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Motor Wheel Corporation 8% Cumulative First Preferred Stock A Preferred Stock of unusual invest? ment merit. 100 and accrued dividend? Circular upon rcguert for AK-291 TheNationalGty Company ?tin Mm: N? City Bank SolidIri Uptown OIIIm: Fifth S.v.. a 43rd 8t. Correspondent O ?flete in over GO Citiss Hartshorne, Fales & Co. Members A/ett York Stock Exchange 71 Broadway Telephone 7110 Bowling Oree? Jelke, Hood & Bolles MEMBERS N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE BONDS NOTES STOCKS for Investment 40WALLST.,NEW YORK! Founded 1797 Seasoned Investments 30 Pine Street New York THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY BUFFALO.N*. SEVTiVT-ETH YEAR OF SERVICE ?-PITA!. AND SURPLUS UVCNTEEN MILLION DOUARS Bonds for Investment Harris, Forbes & Co Pin* StrMt, Cottwir William ?i NtW YORK as Stock Prices Soar as Demand Becomes Urgent Rebound Toward End of Session Featured by Sen? sational Movement of Stromberg Carburetor Stock market prices, particularly in the case of the fast moving indus | trials, underwent a remarkable rever? sal in form in the closing hour yes i terday, when prices surged upward in I response to buying that appeared to be of extremely urgent character. The ? movement had the appearance of an oversold market rebounding on the j covering operations of an extended ! short interest. The sudden and striking right about I face in the trend of speculative val ! ues after the market had pursued an ; uneven and hesitating trend in the ! fore part of the day, following the se j vere recession of Wednesday, coincid ? ed with a jump in sterling exchange I rates to the highest point reached to j date on the recovery from the low j of $3.18 established earlier in the j year. The pound sterling at the top | yesterday was worth more than $3.87, j representing at this level a recovery I of nearly 70 cents from its low record. The action of stocks in coming back j with such a display of vigor in the i late trading suggested in the light of ! developments in the foreign exchange j market brought a revival of reports of i impending gold imports from England. The financial community heard in vague rumors in circulation in the afternoon that a large shipment wns close at hand and might be announced before the end of the week. A loss of $12,500,000 in the gold holdings of the Bank of England, disclosed in the weekly statement, was thought in some quarters to reflect withdrawals I made for export to the United States. Whatever the basis of the reports of gold imports, they certainly played an important r?le in the stock market I and served to hurry the covering op j era.tions of the professional shorts. For the great part of the stock mar? ket session the trading element showed itself to be worrying over the new turn taken by the money market. Dealings in the forenoon were con? ducted rather cautiously, with the pro? fessional traders continuing their raid? ing tactics in the industrial list, forc? ing recessions that pushed many of the leading issues below the levels es? tablished the preceding day. General Motors, the spectacular feature for several days past, continued in the lime? light. It broke to 360 on the fore? noon dip, but on the afternoon rise advanced to 385. The sensation of the day, however, was supplied by Stromberg Carburetor, which shot out ahead of the whole in? dustrial group, advancing by leaps and bounds from an early low of 70 .to a high of 94. It closed 17 points up, at 93 Strombcrg's extraordinary performance, which was plainly the result of manipu? lative effort in a stock in which the float? ing supply is extremely small, touched off a general covering movement that extended to all pr.rts of the industrial department. And when Steel common joined in the rise, that simply added to the troubles of the bear element. Other strong spots on the rally were Baldwin Locomotive, Republic Steel, Pan-American Petroleum, Mexican Pe? troleum and Bosch Magneto. Copper and smelting shares consti? tuted a strong group. There was active buying of these issues in the after? noon. The striking statement made by John D. Ryan, head of the Copper Ex? port Association, to the effect thai do? mestic consumption in the last half of 1919 was greater than the total world consumption in the best pre-war years, did not come until after the close of the market. It gives an entirely dif? ferent side of the picture from what Wall Street has been seeing for many months. A lack of credit hampered specula? tive operations most of the session. In view of the shortage in the supply of money?call loans renewed at 9 per cent, and the rate rose to 12 per cent later in the day?the ?feme-back in stock prices was especially interesting. Bankers continued to hold to the posi? tion that supplies of credit are not likely to increase since country banks are beginning to draw down their bal? ances at this center in preparation for the seasonal demands of agriculture. -a Money and Credit Call money opened at 9 per cent yesterday, the highest renewal rate for | the month thus far, and got up to 12 i per cent at the close. This, however, : was not as high as the 14 per cent | rate of Wednesday. The reasons ac? counting for the sudden jump on that day were again present yesterday. That is. checks paid to the government as income taxes were passing through the banks, which also had to meet ap? proximately $8,000,000 of government withdrawals. The ruling rate for money yesterday, compared with a year ago, follows: Yestcr- Year Call money: day. ago. On mixed collateral.. 9 6Vfe On industrial collateral 9 6 Time money (mixed col? lateral ) : Sixty davs.8(? 8 Vz 5 '2 @ 5 % Ninety days.8@8% 5%@5% Four months.8@8% 5%@5% Four to six months.. 8@8% 5%@5% Bank Clearings Bank clearings in New York and other cities yesterday were: Exchanges. Balances. New York _$885,602,346 $96,853,640 Bostcftv. 52,725,778 13,950,863 Philadelphia.. 74,574,751 23,432,345 Sub-Treasury United States Federal Reserve credit'balance, $73,679,707. Silver?London, 72y8d; New York, $1.24%; Mexican dollars, 941/ic The Dollar in Foreign Exchange The pound sterling yesterday reached the highest level since last December, and francs, in sympathy, moved up? ward, though to a lessei* extent. Lire, which have been under selling pressure at London, remained easy in tone, marks were a shade firmer. Yesterday's rates, compared with those of a year aeo, follow: ' (Quoted dollars to the pound.) Yester- Week day. Ago. Sterling, demand.$3.Sfi75 $3.7225 Sterling, cables-'. . . 3.8750 3.72 Sterling, sixty days... 3.8275 3.7050 Sterling, ninety days.. 3.80875 3.6875 (Quoted units to the dollar.) Francs, checks. 14.14 13.61 Francs, cables. 14.12 13.59 Belgium, francs, checks. 13.72 13.12 Belgium, francs, cables. 13.70 ?13.10 Lire, checks. 19.67 18.67 Lire, cables. 19.65 18.65 Swiss, francs, checks_ 5.83 5.81 Swiss, francs, cables_ 5.S3 5.79 (Quoted cents to the unit.) Guilders, checks. 36.70 36.50 Guilder?, cables. 36.85 36.625 Austrian crowns, checks .46 .44 Austrian crowns, cables. .47 .45 Sweden, checks. 21.05 20.I?0 Sweden/ cables. 21.15 20^40 Denmark, checks. 18.20 17AQ Denmark, cables. 18.30 17.50 Norway, checks. 18.50 17.90 Norway, cables. 18.60 1S.00 Pesetas, checks. 17.42 17?67 Pesetas, cables. 17.50 17.75 Greece, checks. 10.85 11.15 Greece, cables. 10.90 11.25 Manila, checks. 48.75 48.75 Manila, cables. 49.00 49.00 India, rupees, checks... 45.25 44.56 India, rupees, cables \.. 45.50 44.75 Japan, yen, checks. J.-':. 46.00 46.05 Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings (Copyright, 1020. Now Yorlc Tribune Inc.) Yesterday. Railroad ?.lock- . . . 128,700 Other stocks . 1,104,200 All stocks . 1,232,900 Yesterday. U. S. g-overnm.nt bonds. $8,023,000 Itailroad -bonds . 1,102,000 Other bonds . 2,173,000 All bonds . 11,298,000 Day Before. 144,300 1.580,200 1,724,500 Day before. $9,456,000 1,098,000 1,807,000 12,361,000 Year ago. 1920. 102,300 9,169,800 524,200 66,228,300 626,500 65,398,100 Year airo. $7,794,000 1,116,000 3,874,000 12,784,000 January 1 to date. 1919. 7,091,900 33,248,200 40,940,100 1920. 754,911,000 83,689,000 103,846,000 942,446,000 1918. 8.249,300 28,141,800 36,391,100 1919. $564,802,000 78,969,000 94,228,000 737,999,000 High. 1920. 36 45% 80?.? 2% 2 Va 53%' ?J? 95'. a 128% 61 ?4 146 54a8 15! a 125 30*8 122 53 Vi fi'? IO334 14% 87-4 IOSI/4 30% 72 1001,4 82 50 1401 2 1063,4 92 % 1003-4 74% 1651-2 61% 21?4 65?/4 17 27% 86% 82 9 93 176/2 75 19/4 14334 1021/2 38% 49% 134% 60% 31% 102! 2 114 17 15 124! 2 11% 29% 27 % 2?% 85'-s 46 134 104 5, C1% Low. Div. 1920. Rate. 25 ? 34% ? C5% 6 11 ? ? 1% ? 36% ? M 8 75 8 105 10 383,4 ? 124% 12 39% 11% 95 18% 90! a 38 53 87 12-14 74% 82 163,4 56 0334 80 39 123% 77 84 96% 5438 112% 38% 15% 54 Adams Expr?s* . . Advance Kumely. .. . 3C00 Ajnx Kublier . 200 Sales. Open 800 34 400 400 42 75 2 2% 42 90 86% ?100 200 3800 114 41C0 47 2600 138 400 46 2000 12% High. 34 42% 75 2% 2% 42% 90 87 119 47% 800 300 49 63 99% 13 83% 48 63 97% 13 82% 21400 101?% 103 2600 23% 23% 66% 95% 81% 46% 7 ? 23 ? 76 6 76 5 6% ? 84 7 137 10 63 5 13 ? 103% 3" -8% 7 28 % ? 42 4 114 8 4934 ? 17% ? 81% 5 108 8 10% ? 10 -? 93 Alaska (?old Mines. Alaska .luneau .... Allis-Chalmers . 2100 Am Agr Chemical... Amcr Boct Suirar.... Amcr Ilosch Mag.... American Can . Am Car & Fdry. . .. Amer Cotton Oil. .80 Am Drus; Syndicate. 6 American Express. . . - Am Hide & Leather. Am Hide & I. pf_ 2900 112% 114 Am Ice Securities. . Am Ice Secur pf. . . Amer lnt Corp. 22600 Amer I.a France.. . 600 American Linseed... 3900 American Locomo Amer Ship o- Com. Amcr Smeltinu . 6900 Amer Smelting pf... 400 Amer Smelting pf A 600 Amcr Steel Fdry_ 4200 American Sugar .... Amor Sumatra Tob. . Am Sumatra Tob pf American Tel & Tel Amor Tobacco Sec. . American Woolen . . Amer Writ Faper pf Amer Zinc . Anaconda . 18900 Ann Arbor . 100 Ann Arbor pf. 2.10 At, Top & San Fe.. 3200 At, Top & San Fc pf 800 All, Birm & Atl_ 400 All Coast Line . 300 All, Gulf & W I_ 2600 All, Gulf & W I pf. 100 Auto ?Sales Corp.... 403 Baldwin Loco Co. Baldwin Loco Co pf. 200 100 Bait! & Ohio. 2000 35% BaKi & Ohio pf. 200 46% Barrett Company . . . 600 121 Barnsdall . 2100 49% Bethlehem Motors .. 3100 26% Low. 33% 42 75 2 2% 41% 90 86% Net chue. Bid. Ask. Close. 33%-f- % 42% 75 - 2 - % 238 42%-!- Va 90 + 2% 87 + % 11234 118%-!- 6% 118% 119 46% 47%-f % 47% 47% 139% 1363/4 138%+- % 138% 139 46 46 46?1 47 48 13 12% 13 + % 13 13% 300 1_*1t/4 121% 121% 121%? 33/4 120% 124 4600 26 26% 25% 26%+ % 26% 26% 34 42% 75 2 2% 42% 87% 86% 35 42% 76 2% 2% 43 91% 87% Va 111 114 + 2% 11334 1141/2 48 49 + 1 48% 49/j 63 63?1 63 64 95% 99 -{- 1% 93% 99 13 13 - 1234 13 82% 83% + % 83 83 Vi 99% 102% + 2% 102% 102% 23 65 95% 81% 453/4 68 95^/t 82 471/4 200 129% 129% 129% 129?4 + 16100 99% 103 96% 103 88 88 88 97%. 96% 97 23%? 67%+ 2 95%? 82 + 47% 200 88 2100 97% 24300 65% 17800 132 400 48'% 200 18% 23% 67% 96 81 47 130% 130% + 3% 102% 103 1% 86% 90% % 97 23% 68 96% 82 47% 97% ? 6534 ; 132% i 49% ! 19% 63*, 12 25 83 800 78% 79% 783-a 79%+ % 78% 79% 400 7 7 7 7 ? 1% 6% 7 300 88% 88% 88% 88%? %' 88 90 2600 156 157 155% 157 ? % 156% 157% 100 66 66 66 66?1 65 67 403 12% 12% 12% 12'/s!? 1% 12% 15 968C0 131% 134% 128% 133%+ 3% 133% 134% 66% 63 65%+ % 658,4 132% 127% 132 + 1% 131% 49% 48% 49%? % 48% 19 18% 19 - 19 6334 61% 63%+ 2% 63% 12 12 -12?2 10% 25 25 25 - 24% 83% 82 82%? 1% 82% Beth Steel. Class B. Beth Slecl 8% pf.. . Bkljn Rapid Transit Booth Fisheries Co.. 100 3534 46% 121 50% 273/? 95 9934 100% 35% 35% 267C-0 94! _ 800 112% 1121/s 1800 14% 14?? 400 12 12 73? 22 15 17 74 27 1151 72 4; _!'4 155% 117/ 10% 7 27% 42% 01% i'1% 110 41% 78 66% 21% 41% 40% 44% ??7 51% 65% )67 56 92% 203-8 93% 13% 95% 107 34I/2 62% 255% 100 56% 85 &934 10% 13 ..8 44 147 15% 25! s 95 90% 135 43 30% 19!/ 21 2 30% ? 45/4 ? 75 7 78 6 ,?: 2 64 ! 2 54 15% 31% ?338 36% 20 47% 36% 53 44 V5 16% 78 10% 10 Burns Bros . 4900 119% % Butte Copper & Zinc 900 9% ? Butte & Sup Copper 700 25% ? Bultcrick Co . 300 18'% ? Caddo Oil . 400 22 6 Calif Packing . 1800 80 ? Calif Petroleum _ 2600 38 10 Canadian ?'acilic_ 2100 123 5 Central Lralher _ 5600 85% 4 Cerro ('.-> Pasco. 3700 52% 10 Chandler Motors _ 5700 144% ? Chicago f.t Western.. 100 8% 2 Chic fit West pf. . . . Chic, Mil & St Paul. Chic, M & St P pf.. . 7 Chic & Nwn. 6 Chic 5'ntum Tool.... ? Chic, R I & Pac_ 7 Cii, K?_P 7% Pf 6 Cii. T' I & P 6% pf.. 1% 120/2+ 1% 120/4 120% 900 24% 50:0 38 38 36% 6100 53% 55% 53% 800 87% 87% 87 1900 103% 103% 100 3100 36% 36% 357? 703 75% 75% 75/ 400 65! 2 65% 65/ 14134 145% 8% 24% 54%+ 2% 3 122 % 85% 54% 145% 147 5% 1013/4 105 C'uio Copper . 5100 Chino Con Cop. 1600 Coca Cola . 4C0 Co! Tue! & Iron. 1000 Co". & South. 200 Coi & South 1st pf.. 100 Columbia Graph _ .800 Col (.as & Elec. 200 Com Tab Hec. 40.J Consol l.'.-us . 2100 192 75% 172 3% 410 85% 90 41% 85% 0 5 Vs. 4934 84% 41% 38% 84% 4 3% 66% 18% 9 3 3-4 ?6% 101 7 21% % 55 6 189 12 96% 7 3-/2 ? 79' 2 7 89% 9 9 ? 10% 1 20% ? 33 3 09 J 9% ? 17% ? " 65% 8 85 8 100/2 10 33 3 21 ? 12 ? 175 8 53% 6 152% .8 2% ? 2?a% 12 69', 2 6 84 7 64/s 6 36 ? 31% 2 68% 7 33 4 29% ? 5734 ? ?0 ? 60 4 13 ? Steel . 12900 240 400 97 Con Int Callahan Continental Can . Continental Candy Corn Produc?s . . Corn Products pf. Con Textile . . . '. . Crex Carpet Co. . CrucibI Crucible Sleel . Cuba Cane Sucar. . . Cuba Cane Susar pf Delaware ?Vc Hudson. Don & Uio Crandc pf Home Mines . Elk Horn Coal. Elk Horn Coal pf. .. Endicott-Johnson ... Erie . Erie 1st pf. Famous Players .... Famous Players pf. . Fisher Body . F..->k Rubber Tire. . . Frceport Texas . Gaslon Williams . . . General Chemical Co General t'ixar . Ccneral Eicc Co General Elec Co rts. General Motors .... Gen .Motors 6% deb. Gen Motors 7?0 deb. tien Motors ctfs .... Goodrich, ?? F. Granby Mining . Gray Davis . (it ?Northern pf. (.t Ncrrth Ore subs.. Greene Can Copper. . Gulf Stutes Steel . . Hondee . Ilaskell & Bar Car Co Hupp Motor . Illinois Central .... 2600 18 1400 90% 8:0 10% 9?:0 51% 4C0 10S 2600 3134 200 60 242% 234' 2411,2 242 3100 115% 117 29C0 14 14 400 23 23 1600 78 78 200 87 87 200 128 128 3100 36% 36! 700 24% 26! 400 15( 200 190 200 68! 1800 159 2600 2, 34900 373 400 76! 800 90 49900 37! 1600 68' 200 46 700 35| 900 81 31C0 401 400 33 1600 66: 200 39 2C00 61 400 17 1600 90 ',4 87 87?1 37 125% 125%? 434 125 3534 36%? % 36',. 24/2 26%-j- 1% 253. 15% 15%? % 15 190 190 ? 1% 187 68% 68%+ 14 68'. 167% 157%? 1% 157 2% 2%? % 2" 360 384 +18 384 76% 76%+ ?g 76 90 90 - 89 35% 38%+ 1% 38' 67% 69/4+ 1% 69!, 46 46 + 34 47 13' 2 69 613 4? 16' 125 J/4 111% 128 84' 69% 91% 79% 26^4 51% 2134 44'% 118 152'% 106 112% 6 27% ? 76/a 6 102% 7 72 7 60 7 70% ? 70 C 19% ? 25% ? 15% ? 38 ? 105 8 Inter Agricul . 1900 Intir Afrricul pf ,., _ .?qj Inspiration Copper .. 9800 Inter-Cons Corp . . . 700 Inter-Cons Corp pf. . 700 Inter Harvester .... Int Mer Marine .... lut Mer Marine pf,. Int Motor Truck . . . Int Mot Truck 1st pf Int Mot Truck 2d pf JiiUr Paper . 12900 82' Inter Paper pf stpd 400 76 Inter Nickel . 4100 21' Iron Products . 1000 44' Jewel Tea . 8C0 15i Jewel Tea pf . 400 39 J Kayser . 300 105 Kelly Sprint-field . . . 800 130 )0 127% 127% 1277a 127% + 5400 5100 93" 93% 911, 400 126% 126% 124 200 77 77 77 200 65 65 65 36%+ 1% 36' 93% + Va 933, 126%- 118 77 77 77?1 76 65 65 65 - 63 843/4 82 84/4+ % 84 76% 76 76%+ % 76' 213-4 21% 21%- 21'' 47 44% 47 + 2% 46'/ 15% 15% 15%? % 15!, 39 38% 38%? Va 37J, 105 105 105 ? 1 100 130% 127 130%+ 3% 129 Yester- Week day. ago. Japan, yen, cabios. 46.25 46.30 Argentina, checks.102.80 102.15 Argentina, cables.103.00 .101.65 Brazil, Rio, checkq. 26.25 27.25 Brazil, Rio, cables. 26.50 27.50 Marks, checks. T:A2 1.2S Marks, cables. 1.33 1.29 Czecho-Slovakia, checks. 1.34 1.33 Dividends Extras Illinois IlrirU Company?An extra dlvi dond of 114 P<-*r cent ha.**, been declared Ir ariUition to the regular quarterly dividen? of 1% p?*r cent, both payable April 15 u stockholders of record April S. Regular Declarations Rate nn'I Holden l'i rlod Payable of Rec A 'A. L & S pf..$1.50 Q May 1 April 1 Cosdon & Co... 62V?c - May 1 Mar 3 do pf. l- '-.-i* - May l Mar 3 Diamond Match. 2 Q June 15 May 3 !*. . ral Mot Tr. 3 M April 1 Mar 2 0'i\ Mot pf. 1 '?_? Q May 1 April do 6s deb stk. lVi Q May 1 April do 7s deb stk. i ?"., <> May l April Great North Ry 1.75 w May 1 April Garfleld Bank... 3 Q April 1 Mar 3 Inspiration C C. 1.60 Q April 2? April Mass Gas. 1\ Q May I April 1 N & W R A PI'.. 1 Q May 19 April 3 U S S, H & M pf. 87V4 <} April ).'? April to com . 1.60 Q April ir. April Vir-Car Chem.. I Q May 1 April 1 do pf. 2 Q April 16 Aiiril W 1' T & \V pf. m Q May 15 May do cum pf. . . 3 \ L? May 1 April I W?*st Pow pf... 1'3 Q April 15 Mar ! Winch Co 1st pf 3>,? S-A April 16 A&KJ1 do 2d pf..... I 1 April 16 Aj^? Bid and Asked loo . Bid. Asked \ni Acr Ch pr 00 iltj Am lit siig pr 82 01 Ami J! S ?. I'' BO do pr .21(1 Am Can pr... 97 Am r & i it 114 Am Cot O pr ?5." Am Malt & o 35 Am Snuff ....110 do pr . j,ij Am SU Fy pr 91 Am Sugar pr.114 A;u Tobacco... 250 do pr new.. 97% Am Zinc pr... 54 Assets Itraliz. 4 A U ? 1st pr 65 do 2.1 pr_ 80 Aasou (ill _11 Auto S C pr. 2. Kafi-pllaa Min 1 Hot II Steel . .. 8714 do 7% pr... 93% Bklyn Edison, ft". Bklyu Vu Oaa 52 Brown' Shoo. . 95 Cub Am Sui ; do pr ... I. Ai VV Bid. Ashed. |l> A: li G. Edison I letr *>"\? ? do pr ... 7 * 38 Dura Hosiery. 5276 .?*,. d" Pl' . ?"? 90 Ihm-IlraiKlt ... 21 do pr . 82 Brie 2d pr_ 15^4 Fairbanks _ ? 116 260 97% 53 4% 18% do pr 98 116 !?>! M & S..' 13%" 14 U !p1,.,;,J'r?.,34% 36% Fisher Hy pr.ior. 109 Gen Cheru pr. 94% >.iii (Jeu Oigar pr. 98 100 !o pr deb. .. ?8?4 >.\?u, 80 89 " 94% 95 97 do pr Brunswick . .. Buff A Susq. do pr Cal 1'etrol pr ?9 ?'ase J I pr. . 94 Cent Foumirv. 18 38 Bi" Gon Mot pr.. ,'? IGoodrlch pr . - jUulf M & N. 8 do pr . 28 G S St I 1st pr 90'4 Hartman Corp 8,*, ?4 Homcstake ... 55 ?,. .Im Paper pr. . 90 :j? Int Nickel pr. ?,;.>,: 4 "Int. Bail .... 67?4 7n 'Jonas Tea ... 20 Kelsey Wheel. 7:t dn pr . 9C Keok & 1) >r 4 69 9016 I^ath pr. I0i% 104 i ,\? ,??' A Alton 8 ^^^^^^^^ 13 20 A E 111. 10'4 di pr C A- N W pr IK C SI V M A 0 ?0 m .102 . 83% . 88% do pr 90 C C O A St L do pr . 6.1 duett-Peab .. 91 do pr .100 Col Graph pr. Vt Con Gm ..<.. I? 10% Kresge s"s' }; PT . II ,hre%s & Co. 9% do pr . 120 I.ailrfle c,a_s ,i,, \. ,io Pr . 1C4 23% ?3% rjg 4 M Tob.l?2 IT5 Si*!,,do Pr .,102 108 9j ?Maekay Cos... 64 70. o2i? w',1\.pr . 6* 6S l91?M?nhu Est.. ?^ 60 Record of Stock and Bond Averages (Copyright, 1920, Now Tork Tribune Inc.) Rnnge thus Day Year f?r 1920. Yesterday. Before. Ago. High. 20 Railrond Mock?. 68.55 66.95 70.90 68.70 30 Industrial Mocks . 100.63 99.67 90.07 110.30 M Stock, . 87.00 86.58 82.40 92.06 10 Railrond bond? . 73.08 73.17 79.93 76.28 10 Industrial bond? . 88.83 88.77 94.81 91*45 5 irtiUty bond? . 73.60 73.58 85.60 74.53 25/Bonds . 79.48 79.49 87.02 81.71 LOTT. 58.60 88.70 77.14 71.76 80.77 73.48 79.48 Runge full year 1919. High. Low. 78.80 119.33 99.54 82.80 95.70 87.75 87.91 63.35 79.20 75.92 72.83 90.56 71.80 80?1 Ilign. Low. Div. 1920. 1920. Rate 27% 2 24% 63 28 401/-, 25'/a 17/a 33% 481/a 91% 38% 47?/4 32 28 183% 145/4 12 Sajes. Open. 4700 30% 5900 36 3/2 2 9 112 /a 136/4 44 37/a 124 222 2G 71% 52% 18!>'2 11 18 31% 4934 40 40 125 116 72Va 89% 12 86/4 110 6% 17'/2 47% 117 77/a 36 ;2 48/2 61 303/4 21 % 29 100/a 84% 77/4 50% 534 9'/2 41% 65 61/4 IO8/4 103/a 43/2 35% 41/2 32 68 42/2 8O/4 64 91 82% 23' '4 63% 91 i 2 9434 311/2 27% 104% 124 96 103 22% 88/2 94 124% 553/4 5C 110% SO'/a 21% 16% 2E33 34 18 18/a 24? 13 9O/4 48% 9 98 108 43 18/a 117/a 1611/2 21/4 22/4 42% 9 G 8% 21 36 33/4 35/4 110 HI/4 44 83 72% 6 105 7 4/4 ? 14 1 39/a ? 92 10 64/4 5 26?, 30 45 23/ 16 10 Kcnnecott Copper 1.20 Keystone Tiro .. C Lnckawnnnn Steel . . 4400 75/4 - Lee Rubber & Tire .. 2000 34 Lchigh Vnllcy . 700 45/2 Lo?ws,,Jnc . 900 29'/a Loft Candy . 400 1974 Lor?llard, P . 200 159 ? Lorillord, P rls _ 200 8/4 7 Louisville & Nnsh .. 600 105 10 Manat? Sugnr . 300 115 ? Mnllinson pf . 400 44 Net Close, chge. Bid. Ask. 31%+ 1/8 313/8 31% 36%+ % 36% 36% ,4 68/4 503^ 38% 434 6/2 - 28 - 51 44 71% 67% 40 20 ? 33 - 23/a ? 62 34% 50 63 91 4834 . 15% SI/4 89 87 21/2 16 84 109 74 89/4 17/4 6434 62/2 ? Maxwell Motor Co .. 7 May Depart Slores. . 10 Mexican Petrol - 2 Miami Consol Cop .. 1.20 Middle States Oil .. 4 Midvalc Steel . ? Minn & SC Lou new ? Mo, Kan & Tex - ? Mo, Kan & Tex pf. . ? Missouri Pacific .... ? Missouri Pacific pf. ? Monlsomery Wnrd .. 3/2 National Acme . 7 National Bisrut - 7 National Biscuit pf. ? National Aniline . .. 7 Nat Aniline pf .... ? Nat Con & Cable ... 6 National Lead . 7 National Lead pf. . . Nat R R Mox 2d pf. Nevada Consol Cop. ? NO, Tex & Mex .. 10 New York Air Brake 5 New York Central . . ? NY, Chi & St Louis 2/a New York Dock .... 5 New York Dock pf.. ? N Y, N II & II. ... 1 N Y, Ont & West... ? Norfolk Southern .. 7 Norfolk & Western . 7 Northern Pacific ... 5 Nova Scotia Steel .. 4 Ohio Gas . /a Okla Prod & Ref. . . 2100 33/a 34'/ 200 12934 131 26100 194?.2 196 800 23'/a 23'/ 32 32? 46'/2 46* 15/4 15? 9/2 9', 15 15 28/4 28S 45 451, 40 40 38 38', 24600 4600 400 300 100 2600 1600 11800 1600 /a /4 400 116 200 116 6100 64/a 200 86/4 700 IO/2 800 81 200 109 400 5 400 14% 200 40 800 106 600 7334 200 32 300 33% 400 48 4600 33% 800 21 1000 22 800 95 3100 80/, 1800 62 /8 3900 43 2600 5% 106/s 105/2 105/a? 3/a IO5/2 1C8 37 34'/ 937 64'/ 13% ? 14/a 1 15% ? 23/2 ? 11 ? 12% ? 214 8 10% ? 73 % 34% 64 Ontario Silver . 1000 ? Otis Steel . 2600 3 Owens Bot Mach ... 400 5 Pacific Gas & EIcc. . 2000 6 Pan-Amer Petrol . . 41800 7 Pan-Amer Pet B_ 1600 3 * Pennsylvania Rail .. 1100 ? Penn Scab Steel _ 4600 ? Peoples Gas & Coke.. 4C0 ? Pere Marquctto . 900 5 Pero Marquette pf.. 300 3 Philadelphia Co _ 3100 4 P, C. C & St L. 300 ? Phillips Jones . 1000 7 Phillips Jones pf_ 200 ? Pierce Arrow. 34100 ? Pierce Oil . 16C0 5 Pittsburgh Coal _ 1000 6 Pittsburgh Coal pf. . 700 7 Pittsburgh Steel pf. . 200 ? Pitts & W Va. 2600 1 Pond Creek Coal. . . . 400 8 Pressed Steel Car... 2100 8 Pullman Pal Car.... 200 5 Punta Alegre Sugar. 3100 8 Rway Steel Spring... 430 1 Ray Con Copper. 2000 4 Reading . 18SC0 ? Remington Type ... 2600 6 Rep Iron & Slecl . . . 67800 ? Rep Motor Truck . . . 3C0 ? Rep log le Steel . 800 50 99/4 92 4234 32% 5.50 Ryl Dtch N Y shares 10100 10214 102% 100 6 Savage Arms . 1000 73/8 73% 73 Sason Motors .'. 2600 17'/2 17'/2 163 88!: 100 105: 116 26% 58% 850 837 11334 112% 50 45/2 94 115% 232 58% 12/4 231 39 50 so y, 100% 41 9/ 166'? 1C3 156/ 25 01 43 20 40/ 87 213 47 95/2 43/j 38% 53 10G 38 27? 125/2 110 148 1251 206% 13% 29% 25/a 55 78% 116% 56% 96'2 116/a 76 109 II534 80% 70 78% 91 IO/2 31 E8% 12% 176 10 8% ? 203,4 ? 1534 _ 48 5 53% 6 77/2 8 40 ? 91'4 3 110'. 4 8 61''a 6 92'4 109?8 68% St Joseph Lead .... St Lou & San Fran. St L & San Fran pf St Louis Soulh'n .. . Seab Air Line pf. .. Sears, Roebuck .... Shalt tick & Arizona. % Shell Trans Ter. 7800 Sinclair Oil . 24100 Sloss-Shcff Steel & Ir 200 Soulhern Pacific .... 15800 So Porlo Rico Bug pf Southern U R. Southern R It pf. Standard Oil of N J.. Stand Oil o? N J pf.. Stewart Warner .... Strombcrg Carb .... Studebakor . 48900 102% Stutz Motors . 6900 245 Superior Sleel . 3100 54 Term Cop & Chem... 1000 10 Texas Company .... 21800 205 '1'exa.s Co full pd. . .. Texas Co 30 p c pd.. Texas & Pacific. Tobacco Products . . . Tcmtor Corn & Fruit Tran?con Oil . United Alloy . Union Ba^r & Paiier. Union Oil . Union Pacific'. United Drug . I'nned Fruit . I nited Ry Invest . . Lnitcd Ry Invest pf. U S Cast I P & F.. U S C I P & F pf.. U S Food Prod _ U S Ind Alcohol ... U S Realty & Imp.. United Retail Stores 12600 76} U S Rubber. 28300 1C8 V S Smelt & Ref.... 803 67'/ 67' .'? 68 1734 18 6O/4 61 90 92 83 91 0O/2 30% 20/a 21/4 99% 101 117% 119 8O/2 82% 98 97 IO6I/4 IOI/2 IO5/2+ 1% IO51/2 IO534 45 45 45?1 42 47 44 43 43 4- /a 43 45 102 4- 1% 102 102/4 7334? 1/4 73 74 17'/4.4- /8 17% 17/a 16%? 22/2+ 32 ? Vz 16 - 163/4? /4 230 ? 4/> 11/2? V? 77 - 41%+ /8 73 ? 1 98% 100/a 112 112 700 16/a 2600 22/a 100 32 100 16 400 17 100 230 21 CO Il/a 76% 41/2 73/a 9934 300 112 5100 23% G JO 57?4 300 850 1600 113!4 200 43 21600 76 % 2091/2 202 209 + 200 20334 20334 103% 10334? 200 199 199 199 199 ? 44% 42 44% 4 71 Vz C8'4 71/2-f 43/2 43 43'/24 251/4 23% 24/r 50 49 ? 49 - Va 22 9100 5100 800 7800 1000 43% 69% 43'/a 2434 50 200 10334 105 100 3400 33'/2 33/a 313 4900 11934 1197a Hg! 200 136 _J36 136 100 195 195 195 2000 12 12/2 12 200 25/a 25/a 25', 400 20 20 20 100 54 54 54 3900 64/4 64/4 63'. 24600 94 94 91' 1800 511/0 615,4 51 ? 8212 14! a 66% 32 33 951/4 93% 59 '/8 76 7/s 20? ? 48/a 8% 201/2 43 64 9/4 49 22% 26 67 1 88 W ^ Steel. 861C0 100% 102 100/a 102 + 1/2 *Ex dividend. U S Steel pf. 1?C0 113 I'tah Copper. 1C2C0 Vanadium Steel .... 161C0 Va-Car Chemical . . . 409 Va Iron, C04I & Coke 200 Wabash . 18C0 Wabash pf A. 400 Wells Far?o ;-:-tp. . . . 300 Western Maryland... 100 Western Pacific .... 6600 Westinghouse Mfg .. 1800 Wilson Co . 1400 Wheeling & L K_ 400 White Motors . 7800 Wiilys Overland . . . 10900 Wisconsin Central . . 300 Worth Pump & M. . 4100 Worth P & M pf A. 100 112% 112%? V/a 112 ?/a 77%+ 2/a 77 ?/2 66/2+ 2 66! ! 72'/4+ 34 73 1 8j - 83 1% 834? 4 z BU. As'uxl.' Vlnx.hat Shirt. 20*4, 31% Pacific Coast . Mar Un TUx'l.w 5.S 60V4 ?' ' -<1 I r., Martin Parry. 28 33 I' Ft W & (.'. Max M 1st pr 56% 58 I" H .' of N i do 2d pr.... V 30 l?r din : ! ?1 pr M StP & SUM 74 ?-% ?I ? '.' ? pr. . . j do pr . 'Ill fid SI !. :-'? Y. i . ? M 1 1. 53 58 T ??? V I. I IV ; Mont Pmt. . 65% 68 'I" :' '. ; l?l pr i do pr . 98 inn Vul Detl ml ? ; MiiuMns Body. 41H 14 ! 1 ? a . Xai f*lk ?_. bt 6!) 70 \". ? Air Ilk.. ? la pr . ??6 Ml Woolworth ... Otis Elevator.. 136 189%' do pr . Poro Marq pr 48 4?l V lav ?I pr li Stocks Ex Dividend Mar 31?AlllB-Chalrners ilfg ? . 1% ; Mar 26? Associated < ??1. 1% j Mar 27- ?.tlantic National '?',. a \ & 2',. ; Mar 31?Central Coal <_ Coke. 1% Mar 31?Central Coal <_ Coke pr. 1 ':, .Mar 30?C, C C ?*?? Si I. i".\ p.. 1 14 Mar 31?Consolidated Textile..... a, 1 Mar .9?Continental Candj Corp Trap. ', ? Mar 31?Duioit Edison. 2 Mar 81?Fifth Aw ma Banl. f. ! Mar 31 ? First National liana.Xi) Mar.11?General (.'Ivan >x In com atk. 2 - ; Mar 31?Cold and Sunk Tel. ! >:, Mar 29?Great Northern Iron Ore Prop. Trust Ct,!'s- Ben lilt. 2 Mar 31?Kansas city Southern pf. 1 Mar 27?Kayst-r ft Co. 2 ; ?Mar 31?Monongahela Val Tr pf. ?xj ! Mar 31 ? National Biscuit. 1% i Mar 27? N Y. Ontario & West Ry. 1 ! Mar .'.1?Niagara Falls Power pf. 1 \ ! ?Mar 31?Otis Elevator . 2 Mar 31? do pf. 1% ' Mar .11? Pan!lie? Gas ?in.1 Blec. 1 "4 ! Mar 31?Paclfio Tel and Toi pf. 1 '. : Mar 26?Public Servira- of ?\ J. 1 I Mar 31?U S In? Alcohol'pf. 1% The London & Rivar Plate Bank. Lim? ited, has opened u.' branch at Pelotas, ; Brasil. " ^ .Exports of Breadstuffs Show Great Decrease Bu? Shipments of Cotton Gained 90 Per Cent in Value in February WASHINGTON, March' 25.?Exports i of breadstuffs and dairy products de \ creased in February as compared with the same month a year ago, but cot j ton shipments increased both in bulls | and value, according to a review issued to-day by the Department of Commerce Shipments of breadstuffs were valuec ; at $44,000,000, as compared with $56, 000,000 the S*!.me month last year, anc meat arid dairy products at $57,000,000 against S95.000.000. Cotton exports increased 42 per cen in weight and nearly 90 per cent ii , value, owing to the increased price o the * liber. Shipments totaled 040,00? ? bale;?, valued at ?185.950,127, agains ; 140,000 bales, valued a* $73,552,274, ii February a year ago. Cottonseed oil exports were valu. at $20,000,000 as against $32,000,000. i Little change was shown in the out [ward movement of cereals, except when exports, which fell o.T 1,000,000 bushel: Exports of wheat for the eight month: period totalled only 87,000,000. bushel against 120,000,000 bushels for the saw i period in 1919. In Wall Street Exchange Slump Booms Marriage? Using depreciated exchange to win husbands has appealed to at least one wealthy New Yorker, ?with relatives in Vienna. When the crown, normally worth 50 cents, was quoted a few days ?ago at 4-10 of a cent, this individual j bought 250,000 crowns at a net cost ot j $1,000, and sent them to distant, poor female relatives. The object of tno transaction was to give them dowries, which arc important assets in the mar? riage marts in that country. The gift was regarded as munificent on the other ?ide, because the purchasing power of the crown has not depreciated quite as much as its exchange value. Doubling the Stock Tax The high cost of stock speculation stands to go higher if the bill reported in the Assembly at Albany by the tax committee, amending the tax law by in? creasing from 2 to 4 cents per hundred shares the tax on transfers of Tstock is passed. "The proposal to increase the tax on stock transfers," said a Wall Street man yesterday, "is a positive step in the wrong direction and a dangerous step, because its deadening effect at first is imperceptible and*only realizf- when a-general slowing down I reveals the drying up of funds which i maintain the indispensable condition of an active securities market, whereon in I vestors may at any time of need liquidate their holdings. When stocks are buoyant and everybody is making money the tax of $6 for every hundred shares is not seriously felt, but when stocks become <_uiet the maintenance of a market depends upon the trader who is satisfied to buy and sell on a narrow market for a small profit. With the imposition of the proposed addition, the state tax will go a long way on the road to eliminate the very useful, if not essential, offices of the trader, thereby depriving the Becurity holder of a fair market upon which to liqui? date." It is also pointed out that al? ready the financial center carries a disproportionate part of the state tax burden. Lucky Money The spectacular leap of Stromberg Carburetor from 73 to 94 yesterday af? ternoon?the biggest part of the rise took place in less than an hour?made some easy money for a couple of lucky specuL-Uors. They bought jointly a call on 100 shares of Stromberg, good j for the day, the call price being .85. | The option cost them less than $50. By j the close of the day it was worth close to $900. A Long Range Call New Street privilege merchants of? fered a call on ?Steel common, good for the balance o.f the year, at 125 yester? day. International Paper P. T. Dodge, president of the Inter I national Paper Company, denied yes? terday reports that new financing plans are at present under consideration. Ac? cording to the gossip of the Street, the company is preparing to issue $10,000, 000 bonds to raise working capital for | development projects and new con I struction work. Mr. Dodge also took occasion to deny reports that a common stock dividend declaration is contem? plated by the directors. '"We are run? ning our business to make paper," he commented, "and not to speculate in stocks." In regard to the general pa? per situation Mr. Dodge asserted that the demand is now running at approxi? mately 3,000 tons a day in excess of j the capacity of the mills. He said 1 that conditions had been aggravated by I the neglect of many small newspaper publishers to contract ahead for their needs. The greater demand fqg news? print, according to Mr. Dodge, has been caused in a large measure by the big increases in the amount of advertising now being carried by the newspapers. A Newcomer on the Board The common stock of H. R. Mallinson & Co., makers of silk, was dealt in for the first time on the Stock Exchange yesterday. Two hundred shares changed hands at $43 and $44 a share. Those close to the company estimated that it would earn $5,000,000 before taxes this yea-r if the achievements of the first quarter are continued until Decem? ber 31. Steel Common's Book Value Among interesting points disclosed j in the annual report of the United States Steel Corporation was the fact that the book value of the common stock, estimated from the figures of the balance sheet, stood at $245 n share at the end of 1919. Since 1916 there! has been a steady climb in the book value of Steel as a result of the rapid expansion in assets. In that year the book value of the junior stock issue figured out at $196 a share. At the end of 1917 it had risen to $201, and by the end of 1918 to .$235. in 1919 $10 a share was added to its bo<5* value. Melons on German Securities German industrial corporations, par? ticularly those in the occupied area, which have been able to buy raw ma? terials since the lifting of the blockade, have greatly increased their capital in order to finance the greatly increased cost of inventories resulting from high prices and the depreciation of the mark in foreign countries. Those Americans who are gambling in the stocks of those enterprises have shared in the cutting of several melons re? sulting from this movement to increase the capital. Corn Products Meeting To-day * Corn Products directors are sched? uled to meet this afternoon, and it is expected that, in view of the rate at which earnings are running, they will continue the policy inaugurated in De? cember of declaring an extra dividend in addition to the regular quarterly distribution of 1 per cent due at this time. Those who profess to be con? versant with the1 affairs of the com? pany state that earnings for the March quarter will be ahead of those for the corresponding period a year ago. This report, however, will not bo made pub? lic until a month from to-day. Union Oil The Union Oil Company of Dela? ware, it was learned yesterday, has bought the properties of the Wayland Oil and Gas Company, comprising 13, 939 acres in West Virginia. It is stated that the .oil from these leases forms largely froim what are known as the.Big lr.jun and Berea sand3, and is classed as a Pennsylvania grade crude. Bank of England LONDON. March 25.?The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the following: * Total reserve. . . ?33,OO?,000 Pec. ?2.452.000 Pirr-ulatlon .... 101.137.000 Dec. 35.0O0 Bullion . 115,783,186 Dec. 2.4?6.8?.l Olhf'i* securities! 91.I4 2.000 Dec. 811.000 Public deposita. 1r'.fi?3,000 Inc. 1,344,000 Other deposits.. Kl.767.000 Dec. 1,274,000 Note? reserve... 32,623,000 Dec, 2.417,000 ; Gov. securities. 45,394,000 Inc. 3,335,000 The proportion of the bank's reserve to liabilities this week is 21.84 per cent; last week it was 23.49 per cent. i 'Rate of discount 6 per cent. -?? Bank of France PARIS, March 25.- The weekly state? ment of the Bank of France compares as follows (in francs): March* 2 4 March ?7 Gold on harta. 5. !>B 4,026.000 6.583.113.000 Silver . 217.158,000 248.76S.000 Circulation ...37,568.064,000 38,160,008,000 Gen deposits. 8,616,662,000 8,884.788,000 Bill? dlnc'nt'd. 1.77 7.640,000 1,670,417,000 Treasury ?Jo?.. ??.300,000,000 26.800,000,000 ?Advance*...?.. 070.436,000 WottHWOO We recommend an underlying Closed First Mortgage Railroad Bond Due in 12 Years The obligation of one of fa few railroads which last year showed a profit to the Government. Pince to Yield 6.25% GLIDDEN, DAVIDGE & CO. Members A'.n> York Stock Exchanit 20 Broad Street, New York Developments in the oil sita ation are causing a keen fa terest in the well established oil companies. A discussion and analysis on? SINCLAIR CONSOLIDATED is pertinent at this time be cause of these developments and particularly from the mar ket standpoint. Also FIVE ACTIVE STOCKS that, regardless of marke* fac tors, maintain their leadeVshi. ' day after day. F j In addition, there are several aflu? regular features and discussions cv KoyaJ Dutch -{van I'et ? Stntz Motors | . s. Mea'mihi- i Transcontinental ?ritl-ii^m.To.. I In tho Current Issue MARKET OriXlOS Gratis on request for B-Z% - R. H. M'cMASTERS & GO Members Consolidated StocTc larch, .Y y 59 Wall St. New'York Hanover ..30. Ground riser Elk Basin Cons. Refining units recently added give this company the third largest re?ning capacity in Wyoming. Complete details given in current issue of? Financial Forecast Other Issues Treated. Invincible Oil Anglo-Amer. ?Oil White Oil S i mm? Pet. Cities Service Sent upon request. Ask for No. 51. M S Wolfe SCo. ESTABLISHED 1S06 41 BROAD ST., NEW YORK, Winchester Co. Common Circular on Request J.K.Rice, Jr.&Co. Phones 4000 to 4010 John. 36 Wall St., N.T Fpan/?in Trun Campa? Eaahlhbtd i m -? New York & Brooklyn Robinson & Co. Investment Securities 26 Exchange Place New York Members Kew York Stork Fxcsang*. Winchester Co. Texas Pacific Coal & Oil Guaranty Trust McCLURE, JONES & REED Members A'eto l'orfc Stock Erchang* 115 Broadway Phone 7662?**^' Bankers Invade Argentina Americans to Operate Institu? tion Jointly With Native Inter?*?* Organization of a bank in the Ar" gentine Republic, operated jointly *' Argentine and American interest* t" foster reciprocal banking and trade r lations between the two countries, ?"? especially to finance exports and U?' poi*ts, was announced here last nig"1 The Argentine group, which took the initiative in organization, include? Romulo S. Naon, former Ambassador'? the United States; Julio Pena, presi? dent of the Stock Exchange, Buenc Ayres; Miguel Padilla, president el ? Central Cordoba Railway; V. \ ill??"* J. M. de Acosta, Horaco Beccar Vare?, Pedro Bercetche, merchants, and MP? Lamas, banker. , The American grouD includes Bro? Bros. & Co., J. & W. Seligman & ?-'? ? the Columbia Trust Companv and tw Guaranty Trust Company, New ?or ; the National Shnwmut Bank, Host0,', the Anglo and London-Paris Nat??*' Bank, Sin Francisco; the Hibern ? Bank and Trust Company, Ne* U' leans; the Continental and Comirsrcis National Bank. Chicago, and the uua dian Savings and Trust Cumpa?. Cleveland. ... Dr. Manuel de Yrionda. former. Minister of Finance in Argentina ?*" for many years president of the B**1 K de la Nation, is understood to nav? agreed to accept the presidency ol ?? new institution,. ..-??**.