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^derman Demands Hinltfeld Explain His Zoo Inquiry Falconer Wants Commission* er to Tell Methods Used; Official Would Examine Many Public Institutions Alderman Bruce M. Falconer, Re bllcan Introduced a resolution at the pU_-t?n*'of the Board of Aldermen yc* S,y calling upon David Hirshfield. Lmli?i<>-?r of Account8' to ftPPcsr htfora the board to be questioned _ xteax? to his investigation and find ? a relative to the management of tho BW? Zoological Park. The resolution ? ?. Introduced, Alderman Falconer id because it appeared that Commis? sioner Hirshfield had taken testimony *?,jy from those who it was believed ?.?Id criticise the New York Zoological 5?ty.of which Dr. William T. Horna j.v is"the head. A'derman Falconer incorporated a let of questions in his resolution ?hich he wants tho Commissioner of Accounts to answer when ho appears Wore the board. He asks whether the * investigation was begun upon the ini? tiative of the Commissioner of Ac ounts at the suggestion of Mayor ilvlan or members of the ?oolocicnl ?o'cietv He wants to know if it is !-? that Mr. Hirshfield refused to ?'low Dr. Hornaday or his nephew, H R Mite?ell, chief clerk of the so %i~ to testify in the investigation, s? alleged by Dr. H<"-r.*day. He also ?ski how many discharged employees ?ejtifie? and their names. The resolu ? on was referred to the Committee on 'Declaring that his investigation of ?he Bronx Zoo management convinced him ?at other organizations of a nublic, or semi-public character, which j use city property, or derive their reve- j tiw-s from the city, should be looked j Into from economical and business standpoints, Commissioner Hirshfield j announced yesterday that he would im- ? mediately begin an investigation of all inch institutions, including public libraries and museums. "It Is about time that these city- ? supported institutions be conducted by , the city for the benefit of all the peo- j ? 'p,e," "said Commissioner Hirshfield, "and not for the benefit of any par- | ticular person or group of persons, j who, under the cloak of science, educa- '? tien or patriotism, exploit them for ? heir own glorification, prestige and' perhaps tinancial gain. The manag? -~* writ of the Bronx Zoo by Dr. Horna day and his two nephews, the brothers Mitchell, is typical of the way other nstituiions of the same kind, I am ; told, are 'conducted. In each case you will find some individual who manages to pain ascendancy and who utilizes , bit authority io foster his ambition, if nothing else. "If Dr. Hornaday wants an impartial judge and jury he probably will soon \ rave an opportunity to get it, if the Mayor accepts my recommendation for : ?the appointment of a committee to abrogate the agreement between the. | city and the society. At thi? hearing he will be given an opportunity to ? tell the story of the Bronx parkway raervation, which, it is estimated, will ? cost the city about $20,000,000, accord? ing to the society's own report, that it put through the Legislature in order to provide clearer water for Bronx Park. He can also tell the reasons why the course of the Bronx River at many places was changed J'rom its natural ftursc." Legion Benefit Party To-night Sagamore Post 548, American Legion, will hold a package party for the benefit of its building fund at its headquarters, 123 Schermerhoin Street, Brooklyn, this evening. It also is planned to hold the post's annual en? tertainment at the Imperial, Brooklyn, on April 7. e ... mm. COLUMBUS CIRCLE AND S?FJ? ST! 'fable d'Hote tt4 ?A Bae?ateak ? i * Buffet Orlll-Open-All-Klght- '" Mi Street, near Fourth Areno? Woman Leaps From Battery Rescued by Grappling Hooks; Sent to Be. levue Two boys gathering driftwood dur? ing the downpour last evening saw a young woman leap from the Battery seawall. Their shouts were heard by the crew of the tug Marion OlBcn, who drew the woman aboard with grappling hooka. Whon tho tug docked she was turned over to Patrolman Blanco, of the Old Slip station, who sent her to Bellevue Hospital The woman gave her name as Ruth Ponten, twenty-six yean old, of 42 West Ninety-second Street. Inquiry at that address found no one known by that name. A slip in her purse bore tho name "Mrs. Elizabeth Reich." The woman was well dressed, of dark complexion and small of stature. ?-. - ?' ? Public School Pupils Are Driven Out by Flood ?Inch and a Half of Dirty Rain Water in Class? room Forces East Side Principal to Abandon Us? -__. If you want to learn the extent ol any given rainfall visit Public Schoo 31, Monroe and Gouverneur streets, or ? the lower East Side, any time up tc j six hours after the precipitatior ; ceases. Yesterday afternoon an inch and i j half of dirty rain water from the rool | covered the floor of one of the larg< ! classrooms. It had been there foi ' something like eight hours, for durinj the downpour of the night before ant Monday afternoon it was impossible ?'or the janitor to havo the room read*; for classes yesterday. Classrooms Crowded It has been necessary to abandon th< room frequently, according to Mrs. S II. Connut, principal of tho school, whi declared the six-inch drain pipe lend ?ng from the play roof through a tie: of classrooms has not been repairec since 1918. To save her pupils fron ihe consequences u' winter wading an* wet shoe leather, ah * has been compeli?? te transfer them to rooms that wen already crowded. Of the city's neglec of school repairing ?he said: ''If you want, something like thi: done you ask for it a year in advance, she said. "In other words wo mus figure out just when a certain draii is going to go wrong, in order to ge the necessary funds with which to fi: it. The janitor can't do it?the natur of such repairs requires plumber? and plumbers there are none, it seem? "This is what we have to put u; with while the cil y administration de nies the schools money for cmergenc repairs." Mrs. Conant pointed out wall and ceilings in which great space were bare of kalsoniine. The interio of the building had not been painte 'or decorated, she said, since she be came principal, in 19.15. "I'm responsible for this building^ for reporting needed repairs," sh added, "but I cannot keep it repaire myself. Only repairs that are 'absc lutely' necessary being made in thi 1 uilding, and very few of those re cc-ntly." Copeland ?\ot Notified The Board of Education has ha tinder consideration for several week a report and recommendations by Ai sociatc Superintendent Snyder, i charge of construction and repair i'. hich cn!l for an appropriation ( '??? 0,000 for emergency repairs, such i the one mentioned in the foregoin; The Comptroller' : view, it is said t members of th: board, is that such a appropriation cannot be allowed unlei each item of repair is specified in a< vanee, along with the sum required ' do the work. That means that Superintendei Snyder must be able to predict ju when a drain, boiler, toilet or oth apparatus used in the schools is goii to ceaso functioning. He is tryii to find a method for overcoming t! Comptroller's technicality. Dr. Royal S. Copeland, Health Coi missioner, when informed over t' telephone of the condition in Pub; School 31. said he would send an i spector there immediately, althoui the regular way of attending to su matters was through communicati from the Board of Education. "We should be notified of a conditi that afi'ects the health," he said. "Charities" Now Welfare Mayor Approves Bill Changb Name of City Department The bill passed by the Legislate amending the city charter so that t Department of Public Charities w hereafter be known as the Departmc of Public Welfare was approved yesti day by Mayor Hylan. Commissior Bird S. Color, of the Department Public Charities, and Major F. H. Guardia, President of the Board of ; dermen, appeared before the Mayor favor of the bill. There was no op] sition. Commissioner Coler told the Maj that the department was doing mi? welfare work, and that the name pub charities had become a burden. t^ft **'i-'r -^^y^t^^M^ *i fff' t ? " "'' $e?ii?t englt?i) Coffre $>?usc--t4 e. ?m***. ? I formerly 28 West <3rd St.)? Afternoon Tea, Hot Waffles, 2 to 5 P. M. H Special Feature Dinner Daily?5:30 to 8 P. M. nome Cooking?Constant Change In Menu?A La Carte AH Day LOWER NEW YORK IN GREENWICH VILLAGE. inc PUB. ATMO*H]?BI i*. THE TftLLY-HO W EAST 34 8TRF.ET MURRAY I1U.L, 6?24 LUNCHEON 149 WEST 4th ST. Between Washington 8q. and Sixth Av?, S ISTERS npHREF. MadUwo Av. "T?A 1 LUI * T?A SHOP LUMCHIOW T?A pimnir "UNDER TWO FLAGS" LUNCH KOOIV? 16 East 39th St. A la Carte?Home Cooking?Prompt Service Motion pictures of France shown. Hours 11.30 to 2.30. roa thi SENtm or thi AMERICAN COMMiTTfl TO* PeVA.MA.TrD Off* COPELAND *S REAL Break!*?* FOOD AT Luncheon 16 East 43rd Street Next to Hotel Manhattan A FIXED PRICE Dinner ud fH,tV>f"tl*"0'<K?wr placet of New York, wkere ?nique atmospk ore B 3 ,??fl ??caliar ta varied taite. invite tke discriminating, will appear S?r Enckantint Tee Room." ta Tke Tribune ?eck Monday. *??**7 ni Satvitj. Realty Trad West End Ave. Corner House Has New Owner Thirteen - Story Apartment at 86th Street Corner Sold by Realty Company to Wealthy Investor The thirteen-story apartment at 630 West End Avenue, southeast corner of Eighty-sixth Street, has been bought by a client of Thomas J. O'Rielly, pre? sumably an investor, Earlo & Calhoun arranged the deal as representatives of the -Mombasha Realty Company, the seller. The building is one of the group of five apartments erected in West End Avenue in tho last dozen years. It fronts 102.2 feet on West End Avenue and 80 feet on Eighty-sixth Stroet. At Least One Heights Block Is Sold Franklin Hall, tho six-story house on tho west side of St. Nicholas Ave? nue, between 158th and 159th streets, on plot 200x80x irregular, has been sold by S. Ruthelsen to the Mercantile Holding Company. Sharp & Co., tho brokers in the transaction, also sold for a client to the Middleboro Realty Company, represented by D. I. Gold? stein, tho eight-story Paramount apart? ment at 315 West Ninety-ninth street, on plot 75x100. The seller acquired it about a month ago through the same broker. The six-story elevator apartment, on plot 50x100, at tho southwest corner of Audubon Avenue and 174th Street, has been sold. The Leichter Realty Company holds title to the realty. I. Fortman has resold through Cut? ler & Co. to Charles L. Sternberg the two five-story apartments at 511 and 517 West 178th Street, on plot 85x100. Frederick Zittel <& Sons have sold for Louis Schwartz to the Maxine Hold? ing Corporation ??Leo Abraham, presi? dent) tho southwest corner of Hamil? ton Place and 144th Street, a six-story apartment, on plot 108.(3x125. Other Sales On Heights Charles S. K?hler and Charles V. Smith jr. have sold for William Kuhn 507 West 186th Street, a five-story apartment, on plot 75x107. Trading in the "Midway" Section A svndicate represented by Louis ?Sachs has purchased, through Pease & Elliman, the six-story apartment at 61 and 63 East Ninety-first Street. The sale was made for Morris Stcrnberg. Otto C. Boden jr. has bought from William M. Davier two tenements, on lot 25x100 each, at 321 and 323 East Seventy-seventh Street. The Haggstrom-Callen Company has sold for Harold P. Daniels the five story apartment, on plot 30x90x100, at 21 West Sixty-fifth Street. It will be altered into small suites bv the new owner. Thomas Gilmartin has sold the three five-story flats, on plot 85x100.8, at 165 to 169 East Ninety-fifth Street. Speculation Rife in Harlem The six-story elevator apartment, on plot 80x100.11, at 205 to 209 West 103d Street, has been f.old by Charles Bcskcs to the Premier Holding Company. Sisea ?St. Palladino have sold for Jo? sephine Lachat to Ida Miele 178 East 114th Street, a four-story flat, on plot 18x100. Steinman & Steinmnn have sold for the Daylight Realty Corporation 23 West 123d Street, a flv?3-story apart? ment, on lot 25x100. Oscar D. & Herbert V. Dike have sold for Louisa Albrecht 39 West 118th Street, a five-story fiat, on lot 25x 100.11. Pearl Hall, a six-story apartment, on plot 75x10011, at 235 to 239 West 108th Street, has been sold by Harry Schwit? zer. Baying in Harlem Section The Romar Realty Company, Louis Schlechter, president, has bought the Endymion, a six-story aparl|nent, on plot 100x100, at 852 West 117th Street, and from the Marlin Corporation 438 and 440 West 164th Street, a five-story apartment, on plot 50x112. J. S. Max? well was the broker. Sales in Greenwich Village Otterbourg, Steindler & Houston have purchased the five-story single flat at 116 Waverly Place, on plot 22x 100. Pepe ?fe Pro. were the brokers. G. Carlucci & Co. have sold for the. Home for Incurables the six-story ten? ement, on plot 42.6x98, at 29 and 29V4 Cornelia Street. News From Other Extremi y O'Reilly ?fe Dahn sold to Isadore Schweidel 64 Vermilyea Avenue, a five story apartment, on plot 50x100. ? ?' Disabled Shipjin Tow Mohawk Passengers to Com? Here by Train uard cutter Manning, which was tak g her to Newport News. Captain Ingram, master of tha Mo? hawk, said he would arrange to send ?the 185 passengers to New York by train. Many Wonderful AUTO BARGAINS We Vacate Our Present Quarters May 1st. Easy Payments Arr!iiiK<>d; Demonstra? tions; Automobiles Traded. 1920 Roamer Towncar . 1(118 Cadlllao 7 Pass. J919 Cadillac Sedan ! 1918 Packard Chassis 1919 Colo Aoru Ueht IMS Peerless 2 Puss. Sport (Seven l'assciiKor) 1918 Marmoa 7 Vasa. 1919 IJberty Runabout 1918 Bu'.ck 5 Pass. 1919 Oldamobilo Runabout 1917 Owen Magnctio 1919 Maxwell Coupe ?! Vasa. 1918 Cadillac Suburban 1917 Franklin Runabout 1913 Cadillac Bedan 1917 National 7 Pas?. 1918 Cadillac l_ndaulet 19JS Poor lesa Speedster 1918 Cadillac Victoria Fifty Othora. New Arrivals Received Daily. Auto Body Sale ?Before Removal Any Body, Top, Shields, Seats, Etc., j-$p* At Any Fair Offer Now Sedan?; Qulnby Landaulette for Lancia; Lanclaulettes and Limou? sines; Rolls-Uoyca I.amlaulette; National Limousine; Nai>ler I.andaulott?, Etc. Touring, Chumnries, Roadsters, for many makes. TOPS, $19-116; -WINDSHIELDS $10 UP. Jaxidorf Automobile Co*, Established In 1S99. Tolephone, Circle 2476. 1763 Broadway, near 57th St. 3ody Dept. 313-315 W. 69th St., n'r B'way. PORTER LUht Powtsrful TJronomlcal Chassis $6750 ?Cloned bo????? by Brewater Ss Co. Bprino deliveries if ordered now MORTON W. SMITH CO. %? yv. -44th St. T?aL H9S Mnrniy glQ. ling in City a Hoe Estate Sells Large Loft on Broadway Ten-Story Building Extending lo Mercer St. Built by Selling Family 20 Years Ago ' Tho twelve-story store, loft and sales* room building at 683 and 685 Broad? way has been sold by the estate of Robert Hoo to a client of Horace E. Ely & Co. It ia directly opposite Bond Street, and comprises a plot 50x200, ex? tending through to 280 and 282 Mercer Street, and adjoining tho Broadway Central Hotel. The building was erect? ed about twenty years ago for the late Mr. Hoe. ? To Take Over Exchange Court The Exchange Court Corporation was formed at Albany Monday, with H. W. Becker, 0. C. Billings and E. N. Chap? man as directors. Ft is capitalized at $6,650,000, and will acquire title to the thirteen-Btory Exchango Court Build? ing, at 62 Broadway, purchased recently by a number of stock brokerage firms from Robert E. Dowling. Sale of West Broadway Corner ' Arthur Cutler & Co. have resold 446 West Broadway, northeast corner of Prince Street and West Broadway, a seven-story loft, on plot 40x72, which l was recently sold to the Manport Realty Company. Garage in 66th Street Bold Douglas L Elliman & Co. have sold for the estate of Theodore Schumaker tho three-story garage at 118 East Sixty-sixth Street, on a lot 25x100. ?Lively interest Displayed In Snialj^Bronx Houses Since Investors Are the Chief Buyers, It Is Supposed Antici? pated Rent9 Are Responsible E. Osborne Smith has sold for Thomas Stanyon the dwelling at 2987 Perry Avenuo to Philip ,T. Schaefer. Adolf Lang has .old for George Meister 1287 Chisholm Street, the ! three-family dwelling:, on lot 20.6x120, i to Sarah Kaufman. J. S. Donner has sold for Max Gold? berg to Alexander Cohen the three story dwelling, on lot 18x100, at 903 Cauldwell Avenue. I. Lincoln Seide Company has sold | for the Crest?n Realty Company 2678 ! Crest?n Avenue, a one-family house, on | plot 40x76. Tho purchaser will occupy ? the premises. Harry Cahn has sold to Hyman ; Runin the. three-story dwelling at 697 j East 165th Street, through Samuel ; Singer. t'ahn A Cahn have sold to Ella ; Rogato 2237 Grand Avenue, a two-fam ! ily dwelling, on lot 25x100. J. Martin I was the broker. ?East Side Houses Lead in the Dwelling Sales ?O. S. Lyford Disposes of Prop ? erty in 65th Street; Buy? ing on West Side Douglas I . Elliman & Co. have sold I for O. S. Lyford 123 East Sixty-fifth ? threo-story dwelling at 139 East Forty ;third Street, on lot 18x100. i Harris, Vought & Co. have sold for j tho estate of Bertha Walch Teudt the ' three-story and dwelling at .139 East i Fofty-third Street, on lot 18x100. The four-storv dwelling, on lot 16.8x j 100, at 61 East Fifty-ninth Street is rc 1 ported to have beun .old by Howard A. Stevonson. Sales on West Side Edward C. H. Vogler has sold for ? John Jardine the four-story dwelling, ; on lot 18x100, at Bl West Ninety \ seventh Street, to S. Norma Winch. S. W. Smith, Inc., has sold for I Michael Wolly the three-s .rfcy dwell i ing at 170 West 130th Street, on lot 21x100. . Telephone Company to Erect Building to Cost $1,200,000 Plans were filed with the Manhattan i Bureau of Buildings yesterday for the : construction of a six-story telephone , exchange building at 121 to 139 West ' Seventy-third Street. It will have a frontage of 192 feet and a depth of 80 ! feet, arid is estimated to cost $1,200,. ; 000. | 1 The land is owned by the West Seventy-third Street Associates, of j which Edward C. Potter is president, ! ' and who have agreed to sell to the j New York Telephone Company, which ! is tho owner of the building to be con- : ; s tructed. McKenzie, Voorhees & i ; Gmelin are the architects. i Buying Homes at Orange Edward P. Hamilton & Co. have sold for the estato of R. F. Westcott 25 Berkeley Avenue, Orange, N. J., a frame I house and garage, on plot of one-half ! acre; 155 Highland Avenue, a frame house, on plot of one-half acre, to A. F. Baldwin, and have resold 155 High , land Avenue to G. W. Timpson; also resold 146 Highland Avenue to F. V. Lau der. S. S. Walstrum-Gordon & Forman have sold at Ridgewood, N. J., for Rob? ert Blackburn to Peirce Harjes the ! dwelling at 97 Goodwin Avenue; for! William B. llaight to George I. Camp- i bell 94 Union Street, and for Joseph- j ine I. Remey to Kate R. Simons 83 i Brookside Avenue. j Brown Sells Suburban Homes Frederick Brown has sold to Eloise McVicker a three-story stucco house with garage, on plot 100x140, at Mal vem, N. J., formerly accupied by Dr. A. J. Savage. Mr. Brown also sold to Har? old G. Ewen, 22 Edge cliff Terrace, Park Hill, Yonkers, a two and a half story hollow tile house with garage, on plot 80x127. The house was at one time the home of Cyrus Townsend Brady. FiBh & Marvin and Robert M. Bush were the brokers. Art Dealer Gets Fine Dwelling in Madison Avenue N. A. Berwin & Co. have sold for a client of W. C. and A. E. Lester the four-story building at 712 Madison Avenue to Frank C. Barter, art dealer, at present located at 328 Madison Ave? nue. The buyer will occupy the build? ing after extensive alterations. Fine Englewood Estates Sold H. Weatherby & Co. have recently sold at Englewood, N. J., the Reide mei8ter residence, In Woodland Street, to John McHugh, of New York; the Lester property, in Woodland Street, to C. A. Day; the Hutchinson house, on Broad Avenuo, to Walter Denike, and the Vanderbilt home, in Lydecker Street, to S. S. Campbell. Pearl Street Building Sold Rice and Hill have sold for the Broadway-John Street Corporation, Elias A, Cohen, president, to Samuel Lakow, dealer in office furniture, tho five-story store and loft building at 243 to 245 Pearl Street, just north of John Street, on plot 41.3x100. It was a caah purchase. Sale of Arleigh Property The Rlckert-Brown Realty Company has sold to Arthur Gouillouo a twenty foot, two-story Colonial brick dwelling on Ditmars Avenue, between Lawrance and Chauncey street^, Arleigh, L. I. tid Suburbs Mott Haven, Bronx First Elevator Flat, Is Sold Leslie R. Palmer, Wno Got It From Unwilling Holder in 1913, Sells It to Investor An investor, unnamed, has bought from Leslie R. Palmer, tfys Mott Haven apartments at 425 to 443 East 137th Street, through* to 428 to 441 East 138th Street, the first elevator apartment houses erected in the Bronx. These buildings, six stories high on 187th Street 8nd seven stories in 138th Street, occupy a plot 150x200 feet, be? tween Willis Avenue and Brown Place They were erected about eight years' ago and were originally named the WTesdan.oue. The seller acquired them in 1913 from the Columbia Trust Com? pany. Alexander SelkJn and Carl Jaffe have sold for Morris Halperin, the five-story apartment house, on plot 40x95, at 1219 Union Avenue. I. Portman has resold, through Kan trowita & Lapin, 1888 Stebbina Avc n,u1' rAfi,^"8tory aP?rtmpnt house, on plot 50x127. Steinman & Steinman have sold for Gruensteln & Mayor, 1101 Fox Street, a five-story apartment, on plot 40x100. Edward Polak has sold 1764 Vys. Avenue, northeast corner 174th Street, ? "?"story ?Partment, on plot 50x80, for Mrs. Levin, and Mrs. Cohen to Max Brusdein 864 Bronx Park, South, a five-story apartment, on plot 40x67.61, for Herman Glasser; 345 East 193d 7nrI?t'** five-story apartment, on plot 40x80, for the Foundation Realty Com? pany to Joseph Calvain; 19 Minerva ,'??' ? two-family dwelling, on lot ?6x100, for Cahn & Cabn, to Harris C. Golden; 3 046 Grant Avenue, a two tarn i y dwelling, on lot 25x102, for Mrs ?azella to Mr. Gluck, and recold 2011 Orotona Avenue, a two-family dwelling on lot 25x100, for Sam V/atin to M, hiscnberg. George W. Gallagher Buys Attraclive Home at Pelham Fiah & Marvin have said for the John r. Brook Company their new house on Highland Avenue, at Pelham, to George W. Gallagher, of this city, and have sold for Burt A. McDonald his Colonial residenoe on Monterey Avenue, at Pelham Heights, to George Wattloy, of the United States Retail Stores Cor? poration. The same brokers have sold for Mrs. W. H. Thacher her'property on Thacher Avenue, at Lawrence Park, to Mrs. Emily F. Johns. I The home of Herbert Millard, on Hickory Grove Drive, Larchmont Gar | dens, Larchmont-on-the-Round, has : been sold to Mrs. Lillian Goodman, of ; M?maroneck. George Howe was the l broker. Rentals of Business Space The Bret & Goode Company has leased space at 209-219 West Thirty eighth Street, to Mary S. Johnston for a term of years at an aggregate rental of about $50,000 Hirsch & Friedman have leased about 18,000 square feet at 81-37 East Thirty-first Street, to Advance Waist Co. and Mannie Solomon Co., for a long term of years at an aggregate rental of $150,000. N. A. Berwin <_ Co. have leased to Elsie Cobb Wilson, interior decorator, the store and parlor floor at 83 East Fifty-seventh Etreet. ? Ames & Company have leased to Harris Brown, the buildings at, 871-373 Seventh Avenue. It is the intention of the lessee to alter the premises into stores and lofts. The same brok? ers leased a store and parlor floor at .125 West Twenty-ninth Street to Intner & Fromm; the store at 124 West Twenty-ninth Street to Herman Stein, and the parlor floor in the same build? ing to S. Stappler & Company. -a -1?. Big Bronx Site To Be Improved With Factory i Norman E. Sachs, of the Wood, Dol- \ son Company, has sold for Emanuel G. ? Bach a 85,000 square foot plot, front- ! ing 220 feet on the N Y., N. H. & IT. R. R. line by 160 feet through to Whit- ? lock Avenue, being 100 feet south of j East 156th Street. Negotiations aro pending for a spur track from the , New llaven road, as, the plot is to be . improved with a factory building. Nicholas J. Melillo has sold the building at 2418 and 2420 Belmont Avenue. The buyer will remodel for factory purposes. He also sold the one-family house at 533 East 187th Street. -? Flat ami Dwelling Buying Feature Trading in Brooklyn > Vogel & Marion have sold for the ! Vanderveer Realty Corporation 1004, ; 1010 and 1014 Eastern Parkway, three four-story apartments having a front- ! age of 160 feet and a depth of 120 feet. Charles Partridge has sold the apart- : ment at 853 St. Johns Place for Jacob j Schneider. The Jerome Property Corporation has i sold I semi-detached house, on plot 30x100, at 1248 East Fourteenth Street, ! near Avenue P, for Sarah Quinn to a i client for occupancv. The Meister Builders have sold 138 Tenth Street, a one family frame dwell- ! ing. B. Coardate was the broker, and '< also have sold to a client of the Stewart Realty Company 117 Fourth Avenue, a throe-story brick building with store, on lot 20x100. William P. Jones has sold for Char? lotte L. Hartt to Edward Strauss the two-story and basement dwelling, on lot 20x100, on the south aide of Mon? roe Street, 350 feet west of Throop Avenue. New Building Plans Bronx MAHAN AV. w s. 150 n Roberts av, two , 2-Hty hollow tils ?lwlga, 17x36, and two 1-sty hollow tile garages; Anna A Pier- ! non, 1418 Glover 8t, owner; Anton Pir nier, 2060 -\Veslchester av, archt. Coat, $16,600. Manhattan Alterations 13STH St. 120 W. to a J-sty hall; Unl-: versal Negro Improvement Assn, 64 \V 135th st, owner; K R Williams, 1 W 133d at, archt.J30.0U0 ! 65TH ST. 64 K, to a 6-aty dwig; H A Jacobs, 320 5th av, owner and archt. REAL ESTATE APARTMENTS TO _ET HOTEL JJeter ?&>tu?toe0ant Central Park West at 86th St. JUST COMPLETED Suite? of one room Jo at man; as required. Furnished or un? furnished. Restaurant a la Carte WM. F. INGOLD. Man??-. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN *. BHAUTIFUX. ?SUBURBAN HOMEJ, within commuting1 distance o? New York; ilne-room houm, all modern improve? ment e; ?a.Tt\?? for two ears: lot 6?x3H ft. 3hoT.? or writ? VT. O. PBRRT. "?* William it,. New York City. Ttlephon? John 640O. REAL ESTATE MOROCOU OV MANHATTAN ." 100 X IOC KIOIIT-STORY FIREPROOF APART? MENT, well located, near Orive. Ar ranrn'iiK'iit of rooms, 3, 4, 5 and fl. BO*/? of 1i*ii*k_ expire in 10.0; balance 19.1. Asking price . 100,00?. For quick aal?, t'Hliiln will ?like le m. g .-.,000 cash re? quired. Excellent opportunity. full particular? of tho abovft property will be furnished to? principals only on application, BYRNE & BOWMAN 30 E. 42d St. ?**? VANDERBILT 8371 BARGAINS IN APARTMENTS. ALSO have 10 two-family In RIdgewood. B., Box I'M, Tribuno Ofllce. LONG ISLAND NEW HOUSES AT OLD PRICES 6-Room Brick 6(x^fl $7,100 6-Room Frame?a^A*?r?- $9,900 porch; plot 60x110 tt. ; terms. HIGHARD T. CHILDS 47 W. 34th St., New York. Phono .Jroelcy 340, FOR SAT,15.?DESIRABLE TWO-FAMILY residence of 14 rooms, with ail modern Improvements; building in good condition; born and chicken house; on lot 60x330; well located in the village of Patchogue. Uve minutos' walk from railroad station. Price less than $0,000. Terras of payment reasonable. F. GCTTRIT>OE. Patchogne-l'lymotith .Mills Corporation? Putohogiie, N, Y. BOBOCCH OF UCEENS ?forcjst pll# (?ar?eitjB 1? Mlar.les from Fenn. Statten. Hoaxes und Villa Plots for Sal?. i SAGE FOUNDATION HOMES CO. 4. \V. SI th St.. ox F. rest Ullis. L. L VnESXCJlESTEK COUNTY 527 Fifth Avenue REAL ESTATE Specialists in Westchester County Southern Connecticut North Shore Long Island BRANCH OFFICES! Bronxville? Rye, 8ear sd ule, l>!liam, >l(. Vernon, Litre] unont, Yonkcrh, New Rochelle. Oreat Neck, L. I. LARCHMONT?Charming Colonial dwell? ing of Dtono and :thin?ilf : 8 rooms, bath, all modern Improvements, breakfast porch, fleldstone fireplace, oak floors, unusually attractive interior; on plot 100x1. ? ft., with abundance of shrubs, trees and flow? ers; 2-car garage, built to match dwelling. This matchless offering at yuur figure. We advise an early Inspection. Se? DR?MMOND. NEW YORK OFF?CE. 17 WEST 42D ST. TELEPHONE, MURKAY HILL .333. NEW BOCH15LLK OFFICE, .28 HUGUENOT HT. TELEPHONE. 3.*? NEW KOCHKUUEL FOB SALE CHOICE RESIDENCE, 7! Willow Drive, New Rochelle, N. T. House of !i rooms and 0 ba'.ha. Oarage for 3 cars. Ground, about one aero, with great many fruit and shade trees and shrubs. For particulars apply OWNER, 35 Wassail ?ve., 4th floor. MODERN HOMES In splendid neighborhoods at WHITE PLAINS, IfARTSDAJ .B & SOARSDALE Full lint $10,000. Inspection invited. WE* M?R^ELLi Depot Plaza. White Plains, N. Y. wmms?mm?mm?tcmmmmmmamimmmmsmmmsmimmsssiw High Class Home, in Month Yonkewi 10 rooms, . bat ha, steam heat, gas, electric light; in excellent condition; plot 49x112; room for garage; price $16.500. .1. A. KIOKOAN, 53 fa. Broadway; tel. J17 CONNECTICUT CHOICE PROPERTIES} RK^gf CvREENWICH-STAMFORD Section EDWD H. PECK, V* 5#UV?J" NEW JERSEY There are Homes To bo had at pro-war prices if yeu will drop tlio subway habit. Wi'hln easy com mut 1 ntr distance, with frequent und com? fortable train service, '. have homes at $4,200. .3,000, $6.800, $S,000 and $10.000, built a few years ago, that would cost at loa.t a half more to construct now. They nro the real bargains to-day and call for decision and prompt action. "We have al? ready dono tho "shopping" to find them; they aro for you to act upon; they sell on sight, s.o mo about them. Howard Goldsmith, 63 Park Row Telephone 2596 Bookman. TWELVE &tvmim-~- MODERN HOMES for year ron lui living ready lor occupancy now. f'J,ooo on ciuy terni, buys a 7-room houso nili bath and 1-3 acre: $15.000 a 10 room house with ;! battu, girase and Vs acre. Many prices, slzun and designs. Kasy commutation to N. Y. C. : 900 ft. ele? vation. A little <*_sh and y?ur rent buys It. Call for dina?s al .Mountain Lakes, Inc. 170 Broadway, N.Y.?. Tel. 1521 Cort, FOR SALE?At East Orange, N. J., elegant house containing 12 rooms and bath, , laundry, pantry, large living room, fire-? placo anil sun parlor; paruuet floors; steam I heat, gas and electriolty; brick garage for i two cara; plot 70 ft. front by 177 ft. deep; ; located on the only restricted street in: East Orange; 6 minutos from the nearest station on tho I>. L. ?z W. and convenient' to two linen of cars; excellent location; price, $25,000, WILLIAM N. BAYLES, 87 Academy ?-t., Newark, N. J. Plainficld Substantially constructed attrac ti\o modern home, IS rooms,. heated concrete garage. $16,000. Cash * required $5,000. Immediate possession, t J. J. ScWartz, ?gJSfl ?;.,. j ENGLEWO?D, *T&?J* I H. Weatherby & Co., Englewood*NJ. j .OR SALE.?FOURTH AVE., ASBURT ! Park, corner property, lot 60x110; best J ocatlon two blocks from beach; house, ?4 -ooms, improvements, furnished or un- | 'urnlahed. Price $20,000. Box 245, West- ? leid, X. J. I EAST ORANGE ?g $ homes, j We havo the house you want. ? ? r. |, Opy. D., L. & W. Am??r? I .onno?y & Connolly, sution. Erjt .rang*.. ' I.KONIA AND BOGOTA. N. J. House Sit?*? with oil improvement?. * Prices wiil bo muh higher soon. Buy yours at present lor; price?. O. I?. Hitchcock, inc.. Uosot?. ?.. J. HIGH CLASS, DESIRABLE HOME3 or sain, from $10,000 to $50.000. Apply o Jim.? A. Romeyn, 195 Main Street. lackensack, N. J. .??jrCHNISttED APARTMENTS TO Utt ?ALVIN APARTMENTS, 49 W. ?0th ?..? Two and three rooms with bath, Boa? ousekeeplr.R*; new building; elevator Mr? : e. Agent on premise?. Tel. 8ohuyltr J047. REAL ESTATE TO UET FOB BUSINESS PURPOSES \ " REAL ESTATE TO LET BOB BUSIHBW TOJMFO?V*? - ?" *n 1 Office Space for May 1st Occupancy. A large, reputable Corporation desires to lease 40,000 to 50,000 sq. ft. Location must be below 42nd Street, Manhattan Box B 732, Tribune ENTIRE FLOOR FOR RENT MAY, 1920 Approximately 6000 Square Feet Exceptionally desirable as EXECUTIVE OFFICES For large corporations who desire to locate in a building of character and prominence in the Midtown section. Unobstructed exceptional light on all sides. Application* received from princip?la only. Box 15 801, Tribune Office. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN FOR SALE Possession Feb. 1st or before 472 BROADWAY Thru to 30-34 & 36 Crosby St. 5 Story and Basement?Sprinklered 70,000 Sq. Ft. CAN BE PURCHASED AT A VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICE 907 Broadway. 'Phone Stuyvesant 4200 BEA- F.STATE WANTED OFFICE SPACE WANTED TO 1.12 A SE About 2000 sq. ft. downtown. JAFANESE ?"ONSUI.ATB GENERAI. 'Phone Qortlandt 314. f REAL ESTATE FOB 8AJLB HOMES WITHIN THE HOUR ALL SECTIONS $6,000 to $50,000 J. CLARENCE DA VIES 32 NASSAU ST. JOHN CM* ESTCHESTER SALB OR RENT 8UY YOUR HOME BEFORE PRICE*/* ADVANCE YONKERS MT. KISCO. Going South; bargain for quick buyer. So. Yonkers Colonial Cottage on high ; srround near depot and school; 8 rooms, ! bath, 3-car garage; plot K3x131; newly' ?lee. WHALEN, 480 So. B'way. I'hone 3549. : SOUTH YONKERS: New Dutch Colonial seven room dwelling, wltli sarage, larc? plot: ?16.500. THOS. 8. BL'RKK, Flagg ?ildg., Getty Square; also South Broadway at Valentine bane. Phone 50*0-5061 Yonkera, Speclallst In Westehester County Home?, I Acreage, Farms and Business J'rnpertles. ? M. W. 8?UJVAX, 6'J3 So. B'way. Van Cortlandt Terrace. Tel. 6380. , Open Sundays. THREE FAMILY HOUSE, near Glen-j wood Station, Yonkers, six rooms each '. apartment; hot water heat. Price ?11,000. GAUL * BK.I? 23 North Broadway, Yonkers. Tel. S94, ,. , .. i. ? '-?-i BARGAIN, 8 FAMILY brick house and: store in good neighborhood. Price ?5,000; ?1.500 cash. JOHN II. CLANCY. SO? New Main St., ! Yonkers, N. Y. Tel. 3805. NEW COLONIAL 6-ROOM RESIDENCE! ?beet residential section. Parquet floors, j H. W. trim. Every modern convenience, i Price $17,000. DORSET- _ BRUCE, 8231 So. B'way. Phone ?516. Why pay rent when you can secure a bargain like this? K.-'tale must sacrifice two elegant 9-room bouses, worth ?!),00?), sell for ??.000 each; ternis; bargain. Gar? dener. 01 Elliott ave. Tel. 3993. 7 JMILES NORTH OF MT. RISCO. > min. walk to express stat.lon. \% acres of land, 9-room house, all tmpta. recently painted Inside and out. Barn. Near large lake. Price ?8,500. Terms. Carpenter _ I'elton, Inc. rLEASANTVILLE. N. Y. HERE IS A BAltGAlN-- Sale?Near!? acre choice land; abundant fruit and shad? tr?.-s; u'wrt ?swelling; Improvement?; stean? heat; larga hennery; Darn: smalt stream. ?8,500. Other propa E. G. Horion. Tel. 119. NEW ROCHELLE New Colonial Home. 7 rooms. S bath?, sleeping porch, open fireplace; larga plot; garage. Price ?14.000. Open to offer. REY VARI? _ KRAFT. 206 Huguenot. Phone 3541. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. Four rooms and bath; all modem Improve I?rge plot. Be?t construction." menta. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ with garage. Price ?6.000, $1,000 caaV THE BENNICKS REALTY COMPANY ?j North Aver.u?j. Phone 3746. ' DOBBS FERRY Ten-room hopee, good location, gas bath hot a!r heat: ? min. station river vl.? lot 50*100. Price ?.000, 1-3^w?nl ?e?by gjPPO??tment only. Alfred E. Cooke. OobM ''erry, N. Y. WHITE PLAINS Walking distance, desirable neighbor? hood, lot 50x126 ft.. 9 rooms, sun parlor, sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood f)?>ors, fruit and shrubbery. A bargain at ?13,500. Bank mortgage ?7.500. David W. Cornell, Mgr., Reed-Clark Co., Inc.. Depot l'laza. Building. Phon? 1616. LARCH MONT WORTH BCYI?7? This ?seven ream ! HOME. Tiled bath, two fireplace?? land? scaped gardens, unusual view of Sound. \ Owner leaving town. ?IB 000. Terina | ARTHUR 8. HAWI.EY, 40 Post Rd. Tel. 425. HASTINGS. FOB SAXE.?Two 8-room Houses, mod? ern In every way; ?9,000 and ?10,600. Ga? rage; near school. B. M. DEVINE. Hastlngs-on-Hudsun. Tel. 701. BYE Attractive mil year dwelling, near the ? water, 7 rooms, all modern conveniences; j garage; large plot. Price ?10,004. Rea l sonable terms. Complete list furnished , rentals?shore and Inland. MJM E. M. | Urummood, ?0 Porch?*? St. Tel. Jll?Rye. MOUNT VEKNON 18-raom 2-family Stucco House, all Im? provement?; good location; room for ga? rage. Price ?14,500. A. WUESTENHOEFER, 81 Mt. Vernon \*e. Tel. _'02S. l.angdon Terrace, two family. 50x100: 7 rooms, tiled bath; t? rooms, tiled bath stucco; electricity, steam, parquet; ?22 POBT CHESTER At Port Chester. 40 minute? from Grand Central. 7 room house, all modern Im? provement?; fine residential section. Price ?8.250. THE OLIYERE-GAINEY AGENCY, 43 No. Main St. Tel. 1134. *Pp. G. & G. DAHLBKNDER, s'Dapot'p?. N??w Haven Station. Unusual Offer, Chester UUJ, 13 rooms. 4 bath?. Plot 125x100; fine shade tree?. Thl? I? In an excellent location: needs Inatd? dec-1Ion only: good buy at ?23.000. Wolfa-Dougbu, 14? Mt. Vernon av?. Tel. 41. MAMA RON ECK BaMttfnl Ba-denee. near water, hous? 16 roam? t bat ha I open fireplace?; green honaa; t acre?; garage for 3 ?ara, chauf? feur qu*rt?ra Price ?45,090. W. L. JDapat. Tat. ??4. r?ur '?juart?ra," "pr VAR?AN * CO.. Of PELHAM Frame and Stucco House; I room a batir* gas, electricity, large plot; garage: <-o ? ? ven lent iy located; restricted ?action; pos. session May 1; price ?11.609: on reasonable terms. DEITCH * CONNOLLY] tel. 174?. cor. Flub. ?*?. aad Sd at., at station. SCARSDAXB Well-baU* ? dwelling. ? room?. ? baths. 3 nrsplacea. sun and sleepirg porche?; hot water heat, "BLAU-GA8 " ??war. wat?r, electric light; fin? location |pnana"tM|0n: *2M??- * W? l*0*11? T*1**