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( Beat 2 Brooklyn Rooniing 1 Keeper Is A7a;? e Lodgerg in$900Roh Widow I? Other S Vf* fi B u r g 1 a r s . |(VHjJ \i&i$oe ' Mrs. Wollock''/^o^ _ Mnn Moving About A|>arti iferit, Screams nnd Ile T Two women were attackcd in their homes in New York yestorda l bers. who, after beatii g th< made off with vnlunblc Mrs. Mary Vi n, tw<. old, who conduct.-; a roi ; ' ouse at 366 State Street, Brool yn, ?? yesterday afternoon, young men v.' o 1 ? ntcd on the top floor last Tuesd 4 o'cloek they came dowo^afcfciw?! her their faucct waa ut of ? ??..??.?r i asked for a bammer. She vf< nt to tho kitchen and they followed. t ,s '' A:- she turned to g tl 7 . < ! \ '?' to or.e of her lod he lace I a r volvcr in tl c hai ?' ?* of 1 . oth. r, ' <r brusquely ordei ed her to nese ?..,.? uj - cry. She d ?:??) v *;.sfr(K!T; on tho head witl gun, She continued to . :ream, and thi other youth grabbed Ll is hai ler beat her until she foll p*ib. Hands and l'eet Tied When she regained con i i about t?i nty minutes 1 '?".-?? found her ha d an 1 tj ?; i clotl'"' line. She ws fi i ? ?? wounds on the 'rw.d and - ing into a sitting p ' through the opc < her feet and telet Headquarters. D( ecti .*( i Ct?lingl am and C of the Adams Sti re told by Mrs. Yan that jew ry be] her and lodj rs wo had beei stolen. S ie gave . na and descripti n of her . A general alarm ,-" - nl Mrs. A. E. W six, was awak< ned early her ap i r1 men t on tho the Sarsfield, 1 I '<' way, and saw a man r about ht r be !ro< i . Hoping t-i slip ;;'":"'<%" to the ? part ment of her son-i ; Ir win, adjoining her own, Mrs. Wollock pot out of bed. As she did glar hit her over th i rij ? y milk bottle. .'??',.;' the truder raced di wn 'flight stairs ar.d esca Mr. Irwin heard I i ther-in-law's cries. SI wi a cut on the temple and almoi uncon ^ciou*. A physici pti sumir.oned. Tbe burglar had ' Mrs. Wollock's dresi er ar.d had taken several A rope dangli roof ex tended to a po v 1 room of Mrs. \ it is believed the thi ?'? ? and gained cntrancc in th . . bathroom window was op John Atki . - the rea Ity < ? ? ?- ? '?!?'. Sarsfield, said tho. nol! him to k< ep the 1 ,' Irv.-in received ''?: and detectivi s in tl crim refused even to admit that a robbe . had been commil Hero Who Died inPov ty WillBe Bnri ;din Si Funeral With To-day for ] lier ? ranged byK. i '. C. Ful! m to-day at tho Dana Dyer, machine gunner of ' !??. ? I Gun Conipar. who dii d in tho Blackw 's Island i had lived in the more than ; lun^. The 1 auspice of who saved tl Field by a Cal vary Cci 1 ;?..-.: Mass., wa nVother and occui rc l. Ile cnli in Auj ust, 1917, ovei with h ' in the .'? rgonne, '?' ' ?? was di?i . ' ' ; : vt ??- on; Man h 21, 1919, i . . i ' ;. i i "\ ing to In the m died and tho ? .' . . sold to i His ter lum in Mass % ' i " ? he ro< part of 1 and help l hi sister. Dyi r on dlucharj .1 lj\e for by the r^ill try to brin 7 .".;; . i'or t he fu is said, lia- ? l her bu p] unteered to t .... wel? fare of thi ittle ,4 Mcu Caught in Cellar With .".'-. Ipetective Follows Tr With Skunk Skins !<> liaven ot' Alleged Tli teves Captain of Del ecl ives bastencd from the \\ Street police station to 15S West Twenty-seventh Strcel yi . . i fter- ! jioon ia response to a telepl rage that there was a h ild tp in cellar. Captain McQueeney, i the pcllar, found his pi "lioots" Trojan, witl^ [,v> .j-~; ?. levelled at four men < JMi - '/;..!/:. v nundreds of skutowsWhs... "JuKt in time, ?',?,'?' & ?-.'? F,'vr4 ? ? ?- 1 arm was getting have got ahi'i't a ..?-. iJ^uvXtri^^'-^w^vth, of skunk skins, I esrt'i ;'.?'. . rrtr + wafti airaid to take \ h<* fh:-.\ "Jr'-'. :.?.. A>};>fr,]-: that'U Bteal skuiik sskVff ^\ >\ I ti ink nothing at all of beanin a < Skins and . r.oners a i to tba poliee station, w wero identirted by Si i 315 West Thirtieth Sl i eel. ?hon is across ti c police stai ion. Ti ojan ? ? ? lowed a truck loaded w many blooks until it >; . , . . . ?W*?t Twenty-seventh S reel buifdin"'' Th.*> skins aro value al $35,000. K:i*or.ers, who are charged ,v h ? negro, of airt Wc l ? 7,' e.? Vrtay," ... fur mi tbe : q foi Sisters Freeci iars ln Madliouse C?!>!ltilircl from mj? (inr and binfding. 1! icoming supcrln e rocord bt each pai ients {o make ror damaging to il i id le, ho said, ?? hav.e ? I ivofcliei i.and i si itor in ,.,?; Adai "and none - - ?:,, > see us. I have ihvay enjoyed good health cl a i all irroun : u i. I , ? . ,a . ? . ?" ;'"'; ami ij ii . ? indings as ours ? ? ? madhouse for ten years ; | 'recdom." .. ? ? iey, Gen >ral; re-pre m at ? the h a'rrng and ... ? .... .Hupttngtop, was . ? -. ! uglas ConK [in, a banker of l-Iuntington, wfao was. ?. ,. mmi tee i '. i' e property of; ; h after their commit? ment. Miss Ada TelJfl of Trouble The Donu'ty-Attorney General asked ?; s . a\ ,. - . ble wjiich is . [ . ft&$ ?.??????i ??:? m litment ? ' ?? sister. She was .- ,. ' . ? .<.;?? ???? thc Rev. ? tor.o ? C ntral . G [lun^ini ? : .. scrmons !.' ' ? on the Lii ... , :ial dep . ' . ? ??? ? .,.-,...? -, ' as guards .. tt ?:.,.?' . o narri d m'uel? T. Carter, Dr. \. D. i . ..?/? ; ' i ploa ? , ppai nl ? wifn a - ??' to"a icmories of . ... n . ?? ? without avail. ? ? \: I'pclar'ecl e i fer 1 ad ! .!-''? .... jh ; ' of ! ; m. : ...' -. ? a:'- Dr. . i i?" d Btatf}^' g .? D-l '. '?? ' Genei " . ' " .. W ? i.da sw >e1 ly. ?;;?>' .'. ';.' j t ?i .-? ti I m ?-..? rry yoi liss Ada primly. tj ights on the sub ject; it vv: \ ? ia1 he wanted; il ? ' dtysrred." i i jed Away ? ' ., med to b ? . ' ? I heir ?.'?-?'. Lhal lone < ... "no1 our broth ?,{ ' ?. ?'?? Hi ;,' ? our 'r,'. to i 1 hem while; ? ?> *'??<? ????'' D*. II?) ,' J. '? pWy, of White/Plains, .: ' J..ii'iv.C iit:.j;i.sJJSjil&iiori .thr- sis - V. , . ,wou ('.-?'??'' '?'"'?. ? ty '"?. Thomas ; , Cus: . .:. ' ified they j " ? ifi subject led thoir '? ? iemgelvi in this j , . . a cunning BUporibr (o that; of most manincs. Ilo believad tboy were vietims of ynia noia, ho said. "I wil# disehargo thcao two women," said .lustice Tompklna nt tho end of tne hearing, "on condition that Ihey go with Mrs. FprgUBOn nnd remain with he'r nnd (hat she will take caro of them as she has promisod to do." Will Never Return, They Say Tho faded old eyes of Miss Phoebc gloamcd with unshed t.oars as slu> and her sister accompanied their cham? pion out of court. \ "It is like a dream," Miss l'hoebo murmured. "To think that now 1 can live in peace the. vest of my life?and die in peace! Thero's ono thing cer? tain, we never will go back to Hunt? ington.'* " ? "We never will go back to Hunting? ton,". echoed' Miss Ada. Despite tlie testimony given yester? day by Miss Phoebc and Miss Ada, fevidence taken at the hearihg in 1911 showed that before being committed to thc Kings Park Hospital they were oxnmincd by two physicians of Suffolk County, who .signed?afiidavits declaring that both of them were unbalanccd mcntaHy. Miss Ada and Miss Phoebc made their escape from the insane asylum in May, l'.)l;>, taking advantage of an entertain? ment being given at the institution which diverted itho attention of most of the attendants. They wero re captured soon. They aro members of a Colonial family and their anccstors Eought in the Continentai army in the Revolution. Their brother, Henry S. Brush, was formerly. treasurer of Suf? folk. County. ; ? ta.-.-?-?-. -?, Victory Hall Association Entertains Legion Chiefs The Victory Hall Association gave a dinner at the Hotel Biltmore last night to 300 American Legion post com? mandcrs, Plans for the proposed ,$l! 000,0-00 ediiice at Forty-second S>). et and Park Avenue were discussed. The speakers were Brigadicr Gcn eral William J. Nicholson, Rear Ad? miral Bradley A. Fiskc and Major George Haven Putnam. All approved the Victory Hall projeet as calculated to best coinjnemorate war heroes and to instill ideals of Americanism. Gen? eral George W. Wingate was toast master. Pictorial Review Case Goes to Jury To-day Sumining Up Ended in Trial of Secretary Accused of Al tempted Bribery The case of Jay A. Weber, secretary of the Pictorial Review Company, on trial before .ludge Cushman ln tho Federal District Court on charges of attempting to bribe a revenue agent to render a false income tax report of tho corporation, will go to lhc iufly to-day. Judge. Cushman will read his charge thia morning. Attorneys for both sides concluded thoir sumnfing up yesterday. John B. Stftnchfieldj 'for the defense, contended tbat certain f|uestions had been in jtcted lnto the case that had no place in it. Hc said that Nathaniel W. Grop? per, the revenue agent to whom.Weber is aUeged to have given $500 as part payment of a $25,000 bribe, should bo punished for irrcgularitics in connec? tion with his work which he admitted on the stand. "Ever since he has been in the employ of the governmont," Mr. Stanchfield said, "Gropper has played the game of life falsely and crookodly." Mr. Stanchfield declared that the re? port of the income tax return as made by Gropper was not conclusive and there would have been no inccntivc for Weber to have offered money to have it falsilicd. He maintained that thp $500 giveri to Gropper by Weber ?was a loan. Rcnjamin P. DeWitt, Special Assist? ant United States Attorney, followed Mr. StanchlicUl in addrcssing the jury. He said the defendant had deliberately and intentionally given a government agent a sum of money to do some? thing illcgal. . -a Woman Cashier Held as Thief Charged with the theft of $100 from the Hotel Pennsylvania, Ella Flemingj,, ;thlrty"-xone years old, of 341 West Eiglity-first Street, cashier at the ho? tel, was arraigned hefore Magistrate Nolan in Jefferson Market Court yes ! terday. She was held in $2,000 bail i for examination to-day. The complaint ! was made by an agent of the surety company on Miss Fleming's bond. Not only at the bip; hotels of Palm Beach, but also of Atlantic City and most of tho country's other fashionable re sbrts, Fatima has steadily led in. sales for several seasons. WHY? "';'"; A Sensible Gpareite cn cn .7J iO:.l Jll.JL '7 bought an Estey Player Piano at the Welte Mignon Studios and the experience was a pleasure?nothing less. . .As soon as I entered ihe Studios l was made to feel at home. I was liot hurried. I Was not pressed .... As : jor ihe Esley Player itself, it proved a revela tion. lt is easy lo play. It is lonally beautiful ?and very moderalely priced ....// was a shopping experience I shall long remember." WE HAVE ALSO GOOD, RELIABLE PLAYER PIANOSFOR AS LOW AS AND TERMS ?YOUR OWN IN REASON v. ' S Fifth Avenue at 53rd St. "JUST ABOVE THE CATHEDRAL" Audible Ring Replaees* Telephone Girl'i* 'Busy' When you hcar a low, burr-r-ing jourtd as you use tho telephone, aH though a bell were ringing far off in tho distance, it is not an intermit lent alarm clock aounding off in the telephone central, but a new signal known as the audible ring. By it tho telephone uscr may know that the con? nection with the number (perhaps the one desired) has been accompliBhod. Tlie signal, which ia a aofter and more drawn out sound than the "line is ' busy; return your money" alarm, bepins it subdued burr as soon as tho operator has established the connec? tion. It continues to burr-r for aev eral seconds, pauses a decont- moment, and begins anew, keeping up this al ternate performance until tho called telephone answors or the girl announceB that the number does nofrespond. ^hen tho announcement that the telephono company had completed tho installation qf the new signal through? out the central offices in the city was received last night, an inquisitive re porter made several test calls which brought the burr-r-ring sound to the forc in from two to ninc seconds. CENTURY 62d Street ?nil Central Park Wart. (Solo Management Morris Qest.) SUNDAY NIGHT AT 8:15 B. F. KEITH'S Gelebrated Sunday Concerts GOO SEATSI 1,000 BEATS I BEST AT fiflr I AT Itl.OO I SEAT8 S2.50 BIGGEST BILL OF KEITH 8TARS THI8 SEASON. nvi'rlure, CaiulUa's Birds, Du For Bros., Seven Bracks, Trlxlo Krlganza, Iiltermlsslon, Tlouse nf David Band, Brown and Weston, Harry Fox with Edytho Baker, Beatrlco Curtis & Co., Si>i.hlf> Tuoltor with Jazz Band & Co., othcra. MANHATTAN house 3ITH STREET, NEAR 8TH AVENUE (rioly Managomeut Morris Gest.) B. F. KEITH Bargain Matinees,l5c to 75c Sunday Afternoon at 2:30 SUNDAY NIGHT C0NCERTat8 POPULAR PRICES. 50o TO $1.30. SAME SPLENOID KEITH BILL MATINEE Wld NIGHT. Tlits Sunday'a l'rogrammo. Joseph Santley an? Ivy Sawyer & Co. ln "Blta and I'leres," a maf nlflcetit now sprtngtlme revue; Eli/.aboth M. Murray, The Spanlah Rovuo of 20 artlsts, Nnt Nazzarro with "BUclt" h "Bubbles," Mr. & Mrs. Jlmmle Barry, VVlUla Solur, Jennle Mlddleton, Margot & Francola, Tlie Revolos and others. AND CENTRAL PALACE/ MARCH . v Bower of Beau'.y and Fragranco Now Open. 10 A. M. to 10:30 P. M Don't Miss Dance of Flowers To-nlght. METR'OPOLITA'K S&MJ To'-nioht at 7:30 sharp. Parslfal. Maizenauer: Har ? <l I, Wliltehill. Rothier, Dldur. Contt, Bodanzky. ! Sat. Mat. ?t-2. For*a del Oestlno. I'onsellc. Gor don: Caruso, Amato. Chalmrrs. Mardones. Papl. Sat., 8:15 ($1 to $3.50).. Rlgoletto. Barrlentos, 1' rini;Rackclt, DeLuca, Sogupjla. Bada. Moranzoni. Sun. Eve. (50c. to $2). Italian Operatic Cotiocrt. i Harrlontoa. Happold. (lordan; Harrold, Kingston, i 1'iceo, Zanelli, Qrch. Cond,; BamboMchek. Next Mon. ut S. Praphrte. Muzlo. Matzenauer. ! ClalU: Caruso, Mardones, Rothier. Cond., Bodanzky. I Wwl. at 8. Flrst Tlrae. Eiigcnu Onogln. Muzlo, Pe- I zr|j ...lartu I' IiU^n D-:lur _l.oud i Tluirs ,si/i Mat. at 2 <$t"to %&).. lMetrTii*eT\ \ ^nzn. Farrar, Howard. Egerier; Crlnil, Amato, i B ? tc .M.-l,u:,< a _(::nd_Moranzoni. Tliurs. at S:lr>. Marta. Barrlentos. PerlnT^Ca^ | ruso, Do-Luca, MalaltBta. Cond.. Bodanzky. Tn. at 8. I.ns! Tim<>. Blun Bird. Easion, Uordon Dolaunols, Kllls, PerUii; BoUiier. Chalmers. Wolff HAKD.VAX TIANO LtiKD HAPPY PRICES. Seiits on sale for 8 weeks y, CaYnegle Hall, Wed. Eve., Mar. 24, 8:15 pu n0 A KtJRT SCHIXDI.RR. Condtiotor. Soloist. RAFAELO DIAZ, Tenor. NEW SPANISH MUSIC First PrcsenJation in America if worka by modern Oatalonian Com posers and Baaquo and Catalonlan Folkaongs. Also'soriBSof Asturla, Spanlah. Galicla, Andalusia nnd Old Castlle. SEATS AT BOX OFFICE. (Knabo Piano). Aeolian Hall, TO-MORROW AET. at 3. ITZER 3d & Last Piano Recital. (Chlckering.) 4colian Hall, To-morrow Evr. at 8:15 S? ALEXANDER BLOCH SONATA RECITAL. (Stelnway Piano.) PrliiceHR Theatre, Next Monday Aft. at 3 PtANO RECITAL,. (Mason & Hamlin.) ICanieRie Hall, NEXT St'N. AFT. at 3 LAST PiAHO RECITAL. (Mason & Pamltn.) AKOUAX H\M? TO-DAV AT 3. ln SECOND PIANO RECITAL. Met. I.oudon Charlton. Stteff l'lano. . S.S. Mos BLANCHgS *m Powder-Pupp Fd&ies car , 4-1 ser THEi DEADLIEQ EEX" "DANGER0U8 OAY3" by Mary Boborta Klue hart. Harold Lloyd Comody. Strand Orch. ClO'.UMBIA. li'way & 47th St. T.vlce Dally! lives. ? HASTINGS' BIG SHOW lat 8:15' RJOTFTHB 'SAUCY BITS OF1929' An Elaborate Uevuo featurinc the Beat Caat and Chorua on Hroadway Twice N'iKlitly at 7:80 and 11:30 COLUMBUS CIRCLBAND^STJJSr Table d'Hote CI CA B?efateak DiHKER qoT^rTToc tilHHER "TiiTffet" <JriU-Opeii~/\il-Nlght I Theatre I4t- Street, near Foiftife Aveaat Imagine And she wears 90 veil! She without a veil in Stam? boul u vile, but not so, this maiden. She is the VIRGIN OF STAMBOUL to the ter rible Sheik, She is the Virgin of Stamboul to the terrible Kurd, who has murdered the lover of his harem favorite, and who has been caught at the deed within the portals of St. Sophia, where women dare not enter, for to do so is death after torture. The Sheik, in his strug? gle to possess "THE VIR? GIN OF STAMBOUL," is pitting his lustful desires against the surging but sub iime passions of the virgin, and the virgin?resorting to that intrigue for which all | Turkey is noted?chooses the young American. Imagine the great Golden Horn, and on | its bosorri the old city of Stamboul, the very playground of fanatic passions, where woman is held to be less even than the flea-bitten dogs which roam its littered streets. Women in Stamboul are held to possess no soul. In this great maelstrom of misery^this^ citadel of emotion, tnere is one frail girl, frail in stature, a giant in mind, who is known to All and Sundry as "The Virgin of Stamboul" fl S. 3 Then comes the clash of | ^ giants. 1 s Then comes the struggle | which shades all ? others. Then comes the combat which c h i 11 s ! Thrills! Startles. And? * * But no more.' The complete story, done in a style of grandeur, will reward vis? itors at B. S. MOSS' BROADWAY |] THEATRE, B'WAY AT 4IST ST. ? BEGINNING | SUNDAY h BVftv s1v CAPITOL aNYIADrSCARTER ST DaTOiCK 5 WGEW 'SPfcCIAL CAEIICFEISHk&?i& ALBEOTINA BASCU GAPITOl 'SWPHQHV QR0I&5TRA <f 80 *w< LOEW'S New York Theaire & Rool Coiit. U A. M. to 11 P. M. Hiof to 1 A. M ????X..<_HYi-AND ln "The B'aclc Shadow' D0L0RE8 CASINELLI, "Tamlshed Rcputatlons' Loew's American Roof $.%? ?ot?,"!? Maxlne Dancers, Harrv Loe ! An c . HtiKh Norton & Co . Hal * ** Seati Francis and flve other act?. | Re?erred PH.F.KeUh'a ALACE K'way & 47 th Sl. WM. * GORDON DOOLEY <V THK MOItIN HISTBMS TBIXIK FIUGANZA. ELIZ? ABETH II. MTJIUtAY ?ii!L^5y?'_??dUH?l^i OF DAVID BAND RB.F.Kelth's SVERSIDE t'ltw * ttth ?. B. F. Krtth's 8u A B'way. l'opular I'rtves. EVA TANQUAY BESS1E CLAYTON A The Cans.noB & Extra Strong Supportlng Hlll. HARRY FOX A CO. Morton & Glass, Harrjr Hlucs. Beatrlco Morgan & Co. oths. & The Tlcture "BACK TO GOO'B COCNTHY" JVffel 1 CHARLES RAY II W Wkl "Alarrn Clock Anily." fB'W?Y493SI: RIVOLI JDItCUKSXRA I4LTO HUCKLEBERRY . Times Souan* FINN SPECIAL MAT1NEES GARRIGK Ttoea.. ??h. Nr. B'war. UHnniWtV Mon.. Tues.. We*. St Frl. BEGINNING MARCH 22, MEDE A SEATS NOW ON SALE IMuceos Thfratrr, Tues. Aft., March 23. at 3 BONG RECITAL Peneiope Davies' COENHAAD V. BOS at tbe Plano. Mgt. Antonia. Sawyer, Inc. Stelnway Plano AEOUAN HALL, TO-NIGHT, AT 8:18 N. VAL i ADOIJ>n PEAVEY SCHMIDT PIANO VIOLIN Mgraent. Annla Frtedbwg. Maaon A Hamiln Pl??o LITTLE ?V THiS AFtT& HELEN Z A G A T DANCBR Btcb. Chopln and 8chubert And HANH BARTH riANIST '"telnwaj Tldieta dated Mar. H wlU bo honored To-da^0 ?Phytltal PerformaocM Throuph PwoWw." ^"^ *? <WS*'B?roB oqntv TCBBY B ? A? t he. Ara. 3oc. for I%blcal ResUxh. \ America'. Voremeai Vbmatren and mta, Qlreetlon <* *gB * * ?' PHtBlSjf* WINTER OARPEN^f.XAow: DUU I H Matlnre* To-morrow and Wed.. Z..w. Mr. LEO DITR1CBSTEIN PTRl'LE MAHK." ?n Ifi ?h MalB. To-morrow * Wed.. 2.20. OfCiL. i ta xoOK WHOS HERE" LEANk>? CLE0 MAYflELD. Comedy Trlumph. OOTU CT THEA.. near B'way. Ew. * 40. 09 I fl ?> I i Mata. To-roorrow A Wed , 8:30. ChftrlM Cberrr and CfAMnA^ Prfcnclne Larrlmor* GV//\l"JL/i* ln ?h? famou?coniedy ????*??????????? FROM A HIT TO A 8ENSATION. MAXINE ELLIOTT'S Ss <f* Posttiva Opening Tonight,8: WED. MOIIT TICKKTH G<VJI> TO \ I JOMN MUJUWV ANDERSON inc. P/vtenta TWf KEW W vusicai COMtOy WHAT* ttAMf.'-' F1KHT MATINKK TO-MORKOW, j:2| SHUBERT ?, Thea'te, Mth Kt.. W. of B'?? 8:30. MU. Wed & 8at., 2*1$' A. TT. woods Preaenti ACUTDAI Tll,-a-- *7 ?*? * B'y. Ets. 8 30. ; ItfcN I HAL Ma!i To-ruw A Wed.. 5:80. j Sam BERNARD * Irene BORDONI ln "AS YOf WEBE" I AUP1ADC <8Ui. IV. or B'way. E?a. 8:S0. LUnlZAutf t Mata. To-jm'w A Wed.. 2:30. F. Bay Consatoclt A Morrla Geit l'resent L,ADAMandEVA "Thorsinhly amutino, oaplt?lly Mta*."?Tribune CENTURY m 3 WEEKS TO-NIGHT at ?:!? MATINEE TOOIOBHOW, 50c TO S2. E. Kay ComBtock_BDd _MoiT!sGe?t preaent The 6rnsai .- ? - - - of Parla and New Yerk omstocK nna jworrm ue?i preurm ? APHR0DITE JTHiz &t~lM ll&Mk REPUBLIC S&^wS _Xrg? Ii THE SlCNr^DOO* I gri TiURE Tliea.. 4.M.. W of Ky Bn. ?m tL I mUfc Mats. Wal, (Top.; /, S.l. 2jf FLOREMCE M00RI BREAKFAST IN BEt Pi mil Wert *T'th St,"t ETvn'ngs l? I IDUUU Mats. Wed. ll'"?.) & BaT. 3 .VkJ COMPANY OF 300 PEOPLE?8 SCENEB. | ?f ,l?j ^ j "jT^i ? M "4 ?] * frl ^ 'A WUW AU A1A. 5\A? CMST Wis How6r- Abe Pofcasrt' wAdlfflU Mats. To-morrow aod We! {3 ?S SPECIAL MATS. J T This Aft. at 3. l'ERK'CE AIho Sat. at .10:30 A. M. MU8ICAL COMEDY EXQUISITE LITTLE WK0PPER With VIVIENNE KEGAL Shakespeare Playhouse J k M " A. E. ANS0N MABEL TALIAFERRO ln H aiid 0LIVE OLIVER - E -IPIPER HARRIS. W. 42d St. Kth. R:30. "WEDDING DELLS" MARGARET WALLACE LAWREKCE *?>? EDDINGER Mata. Wed. & Sat., 2:80. 8ELWYN. W. 42d St. Ev?. 8:30. OONALO I rEGGT I RALPH BRIAN UffOOl) I MORGAN tn THE MUSICAL HIT "BUDDIES" Mats. AVed. & Sat., 2:30. 'AHDEWIII48u,SI.orWI The Musical Comethi Hit III American Singers Opera C.wl ln Ol'.bert & SuUirah'a ro^ic Ocera I!urlf??iut RUPM60RI "The beat ehow I ever Haw in my jif-j. Alexander Woolhott. of theTimS ** *^ ** To-morrow, ;:; f * ? For -two years EAST ? W As+or ? r*)*r,ntes ? Tha hit r "1 ? WEST I OmiMTMie. j ??e< uictfj o? Jaf. I BELMONT ?Sth. E. of B'y. Bry.48. Evs.8:30. Mau. To-m'vv A Thurs.. 2:30. NANCEOIEIt In THE PASSION FLOWeI with Adele Rowland r LITTLE THEATRE 7//;, __, Eva. SHO. Mata.Wed. i Sat., 2.... EDGENB O. O'NEILL'S GBEAT DRAMA LBEYDNDTHEHORIZON lk?*irh RICNARD BENNETT^1 M0R0SC0 SS. ^..^ndE^ina!ll' A &ENSATIOXAL TRILMPH! ELSIE Iia An^P?SN-VETrs SACRED and I PROFANE LOVE nOia DajeSMata. To-mcrrow h W>d. 2*. Leap Yr. Mat. Wed. Orch. $1.50. 300 GooC Sea-jft VICTOR HERBERT'S ?????* "MY GOLDEN GIRL" UUmCUI Mjas. To-morrow *: Thur" 52 WIY LADYjA??lca-a:? FRIENPS|g^St i CRAWFORB /.QTU CT ?*???. r'ar P.'way ''rsTTii ?ftO I ll ? I ? Mats. To-morrow & Than , ?B STORM HELEN ? MacKELL^f \ BROAUIIl UST.W.44St. Evs.8:30. \JA-^ COWL t_ In "Smllin' Thronch." Matlnooa Thursday and Sat., 2:30. LYRiG ira- Wn"st of Broadway. Et?. ?:15. k I IliW MaU. To-morrow A WeC. 2:15 aharp. _ _. WALTER HAMPDEN -"HAMLET" "A Matter for Rejoicingr."?Tribune. plymouth .a?i%?ifas John Barrymore in HiGiiardl Ere. Perfonr.anco starta S.10 and ena? at \\tai PUYHOlTsFl^.^i'A7^ ^ije^ontjcrfui^it^ HARRICk' S??St- >????'??*>? Mata. To UHnniUIV Ur'leyiiii.Ers.S^O & Thurj .. THE TH2ATK4 GUILD Announce* J "JA N E C LE 6 G l By St. John Ervine. Author of "John FerBiincB." PRINCESS 38,h' ?? ?? B'Wajr. Bi?.'*?tJA rnin?K90 Matuiee To-morrow. 2:30.'" Tie|r.T_S?*?lf.Tftfl Book, Uuale .^ !.rn? 4 IWK- I 3CK- I 08 B>, Hen?M TlmiS NEW YORK' S LEADING THE A TRES AND gtCCSIl BS EMPiRF S'w?y an(1 40Ul Sf- Evenlnmi 8:30. kliiriHI. Mailnecs Wed. aiid Saturday, 2:30. 2001h PERFORMANCE TO-NIGHT ETHEL ! '?" Zoc Alcns' Play. NEW AMSTERDAM S?sf^Kf-ft MAT. TO-MORROW. 50- to $2. NO. HIGHEIt. THE SEASON'S MTCSICAL TKIL'MPH, DARRYMOREiDECLASSEEJ Monsieur Beaucaire f'ri-iorinn wway. 44 st. livs. 8:20. Urueriun Mts. Wed. ASat.. li:20. LI0NEL BARRYMORE "More admlrabla than his Ibbetsoa or Nerl In 'Tht ieat.' "?Times. THE LETTER 0F THE LAW (LA Kt)BE _ROi:CE) The Metsager-Tarklngton Melodlc Gtra, mmm" r>E.W AM?TE(?AM ^OC" A~ S_30 tTiu Crin rx>K'e Oii CttHSeFIMr Sfiflt^^L^h:..' ' .7JC i IF Daslrecl-Dinner oi 7-Soppe: ?? 111 DiimmIb fi. lii?I?Thea., W. 49 St. Era. 8:50. rUllCn ? uUUjMaU). Todaj- A Sat.. 2:30. "IVIUSK51 ?with? BLANCHE Yl'RKA RCI ICfin w?"t 44th St. E-enlnfS i:3?. ??-????-?*???* Mate. To-m'w A Ttuir*., 2:20 IEN0RE ULRIC MffiBh By Georfa 8earb?re?|h and David Belrue*. LYCEUM &%??A?0L%?Z;l;&. COHAN & HARRIS?^:%S&SfA Jhe, | thi ABSOLUTfc ?* HUDSON IBoothTarkington's "CLARENCE Watt 44th St. Ets. 8:30. .Malt. \Ved.ASat.,2:20. "Best Llaxht Comrdy Ever Written by n Ampripiui."?ueywood Broun, Tribune an American. HENRY MILLEIH.Ti^SISS Eva.^S:30. Mats. To-morrow A- Thu.-s.. 2:20. inTHE . fAMoTtS t?MfcS.MifZ EA8TER WEEK': MatlnsY'o'aT.y?Saato N*w. A MAtTMPlUC ?? rwsy COIHSTBUCTIM iay HiTA WEIMAXj GLOBE^AppIeBlossoms." KreUler?Jaccbl?I* Har Ja>\ Krelaler?Jaccbl?I* I.arrn 'tiwrtttav . . ^_ *lth John fharins Tt.omaa. f'l MUda Bennett, Star Caat. MAT8. WED. & SA*. V.rsx. 8:3? GEO,AA||ll|| B'way. 43d St ....,_ ...... M. UUilMR Mata. Wod. and Sat., 2:30 6AM H. HARRIS pre?ent? i-" WILLIAM !^U?^nB -LIERlKe^ "It'a a Scream.' KNICKERBOCKER. B'way. S8 St Eva. 8:30. Mats. Wed. & Bat, 2:25 "LIKE GOING 0N A SUM MER'S VACATI0N"?WorTl HEN'RT \r. rAVAtlt: Oftaj^j; Tlie Sunshlny Capo Ovj CoraodB. SHAVINGS frem Joe Uneoln'a Best Bet k Ke5t Seata at Box ODlce. ReiruUr PHdfEj Liberty Thea.. W. 42 St. EvsTnE CBAIILES DILLlNGHZM'lt '?? Lataat Musical Comedy .:??? RUa, "THE H0TTENTOT. A8RAJ1AM LINCOLN I ? Cort-f*latit.W**tt3*t Z*ti83S j THE NIGHT BQATJ! t By Attne Caldw?a JEROME KERN'S BE8T TUtftt. MATS. WED. A SATURDAY. 2:2 JOHN L. tiOT.DF.N prf ^rrf^ST^N GA;ETV. 11 y, STANDARD ?E&?8t- ^& LAURETTE TAYLOR l?neB^h* NxUWk.: "Roly Boly Eyas." with Eddie Leonard. GREENWICH VILUGE .aaAE&KSi EMILY STEVENS ?n H.inip crkputtr with o. r. MoeUor-a OlJJrJriIIl UEGGIEJ "Uka aa Imtraaer tttory whluera* bthind 'a Valenclennea fan."?Tlmea. 5:55 7:45 9:50 No One Seated Durtnr 1'iqlofcae i D. W. GRIFFI TH'S Romantic Story of the South Sea* THE I00L DANCER Will be Preceded by a Thematic Prologue, In terpreted by Hawaiian Singers and Special Hawanan OrchestJra, Augmenting the Full Strength of the Strand Orchestra. I Coming Next Week twm Befimting Sunday Afternoon (Alae at STRAND, Brooklyn. Week ol Mareh 28)