Newspaper Page Text
Our Branch Office is cop veniently located in the HOTEL SAVOY 59th Street A 5th A?cnoe gniaM Flaa* 81*1) Eatrance, S Eut 58th St codF offers the f adttties of our Main Office. KELLEY, JEWETT&CO. ilemtK-r-n \cti> York Stock frcnaape 35 Wall St. Tel. Hanover 4163 ^W.>>M>/\W.>>,VM>M^^^^^ h j Mourning j ) House [ Hats, Gowns, Waists, Veils, Neckwear, Furs. Aho Black Hats that are nol Mourning. 375 Fifth Ave. --Boston-Copley Sq.__S_ZZ__-3 SITIATIONS WANTED FEMALE ?TENOGRAPHY. typlng: prompt and efflcient aervlce. Room 610, 41 Union Bquare. _ SWEDISH COOK. by day; very* neat; thoroughly experlenced; exeellent refer fn^es citv. countrs. $4. Mrs. Mason's Agency, 131 V.'est 4M ft- Bryant 6633. WAITRESS?Capable, good appearlng young woman, $55; city or cuuntry; fine references. Mlaa Shea s Agency, 6 East ?Ut bt. Murray H111 i>"i._ WILL TAKE HOME WA8HINO; charge r-: r'-re.i Sl-nfk. TI East 109th st.. city. WOMAN wants haif ttma Job. A. M. Ilaw kina, 2f< West 13lBt st. _ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY %-.nn to $").000. With our assistance, will ennduot an auto rr.obl'.e supply business The fastest grow. Ing, most profitable and safeat bualnesa of to-day. We sunplv ftandard quaiity tlrea and t'll ea and 'ull line of accrnsorles. Guaran tred satlsfsrtten or money rrfunded to pur? chaser. Ta;:e back anything you do not aell. A new development oi chaln store Idea bi ?? bj th- '.:rk'vs' supply dealera 1n the world. A wonderful opportunity for an si bllshed garage hardware store o ?ny ene .?eeklny the best way to employ a moderat cai 11 . I i absolutely r-.-sponslble partlea con? sidered MES SQUARE AUTO SUPPLY CO., Bros Street New York City. I ! K'- '.ERS Th" automobile supply bu?lnoss offers the greatest oi rtunll employ your tplta '.-' i: - ::.'\Sl prol't ... ness of to on, without ob'.i ? Kat ? plan by which. _,.. gupply you with tires, 'ubos, and full stock uaranteod satin iser Take back anything ? '? nol sell. Only absolutely lespon <:b.'e par!i?s considered. A.. Bo* SS; I r '.''? Offlce. A RESPONSIBLE! building coneern wants part} as siler.t partn_r with csp ?? h.Mp finance contracta for ::n-?? rlal Iirms on short-term credits; blfl ?-:- and quick returns, uu specu -.'.:?.-'? Box A b'Jl, Tribune. STOCK SALESMAN?If you know how to stook tn a cmipany that invltea :: veatlgath :.. <. anaged by men of ?cn^ e.nii buc essful experience, otHuored by r. board of known Integrity, let us hear you want a permanent ? .?? ctl m and can 310,000 a yc_r ton't write. A., Box 893, Tribune Ofllce. 'Va TED?Party to buv interest in rai'.way pat< :.-; and assist In developlng and plac lng ll upon the market; must liavc aatla 'tetory : Inei and mechanlcal experience. B., Box 750 Tribune. RALTIM )RE;urer, with complete v.-, equipped plant, comprising over fifty No. 313" Singei laohlnee, desires contract ?vork on men's, .vomen's or children's cloth '?.ig A.. Box .ss:, Tribune Offlce. S B! .'.?.:- . .\.. ., ouni ol capital retjulred to ? -.., ic - . .,? of m<;rttorioua tollet prep ? . d^ntlfrlce; p-iuclpaia only. ?. ' '?'' !''?-' ? CLOSE IJSTATE ial llthographlo plant <n ; B, Bos 702, Tribune._ FOR SALE Restaurant a:,U tea room; good locatlon; reasonabli terms Apply 149 Weat 4th St. SBWINO?MAKING OVER?CLEANING. ion ^arpet.?. rugs. portierea tail sizes), Ptein Oneiilui telors. .^.iahtly used. At 1.2 original ptlca. iui) yds, of Inlald llno leu:.i. $;..o. GEORGE WI i1> AVE., CiST ST. 4254 PLAZA, Diumonds %?N???nAND JEWELRT BOUOHT '"ii < ASH, es'atrs apuraisod nur. ? eha^.1 BENNETT. 17. Broi^,*y^upatgj* ! Furniture Wanted ?Hti'nlu?-.STnuRnICE^ '7ild t0T "nutnya, ??? \ ?'c UABAY A vi! ,;""7'r-C' bool*s. *rt< us-v^n.'r Vnlver.slty P]?0B. Phona MiacelUneotts Wv^E^T,hr^ I^h?' old nuppie,; an breeda, pedlgraad ann sublr.'t to rturla tratl, n. Bruce beeel and Poultry Co 732 IPoydraa 8t., New Orleans. u''ry ('0' 13i Rugs ORIENTAL RUGS "iy <?-?>??????. l|t> bought for hl.hMt ? _,M rr l'u?n S^ialty call JJF^^i'jfflSSW-t.. bone &ioi Tranfea tnjiJk^BM1?77New *n* ???d wardrolw g-^--'" 8xt'; >ve ? oet. 89th-?lat eta INFORMATION WANTED B55SI%_S?^ ", 'Je"lr*<' OOMWtUM Prea ?a? TorkVi.hotofr.*-,_er with * ?tu<"? in figggj any aid given. Box A ??? Trtbuna. ^._ BUSINESS CABDvS" * l>ptwmarl DM_iiJi'a^_iit! IritigJ tmymaa* Ap.lied if P_rx_.M. FaciBri Retoih Typewriters AU Makea $25 to $85 . *ir^d^'?__ftJ___??? I* > mnklU, tnr xi i _fii ?~~**>~a -"" ' l-ranaiUa Shippin ?IOH WATER SandyHook . ^0- ?. Governor'. I.iand ,.. . * \ \\ ? :2* _-_aIY_D YEHTERDAY ?SaV.ffi**' ? -Z3&S Chippowa.Pufrto Plata*' * __5 ?i I_ka Monroe...... .Mayport mEi* Lak. Oa_?Ua.......pir7*n.m_I *J _ _" B_(M.5eno*.Feb 18 a. c. aatlford.Tamploo.Mar 9 Lake Cryatal.JNeVvRa. ;* .* .*' *; %H ., IJf COMTNG STEAMERS Bue TtH-lay _r_i__ri*.Bordeaux ., ?? ? Da\?o,_n..Antwerp .Mar ? To?nt?.Dunklrk.Mar 11 T"?,nto.H"? .Mar 4 r__.*?__w.Havre .Mar 1* lro ,eu?rUm,t.St Michael. ... .Mar 11 n___*a t!__ ";???? Southampton .. Mar 10 &___?_.Trieste .Feb 21 Lancartriaa.Antwerp ......Mart Glenaffrlo.Victoria .......iSar J D?e To-morrow l_T_t?_.Southampton ,. .Mar II K___***.Havre .Mar 18 ??"*ro.Naple. .Mar 4 a.adonna.Marseilles .Mar 2 Calamare..Pt. Llmon ..... .Mar 18 Monterey.Havana .Mar 17 5?_*?J.San Juan .Mar 17 _,. , mllton.Bermuda .Mar 20 Brlstol City.Brlstol .Mar 7 Canto.Bllbao .Mar 7 Due Tuesday Stavan?erfjord-Chrlatlanla .Mar 13 Ducad Aosta.Genoa .Mar 10 Northern Pacific.. .Cristobal .Mar 18 veatrl..Liverpool .Mar 13 Uenance.London ..Mar 12 Roma.Maraeille..Mar C Due Wednesday Cretlc.Genoa.Mar 5 Munamar.Antilla .Mar. 1? OCTCOLNG STEAMSHIPS Saii To-day MaU Veasel ?. __ . <v closes aalls Btockholm, Gothenburr 8:80 AM 2:00 PM Sail To-morrow TCermoor, Hamburg... 10:00 AM 2-00 PM c.ov.Forbes.Santa Marta 9:00 AM 1:00 FM ^ "llnvla, Liverpool. . . . - 12:00 M Waubesa, Antwerp ....- 12:00 M Chepavoa, Brisbane .. - 12:00 M Tartar I'rince. Trlpoll..- 12:00 M Wacouta, Tampico....- 12:00 M Lake Fraichur, Havana?? . 12:00 M Eastern Breeae, Santos. ? 12:00 M Stephen, Rio Janelro . . - 12:00 M Michael, BaUia .- 12:00 M Delisle, Cristobal .... -_ 12:00 M Marica, San Francisco-' 7:QQ AM s Sail Tuesday Mauretania, Southamp tr>r> . 1:00 PM 4:00 PM REAL ESTATF g News CarrlUo. Santa Marta. 7:00 AM 11:00 AM Hellenes. Buenos Ayrea 1:00 AM 12:00 M Panama. Cristobal_12:00 M 400 PM Taamanlan transport. Buenos Ayrea.- II :00 M ?eatorn Hero. B. Ayrea 12:00M Jaaon, Bremen.?. 12-on m Weat Point. Llabon_????? ?2 oo M Suaquelvanna, Salonlca- ljioOM ?N"dw2.ra'_?y4n?y.-* 18:00 M Lake Fackler. Cartagena- 12:00 M Mexico. Dan-lg.- 12:00 M HaU WedaeiMJay r?I?ii?I*lw".?>atW*rp ** ****>** 18:00 M Oallleo, Hull .- 11-00 M Andyk, Rotterdam.? 12-00 M Daneburg. Bajitander._ 12:00 M Vlnoennes Bdg.. Chrlt. ? 12 00M ?>a.m?8rU??;v. T?mPl<"?- 12:00 M Ollnda, Qlbara.- 12:00 M Oeloo Havana ...- 12:00 M Cascade, Cristobal.'- 12 OOM Orca, Valparaiso.- 12 00M Caracae, San Juan....- 12:00 M AMERICAN PORTS BALTIMORE. March 20?Arrived: Stra Point Arena, Port Tampa; Buyo Maru (Jap), Norfolk; Awensdaw, Norfolk. Satlrd: Stra Muaoatinc, Buenos Ayrea; AndUk (Dutoh) Rotterdam; Flrmorc. Dalqulrl; Great City (Br), Havre; Exmouth (Br). Danzig; Henry T Scott, Philadelphia and Seattlo; Neause, Reval. BOSTON, Maroh 20?Arrived: Strs St Anthony, Philadelphia; Qlouccster, Baltl? more; Cuahnuc, Norfolk; J H Devereux Norfolk. Salled; Stra Matoa. Se walla Point; BJlkrtdge, Norfolk; Walter D Noyea, Newport Newa. CAPE HENRY, Va.. Maroh 20?Passed out from Baltlmore: Btra Lake,Pearl. Port i Tampa; Santa Roea, New York; Shootere ? laland, Liverpool; Pallaadea. Glasgow, etc. CHARLESTON, S. C, March 20?Ar- j rtved: Str Kuikyu Maru (Jap), Cristobal. Salled: Strs Joslah Macey, Wilmington; Northwestern, Huvana; Vaque, New York i DELAWARE BREAKWATEH, Del. ; March 20?Passed out from Philadelphia: Strs Lak>) Wtnooskl, Jucaro; Ontario, Bos? ton; Mazama, New Y'ork;, Frontura (Nor), Tanamo; bark John S Emcry. Fort do i France. Passed up: Str tprobably) Ripo- I genus, Portland for Philadelphia. Sca ward: Strs Georgeanna Weems, New York for -; Dairebrog (Dan), Philadelphia for New Y'ork. Arrived: Str Bluo Trl- > angle, Philadelphia for New York. (Ad justing compasbes.) OALVESTON, Tex,, March 20?Arrived: Strs Masilia (Swed), Oporto; Carlshome (Swed), Sablne; Thermldor (Br), Rotter? dam. Salled: Strs George H Johnes. New York; Nlceto de Larrlnaga (Br), Manch*s ter vla Norfolk; Toplla, Tampico; .Stcad Xaat, Liverpool; William Green, Tampico. JACKSONVILLE, March 20?Arrived: Str Western Pride, Savannah; achr EUa Ert (Dan), Liverpool. Salled: Str Arapa hoe, New Y'ork vla Charleston. MARCUS HOOK, Pa., March 20?Passed down: Str Malvern Range (Br), Philadel? phia for London. MOBILE, .March 20?Arrived Strs East? ern Sun, Aaores; Nelson, Cuba; North American, Port Arthur; schrs M J Taylor Hayti; Andrcw J Erlcksen, Alglers, North Africa; barge Tulsa, Port" Arthur. Sailed: Str Jim Sld; Havana: schrs Harrv A Mc Lennan, Oporto, Portugal; Hartm-y W, .\l giers, North Africa; barge Semper Fidells Havana. NEW ORLEANS, March 2*0?Cleared: I REAL ESTATE SJDBURBAN SERVICE Home Hunting Unnecessaiy tJbrTfompt tflfficient SerOice jQstyour Dvpertyjbr Sale with us MOVE TO YOUR OWN HOME j^ook for it now. Every day you delay your housing problrm beromcH more difficuit. Thc increasing demand -dwindling aupply?climbing prices?desirability of choice dimin:shing--few houses lo rent- and leases lhat cannot hc renewed?-a e a!l fact-, that cannot bc denied. - 3"1-"" wa,t un*'* a" ,ne m'oderate-priced houses, rant-ing from $/,000 to $!0,000, are taken from the market? Don't drfcr a matter so vital. Let us help YOU?TO-DAY?NOW. Our list ia large and complete?frorn thc co7v, modern home to the palatial cstale. Terms?prices ?r.ciections -tliat will not be available iater--CAN BE HAD NOW. POR SALE PATCHOGI'K. I?. I. A fine. old, mmfortabln Colonial home. Klevm large, sunnv ronins. njwn flreplacos >ri all bedrooma; spacloua veranda, Garage. Thrp* a:ul a haif acres of land direct ly ?in wftter, Yacht anchorage; cr:.bbit:K snd .Ine fishing at door. A perfect dream pal? ace To be sold to c'.otK) <>s tate. flL-,500. Photographs and full partlculars at off leo. FOR RENT FlRNISHKn. LIVINGSTON. STATEN ISLAND. ,35 Minutes from Ferry. Ilenutiful tcn-room home, luxuriously furnished. Large billiard room- spacloua veran? da; lawn, flowers and treos; ct-ment tennis court. $IS0 r?r month to responsible jia-ty. RENT FATFRS?ATTEN? TION! MODNT VERNON". An unusual opportunity for one or several rent payers to secure a modern Duplex house at Mt. Vernon, containlng four, six and seven-room apart? ments, at a (iguro that will nic.-in less than $40 monthly rfntal for each apartment. i'ash required $5,000. MONTCLAIR, N\ .1. Tark Street: modern. stucco, In exceptionally choice neigh? borhood, -1 rooms and open sun porch on flrst floor; 5 rooms and bath ?n second; 2 rooms, Dllllard room and bath on third; plot 94x177, with fine oak troes: $"'..000.. LONO BF.\CH COME OCT TO-DAY Cottngoa; ? rooms, bath, ga's electric. heat, open Hreplacra, sewers, sldewalk-s, paved street large lots, romns for garage 5 niinu'. s from station, ocean bathlng, boating ftshirig; 15 minutes out, eleclrlc servi ? tennis court, ir<,:f course vacht club. Prices 55,000 to $B,50n Terms. $1,250 cash Tltlo Ouai antee and Trust Coi pa Policy frcn., EAST ORANGE, N. .T. Boautlfu! new Colonial ; ex? eellent neighborhood, 5 min utea to I>. L, ? \V; 7 rooms, all modern Improvemonts stcam. hardwood floors, opou fire plnce. large livtrrg room sun parlor, sl?ep:npr porch large plot $11,500; terms. FOR fi VLE, BAYSEDE, I,. x. Modern Colonial residence of archltectural beauty. Fourteen rooms and three baths, Open fire places, hi r l? ood trim. Spacloua veranda Every mod? ern improvenn nt. Thr<-ir garage, Plot I4?xl67. Boat In, bathlng, fishing and golf. Price $27,600, Fhotograph al offico. FOR SALE HAWORTII, N. J. Forty-five minutes from Broadway. adjacor.t to golf links ol thc Haworth Country Golf Club. Now, Colonial bungalow, beautiful Btyle archltecture. Every mod? ern Improvement, Spacloua veranda. Plot T.'.xioo. Price, cash $:;,noo. Photo graph at office. REPRESENTATION IN ALL SECTtQNS Homes "within the Hour fpkone - Call - Write J.CLARENCE DAVIES Suburban Department DOWNTOWN OFFICE J1 NASSAU S7R.EET cjohn 6oQ4 -6oq$ CONNEtrriCUT FDEUGHTITUL HOME" 50 minutes ont, 5 min. station. OverlooUing hound. Butliing. Vachting. New Real Colonial House, 4 MASTHR ROOMS. 2 BATHS, 3 SERVANTS' ROOMS. BATH, EXTRA TOILET JloMTCY LIVING ROOMS. LAPCE PORCH. FJvery modern Improvement and convenience. Garage (two cars), man'a room, heated. Large lot. Restricted surrnundings SELL BELOW VALUE EARLY POSSESSION. I S. Oagood Peil & Co.^Mo. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE ARB badly ln need of etght-famlly or larger Bronx apartment houses. also cwelllB.' houses; we speclallze ln Bronx buyers and Bronx property only. Won't you pleaso write us regarding vour propertv for saleT W. shall appreclata your klnd nvs. lramensely. Pleaso don't telephone.' but write immediately. F. _. ARONDS. , 3S5 Tremont Ave., Bronx. TO _ET FOK BUSINESS PURPOSES STORE to let. west (best) tlde of Broad? wav In tbe Elghties; occipancy soon. Opportunity, Boa B. 773, Tribune. I NFl KNISHID APAKTMENTS TO LET LAROB two-room apartment; steam. elee tricity; $?6 monthly. Corvalan, 168 West ?2d. st. FOR SALE ~ ~~ FOR SALE ?Aeolian- Orchestrells. flrst class condition: bar-i*.ln; seen by ap? pointment. Charles 1* >gham, US Bast 8ldn?y av.., Mount V% n, N. Y. INSTRUCTION Dalton Swimming Sch00l-_s/ 1899 Seientific Swimming TILED, HEATED POOLS INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION BY APPOINTMENT; HOURS 9 TO 9 Men, women and children tauglit. Pupils atartlng now may become highly proflcient before Summer Call or write for booklet A and particulara 308 W. 59th St 19 W. 44th St. Col. 2421 Vand. 3259 2 DRAKE BUSINESS SCHOOLS IN THE HEART OF 30.000 POSITION* TRIBUNE BUILDING BREVO0RT BUiLDI*. Ns. IM Nsuau St. Bedford Av* at Fulton at Manhattan Brseklyn T?l"phono B<s?kma" "723 ant) PresBocf 7:13 ??,,?, \ DAYS. 9:30 A. M. to 3 P. M. ?""""i NIGHTS any tlms after 3 P. M. laslvlsual Isttrueuaa Bsth BcheeU 0p?o Alt Summor. Atk l?r Cataloaue. iSoS oi? LANGUAGES Our "Logical Method" niakes Languuges easy 12lh >ear at SIS Sth Ave. (SSd .St.) SAImbAkI/ practical nursing _>i*?B_itt#s_l RKC.1PTER NOW DUlCTO- rr_*r*! --???* T.W.C.A. ?1B _a_ Arav. at 8_ M. SCHOOL. 6S We.t 4?th Htreet, Secrctarlal training; Individual lnstruction. Day. *ven!n*. i Strs Carozal, Porto Rico; Baoelalor. Ha? vana; Lake Fablua, Santo Domlngo vla Cuba nnd Oalveston; Lake Fife. Moblle; Rama. Blucflelda; S M Spaldlrrg. Tampico; ! Sacandnga. TInvre nnd BordenuT; Norfnlk. NEWPORT NEWK. Va? March 20?Ar irlved: Strs Kophle (Nor), Brlstol; schrs M ! P Small, 11 ull; Governor Brooks, Norfolk. ?;?.llfM!: ?strs Allaguash. Dunklrk; Basis (Norl, Port In Norway; Chaparel, New Or? leans; Edlsto, Norfolk; Falrmont. Rotter? dam; .Tomberg (Dan), a port In Sweden: Lake Farley, Fayal; Port Plerre (Br). Norfolk; Poughki epsle. Kew York: M J Scanlon, Port Eads; Sommon, Chrlattana; Western (Br), New Tork. NORFOLK. March 20?Arrived: Stra Changulnola (Br), Avonmouth; Lake Wlm lco, Banes; Veenachar (Br), Havre; achr Margar te F Dlck (Br), Nanlea. Salled: Htrs Lako Leaa, Cardenas; Nordkap (Dan), g?> de*"Janelro; Vennach (Br), Havre; *tlldum (Dutch), Loulsburg- C B Llnmore (Br), Newport News; Lake Llcoro. New? port News; Ouaro, Savannah; Indian, Cuba. PHILADELPHIA, March 20?Arrived: Stra Atlantus, Norfnlk; Oulfstream. port I Arthur; motorship Bayonne. New York. i ?. U,1,V,ii 1:A1'-S. '-<-. March 20?Arrived: Mrs Ellis (Nor). Tcla; Gone Crawlev Tam? pico; Lake Falrleo, Prbgreab; LakePramp 1 ion Havana; Maruba, Mogua La Grande, : '-uba. Matlnlcock, Tampico;,Mexico (Mex), , Irogreao: .Mount Vernon (Nor), Mexico; ?santa Rita, Tampico; Hurinamc, Port Bar mos. Salled: StrB Jamaica, Klngston; Lake Flthlan, Chile and Peru vla Panama ? i anal; Mam-.anlllo, Sablne, Texas; Yumurl, ! i rpgreso vla Tampico and Vera Cruz. , PORTLAND, Me.. March 20?Arrived: : btrs Gramplan Rango (Br), Hull, England; I Lake Geneva. Norfolk. ! PORT TAMPA, Fla.. March 20?Arrived: | Stra Lake Catherine, New Orleans; Mlaml, i Key West. Sailed: Stra Waukesha, Baltl ! more; Margorl (Span), Now Orleans. SAN FRANCISCO, March 20?Arrived: Strs San Jose, Mazatlan; Tascaluaa, Cal ? cutta. Salled: ?tr Enterprise, Htlo. SAVANNAH, March 20?Arrived: Stra Henry Clay, New Tork for Antofagasta (put ln for coal); Juanlata, Baltimore. Sailed: tltrs Babboosick, Mancheater, uothenberg and Malmo; Vlttorlo Em lnunuel III (Ital). Momlqe; Howard, Phtla Uelphia; sch Mabel, Havana. SOUTHWEST PASS, La., March 20?Ar? rived : str Radha, Frogreso. TAMPA, Fla., March 20?Arrived: Strs Fuel OU, Tampico; Sklpton (Br) Charles? ton. Salled: .schs Emlly F. Northam, Bagua La Grande; Leonic O. Louise (Br), Matanzus. FOREIGN PORTS Departures for New Vork Havre?S S Rovstl. Padong?S S Bultenzorg. Arrlvuls from New Tork Rio Janelro?S S West Eagle. TRANSPACIKIO MAILS The connccllng mails close at the Gen? eral Postoffice and City Hall Postoffiue -tatlon, New Vork at 6 p m., as follows: Hawaii, Ftjl Islands, New Zealand and Australia, via Vancouver and Vlctorla B C, steamship Niagara. March 26. llawail, Japan, Korea, China, S1am Sl 1-eiia. Cochln China. Netherlands East In dies and Philippine Islantia, via San Fran? cisco, steamship Korea Maru, March 25. Philippine Islands and specially-addressed mail lor Japan, Korea and China, vla beattle. steamship l'rotcsilaus, March C9. -_-. Army Orders From The Tribune** Washington Bureau WASHINGTON. March 20.?Army or? ders issued to-day follow: Honorably Discharged HiKBirua. lat Lt. F. J., inf. McQuain, Capt. J. E., Med. C. Brewcr, Lt M. I., Med. C. Leopold, 2d Lt. E. E., inf. Brown, Capt. A. L , Med. C. i'ruett, 2d Lt. E I'.. F. A. Gardner, Lt. G. P . int Wilson, 2d Lt. G. A., "nf. Peckham, Lt. W. IL, . t. Estabrook, Capt. A. 11.. .San. C. Boyd. Capt. A. F. J., Med. C. Barron, Lt. W. P., Med. C. Flynn, 2d Lt. R. M? inf. Caraker, Major C. T., Med. C. McNamara, Lt, E. .).. inf. Wilson, Lt. E. P., Med C i t-rccl], 2d 1,1 II.. inf. Jones, Major K. B., Med. C. Armour, Lt. \v, s? jr., Med. C Archer, LL Isaac, I'. '-.. Xeare. Lt. Col. C. C, J. A. gen. dept. Iiurris, Capt. E K , Med C Drake, 2d Lt. T. I-;.. Q. M. C. Keil, Capt, K. W., .nf. Little, Capt. W. S.. M( d. C Stecle, Ll Harry S., I . S A Stover, Lt. (.'. F:.. inf. Potter, Lt. J. V., ord. dept. ( onzelmnnn, Capt O J - \'er, (' ' ?th< rt, :.l Lt. D. G , air bervice. ' !..-.. 1 :. rho'ma i, Sig. C. Wrinkle, Lt. J. :;., air service. Brown, Capt. A. K.. Med. C. Wood, Capt .1 ?... Med. C. Rudman, ( apt. T. E.. Med. C. Ferrier, Capt. VV. p., Med C Corbin. Lt. M. L., inf. Moore. Capt R. D., Med. C: Wilson, Capt. F Q., nir Bervicc Hull. Capt. n. il , inf 1 ice, 2d Lt, W. H., air service, Benzel, Lt. ('ol Walter, Med. C i-i'!. ms, 2d Ll A. A., eng. Thorton, Lt. B M r c Kerr, Lt Co! K H? Q M, C. Farrell. 2d Lt. P V i . \. Hutchcn i, ' 'api j\ R. p. ,\ Argus, ( a) t. F _a< is, ' [ed. C. Hardinp, Lt. G. I . inf. 1 ahy, Capt; J. E., Med. C. Cummins, Lt J E . Med C Ta: lor Lt. M. ll.. jr., inf. Dayison, Lt C. ('., Mad. C, Birrelow. 2d 1 t. H. S., nir service Doron, Lt. W. B? I. A. Gore, Capt. E. 15., prov. mar. gen. dept McQuown, t apt. VV. K.. Q. M. c Marschner, 2d Lt. W. B P.. eng. I'u(!k'-. Chaplin 1 t Lt. A. O. I) S A Moore, Capt. W. ,1 . inf. Ferguson, Lt. A. II.. Med7C. Resigned Meneely, Capt. ,1. K.. C. A Raueh, Lt. V.'. P . av. Glass, Lt. VS' C. inf. Aiiums Prov, Lt, A. O., inf. VVUds, Maj. R. ii.. Med. C. Gross, Lt. C. R., cav. Brown, Capt. H. M., inf. Muuge, Lt, J. B. ir., inf Gorrell, Capt. E. S., inf. McCleary, Lt. C. W., F. A. Brown, Lt. G. R, jr.. inf. Duffy, Lt. Arthur. C, A. t Medical Corps Coss, Capt. O. A., to Governor's Island. filaskell, Capt. L. J., u> Governor's Island. King, Lt. A. T.. to Governor's Island. Uytun, Lt. H. J.. to Governor's Island. Mlddleton, Capt W. D., to Fort Sam Hona ton. Crcss, Maj. J. W. S., to Camp Normoyle. Infantry Malone. Lt. Col. P. B? to Sprlngfleld. Mass., Frankford Arsenai, Rock Island Arsenal, Fort Leavenworth and Fort Rlley. Webb, 2d Lt Samuel, Lo Hot Hpnngri. Hnthaway, Capt. L. R., to Nashville. ' lodd. Lt, D. _., jr., to New York. Jersey City, Paterson. Newark, Elitabeth Tren? ton. Camdcn. Now York, Bridgeport, New Haven, Hartford, Boston, Lawrence, Low r, clA' P,ro)'idence, Worcester and Springtteld. Scott, Major L, M., to Camp Sherman Alexander, Capt S. L.. to Fort Leavenworth. Martin, Lt H. F.. to Fort Sheridan. Murray, Major Robert, to Camp Funston, Lewis. Capt. P. W., to Camp Dix. Durfee, Capt. L. V., to Clemson, a C Fleld Artillery Barrows, Capt. F. M., to Chicago. Brunzell. Col. Otto L., to Camp Taylor EtV;w' M^"r,Rfn' w- 'T- tf> Camps Rraro. Pike, Travis, Fort Slll, Funston, Dodge t.rnnt, Taylor and Kncx. Lee, Coi. R. E., to Camps Bragg, Pike Trayia, Fort Slll, Funston, Dodge, Grant! Taylor and Knnx. Miscellaneous Parkinson, Major J. L.. insp. gen. dept to Antwerp, *??.??# Markley. Lt, 0. E., Vet. C, to Fort Bliss. Matson, Major Joseph, C. A., to San Fran? cisco and Honolulu. & ?rPtr.Ca.P'_'CaS- ?? Fort Sam Houston. Liles. Lt, G. T., M. T. C, to Camp Benninir Watson, Lt. Col. E. M.. F. A., to Paris Winu;.LtrC?J' ?? h"'Q- M' C" t0 Monterey. Williams, Capt. S. M.. cav., to Camn Travis 0?_h2,I,t R' S-' U- S A"' to Cmcajo and Metcalfe, Capt. Buehler, U. S. A., to New York and Hartford. White, Major H. C. air service, to Camp !? unston. , ~?_.t, Neely, 2d Lt. J. T.. air service, to Camp 1-unston. ?_v Elk ins .Capt. Dennie, ord. dept. to Toledo. _?Ve' Lt?^' D~\ Den- c- t? Omaha. Blance, Major Clarke, Med. C, to San Fran? cisco. McClure, Capt. Clarence. ord., to Metuchen Lewis, Major G A.. eng., to Washington.' Meservcj, Mnjor C. A.. C. A., to Fort Willir.m Ftske, Major II. C. eng., to Fort McPhe-soi Connolly, 2d Lt. F. W., air service, to Ta? koma Park. Tchb-tt*. Col H. H., teneral staff, to Charleston. S. C. Ogilvie. Maj. R. K., Med. C, to Denver Smith. Lt. Col. M. C, general staff, to New York. Brode, Capt. C. A., air service, to Washing? ton. Gunster. Capt W. E., Q. M. C..^ to Camp Iravts. Denton, Lt Col. J. W., Q. M. C, to Camp A. A. Humphreys. ?-? Weather Report Sun riaes... B :59 a.m.'Sun sets... 6 :09 p.m Moon rises.. 6:20 a.m. Moon sets.. 7 :51 p.m! Local Foreraat.?Fair to-day; fair and warmer to-morrow; moderate northwest winds, becoming variable to-morrow. Local Official Report.--.The following of? ficial record shows temperatures during the last twenty-four hours, in compari^on with the correaponding date of last year: 1920. 1919.1 1920. 1919. ? B m- ? ;* 'ln 3 p. m. . . 3fi 59 f> n. m... 35 42! 0 p. m... 10 ,"? 0 "? "???? "'?'? U| 9 p. m. .. 37 5R 12 noon... 37 53)10 p. ro... 36 56 Highest 40 degrees, at 6 p. m. ; lowest. 31 degree.-;, at 6:50 a, m, . average, 30 degrees average same date last year, 50 degrees ; av? erage same dato for thirty-thm; years :>,'J degrees. Humidity 8 o. m.... 06 1 p. m..\. 75 8 p. m.... 64! * ? " Bnromcter Readlngs 8 a m.. 29.36 1 P m.. 20.38 8 p. m.. 29.C1 GenernI Weather Conditions WASHINGTON, March 20.?The storm of tbe lnst several days is central to-night off the eastern Maine coast. and the weather has generally cleared except in New York imil New England Over the western ha'.f of the country pressure is failing rapidly, with n disturbance of apparently marked ; character approaching the north Paciflc eo.; lt. During tbe last twenty-four hours there were cjuite general rains nnd snows, mnstly j snows, from tfc" upper Ohio Valley and th* j lower lake region castward, with heavy snowfall in portions of New England av.d eastern New Vork. Over the remninder of thu ountry the weather wa* fair except from cemra! California northward, where 'u, !.? were light rains. It is colder in the south Atlantic and east! Gulf state? nnd warmer in the West, with temperatures con iderably abovo the sea sonal average Elsewiiero there was but little change Fair and warmer weather will prevail Sunday and Monday east of the Mississippi Forccasts for Special Districts. ? Eastern New York -Fair Sunday; Monday fair ane! ? arm< r. Western New York?Fair Sunday, slightly warmer in ivesl . Monday warmer. Southern Neu England?Clearing Sunday; Monday fair. Blightly warmer. Delaware nnd New Jersey-?Fair Sunday,1 slightl: warmer in interior; Monday, f;iir' and warmer. Eastern Pennsylvania?Fnlr and slightly warmer Sunday; Monday, fair and warmer.1 THE REV. C. E. ROBINSON Thc Rev. Charles Edward Robinson, former pastor of the Huguenot Me morial Church in Pelham Manor, N. Y.. flied Thursday after a lingcring illness. Owing to ill health he resigned his pulpit n year and a half ago. He was bofn ln Ludlowville, N. Y., thc son of ! Peter. and Elizabeth Robinson. He was ? gradu'ated from Hamilton College, and had been pastor of many churches in : Scranton, Pa., and in Rochestftt. He ' is survived by his wife -.nd a ion, Al- | lan Ri binson, of this city. THE REV. W. L. BATTERSHALL ALBANY, March 20.?The Rev. Wal? ton S. Battershall, rector emeritus of St. Peter's Episcopal Church and rec? tor for thirty years, died last night of pneumonia. Federal Reserve Banks WASHINGTON. March 20.?The condition of thc twelve Federal Reserve banks at thc- close cf business March 10 was ac follows: RESOURCES March 19. -' March 12. Gold coin . nd certificates. $159,660,000 - $165,978,000 Gold settlement fund (F. R. Board>. 388,271,000 391649 000 Gold with foreign agencies-,. 112.781,000 ll27s'l[ooo Total -told held by banks. $660,712,000 $67-1,408,000 Gold with Federal Reserve agents. 1.10l,ti0_,000 1,142,576,000 Gold redemption futai. 112,174,000 119^iSo!oOO Total gold reserves. $1,934,581,000 $1,936,364,000 Legal tender notes, silver, etc. 125,743,000 120,366,000 Total reserves. $2,060,326,000 $2,056,730,000 Ri'.ls discounted: Secured by U. S. war obli? gations . 1,363,509,000 1,515,959,000 All other .-. . . . 854,172,000 907,487,000 Bills bought in open market. 463,232,000 504,172 00 I Total bills on har.d. $2,670,913,000 $2,927,618,000 i nitjid States government bonds. 26,797,000 26 775 000 United States Victory notes. 68,000 G i',000 U. S. certificates of indebtedness. 407,110,000 267,461000 '(Total enrning assets. $3,104,897,000 $3,221,922,000 BanV premises..,,. 11.703,000 11,791,000 Uncollectcd items and other deductions from gross deposits.-. .?. 940,295,000 817,926,000 Five per cent reck-mption fund against Fed? eral Reserve Bank notes. 14,387,000 13,851,000 All other resources. 5,645,000 5,485,000 Total resources._. $6,137,348,000 $6,127,705,000 LIABILITIES Capital paid in. $00,958,000 $90,871,000 Surplus . 120,120,000 120,120,000 Government deposits. 58,027.00" 55 324 000 Due to member banks?Res. account. I,850,106lo00 1 8^! '7'7noo Deferred availabiiity items. 616,749,'oOO '575^17,0.10 Other dep., including for. gov. credits. 100,969,000 98,286,000 Totul p-ross deposits. $2,625,851,000 $2,616,036,000 Fed. Res. notes in actual circulation. 3,047,1 13,0 10 3,0 19,751. Federal Reserve Bank notes in circulation, net Uability .;. 211.132,000 220,738,000 All otlier habihties. 42,149,000 40.190,000 Total liabilities...*..... $6,137,343,000 $6,127,705,000 Ratio of total reserves to net deposit and Federal Reserve note llabili? ties combined, 43.5 per cent, against 42.5 per cent the week before Ratio of gold reserves to Federal Reserve notes in actual circulation after setting aaide 35 per cent againsa net deposit llabilities, 48.3 per cent, agatnst 4i,0 pe- jent the week before. I*--???------__--?_---_-___? ,,. William L. Andrews, Merchant, Author And Educator, Dies He Was Patron of Art and Member of Many Clubs in America and England; Be? gan Writing Late in Life William Loring Andrews, merchant, author and bibllophile, died late on Friday at his home, 16 East Thirty eighth Street. Ho was the son of Loring and Caroline (Delemater) Andrews and was descended from Will? iam Andrews, who was one of John Davenport's founders of New Haven, Conn., in 1638. Mr. Andrews was born in this city on, September 9, 1837, and was educated in private schools. When eighteen ho entered his father's leather trade es tablishment in "The Swamp," on Jacob Street. In that business he continued with great success until his retirement in 1878, after which he devoted him? self to literary pursuitB and to the ad? vancement of higher education. In 1881 he became a member of the council of New York University, and nlled that place for nearly thirty years. His father formerly had been * benefactor of that institution, and Mr. Andrews maintained throughout his life an interest in it. He was since 1878 a life trustee of the Metro? poiitan lUuseum of Art, and for a time was its treasurer and for many years its honorary librarian. He was one of the founders and for four years president of the Grolier Club, and aho of the Society of Iconophiies, and was a member of the Caxton Club, of Chi cago; thc Set of OddVolumes, oi Boston; thc Savile Club, of London; the His torical Society, the Geoe;raphical So? ciety, the Academy of Design, the St Nicholas Society, the Century Asso? ciation and the Union League Club of New York. He was also a trustee of the Bank for Savings, a director of the Continentai Fire Insurance Com? pany and a manager of the House of Refuge on Randall's Island. Although he addressed himself to authorship late in life, Mr. Andrews was a prolific writer. His chief works include "Roger Payne and His Art," and "Jean G*olier," 1802; "Bradford Map," 1893; "Stray Leaf from ihe Correspondence of Charles Dickens and Washington Irving," 1884; "Old Book seliers of Now York," 1895; "PdVtrait ure of the American Revolutionary War," 1896; "Prosnect of the Coiieges in Cambridge in New England" and "New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York," 1897; "Fragments of American History" and "Trio of Eighteenth Cen? tury French Paintcrs in Miniature," 1808; "Sextodecimos et Infra," 1899; "Gossip About Book Collecting," 1900; "iconography of the Battery and Castle Garden" and "Paul Revere," 1901; "Bihliopegy in the United States," 1902; "Treatyse of Fysshynge With an Ang'.e" (back latter), 1908; "New York as Washington Knew It After the Revolution," 1906; "An Eng? lish Bibliophile, Snortsman and Binder of Angling Books," 1007; "The Heaven ly Jerusalem" and "Catalogue of Early Printed Books Given to Yale Univer? sity." 1912. * Mr. Andrews was married in 1860 to Miss Jane Elizabeth Crane, daugh? ter of Theodore Crane, of this city, who survives. Two sons were born lo him, the elder of whom, Loring, died just before his expected graduntion at Yale, and the younger Theodore, died in boyhood. Mr. Andrews received the honorary degree of A. M\ from Yale in 1893. Dr. Frederick J. Leviseur, , MedicaJ Specialist, Dead __ Dr. Frederick J. Leviseur, of 40 East Eighty-third Street, a dermatologist, ! died Friday, at the Roosevelt Hospital, after a short illness. He was sixty year* old. Dr. Leviseur was horn in Cassel, Ger? many, and was a graduate of the uni versities of Bonn and Goettingen. He also took post-graduate cours-es in Vi- ' enria, Paris, London and Edinburgh. He came to this country in 1885 to join his r..'her. Professor Leviseur, and as I soon as possible took out citizenship ! papers. He was one of the first derma- j tological specialists in this country, and became universally known because ; of his skill and knowledge. Dr. Leviseur was dermatologist con- '? sultant of the H-)>rew Orphan Asylum, associate dermatologist of the Mount Smai Hospital, visiting dermatol ogist of New York Polyclinic and o ? member of the New York Dermatologi- i cal Society, the American Medical As sociation and thc Medical Society of the ' County of New York. He was aii exten- ! sive eonlributor to literature on skin diseases. Dr. Leviseur is survived by a sister. Mrs. Adolph Stanfield, of this city, and a brother, Joseph Leviseur, of Il'oston. i -?-? DR. HELEN E. HILL Dr. Helen E. Hill, eighty-one. the . oldest woman physician in this city and a well known practitioner t ' South Brooklyn for thirty-nine years, died yesterday of the ailments of old age at her home, 3S8 Union Street, Brooklyn. ROBERT M. DAME NEW BRITAIN, Conn., March 20.? Robert M. Dame, fifty-two, for thirteen j years head of the lire department here, died in St. Augustlne, Fla., last night. He was well known as a mem- I ber of the International Fire Chiefj' As:-ociation. Navy Orders From Th.- Tribune'x Waak'ngt? Bureau WASHINGTON, March 20.?Navy orders i3Bued to-day follow: Allen, Lt. (J. G.) Charles, to U. S. S. Dent. Cuiick. Lt. (J. G.) John, to ex-German battleship Ostfriesland. Frester, Lt. (J. G.) W. M., to ex-German iiuttleshiii Ostfriesland. Fortejcue, Lt. Comdr. T. A., to ex-German battleship Frankfort. Gelselman, Lt. E. H., to D. S. S. Minnesota. Gray, Lt. W. C., to ex-German battleship Ostfriesland. Haaa, Lt. Comdr. E. G., to command U. 3. 3. Converse. i ] Haat, Lt. Comdr. W. S., to sub, div. 1. Hachtmann, Gun. A. D., to ex-German bat tleship Ostfriesland. Heath, Lt. Comdr. D. P., to navy ya>-d Pujret Sound. Wash. McGillivray. Carpentur A. D., to U. S. S. Oklahoma. Quinn. Lt. G. P., to nav. hosp. Mt. Lake3 111. Randall, Comdr. J. A., to receivins ship New York. Reinburcr, Lt 3.0.. to duty aa aid on staff and flas lieutenant commander train, Pa? ciflc Fleet. Rear Admiral Wood. Toulon. Lt. Comdr. A. J., to ex-German bat? tleship Ostfriesland. Watson. Ens. C. H., to U. S. S. Simpson. Whalen, Lt. John, to command U. S. S. Sylph. Wo-th, Mach. F. E., to sub. div. 1. Wrizht, Capt. H. T., to navy yard, Charles? ton, S. C. Zeitler, Lt. Wm., to Bur. Ord. Navy Dept. BBRTHS BREWER?To Mr. and Mr, Gelston Brewer, a son, William Gelston Brewer jr., March 20 LAMI'OKT- Mr. and Mrs. Jo-.cph M. !.r,m port <nee Eitelle Hnrewitx), -11 We-1 S::d ?t.. annonnce the birth of a son March ENGAGEMENTS BRK. KM AN?SCHWARTZ?Mr. and MrT. M. Schwartz, of 1807 Clinton ave.. Bronx, X Y . announce the ensrav-m-nt of their ' daughter, Anna, to Mr. Herman Brick m? n. ROSS?WILLIAMS?Mr. Ric??-'-<l R Rw,, i of 235 North Falton a-e., Mount Veraon. l N, V.. has announced the engragermnt of *>*? daufchter, Florence Elizabeth. to Roger ! illiama, also of Mount Vernon - I MARRIAGES DAVIS?RVLAND?Mr. Harry Ryland an? nounces the marriage of his sister. Ethel, t<i David Davis. son of Mr. Edward Davis, by Dr.'Nathan Krcss, on Mareh 17 1920. - DEATHS ALLEV?At 25 Gay st. Elmhurst. N. Y., March 19. Harriette Etta, wife of Laster L. Funeral at the Elmhurst M. E. Church on Sunday, 2 o'cloek. AUJ'1?^&n Ml,rch 19> Su8?n K?iti_K, wife of William C. Aald. Funeral from 2103 Amsterdam ave.. on March 22. at 10 a. m. Interment St Baymond's Cemetery. BAV^t~9n Ma:rch 18- Lon??? Balt*. wife of Frank A. Baltz. of 297 Arltagrton ave.. Brooklyn. Funeral from 2704 Balnbridge ave.. Bronx, on March 22 at 8 p. m In? terment Cypress Hills Cemetery on Tues? day morning. BA17?o^E%"In Cor?~ado. Calif.. March 13. 1020 Frnnees S. Tillinghast, widow of btephen W. Barker. Funeral from 82 lst ?>t., Troy, N. V., March 52, 2 o'cloek. -j BERNSTEIN?Irving. on March 19. Funeral j from 1051 Boston Boad, at 10 a. m? March 21. B^7^~2nARturd8y ??1k' March 20.1 Winthlo ?3?Gra(,Uate HosP*I. Elizabeth! Winthrop Bowen, of 16 E&t 96th st i age B% years. daughter of Jdln de Koven ' and Elizabeth Winthrop BowSs. Fune.4" service at St James's ChurehTf lst st. and I Madison av., on Monday, Martk 22. at 11 o'cloek. Interment ?t GreenwodH Cemetery "?S^T011 M"ch ?. WiUette. Funeral | Brookfj^7' Bt 2 P* m- trom 3984 Av?^K. ! ?% m ? ?"? B1,ink Bruce- Services at i 535 Nostrand ave., Brooklyn, March 21. ' Blw^CET?u March 18- M"T E. Burke'i wife af Ihomas A. Burke, at 278 Chauncey st. Interment Holy Cross. "-"auncey BTToI^Aw "acke"5?<'k, N. J? March 19. Joseph H. H husband of Jessie M. Bu-t Funeral! at Acker.on st, Harkensack, N J., bunday afternoon, 4 o'clurk. C^EARY?Elizabeth, on March 19 *P~ii*~ THE FUNERAL CHURCH (FrankV E Campbell). B'way, G6th st.Monday U ? m C_?E1?r?n Marc!! X5' at 571 w?t 139th lim. Funeral Sunday morning, 10-30 . CORCORAN?At his residence, 1529 West st, Brooklyn^ John husband of Elizabeth Corcoran. Funeral Supday at 11 k. m from the parlors of James A. Casey 234 ; &?!"_,."_"" Brooklyn Interment Hew.; & Funeral from 337 West 49th st ?n bunday. Interment Calvary. f. DEIS?Otto. on March 19 Senriee-. TtTV Uiu E?AL? CHUFH (F??kBrCJ?? bell'. Broadway, 6Cth st.. Sunday. 3pm DENNERLEIN-On March 18, 1920. George H. Funeral from 2013 Anthony ave. , ; ^l?rTlXxx?n ?MarcV1' at 2 ?'clock- In^r ment Woodlavn Cemetery "* D^'rlIJT^r?rV ?*?* *8- Maria. Funerai j in ? ? Eau1V 41st st' <m M-?h 22. at IU .30 a. m. Interment Calvary. . I ENGELMANN-August, on March 18. 3erv. ! ices THE FUNERAL CHURCH fFrarfr E Campbell). B'way, 66th st, Sunday 12 ??o n' j FIESER-March 18, 1920. Louise Fieser, ' wite or Charles Fjeser. Funeral fmm vne East 90th st., March 21. at 2 o'clocT - FERGUSON-On March 19; 1920, Christina j L, wife of thc late David Ferguson. Fu- i neral at ,20 Blopmfield st, Hoboken, on ! March 21, at 1:30 o'cloek. . ; FETHERSTGN?Mary, on March 19. Mass I at fat. Peter s Church, New Brichton Staten Island, on Monday, nt 9:30 a m - GODFREY-On March 18. 1920. Thomjs A. l Godfrev, beiovcd son of Delia and th? late Michael J. Godfrey. Funeral from hfc late mT^So' " ,Uq East 1G-U st" OT1 MEnday. j March 22. at 9 a. m.: thence to St Angela ( Merici Church, 153d st. and Morris av i GRAHAM?On March 19. 1920 Eliza A I McSoriey, widow of the late John Francis Uraham. r uneral from 342 West 16th' st. to Church of St. Francis Xavier March ;., at 10 a. m. Interment Calvary ' ".emetery. ? * UI?Ly,l?Lx? ^,0Iri7 H- Frida>'- March) XJ, J.i.11, hu-band of /.immer Grcenwald ' I; uneral bunuay, at 11 a. m., from 839 ./ackson ave.. B.-onx. _ HARING?Oh March 18. David E. Funeral' at tne st, Dumont, N. J.. on March 21 at _ p. m. Interment Park Ridge, N J - i H\RrUNGTO\--On March 18, Mary. wife of I homas A tfarrin^ton Funeral from We=t l_3d st. on Monday, at 9-45 a. m. Interment Calvary. HATCH?March 9, Eraraa. wife of Simon' Hatch. Funeral from 537 Lexington Tv ! on bunday at 10 a. m. * HKI.WIG?March 19, Mary Theresa. Fu" 103d st ^ ' 5 P' "?? 1U W?t HURST-On March 18, Celina C. widow of Alexander D. .Hurst Funeral March --. at - p. rn.. at 140 Weat 3tith st. In? terment Eversrreeos Cemetery. i laitto, N. \, Margaret Chrlstine KOBBERGER?Margarethe. an March ft Servicea THE FUNERAL CHimrii Frank E. Campbell,, Broadwav b"#? bunday, 2 p. rr.. KI'HN-On Maroh 19, George Daniel, hus- : v" R?5 %r,e ,C' B* -5uhn' F?neral serv. ' rees at Chapel of St. Luke's Hospital Monday. at 11 a. m. . j KFHR-On March 19, William Frederick": husband of Theresa Hiitermann Kuhr. Fu neral Mohday. March 22, from 299 Stuy- '? vesant av? Brooklyn. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. . ; LENDRUM?Oa March 18. R?chel W. Len 'r"o" ^UrC'ral Jlurch 23' at ^-M P- n*-.1 1G20 "Roodnaven Boul.-vard. Woo.lhaven L. I. Interment Pine Lawn Cemeterv ' LE-nSEUR-Ori Friday, March 19. aft,r a nnef illness, Dr; Frederic J. Leviseurf be! .<--a brother oi -lrs. Charlotte Stanpcld. l-u.'.eral at his residence, 40 Ea?t 83(f st -"nday afternoon, March 21, at 2 :30 o'rflock! LPWRY?Frank M., beloved husbanl of Ruth lowry. nr. March 18. Services mi V I FUNERAL CHURCH (CiatpbSlTbuU^K I DEATHS !?.-1-. Broadway, 66th st., Sunfay. March 21. -* 4 p. m.. umler auspicA Masonic Orde; All visitinj- and sojourn Brothers ir.vltc-J. LYNAGH?On March 19. at 41 Gerry st . Elmhurst, Jante* F., husband of Mar Lynaarh. Interment Calvary. MARKHAM?At ?-nmit, N. J.. March 2C, 1920, after a lorft illness. Ella A. Totter. wife oi Henry Hi Markham. in her 67tb year. Funeral setvices will be held at her late residence. 18% Summit av.. Summit. N. J.. on Monday. March 22, at 8 :30 p. tc., on arrival of traik leaving Hobokan at 2:80 p. m. \ MARTIN?At HobokerL N. J.. ?a Thtrrsday. March 18, 1920, LoflU Storla, In the 73d year of her age. FwaeraJ services will b? held on Sunday, MarA 21, at 4 p. m , at her late residence, 508 Garden st., Hobo? ken. Kindly omit flowers. MERKEL?On March 18. 1920. JuTlus J. Merkel, husband of Elizab-th Merkel. Fu? neral from 301 West 111th st, on March 2L at 1:30 p. m. NIEDHAMMER?On March 18. 1920. Kosinu F., wife of Frederick C. Niedhammer. Fu? neral on March 21, at 3 p. m.. at 32". Hull av., Bronx. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. O'BRIEN?On March 19. 1920. at 114 Wes* 90th st., Mstthew D . husband of Johannn. O'Brien. Funeral March 21, at 2 p. m. Interment Calvary. OCHS?George, husband of Louisa Rup precht, on March 17, at 418 Woodland av., Avon by the Sea, N. J. Funeral on March 21, at 2 p. m. , - PAPIN?Rone V. (Leon BennaK on Sat? urday, March 20. Funeral jprftate. PIERCE?Suddenly. on Se.tugday morning March 20. 1920. Jean Pricei Pierce. of 15?. Clintxm st.. Brooklyn, N. jY.. widow of Smith Dewey Pierce and daufehter of Frank N. and Cynthia K. Price. Piinerai private. Boston and Philadelphia tpapers pleast copy. PRTCE?Pauline. on March, 19. Service; THE FUNERAL CHUU<JH (Frank F Campbell), B'way, 66th si . |Ior.rfay, 8 p. ro QUINN?On March 19. 1920! George. Fu neral from 2548 8th av., Sunday. at l p m. Interment Calvary. ROBINSON?At Pelham MsLor, N. Y. March 19. 1920. in his 85th fear. thc Rev Charles E. Robinson, D. D..i beloved hus? band of Clara Vaill Roblnsok and fathe? of Allan Robinson. Funeral services Mon? day. March 22, at 3:30 j>.\ m.. at the Huguenot Memorial Church, PdUiam Manor. Interment at Waahington, Corm. BOSELLE?At Freehoid, N. J.l March 18 1920. Kato V. Smock, wife bf John T. Roselle. Funeral at her late home 67 South -t, Freehoid. N. J., an Monday March 21. at 2 o'clock. ROSO?March 18. 1920, Manoel A. Funera' from 384 Meadowbrook lane, South Orange, N. J., on March 2L at 2:3f< o'clock. RUSSELL?On March 19. 1920. ?t 406 Wev 124th st.. James Scott. Fufieral from 309 West 57th st., on March 21, at 12 :4." p. m. SCHILLING?March 18, 1920. Mary E. Fu? neral on March 21, 1320, at 3 p. m.. fron. 72 North Pleasant av., Ridsewood. N. J Interment Greenwood Cemetery, Marcl 22, at 12:30 p. m. SERGEANT?Caroline, on March 19. \ Serv ices THE FUNERAL CHURCH tFrAr.k K Campbell), B'way. 66th st, Monday, Sn. m SHFEHAN-Mary T. Sheehan. wife of the laie Timothy Sheehan. Funeral f-om 7 Perry st.. March 22, at 9:30 a. m. In terment Calvary. SIMON?Mrs. Fannie. March 18. wife of Marks. Funeral from 881 Fox st., Bronx March 21, at 10 a. m. STEWART?On March 18. 1920 Ida M widow of the late William W. Funeral from 387 Ocean av., Flatbush, Sunday, a ,?p',rr"' ln*<-*rment at Waterbury, Conn. Monday afternoon. STRIPP?Matthew, at 928 President st. Brooklyn. husband of the late Mary Moore 1'uncral March 22, at 9:30 a. m. SULLIVAN?On March 19. Thomas .1 . hus? band of Catherine B. Sullivan. Fnners frcm 951 Jenning*. st. on March 22, at !? a. m. Interment Calvary. TAIT?On March 19, 1920. Ehz-ibe'h C. Fu neral at 1368 Pacific st., Brooklyn, oi ^Tar.'h 22, at 8 p. m. THORNTON?On March 19, James. Serv i< es MOiulay evening at 8 o'clock at 8 iC Elsmero PJace, Bronx. TITRNBITLL? On March 19, 1920, James F lunerai at 194 Vree'and av. on Sunday n ?. Interment at Woodlawn. New York Monday morning. VON HEMSEN?On March 17. 192<\ Ce-rp. Von Hemsen, husband of Marv Von H-m sen. lunerai at 11 Bedford st on Marcf -1, at 1:30 p. m. Interment at LuOi-ra C cmetcry. WEINSTEIN?On March 18. Leo. husband o" the late Irancis Weinstein. Funeral from 425 West 38th st on Marcb 21. at 1 :3l v. m. Interment Woodlawn. WILSON On Friday, Mar.-h 19. 1910 But !er Millard Wilson. won of the late'Mon mouth B. and Mary B. Wi.jsan and brother of Harold R. Wilson, in |i-, 40th year. Funeral services at his liAe reai? dence 5 West 103d st, New York. Jiunday. March 21, at 2:30 p. m. inte.-mttnt pn vale. YOUNGMAN?Vreeland H., suddlily on Friday, March 19. at his resid-hce. H>5 West lllth st. Funeral service* in f,v Marble Collegiate Church, 5th av.l at 290 st, Monday, March 22. at m-3? a~m Interment Albany, N. Y. Albany paper? please copy. ZINCKE?On March 19. Emma Adelaide. wife of Oswald Zinclce. Funeral at 101B Woodycrest av Sunday evening at 9 ii cioc-k. Intt rmenl private. IN MEMORIAM GOLDfTEIN?ln eonatant devot-on* to the memory of my dearly beloved ar.d dovoteci wife, Lu-.iJIe. whose :;ou! depa ted ?ne veai ego-_FMMA.NUEL GOl_>_t_lN. FOR SALE Out-of-town miin~ tlisi.o*. ol his lot ln Woodlawn C*m*tcry vt dress Locl Box 276, Grana ..inrj.1 sta t.on. New York City ADVERTISEMEXT ADVERTISEMEXT Onward and Upward By DR. BERTHOLD A. BAER. , Emerson has said: "Next to the man who first voices a great truth is the man who quotes it." * n _ *?ub_ yhether there is an institution more talked about than The Funeral Church, Broadway, at bbth btreet, and a man more quoted than Mr. Frank h. Campbell, its founder. Any man who has set up a standard of thought and can cut a path through driftwood of irony and through branches of obstacles is a success whom tninking men cannot ignore for anv length of time ,vP Jhousands have learned to appreciate the truth 5* MF/ Campbell's idea underlying The Funeral Church, that "In Beauty There ls ConsoJation," and they have held services for their dear departed in The r uneral Church, where a trained staff of attendants carry out their slightest wishes, day or night, for The Funeral Church is never closed. I5ei,t,her is any reIigiQn or sect excluded from th* use of The Funeral Church, for The Funeral CWh is at the disposal of all. Churcn Clergymen of all denominations have officiated there and have expressed their admiration for ihe re'ndered.? ^ ^ Satisfaction with the servicel Thus The Funeral Church is steadilv iroint? onward and upward. iy somg <_1920 U-w i-_flE"_,L0Y * **ECIAL!8T. ^^| E.WHhsScptt My* *.--,. ., ?' M5RAL MKEi'TOR IDEAL __K\jCE. CITY AND COUNTRT Li'dangs, BcncJer & Schutte, Inc !'N-l>i}i<T.>KKr..s-<'hap..i & 8how noornm "' Amaterdam Av Tel. 3H3 Hlverside T?i Viornng- JOHN *<- 5332. W. -CABP """?TAKI-, VWM0. M3-2.S W. llltsM. OCEAN VIEW MAUSOLEUM Ia cern-tery b-auttful. Or??ter New Tortt Complete?ready for occupancy. Cryats snd nlcl>-a for _.|*. Booklet and partleV lars MOI on request N. T. Community Mausoleum OnstrueUon Co No. 50. T?m-i Build-ac. N Y T?t. 7?71 Bryiutt ,,~thF^jodlaws cemiSe^ -s-a St. By Harlem Train and by Troilss? Lots of sv.all size for sale *-"??-??. Offlc*. 20 East 23d St., N. Ti