Newspaper Page Text
Labor Unions Here Reflect Political Activity in Nation JS* tcnsi veCainpaign Program Being Mapped Out by Which Workers Will Be Guided in the Elections Unprecedented political activity on the part of labor in tne forthcoming campaign isr presaged by the prepara? tions now being made by local trade unions to make their vote effective. In Manhattan, Brooklyn and the other boroughs committees are being organized along regular party lines to comb the Assembly ?nd Congressional districts. Publicity, ?speaking and or? ganizing bureaus are going ahead with programa for an intensive campaign both during the" primaries and the elec? tion of candidates for President, Con? gress, state Legislatures and all other public offices. Hugh Frayne, local organizer of the A. F. of L. and one of Samuel Gomp er's lieutenants, declared that thou? sands of circulars have been sent to organized labor bodies throughout the state and nation, outlining the non partisan political policy indorsed by the executive committee of the American Federation of Labor. The declaration sets forth that "wherever candidates for reelection have been friendly to labor's interests they should be loy? ally supported. Wherever candidates are hostile or indifferent to labor's interests they should he defeated and the nomination and election of true and tried trade unionists or of assured friends should be secured." A list of candidates for national office, both favorable and unfavorable to labor's interests, he said, is now in preparation and will be presented com? pleto at the coming convention of the A. F. of L. at Montreal on the first Monday in June. Because of its being frowned upon by the A. F. of L. leaders, it is not felt that the American Labor party will have much weight with the average trade unionist. It is pointed out, how? ever, that the claims of William Kohn, its head, that 100,000 workers arc be? hind the party within the State of New York is not impossible, and that it un- j doubtedly will attract a certain radical ; element among workers who do not. wish to align themselves with the Socialists. hardly probable, it is stated, that the entire membership of 160.000 of the Central Federated Union will support the party, as officers of the union have stated from time to time. What strength It willt be able to gather will be shown at the convention of the party next month at Schenectady. Robert P. Brinde!I, president of the New YdYk City Building Trade Coun? cil, said: "We do not believe in a sep? arate, political party for labor. We intend to continue along the lines laid down by our national leaders, which have been proved the best." John P. Coughlin, president of the Central Labor Union of Brooklyn, an? nounced that a committee of five had been appointed to organize the sphere of influence of the labor union, which included all of Kings and Queens coun? ties. While there are 99,000 trade unionists registered in the organiza? tion, he said that there were no less than 200,000 organized workers in the district who are being lined up to pull many more than that number of votes for the interests of labor. A fund of ?Hr.OOO shortly will be collected, he declared, for publicity pur? poses and to enable th*: union to carry out the tentative program of organi zation drawn up. A meeting has been called for next week, he asserted, to ; et ?ho wheels of the program in motion. Villa Annihilates Farm Settlement, Is Report Bandit Said to Have Slain Fifty and Burned Their Homes and Their Crops EL PASO, Tex., March ^.?Accord? ing to reports brought to tho border to? night i<n entire Mexican farm settle? ment near Santa Barbara, Chihuahua, was wiped out Sunday, March 14, when Francisco Villa and his followers mas? sacred more than fifty men, women and children and burned their homes and crops. Angered, it was said, because a party of his men had been fired on in that vicinity on the previous day, Villa, with 150 men, attacked the place. The farm? ers defended their homes, and it was not until twenty-five or thirty of them had been killed and their ammunition exhausted that the twenty-five surviv? ors surrendered, the reports said. According to the story one young man, crazed with grief over the loss of his wife and family, tried to wrest Villa's gun from his hand. Villa sub? dued the man and shot him dead. Then, it is said, Villa ordered the men put to death, and the houses, grain and other possessions burned. It is declared that fifteen of the at? tacking party were killed by the farm? ers. Two Held as Suspects In Robbery of Club Police Declare One Guilty of St?hlung Patrick GUlen ^o_Death TIarold Welch, twenty-one, of 222 West Tenth Street, said by the police to be president of the Young Repub? lican Club, 61 Greenwich Street and Thomas Falasca. nineteen, of 199 West Tenth Street, were arraigned yesterday in -Jefferson Market Court and held in | $5,000 bail each for examination ! Friday. The men are charged with being im- j plicated in a holdup at the club on the night of March 21 in which thirteen members of the organization were robbed of $200 in money and jewelry. Complainant against the pair is Bert- I h?nd Happer of 63 Banks Street. Detective Campbell in asking for heavy bail said he believed Falasca to I be the man who stabbed Patrick Gillen I to death at his hv me, 43 Commerce ' street on February 21 i ?-??? New Certificate Issue The Guaranty Trust Company of New York is heading a syndicate which is ? Offering $12,000,000 Canadian Pacific ? Railway equipment trust 6 per cent I gold certificates, to be issued under I the Philadelphia plan. These certifi- ' . cates wil! be dated April 1, 1920, and will mature $500,000 semi - annually from October 1, 1020, to April 1, 1932. Tho certificates will be offered to yield from 6% to 6*4 per cent. The issuo is to be specifically secured by standard new raflway equipment to tho value of $15,000,000. Title to this equipment will be vested in the Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh as trus - *?*?, th? equipment to be. leased to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. n i.?. Bank Messenger, 13, Missiu-s Mark Meyer, n fifteen-year-old bank messenger, who left the Bank of Wash? ington Heights, h Street and Amatcrdara Avenue Yesterday nftor noon to cash a check for $450, was ro parted to tho police as missing last nfght by his father, Louis Meyer, of 409 Ea?t 104th Street, tho Bronx. Mr. Meyer fears his ?on it the victim of ?bi ya? x ?Mta. Italian Deputies Clash; Fights Narrowly Averted Catholics and Maximalists Ex? change Invectives During Debate on Reform Bill ROME, March 24.?Catholic and Max? imalist member?* of the Chamber of Deputies clashed in the Chamber yes? terday ?during debato on measures pro? viding for agrarian reforms, and there ?were scenes of wild disorder. Personal encounter, between the two factions were prevented with difficulty by cooler members. Maximalists had been interrupting de? bate for some time, when Salvatori Ben dercpi, Catholic, shouted, "Oil! Oil!" at Signor Serrati, Socialist, referring to the letter's alleged speculation in pe? troleum. Serrati rushed toward the Catholic section, followed by friends. He was stopped by other Deputies, while Socialist Deputies . shouted, "Jesuits!" "Sacristans!" and "Hypocrites!" at their opponents. A, second clash occurred when the Catholic Deputy Carpa accused Socialist Deputy Lamella of having asked the support of the Prefect and Civil Gov? ernor of his constituency. Lamella flung himself toward the Catholic benches, ac? companied by his adherents, who fell over the desks shouting invectives. The President of the Chamber, former Pre? mier Orlando, despairing of restoring calm, suspended the sitting. On resumption of the sitting Deputy Orano spoke strongly in opposition to tho program of the Cabinet as set forth ; by Premier Nitti on Monday. He ac I cusod the Premier of weakness in the ! Fiume controversy. ? During the course of the session Pre? mier Nitti said the government favored the bill granting suffrage to women. , -. Three Billion Deficit is Feared by Wadsworth Stop Talking About 'Rights,' j Think About 'Duties,' He j Urges at Industrial Dinner | SYRACUSE, March 24.?It is time to ; stop talking about "riffhts" and get to thinking about "duties" in relation to government, Senator James W. Wads worth jr. told members of the Asso ciated Industries of tho State at their i annual dinner here to-night. Senator] Wadsworth, speaking on "Rusincss in ? Government," said he believes there i is something: besides dollars and cent;: behind tho restlessness prevailing in thir, and other countries. He added: "Let us do away with the idea that ', the government is to compel people to do things. There is to much legisla- ; tion on our statute books. We are run- I ning straight for a deficit of $3,000,- ! 000,000 at the end of the fiscal year." Speaker Sweet of the Assembly, re- j ferring to the so-called welfare bills, ' declared that when the public "sifted , the truth from the garbled reports | which have emanated front Albany" it ? will have a new light on the situation. I At a business session to-day the As sociated Industries, Inc., named a com- ; niittee to make reply to "unfair and i untrue assertions made by certain women's organizations against the as? sociation." ?.-*~-.? Buy 15,000 Suits in England Harvester Employees Save $12 Each on Big Purchase CHICAGO, March 24.?Fifteen thou- I sand suits of men's clothing, made in England and originally intended for sale by the British government for its j demobilized soldiers, were purchased 1 to-day v.'hen representatives of the twenty-two work councils of the Inter- ? nationkl Harvester Company met with | harvester official?. The company will act a3 business I agent and banker for the twenty-two j councils, which have more than thirty ! thousand constituents. The suits will ? cost the individual purchaser about $18 each. It was estimated that suits of j like quality would cost about s.'JO in the i domestic market. Army Orders from '?'he Tribune's Washington Bureau. WASHINGTON, March 24.?-Army orders js.ued to-day follow : Honorably Discharged Sun?. Capt. J., eng-. Waidelich. 1st Lt. A. G.. ?San. C. MeClain, 2d Lt. R. J.. air svc. Humphrey, 1st Lt. F. M?, Vet. C. Baker, Maj. A. T., Med. C. Holliday. Capt. G. A.. Med. C. Rlo-nt, Maj. R. K., F. A. Adams, Maj. H. L., F. A. Meade, Capt. H., San. C. \ W?hlte. Capt. G. W., Med. C. Remington. Maj. M., Q. M. C. Matoney, 1st Lt. P. P.. Q. M. C. Flynn, 2d Lt. R. M.. inf. Resigned Bell. 1st Lt. K. C. inf. Dlllard, Capt. J. B., C. A. .Walcott, Prov. 1st Lt. J., inf. Medical Corps Eby, Maj. J. D., to New Orleans. Ney, Maj. K. W., to New Orleans. Whitman. Maj. .T. D., to New Orleans. Winn, Maj. D. F., to New Orleans. Shipley, 1st Lt. M. H., to Camp Grant. Richardson, Maj. W. II., to Washington. i Miscellaneous Zollar.?. Maj. C. O., Q. M. C, to New Cum- ! bcr?and. Roberg, Cont. Sure. O. T., U. S. A., to j Chicago. Joy, Lt. Col. .1. S.. F. A., to New York City. \ Hughes. Co'. ?O. S.. ord. dept., to Fort Sam ! Houston. | Watrous, Capt. L., inf.. to New York City. > Wheeler, Cap!. K. W., Q. M. C. to Buffalo. I Honorably Discharged Duckworth. Pvt. T. A., No. 1,345,163, 157th Co., T. G. Svc. Anthony, Pvt. F., No. 547,756, Casual Co. 4,238. Falduto. Pvt. J., No. Rl.066,220. Falco, Pvt. J., No. 6,504,222. Helmar, Pvt. F., No. 57,199. Zi.ick, Pvt (1st CD, No. 2,299,938, Prov. Guard Co. Ghaston, Pvt. L., No. 6,427,577, Sth Guard Co. Southworth. Pvt. F., No. 6,420,722, 4th Ord. Casual Co. Price, Pvt. G., No. 2.356.728, Co. D, 313th Lahor Bat. Hall. Pv?. R. A., No. 1.358,466, Casual. Wille.. PVt. V., No. 46,967, Co. E, ISth Inf. ! Macklin. Sgt. T. Vf., No. 855,S75, Co. E, 318th Eng. McLane. Pvt. P. F.. No. 2,363,071, Supply Co., 36?d Inf. Bradley, Pvt. A.,. No. 1,689,464, 13th Svc. Co., 20th Eng. ! Navy Orders From The Tribune's Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, March 24.?Navy or? ders issued to-tlay follow: ?\ndru_, lit- C. L., to U. S. As'itie fleet. Antrim, Lt. (j. g.) A. A., to V. S. S. OHn. ! Brimmer, En?, h. ?.. to L. S. S. Cleveland. ; Cady. Gun. W. H., to U. S. S. Gannet. Cain. Mach. C. M.. to U. S. S. Carrabaissett. Haii'iman. Lt. J, N., to duly fermer German battleship Frankfurt. Jordan, En?. J. J.. to U. S. S. "I'uipqus. Jo-dan, Lt. ij. g.i C. W.. to ?U. S. S. Idaho. Lennon, Bos'n J. W., to U. S. S. Umpqua. Lickweg, Gun. IL. to U. S. S. O'Bannon. Parsons, Lt. B. P.. to U. S. S. Galveston. Sandstrom. Lt. E. V., to command U. S. S. Eagle 33. Tbour?, Ens. H. A., to Philadelphia. Underhtll. Ens. G. E? to U. S. S. Worden. Gelmer, Era?. R. J.. to Kittcry. Rod-sardts, Lt. (j. g.) C. A., to Bureau of Sonstruotion and Repair. Financial Items Allen F. Co*t?er. formerly a.sociated with YVoort. Struthftrs ?fc Co., has become affiliated with the New York Stock _.??*, chamjc? Ural of nutro <_ Kimbley. U. C. Lutkin lias been electod chairman ! o.* th? ex ?Mm live commit too ;in?i of t.?*<? i board of directora of th?> Tex...??. Company, ; ??id Amis- L, Resiy iva?, appointed preel- i ilent to suca?-nl Mr. Lui'.?in, 0? N\ Scott was elect??! a ?,'ico-pre?t(lent and will con- ' linu?. as manageV of vne produotng depart- i ment. V,'. W. Bruce, assistant treasurer, I nai promoted to treasure:. I Henry Clews? * Co.. members of tin? New York Stock Kxehange, ttava removed tboir Bast Sida branch office, formerly located at 9-8 Third avenue, to 146 Baa. 6lKtl?th Siwst, com.r of Lsxlngtoa Araaa?, HIGH WATEB ? ?.. AM ?*M Sandy Hook.V"i?i2? ?>is6 Governor's Inland.11:?4 "???* Hull Gat?. ? 12:*54 1.-6 ARRIVED YESTERDAY Vessel Port , *D*M?rtiire Stavangerfjord... .Christiania1.Mar is Dolce.*.OlRigow .Mar 9 Titania.Palermo .Mar e "Myrmidon.Aialers .?jar * James McGee.Tuxpam .*}*r i? Lake Fondulac.Calbarlen .?Jar l. Carib.Olenfuego? .Mai 17 Saint Bede.Para .Mar ? Northern Pacific.. .Colon .Mar is Cretlo.Boston .Mar *?* Lake Daraga.Philadelphia-Mar 2? Poughkeapslo.Newport Newa. ...Mar ?o Tunloa.Norfolk .Mar ?i Argentina.Trieste .feo f? Princeton.Tampico .Mar l* St Bodo.Buenos Ayres-Feb I Hagan.Amsterdam .Mar i Anglo Egyptian.. ..Liverpool. - Mayara.Perth Amboy.. ?? --" Mutiamar.An til la. Moro Castle.Havana.-' INCOMING STEAMERS , Due To-day , Dakolan.Dunkirk.Mar 11 ! Toronto.Hull .Mar ? i La Perouse.Havre.?er It ! Lake'Frumet.St. Michaels-Mar 11 Lancastrian.Antwerp .?er a ' GlenafTrtc.Y,lcA?rL* ,.Mar IK i Con. O. H. Ernst.. .Cristobal .Mar 15 I Bristol City...Bristol .Mar 7 I Morro Castle.Havana .Mar l? i Defiance.London .Mai IS Vestris.Liverpool .Mar io Tongrler.Brixham .Mar 1? Alaskan.Antwerp .Mar 11 Tlvlvea.Kingston .Mar Z? ! Gei. W. C. Gorgas..Cristobal .Mar is ! Santa Ana...Balboa .stl-li i Ft. Victoria.Bermuda .Mar a Due To-morrow Roma.Marseilles.Mar 6 Manco.Manoas.Mar in Vitellfa.Glasgow .?'ar J* Aneon.Cristobal .Max 19 Foly.carp.rani .M"r \, Zulla.Curacao .v1av -' Due Saturday Lapland.Southampton .. .Mar IS Am?rica .Naples . Tar,5 Duca d'Aosta.Genoa, .Mar 10 Lysefjord.Curacao .Mar 21 ICerlew.Dartmouth .Mar iS Due .Sunday La Lorrnine.Havre .Mar 20 Pannonla.London .Mar 19 OUTGOING STEAMSHIPS Sail To-day Mail Vessel closes sails Isla de Panay, Coruna. 8:30 AM 12:00 M Niagara. Bordeaux- 8:00 AM 12:00 M San Giovanni. Genoa... 9:00 AM 1:00 AM Mar Ro.1o. Bordeaux..- 12:00 M Panol?, Stockholm.?- 15:00 M Oooneo, Dunkirk.- 12:00 M K. Sid?. La, Pallies...- 12:00 Ar Bast. Light. Rotterdam- 12:00 M Walton Hall, Sal?nica..- 12:00 M H?lenla, Trieste.- 12:00 M Karlmoon. Samarnng..-? 12:00M Satsuma. ManilH.-?? .12:00 M Wythevllle, Shanghai..- 12:00 M Ked?ttlcut. Shanghai..- 15:00 M Slavic.Prnc. Yokohama- 12:00 M Lake Blllihorp.'. Rahio- 3 2:00 M Clan McMast. C^-Town.-' 32:00 M Epitflcio Pessoa. Datila- 32:00 M Calera, Valparaiso.- 32:00 M "West Alsek. B. Ayres. -? 12:00 M Exeter City, Bristol_-?- 12:00 M Lux-pallle, Marseilles..-? 12:00 M j Sail To-morrow Chines? P., Cp. Town.32:00 M 8:30 PM? Morro Castle. Havana. 8:30 AM 12:00 M 1 Alliance, Cristobal_12:00 M 4:00 PM; Danebrog, Santander..?.- 12:00 M ? Ynmhill, Antwerp.- 12:00 M Moravia Bridge, Dublin- 12:00 M sr?I Saturday New Tor',;. So'hampton 8:00 AM 12:00 M La Savoie, Havre. 8:30 AM 12:00 M 1'. Lope;: y Lope-,;, Barcelona . S:0?AM 12:00 M Manchuria, Hamburg.. 12:00 M 4:00 PM Santarem, Da.nnlg. 8:80 AM 12:00 M ?'alamares. Pi. Limon. T:0OAM 11:00 AM Stephen, Rio .Taneiro.. 7:00 AM 11:00 AM Tennyson, Pernanibuco 7:00 AM 10:00 AM Santa Luisa, Cristobal 7:00 AM 11:00 AM Ft. .Victoria, Bermuda 7:30 AM 11:00 AM Monterey, Ver? Cru-/... 8:30 AM 12:00 M Brazos, San Juan.... 8:30 AM 12:00 M IroquolH, San Domingo 9:30 AM 1:00 PM Bardie, London.- 32:00 M \V. Grove, Manchester. - 12:00 At Toronto, Antwerp.- 12:00 M Chariot, Naples.- 12:0OM Aniwa, Naples.- 12:00 M Madonna. Marseilles..- 12:00 M Corona,lo. Havre.- 12:00 M VW Hematite, Bord'.v. -- 12:00 M Sarcoxie, St. Nassaire..- 12:0OM Walton Hall, Constanza- 12:00 M Munamar, Hnn-a. - .- 12:00M Camagiiey. Tampico...- 12:00 M Lake Blllthorpe. Lara. -.?-.?, 12:00 M Putnam. Madeira.-.??? 12:00 M Helen, Fajardo, .? ?-. 12:00 M Due MufMSay Saint Michael, !'ei nambueo .- 12:00 M Kabinga, Sal?nica.??- 12:00-M AMERICAN TORTS BALTIMORE, March 21?Arrived: Sira j Bethelridge, Port Lobos; Chicago Bridge, Rio de Janeiro: Beatrice, New York; Lake | Capens, Punta Arena.?: TlviVes, Santa 1 Mart?. Cleared; Sirs Harcoxie, Bordeaux: I Gulf Trade. Tampico; Awensdaw, Malmo;! Lake Fanqulrc, Nantes; Lake Gllta, Nor-; folk and Newport News; Buyo 51am (.lap). | Rotterdam; Bvansvlllo, Antwerp; Rexmore iBr), Liverpool *, ia Boston: Rosario (11a 1 >. i Savona. Sailed: S: ra Lake Blon, Newport: News: Lake Glrardeau, Norfolk; Arcadia., Norfolk; Nl.-holas Cuneo iMor). Anttlla; Scottsburg, Rotterdam: Lake Heues, Oar-; denas; Copenhagen (Br), London; Lake | ijlehe, Manes; Baygowan (Br). Casablanca. | CAPE HENRY, Va, March 24?Passed in ? for Baltimore: Strs Cushnet, Benisaf; In- ! dependent Rridge, Benlsaf via. Bermuda;; Merlina, New York; Regulus (Nor), Nor-, folk. Passed out from Baltimore: Strs' Point Judith. San Francisco; Merrymount, Rotterdam; Bastern Shore, London; Mus- ! cat?n, Buenos Ayres; Lake Benbow, Phila- I delphlii; Texas '(Dan), Copenhagen vial Philadelphia; Point Arena, Boca Grande; j Arcadia, Norfolk. BOSTON, March 24?Arrived: Strs West j Togus, Antwerp and Spithead; Cretan, : Philadelphia; Nantucket, Baltimore and 1 Norfolk; Lovlsa, Preston, Cuba. Sailed:! Strs Sunshine, Tampico, Radiant Tampico; I Aurora. Tybee, Ca.; Cowee, Norfolk: i Cowlche. Stockton Sp.'ings. Me j PHILADELPHIA. March 24?Arrived : Strs Burma (Ital), Triosto and DjidJeW: ! Taunton (Nor.), Port Aneonio; Kiowa, ' Cardenas: Folsom. Fayal ; Kantern Moon. Everett, Ore; Josiali Marcy, Wilmington. ! N C. Delaware Breakwater. Del, March ? 24?Arrived: Sir Conshohocken, Phila- ! dolphia for Norfolk. Passed out from Philadelphia, 23d, ftrs Norman Monarch (Br>, Smyrna, etc, via New York; AVilllam M Burton, Beaumont; Charle? M Everest, Texas City; 24th, sir Santa Teresa, New York. Marcus Hook, Pa, March 24? Passed down from Philadelphia: Strs Mongibello (Hal), Gibraltar (lor orders); Gulf Stream, New York; Sabine Sun, Sabine; Edward Luckenbach, Rotterdam; Port Antonio (Nor), Port Antonio. DELAWARE BREAKWATER. D?l? March 24?Passed out from Pliiudelpmn. Strs Mongibello (Ital). Gibraltar (for oraera) ; l-'ort vntomo ( ?-? ?) f ??? > PORT TAMPA. Fla, .March 24?Arrived: Str Miami, Havana* via ki-.v vv . s. ?sir Lake Catherine. Charleston : sehr Harry G Deerlng, \ortoiu. PORT DADS. March 24?Arrived: Sirs Lako Calicoon, Progroao: Lake Saleakn, Progreso; Muscomono (Br), Norfolk; Ore? gon, Pensacola; Sarainacca, Port Barrios Ttpton, Tela. Sailed: Strs Ceiba (Mond), Ceiba; Coaliuila (Mex), Progreso; Ferrara (Hal), ituly via Gibraltar for orders Herakles (Nor), Taltal, Chile via Panama Canal; Lake Falrlie, Galveston; Lake Marlon, Mobile; Mexico (Mex), Progreso; Opelika, Copenhagen ?ind Gothenburg via Norfolk; Rockport, Liverpool; Roger de Lluria (Span). Barcelona via Havana; Suriname, Port Barrios. PORTLAND, Me, March 24?Arrived* Str Alector, Norfolk. Sailed: Str Bylayl, Norfolk. SAVANNAH, March 24?Arrived: Str .luanlata, Jacksonville. Sailed: Strs Marianne (Ital), Venice and Trieste; j Western From, Jacksonville. ! TAMPA, Fla, March 24?Arrived: Motor1 vessel Narwhal.; to,.,- ...rt....... I Sacra 'a f?rando. CHARLESTON. March 24?Arrived: Sirs ? Cuaba. Havana; Cicoa, Havana; Manta. ? Santo Domingo and proceeded to New ' York. Sailed: Str Burgondier, (Br.), i xlucaro; sehr Edward R Smith, Tampico. ' GALVESTON, TeN. March 24?Arrived : I Strs Indianapolis, Havana; Tamesi, Tarn-j pico. Sailed: Strs Mount Evans. Havre Pennant, Tmplco. JACKSONVILLE, March ?4 ? Arrived: Str Persian. Philadelphia, via Savannah; sehr Kingsway, New York. Sailed: Str Cook, Galveston. MOBILE, Ala., March 24?Arrived: Str Coosa. Havana: sehr Edward P Baird, Aquin Bay, Haiti; bark Jana, (Nor), Cork; sehr Lewis M Coward, St Georges. Sailed: Sir Saguachl, New Orleans; ?chr Wayfarer, Havana; sehr Fred W Ayer. Christian? stadt ; str Calna, Genoa, Italy, via St Michaels. NEWPORT NEWS, March 24?Arrived: Strs Ethan Allen, PhiraUclphia; Sictlian, (Beb-;), New York; Vhginia. Philadelphia. Salls.l: Sus British General. (Br?. a port ?11 Daly: Eclipse, Bo.iton; Orelben. (Br), Genoa ; Lieutenant Jean Laurent, (Fr). Havre; Mexican, Norfolk; Rlmu taka. . (Br), London; Tarn boy, (Br), Queenstown; Terrier, (Nor). Antwerp. NEW ORLEANS. March 24?Cleared: Strs Ellis, (Nor), Tola: Lake Ferrona, New? castle, England, and Hamburg, via Nor? folk; Median, (Br), Liverpool: Mount Vernon, (Nor), Vera Crua, via Tampico; Rochelle. ((Br), Preaton, Cuba. NORFOLK. March ?*?Arrive?: . Str* Bllenda?e, (Br). ?Cardiff. Portplrla, (Mi). Nswport Newa Sallad: Str. Petunia, -P? wlch; Pwquot, Rio de Janeiro i Westpool, Liverpool; Eskasoni. (Br), Kingston, As hala, Boaton; Regulus, (Nor), Baltimore; Tunlsler, (Belg), Newport News, Collamer, Manchester. FOREIGN PORTS Departures for New York Calcutta?S a 8h(nkoku Maru. Rio Janeiro?3 S Byron, K. J. Lucken bach. Yokohama?8 S Tottori Maru. Hong Kong?S 8 Sagaporaok. Avonmouth?S 8 Hamlet. Madeira?8 S Black Arrow. St Michaels?S 8 Liberty Land. Tyne?8 8 Monica. Beira?8 S. Dromore Castle. Barbados?8 S Polycarp, Laurel. Havre?8 S La. Lorraine. Constantinople?8 8 Blnainawa. Christiania?S S Oregon. Cadis?8 S Montserrat. Antwerp?8 8 Vincent, Navarlno, Sagua. Gibraltar?S 8 Pannonla. Genoa?8 S Giuseppi Verdi. Rio de Janeiro?S 8 Alcona. ? Fayal? 88 Corona. Callao?S 8 Santa Ans. Buenos Ayres?S S ostalca, Norfolk. Arrivals From New York Kobe??S S Ltioerio. Cape Towti-3 S Clan MaeWlIllam. Hong Kong?S 8 West Cava nal. Bombay?8 H Santa Malta. Buenoa Ayre.i? S S Key West. Chrlstiansand?S 8 Frederik VIH. Liverpool?S 8 Baltic. Movllle?S S Columbia. Plymouth?S 8 Philadelphia. Calcutta?8 8 Langton Hall. Karachi?S 8 Santa Malta. Genoa?S S Tarantla. Casa Blanca?B 8 Boston Bridge. Constantinople?8 S Re d'Italia. Naples?8 S Boheme. Nantes~S S West Field. Baroelona?8 8 Dallan. ' Havre?8 S La Touralne, Vlturia. Nyborg?S S Brelfond. Acora?S S New Brunswick. Antofagasta??S S Clalrton. Cadiz?S S Antonio Lopez. Gibraltar? S ?S Col?! Hurbov. Al?oa Bay?S ?S Dundrum Castle, York l'ast'e. Babia?S S .Seiclp?. Kobe- S S Bolton Cast le. Panama Canal, (Tristnbal-?'i S Zacapa. TRANSP.-CIF-C MAILS The connecting malls close at the General PoBtoff?ce and City Hall Tosto'Tlce. Station, New York, at 6 p. m... as follows: Hawaii, Japan, Corea, China, Slam, Si? beria, Cochin China, Netherlands Bast In? dies and Philippine Islands, via San Fran? cisco, steamship Korea Maru, March 26. Hawaii, via San Francisco, steamship Manoa, March 25. ? Hawaii, Japan, Korea, China, Slam, Si? beria, Cochin China and Netherlands Bast Indies, via San Francisco, steamship Ven? ezuela, March 29. Japan, ('orea. China, Slam, Siberia. Cochin China, Netherlands East Indies and Philippin? Islands via Vancouver and Vic? toria. B. C, steamship Empress of Russia, April 3. Tahiti, Marquesas, Cook Islands, New Zealand and Australia, via San Francisco, st-amshlp Tofua, April 4, Slays Sister Because She Abused Daughters Kan san Asserts His Four Nieces Were Not Being Reared Prop erly by Their Mother LYONS, Kan., March 24.--At a cor? oner's inquest W. B. Bast confessed that lie shot, his sister, Mrs. George Regan, killed at the *hreakfast table at her home here to-day, "to rid her four daughter.** of her influence." Bast said that hia four nieces were being abused by their mother and said that they were not being properly reared. He said that he bought the revolver sev? eral days ago for the purpose of taking his sister's life. Bast was arrested at the homo of a neighbor, where he was found covered up in bed with his clothing and shoes on and the. revolver in his pocket. He is held without bail and will be charged with first degree murder, the County Attorney announced to-night. mSTRUCTION ACCOUNTANCY New classes are now forming, day or early evening sessions. Write for helpful booklet, "Vour Post-War Opportunity," i>nd. Bulletin 116. I'.VE * PACK. .10 Church St., New York, t&ATf AD1. nAT CLASS in* ?AT\.hhI\tZU PRACTICAL NTRSfNO e-*?~*tJ*\?*>X REGISTER NOW SCHOOL Ce-ati?! Branch T.W.C.A. PRATT SCHOOL, fi- West 45th Street,1 Secretarial training; individual! instruction. Day, evening SURROGATES' NOTICES SUBRKBN, JOHN ',':?? IN PURSUANCB c? an order of Honorable John P. Co halan, a. Surrogate of the County of Net?/ York, NOTICE is hereby given to all per? sons having claims against John P. Suer ken, late of the County of New York, dot ceased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscribers, at their place of transacting business, a?, the office of their attorneys, Guggenheimer, L'ntermyer <fc Marshall, No. 120 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on or be fo'.-e the 21st day of June next. Dated, New- York, the lath day of De? cember, 1919. ELISE KAETHE SUBRKBN, HERMAN P. SUBRKBN, Bxecutora GUGGBNHKIMER. UNTERMYBR A MARSHALL, Attorneys for Executors, 120 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, New York City. STORAGE NOTICES WA]^0T?_^SALE OF GOODS FOR UNPAID CHARGES IX ACCORDANCE WITH TU%% PROVI sion of law. there heing due and unpaid charges for which the undersigned Metrop? olis Storage Warehouse is entitled to a Hen a? warehouseman on the goods hereinafter described, and ilue notice having been given to all partie? known to claim an Interest therein, and the time specified in such notice for payment of such charges having expired, there xvill be sold at public auction at our Warehouse, 31 W. lU8th St., ON SATURDAY, APRIL 3RD, 1920, AT 10:30 A. M., and continuing on each and every Saturday thereafter, beginning at the same hour, until .all goods are sold, to wit: Household furniture, consisting of parlor suits, bedroom suits, dining room -suits, library furniture, pianos, victrolas, musical instruments, carpets, rugs, trunks, boxes, barrels, suit cases, contento, con? sist?!!;- of clothing, linen, books, papo;?, stationer:.-, pictures, bric-a-brac, chirm anil glassware, silverware, bedding, (..-aperies anil materials, and other persona! ciTect* held for the account of the following par? ties concerned: MISS CA1NBS, MRS FLORENCE POLLARD, MRS. MATTHS HARR1S, MR, ALBX. TYSON. MRS PARKS. MRS. BRIDGET EDWARDS' MR. KORD, MR. DAX HARRIS, being now stored in said ?Metropolis Storago Ware? house. The goods will bo on exhibition at the time and place of Bale, and on each day of sale. Metropolis Storage Warehouse OFFICE. 50 WEST 133RD ST. WAREHOUSE SALE OF GOODS FOR UNPAID CHARGES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISION of law, there being due and unnaid charges for which the under>>lgr.~il ?.mancan Storage Company is entitle-?! to a lien us I ?varehouseman on the ??cods hereinafter de- i acrtbed, and ?ue notice having bean eive.-i to ! nil parties known to claim an Interest "?here? in, and the time specified hi such notice for i payment of such charges having expired there will he sold at public auction " at our warehouse, -47-.49 West ti9th St ON MONDAY. APRIL 12TH, isr?O. AT r0:30 A. M., and continuing on each and every Monday thereafter, beginning at the same hour, until all 'goods are sold, to wit ? Household furniture consisting of parlor suits, ' bedroom suits, dining room suits, li? brary furniture, pianos, victrolas, musical' In? struments, carpets, rugs, trunks, boxes, bar? rels, suit cases, contents consisting of cloth? ing, linen, books, papers, stationery, pictures, brlc-a-brac, chins, and glassware, "silverware! bedding, draperies and materials and other personal effects held for the account of the following parties concerned: JOHN AND MRS. MATVEENKOFF. V. VOLCAN HL BAST?N, MRS. N. PARKER, FRANK W BYRNES. A. W. WHITNEY, THOM .S C RICK, HENRY WEISS. MRS, LONG RICH? ARD ROHL. CATHERN O'BRIEN, W. W Hl'ESELTON, JANE DOCGELL, care L GRAF. MR.S. WILLIAM WRIGHT. W. L BOBBINS, J. W. CAHEX. jr.. M. WEST COTT, JOE. WEIN, MRS. E. RICHARDS or M. WALTER, being now stored in said American Storage Co. warehouses. The goods will be on exhibition at the time and place of sale, and on each day of sale. AMERICAN STORAGE COMPANY S-T---I WEST WTH 8T, Help Wanted Bumm? Opporhmitl? IV? 11 f ? F???**"""""i Furnubed Aiwtow, Site.??? Wmted Borine? Crd. VY SntS Board.? Wanted Lort, Found a-d R~.? LOST. FOUND AND REWARD3 LOST.?Diamond brooch, bow-knot d??1*"' set In platinum, Monday evening, March ?j between 41 East 61st at. and 903 Park ave. Valued for sentimental reasons. $200 reward If returned to 41 East 61st at. LOST.-?Brown brlncHe dog, near Grand Central: black atuddod collar; white foropawe; male; reward. 166 East 45th at. LOST.?Gold football watch charm on Weet 125th et.; reward. B. T. Price, 140 Broadway, IX>ST BANKBOOK? LOST.?Bankbook No. 1.138,240 of Bank for Savings, 280 Fourth ave.. New York. Payment ?topped. Pleaaa return book to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 833.663 of Bank for Saving?, 280 Fourth ave., New York. Payment ?topped. Please return book to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 116,838 of the Ex? celsior Savings Bank, 73 West 23d st. Payment stopped. Please return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 0LR14 of tbo Frank? lin Savings Bank. Issued to John Clear. Payment. stoppr*-d. Please return to bank. ?68 Eighth avb.. New York City. All persona LOST.?Passbook No. 143,978, Issued by the Union Square Saving? Bank. Finder will please return It to tho bank. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET PARLOR, BEDROOM AND BATH, COM? PLETELY FURNISHED, AND LARGE i STUDIO WITH TWO BEDROOMS. ALSO 'SUITE FOR DOCTORS ON FI ?ST FLOOR. ; ANNUAL LEASES. HOTEL SCHUYLER. GEO. T. STOCKHAM. PROP., 67 WEST ; 45TH STREET. TELEPHONE 1181 ? BRYANT. I APARTMENT.?One room. balh. kitchenette; f tOO. April 1 to September 1. Telephone Circle 7313. _ PARK AVE. AND 62D ST.?EXOEPTION ally furnished apartment, nine rooms, j threo baths, to sub-lease for short time; I present, lease $1>000 per month; will sac? rifico to some extent; Immediate occu? pancy. Frederick Fox & Co., Inc., 14 West 40th st. Phone 540 Vanderbllt. FIFTH AVE.?Studio apartment, two im? mense roome, dressing room, kitchenette, bath: exquisitely furnished. Appointment telephone 20?; Murray Hill. :;TII ST., 80 EAST. -Artistic four room', kitchen, telephone; elevator; ?1 <i 0. Call 12 to 6, or B-yant :;i:iG. Bums. tiOTH ST., 42 EAST.--Front basement, fur? nished to suit. Upen 11 to 2. Phone Plana 2974. 72D.?Facing park. 2 rooms, bath, apt. piano; hotel; $160. 7341 Col. Apt. 61. 76TH ST.. NR. PARK AVE.?Sitting room, two bedroom?, bath, us? of kitchen; ser? vice; 5160 monthly; April-October, llliinc. 3772. ! ? 7 16TH, WEST (near Fifth ave). -Two rooms. bath: kitchenette, fully fur? nished; electric cooking; quiet; cool; S125: April 1st until fall; no children. Phone Stuyvesant 72,0.1. FURNISHED ROOMS :2D. 258 WEST.?Sing!" room, with running water; newly furnished and decorated. Apply Mrs. Voile. 970 ANDERSON AVE. ?Well rurnishe room, all conveniences; private fun,il;. breakfast optional; gentleman; reference Telephone Jerome 4140. Macdonald. WEST END AVE., S18 ( 100TH ST.).?Large from parlor; also ?mall hull room. Phone Riverside 4909. H.ELP_WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION LEARN TO BE A CHAUFFEUR- -PUaeant slid profitable -work: day and ?-.onlng classes. Send for free booklet and visitor's pass. M'est Sido T. M. C. A.. 20S West ?;th et. Spanish! Frf nch I Snanlsn! French! I missed s $5,000" job ??.export manager beeauge 1 did not know Spanish; then I learned It by ? quirk, practical method and would not part with the knowledge for a round sum of money: write me for a free hook, explaining an easy method to learn all modern languages. Cortina Acad? emy, 14 E. 46th st. ? SHOP MATHEMATICS, mechanical and architectural drawing and typewrli In? courses arw still available for registration at Brooklyn Central Y. M. C. A., 55 Han? son Place, Brooklyn. HELP WANTED MALE A GOOD JOB WE WILL TEACH A TRADE TO A FEW YOUNG MEN. POSITIONS PAY $18 A WEEK TO START. RAPID ADVANCE? MENT TO THOSE WHO MAKE GOOD. GIVE AGE, EDUCA? TION AND NATURE OF WORK AND LENGTH OF EM? PLOYMENT IN YOUR LAST TWO POSI? TIONS. BOX A, 896 TRIBUNE. ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH YOUR PRESENT POSITION IN LIFE? * Have you the courage to try? If you have, and your record is clean, then we have an opening for you with good pay and a real future, but you must act quick, for we can't take every one. Apply by letter only, N. T., 932 Tribune Bldg., N. Y. BOY to make himself generally useful In machine shop; no experience necessaf-v. Roovers Bros., 100 Schermerhorn st., two blocks from Borough Hall Station. Brooklyn. BOY wanted to run errands. Phillip Apffel Co., 56 John st. BOVS wanted for errands; good pay and ex? cellent chance for advancement. Apply Dentists' Supply Company, 220 West 42d 8t. BOY wanted in office' of Import house ; op? portunity for advancement; no experience necessary. Apply Rubber Imports and Deal? ers Co., C9 Wall st. BOYS wanted In large advertising agency ; chance for advancement. Call J. Walter Thompson. Company, 244 Madison ave., New York City. BOY to assist In office of importing and manufacturing house; quick advance? ment If efficient. Call Semon Bache & Co., 636 Greenwich st.. corner Morton. BOY, about 16, for outside work; salary $14; advancement: opportunity to be? come salesman. Scofteld Company, 150 Nassau st. BOY In office of manufacturing Arm; offlco duties and light errands; hours 8 to 5 Saturday 1230; $12 weekly; v to advance. Continental Can Company, 616 West 43d St. BOYS?Run errand?, make themselves useful. Marbrldge Printing Co., 9 and 11 Barrow ?t., corner West 4th at. BOT wanted for stock room in Iron works; partly disabled man will do. Mark ft Mold. Third ave. and 6tb at., Brooklyn. HELP WANTED MALE BOYS FRANKLIN SIMON & CO., 5th Ave., 37th & 38th Stfl., Offer the most liberal salaries to BRIGHT BOYS as stock clerks, messengers, etc.; permanent positions and opportunity for rapid advance? ment. Apply APPLICATION OFFICE, 6 West 38th St., 9th Floor. USHELMAIN,??ji)i_ v-v. ?..-.. ~-. steady position Arnold, 50 Newark ave.. Jersey City. CALL CLERKS, experienced in charging millinery, dry goods or notions. Apply Jas. G. Johnson & Co., 15 West 32d St..? _ _ CONTRACTOR'S engineer, one capable of designing reinforced con.-rote, with knowl ed?? of architecture; must be flr-t class man. 1.ciiia Gold. 44 Court st., Brooklyn. COMPOSITORS Wanted In suit ?oners' print shop; steady lob. J. P. I'aret <_ Co.. 71 Broad sL_____________ DRAUGHTSMAN WITH EXPERIENCE ON STRUC? TURAL STEEL AND CONVEYING MACHINE FOR .SUGAR REFINING 'COMPANY, LOCATED IN NEW YORK CITY STATE EXPERIENCE, AGE, SALARY EXPECTED. ETC. ADDRESR STRUCTURAL, BOX 48, LONG ISLAND CITY.. ENTRY CLERKS, experienced in entering from call. Apply Jus. (-:. Johnson & Co., 15 West 32d St. GROCERY CLERKS, experi? enced; excellent future for right men; opportunity to be? come managers. Apply 159 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn. CARDENEB -HOUSBMA N wanted; middle -tared, married, no rljll dren; English, Irish or Scotch: wages $100 per month; living quar? ters, three room.-?. bath. light, heat and range coal; permanent posit!?!?. Address Box 3, Ards ! y-on-Itudson, New Varia OFFICE ROY, intelligent; cliance for ad? vancement; salary $12; must come well recommended. Troy & Co., 1303 Flatiron Building, OFFICE BOY, good chance for advancement. II. IS. Bot-on. Inc., II Broadway. PHYSICIAN with Connecticut license can ran) steady, year around work iu a attractive health resort for nervous and roal ?uro patients; good lama?, congenial surroundings, pleasant work, good salary, hotel i-uisitie, loyin'and laundry. Biythe wood Sanitarium, Greenwich, Conn. STOCK CLERK lo list pharmaceuticals; must have liad some experieive in n retail drug store or wholesale ? IruK house; should he strong and have had :nni" high school training; $13 stajt ; good rh.ince fur advancement. Bristol Myers t.'o., :?5I ? ii-cono a \ o., Brooklyn. SUCCESSFUL SA LESMAN who would Hk? to locate In ?New York City, Is wanted to represent n. large cor? poration in negotiations of a diffi cult nature. Position worth $5,000 to right man. J. II. Huntington. 106 Went 40th st.. bet wein ?:30 and l o'clock. WANTED.? Bench hands; steady employ? ment; good wages; overtime. Address RIdgway Door & Sash Factory, Rldgway. Pa. YOUNG man to assist buyer; must have experience in ; women's ready-to-wear line. i Address P. O. Box 3, Maidson Square Station. i YOUNG MAN.?Office assistant large whole? sale butter house; salary $17-$18; chancel for advancement; steady position; give full qualifications by mail only. Lowunfel Jt Sonn, ,148 Greenwich st , _ _ ? KELP WANTED FEMALE INSTRUCTION WANAMAKER BEAUTY SCHOOL, S83 Fifth Ave., Near 36th St. Leading School of America. EARN $25 WEEKLY. Hairdressing, Manicurinjj, Marcel Waving. All Branches Taught. REGISTER NOW FOR HI0.H CLASS POSITION: WB CAN? NOT SUPPLY THE DEMAND; REACH GUT FOR SUCCBSS IN A.N BBNVIRONMBNT Or WEALTH AND REFINEMENT; DAY AND EVENING CLASSES Phone 1170 Vanderbllt. HELP WANTED FEMALE COOK", waitress"wonted; no ?otner cleaning; small family; Cedarhurst, L, L; perma? nent position; good wages. Write Box 619, or telephone Far Rockaway 548. EXPERIENCED STEW..RDESS, capable of purchasing supplies economically, handling tho same, running kitchen effi? ciently and managing help diplomatically; woman with hotel experience preferred; steady employment in attractive health resort for nervous and rest cure patients; '?rood salary en<l congenial surroundings. Blythewood Sanitarium, Greenwich, Conn. GIRLS OR WOMEN TO PACK CANDY PIECE WORK ONLY THOSE WHO ARE QUALIFIED EARN FROM $18 AND UPWARD NEED APPLY; STEADY POSITIONS GUARANTEED TO ALL WHOSE EARNINGS EXCEED $18. APPLY EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT. 84 VAN DAM ST., N. Y. HENRY HEIDE, Inc., Spring, Hudson and Van Dam. GIRL bright and ambitious, to care for stock In hosiery department ; no experience necessary, Apply , J. & J. SLATER, 415 Fifth ave. GIRLS wanted; light, clean, steady work; experience unnecessary; good salary. J. W. McCab? Company, 91 Green* tt? HELP WANTED FEMALK GIRLS AS CLERKS AND AS TYPISTS Girls, age 17 and over, want? ed for permanent positions. HOURS 9 to 4.30 SATURDAY, 9 to 12 LUNCHEON SERVED FREE. Free Medical attention, Dental Advice, Insurance, Circulat? ing Library, Gymnasium. Classes in Stenography, Type? writing, Dictaphone Operating, French, English, Home Nurs ? ing, Millinery and Dressmaking, ; with competent instructors and without expense. OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS WITH SOME HIGH SCHOOL OR BUSINESS SCHOOL TRAINING IN TYPEWRIT? ING TO QUALIFY AND FILL EARLY VACANCIES. ?RAPID ADVANCEMENT TO ! THOSE WHO MERIT IT. QUALIFIED APPLICANTS WILL BE STARTED IMMEDIATELY. | Apply any day between 9 and 14.30. (Monday and Wednesday ?until 6 p. m.) - i ROOM 5030 METROPOLITAN LIFE BUILDING, 4th Ave. & 23d Street. Use Madison Avenue elevator to 5th floor. GIRLS WANTED $15.00 A WEEK TO START Positions open in several departments ALSO NIGHT WORK FOR WOMEN (21 years and over) (married or single) $18.00 A WEEK TO START No experience required. Rapid advancement. Permanent work. 48 hours or less a week. Earnings of $85.00' to $100.00 a MONTH soon reached. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES: 135$ BROADWAT, MANHATTAN. S A. M. to Z P. M. 453 BAST TREMONT AVU,. BRONX. 0 A. M. to 8 P. M. II VTILLOUGHBT ST., BROOKLYN, (I BLOCK FROM HOYT ST. SUB WAT STATION. > ? A. M. to 8 P. M. ABOVE OFFICES ALSO OPEN SATURDAYS TO 4 P. M. SUNDAYS 1 P. M. TO 6 P. M. X>? BROADWAT, MANHATTAN. N. W. CORNER OF DEY ST. 9 A. M. TO S P. M. 133S BROADWAY. BROOKLYN. <NEAR GAT?S AVE. "t," STATION.) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Or telephone MADISON SQUARE- 1200? NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY GIRLS FRANKLIN SIMON & CO., 5th Ave., 37th and 38th Sts., Koffer the most liberal salaries to BRIGHT GIRLS As stock clerks, clerical work? ers, messengers, etc.; perma? nent positions and opportunity for rapid advancement. . Apply APPLICATION OFFICE, 6 West 38th St., 9th Floor. GIRL to aaalst in office of Importing and manufacturing house: salary to start $10: advancement. Semoti Bache & Co., 636 Greenwich st.. corner Morton. GIRLS wanted on light mechanical work; no experience necessary. Roovers Bros., 100 Schermerhorn et., two blocks from Borough Hall Station, Brooklyn. PACKERS FRANKLIN SIMON & CO., 5th Ave., 37th and 38th Sts., Offer the most liberal salaries to PACKERS. Bright girls, over 16, who have had experience in specialty shop or department store ; per? manent positions and opportu? nities for advancement. Apply APPLICATION OFFICE, 6 West 38th St., 9th Floor. LADIES' MAID wanted to wait on two ladies; must understand sewing and have personal reference*. Call before 12 o'clock, Hotel Lorraine. Fifth ave. and 45th st Apartment 229. MAID.?Light housekeeping and mother's helper, with 3 young boye: good ?alary: nice home. Apply L. J. Frank, Beth Israel Hospital, TO Jefferson st. STENOGRAPHER. ? Beginner; CbrUtia?. Blake afMvrwturtvf; * Stiff C*. 7? IW' HELP WANTED FEMALE ' STENOGRAPHER and dictaphone ,>-,. , ' wanted In main office of l8r-_?n?n,,_*ra!' (Christian); an Intelligent be?"?? ?S,**' considered at $18 weekly 10 start ? ?T' *? able to write corn?, t Eriglijh; Fiat' ??n h? ?experience If any; exceu*-,* <h_'._ fV "" vancement. T.. B??x 24, Tribuno ?-?mi-* **) YOUNG WOMEN to train tor inremT - months' r-ourse; pay wlili, learnin. a*M Brooklyn Eye * Ear Hospital. 94 j-u.1*' ?t.. Brooklyn, N. Y. A"'i~_<i*s SmJATI?O?_i^^ A?A.?COUPLE?Arnerlcs?. and Hut... ian; chauffeur and rook; |l?0' ?_,- ,. . r' stands all cars; wlf? exr.nent ?m?-^ lon* references. T., Mis? Hotline Agency, 10 East 43d st.. Sd floor tL_Sw* 89*7 Murray Hill. Telepb^, BUTLER, useful, young Filipino ?""nT' rlenced: $85. a. Ml? itl'' etf*' Agency. 10 East 43d st.. tbird floor ??_,? phone 8947 Murray Hill. r' ^*f CHAUFFEUR, formerly butTer: r^ZZT; years' experience; steady, reliable- ,A.'1 try preferred; bent rer~ren?_s ,!!?_?. j CARPENTER. -Colorai, all Tr^<7~^?r j wishes position in factory. Gar-lncr ?j^ l Seventh ave., ?? re ??rh.e. ' -' -" j-_ j HOUSEWORK, general; gir!; three In family; country. Morris, 4295 Graniercy. JAPANESE cooks, butlers. Japane?Ti-? ployment Bureau, 111 West 4_a st. Bry_? MAN. 29. married, wishes st^adv pos?.??. tall and strong; most i?nythiiar /???' Krais. 3 Park Place, Evergre-r,, r_ I* REAL ESTATE MANAGER, oX^r?-?__ renting, repairing ; $30. A 4- .Vr?1 114th st. ' *,Mt ?OUNG MAN. 30, 9 years* experi?^.! executive- in wholesale mill ?3y*?-2 ti??bs se??np patente) ar?l??. ctc ?-i"?)?. ch-jigre: foreign representative prefer??.; ? spe.l: French and furnish proper r?<>.?_? Answers ircatc.i confidentially. A >-, ? 'tT A.. S95, Tribune Office. -' " '' *" YOUNG COLLEGE MAX, 10, ?..?, ~ connect witli reliable concern; adv__?_. ment ; Al reference. E., Box S02 tJc" une Office. " ino" ? YOUNG MAN. with high m.h^~H_T_T ! -wishes position at anything vith oiunii for ndvanc-men?.. Jack Laber, 3.; __'.?!? st.. New York. ?* SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAL* A.?-A??CHAMBERMAID OR WA-TR-M ? Excellent- lon_ references; city tasiuV Sr,5-$6'). I.!., Miss Hofmayer*? A_-r.,y ?? F*a?st 43d st, 3d floor. T?l?phona S94I _? ray Hill. *"' j COOK. CIlAMBKRMAin. ','. AlTRESs ; young; Norwegians, one Inexperi?ntet! I the other 6*. years' reference mm j $!Q<*. T.. Miss Hofmayer"? Agency ? East 43d ml-, third floor. Telephone ?41 Murray Hill. ' CHAMBERMAID.?Protestant ; young; ?,. cellent. ret'ereiv-??s. Mlr->i I*"U;.g=r_!; j B*. ! reau. 366 Fifth av<-, . w COOK.-?Young Irish woman; ?mall faml!? city apartment: wages $?;r-. T Mia. M* mayer's Agency. 10 E. 4"! st., ?'i floor. Teie. phone S947 Murray Hii!. COOK. -Young: .", years' refcr-nce; ex'-elkm. Miss Fitzgerald s Par?an. ,".?",6 Fifth.a<_; COOK.?Firs* class, wlphes jiopi?cn, prime Call, v rite. Pollan. 343 West 24th st. DRESSMAKER.?Flrsl class fror. wt?? sewing at horn?. Mrs. KrUR?ka, 343 Tb-r-1 NURSE.- Hospital lraln-d: lr.fant; excep? tional references. Miss Furgorald'e Bu? re- u. 366 Fifth svc. NURSE.?Young, hospital trained; excellerit reference. Miss Fitzgerald's, ">? Fifth ave. NURSE.?Thoroughly capable; exceptional t years', reference. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 366 Fifth ave. INFANT'S NURSE, hospital t rained; Mg_lj recoin mended. charge of baby from birth; $70. B?. Miss Hofmayers Agency. 10 Et?; 4.'M st., 3d floor. Telephone y.'M Murray Hilt. WAITRESS v here parlormaid Is employed; equal to butler; excellent references from prominent f a in i I i ??; : $60 M Min. Ilnfmayer'l Agency. 10 Kas' 13d st . 3d rioor. T?lcprioiii -947 Murray Hill. WORKING HOUSEKEEPER.?To'jng Amer Icbii ?t'li ?*hild 9 ??m':.1: excellent refer once from last employer; $59. Z. Miss Hof maver's Agency. 19 B. 43d .1.. 3d tV>or. Tele alione ??47 Murray Hill. BUSINESS CARDS Carpets for Sale 5.??no YARDS WILTON, AXMlN'STEIt rarp-Ms. plain, mixed or Oriental pattern*, $).-5 yard up: (slightly used) wiltaNt all purposes. Rugs, ail sl_?s, f'sni-. or seamless, plain or bordered. $15.0? ? $65.00 up. Making-over, cleaning, laylnf, dveing, repairing, reasonable: beautiiua STILLING?-". INC.. fi.O-ti.S .M__is<jii Aw (59th St.). Plaaa S83?. Carpet Cleaning SBWING?MAKING OVER CI.F.AN1S9 B00 carpets, rutrs, portieres t_H ??m?1' plain Oriental colors. Sliuhily u?ed. *' 1-2 original pike. 24)0 >ds, of inlaid In?' leum, $1.-6. GEORGE 1037 3D AVE.. 6IST ST. 4:54 FI.A-A Diamonds DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY BOUOF.T FOR CASH, estates appraised, P?' chased. BENNETT. 175 Bro_d?vayr up-t?"* Furniture Wanted HIGHEST PRICES pail for furniture, -* tiques, planos, brlc-ft-brac, book!. ?: etc. GABAY, <?8 University Place. VBSfS btuyvesant .?77. Maple Syrup DIRECT from maker !?? consumer, t?*** Brand Pure ?Mapi?? Syrup, $3 50 PerP1"* Mail orders v.iih express or P O. Ord*?: D. Woodard, R. D. l, Northrill?. i-: County, N. y. __ Rags ORIENTAL RUGS ?& JA tity bought for hlgh-st cash; appralslni ? specialty; call or write. Basnajl?-. ?' West 46th st. 'Phone 5101 Bryant. Trunks BIO BARGAIN.?New and uted wartre* trunk?. 60? Sixth ave.. Der. ?th-81* ?* SURROGATES' NOTICES [ LBFFBRTS, William il IN rt n? - anre of an ordt.r ot Honorable Jeto '? j Cohalan. a Surrogate of the ' ounty "' v i York, NOTICE i.- herebj given to all 1"" ! eons having claims against Will???' ' Lefferts, late of the County of New u-r.* deceased, to present the same with voue?* ers thereof to the subscribers, at *> place of transacting busine*?. at '.he <>?? * of Baldwin & Hutchin?, their attorn**'. No. 120 Mroadway. Borough of Alano?-' tan. In the City of New York, on or f fore the 7th day of September M?t. h Dated. New York, the 1st day ?* M?rcn. 1920. , SJDITH C. LBTF?Utpi BAKKNT LEKFEtlTS, BLAIR S. WILLIAMS, E'-cUtors. BALDWIN & HUTCHINft ??>rne)-? W Executors, 120 Bi-oa?*??T. N?* lli City. WELLBROCK. WILLIAM HENRT.--I?J>"? suance of an order of Honorable ?JM^g Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County ol ?? York, notice ts hereby g1\en 10 all WHS., having claims against William Henry_? i* brock. late of the County of New YggkS ceased, to pr?sent the (same vlih *?*..? thereof to the subacriber. at his P'^jJL transacting businea? at the otfice of Hjwn'L ft Hendrlck. Mo. 2 Rector Street, to ?a?Jf of New York, on or before tb? 19ta ??? May, 1930 Dated. her. Dit. May. 1930. JBBBBBBBBBBBBF tv?v*a>* Dated. New York, the I th day of New"* ARTHUR C. WELLBROOS' Ex?cuter HKNDRICK * HENDRICK. AtteratJ? ,w Bsecutor. 2 Rector St.. New Tor* CUT WAI.K?R, BLISHA BOBBINS.?IN **? suance of an o-der of Hon. <>0"'l.,? Cohatan. Surrogate of the County Q> - York, notice la Hereby elv?n to ?".;.? ?on? havlna claims aa-einst Ellsh? WffT Walker, late of the County of NeW?*? ieceased. to present the saine. wlt'', ?..;? ?ra thereof, to the subscriber, ?'""/??j, ?f transacting business. No. *! ?r?*? tM la the City of New York, on or before Ittb day of April next. . Mtt, Dated. New York, the SJrd day et ^^ ??r. ??It. mm -. JOSBPH WALKBB. Jr Admlnletret?. BOUNDS, HATCH. I>I^jN?^,rigH DBBBVOISB. Attorney? <0T-?*?*%?*, U*tM ?I CtdMT 8Ur*?*. ??? I?* **"