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Ujjffard Arca?e To Be Enlarged ?? ?.?? ^ Stories To Bo Added to the Present Broadway Structure - Standard Arcade, extending JLneh iton Broadway to New Street, ^,{?j of Exchangre Pince, which J ?-' REAL ESTATE _ the Standard Oil Company sold throngh L. J. Phillips & Co., is to be increased in* height. The building is three stories hteh on Broadway and four stories on New Street, due to the lower grade of New Street. The plan is to lift the height of the structure to eight stories facing on Broadway. The improvement will be started shortly, as the space needs of the sec? tion warrant immediate action. Nor? man S. Riescnfeld, a realty speculator, is the new owner. REAL ESTATE BROOKLYN,QUEENS -fjteg and LONG ISLAND <?If . OtJeU ?Fant\B,BusiiMS? Prop?Ttj^ BROOKLYN -?rt. SKAR 81BWAY8?2? 7th A*?*.. W^iiine Ft.. 6-story; 6 ?tore? and f*r- .oirtnicnts: ?team, electric, par ?PY<l?P0 price ?29.000. VTM. 1>B ?3?:?_? 1*5' .Montague St. Phono 5639 >Uir^_? "\~Z* M near Flatboah Ave?. 5-?tory. rWP^l-.m heat, hot water supply; < >*** ST.h Trice ?16.500. rtom*. ?*-is SMITH. 44 Court St. ?a? Tel. Main 9(56 rjo? W?_____ - JAMAICA ?,? TYPE STUCCO HOrSB. Hollla. ^ ? room?, bath, steam, gas, electricity, ?*r-, _?7? foot pia?/a, fine surrounding, Kp;. s'hrubb.*:v. Price, $Kc*oo. r. w. TSrT ?C0-V^6 Fulton St. 'Phone 79. "H?UICA ? HOIAIS ? QUEENS ?;?? ?ertiens: one and two family S?r*?N.6O0 to ??S.OOt, \ B pniton St.. Jamaica. Closed Sundays. "hoixis rtm COT.ONTAL ONB-FAMTLY COT ,.mS t room?, bath, open fireplace, every ?ffiwivenience. ?9.000 to ?12.000. m H. CARMANBARTEA? j Colon Hall St._Jamaica 1761 ?" ixrsHixi .ntt-AMTLY STUCCO lunCLMX?. S -.m? hath pis. electricity, steam heat, ^tfioors; 40x100: ?1S.500 Also other EwrttS. 1>. T. MeORATH, 53 Main St. NL iSSI SMuahlng. OWNERS OF VACANT LAND CAN HELP THE HOYSING r\ SITUATION. 1TE HAVE RESPONSIBLE BUILD? ERS WHO WILL BUILD APART? MENTS IF LAND OWNERS WILL HELP FINANCE THE OPERATION BY SUBORDINATING PART OP THE PURCHASE) PRICE TO A FIRST MORTGAGE BUILDING. AND PER? MANENT LOAN. LAWRENCE, BLAKE & JEWELL 115 Broadway New York City PHONE RECTOR 1080 WEsTCHESTER COUNTY WHITE PLAINS FOR SALE NEW MODERN HOME faring Completion. 9 Room.?.. Tiled Path, B.*t Water Lea'. <',;i*=. Electrleity, Hard tood F ore. Tiled Vestibule and En a 2 Car Garage. Ho';.-.-:- is located or healthy, hlsh ele Btlon. % acre Corner. ResMential rajiiborhood. Convenient to Schooi, Church, Station, Stores. PRICK ?2?.0OO PAF.T CASH?PART MORTGAGE. or appointment to Inspect Property Apply Owner, WM. D. DAVIES 487 Broadway. Tel. Canal 4323. A Few Building Lots NORTH WHITE PLAINS 5f> minutes from 42d st.. New York. :... lots . re VERY DESIRABLE. Near italien and conveniently located. Prices Greatly Reduced to Close Out the Few Left Advantageous Terms Offered to conscientious home builders. s. Lambden & Son, Inc. LAWTON ST. Tel 302 New Rochelle. ?homes -?.ors -uT/iTts - rams ROBERT E.F?RLEY ORGANIZATION " U fait 44th 8t. Murray Hill 77?0 HOMES & ESTATES IN WESTCHESTER Prince &Rip?ex 437VF'"U -**?? av r ?j. "New Ttork ?VROt '-? ROCHELLE. ? EL EC A NT COLONIAL : ?eiling, s room?, 2 baths. Kas, electric- ! I. tiot-?-a-<*r heat, oak floor*, fleldstone ?J1*1'*. 'arg.* living room opening on side wnd*, garage; situated on large corner * of groum with abundance of ahrub ?>. and stsaAt. trees; in best restricted ?unn. convenient to station. Tins prop ?> represents real value and ran be pur W?? a very low figure. ?BI'MMOMi, !W. t?a ST. TEL. Ml K1UY HILL 733S. ?EAL ESTATE FOX? ?AL? HOMES WITHIN THE HOUR ALL SECTIONS $5,000 to $50,000 iiu?/!; CLARENCE DAVIES -*ASS1-J.ST._ JOHN MM WUBJn&HEIl APARTMENTS TO EET OPEN FOR INSPECTION. b?SS??? N>w Apartments. All up to date &?'"? Kor tenant? who can furnish ?v"yt,nVuand w?11 appreciate living In a i^.'j sept noune 3 rooms $66 00 4 S0.00-S6.00 Tii. t 5 " 100.00 - to r, , nn>' Ave- Subway, 6th or 9th Ave. fcoci, ??slua Ave. Station and walk three FREKPORT ._ AVAl?./VRa?THO_f15?!l IN FREKPORT AND VICINtTT POST REALTY COMPANV Open -san.tsys?Telephone 1S-W. ROCKVlT.I/E CENTRE. HOUSE. 14 ROOMS, 2 BATHS) all Im? provements; harn, garage and chicken house, 3 acres, vegetable garden and or? chard, ar.d lawns. DEMOTT ESTATE8, 33 Front St. Open Sunday Oppoalto Depot 1.-ROOM. nOLSE, all improvements, hot water heat; garage. Plot. 75x181. Price. $10,600; cash, $4.500. HENNINGS, Opp. Depot. Tel. 634-R ROCKVIM.E CENTRE 60 Choice Homes Opp. R. R. Station ?S'?^^'??? JOHN K. STRONG APril *?* to May 1st. I-YNBROOK. 6 ROOMS. BATH, all Improvements, glassed porch; garnge; 60x100. ??. Price, $S.ntin: casti, $3.000. Open Sundays JLYNBROOK REAL ESTATE CO., New Postoitlco J?uilillng. BARTI.ON ARGYLE PARK. 12-room house, all mod? ern Improvements; plot 100x100; opposito Argyle Lake. Price $10,000. S. DOMBKK CO.. INC. 179 Remsrn St.. Brooklyn. Tel. Matn 7S90 CITY REAL EST.ATE Washington Square Section East 9th Street 25-foot dwelling for sale Possession July 1st or earlier. Wm. A. White & Sons 46 Cedar Street Tel. 5700 John. H ES S Business Property TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES FOUR-PTORY and basement store. 90 feet deep. -IS W. i-nh Street; electricity and h-aa ; 4 upper floor.-. 22 rooms; $2,400. Easement siore $-'.400. DI ROSS CO., J?? West 14th Street. ENTIRE lU'ILDIM., 50x50. About. 6,000 feet ; suitable for studio, light manufacturing or storage; splendid light on three sideg, with large skylight; three blocks from Brooklyn ?rlilge and Clark st. subway. Inquire of janitor, 100 Pineapple st.. Brooklyn. BOROUGH OF QUEENS i7c Yf PLAN OF (/TENANT-OWNERSHIP OF APARTMENTS For details addres* The GUieensboro Corporation Manhattan Ofl?eo. Jackson Heights OiEee, 50 K 42(1 St. Opp. 25th St. St?. Phone ?Murr_y Rill 7057 Phone Nowtown _38l. Queensboru Subway to -i St.(Corona L\n?) REAL ESTATE WANTED WE ARE badly in need of eight-family or larger Bronx apartment houses, also dwelling houses; we specialize in Bronx buyers and Bron.?: property only. Won't you please write u-- regarding your property for sale? We shall appr?ciai?, your kind? ness immensely. Please don't telephone, but write immediately. V. !.. ARONDS, 635 Tremont Ave., Brou?. WANTED TO BUY IN MANHATTAN.? Good neighborhood, private residence. What is the best offer for $30.000, cash if necessary. Oive full description and. when it may be seen. Address EUCLID, _.S7 Broadway. FLORIDA FLORIDA GROVES. Wo are the owners o f Lakeland Highlands, Poik County, Florida, one of the largest and finest grove de? velopments in the state. For interesting Information regarding citrus-fruit groves and profits, write for book No. 14A, \V. If. U ALLA? & CO.. Tribune Building. N. Y. COPY FOR REAL ESTATE ADVERTISING intended for the Real Estate Section of the Sunday Tribune mus? be delivered COMPLETE to The 1 ribune office nol later than 4 o'clock on Saturday after? noon. COMPLETE means that mats or cuLt must he provided Kent h the copy for a n y illustrations, special borders or special signatures. Advertising received too late for insertion in the Real Estate Sec? tion will be inserted in the Main News Section. Have you read The Evening Post?latelv ? if you are thinking of mooing Cat the Suburban Horn* Guide with next Saturday's Edition Loft Bought at Auction Brings Good Profit Twelve-Story Building on Broachvay Purchased at Recent Juilliard Sale Passes to New Hands Morris?. Rosenstein, who purchased tho twelve-story loft building at 632 and 634 Broadway at tho recent Holen p. Juillard auction sale, has turned it over to tho Rosenwitt Realty Corpora? tion, a company of investors repre? sented by Stone & Schleimer, attor? neys. Mr. Rosenstein purchased tho building for $580.000. The building has a frontage of 500 feet on Broadway and a depth of 200 feet running through to Crosby Street. The prop? erty wag transferred subject to a first mortgage of $406,0U0 to the creditor of the estate of Helen C. Juillard. All leases expire in 1921. Tall Tenth Street Loft Sold Charles F. Noyes Company has sold for Mrs. Robert Minton to William D. Kilpatrick the eight-story loft at 31 and 33 East Tenth Street, on plot 45x 100. A large portion of the property is obtainable February 1, 1921. Tenant Buys Warehouses James N. Wells' Son3 and Horace S. Fly & Co. have sold for Haupt ?_ Burgi i the two six-story warehouses at 11 and 13 Worth Street to the Tower Stores Company, the present tenant. Sale in Walker Street Tho Brown, Wheelock Company has sold for Charles Laue 35 Walker Street, a three-story and basement store and loft, on lot 20x86, with rights to a four-foot alley on west, running full depth of lot. Reuben Tally is the buyer. Dula Buys in Forty-fifth Street Hornor & Co, have sold for Fred crick Brown 14 West Forty-fifth Street, a live-story building, on lot 21x100, to Robert B. Dula. ?Flat Buying Movement Noticed in Lonr* Island City i Minor L. Platt has \**r* for the Po I mona Construction t-.>.?-.-?any, Joseph ; Sykora president, to F?tAerick I'oltl, the Elberon apartments at 61 and 63 Sixth Avenue, Long Island City, five story apartments, completed about four , years ago on plot 60x100 feet. The same broker sold for N. Hubbard Jr. & Co. to Anthony J. Oliva, the Academy Court Apartment at 555 and 557 Acad? emy Street, near Jamaica Avenue, As? toria, also, the two family dwelling at 568 Academy ?Street, for Anna Bar Bchmidt, to William C. Cardno, also the three family dwelling house at 932 Crescent Street, to Florigi Marino. Buying and Renting in Queens J, Albert Johntra has sold 302 and "04 Barclay Street, Murray Hill, Flush? ing, for M. F. Darlington, of West chester, Pa., to W. F. Millern, of Flush? ing. The plot is ."Ox 100, improved with two one farr?ily dwellings. The Rickei t-Broun Company has sold ; to John H. and Eliza Bull, a two-story and basement Colonial brick dwelling on Ditmars Avenue, between Chauncey Street and Goodrich, Arleigh. Pell & Tibbits have leased to Seton Porter a water front place at Sands Point, on Manhasset Bay, for the Wemp.gc Realty Company. Hospital Sells Interest in Flat Justice Erlanger, of the Supreme Court, has granted permission to the New York Skin and Cancer Hospital to sell a one-half interest in 301-303 Mulberry Street, 5;'.x irregular, t'a Han? nah Stone, of 1464 Fifty-fifth 'treet, Brooklyn, for $13,500. The oi^er half , interest is owned by AlberS J. Lob ? dell, as supervisor. Hobert D. Knapp i and the trustees of the estate of Cor I nelia Storrs. Greenwich Home to Her Liking Peaase & Elliman have sold for Mrs. George Dayton an acre in the Belle Haven section of Greenwich, Conn., to Mrs. John Yates, of New York. The building now on it will be remodelled into a dwelling by the buyer for her oc? cupancy. REAL ESTATE NEW JERSEY Trade Claims Madison Avenue Apartments Trade must be served, even though It lessens the housing accommoda? tions of the city. The eight-story structure at the northwest corner of Madison Avenue and Twenty-eighth Street, one of the last remaining apartment houses of the better type erected many years ago in that sec? tion, is to ho mudo over for the use of the silk industry, which haB taken possession of lower Madison Avenuo. The building will be altered into showrooms by James M. Reynold, president of the McRcy nold Realty Company, who bought the old structuro yesterday from the 80 Madison Avenue Corporation through Ames & Co. and tho Cruik 8hank Company. Plans Filed for Big "Village" Show House 2,332-Seated Theater Will Cover Block and Will Cost $ 100,000 to Build Plans have been filed by Paul C. Rcilly and Douglas P. Hall, architects, for the construction of a three-story theater, with stores, on the triangular block bounded by Seventh Avenue, Twelfth Street and Greenwich Avenue. The Rtructure will have a seating ca? pacity of 2.332, divided as follows: Orchestra, 1.246; balcony, 7(52; loge boxes, 224, and stago boxes, 98. The Sheridan Realty Corporation, of which Max Speigel is president, is the owner. The cost has been estimated at $400, 000. Brokers to Get Syrian Section Flats Plans have been filed for making over tho four and five story tenements at 65 and 67 Greenwich Street and 26 and 28 frinity Place into a six-story office building, with stores, for Rose McGuigman as owner. C. B. Meyers is the architect and has estimated the cost i of the improvement at $25,000. llronx I JEROME AVE, n W cor Gobio placo; one story stone garsge, ?OilxtIO ft; Albert Schalle, 270! .Morris Ave. owner; .lohn E Kerby, 4137 Park Ave, architect, cost, $100,00,(1. Other Mnnhnttun Alterations 17STH ST, r.59 to 66!) West, and 177th St 658 to 60S West; to a flvc-story public school, to build a live-story extension; City of Now York, owner; <'. B. .1. Snvder, Municipal Building, architect; rost, $-125,000. [ 7TH AVE, 22:i and 231, to three four-story dwellings and stores; Tower Holding t'orpn. 130 West 2.r,tli St, owner; 1 Mar pon. S55 East 149th St, architect; cost, ?30,000. PINE ST. n w cor Front St, to a seven story office building; 110 Front .St, Inc., premises, owner; ,1. C. McOuire "s Co, 50 Church St, architect; cost, $r;0,000. . 30TI? ST, 15 to 19 E, to a three and five story store, offices, etc; P J Hayes, l?? Madison Ave, owner; J II Scheler, archi? tect; cost, $o0,000. Home Buying Is Active In Brooklyn Sections The Realty Associates have sold 210 and 223 Fiftieth Street, two four-story flats to Ida Rosen, through Julius ; Small, Broker; 17 Fort Greene Place, i a throe-story dwelling to John W. ' Sparks and 2R2 N'ostrand Avenue, a three-story flat to the tenants, S. & B. RapaRort. The .B. F. Knowles Company has sold 97 Wilson Street near Bedford Avenue, a three-story and basement dwelling, on lot 20xlt)0, for Emeline Brush to Abraham Schwartz for occu? pancy. Henry Pierson & Co. have sold 801 President Street, a three-story dwelling to P. J. Carlcy. The F. C. Sauter Agency has sold the three-story and basement stone dwelling, at 323 Eighth Street, for Annie Mosebach to .Marie Saget* for occupancy. . Samuel Galitzka & .V Lacov have sold to H. L. Rockmorc, builder, on plot 80x20, on the weit s.-'le of East Eighth Street, 260 feet south of Ave? nue K.. Flatbush, on which he will erect three one-family houses. Reynolds Buys Apartment In Lower Fifth Avenue James M. Reynolds, president of the J. M. Reynolds Realty Corporation, has bought the four-story apartment, with ; elevator, at 49 Fifth Avenue, erected | in 1862, and is to remodel it into smaller apartments. The house is on | plot 30x125. Ames & Co. and the ' Cruikshank Company were the'brokers. REAL ESTATE NEW JERSEY I MY PRIVATE HOME FOR j QUICK SALE BELOW COST j My mining interests call me to New Mexico permanently. To | close sale of my handsome Colonial home within the next two weeks, [ | will accept $7,500 cash from desirable purchaser and leave balance of 1 I $17,500 on mortgages, Including 2-car garage, now under construction. ? t? In a beautiful, refined, highly restricted suburb. House contains 13 ? 6 big, lavishly decorated rooms, 3 fully tiled bath rooms, wash room m and servants' toilet, fitted with built-in tubs and the best fixtures f i money can buy, and is located on a plot of almost an acre, with fine 1 shade trees and enormous velvet lawns. A boating, country club and I golf club are nearby; splendid land and water views spread out for ? B miles; elevation nearly 1,000 feet; all city improvements with the t> a advantages of the country here; just a convenient distance from fjj I Broadway. Commuting within tho hour. Cannot be duplicated for ? 3 $45,000 at present cost of building, and it is only 3 years old and in i ij perfect condition and repair. For pictures and dctairs, write MINING, ?5 | Postoffice Box 529, City Hall Station, New York City. | PLAINFIELD, N. J. A home bargain: could not be duplicated for iwice the price asked; 12 room, modern house; nil improvements: acre plot In lawn und garden>pre-war price of $M,000. Owner. Room 702, 141 Broadway. NINE-ROOM HOUSE, ALL IMPROVE menta, aplendld condition; West Oranpre, near Mountain ?Station. Price $10,501. Call Orange 6488-M. -VJIIIMIIHHIIHItlllMlllllllllHIlllllHIIIII-: S AT TENAFLY, N. J. 5 ZZ Twelve miles from Times Square, "*_ __; gentleman's country place, completely r_ ***; equipped, wiili modern ?tone house, "*_: ? five master's bedrooms, three baths. 5 ~ ? servants' rooms, ?my bain, electric ~ ? light, steam heat, city water. Twenty- ??) -_ one acres of land, with variety of jjjj ? small fruits. First-class clay tennl3 *Z "_" court. ?'lose to golf i lub. Asking ?_ __ ?80.000. Reasonable terms, or for rent -- 1 S at $3,200. Possession May first. , **** 5 PEASE & ELLIMAN | __ 340 Madison Avenue, N. Y. ~ ~ Telephone 6200 Murray Hill. ?? rillllllllillHlMii?HMMIIliHiniHllllllllfr INCONTESTABLE When the titles to yonr real estate are Incontestable you are secure In the pos? session of your property. If your Ber? gen real estate titles are Insured In our Coi-pony there Is no possibility of doubt. Writ? for boolcls-. North Jersey Title Insurance Co. HAUKENSACK. N. J. ENGLEW00D, ?XSi.??* H. Weatherby & Co., Englewood, N,J. 1_E0N-A AND BOGOTA. N. J. House Sites with all improvement* Prices will be much higher soon. Buy yours at present low priesa O. B. Illt'-hc-ck. Inc.. Bogota. N. J. EAST ORANGE *? ,??*? We have the house you want. Connolly & Connolly, station, E-? Oranoe.. MAPLEWOOD; new houses, large plota 7-8 rooms, breakfast room; 1 or 1 baths; beantlful section; near ?tatlon. 1.19 price?, ?13,000 tt* ?14,50?. fiacre, 823 Broad St., Newark. N. J., or ?7? Prospect St, Mapl-wood, N, J. Twelve-Story Bellguard on Broadway Sold Property at 89th Street Cor? ner Among Apartments Sold by Shenk, Who Pur? chases Others in Tern Joseph Shenk has sold to a client of Elsman, Lee, Corn & Lewine the Bell guard, the twelve-story elevator apart? ment, on plot 90x100, at the southeast corner of Broadway and Eighty-ninth Street. Mr. Shenk purchased the realty last January. To Sol Lewine Mr. Shenk sold 6. 8, 10 and 12 West Ninety-eighth ?Street, two six-story walk-up apart ments, on plot 100x100, and to tho I same buyer 153 Vermilyea Avenue, a ' five-story apartment on plot 50x150. ' This operator also sold to the Man port Realty Company, Isaac Portman president, 304, 308 and 312 Haven Ave? nue, three live-story walk-up multi family houses, on plot 125x100. J. A. Ulanov negotiated the last named deal. Upper Park Avenue Corner Sale E. Francis Hillenbrand has sold for! Julia A., Julia V. and Charles E. Loew i the southeast corner of Park Avenue j and 121st Street, on plot 75x40, a six-j story apartment with twelve stores. ! The buyer is the Benenson Realty! Company. Buying in Heights Section J. C. Hough & Co. have sold for the Manport Realty Company to Arthur E. Dempsey 2461 Amsterdam Avenue, a six-story apartment on plot 40x100. Max Harx has sold to a client of Isidor Brown the two five-story apart? ments at 124 and 126 West 139th! Street, on plot 26x100 each. Carrie Isaar has sold the five-storv ! flat, on lot 25x99.11, at 270 West 141st I Street. Sale in 101st Street The Central Union Trust Company has sold to David Messing the six ! story tenement, on plot 42.0x100.11, at 41G East 101st Street. ?~-?? i Operator Purchases Two Large Bronx Apartments Daniel II. Jackson has bought from Lottie A. Howe 871 to 875 East 180th Street, two live-story modern apart? ments, on plot 70x118, with four stores. Arthur G> Murphy was the broker. Mr. Jackson has also sold to a client of George Myer, '.178 East 160th Street, a iive-storv modern apartment, on plot 10x110. Harry Calm has sold to Eugene Wcisz the five-story apartment at S35 Beck Street, on plot 00x100. E. Osborne Smith has sold for Sara McGaffney the. four-story apartment, , on plot 27x100, at 221)2 Loring Place. Luder Hanken has sold to a client of ! Williamson & Bryan the fivc-?tory ; double flat, on plot 25x100, at 560 : Brook Avenue. Alexander Sclkln has sold for Ida Brantman tho four-story flat, on plot i 52x81, at 1018 Prospect Avenue, north? east corner of 165th Street. Cahn & Cahn have bought 209 to 303 East 206th Street, from Edwin Wold ! bach, three two-family houses, on plot j ?lxlO?. Morton Creen and John F. '?? Fendergast jr. were the brokers. Samuel Singer has sold for Martin \ Gollubier the three-story brick dwell? ing at 2336 Aqueduct Avenue, to Henry : Sahn. J. Clarence Davies and George V. ! Martin have sold the (?-?veiling of Mrs. ; A. M. Thurm, at 3 Van Corlear Place, \ .Marble Hill. Edward Polak, Inc., has sold 830 East 179th Street, corner Marmion Avenue, a four-story double flat, for A. Hand man to L'.'O Goodman; 1903 Anthony Avenue, a one-family dwelling, for > Isaac Roth to Max Bitter; 1040 Trinity I Avenue, a two-familv dwelling, on lot i 20x100, for Mrs. Van Praag, and 2341 ! Tiebout Avenue, a two-family dwelling, on lot 25x115, for a Mr. McGlynn to G. ! Sin ran. ! The Meister Builders have resold to J. Krown 47:! East 175th Street, a i threv-family house, on lot120x100. and to I. Silverman 1740 and 1742 Wash? ington Avenue, two two-storv ffraiiie 1 dwellings, with stores, on plot 4CrxI00. j Alexander S Ikin and Samuel Hock ! stein have sold for Ida Brantman the j three-story frame dwelling, on lot 25x ' 87.6, at 770 Jackson Avenue. The Wood-Dolson Company, Inc., has ? sold for Frederick Johnson four lots. 50x200, fronting on the east side of Southern Boulevard, through to Whit lock Avenue, 100 feet south of 156th ( Street; also three lots on the south side of 156th Street, being 100 feet east of Whitlock Avenue. Schwab & Co. have sold for Freder ? ick W. Horton the four-story house at ! 287 East 146th Street, on lot 16.8x100. -_?_*-??? Take Over West Side Flats Spotts & Starr, Inc., has taken over the management of the Luxonia, a twelve-story apartment house at 30-1 to :I07 West Seventy-second Street, con? taining four, five and six room suites, ; also the Laureate Hall, a twelve-story elevator apartment house at 435 West 119th Street, northeast corner Amster ! dam Avenue, of two, tnrce and four rooms. To Build Home in Yonkers Kurz & Uren and George B. Dowling have sold for Mrs. Lydia Uren, the plot 50x130, at 1024 Warburton Avenue, run? ning through to Hawley Terrace, Gray stone, Yonkers, to A. B. JefTeriea, who will improve it with a dwelling house. -a ? White Plains Realty Sale Howe & Thompson have sold the C. II. l?alo property at 63 Maple Avenue, White Plains, to Dr. Carlton C. Norton, of White Plains. i^eter HOTEL Central Park West at 86th St. JUST COMPLETED Suites of one room to ai many ?t required. Furnished or un? furnished. Restaurant a la Carte WM. F. LNGOLD. MlUw?r. MORTGAGE LOANS jyjortgage Money $3,350,000 for loans on choice centrally located Manhattan properties. (Assignments accepted) Chas. F. Noyes Co. TeL John 2060 92 William? St. Physician Among Buyers Of Dwellings in City Dr. William Barclay Parions Jr. Get? House in East 72d Street Harr!./ Voight & Co. have ?old for Mrs. Marion K. Reeve the three-story dwelling at 208 East Seventy-second Street, on lot 17.10x102.2, to Dr. Will? iam Barclay Parsons jr., and for Mrs. Annette K. Colt 206 East Seventy-sec? ond Street, a three-story dwelling, on lot 17.11x102.2, to Gavin Hadden. Douglas L. Elliman & Co. havo sold for Richard W. Meade 216 East Sev? enty-second Street, a three-story and basement dwelling, on lot 17.10x100. The buyer will occupy the house at th?o expiration of the present lease to Max field Parrish, the artist. Pease <_ Elliman havo sold for Mrs. Carolyn Krug tho three-story and base? ment dwelling at 328 West Seventy first Street, on lot 17.6x100.5. The buyer will occupy. ? Slawson ?ft Hobbs have sold for Dan? iel B. Freedman tho four-story dwell? ing at 158 West Seventy-third Street, on lot 19x102.2, which is being thor? oughly overhauled and remodelled. This is tho ninth house sold in this block re? cently. The four-story building*, with a two story extension, on plot 27.2x100, at 855 Madison Avenue has been sold by the Madison Realty Company. The Hester V. Montgomery estate has sold to J. A. Bogeman 5 West Seventy fourth Street, a four-story dwelling on lot 20x102.2. The Everett M. Seixas Company and Francis B. Mc-nerney have sold for a Mrs. Crocker 257 West Seventy-fifth Street. London Resident Sells Flat Caroline H. Field, of London, Eng? land, represented by Harris D. Colt as attorney, has sold 245 and 247 East Fifty-seventh Street, two three-story and basement dwellings, each 16.8x100, to James H. Cruikshank. Joseph P. Day was the broker. Mr. Cruikshank also purchased from the William Mulry estate 226 West 127th Street, a three-story dwelling, on lot 16.8x100, through Nathan Nasono witz, anil from James Cox the three story dwelling at 208 West 127th Street, on lot 10.8x100, through Harry Sugar 1 man. Harry Sttgarman has resold for the Merit Realty Corporation 308 East Eif?hty-fourth Street, a three-story dwelling, on lot 16.8x100, to Richard ! Unruh. The three-story dwelling, on lot 20x ! 99.41, at 218 West 139th Street, has | been sold by the Equitable Life As i surance Society. Ten-Story Sophomore, in Claremont Avenue, Sold Spotts ?_ Starr, Inc., has sold for the Bcnenson Realty Company to the Arundel Dock Company, J. W. Menprel president, the Sophomore, a ten-story apartment, at 21 Claremont Avenue, on plot 100x84x100, overlooking Barnard College grounds. The purchasers plan extensive alterations to the building and will rearrange into small suites. -a Tenant for 73d Street Dwelling Pease & Elliman have leased for W. E. Parsons to W. B. Dillon the four story and basement dwelling at 120 East Seventy - third ?Street, between Park and Lexington avenues. ??.-,-#__-. Chad wick Back in Realty Elbridge Gerry Chadwick, for many years prior to the war associated with the Brown, Wheelock Company as di? rector, has returned from Paris after a stay of two years as head of the Home Communication Bureau of the Red Cross in France, and has again associated himself with the company. ? Synagogue Changes Hands The Congregation Beth David has sold to the First Congregation of Beth Mae David the synjrogue, on lot 20x 100.11, at 22 East 113th Street, near Madison Avenue. RESORTS NEW YORK STATE ?Bmrcliff ?od?? ! BRIARCLIFF MANOR, N. Y. OPEN APRIL 17 Sharon Springs, N. Y. PAVILION nOTEL AND COTTAGE.*) Opens .Tune 2?. FoMts on application. ? The ANNEX. Adjoining* the Famont ? Wliite Sulphur Springs and Bathing Estab? lishment, opens April 14. J. II. GARDNER & SON. W. II. CRAIO. Oon'l MfT. I.AKEWOOD, N. J. LAKEWOOD, N. J. A delightful combination of old-fash? ioned comfort and modern luxury. Famous for its cuisine and social charm. Golf, Polo, Shooting, Riding, in Jersey's pine bell. Special baths and sun parlors for convalescents. Phone 430. A. J. MURPHY, Host. Laurel in the Pines Lakewood, N. J. ?EQUABLE CLIMATIC CONDI? TIONS. GOLF, RIDING AND SHELTERED WALKS. DAILY CONCERTS AND DANCING. OPEN THE YEAR 'ROUND. HHI'I-VNK F. ?i-LTE. MG__.?| ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. )!n Aifani?c dry ils ?he ?P/c/rn?> <3tn trie Boarcrwa/? IA?CK LATZCO... TR?yM?^.ATT_4KnccnT| -mB-tS GRFJ-TESI BOTELSUOCTSSt MTU/ PI ADII-MKpntu<''*-' aTB- *nd 8?*c?" nl-W ^?A-V-V-l ftoom.i, with batli and run? ning water: garage. Booklet. S. K. BONIFA-R Atlantic ?crrr. n. e. .mmuacd _-r r?_t __*_ rwr?a_!M *~" ~ WASHINGTON. D. C. Burlington Hotel ?American and European HOMELIKE, CLEAN'. PERFECT CUISINE 380 Kuom?t with But"- $3 to $5 FIVE MINt'TEH FROM EVERYTHING *iY.t.*?.?!?_?.-n. O. C. BOONTON, N. J. PUDDING STONE INN Fa"**or--b!- weekly rates. Open all year. WolAov. ti. -ft VINCENT, Bo+ntoa. N. J_ Shoe Firm Takes Step? to Hold Space in 125th Street Tho Regal Shoe Company has se? cured through Harris, Vougbt ? Co. a 21-years' lease on the three-story building kt tho southeast corner of 126th Street and Seventh Avenue from the United Cigar Store* Company. The Regal Shoe Company has occupied the property for the last twenty years. The United Cigar Stores Company secured recently the lease on the corner from tho heirs of Wendelin J. Nauss. Albert B. Ashforth has leased offices in the Brokaw Building. 1457 Broad? way, to the Home Life Insurance Com? pany, Canadian Trade Corporation, Missouri Pacific Railroad Company. Garage Realty Company, Olaf Ussing and D. L. O'Sallivan; in the National Association Building, 23-31 West Forty third Street, running through to Forty-fourth Street, space to H. F. Wllcox Oil and Gas Company, Electri? cal Storage Battery Company, Arthur S. Kane Pictures Corporation, the Guardian Holding Company, and the entire twelfth floor of this building to the American Republics Corporation. \ I Charles B. Van Valen has leased TRAVEL the ground floor of 50-54 John Street to Russell & Zeigler, insurance agents. Russell & Zcigfer are now on Jal? ground and second floors of 95 WiWTan? Street, which has been bought by ike Home Insurance Company. The Charles F". Noyes ComfttWry has leased the store at 78 and 80 Coft?and? Street to Nathan Stratus; stcrr?, base? ment and sub-cellar of 41 and 43 War? ren Street to the Domestic Electri? Company; a floo? in 83 Water Street to the K. J. Donovan Company and a floor in 95 and 97 Front Street to Charles and Arad F. Hesrs. , Cushman & Wakefield have leased for the Vanderbilt Concourse Corporation a large suite of office? in 52 Vanderbilk Avenue to J. H, Burton & Co. Recent Realty Bayers The Martha Building Corporation has purchased 11 to 15 West Eighth Street, sold recently by Pepe & Bro. for tilt Basch estate. R?*l!a Finkel has purchased 126 and 128 Hester Street, sold by Bryan to. Kennelly for the M. J. O'Donohue es? tate. The Argonne Holding Corporation !? | the buyer of 132 East Nineteenth ! Street, sold recently, through Law? rence, Blake & Jewell, by the Samoth Realty Company. TRAVEL IWeliS?&AG a d AMERICAN LINE U. S. Mail Steamer? RED STAR LINE Splendid Large Steamer? Steamers S?ewly RefltteO Throuchout*. Accommodation? Include Numerous Room? With Private Bath. Etc. Professional String Orchestras. NEW YORK-HITIHAMPTOI*, ANTWERP First, Second and Third Ciaste? Lapland .Apr. 3 ?May S ! Jane 12 Finland .Apr. 7,May 15 Jame 19 Kreonland ..........May 1 June 5 Zeeland ..June26 NEW YORK-PLYMOUTH j CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON One Class Cabin and Third Chuts New York.... Mar. 27 'Apr. 24 'May 22 St. Paul.Apr. 3 May i;May29 Philadelphia . .Apr. 10?May 8 June 5 and regularly thereafter INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE CO. 9 BROADWAY, NEW YORK mm??fmmm??mmx r Fmsaengmr and Freight Services. Italia .. ?.New York to Genoa. .Mar. 31 Paanonia ..?.New York " Patras, Dubrovnik and Trieste.Apr. 10 Saxeaia.New Verk " Plymouth, Hamburg and London.Apr. 10 Carmania.New York " Plymouth, Cherbourg and Liverpool.Apr. 10 Royal George.New York " Plymouth, Cherbourg and Southampton.. .Apr. 14 K' v ' " Londonderry and Glasgow.Apr. 17 Cherbourg and Southampton...?._.,.Apr. 24 Liverpool...Apr. 24 Liverpool.May 15 Liverpool .May 15 Plymouth, Cherbourg and Southampton_May 19 Cherbourg ?nd Southampton.May 22 Plymouth, Cherbourg and Liverpool....... May 22 Londonderry and Glasgow.May 22 Liverpool .^.May 2*? Cherbourg and Southampton. .?,,..??... June 19 i"^* Isrfer railing** apply to 2!-24 STATE STREET, NEW YORK. ! Columbia.New York ; Mauritania .New York ! K. A. Victoria.New York | Carmania .New York j V'auban. New York ?Royal George.New York | Mauretania ...New York I Ctronia .New York ! Columbia.?...New York ? K. A, Victoria...x..... New York ?Imperator ...New York SOUTH AMERICA DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICE WEST tOAST FROM NEW YORK via Cristobal ss. EBRO.MAY22 July 24. Sept. 25, Nov. 27 Largest and most luxuriously ap? pointed P,i6?enger Steamer regularly running between NKW YORK and WEST COAST OF SOUTH AMERICA FROM HAVANA N via Cristobal S. S. Ortega.Apr- 12 FROM CRISTOBAL REGULAR SAILINGS EAST COAST FROM ENGLAND BRAZIL &'ARGENTINE S. S. Darro.'.Apr. 8 S. S. Andes..........Apr. 9 S. S. Avon..........Apr. 16 S. S. Deseado........Apr. 20 S. S. Orita.Apr. 22 CENTRAL AMERICA FROM CRISTOBAL CHAMPER1CO and Intermediate l'orta. ROYAL MAIL (The .Royal Mail Steam Packet Ce.) PACIFIC LINE (The Pacific Steam Navigation Ce.) NELSON LINE ;li. A XV. Nelson, He.i SoutOfrica UNION-C?&TLE LINE (Tho Union-Cattle Mail S. S. Co.. Ltd.) SANDERSON ft SON, Gen. Agents, U Broadway. N. T. 'Phon? Broad?83??. Or any Steamship Ticket Agent, Fortnightly ?ervice via Pan? ama Canal without change. NewYork, Peru and Chile ! Calling at Callao, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, and Valparaiso. Maiden voyage of the S. S, Santa Teresa, April 7. W. R. GRACE & CO Agent* 104 Pearl St. New York ?5* mum line COMMfitfICGWE?WLS TRANSATLANTIC ?. AqtKM Pwtal gam? Bgty NEW YORK?HAVRE LA SAVOIE JS?2=2#Z LA LORRAINE ?& ala ? LAFAYETTE ?K.'fcSSj ? FRANCE feJta? ROCHAMBEAU &JS/fc^ % LATOURAINE &*?$?,? NEW YORK?BORDEAUX i NIAGARA .!.March 23 I COMPANY'S OFFICE. 19 STATE ST, U. T. : Wert Indien, Centrai and Boat? Amarte? I XI Battary FI*c?. Wvv York. 1-M-M-L.NES AMERICAN LLNE Fast Mall St-amrr. NEW TORK?PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG?SOUTHAMPTON New York. 12 Noon Mar. 27 Apr. 24 May 22 St. Paul.. l.Noon Apr. 3 May. 1 May 29 thila.12 Noon Apr. 1C May 8? Jan? S NEW YORK?HAMBURG Manchuria 4p.m. Mr. 27 May 8 Jn. 19 Jly. 31 Mongolia.Ap. 10 May 22 Jly. 3 ?An. 14 PHILADELPHIA?LIVERPOOL Haverford .Apr. 10 May 19 July 25 R?D STAR LINE N. Y.-SOUTHAMPTON?ANTWERP Lapland ?>]>.m.Apr. 3 May S June 12 Finland 1 p.m. Apr. 7 May 15 June 19 Kroonlftdd 8P.M. May 1 June 5 July 10 \ Zesland.June 26 I WHITE STAR UNE I N. Y.--CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON Adriatic3 p. M.Apr. 24 May 29July 3,!A_|. 14 And _li>?-ul?rtr Thereeit-c fil V BUI DIP 4M59 TONS ULIinrib July 8j Aug. 4 Aug. 28 NEW YORK?LIVERPOOL Cedric .s P. M..Apr. 10'-1-? Baltic .3 P.M.. Apr. 17 May 22 June 2? Megantic .Apr. 21;-1 Oriana.end Apr/-j _______ Celtic s P.M.May 15 June 19J_ly 24 NEW YORK?AZORES-GIBRALTAR? NAPLES?GENOA Cretic 3 P.M., Mar. 31 i May 27? July 21 Canopic -3 V-m. .. May 12 July ?j??? International Mercantile Marine Company 9 Broadway New York RED "D"?INE r%^TrX?" For Porto Rico, Curacao and Venezuela. Zoila.Apr. 1 rhiliidflphia.Apr. 7 Maracalbo. ..Apr. 14[_aTac__*.Apr. 31 BLISS, DALLETT &. CO.. Geni. __*r?. Phone 16072 Hanover. 82 Wall Street ??#?3?%, f_T5/ Europe?Send for VTt? ^/ "The American Traveler in Europe?1920" It Solves the Problem. Mailed Free. //-ayj m IEKICAN E? TRAVEL OEP'T. 118 VV. :19th I i>EPJ An ST R A LI A HONOLULU. SUVA. NEW ZEA LA*? Tha Palatial Passenger ?steamer? *. M. S. "Niagara" R. M. S. "Ilakwa* 34,000 Tons 11.(0? Ton? Sail- from Vancouver, B. C. for tares and sailings apply Canadian Pae? Ky., 1.31 Broadway, N. ?., or to Cana?_l_4?_i Australian Royal Mail Line. 440 Seymeu* *t., Vancouver. B. C '"THE PCBLIC BE I-XBAOBV* * COLONIAL LINE BOSTON"* sff*4.40 PROVIDENCE S??U S2.97 Ai-L OVTbLDK tSTATEBOOMS S1.M * Both Prices ?nviutu War Tarn. ?eat tee.?? rier $?. Mart. ?ietr. Dally A ' ?lOr. H. 'P-e? STATE 1>Vorp<??<t<?r,$-l.l_. rro?jid<ncr*dI*<"pt,W.70. 0 ITS! DE STATKUOOVS.. Sl.08 * ?.-?. Daily, lnrludln? Sunday. -.00 P. __. rram Pur 1?. B. KA Ptione 2700 B.ekmaa, rie-?-? at Piar er Boneat-?e-ii ?___? omasa, HUDSON NAVIGATION COMPANY. Albany boats atart runninr ta April. _?.?,. 1 " ?. ?_e Vla*?ra> To? The twt-.?-__r lUnaera-e* guide, add res? John F. Pierce, Pent, let? fy^.jf. StO-J-U?-lp TilriTTi ______N__? C11MA