Newspaper Page Text
Diamonds Appeal More to Gernians Than Own Currency Amsterdam Gem Brokers Too Busy With Ten ton Customers to Deal With American Buyers With Amsterdam diamond cuttJrs keenly competing with oach other for Tongrh stones and the Germans buying immense quantities of oolished diamonds at almost any price asked, there is little hope of tho shoTtage of these pems in this country being rclicved for some time, in the opinion of a lnrrro importer who has just returned from a two , months' buying trip to London ami Amsterdam. "Diamond prices are still goinjr up ?nd they will not stop soarinp in the rcar future," this importer said yes? terday. "From the first of the current year they have advanced about 20 per jcent, and to-day I received a cable ad - ising me that n further increase of -10 per cent has heen made since I left ?\msterdam. That means in three ?ior.ths diamonds have advanced 30 per cnt. ? "There ore three factora that havo trought this about. Tho lirst is that ii epidemic of influenra has greatly reduced the working force at the Af rican mints. The second is the keen competition among the diamond cut tera of Amsterdam to jret rough stones ?o that their working organization! may bc kept intact, ar.d the third is the heavy purchases of diamonds made by Germans. There are certain classes of Germans who, with the serious revo? lution now taking place, are desirous oi converting their marks into more* tangible assets. These peoph always have had a great fuith in the future va'ue of diamonds and they are nqw buying aU they can get. "In normal times there were from forty to fifty brokers at the American buyers' officea in- Amsterdam who were always anxious to take care of the re? quirements of buyers from this coun? try. Now these brokers are ?o b,usy with their German customers that there are only two ot three who pay any attention to American?. There is r.othing fictitious about the present price of diamonds. The supply is shi ri nnd the demand is heavy. Also 1 do not believe that production will ever reach the stage that it wa* when the trar broke out." BusinesH Trouble Petitions ln Bankruptcy Petitions ln bankruptov filed the Ontted states Dlatrlct Court yesterda: ?were as followa: ZEN1TH CLOAK & STJIT CORP.- In ?roluntary petition against the Zentth Cloak A Sull Corp., manufacturers cloaka and suits, :... West renty-aeventh Street, Llabilities and asm'tii nol B. B. Levy, 202 Fifth Avenue, la attorney for the petitiontng creditors HTMaN KAPLAN"?Voluntary petltloi ky Hyman Kaplan, grocer and dalryman, -02 Madison Street. Llabilities, $1,408; *ss?ts. $600 P.euben Cohen. 132 Naasau Street, ls attorney for Kaplan. STEPHEN G VAN DERBECK . . i tary petition ol Stephen 0 Van rl of Hackensack, n J , manufai tui ?r il ' East Twenty-third Streei *:.524; no aseeta. P. H. Goldbauin, 346 Broadway, in attorney for the petitioner. MAX ROSENBAtTM?Voiuntarj petition for Max Rosenbaum, painter, of 73 West Ul'h 8treet Liahi il ? ? ?. $1 177; no rs i ?eo Sehafran, 61 Chambera Street, la attor tha bankrupt, COHEV, HINDE8 & JAFFEE?Involun .*rj petition agalnal Cohen, Hindsa & raffee, copartners, trading as Cohen, Jlindea A- .laffco, at 14 Wooater Street. 1.1a bllitiea |50 C ' tssi 9, $25,000 The peti lonera ar- Isaa Markowltz, Maurice ?r and Hyman Kover Abraham Brill, 299 Bro; *-ay, . ? ;.. ft :.. j el Itioalng "? ? Bchednlea in Bankruptcy Thi following schedules ln bankruptcy w?-r? Bled yesterdaj ln tl ?? Cnited statea Dlatrlct Cc urt A. * V LUNCH CO.?Schedules of A * V. Lunch '?.. show llabtlitioa ot' $9,S77 and assets of j? 4 10 ROSE WARSHAV* Scherttlles nf Rose Warshaw, deaiei I 1 ladies' wear ng 1 ; j-nr*-; a: 104 Water S. N'ewburgh N. T, show llabilttlea of 54.S73 with no *e??is. Arohibald Pa ... 320 Broadway le attorney for the bankrupt. Re*e!vi>r<* io Bankruptcy Receivers 'n bankruptcy appointed yes? terday in th.? Cntti '. Statei District Court were as fnliGwa: OEOROE MOGENSEN A CEROME S DTJMONT- Oeorge C Filts 18 Pln< Street ?a? appointed hy Judge Learned Hand as receiver for George Mogens n and ft. Dumont, co-partners trading as Oeorse Mogensen ln p rters and exporters, BO froad Street under a b nd of $400,000. Llab:::tte? ar- about 12,000,00 '? <?:? 3. BAKING . Mat G Pottei -was appi nt< d Judge Learm I Hand as receiver tor tl \ , .- Baklng ( 0 . proprletors .f ;i lunch roon and bakery a' *?>;, Wt? 207-h str- <??. under a bond nl ? 1,000. Liabilltloa, $9,000; asseta ' oa Judgments Filed - fo.ion-intr Judgments were flled te Jerday, the flrst name b<iln? that oi ?? he ?? bto r: In Xew Turk County (Atherton, E-Jvcard J. ? Indian R?ftn!ng Co., Ir.-. I24S 72 *?n-.erlea:i ("otton and 'irain }."\ change, Inc.?Coopers' Flnano Ing Co., Ino. 2.:J2.67 ..' nspacher, Mort't.-ner i.?P. Ham mallan . 224 41 Albert, Henry?E. R EHla 19( 20 Asbton Holding Corpn .?J. LeVUt 105.76 Berlln, Harry?National Pie Bak fng Co Ino..... . fc?9 10 ??o>;an. Jimcj, Thomas <V,8telio ar.d John Ren?- -Morris Plan Co of X. T. jjorla. Jojeph I.?Swlft & Co., ir.-. B.-owr. May?People, etc... Cranor, John M.?VV. S. Jolllffa f>ook!ngha:n, Irving ? I. ^Iw^li.c: . Crandai; &. Godlej Co.?O McM. Oodley .. balberg, Melvin \-. 1. 1..)... XJoch, Ralph, and David Kantor Public t redlt Corpn. X^twilitr, Joale, ?r Fllnt, or Mra Joel R. Detwiller J, Alurrlj. d et al . ?0:h 9:. Holdii - ? 0 , inc.'?H.' :. t- a'. *.. Vru.:.V.e:. M rita?O. We'beri a *Tankel. Joaepn- Cktnlel Morrla <-o., Inc. l^rledman, Morrla S., and Abru ham Solomon?L. Sm'.^v JTrledrj'.an. Samuel (Empire State raatener Co.), and *oaeph B Olldort??. La gAia. ..?>?>; **eldman. Bonson M.?Star Co : 08'' 4t ?ire Dcfrtlng wire Co., Ii. B. G. Barn?tt. 801 "fl ?Umany.BdwardB.-E R Chap man . 6i0 47 Oarrett. Winter p.?Locke llcg - ulator Co. *ieier, Joseph I. - a. KobVnetJ; et al. jOoldatein, Morrla?il. Radt77.7 ll'?'.01 V.lnjbel Bros., N. Y. ?J. Shampan T. et *' VV,. 1.0S8.63 Ijorae.h. Arthur?N. li.-r.bk'-. 123 81 floode, Freacot, and Chester , #Watera?Morrla Plan Compai ?? of New York. .' 2-lV30 woiiman Abraham?VVinfleid H. Mapea Company.. 214.00 Havi?meyer. Heetor H.?F. V7. Storm . 221 ^q Interborough Transfer Company? 7 A. M. Imhoft*. 2712 12 Idea! Comb Company, Inc?'??. Penner et al-. 386.18 Jonea, Grace. and Harry ha'. P?ople. etc. {,00.00 Abop. Sainuel?I. Utoftky. 500.00 Xuhnert, Charles~R gachariaa.. 446.13 Kro?ovit?. William?PeoDl,-. eto... J.OOO.00 i*n<le. Sam?L. Freund. 4^^ 41 t?pltln, William. Louie l.cven f?rg. Maurry Katz and David riakelatein?Morrla rian Cora Pany of New Tork. IU 00 *<?wl?. Flo?Dramatlo Mlrror Company. 125 20 Mvenaoa, Anna, and Hurry Gold haber?Public Credit Corpora. . . ? . iZO. S8 i ? s 0: C0.50 67. tion 10s.20 a*renaon. Jacob, and Morrla Lev enaon?Theodore Taylora Son A Martin, Joeeph?Ball Realty Com JJyera, Joeeph L?H I. Groaa_ 259.87 JJalone, Dudley F.~D. Rlaauto.. 196.;<0 Mlcclom. Tony- A. De F?-deric?-8. 117.90 *??rthern Seaa Trading Company -~ weatern VtUiin Telegraph totapaay . 2*0 45 national Surety Company and Acroe Operating Corporation. Ino.?8ueu.ueb.anna Steamahlp v^>., Jnc.. en ^g^ 32 KI,.iJo^2r"?- *? Oreen?77;.7!!! '440i46 arl. Charlee. Nat Levy aad Joseph De Mattoe? Morrla Plaa ^Company of New Tork. 11I.?0 ?rVtsaUa, Conatantln, and BU ootaaJa?Olen Fall* Insurance _Co.j ooste. 1*1.11 9tiee S, Blklaa Co.?Weatero _ Business News been a .ubiUnti.1 reduction in commercial l0ftns. In view of thi, condition TaZikSST^ Tn" qUanCr3 that rat0S Wl" ?k ?""? before lo g A good demand for bankers' acceptances continues, with rates unchanged. COTTONS?Slightly Better \Demand for Finished Goods Demand for fmished cotton gooda for j immediate delivery continues to grov* stronger. according to several sellers, j but the amount of actlvity in the mar I ket ia charactcrized as only "fair." Jhe ; flnished goods market presenta many cunoua anglea at present. The cus? tomers ol son-.e houses are buving jiairly heavily, while in other houses i the sales are running light. Buvers wfto aro in the market report that they , have found n variation of as much as , li> crnts a yard on standard fabrics ln the prices quoted by holders of goods. j fcmall jobbers' and converters make no ' secret of the fact that they aro hard pressed by the financial situation and that some of their quotations repre sent forced liquidation. On the other i hand, the large mills are holding fast to prices announced some time ago, and when sales are made aro getting these i prices. j The demand for gray or unfinished j goods, according to brokers yesterday 13 increasing. Prices for the standard j 64?60, 38'^-inch print cloths yester | day wore quoted at l-'li's cents for spots [and 23 cents for May and June delivery. j Demand for spots was stronger than for later delivery. although more in qiuries were made for deliveries as late as July than have been current for some (time. Two or the largest con? verters asscrt that. they are buving 01 : !l' n limited way, confining their operations to fine yarn goods, in which ? sre is an apparent shortage at pres SILKS?Lighter Colors Moving for Spring Large manufacturer;-, and jobhers of \ silka report that more of'the light' red silks are being called for bv ' retailers now in the market. Here ? :ore the light colors have been neg , leeted in favor of navy, black and | lt >\vn by the retailers in their spring purchases. Although these shades Btlli form the bulk rf the present buying, ? demand for lighter colors is increas? ing. Rctaih??' . however, are continuing to buy sparingly, and are rrlaeing orders for delivery la:er than April only in rare instances. Because some of the ,; ' '?: bers . re still liquidating their stocks under forced pressure of the b^nks th" retailers nre picking up some attractive bargains in these ci.rcles, r-vu bright days have stimulated the retail demand for silks, according to department heads in Fifth Avenue stores. Local retailers are offering ks, partieularly tricolettes, Georg ettea and other fabrics that are moving vly in the wholesale maTket, at re? duced prict -. ! f. VTHKR-_#/i>fc" Prices Curtail Fancy C,oodg Trade Suit case, traveling bag and belt manufacturer? are buying fancy cow? hide leather in quantities only largo ' nough to take care of immediate re rements. Tanners and jobbers in :?? . Telegraph Co. 22'.oo Pir r hl Vito -Ideal Film Ser ? Ice, Inc 260.20 ' !ua I ? ien Mllla, Inc aiater Br ? i'. ?:.: .?:. SuM Co ... : :ei J< Hotel Co., Ci c ? M. '??'. -? ? ' r ? : al . 192.34 Shleld, Kdwln, and James O'Dono ris Plan Ci of N". T. 15.J ?'? Sulll Bugcne A M. n Is P ?? o.i .- V. -112.70 ' Sei uia, lac b- Morris Plan Co ' . 70 .Tamea S.- I.. F 1'"? -"???? ' 1 4.H? '? ? I ? ?? VV Levy.. 120.20 S " n? M Burstf in. . ?? i 66 ?- " "?" Co.?Grinn Lltho '? -:' S- Co. . ;. jsr- 00 I ? .;? ni le Motors ;' rp lurlbu ; ? .rs, Ino. 222.4! I In an ;.,..:. , - ... "??' Btei Union : ? 1< grs ph < 33.{ wo! ow| ? ? .:...??? Bl ?' .?--.- S Ri Ining i' , 'ii3 95 ?'? '''? ?''-?T' ? I- -; rl i orp.- I-Ialli , ? i ; ? .v ( .. . v\ este i Telegraph Co. 224 (tj Wing, Joan E fi. Reinhardt 194 4< erman I?;i rry . \: ahan Zin ;' " '? Martha Zl nmerman l Morris Zl :??.?? . Co. of X. "X 217.60 I;i Ut-ona County Bla< ... ' - rhon psan-Stai 3.638 ? i 1 ? ningham, Kutie?E s Adan ? '? -' V'esco Louis ' >nti al Tlie i 'o !'?- Bobulo, Tit i ?? ;. lein ? I al K asden, Max - Phenix Cheeo ?? ? Kalli ,. Samuel ?E i '/is^t, ? andler, Sa i iuel ; Grei ni eii Tho mason Frank S.?A. Handle man. J'lata, Michael -j Edelmtith] " t*n<>r. Joseph and Henrietta? B Strickei ?l 12.48 147.72 S1.6 0 S1.59 96.72 Satisfied Judgment* rhc first name being that of tho rtebtor, thi seoond that of the cred - and data j. whon judgment waa tlled ln ,\>w York County W tson, John T. ?it. V? Johns Manvllle Co.; March IS, ;<u.-, J14S SI i l rtera and Traders Building Inc Oreenlle-Halliday Co.; ::,. :'': ' 60S.40 .Slncere Pi n E i i>. Fried i lander; June 14, 1915_ 1637 61 ' n, V\ m. i;. -\s'. x, Boyn i ?? :? i'.; - . , ? l'S 89 igh. Em T. ? \tlant!c Do( k Co. : July 30. 1916. 31,323 98 borough Rapid Translt Co M. K;.., n . .in n. 1 4. 1920 a 636 " i ?N-"' ri nbi rg, ;(? nry- H. Herrmann ??"'?"" Co ; Der 24. 1012_ 310 01 . Van VIpi k, William- 9 1 ive. 17, 1916. S68 82 'r:. . S ... a- : j' ? J. T Orai March '. 1920. 3 v>. gn Fra .?.:?:..::. Hart I>. |r ? v. h et al; Peb 10 920 201 26 ':. ' theater E, L Cai -'? ??? I Sept 12, 1914. 219.16 ICathal Hulldlng Corp and Mor? ris Katz?S. Elfenhelm (t al; \u. i l. 1916. 829.68 , Pigueron, Wm <;.- S v. French Range Co. ; Di e. V, 1916. 126 ?S . Potter, Mbert E. VV. j. Rosen bi rg Co , Peb. B3, :HI6. 804.92 Oarpenter, Ruth ii. - B. Adler; Jan 29, 1920. S45.7G ii- ; rd Paper Co.?Henle Wm Paper -Mfg. ('(?., Inc; .May 2S, 1919 . 17,869.16 . .Si Ii gei Nathan - Gi rnwi s,n ? Banlc In the City of New STork; July 17, 1918. 4,44C.1? Nerenberg, Henry ? William A. Mullett Co ; Dec. 16, 1912. 187.90 \ Frtw:y.bli>.u. Arthur?H Hcrsun ct , al; Sept. 4, 1919. 167.00 ; Fomeri. Martin?A, Beaumont; March 9, Iti'.'O. .?.. 1.294.17 I Capitol Chemical Co.?Imperial Products <"o. Inc ; M?v 26, 1913 .,.. JS7.96 Same- Same; Jun-j 20, 1817. 165.63 Brooklyn and North River R. R. Co.- M. Katz: June 11. J 91? . 12.651.60 Brooklyn & North Rlv?r R H Co ? M Katz; Feb 11, 1920. 104.15 Gottlleb Isauc?L Schleifer; Jan 20, 1920-. 213.16 Befleld, Strphen B?Goodyear Rubber Tire Co of N V. Oct 15, 1915 . 257.31 Setl'ld. I'ruzler A and St, phen B N .1 Tiro & Cloth Co; ,\'o> SO. 1915 . 233.68!!s Bonding & Ina Co ? M Kananack; Peb 20, 1920.. 8,194.42 W H Jahn Co, Inc?J B MUlar; 28, 1920 . 8,091.19 Briatol. John I D?M I. Mortirner; Jan 23. 1920 . 1.358.70 Stephanidis. John I>?J A Suther land et ul; March 15, 1920_ 105.49 Nadsir, Wolf?-M W Lane. Jan 25. 1919 . 414.90 Kraus, Morris?li B Claflln Corp: Oct 26. 1916 . 1,013.66 Inti rborouifh Rapid Translt Co ? A Tuttle; Peb 9, 1920. 519.07 Same?P J Pleraon; N'ov 13, 191S 129.74 Same?Name; Jan 11, 1918. 20,415.23 Same-? Same; Jan 15. 1920. 120.85 Hedges, Job K. recelver?11 Kauf? man; Jan 28, 1920.,.. 390.67 Same?J L Martin; Nov 21. 1919 637.18 In Bronx County Lewis, Frederlc M?C J Ooeller; April 29. 1916. 461.88 Markey Preaa?Co-operative PbotO Bngravlng Co, Inc; May 27, 1916 . 176.68 appointed transfer agent for tho 80 per cent capital stock ol the Thurber Karthern Producta Company. this class of leather report that tho demand has been dcclininij for somo time past because manufacturers ex? pected lower prices. Reductlons not matenalizing, they have bjeen forcod to go into the market to replenish stocks, but they are buying onlv in small quantities. Tanners declared yester? day that present pricas will hold for some time. Retailers of leather goods also are buying in a rmall way nnd are said to have less stock on hand than ever be? fore at this time of the year. Big dealers declare that because of the Present price situation they have nesilated about placing heavy orders i for merchandise for sale during tho summer traveling season. While they cxpect an unusual demand from the consumer, they hold it is not logical to burden themselves with large stocks when they feel certain that lower prices will prevail shortly. Goods now being sold are mostly of high. grade variety, with traveling bags, ra taihng at from $30 to $100 each, be? ing chiefly in demand. JEWELRY?Relallers Report Prosperous Palm Beach Trade _ Seldom, according to Fifth Avonuc jewelers, has Palm Beach had a season such as the present for the display of jewels. During the war pcarls wero about the only gein3 in evidence. But now not only have nll kinds of jewels come back, but millions of doilars worth of new gems have been shown in the famous resort for the flrst time. People who made money freely during the year are adorning them selves with priceless jewels. Dreicer & Co., who report that they luive done their largest business in Palm Beach this season, note a stronj? demand for unusual and ex pensive jewels, and say they have sold many marquise and square diamonds. The oblong diamond ia favored and several rings costing $12,500, weighing fi.06 carats and set. in platinum, havo found ready buyers i:i Palm Beach. A sautoir of pearls, perfectly matched with jade centers, and pearl ornaments combined with square cut sapphires and diamonds, also are finding a good demand. A hexagonal omerald valued at $40,000 and weighing 10.42 carats. v':' ? setting of rose diamonds, is at tracting much attraction. Chatelaino watchea are being shown. and those who have wearied of wrist watches look with interest toward these novelties. One, in black onyx sur rounded with diamonds. has a kite shaped diamond inset in the top of the obtong watch and pends from a pearl chain of four strands, attached to an onyx pin, encircled with diamonds and set with two square diamonds. There is also a strong demand at present for gold bags, both jeweled and plam. The Gothic shape is said to be m greatest demand. Crystal hat pins, retailers assert, are again in favor with the women at Palm Beach. The pear-shaped crystal pin with faceta and set in tiny diamonds "? in goOd favor, while the round and square ahapea also are said to be re cei\ ing a strong call. Houston Calls on Banks To Aid Thrift Campaign I)p?lares Promotion of Saving as Important I\ow as ? During tlie War Secretary Houston, in a statement re vealing the new policy of the Treasury regarding the government thrift eam paign, yesterday called unon all banks and trust companies energetically to I i ndle government savings securities. He said that the sale of thrift. savings stamps nnd Treasury savings certifi? cates is now on a permanent basis, and asked the banks to give the Treasury the r^rime assistance that they did dur? ing the war. "The war," the new Secretary paid, "has left, us with many financial and economic problems. Aside from tho fact that the proceeds from the sales of the securities will assist. in serving tho cash requirements of the Treasury, the movement is of the very eaagnce of fundamental ecoifomics, affording a tangible means of combating high prices, extrava'gance and the ifis that follow in their train. "Economy must be the watchword of the government. and the people in pub? lic and private finance. and we cannot cxpect the return of a normal, healthy condition unless the people produce more, save more and spend less. That is the doctrine of the savings move? ment. "The unique position which the bank? ing institutions occupy givc9 them a strategic advantage of great impor tanee. Even considerations of self-in terest should impel the banking in? stitutions to assume their acknowl edged and rightful leadership." Would Establish U. S. Trade Chamber in Brazil A movement to organize a New York branch of the American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil, which now oper ates in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paolo, was launched yesterday at a luncheon held at the Bankers* Club. Leslie E. Freeman, representative here of the chamber, arran^ed the meeting. Mr. Freeman was authorized, by a motion passed by those present, to name a committee of live to prepare a plan for the establishment of the pro posed branch. This committee will re? port at a meeting subsequently to be held. Mr. Freeman said he would be glad to answer inquiriea sent to him to 37 Liberty Street. Those present at the meeting in cluded Edwin V. Morsran, the United States Ambassador to Brazil; John L. Merrill, president of the All American Cable Company; Dr. Carcia Leno, con? sul general of Brazil; Julius Layj William P. Hamilton; T. B. McGovern jr., Frank Garcia and O. K. Davis, sec? retary of the National Council of For? eign Trade. ? - New Couirjerfeit Federal Note The aecret division of the Treasury Department has issued a warninn to aii banking institutions advising them to be watchful of a new counterfeit $20 Federal Reserve note. The details of the new counterfeit note are described as follows: "On the Federal Reserve of New York, check letter C, plate No. 40. W. G. McAdoo, Secretary of Treas? ury; John Burke, Treasurer of the United States; portrait of Cleveland. This counterfeit is printed on two pieces of paper, of good quaiity, be? tween which silk threads have been distributed. The face of the bill is a photograph. The figures of the Treas? ury number are made by hand and flre well executed. The back of the bill ia printed from an etched plata. This is a dangerous counterfeit, and care should be exerciaod in handling bills of this description." * Financial ltems Ths American Ka.wa.llan Steamship Com? pany haa arranged a three-year charter for the entlro tieet ot Ita new aubsldiary. the Coast wise Transportation Company. to transport coal across the Atlantio to Hol land and Italy. A syndlcate. headed hy Grejiam, Parsens A Co., West & Co. and Brvln A Co.. ls offerins; 12,000,090 RockjKltl Coa) and Iron Company 8 per cent ?uirulatlve alnkine fund preferred stock at 9? aad acorued i Alvidend, 1 Buyers Arrived Falrchtld Servica AKRON, Ohio?M. O'Nell Co.; J. J. Feud n*r, upholstery, curtains; JI80 Flfth Avenue: gyn. Trdg. Co. Al.LENTOWN, Pa:?John N. I-awfer, A Son; 3, E. Lawfer, carpets, draportea; Brealln. ALJOONA, Pa.-K!lne Bros.; Miss B. Nixon, ready n wear; Mrs. B. Mattern, A,"^UlniMy; 'n Ea,t Twenly-aixth Street. ALTOONA, I'h ..-. \v. C. Westfall. hats. ia-??&!&l,>f Kro,lM: Pennaylvanla. ASBURY PARK. N. J.?I. H?rger; I. Berger, ready to wear; 1161 Broadway, Bregmnn & Dreystfool. ATLANTA--E. I? Rhodes Co.; Misa J. Hood, paf'ern hats; Pennsvlvanln BALTIMOIIB-M. 8. Schelnnmlii ft Co.; II. nrTiM&SA!?' !iKU*' "uita; Pennsylvanla. BALTIMORE?T. Hlatc & Co.; R. Pcrgu t, w'V.t'.Y"'.1'" fur"ishlng goods; York. BALTIMORB?Mlsa J. Reagan, gloves; Mc? Alpln. BALTIMORE?S, Sohtolansr Co.; Mtss K n<rm.tlB?i "hlrtwalats; Pennsylvanla. BALTIMORB?Standard Overal] Co.- ft Rosenbloom, mfra, overalla; Penn?yi vanla, BALTIMORB-?Nathan Miller, women's tailoring gooda; Breslin. BANGOR, Me.~Q?ebcc Fur Co.i A. T,. Poiiler. furs: Grnnd. BIRMINGHAM, Ala.?Frank Abelaon?Co.j I'. Abelson, ready to wear; UiU Broad? way : Bregman & Breyspoul. BOSTON?Jenklna Mfg. Co.; W. B Gray cotton, braids, lace*; Belmont. BOSTON?Reliable Nklrt Co.; L. Cohen. skirts; Pennsj Ivuniu. BOSTON?Jordan, M.irsh Co.: O. W. Lit? tle, baaement rugs, upholstery; Mlsa 6. C, Murphy, ,-Li-t embroldbrles, basemtnt-i 4:t2 Pourth Avenue. BOSTON?Chandlar & Co.; Miss Webber ' ZVPt.}0. wear: M|H" Chlshnim; asslsant; w -30 Mfih Avenue; Syn. Trdg. Co. BOSTON ? Standard Dry Goods Co,: ( hurles Katz, dry goods, hosiery, un dorwear; Breslin BOSTON.Borenaerg'ej C, Katz, boys' Clothing; Breslin BOSTON?J. Silvermnn, dry goods, wom? en's, children wear; Brealln BOSTON?Broude * Bosnan; I. Cohen. dresses; 3?:i Flfth Avenue. BRiDGBPORT, Conn.?Howland D. G. Co ; Harry 1 >. Johnson. toys, hoya' clothing; 404 Fourth Avenue, CHICAGO?Carson, Plrle x& Scott; M. P. Pronch, laces, embrolderles; Mr. Gel wicks, woolen plece gooda; 404 Fourth Avenue. CHICAOO? Peck & Hills Furniture Co.; .-,?; ... ,'nl!1,t'r. furniture; McAlpln. CHICAGO?Carson. Plrle &; M P I'rench, laces, emt>r?l(WI*?i, lace cur tains wholesale; 404 Fourth Avenue CHICAGO.Chicago Embroidery Co ? J i r.,!',0'.Tn,'n:,n- mfr*' embrolderles; Brealln! I ( HH AGO- Shop of Swelldom; I. E. Fer- \ guson, mfrs. men's, women's clothing i Breslin. CHICAGO ?Hlllman's; S. B. Kaufman,1 hoys clothing; 277 Flfth Avenue. ( LNC1NNATI?H. ,t S. Poguo Co ; Mr Bitks. velveta; 266 Flfth Ave- ' nue. INNATt Komp Bros.; F. C. Kemp, ! thing, mn'a furnishings; Pennsyl , ? |. i. | CLEVELAND?Cleveland Overall Co.; r ? Desberg, mfra. overatls, pants, shirts ' >i lAlpirs CLEVELAND? Halle Bros. Co.; MUs M Mannlng, misses', Junlors' wear: 220 Flfth Avenui . CLEVBLAND?Wm. Taylor Son ft Co.; ??'"'' '? A. Gengo, skating Hats, waists; ,-, ',\. '' ?,v'u- tui '? 226 F!ttn Avenue. ( LBVBLAND- Hlgb. ? Go.; C. J. Staerker, : rndso. manager; 230 Fifth Avenue., Syn. i 1 rdg i !o. I LBA ELAND -Maj Co.; J. a. Swanson : basement.dresses; 2? Weat Twenty-slxth I fatreot ; M. Sostman, CLEVELAND?I. M. Rlegrlhaupt & Co.; i. M. RIegelhaupt, coats, nuits. eliirts; Urand. COL1 MBUS, Ohio- F. & R Lazarus; J r ' ;' ' :'-' '?'?"? o. boys' i lothlng, furnlsh- ' . ' I xsement; 225 PIfth Av, nuo; Aasoc. j CRISFIHLD? Md. David Balta, dry! goods; li, ; aid Square. ; r>A VT< >N, Ohio I. iuls 'l n ixler Co H \ '"' ,,;" ;'" ? ' '? " ta, suits, dresses] waists, skirts; 1 IC Weal Thirt; secon. -..,,.. t. room nio. PAIR HAA KX. V. -David Morris. dry i goods; Grnnd FA1 ETTB\ U.l.K. H. C. - M. Lefkowltz : /j in; ]|,'r:i'i;i Lefkowlta, Jewelry; ' -;; EPBUnd, III 0 :- .' Johnson Co . I ichan n ady to wear; 1133 Droad n .. j, room : ". 6. GBEHNVILLE, ?-'. ? --J. gal J rhen'j lol hlng; ? lontln -,:t.i: HARTFORD Coi i v. [.. Foster Co '- .'" ?' '? ?? ? thing, iadli h' ' fur . nishings; B Im ni ??\:: fORD, C mn.?G. Fox & Co . Jos, ph "? arplea - ,.;, ? v. car; . 16 West Thirt - .'ond -;-- ? . Ft nt! HARTFORD, Conn -.Brown-Thon ps ? icn's, Mrhlto goods; - .- Av -llil: . -. n Tl iff c ? HERTFORD, -.. c Brinn Bros; R E f-ANl ASTEK, Pa - llas , ,,,, ., . Dun ham, waists ? I Pourth A ?? n . ' >?; ;':;TU-- Ky. -W. Curry, dry iroodi "': ' '.''','''i' i!i' !3'"'"'f'' & Schulhoff; F. M scnulnoff, drj goods, notlona, mllllnery ennsyrvanla MIDDLETpWN, N r- -Adams & Adama; I ? Adams, ( lothlng, i ter ihant tailor ..,-. ? ? ? ,,< ntal ?'''l:'.': '?" v' ' '; ?' " Johnson, oor p* V ? '??'? 4' ?? r- -? Htera d Square M1LWAVKKK Bitker , loakand Suit Co : ?',."-t,:'' '"' " :'-l> I ' ???? ?ar, mllllni \y; Broadway. MONTREAL, Can -If. Morgan & Co.; A '? luraiigcau, ',-hlna. glasaware art gooda, pictures; Grand MONTREAL, Can.~ to Bouthllller, mil :.:?.( ry , Breslin MOI LTRIE, '. Friedlander Bron ? N : 1 c": ? '?'???' ? ' ???' ' ' ? -' eai 1161 Broad waj . i. ? . ? ... .,. , -v''-u' ,iix' : '?? J. il. Starln . w,?!'le" pleco -'""'?? Park Avehue. '?; " ' '?? H. W. F.vans, woolen P'1 ' ? ' M i' rk Avenue - '??? ,::.< ANri :. ], m tt & ,-,, n "' nnetl , ' ?-' ?? mdse , 39S Broadway] NEW ORLEANS?L Feibleman A Co.' I. fr'l qan' tr"r-"r;,-; ,Jr:' SOods; 4^ Leon Nf,!vH'';'-K,' vvh,ch?-?l Broa. Co.i H. W. Wrhichard, general merchandlse; 256 Churc h Street NORTHFORK, W. Va.?H. Sellgman, de k-}",\\k ?;? '"' ;,',:r" B"ooda: Grand. NORWICH. Conn.- N. s. Gilbert A Sons; a. A. OiJbert, carpets. fur:iiture Park Avenue. NORWICH, Conn ?Reid & Hughes Co.; W : A Bussey underwear, men's furniahlngo; nosii rj . 404 f ourth Avenue. OTTUMAVA, Ia. ? K. Oppenheimer: E. i ^,V^pp/,;'1"lh'"K' c'oatts; Wallick. PHILADELPHIA-Wolf & Lit Co., Inc; S. Woif, manufacturers eldcrdown blank et robes. women's bathrobes, bathlnir aults; 1182 Broadway, room 21 ' PHILADELPHIA?Strawbridge' & cjoth Flflh A""*6 eU l''jri1' Walsta- tnrt>- ""<! \ PHILADELPHIA ?Uhl & Co ? H W TJhl, boys' clothing, children's wear. : PHILADELPHIA?John Wanamaker; J , McDonald, sporting gooda; Broadway and I enl h .?t i -,-i -. PHILADELPHIA Oppenheim Colltns & Co.; Mrs. i'. E, Meurer, coate, suits; Pennsyl i-ania. PHILADELPHIA?J. Miller Sons & Co. ? J i Miller, men's furnlshlngs; 200 Fifth Avenue. PHILADELPHIA?Strawbridge <v Clothier; ' F. P. Walsh, house furnlshlngs; 230 Fifth Avenue. PHILADELPHIA?H. L. Shallcross, sta ? tionery; Bri ,..-.? | PITTSBURGH - Frank A (^eder; M. M. Marks, silks, gioveg, hosiery, ostrlch boas, handkerchiefH, neckwear, novel? ties, lewelry, leather goods, umibrellas, parasols; 364 Flfth Avenue PITTSBI ROU?Kaufman & Baer; C H j Churchill. rugs: 4tu Pourth Avenue." PORTLAND. Ore - Zell bro..; J. Zeli. lewelry; Pennsylvania. PROVIDENCE?Tilden-Thurber Co.; B. G. I Hill, rugs ; V irk Avenue PROVIDENCE J. Samuel & Bro.; Mary Tully, laec-s, embrolderles, neckwear; 116 West Thlrty-second .Street: A Fantl PROV'IDE.N'i i-:- Callender, McAusland & Trouj , G. 1 Melln, upholstery, cur - , ';',:V'i -;"'1' :'!\ Avenue; Syn. Trdg. Co. ! R-B/ADINO, Pa Dlves, Pomerwy & Stew "?'?'? -! A. Burkey, upholstery, curtains;, 230 Flfth Avenue; Syn. Trdg Co ROCHESTBR - Sibley, Llndsay ft Curr Co.: W. l". Benson, ili-eseeu, coats and suits. 432 Fourth Vvenuo, ROCHESTER?S. Heumann, mfrs. pants; Pennsylvania, SAVANNAH C. fCarpf, ready to w-.-ar; 302 Fifth Avenue, room '. 717. SCRANTON?Clarke Bros. .Store!.; L. F. Belshllne, clothing: i 'ontlnental. SBATTLE. Wawi.- Western Dry Goods Co.; Charles Anderson, i:.dse., 6d SPRINGFIELD' Maaa ?Forbes ft Wallace: A. Alexander, domestics. flannels blankets, upholatery. linens. white goods' 220 Fifth Avenue. SPRINGFIELD, Mass.?P. J. Brennan ft t n. , H. ?'. Brown, men's clothing, wom? en's cloaks, sulis, milllnery; Flahders. ST. I.OUIS?Pcniggs. Vandervoort & Bar ney; Miss M. a. Rohrman. mllllnery; E. A Holz. colored silks. velveta; 225 Fifth Avenue. SYRACUSE ? J. I. Kurzweil, women's, misses' garments; Pennsylvanla. TOLEDO?Thompso:;-Hudson Co.; V. A RIce, ready to wear; 404 Fourth Avenue; Jay Co. TOLEDO?W. L. Milner ft Co ; F A. Gerdes, Ilnena, white goods, domestics, blankets; 114 West Thlrty-second Street; A. Fant'. TORONTO. Can ?Buckham Ltd., H. D. Buekhar., furs. men's hats, women's wear; 2'cnnsylvanla. TROY?VV. H. Frear i Co.: E. M. Powell, cloaks. suits. wrappcre; W. S. Raleigh, flar.nels; Continentai * TUL.SA. Okla.?The Palace Clethiers; M. Jaanowsky and S. Jasnowgky, clothing: Broadway Central. TYLER, Texaa ? Mayer ft Schmldt: S. Bruch, dry gooda, rnllllnery, clothing, hats, shoes. carpets: 3-5 2 Fourth Avenue; Ansonla. WASHINGTON?W. B. Mosea ft Sons; C E. Plngree. Ilnena; Tbe Annex WATERTOWN. N. Y. ? H,| Ellia, rnen'a olothlng. turniaMasa, a*ta. aboaa, ladi??'. Tw^.^%thu;nti^!tnKi^;K,B; " W;nM7 ~ K&wrtl BtA. *7 tSlh^1"^!' Fhu*?n,? knic underwear; ' 7th floor ' PftrafloUi *?? fourth Avenue. ! WICMINOTON N, C~.T. ,r. Rehder ft| l. Illnerv- Vni'7', "ry BC0,ls. nottOHS, ! miiiineiy, l "nnRylvunln WOnCESTKn. M?as.-l),.nnol,n-MrKay Co. ? ! nMA^^' "^olstery, ,ttrPet,; 330 rarsj 4?! Fourth Vvehue I TORK, Pn? r. wi??'S gona: m? r, m i CHlbertaon. dreaaes; 105 Orand Street. j Parsons to Retire From The National Committee j Rumor Tbat He Will Scek Cakler's Place in Senate Denied by Colonel Colonel Herbert' Parsons, Republi? can National Committeeman from I Nef .York aald last night that he had decided to not to be u candidate ' to succeed himself on the national i committee and that he had so in- | formed .Samuel S. Koenig, the Repub? lican county leader, and other ncr sonal. friends, The expected retirement of Colonel Parsons gave rise to all sorts of political rumors concerning national and state politics last night. Briefly they were that Charles D. Hilles, pres? ident of the National Republjcan Club and former chairman of the Republi? can National Committee, would suc? ceed Colonel Parsons on the national committee; that Colonel Parsons would be a candidate for the I'nited States .Senate in place of Senator Calder, the latter rotiring to heconie a candidate for Governor or Vice Pr^sident. "Aside from my own retirment from the national l should gay that the rumors about Mr. Hilles and Senator Calder are political dream ." said Colonel Parsons to a Tribune reporter. "1 "Undcrstand that Mr. HiUea is not a candidate for my place on the national committee." Hard Coal Miners Ask All-Year-Round Work Increase of 60 Per Cent in Wages lncluded in Mini? mum Concession Representatives of hard coal miners in their conference at the Union League <'!ub yesterday with a sub-committee of the operators, demanded all-year-round work as one of th< conditions of tho new wage agreement the conference seeking to reach No decision on this point had been reached when adjourn ment was taken until to-day, Aa increase o ' GO per < enl in pay and work throughout the year were de clared by the miners to be the least concessions with which they would bc corttent. The operal . i d that present conditions in th,. anthracite fields offer an opportunity 1'or stead; work, but the miners contcnded such conditions are only temporary, due to effects of the war. Family budgets shov ing incr a ??' costs of living were presented by the miners in support of thsir demand for more pay_. Phil Murray, international vice-presi dent of the i Inited M ine tt orlt i s, tated that the work of the coi I ? en ??? V .-.: ;-? ; . . :; ??-- ?? ,? \ . ;' tctoHly. I ' thi operators had offered uo co ropi als. The ? . ? -' . ; ? a ."? d gi cemen: expi rea April !, bufc it is nol ? | ited there will bc a iti .;?:?? - tllcd on thal late. evei if a new ono ha - rtol I ? ??? ? .:? ; at. The miners tal ' ?? | isition, how ? . er, I hat any wage ncres.led on after April 1 b made r troactive, To ?' ' the operati rs t ike exception, pointing out. that they cannot make retroactive any increase in the price of coal made necessary by higher '?' Lges, Alien* Attack Army Guard One Shot in Daslt for Freedom j:l For! \\ ayne DETROIT, March 18.7-On shot and several othei : rece injuries late to day whe i a number of aliens held at Fort Wayno Army Post for deportation hearings attempted to overpower their guards. The arrival of military reinforccments r stored order. Thomas Zuba, .. R ?? - v n iken to a hospital wi th a bullet in his and two others said to ???? ? b sn lead? ers in the break for libertj ivere transferred I the ntj l. Ac . ?! to Sergeant W illiam Mitchel ? ? va in charge of the guard, ' al .. was fired upon aft-..-r he had reached the outci door and refused to halt when cfcal lenged. The guard has been doubled. Immigration officei s aid the tempted escape was probably due to the return to the barracks to-day of nine prisoners who were ringleaders in a hunger strike and plans for an "insurrection" a week ago, Four hundred prisoners are in cus tody at the fort. Broker to Divide Wealth James De Lyon Houth, a broker, with offices at 40 Exchange Place, sum moned as a talesman in the trial of Harry Winitsky, charged with criminal anarchy. told Assistant District At? torney Bowers yesterday he believed in the equal distribution of wealth. Houth said he had a farm, arfd that when he accumulated sufficient to en? abie him to retire he proposed to give away the rest of his wealth, "I can't say that ! do," was Hduth's ' response to ;i question as to whether he sympathized with the program of the! Communist pany. "1 believe in tho j laws of the I'nited States." He said later: "Where a man steals Bomething in : order to feed his starving wife oi dren he ou^ht not be .-;ent to pris a long term." Ile was excused from the duty. The jury which w 1.1 trj Winitsky, who was secretary of the local Communist. party, was completed late in the afternoon, as follows: A'.den A. Knipe, writer; Leonard I. Lewinson, engineer; Harry T. Stevens, supplies; Charles M. Grant, treasurer; Charles M. Riddle, retired; Char ? - B Dann, chemistj Robert A. March, real ! estate: Joseph Gavin, bbokkeeper; Will? iam W. Wilsey. clerk: Alexander B. Warts, clerk; Zenas X. Matteossian, I draftsman, and Charles E. Bett! , clark. Ballot Fraud Probe Planned District Attorney Swann said yesl r day that he would undertake an inquiry to d>'termine who was responsible for! frauds last election which resulted in ; the defeat on the official count of So? cialist Alderman ic candidates in the 8th and 20th Aldermanic Districts. Morris Hlllquit, representing the So- j cialist party, called on the District At torney and asked that evidence on the matter be presented to the grand jury. Algernon was Socialist candidate in the 8th, while Edward Cass'Jy was that party's man in the 20th District. A recount by tha Board of Elections ' sustained the contcntions of the Social-' ists that they had been elected to office on the face of the returna, and a I tial canvass of the vote will be u ; [ert tken shortly by the Board of Aldt : . West Thirtieiii Street PoL'cc Reserves Give Annual Ball, The second amiva! entertainment and ball of the police reserves of the Wes!7 Thirtieth Street station was held la3t night in the Hotel Pennsylvania. The ; b&Tlroom was decorated with posters ; urging enlistment in the rc-ervea. ; Inapector John F. Dwyer rapresented j Special Deputy Commhtdioner R. Waa-j amaker. Inspector James F. Bolan, of ! tha 8d District, and Captain William A. ; Bailcy, of the Went Thirtieth Street station, were among the guests, as were Colonel John J. Byrne, 9th Coast Artillery, and his staff. Frank K. Kane . is captain of the reserves of the West Thirtieth Street station. FINANCIAL TO JIOI.DEKS OF CKKTiroeATES OF DKI'ONIT FOH KVANHVIM.F. & tJf IHAN.VI'OUN KAULKOAO ("OMPANY FIRST MOKTOAOK SIX VV ll ( 1 \T BONDS. DUE .11 IV 1. 19M. MI) DVVNSVIM.K & I\|)|AWI'OI.IS KAII. itOAl) COMPANY FIRST CON80W DATKD MORTOAOH SIX PER CKVT ito.Miw. iu ?: JANUARY i. me, IWtt/KD UNDKB AGREEMENT OATKD .11 IV 9, IllU, BETWKKN THE COM? MITTEE THEREJN NAMED AM) THE IIOI.OKRS OF MAID ItOMis WHO SHOCJUD BECOME PARTIES THERE NOTICE Is h<*r?by given that a Plan and I Agreement, dated March 16, 1920, for the re orgwnUtatloi) ef KvanHVlllo & IndlanapoHo Railroad Company ha* been prepared and I adopted and approved by the urulerslghed ? Committee under Batd Agreement dated July o. I'.*) I. aa modlfl 1 and amended, ir.d that b copy ot &Rld Plan atui Agreement has hepn nled with The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, th.i Deposltary under Baid Agrc? ment dated July 9, 19H Any holder of ? Certlflcate nt Deposit - Isaued under xr.I.l Agreement of July 9. 1914. : may, within the thirty day period prescribed by said Agreemenl (wtuch thirty dav* will expira oh April .to, 1920), flle with The Farmers' Ujiui and Truat Company, thr> De Ppsltary, at ns offlce, No, 22 William Street, : ?7"-" S'ork City, a written notice ot dlssent I from said Plan und Agreement, specifylng 1 "i" date or dates and tha number or num-' bers of the Certificates of !>t,ohI; h?ld by I him. Unless holders or outstanding Certlf I atea ot Deposll Issued under said Agree of July 9, 191 i, n ; re lentlng more than ' ;?"?', >' - ' ia rui...-::it c; .??.?:" '; .? .?..?<.:;'. . >? Indianapolis Railroad Companj First Mort? gage Bonds or more tha I on thi) I in ami of :ald Evan iville & indianapolis Railn ? Company First Coneolldati ) Vlortgage Bonds .;? ' ' under said Agreement shall fllo ; ; - ? < ?'?"? " notice of ,;:.?? from sr/: lan and Agreement :-. the manner and v ithirj tho p i lo.l lii i? ?.: . Agreement of J .. '? ? J - ' ' :' ' " ??? I Pla and Agreemi ni shal e effectiva and ol Certiucatca of Dep. lt Issued an.l out stan ! ng un ler ol I Agrei i i ru of Jul t 9 1914, ai I all ru .. I ?..-??. , | ? , ?ome p " lo said P ." and Agreemeni ?? *: Iioiil ths Issue : ol new i :ertin< ates of De] Holdors of said First Mortgage P.onds or ' ? '''St I !ai Olld . ? ! Mortgage Bond , nol here tofore deposlti d undi - Id oement of jl ily 9, 1914, ma.y di poslt the sami vith 1 ??? I'- po n i nd :r on or before \; ? ''-'-'"? ! '??????:? ?'. ith tne ? ipons maturlnc ' ?July t, 191 !. and all -? v eque i oupons : an 1 i.l\ ? ttioi ? for (??>??. Ifli atea ol 1 ? I Deposll Holdi ? if Cen ficati j of Dej to avall themselves of thi privl ege oi mlng Sul a iriblng Depoi Itors |n said Plan and Agrei ment pr. , must, i before April i 1920, preeei ates ( Di pos to ? ... m ti ' Lo ... , ? ' < orr.pun; . 1 -.,?? Itary ter sal Pli nd '??*'?? ??? m ' '. al iu ? (ll. e, N i V. W Street, ?pi k City, or .. - . ? tamping l musi ? ... \\... ? l ? po aocount of i n ml ee.i the : ... ' '? ?! ;;;:- ? ?? ?-. IH a .; . i, rs ? ' pl ?-- ? t sal : :? ? ? ?.. .,.... . i . rei ' ? >?"'?" Of th ??. . , -: ., pTOy | be ol ? ? ?? I/epo Ua ??.. Dai pd New York. March 15, 1920. 11 UtOLD i '- i -.. \ .. . airman Wi ...i.'-I U ' MID( iZO, W. <,:..\l>\\:s. KDV, ???.;> H LAD i JR RATMOND M .'' "; I I.J. T. T( i Ceim ..'??? TO HOLDERS OF TT1K Four Per Cent. Flrst Mortgage Gold Bonds Due M.iy 1, 1020, i-r Central Vermont Railway Company ??' ?!.?:::.',: . : ? ' the ...., ' t ? ' ilffi ed holding and - ? int i Boi | ... ? . ? '' ' ? ? ...:?? ? ? :- - : ? lil() lid !. ? . . ,-..:, '?' 'in pl nnd . onc rt . ion . i ? . ?'??- dll; to reallze I bei oon, hi.\ > ? "'?>? iitod to act, ??. r :. : ;. ? \: irgo ta thi ?'??'????? i for th ii . ? ?. ."? as a Com ? roltteo, ? :? tlie proiection ol the Interests ? ti h ?;.:, ;? ; - | . . .; i .... ' il I depos " wlthnu'l ?''??'.? ? . i .:?!'. ?' ' ? , no' of the O-N OJJ Fi! 1 DUE \PRIL S, h>20, with Tll S :?:? |1 ITAHLC'l THI ST ? '. ? ? ? ?? i'UllK ? ? , .:? ; ll ''.:..?' th A ; . ' : ? '. ?? ?. the Agei .':..? ... ::?? Dei , ipun , : . : ... . .. ? , |i, ... its. ? ?- fork. Mai hl M: V E, ( OOPER, S. P. KII.NEK, \'.\ N . Klt :<. MARSTON, !.. C. SMITU, 1'iil! ll- STO< LION. UJ'.i.iii 1 i 11 ?'.! I ?? umlttci. LLOyl) i ? :' |. H . ??.? ? ',,?,..? ' ' ?' VRRIS1 IN I'' ' I I - . . I . . Sti ;. * . ? i BANK STATEMENTS ::!.. ORT "I T;n; ?? [TION OF GAEFUHKEL & TAUSTER, frif.: Ba ? rs, il .. <? g ol . .:? -? th? :?? i i, ' I'? : ruai REROl ItCBS Stock . i . . . riz ... , ?. !.... . icured othor ? Hateral ; ! Loann. ? :.: i ' ?.'., ! i lased . - >' ? ' 3,437.64 ilstoi . - ..? ? ' ti sold 1.847.4! "? .?. . ii .... i : .'?-? ' S i Uu> :': ni ai I ??? i ?? .-. Iiid rt ;. prci liug iten ?? !?? po i ? ? !tl ? spr as !.. I ?",.<?? . :" ? .. 349 ? ? !.-,..? >oi . .-.J :??? tlie . Lwt .: ihe i nlted Scatcs 10,100 ?>?? Porplgn curri qcj . ? ? . Cn .' -,;..,. ,r ;...-, ? | . ?' I Itlll .? . :. ' ?..!.? IS.W ?. ' Other !??;? ;.?. i ?? h umlture tnd fiiturm . $2,557 00 Tot?: ............ VtABlf.ri'lKH. l'trmu ?. capital . J." ?'. . . - Deposits: I li ? osiU Bul ." *? il '. ' '?. 2T> 84 lle|n> Ita . ? : ". wlthdrawaJola oi l pi ? tatlon . pa 8 ?- i > 8 08! ?; J. .mi h hold h lltlim ? i . hh -I'.i. .: r i&ci . . ., : i ?? ? ?.l?,880 .: Other l. < 1...1 rh ' ... ler's checks .... 142.57 j T ital . $67 DIVIDEND NOTICES AIR REDUCTiOH COMPANY, Inc. 1MI ll)KM> NO. IU. Tli > Board ol Directors ??:?.' I ? dec :?!???<! the regul ? ? : . ? r dt;nd bi fi 10 per snan ? the ?.?J,vitai Si "K. . : he * . l?20, to Btockfc . M ,r ?? ,;i, The Seafaoard National Bank of th~ Ciiy of New York ???? ? : he l -i- II . Tl ? : i I . i ? ? ' .? ? ... ... STEEL & TUBE COMPANY OF AMERICA A A. ^??VH.K^lNdER.. s^t*mukiai ?t.i TrtiaaureB, j FINANCIAL MEETINGS CU1CAGO ANI) MlllllI V\ f-.STr.KN KAII.HAY tOMMNi. NOTICE OP BPECIAL AND ANNUAL Ml i.'n.vo. Notice Is hereby g.van thai a special meeting of the stockholders' of the f'hi *(?"? and North vVeatern Railway Company. duly called by Ita Board of Directors, and' annual meeting i.f said stock .. ra wl | be ii.-;.i at thi General Officea -,t tfca . pany, a; No *?''? Weat laokaon Boule ? , ; ? tbe ?';'?' f Ch ?>;:... Illinois. on ': -y. tha 13tb dav f April. 1920. at :; ? ... x. m . foi the purpose 'if con ? Iderlng and de^ldlng: (l) Whether the i ? .if the Company will sonouf ln and i .' aaGon of a bonded Indebtodness, by the isirije, ut suoh times ?: '! ln sui i . ? f. in time to time Ita Board of Directora n t.<- utiva Com tnlttee tnay >. ?rrnino. of bends, payable in gold ? oln ol the United States ;,t Amer I ' ir oqu&l to the present t gh ? I -?? >3. and itinli'd so that thi lounl thereol a: sny ',ne time out? standing, together wtth all outstan llng ;. .it of ln? Rallwav Company. afer ? ': om : '.-? ani. unt of aU i . ' . retire prloi debt ?t nr before Dtiaturity, sliall never excead ihree times the itstandlng capital smck of the. Company, wr ..f a successor corporation, maturing May I, A. D. a:,d bearing a vato of interest, not excecdlng '.he lawful rate, to be deter: ilne t bj ihe Boaru >?f D ???? irs ??? Executive Committee at th? lime '<! Issue, payable ieml-annually; and the executlon and delivery by th< itn pany of a Flrsi and Refunding Gold n vl Mortgage to Trustees to be deslgnati ihe Board of DIVeytors, da ??? \'a. t, 120, conveying ln tru*t the c rporate property and franchises desci i In, to iei jr? ?? I ? paj f all sn"h bonus winch are ' '.. ? thi purpose ?'. purfbaslng, ?? ? -".'?? ng ? refunoing, befo e, h: or after maturity, the du standing obligations ot ,h Company, end of other companies v. , .v u.-e or hereafter shall be owned oi acquired by 'he Chicago am; North Westeri ;.i.u>.a> Company hy con? solidation !? ".!?'.'. Ise; fur ths !"> rpos f the fi ture enlargement, Irn pro ??'.-:::. ? ... nsto . and ? qu pment of the properties of L:.e Company and of. s'.ich othci ompanles; for the ' construction, v ? I " lon of other ran ? I pi opei \ 01 I "' tbe purpose ot re bursing the Coi ?->.-- -- - ;nr.n?vi which at any time maj or may have tieei"! expended foi ? ly of the purposes ivlll approve such mort? gage i" forrn to be submitted at ?aid atlfy the a tion of Ita B i ? t ? mthi King the xea i of and the < xei li ' sui : ga^i . and (2) Whether the Stockhi ??? ., ny ? a . ' ? ' ';. .i .r f ? f * ' ? ? , ? ?. privileges am. - . reto ar..i all f cacb Of j . opi il i?r; - Wolf River VaJley Railway ?. ;.nipar,y, Fou a . Company, sr Valley am l i ' - j l; - i '-'?? Pi ty Extensi n Railway Company. 1 -? hern Railway Company, nd B! i Railway tnd ' ????pany, ? rn !.ii.?,?f ? ? ipany, P . Rapid City and North-Weatern " mpan Fort Pierre I'.i -ogn Kal. way 1 ' , Ladd and Eaatei n R illroad ind Tne \ ?-.... r; , | igg Company, :? nent to each of paid ci f tl ol ot dollar npany -ol liabl! 9 and :a- Ii ns ? * each if said s; and vtll ratify t ? ?:-..!- t tors an ..'?.??? b ipon ..oi-. terms *: " ?<?. r?e w!:! he trans r bus . es ... ?? ..ay come . ?>' ? sed on Friday, it i - - - f I. Inesi al day n . I ?? ? ? .poned c,b ? ; . ? ?? By order of the Board of Directors. Dal iary 21 Isl*. rNLET, President. JOH ? : ' ?-. ELL, S ." .ary. SOUTHEKN PACTFIC COMPAXT. CE OF J EET IG ? ? k. N. Tl Janutry ?. lr'20. . The Annual Mi 'ting - - thi Stockholders .:. Pa Ifii Company will be t the pany ln An ' ' ? - ? '. ounl - ?? i ack r. on April 7. 1S>20, at twelve ' ? ? - '. ?-. ;.ov the fo! Dir< : rs. 2 Xo onsid r and act upon all ques ? ?...-. |)y mmn b Ing relatini to Federal con I of t i p -?-., ?mrier the ' ' ? , -?-..? - - i i,: . Govern "'?'"?' ng tb ths uch Federal c mtrol by tha " ' of ?? I r iperl es or il li i wlse, an '.t to conditions result'.ng from or bu eding such Federal control. and tren erally all questions nnd matters growing out uf r tn lent to iu--h control ter r follow k nditiona. "r" other !''is!r,'\?i? a* ma egally i ? bef >r ? the - - etlng, in ? Iflcal lon cf ail b ?- ' l rectors and of tha the last annual ? Uholdc -s of thla Com I ?'.-. bi ls for th fer ' rf - will b? closed at ; t P, M Tuesday, Mareh I wl e n ope . ? ? ai 10 o'clock A I . | 1020 ? i ' Diro -tors. .Se iretary. TI1L HOiMM, \ \! !.< \ lail.WAl ( OMI?AN'i ' ? \"l AL .VIEETINi I - . . . 15 IS R.EH - EN . ? ' ig of he .- ? old ? ? i ? : . , , ! OMPANi ? inbus, Ohio ' i - i ( ' Exei imlttee of i . . ? id to the n i islness as may ton i -? - > at the -..;. -. Ne ?? ? ? ? i Idaj ? r..j."i. ;.? ? 11 . n 11 VA '-. al c-n o'clock a. ro A 'i ::?: . . i T; Secretary. N'OTK E OF A BPKCIAL MKPTING of . hc STO< KHOl DERS OF FRED E. RO.?P. BRO< K & CO.. INC. A Stockholders of tl ' ? . ;' ? -. i ; i. b ' of tl ?' ,:?? any, 360 . - lugh of i nd St a ta o t' Ne w VPrii io Clock in said \ i-; ? ? tpbn a ros i j ? Irectora of - VI. ? lag hi Id ? tors m ?. th ??? .i I ctors ? .-? . - i ,tary . , . - 120. CHICAGO, fiAI>"l? Pltl,. MINM'.\POI.lB i.Mi i^:?n\ i. ^ij.iv.w cosiPAN'y. NOTICE F ANI - . I fe. Stockholders Baini Paul. ilinneapo-Us ? ?-'? . . i?.? ? ? '111 bo held al . :. ?,. i : he ' ? 'J - - ?oi , Wednesday, A] I 14,.,, a. M... for I tioi directora and tha trana ? ... Ineue as :nay com* ' '-..,' ''."'' r i... ;-.-. w u h-. cloaed on Frt t ,tbe close of bu?;. i ->:.?> reopened oa : 20 - ? ' . 18, 1920 JAXt'S T. CLARK. r-enldent. JOHN ( . - El L, Secretary Nl ? 1 ICE IS HER t v THAT A ':- ild-l rs of :...?.".-? ng a' - '? n Corporation t : ... ot tbe i li . ... No. L5 " ' ''- ' ' ' ? -? I tfanhattun ' ? t.?- ??? 19th 6 . of 12:30 i .:?%;' for " " K ;. ?:- ? . '" pora ,..?', ? - r- sident, '? ? ROC ?" ' I.. "??? ? --t w. ry D l V i U E N l) N" OT IC ES EAST COAST FISHERIES PRODUCTS C0. * Wall St., New STorfc, Marcb il. 1920 i;ivim:\n \?. ? : irectora ol thla Com ? a quarterly dividend i'> ferred H;o--if, - ? to stockholdera of Atlantic National Bank ? '?.:_. uf Xew York, ' way, City Ball. New York, Mareh 1?, 192D .a -; uirtexly fllvldend of.S'i'i-i and an extra dividend of on ;-?.'Uf per ci;nt., f roe of ia?. has been deci&rtd on ihe cupitAl stock of thl.i bank, payable on*ond after April 1 to nroe'*.holders ot record at tho clo** of buat ness Mar - . ?, E. ANDKLoa, C'aaal?r. DANCING fSSTBVCTlOn LLLS jCon.i^S? 77 rVtora. (Class Lctoons 4 fi_ With lodivHfc*! I Ia&trttcior for. . Iw 8 LESSONS, $5 I'itlVATT Ll>.' ?rttboai tppvtaf - MOUK :x I'.a:v.; r V?rn C*?U? Graduww. JM Wnrt *Ttk at. Ctrole ?ost. INSTR pratt STOKAi VV AREH 0 IN AC' '? < ' BIOS OF . kV UNl'AID CHAHOl ITNDSRSJONRP POSIT fi i : -' A - WARBH HEREIN A ? NO'l ICE lf ??? PARTIES . TERBi r TJBE I - - PJSi ?';:.? PAYMENT ?"' INii EXPTR1 AT I;'.-. R( ll iMS APRIL :'".: :? "?" M.. K-'''a .; < Mar .!. M CAFFRE MAXVI BOURJ '.. A. Vv ; . - ?.. ? ? MRS. M \ ?. N i ? HOl - ... S :' S A l V. ^tfZat MZrs ? \ ? ..?_? _ ??..-? ? ' . ? I st. red ? ?? :??-' . racks, -. i . w ..?; and ?. ? . : iir .j other i. ? rugs, ? ??? .?? ? i linei to Iriss ii"l <-.?:: '? ? che its ... -, r. ? fur ? i H . e ? : *< n It i''A\. Sims, Ing," - A W . i.'-. fender, OFFH .. INETP I I bt .1. Dwlggli ??.-' K o psa ?' P Vfar Smith & .< : ? ? . . i ? i I ? '? slatl inei lan< .iis .. ?? ? ? - (LEA1 IIER CASES KT tnd Bi] ? ? i ? ..?...??? - ? and i,,,... ?- , ? : I i nis' Ing of ba1 voo ? ? Ing of a ' ? - ? : I G B :.;... . ,,aj Shan :. Ti . i r-. p uttri e pa PAIN iiADS, b: property ol -? ?,? n property pl -.,.?. , Bisting ot a painTfri ' ^Roberts, .. ... % ? ... ini;. Lowls Stro id palntlng.i; CASESi Tiii \'r } ,,.,-j : ???? rty of H .' one rn*- ;:: tent6 . :. , i .i nd pa per ? Moss and . | trl; ? ? F. T . -MIhm Mab Mlsd ? ;i ? u - ? ? Of ! , , SISilii,.- of fl . ' ' Sctav ster, ooi . ,. ? . W >? i . I ? ' - b l ? - rv at? ?rh a . ; h, .-!?-'?; a : Tha ? may b . St . i.:; I . LINCOLN SAI DIVIDEND N01 United States : Trucking Corporation. Cor. Cana! & Thompson Sfa, New York C H ? i !:, tnttk ? dividend r;o. 1 Hir Boari o; Dircctora of (hi; CcnrBgft* j tion Iia> dc-claicci a ciividrnc] aiauuiit**^ "U? j one dollar and <.ti ,s;r?i/: per sharr. upon the PrefcfKsJ .Stcck oi-f. < Corporahon, being a dmclcad'ai th* ra*r? of 8' pei ann .. .,? January 15, 1920 ?lWtB*m zation of ihr ( -'-^ (g 31. 1920; au .A^-. I, 1920, to ?ti of businci. i . "?< fS"J !. fTl <:, i i-.i^n^*. . < The Mercti \ ' of the City ork -.: - The B declared on th;,-, OWLN L. I- >.\ XTEB. (-**U.''-. ? TEX \> PAiiKi* < O . KL t?ytf ? | v . d. ? l.) nd ;.\.- .. . , , ? l.'.-."< , on -?' n 31. '1*2 ?. tn '.- ? cr*ftn *;? I .? ? ? ' 20, 1 i.-20. Diviii-ni oeeck* v.::i ba ' uauai it.urnf ?>' . EWAR I. ?ioa i iNDiA.v.v ru?: i.?n: t i .vv. A dividend of ln : b*en dacl 8 : Company pa/at I ness Aprli !4th, All <<? or ch?r??... undTsHsn- -<i . OEOP, CITY i\', Efil ..-.?u" N ? Th? Bo^jil ?:' DiMota i quarter.> a..: ?., ? .-, ters per ?? .v this CfimtftLfh J?t. i9Si r*cor? on tL* :.. !? i *9*S' at^a Ii. If. ttl - .ii...., .-_.iBu.ry,