Newspaper Page Text
TRAVEL TRAVEL Wh en You Go Abroad AMERICAN LINE RED STAR LINE U. S. Msil Steamer? ,V?Hs??*r Splendid Large Steamen StiNWiers >>?iv Koflftert Throttghout. Accommodation? lnclud? Numerou? Booms With rvivate Math, JEtc. Pro?e??lonal String Orchestra?. NEW YORK-PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON One Class Cabin Service and Third Class New York.... Mar. 27lApr. 24?May 22 St. Pad.Apr. 3May l|May29 Philadelphia . Apr. 10'M.v 8|Jane 5 NEW YORK-SOUTH AMPTON ANTWERP First, Second and Third Classe? Kroonland ... .Mar. 241May l|June 5 Lapland .Apr. 3|May 8 ?Jane 12 Finland .Apr. 7|May lSJJone 19 Zeeland .Jana 26 and regularly thereafter INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE CO. 9 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CUNARD-ANCHOR r??Miier and Freight Service?. Mauritania .New York to Cherbourg and Southampton.Mar. 23 Genoa.Mar. 31 Patras, Oubrovnik and Trieste.Apr. 10 Plymouth, Hamburg and London.Apr. 10 Plymouth, Cherbourg and Liverpool.Apr. 10 Plymouth, Cherbourg and Southamplon... Apr. 14 Londonderry and Glasgow.Apr. 17 Cherbourg and Southampton.Apr. 24 Liverpool .Apr. 24 Liverpool .May |5 Liverpool .May 15 Plymouth, Havre and London.May 19 Plymouth, Cherbourg and Southampton_May 19 Cherbourg and Southampton.May 22 Plymouth, Cherbourg and Liverpool...'... .May 22 Londonderry and Glasgow.May 22 For later ?alllnf? apply to 21-24 STATE STREET. NEW YORK. Julia .New York Pennon ?a .New York Saxoaia. New York Carmama.New York Royal George .New York Columbia .New York Mauretania .New York K. A. Victoria.New York Carmania .New lork Vauban .New York Ssxonia .New Royal George.New Mauretania .. ........New faronia .New Columbia. New York York York York York ?.lili M? mJ m OVTH f*t RUA f^ircct fortnightly service by ncW ?American passenger steamers vi? Panama Canal without change. New york to Peru and chile Calling at Callao, Anca, lquique, Jnto'fagasta and Valparaiso. Faeteet time to Valparaiso 17 days 18 hours 49 minutes Grace Line service sets a nev?J j standard in South American travel j and affords an opportunity of visiting |he principal ports of Peru and Chile under the most delightful auspices* { ; Maiden Voyage of the S. S. Santa Teresa - April 7 Write for fokler and full information. W. R. GRACE & CO., Agent? 104 PEARL STREET. * NEWYORK NEW YORK?HAVRE LA SAVOIE LA LORRAINE LAFAYETTE FRANCE ROCHAMBEAU LA TOURAINE NEW YORK Mar. 27?Mav June 19?July 17 Apr. 3?May 1 AI ay 29?June 28 Apr. 10?May 8 June 6?July ? Apr. 14?May 13 .June 6?July 7 <\pr. 22?May 27 ?July I?July 27 Apr 24?June 3 July ?3?July 21 -BORDEAUX MIAGARA .. ?'(iM l'A NTS ?OFFICE. .March 25 10 STATE .ST. .V. T. > "THF. IMTU.1C HE PLEASED" COLONIAL LINE BOSTON*tt*4.40 PROVIDENCE S??. S2.97 ALL O0X8IOJS M A1KKOUMS SIM t? UM am., iit!l'tJ''rice* Incluoe War Ta?. ?teat Uwh PI?, jj. N.nh Riv.r. Dally *. ?uaia* at I P. M. 'Ph??> 6>h?c ?Mai. ?Vorrr?.irr.$.|.i?;. ProT?de?eAUieot,9S.?(>, \u\ tsidk STATEKOOMS, ?1.08 ?'i'ii? Dally, inriiiiiing Sunday, ?:0# p m Frem Pier l?. K It. Vlion? 2700 Beekman I rirkau ?I PI? or CotuolidcUd Ticiot OMaaa. AUSTRALIA W ? HONOLULU. SUVA. NEW ZEAIAN? Th-i Palatial Passenger Steamer* ?t. M. S. "Niagara" R. M. S. "Makura? Ht.000 Tons 13.60? Ton? Bail from Vancouver, B. C. for far?.? and ?ailing? apply < anudiaa I*??. JK.?., 1281 Broadway, N, V., or to ?.'?nadir.?. Australian Boyal Mall Line. 440 Seymour ?Jt., Vancouver. B C RED "D" UNE p,cItreVt%0i?ru,J Foi Pi>il<i Rico. Curacao and Venezuela. i ,. , ,i? Mm- '.' It/.ull? . Mur. 31 ^?iladulphia Api J Majwcalbo.. ..Apr. 14 ssWBUBS, DAJL1.KIT & CO., Clenl. Mgr?. ? hon? 100 72 HaoovM'. *? Wall Straa? [HUDSON NAVIGATION COMPANY. Aibauy buat* ?tart running In AprlL SOUTH AMERICA DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICE WEST *COAST FROM NEW YORK via Cristobal s.s. EBRO, MAY 2-2 July 24. Sept. 25. Nov. 27 Largest and most luxuriously ap? pointed >'nsseng<r .St'nrnor regularly running; between NKW TORK and "WEST COAST OK POl'TH AMERICA FROM HAVANA via Cristobal S.S.Ortega.Apr. 12 FROM CRISTOBAL REGULAR SAILINGS EAST" COAST FROM ENGLAND BRAZIL & ARGENTINE S. S. Darro.Apr. 8 S. S. Andes.Apr. 9 S. S. Avon.Apr. 16 S. S. Deseado.Apr. 20 S. S. Orila.Apr. 22 CENTRAL AMERICA FROM CRISTOBAL CHAMPERICO and Intermediate Port?. ROYAL MAIL ? (The Royal Mall Steam Packet Ca.) PACIFIC UNE I (Th? PaHflo Steam Navigation Ce.l NELSON LINE IH. tW. Nelson, Lt?i.> ?SouthUfrica I UN?ON-CASTLE LINE j (Th. Union-Castle Mall S. S. Co.. Ltd.) 1 ?ANDERSON * SON, Gen. Agenta, :? Bro?d>Ytj, N, y. 'Phone Broad?2310. Or any Steamship Ticket Agent. IMMUNES AMERICAN UNE Fast Mr 11 Stenmeif? NEW YORK?PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG?SOUTHAMPTON New York. l2Noon Mar. 27 i Apr. 24 ?May 22 St Paul.. 12 Noon Apr. 3 i May. 1, May 29 Paila.13 Noon Apr. 10|May 8: Jane 5 NEW YORK?HAMBURG Manchuria4p.m. Mr. 27'May 8 Jn. 19'JIy- 31 Mongolia.Ap. 10.May 22 Jly. 3 Au. 14 PHILADELPHIA?LIVERPOOL HaTerford.Apr. 10 RED STAR LINE N. Y.?SOUTHAMPTON?ANTWERP Kroonland* P-m-Mar. 24! May 1 iJune S 3.May 8 June 12 Finland . I p.m. Apr. 7 May 15 June 19 Seeland .June 26 WHITE STAR LINE N. Y.?CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON Adriatic.Apr. 24 ; May 29 ?July 3 ?Aug. 14 And Resolarlj Therawfter AI VIA DI I? 46-359 tons ULTmrlU July 8! Aug. 4!Aug. 28 NEW YORK?LIVERPOOL Cedric .3 r M-.Apr. 10-1 Baltic .3 p. M. Apr. 17 May 22;June 26 Megantic .Apr. 21--! Oriana .end Apr.-1?!-?? Celtic s P.M.May 15! June 19|Jnly 24 NEW YORK?AZORES-GIBRALTAR? NAPLES?GENOA Cretic 3 P.M. Mar. 31 ?May 27?July 21 Canopic ;< Pm- .. May 12 July 6|-? International Mercantile Marine Company 9 Broadway New York Short nnd Ideal Route to Orient from ?Seattle. Fa*t, Palatial Passenger Stenia ?hip?. Nippon V unen Kai?ha, 120 ?'way ,N.X. We?t Indie?, Central and south America ?UNITED FRl'lI CO M PANT 17 Battery Place. New York. Macara, To The Nea.?For lllu?tratsd guide, address John P. Pierce, Dept. Hi, Canada SteamsniD Lines. Montreal, Canada. RESORTS NKW YORK STATE QedneyHurn Hotel WHITE PLAINS. N. Y. Edward H. Crandall Open AH Year Private Motor Bn? Herrlc? Without Chara* ^ri?rpcliffiod^ BRIARCLIFF MANOR, N. Y. OPEN APRIL 17 Sliaron Springs, N. Y. PAV1MON HOTKI. AND COTTAOK!? Opens .lune S?. Folders on application. The ANNEX. Adjoining the Faanoaa V. hite Sulphur 8prlng? irfnd Bathing JEstab lUhment, onena April 14. S. H. GARDNER * ?SON. yts ?L CBAIO.-Oan'L Max* HIGH WATER ? AM Sandy ITook. 9:39 Governor's Island. 9:*M Hell Oate.11:43 PM . 0:0R 10:0? ARRIVED TESTEBDAT Vessel Port Departure Antetr.Eastham .Mar 1 Sara nur.London.Mar 1 Cauto.Bilbao.Mar G Brazos.San Juan.Mar 17 Helen..'.San Juan.Mar 16 Calamares.Havana ..-.Mar 18 Olindu.Nuevlta? .Mar IB Fort Hamilton.Bermuda .Mnr 20 Madonna.Marseilles .Mar 2 F. Q. Barstow.Tuxpam .'..Mar 18 St Paul.Halifax .Mar 20 Antlylc..Baltimore .Mar 18 Susnuchannn.Philadelphia ... .Mar 20 Dante Alighieri.Fayal .Mar 8 Oanfa.Halifax .Mar 18 Jeannette Skinner...Oibraltsr .Mar 1 E. L. Dohersy.Boston .Mar 20 W. S. Rhlem.Tuxpam .Mar 14 Bayonw.Philadelphia ....-? La Savoie.Havre .Mar 13 Munarden.Matanzas.-~ Samland.Antwerp.Mar 8 INCOMING STEAMERS Due To-day Fast Bide.Bordeaux .Feb 21 Ramland.Antwerp.Mar ? Dakotan.Dunkirk.Mar 11 Toronto.Hull .M?r 4 La Perouse.Havre .Mar 1J Lake Frumet... v--St. Michaels ....Mar 11 Argentina.Trieste .F?b 28 Lancastrian.Antwerp .Mar ? Olenaffrlc.Victoria .Mar J New York.Southampton . . .Mar 13 Pesaro.Naples .Mar * Monterey.Havana .Mar 17 (Jen. O. H. Ernst. . .Cristobal .Mar 15 Bristol City.Bristol .Mar 7 Stavanger.jord . . . .Christiania .Mar 1:1 Duca d'Aosta.Genoa .Mar 10 Northern Pacific. . .Cristobal .Mar 18 Moro Castle.Havana .Mar 18 Vestrls.Liverpool .Mar 13 Defiance.London .Mar 1? Roma.Marseilles.Mar Due To-morrovr Crelle.Genoa.Mar 6 Munamar.Antllln .Mar 19 Due Thursday Tlvlves.Kingston .Mar 2? Gen. W. C. Gorgas..Cristobal .Mar 18 Santa Ana.Balboa .Mar 18 Ft. Victoria.Bermuda .Mar 23 Dne Friday Maneo.Manoas.Mar 10 Vit el Ha.Glasgow .Mar 12 i Polycarp.Para .Mar 14 J OUTGOING STEAMSHIPS Sail To-day Mall closes Matiretania, Southamp? ton . 1:00 PM Carrillo. Santa Maria. 7:10AM Hellenes, Buenos Ayres 8:00 AM Panama. Cristobal .... 12:00 M Tasmanien transport, Buenos Ayres.lS:0OM East'n Breeze, Santos.12:00 M River ?renles, Sal?nica Lake Fraichur, Havana Jason, Bremen. West Point. Lisbon.... Susquehanna, Sal?nica-? Naiwera, Sydney.-??? Vessel sails 4:00 PM 11 :00 AM 12:00 M 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:30 PM li! :00M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M Sali To-morrow Kroonlanr], Antwerp... 9:00 AM Princess May,' Jamaica 2:00 PM Ft. Hamilton. Bermuda 7:30 AM Mormugao, Lisbon. 8:00 AM Andyk, Rotterdam.... 8:00AM Ocaukee, Danzig.10:30 AM 9:30 AM 12:00 M Caracas, San Juan.... Guiana, Georgetown.. Galileo. Hull . Vlncennes Bdg., f'hrit Oamaguoy, Tampico.. OHnda, Gibara . Delco, Havana . Cascade, Cristobal.... Circa, Valparaiso. Caracas, San Juan... Sail Thursday Isla de Panay. Coruna. 8:30 AM Niagara, Bordeaux.... . :00 AM San Giovanni, Genoa... 9:00 AM Mar Ro.1o. Bordeaux.. Panola, Stockholm.????? Oconee, Dunkirk. E. Side, La Pallice... - East. Light. Rotterdam Walton Hall, Sal?nica.. - H?lenla. Trieste. Karimoen, Samarang.. Sat su ma. Manila. Wythevllle, Shanghai.. - Kedettlcut, Shanghai.. Slavic Prnc, Yokohama Lake Ellithorpe, Bahla Clan M .Maat, C. Town. Epltaclo Pesspa. Dahia Calera, Valparaiso. West Alsek, B. Ayres. - Exeter City. Bristol.... Luxpallle, Marseilles.. Sail Friday Ch?bese P.. Cp. Town. 12:00 M Morro Castle, Havana. 8:30 AM Al If anco, Cristobal. .. .12:00 M Danebrog, Santander.. - Yumhill, Antwerp. Moravia Bridge, Dublin .:00 PM 5:00 PM 11:00 AM 12:00 M 12:00 M 1:00 PM 3 :30PM 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 m 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 1 :00 AM 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M 3:30 PM 12:00 m 4:00 PM 12:00 M 12:00 M 12:00 M AMERICAN PORTS BALTIMORE, March 22?-Arrived: Sirs Goodspoed, Port Tampa; Sagadahoc, New? port News; Woonsocket, Newport News; Tlllomook, Port Tampa; Coronado, New York; Corcoran, New York; Nicholas Cuneo (Nor), Pott Tanarno; Gulf Trade, Port Arthur; Klshacoqulllas, Boston; Mus catine, Buenos Ayres (returned, engine trouble; Brynhilde, Norfolk. Cleared: St r Eastern shore, London. Sailed: Str Point Judith, San Francisco. Cape Henry, Va March 22?Passed in for Baltimore. Su* Monadnock (Hi), Dunkirk via Halifax. Passed out from Baltimore; Sirs Ex RESORTS LAKEWOOD, N. J. LAUREL HOUSE LAKEWOOD, N. J. Oldest and most exclusive hotel in the Jersey pine belt. Famous for its cuisine and social charm. Golf, Polo, Shooting, Riding, Special Baths, Sun Parlors, etc., for convalescents. Phone 430. A. J. MURPHY. Host. tf? Laurel in the Pines Lakewood, N. J. EQUABLE CLIMATIC CONDI? TIONS. GOLF, RIDING AND SHELTERED WALKS. DAILY CONCERTS AND DANCING. OPEN THE YEAR 'ROUND. ?nan frank 1. suits. muu.?m ATLANTIC CITY, N. ,1. n Atlantic City if s the _aMac 'semis ays rAe?ocr/r/wa/i MACK LAT2 CQ.lf '? k k i?? HN TWMORLAriAHneanr UroflflS GREATEST MmSlKXBSS ?EW CLARION*^? ning water; garage. Booklet. ATLANTIC CITT. N. i. ?MsrsjMsed fur a ealtaiul raal aaa wrMtlN ave. ?nd Beach, Uli hath and run 8. K. BONIFACE. H NEW YORK STATE ? T B JL RAMATAH 28 minutes /rom Grand Central. ?0 electric trams daily. City con venlencea In tha country. Winter Snorts, Saddle Horses. Dally Concert?. DANCINU. HOTEL GRAMATAN Lawrence Park. Bronxvllle, N. T. WASHINGTON. D. C. Burlington Hotel American and European HOMELIKE. CLEAN, PERFECT CUISLNB 380 Room* with Bath $3 to $5 FIVE MINUTES KR?M KVERYTHINO Washington. D. C. riOKlDA ~ HOTEL CLARENDON JKSSfe* and cottages. Directly en ocean; ll-hal. gelt co?ta*. Now osan. Booklet? ? ? < ???UoMiod. Hit B. oatfwM* Ka? X ?to. M ?>-,-,-?? mouth (Br), Danzig: Flrmore, Daiquiri; Henry T Scott, Seattle via Philadelphia. BOSTON, March 22?Arrived: Sir? Norumbega, Norfolk: limitant. Port Ar? thur: Ontario, Philadelphia, Hailed: Str* Pampa (Arg). Buenos Ayrenj via Norfolk; Karny, Norfolk and Rotterdam; J II Dev ereuT, Norfolk. Vineyard Haven, Ma??, March 22?Sailed: Sehr Centennial, Irom New York for Lubec. CHARLESTON. S. C? March 22?Ar? rived : Str Waehusett, Clenfuego?. KERNANDINA, March 22?Sailed, 21st: Str Thurland Caallo (Ur), Ualveaton. GALVESTON, March T??Arrived: Str? Lake Pubulus, New York; Barcelona. New OrleanB; Saplnero, Liverpool via Norfolk; (?eorge W Barnes, Tampico. Hali-rl; Str? Dayo, Now York; Paulsboro, Philadelphia; Pennant, Tnmplco: Colonel Bowie, Sabine. JACKSONVILLE. March 22?Arrived: Strs Gulfc.oast, towing bargo Monongahela, Port Arthur; Lackawanna Bridge, Galvos ton; .Tunis. I?, Baltimore via Savannah; ?chr Fftvonlan (Br), MacorlH. KEY WEST. Fla., March 22?Arrived, 21??: Str Hounet, Havana; 22d: Sir No. 62 (Br), Caibarien. Sailed, 21st: St Macorls (Br), Snguii. MOBILE, Ala, March 22?Arrived: Str? Eastern Sun, Liverpool; Nelson. Clcnfuegos, Cuba; H F Di mock. Port Barrios; Dnlflna, Savannah; Lake Fife. New Orleans; ?chrs Ada A Mclntyre (Br), Oonnvle?: Irma, Mayaguc-z, P R; Rossann Bellicvu, Capo Ha?tien. NEWPORT NEWS, March 22?Arrived: Strs Lake Llcoco, Norfolk; Linmern (Hr), Norfolk; Lieutenant Jean Taurent < (Fr), New York; Georgeanna Weenis, New York; Montara, New York; Polo (Br), Liverpool; Port Melbourno (Hr), Hull. Sailed: Str Minnesota!!, Marseilles. NF1W ORLEANS, March 22?Cleared: Strs Dorothea (Nor), Havana; Ferrara (Hal), Italy, via Gibraltar (for orders); Heralles (Nor), Taltal, Chile, via Panama Canal; Lady of Gaspe (Br), Front?>ra, via Tampico; Lake Falrlle, Galveston; Lake Glaseo, Ponsacola; Roger De Murta (Span), Barcelona, via Havana; Zyldljk (Du), Rot? terdam, via Newport News. NORFOLK, March 22?Arrived: Sirs Coachoma County, Liverpool; Magmerlck, New Orleans; Montgomery, Galveston; Lake Fouche, Sabine; Alalia, Provldenoo; Edlsto, Newport News; WoudriohiMi, New? port News; Mont Cenia Orr), Huelva; sehr Reno (Hal), Porto Mauricio. Sailed: Htrs Mont Cenls (Fr). Savannah; Woudrlchen, Gibraltar (for orders); Samnangcr (Nor), Buenos Ay res; West Chetac, Newport News; Lucigen (Br), Aarhus; West Hos scltlno, Pearl Harbor; Montgomery. Liver? pool; Lake Fouche, Manchester; Bata (Br), Dakar; Port Pirle (Br), London; Pengelly (Br), Quecnstown (for orders); AchllleB, Cristobal; Tunic, Piraeus; barge Darien, Cristobal; sehr Cecilia Cohen. Tenerlffe. PHILADEPHIA, March 22 ? Arrived: Strs Regina (Hr), Liverpool; Rossano (Br), London; Western Plains. Antwerp; Hercules (Dut). Caibarien: Port Antonio (Nor), Port Antonio; Lexington (Br), Bos? ton; Kershaw, Boston; Knights Island, C?rdena? anil Havana. Delaware Break? water, Del, March 22?Passed out from Philadelphia, 21st, strs Ethan Allen, New York ; Bayonne, New York; Herbert L Pratt, New Orleans; Lake Hurst, Norfolk. Passed up for Philadelphia: Str Henry T Scott, New York. Reody Island, Del, | March 22?Passed down from Philadel- i phia: Strs Nervier (Bclg), Antwerp; Chipnna (Br), London. PORTLAND, Me. March 22?Arrived: Sir Texaco 14, New York. Sailed: Str Ellin (Greek), Gibraltar (for orders). P.ORT TAMPA, March 22?Arrived: Sirs Lake Wilson, New York; Moldcgaard, New York. Sailed: Tug Robert P Clark and barges Susquehanna. ami Juniala, Tampico. PORT EADS, March 22?Arrived: Strs Ceiba (Hond), Ceiba; favour (Br), Rio Janeiro; Lake Fernwood, Tela; Margary '(Span), Tampa: Omoa (Hond), Port | Corte;:; Par ism Ina, Bocas del Toro; Rochelle (Br), Port Banes, Cuba. SAND KUY, March 22?Passed east 21st: Texas Oil Company, Magdala (Hr); west, 21st: Perfection. Mascontenlc (Br). Osisn (Br), War Subadar (Br), Castletown; 22d: Sun. Socony and barge. .SAVANNAH, March 22?Arrived : Str Guaro, Bremen via Norfolk. Sailed: Sir 1 Cuxanibu (Braz), Baltimore. i FOREIGN PORTS Departures for New York Halifax? S S Orient City, St. Paul, East I Sirtfc. <Vilombo--S S Alloslo. Antwerp?S S Nansemond. I London?S S Manhattan. Panama Canal. Cristobal?S S Balaca. Arrivals from New York Malmo?S S Garibaldi. Hergen?S S Drammcrsf jord, Lyngens fjord. Alexandria -S S Thegllssen, Sabotawan. Antwerp?S S Pocahontas. Bahia?S S Swinburne. London?S S -Michigan. Montevideo?S S Mutais. Gibraltar?S S Dunur. Panama Canal-^Crlatobal?S S General Georg?' W GoeUials. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS The connecting mails close at the General ; Postoftice and City Hall Post?nico Station, i New York, at (i p. m., us follows: Hawaii, Fiji Islands. New Zealand and Australia, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, steamship Niagara, March 24. Hawaii. Japan, Corea, China, Siam, Si? beria, Cochin China, Netherlands East in? dies and i'hilippine Islands, via San Fran? cisco, steamship Korea Maru, March 25. Hawaii, via San Francisco, steamship Manoa, March 25. Hawaii, Japan, Korea, China, Slam, Sl | beria, Cochin China and Netherlands East I Indies, via San Francisco, steamship Ven I ezuela, March 29. Japan, Corea, China, siam, Siberia, Cochin ? China, Netherlands East Indies and I'hilippine Jalunds via Vancouver and Vic ! toria, H. C, steamship Empress of Russia, ! April :t. ? Tahiti, Mar?iuesas. Cook Islands, New I Zealand and Australia, via San Francisco, [ ?toamship Tofua, April 4. New York Guard Authorized To Form First Tank ?Unit From The Tribune's Washington Burean WASHINGTON, March 22.?Authori? zation was sent to the Adjutant Gen? eral of the New York National Guard to-day by the War Department to or? ganize a tank company with the Empire State militia. It will be known officially as Company A, and is the first of sev? eral companies to be authorized for the guard organizations of the various states. The War Department will not furnish the unit with material or equipment until it has been fully recruite?! and or? ganized. INSTRUCTION ACCOUNTANCY .V?w Classes are now fornrUnfr, day or early evening sessions. Write for helpful booklet. "Your Post-War Opportunity." and Bulletin 116. PACE ?t PACE, "i0 Church St.. New York. DALiW~SW?MMING SCHOOL SWIMMING SCIENTIFICALLY TAUGHT i Call or write for Pool.let A. 303 West r.iith St.?19 West 44th Street. BAliLAKl/ PRACTICAL Nl'RSING fr-^im/**,! REGISTER NOW adlOOl? CoMtn? Branch Y.W.C.A. *^V** ** ?10 Lex. Ave., at 53d St. ' QUITT SCHOOL. 62 West 45th Street. | 1 IfUI I Secri'tarial training; Individual: ""? ? instruction. Day, evening. ' Pastor Opens Home In Church Building For Servant Girls Mr. Dulitz Tells of Scheme Which Will Permit Them to Select Positions and Command Higher Pay It is a long timo since anything has been said about the sad lot of the ser? vant girl. What with her graphophone and automobile rides and her objection to company for ?unday dinner, the cook has appeared to hold a far hap? pier position than the cringing mis? tress. Tho Rev. Nicholas Dulitz, pastor of the Hungarian Baptist Church, 225 Eightieth Street, however, finds that high wages have not brought happiness to the servant girl, and that she still is in need of missionary work. He has announced the opening of a servant girls' home in the upper floor of his church building as a refuge for the friendless autocrats of other women's kitchens. Mr. Dulitz is rot above ministering to the pockctbooks of his parishioners as well as to their spiritual needs. His eyes sparkled as he told of the salary increases he had obtained for the girls through the club. "My telephone has been ringing all day," he said last night, "with inquiries from women who want me to find cooks for them. I know many girls in my congregation who have been getting high wages, but have been obliged to work very hard. One girl received $25 a month three years ago, and is now getting $50, but she is compelled to work twice as hard and is not allowed time off. I will advise this girl to take another position. Women arc willing to pay as high as $60 and $70 for a good, faithful Hungarian house girl. "The reason many girls have not been able to improve their positions is that they had no home to go to between jobs. That is what this club will do. It will give the girl a chance to select her position." The club will accommodate twelve girls at a time and each will be allowed t remain for a month at $2 or $3 a week. There will be a kitchenette, where she may prepare breakfasts and light lunches. There also will be a large drawning room, where on Thurs? day and Sunday the girls can spend a social afternoon. A home missionary worker, Miss Ethel Wren, will preside over the club, and lectures will be given on the dangers of city life, and classes in Americanization and reading and writ? ing the English language will be main? tained. The club is being supported by the women's auxiliary of the New York City Baptist Mission Society, the Amer? ican Women's Baptist Home Mission? ary Society and the American Hun? garian Women's Society. About $10, 000 will be spent. Dr. Phoebe Williamson Dies She Founded Woman's Hospital at Poughkeepsie in 1892 Dr. Phoebe Williamson, founder of the Woman's Hospital at Poughkeepsie and a medical practitioner in Manhat? tan prior to her retirement ten years ago, died yesterday in Hahncmann Hos? pital after a prolonged illness. She was seventy years old. Dr. Williamson was a classmate of Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, founder of Blackwell's Island Hospital, at the Women's Medical College and New York Infirmary. In 1892 she founded the Woman's Hospital at Poughkeepsie. She was born in Hillbrook, N. Y., but lived in this city the greater part of her life. She lived at 504 West 146th Street. She is survived by a daughter. The funeral will be held this evening from Campbell's Funeral Church. Burial will be in Poughkeepsie. Officer Killed in Polo Game Major Williams, of Paterson, Dies in Philippines Major Frederick J. Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Williams, of 128 Vandien Avenue, Ridgewood, N. J., died in the Philippine Islands last Mon? day as the result of an accident in a polo game, according to word received by his parents yesterday. The accident brought on concussion of the brain. Major Williams was born in Charles? ton, S. C, twenty-six years ago. He was graduated from West Point in 1916 and was said to have been the youngest officer of his rank in the regular forces. He served in the loth Field Artillery as a captain. At the close of the war he was promoted to major, and on August 15 was detailed to duty in tho Philippines. OBITUARY NOTES MRS. JOSEPHINE WATKINS MAN, ' widow of Albon Man, a New York lawyer, ? I resident of Brooklyn for fifty-four years and long active in the work of the Central Con? gregational Church, in Brooklyn, died Sunday ' in her apartment at the Margaret Hotel. The funeral was held there yesterday after? noon, the Rev. Dr. S. Parkes Cadman of? ficiating. Burial will he at Malone, N. Y., Mrs. Man's birthplace. JAMES J. WILLIAMS, fifty-four, for twenty-iive years in the drug business at IL'0 Myrtle Avenue, died Sunday at his residence. 400 Sixth Avenue, Brooklyn. Funeral serv- ; ices will be held to-morrow morning with requiem mass in the Roman Catholic Church | of St. Thomas Aquinas. Ninth Street and Fourth Avenue. Burial will be in Holv : Cross. Mr. Williams was identified with > Knights of Columbus activities. Jsgm to Dance A* dancing I? to popular, these oolumns will appear ?very Sunday. Tuesday and Thursday. DANCE PALACE?TERRACE GARDEN 58lh Street, near Lexington .^vrnur CONTEST THIS EVENING EXHIBITION WALTZ Winning Couple Will Keeelve n LARGE SILVER CUP PRESENTE? BY DOROTHY DALTON Evenings 1 to 12 , Individual Instructor. 29?. DANCING Saturdays, Sundays and 3 LESSONS Private Lessons Any hour. Holidays, 2 to 18. 1 Telephone Pias? 75. EVELYN H?BBELL and Cattle House Instructors in Charge TO-Nlt?Hf\:>J2f I FSSfiN"s m Mrtetiy '.c gfi LE3:iun;' private atudio ? ?>C y?3? E .elusive School for Hrclnnrra! rflflrl Guaranteed to teach anyone who ^am%i,*mf walks HOW TO DANCE ylW Fr?? admission and hat cheoklnj: a7J?V. 1 rc* Supreme Danciof Floor ?rfjfi 4>J*?a Band Played with Pen. Vf/U If youlearn here you can dance m Ja apinhure KasSa brtakt WILSON'S gHrstf Private Lmsonn at all Hour?? Classes Every Evening S to 12 F M. Phone Lenox 3924 YOl'R dancing improved and self-confi? dence developed In on? private lesson st exclusive studio: half hour $3, hour, ?5. beginners rapidly, thoroughly taught. ALLAN and MAY WOODS, 50 West 67th st. Columbus 1405. MODERN DANCES. WILMA GILMORB, , Vernon Caatl? Graduate 1*4 Wort IftUl at. CstfO? 4?NW. Brig. Gen. Charles Bird Dies; Veteran of 2 Wars President of Delaware Red Cross and Prominent m Social Welfare Work Brigadier General Charles Bird, V. S. A., retired, of Wilmington, Pel.? veteran of the Civil and Spanish-Amer? ican, wars, and one-time assistant <)uar termaster general of the army, died yesterday in Hamilton Hospital, Ho Gates Avenue, Brooklyn, at the age of eighty-two. He had ticen a sufferer from cerebral embolism for fivei day^ Gene/al Bird was P?s'2cn*X_,2? Delaware Red Cross and the Detawwre Y. M. C. A. at the time of his death. He was born in Wilmington, Del., of Revolutionary stock on J"PVwat l??.' Kef ore the close of the Civil War he was promoted to colonel, and Portly after the Spanish-American War was made a brigadier general and "?>??d I to take charge of nil army transporta-1 tion. Upon reaching the age limit in 1902 he retired, and had since been de? voting a major part of. his Urnei to social welfare and Christian chai ?table activities. t>.._~.?? Surviving are Mrs. Mary Bowman Bird, the widow, and two sons, Feter Bowman Bird, president of the Bira Archer Company, chemical engineers, at 90^ West Street, who lives at Summit. N. J., and Charles Adams Bird, of Mount Vernon. The funeral will take place to-mor? row in Wilmington. Masons Conduct Funeral Service for1 Thomas Tileston IL Thomas Tileston 2d, formerly a gen-' eral insurance underwriter of this city and president of the World's Under? writers Inc., an organization with of? fices at 59 Maiden Lane, which he brought into existence, was buried yes? terday in Greenwood Cemetery, Brook? lyn. His death occurred in a Manhat? tan hospital Saturday from a pulmon? ary hemorrhage. The funeral was con? ducted bv the Masonic order. Mr. Ti'leston was born in New York. He was a member of the 9th Coast Artillery during/the World War and a member of the Loyal Legion. He was tho third generation of Thomas Tiles? ton. His great uncle. Thomas Tiles? ton, was a leading shipping merchant, the first president of the New York Clearing House and at one time presi? dent of the New York Chamber of Com? merce. , Mr Tileston was a member of Kane Lodge, P. and A. M.; the Madison, N. J., Golf Club and other organizations. He resided at Florham Park, near Madison. Surviving him are his wife, Maude Henly Tileston; his mother, who lives in Los Angeles; Robert and Henry M. Tileston, brothers, and Mrs. Lowell M, Clucas. a sister. -. Funeral Services Arc Held For Baldwin J. Cann Funeral services were held last night for Baldwin J. Cann, a first lieutenant in the 4th New York Cavalry during the Civil War, who died Saturday after a short illness at the home of his. granddaughter, Mrs. Annie Schaeffer, 1249 Sterling Place, Brooklyn. The burial will take place this morning in Greenwood Cemetery. . Mr. Cann retired from business after forty years' service with Tiffany & Co. He was a member of the Fourteenth War Veterans' Association and General Rankin Post, G. A. R. He is survived by a son, Baldwin; a daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Force; twenty-one grand? children and twenty-nine great-grand? children. HERMAN* H. KIFFE Funeral services for Herman H. Kiffe, manufacturer of baseballs and in the sporting goftds business at 523 Broad? way, who died Saturday, were held at his home, 612 Second Street, Brooklyn, last evening. The Rev. Dr. R. W. McLaughlin, pastor of the Park Slope Congregational Church, offi? ciated. Burial will be made to-day in Lutheran Cemetery, Brooklyn. Mr. Kiffe was a native of this city and had been in the sporting goods business for the greater part of his business life. He was the president of H. H. Kiffe Company, Manhattan. He was a member of the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, the old Bedford Riding Club and of Common? wealth Council, R. A. He is survived by his wife, Lizetta Disch Kiffe, and two daughters, Mrs. Samuel H. Dor man and Mrs. Roscoe C. Lawrence. JULIUS W1ZEMANN Julius AVizemann, sixty^-seven years old, of 484 Seventy-seventh Street, Bay Ridge, a retired restaurateur of lower Manhattan, died Saturday, at his home. Mr. Wizemann was a native of Witten? berg, Germany, and had lived many years in old New York City and Brook? lyn. He was a member of the Colum? bia Singing Society and the Downtown Caterers' Association. Funeral serv? ices this evening will be conducted by the Rev. C. D. Trexler, pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Good Shep? herd, and the burial will be to-morrow in the Lutheran Cemetery, Brooklyn. MRS. S. J. SHACKELFORD FRANKFORT, Ky.. March 22.?Mrs. Samuel J. Shackelford, state regent of the Daughters of the American Revolu? tion and prominent in Kentucky social life, died to-day at Hot Springs, Ark., where she had gone with her daughter, i who was recovering from an attack of j influenza. Mrs. Shackelford contracted ' the same disease, which developed into ' pneumonia. She was a granddaughter of Boriah Magoffin, cue of Kentucky's war gov- ; ernors. __ _ _ _ LLEWELLYN M. BICKFORD Llewellyn M. Bickford, vice-president i of the Oxford Paper Company and for ; twenty-five years associated with H. | Chisholm in the pulp and paper manu facturing business at Otis Falls, died ! yesterday at his home, 526 West End Avenue, after a short illness. Mr. Bickford received his schooling in Portland, Me., where he was born and as a young man started in the pulp and paper business. In 1892 he organized, with Mr. Chisolm, the Otis Falls pulp and Paper Company. He later became purchasing agent for the International Paper Company. He be? longed to the Republican and Cumber? land clubs of Portland., He is survived by Mrs. Bickford and ? a daughter. Campbell's funeral church will have charge of the burial, which will be in i Portland. Services will be held at the j home here. ' HOTEL ipetet gs>tui?be.sant Central Park West at 86th St. JUST COMPLETED Suite* of one room to a? many as required. Furnished or un? furnished. Restaurant a la Carte WM. F. INGOLD. Uanuor. Justice sometimes goes wrong. Men'are often punished for crimes they do not commit. And when we thoughtlessly take purgatives and cathartics to relieve stagnant bowels, we are committing a similar injustice. When the system is unable to remove food waste at regu? lar intervals, it is the food waste, and not the system, that needs correction. Every other form of treatment either irritates or forces the system. Nujol works on the waste matter instead of on the system. By this entirely new principle Nujol will keep the poisonous waste moving out of the body. Nujol prevents constipation by keeping the food waste soft, thus helping Nature establish easy, thorough bowel evacuation at regular intervals ? the healthiest habit in the world. It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take ? try it. Nujol ta sold by all druggists in bottles only, bearing the Najol trade-mark Write Nujol Laboratories, Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey), 50 Broadway, New York, for booklet "Thirty Feet of Danger." A Now Method of Treating an Old Complaint BIRTHS BRACH?Mr. and Mrs. Leon S. Brach of Earn Orange, N. J.. announce the arrival of a ?laughter March 17, Lucille Patricia Brach, BREWER?To Mr. and Mrs. William Gels ton Brewer, son. William Gelston Brewer Jr., March 20, 1920. LEVY?Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Levy an? nounce the birth of a son March 20. ; ENGAGEMENTS GOLD?GREEN WALD?Mr. and Mrs. M. Greenwald of Fiatbush announce the be? trothal of'their daughter Mary to Mr. Alexander A. Gold, March 20, 1920. MARRIAGES GLEMBV?LAWSON?Miss Violet Lawson of New York to Mr. Louis Glemby, March 20, 1920. HIRSCH?ROSIN?Miss Evelyn Rosin. Ir vington, N. J., to Mr. Max Hirsch. Brook? lyn. N. Y., Sunday, March 21, 1920. WHEELER?JE1DELL?At Newark, N. J., on March 19. 1920, by Rev. Henry R. Rose, C. Osborne Wheeler and Lillian Ruth Jeidell. of Newark. N. J. _DEATHS ALTHERR?March 20, 1920, Joseph D. Altherr. Funeral on March 23, 1920, at St. Aloysius'? Church, 132d at. and 7th ave., 10 o'clock. Interment Calvary Cemetery. ANDREWS?On March 19, 1920, William Loring Andrews, husband of Jane E. Crane. Funeral at 16 East 38th st. on March 23, 1920, at 10:30 a. m. BAVIER?On March 21. 1920. Mary I... wife of Charles S. Bavier. Mass at St. Gregory's Church, West 90th st.. on March 23, 1920, at 8 a. m. Interment Albany- - BENTON ? On March 17. 1920, Mary Ethel, wife of Morris K. Benton. Services at 107 Crescent ave., Plainfield, N. J., on March 23, 1920, at 3 p. m. Interment Hillside Cemetery, Plainfield, N. J. BICKFORD?On Monday. March 22. at his residence, 525 West End av.. New York City, Llewellyn Marr Bickford, in his 56th year. Services will be held at his late home Wednesday afternoon at 2 :30 and at the chapel at Evergreen Cemetery, Pert land, Me., at 2 p. m. Thursday. BOYLAN- -On March 19. 1920. Thomas Boy Ian, husband of Mary Boylan. Funeral Tuesday, 9:30 a. m., from 294 Pacific st., Brooklyn. Interment Calvary. CALLAHAN- -On March 20, 1920, Josephine. Funeral from 706 Westchester ave., Bronx, on March 23. 1920. at 9:30 a. m. Inter? ment Calvary Cemetery. CARTER?On March 20, 19.20. William F.. husband of Catherine W. Carter. Funeral from 317 West 21st st., on March 23, 1920, at 2 p. m. CLARK?At Cornwall-on-Hudson, N. Y.. on March 20. 1920, Anzonetta D. Clark, widow of Leonard P. Clark. Funeral at River ave., on Tuesday afternoon, March 23. 1920. at 2 p. m. - | COMSTOCK?On March 21, 1920, David I Young Comstock. Funeral Danbury, Conn., ? March 23, 1920. , - | CROSSON?On March 21, 1920, Joseph P., j husband of Julia Cross on. Funeral frrijm ! 77 Jane st., Tuesday, 10 a. m. Interment | Calvary. DANZIGER?On March 21, 1920, Jeanette Danziger, widow of Henry S. Funeral j at Mount Hope Cemetery, Westchester ; March 23, 1920, at 11 a. m. DE ROODE?On March 21, 1920, Helen Catherine de Roode. Mass at Sacred ; Heart Church. West New Brighton. Staten Island. March 23, 1920, at 10 a. m. DILLON?On March 20, J920. Mary Dillon wife of Patrick Dillon. Funeral from 1889 3d ave.. March 23, 1920, at 9:3o a. m. Interment Calvary. . FITZPATRICK?On March J9. 1920, Thomas J., husband of Mary Fitzpatrick. Funeral from 12 Renwick st., March "3 19"u ?? 9:30 a. m. ' . FLORENCE?On March 20, 1920, ja,-,5 Florence. Funeral from 85 South 9th et Brooklyn, on March 23, 1920. Interment Calvary. rLoYX^rAt?",46. 85th ?***- Bensonhurst. i Brooklyn. Bridget A. Flynn. wife of the .>te,?_.tnck,.Flynn* Funeral on March' 23, 1920, at 9:30 a. m. . GIB80N?At Montclair. N. J.. on March ?0, 1920, Eva Mylott Gibson, wife of Hut ton Gibson. Funeral from .7 Montclai ?ve. on March 23, 1920, at 10:30. Inter-, ment at Chicago, 111. ! HARTOG?Joseph, on March 21. Services' THE FUNERAL CHURCH (Franktu Campoell), B way, 66th st., Tuesday 8>*3? p. m. HM8TiNSS~^t h?lr h,?me- G"? TOW. 1-8. ! North Broadway, Yonkers. N. Y on Mon day, March 22, 1920, William Carey Hast? ings in his 80th year. Funeral servid? at i his late residence Wednesday afternoosi at 4 o clock. Interment at Hartford, Conn Thursday. HEAR?Mary, wife of John J. Hear. Fu? neral from 328 Madison st., Brooklyn March .., 1920, at 9 :S0 a. m. Interment Calvary Cemetery. DEATHS HAYDEN?On March 21. 1920, Mary Loot??, wife of the late John H. Hayden. Pel neral at 2R3 Lookout, ave., Hackensack on March 23, 1920, at 8 p. re. Inter?? Evergreen Cemetery, Brooklyn. KENNEDY?On March 20, 1920. Elizabeth, wife of John Kennedy. Funeral from 1488 2d ave., March 23, 1920, at 9 a. ?. Interment Calvary. LYNCH?On March 20. 1920, Martin E.. husband of Nellie Wvnn. Mas*? on March 23, 1920, at 10:30 a. m.. at the Church?* the Epiphany. Interment Holy Crow Cemetery. MACHI?On March 21, 1920, Elisabeth, wifs of Vincent Machi. Funeral from 17?1 Lexington ave., on March 2., 1920, st 2 p. m. MARONEY?On March 20. 1920, Jama* Maroney. Funeral from 117 Windsor place. Brooklyn, on March 23, 1920, st 2 p. m. Interment Calvary Cemetery. MAXWELL?On Sunday. March 21, at his residence. 11 East 45 th st. New York City, Robert Maxwell, of Rockvill?, Conn., in his 66th year. Funeral services at th? Church of the Heaw.-nly Rest, 5th av. and 45th st.. on Tuesday. March 2?,. at 11 a./ m. Interment private, at Rock villa, Conn. Kindly omit flowers. MAYER?Fanny, on March 21. 1920, Fu? neral from 12 McKinlev ave., Lynbrook, L. I., oil March 23. 1920. at 12:30. In? terment at Mount Zion Cemetery. MCCARTHY?On March 21. 1920, Helen McCarthy, 463 West 42d at. Funeral on March 23, 1920, at 2 p. m. MORGENTHAU?On March 20. 1?20, Charles, husband of Rachel. Funeral from 108 Albany ave., Brooklyn, on March 2S. 1920. at 2 p. m. ? NIMMO? On Sunday, March 21. st Hunting ton, Long Island. N. Y., Margaret Jans Nimmo. in her 87th year, daughter ef the late Rev. Joseph and Hannsh Dlxon Nimmo. Funeral services Wednesday, tt 3 v. m. Interment Huntington Rural. Philadelphia. Norfolk and Portsmouth pa? pers please copy. PATRICK?On Sunday. March 21, 1920. at his residence. 101 West 85th st., Charles H. Patrick, in his 84th year. Funeral private. PETTY?On March 20. 1920, Sidney A. Petty. Funeral from 265 West 125th st.. March 23. 1920, at 1 p. m. REILLY?On March 20. 1920. Franc!? L. Reilly. Mass at Church of the Holy Trin? ity, 82d st., between Broadway and Am? sterdam ave., on March 24, 1920, at 14 a. m. Interment Calvary Cemetery. REILLY?On March 21, 1920, Henry. Fu? neral from 2160 Sth ave., on March 23. 1920, at 10 a. m. RIPLEY?On March 20. 1920, Grace Rosalia Ripley. Funeral from 639 Hudson ave. West New York, N. J., on March 2?. 1920. at 1 :30 p. m. Interment Calvary. ? ROACH- At Cranford. N. J.. on March 20. 1920, Gertrude Dorothv Roach. Kuners! on March 23, 1920. at 2:30 p. m.. from 21? Prospect ?t., Cranford. N*. j. ROOK?Johanna, wife of the late Charles Rook. Funeral at the Evangelical Lu? theran Zion Church, 339 East 84th ?t., at 2 p. m., March 24, 1920. RUDOLPH? On March Ul. 1920. Rev. Jo? hannes F. S. Rudolph. D. D.. husband ^o! Emma Eusslim. Funeral on March 23. 1920. at German Evangelical Church. Garden and 6th ate., Hoboken. Interment at Bloomfleld. N. J. RYDER?On March 21. 1920, Grac? *? Ryder, at 834 Flatbush ave.. Brooklyn. Funeral on March 24. 1920, at 1:30 p. ?. Interment Evergreen Cemetery. ? SARTER?Theresa Satter, ot 9429 lOTth st., Richmond Hill. Funeral on March ?3. 1220. at 10 a. m. SILBERSTEiN?Lena, wife of late Saul, , Silber.''in. Funeral from Stephen Mer ritt's.. 126th st. and bth ave.. March :3. 1920, at 9:30 a. ?. SIMON On March 20, 1920. Rose Simon, wife of Sam L. i.Sonn*** Simon._ Funeral services at Universal Chapel. 597 Le*'r>** ton ave.. New York City, on March .3. 1920, at 10:30 a. m. SOONS--George, on March '-1. I"-?- fu? neral services at 609 Fast 233d ?t. on March 23, at 8 p. in. SULLIVAN?On -Marc!. 20. 1920 Daniel Sullivan. Funeral from 244 West -*th st. on March 23, 192". a'. 9:30 a. m. Inter? ment Calvary Cemetery. TREDWF.I.L On Mo: day, March 2:2. 192?. Christii a Stuart, wife of the late Warren C. Tredwel!, &t the residence of her nwee. Mrs. J. 1'uivin lkusman. ?49 1 *tl> av.. Seattle. Wash. TWOOMEV 0.; March i :*. 1920, Daniel J Twoom. v. 1 u?era! from 84 Greenwicn st.. on March .*.:. L920. a; 9;30 a. m. ULTSCH On Marro 20, 1920, ?c?th'rj"': wife of Henry Interment in _t. John? Cemetery on March 23. '320. WARD Mary W. Fu?ar?! Tuesday, ?* Albany. WILLIAMSON Phoebe, on March 21. Sl? ices THE FUNERAL CHURCH (Frank * Campbell). B'v.ay. 66th v-. Tuesday. 7-JV p. m. WIZEMANN?On March 20, ?^JS? Wiaemann. at 434 77th st.. BrooWJ? lunera! March 24, 1920, a*. 2 p. m. ? terme*!'. Lutheran Cemetery. WOLLHE1M?On March 19, 1920. Bertha F. Wife of Aaron Woilheim. t^ersl W 175 '. . 79th st., on March 23, WW. 'S?l?r C4M?%%?L SERVICE /s NOT COX- ^M?, ,?, HMD TO mW YORK CITY. A ?g^? * telephone call iciU brine our ??ft flT r(,Pre8/'niati? to you. wherever you Wf I I n>?? ' ,OT',? the least Possible delay. \ ' I II C"?''Co,umbus 8200." Any Hour, Day or Sight. I | I I FT*<??? E- CAMPBELL I ffl r, f ro*dw?>' at ^ St. 25- Str.,? at ?* Av* W OCEAN VIEW MAUSOLEUM In cemetery beautiful. ?reater New York. Complete?ready for occupancy. Crypt? and Bichea for sal?. Booklet and particu? lar? a*nt on r?qu??t. N. T. Community Mausoleum Construction Co.. No. Stil TUbM ?ulliiam, N. T. I?L Uli Br/ut, Luckings, Bender & Schotte, !?*? ?KDBRTAKBRST?Chapel & Sn?w r'00!2t 151 Amsterdam Av*. Tel S?i Biv*r?l<l* THJE ?OOIM.AWN CKHsVrmsVt. U3d St. By Harlem Train ?ad 1*/ Trau??? Lot? of small sis? for ?ala. _ * i OfJJo?, a? Ba? IM ?Tt., K. J? -~