A. Central Branch, Lexington Ave. (53d St.) 5 P. M.' -VESPER SKftVICE. 7:30?"KOREA," Miss Martha Swltier. OTHER SERVICES THE MYSTIC NUMBER 666 What is the image of the Beast? What is the mark of the Beast? A Prophetic Bible Addreaa l<v Carlyle B. Haynes in the CASINO THEATRE 39th St. and Broadway SUNDAY NIQHT, MARCH H, at 7:4S o'olock. The Largest Sunday night congre? gation In X?r Yorlt. yueatica end Am.wer Sortie? after the Address. All seats free. Tou are weloom?. rs/////////s////s///s///jvsss/s/s//ss////////s///s//ss/s?i?, AEOLIAN HALL ?*. ?g sl? u ^ m "Physical Performances Through Psychics" l-Ature bv Girt-id e Ogden Tubby. B. S., Ass't !4eo. Am. Soc. for Psyoliieal Research. Ti.;l??ts ."i5c. to %%"'?. The Universal Church of Jesus Christ. The Cofmoloeis.1. '?00 "-Ves: lSlat St; Hall No. 19.--Bvery Thursday night ?t S. Subject: "THE UNITY OF LIFE." hv Or Ttivero Divine Healing after service, i las.?i< ?I muaie. AH iveh-orse. CHINATOWN THE RESCUE SOCIETY Old Chinese Theatre, 5-7 DOYERS STREET Wide awake Gospel Service, Nightly ?0 P.M. Thomas J. Noonan, Superintendent. THE UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Service In the Chapel. Claremont Avenue, between l"0i.ii and 122d Sireru. at eleven o'clock. Preacher, the Bewreod CHARLES REYNOLD? BROWN. D.D., Dean of Tale School of Religion. ? I Bethnor, Baltimore; Bound Brook; Santos, Brazil; Bxcelslor. Havana; Harald (Nor). Clenfugos; Mexico (MeX). Progroso; C T Warring. Havana; Tlpton, Tela; Troja (Nor), AntnfagasU. Chile, via Panama Canal. Sailed: Sirs Actor (Br), Liverpool; Bolvernon (Nor). Vera Crus; British Bar? on (Br), London via Newport News; Day? ton, New York: Bills (Nor). Tola; Msco rls (Br), Ouantanamo; Mexicano (Nor), Christiania. Norway, and Gothenburg, Sweden, via Newport News; ?ola, Pro? greso via Campeche: Omoa (Hond), Omoa via Port Cort?s; San Ramon, Vera Cruz via Tampico. PORT TAMPA, Mar chl3?Arrived : Str Lake Qravella, Baltimore. Sailed: Sehr City of Baltimore, Ponsacola; Str Romera (Br), Glasgow. SAND ICISY, Pia.. March 1.?Passed south, lUh, Twilight (Br), ; west, 11th, Bethlerldge. Ronnokc; 12th, Daybreak (Br), Duke (Br), War African (Br), Nlceto do Larrlnaga (Br), Jessie O. Noyes, Wlco. , SAN FRANCISCO. March 12?Arrived: Str? Sjeyo Maru (Jap), Valparaiso. Sailed: Strs Oraco Dollar, Now York; Atlas, .Tuneau; Tactician (Br), Liverpool; Wost Kasson, Colombo. SAVANNAH, March 12?Arrived: Strs West Mead. Charleston; Llgonler, Port Arthur. Sailed: Stra Monomae, Bremen; Kscambia, London and Hamburg; Na cuochee, Boston; Cramer Hall, New York. TAMPA, March 12?Arrived: Schrs Rebecca R Douglas. Sagua' La Orandel Westway (Br), Havana. Sailed: Schrs Herald. Sagua La Grande; Beatrice (Br), Nuevltas. FOREIGN PORTS Departures from New York Narvik?S S Homestead. Samaran??S S Bultenzorg. ?Singapore-.-.1* H C'ostlgan. Arlosto. Hong Kong?S ?S Cape May. ?Santos?S FkRomney. Avonmouth? -S S Dakota?. Liverpool?S S La Place. Portland?S S Lumen. Brixhani?S S Tongrler. Shields?S ?S t'ompiunipaw. Arrivals from New York : Genoa?3 S Duca d'Aosta Dunkirk?Consort. I Havre?S S De Soto, La Sarvie. Montevldo??S ?S Dochra. ?St Nazatre?S S Jtcmus. Liverpool?S S Alexandrian. Calcutta??S S City of Hankow. Buenos Ayre3?S S Nasmyth. Plymouth?S S Kaiserin Auguste Vic? toria. Port Said?S S Clan MacGllloray. Antofagaste?S S, Polybus. Christiansand?Bark Skomeraer. Panama Canal, Cristobal?S S Clairton, West Eldara, Yang Tsze. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS The connecting mails close at the Gen? oral Postoffice and City Hall Postoffioe Stalion. New York, at 6 p m., as follows: Japan. Corea, China, Slam, Siberia, Cochin China, Netherlands East Indies and Philippine Islands, via Seattle, steamship Suwa Maru, March 14. Tahiti, Marquesas. Cook Islands, New Zealand and Australia, via San Francisco, steamship Moana. March 17. Vetter Decision Reserved Lieutenant Louis Vetter, of the Clin? ton Street police station, was tried yes? terday at Headquarters on a charge of failing to have a prompt search made of the clothing of Abraham Cohen, of 67 Willett Street, who dropped dead near his home January 5. Cohen's widow, Mrs. Lena Cohen, de? clared that when her husband left home that day he had $2,850 in cur? rency in his waistcoat pockets, but when she called at the police station to claim the body only $700 of Liberty bonds were found. She said her husband car? ried his ?savings in his waistcoat be? cause, he distrusted banks. Lieutenant Vetter admitted there was some delay in searching the body, due to pressure of other business. Decision was reserved. Army Orders From The ?Tribune'. Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, March 12.?Army orders issued to-day follow: Signal Corps Brown, Capt. F, W., to Long Branch. Bradner, Major J. P., to Detroit. Baker, Lt. Col. E. O., to Takoma Park. Infantry Rose, Major W. C, to New York and Phila? delphia. Schmitt, Lt. P. S., to Fort McPherson. Gooch, Lt. W. G., to Camp Taylor. Brooks, Capt. J. L., to Chicago. Bowen, Capt. T. ?S., to Rich Field. McCahill, Capt. P. B., to Fort McPherson. De Funink, Col. F. R., jr., to Camp Funston. Brickaon, Capt. J.. to Camp Funston. Cavalry Walsh, Major R. L.. to Mather Field. Smith, Capt. T., to Providence and Boston. Dewhurst, Capt. W., to Fort Ringgold. Hclhel, Lt, J. M., to Monterey. Sweeney, Lt. Col. C. B., to Fort Riley. Quartermaster Corps Gamble,' Cspt. C. L., to Camp Normoyle. Frazer, Capt. A., to Camp Holablrd. Thrnckmorton, Capt. C. W., to Camp Gordon. Leslie, 2d Lt. W. H., to Camp Pike. I Sumpter, Capt. J. E., to Fort Sheridan. Air Service Green. Lt. C. F., to Hot Springs. Monthan. 2d Lt. O.. to Rockwell Field. Mahan. Lt. L. D., to Mitchel Field. Hart?.. Lt. Col. R. S.. to Ellington Field. Geiser, Lt. Coi. H., to Ross Field. Hightower, Maj. A. J., to Buffalo, llaslett, Major E. R? to Boiling Field. , Ocker, Major W, C? to I.angley Field. ! Daggett, Major B. B., to Langley Field. Noble, Capt. C. G., to Richmond. Savage, Capt. C. M., to Ross Field. Streett, Capt. S., to Mitchel Field. Wieners, Capt. F. B., to March Field. Murphy, Capt. W. IL, to Mitchel Field. Drnyton, Capt. H. C? to Langley Field. Marquette, Cap?. ,1. ,).. to Kelly Field. Edwards, Capt, J. S., to Mitchel Field, .?icott. Capl. G? to Rockwell Field. Blphinstone, Capt. D. (.'., to Middletown. Tliorndike, Capt. H. A., to McCook Field Mackenzie, Capt. K., to Carlstrnm Field. Pascale, Capt. H., to Keuy Field. Bartlett, Capt. V. M., to Carlstrom Field Soubiran, Major R., to Langley Field. O'Connor' Lt K. A., to Middletown ?Sturcken. Lt. H. E? to Kelly Field. Jaoobi, Lt. W. J., to Lang lev Field Kendall, Lt. J. D.. to Mitchel Field. Slocum, Ll. P. F., to Middletown. Creene, Lt C. F.. to Rockwell Field. Page, Lt E. R. to Rockwell Field. I'ropst, Lt R. W., to Cnicago. Matlieison, Lt. J., to Kelly Field. Horton, 2d Lt, O. F.. to Kelly Field. Sullivan, ?d Lt. C. W.. to Kelly Field. Bennett Opens Fight On Primary Nominees Former Senator William M. Bennett, Johnson candidate for delegate-at large*from New York to the Chicago convention, yesterday began an attack aimed at preventing ex-Senator Chaun cey M. Depew, George Cromwell, Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, Charlea D. Hilles, former chairman of the Repub? lican National Committee; Edward M. Morgan and John J. Lyons from having their names retained on the regular organization primary ballot in the 11th, 19th and 21st districts. The protest against the petitions in the 11th District, where Mr. Depew and Mr. Cromwell are candidates, is based upon the contention that four different petitions were filed, none of which contained tho number of signa? tures required by lavy. It is specified in the election law that any number of petitions bound together and filed together shall be regarded as one peti? tion. Bennett points out that the four petitions in the 11th District were filed separately and are indexed as "separate petitions. Bennett contends that the petitions in the 19th and 21st districts should be declared invalid because many of the signatures are not authenticated and because many groups of names on them were apparently written by the same person. Should Bennett succeed in establishing the illegality of these petitions it would leave only the John? son nominees on the ballots in these districts. -, ? Death-House Guard Dies Edward O'Toole Had Been Sing Sing Employee Thirty Years Edward O'Toole, fifty-five, for more than thirty years a keeper in Sing Sing Prison, and since 1900 a guard in the death house, died on Wednesday in Ossining following an operation. One of the first men over whom O'Toole stood guard was Albert Pat? rick, sentenced to die in 1900 for the murder of William Marsh Rice, million? aire president of the Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company. Patrick had been Rice's attorney. The sentence was commuted to life imprisonment and Patrick was pardoned in 1912 by Governor Dix. Others with whom O'Toole was associated as a death house guard -were Charles Becker, Ro? land B. Molineux and Dr. Arthur War? ren Waite. ? O'Toole is survived by his wife and j two children. A son is employed on the staff of "The New York World." Robert L. Maitland, Retired Tobacco Exporter, Is Dead Robert Lenox Maitland, sixty-six, a wealthy retired tobacco exporter of this city, died on Thursday night at his home, 90 Hamilton Avenue, Rochelle Heights, New Rochelle. Mr. Maitland was a descendant of the Maitland family of Scotland. He was born in West Fourteenth. Street, this city, and was a great-nephew of James Lenox, founder of the Lenox Library. Mr. Maitland was one of the oldest members of the old 7th Regiment and a member of the Veterans Association. He is survived by his wife, daughter of the Rev. William M. Taylor, for twen? ty-three years pastor of the Broadway Tabernacle. ^ . _ FRANK A. CLARK Frank A. Clark, fifty-six years old, well known theatrical man of Brook? lyn, died Thursday after an illness of thirteen months from a complication of diseases at his residence, 57A Bain bridge Street, Brooklyn. Mr. Clark had been in the employ of Hyde & Betunan for more than six? teen years, during which time he had been successively treasurer of the Gayety Theater, in Williamsburg; man? ager of the Star Theatre, in Jay Street, for several years, and treasurer of the Casino, on Flatbush Avenue. He served during the war in the commandant's of? fice in the navy yard. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Emma Farrell Clark, and a brother, Henry Clark, of Brooklyn. JOSEPH D. O'BRIEN Mounted Patrolman Joseph D. O'Brien became ill with acute indigestion yes? terday while on duty in Prospect Park, Brooklyn. He rode to the menagerie and told the keeper to send for an am? bulance, and then fell from his horse unconscious. He was dead before the arrival of Dr. Stade, of the Methodist Episcopal Hospital. Patrolman O'Brien was forty-one years old. He was married and lived at 54 Concord Street, Brooklyn He had been on the police force since Au? gust, 1907. IRVING H. GALLUP ONECO, Cent)., March 12.-Irving H Gallup, fifty-five, a direct descendant of one of the hrst Gallujis that came to his state in 168t and also of the early settlers named Tanner, died here to-day after a lon?r illness. He had more than five hundred relatives resid? ing throughout Rhode Island and Con? necticut, many of them prominent in ? business and society. MRS. SUSAN p. DE CASANOVA Mrs. Susan Ford de Casanova, sev? enty-seven, widow of Jose R de Casanova, died Thursday at her home, 845 President Street, Brooklyn Her Metropolitan Pastors' Conference TENS of thousands of Pastors have attended what are probably the most important series of Church Confer? ences ever held in the United States. They have been impressed and inspired as never before, and have come away feeling that Jesus Christ was remarkably manifested. The experience and inspiration from these Conferences will be duplicated in the Metropolitan Pastors' Conference, Monday, March 15th, at 10 a. m., and Tuesday, March 16th, in the Madison Avenue Baptist Church, corner 31st Street, New York City. S. Earl Taylor will deliver the opening address illustrated with stereopticon views. Among other notable speakers will be, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., William H. Foulkes and Daniel A. Poling. ; Urge Your Pastor to Attend You can obtain the facts of the Interchurch World Movement in no tfther way. Your Church, as a part of the Movement, and participating in its activities, should be represented by its Pastor, because: I?This i* the first time that the Evangelical church??? have ever '-orne togeth<*r in such a unifie?! effort for Christ; and the first timo all ihr Pastors have ever been assembled for a common program. 3?Complete plan? for the program of the Interchurch World Move? ment at home and abroad will b? dt?cus*ed. .V -The exact relationship which your church and your denomination hear to the Interchurch Movement will he presented. 4- Full details will he presented covering the Evangelistic. Steward? ship and Financial Campaigns of which your church is a part. This Conference will stimulate the spiritual inspiration, and supply the information necessary for the successful conduct of the part of the great evangelistic work assigned to your church. Interchurch world movement 45 West 18th Street New York, N. Y. ? husband was Consul to Panama undei the Cleveland administration and held ? other consvrlar offices. She is sur? vived by three sons and two grand-; children._ MRS. ALWINE F. K. LOEWE Mrs.* Alwins F. K. Lorwe. seventy- : seven, widow of William Loowe. for forty years affiliated with the Theo? dore Thomas -Orchestra, of Philadel? phia, is dead at her horno in this city. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. ^ Anne Zeigler, a vocal teacher of the, Metropolitat? Opera House. THOMAS HADE Thomas Hade, formerly employed as a servant for the Astor family, died yesteriav at his home, 366 East 207th Street, of heart disease. His first em? ployer was William B. Astor, 18,b. He was last employed by Vincent Astor.^ He was made independent by money left to him by Mr. and Mrs. Astor. OBITUARY NOTES WILLIAM RYERSON HUNTER, eighty. ; of 156 Clinton Street. Brooklyn, a member ? of one of the oldest families of Brooklyn and a nephew of John W. Hunter. Mayor of the old City of Brooklyn m IS,4 died Thursday after a Ion? illness. In former years he had been m the banking husineb? In this city. He was a member of the 13th Regiment of Brooklyn prior to tha Civil War, mid was a member .*f if veterans associa? tion: He is survived by his wife. Mrs. Kate Hunter. MRS. JOSIE BOWERS BALL, w ife of ' Captain George Ball, of 123C Pacific Street, Brooklyn, died Wednesday night. Her hus? band is a veteran of the 23d Regiment of Brooklyn, and was formerly in command o. Company F of that command. He is an in? surance broker in this city. Mrs. Ball is also survived by two daughters. JOHN J. MURRAY, an old-time stone vard owner, of the Eastern District of Brook? lyn, died at his home in Red Bank. N. J.. Thursday afternoon after an illness of six weeks, from heart disease caused by in? fluenza. He is survived by his wife, a brother and three sisters. LEWIS VICTOR HANER. a marine en? gineer, employed In the submarine construc? tion work at Newark, N. J., died Thursday from pneumonia at his home, Linden and Ridgewood Avenues, Brooklyn. He was thirty-four years old. He is survived by his wile, Mrs. Agatha Schlotter Haner. THEODORE CRANTZ, thirty-one, of S2 Powers Street, Brooklyn, is dead in Mount Sinai Hospital, Sn this city, from pneumonia. He was an horticulturist, and had control of a large estate at White Plains, N. Y. He is survived by his wife, his parents, six brothers and two sisters. GUILLERMO THORN, eighty-four, of 341 Watchung Avenue, Plainfield, N. J., the oldest photographer in that city, died yes? terday in the Muhlenburg Hospital, Plain field. He was one of the first to use the tin type in photography. He is survived by two sons, a daughter, a brother and a sister. ALBERT EDWARDS PRINCE, sixty-five, a sales manager for the du Pont de Nemours company, died yesterday after a lingering ?liness at his home in this city. BIRTHS BARUDIN?Mr. and Mi's. Samuel Barudin f nee Isabelle Gutterman) announce the birth of a son. March 11. DREXEL? On Sunday, January 18. at 46 Great Cumberland Place, London, Nancy, the wife of Louis Drexel. of a son. FLEISCHAKER ? Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Fleischaker. of 219 West 81st st., announce the birth of a son at Harriman Hospital on March 11. HEINRICHS?Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hein? richs i nee Florence Ochsi, of 1326 Madi? son ave., announce the birth of a daughter at Minzenheimer Sanitarium. 14') East (?1st st.. March 11, 1920, NETCER?Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Netcer. of 240 Riverside Drive, announce tlte birth of a son, Thursday, March 11. ENGAGEMENTS RUFF?BABIXOWITZ ? Ruth Rabinowitz, 51 East 97th st.. to Adolph Ruff. 1050 Lowell st.. March. 1920. MARRIAGES BROWN?HIGGINS?Mrs. Elizabeth Arnold Higgin.i announces the marriage of her daughter, Katherine, to Mr. Louis Armi stead Brown jr.. Thursday. October 3. 1919, New York. N. Y. DALY-CREENHALL-Mrs. Elizabeth Green hall announces the marriage of hei daughter. Sadie, to Maurice Duly jr. GILCHRIST?DOUGLAS Mr. and Mrs. William B. Douglas announce the mar? riage of their daughter, Dorothy, to Lieu? tenant James Gilchriat, M. C . Match 10, 1920. STRAUSS?GOLDSMITH - Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goldsmith announce the marriage of their daughter. Miriam, to Haloid Straus?, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Strauss, of 9S5 East 18th st., Fiatbush, on March 11, 1920, by the Rev. Dr. Samuel Levinson. DEATHS BAUKKR-?On March 10. 1920. Mildred E. Bauker. Funeral from 859 10th ave.. Sun? day, at 2 p. m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. BELLOWS?On March 7. Anna Peabody, widow of the Rev. Henry W. Bellows. Fu nearal at King's Chapel, March 13, at 3 p. m. BLACK -March [0, 1920. Rahecen Black, widow of James Black. Funeral at 4 .".3 West 33d st., Sunday, at 1 o'clock. BOETTIGEB On March 10, John P. Bfcet tiger, beloved husband of Frederica. i"'.i neral at 357 Jamaica ave., Brooklyn,' <m March 13. at .2 o'clock. BRENAr* -On March 10 at 19 West 102d >t.. Catherine Brenan, widow of Edward Brenan. Mass at the Church of the Holy Name. 96th st. and Amsterdam ave., on March 13. at 10 o'clock. Interment Cal? vary Cemetery. BRENNAN?On March 10. 19C0. Rlanche. wife of Thomas Brennan. Funeral Mardi 13, at 9 a. m., from 726 Columbus ave. - CAM.PAZZJ-- On March 10. [920, Earl J Campazr.i. Funeral on March 13 at 10:30 a. m., from 15 Prospect Place. GARY?Joseph, on March 9. Services THE FUNERAL CHURCH (Frank E. Carap beln. Broadway, 66th ?t., Saturdav, U a. m. CONNOLLY?Ellen M. B.. widow lof Dr ? James J. Connolly, on Fehruarv 14 1-uneral on March 13 at 10 o'clock at St. Vincent de Paul's Roman Catholic Church, West 23d st., between tit h and 7 th aves Interment Calvary Cemetery.- - ' COZZENS -March 12, Lucy H. Co2*Jns widow of the late John Broome ?ozzens fer at residence of her ?on, Issachar 500 West End av. Notice of funeral hereafter./ CROOKS?-Tottenville, S. I., March 10, 1920 the Rev. English Crooks. Funeral at St! Stephen's Episcopal Church. Tottenville Si !.. March 13 at 1 :30 p. m. Interment at Staten island Cemetery. DOUGHERTY -On Mare? 11, Robert ? M Dougherty, hubsand of Anna I)(,iiKhirtv" , luneral from 686 Westminster ave/ on March ?S, at 9:30 a. m. 'Interment/Cal? vary. DI'FKY Ellen M.. on March 9 |T'f) pu neral March 13. 1920, a' 10 a. m ' from 1 Church of St. Raphael. 41st st. and loth ave. Interment Calvary. DWYER On March in. 1<I20. Denis ,1 Dwyer, husband of Elia? Dwyer. Funerai from 209 Dyckman st., Saturdav, at 9*30 a. m. - EARL- Kenneth Alexander, on March i son of, Edward and Caroline F. Earl, in DEATHS an aeroplane acciden" neral services Sunday ?t Miami. F'a j-u_ at his late resilience"' 185 Gates av., Montefeir, N. J.. on arrival of Lackawnnno train leaving HobVuen _? 3 o'clock. Cars ?will meet train a- ..*[ tion. Interment at-, convenience of the family. FELT-Katharine Gwyer Pep. Marea i? Services at St. Paul's Church, Westfieid N. J.. March 13 at 12 o'clock. Interment private. GOLDMANN Nettie, widow of the ]tx. Frank Goldman?. Funeral Trom Sufi Park ave. on March 13. at S-.Si a. rr. [.. terment St. Raymond'n. HAMILTON -Clara Louise. bel*-.e,J w\f* ,,f Charles H. Hamilton and i,f the ia*e Ira Doddard. at BrookLne, Mar,. Marsh 10. Services THE } FUNE?A). CHURCH (Campbell Building)i Broad-*. at GSth st., Sunday, March ' i. ? ',:'?'?': p. &, Interment private. HENRIETTE -.On March n. Jennie, wife <t Felix. Funeral at 306 Weit :<? , March 13. ?t 9 o'cioc'... Intermer.! < a '. vary. HOFMANN?Thekla, on March : at Main ave. and Broad wa L. I., Saturday, 1 o'clock HUGHES?On ?March 10, 1920, a' Green? ville. N. Y.. Grace Hughe.; Retnr?em mass at St. Catherine'.? Church. S_t?ir?av 10 a. i# Interment at Gate of Heaven Cemetery. HUGHES?On March 11. 1920. Margaret Hughes. Funeral at 233 Lenox ave 5a( . . day evening at 8 o'clock. HUNTER?Died on March 11, atj 1 i dence, 15(i Clinton ta.. Brooklyn) Will av R. Hunter, son of the Sate Wifciam and Maria Hunter and dearly beloved h <b_!ai of Katharine A. Hunter, in his &'. -.a Funeral Saturday morning at '.?} o clock Friends are earnestly to 0IK1. flowers. JOHNSTON Emma, on March 1 ' Servie? THE FUNERAL CHURCH ; t.- F Campbell), Broadway, 66th .-t . Satu is) 12 noon. KEIGWIN?On March 11, 1920, al 'he resi? dence of hi* son. the Rev. Albert feewteu Keigwin, D. D.. pastor emeritus of the West Presbyterian Church, Wilmington, Del., in the 81st year of his age. Ken ae? at the West End Presbyterian Charrh. 105th st. and Amsterdam av.. Mfcnday] March 15. at JO a. rra KELIHER?-On March 10, L920 John J Keliher, husband of Catherine Keiiher. Funeral from 560 SOlh st.. B: March 13. at 9 a. m. Interment Cemetery. KEY SER?On March 11, 1920, Eugens Keyser. Funeral from ,18 Clinton ave, Brooklyn, on March IS at 2 p. m. Inter? ment Calvary Cemetery. LAYMAN?On March 10. Alexander Lay? man. Funeral at 38S3 Amsterdam a e. on March 14 at 1 p. m.? Interment Evergreen Cemetery. MAITLAND?On March 1!, 1920, a* hit rev dence, 90 Hamilton av,. New P.o-hetle. Robert Lenox Maitland, son of the Int? Robert Lenox Maitland, and Mary Maitland, in the 67th year o? bit age Funeral ?services on Saturday, the le? inst., at 2:30 p.' m, Train leaves Gran?! Central Depot 1 :27 p. m. Interment Wood lawn Cemetery. MALLEN?On March 1!. 1920. E iiabeth Mallen, wife of James J. Malien. Fanerai March 14, 1920, at _ p. m , from 107. Union st.. Brooklyn. Interment Cadvar? Cemetery. M'INTYRE- On March 1?), 1920, Mary Me Intyre. Funeral from 15 Morris ?it. O' March 13, at H :30 a. m. Interment Ca'?? vary. ?M'MAHON?On *March 11. 1920, Elizabeth McMahon, wife of Frank McMahon. Fu? neral from 131 Guernsey st.. Brooklyn, on March 15, 9:30 a. m. Interment Rt?a Cross Cemetery. MEEHAN" ? March 10, 1920. Eii-abeti, Loretta Meehan. Funeral Saturda] ? a m.. from 25 East 129th st. Intermen Calvary. MONCADA?On March 10, Emma Morcada Funeral from 251 West 14th st., or S;a urday at 10 a. m. Interment Gate of Heaven Cemetery MORGAN?Suddenly, et M?ntclair, N J March 12. 1920. William Henry, husbsnd of Mary B. Morgan and ton of Wi?iam Morgan. Notice of funeral hereafter. MOSCHCOW1TZ -Leopold, on Mar:' ij husband of Roue Michael Mo:?:; lowiti Funeral March 14, at 10 a. tji-, from 597 Lexington av? corner 52d at. Ml HKAY?Charles Gerald Murray, biaban?! of A''ce Murray. Funeral from I:?:1 Prospecl ave., Brooklyn, on March H. 1920, at 2 ??. m. Interment Cahary. MURRAY?John J., March 11. 192'}. Fa? nerai at 10 a. m.. March 15, a: S: James's R. C. Church, Broad Bt., Red Bank, N. J. Interment Calvary. NUGENT -On March 10. 1920 John .1 husband of Emma Nugent. Funeral from 328 East 80th st. on Saturday, al Sil a. m. Interment Calvary. O'BRIEN -March 10, Jeremiah J husband of Catherine O'Brien. Funeral from ?!-? Hudson st.. March 13, at !.i a. m Inte - ment Holy Name Cemetery. Jersey Cit> PACKARD?On Friday, March 1 S? 1920. Si her residence. 385 Grand av . Brooklyn. N. Y.. Matilda -Packard, aged ?2 rears. Funeral private. PARKINS -On March 10, Ann wife of Henry Parkins sr. Funeral from 401 Weil 13th st.. March 13, a? 10 a m. Inter? ment Holy Name Cemetery. PATTEX?At her home, Poughkeepsie N Y March 12, 1920, Emily Rice Paiten, wife of George M. Patten and daughter of the iat Rev. Spencer M. Rice, of Jersey City. Fu? neral services private. PETERS?On March 12, 1920, kndrew, son of the late Rev. Thomas MoQlurs Peter*. S. T. D., and Alice Clarissa, Richmond. Funeral services at his late residence 291 Hancock st., Brooklyn, Sunday, Msrcl II, at 2:30 p. m. PHILIPS?On March 1!. George Han* Philip?. F'uneral at Westebester, Pa e March 13, at 2:30 p. m. RACINE?On March 10. 1920 R \?" Racine. Funeral at chapel of Weehawkc Crematory, March 13, 10 a. m. SHARKEY On March 1". 192 Mat. A-, wife of William Sharkey. Fu?era! Satur? day, at 9:30 a. m., from 234 West ifi' st. SULLIVAN?On March 10, 1920, V-iatc? Jo.eph. at 115 East 120th st. Requiem mass at St. Paul's Church, East 117th st., Saturday at 10 a. m. In ter men 1 C* - vary. TAINTOR- On March 12, 1920 Ofc-arls Newhall Talntor, in his _0jtb yen- > ices at his late residence! II ?Vest ? ?>'?"? st.. New York. Sunday, ?arch 14, st :i p. m. Interment at Colcljesfcer, Conn. THOMAS?Maria Kendr?ck, wife of Willi?? S. Thomas. Funeral March 1*4 a' 2" p. m.. at Abner Bair Parlors, Phil? delphia, Pa. TIGHE On March 9. John Tighe, husband of the late Winifred Tight. Fujief?! March 13 at 9:3'J a. m. f ta 82 W??< 92d ut. . " IODO -On Thurstty, March 11. I9?0 Ber? tha Large, wife' of Guerin ! ?>?!?! ol 4? Lincoln av.. Orange. N. J. Fai.eisl i>srv ice and interment private rWILLMAN -On March 10, Henry Twill man, Funeral from 537 West 44tb si on March ) ! at 1 :30 p. m. LCKELE On March II. August W., h? hand of Catherine I.Vl.eie. Funeral 1rom 120!? Brook avo., on Marc!, |_ al ' -' p. m. Interment St. Raymond's Csmetc-ry- ' VOSBUKGH On March (0, CarottW ('.. widow of Philo Vosbnrgh '? ? at Greenwood Cemetery chapel Broo_i?*'*> Saturday, al 1 1 a. m. WEINMAN Suddenly, ou March '? Geo*W A-, beloved husband ot D. Weinman, in hin ?'.'Id year. Funeral se?% lee at. his resilience. 170 Wei ? ?'?' *' Sunday. March II. at liai" a. an. li"''-' ment private. WORDEN?On March 10. Thema? C Wbfc den. Funeral from 3*> ?ussex it i '??' .1er-, is. N. V., March 13, at 0 a. m. WHEIS DEATH EIMERS YOLR HOME Call "Columbus 8200'* 4? Any Hour, Day or Night Jonl "A* h0n0r.? W,U be ?>aid i" ? ?av ^?fit^00? trf?our'Day or "'**? THE FUNERAL CHURCHY Broadway at 66* St. 23-sL.., ., a* a ? ArtU"?5 ^????ral De*l??. ?ur Soeoi?!*, ?~?N 7??W B5?OLEUM'.|l^|Ji^ ?enler ?Schutteri?. -.m^? y. *UtlfUl' Greater NeW T<>*-*** ! V;:;"t,KRTAKRRS- Chapel ? Show R,*CH* Compr?te--ready for occupancy Crypta i Amsterdam Ave. Toi. S$S Riv?r??d?. and niches ffjr ??. Booklet an<J particu. j ' mt. _?^ M-A*. ? , ?' ir"?* lar? rwnt on request N Y f?w,_ .. THE M'OODIAIVV ( KMCTKRV, ?W'?'1" Co..Y?oCB0.mTUlm.? ? "l^f . BV "ar!^ Vra.? und bf Troll?. Buildtoar. ?. Yt Toi. ?47I Bryant. ? '?la nm?lalinKL!;e for ?***?*? Office, 20 East 23d St., N. Y.