Newspaper Page Text
The American Legioi? Sews: Local, State, National Opponents of Bonus? in Slate Threaten to Fight project to 'Bitter End,' 0emandingReferendum Tiger Post, 23, Makes De? mand Universal Train? ing, Increase in Pay and a Warrant Rank in Army If last Monday night's meeting of the \*ew york Connty committee, In which ih? bonus issue was argued, Is an in ,'j.ation of what may he expected in the 'atore when that hody discusses ques ?ions of vital Importance nationally, \>v York will hecome known as the ?'?bud boy" of the Legion family. Apparently the sentiment on the bonus issue is so hopelessly snarled that it will be difficult to unravel. The ?treat of opponents of the project to demand adjusted compensation of Con cress that they would fight to the bitter end, despite the views of the majority, [??, being" carried out with sincerity of purpose, while those who favor prompt .??'.or. on the measure are just as de? termined that New York shall go with the national executive committee. If New York County fails to indorse the program set forth by the Legion in the fourfold optional bill adopted at Washington last Monday, New York ?state's -commander will be placed in an embarassing position, to say the least, g-d so will the national committee. The United States is so one-sided in its indorsement of the demand that the reposition amounts to but little. Only six states--Arkansas, Mississippi, Florida, South Carolina, Texas and Idaho?announced they were absolutely opposed to any form of additional com? pensation. Thirty-six states and the District of Columbia placed themselves on record a3 in favor of the plan, and all the other states informed the con? ference that while sentiment was divided in their departments, they were prepared to go with the majority. With this expression to guide them, the delegates to the county committee may indorse the national executive ?offimitteo'd action next Monday night. But it doesn't look very probable at this time. v Both sides in the controversy are 5?uc?r-?. It would be -.veil for each to ?ire ?ts full \ oting strength out next Monday for the purpose cf registering :. .:. approval or disapproval. The ?legates present last Monday were nothing like representative of the al , - all 'he pasts, and a full ?^tendance may change the vote. Delegates from eighteen of twenty 67e posts i a Nassau County and from the executive committee of tha. organ? isation have served notice on State Commander Hayes that they will re? fus? to abide by his call for united sup? port of the bonus until after a referen? dum vote of the posts, as provided in the announcement calling the recent ?scussion a- Albany. While these delegates -aid they vould not oppose a bonus, i'.?;? 1 ;?- ? ?ame reason, they dis Tru?.' the .'tithority ??'' the Albany hear ?fcto li! New York State on the Tigers Petition Congres** Semb : of Tig, r Post, _:', "have -dopt? : a lolution.-s (J?ananding that Coagrc.-. -? three laws without ferthci ? lay which will tend to im? prove the military defense of the coun? try and bolster tr.e morale of those who serve. The measures for which the petition is made are those providing universal military training, increased pay for soldiers, sailors and marines -ad their officers, and the establish? ment of a warrant rank in the army. The Tigers have not suspended re t'.viiies in their drive for new mem? ber?. They expect to get 300 by Dec? oration Day. Plans for the campaign ; - .'raw.-: up at a meeting to-mor 170 East Sixtieth Street. ?"'?" will be a dinner before the meet ?-'- C o'clock, and all Legionnaires m invited to attend. I-cgion .Votes Post teams on Americanism will ~?et again at the Automobile Club of America, 247 West Fifty-fourth ?street, ft- evening of ?April 6. Chairman Spencer asks that all po.sts be repre 'ented, as important business is to be '?ransactcd. Thursdays of each week have been Jesignatcd as club nights at the 77th ?Vision clubhouse, :.'7 West Twenry Mtj* Street. All members of the club j-r-.d veterans of the 77th Division will ??entertained by talent selected by ??"H.:? K. Gates jr. The club nights '^i! beg,n this evening, with "Mother"' pandson, well known as a camp entcr !*?ner during the war. and her troupe i!i the program. An historic event in the theater will fse place April 21 at the New Amster? dam, when the benefit performance ??r the members ?if the ?S. Rankin "few family takes place. Lionel, Jack .no Ethel Ilarrvmore will appear on m same bill to honor a Drew who '?1 in battle. Other Broadway stars '*>? be on the program. The funds ?ni be used for a gymnasium in the ?neater district. post Activities Members of the Bronx < ouaty Com ?w*fe aiC maliinir ?'?n investigation of ?Wir own into the rent profiteering >;--ation and will return their report at a meeting of that body April 6 in the Bronx County Courthouse. The first social function of the wo? men's auxiliary of Gre?npoint Post, 241, takes place to-night in the rooms of the Alpha Republican Club, 188 Nassau Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. A special meeting of the legislative committee of the William J. Bergen Post will be held to-morrow night at the home of Chairman Bach, 1812 Har? rison Avenue. The athletic committee also will meet to-morrow night at Lyons Casino, Fordham Road and Web? ster Avenue. General Edward Slgerfoos Post, 813. will hold a smoker and entertainment to-night at the post clubrooms, 2228 Broadway, corner of Eightieth Street. Prospective members arc invited. There will be a meeting of Schuyler Post to-night, at 8 o'clock, at the Bronx Council, K. of C. Building, 809 East 158th Street. Bronx County Chairman Deegan will speak about the county en? tertainment to be held in April. I Greenwich Village Post, 18, will have ; a dinner Saturday evening, April 10, at j Fraunces's Tavern. The Jersey City i Police Quartet will be present, as well j as numerous prominent speakers. For j tickets address C. J. Cawley, 337 West : Fourteenth Street. j Following a decision made at the last ; meeting of the Judson L. Weinand Post, ! 611, the meeting night has been | changed to tho first and third Thurs ! day evenings of each month at the ! Plymouth Institute, Orange and Hicks ? streets, Brooklyn. At the same meet I ing the post decided to hold.a spring j carnival, Saturday evening, May 8, at i the Plymouth Institute. ? Government Will Hunt Down Meat Profiteers* Housewives Requested to Re? port Excessive Charges; Fed? eral Action Will Follow Housewives were invited by the De , partment of Justice yesterday to re j port any instances of'exorbitant prices ? charged for meats. Commenting on the results of "Save ! Money on Meat Week," which was in | stituted to urge people to help lower . the cost of living by purchasing inex ? pensive cuts of meat, Francis G. Caf i fey, United States Attorney, said agents j of his department were watching prices. "The Attorney General has directed that action Ue taken where pvoliteering in meat is found." said Mr. Caffey. "Meat dealers and the public generally are requested to report immediately to ! this office any cases of unfair profits in or of extortionate prices for meats." Hylan Visits Supreme Court ?Mayor in Happy Mood; Even Reporters Welcomed "So this is the Supreme Court," said ' Mayor Hylan yesterday as he entered | the corridor of the County Courthouse, ; where the activities of justices, at? torneys and jurymen carried him back to his days at the bar of Brooklyn. j His honor was assured that he was in the very building where soon 'ne will appear as defendant in a $100,000 libel suit brought by Dr. William Jay Schieifelin. Mayor Hylan vas so affable he even pretended he was pleased at meeting reporters. As for the reporters, not ! even the dean of the corps could re , member ever having seen Mr. Hylan in ! the Supreme Court before. I After looking over the antiquated '? rooms and furnishings the Mayor said ! he was more than ever in favor of ; the proposed new courthouse. -? Disputed Gun Shipped on Jan. 27. Says Davis-Warner Co. Sheriff Kno'tt was informed yester day by the Davis-Warner Arms Cor ? poration, 96 Chambers Street, that : there no need for him to send one . of his own revolvers to Mrs. W. J. ? Justice, of Houston, Tex., who wrote . the Sheriff complaining that she had , sent $lis for a gun, but had not re ? ceived it. In her communication to the Sheriff j asking him to look into the matter, Mrs. Justice referred to the company jshe bought .the gun from as the Davics | Warner Arm Corporation, which caused i Mr. Knott to say he could not locate ? the concern. The Davis-Warner com jpany'called up the Sheriff yesterday to I say that they had shipped -Mrs. Jus? tice's gun on January 'J~. Court Exonerates O'Siillivan ; The complain; against Patrick J. ! Q'Sullivan, a retired captain of the , Fire Department, who has been charged with unlawfully withholding $24,000 ; wort!; of Liberty bonds, i?.r>00 worth of war gavinas stamps and book?* and rec ! ords of the Firemen's Mutual Bencvo I lent Association, was dismissed yester i day in Washington Heights Court. | Magistrate Schwab said there was noth i ing to warrant holding him. j Bands Asked for Boys Parade More than 100 bands and fife and drum ?corps will provide music for New York's : hundred thousand marching youths in the loyalty parade scheduled for May Day by the Boys' Week Committee. John Philip Skmsa is chairman of the music committee and wants to hear i from bands or musical organizations. ! ?Applications should be made at Room 11411, 200 Fifth Avenue. r? Will YOU Profit by the Experience of the, Pillsbury Flour Mills Company? jv * ^c Piilsbury Flour Mills Co. of Minneapolis is using Dictaphones exclusively to handle its large volume of correspondence. The Dictaphone has proved to be * remarkable saver of time for this company. It has so speeded up correspondence work that it would re? quire double the force to handle the work by any other niethod. Whether your office is large or small, we are *eady to install The Dictaphone. ,Why not give it a trial ? TMEIMrraP/WAIE R?g. U. S. Pat. OS. aad Foreign Caaatrism Pfcoaa Worth 7250?Call at 280 Broadway, Naw York City Broadway ?k# $c ?omjiamj at 34th Street Direct by Subway, Tube and "L" $39.50 r? Special Purchase of Women's Polo Coats Ten distinct styles?made to sell at $49.50? In an Important Sale Thursday At $39.50 Heal swagger coats, that just breathe the spirit of Spring ? graceful to an unusual degree, and so beautifully tai? lored that it is very evident they were not intended for sale at this low price. Fashioned of Wool Silvertone, Suede-like Cloth and Polo Cloth with large mannish pockets, convertible collars, and self or leather strap belts? admirably meeting the present demand for coats equally appropriate for many varying occasions. Every wanted color? 1139.50 Tan, Beaver, Pekin, Copenhagen Blue. Four styles $39.50 Fourth Floor. Thursday and Friday Sale of Toilet Requisites Prices include tax Albodon Tooth Paste.17c Caldx Tooth Paste.19c Forhan's?For the gums. . .37c Boriclor Tooth Paste.39c Pyorrhocide Tooth Powder.74c Layoris, 8 oz. bottle.41c 20 oz. bottle.78c Listerine, large size.69c Glyco-Thymoline, large size.84c Borine, Magnum size... .$1.03 Gouraud's Oriental Cream.$1.20 Phillips Milk of Magnesia. .33c Odorono, medium size.38c Large size.74c Neet, 50c size.36c $1.00 size.78c Amolin Deodorant Powder. .19c La-May Face Powder, 30c size, 24c; 60c size. .34c Java Rice Powder.31c Caiman Face Powder.41c Queenai Talcum Powder. . .lie Violet Sincera Talcum Powder, 1 lb. can.26c Samurai Talcum Powder, large can.21c Mary Garden Talcum Powder49c "Masco" complete, with brush and mirror.35c Lamb's Wool Puffs, 35c size.25c Lysol, 25c size.21c 50c size, 39c; $1.00 size, 89c Pompeian Day Cream.36c Pompeian Night Cream.... 36c Benzoin and Almond Cream.31c Peroxide Cream, 25c size.. .20c Gem Cold Cream, 25c size. . 20c Pinaud's Lilac de France, $1.00 size.86c D'Ormos Lilac de France, $1.00 size .79c "Mavis" Talcum Powder, 25c size.21c "Mavis" Extract, 1 oz. bottle, Reg. $1.30 .$1.10 1 oz. bottle, reg. $3.64.$3.00 Reg. 51 45c "Mavis" Sachet, reg. tt $1.30.$1.10 "Mavis" Toilet Water, reg. $1.04.85c Lady Mary Extract, reg. $1.56.$1.35 Park ?5c Tilford Bay Rum, 13 oz. bottle..72c Peroxide of Hydrogen, 1 lb. bottle.18c Pure Extract of Witch Hazel, 16 oz. bottle.35c 32 oz. bottle.60c Absorbent Cotton, hospital grade, 1 lb.39c 39c 25c Toilet Paper Cabinets, con? taining 3 rolls of 1000 sheets each. Rubber Bathing or Shower Caps. Rubber Dressing Combs, reg. 50c to 75c.39c \.odgman's 2 quart Hot Water Bottles.$1.50 Hodgman's 2 quart Moulded Fountain Syringes, with fittings.$2.00 Shower Bath Sprays, large spray, long tubing, reg. 95c .69c Rubber Gloves, fine quality, buff color., . . . .95c Venus Sanitary Napkins, 8 in., doz.90c Mason Pearson's Hair Biushra, reg. $2.75 .$2.00 reg. $3.95..$2.95 Prophylactic Penetiator Hair Brush.65c Prophylactic Hair Brushes, white bristles.$1.00 Prophylactic Tooth Brushes, adults* size .29c selected seconds.19c Zig Zig Tooth Brushes, similar to the Rolling Tooth Brush.25c Tooth Brushes, bone or trans? parent handles, reg. 25c. .18c Nail or Hand Scrubs, reg. $1.00.75c Goth Brushes, flexible leather backs .45c Shaving Brushes, reg. 75c.50c Whisk Brooms, reg. 39c. . .25c Reg. 60c.39c Face Cloths.5c $1.00 Ever Ready Razors. .79c Gillette Razor Blades, pack? age of 6 blades.39c Ever Ready Razor Blades, package of 6 blades.29c Durham Razor Blades, pack? age of 5 blades.39c Scissors or Shears, various lengths.39c White Castile Soap, 2'/i. lb. bars.,.49c Tena Castile Soap, large bar.$1.95 Rinso, 3 boxes for.20c Lux, 3 boxes for.32c Hand Sapolio, 3 cakes for. .25c Olivilo Soap, 3 cakes.28c Peroxide Balh Soap, 3 cakes for . ;.29c Armour's Hardwater Soap, 3 cakes for.'.29c Packer's Tar Soap, 3 cakes for.54c Ten Piece Ivortus Sets, $15.50 Including Engraving of Monogram on Every Piece Set consist^ of Mirror, Hair Brush, Comb, Clothes Brush. Puff Box, Hair Receiver, Nail Polisher, Shoe Horn, Button Hook, and Nail File. Packed in fancy case. No Mail or Tcl-ephone Orders filled. None C. O. D. We reserve the, right to limit quantities Main Floor. , 1,000 Boys' Wash Suits Special at $3 As Hue a collection of Boys' wash suits as any mother would want to select from, in exclusive Saks models that j ust teem with real boyish style treatment. They conic in all white, others in plain colors, stripings and white, prettily trimmed in contrasting colors. Sizes 3 to S years. Four styles pictured. Second Floor. Girls' Confirmation Dainty White Georgette Crepe Frocks Fot Cirls 6 to 16 years Special $21.75 to $28.75 The most delightful fashions for girls to^be seen for Spring, full of the spirit of youth, and made with the greatest of tare. Several styles to choose from artfully trimmed with hand-embroidery, ruffles and ribbon. Sizes 3 to 16 years. Second Floor. A Special Presentation of Women's Smart Crepe de Chine and Georgette Frocks of a quality rare indeed At ?39.50 The model takes its inspira? tion from a beautiful import, and is truly Parisian in its very graceful lines and orig? inality. The waist is of Georgette Crepe, artistically beaded, and the smart overtunic is of Crepe de Chine of excellent quality. Obtainable in Navy Blue, Taupe and Black. Sizes 34 to 44. At $39.50? Most Exceptional ! Fourth Floor. Tailored Street Frocks At $29.50 to $150 The most individual of tailored frocks for Spring, as sponsored by the most'noted designers of Paris. Coat effects, Etons, straight line and tunic models, with accor? dion pleated skirts, tricolette or silk vestees, tailored in a manner that at once commands respect and confidence. Fashioned of Poiret Twill, Tricotine and Serge of the most dependable qualities Fourth Floor. Dainty Pink Underthings at prices that represent liberal savings on today s market values These beautiful underthings for milady of fashion are very care? fully made of serviceable silk and cotton mixtures, in plain, dotted and novelty weaves. Many models are quite ?simple, while others are daintily trimmed. All are most remark' able values at these low prices. Nightgowns.$3.75 to $6.00 Envelope Chemises. 3.00 and $3.75 Bloomers.$1.50, $2, $3 and $4.00 For Thursday Only Dotted Seeo Silk Bloomers Special $2 Carefully made bloomers of Seco Silk, in pink only, with double elastic at knee. Wonderful values. Crepe De Chine Envelope Chemises Special S3 Prettily designed envelope che? mises, developed in good quality crepe de chine, with top of Georg? ette crepe and wide bands of filet lace for trimming. Pink only. Washable Satin Bodices Special $2 Very .pretty model?as pictured? made of washable satin, with top of Val. lace combined with imita? tion filet lace. Pink only. Third Floor. Men's Sterling Silver Wrist Watches Special at $5.50 The best value in a really fine timepiece to be seen in New York. Sterling silver case, fitted with 15 jewel lever movement.