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Phone, Rector 5000 Josephthal &Cq 120 Broadway, New York Mtmbert Nevo York Stock Exehang? Foreign Government Bonds Private Wlr?es to Principal Cities : French Government Bonds can be bought today at about ' the following prices: 1.000 Francs ; 4a of 1917.$56 Victory 5a.$70 New 5s of 1920. .Mkt. The redemption value of these bonds with French exchange at par would be . approxi? mately: 4s of 1917_$193.00 Victory 5s. 193.00 New 5s of 1920 289.50* *Canie? 50% premium in semi? annual redemption by lot. Circular H-67 on request. Chandler ?Company mcoo?o?ATK? 35 Pino Street, New York Phiiade'.plila Boston Xew Haven Baltimore 5 ?H I Quick Executions 1 it and \r Prompt Reports - I' .. ' combined with per- | sonal attention to in- 1 dividual needs is part ] of our service. Your | > account is not too i ?r small to interest us, i | or too large to over- < F tax the facilities of i > our organization. i l CAI^TA??^S GrCO. { it Members ji Sew 1'orJc Stock Exchange 4\ |L New York Cotton Exchange i\ \y I'hiladelpMa Stock Excham/e f ] 71 Broadway ^ New York L 1419 Walnut St., Phila. > THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY BUFFALO.NX SEVENTIETH YEAR OF SERVICE er I PRICHITT ! ?CO. MEMBERS OF NEW YORK STOCK. EXCHANGE INVESTMENT SECURITIES SIXTY<- BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY Odd Lota Writ? liept. 1? (?Ti SHOLM &(hAPMAW Membara New York Stock Bxohanga 71 Broadway New York City UH?w> Office....,.39 l?. 42nd St. Harlem Office. 390 tienox Av., cor. 1 Jlth Jib Bronx Offlc*..891 E. 149th St. Brooklyn Office.82 Court St. Yonkers Office..'..12 N. Broadway Newark Office.777 Broind St. Bonds for Investment Harris, Forbes & Co fin? Street, Comer William NlfW YORK Stock Prices Decline Despite Easier Money Threats to Impose Ibx ? on Stock Dividends Dis? turb the Market; Middle States Oil the Feature Threats In Congress to take action that would circumvent the recent de? cision of Wie United States Supreme Court holding stock dividends exempt from taxation outweighed easier money and better reports from Germany in the minds of speculators, i After la display of early strength, in which the stocks most, affected by the decision took a prominent part, the market ran ? into heavy selling and a sharp decline I followed. The market was, in fact, ! under considerable pressure during tho i greater part of the last two hours of ! trading, but while prices of most of the more nctive issues gave ground, I the set-back was not serious and failed j to bring out any important or general ; liquidation. Oil shares und the high priced and wide moving industrials were the j centers of interest, with Middle States ? Oil playing the leading role. This ! stock, which the whole list led in volume of dealings, turned upward in j the morning and sold at 28%. But ; early in the afternoon it became ap ; parent that something unusual was : happening, for the stock was offered ! insistently, in large blocks and ap ! parently with little regard for prices i or the effect on tho market. The quo ; tation dropped steadily, with minor i recoveries, until it got below 32, when enough support appeared to cause a slight rally. At the end a net loss of r5% 4. oints had been sustained. In spite of the general expectation ? that the directors of Crucible Steel ! would declare a substantial stock divi | dend?an expectation* which was i realized after the market closed?this ; stock slumped heavily, falling from a ! high price of 252 to 231, and closing : at 232% for a net loss of 12% points, i Baldwin Locomotive was another issue i in which the trading was excited at ! times, but at the end the change in i price was relatively small despite a : wide range for the day. Money opened and renewed at 9 j per cent again, but the rate later dropped to 7 per cent. Now that tax payments arc out of the way, broker. and traders believe that money will be easier and that some time funds will ; come into the market. Bankers are inclined to take the same view, al? though they say that periods of tightness may be expected occasional \ ly, especially if speculation should be ; come unduly active. -,__. Money and Credit After renewing at 9 per cent,, the call I money rate yesterday eased off to 7 I per cent, but bankers predicted, that the rate would work higher "by the I end of the week, when it is expected that checks in payment of income ' taxes will begin to pass through the banks. There was a general feeling, i however, that if any stringency does ? occur it will not be prolonged. There ? were further reports of time loans be ; ing made, but the supply of funds for I periods running over thirty days was ' said to be limited. The ruling rate for money yester | day, compared with a year ago, fol? lows: ? ? Yester- Year Call money: day. ago. On mixed collateral.... 9 4 On industrial collateral 9 4% ?Time money (mixed collateral): Sixty days.8%@9 5%@5% Ninety days.8V_(_.9 5%@5.4 Four months.8%@9 5%@5% Four to six months..8V?(!'.9 5%@5% Bank Clearings?Bank clearings in ! New York and other cities yesterday ! were: Exchanges. Balances. New York..$1,219,742,783 $110,755,176 'Baltimore.. 15,585,542 6,899,984 ?Boston _* 72,903,921 20,207,819 Philadelphia 105,380,387 27,969,872 , Pittsburgh . 25,276,757 5,251.543 Sub-Treasturj-?United States Federal ? Reserve credit balance, $86,537,034. Silver?London, 67%d; New York, I $1.18%; Mexican dollars, 90%c. The Dollar in Foreign Exchange Sentiment in the foreign exchange market was more favorable yesterday, I and pounds, francs, lire and marks I rose in value. The reports that the revolution in Germany was simmering I down seemed to facilitate the upward ; movement of the exchanges. Marks, I which wero quoted at 1.11 cents Monday, were worth 1.40 cents mark at the peak yesterday. This sharp rise induced selling, and there was a reaction at the close of the day. Yesterday's rates, compared with those of a week ago, follow: (Quoted dollars to the pound.) Yester- Week day. ago. Sterling, demand .... $3.7275 $3.64 S Sterling, cables .?_ 3.7350 3.6475 Sterling, sixty days.. 3.6925 3,6050 j Sterling, ninety days. 3.6775 3.59 (Quoted units to the dollar.) Francs, checks . 13.10 18.72 Francs, cables . 13.38 13.70 Belgium, francs, chks 12.80 13.20 ? Belgium, francs, cbls. 12.86 13.18 Lire, checks . 18.12 17.82 Lire, cables . 18.10 17.80 ? Swiss francs, checks.. 5.80 5.97 Swiss francs, cables.. 5.78 5.95 (Quoted cents to the unit.) Guilders, checks . 36.50 36.75 ; Guilders, cables. 36.625 36.375 1 Austrian crowns, chks .43 .41 ? Austrian crowns, cbls. .44; .42 . Sweden, checks .20.20 19.75 ; Sweden, cables .20.30 19.85 Denmark, checks .... 17.10 16.20 ! Denmark, cables.17.20 16.30 j Norway, checks . 17.90 17.20 : Norway, cables . 18.00 17.30 i Pesetas, checks ...... 17.72 17.62 i Pesetas, cables . 17.80 17.70 i Greece, checks . 11.00 11.40 i Greece, cables . 11.10 11.50 Manila,'checks . 48.75 48.75 Manila, cables . 49.00 49.08 ; India, rupees, checks. 44.75 45.25 india, rupoes, cables.. 45.00 45.50 Japan, yen, checks... 46.25 46.50 Japan, yen, cables... 46.50 46.75 ? Argentina, checks ...101.90 102.00 ? Argentina, cables ...101.40 101.50 ? Brazil, Rio, checks...-27.75 27.75 ; Brazil, Rio, cables... 28.00 28.00 i Marks, checks . 1.35 1.26 ! Marks, cables . 1.86 1.27 | C/.echo-Slovakia, chks 1.30 1.14 ? Paris Market Firm PARIS, March 16.?Prices were firm on the Bourse to-aay. ThrA? per cent rentes 56 francs 90 centimes. Exchange on London 49 francs 95 centimes. Five per cent loan 88 francs 10 centimes. The dollar was quoted at 13 francs 58% centimes. Xondon Money Market , LONDON, March 16?Bar silver 67'sd per ounce. Bar gold Ills 6d. Money 3% per cent. Discount rates, short bills 6% per cent; three months bills 5%@5% per cent. Gold premiums at Lisbon, 140. French Internal Loan Brown Bros. & Co. announce that the official subscription price on March 17 for the new French internal loan of 1920, based on tho closing rate of ex? change March 16, is ?(4.91 a 1,000-f ranc bond. Transactions Yester<3 Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings (Copyright, 1920. New York Tribune, Inc.) Day Year January 1 to date. Yesterday. Befors. ago. . 1920. 1919. 1918. Railroad ?tocka ... 122,300 101,800 218,400 7,592,700 6,681,200 7,741.600 Other stock? ...... 1,166,600 953,100 778,100 45,681,100 27,991,300 27,318,200 All stocka . 1,278,900 1,054,900 992,600 63,273,800 34,672,500 35,059,800 Yesterday. Day before. Year ago. 1920. 1919. U. 8. government bond?. $7,207,000 $8,111,000 $6,224,000 $681,224,000 $506.821,000 Railroad bonds . 1,116,000 .1.069,000 1,164,000 74,519,000 72,643,000 Cther bonds . 2,173,000 3,293,000 3,231,000 89,211,000 83,714,000 AH bonds. 10,496,000 12,473,000 10,619,000 844,954,000 663,178^000 High. Low. Dir. N** 1920. 1920. Rate. Sal?*. Open. Hlrh. Low. C?ese, chgo. Bid. Aak. 36 25 - Adam? Expre?. 1400 343/4 34% 83 83 ? 1% 33 34 88% 65% 6 AJax Robber . 200 74% 74?/_ 74% 74/8- % 74 74% 2 1i/a- Ala,ka Gold Min?*.. 400 2 2 1ft 2 + % 1ft 2 2% 1% ? Alaska Junean . 200 2% 2% 2% 2%+ '/a 2'/8 2% 63ft 36"/4 ? Allis-Chalmers .-. 4100 42% 44 42% 423/4+ Va 42% 43 92 80% 7 Allte-Chnlmer? pf... 400 83 83 83 83. - 82 83 95 82 8 Amcr Apr Chem.... 1600 89% 93% 89% 93%+ 2'/4 92 84 96% 89 6 Amcr Agr Chem pf. 1000 93 93 93 93+1 93 96 46'/4 39 3 Amcr Bank Note... 700 43 43 43 43+1 42 45 96% 75 8 Amcr Beet Sugar... 1200 85 85 84!/a 85 + 1 84</2 85 12834 105 10 Amcr Bosch Mogr... 400 116% 116% 114% 114%? 1% 114 116 61% 3834? Amer Can . 14100 47 49% 47 48 +1'/8 47% 48 14334 124!/? 12 Amcr Car & Fdy... 15C0 140% 141 138% 1381/-- 1'/4 138 139 11634 112'_ 7 Amer Car & Fdy pf. 1200 112'/* 112i/4 112% 112%+ % 112 118 54% 39ft 4 Amer Cotton OIK... 300 45% 46 45% 46 + Va 46 47 15'/? 1134 .80 Am Drug Syndicate. 5000 123/4 13% 12% 13%+ Va 13!/a 13% 118 95 6 American Express... 4400 105 108 105 106 + Va 107 112 30% 18% ? Am Hide A Leather. 4000 23% 24% 23% 23%+ Va 23'/2 23% 122 90% 7 Am Hide & L pf.... 6000 109 112 108% 109%+ 1% 109% 111 47 38 4 Am Ice Securities- 200 453,4 46 4534 46 + 1 45% 46 120?/2 87 6 Amer Int Corp. 13600*97 99'/2 97 9?J3/8+1% 98 98'/4 14% 1234 1 American La France. 600 1234 12ft 12%. 12ft? % 13 13!/2 86% 74% 3 American Linsen.... 600 84% 8434 83 83 ? ft 8234 8334 99% 92/2 7 Amcr Linseed pf- 1000 94 94 92 92 ? 4!/2 92 95 105% 82 6 Aider Locomotive.... 14600 101'/2 102 99'/2 99/2? Va 99% 100 30% 16%?. Amcr Ship & Com... 4800 26'/4 26ft 26 26 ? Va 25% 26 72 56 4 American Smelting;.. 12100 6734 70% 6734 69 + 134 69 69'/4 100% 93% 7 Amcr Smelling pf... 200 95 95 95 95 + Va 95% 06 46% 39 3 Am Steel Foundry... 1000 45% 4534 45'/4 45'/4- 45'/4 45!/2 140J/2 1231/2 7 American Sugar .... 200 129?4 129% 129% 129%? 1% 129 13034 99 77 10 Am Sumatra Tob_ 8600 98/2 99 95'/2 95'/2? Va 95/2 96 100% 96!/8 8 Am Teleg & Tel. 400 99ft 99ft 99% 99%? Va 99'/2 99% 283 225 20 Amcr Tobacco . 300 267 267 267 267 ?4 260 270 74% 543?) 6 Am Tobacco Sec... 26100 6734 67ft 65% 65%? 1% 65% 66 97% 92'/2 6 Am Tob pf new. 200 95% 95% 95% 96%- 95 95'/2 165/2 112/2 7 American Woolen... 31400 131 13334 12734 129ft+ 1ft 129/2 130 1051/2 101/2 7 Am Woolen pf. 200 103/2 103/2 103/2 103/a? '/? 103/2 104 61 % 38% ? Amer Writ Paper pf 200 49% 4934 4934 4934+ 234 48/2 49/4 2134 15/a ? American Zinc . 3000 20 20% 18/2 18/2?1/4 18/2 19/4 69/2 50 6 American Zinc pf... 200 56 56 56 56?1 65 68 65/4 54 4 Anaconda . 12600 69/2 61ft 59/8 60+1 60 60% 114 112/g 7 Atlantic Refining pf 100 113 113 113 113 ? 1 112/4 114 6/4 3/a ? Asset? Real Co. 300 4% 4% 4'/8 4/?-- 4 4/8 C7/4 45ft 4 Asso Dry Goods. 200 46 46 45% 45%? % 42 45 125 107 6 Associated Oil . 200 113% 113% 11334 II334? 234 113 115/2 86/2 76 8 Atch, Top & San F? 2100 84ft 84ft 84/a 84/?? Va 84 85 82 76 5 Atch, Top & S Fe pf 600 79/2 79/2 79 79 + /4 78/2 79/2 93 84 7 Atlantic Coast Line. .1000 89% 89ft 89% 89ft- 88/2 8934 176/2 137 10 Atlantic Gulf & W I 10200 157/4 165% l57/4 163 + 6 ' 162/4 164 75 63 5 Atl, Gulf & W I pf. 100 66 66 66 ' 66 + 1 65/4 67 19/4 13 ? Auto Sales Corp.... 700 13ft 137a 13% 13%+ % 13/2 14 303/a 25 3 Auto Sales Corp pf. 100 2o% 25% 25% 25%+ 1/8 23% 26/2 126/4 IO3/2 3/a Baldwin Ucomo Co. 66100 125/4 126/4 121% 121%? 1% 121% 122 . 102!?> 98/8 7 Bald Locomo Co pf. 300 100 100 100 100 - 99/2 100 38% 28Va ? Baltimore & Ohio... 4600 37/8 37% 37 37 ? /8 37 37/8 49ft 42 4 Baltimore & Ohio pf 200 48'/4 48/4 4734 47%? Va 47/2 4734 134% 114 8 Barrett Company ... 800 12434 12434 121% 12434? /4 122 124 HI/2 105 7 Barrett Co pf. 100 10034 10534 105% 105%+ % 100 106 31% 17/2? Beth Motors . 9600 29 30 28 29+1 28% 29 102/2 81'/2 5 Beth Steel, Class B.. 9200*91% 02% 90/8 9034? % 90/2 91 17 10%? Bklyn Rap Tran... 4400 16% 17 15/2 15/-- 1 15/2 1534 13!4 7/4 ? Bklyn Rap Tran ctfs. 400 12 12 11 11 ? 1/4 11 12 15 10 ? Booth Fisheries Co.. 400 11% 11% 11% 11%+ % 41% 12 123 93 10 Burns Bros . 800 105'/4 106 105 105 ?2 102 105 11 Va 7% Va Butte Cop & Zinc... 400 9% 9ft 9/2 9/2? % 9/a 9% 29/4 22 ? Butte & Sup Cep... 3400 20% 27% 26% 26/2+ % 26/2 27 27(4 15 ? Bntterick Co . COO 19 20 19 20+1 19/4 20 28% 17 ? Caddo Oil . 5100 23ft 24% 23/2 2?.%- 23% 23ft E5/2 74 6 Calif Packing- . 4800 83 8434 81/2 81ft? ft 81ft 82 46 27%? Calif Petrol. 4200 39% 41% 39/4 39/4-39 30/2 75% 65 7 Calif Petrol pf. 100 68 68 68 68 + Va 67/2 70 68 59/2 4 Calumet & Arizona.. 900 63 63 61 Va 62 ? 2/4 62 63 134 115/4 10 Canadian Pacific ... 3800 123/2 124ft 123/2 124 + Va 123% 124 IO434 72 5 Central Leather ... 5600 86/4 88/2 86/4 8634? /4 86% 87 108/a 103 7 Central Leather pf. 100 103 103 103 103 - 102% 103 61% 45% 4 Cerro De Pasco. 8200 50% 53% 60 61 + Va 61 51% 154 II7/2 10 Chandler Motors ... 11200 152 153 147/2 148 ? 3/4 148 149 59% 47 4 Chesapeako & Ohio. 300 58% 58% 57ft 58 ? % 57/z 58 11 4/2? Chic & East 111. .800 11 11 10 11 - 10 11 11 4 ? Chic & East 111 pf... 400 10% 10% 10 10?1 10 10% 10ft '7 .? Chic Great West- 1600 9% 934 9/4 9/4? % 9% 9% 42% 3O/4 ? Chic* Mil & St Paul 2000 40% 40% 39% 3934? % 3934 40 61% 45% ? Chic, Mil & St P pf 700 69/a 59% 58% 68/4? 1 58% 58% 91% 75 7 Chic & Northwest.. 100 89% 8934 89% 8934- 88% 89% ? 12034 113 8 Chic & Northwest pf 100 116% 116% 116% 116/2- 116 118 41% 23%? Chic, R I & Pac_ 6800 38/4 39 37 37%? % 37% 37% 78 64% 7 Ch, R I & P 7% pf.. 100 76% 76% 76% 76%+ /4 76% 77 66% 54 6 Ch, R I & P 6% pf.. 200 66 66% 66 66%+ % 65% 66 55 42 ? C, C, C &. St Louis.. 400 64 64 63 53 -t 2 48 55 68 63 5 C, C, C & St L pf... 300 67% 6734 6734 67%+'3% 65% 68 21% 15%? Chile Copper . 7800 13% 1834 18 18 + % 18 1838 41% 37% 1/2 Chino Cons Copper.. 400 35 35 35 35 + 1% 34% 34% 40% 33% 1 Coca Cola . 2800 35% 36 35% 3534- 35% 3534 44% 36% 3 Colo Fuel ?S. Iron_ 700 38% 39 38% 39 ?1% 3834 39 65% 36% 1 Columbia Graph..... 56C0 45% 45% 43% 43ft? 1% 4334 44 92% 89 7 Columbia Graph pf.. 300 90 90 67 53 5 Col Gas & Electric. 1000 59% 60 68 65% ? Consol Cigars . 900 67% 67% 67 83% 75 7 Consolidated Gas. 1000 87% 87/s 20% 16% 2 Cons Int Call Min .. 400 18ft 18ft 18% 18% 93% 78 7 Continental Can _ 800 86 87 13% 10% 1 Continental Candy*.. 700 10% 10% 10% 10% 94% 76% 4 Corn Products . 20600 94% 94/ 31% 21% % Con Textile . 2900 29% 31% 29% 30%+ 1ft 3034 31 59ft 55 6 Crcx Carpet Co-. 200 ?9% 59ft 59ft 59%+ 1ft 58 63 255% 189 12 Crucible Steel .28100 249 252 231 232/2?12% 232 232% 100 96% 7 Crucible Steel pf- 300 98 98 98 .98 ? % 96% 983-4 54% 39%? Cuba Cane Sugar- 1800 45% 45% 44ft 44ft? % 44% 45 9 6 ? Denver & Rio Or_ 700 7% 8% 7% 7%? % 7% 7% 16% 9 ?""-penv & Rio Gr pf.. 200 14% 14% 14% 14%? 34 14% 14% 104% 104% 8 Detroit Edison . 10 104.% 104% 104(V2 104%- 104 107 13 10% 1 Domo Mine? . 400 12 12 1134 1134? 34 1-134 12 147 99 5 Endicott-Johnson ... 4CO*108 1083-6 107 107 + % 106% 107% 15% 9% ? Erie . 300 14ft 14ft 14% 14%? % 14% 14?4 25% 17% ? Erie 1st pf . 1000 24 24 23% 23%? ft 23% 24% 9b 65/8 8 Famous Player? _ 1400 78% 78/4 77% 77%? 1 77' 79 HJ% 86 8 Famous Players pf.. 100 89% 89% 89% 89%+ 1% 87% 89% 36 26% 3 Fed Min & Smelt pf 800 35 36 35 3534+ % 34% 35% 135 100% 10 Fisher Body . 200 129% 129% 129% 129%+ 4% 125 130 108% 97% 7 Fisher Body pf. 1000 108% 108% 107% 107%+ 2% 106% 107% 48 33 3 Rubber Tire... 1600 37% 37% 36% 3634? /? 36% 363-4 S6% 21 ? Freeport Texas . 6100 28% 2834 2634 26%? 1% 2634 27 19% 12 ? Gaston Williams ... 200 15% I534 15% 16%? % 15% 15% 192 175 8 General Chemical Co 1000 189% 191 189% 191 + 1 185 192' 172 152% 8 General Electric Co. 700 163% 165% 163% 165%+ 234 1653-4 168 345 225% 12 General Motor? - 11900 32634 333 321 322 ? 2% 322 322% 33% 24/2?? Gen Motors ctfs- 15100 32% 33% 31ft 32%? % 32% 32% 85% 69% 6 Gen Motors 6% deb. 1600 75 75 74 74%? % 74% 74% 90 84 7 Gen Motors 7% deb. 1300 87% 87% 87% 87%+ 1 87% 88' 85ft 64% 6 Goodrich, B F. 2600 72% 72% 71% 71%? ft' 71% 72 !0234 92 7 Goodrich, B F, pf... 200 95 95 95 95 + % 95 " 66 55% 36 ? Granby Mining .... 400 40% 40/2 40% 40%? 1% 40 40% 4934 31% 2 Gray Davis . 200 34% 34% 34% 34/2? % 32 3 + 84% 68/2 7 Great Northern pf. . 4100 84 8438 82% 82ft? % 823^ 83* 41 33 4 Gt North Ore subs.. 45?0 38ft 40% 38ft 39%+ 1% 39% 3934 33 28 ? Gulf Mob & Nor pf. 200 23% 28'% 28!', 28%? 1% 25 28% 84ft 5734 ? Gulf States Steel ... 400 69ft 70 " 69ft 70 + 2 68% 69 63% 50 4 Has & Bar Car Co.. 400 62 62 60% 60%? 1% 62, 63 39 30 ? Hendeo Mf?r . 203 3D 39 39 39+1 39 39^ 16 13 ? 1 Hupp Motors . 4100 15% 15ft 153Q 15ft+ 34 1,554 16 9334 80?-9 7 Illinois Central - 400 92 92 91% 91%? % 91% 92% 24 18%-' Inter ABricult . 1600 24 24 23% 23%+ 1 23% 23% 83 69 5 Inter Agricult pf... 200 80 81 80 81 +? 1 81 ' 82% 6134 60% 6 Inspiration Cop - 7600 55% 57 65% 55%- 65% 56 4% 3% ? Inter-Cons Corp - 1600 4% 4% 4% 4/2- 4% 4/a 16% 9% ? Inter-Cons Corp pf. 2000 15ft 16 15 15 ? % 15% 15% 135 112% 6 Inter Harvester - 1000 128 128% 125 12834+ % 126 128ft 115 110% 7 Inter Harvester pr. . 100 111 111 111 111 - 110% 111% 51ft 27%? lnt Merc Marine... 4600 3534 37% 35% 36 + % 36% 35% 111ft 76% 6 Int Merc Marine pf. 3000 91% 93 91 91 _. % 9114 911/ 89% 7034? Inter'l Paper . 18600 85 87% 84% 86%+ 2 86% 87 79ft 70 6 Int Paper pf atpd... 200 76 76 76 76+1 75% 76 2634 1934? Inter'l Nickel . 4900 21ft 22% 21% 21%? % 21% 21% 51% 35% ? Iron Products . 200 44 44 43% 43%? % 43% 4474 21% 14 ? Jewel Tea . 200 15% I534 15% 1534? 2% 16% 17 48% 3934? Jewel Tea pf. 200 40% 40% 40% 40%? ft 40 42 19/2 13ft? Kansas City South .. 100 17% 17% 17% 17%? % 1,7 18 152% 106 4 Kelly Spring-field- 2900 123 129 127 122 +2 126 128 105 96 ,8 Kelly Spsrfd 8% pf... 200 100 100 1C0 100 _ 99*4 105 33% 2T3>? 2 Kennccott Copper... 7600 31 31ft 30% 30%? % sos! 303; 48% 24ft 1.20 Keystone Tire . 1900 33% 38% 36% 37?1 37 371A 913,4 63 6 Larkawanna Steel .. 1600 73% 74% 73 73 _ 1 -?3 733 22% 18 ? Lake Erio & West pf 800 22% 22% 22% 22%+ % ?91/, 22X? 38ft 28 ? Lee Rubber & Tire. 200 34% 34% 3434 34%? % 34 343? 47% 40% 3% Lehigh Valley . 200 47 47 4.6 46 ? 1 4fi 47 ?07 164ft 12 Lig & Myers Tob Co 300 170 170 170 170 _ 167 175 16% 1538 ? L & M Tob Co its 300 163/3 16% 16% 163.a? y _ _ 32 25% 2 Loews, Inc . 7800 31 32 30% 30%? % 30/, 31 28 17/a ? Loft Candy . 400 19% 19% 19% 19%? % 19 1,93' 70 45 ? Loose-Wiles Biscuit . 1700 57% 60 57% 67%? % 57 60 I8334 145% 12 Lorillard, Pierre ... 700 164 164 162 162 _ 161 162 112/2 98 7 Louisv & Nashyillo. 200 105% 105% 105% 105%? 2 64 61 4 Mackay Cos pf. 200 63 63 63 63 _ 136/4 108 10 Manati Sugar . 2000 114ft 115 114ft 115 +8 48 39% 7 Manhattan Elevated . 200 47 47 47 47+1 33% 28 ? 'Manhattan Shirt ... 300 31% 31% 31% 31%_ 35% 12%? Maxwell Motor ...*.. 1000 31% 31/2 28% 28/8 63% 47% ? Maxwell Motor 1st pf 1200 58 58 58' 58 ? 107 103% 7 May D?p't St pf- 1600 103% 103% 103% 103% 222 161'% 10 Mexican Petroleum. . 24100 190 195% 188 183%4- ?Z -?88% 189 26 21% 2 Miami Cons Copper.. 400 23% 23% 23% 23%-t- % 22'A 233-? 71% 22% 1.20 Middle States Oil... 52400 37% 38ft 31% 32%? 5% 32% 32*? 52% 42% 4 Midvale Steel . 800 47 47 46% 46/2? % 46/! 46a! 80 63 7 M, St P & S Ste M. . 200 80 80 80 80 _ 75 80 60 50 5 M, St P, S St M, 11 200 56 66 55 55 _ 55 68 11 6 ? Mo, Kan & Texas... 400 10 10 9% 934? 14 9% 10 31% 21 ? Missouri Pacific - 900 29% 29% 29% 29%- 29% 29% 49% 36 ? Missouri Pacific pf.. 100 46 46 46 46?1 46 47 69% 61% 3 Montana Power .... 700 66 66% 66 66%+ 1/a 66% 67 61 86/a 4 Mnllin? Body . 4600 44% 46% 44% 46%+ ft 46% 48% 38% 36% 3S4 National Acme ..... 400 36% 36% 36% 36%? % 86% 37 lay in listed Stocks Record of Stock and Bond Averages (Copyright, 1920, New York Tribune, Ine.) m Kane? thus Day Yesterday. Before. 20 Railroad ?lock. . 68.00 68.40 30 Industrial stock? . 89.07 89.07 50 Stock? . 86.64 86.80 10 Railroad bonds . 73.43 73.62 10 Industrial bond?. 88.98 89.03 6 Utility bond? . 73.96 73.76 25 Bond?. 79.76 79.80 Tear Ago. 71.95 88.33 82.38 80.35 94.81 85.84 87.23 far 1920. HUh. 68.70 110.30 92.06 76.28 81.48 74.63 81.71 Low. 58.60 88.70 77.14 71.76 88.80 73.48 79.48 Range full year 1919. High, Low 78.80 119.33 99.64 82.80 96.70 87.75 87.91 63.35 79.20 75.92 72.83 90.66 71.80 80.21 High. Low. Dlv. 1020. 1920. Rate. 116 111/4 7 National Biscuit pf. National Aniline ... National Aniline pf. Nat Con & Cabio.. Nat Enamel & Stpg Net 72% 44 _ 89% 83 7 12 8 ? 89/2 66i/a 6 86/4 72?4 6 110 105 7 17% 14 1 4734 39'/a ? 77 Vz 64/4 5 61 55 8 Bales. Open. High. Low. Close, cbge. Bid. Ask. 200 114 114 114 114 + 1 114 116 2400 64% 66% 64% ?6/4+ 1% 64 65 800 88!/8 87% 86 !/2 87/4 + 2/4 88 '/a 88 300 11/2 11!/_ 11.2 11'/z? % 11% 11% 700 78'/a 78% 77 77 ?.% 77 78 Natlona? Lead .."'." '. 2600 81 % 82% 80/2 80%* 80/2 81, 100 105 200 15 400 47 National Lead pf. .. Nevada Consol Cop.. New Or, Tex & Mex New York Central.. 3000 76 N Y, Chi & St L 1 pf 400 60 48% 30 2/2 New York Dock_ 3634 23'/a ? 700 36 100% 88 68 50 84% 68/4 77(4 50% 50% 38% 6% 4% 142 120 41% 28 ? 38% 31 1 ios.:;. 7134 6 1031/3 6734 47^2 37 "/z 43% 3534 94 32 68 40 3 20 ? 90 7 23/2 ~ _162 5 42 Vz 34% 3 80% 50 4 E2% 4834 ? 23/4 15% ? 98 89 8 03% 511/4 5 30% 21 Vz ? 27% 16 1 103% 84 8 118% 109 8 96 74 5 102 89/4 8 10634 10334 7 2234 17/4 1 88 Vz 64% 4 35/a 33/4 2 94 62% ? 124% 84% 6 105 105 105 ? 3 IO434 108 15/4 15 15/4+ Vz 15 15% 47 46 46 ? 1'/a 46 47 76% 74/a 76%? Vz 75% 7534 60 60 60?2 60 65 136'/. 35/a '35!^? 1'/a 35 36% N Y, N II ?. H. 3900 35/2 36>/8 35'/, 35/8- 35/8 35/4 Norfolk & West_ 400 9634 9034 9634 9634? /4 96 96% 5 North American ... 300 63 63 63 53 - 52 65 7 Northern Pacific ... 3000 83% 84% 83/2 83%+ % 83/a 83% 5 Nova Scotia Steol... 300 63/4 6334 63/4- 6334 + /4 62% 63/2 4 Ohio Go? . 4600 46 47/8 46 46 + % 4534 46 Va Okla Prod & Refln.. 2000 634 534 6% 5%- 5% 534 5 Otis Elevator . 100 138 138 138 138 ?1 138 140% - Otis Steel . 900 29% 29% 29 29 ? Va, 2834 29/2 1 PacilJ* Mail . 300 3134 3134 31 31 ?.3 31 34 Pan-Amcr Petrol ... 29600 97 99/z 96/2 96%+ /a 96.4 96/2 Pan-Amcr Petrol B.. 1600 91 9234 90 90 + Vz 90 91 Pariah & Bingham.. 400 42% 42% 41 Va 42%+ Vz 4234 43 Pennsylvania R R.. 2600 43 43/8 42% 42%?? 42% 43 Penn Seab Steel. 3900 25% 27% 25% 26 + % 26 27 Penn. I C pf. 100 90/8 90/8 90/8 90/8- 90 92 P?re Marquette .... 200 29% 29% 29/a 29/8? % 29/8 29% Pero Mark prior pf. 200 65 65 65 65 ? 1 65 67 Philadelphia Co _ 8600 39 Pitts, C, C & St L. 900 75 Pierce Arrow . 2600 65 Pierce Oil . 1800 19 Picrco Oil pf. 800 94 Pittsburgh Coal _ Pitta & West Va... Pond Creek Coal.... Pressed Steel Car... Pullman Palace Car Punta Alegre Sugar. 40 38% 38% + % 38% 39/2 76 75 75+1 75 76 65 Vz 63/4 63%? % 63% 64 19/4 18% 18%? Va 183/a 18/a 94 94 94?1 94 95 300 59% 69% 69% 59%? % 58/a 59/4 400 29/8 29/8 2834 28%+ Va 28% 29 200 I8/4 1834 I8/4 1834+ % 18/a 18?4 3600 98/a 99 98 98 + % 9734 99 400 115/a 115/a 116 115 ? Va, 115/a 116% 1600 81% 82% 81 82 + 1% 8134 82 Railway Steel Spring 1000 99 89% 99 9_%+ % 99% 99% Ry Steel Spring pf.. 100 106/a 106/2 105% 105/?+ 3/4 105/2 107 Ray Consol Copper.. 1400 1834 18% 18% 18%+ % I8/4 1834 Reading .'26900 87% 88% 85 85%? 1% 86/4 85.4 Reading 2d pf. 200 86/4 35/4 35 35 ? Vs. &i3? 35% Rem'n Typewriter... 700 78/8 7934 78/a 78/8+ 1/8 78 79% Rep Iron & Steel_19100 95/3 96/4 - 94 94/a- 94/4 94/2 110% 93% 6.50 Roy Dtch, N Y sh... 21GO0 102% 103 100/2 10034? % 100% 101 21% 13%? Saxon Motors . 9800 18% 18% I734 1734? /a 17% 17% 16% 14/2 1 St Joseph Lead. 100 16% 16% 16% 163,?+ % I6/4 17 2534 15% ? St Lou & San Fran. 1600 24% 24/4 23/2 23%? Vz 23/4 24 30^ 21 ? St Lou & Swn pf... 200 29/2 29/2 29 29 ? Vz 28 29 240 214 8 Sears Roebuck . 100 234 234 234 234 - 230 235 13 10% 1 Shattuck & Ariz._ 800 11% 1134 11% 11%?. \/\ H/2 11% 90/4 73% % Shell Trans Ter. 9600 79/2 80% 78/4 78/4+ /4 78/4 73% 43% 34%? Sinclair Oil ..._31600 43% 44% 42% 42%? % 42% 43 82 105? 43/4 85/, 64 _! 88/a 6 26% 18 ? 58 Vz 50 6 39 8 _?60 4 115% 8O/2 7 163 100% 5 12/4 9% ? 231 16G/? 10 43% 25 ? 207 158 ? 221 205 8 95% 61 6 38% 20 ? Sloss-Shef St & Iron. 3400 7334 75 Southern Pacific Southern Railroad 73 _ 73 ? /a 72 73 27800 .100/2 101/2 100 100 + Va 100 100% 3600 2434 25 24/2 24%? Va 24/2 24% South Railroad pf... 1600 58/2 68/2 68 68%- 67/2 58 Stewart Warner ... 200 42 42 42 42+1 41 Vz 42 Strombcrg Carb ... 3600 72 72/2 70 70 - 70 70/8 Studobaker . 461C0 IOO34 102% 100% 100%+ 2 100% 100% Stutz Motor? . 80O 15l/8 163 149 Tenn Cop & Chem... 400 11 11 11 Texas Company _38100 209/2 219% 209 Texas & Pacific_ 8100 43/4 *Z% 41 Texas & Pac full pd 400 207 207 207 Tide Water Oil. 300 221 221 221 Tobacco Product? ... 6100 70% 71 Vx 69/4 69/; Trans Con Oil. 33100 27% 28/4 26/2 27 152 + 3/4 162 154 11 + /a 1034 11 209 ? 2/2 209 210 41 _ 1% 41 411/ 207+6 ? ? 221 +12 210 225 69% 69/2 34 26% 27 35 28/4 2/2 Twin City Rap Tran 200 31 31 31, 31 ? 1/2 31 32 38 27%? Union Oil . 8100 34/2 34/2 33/2 33%? % 33/2 33% 125/2 110 10 Union Pacific . 8800 122 123 121/2 121/2+ % 121/2 122/. 69% 65 4 Union Pacific pf_ 200 66 66 66 66?1 66 67 130 130 6 Unit Cig Stores of A 100 130 130 130 130 ?50 115 215 53 48% 3/2 United Drug 1st pf.. 200 50% 60% 50% 60%+ /8 6O/4 51 40/2 4 United Alloy . 400 45 45 45 45 - 44% 45 United Fruit . 8100 203 206% 203 203 +1 202 203% United Ry Invest... 4600 13 13% 12% 12%- 12/2 12% Unit Ry Invest pr.. 6600 27% 28/2 27/2 27/2- 27/4 27/2 U S Cast I P & Fo. 500 18% 19 18/8 18/8? % 18/8 18/2 U S Food Prod. 2000 69/2 69% 68 68/4? % 68 69 U S Ind Alcohol_21900 96/2 98/2 95/4 .5/2? /8 05/2 96 U S Realty & Imp.. 6000 63 64% 52% 53 - 62 53 Un Retail Stores_ 10100 76 76% 75 75 ? % 75 75% Un Sfates Rubber... 26100 109 109% 106/2 107/4? % 107/8 107% U S Rubber 1st pf.. 200 111% 111% 111% 111%+ Vz 111% 112 U S Smelt & Ref_ 1900 69/2 70 69/2 69%+ % 69 69/2 U S Steel. 42700 99% 100(4 98/2 98/z? /2 93/2 98% 53 206% 176 12 13% 834 ? 2934 20% ? 25/2 1534 ? 78% 533/a 2 116% 77/2 8 40 ? 64 3 66% 56/ 14334 91i/4 8 115/a 110 8 76 61 Vz 6 109 92% 5 115% 1C9% 80 ?__ 60 40 ? ,109% 7 U S Steel pf. 800 113/4 113/4 112/2 112/2+ /8 112/2 113/4 % 62% 6 Utah Copper . 12100 73/2 7534 73/2 73/.+ Vz 73/2 74/2 % 9 ? Utah Secur Corp_ 1600 10 11 10 11+1 10 11 40 ? Vanadium Steel. 14900 59/3 60 67/8 57%? 1 67 63 74% 59/8 4 Va-Caro Chemical... 2300 72% 7434 71 Vz 73% + 2 73/2 74^' 112/2 107 8 Vu-Caro Chem pf_ 800 110% 110% 110% 110%+ 1/s 110 111 1Q/2 7/3? Wabash . 200 9% 9% 9% 9%+ % 9% 9? 31 20%? t Wabash pf A. 800 ' 2814 281.., 28 O? ? 1 . . .*?< 57 49 ? 12% 8% ? 271/2 20% ? 89 82 7 119 1C6 7 ?5/a 43 4 82/a 6*1 5 14/8 9/4 ? 60% 49 4 32 22% 1 D3 86 7 ?5% 67 6 *Ex dividend mmmmmmmmmmmmmm -.? 9% 800 28/4 28/4 23 28 ? Vz 27% 23 400 55 55 54 54+1 54 63 200 11 11/4 10% 10%? %?10% 11 700 25 25 2434 2434? /4 24'/2 2434 300 8734 8734 87% 8734? 1/4 87/2 88 800 109% 112/2 109 % 112% + 2% 112/2 115 1000 53 63 52% 6234? % 52% 5234 76 75 75 ? '/h 74% 75 _ 12% _?- Vz 68% 59 2434 25 ? Vz 24' Wells Fare? Express Western Maryland.., Western Pacific ... Western Union Tel. Westing Air Brake Wc.stinjrhouse Mfg .^^^^^^^^? Wilson Co . 900 75% . > ._ ,v ? /4 ,*y. Wheel & Lake Erie. 200 12% 12% 12% 12%? % 12/ White Motors .' 1600 59 59% 58% 69 -I- Vo 685, Willys Overland _ 8600 25/2 26 Willys Overland pf. 400 87 87/2 87 87/8? Z*"a 87 Worth Pump & Mach 2200 81% 83 81/8 81/8? % 81 25% 88 81% id and Asked Bid. Asked. ?%W?W S" 68HIK & D M pr To' Bid. Asked. _* ,Ji-'et b ?r- S?V4 01 4 ? S i Ey.lOO 101 . ''-' pr .203 ? Am Can im*. 98 no A U & E pr.lll A Cut UU pr ? Am I/oco pi*. 101 Am MaJt ft G 81 Am B hlpbldg. ? Am .must pr 95% do pr A.... SO 82 Am Suua'J 117 ?JO pr . 80 UO A St Fdi-y pr 89% 01 Am Sugar pr. 114 11. 110 106 126 0(1 153 103 ?res.8 S a ..Icio do Pr .102 Ivre, s <ft Co.. is , ?o pr .lou i.acloilo Gas... 43 i ii? .SI Pr.100 L.-W 1! 1st pr 99 do 2d pr...uo l.un lanl pr..lo4 Mackay Cos... ?5 (1 Manat? Suirar.113 115 Manhat Bead? JA 2*Vi ManhatA El... 48 " ?I* Martin 'i'axry. 25 26$ 49 105 103 127 113 ?_? S?.J? . pr 8,JV4 i-?V4 -}.*uc M 2d Pr 25% 23 Am It-1 ft O. 48 ,63 ?May I'ept Bt. 125% 127* Am Zluo pr.. 55 G8 Mm Pet pr.. 05' loo A D G 2d pr U0 70 Mich Centjral. 85 ? AC Blr .Si A syt 8% M ft S lj new 17 17 V. Bar Leather.. 68 65 ?MSP&SSJI pr. ill 9. do pr . SS 95 ?Morris ft Es. _ s3 Banott Co pr.100 105?;* .luLlins Ry pr 07 BatopUaa M.. 1 lVi|Naah & Chat. 10. _ - h Steel .. S7 SS Bku Edison.. 95^ 117 ISkn Vu (las. 55 68 Brown Shoo.. 85 <,_ do pr . OH ft. Burn. Brs pr.107 115 Bnmawluk ..IV. s Buff 11 ft P. 60 do pr ..... ? Buff & Sus.. ? do pr .?. Busn Term... ? 2al ft Ariz... ?a Can southern 41 Cue J I pr.. 98 Cunt Ftfcry... 18 do pr ..... 80 ? _ ??_,..?? 113 -Nat Biscuit.. .115V4 120 Nut C'l ft 8. 72 7*i do pr *.95 N El ft S pr. 08 NUB M 1st pr ? do 2d pr... 5 N * ? & s L 83 ?, do 2d pr... 4914 52 ?N Y Dock pr 50 63 ft \V 85 100 34 ? 100 ,-? --? 69% N JL 4 Ceu of N j/lfil CSU ?W.110 Certalnteod .. 52 do 1st pr... 80 Oil & Alton. 0 Chi Pneu Tool 00 Cl ft Pitts... ? CSP . . & O 60 clo pr ..... 90 Cluett Pea pr.loi 2il5 114 11 ft? 80 70 105 in:?; Norfolk ft So. 21 Norf ft w pr 68 Mag F p jt_. Ohio Fuel .. 60 Otis Kiev pr. SO OtU Stool pr. ? Owens Hot it. 53 T do pr . 90 Pacido Coast.. 25 do 2d pr... 45 Paciflc Oevol.. 69 Pao Tel ft TU P Am Pet pr.175 Pooria ft E.. 15 l'cro Mar pr. 49 Petti Mulli... 40 do 1st pr... 95 jiueu fea pr. 101 102a; ?,-??;? *f; vr... -j-? J F 4 1 pr. - 1:5 '*"?.. Cot? w 89 3ol ft So .. 25% 20 i\,J\ g ? ?-12_ do 1st nr... _1 un lu_? >tcol pr. 88 Col .^^^^ do 1st pr... 61 do rd pr... 43 60 C-mt can pr.100 los Cont Ins Co. 70 7.S Corn Prod i>r.l05V? 107 Cuba Am Su.400 42n do pr,.101 110 Detrre Co pr.. 9Svi 101 Del & ITud.. 93 100 U L ft W...1S,-, 193. Be* IiU.on..lO? li* Dat Un RU. ? lOOfclSe?rs "Boo "nr'l?? Diamond M...120 130 S-S S 4 Id'/ U .B S ft A. 4% 5% S P R SU??.200 00 101 62 101 113 92 124 91 P & VV Va pr .? ?SIC? pr.l?l 103 r ' ?, N J- 60 ti8 Item IV pr... 9414 08 ? do 1st pr... 93 98% Reusaehuar ?**1-t>- lOo ?t I & S pr 98 Q?*L Rep Motor Tr ti 45 ^t I, Sw ... 16 17 ?Val, A I, ... R14 9 30 P" . 18 IS? US 10 do pr ..... 7 Du main Iloa. 54 do pr . 9? Elkhorn Coal. 21 do pr .37 40 Em Brandt... 21 25 do pr . 82H 83 EjhTi Vonn pr.lOOVj M4 Krie 2d pr... 16 Ke.V M ft 3. 14 d(. ioa CO Standard M??132 160 101 I do pr . so .0 Stud?baker pr.100 120 hup Stoel pr.l?OV? 103 T ft P Id tr.275 COO Tidewater 011.205 ?13 ,?,J?<* ?''"*i pr. 93 96 WJ4TS?, ft VV ctfs 11 18 15V4 do pr otfs. 18 23 Fisher Body.. 125 130 ?T O H T pr ? (ion Chem pr. 93 07 >i .Cn .erwood T.167 Gn Cl? pr aeO 8" .90 | do pr .? Gen Motors pr 70H 81?S ti Clg St pr.107 <i M & No. 7 10 IL'nlteU Dmsr..l34 (} S S 1st pr 9014 or i do 2d pr...l3Q Hartman Corp SOVa W?4 U S Express.. 30 Homeetaka .._ Int -Motor Tr.loo un do 1st pr... 72V4 75 Int t'aper pr ... 100 Int Nickel pr SOU, 87 Int Salt ....874 "0 Iowa Central. 5 ? .lo'-.i-s Tea ... 24 20 Ivwser ,t ...105 115 KCKSAM ' pr. 53 ?3 Ke?y Spr pr. 93 Kolaoy Wheel. 72 do pr .96 Ki-ok ft D M. 4 81% V S I Al pr 97 104 V S S ft It pr 47',. 4??4 Va I C & V SO SS Vulean I'etln. 24 26 do pr . SS 90 Wabash i*r is is 20 ? ?Wist Md 2d pr 15 19 20 West Pao pr. 61% 63 r. Wewfso M lit. 64 '=-? 63 \VH., .1 Co pr 95 9n%;Woo!worth ...123 SO do pr .no 9 . \VP ft M pr A 85 7 ' do pr B_ 73 97 hi* W, J. W?b?t_r, J. P. Van Loar, W. A, Layfleld. Leonard Richards Jr. and Inland Lyon hnv? been ?lecfeed directora o? the Atlas Powder Cornpafit. Stocks Ex Dividend Mar 17?American Can pf. 1.?; Mar 19?Amer Toi & Tel. 2 MarlS?American Woolen.... 1% Mar 22?Barrett Co pf. 1%. Mar 16?Bethlehem Steel. ?U Mar 20?Commerce, Nat Bank. 2'u Mar 19?Continental Can. ].\ Marl9? do pf. 1%| Mar 20?Durham H M T Cl B. % and Vi ex Mar 20?General Electric. 2 Mar 20?Kress, S II, pf. 1% Mar 18?Manila Elec R R & Light_ l'a ; Mar 20?Middle States Oil temp.10c Mar 20?M St P & 8 S M leased lines. 2 Mar 19?National Surety. 3 Mar 18?Nortfy American Co. j i? MarlO?Northern Palillo Ky. l'% Mar 20?Otis Steel pf. i\ Mar 20?Penney, J C, Co temp pf. 1% Mar 20?Pettibone-Mulllken 1st pf.... 1% Mar 20?Pierce OU % per cent pf.... 2 Mar 17?Railway Steel Spring. 2 Mar 18?United Cigar Stores com stk.10 Mar 20?United Fruit. 3 Dividends Extras Indlahotna, Refining Company?An extra | dividend of 2 per oent has been declared in audition to the regular monthly dividend I of 1 per cent, both payable April 1 to i stockholders of record March 21. Texas Pacific Coal and Oil Company? i An extra dividend of 5^ per df?iit has been : declared in addition to the regular quar- ! terly dividend of 1 % per cent, both pay- j ablo March 31 to stockholders of record | March 20. Waldorf System?Extra dividend of 6 per cent In stock has been declared In ad? dition to the regular quarterly common dividend of 25 cants a share and the pre? ferred quarterly of 20 cents a share. The extra dividend Is payable May 1 to stock? holders of?record April 20 and the quarter? ly dividends April 1 to holders of record March 20. Increases American Suroty Company?The regular j quarterly dividend has been increased ! from 2 to 2^ per cent, payable March 31 to ' stockholders of record March 20. Regular Declarations Stock- ? Period holders of | Rate Payable Record : Aeol, Web P. pf.. 194 Q Mar 31 Mar 20 A-ollan Co pf.... 1?? U Mar 31 Mar 20 Ahmeelc Mining.. .50 Q Mar 31 MarlS; Bal Tube pf....$1.75 Q Apr 1 Mar 20 Bank of N Y.... 5 Q Apr 1 Mar 22 I Bankers Tr Co... 5 Q Apr 1 Mar 20 Barnet Leath pf* 1% Q Apr 1 Mar 25 ; Beach CkRR... .50 Q Apr 1 Mar IS | Boston Elev Ry..$1.25 Q Apr 1 Mar IS i Can I P Ltd 8s pf. 2 I - -? Ccn Union Trult. fit* Q Apr 1 Mar 20 , Con Mills pf..... 1% Q Apr 1 Mar 20 ! Day Pow & _ pf. IV, Q Apr 1 Mar 20 , Die Prod pf.... 2 Q Apr 15 Ma r 81 Del Tr & Rub pf 3 Q Apr 1 Mar 20 Empire Trust.... 3 Q Mar 31 Mar 2 0 Pry Rub Co pf... 2 ? Apr 1 Mar 20 Indian Packing.. .25 Q Apr 1-i Mar 30 Laurence Pet.... 1 ? M Apr 1 Mar 20 Manhattan Railw l?i Q Apr 1 Mai-22 1 Mon Val Tr pf. .. .37 ? Q Apr 7 Mar 31 j Xipls Minna Ltd. 5 Q Apr 20 Mar 31 ! Old Col Wood M. 2 Q Apr 1 Mar ?3 do pf. Is; Q Apr 1 Mar 2:1 i Osceola Con Min. .50 ? Mar 31 MarlS i Ph & Wi-s R pf 1U Q Apr 15 Mar 31 ! Ridge AV P R_$3.00 ? Apr 1 Mar 15 Tec Oil & Gaa... 1 M Mar 30 Mar 15 New River pf_$1.50 Ac Mar 30 Mar 20 Weber Piano pf.. lii? Mar 31 Mar 20 Toward C M pf.. 3?iS-AApr 1 Mar 20 U S Trucking_$1.67 I Apr 1 Mar 20 ? ... . . ? O??orge J. Corbett, assistant aeoretary of the Central Union Trust Company, has been ?looted a vice-president of that institution. In ^[^^eei ! Hammering Middle State? It was a case of thumb? down on Midd'lo States Oil yesterday so far as the professional traders were con? cerned. They singled Middle State. out early and went after it hammer and tongs, driving tho stock down to a low of 31% compared with a close of 37%. on Monday. It ended the day at 32%, off 5% points net. Out of ap? proximately 50,000 shares of Middle States sold at the exchange one inter? est was credited with having sold 25, COO shares during the course of the five-hour session. While considerate long htock was forced out on the brean market observers were of the opinion that much of the selling of S iddlc States was for the short account. IJus was borne out by the fact that there was an unusually active deman?. fot the stock in the loan crowd. While ether industrials were loaning at i per cen'?'iddle States was held at i per cenfBr 2 cent below the average rate. It ?vas pointed out in conncc tion with the break in the stock thai should Congress put through legisla tion taking*stock dividends and making such a tax retroactive?most Wal Street people did not believe such a la would be constitutional?nie Middle States Corporation wojald be adversely affected, since the company ha3 beer disbursing stock dividends with grea regularity for a year past. "What Do Yon Think of the Markei?" An outside trader: "Wall Street il getting too bullish. Tips are gettin? too plentiful again. It's about time t sell 'em again." Picrce-Arrow Stockholders of the Pierce-Arroi Motor Car Company will shortly re ceive copies of the annual report cov ering operations ended December 8 last. The report will show, it is un derstood, net profits of around $1 800 000 after deductions on account c Federal taxes. After preferred div: dends that would leave about $1,000,00 available for the common stock, o around S4 a share. In 1918 the coa pany earned $7.86 a share on the ?on mon. The poor showing made by th company last year is not news to th financial district. . It has been know for several months that Pierce-Arro suffered severely from the tran?itio from a war to a peace basiB, whic made necessary the passing of th common stock dividend. A Prt?diction The pool in Saxon Motors continue its operations yesterday and the stoc was pushed to 18% early. Afterwarc it receded with the rest of the marke closing at 17%. Saxon sold as high ? 19 on Monday's bulge. C. A. Pfeffe president of the company, was cr?dite yesterday as predicting that the eari ings of Saxon this year might run. i high as $1,000,000. American Vanadium Directors of the American Vanadiu Corporation are scheduled to meet t day and it would not surprise the Stre t,o see them declare an initial divider on tho stock, although in some qua ters no action is expected until tl next meeting early in the summe Vanadium has been one of the stron est spots in the market on the recove: of the last few days. Yesterday touched 60, an advance of about point.% from the recent low. Estim?t made earlier in the year that the coi pany would earn around $12 a sha j on the stock in 1920 are being revise ; it is learned, and those who claim '' know say that earnings will run clos to $20 a share. Words of Admonition A stock exchange house which is i clined to be conservatively bullish i the market outlook told its customc yesterday "not to wait for too h profits or too long in taking them, ev if you don't get the highest fig'ures especially in the industrials." It al handed out other advice: '"Don't g hung up on top in the industrial pj of the list particularly. Cost of pi duction shows no indications of c creasing, nor is it likely to until aft the elections. Politics will cater to t labor vote. Remember this is Pre dential year and we can only rec one, the McKinley boom, when the was a real bull market." Standard Oil Rumor Wall Street heard yesterday that 1 sensational riso in tho market va of Standard Oil of New Jersey sto which has sold this week above $L?0( share, setting a new high record, based upon plans by the managem? for the declaration of a 400 per c? common stock dividend. It also lean by the rumor route that $100,000/ of common stock might be offered 'the public for subscription at par. the offices of the company these ports were categorically denied. terests in close touch with Stand Oil affairs insist that some import development with regard to a re justment of capitalization to ace more closely with the compai swollen assets is close at hand, ? will likely take the form of splitt up of tho present stock into sma units. Application has already b made to list the stock on the Exchai Public Going Slow It would be interesting to know 1 big a share of the transactions at Stock Exchange each day is made of business originating with wiiat Street is wont to call the "pub; Opinions differ' on the ratio betw professional and outside trading tivities> Since the market began pick up a couple of weeks ago public has been somewhat more? tive, it is generally admitted, but < then the outside participation is it smaller than it was last year, w the market was booming. Some of commission houses in the district complaining that they aro- not get tho volume of business they had lo? for when the market turned for better. Pool manipulation is sai? be the principal factor making market activity these days. C. P. R, Seeks Funds The Canadian Pacific Railroad in the market yesterday to ascei on what terms it could arrange ?c ment financing. As far as couk learned, it has made no arranger thus far. Many of the American r have asked bankers what the cos funds obtained in the investment : ket would be, and the replies ind ing the unprecedentedly high coa capital have deterred many of t it is said. Some raijroad execu are now inclined to delay purehf new equipment on trie theory thai price of materials will be lower autumn, especially if orders are i held. The enthusiasm of many road men for new equipment is ch when they are told of the cost of tal and the prico of supplies. A Pretext for Selling Professional traders sold the ket yesterday, picking out as special targets those industrial i< v.-liich have been strongest on th cent recovery. The bear party, v is still very much on the job, is to have had a hunch on Monday the market was due for a good set and yesterday they only needed a cuse to let go their barrage of selling. These traders made the from Washington of a retroa tux on stock dividends a pr?ter their selling? operations Wall E as a whole lo?ed upon the pro Next to U. S. Government Bondi Municipal Bonds Yielding 5% to 6% The bond? of our political ??J: vision* have back of 4i/-m the credit and resource? and full taxing jx^ ; of our municipalities and constitute t}* safest form of investment. ' Send for Circular Spitzer, Rorick & Company Established ?871 Equitable BIdg., New York Toledo Chicago) r Constructive Court Decisions. A Better Outlook. Reading the Wall Street Barometer. Discussed in this week's israe of THE BACHE REVIEW The REVIEW Is issued week's nd Coptes may be had upon rtgitisL J. S. Bache & Co. ESTABLISHED 1892 Members New York Stock Exchange 42 Broadway New York Branch?, and OomsposiStsta ' thrtragl-OU. the TTclt? ? Btatai, One of the Eastern Railroads covering the chief industrial centers east of the Mississippi ?a continuous dividend payer for 65 years?overlooked is the present market? PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO. ?which Is pertinent for an analyst? at this time?so wo havo prepared a special report. FIVE ESTABLISHED OILS that hRve not as yet participate, to any extent In th. market movement generated by the higher prices for oil and Its products. In addition to the above, the usual features and discussion* on: Corn Product? Amer. Safety Raior Studebaker No. Amer. 1*. & I*. Baldwin Loco. Carib Syndicate in tho Current Issus MARKET OPINION Gratis on request for _B-J7. R.H.MACMAS?ERS&CO. Members Consolidated Stuck Exch., .V. }'. 69 Wall St. New York Hanover 9536 Ground Floor Montgomery-Ward Submarine Boat Gilliiand OU Phillips Pet Glenrock Oil Midwest Oil Comprehensive articles on above given in cur? rent issue of our weekly? Financial Forecast Fres on request. Ask for No. 59. ESTABLISHED ?906 41 BR0AD ST-.WEWT?? Phcm?-Bisad 23 1. M. TAYLORS CO. Incorporated INVESTMENTS ? 7 Wall Street | Koston Cle?elM< I Philadelphia Plttaburf? HARRIMAN NATIONAL BANK Fifth Avenue & Forty-fourth flt New York BANKING HOURS FROM 8 A. M.70 8P.& SAFE DEPOSIT VA?L?S 8 A. M. TQttfflW Profit in Foreign ? Exchange Th? logical operation fall* explained In Letter E ST. Copy on application to J. T. Eran? ? Co., 44 ?road St. X. y. _ LIBERTY BONDS All -Jenom-nctlons bo-ipht tsr eSM Baaed on (he closing wa P*7* $47.99 for a 850?3%% Bond.t.3 ?<*%?' .45.17 t or a 160?*d 4 ' ?% Bond, I ?<>W"r ?45.?:< for a SOW?.d 4 .i?'. Itond. 1 %*%?. $45.48 for a SiiO???h 4 'i", ?oud, 2 ??UP*S SU8.8U for a jjtfO?3lh 4%% Bond, ? ConP?" PURDY & CO.. ? m TeL John 31?4-6-?-7. S4 Pina St- ?? * as more or less of a joke, *a ?. served it? purposo for th? crowd ?** ing on the downward si<le of Pr?^y if certain Congressmen have their ? it appears that a 15 per cent .W pen? stock dividends would bo levied by t*^ gressional statute. .Direct'" Crucible Steel Company of Am er ? seemed to have little fear about ?? legislation being put through. f0V , declared at their meet'.g yestei*H|] stock dividend of 60 per cent. " g Street gerferally had expected ????* per cent at this time.