Newspaper Page Text
Lost and Found Roomt And Boarders Furnished Apartment? LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS LOST BANKBOOKS LOST.-?Bankbook No. 742.9S0 of the-Unlon Dine Savin?? Bunk Is missing. Any person having a claim to it Is hereby ? ailed upou to present the same within i>n days or submit to having said pass? book canceled ami a new one Issued. ?OCT.?Bankbook No. 647.9?2 of the Union Pint?- Savins;? Bank Is missing. Any i.,>'?m? having a clsiin to it is hereby ?tailed upon to present the samo within ten days or submit to having said pass? book canceled and a new one Issued. LOST?Bankbook No. 626.44 4 of $he Union Dim? Savings Bank is missing. Any ?erson having a claim to It Is hereby called upon to present the same within ten days ?*r submit to having raid pass bcok canceled and a new one Issued. LOST?Bankbook No. 692.792 of the Union Dime Savings Bank is missing. Any person having a claim to It is hereby Called upon ?> present the same within ten ?Java Of submit to having said pass? book canceled and a View one Issued. LOST -Bankbook No. 319.US of the Frank? lin Saving? Bank. Issued to Gusste Hor wlu, Payment stopped. Please return to hank. 65S Eighth ave.. New York City. All persons tire cautioned not to purchase or negotiate same. LOST -Bankbook No. 763,132 of the Union Dime Savings Bank is missing. Any person having a claim to it is hereby called upon to present tho same within ten ??ays <>r submit to having said pass? book canceled and a new ono issued. LOST? Bankbook No. 615.400, The Greenwich Savings Bank. 246 & 24S Sixth ave.. N- Y. City. Payment stopped. Please return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 77.062 of the United States Savings Bank of New York. Pay? ment stopped. Please return book to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No., 143.748, North River Savings Bank. 31 West 34th St. Pay? ment stopped. Kindly return to bank. LOST. -Passbock No. 135,535, issued by the Cnlon Square Savings Bank. Finder will please return it to the bank. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET 89TH ST. 70 A\ est?Beautiful furnished front room, with dressing room, running water, electricity: also front basement; references. Owner. 136T1I. D40 WEST.?Beautiful room; private washroom. Morningside 4501. WEST END AVE., 818 (100th st.).?Large room, also .-mall hall room. Phone Rtver slde 4909. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET 120TII, 434 WEST.?High class 3-room apartments, kitchenette, nicely .fur? nished Apartment 3-G. Telephone Morn? ingside S II'!. HELP WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION ACTO INSTRUCTION WTC TEACH REPAIRING AND DRIV IN?; IN SHORT TIMM; LICENSE GUAR? ANTEED: LADIES' CLASSICS. AMERI? CAN AUTO SCHOOL, 726 Lexington ave. (59th). Plaza 4016. LEARN TO BE A CHAUFf'HUI??Pleasant and profitable work; day and evening classes. Send for free booklet and visitor's pass. West Side Y. M. C. A., 206 West 67th St. LEARN OXYACETYLENE WELDING Great demand for trained men. Eight weeks' course. Class now forming. 23d St. Y. M C. A., 215 West 23d St., N. V. MEN- Good paying proposition to operate moving picture machine in theater; ex perienc? unnecessary. Call day or evening, American Theater Building, entrance 64-' 8th av. (43d st.L 'Phone Bryant 1519. YOUR I.ITU WORK?SETTLE IT NOW Instead of after years of drifting in wrong! positions. Your progress, success and satis? faction depend upon selecting the work for which you are best fitted. Before making u ' change, find out what your life work should lie. Thru an anaysis of your abilities from a study ol the face, our trained analysts i'an determine the right job for you. This study is bas.d on Known scientific laws. No psychological tests; no trade tests. Call here for full letails, Bookie) "I." on requesl I toi Institute, Inc., 96 Fifth av? (al J5 st.), N. V. Tel. Chelsea 4054, HELP WANTED MALE A WORLD QUESTION! ! HOW CAN I ATTAIN SUCCESS? I nave asked myself that question for the past ten years. Now I have solved the prob lem, I'll give five real men a chance to share it with me. All that is necessary is confi? dence-in yourself; act quickly; aged 21-35. Applv, by letter inly, N. T., 929 Tribune Build? ing, New York. . BOY to help in stockroom and do light porter work; good chance. Apply Sanford Nar? row Fabric Co., 351 4th av., near 25th st. BOYS to run errands; chance for advancement; references required, ?'all F. A. O Schwarz 1 East 31st st. BOY, STRONG, OVER 16, ~ fer supply roo'i In manufacturing drug I lieuse; $14 start: good chances for ad? vancement, Bristol )l?vro; <-, 231 Greene ave., Brooklyn. BOY'S warned In large ?l .. ..irency; I . nance for advancemem ,? Walter Thompson Company, 244 Mud. i ave New1 York City. I:<?Y wanted to answer phone and do office work; salary $12 to start. Applv Watson, Stlliinan Co., Pnom 1680, &0 church st. BOY to run errands; prospects of advance? ment . must be over 1?; years old, Apply B. H. Tyrrel, 20?; Fulton st. FIREMAN wanted; $20 a week; meals; seven days Reisenweber's Hotel 9S7 Bight h ave. Col. '.'O?O. GROCERY CLERKS, experi? enced; excellent future for right men; opportunity to be? come managers. Apply 159 AUantic_Ave., Brooklyn. JAPANESE cooks, butlers. Japanese~Eni"- i ^?-oyment Bureau, ill West 42d ? Brytint ! . "_ i OFFICE BOY. neat, active, with Al refer- '' Sons. Inc.. 5 West 45th st Jaetkel & j SALESMEN A Wall Street house, long established In : fot ; largesTpoVsibtTonu wnTt?ft able to salesmen who have their own client? and ?ho can follow up tangible leads. At presei t then are available the securities of an established .,?1 paving industrial ?.pro? ducing and verj promising oll and an opar atlng mine that is very soon to declaro its (1rs: dividend, all being Offered at attractive prises before being listed for trading. Sales? men Joining tills organisation now may be enured of it permanent connection and a ?urge Income. Address Broker E. T M Posfoftlee Box 372. City Hall Station, New York City, SALESMAN WANTED.?A live salesman with few thousand, buy interest In exclu? sive automobile agency, Manhattan. A., Box ?76. Tribune Oftlc?. ^TOCITCLERK lo handle bulk tablet stock; must have !:ad some experience In a retail drug si. er wholesale drug house; should be strolls' and have had some high school training; $17 start; good chances for advancement, , Bristol Myers Co., 381 Oreeno ave., Brookl; n WANTED, Man, about CO years of age, ' for messenger service in tihlpplng de? partment of large advertising agencj . llghl work; reference required as to character; J15 per week to start. Address M. S.. Pox B-7-J.?, Tribune Office, Y'OUNG MAN ?experienced on sales ledgers, sood penman, accurate and quick at ligures. Addr.-ss, etat ln< *&*> *nd "alary expectsd, Box ?, L. 209, fijytw? ?aUdla* Wants WANTED. AT ONCE, FIRST CLASS, RELIABLE FUR DYER. WAGES UNLIMITED TO THE RIGHT PARTY; MUST SHOW RESULTS ..AND REFERENCE. TWIN CITY FUR DRESSING AND DYEING CO , 1.29 5TH ST., S. E., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. WANTED, a live publicity man. A., Box 875, Tribune Office. YOUNG MAN familiar with sheet metal works who has had some practical expe? rience. 111- pal tern cutter to work as Junior cul ter In large shop. The opening is full of opportunities for learning and advancement. Onlv man wishing to make the most of such a chance is desired. Write S. H. P., Room 2502. 110 West (Olli st. HELP WANTED FEMALE A NEW DOWN-TOWN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR TELEPHONE OPERATORS IS NOW OPEN FROM 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. AT 195 BROADWAY, MANHATTAN N. W. CORNER DEY ST. (ASK THE HALLMAN) Come in during your lunch period and let us tell you about the ad? vantages of telephone operating, as an interest? ing, well-paid and worth while occupation for girls. Positions are open in several departments. $15.00 A WEEK TO START (No experience necessary) NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY GIRLS AS CLERKS AND AS TYPISTS . Girls, age 17 and over, want? ed for permanent positions. HOURS 9 to 4.30 SATURDAY, 9 to 12 LUNCHEON SERVED FREE. Free Medical attention, Dental Advice, Insurance, Circulat? ing Library, Gymnasium. Classes in Stenography, Type? writing, Dictaphone Operating, French, English, Home Nurs? ing, Millinery and Dressmaking, with competent instructors and without expense. OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS WITH SOME HIGH SCHOOL OR BUSINESS SCHOOL TRAINING IN TYPEWRIT? ING TO QUALIFY AND FILL EARLY VACANCIES. SALARY TO START, $12. RAPID ADVANCEMENT TO THOSE WHO MERIT IT. QUALIFIED APPLICANTS WILL BE STARTED IMMEDIATELY. Apply any day between 9 and 4.30. (Monday and Wednesday until 6 p. m.) Room 5030 Metro? politan Life Building, 4th Ave. & 23d Street. Use Madison Avenue elevator to 5th floor. GIRLS WANTED $15.00 A WEEK TO START Positions open in several' departments ALSO NIGHT WORK FOR WOMEN (21 years and over) (married or single) $18.00 A WEEK TO START No experience required. Rapid advancement. Permanent work. 48 hours or less a week. Earnings of S85.00 to $100.00 a MONTH soon reached. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES: 1158 BROADWAY, MANHATTAN. S A. M. to 5 P. M. 453 EAST TREMONT AVE.. BRONX, 8 A. M. to 8 T. M. 81 W1LLOUGHBY ST.. BROOKLYN, (1 BLOCK FROM HOYT ST. SUBWAY STATION.) 9 A. M.*t,o 8 P. M. ABOVE OFFICES ALSO OPEN SATURDAYS TO 4 P. M. SUNDAYS 1 P. M. TO 5 P. M. 19S BROADWAY. MANHATTAN. 9 A, M. TO 5 P. M. 1330 BROADWAY. BROOKLYN. (NEAR GATES AVE. * IV STATION.) 9 A, M. to 5 P. M. Or telephone MADISON SQUARE 1200C? NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY GIRLA experienced, to siring pearl neck? laces; good pay; steady work; half day Saturday all year, ?tailne Pearl Co., 15 Uftldcn Laso, Room jfl7. Help Wanted Situations Wanted Business Opportunities HELP WANTED FEMALE CLERICAL WORKERS must be quick and accurate nt figures and have bad some high school training; $14 to start, with advancement, Bristol Myers Co., ?81 Greene avo.. Brooklyn. CLERK.?Christian.; pood penman; advance? ment; start .20. Call Ilowtell's Agency, 170 Broadway. GIRL wanted ,o attend bread .tore. Torrens Petrl Baking. 2037 Atlantic ave., cor. Hop klnson avo., Brooklyn. HOUSEKEEPER. WORKING, white, competent, references, to do the whole work of 7-rooni apart? ment, Camlly of 3 adults. Call be? tween 1 and 3 or 6 and 7 Wednes? day or Thursday, W. T. Williams, 33 West 12th st. STENOGRAPHER wanted by Christian firm; $20 to start. Apply in person, John J. Deery Corp., Vernnn uve. and Hurrls ave., Long Island, City. STENOGRAPHER. ? Christian; downtown opening; advancement; start $25-$30. llow tell's Agency. 170 Broadway, TYPIST.?High class automobile company; state experience end salary desired. B., j Box 72S, Tribune Oillco. TYPIST.?Christian; downtown opening; ad ! ?anccment ; salary $20-$. ?. Bowtell'B j Agency, 170 Broadway. , ?-,-. i WOMEN, light factory work; good sal I ary. Manhattan Drug Company, 60 Warren at. j ;-:._-, ' - -1 i S1TUATIONSJVVANTED MALE ; ACCOUNTANTS, bookkeepers, stenographers, j clerks, male or female. Employers call I Equitable Industrial Relations Service, Inc., I Employment Department (Agency), 171 Mad I Ison ave. Tel. Var.derbilt 330. i COOK, Chinese, competent; charge bach? elor apartment or high class private family; best references. B., Box 7 ; Tribune Office. MAN and WIFE (colored), wants position as janitor; good fireman; wife take rare of switchboard and elevator; references. Clif? ford Sandford, 223 West 142d St. MAN, middle aged, messenger, collector, some position of trust; best reference. T. Carraher, 1109 Manhattan ave., Brook? lyn. MECHANIC;, three years' experience, will take position as chauffeur. James Moran, 309 West 21st st., New York City. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A?A.?Chambermaid or laundress; young Irish girl; city family onlv ; $55-$60. C. Miss Hof mover's Agency, 10 East 4 3d st., 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. COOK and chambermaid-waitress; voting Irish girl, city preferred. Miss McLough lin's Agency. 321 Madison ave. Murray Hill COOK.?Young Irish girl; city apartment: $05; good city reference. N.. Miss Uof mayer's Agency, 10 E. 43d st., 3d (loor. Tele? phone S947 Murray Hill. COOK.?Young. American Protestant : excel? lent references. .Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 36? Fifth ave. LAUNDRESS or CHAMBERMAID.?Young. English; excellent long city reference ; $55 $H0. S., Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d st., 3d door. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. MOTHER and daughter, Canadians; cook chambermaids- waitress ; excellent refer? ences. Mi. s McLoughlln'^Ageney, 3.'1 Madl W. son avo. Murray Hill 39 NURSERY GOVERNESS.?American, Protes? tant: child over four years old? $G0-$fi5. W., Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d st., 3d floor. Telephone 8917 Murray Hill. NURSE.?Young, two children; excellent references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 306 Fifth ave. WAITRESS - PARLORMAID.?Otty apart? ment ; small family of adults; $05. K., Miss Hofmayer's Agericy, 10 Easl 43d st., 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. WORKING HOUSEKEEPER.?Young Amer? ican bachelor or business couple; excellent i Ity references; $r>r.. Q., Miss Hofmayer's i Agency. 10 East 43d st., 3d floor. Telephone ; 8947 Murray Hill. BUSINESS CARDS Carpets and Rugs WILTON. AXMINSTER, BRUSSELS CARPETS In blue, green, gray, brown, plain, mixed Oriental patterns (slightly used), $1.26 yard up; SUITABLE ALL PURPOSES; rugs, all sizes, seamed or seamless, with or without border, plain, mixed or Oriental colors, $15 to $55 up; smallest to largest sizes, 300 lace curtains, $1 pair; screens, portiers, making over, cleaning, laying, dyeing; beautiful, reasonable. .Stilling?, Inc.. ?20-62S Madison ave. (59th). Plaza 8835. Diamonds DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY BOUGHT FiiR CASH", estates appraised, pur? chased. BENNETT, 175 Broadway upstairs. Furniture Wanted HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture, tiques, pianos, bric-a-brac, books, etc. GABAY. 38 University Place. PI Stuyvesam 2377. Men's Clothing COME UP ! ; WHERE PRICESARE DOWN Buy a Stitch Suit or Top Coat direct from 1 maker to wearer and save retailer's profit. ; Wonderful values, $29.50 to $43.50. Stich Co., i G21 Broadway, eighth floor. Bleecker street ! subway <u "L" station. ? WHOLESALER ALSO SELLS AT RETAIL Men's and Young Men's Kulis ^ Top Coats. LATEST STYLES FUR SPRING ?AT $29.60 and $32.60. VALUES TO $50. ; SAVE TRY-ON TROUBLES. A. & B. CLOTHES SHOP. 62 W. 33d st., Opp. Hotel McAlpin. Patents PATENTS. Over 70 years' practice; all communica? tions strictly confidential ; handbook on patents free on request ; special faiilllles for office consultation. Munn & Co., patent at? torneys, 611 Woolworth Building. New 1'ork. Rugs i ORIENTAL RUGS ?? ?n ?: l tlty bought for highest cash; appraising a ?ppecialty; call or write. Basnajlan, 30 | West 46th st. 'Phone 5101 Bryant. Typewriters : TYPEWRITERS RENTED 1 Non*jVlsible, 3 Mos.. $5. Visible, 3 Mos., $7.50 up. Inillal oayment applies if purchased. i AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO.. INC., I 339 Broadway, at Worth St. > Tel. 540S 20 E. 23d St., opp. Madison Ave. ( Franklin TIBS TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 1? Barclay St. Tel. 473S Barclay. Trunks BIO BARGAIN.?New and used wardrob. trunks. 606 Sixth ave., bet. 30th-Sl*t ata FOR SALE FOR SALE.? Mahogany library table and large mirrors for sale. TUNA, 20 E. 33d. SUMMONS SUPREME COURT, NEW YORK COUNTY. ?-L. ?- E. FRBNKEL, INC., Plaintiff. : against G. VERZOCCHI, also known as land trading under the name of Gulseppl : Verssocchl and Giovanni Verzocchi, De i fendant. Summons: ! TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to an ; swer the complaint in this action and to 1 serve a copy of your answer on the plain j tiff's attorneys within twenty days after i the service of this summons, exclusive of ! the day of service, and in case of your j failure to appear, or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for I the relief demanded In the complaint. '? Dated February 2nd, 1920. SHADE & SLADE, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Office & P. O. Address 200 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan. City of New York. To G. Verzocchi, also known as and Lading under the name of Gulseppl Ver eocchl and Giovanni Verzocchi: The foregoing summons is served upon ?! you by publication, pursuant to an order | of Hon. Nathan Bljur, a Justice of the : Supreme Court, New York County, dated ' the 20th day of February, 1920, and riled i on that day, with a copy of the complaint. In the office of the Clerk of the County of New York, at the County Court House, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, the original complaint having been tiled in said olllce on the 3rd day of Feb? ruary, 1920. Dated New York, February 20th, 1920. SLADE & SLADE. Attorneys for Pl&lnttff, 200 Broadway. Nsw York City. Shippin HIGH WATER am ."A 'rndy Hook.,. 5:50 0:34 lowrnor's Island.6:3:i ,,:f,,> Hell Gute. 8:10 S'-'2 ARRIVED YESTERDAY Vessel Port Departure American Star.Bilbao .''''ID -,; Stockholm.Gothenburg -Mar J Kronstad.Buenos Ayros. . ..Feb ZJ Panama.Cristobal .Mar ? Banan.Port Antonio. ... Mar i<>. Runa.Santiago ?le Cuba.Mar ?J Putnam.Philadelphia . . .Mar 16 Corcoran.Jacksonvll|? . ? ? .?Mm' ' ? Volumnla.London .Mar 1 Smaragd.Muracalbo.Mar 6 Starllte.Huenos Ayres. . . . -? Went Rurltans.Hatavla .Jan HO Lampusas.Oui veston .Mar O Chariot.Wilmington .... -?" Shaume.Buenos Ayres. . .Fob 19 Panama.Orlstohnl .-~ Wacouta.Tampico .Mar 6 Westgate.Huenos Ayres. . . Windrush.Huenos Ayres. . . . INCOMING STEAMSHIPS Duo To-day Italia.Palermo.Feb 20 Mayaro.Trinidad .Mar 8 j Roman Prince.Dartmouth .Feb I Lake Fargo.Havre ., .Feb 12 La Perouse.Havre .Feb 21 Kurt Side.Bordeaux .Feb 21 Samland.Antwerp .Mar 6 Mexico.Havre .Mar 1 Bardlo.London .Mar 4 Isla d?^ Panay.Cadiz .Mar 4 Dakotan.Dunkirk.Mar 11 Due To-morrow Pesaro.Naples .Mar 4 Ft. Victoria.Bermuda .Mar 16 Carrillo.Cristobal .Mar 5 Duo Friday Dante Alighieri.Palermo .Mar 6 Toronto.Hull .Mar 4 Vaarll.Genoa .Mar 12 Allianca.Cristobal .Mar 12 Due Saturday Manchuria.Southampton . .Mar 10 America.Naples .Mar ?'. Argentina.Trieste .Feb 28 Madonna.Marseilles .Mar 2 Iro'iuols.Santo Domingo . ..Mar 15 OUTGOING STEAMSHIPS Sail To-day Mall Vessel closes sails Vauban, Huenos Ayres 7:00 AM 11:00 AM Alcomiuin, Han Do? mingo . D :30 AM 1:00 PM Ft Hamilton, Bermuda, 7:30 AM 11:00 AM Achilles, Paramaribo. .10:00 AM 2:00 PM Mesaba, London.;. - 12:00 M West Grove, Manches? ter .- 12:00 M Galahad, Glasgow..'... - 12:00 M Strnbo, Manchester.... - 12:00 M Galileo, Hull.- 12:00 M Lomar, Genoa.- 12:00 M. ; Silety, Batavia.- 2:00 FM W D Munson, Cardenas??- 12:00 M Kastern King, Nuevltas- 12:00 M Western Hero, Huenos Ayres .-? 12:00 M Sali To-morrow Franco, Havre . 8:30 AM 12:00 M War Soldier, C. Town. Hl :00 M 3:30 I'M. Rosalind, St. Johna. ... 8:00 AM 12:0OM Bronte, Santos. 7:00AM 11 :00 AM Maracalbo, Mayagu.-z. . 0:30 AM 1 :00 I'M West Point, Cadiz....- 12:00 M Aledo, Antwerp .- 12:00 M Tartar Prince, Palms. . ?- 12:00 M Valdura, Antwerp ... .- 12:00M River Orentes, Sal?nica-?-? 12:00 M Vlncennes Bridge, Christiania.-? 12:00 M Cannibas, Hong Jvong.- 2:00 PM Putnam. Maderia .-1:00 I'M Lake Blanchester, Ha? vana. - 12:00 M Lake Otisco, Santiago.- 12:00 M Anten, Havana .- 12:00 M Hell.mea, Buenos Ayres- 12:00 M Lake lalther, Bah?a..-? 12:00 M Sail Friday Rochambeau, Havre... 8:30 AM 12:00 M Banan, Kingston. 7:30 AM 11:00 AM Mexico, Havana. 8:30 AM iL'iOOM SnII Saturday Adriatic. Southampton.l2:00 M 2:00 PM Stockholm, Gothenb'g, 0:30 AM 2:00 PM Kenmore, Hamburg.. .10:00 AM 2:00 PM Ranenfjord,Christiania 9:30 AM 2:00PM Chinese Prince, Cupe T12:00M 3:30 PM l?bro, Valparaiso. 7:00 AM 11:00 AM Abrangarez, Cristobal. 7:00 AM 11:00 AM Ft. Victoria, Bermuda. 7:30 AM 11:00 AM Callao, Buenos Aryes.. 8:00 AM 12:00 M Ponce, ,san juan. 8:30 AM 12:00 M Mexico. Danzig. 8:30 AM 12:00 M Mercury, Antwerp _- 12:00 M Runenfjord, Christiania??- 2:0.0 I'M Andijk, Rotterdam ...-----? 12:00 M Chariot, Copenhagen.. -? 12:00 M Mar Rojo, Bordeaux"..- 12:00 M P'uguese Prince, Havre- 12:0?.M Oconee, DunKirk.- 12:00 M Sylvia Victoria, B'rlona- 12:00 M Wallon Hall, Sal?nica.- 12:00.M Lake Frohna, Hull....-r-- 12:00 M City Manila, Calcutta..- 12:0?) M Clan Gumming, Java..-2:00PM Davenport, I!. Ayres..- - 12:00 M AMERICAN PORTS BALTIMORE. March IK.?Arrived: strs eltore, Daiquiri; Diablo, Philadelphia; STORAGE NOTICE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISION of law, there being due and unpaid charges for which i lie undersigned Columbia Storage Warehouses Is entitled to a Men as Ware? houseman on the goods hereinafter described, and due notice having been given to all panics known to claim an interest therein, and tho lime specified in such notice (or payment of such charges having expired. there will he sold ??i public auction at Nos. 60 and 62 West ?>7th Street. New York City, on Saturday, April 3rd, 1020, beginning at 10:30 A. M and continuing on each and every Saturday thereafter, beginning at the same hour, until all goods are sold, to wit: Household Goods and Personal Effects as follows: i Parlor suLs, dining room suits, bedroom suits, library furniture, tables, chairs, brass beds, iron beds, bed springs, mattresses, bol? sters, pillows, chiffoniers, bureaus, couches, hall stands, cabinets, wardrobes, china closets, dressing tables, desks, hat trees, rockers, pictures, mirrors, pianos, phono? graphs, sewing machines, typewriters, (runs, rugs, carpets, stationery, books, trunks, liamp eis. clothing, liner,, theatrical costumes, china, glassware, bric-a-brac, jewelry, silver. draperies, curtain? and personal effects held for the account of Mrs. .1. F. Ailing, Baron Paul Vietinghoff, Walter L. Cahlll, Mrs. Florence A, Void, William L. Hanks. Miss Gertrude Flower. Enoch Hector. Carlton Glldden, Mrs. Julia Goodwin. Miss Ellen Brophy, Mrs. H. Eldridge, Paul Borger, Miss Florence Hart. Mrs. Robert Keenan, Stuart Paton, A. J. F?okes, Miss Catharine Hall, .1. H. Taylor. Mrs. Mary S. Kleinhans, D. It. Tyler, Mrs. Henrietta Grant, L. C. Small wood. Charles K. Slater, W. A. Vanter, John Casstdy, John E. Ray and Mrs. Sadie Gibson: Upright piano, stool and cover, screens, chairs, sofas, tables, brass beds, springs and mattresses, washstands, bureaus, trunks, parlor suits, rugs, dressers. tabouretB, be?l dlng, linen, hall stands curio cabinet, book? case, hampers, china, glassware, refrigerator, chiffonier, baskets, couches, peilestal, rock? ers, ?net ores, linen, cheval glass, china closets, sideboard, desks, music cabinets, iron beds, piano lamp, extension table, held for the account of Airs. B. Howard. China, glassware, brlc-a-brac, pedestal, screens, pictures, paintings and personal effects held for the account of Mrs. Florence Jacobs. Tapestry .:e!d for the account of E. M. Clarke. Upright piano, hall clock, music cabinet, chair, stand and rugs held for the account of Mrs. A. Lyon. Trunk, barrel, picture, linen, clothing. china, glassware, brlc-a-brac and personal effects held for the account of Mrs. C. A. Dougherty or Emma M. Dougherty. Bookcases, parlor suits, brass beds, Iron and personal effects held for the account of John Wlnans. Bookcases, parlor suits brass beds. Iron beds, bed springs, mattresses, pillows, bol? sters, chairs, tables, work stands, rockers, globe, chiffoniers, tea wagon, card table, rugs, pictures, bureaus, tea table, dressing tables, baskets, hampers, washstands, linen, bedding, books, tapestries, curtains, china, glassware, bric-a-brac and personal effects j held for the account of Mrs. Elizabeth A. Demarest. Crate of tables held for the account of ! Carlos Pesant. Bedstead, spring, mattress, bureau, ?hit- ! fonier, chair, rocker and dresser held for the ? account of Mrs. O. de Stantchowska, Chiffonier, nickers, centro table, chairs,! pictures, sheet music, vlctrolas, brass bed, | spring and mattress, electrolier ami upright piano held for the account of Julia Ward ! McLain. Four cases papers, letters and personal effects hold for the account of Essisx Trading Company. All being now stored In said Columbia Storage Warehouses. Tho goods will be on exhibition at the time and place of sale and on the day preceding eacn day of sale. COLUMBIA STORAGE WAREHOUSES, Office, 149 Columbus Avenue. New York, March 1.1th, 1920. Neuse, New York; Lake Elon, New York; Haygowan (Br), Cardiff. Cleared: Strs Peltore, Felton; Santore, Daiquiri. Sailed: Strs Hilton, Boca Grande; Clavarack, Nor? folk; Lancaster, Yokohama via Savannah, ?'ape Henry, Va.. March 16?Passed in for Baltimore: Str Huyo Maru (Jap). Norfolk. I Reported by wireless aground near Tan? gier Bar). Passed out from Baltimore: Sir Gulfoil. towing barga Shenango for Port Arthur. AUCTION SALES BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION I WILL sell to-day at 1 P. M. at my office. 143 Grand st., Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. 1,659 shares preferred stock of the Anglo-Norwegian Shipping Agency, Inc. Adjourned sale. ALFRED FREEMAN, Marofcil. g News BOSTON, March IG?Arrived: Sirs Rosa? rlo (Br), Calcutta und 'Colombo; Lake Markham. Boca Grunde ; Limon, I or? Limon; Nacooehro, Savannah; Lake Yo nmssee, Norfolk; Lake Delancey, Norfolk : Lako Lillian, Boca Grande, Fla; Lako Sil? ver. Philadelphia; Boon. boro. Newport News; Matoa, Norfolk; sers Augusta. W. Snow., Turk's Island, via Norfolk; Law? rence Murdock, Perl land. Sailed: Sirs Stanmoro (Br), Liverpool via Hnlllax, N H; Biela (Br). New York; Lake Suna tiee, New York: Nantuck.t, Norfolk. CHARLESTON, March HI?Arrived: P rs Edgar F Luckonbach, Chilean ports; Lake Eisernere, Boston; Snxon. Havana; sehr Edward R Smith, Havana. Sailed: Sirs Ylldum (Du), Norfolk; Siovetta (Hal), Nor? folk; Lake Favonla,'Norfolk. . FERNAND INA, March I? ? Arrived: 151b,'SO Thurland Castle (Br). Savannah. Sailed: Str AndJIlt (Du), Baltimore. OALVESTON, March HI?Arrived: Strs Toplla, Tampico; .1 B O'Nell, New York. JACKSONVILLE, Flo, March 16?Ar I rived: Strs Delflna, Savannah; Aryan, .Charleston; Brandywlne, Baltimore; Lako ! Monroe, Cuba (and proceeded to New York); Point Loma, Savannah; Florida, ! Tort Arthur; Pioneer, Oalveston. Sailed: [Strs Merrimack. Baltimore via Savannah; | Apache, New York via. Charleston. ! KEY .VEST, Fla, March 16?Sailed: ! 16th, Strs Gilledge, Porto Platte; Str No I G2 (Br). Nagua: Kith. Str No 41!. Sagua. MOBILE, Ala, March IG?Arrived: Str I Bowden (Nor). Belize: sehr Adonis (Br). Havana. Sailed: Strs Tuscan, Cuba; Lako ! si r.vmon. Porto Rico. NEW ORLEANS, March ?G?Cloared : Str? Cartago, Bocas del Toro via Cristobal; Johan Ludvlg Mowlnckel (Nor), Progreso; Lake Catherine, Port Tampa, Fla; Qulmls tan (HondL Oinoa via Port Cortea. NORFOLK. Maren 16? Arrived: Strs C C Morse, Aloxandrla, Va * Monglbello (Hal), Naples; Tonawanda (Br), Tampico; Lako Frances, New York; Chlckasaw, Wilmington; War Breeze (Br), Sagua La Grande; Domingo do Larrlnaga (Br), Gal vest on; Escambla, Savannah; Western j (Br), Newport News; bark Mlnrosa | (Swed), Rotterdam. Sailed: Strs West j ein (Br), Newport News; Fairmont, New? port News; West Galop, Rotterdam; I S.'lfuku Maru (Jap). Buenos Ayres; Mongl bello (Hal). Pniladelphla; Phecda (Dut), I Buenos Ayres; Hannah (Br), Dakar; ?Domingo do Larrlnaga (Br), Manchester; I War Broezo (Br), Qucenstown; Hammer shun (Dan), Buenos A^ros; Escambla, London; Dlo, Avonmouth. PHILADELPHIA, March 16?Arrived: Strs West Cherow, Antwerp via Fayal: Lake Saba, Fowey via Fayal; Anlwa, Port? land, Ore; D?roche, Port Arthur; Lake Traverse, Boca Grando; Ontario, Boston. Delaware Breakwater, Del., March 16 ? Passed up for Philadelphia: Str Colaa (Nor), Falmouth. Passed out from Phila? delphia: Strs Putnam, Oran via New York; Bessemer, Tampico; Corbea Mendl (Span), Norfolk; Hotham Newton (Br), Belfast; Lako Wilson, Tampa; Lako Otlsco, Balti? more; Hayonne, New York. Chester. Pa., March 16?Arrived: Schrs Anna G Lord, St Marc; Charles A Dean, Aquln; Courtney C Houck, Port de Paix. PORT ARTHUR, Tex, March 16?Arriv? ed: Sirs British Duke (Br), Norfolk; Carbrille, Port Lobos; Lako Flavllla, New Orleans. Sailed: Strs British Marshall (Mr), London; Gulfport, Jacksonville; War Patriot (Br), Egyptian port. PORTLAND, Me., March 16?Arrived: Strs Ellin (Greek), Barry , England: Dioh'ysslos Stathatoo (Greek). Halifax; J M Banzlger, Tampico; Easterner, Norfolk; sehr Gardiner G Deerirrg, Norfolk. Sailed: Str Ariano (Br), Gibraltar for orders. PORT EADS, March 16?Arrived: Strs Lake Fisher, Matanzas, Cuba; Lake Glaseo, Mejillones, Chile via Panama Canal; Lake Wlnona, Porto Rico; Manzanillo, Progreso; Oxonian (Br), Liverpool; I'hoenlz Bridge, Thameshaven ; Roger Dellurla (Span), Havana; Sagua. Cuba. Sailed: Strs Ca? lor?a, New York; Harald (Nor), Cienfuegos via .Manzanillo; Lake Grainger, Porto Rico; Lake Grama, Tampa; Bake Otsquago, Nuovitas via Havana and Matanzas; Pas? sa ic Bridge, Buenos Ayres, Monteviedo and Port Arthur; Romulus. Port Lobos, Mexico; Tipton, Tela; Vennacher (Br), Havre. PORT TAMPA, Fla. March 16?Arrived: Str Winifred, Tampico; barge Conneaut, Port Arthur, dropped by steamer Gulf Stream; sehr Harry G. Deering, New York. Sailed: Str Luxe Pleasant, Warners; tug E L Russell with barges Ohio and Con amaugli, Port Arthur. SAN FRANCISCO. .March 16?Arrived: Str Matsonla, Hilo. Sailed: Str Lurline, Honolulu. SAVANNAH, Ga, March 16?Arrived: Sirs Gantoise (Belg), Antwerp; Corson, Hamburg. Sailed: Sirs Tsuruga Maru (Jap), Robe and Yokohama; Coldbrook, Havre; Texandrla, Havre via New York; Howard, Jacksonville (not previously): barge Newleadows, Charleston. SAND KEY, March 16?Passed west 15th; El Mundo; Paix (Br), Momus; 16th, Sagauche. San Eduardo (Br), Gene Craw ley; Antillian (Br), Wassaig. TAMPA, Fla. March 16?Arrived: Str Conotton, Mobile; .schrs Maplefleld (Br), Havana; Ethel Bertha (Br), Belize. Sailed. Motor vessel Narwhal, Cardenas. FOREIGN PORTS Departures for New York Hamburg* -S. S. Corona. Hull?S. S. Lako Faragut. Greenock?S. S. San Pablo. Newport?S. S. Dakotan. Para?S. S. Polycar?. Asslnje?S. S. New Toronto. Port Said?S. S. Clan Monroe. Genoa - S. S. Duca d'Aosta, America, Co m us, Kent ucUlan. Naples?S. ?. Pannonia. Lisbon?S. S. Roma, Northland. Nantes?-S. S. Lake Farabee. Antwerp?S. S. Eglantier. Barcelona?S. S. Kapana, Havre -s. S. Youngstown. Panama Canal. Cristobal? S S Marsh field. Halifax S S Lake Galewood. Arrivals From New York Calicut S. S. Kumoric. Noufahrwasser?S, S. Krakow. Santander?S. S. Orizaba. Alosa Hay?S. S, Sabine. Naples -S. S. Giuseppe Verdi, Duca degli Abruzzi. Barcelona?S. S. Catalu?a. Flushing ? S. S. Antigone. Bordeaux?S. S. Devon City, Red Cloud. Hull?-S. S. Suwanee. Logos?S. S. Rassarn. Trieste?S. S, Belvedere. Gothenburg?S. S. Delavan. Genoa?S. S. Gulseppl Verdi. Dunkirk?S. S. Mar Tirreno. Dantzlg?S. S. Vardulla. Plymouth?S. S. Canna nia. Panama Canal. Cristobal?S S Persian Prince. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS The connecting mails close at thi- Gen? eral Posto. Ice and City Hall Postoffice Station, New York, at (i p m., as follows: Tahiti, Marquesas, Cook Islands, Now Zealand and Australia, via San Francisco, steamship Moana. March 19. China, via Seattle, steamship Javarv, March 19. Hawaii, via San Francisco, steamship Matsonia, March 19. Hawaii, Fiji Islands, New Zealand and Australia, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, steamship Niagara, March 24. Hawaii, Japan, Korea, Chin?, Slam Si? beria, Cochin China. Netherlands East In? dies and Philippine Islands, via San Fran? cisco, steamship Korea Maru, March 25. Philippine Islands and specially-addressed mall for Japan, Korea and China, via Seattle, steamship Protesllaus, March 29. Army Orders From The Tribune's Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, March 16. -Army orders issued to-day follows : Honorably Discharged Townsend, 1st Lt. E. M., Med. C. Mathis, 1st Lt. R. C, Vet. C. Baker. Cnpt. R. O.. F. A. Griffith. Capt. W. H.. F. A. Ohamberlin, 1st Lt. A. L., Eng. Hadley, 1st Lt. R. V., Med. C. Butler, Col. M. A., Q. M. C. Gallegos, 2d. Lt. E. R., Inf. Launcelot, 2d. Lt. M. V., Inf. Ragor. 2d Lt. C. A.. F. A. Keopens, Capt. G. S., Inf. ; Wolfe, Capt. C. E.. Air Svc. Huston, Capt. C. R., Ord. Dept. Coulter, 1st Lt. H. B., Air Svc. Hinckley, Capt. T. L., Army Svc. C. Brady, Capt. W. C Air Svc. Wilson, Ist Lt. B. M.. Air Svc. Smith, Cnpt. A. N., Eng. Casey, Capt. M. L.. Med. C. Hayes, 1st Lt. T. G., M. T. C. So?le, 1st Lt. E. C, Air Svc. Nafls. Miij. W. IL. Med. C. Kuller, 2d Lt. E. R.. Air Svc. Casey, 2d Lt. J.. QM. C. Drummond, 2d Lt. F. C. P., F. A. Holland, 1st Lt. W. C. Den. C. Daniels. 2d Lt. V. E., Inf. Mockler, 1st Lt. C. F., San. C. Resigned Cress. Capt. J. B., Eng. Reilly, 1st Lt. Chaplain E. T. McDonald. Capt. A. J., F. A. Dye, 1st Lt. M. R., Inf. Weeks, Maj. W. S., J. A. G. Dept. Corps of Engineers Holcombe, Capt. W. H., to Camp Humphreys. Bragdon, Capt. J. S., to Camp Humphreys. G?sier, Capt. E. E.. to Camp Humphreys. Cor.klin, Capt. J. F., to Camp Humphreys. Your.Ri Capt. M. J.. to Camp Humphreys. Elliott, Capt. D. O., to Camp Humphreys. Bethel, Capt. E. A., to Camp Humphrey?. Quartermaster Carps Freeman, Capt. J. L., to Camp Gordon. Markel. Capt. J. W., to Fort Huachuca. Phelps, 1st Lt. E. H., to Camp Furlong. Gustad, 2d Lt. L. G., to Camp Furlong. Warfield, Maj. E. D.. to St.n Francisco. Miscellaneous Kramer, Maj. F., Med. C, to Fort Howard. Woodbridgo, Capt C. H., to Fort Howard. Mann. Capt. J. B.,vDen. G., to Columbus Barracks. 5* lov Lt Col. J. 8.. F. A., to Now York City. K?p?r. Capt J ,'M. T. C to Camp Fun Door?, Col. W. R.. C. A., to Fort Totten HlnchclifT, Capt. J. W? Ord. Dept.. to Hot Coeh? Lt. M.. A?r Svc to Richmond. Groves, 1st Lt. A., Inf.. to Nogales. Navy Orders /Vont The Tribun?'? Want?naton Bureau WASHINGTON. Murch 16.?Navy orders Issued to-day follow: *i?_?i ; JJly, Chf. Pharm, W. F., to Guardia National Dominicana, Santo Domingo City. Bushneil. Gun. R. J., to U. 8. S. H-J. Hull, Lt. Comdr. G. D., to U. S. 8. Hart when commissioned. Junkin, Lt. Comdr. G. B., to U. S. S. S-6 when commissioned. a?-?, Litton, Carp. G. B.. to U. 3. S. South Lockwo?d?* Lt. Comdr. C. A., to U. S. 8. a 1,4 McFcaters, Lt. Comdr. C. P., to U. S. S. McMillon. Gun. B. R., to U. S. S. R-l7 Menandw, Lt. A. M.. to 2d Regiment, Cape Po"*'Comdr. N. W., to navy recruiting sta? tion, Chicago. Putnam. Lt. <j. g.). J. H. S., to navy yard, Charleston. . Richoy, Lt. Comdr. T. B., to naval station. New Orleans. Sabiston, Lt. F., to U. 8. S. Gulfport. Houghton.. Lt. (j. g.), A. R? to navy dinzi ble R-;i8, London. , Mackin, Lt. J. H., to U. S. S. Trinity, Mathews, Lt (j. g.J, C. E., to duty Con? stantinople. Ruth Randall's Mother Tries to Seize Diary Mother Makes Sensation When She Insists That the Book Is Hers Special Disyatch to The Tribune CHICAGO, March 16. -A coroner's inquest at which a verdict that Mrs. Ruth Randall killed Clifford Bleyer and committed suicide was returned was thrown into commotion to-day, when Mrs. Jennie Vale, Mrs. Randall's mother, attempted to escape from the room with her daughter's diary. It was upon the diary as evidence that the jurors reached their verdict. The diary had been brought to the inquest by the publisher of a morning news? paper. Yesterday Mrs. Vale obtained an in? junction against the newspaper pre? venting publication of the last install? ment of the volume. After the book was presented in court to-day a ques? tion arose as to its validity, and the mother was asked to identify her daughter's handwriting. She picked up i the book and hurried toward the door. She was restrained by several depu ; ties. "Get out of the way. Let me go!" I she cried. "This is my daughter's book j and belongs to me." Her attorneys advised'her to turn ; the volume over to the coroner, which ? she did reluctantly. RESORTS While in Europe Onjahe SWITZERLAND uour headquarters WHERE one finds creation's most perfect combination of scenic beauties and a wealth of wonderfully preserved me? diaeval architecture.' Write for racket No. 100. containing famous Hotel Guide, maps, etc . cv. losing t? cents for postage. Official Agency of the SWISS FEDERAL RA?LROADS 241 Fifth Ave., New York ATLANTIC CITY, X. J. CfteJBrcakers, OCEAN FRONT fIRtPROOP Unusually attractive during: Winter t?nd Early Spring Seasons. Luxurious lobbies and restful sun parlors. Charming after? noon musicales with complimentary tea service, and eveninir concerts. A palatial residence for those seeking rest and recre? ation. Sea water in ail baths. AMfRICANand EUROPEAN PLANS We cannot describe Uie many features o? THE HOTEL FRED?MA Tennessee Ave., Just off Boardwalk European Plan, in an advertisement. Uut booklet will convince you. 28th Season. Ambassador Hotels In Atlantic City, Ne? York. Santa Barbara and Los Anecie?. NEW VORK STATE Cjedney Farm Hotel WHITE PLAINS. N. Y. Edward H. Crandall Open All Year PrlTftta Motor Bus Servir? Without Char? SXOBXD A DELIGHTFUL WINTER? FLORIDA WEST COAST. FOREIGN RESORTS AFTERNOON TEA at the PAR on a spring afternoon, after a walk in the Tuileries Gardens near by, is an unforgettable ex? perience. 7-9 Rue Castiglione "Under the Arcades." VISIT WHITBY Yorkshire, England, and the ROYAL HOTEL Overlooking St. Hilda's Abbey and Quaint Old World Town and Harbor. Self-Contained Suite? with Bath?. Up to Date is Every Way. Writ? or Cable. , TRAVEL TRAVEL GOING TO EUROPE? Moderate Kates br the One Class Cabin Service of the American Une Fast United States Mail Steamer? Steamers Newly Refitted. Professional String Or.h????_. Accommodations Include Numerous Rooms "'*'' With Private Bath, etc. New York?Plymouth?Cherbourg?Southampton "NEW YORK" .Mar.27 Apr.24 M.y22 J?,,, "ST. PAUL" .Apr. 3 Uaj I May2S jZ? PHILADELPHIA" - Apr. 10 May 8 ?Z 5 INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE CO. OFFICKS, 0 Broadway, New York Phone 8300 Bowling Green. LAN 0*30. BELGIUM *THE RED STAR LINE Steamers "LAPLAND" and "ZEELAND" and the American Flag Steamers "KROONLAND" ?nd "FINLAND"?the latter threa equipped for Oil-Fuel?sail regu? larly between New York, South? ampton and Antwerp. ^COMFORT, SERVICE and unexcelled cuisine are to be found aboard these splendid vessels. INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE COMPANY RED STAR LINE 9 Broadway, New York "KROONLAND* March 24, May 1. June 5. July 19. "LAPLAND" April 3, May ?. June 12. July 17. "FINLAND" Apr'.l 7, May 15, June 1?, Ju'.y u. "ZEELAND" June 20, July ::?. CON?RD-?NGHOR Passenger and Freight Ser Tlce^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mauretania .New York to Cherbourg and Southampton.,M?r. Italia .< .. New York " Naples .Mm. Pannonia .New Yark " Patras, Dubrovr.ik and Trieste.Mai. Saxunia.f^ew York " Plymouth, Hamburg and London.Apr. Cherbourg and Southam,' on.Apr. Liverpool .Apr. Plymouth, Cherbourg and Southampton. . .Apr. Londonderry and Glasgow.>.,. Apr. -Cherbourg and Southamp'on.Apr. Iinperator .New York Carmania .New York Royal George .New York Columbia .New York Mauretania .New York K. A. Victoria.., .Ne ; Imperator. New York ? Carmania.New York ! Saxonia .New York i Royal George.New York ? Mauretania .New York ? Caronia .New York 17 _^.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_..- T.. 24 York " Liverpool .Apr. 24 ? rn -i^am^a^a^m^a^m^ammmmmmmmm^^ mMMmmW .: 15 1= I? 22 Cherbourg and Southampton.May Liverpool .May PJymouth, Havre and London.May Plymouth, Cherbourg and Southampton... .May Cherbourg and Sou*! ampton.May Plymouth, Cherbourg and Liverpool.May For later sailings apply to 21-24 STATE STREET, NEW YORK. LlNES ?IViERiCAN LLNE Fast Mail Steamer? NEW YORK?PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG?SOUTHAMPTON New York. 12 Noon Mar. 27 Apr. 24 May 22 St Paul.. 12 Noon Apr. 3 May. 1 May 29 Phila.12 Noon Apr. 10'May 8; June 5 NEW YORK?HAMBURG Manchnria ..Mar. 27 May 8 June 19 July 31 Mongolia ..Apr. 10 May 22 July 3 Aur.14 PH1LADELPH?A?LIVERPOOL Haverford .Apr. 10 RED STAR LINE N. Y. SOUTHAMPTON?ANTWERP Krooiilar.d 12 M Mar. 24 May ljJu. 5 Jiy. 10 Laplan?5p.m.Apr. 3 May 8 June 12 July 17 Finland iz Noon t\% Apr. 7May:15;July 24 Zeeland .June 261 July 31 WHITE STAR LINE N. Y, CHERBOURG?SOUTHAMP1 ON Adrialic 1 p.jr.Mar. 20*Apr. 24May 29Ju!y 3 And Regularly Thereafter : &s NEW YORK?LIVERPOOL Cedric .3 T>- Ml. Apr. 10-1 ? Baltic .3 P. M.. Apr. 17 May 22June 26 I Oriana .end Apr.'-1 Celtic 3 r.M.May 151 June 19! July 24 NEW YORK?AZORES-GIBRALTAR? NAPLES?GENOA Crefcic 8P.M. Mar. 31 May 27[July 21 Canopic .Mayl2JuIy 6 International Mercantile Marine Company 9 Broadway New York I COMrAEKIE GEKeaALETRANSATLANTIQU: I ?Scprcss Posie! ^arvico NEW YORK?HAVRE FRANPF Map i??AP'- 14?>iuy 12! 1 IVttil __. Juno 9__jlUy 7 Rochambeau ^ ?fc^igr ? LA SAVOIF Mar 2'->Ia> 22 L./1 iJrt V <UIJ_ J||ne 19__ju|y 17 LA LORRAINE ft* ?^ 26 I AFAYFTTF A?r- 10?May 8 LAr/V 1JQ1 1 ?? June 5__juiy 3 LATOUR?INE ?t-SSai NEW YORK?BORDEAUX : NIAGARA .March 25 : COMPANY'S OFFICE, 19 STATIC ST. N. Y. NORWAY. SWEDE* DENMARK, POLAND Continental Europe Otear II.April 8 Frederik VIII.May 6 United States.May 13 1 0?car II....May 27 For I'asNenger Hatea, etc.. 1 B'wajr, N. _. Swedish American Line S. S. STOCKHOLM nj?%ni MARCH 21. MAY 1. NEW YOKK DIRECT TO G?THKMllRU, SWEDEN". Short route to SCANDINAVIA. Daily roniK'ctioiiN to Germany und all part? of Continent. PASSENGER OFFICE. 24 State St.. N. Y. RCI? "11" I IftlE 1'ler 11, Foot Moiitacu? nCU V Lint Street, Brooklyn. For Porto Rico, Curacao and Venezuela. Maracalbo... Mar. lSjCaracas.Mar. 24 Zulla.Mar. 31[Phlladelphia..Apr. 1 BLISS, DALLETT _ CO., Geni. Mera. Phone 10072 Hanover. 82 Wall Street CENTRAL HUDSON LINE Service discontinued for the season. RESORTS WASHINGTON. D. C. Burlington Hotel American and European* HOMELIKE!, CLEAN, PERFECT CUISINE 380 Rooms with Rath $3 to ?5 FIVE MINUTES FROM EVERYTHING Washington. D. C. A SHE VILLE, N. C. ~ THE South for hospitality?THE MANOR, Aaaavllle, N.?C?the beat las ?South. t'ome to Bermuda now?when March and April offer you n-*iv deliffhta Charming rides through a .over-lined Eden?bathing and .ailin, in i'pal-tint ed waters aro only a few of the many attractions. Th-' Annual Tennis Tour? nament is a feature o? March. F?RNESS BERMUDA LINE Past, twin-screw, r.aiatfal steameri S.S. "FORT HAMILTON" 11.000 Ton. Displacement Sailing from New York every AVednesdar S.S. "FORT VICTORIA" 14,000 Tons Displacement Sailing from New York ev( ry Saturday No passports required for Bermuda, For further particulars apply to FURNESS BERMUDA LINE Ftnness House, Whitehall St.. New Toril European Steamship ! Reservations Now Is the best time to plan your Eure-j pean trip. , 1\> ave officially appointed agents of all the Transatlantic Steamship lines arl? are authorized to make reservations, fur? nish ltttest sailing schedules and diagrame and issue actual tickets at regular Com? panies' tariffs. Also furnish complete passport Infor? mation. FRANK TOURIST CO. (Established 1S75) 489 Fifth Ave., New York Phone 7390 Vanderbilt GET YOUR STEAMSHIP INFORMATION from General Headquarter? In any city the Raymond-Whitcomb office is the place to bring your steam? ship problems. We are officially ap? pointed agents of all Transatlantic and Transpacific Urns and car. furnish cholc? ^servationa ami tickets to Eoropf> ??'est indies, South America and an}'I part o. tue world Coi . ? to us and I?' * i our experts tell you just what you wat? I to know about sailings by all Ines ano comparativo cost of accommodation* RAYMOND & WHITCOMB CO. I *t. I'.. i\. for Steamship Information ? 225 ?lith Ave., N. Y. Tel. Mad. S?. 6.<? OK'S Travel wmmummm_mmmmm_ Service COVERS TUE WORLD TH03. COOK & SON MSBTVAT Ml FIFTIBJ^* "THE PCBLIC BE PLEASED" COLONIAL LINE BOSTON *i^HM PROVIDENCE Si... ?? aXL OUTSIDE M'ATEROOMS W?u?*" Bstn trices incluae War ^**^,^ ???t Ua?ti P;er s?, Nertb Rt*.r. Oaliy * vsssm S* $ f. m. Fbea? Stria. ?*?'? mmsm I Worcester, $4.1 .. Providence dit ecttg-jM QVTSIDE STATEROOM?, $?0?**2l*| _ Daily, including Sunday, 6:0? "v"_-I Pr ? m Pier 1?. E. R. Vhone 2700 Beekng?; ] tickst* M Piar er Conjolidatad Ticta? W?* F?LL RIVEFl??? To BOSTON . ,. Prom Pier 14. M. R., Fulton St. 5:0? r. ? Orcheotra on Each ItMM.... ?,... XEW Lll.MMI.N (NORWICH LI>?>' ?S lvs. Pr. 40, NR., Houston st. ? k .&?&? V 6.30 P. M. Lv. Pr. 70. K. R . 'iZd ^Jj^ CANA1MAN PACIFIC RAILWA* Hotels?Trans-Continental All-Teir K^t. F " PERRY. O. A. ess?. Dept.. HS^B*g^. .. JH?DSO?. RIVER VJ^J^Lmmi Omm fur Um MW? A