Newspaper Page Text
Help Wanted Situations Wanted PERSONAL P. M. _*.?_OOMMUNIOATR WITH tIS; wirg. phone or wr'tc; Important. F. H K. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS A REWARD OF $350 WILL BE PAID for return of n pair platinum, flve dia? monds each. mt ln circles. pendent enr ?ings. I<o?t about Mareh lat to 6th, be tlwon Palm Beach, Florida and Wes.l End avenue and 105th street. Communlcate ?with R. B. Hoowood. 65 . John st., New Tork City; telephone Beckman 8987. LOST?Mareh 17, platinum dlpped wrlst watch. nblong shape. surrdnnded hy dia? monds, from Park ave. ar.d SOttt st. tt> Madl mg ave., through 47th to Madison, down Madison to 4nth st. and Fifth ave.. Wool worth's; liberal reward lf returned to J. P. Kane, 103 Park ave. LOST?Ladies" Rold braeclet watch. mono gram "C. B. BV black wristband, tn Black and White taxt to Capitol Theater Wednesday afternoon; loss discovered at theater, 5:30; reward. Return 200 West 56th st.. apt. KE: phone Circle 2811. LOST.?Last week. gold watch ln leather case. raised rronogram in platinum M. A. Return to Apartment 5-A. 103 East 86th st. Tel. 5890 Leno.\? Reward. LOST.?Brown brlndle dog. near Grand Central; studded collar; whtte fnrepaws; male: reward. 156 East 45th st. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET UNUSUALLY attractive large front partor and bedrooms. private bath; also single vooms. all newly furnished and decorated; joTercnoes essential. Apply 258 West 22d st... Mrs. Voile. S7TH ST . 39 WEST.?Comfortably furnished room, adjoining bath; exeellent restaurant !n bulldtng. Murphy. 94TH ST.. 55 WEST.?Large front room. lavatory, electrioity, convenlent bath; p.-i tate house. 129TH ST.. 5 WEST?Large furnished room for two; hot and cold water; exeellent board convenlences. Harlem 3085^ PURNISHEC APARTMENTS TO LET AUl.OR. BEDROOM AXD BATH, COM PLETELY FURNISHED, AND LARGB STUDIO WITH TWO BEDROOMS, ALSO SLITE FOR DOCTORS ON FIRST FLOOR. ANNUAL LEASES. HOTEL SCHUYLER. GBO. T. STOCKHAM. PROP.. 57 WEST 45TH STREET. TELEPHONE 1181 BRYANT. CENTRAL PARK WEST. 320.?Most at? tract ively furnished nlne-roon". apart? ment; high class elevator building: lease to October. See supt. or phono River. 1951. Desirable apartments for summer rental. EVERETT M. SEIXAS CO.. 507 6th Ave. 4520 Murray Hill. GRAMERCT SECTION.?2 rooms and bath, bachelor apartments; wonderful large lay-i out: outside rooms; open fire; service op tionnl; possession May 1. Bohanan, 132 East j 19th. Te!. 6347 Stuyvesant. HANDSOME and profusely furnished i corn-r apartment of 12 rooms. Broadway i and S6th St.; large foyer, living room. drawing room. dining room, 5 master's rooms, the necessary servants" rooms, to-I get her with a butler and housemaid. For j rent from April 15 to October 15. H. F., j Box 194, Tribune Offlce. LEXINGTON AVE.?Unusually attractive 3 rooms, kitchenette and bath; immediate T? ssessii n Plaza 4321. : TWO-ROOM APARTMENT, Gramercy Park; living room, bedroom, '.arge entrance hall; ran> ments for Hght eooking and bath; tmpletely furnished; elevator and cafe; :?"?-: s rvlce: a perfect locatlon for couple ??'?? klns refined ar.d exclusive home. Phone C853 Gramercy. Apt. 2M. TWO ROOMS?kitchenette, bath; newly. attractlvely furnished; four months, be? ginning April. Phono before 11 a. it:.. Plaza 3562. 58T.H ST., 21 WEST?2 rooms. bath, kitch? enette; Park view; wood fireplace; lease to October; opportunity lease unfurnished from October. Apartment 84. T7TH. 50 WEST.?I can arrange to sublet a j * 4-room and bath suite at Mannattan Stjuare ' Hotel until Oct. lst. facing the Museum of v'Xatural History; ultra desirable; $2,500 per, innum; imm<cliate occupancy; open to in sp^ction at any time. .1. A. Voice, 210 Elev "r.:h ave. Chelsea 6420 102D ST., 324, corner Riverside Drive? April until October; S rooms, 3 baths; ..1:11 furnished; can be seen any time. Vpartment 2D. PURNITURB and lease for sait. very desir? able six-room apartment. Riverside 5160. NEW JEKSr'x EAST ORANUE.?Four rooms furnished, Aprll-October; $ 1 C>ij month. I'hone Orange 4S19-R. APARTMENTS WANTED BONUS $*)5 for 6-room apartment, West, below 135th st.; occupancy May lst; adults, $75-$S5 per month. B., Box 747 Tribune. BOARD WANTED GENTLEMAN desires room with board ln suburbs or country. B., Box 753 Tribune. HELP WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION A NATIONAL ORGANIZATION NEEDS MANAGERS AND SUPERINTENDENTS. We prefer to develop men to become our executives instead of hlring executives from other companies. SUCCESS IX LIKE DOES NOT COME FKOM HOPING CR WISHING, BL'T THROUGH EFFORT, if you helleve in yourself and you are dis tatlBfki with your present condition, and you are between the uges of 21 and 35, we have a wonderful opening for vou. Apply by letter only to N. T? Box 932, Tribune Offlce. AUTO INSTRUCTION WE TEACH REPAIRING AND DRIV ING IN SHORT TIME; LICENSE GUAR ANTEED: LADIES' CLASSES. AMERI? CAN Al'TO SCHOOL, 7_H Lexington ave. <6'.'th>. Plaza 4016. A"*TO INSTRUCTION, Il?. Single lessons, |l; Cadillac, Studebaker _ Mitchell. R &-. M. Co.. 1303 Lexington ave. LEARN TO BE A CHAUFFEUR?Pleasant anc! profitable work; day and evening classes. Send for free booklet and vlsltor's pass. West Side T. M. C. A.. 306 Weat $7th st. LEARN OXTACKTTLENE WELDINO Great demand for tralned men. Eight weeks" course. Class now formihg. 23d St. Y. Al. C. A., 215 West 33d St? N. Y. LEARN* llnotype; ideal trade, pays $2,600, cost $200; why not investlgate? Stuyve ?ant 2478. Empire School, 133 East 16th. SHOP MATHEMATICsT~mechantcal and archttectural drawing and tvpewritlng courses am utlit available for registration at Brooklyn Central Y. M. C. A., 65 Han son Place, Brooklyn. ,i I Spanish ! French I Spanish ! French ' t mlssed a $6,000 job aa export manager because I did not know Spanish; then I learned it by a quick, practical met l Lt ?nd would uot pan wttfi the knowledge for a round sum of money; write me for a free book. explalning an eaay method to YOUR LIFE WORkT^STTLE IT KCtw" instead oi. after years of drlftlng ln w^n. Pesltions tour proFre?s. succms and ?atis* faction depend upon selectlng the work for which you are beat fltted. &f0re making _ rhange. nnd out what your life work should be. Thru an analysis of your abilttles trom !_-rt)idy ?f. the 'ac.e. our tralned analys " can determine the right Job for i/ou Th ? "tu<ly is based on known scientlrtc law* Call hero for full details. B >okl. t ?'! " 0n request. Merton Institute. Inc ,96 Fifth ffi. <*t l?t_ ???.- W7r. Tel. Chelw? W. help^^tjedTiXle A *5fE_-?i _%_*_? hou8e w?int??, rnat* 2? to 35 ? to soli high standard publication on ?,,h -crlption splendld oppot^mtTtcTraZA XfTIl ,0Ward ??"ItUni sales manageVs nTtlo 1M nf, ma," Wh0 ?? ^wmlaWe and am 'me Offlce." e3*^r'???. B.. Box 766.gTX: AGENTS?Sell Identincatlonlaga for k^s" N.BrCOD 8U*'Ply' *??-? 8t.! Jersey city. M?tA_lA V?h,-^*J .m!u*t ho fa?-'-tar with Business Opportunities Business Cards HELP WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT AND CHIEF CLERK Textile mill selling agency requires accountant and chief clerk; this opening is with a house doing a large vdlume of business and offers an unusual op? portunity to an ambitious young man; state experi? ence and salary desired. Box A893, Tribune. ; ASSISTANT EMPLOYMENT MANAGER Llve wire?to interview, hire and follow . up all male help requirements ln larae printing establlshment. Must have expenfc , chop in employment work. Write. stating ? experience. salary and when available. P O. Bc" ''? ??? ! York. ASSISTANT to buyer; Christian over 30; pleasing personallty and address; salarv J35; an opportunity. Bowtell's Agencv 1 /0 Broadway. BOOKKEEPER, experlenced man, by large imjjorting house on customers' charge ledger; good opportunity for right man; state age and sal? ary. Box A., 894 Tribune. BOOKKEEPER and shipping clerk, Christian firm; references required. Henri. 69 W. 44th st. BOYS FRANKLIN SIMON & CO., j 5th Ave., 37th and 38th Sts., | Offer the most liberal salaries to BRIGHT BOYS as stock clerks, messengers, etc; permanent positions and opportunity for rapid advance? ment. Apply APPLICATION OFFICE, 6 West 38th St., 9th Floor. BOYS THOSE THAT ARE GOOD AT FIGURES AND OF GOOD CHAR ACTER, WHO WOULD LIKE TO LEARN ACCOUNTANCY CAN SECURE EXCELLENT TRAIN? ING IN LARGE MANUFACTCR ING COMPANY; NO EXPERI? ENCE NECESSARY; GOOD START ING WAGES. Apply ROBT. GAIR CO. FOOT OF WASHINGTON ST., BROOKLYN. BOY?About 16, for office of American manufacturer; es? tablished and growing. J. F. Newman, 11 John St., cor of Broadway, New York. B., Box 757 Tribune. ? BOYS An exceptlonal opportunity ls offered to several bright boy* to connect themselves with one of the largeat and oldest concerns of its kind: hours 8:30 to 5, half dav Sat? urday; advancement will be rapid if you are ambitious and a willing worker; give details as to age, experience (if ?*ny) and salary desired. Write U. T. Hungerford Brass Company, SO Lafayette st., N. Y BOY. Advertising agency offers ex? cellent opportunity to alert and wiillng boy; $11 per week and extra pay for overtime. Blaker Agency. room 901, 110 W. 40th. BOY. Christian, in offlce of manufacturing flrm; offlce duties and light erranthr; hours 8-5. 12:30 Saturday; $12 weekly; oppor? tunity to advance. Continentai Can Co., 616 West 43d st. BOY wanted for offlce and errands ln cotton goods export house; opportunity for ad? vancement to Intelllgent and brlght boy^o learn the business. Call Exporter, ?29 Broadway. BOY ABOUT* 16 WANTED IN LARGE REAE ESTATE CORP.; EXCELLENT' OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT FOR BRIGHT YOUNG AMERICAN. BOX A880 TRIBUNE. BOY want?d ln offlce of Import house; op- ; port unit-.' for advancement; no experience necessary. Apply Rubber Imports and Deal? ers Co., C9 Wall st. BOYS wanted ln large advertising agency; ' ? hance for advancement. Call J. Walter Thompson Company, 244 Madison ave., New York City. BOY, about 15, ln a manufacturing busl- : r.ess; advancement for energettc, brlght boy. A. H. Reblot, Room 426, 15 John st. I BOYS?Errand boys ln offlce of printing plarrt; steady; good opportunity. Amer? ican Banker, 67 Pearl st. BOY, 17, TO MAKE HIMSELF GENERALLY ! USEFUL, SHIPPING DEPARTMENT. BARGAIN PAPER BAG CO., 213 E. 4TH. , BOY WANTED?Import and export, Chris? tian flrm; excellent opportunity. Parsons . & Whlttemore, Room 1718, 299 Broadway. BOYS, active, under 18; old established flrm; excellent opportunity and advancement. Apply Dow, Jones & Co., 44 Broad st. BOY wanted to nnawef phone and do office work; salary $12 to start. Apply Watson, Stillman Co., Room 1580, 50 Church st. BOY wanted, brlght. offlce and errands; good salary; rapid advancement. M. Gordon Company, 79 Walker st. BOY for errands ln large engraving house. Apply Star Engraving Company, 113 West 20th et. BOY?Errand boy wanted; bring references. Ramsdell Drug Co.. 76S Flfth ave. BOY. for- offlce and errands. Apply M. Adlls Company, 64 Maiden Lane. BOY in bookstore. offlce work. errands. Will iam Helbrun, 415 Mudlson ave. CANDY MANCFACTURB GER A OEX-?RAL MANA Eal^^X-iiSJTKR W STRICT }&.1 . CONFIDENCE. GIVING RIENCEI0AT10NS AND ****? R- H. H., ROOM 909, 22!> 6TH AV.. NEW YORK CITY | OONTRACTORS MAN--)n,"oap?W,"of de ? slgnlng reinforced co erete. and struc steel; must bei flrst clw m.? HELP WANTED MALE COMPOSITOR ?Stone hand; steady position; $50 a week; first class man, understanding color and halft-tone work; pat? ent blocks; open shop. Ad? dress B., Box 769, Tribune. DRAFTSMEN' DESIGNERS Electrical, Structural and Concrete Highest pay for competent mer. expe? rlenced ln large power station, substatlon afcd industrial work. only Al men need apply. Personal Interview desirable. DWIGHT P. ROBINSON & CO., INC. 148 Duane st., New York City. ENGINEERING Young man wlth college education who would Uke to enter the fleld of Industrial engl neerlng wlth large manufacturing plant. B, E., Box 209, Cable Building. FEEDER for oyllnder press; steady Job. Christian Alllaneo Publishing Co., 318 West 39th st FOREMAN for medium slzed printing plant, employing twenty people, under? stand estimatlnp, g.>od typographer and layout man; hlgn clas^ man wanted; sal? ary to start $50, with advancement de pending on ability. Write for Immediate employment. glvln.t o?t Ulflcatlons and ref? erences. Box 891 V. T.'lbuno Offlce. FOOTMAN $75 to $80. Colonif.' Afcacy, 25 West 42d st. Room 512. Telephone 3696. GROCERY CLERKS, experi enced; excellent future fori right men; opportunity to be-1 come maniisrers. Apply 1591 Atlantic, Ave., Brooklyn.' INSURANCE CO. has opening j for young man; start at $60' per month; opportunity to i learn the business and pros- j pects exceptionally good for ad vancement. Box A., 886 Trib-; une. JAPANESE cooks, butlers. Japanese Em- | ployment Bureau, 111 West 42d st. Bryant 7787. MAN. married. between 25-40, for collectlng and soliciting for large industrial insurance company; saiary and commission. Apply Room 410, 75 Montgomery st., Jersey City. . L. Jacoby. ? OFFICE BOY? Good opportunity for brlght. refinert boy. 16 to 18. .United Fruit Co., : AuoHting Dept., pjer 9, North Rtver. ? OFFICE ASSISTANT; stato age. salary ! and references. Box A. X.. 104 E. 14th st. PHYSICIAN wlth Connectlcut- llcense can j find steady. year around work in a most ' attractive health resort for nervous and rest cure patients; good home, congenial j surroundings. pleasant work. good salarv. hotel cuisine. loom and laundry. Blvthe wood Sanitarlum, Grecnwich, Conn. PRESSMEN Llthographic Pressmen, quallfied for poster work on Stone Presses, can find steady em? ployment,'good wages and good working con dltlons by writing THE MORGAN LITHOGRAPH COMPANY, I E. 7 7th & Payne ave., Cleveland, Ohio. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. live wire. de- ! Slres position in big office. must have ; salary and commission. B. Box 7 72 Trib une Office. SALESMEN WANTED?An old established house. manuiacturing a line of mechan? ical speeialttc-K which are well known to tho trade as quality goods, ,-equlres three high class, commission selcsmen for New York and Connectlcut territcry. Appiicants will kindly give age, expeVlence and ref. and appointment v.ill be made Wayne oil Tank & Pump Co. 17S0 Broad? way New York City. SALESMAN. demonstrato electric vaeuum cleanors; leads furnlshed; com. basli Cnil 9:.".0 a. m. Hngcr, Kulte 402, 530 I Fifth av. SALESMEN A Wall Street hou.-e. long established ln | brokerage on stocks. oon<3- and securities on :he various exchanges, wi Vtes to establish an active force of salesnun. Opportunities for ihe largest possible prollts will be avall p'!e to salesmen who have .their own clients and who can follow up ta:<gible leads. At present there are available the securities of an 'stablished and paying industrial, a pro? ducing and very promlsing oil and an oper a'.lng mine that Is very soon to declare its first dividend, ail being offered at attractive prices before being iisted for trading. Sales? men joining this organization no? may be assured of a permanent connection and a large income, Address Broker E. T. M., j Postoffice Box 372, City Hall Station, New York City. ~~ SALESMEN ! JEWISH BOOK MEN to represent the largest Jewish book house In the world publishing In the English language; exclusive territory and leads furnlshed; commission basis; men of good personallty can earn $150 to $200 weekly. i Call daily, 10 to 12 a. m., Jewish Publica? tion Society, 110 West 40th st. SALESMEN The selling of Investment securities ls profitable to many men. Why not you? This organization ls offering an oppor? tunity to men of ability, regardlese as to whether experlenced or not.' to connect wlth . a large concern, marketing securities that will stand strlctest investigation. A thorough training ls given in this field j at no cost to you. Commission basis. Ex pense paid. Box 164, Tribune Office. SALESMEN WANTED.?To present stand ard medical books to physicians only. We : have Just issued and now have in prepara tion many new books that are meeting wlth pronounced favor. Successful books mean successful salesmen. good Income, agreeable occupation. Permanent, exclusive, protected territory when you have proven your ability. Address, wlth fuliest details and business references. J B. Lippincott Company, Phila? delphia, Penn. % j SALESMEN wanted who are producers; we need you right now, nursery stock in big demand; perr.istent men. earn large commissions, paid weekly; lnvestigate. Perry Nurserles, Rochester, N. T. -_- i THERE is an opportunity for! two aggressive salesmen to connect with the upholstery and drapery department of a large j and progressive concern of na tional repute. The men must j be capable and must be able to I furnish satisfactory references. Communications will be consid ered confidential. A., 879 Trib-i une Office. TWO HIGH GRADE RETAIL AUTOMO B1LE SALESMEN WANTED. TO SELL THB JACKSON SIX, THOSE WITH PROSPECTS TREFERRED. E. E. PAR RACK. 20 CENTRAL PARK WEST. WANTED, AT ONCE, FIRST CLASS. RELIABLE FUR DYEH, WAGES UNLIMTTED TO THE RIGHT PARTY; MUST SHOW RESULTS AND REFERENCE. TWIN CITY FUR DRESS1NO AND DYEING CO., Ii39 STH BT., S. E., MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. YOUNG MAN wanted, collega graduate mechanical engineer; prefer one who has been out of college 2 to 3 years, work ln sales department of large and rid es? tablished house dealing in iron and ste'1 Reply definitely as to age, education, expe? rience, ambltlon -and salary desired A S85. Tribune Offlce. WANTED?Bench hands; steady employ? ment; good wages; overtime. Addreas Rldgway Door & Sash Factory, Rla-rway, Pa. YOUNG MAN, take charge of m-Oling ^oln of large publishing housa: good aaiWy w?t*4oth??"'Writa t- ? T***- *M#? Want Adv< HELP WANTED MALE SECURITY SALESMEN Who have had at least 3 years' experience and who can pro duce exclusive evidence that they have earned not less than ?5,000 a year are invited to in quire how they can join a scien tifically conducted sales organ? ization, operating under a new and novel plan which assures double their present incomes and ultimately a financial com petence through the profit sharing' features of this organ? ization. We furnish introductions to friends and associates of 400 bankers and business men who are financially interested in the company. This is an opportunity to make yourself financially inde? pendent. It is worth looking into immediately. ADDRESS I DEPT., PETROLEUM PRODUCING & REFINING COMPANY, SUITE 400 489 Fifth Ave.; New York City. YOUNG MAN for general office work, messenger and mail; splendid opportunity for ad? vancement; haif day Saturday. METAL PACKAGE CORP., 346 CARROLL ST., BKLYN., Between Bond and Hoyt sts. YOUNG MEN, 18 to 20, of good education, wanted by a large and old established house dealing ln iron and steel products; residents of New Jersey preferred; splen? did opportunity to learn tho iron and steel business; state age, education, experience, if any. and salary expected. A. 884, Tribune Office. Young Man required for sporting goods and firearms i store; must be oxperienced nnd have ref- ; erences. Apply. 2d floor. Klrtlnnd Bros. *.-. Co., 96 Chambers St., after 9:30 A. M. i YOUNG MAN irr insurance broker's office for street work; state exDerlence and salary deslred, A? Box 8SS, tribune. HELP WANTED FEMALE INSTRUCTION WANAMAKER BEAUTY SCHOOL, 883 Fifth Ave., Near 36th St. Leading School of America. EARN $25 WEEKLY. Hairdressing, Manicuring, Marcel Waving. All Branches Taught. RJ3GISTS1R NOW FOR HIOH CLASS POSITION; WE CAN? NOT PU-'PLY THE DEMAND; J'.EACH OTTT FOR SUCCESS 1N AJ? 'CNVIRONMENT Qf WEALTH ".NP RRFINEMENT; I'AT A.VD EVENING CLA8'?E& m_!____? _!!7S vanderbllt. HELP WANTED FEMALE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR CAPABLE WOMEN AMERK'AN OH FOREIGN to envrjr a new field is offered by a large investment security ORGANIZATION. A THOROUGH TRAINING IS GIVEN IN ".'HIS PARTICULAR FIELD AND NO EX- ' PERIENCE IS REQCIRED. YOU CAN DEVOTE EITKBR TOUR ENTIRE TIME OR ONLY PART "F IT. COMMISSION BASIS. EXPENSES PAID. ,''ox 163, Tribune Offlce. AN established house has opening in sales strirf where sixty women ase earning from $1,400 to $5,000 each per year. If you are an educated. reflned woman uhder forty and ready to take training nnd really work sell? ing high class educational set of books, state age, education and experience; traveling ex? penses and salary white training. B., Box 766, Tribune Offlce. ASSISTANT to busy art director; a girl who can handle details in an efflcient, responsible manner can create a big Job for herself. Write to Louls C. Pedlar, Inc, 95 Madison ave. ' ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER on check register; operate machine; neat and ag gresFfve; Christian concern; state salary. A., Box 878, Tribune Offlce. BOOKKEEPER - TYPIST, full charge; Christian; exeellent opportunity; $30. Bowtell's Agency, 170 Broadway. CANVASSERS?Investlgate my proposi? tion; can make big money; call all week. William Rabbach, 319 East Sth st. CHAMBERMAID to assist with wattlng; small family; work very easy; settled Protestant woman preferred. Address R. M? Tribune Office. CLERICAL WORKERS. GIRLS FOR OFFICE WORK: GOOD PENMBN AND NEAT, 1NTELL1GENT WORKERS: RAPID ADVANCEMENT TO THOSE WHO QUALIFY; STATE AGE. EXPERIENCE (IF A_*Y) AND SALARY DESIRED; HOURS 8:30 TO 5, HALF DAY SATURDAY. WRITE CLERK, U. T HUNGBRFORD BRASS COMPANY, S0 LAFAYETTE ST.. NEW YORK. CLERKS Several young ladies for Interesting clerl cal work in our order department; salary $14 week to start. LALANCE fr GROSJEAN, ATLANTIC AND WOODHAVEN AVS., WOODHAVEN, L. I. CLERK and SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR in uptown law offlce. Apply fourth floor, 2u9 Madison ave. DICTAPHONE OPERATORS EXPERIENCED AXD ACCURATE TRAN- ' SCRIBERS, CAPABLE OF TURNING OUT WELL WRITTEN WORK. HOURS 8:30 TO 5, HALF-DAY SATURDAY.; STATE AGE. EXPERIENCE AND SAL ARY DESIRED, WRITE TRANSCR1BER U. T. HUNGERFORD BRASS CO. 50 LAFAYETTE ST., N. Y. DRESSMAKERS Skirt Drapers and Finishers. Waist Finishers. Embroiderers on crochet and bead work. Permanent positions, best salaries paid. Apply, MAISON JAQUELINE, 20 W. 46th St. DRESSMAKER. experlenced flnisner; good pay; haif day Saturday. Call Cole Wads? worth 2817. FILE CLERK. experlenced preferred Chrlatlan concern; state salary A Rn* S77. Tribune Offlce, ' ?* FILE CLERKS by large Insurance com? pany; pleaaant work; good chance to ad? vance; amlary. ?I3. B.. Box 759 Tribune GIRL. Christian, fillng and general _..__ w?rk; some experience; state salary. Box |7, Room 406, no wm ??t_ at, ^^ *"" ertisements HELP WANTED FEMALE FILE CLERK EXCELLENT OPPOKTUNITY FOR EX PBRIENCED. QUICK AND ACCURATE WORKER; ORDER AND LETTER FIL? ING; HOURS 8:30 TO 5; HALF DAY SAT? URDAY. ADDRESS REPLY STATINO AGE, EXPERIENCE AND SALARY DE? SIRED. WRITE FILB, U. T. HUNGER FORD BRASS CO., 80 LAFAYETTJB ST., N. Y. GIRLS AS CLERKS AND AS TYPlSTS Girls, age 17 and over, want? ed for permanent positions. , HOURS 9 to 4.30 SATURDAY, 9 to 12 LUNCHEON SERVED FREE. Free Medical attention, Dental Advice, Insurance, Circulat ing Library, Gymnasium. Classes in StenMKphy, Type writing, Dictaphone Uperating, French, English, Home Nurs ing, Millinery and Dressmaking, with competent instructors and without expense. OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS WITH SOME HIGH SCHOOL OR BUSINESS SCHOOL TRAINING IN TYPEWRIT ING TO QUALIFY AND FILL EARLY VACANCIES. RAPID ADVANCEMENT TO THOSE WHO MERIT IT. QUALIFIED ? APPLICANTS WILL BE STARTED IMMEDIATELY. Apply any day between 9 and 4.30. (Monday and Wednesday until 6 p. m.) ROOM 5030 METROPOLITAN LIFE BUILDING, - 4th Ave. & 23d Street. Use Madison Avenue elevator to 5th floor. GIRLS WANTED $15.00 A WEEK TO START Positions open in several departments ALSO NIGHT WORK FOR WOMEN (21 years and over) (married or single) $18.00 A WEEK TO START No experience required. Rapid advancement. Permanent work. 48 hours or less a week. Earnings of S85.00 to $100.00 a MONTH soon reached. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. 1168 BROADWAY, MANHATTAN. 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. 453 EAST TREMONT AVE.. BRONX. 9 A. M. to . P. M. 81 WILLOUGHBY ST., BROOKLYN. (1 BLOCK FROM HOYT ST. SUBWAY STATION. i 9 A. M. to S P. M. ABOVE OFFICES ALSO OPEN SATURDAYS TO 4 P. M. . 8UNDAYS 1 P. M. TO 5 P. M. 196 BROADWAY, MANHATTAN, 9 A. M. TO 5 P. M. 1336 BROADWAY. BROOKLYN, (NEAR GATES AVE. "L" STATION.) 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Or telephone MADISON SQUARE 12000 NBW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANT GIRLS applicants over eighteen years of age, with some high school training, to become trained as corres tondents and adjuster8. the initial fay is $16 per week, with definite op? portunities for advance mnt. address by letter, t. b. 200. 326 NINTH ST^ BROOKLTrt GIRLS OR WOMEN TO PACK CANDY PIECE WORK ONLY THOSE WHO ARE QUALIFIED TO EARN FROM $18 AND UPWARD NEED APPLY STEADY POSITION CUARANTEED TO ALL WHOSE EARNINGS EXCEED S1S APPLY EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. 84 VAN DAM ST., N. Y. HENRY HEIDE, INC, SPRING, HUDSON & VAN DAM GIRLS over 16 years for counting tlssue patterns; experience unneceBsary; clean. pleasant work', short hours; employes lunchroom ; $12 start. Pictorial Review Co., 216 West 39th st., 6th floor. GIRLS also young women: light clean work; good salary; advancement when qualifled. Man- ! hattan Drug Co., 50 Warren st. GIRLS WANTED for rlerical work and, pressing. foldlng i dresses ln our workshop; no experience necessary. Apply 334 Canal at. GIRL for general offlce work. filing, etc. wanted by large manufacturing concern in Jersey City; six minutes from Broadway; splendld opportunity for advancement; re? ply. giving experience, referencea, salarv, etc. D. A. W? box 645, City Hall Station. New York. ?-,_. GIRL for sample department connected wlth ! office of cotton gooda export house; fine opportunity for Intellt-rent girl. Call Ex? porter. 329 Broadway. GIRL?Brlght American; good at figures; ' billing department; -apable stenographer and typiat. Baeder, Adamson Company. 67 Beekman at. -,-U GIRtOS, mgjtarlenc**. *U, strUig pearl neck !?-??; good pay; a?"tay work; half day ?atwtar all y?ar. Natailna Pmrt Co., II Fumished Room* Boarders Wanted HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRLS FRANKLIN SIMON & CO., 5th Ave., 37th and 38th Sts., Offer the most liberal salaries to BRIGHT GIRLS as stock clerks, clerical work? ers, messengers, etc; perma? nent positions and opportunity for rapid advancement. Apply APPLICATION OFFICE, ! 6 West 38th St., i 9th Floor. I _j_ GIRLS or women to learn good clean. trade; *15 to start; tjuick advancement. Powers, I 65 Duane st GIRL with taste for drawing. Field & Beattie, 67 Furton st. I 1NFANTS' NURSE?Young and experl? enced; country preferred; $70 to $75. O., MIsh Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d st., 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. LADIES?Fasclnatlng home business, tint ing postcards, pictures, &c, spare time for profit; $5 one hundred; samples 10 cents; partlculars free. The Donovan'a Artint System, 150 North 3d st., Brook? lyn, N. Y. MILLINERS WANTED Expert mllllners. light workroom, short hours. Apply Monday, Grace Wells Edson, 11 East ! 53d st. MOTHER'S helper, Protestant, middleaged, ' to assist in housework and care of two I children, willing to go lo Maine for sum- ? mer; good wages. Mrs. Leonard Buck, I Gardens Apts., Forest Hills, L. I. ? nurses i j for one, twi years children; city; $60-$65; l governess, French, $75-$80. for Ohio, 1 child ; cooks, $60-$70; chambermaids and wallresses, ' apartments, $65-$60; several kitchenmalds, : $55-$60; also second cook for Lakewood, $75. Colonial Agency, *25 West 42d st. (Room 512). Tel. 3696 Vanderbilt. N U R S E?Dependable woman, mother's helper; references required. Mrs. Spellman 1 W. 92d st. Phone River 2273. NURSE for baby girl 14 months; excellent home; attractive salary for suitable per? son. Telephone Audubon 2515. OFFICB ASSISTANT; state age, salaTy and referencea. Box F. T., 104 E. 14th st. PACKERS FRANKLIN SIMON & CO., 5th Ave., 37th and 38th Sts., Offer the most liberal salaries to PACKERS. Bright* girls, over 16, who have had experience in specialty shop or department store; per? manent positions and opportu? nities for advancement. Apply APPLICATION OFFICE, 6 West 38th St., 9th Floor. SALESWOMEN FRANKLIN SIMON & CO., 5th Ave., 37th and 38th Sts., Offer the most liberal salaries and profit sharing policy to capable SALESWOMEN . for WOMEN'S WAISTS Permanent positions and ex ceptional opportunities for ad? vancement. APPLY BY LETTER or at APPLICATION OFFICE, 6 West 38th St., 9th Floor. SALESWOMEN FRANKLIN SIMON & CO., I 5th Ave., 37th and 38th Sts., | Offer the most liberal salaries I and profit sharing policy to capable SALESWOMEN for Women's and Children's SHOES. Permanent positions and ex-i ceptional opportunities for ad? vancement. APPLY BY LETTER or at APPLICATION OFFICE, 6 West 38th St., ? 9th Floor. SALESLAD1ES for confectlonery and pas. try shop. Henpi. 69 W. 44th st. STOCK GIRLS. TALL. STRONG GlRLS~TO DO STOCK WORK APPLY AT ONCE. J. M. GIDD1NG CO.. 564 FIFTH AVE. SECRETARIAL BEG4NNER ln editorial department of large publishing house. Apply by letter ln own handwriting, giving references and salary# expected. Op? portunity for advancement.' Dutton, 681 Fifth ave. STENOGRAPHER. MUST BE EXPERIENCED; 16 MIN L'TES FROM GRAND CENTRAL SUB? WAY STATION; TAKE QUEENS BOR? OUGH SUBWAY AT 42D ST. AND GET OFF AT 11TH ST. METROPOLITAN ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING CO. BOULEVARD AND 14TH ST., LONG ISLAND CITY. STENOGRAPHER wanted by large manu? facturing concern in Jersey City; six mtnutea from Broadway; splendld oppor? tunity for advancement; reply, giving ex? perience, references, salary, etc. D A W Box 645. City Hall Station. New York STENOGRAPHER, experlenced; perma? nent position; salary and advancement c; mmensurate with ability; when answer ir.g state references. salary desired. A Box 8*7, Tribune Office. STENOGRAPHER - TYPIST. experlenced. efncient; $16 to begin; rapid advance? ment; Christian house. Room 904, 35 Nassau at. STENOGRAPHER?Efficient Chrlattan pr? farrad; salary $23 par week. Stock Brokermga, Boom 810. 108 Broad t*. fe fA-MfittEa^ PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY HELP WANTED?MALE AND FEMALE. Equltable Employment Service. 171 Madison Avenuo, cor. 33d Street. John D. MacPherson, Manager. T^o highest grade employment agency In Greater Now York. Indorsed and patron Ized by leading bankers, professional and business men of New York. New Jersey and Connecticut. Membera of the Equltable staff have placed approximately twelve thousand per? sons In positions. No reglstralion fees. Placement charges are aa low as one-flfth of one week's salary. AmbitloUB and worthy beglnnera may. without charge, arrange appolntment i with Mr. MacPherson to talk over their ! business problems. Sound advice, practi? cal suggcaUons, experlenced viewpoint and helpful vocatlonal counsel gladly ae.cord ! cd to young men of the right callbre. | You get practical, confidenttal service from rellable. experlenced .and competent advlsera. Some of the poanions now open are as follows: MEN'S DiviSION Stock-keeper '.$110 per month Bookkeeper . 30 "' week Stenographer . 25 " week Secretary .2.000 "' year Stenographer-clerk . 22 " week Bank messenger .1.400 " year Audltor .5.000-7,500 " year Statlstlclan, business anal yslst, cost accountant. 7,500-10,000 " yeaf ; Teacher, college graduate, I to go to China; moder? ate salary. Asst. Employment Man'g'r.2,500 " year Asst. Employment Man'g'r.3.000 " year Shipping Clerk . 30 " week Conip^ometer Operator.... 27.60 week WOMEN'S DIVISION Stenographers, 24 needed.$15-40 File Clerks, 9 needed. 15-25 Telephone Operators, 3 needed. 18-25 Mail Clerks, 2 needed...'.. 17-20 Addfng Machine Operators. 14-16 Comptometer Operators, 2 needed.. 25 Typlsts, about 20 needed. 15-22 Clerks, several . 15-18 Bookkeepers, 3 needed. 20-22 Intervlews and reglstratlon, 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. Equltable Industrial Relations Service. Inc. 171 Madison Avenue, cor. 33d Street. Convenlent to all subways. HELP WANTED FEMALE STENOGRAPHER and typist; no begin ners; state experience, salary deslred, also state age; references. Box K. P., 104 E. 14th st. STENOGRAPHER to operate Smith machine in wholesale house; good opportunity for amhitlous girl, with advancement. Call 135 Hudson st. TRAINED infant's nurse, to take complete charge of one year-old baby; references re? quired; best wages paid to competent woman. Call Morn? ingside 7600-Ext. 305. TYPIST wanted for addressing and circu iarization work; must be rapid and ac? curate; salary $16-$18 to start. Apply Mon? day morning. between 9-10 a. m. Gordon Fine & Co., 226 West 42d St. Vogue Co. of 19 West 44th St. needs a messenger girl sheet writer intelfcgent complaint adjuster. WANTED?A typist capaole of arrswering teiephnr.e nlcely and doing some detail ".ork; pleasant working conditions; chance for advancement. Apply Employment De? partment, Remiagton Typewriter Co., 374 Broadway, Nev/ York. WANTED.?A young woman to help on a business basis with work in apartment home; $is per week of 44 hours. with over time: sleep home. Apply by letter only to R. W., 130 East 67th st. No servants need apply. -*__ WANTED?Nurse or mother's help for two ' children; country until fall. Box 7, Scarsdale, X. Y. WOMAN handy with needle will be taught how to supstitch men's neckwear; work given hoine; pay is good and employment constant and will be paid whi'.a learn'nst. Meyer, Bachrach & Friedheim. 21 East 22d st. WOMEN. GENERAL LIGHT CLEANING; GOOD SALARY. MANHATTAN DRUG COMPANY, 50 WARREN ST. YOUNG LADIES.?Exceptional opportunity offered to llve wires as subscription sollcl tors; salary and commission. See Mr. Rabln. The Jewish Tribune, 3 East )7;h st. YOUNG WOMEN to :ra-n for nurses, 18 months'course; oay while learning. Apply Brooklyn Eye & Ear Hospital, 91 Livingston st., Brooklyn, N. Y. _ YOUNG LADY wanted for dye testing laborator> ; hght, interesting work; fft> experience necessary. B., Box 755 Tribune. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AA. BUTLER?Tail, good appearance; un? usually capable; exeellent long refer- i ences: $100-$110. A., Miss Hofmayer's; Agency. 10 East 43d st., 3d floor; telephone i S947 Murray Hlll. AMERICAN COUPLE?Middle aged; -work- : ing housekeeper, good cook; man useful inslde and out; $85. Miss Shea's Agency,1 6 East 41st st.; Murray Hlll 6774. BUTLER?Competent; good appearing; Engiish; $90: go anywhere; best refer? ences. Miss Shea's Agenov, 6 East 41st st.; Murray Hlll 6774. CHAUFFEUR desires private position: can furnish Al references; Pierce. Cadillac, Cole. H. I. C, 330 E. 30th st. Murrav Hlll 3345. CHAUFFEUR wishes commercial position, 3 years' experience; New York ar.d New Jersey license. Frank Martin, 433 W. 30th. CHAUFFEUR, colored: five vears' experi? ence private; reference. McCarthy, 51 W. 139th st. 'HAUFFEUR. private. i-ummeroal or helper on trucks. /'John Halloran. 544 West 49th. CHEF, young and ambltlous, master of culi nary department, desires position; first class only. Louis F. Coroset. 130 E. 85th st. COLORED COUPLE?Butler; useful; ex"- ] eellent cook; entire work of country' family; $125; good references. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 East 41st st.; Murray Hill 6774 | COUPLE ? American and Hungarian;; chauffeur and cook; $160; man under-; stands all cars; wife exeellent cook; good. long references. T., Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d st., 3d floor; telephone 8D47 Murray Hlll. COUPLE desire position on a farm. Ar- ; thur Miller. 941 Sixth Ave., City. FORMER WINE MERCHANT, 60 years old. intelligent. unq,uestionabIe charact-r. can give security or bond, seeks employ? ment suitable his age. B., Box 741, Tribune. GARDENER. florist, working superinten? dent. Italian (married); agricultural college experience; exceptionally skllled; splendid references; most desirable. Ma? son's Agency, 181 West 4M st. Brvant GARDENER, head, Swedish, 46. married. One girl. 12 yeara, desires position on pri- '? vate estate; thoroughly competent; experience In greenhouses, vegetables, fruits and llve I stock ; han ile nelp to best advantage. J. L. j Box 25, Great Neck, Long Island. GARDENER?Useful. thoroughly experl? enced: exeellent references. Misa Shaughnessy's Agency. 860 Sixth ave. SCOTCH COUPLE?Butler: chambermaTd or parlor maid; both first class; $140:' anywhere; long references. Mlaa Shea'a Agency, 6 East 41st st.; Murray Hill 6774. i VALET or BUTLBR-VALBT, exceptionally competent, intelligent young man; very neat; exeellent appearance, highly rccom mended; $100. Masons Agencv, 131 West 42d st. VALET (Chinese), first class, very neat. exceptionally competent; desires one or more gentlemen; daily; splendld references. Mason's Agency. 131 West 42d st. YOUNG COLLEGE MAN. 19. desires to con nect with rellable concern; advancement; reference. Box B, 760 Tribune Office. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A.?A.?CHAMBERMAID OR WAITRESS ?Exeellent long ? references; city family; t65-$?0. B? MI' Hofmayer's Agency 10 Eaat 43d at., i ?_loor. Telephone $947 Murray Hlll. V r Fumished Apartnuagf Loit, Found and EMPLOYMENT AGENgST^*! MISS FITZGERALD'S I Employment Bureau, a]*? Governess and Nurses Ap**-. 366 5th Ave. (n'r 34thr* Tel. 5244 Greeley. ^UPKRIOR PBOFE88IOSAL _ DOMESTIC fe MISS'lSABEL SHEA^ EMPLOYMENT AGENC! 6 E. 43 ST ST., BET. MAD ?k 6TR 4-V Select help. male and fernal* *<>.* ' and country. ' " ?% TBLHPHONE 8774 MURRAT HH*. Miss Hofmayer's AgeiJ^ 10 EAST 43D ST., 3D FLOOfc Reliable Domestic Help j PROFESSIONAL HELPKRS : Telephones ?g9sy. MurrayHa For high-class serviS; colonial agency^ TMLEPHONE 369* V-ANDSRBOl ! 2S W. 42ND FT.. If. T. | ?EST SERVANTS. MALE. _ad F_]U|a' S^AMPSO^S 1 Swedish Agency Select help (male and fem*l?) ! for private famil.e*. 781 Lexington ave. _ Plaza 5005 The Select Employment Agen-j , __, . Bureau Franca's. * ; ?fflw'*?t~Serva.its. Al! NatIona)ltt*_<*i_ ; J- M. ROUXEL. ?41 6th Ave. O-ella^iJ^ J Jussila Employment Agency 653 Lexington ave ? Finnish and Swedish Servants-. Mrs. Dickinson's ^?0"v5perVhriJ? Agency, 01 West 45th st 'f* ' - fW-? fMale and Female). 6974' Eryaot^ MISS M'LOUGHLIN~~^^cT 321 Madison Ave.MV4L%I?__ Phone SCANDINAVIAN^nS EMPLOYMENT AGBNC1, 7-9 Lcx. Ave,-bet. 6 ith aftd 35th .Ita I Mrs. Emily Mason ag"_nct ?t _?. Efficient Servants?Ms'.e?Female j 131 WEST 42d ST. TEL. BRYANT .(tt. | BALBM EMPLOYMENT AGENCT tU ni-hea all domestic male, temale. cbt*f. feurs, porters, waiters, etc. 2214 Stuttk ave. Morningside 4S33. ? CHAa TT?WT\r *w>o*. E*tsb!_-_ waa O C. -l-CVVVl.N 6tn At? Tr, J399 Gr-_ Tananoce Employment Agency. _? nisneu. 25 W. 42d St. Tei. Vanderbilt JW. L E II T I AGENCyT 77^71ht_j| x * TELEPHONE 5515 HAHtW J ^ ?_l? E s K EAGI.E EMPLOYMETf AGENCY. ni W. 42d st., Bryant 71ft HELP WANTED MALE ~~ MISS SHAUGHNESSY. high class empjof* ment agency. S60 6th av.; male, city, covnt-y. 1? SITUATIOXS WANTED FEMALE CHAMBERMAID. first class: very ne_: exceptionally competent. conscl?ntio_: sews; Montclair or Jersey preferr?<'.: S cellent references; $55. Mason's Acene*. 131 West 4 2d st. CHAMBERMAID-SEAMSTRKSS ?CapaMt yc?jng woman: $55; city or country _ta Shoa'a Agency, 6 East ilat st. .Murnw Hill 6774. CHAMBERMAID ?Waitress; young; aojfl preferred; excellent. Miss Fitzg r_H Bureau, .'Ci Fifth ave. CHAMBERMAID?Younf: assist ? _? excellent references. Miss Fitzgc-al<M Bureau. J6<'> Fifth av. CHEF?American woman; capable buy* manager; a!l round for public place; ;? anywhere; splendid references. Miss .--he-'i Agency, 6 East 41st st. Murray Hill S77i. COLORED GIRL?Experienced ; would :tk* to take washing home. Write or ciil 232 W. 142d st.; apt. 12^; H. Cooper. * COLORED woman wishes part tima -- laundry to take home. Garfield, i*$ West 14 3d st. COOK?Young woman with daughter 0 years old: very ta.rful with o:h?r h*l?; excellent cook; $65-$70. M., Miss Hof? mayer's Agency. 10 East 4"d st., Sd ftoor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. COOK.?To accommedate by day; r.*tt economical, good manager; i--st rffer ences; very desirable; $3.50 MaittH Agency. 13] West -!J.i st. Brva-.t 5633; COOK -Capable v\ ? mg Irisn woman tl; three years last pl_c<?: citv or countt*. Miss Shea's Agency, 6 East 4;>- it MuitI HIU '.774. COOK?Also waitre-s; both first tass. W gether or Beparate: city or countrfi highly rccommended. Miss Shaughneisr* Agency, SC0 Sixth ave. COOK?Scotch Protestant; competent; cttT preferred; references. Mrs. Cobjwr'l Agency, 657 Sixth ave. COOK - CHAMBERMAID - WAITRESS' ? Mother and daughter. Miss Fitzgera_'? Bureau, 366 Fifth ave. COOK and laundress; Irish; excellent ref? erences; city preferred. M:?s Cooj>?'? Agency, 657 Sixth ave. COOK?Middle-aged: exceiient cook; $$?? D., MIms Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 4M st., 3d floor. Telephone S947 Murray H41L COOK?Good manager, country proferrjj; excellent. Mi5s Fltzgerald's Burcaa, S*? Fifth ave. COOK?Young; good manager: excelMg references. Miss Fltzgerald's LureM. :;fi6 Fifth ave COUPLE?Butier and cook (HungaritHH child ls months oid; ii25. S., PH Hofmayer's Agency. 10 East 43d st.. ?? floor. Telephone 5:>47 Murray Hill. DESIGNER makes smart gowns. rea_t4| ble price. Marion, 3=.l W. 14th st.. apt tm DRESSMAKEP. expert, home, $7 per iaj. wi?i). s> work v.'-.f: refin : '? |J? Freeman. 514 West 152d St. Audubon I'STt. GENTLEWOMAN highly reco'..:::.ead_ wishes position as i. j.i.p'-nion cr '"'?Jf* keeper where mai.'.s :,rv kept. ,oh-r_ty or country. Box 7f,S T3 . Tribune t>f!lc?^_( GOVERNESS-TEACHER?French, Spattrtjj. English branches; kindergarten; ??0W*= graduate; excellent references. Miss ?F" gerald's Bureau. 366 Flfth a\e. _ HOUSEWORKER. colored; very "??-;?}?,* appearing; exceptionally competent; w; sires morning hours: h:uh!v recoir.meWWPj very desirable. Mrs. Maeon s Agency, ?** West 42d st._ HOUSEKEEPER by young gentlewaBJ** of rtflnement and education. ?it-^ :;?*r_ erless children preferre.i. highest ref'fJHr exchanged. B. E. Lambert :70 East l**" st.. New York City. HOUSEWORKER ? Irish-Am^can ajjuji family; city or country; referencea. *?? Cooper's Agency, 657 Sixth ave. H6lTSEWORKER?ColorT , young. f*?; tional references. Miss Fitzger*?*^ reitu, 366 Fifth ave LADY'S MAID-COURIER (French. kS?** lish. Italian). very capable. efflcK""'^Z, cponslble. wishes passage to France; ??'?,, ly recommended Mason'a Agency. w* West 4^d st. _j LADY'S MAID. French; very neat. ****, tlonaily competent. conacientiou*. rXiL, lent aeamatreas; highly reconunendea; ~m Mrs. Mason's Agency, 131 Weat 4.J ??? Bryant 5633.. _____ LAUNDRESS ? Capable young WR woman; Juat dis..ngaged: -P'*,,nd,^h_!, ert-nces; ?C3; city preferred. Mi*si SMf" Agency. 6 East 41st st. ^furray Hnl *?^ LAUNDRESS. by day; tlrft c:-?s?. "-*'?,*?* sponaible, resp?ct_ble. gpod wornan; >>?"; day, Tuesday. one piac/; be*: refvren?P? $3.60. Mason'* Ageuoy, 131 West 4: . * NURSE Young; two chlidren. excelljM references. Miaa Fitzgerald* I>ur- a?. S68 Flfth av, __ NUKSE?Young thoroughly capab.e >f cellent rtfeWnee*. Mlsa Fttx_era.?| Bureau. 366 Fifth ave. _______ SlL^TsHlRTS made to order and re;?<? neartV done; referencea Richard.-. .9* West 136th st.__^_ STENOGRAPHER ? Mlddle-agad w???& . want. posiUon wi]lh liw or architect* firm; experienced ln patent and ?riTrS law and commercial work; ?*lat>. *^ "? $35. B.. Bo- 275, TrlblUM.