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Heiress, Rewed 2 Weeks Ago, Kills Herself Mrs. Elsa Lemp Wright, Daughter of Late St. Louis Bcewer, Fires bullet Into Her Chest at Her Home Second Marriage Here Divorced Little More Than Year, Wife AUeging Club man Had Grown Cold Svaekjk Diepateh lo Thc Trihune ST LOUIS. March 20.?Miss Lemp Wright, daughter of the late William J Lemp. St. Louis brewer, and one of the heirs to his $10,000,000 estate, com? mitted snicide in her home, 33 West moreland Place, shortly before noon to-day by shooting herself in the chest. She was dead when physicians, called by her sister-in-law. Mrs. Charles Pettua Parsons, arrived. After being divorced a little more. than a year Mrs. Wright remarried Thomas H. Wright. prominent St. Louis clubman and manufacturer, in New York two years ago. After procuring s marriage license at the Marriage License Bureau in the Municipal Build? ing, ihe couple, accompanied by Mr. Wrlght's lawyer, Archibald A. Gulick, of 120 Broadway, went to the cham bers of Supreme Court Justice Edward J by whom the marriage cere? mony was performed. This was Mon day, March 8. After a few days Kr. and Mra. Wright returned to St. Louis and made their home temporarily with Mr. Wright's sister, although his residence ia at 5330 Pershing Avenue, and Mrs. Wright owns a $100,000 home at 48 Portland Place, where she and her hus? band lived r.rior to their separation late in 1918. The Wrights were married first in June. 1009. The wedding ii St. Louis was one of the social events of the vear, tho families of both being so-; eially prominent. The ceremony took; klace in the home of the bride's; ->-other. Edwin A. Lemr>, with whom i -he resideri after the death of her. iarents. Their separation, Deeemner 20. 1918,: ras a surprise to their friends. Mrs.; '?Vright ob.ained the divorce decree; Febraary 1 ef the following year on the ground that her husband had ceased to love 'ner, and that he had destroyed j ner peace and harr;:iess. She alleged i he had treated her in a cold ar.d in-' different manner and that in conse 1 ; nuence she had suffered a nervous ; breakdown. The couple had no chil? dren. _ On the. day of her wedding, Mrs. Wright received a $100,000 bequest j trom the Lemp eatate. Sho was to 1 have a large share of the Lemp mil ? hons when she reached the ago of | tlurty years. In taking out a license ? to remarry, Mra. Wright gave her age j as twenty-seven years and Wright as forty-three years. He is president of l the More-Jones Brass and Metal Conv j pany and a director in several other i laTge bt. Louis corporations. 1 Ldward and Charles Lemp, brothers ?* M?: Wright. survive her. Mrs. . Alexander Konta, of New York Cit , and Mrs. Louis Pabst, wife of the | preS1dent of the Pabst Brewing Com ! pany, of Milwaukee, are sisters. During the war Mrs. Wright was ac? tive in chantable work, assisting the Red Cross. ! Mr. Wright would give no reason i for his wife's taking her life. ?-______ Oergy Believes Church ^an ^?pe With Unrest Remedics for Reconstruction Problems Discussed at Repub? lican Club Luncheon The Church is able to eope with social unrest and other reconstruction prob? lems, guests at the National Republi? can Club luncheon were assured yester? day by three clergymen who addressed them and in a letter from Archbishop Patrick J. Hayes. ft was the last of this season's nonpartisan luncheons the club has been giving on Saturdays. The Right Rev. Thomas F. Gailor, presiding Bishop of the Episcolal Church in the United States; the Rev. i Henry Emerson Fosdick, of Union The- ! ological Seminary, and Rabbi Nathan : Krass, of Central Synagogue, were the speakers. "The war showed the absolute need for religion,'' said Bishop Gailor. "I am not greatly disturbed at the feel- ; ing of unrest that exists, because it \ is a sign and a hope of progress." "If there had been enough of the spirit of Lincoln in the government j at Washington. from the White House to the Senate," declared the Rev. Mr. j Fosdick. "the country would not be ! 'n + he distrraceful condition in which j it finds itself to-day" "Without religion," asserted Rabbi | Krass, "men would revert to savagery. j It was due to the influence of religion ! that all that is worth while in the world has come to pass." Archbishop Hayes wrote: "The ex- j traordinary service of high character the churches rendered the nation dur- 1 in the war should be a splendid guar antee of their equipment in post- I bellum days for reconstruction work." -? Fireboat Turned Into Tug The Seth Low, which has been a city fireboat since 1885, was turned over to James Shewan & Co., Inc, Brooklyn shipbuilders, Friday, and henccTorth will serve as a tug. The boat was sold last August. When new it cost the city $36,850. Since then the price of fire boats has gone up to $350,000. BONW1T TELLER. 6,COt SUie<5perialty <$Aofr<S*Qngma6onB flrTH AVENUE AT 36? STREET Individualized Spring Modes in DRESS PUMPS & OXFORDS for Women & Misses > 14.00 Dress Oxfords in patent or dull leather or dark brown kidskin. Dress spat pumps in patent or dull leather with hand-turned soles; also a large tongue Duchess model in patent leather, black or brown Russian calfskin with light welted soles and slender Louis XVI. heels. SPECIAL VALUE MONDAY Dressy French Tie Slippers... 12.50 Made on French last in black kidskin or patent leather with hand-turned soles and slender Louis XVI. heels. Women's Silk Hosiery...., 2.75 Three Pairs 8.00 Medium weight silk of an exceptional wearing quality. In black, white, chestnut, beige, navy and various shades of gray. Women's Silk Hosiery.. 3.50 Three Pairs 10.35 Superior quality all silk hose in black or white only. Novelty Silk Hosiery.... 2.95 to 9.50 An extensive assortment of exquisite novelty silk bose, including openwork insteps and hand embroidered clox in a diverse range of designs. SILK UNDERGARMENTS Satin Nightgowns.-. 6.95 Shoulder strap model of fine quality satin trimmed with georgette crepe and ribbons. Georgette Chemises... . 4.95 EjjJP-re model with strap shoulders, flower and nbbon trimming. Sifk Chemises..r.y._ 7.95 Regular and envelope chemises of meteor and crepe ae chine, plain tailored or lace trimmed. Crepe de Chine Chemises....... 3.85 Empire and straight models; tailored or lace trimmed, ribbon shoulder straps. WOMEN'S NEGLIGEES VERY SPECIALLY PRICED HegUzeeSet. 23.50 W Crepe de Chine; slip-coat of lace and chiffon. ?*bbon trimmed. Breakfast Coats. 22 JO -^ocketed model of taffeta with silk ruching. ir Court Learns Stud Poker With Deck of Readers Waist Manufacturer Who Says He Suffered in "Last Card Louis's" $350,000 Pastime Shows How It Is Done; Facility at Naming Pasteboards Praised With Chief Justice Kerpochan, of Special Sessions, sitting as committing magistrate, the hearing of the caae against Louis Krohnberg, sometimes called "Last Card Louis," started yes? terday in the Criminal Courts Building. Krohnberg, waist manufacturer, is charged with violaiing the section of the penal law reloting to fraud in a game of chance. His arrest grew out of a Broadway stud poker tournament, in which, it is alleged, marked carda wero used and New Yorkers lost more than $350,000. J. M. Silverman, dress manufacturer and complaining witness, who alleges he lost $7,350 in a single sitting in the poker series last December, took the stand and showed Justice Kernochan how easy it was to read the backs of one of the decks of cards said to have been used in the games. Silverman went through the fifty-two cards and called all but one of them correctly \ou read well, Mr. Silverman," Max Steuer, counsel for Krohnberg, told the witness. "Well, it cost mc enough," Silverman rejoined dryly. "You gamble a good deal and go to thc races. don't you?" Steuer asked I go to the races sometimes on Sat urdays and holidaya," the dress manu? facturer said "I B0 there to get the styles, and take my designera along." J__l^i_iLiL0_I_Lver ,:,Pt more than $500 at the races. t ''You, bet on almost atything?" bteuer hammered away. "I bet on a baseball game with you once," Silverman came back. Said Steuer: "Oh yes, it cost me $500 to meet vo,u -t dinner one evening, didn't it?" It should-have coii you $700"? silverman. . The dialogue r.ontinucd, Steuer ask? ing the witness: "One of the reasons you brought comp aint against Mr. Krohnberg was that he holds a $3,000 check of yours. wasn t it?" "Yes. The check is for $3,500. I stopped payment on it when I found we were playing with marked cards." ?n Silverman told how he lost $2,700 in one stud gamo in vhich two lawyers were playing. Steuer, sur prised. asked: "You say lawyers were in the game P a<vng such stake9 as that?" f,s^.t,hcy must have been good law? yers, Silverman smiled at Krohnberg's counsel. b Later Silverman dealt two hands on the stenographer's table and showed how the last card off the deck came to the rescue of "Last Card Louis," gave him two pairs against Samuel Lewis's two aces and won him a $15,000 pot last December. Assistant. District Attorney McGrath impatient at Silverman's excursions into first principles of stud, told the witness to cut them short. Everybody_knows the game,? said McGrath. Whereupon Justice Ker-. nochan confessed that he knew nothing about atud. Steuer .asked it anything was saiii after Krohnberg outdrew Lewis ar.d won the $15,000 pot. Silverman said: "Nobody said anything, but every? body thought a lot." Silverman told also of the night hc went to a Turkish bath with Krohn? berg with a deck of what he believed to be marked cards in his pocket. They had been taken from one of the games. Krohnberg shunted through the busi? ness of the bath in record time, long befort he did, Silverman said. Next morning, the witness declared, he reached into his pocket and was startled to find that the worn and thumbed blue deck in there at night? fall had ehanged to a shiny new red deck by morning. "Selznick, the motion 'picture pro? ducer," was identitied by Silverman as a player in ono- of the games of the tourney. Anna Fabre, a nurse employed by a jchiropodist in the McAlpin Hotel, was j another witness, and declared that i Krohnberg on two occasions had left ! packages of cards in her employer's j office. I Justice Kernochan adjourned the ; hearing until next Saturday morning j and announced that he would sit that I afternoon, if necessary, to tinish the i hearings. ? House Orders Inquiry Into Vocational Education Board WASHINGTON, March 20.?Investi I gation of the work of the Federal board j for vocational education in training ! war disabled soldiers and sailors was i approved to-day by the House, which I adopted a resolution giving the House i Education Committee broad pdv/ers for j conducting the inquiry. The investigation was requesied by j the board after charges against its ad ; ministration had been made by a news? paper, Chairman Fess, of the Educa tion Committee, told the House. Capt. Bleyer's Father To Assume Son'a Tasks Will Provide ^or Widow and Children Neglected for "Vampire Woman" Special Dispatch to Thc Tribune CHICAGO, March 20.?Tragedy haa awokened ambition in thc aoul of Col? onel Charles E. Bleyer. The father of Captain Clifford M. Bleyer, basking in his latter years in a life of restful com? fort bejpre' his son'a ignoble death, will now s"et himself to the task of unrav eling^ the tangled skeins of his boy's life Dy assuming the latters responsi bilities. The wife and two children, neglected by Captain Bleyer for Ruth Randall, "the vampire woman," who killed him and then turned the pistol on herself, will be amply provided for, Colonel Bleyer says. Although broken in health and aged by the tragic eventa of the last fow weeks, Colonel Bleyer, who hurricd here from a pleasure trip in Cuba, an? nounced to-day he would take his son's place at the head of the Bleyer Adver? tising Agency, and carry on the busi? ness. Bay State Offieials Join Employees in Bonus Demand Special Dispatch to The Tribune BOSTON, March 20.?More than eight thousand state employees, backed by a number of prominent state offi coals, are joined in a" demand that the Legislature pass a bill to give them a bonus of 25 per cent of their annual salaries to enabie them better to meet high rents and high prices generally. The cost, it is estimated, would be ?1.000,000 or more. The bill before the committee would give the bonus to every state official and employee, from the Governor to the office boys, who was a permanent offi c\a\ or employee in 1919. Thc Orieatol S.orc 1 ?-*-*-**? * ?j ^ New Spring Designs in Women's Handbags EXQUISITE Creations of Oriental Sil! Brocades?imported by us from China and Japan ? in a variety of^ beautiful patterns ? exclusively Vantine's. Fashioned by American Artisans intr stylish handbags of distinctiveness and in dividuality, in an almost unlimited selection of I original designs, shown only at "The Orienta! Store." Price from $5 io $135 -'A-A-VANTINE-8-CO-Inc Fifth Ave. & 39th St. H I r ER GbCQ FIFTH AVENUE AT^.66? STREET An Exhibit Monday of the Latest Parisian Fashion Achievements In WOMEN'S ORIGINAL PARIS MODEL GOWNS From the Leading French Modistes Come Newer PARIS MILLINERY These additional original Paris models complete one of the most comprehensive exhibits of Paris Millinery ever assembled by this shop. Also copies, adaptations and Bonwit Teller & Co. origina tions, so diversified in style as to consult every individual taste. The TAILORED MILLINERY introduces many originalities in hats for immediate wear. Tailored Suits Are Inseparable from Smart BLOUSES & SHIRTS Especially featured.are exquisite French handmade blouses, cos? tume blouses in Chiffon, Taffeta Silk and Georgette Crepe, smart overblouses in short Cuirass or basque types and feminized tai? lored shirts of linen, muslin and silk shirtings. An Unusually Large and Choice Collection oi ? FUR SCARFS Animal and Novelty Scarfs of Rare and Choice Peltry Kolinsky.25.00 Kit Fox. 29.50 Mole . 32.50 Squirrel. 45.00 Lucille Fox. 45.00 Japanese Sable. 45.00 Stone Marten. 48.50 Hudson Bay Sable. 95.00 Fisher.195.00 Russian Sable. 225.00 Personally selected by a special representa? tive of this Shop, at the recent Fashion openings of the Paris Grand Couturieres. WOMEN'S GOWN DEPARTMENT? SECOND FLOOR Afternoon & Evening Gowns From CALLOT LANVIN ROLANDE DRECOLL MILER SOEURS ARNOLD RENEE CHANEL The finest expressions of the mode are presented in this Shop's WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS SECOND FLOOR . 59.50 to 295.00 Severely plain as affected by one type of woman, trimmed models that bespeak an? other personality or more elaborated as demanded by the most dressy occasion, developed in Tricotine, Covert Cloth, Poiret Twill and novelty checked Worsteds. MISSES' TAILORED SUITS THIRD FLOOR 45.00 to 165.00 To portray the elusive charms of youth has proved an inspiration for varying "Jeune Fille" suit silhouettes, exampled by Eton, Box, Go<let flared, bloused and pinched waist models. In Tricotine, Poiret Twill, Serge and Worsted Checks. Sizes 14 to 18. These ready-for-service suits reveal such a mastery in the art of custom tailoring and fit as to eliminate all but slight alterations: As Parisian as Paris can de? sign them are these exquisite HANDMADE FROCKS The typical Parisienne is recog? nized by her "flair," her atmos phere of Fashion, an aura which is intangible, yet one that the French Couturieres translate so successfully into their little hand work affairs of cotton, voile and handkerchief linen. Also an interesting assemblage of distinctive Day Frocks in taf? feta silk, satin, tricotine, Poiret twill and serge. Smart Lines & Individual Touches Lend Charm to CAPES and COATS Accordion pleated capes are one of the newest notes. Large collars in .both Capes and Coats, while embroidery, cable stitching and fur treatments are given expres sion in duvetyn, peachbloom, mar vella, fortuna, val de cygne, cha toyant, wool velour and tricotine. New Fashion Developments in Women's and Misses* SPORTS APPAREL Featuring topcoats, greatcoats, capes, golf jackets and Sport Suits developed in Genuine "Worumbo" Camel's Hair Cloth in the natural and other attractive shadings. Also Sport Suits in handloomed Glen Logan Tweeds, Cricket Cloth, Engiish Shetlands, leather and tweed or wool jersey and novelty combinations. ^