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IT t; Motor Wbeel Corporation 8% Cumulative First Preferred Stock Successor by purchase to PBUDDEN WHF.KI. <'0. THE ACTO WHEEfj CO. C!ER PRESSED STEEL CO. THE WEIS & LESH MIM. CO. Makers of wheels from tlmber operations to finished product. 100 and accrued dividends Circular upon request ler AK 291 TheNationalCity Company Main Offlea: Nst.anal City Bank Bullalsi UtUwn Offlce: Fifth Ave. & 43rd ?t. Correspondent Offlces in over 60 Cities Hartshorne, Fales & Co. Members j t\'e*> York Sloclf Exchange 71 Broadway Telephone 7610 Bowling _????? Jelke, Hood & Bolles BONDS NOTES STOCKS Suitable for Investment MEMBERS NY STOCK EXCHAN8E AO WALL ST, NEW YORK &oose\)elt & ^on Founded 1797 th17 Seasoned Investments 30 Pine Street New York MARINE TRUST COMPANY BUFFALO. NX 5EVENTIETH YEAR 0F SERVICE CAPITAL AMO SURPLUS ISfVENTEEN M1LUON DOUAR3 r Bonds for Investment Harris, Forbes&Co Mn? Stroot, Corner William |} NtW YORK j 1! Stock Prices Go Higher in Spite Of Heavy Selling Market, Stimiilated by Easier Money, Gives Demonstra tion of Strength; Publie Interest in Speculation Again yesterday the stock market J demonstrated in rather striking fnsh j ion the correctness of tho position of ! those traders who have been holding to ! thi< conslructivc side on the thoory that increasing case in tho money | market would be bound sooner or later to result in a sustained rise in specu I lative securities. The upswing in the market, which i began almrost ut the outset and con j tinued throughout the session with moderate recessions at times as profit I taking sales appeared. was in many j respects the most impressive since the ; market definitely turned for the bet ! ter. To all outward nppearances the ; impetus to the advances scored in i many of tho more volatilc industrials ! came from the same professional ; trading elemcnt thnt has been definitely i committed to the long 3ide for several ' days. I But an interesting factor waa in II jectod into the market by the appear i ance yesterday of increasing public I participation on the buying side. Such ! a development was not unexpected, i since it usually happens that once ; stocks get to moving public interest is ! aroused to a point where buying orders may be looked for in increasing vol? ume. The entrance of the public into the market .on a more active scale eoincided with decreasing skepticism in quarters where it has been maintained that credit conditions were such as to j make any proriounced revival of bull : ish operations next to impossible. Some of the best Informed interests in Wall Street were, after the remark able display of strength in the general list yesterday, of the opinion that while the market. might reasonably be expected to do better so long,as there is the eomparativc relaxation in money conditions the rise this week has been soniewhat too rapid and therefore a reaction is to be expected. It ls also felt that if the recovery continues much further at its present pace dis? tribution of holdings Dy certain syndi catcs whose operations were checked by tho break of last month are not un likely to become an important factor in shaping the course of price.s. Trading was much more dive'rsified ? than on Wednesday, when Baldwin Locomotive set off the fireworks. The strength of the market was general, the rise embracing most of the leading sDcculative groups. Professional trad? ers working on the upward side appar? ently went first from one group to another, bidding them up with relativc ease. Buying orders in many stocks met a small floating supply, with the usual result. Baldwin Locomotive was an early laggard, being depressed by heavy profit taking, but as soon as this had been absorbed new buying appeared which lifted it to a new high above 140, followed by a swift sctback at the finish. Sentiment was naturally helped bv tho impressive strength of United States Steel common, the market leader, which held well in the. face of profit takinc; and efforts toward i'orcing a deciine in hopes of checking the up? ward move in the general list. The so called independent steels were also strong. as#Were the motors, many of the equipments and cerfain specialties. Oihj were rather irrcgular. although generally higher. International oils, such as Royal Uutch and Shell Trans? port, were stiil under- the influence of a depressed market in London. Wall Street found the supply of call money at 6 per cent sufficient to meet all current needs after renewals had been made at 7 per cent. The cur? rent relaxation in the money situation following the strain of tax pavments is bearing out predictions made early in the month. that the peak of the credit crisis had been passed. --?? Money and Credit Although the call money rate got down again to ti per cent, after renew ing at 7 per cent, more talk was heard in banking circles of a possible jump in the rate next week, when the gov? ernment is expected to draw heavily on its deposits here. Owing to the. continued liquidation of commercial loans, however, it was stated that little change in the stock market money sit? uation may develop after all. Time loans are reported in small lots at 8% and 9 per cent, according to the char? acter of the collateral. The ruling rate for money yester? day, compared with a year "ago, fol lows: Yester- . Year I Call money: dav. ago On mixed collateral... 7 C On industrial collateral 7 61>i Time money (mixed collateral.): \\'xty days.8Mi@9 5tt@5% Ninety days .8Ms(^9 &Va@6% I Four months.8%@9 51/aWH% \ Four to nix months..8!i@9 5%@5% Bank Clearings - BanK clearings in Xew \ork and other cities vesterday were: Exchanges. Balances. New York.$88 1,607,258 $114,388,93:7 Hoston . 71,126,265 21,125,898 j Detroit . 25,161,243 6,980,770 Philadelphia .. 91,102,94,". 23,436,340 Pittsburgh .... 30,559,869 10,873,549 SilverLondon, 68'id; New York,; $1.22: Mexican doilars, 92c. Sub-Treasury?United States Federal Reserve credit balance, $111,525,151. | The Dollar in Foreign Exchange Sterling exchange climbed up 3 cents a pound yesterday, while francs and lire reacted slightly. A London cable quoted the British Admiralty as deny ing the generally discredited report that gold was on tlie ocean on battle ships bound for Halifax. Neverthcless, the demand for sterling was active. Marks were a shade lirmer. ^estcrday's rates, compared with those of a week ngo. follow: (Quoted doilars to tlie pound.) Yester- Week day. ago. Sterling, demand. $3.7525 $3.7225 Sterling, cables. 3.75 3.73 Sterling, sixty days... 3.7050 3.6876 Sterling, ninety days.. 3.0875 3.6725 (Quoted units ic the dollar.) ' ? rancs, checks. 1 1.6] 13.39 Francs, cables. i ..59 13.37 Belgium, francs. chks. 13.12 12.82 Belgium, francs, cbls.. 13.10 12.80 '??'?vc, checks. 1S.07 17.97 I.irc, cables. 18.65 17.95 Swiss francs, checks.. 5.81 5.82 Swiss, francs, cables.. 5.79 5.S0. (Quoted cents to the unit.) Guilders, checks. 36.50 36.125 Guilders,' cables. 36.625 36.25 Austrian crowns, chks .44 .45 Austrian crowns, cbls. .45 .46 ? Sweden, checks.20.30 20.35 Sweden, cables. 20.40 20.46 Denmark, checks. 17.40 17.75 Denmark, ca>les. 17.50 17.8k Norway, checks...:... 17.90 17.65 Norway, cables. 18.00 17.75 Pesetas, checks. 17.67 17.72 Pesetas, cables. 17.75 17.80 Greece, checks. 11.15 11.33 Greece; cables. 11.25 11.43 Manila, checks. 48.75 49.00 .Manila, cables. 49.00 49.25 India, rupees, checks. 44.50 45.25 India, rupees, cables.. 44.75 45.50 Japan, yen, checks.... 46,05 46.25 .Japan, yen, cables.... 46.30 46.50 Argentina, checks.102.15 102.00 Argentina, cables.101.65 101.50 Brazil, Rio, checks.... 27.25 27.76 Brazil. Rio, cablfs. .. 27.50 28.00 Marks, checks. 1...S 1.46 Marks, cabjes. 1.23 1.47 Cacdio-Slovakia, chks 1.33 1.28 Transactions Yesterday in Listed Stocks Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings * (Copyrlght. 1920. New York Tribune, Inc.) Day Year January 1 to datt, Yesterday. Before. ago. 1920. 1919. 1918. Railroad atocka ... 119.800 106,700 99,900 7,821,200 6,896,200 7,991,200 Other stock* . 1,779,300 941,600 746,800 47,119,900 29,486,300 27,841,300 All BtoekB . 1,899,100 1,048,300 846,700 64,941,100 36,362,600 35,832,500 Yeeterday. Day before. Year ago. 1920. 1919. tT. S. fOTcrnment bonds.$10,838,000 $8,523,000 $7,142,000 $701,229,000 $522,681,000 Railroad bonda . 1,163,000 ?1,101,000 1,169,000 77,541,000 74,119,000 Other bonda . 1,708,000 1,445,000 2,664,000 93,864,000 85,691,000 All bonda . 13,709,000 1,106,000 10,875,000 872,634,000 682,491,000 Record of Stock and Bond Averages (Copyrlght, 1920, New York Tribune,,Ine.) Day Year Yealerday. Refore. Ago. 20 Unilrohd xtorkn _.... 68.50 67.70 71.40 30 InduKtrial ntocka. 102.83 100.90 89.17 30 Stock* . 89.10 87.62 82.06 10 Railroad bonda . 73.68 73.62 80.26 10 Indu*trlfll bonda . 88.86 88.86 94.71 5 Utlllty bond. 73.74 73.88 86,96 25 Hon.l.x . . 79.76 79.72 87.17 Range thw far 1920. Tlicb. 68.70 110.30 .92.06 76.28 91.46 74.63 81.71 7.ow. 68.60 88.70 77.14 71.76 88.85 73.48 79.48 Rane* fall year 1919. High. Jj?w. .78.80 119.33 99.64 82.80 95.70 87.75 87.91 63.36 79.20 75.92 72.83 90.56 71.80 80.21 Illgh. Low. DIt. Net 1920. 1920. Rate. Sales. Open. High. Low. Clo.,?. chge. Rid. Ask 36 25 ? Adam* Exproaa . 600 34 34 33 33 - 3"* 34 45/2 341/4? Advance Rusnely ... 6200 40% 44'/B 40/2 42/a + 2/ Vz 44% 72 65 6 Advance Rumely pf.. 800 67% 69 67/8 69 + Vz 0/ 69 88% 65% 6 Ajax Rubber. 2200 74% 77 74% 75%-f 1s* 75% 763/4 2 1% ? Alaaka Gold Mlnee... 600 2 2 2 2 - 1% 2 fy? 1% ? Alaaka Juneau . 1800 2'/* 2% 2% 2% + % 2% 2/4 637b 36% ? Allis-Chalmers . 7600 43% 46 43 % 44%+ 1% 44% 45% 92 80/a 7 Allis-Chalmers pf ... 200 83!/a 83% 83% 83%+ Vz 83% 84% 95 82 8 Amer Agr Chemical 2000 93/2 94?/2 93 94% 4- 1% 93?4 94 46'/4 39 3 Amer Bonk Note_ 1000 42 42 42 42 ? Vz 40 43 96% 76 8 American Heet Sugar 2900 88 89 87/2 87/2 + Vz 86'/2 87 128% 106 10 Amer Bosch Mag... 4600 117/2 119 116/2 117 + 1 117 118% 102 99 7 Am Brake Shoe & Fdy 500 99 99 99 99?3 95 104 225 . 1701/4 12 Am B Shoe ft Fdy pf 200 225 225 225 225 - 225 230 61% 38%? American Can . 30700 50% 52% 50% 61,/a+ 1/8 51% 51% 146 124% 12 Amer Car & Fdy_ 2-1800 142 146 142 142%j 1'/4 142'/2 143 64% 3974 4 Amer Cotton Oil_ 1000 49 49 49 49 j 1 48 49 15/8 t1% .80 Amer Drug Synd .. 1900 13'/8 13% 13 13 ? % 13% 13'/i 30% 18'/2 ? Amer Hide & Leath 24600 24% 28% 24% 27%+ 3% 27 27/a 122 90% 7 Amer Hide & L pf.. 15700 115% 118 115 116/2 t 3% 116 1167>; 52% 38 4 Amer Ice See. 5800 50% 52% 501}, 62% + 4'/B 52 62'/4 68 63 6 Amer Ice See pf_ 800 67 67 661 s 66%; 1% 66% 67 120/a 87 6 Amer Int Corp - 43800 98'/2 105% 98% 104% 4- 5% 104>/2 104% 86% 74% 3 Amer Linseed . 4900 84% 843/4 83% 83%? Vz 83 '/2 84 99% 92/2 7 Amer Linseed pf. . . 1000 95 96 95 96 + 1% 95 97 108'/4 82 6 Amer Locomotlve . . 26800 106% 108'/4 105/2 106% + % 106 1063/4 106 82 7 Amer Loco pf. 200 106 106 106 106 + 1% 105 108 30(-2 16%? Amer Ship & Com.. 5100 25% 26 24 , 24 ? 1i/2 24 24% 72 56 4 American Smelting . 6600 69% 6978 6838 68%? 1 68% 68% 82 80 6 Amer Smelting pf A 200 81/a 81% 81/a 81/2 + 1 80 82 115% 86 8 American Snuff - 50 112% 112% 112% 112%- 110 112'/2 49/2 39 3 Amer Steel Fdry- 29700 46% 49>/2 46% 48 + 1% 48 49 140% 123/2 7 American Sugar ... 800 132 132'/4 132 132% + 1i/4 130% 131 101i/4 77 10 Amer Sumatra Tob. 4600 98 101% 97/2 101% + 3% 101 101'/2 52 50'/4t 5 American Tel & Cable 100 60% 50'/4 50% 50/4.? 13^ 50 55 100% 96'/8 8 American Tel & Tel 2600 100% 100% 100% 100% + 3h 100% 1003^ 74% 54% 5 American Tob See... 24800 66% 66% 65%, 66% + 34 65% 66<4 97% 92/a 6 Amer Tob pf new... 200 95/2 95?/z 95/2 95%- 9514 957,, 165% 112% 7 American Woolen ,. 34600*138 140 13514 136 4- 2% 136 136' 2 61% 38% ? Amer Wrlt Paper pf 400 62 52 61% 61/2+ 2% 51 62' 21% 16% ? American Zinc . 1000 18% 19% 18% 19 - 18% 19 HYf ft, 4 Anacond* . 8900 61 6218 61 62%+ 1% 62 62?/4 67% 43/, 4 Assoc Dry Good*. . . . 1000 43% 46 43! a 45%+ 2% 453/4 46 125 107 6 Associated 011 . 600 115% 116% 115% 116/a+ 23i 116% 118% 86% 76 6 At, Top ft San Fe. 3100 84 85 8374 84%+ % 84/a 85 82 76 5 At, Top & San Fe pf 100 79 79 79 79 - 783/4 79 93 84 7 At Coast Llne. 300 89% 90 89% 90 + 14 89% 91 176% 137 10 4tl, Gulf & W I... 2900 164% 167 164% 164%+ % 164/2 165 30% 25 3 Anto Sale Corp pf.. 100 25% 25/2 25!/2 25'/a+ 14 25/2 28 140% 103/2 3%. Baldwin Loco Co... 121600 135 140/2 133 1343/4? % 134/2 135 102/a 98/8 7 Baldwin loco Co pf. 200 100 100 100 100 - 99/, 100 38% 28/4 ? Baltl & Ohio. 1800 36% 37% 36% 37/24- /, 37 37% 49% 42 4 Bolti & Ohio pr. . . 400 48 48 48 48 + i/4 47% 4s' 93 65 ? Barnett Leather - 1400 82 82 77 77 ? 3 75 76% 134% 114 8 Barrett Company ... 1400 12414 126 124% 126 -.- 3 125'--. 126 31% 17/a ? Bethlehem Motors .. 16700 30/2 31 Va 29% " 3014? sB 30 ~ 30% 95J4 77/2 6 Bethlehem Steel _ 4100 88 90 88 90 + 4% 89 91% ??!it/2 .VJ/z 5 Belh 8tee1' Clasa B 50900 927b 97% 92% 96/4+ 2% 95% 95U 114 108 8 Beth Steel 8% pf... 100 112 112 112 112 % 111 112% ?L 12# "~ Bkhn R"pid Transit 1300 1578 15% 15% 15%- 15% 16' Y'A 'VA ? Bklyn Rap Tran ctfs 400 12 12 11% 12 _ 11/? 12% 15 10 ? Booth Fisheries Co. . 300 12 12 11% 12 + ?/. 12 " 12i/, 100 96 7 Brown Shoe Co pf... 100 97 97 97 97 l v\ 97 98 11./ ^ 1?, b"!".118 ?T?* ? ?. 3900 105% 109 105 107/4+ 1% 106 107% 11/a 7% t/z Butte Copper & Zinc 100 9% 9r.a 978 97,3 , 3. gs^ 97* ot>/4 ? ~ SUttC & Sup Coppcr 100? ^'/a 2612 26% 26%- Vz 26'. 267* 27% 15 ? Buttenck Co . 400 19% 20 19% 19% u tg 19 20 SI?? II 1 JiId.!0oOI,I.:. 1100 23/2 2414 23% 24 | /2 23% 24 Tt' 27V * r * \?r Ppa<;k,r . 19?? "2 B2** 81 82 > 1 81^ 82% 75! 1**1 ' pPf? "ra ;?? 2100 40'^ 41 W's "I % 403, 4114 M tl/ 1 r* P4al7,e?m pf 200 70% 70% 70% 70%: 2/4 70 70% 1^! i*V{? <t (8lumet & Arlaona. 100 62 62 62 62 - 62->4 65 00 ls y tanadm P?Wc . 3400 123% 124/2 123% 124/4+ 1/4 124/8 124/. 100 96 7 Case, J I, pf. 200 97( 2 97/a 97% 97%.. % 96 98 " l^ If, ? ! ^ntra,? LeH,h<>r ? 21800 88'^ 90% 88% 89% - 2% 89' 2 89% tl ?7 4 re,r??*/r?. 310? 52 5Z* 513'* 52'-' 1 52% 53 "? 47 4 Certainteed Corp . 300 53 54 53 k4 ^t 5^ 5g 15*.. 1H'/s! 1? ( hSnd,er Motor8 9200 152 153 150% 152 ? 2 1511/, 1521/0 f0? 4I 4 gf * ?h'?;. 200 58 58 57% 58 1 5^ 8 " 10{-8 1 ? (hi Grcal West. . 200 9< a 9< . 9'. qi ,_ oi 01 27/a 21 2 Chi Gt Weatern pr.. 300 25% 25'" 25^ 25'"", , ,J'8 2^'4 42% 30%- c-hl, Mil & 8t Paul 5600 39% 40% 3934 40'-,-: % 40 40>4 V';2 4^4- ^!' 5?" * ? P Pf ,600 583^ 597? 58% 59 8- %8 58 4 59 mlif 7R ? l &? r. Nort,TCflL; 900 897a 8^% 8934 89 4- 89 8934 .^,2 ? (h,e Pn*um?t"= Tool 9200 95 101 95 100 4 6 99 101 41% 23%? Chic. R I & Paciflc. 12800 37% 383, 37.. 37|/,T Vi -,7I/ ,' . 73 64/a 7 Chic, R I ft P 7% pf 700 77% 77% 77 2_ " ?g 2 ?6% 54 6 (hie, R I ft P 6% pf 400 66 66 66 66 | % 65 66 41K ^7?~;, a C"PPer, 7, 210? 18'= 1B,*< 18 ;8'a- % 18 18% 41% 377s 1% Chino Consol Copper 600 34% 34'? 34', 34?,4J , ,4, ,c 8 40% 3338 1 Coca Coi. . 1800 35% 36 35' 1 4 - ' \l 65^ S4 ? r?!F^tIrln- 210? 38'4 397? ?8' Sg+1% 9232 8?32 7 r?\UmliaL ^'raph 3900 437? 44l<^ ?7b 44/2+ ?% 44% 44% f7 4 ?A l ^?nm^,a ?r'ph "f 200 90% 90% 90% 90%. 7* 90 t V\(/2 67 53 5 Columbus Gas & Klec 1900 60 60% 59% 60 ? 1 59 60 70 tt t r0^,1^ *MOrd 20? 52 52 52 52 ? '7? S2 6? fi?3 7^2 7 ,Un"'C"f? . 200 69 69 69 69 -1 ,68% 69 o?,4 l5 tonaohdated Gas 4900 83 88 87% 87/a4 ', 87" t P8 20% 16% 2 Consol Int Call. Min 1600 18% 19 18 18%. % 1J3? iflr ?3> in, I ^"tlnenUI Can ... 900 8/ ' 88 87 sS 6 ! 2* 88 '* 89'" 95% 76% 4 Corn Products . 16900 95 95'. 94'R 941 *_ :iB qai oL 1% 1Sv 7 C:rnTPr%0CM' Pf' 20? 1?6'4 1?6!* '^ 10C' - 3 1 107% 31% 21%? Con Textile . 2000 31 31% 30'4 30'-? 7/ 7ni qi 62j.4 55 6 Crer Carpet Co... 200 62% 62% 62'.4 M/4, 2% 11* 70 255% 189 12 Crucible Steel . 19900 236 237 233% 235^ ? 2^ 2^5 J? 160 100 7 Cuba-Amer SuKar pf 200 102 102 102 102 -? ?o- 1 I472 70^ T rUK*J^?ne a0*" ?? 198?? 487'8 487'? 47^ 4?a8' 1% 48% 48' 857a 79% 7 Cuba Cane Sugar pf. 200 80'/, 804 80', 80<?? T -Ti oT' 9% 89% 9 Delaware & Hud. . 200 99 99 99 99 :. 4 oG "* 100 195 165 10 Del, Lack & West.. 200 193 193 193 193 --- 4 ,80 \Z 9 6 - Denver & Rio Gr... 400 7% 7% 7/2 71 _ ,4 - 9|\4 16% 9 ? Denver & Rio Gr pf. 1900 147a 14?h 14!/, 143T4 -.* /a, ? /AS 44 33 3 Klk Horn Coal pf 900 44 44 44 II 7 4 'v'2 II'B 29 20 ? Kmerson-Brandt ... 200 23 23 ?3 o^ n- aos X? 91 82/2 7 Emerson-Brandt pf . 900 82% 82% 82% Si%-LlV4 82'3 83 IL- 9!? 5 ?ndicott-J?hnso? 6900 116% 1,3 115% 117%. 8% 1" , l"3{l 2& 17?2" ^ ;???%. 90? 14% 147" 14'a 14?^ 4 14/a 147^ 25% 17%? Eno 1st pf. 400 24 24',. 24 24K.) 3 ol o^, ? 95 65% 8 Famous Players ... . 1800 77% 77% 76 76 l* ??. 4 15% 10 - I-ed Min & Smeltin* 100 14% 14% ijr. , " , 8 ^ 4 JJV 36 26% 3 Fed Min & Smelt pf ,00 35/2 35% 35' , 35.8_1_1 8 lt ?' ! 11C85u 19??^2 17? ^S!)er I"** . 20? 13? 1'? l" 130V% 125 2 1 f8 S'2 33'2 ^ t'"^^ ^,. 400 106% 106% ,06% 106%- % 06 S S./ I? pWk R^er Tire B10? 363"? 37!V? 3634 37%. % 36% 37% ?! a 2i ~ ^r*?Port Texas . 1000 27 27 26% 26%_ 263 o7 * 19% 12 - Gaston Williams ... 200 16 16 1,7? T57.4 , ?Ss ?L 75% 58% 6 Uenera, Cigar . 400 68% 69 68% 11 *l v* 6|% " " 94% 85 7 General Cigur pf deb 200 87 87 87 87 1 (l 8fi R7'4 172 152% 8 General Electric Co. 2000 166% 167 164 165 U 2 1 i? 345 225% 12 General Motor. .... 24900 327% 337% 327% 335 l 0. 334,/ ?!,, 89% 73% 6 General Motors pf. . 200 81% 81% 81'" BV,, 2'' ao'2 82 " G5% 69/2 6 Gen Motors 6% deb. 2000 74% 74% 74% 74%4 ./ 743/ 7c, Sv S.' 7 r^ Mr? ?7 dBb ^ 88^ **>?? 88^ 2%+ % M% 8 2 85/4 fi4S2"7 :?" M?t0" ?=' " 26T00 32% 33% 32% 33%+ 1/2 ii/* 3k 85% 64% 6 (.oodnch, B F. . . 5900 72% 73% 72'? 73 . 11. 791. 7o,'4 ^ 31. 1 ?^"i.Br,-^... 100 95% 95% 95% Sl^'4 94% 9 % 493/4 31% 2 (,ray Davis . 200 33% 33% 33Ui 33IA? 1 qo ,+4 84% 68% 7 t;reat Norhern pa. . 8600 82% 8372 82/2 !!%+ % 82% 827 41% 33 4 Gt North Ore subs 14100 40% 413* 403^ 4i'4; j4 fjj8 J2% 33 28 - Gulf Mo & North pf. 100 28* 28 28 tl _ " S ' 84% 57%- Gulf Statea Steel ... 3900 72% 73% 71 72%-. 2' 7V/ Sv 18% 13 1 Hupp Motors . 26100 17% 187* ,7% \\ \ \ \l{* lf* 65% 50 4 Ha., ft Bar Car Co 12100 62% 653/4 62' 2 H, . % 1J4 l\ S "0 ? Har!TanMV?rP . 1?? 88^4 883< 88^ 883-"'" 8 9% .4,1 oO ? Hendee Mfg . 1000 39% A^ 39./, 41 o 41 2 !,'' 93% 80% 7 Illinois Centra, 200 91 93 ,/' 93 J ?% 92% 93 26% 18%? Inter Agricult . 3100 25 263i 25 25./-4 V lt ol ; 83% 69 5 Inter Agricult pf.... 1000 82 83% 82 83** l l w 81 ? 61% 50% 6 ITlrationCop 3600 56% 67 56% ?*? ?g I g^ 444 3% ? Inter-Cona Corp ... 400 4'-4 4% 4i'. 41/.I 1 41 ? li" 16! 2 9%- Inter-Cons Corp pf. 2900 15% 15?t 15 15 1 3" ,4'" 4 135 112% 6 Inter Harvester .. 5600 1287a 1337g 1287? 133 ;. 3, * <,?,? ,? : 51% 27%- Int Mer Marine. 3100 36% 37% 36?? 37 X 114 1!./ 4 1111% 76% 6 Int Mer Marine pf.. 8900 92 93% 92 93./J 234 %$ IL 127 102% 7 Int Motor Truck... 200 103 103% 103 103%I * 105 4 iau ' 84 72 7 Int Motor Truck 1 pf 100 74 74 74 74 x 1,? S'4 ?! 69% 60 7 Int Motor Truck 2 pf 1000 62 62 62 62 lu c, I! 91% 70%- International Paper.. 26900 39 9134 88' A BBBiL 74 oqv lt 79% 70 6 Int Paper pfstpd... 100 76% 76% 76% 76'! 1 * 7fi'> 77 26% 19%- International Nickel. 5100 22 22% 22 22? lt'* llu | 61% 36%-- Iron Products . 700 44/a 4.5% 44% 46/a+1% % f6U 21% 14 ? Jewel Tea . 400 18 18 171" 171/!] > -,7 ,1 19/2 13%? Kansas City South.. 800 18 18 1772 17%! s2 7, \l ? ^If 1S5,z ! Ke"y S?riA???M ??? 5100 126% 132', 12634 1?%? 4% , ' , , 33% 27% 2 Kennecott Copper .. 4600 3r 311/? 3%! t], ? \* V, IV6 S21?> i62o,Krne Tir<. 48?? 36*? *7^ 3? ? + ? a % s* 91% 63 6 Lackaw&nna Sleel .. 10900 ?5/4 81' -f 76'A 79''^ <" ?? r' SE?-^ 23 ? Lee Rubber ft Tire.. 500 36 ^53? ^>47' -^.2" -?,'' ?'2 : 47% 40% 3/a Uhlgh Valley . 200 46'/. 46Ri 4fii/ A*ill 'i2 l*,s VLi 3?'/S 265? I ,"* & ? T?b C? rtS 100? 16^ '^ ?2 S % - ' -*? 3.? 26/2 2 Loews, Inc . 3900 31 31% C0% 31./.X v -ii 91 r< 28 17/,- Loft Candy . 800 19% W/? 19^ ?J?1 ?? 3ol *V'* ? imh ?8 7 L.UU &^Mh,. 1000 1o!JJ ,?* l^j4 ^J ,ft 1 ^ 1 * 64 61 4 Mackay Cos pr. 200 63 63 63 53 _ e* ?,,/ 30/a 23 - Martin Parry . 1000 26% 28 26-4 28 77 S./ S* I 36% 12/,- Maxwell Mot Co... 700 31 31% 30 31./^ 1./ %/m !?,/ j 63% 47%- Max Mot Co 1st pf.: 400 59%' 59% 68 M *-- 2 5 ? H* 62% 47% - M.x Mot Co ctfs... 200 52 54% 52 54%_ tl ? ; 132 117% 7 May Dept Store. ... 200 129 129 129 iX^T^ 127 1 I 22? 161% 10 Mexican Petroleum . 29900 191% 195% 190 192 I 1 192 1S1/ 71% 22% l.aOMiddle Sutes OU. . 51600 31% 33 30% 32-4+ % 30 ?& 62% 42% 4 Mldrale Steel . 8100 47% 4834 47% 48%I ? ? S? 18% 9 - . Minn 4 St L now.. . 400 16% 16% 16U 16v!- V ia. i7/4 94 89/, 7 M.StPft'sSMpf 100 93^ SfJ 9^ Igfr 1^ '* 11 6 ? Mo, K.ns & Texaa.. 1000 9% 9% 9% 9*2? iZ L in 31% 21 - Mlaaouri Pacific .... 3100 29% 30 28% 29%7 \l $fr 11*, 49% 36 - Mlssouri P.clBc pf. 600 47* 47 46% 46%I % 5J./2 47% 69% 61% 3 Montana Powa, .... 800 66 66 65% 66%- % 66 * ?% Sales Mullin* Body . *00 National Acme . 300 National Aniline ... 2000 National Aniline pf. 200 Nat Cloak & Suit... 200 Nat Con & Cable... 2900 Nat Enamel & Stp*. 1000 National Lead . 800 New York Air Brake 6200 New York Central .. 9600 New York Dock. 100 N Y, N H & H. 12100 N Y, Ont & Weat... 200 Norfolk & Western .. 2900 North American . 100 Northern Pacific _ 2900 Nova Scolla Steel . . 2800 Ohio Kuel . 200 Ohio . 3100 Okla Prod & Ref ... 1600 Ontario Silver . 400 Otis Elevator . 1000 Otis Steel . 7800 Owens BoUling Mach 400 Pacific Develop _ 1800 Pacific Gas & Elec. 100 Pacific Mail . 400 Pacific T & T. 1200 Pan-Amer Petrol .. 36100 Pan-Amer Pet B_ 2000 Parixh & Bsngham.. 1800 Pennsylvania Kail . . 2000 Penn Seab Steel _ 1600 Pcoria & Eastern.... 200 Peoples Can & Coke. 2900' Pere Marquette . 2000 Pere Marq pf. 200 Pere Marq pf pf. . . . 400 Philadelphia Co. 8200 P. C, C & St L. 200 Pierce Arrow . 40600 Pierce Oil . 800 Pierce Oil pf. 200 Pittsburgh Coal .... 400 Pittaburgh & W Va. . 2200 Pond Creek Coal.... 600 Pressed Steel Car. . . 10400 Pub 8crv Corp N J.. '1400 Pullman Pal Car... 3300 Punta Alegre Sugar. 2900 Ilwoy Steel Spring . . 6000 Ray Con Copper.... 200 Reading . 69100 Rea:!ing 1st pf. 200 Headinir 2r pf. 500 Remington Typewr. . 2000 Republic Ir & Steel. 119800 Re.'Miblic Mot Truck. 400 Royal Dut N Y ahrs. 1600 Savage Arm* . 4600 Snxon Motors . 5100 St Joseph Load. 200 St Louis & Snn Fran 1300 St Lou & 8 Fran pf 100 St I. & So Western. . 100 St L & So Western pf 100 Scaboard Air Line pf 1000 Senrs Roebuck. 100 Shattuck & Arizona. . 900 Hhell Trans Ter. 4100 Sinclair OH . 19900 Sloss-Sheff St & lr. . 5100 Sloss-Sheff St & Ir pf 100 Southern Pacific . . . 41IJ0O Southern Knllroad . 4000 Southern Rail pf . . . 3000 Slewart-Warner .... 200 Siromhorg Carb . . . 8100 Studebaker . 76900 Slutz Motors 6900 Superior Steel . 800 Tenn Cop & Chem . 3600 Terni. Company .... 31400 Texas Co full pd . . 200 Toxbk A Pacific .... 29900 Third Ave Rail . 200 Tide Water Oil . 200 Tobacco Products . 5100 Tobacco Products pf 400 Traascon Oil . 12800 Transue W Steel . . . 200 I'nion Oil . 14200 Cnion Pacific . 4100 I'nited Drug 1st pr. 200 United Alloy . 400 I'nited Fruit . 800 I'nited Ry Invest . . 1700 Tnitcd Ry Invest pf 400 U S Cast I'P & Fo.. 1200 U S Food Prod .... 19200 U S Alcohol . 261C0 U S Realty & lmp sqq i'nited Hot Stores. . 21600 ?' S' Rubber. 48900 <" S Smelt &. Ref... 400 U S Steel. ......*..181o00 U S Steel pf. soo Utah Copper . 8900 Utah See Corp. 200 Vanadium Steel .... 39100 Vu-Car Chemical... 1600 Va-Car Chem pf.... 400 wa*>ash . 1500 Wabash pf A. 300 Wolls Fargo Exp_ 800 Western Maryland. . 1000 West Maryland 2 pf. 500 .Western Pacific ... 8100 Western Pacific pf . . 400 Weatern Union Tel . 100 Mfg . 6600 Westing Mfg 1st pf. 200 Wilson Co . 1600 Wheeling & L E_ 1000 Wheeling & L E pf. . 1400 White Motors . 4000 Willys Overland . 9900 Woolworth . 800 Woolworth pf . 3qo Worth Pump & M . , 1800 Worth P & M pf B. 100 Open 45'/s! 36% 66 87 70 11'/a 78'/a 82 110'/8 76'/? 36 3B/a 21 97 *B1% 83'/a 64% 51 453/4 5% 8'/s 141 29% 62 70'/2 B2'/a 34 42 4234 43 26'/2 14 38'/j. 29% 47'/, 66 39H 75</a 64'/a 19 94 68I/4 28'/a 19% 102% 66 118'/a 84 100 18% 86'/a 34% 35% 84 98 44 102% 66% 17% 16'^ 23% 32!/2 16 29 17'/a 234% 1134 76'/a 43% 75 94 101 24% 58 42'/a 74 104 180 48i/s 10% 212 205 ya 421/i 15 229 711 4 961/4 27'/s 61 33% 121% 51 45 206 13 28 19 69% 97j/a 53!/8 76 '.'4 109% 69 100% 113 75|/2 10 60 77?/a 111 9'/4 28 54% 11% 15, 25% 63 89'/4 53 es 75>/a 121'a 201/g 581/i 25J.4 124!/4 111 83 73 . KSgh 45!/a 36% 67'/4 87 70 11% 80% 82% 112'/a 763/4 36 36% 21 97 61% 84% 68 51 46% 6% 8% 144 30% 62/4 72 62/a 34% 43 101% 96 43% 43/4 2?/a 14 40 29% 47% 66 40/4 75% 66% 19 94 68% 28% 21% 10334 68 123% 84^4 103 18% 88% 34% 35% 85 106% 44 103% 75% 18 16% 24% 32% 16 29 18 234% 12 81 44% 77% 94 103 25 58% 42% 77 107% 190 49% 10% 216 207 43 15 229 72% 96% 27% 61 % 36 123 51 46 206% 13% 28 19 70% 101% 63% 77% 114% 69% 103% 113% 75% 10 63 78% 111% 9% 28% 54% 11% 16 27 65 89% 54% 66 77 12% 21 60 25% 125 111 83 % 73 , Low. 46% 36% 66 87 70 11% 78% 82 110% 76% 36 38% 21 97 813/4 83% 64% 51 4534 5% 8% 141 29% 62 70% 53% 34 41% 98% 92% 4234 43 26% 14 38% 29% 47% 69 39% 76 64 19 94 68 28% 19% 101% 66 118% 83% 100 18% 86 34% 35% 84 973/4 44 101 66% 17% 16% 23% 32% 16 29 17% 234% 11% 78% 43% 74% 94 100% 24% 58 42% 74 IO334 180 48% 103k 212 205% 41% 15 229 71 96% 26% 61 33% 121 % 61 46 203 12% 28 18% 6834 96% 53 76 109% 69 100% 113 74% 10 60 77% 111 ?% 27% 54% 10% 15 25% 63 89% 63 65 75% 12% 20% 58% 24% 124% 111 82% 73 Net Close. chge. Bid 48%-f % 46 36%? % 36% 68%? % 86% 87 ? 34 86% 70?2 .88 11%+ % 11% 79% + 1% 79% 82%+ 1% 82 111%4- 4% 111 75%+ % 75% 35 ? % 35 36%+ % 35 21 - 21 ?7+1 96 51%? % 51% 84%+ % 84 66%+ 2% 65% 51+2 51% 4634? %? 45% 5%? % 5% 8%? % 8% 144 + 6 142 30%+ % 30% 62%+ 1 61 72 + 4 69 52%+ 1% 52 34%+ 33/4 34 41%+ % 41% 100 + 2% 100 92%? % 93% 43 + % 4234 43%+ % 43 29%+ 2% 29 14 ? 1 13% 40 +1% 39% 29%- 29% 47%? 7 47 66+4 66 39%+ % 39% 76 ? 1% 76 65%+ 1% 65% 19 + % 18% 94 ??? 94 58%+ % 68% 28%? % 28% 21%+ 2% 21% 101%? 1% 101% 66 + 1 65 120 + 4 120 83%+ % 83% 101%+ 1% 101% 18%? % 18% 8634+ 1% 86/4 34%+ Va 33 35%+ % 35 85 +3 84% 104%+ 7% 104% 44 + 15? 43 102%-r % 102% 76 + 8% 74 18- 17% 16%-!- % 16% 23%? % 23 32%? % 32% 16 ? 1% 16 28 % 17% % 230 % 12% 1% 80 44%+ 7/g 44% 75 + % 75 94 + 1 91 102 + 13/4 1013/4 24%? % 24% 583/4 + % 5734 42%+. % 40% 76/2--(- 5 76% 107%+ 4% 107 ,W0 +20% 189% 49%-!- 1% 48% 10%? % 10% 212%+ 2% 212 207 + 4% ? 42%+ 1% 42'. 4 15 ? 229 + 3 72 + 1% 71 % 96%-:- 1 27 - 61%+ lt 35%+ 1% 3534 122%+ % 122% ? 50% % 46 % 203 1234 14 95 26% 61/a 27', 18 69 99/ 53 51 46 203 13 28 ? ' 19 . ' 69%- 1/ 9934 + 23., 53 ? / 78%+ % 76% 112%+ 3% 112% 69% 4- % 68 102%+ 2% 102% 113%+ % 113% 75% j- 2% 75% 10?1 10 61%+ 2% 61% 77%+ % 7714 111%+ 1 100% 9%? % 9% 27%- 27% 54%+ % 54 11 - 10% 16?4 15% 26%+ 1% 26% 65 + 2% 64 89/4-- 1% 89 54%+ 1% 54 64 75% 12% 65 + % 76%+ 1 12% 21 + % 20% 60 + 2 59'/, 24%- % 25 125 ? % 125 111 - 110 82%+ 1% 82% 73?2 73 Aak. 45% 37 66% 87% 72 11% 79% 82% 112 76 38 35% 21% 87 63 84% 66% 63 46 5% 8/4 145* 3034 62 72 52% 35 43 100% 94 45 ?43% 2934 14% 3934 293/4 50 66% 39% 77 65% 19 96 69% 29 22 102 70 121 84 102 18% 86% 34% 35% 85 104% 44 103 76 18 17 23% 34 17 29 18 235 12% 8O.4 44% 76 95 102 24% 6834 43 77 107% 190 50 10% 213 42% 16 72 96% 27 62 35% 122% 51% 47% 204 13 27% 19% 69% 993/4 53% 76% 113 70 102% 113% 76 10% 61% 78 112 9% 2734 54% 11 17 26% 70 89% 54% 67 77% 12% 21 60 253,4 126 113 83 75 ?I1. Bid and Asked Am Br .Sug pr 82 Ain ('an pr.... m Am C & F pr.m Am Cm O pr. 85 X7 Am Malf & Q 30 ii j* Am Mlilpblrlc. 125 Am Smelt pr.. 95 fiti Am KiuifT pr.. ,so Am Sii Kdy pr 90 An, Sub T pr. 86'Vi .?*" Z ?d^.JT.IU 116 10s 45 ! Aim Ai'bi'r ... 13U jj ! , do pr . :M'.s 20 I A l> <) lm pr 85 67 do ::<1 pr.. . . .;<) 70 ! A T & 8 F pr 78V4 70 A (J & \v 1 l)r ti.-, nr Barret! Co i.r.loo 101. jKcok & v M L <lo pr . 20 ;Kr>.?(fn S S...185 do pr .UN ilvresa *. Co... re , do pr .100 ll^aclqdo Oas.. 40 ,h E & Weut,. 10% 12 ;!!!,. .? ll? pr . 19 22% ,'7* r^.M Tob pr.101 ltf* 1U> IL-VV B lsc pr. 1,9 1M \r, 1?2 .,"? Pr .101 113 Ma_.kay 1 c* . . (J6U 7(1 Munati Suifar.Illi, Hr> .,d? W ?. 95 101 Vi .Mai.hat lieaeli. 14 2V4 Mauliat Siilrt. 30 3H6 Marlln Kockw |TtPld Tr.1.82 50O ! Twln City It T 80 35 L,do Pf . ? S3 | uiia Tj-pCTrrlt.167 176!.? ! T,u? Pr . ? 120 L t'Bot Aiu.ll.i 215 do Pr ..107 140 ; Lnited Drug. .13* 137 ; <lo 2d pr. ...130 iL'SCIPAP pr.. UH 50 I 1. S Kipross.. 30 3iu ll 8 I Alo pr. 98 101 r. ? _, Bid. Asked. J-' S B lat pr.mii 112 I- a 5 * II pr 47 I7*. Va I C & PP 84 89 Vul Detiunlng. 24 ?_>? Ho pr . ss an Wabash pr B. 1\ W'rel Air Bke.lU WlUoi! ('? p,. 9 Willya-Oror pr KS WU CenW-al... 28 |W P&M pr A 85 112H Dividends ?K,f?:^ ^|gfK ^lfH1^ Hklyn Ii (Jas 53 ?.->wu Hlioe... 93 Kurns BriM pr.102 Buff B (ic T.. 50 i 'lo irr . ? | Buff tc Kua<|. . ? j dr.rr . _ ! lUisli iVrm .. . ? I Vi'.i South ... 41 I'drv.. 18 68 S8 115 <> do pr 36 M'-x 1'etj-ol pr 95 Mich (.entral.. 85 i.M StP & B811 78 ? do 1 i. 53 t?0 jM K & T pr. 16 69 ..Mont I'mv pr. 98 04 Morris & Ens. ? 100 |MuU Body pr. 97 50 l.Nash & Oiat.lOf, :<0 ISnt Biscuit ..115 ,? do pr .U4 205 jN ('ik ft a pr 97 illHiNat. r^an pr.,104? 16 100 69 118 116 H4Vi 100 108 Extras r,fFilr*^;NaUo,na,' Ba"k-'An ?tra dividend ?L' ,p?erf,,<ent ha,8 be<>n ^erlared in addi? tion to the regular quarterly dtvid?nd of 4 p^r cent, both payable April 1 to stock? holders of record .March 24 Mftgor far Corporation?An extra divi? dend of. ?2 a shuro hsa been .ledar^d in addition to tho regular quarterly dividend ot Jl a share on th" common and 1 A. JSiin0^?' ?2 Vi8 Prefp"ed .-took.,, all pay-' able March 31 to atockholdere of recofd March "5 Rejfular Declarations t of N ,I.;i8? C * S A Tel. 110 1 rM.l'2C Iw Pr H* -/(NltnofMlsr'pr'" i lile & Alton. 8 10%! ,|? n.i ?r . , ?,* ?<? ??? ? ? }3V4 irV? N () T?x & M 46 4T^~ 1 r?* *? 17" '. - ," N Y C & st, 1, 32 34 ? vlJ'i'a!'! Pr ' SSu 10r' N ? OaSje'. ?>tt 65 i , ,fu \J pr' SS% ws \S Y I' & W. 86 90 S?,"?eab '.SS ,'f't Smt * W pr. 08 71 % L'".wll V,"'1?? "2*N Falls V pr. --- 104 Col * S lat pr 51 53 Otla Elov pr. 89 <.* 50 OwotJS B M pr 9?>4 101 ffl il'aeldc Coaat.. 25 108 I do 2<l iw_45 80 ,Pa!i A Pet pr 175 Cruo Steel pr. s..6Vi 98% l C br i Me'ir SnJM }?WMilB&: Vo OetT 1 n K Tl. ? lOOVj do ist nr 08 DuTa ^'a1^ ,8? SV?* pr'-m Payable. ? Apr 1 do 2d pr.. .. , Ci.ii cigar pr.. 82 Cont Caii pr. .101 I t'ont lusur 60 200 95 62 110 1?4 H , do pr .. ; Durham Hos.. 54 ?o ^do pr . 99 ioi Elk lt Coal pr 38 u fc-Jontuon pr..l00V? 102 I Erie 2rt pr_ 18 17 '? Gen Chem pr. 95 98 j (leu Cigar pr.. 97 100 r.ufr m a .\7 g; _Q 8 sti lst pr 00' P Kt W & C.120 Pltu. Steel pr. 89 P * W Va pr 73 Pr Sti Car pr.101 By StlSpg pr.lOSii 108 Rem Typew pr 96 95 do lst pr... o? 98% Bflnas & Sar.,102 100 124 103 , , . , , , r, . Vi v flj 97 Honifstako ... 58 80 Int Faprr pr.. 85 109 Int Nickel pr. S5 8T Int Salt . 67H 70 Iowa Comtral., 5 7 Jones Tea ... 2? o? J Kayaor _105 KCFtSAM pr . 52 Ktlsey Whee!. 90 do pr . 96 10 llteplogle 8tooV. 37 42 Seaboard A L 8H 9 :|?*f?Hoeb pr.114 U9% ,8 P B Sutar.300 235 L d? Pr .106 112 (Rtana Mnilna.135 150 . 1 do pr. 80 90 :, Stew't Wamer iOK 42 115 ,Studebak?r pr.lOOW IK 63 'Super Strel pr.100',; 103 ? TS.I.4W ctf?.. 11 1.-, 9? ' do pr ctfa. ., 18 23 Rate and period. 1 Am Stores. f 1, T. j At Coast l.lne, J2.60.Q. .. Mar U iCertt Ag Sug .new). J2. Q..Apr 'l | Colonial Bank, 3, Q_ Mar 1 Cream Pack Mfg, 1%. Q..Apr 10 do pf, 1 i9, Q. A ,0 Crowell & '!'h S S. $2, Q..7.Xr 31 Ouqueane l.t pf, 1 %, Q . . . . Apr j I Equltable Trust. ( . Mar 31 I Fidelity Trust, JVs. Q 7 'Fifth Ave Bank, 6, Q_ Anr 1 Ot Nor I Ore Prop 2.7. 7. .Apr 15 Howe Sound Co, 6c, Q.Apr 15 ! I-awyers Mtge Co. 2 V4, Q. . Apr 1 iMech A M Nat Bk. S Q . . Apr 1 Paclflc Oas * Hl, $1.25, Q A?r 15 ! People's Tr Co. 4, Q. . Mar3l I Proc * Oambls pf, 2, Q . .a* ?J Regal Shoe pf, 1%, q V" l\ nepRy&l/pf. ?4. t 7 7 Apr 16 steel & T of Am pf. \^. Q.Apr 1 T.nd^.rd Com M Pf. 1%. QApr 1 \*\T? 1^rT,(new)' "?'i0- I-Mar 31 n I ?.0od Prod- ?^. Q-.Apr 19 " S Worat lst pf, $1.76, Q.Apr 15 ?m Inn'1!*,'" ?'? !H. Q...Apr 1 1^ S Ind Alc pf. l?4, q_Apr 16 *' .-. French Internal Loan Brown Bros. & Co. announce that the official Bunscnption price on March 18 io^a if n*w French Internal Loan of J9^0, based on the closing rate of ex? change March 18, ia $73.63 a 1,000 franc bond. Stock? holders of rec. Mar 20 Mar 20 Mar 2;i Mar 20 Apr 1 Apr 1 Mar 20 Mar 26 Mar 24 Mar 29 Mar 31 Mar 24 Mar 20 Apr 1 Mar .11 Mar 30 Mar 25 Mar 20 Mar 31 Mar 20 Mar 20 Mar 24 Apr 2 Apr 7 Mar 20 Mar 31 In Wall Street "Mr. Slick" ?t Work ^all Stnfet houaea are being warned cgainat a "Mr. Slick," who ls operating from a "white light" diatrict hotel. He called up one of the largest investment banking firms in the district one day this week and, giving his name and ad? dress, put in an order to buy a blocK of bonds. "I'll aend a certified check right down," said "Mr. Slick.' The order was executed and the bonds cred ited to the telephone "customer." A day or so elapscd and the check didn't show up, so the inveatment firm started an inquiry which developed thc fact that "Mr. Slick" was working an old game. His plan was to navc the bonds pur chased, and if 'ffccy advanced to claim the profits. If they declined ne would seek other fields and let the firm worry. The Traction* In investment circles there is an im proved sentiment regarding traction securities as a class. In analyzing the reason for the crfinge, a public utility banker yesterday pointed out the fact that the fare has been increased in 413 cities, compared *yith 312 seven months ago. He alsfl astferted that, generally speaking, those cities which had granted a fare increase were more prosperous ! than those which had not. Canadian Bonds fn Favor In the heightened activity in the | bond market of recent days Canadian ? issues have been in particular demand i The new offerings of the Provinces of I Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba were not j only quickly gobblcd up, but also the I floating wupply of outstanding Canadian Iprovincial and Dominion bonds was sub | stantially reduced, according to bond i men Most of the business in tjie Cana? dian issues has been done over the counter. Food Products on 6 Per Cent Basis In declaring yesterday a quarterly dividend of 1% per cent on the com? mon stock, directors of the United Statea Food Products Company placed that issue on a regular 6 per cent an? nual basis. In January, 1918, the board inaugurated a policy of declaring quar? terly dividends at an annual rate of 2 per cent with 1% per cent extra for each quarter, making 8 per cent a year. In reality, therefore, the amount now being received by Food Products shareholders is less by $2 a share, reckoning both the old and new divi? dends on a yearly basis. "Caveat Emptor" i "The woods," said C. A. Morse, of I Clark, Childs & Co.. yesterday, "are i full of speculative cliques that were i left with large loans of special specu ! lative stocks that were difficult of ! sale and expensive during the money j stringency, and which are anxious I to let tho public have some of j their wares. It is for this reason I that 'caveat emptor' should be the I trader's motto just now. There are i also underwritings of new speculative | issues which were never distributed, > and as to which one should make the i most careful inquiry before buying and j not be led astray by big trading in unfamiliar stocks." "What Do You Think of the Market?" The exchange member of a Stock Ex? change house: "I still find that few important traders are taking up a posi? tive stand with regard to the market. Many of them are rather skeptical ol" the ability of the market to go ahead for any length of time at its present pace. Most traders have been buying stocks for a turn during the last "few days. A short while ago they were selling them for a turn. Sentiment has not yet completely crystallized. Meanwhile, I think, we may have quite a reaction between now and the close Saturday. After all, that would be a good thing for the market." Stutz and General Motors Stutz Motors again fumished the tireworks in yesterday's stock market and followed up its IV% point gain of Wednesday with an advance of 20% points. The closing price of 190. com? pared with 100%, the low mark reached early in the year. fn connection with the spirited buying of recent days re? ports were heard that n plan is 'under eonsideration by which the General Motors Corporation will offer seven shares of its new no pnr value stock for one share of Stutz. Like many other reports that usually crop up ln connection with strength in the inde? pendent motors, this one lacked offi? cial confirmation. The fact. however, that the recent buying of Stutz has been so urgent had led many in the Street to believe that there may be something to the General Mot.ora story alter all. International Paper Current strength of Internat.onal 1 aper common stock, which got up to 91%, setting a new high record price is said in the Street to be largely tlie re? sult of pool operations base'd upon ex ; pectations of dividend action before many months. The annual renort is due to make its appearance within a few days, and according to unofheial estimates is expected to show a bal? ance available for the common stock equivalent to approximately $25 a share. International Paper Company interests, according to Canadian ad . vices, have taken over the puip and paper plant of the Aroostok Pulp and ; Faper Company at Keegan, on the St John River, a short distance above Great rails N. B., from the company headed by A. R. Could, of Presque Isle, j V0 transfer, which has just been made to the American Realty Company. i a subsidiary of the International, in ; cludes, in addition to the pulp and j paper mill, the holding grounds and ! !?? llgh? ?f the c?mpany along the bt. John River, on which the mill ia located. It is anticipated that large Jfant10"8 bC madC t0 thC V?*?1 Lake Superior Corp. Settles a Big Claim Announcement was made yesterday by W Hi Cunningham, president of the Lake Superior Corporation, that nego? tiations have been completed with the bondholders' committee representing the Algoma Central & Hudson Bay Railway Company and the Algoma , ( entral Terminal. Limited, in London ; subject to ratification at meetings to' I be immediately called, in full settle? ment and discharge of all defaults in guaranties given by the Lake Superior , Corporation. The settlement in effect reduces the guaranteed obligations of the com ; pany from $15,080,000 to $0,003,200 in ; principal and from $754,000 to $300 160 j in annual interest. The Superior Corporation, in consid . erntion of its being relieved of the : guaranty of ?8.0O4,S00 of bonds and , in full liquidation of unpaid uccumu ; lated guaranteed interest approximat : ing $3,000,000, agrees to deliver for distribution to the bondholders $4 000 - ' 2? ?ar Vttlue out of an >ssue of $16 - 500,000 Algoma Steel Corporation sec l on^ pIr"r^d 5 Per cent stock, class A, ? and $3 000,000 par value out of an issue of $6,500,000 Algoma Steel Cor? poration second preferred 5 per cent stock, claas B. Under the settlement the Lake Su? perior Corporation ia to be reinatated in control and management of the railway and terminal companies and l tne ondnoldera' committee ia to eur The Texas Coi Three Year 7% Sinkiaf Fund Gold Notes Issue $35,000,000 will <** i. prise company's only funity i debt. |j At present quotations marfcaj | j value of stock following thej? ; notes $250,000,000. Earnings for fiscal ye* ended Dec. 1, 1919, 10% tinjt, interest charges. At Market To Yield Over 7% GLIDDEN, DAVIDGE &C0. Members N. Y. Sioclr Exchanat 20 Broad Street, New York ^ One of the Eastern Railroaili covering the chief industrW centers east of the Mississippj ?a continuous dividend paytr for 65 years?overlooked ia the present market? PENNSYLVANIl RAILROAD CO. which in perfinept for an analyrfi ?, thl? time?so we hav?_ prepared a special report. FIVE ESTABLISHED OILS that have not a? yet parMrlpatad t? any 'xlent in the market movercm generated by th* higher pricea for otl and Ite producta. In addition to the above. the wuil features and disc~usrAor>ii on: Corn Produrts Amer. Safety . Studebaker No. Am>r. P. 4P, Baldwin lx>co, f'arib S.vndirata in the Current Issue MAHKBT OPINIOX Gratis on request for B-$T. R.H.MACMASTERS0C8. Memberr. '.onsolidated Stock rxch.t y, y 69 Wall St. New York Hanover 9536 Grouv.d Fiaot Montgomcry-Ward Submarine Boat Gilliland Oil Phillips Pet Glenrock Oii Mtdwest Oil Comprehensivc articles on above given in cur? rent issue of our weekly? Financial Forecast Free on request. Ask for .Vo. 50. ESTABLISHED 1906 41 BROAD STTNEWYDRJt Phone-Bnxid 25 Robinson & Co. Investment Securities 16 Exchange Place New Yarfc Uemoers A*eu> York Stock Kzchanpt HARRIMAN NATIOMAL BANK Fifth Avenue &. Forty-fourth St. New York JNKING KOURS FROM 8 A. M. TO 8 PM SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS 8 A. Nt. TO MIDNIGHT LIBERTY BONDS All denominations bought far eata Baaed on th* rloalnr w? pay $18.50 for n $r>0?Wfj. Bond, 55 Coupon* S45.16 for a S.-.O?id 4*,4*. Rnnri, I Coapon St.VRrt for a Mi)?:t.l 4V4% Hond. No? oupon* $45.38 for a ?50?llli 4 V^'i Itond, 2 Coupon* S48.90 for a Jm>0?5th 4%% Bond, '. < oupon? PURDY & CO., r*l. John 3174-5-C-7. 34 Plaa St.. H. I. ronder free and unencumbered its holdings of $3,000,000 out of ar. issu of $5,000,000 5 per cent second pt;e ferred stock of the Algoma Central 6 Hudson Bay Railway to tha Lake Su perior Corporation as its sole prop? ertv. Wilson & Co. Earns $10.34 a^hare in 1919 Wilson & Co., Inc. the packing , house, reported yesterday an operatir.. income of $5,1.55,888 for the fiscal year ended December 27, 1919, after deduc : ing interest on current indebtedne^ and making provision for depreciation and Federal taxes. Bond interest ar fcorbed an additional sum of $2,394,662 leaving a surplus of $2,771,325, which. *fter allowing for preferred dividend requirements of 1733,298, was equal to ?10.31 a share on the 200,000 sharp of no par value common stock ou? standing. In 1918 the company earned $34.49 a share on the junior stocK issue. The company's balance sheet showed a dco&ease of approximately $5,000.,J<>? in bills payable. The net quiek assets were shown to be equivatent to $2.40 for each dollar of liabilities. ? Bank of Kngland LONDON, March 18.?The wecklr statement of the Bank of England shows the following changes: .Total reR^rves. . . ?15.f 4S.000 [nc.{3.ttf.00? ?'irrulation .10'i,t?_:.0fl0 l>?o. 1.71o.0'> > Kulllon .tlS.i70.07T ln.-. 2.JI.0.?' i<ither seruriilea. 31.953.000 D?e. I9S.O0O I I'ubllc depoaila.. 1)1,319.000 Dec. i : oth<-r deposits. . 333,041.000' In<-. ft.Of.OOO ! N'otps resrrv?>... 34.93*.000 Inc 4.026.01 . Oov't securities.. 42.053,000 Inc. 1.672.0..* The proportion of the bank's rcaervs : to liability this week is 23.19 per cent. ! last week it was 21.?2 per cent. Rata j of discount, 6 per cent. Stocks Ex Dividend ; Mar 19?Amer Tel & Tel. I . Mar 22?Barrett Co pf. 1 a* j Mar 20?Commerov, Nal Bank. 2 , j Mar 19?Continental Can . 1^ Mar 19? do pf. : ?% Mar 20?Durham H M T Ct B. % and ??- ev 1 Mar 20?General Klectrte. ?? i Mar 20?Krees, S H. pf. . i \ ! Mar 20?Middle Statja oil tfSM.77.10c | Mar 30?M St P Sz HsB M l.aMX lines. 2 Mar 19?National Surety. ... , Mar 19?Northern Paclflo By.";* ' ' ,. I Mar 20?Otla Steel pf_'.?.. ..' , ,* IMar 20?I'cnney, J c, I'o.ump pf IV i^?r20?J|e?ibone-irmHH#a i,t pf. . 7 iv Mar 20?Ptercf. Oil &i per c?ot pf s (MarSO?Unltad Frult ..^ \