Newspaper Page Text
SECURITIES OFFERED AND WANTED American Light & Traction Standard Gas & Electric Northern States Power Pfd. Virginia Power Com. O'Gara Coal Com. & Pfd. Cleveland Anto Old and New Packard Motor Com. & Pfd. Anglo Amer. Oil 71/2s, 1925 Cont. Motors 7s, 1922-25 Canadian Northern 5y2s, 1924 Procter & Gamble 7s, 1921-22 >fortoiiIaclieiibixic_h.&Ca ?aVaX _3rt*aa. Street* 'Kcw'Vbr'lft.j' chicaso rsemoiT ph*__*d___*"*i_-*>. Pirrsauiw? J.K. Rice, Jr. & Co. Buy&Seil American Cyanamld Com. & Pfd. 8 Aluminum Co. of America American rhino Com. ?. Pfd. Air Reduction Battery Park National Bank Hank of Manhattan "Rights" Crowell Publishing Com. & Pid. Continental Insurance Del., La? It. & Western Coul Empire Steel & Iron Com. J. Pfd. E. W. Bliss Common ?firent American Insurance Humble Oll & Rf?nlng Injrersoll-Rand Com. & Pfd. Kirby Lumber Com. & Pfd. Lehigh Valley Coal Sales Mechanics & Metals "Rigrhts" National Fuel C?as N. Y. ?State Rys. Com. & Pfd. & tV_s Niles-Bemcnt-Pond Com. New .lerM-.v /inc Penna. Coal A" Colie Pyrene Mnniifncturing Royal Typewriter Com. ?Singer Manufacturing ??Ijulte Retail Stores Texas Pacliic Coal & Oil f I Tidewater Oil L Victor Talking Machino ?j II Winchester Co. Stocks g J. M. Rice, Jr.& Co. Phones 4000 to 4010 John. 36 Wall St., N. Y. Texas Pacific Coal & Oil Empire Steel & Iron Central Aguirre Sugar Eastern Steel Dayton P. & L. Pref. Aetna Explosives 6s ? V? ___.!_/a fl, ??? V/tJr? 2 Wall St., N. Y. "Phone 6780 Rector. 2Z2_SS_-_---3---------^--------------^---S_2_2y Veranil ?Brntbera '?h-bltr TtXt?iUj Strur?i?? 111 Sriia?-uaij. 2?. % Denver Gas & Electric Company General 5s 1949 -W-_-BBBB_______B__?r?S_B?______H______ l'rlvalo Phones to Philadelphia & Bcston Mark A. Noble Theodore C. Corwla NOBLE & CORWi_> 25 Broad St. Netv York Gt. Amer. Ins. Phelps Dodge Lawyers Mtg. Ingersoll-Rand Pfd. Telephon? -111 Biosd Woodward Iron Common Merriil, Lynch & Co. Trading Department 120 Broadway, New York Phones Rector 7083-7692 Incl. Carbon Steel R. J. Reynolds Tob. E. W. Bliss Fajardo Sugar Bank of America Santa Cecilia Sugar Stone,Prosser&Doty I; 52 William St. Hanover 7733 Incliahoma Refining Earned 69 Cents a Share on Common Net income after charges and Fed? eral taxes of $427,527 was shown in the annual report of the Indiahoma Re? fining Company for 1919. This was equivalent after $12,985 in preferred dividends to 69 cents a share earned on the capital stock. Gross earnings last year amounted to $1,249,113. After depletion, depreci? ation, interest, etc., balance available for dividends on the preferred stock was $427,527, Common stockholders shared $298.925 in dividend., after which a $115,817 surplus remained. Previous surplus of $654,244 was added ? ?A ' makinB ? $769,861 total. After $_4'_,.i70 ms adjustments had been ?akon care 5f, profit and loss surplus was $527.491. Financial Items Vanderhoef & Robinson aro offering 7 r*>r cent cumulative ?Inking fund nre ferred stock o? the Blsemann Magneto Company, to yield, about 7?. per cent. I_arl Laiigstroth, formerly associated fiith th* Lincoln Trust Company, has ?een apji-olrxtod advertising manager cf the Liberty National Bank. "Benjamin Bloom has sold his member? ship on the New York Coffee and Sugar i'xehange to llubbard Bros. &?. Co. for ?"".loo, an Increase of ?ino over the last sf^-i?.:-:_,.. sale. 7 -a. Livestock, Meats, Provisions Yesterday Year ago Live steer?*, fair to prime, n?o lbs .$12.25?14.7_ $14.50<?is.7?r. pressed beef aides, ii. .lS?ti? ... ,21? ..?: Live veals, common to inline. 100 Ib.?i.l6.00?23.00 14.00'it 13.00 InesseO veal, city, I h . . v.2.(9 .-I 19? .28 rjjt* ewe*, lio lb?. 5.00?i2.00 9.00@l?.00 ?S !.?.(?_ 111 u 11 O II, ? ily. lb.17? .-- .20? .25 Live Iambi*, fair to prime. 10? lbs. .19.00(8 20.-5 ISOO-g-OOO Dressed lambs, city, lb. ,*..29? ,S6 .30? .86 J'ogs, 100 lbs. . . . 16.50 _T17.25 18.50tjj) 19.50 Dressed hoes, bacon, lb.21%?.22?? .2G1.? .2? Xese pork, bbl. . 42.00? 43.00 50.50? Mees beef. bbl... 16.00? 18.00 35.00?36.00 _-?rd, Middle West. 100 Iti*. .-0..OQ20..0 28..6?-8..6 Public Utility Securities Stocka Bid Asked Am, Light A T com.187 1*2 dd pf. 8!> 01 Adirondack El Power com- 11 1* do pf . 75 7ft ?Am ?as & Electric com.125 128 do pf . 38 40 Am Power & Light com. tl< 68 ?do pf . 6S 72 Am Public Utilities, com. 7 1? do pf .? 2S Amer Waterworks Electric... 3 6 Am W W & E participating pf. 5 9 Amer W W &. B 1st pf. 46 61 Carolina Pow & Lgt ootn. 34 37 Cities Service com .384 3?4 do pf .:. ?!**i do bankers' certificates. 30% do 7 pc series B. 1066.154 do 7 p o serles C. 1966.100 Colorado Power com . 14 do pf . 90 Commonwealth P R ft L, com. 17 do pf . 39 ? Denver <.:?<* ?? Electric 5s.>>7 Kleetrlc Bond & Share pfd- 89 Empire District Electric pf... 55 Peder? I Light & Traction com 5 do pf .?42 Gas & Electric Securities, com.300 do pf . 80 Northern Ohio Electric, com... ? do pf . ? Northern Ontario L & P. com. 10 do pf . 50 Northern States Power com- 50 do pf . 85 Pacifie Ohr & Electric pf. 83 Republic Ry & Light Co, com. 17 do pf .*. 54 Southern California Edison com 86 do pf . 99 Standa?d Gas & Electric com... 19 ?do /pf . 40 Tennessee Ry L & P com. 1% do pf 6 United Light & Rys, com., 24 do 1st pi Western Power, com . do pf . Bonds Appal act*. Power 1st 5s. Cincinnati Cas & Elec 5s, 191 Col Gas ?- EICO 5s, 1027. Colorado Pow? r, 1953 . Pallas Elec 5s. 192.?. East Texas Electric 5s, 1942.. do 7s, 1921 . El l'as;> Elec col 5s. Great West Power 5s, 194?.. Midwest Utilities-58, 1925 Miss River Power 1st 5s. North Ont Light & P fis. North States Power 6s, 1926.. il 41 103 IS 95 ?0 42 nt 92 65 7 47 400 85 20 65 14 65 55 88 85 1? 67 88 103 21 42 3 ? 27 t>6 19 67 ?6 70 81 80 9 !>???; ? 75 $2 99 100 83 83 81% 90 75 73 86 Ex dividend. Sugar Stocks . . Bid. Asked.i Bid. Asked. 22 i Mat-Am pf TO 76 80 [Michigan.. 11 12 96 ?National .160 3 02 152 Ni Niqueo.250 520 IE Ceo new 14 16 117 I do pref. 73 7S VS'???Savannah.. 40 49 do pref. '"'- 95 Card-Am.. 18 do pref. 70 C Aguirre. 94 Fajardo ..14S Gt West..490 do pref. 113 Guanta'mo. TV .Mat-Am .. 10 15 Chemica Am Cyan. 25 Ci'.:selli . .155 do pref. !)9 do pref. 55 By-Prod .. 9:1 Cassin Co. 45 Pow Ch.. .230 Du P C p. 9 Fed Chem.100 do pref. ? 30 175 H'-O 60 9-9 10 105 99 i Stocks ,1100k Elec. C5 1 do pr?t. t?.T I Ky Solvay. SO j 'Mec po p 91 IMerrimac.. 83% Mulford Co 53 ?Nisg Alk p 95 Semet C. .175 Solv Poe. .ISO Steel and Ordnance Stocks Am Brass.220 226 East Steel. 37 163 87 122 450 805 9S 110 Atlas Pw.155 do pref. 84 Bab & W.118 Bliss, E W.400 Can F&F.195 Carb Stl. . 94 do 1 pf.100 do 2d pf 70 T5 Colts A... 54 r?T D P Pow.315 330 "Ex ulvidend. Tobacco Stocks lEmp S& I 25 j do pref. TO /?Here P..220 *do pr?i 98 Niles B-P.110 do pref. 98 Scov Mfg.435 Thorn Iron 30 Win Cor. .400 'Wocdward. 44 70 TO 110 96 ST % 39 35 75 230 103 114 101 455 Con Foil..250 G W Hms.170 do pref. 9S J S Y?ung.130 do pref. 95 MacA & F.155 P R-A T.135 325 180 102 13S 100 105 140 R J Key A.500 doser B.490 ?M.* pref.1051 Weyin B..1T0 ISO do pref. 96 100 Univ Leaf.140 ? 590 515 107% Miscellaneous Stocks Am Chicle 73 78 do pref. 75 78 'Am Leath 55 70 *do pref 91% 96 Am Mfg..l65 172 do pref. 87% 90 Am M&F.100 ? Am Tb pf. 3% Am Typ F 42 A D T NJ 25 A W c pf 94% Atlas P C 65 BB&S 1 p 80 do 2d pf 95 Bor C Mk.108 Bush T pf 72 Celluloid .150 Childs Co. 56 do pref. 95 Citv Inves 70 Crk W pf. 95 D L & W.168 Diaper C.llt F R lstpf 95 Tnt Sil pf. 94 *Ex dividend. 4 46 35 98% 70 90 110 77 155 91 100 99 175 145 Nat Cash. 120 Lima L pf 90 N J Z wst.285 N Co 1 pf.100 O'Neill pf. 98 Phelps D.230 Phil J Cor 60% do pref. 89 P & W pf 95 R Reis&C 16 *do pref 83 Ry Bak p.130 do pref. 85 Singer Mg.150 S L IM&S 43 Stoll R pf.100 SDK pf.100 Stern B p. 105 T&PC&On.llO Val vol pf.100 V Raaltln. 40 do pref. SI W & B pf.100 Yale & T.265 130 95 295 103 99% 250 65 92 18 85 140 88 155 47 305 302 3 07 134 104 45 85 105 275 New York Bank Stock? .605 ,215 .295 , . 205 ,.420 . .385 .245 .350 .'.175 America . Atlanta . Am Exch. Battery .. Bowery .. Bryant P...150 Bway Cent.150 Bronx Nat. 150 But eh & D. *8". Chase .450 Chat & P..295 Chelsea Ex.125 Chemical ..590 CiU Nat... 285 City . Coal & I. Colonial . Commerce Columbia Corn Exch. .440 Ccsmop'tan. 110 Com'cial E..415 Com'wealth .221 Cuba .170 East River..360 Fifth Nat.. 160 Fifth Ave.. 900 Firbt Nat.. .930 Foreign T B. ? Trust and Alliance ... 80 tAm Trust. - Am Surety. 73 Bunkers . . .378 Bond & M.220 Bklyn T Co.500 Cent Union.400 ! Columbia . .340 ! Commercial 150 '? Empire Tr..300 Fquitable . .300 Farm L & T.430 franklin ..240 Fulton ....250 Fidelity _225 1 Guaranty . .367 Hamilton . .25."? I Hudson T. .155 i Kings Co. ..640 I Law Mtge. .125 305 215 160 3 60 160 Garflcld N Gotham .. ircenwich Harriman . Hanover . . Industrial . ei Trad .230 .200 .275 '.360 .805 .205 0 Irving Nat.385 Liberty _400 4 60 Lincoln .. . .275 305 Manhat. Co..250 Mech & M. .400 Metrop'tan .340 Mutual _490 Merchant? ..230 New Neth. .200 N V N B A.460 231 Park .T30 Pacific .... 135 Produce Ex. ? ? Public .355 ? Seaboard ...050 230 Second _440 ISO State .210 ? 23d Ward.. 150 170 Un Slates.. 185 950|Union Ex.. .17.5 960!\V"chestc*r A.200 80 York ville ..375 Security Companies 90|Lawyer8 T. .120 ? Lincoln Tr.. 175 78 Manufac'ers.205 386 Mercantile .310 230 Metropol . . .285 515 Mtge Bond.. 87 410 Mut T of W.105 355 Nat Surety.200 160 tN Y Title. 110 IN York T..625 305 N Y LI&T.725 440 Peoples . . . .2T5 250 Realty 260 Title G & T.380 235 Un States. .830 373 U S M & T.405 265 U S T Guar 80 Westchester.130 W & BT&M.165 215 380 820 680 395 435 285 425 360 240 210 4 80 66 135 195 185 125 295 93 325 210 150 860 415 3 40 1T5 New York Title and Mortgage. ?Includes American Trust Company stocks. Insurance Companies Am Alliance.270 City of N Y.3 75 ..Con'nwlth. .300 Continental. 75 Fid & Phoe. Franklin . . 85 Glob? & R.800 Standard Oil Stocks 300|Great Am.. .285 ? Hanover ... 80 325 Home .550 80 Nat Liberty.180 6251 Niagara . . .230 SOiStuyvcsant.. 50 560 26? 75 Anglo-American Oil Co, Ltd. Atlantic Refining Co. do pf. -acrvms Cu Buckeye Pipe Line. Chfcsebrough Mfg. Co. con?.... do pf . Continental Oil Co. Crescent Pipe 1,1 ne Co. Cumberland Pipo Line Co. Eureka Pipe Une Co. Cale?a Signal Oil Co, *of. new.. . do pf, old. do com . Illinois Pipe Mne ,Co. indiana Pipe Une Co. International Pet Co, Ltd. National Transit Co . Vew York Transit Co. Northern Pipe Pine Co. Ohio Oil Co_ Pctin-M.-x Fuel t'u Prairie Oil & o,-(8 ?*0. Prairie Pipe une r;0, Solar Refining Co . . . Southern Pip?. I,in, ?5...! South Penn oil Co. . . Southwest Penna Pipe Unes.'' Standard Oil Co of California. standard oil t*o of Indians .. Standard Oil Co of Kansas_ Standard Oil Co of Kentucky.. Standard Oil Co of Nebraska Standard (Ml Co of New Jersey do pf . Standard Oil Co of New York Standard Oil Co of Ohio.'. do pf. Swan * Finch Co. Union Tank Car Co. do pfd. Vacuum OH Co . Washlngyi? QH Co. Bid. . 1500 11 ? Vi 470 97 225 106 580 340 140 94 100 75 178 100 40 31% 183 " 101 355. 410 117 315 86 350 845 615 415 520 835 113 443 490 107. 95 125 100 . 420 37 Asked. 26% 1515 113 % 495 100 L'4C 10S 610 34 150 145 98 105 80 183 10! 42 32% 1S7 105 430 1?.' 90 355 SfiO 640 440 640 850 1 13 % 448 616 109 100 130 192 43? ?8 ?lo do a. do I %r, 4''.?, ?I'.-*, 8??. Miscellaneous Oil Companies Bid. Asked. Atlantic Lobos Oil Co com... 50 55 do pf. 115 130 Condon ??'?Co. 9 D % do. new . 44?, 4*iH Elk Basin Petroleum Co. 9% 9% Houston Oil Co com. 110 120 Imperial Oil. Ltd. 120 J25 Magnolia Petroleum Co . 4.10 450 Merrltt OH Corporation . 20 20% Midwest Refining Co . 168 170 Northwest Oil Co . 40 50 Producers & Refiners com. 8% 9 Sapulpa Refining Co . 6V4 6% New York City Bonds Security, rate, maturity Bid Ask Yield Inter 4%s. 1967. 96% 97". 4.04 1965. nc% 97% 4.64 1963. 9ii"-i 97% 4.?4 1957. 96% 97% 4.64 1966. 91 91 % 4.70 19(14. 91 91". 4.70 <'o 4 i?,k, 196-2. 91 do 4%n. I ?60. 91 do 4'...f<. I960 op 19110. . ill do, 4a, 195.. S?i do' 4s, ? t !> f? s. do 4s, 1957. Keg 4s, 1966-1950. 81! do 4s. 1936. 9;t 9.?% 4.61 Inter 3%s, 1954. 75 80 4.66 Coupon 3%s, 1954. 75 80 4.66 Keg 3%s, 1950-1954 Inc.. 4.80 do 3U.3. 1940-1950 inc.. 4.80 Reg and coup (aerial) 4%s, 1919-1930 lnc . 6.00 Reg and coup (serial) 4%s, 1919-1930 lnc . 6.00 Reg and coup (serial) 4%s, *919-1932 lnc.?... 6.00 4.60 New York State Bonds Issued In coupon and registered not Interchangeable. Coupon bond? terablo. Security, rate, maturity Bid Canal Imp 4%s, 1964....104 Highway Imp 4Ha. 1963.104 Canal Imp 4 Us. 1965_ 99 ; Highway Imp 4 Vie, 1965.. 9?* : Barge Can Tor 4 Vis. 1945 99 Highwaj Imp 4s, .1)67.... 9. ??7 ? Canal Imp '.'<. 19(17. :>j '.-i Highway. Imp 4s, 1960 1962 inc . 93 97 Highway Imp 4s, 1968_ 95 97 Canal Imp 4s, 1960-1962 inc ..-^. 95 97 '. Barge Canal Term 4o, I 1942 and 1946. 95 ? ? , Canal and Highway 3s, 1956-1959 . on application. Federal and Joint Stock Land Bank Bonds Federal Farm Loan 4%s, 1939 op 1924.100% 100% 4.99 971. 97'?i 97% 97'. 3 91% !! 1 % 91 "a 91% 91 % S 7 % STli, 87% 87 80 80 4.70 4.70 4.60 4.60 ? form regie Yield 4.26 4.25 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.15 ?1.16 4.15 4.15 4.15 Ask 105 105 100% 100!,, 100% Markets in Boston ?Sales. 35 Ahmeek ... 50 Anaconda .. UPO Arizona Cml I 7190 Big Heart. 11 26 Butte ?? Sup. . 26 170 t'al ?: Ariz_ G? 5 Cal & Hecla. ..356 1 52'(i Carson . ;."? 3 00 Chino . 25 Copper Rang'.'. 4: 360 Davis Daly..-. . 1 ( 410 East Hutte. . . If 75 Indiana .7; 20 Island Creek. . 4< 75 Isle Royale. . 11 5 Kerr Lake. . . 60 Lake Copper 170 Mayflower O 151 Mass Con Open. 67% 61V4 16 H!e;h. Low. Last. 67% ??I 6 6 63 61 U 33 4% . 4% C 8 4% 1 2 % 11% 20 ?% 43 10% 1 5 % 4% 8Vi 5 10% 26 % 65 Mohawk . 66 20% 86 11% 16% 32% 10 New Cornelia 8 0 New River pf. 70 Nlplssirrg _ 295 North Butte. .. 215 Old Dominion. 10 Quincy . 57 50 Shannon . 1 % 600 Superior &. B. 4% 10 Trinity . 1 % lOI'.S Smelt pf. 47% 250 Utah Apex. . . 2% 100 Wolverine .... IS Railroads 70Boston &- Maine 33 109 do pf A. 45 7 do pf C. 60 6 C Jet & S Y pf 81 100 Mass Electric. 4% 25 do pf. Id 16n N Y N H & H. 34 IS West End. 42% Miscellaneous 105 Am A g dim pf 93 340 Am Oil. 6% 135 Amoskeag ... .160 20 Am Sugar pf. .116 210 Am T & T_97% 58 Am Wool pf. .102 350 Anglo Am Cml 10 245 Bos Mex Pet. . 2 % 150 East Boston. . . 6 100 Eastern Mfg. . 30 50 Eastern ?S S. . . 21 32 Edison .155 230 Elder . 32% 45 Fairbanks .... 72 Uen Elec.158 67 20% 86 11% 16 % 1 2 % 1 1 % 26% 64 355 1 5 '., .75 46 33% 4--S 4 8% 5 67 8 4% 66 20% 20% 57 1% 4% 1% 47% J S % 86 10% 1 6 % 32% 57 1% 4% 1% 47% 18 '' 86 11 16% 33 57 1% 4% 1% 47% 93 6' 160 116 97* 1021 10 2 ' 6 30 24 155 91 158 -?1 '/_ 36 66 9 2 % 17% 160 116 97 102 10 2 6 30 24 155 31 71% 158 25% 61 97% 13% 160 Gorton. . 400 Gray. 25 Int Cot Mills. 5 do pf. 64 Int Port Com ?on Island Oil. 5 605 Llbby. 28 31 Mass Gas. 71 85 do pf. 4 5 McElw 1st pf 45 Mexican Inv. 0:i Xat Leather. 40 N E Tel. 85% 393 Ohio Body_ 33 110 Orpheum. 30% 10 Pacific ?Mills. .167 75 Reece Butto.h. 16 15 Reeco Fold_ 4% 600 Root . 4 9 50 Shawm Steam 290 Simms Mag.. 50 Stewart Mfg. 9 ?Swift & Co. . . 100 do Int. 43 137 United Drug. .. 135 % 136% 13?: 160 116 97% 102 10 6 30 24 155 31 71% 168 26 . 46% ,120 92% 17% 6 29 71% 61 97% 41% 1 3 % 86 30% 167 16 4% 49% ii) 46% 92% 17% 6 28 71% 6 0 97% 41 13% 85% 33 30% 167 16 4 49 18% 46% 121% 120 1 do pf. 50: 3 United Fruit. . . 198 240 United Shoe. . . 40% 65 do pf. 25% 635 Ventura. 17 % 290 Waldorf. 20 10 AValtham AV.. , 37% 600 Walworth. 22% 605 AVIck AVirc. ... 2S% Bonds $1000 Am T & T 4s.. 77% 100(1 A G AV 1 5s. . . 7 8 8000 Carson 7s.114\ 2000 ?Miss R P 5s. . . 75 ' 3000 United F 4%s.l00 50 = 198 198 46% 46 18 20% 17% 20 21% 28% - ?> ,* 36 66 * 92% 17% 29 71% 60 97% 41 30% 167 1?<% 46% 121% 43 136 50% 19S 46% 25% IS 20 ? 75 100 78 114 77? 7 S 115 100 Boston Curb Bid *5 1% Ariz Extn, Arl? Silver 31k Hawk Bohemia . Bos & Mon. 72 Calaveras_? Chief Con ... 4 % Con Copper. 4 % Crown Rsv.30 Crystal new.27 Denbigh ...27 E?gle B B..2 1-1 Fon una .... 3 Gadsdcn ... 1 Borna Oll...10 Houghton ..60 Iron B108S...28 Iron Cap . . 11 Jerome Ver.37 i La Hose ... 45 Majestic ...15 Ask 10 30 I 2% BJd Mex Metals.15 _Ild Moss. . .65 Moj Tungst-.IO Monarch ...? Xat L _- Z. 4 New Baltic. 3 Nev Doug..15 Nixon.14 Onondaga ..20 .Orpheum '. .31 % Pllp-rlm ... .22 l'loneer . . . 80o Rngr 1'etr..? Rainier . . .1 11 Svn Metals. .20 S AV Ml f p. 4 Silver Reef.. 13 Texana 17 ' 40 31% 24 1.00 25 ? 1% 21 6% 14 25 IB Ver Fxt. I Yukon . . . .36% 37% . 1 1 % Sale?. 2800 20 50 12 40 800 326 5 0 10 80 3 0 180 275 75 55 1500 10 50 2300 10 175 650 200 11000 6000 10 25 900 260 55 300 100 2400 1500 95 900 600 180 16 900 700 50 100 700 Chicago Open, A Pick. 41 Am Had new. . 82 % do rights. ... 1% Am Shlpbuild.lll do pf. 77 Decker & Co. . 36 do pf. 93% Armour pf. . . . 99 % Armour Leath 17 do pf. 95 Booth Fish pf 65 Beaver Board 55% Briscoe . 64% Chi Pneu Tool. 102 Chi Ry series 3 1% do ser 4 . . . . % Comw Edison. 107 Cont Motors. . 11 % Deere pf.100 Great Lakes.. 86 Hupp Motor. . 17 Hartman .... 90 Illinois Brick. 89 J I Case Plow 19% Lindsay Light 6% Libby . 28 Mont AVard... 39 % do pf.106 Mitchell . 42 Nat Leather.. 13% Orpheum .... 30% Quaker Oats pf 95% Reo Motor. ... 26% Sears Roebuck.228% Slraw . 84 Stew Warner. 43% Stewart Mfg.. 47 Swift Int. 42 % Swift & Co... 120 Thompson ... 50 Temtor Prod A 43 Union Carbide Y0% U Ironworks. . 66 AVahl . 40% AVostern Sto?n< 4% AA'est Knitting 21% Wrlgley ex Uiv so High. 41 93% 99% 17% 95 65 55% 64 % 103% 1 % 1 107 11? 100 86 17 90 89 19% 6% 29% 40 106 42 14 30% 95% 26% 228% 66 % 43% 47 43% 123 50 4 3 I..OW 40 82 1% 111 77 35 93% 99 16% 94% 66 55 64% 102 1% 107 '" 11% 100 8K 16% 90 8S 18% 6% 27% 38% 106 42 13% 30% 95 26% 228% 83 42% 47 120 49 4 3 70% 65% 40% t'. Last. 41 82 1% 111 77 35 93,;? 99% 17 % 55 64% 102 1 '?. . % 107 11 % 100 86 16 % 90 8 S 39 6% 29 Ai 39% 106 42 14 30% 95 26% 228% 86 43% 47 43% 123 49 43 71% 66 40% 1% 20% Detroit 100 Columb Sugar 18% 1S% 18% is% 500 Contin Motor. 11% 11% 11% 11% 250 Commerce .... 15% 16 15% 15% 10 Detroit Edison.109% 309% 109% 109% 50 Federal 1000 Pack Mot Car. 16% 26% 600 Reo Mot Car. 26% 26% 100 Lincoln Mot... 48'-? 4S'-. 77 26% 48% 26% 26% 48% Philadelphia 100 Am Stores.... 42 80 Am Rys pf.. 68 60 Ins Co, N. A.. 2S% 42 4. 42 68 6? IS 2S% 26% 28% 'f* .Security, rate, maturity. Bid. Asked Yield Federal Farm Loan 4%s, 1988 op 1923. 96% 97% 4.71 Federal 3<"nrm l^oan 4%s, 1937 op 1922. 96% 97% 4-T? Federal Farm Loan 4%a 1937 oi> 1922. 96% 97% 4.71 Joint Stock Land Bank 5s, 1939 op 1924. 97% 98% B.12 Joint Stock Land Bank 6s, 1938 op 3923. 96% 98% 6.13 Short Term Securities Am Cot Oil 6?, 1924. 96 96% 7.00 Am Tel & Till 6s, 1922_ 95*4 95% 7.95 do 1924 . 93% 94% 7.65 Am Thread 6s, 1928. 98% 99% 6.00 Am Tobacco 7s, 1920....100 100% 6.90 \do 1921.100 101 6.20 Vlo 1922 ....100 101 11.70 do 1923 .100 101 li.60 Anaconda Copper (is. 1929 91 95% 6.6D Armour Conv fis, l920-'24 99% 101 ? Bethlehem Steel 7s. 192:;. O?11* 100 7.00 do 192-J . 99% 100% 6.90 Canadian Pacific lis, 1921 95% 9fi 7.20 Cent Agr Ry 6s, 1927.... 86 87 C, B <v Q joint 4s, 1921.. 94% 95 8.10 ? C, C, C & St L ?s, 1929. . . 88 89 7.80 Cub A Sug 1st )!? n lis, '21. 99% 100 0.00 Cudnhy Packing 7b, 1923 99% 100% 6.95 Delaware & Hud 5s, 1920 99% 99% 5.90 Fed Hug Uef fis, 1924_ 96 96% 6.90 Cien Electric 6s, 1920_ 99% 100% 6.75 Great Northern 6s, 1920.. 98% 99% 6-90 | Crulf Oil fis, 1921. 97% 99 705 Gulf Oil 6s, 1922. 9ti% 98% 6.65 I Gulf Oil 0s, 192H. 96% 98% 6.60 Hock Val RTt 6s, 1924... 92 96 7.45 Interb Hap T con 7s, 1921 70 74 ? J Dold Pack 7s, 1920_99% 100% 0.40 I J Dold Pack 7s, 1921_ 99% 100% 6.70 U Dold Pack 7fl. 1922. 99 100 7.00 i J Dold Pack 7s. 1923_ 99 100 7.00 Kansas City Ter fis, 1923. 96% 98 6.60 ' Kennecot Copper 7s, 1930 94% 96 7.56 I-aclede 1st & ref 7s, 1929 95 96% 7.60 Llgget & Myers 6s, 1921.. 98% 98% fi-80 .Mollne Plow 7s, 1920. 99% 101 5.96 Molino Plow 7s, 1921.... 98% 101 6.20 Molino Plow 7s, 1922.'... 9S%10I 6.45 Mollne Plow 7s, 1923.... 98% 101 0.55 ?VIO i!ti ! low "i ? . ! ? 24 . . . . '.'.*? :,4 101 ?i.1'0 N Y Contrai Co, 1920.... 9" 99% 6.95 Philadelphia Co Gs, 1922. 94% r'f>% 8.80 ' Pennalvnntn Co 4%s, '.921 96% 97 ? ! Proctor & Gamble 7s, 1921.100 100% 6.20 do 1922 .100 101% 6.25 do 1923 .101 101% 6.35 ? Public Serv N .1 .* 7s, 1922 86% 87% 14.40 R .1 Reynolds Tob 68, 1922 97% 98% 6.7o ! Southern Ry 6s, 1922. 93% 94% 9.20 I StPaul PDep gr 5%s, 1923 96 97 fi.45 Swift 6s, 1921. 98% 99 6.60 Texas Co 7s. 1923.. 98% 99% 7.45 \V India Sug Fin 7s, '29. 93 97 7.45 I Utah Securities 6s, 1922.. 86 87% 11.90 Sales. Open. High. Low. Last. 11 Elec Storage. .115 115 114 114 260 Lake Sup Corp 18%. 19 18% 18% :<0 I.ehlgh Nav.. 65 65 65 65 155 Phil Co, 6 pc pf 34% 34% 34% 34% 231 Phil Elec. 25 26 24 % 25 365 Phil Rap Tran 24% 24% 24% 24% 10 Phil Traction. 60 60 fid 60 700 Ton Belmont.. 2^ i-ft 2% 2% 550 Ton Mng. 2% 2% 2,*? 2 ,'? 150 Pu Traction... 34% 34% 34% 34% 1332 Unit Gas Imp. 61 51 50% 50t;, 30 War Iron & S 8% S% 8% 8% Bonds $1000 Am Gas&E5s7fl 79 79 79 4000 I.ehlgh Val 4s. 72 72 72 72 1000 do fis regd.,100% 100% l no % 100% 1000 do 6s, 1928.. 100% 100% 100',!) 100i,a 4000 do gen 4%s. 79% 79% 79% 79% 2000 Phil Co 5s unst 77% 77% 77% 77% 25000 Phil Elec 1st 6s 91 91 90% 90% 1000 Sp Am Iron 6s 99% 99% 99% 99% 3000 W N Y & Pa 4a 63% 63% 63% 63% Pittsburgh ? 10 Am Roll. Mill. 54 54 64 54 3115 Arkansas Oas.. 30 31% 30 31% 25 Cnrn L & Zinc. 9 9 9 9 ICPGuffcv GUI.... 30% 31 30% 31 440 Kay Co Gas... 1% 1% 1% 1% 250 Pone Star Oas. 34% 35 34% 34% : 2577 Marland Ref.. 5% 6% 5% 5% 60 Mfra & Ht 59 59 58% 6K% ! loo Nat Fireproof. 8 8 8 8 60 do pfd. 15 15 16 15 ISO Ohio Kuel Oil. 32 32 .".2 32 290 Ohio Fuel Sup 62% 53 62% 52% HOOkla Gas. 41 41 41 4 1 100 Pha Co 6 pc pf 34% 34% 31% 34% 14000 Pgh Jeromo... 10 10 io 10 60 Pgh Oil & Gas 15 15 15 15 600 Ross Mining. . 6 5 5 I 1200 San Toy. 6 6 5 5 30 W Penn T&W. 12 12 12 12 25 W'house AB.. IP! 113 113 113 60 do Elec. 62% 52% 62% 62% Commodities Cotton Trading In March contracts ended at noon yesterday. Notices representing about 1,500 bales were Issued and the price broke to 38.60c, making a decline of 458 points from the high record touched on the advance of Tuesday. The last sale ' was at 38.75c, and March went out quiet? ly enough after its recent sensational fluctuations Trading in the other months was fairly active and general, with prices showing sharp recoveries from the de? clines of Wednesday, Reports of rains in the Southwest and central belts evident? ly stimulated apprehensions of a late start with the new crop, while the German news was considered more favorable and buyers were, probably influenced by the stronger_.tono of sterling and the better tone of the stock market. At any rate, May sold up to 3S.18c in the late trading and closed at 38.15c, with the general list <'loslng steady, net unchanged to 45 points higher. The market opened firm at a decline of 50 points to an advance of 20 points, and the activi* months soon sold some 37 to 42 points above last night's closing figures. Brokers who had sold on the weakness of the stock market late Wednesday were huyers and stop orders were uncovered on the advance. After their execution there were reactions of some 25 to 40 points un? der realizing, which carried some of the new crop months below last night's closing fig? ures. Trade interests continued buyers of aid crop positions, however, and the mar? ket firmed up again, reaching the best ! levels of the day in the late trading. Reports that legislation was pending which would affect deliveries on cotton contracts may have caused some nervous? ness durlngr the early afternoon, but they were not definite enough to have had an ! important Influence, and If anything there was some broadening of business in the ? late trading. Southern spot markets as officially reported were 50 points lower I to 25 points higher, most of them being I unchanged, with a small volume of busi? ness. Quotations for middling cotton now rango from about 39.50c to 42.75c, com? pared with 38.15c. the closing price for May contracts in the New York market. The local spot market was quiet and 50 points lower, at 41.50c. for middling. No sales were reported. The range of prices :ol!ows: Wednesday's Open. High. Low. Close. Close. March. 39.75 39.75 38.60-@ ? 40.00 Apr...--38.75? - 38.75 May... 37.SO 38.18 37.60 38.15??38.1S 37.70 Julv... 35.05 35.62 .15.05 35.57 @ 35.59 36.15 Aug... :?:',.85 34.02 3.1.85 34.25?--38.85 Oct_ 31.90 32.14 31.70 32.11 fi!32.14 31.75 Dee... 31.05 31.30 30.95 31.30? - 30.90 Jan.... 30.42 30.60 30.25 30.60?-30.22 Feb... 30.20 30.20 30.20 30.40@ - 30.00 Southern spot markets follow: Galveston firm, unchanged at 42.75c; sales 525 bales. New Orleans quiet, unchanged at 40.75c; sales 1.331 bales. Mobile quiet, 25 points higher at 39.75c; sales 30 bales. Savannah quiet, unchanged at 40.75c; sales nil. Charleston steady, unchanged at 40c; sales nil. Wilmington dull, unchanged at 39c; sales nil. Norfolk quiet, unchanged at 39.50c; sales 347 bales. Baltimore nom? inal, 50*points lower at 41c: sales ni!. Au? gusta steady, unchanged at 40.60c; sales 75 | bales. Memphis steady, unchanged at , 40.50c; sales 1,200 bales. St. Louis steady, unchanged at 40.50c; sales nil. Houston i quiet, unchanged at 42c; sales 745 bale.n. Little Rock steady, 25 points higher at 41c: sales CS7 bales. Montgomery firm, .unchanged at 39.63c; sales 24 bales. Cotton S lut ?sties Yestcr- Last :,ast ' day. we<*i;. vear. Port receipts... 31.066 33,668 ' 12,690 Exports . 19,950 48,061 3,434 Exports season.4,926,315 4,794.536 3.364,997 N. Y. stocks_ 47,292 44,113 89.600 Port stocks_1,295,606 3,312,994 1,304,940 Interior receipts 11,000 10,213 10,554 Interior shipmts 16,000 32,860 8,755 N. Y. arrivals. . - 175 2,797 Liverpool cables: Spot cotton quiet at j 48 points' decline on the basis of 28.18d for middling. Sales 4,000 bales, American .3,000 bales. Imports 16,000 bales, Amer? ican 11,000 bales. Futures opened steady, 30 to 43 points lowr. Closed steady at a n? t decline of 12 to 18 points. March, 2S.37d; May, 26.29d; July, 24.40d; October, 22.62d; December. 21. ?8d. Manchester? Yarns steady; cloths quiet . Cereals Wheat?Splendid rains over a large part of the winter wheat belt, Including Kan? sas, Oklahoma and parts of Texas, where there had been little or no precipitation during the winter, led to a more favorable view of the new crop outlook. The market, however, continued to ruO* strong, owing to further efforts on the part of English buy? ers to make purchases here and on con? tinued light offers. It wa^i estimated that export sales for the day would aggregate in the neighborhood of 200,000 bushels and ^that buyers had paUl as high as 12.75 for No. 2 hard and $2.72 for No. 3 hard track at New York. The Minneapolis market was also firm at unchanged to 5c. higher, and advices from milling centers indicated a slight Improvement In the demand for flour. Advices from Chicago said that i Julius Barnes was in conference with ele- i $15,000,000 (TOTAL 9SSUE) i Anglo-American Oil Company, Ltd. FIVE-YEAR 7y2% SINKING FUND GOLD NOTES Dated April I. 1920 , Due April \. 1925 Interest payable April 1 and October 1 at the Office of J. P. Morgan ?& Co., in New York Coupon Notes in denominations of $1,000 and $500 rcgislerable as to principal Coupon and registered notes interchangeable Redeemable on any interest day as a whole or in part at the option of the Company, or for Sinking Fund, at par and accrued interest, plus a premium of 1 % for each year or portion of year from date of call to maturity. GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Trustee From a letter received from F. E. Powell, Esq., Chairman of Anglo-American Oil Company, Ltd., stating the particulars in regard to the Notes, we summarize as follows: Anglo-American Oil Cotnpany, Ltd., was organised in 1888 and represents the so-called Standard Oil Interests in Great Britain, where it is the largest distributor of petroleum products. The Company obtains its supplies from the refineries of the Standard Oil Company (New Jersey), Atlantic Refining Company, Magnolia Petroleum Company, and others. The 'sotes will he the direct obligation of the Anglo-American OH Company. Ltd.. and will comprise its only funded debt. The replacement value of the Company's tank steamers and other marine equipment is estimated at not less than ?8,000,000 as compared with a book value of f.t,066,000. The replacement value of the Company's storage tanks, railway tank cars, and other equipment is estimated at f.l,850,000 as compared with a book value of ?753,999. The proceeds of this issue of Notes will be used to pay for new tank steamers under construction and for the acquisition and development of additional distributing facilities required by increasing trade. During the last three years profits available for interest payments have averaged ?1,614.879 per annum. Profits available for interest payments for the year ended December 31, 1919. partly estimated, amounted to ?1,800,000 (equivalent at current rate of exchange ($3.80 ) to $6,840,000 and at normal ex? change ($4.86) to $8,748,000,) as compared with annual interest charges of $1,125,000 on these Notes. Under appropriate provisions in the indenture securing these Notes, the Company will agree to pay to J. P. Morgan & Co., as Sinking Fund Trustees, a sum ffot less than $1.250,000 on the first days of April and October in each year, beginning on the 1st day of April in 1922. These sums, aggregating not less than $7,500,000, are to be used for the redemption of Notes by tender or call. The Company will agree to maintain current tissets at an amount at least equal to 1 % times its current liabilities, including these Notes. Except by purchase money mortgages and except by pledges as security for temporary loans in the usual course of husJness, the Company will agree not to mortgage or pledge any of its proper!} or franchises except by securing these Notes as prior Hens. The Company's fully paid capital stock now outstanding is ?3.000,000, which, at present quota? tions, has a market value of $81,000.000. Dividends of not less than 25% have been paid regularly since the dissolution of the old Standard Oil Company and the present rate of 30*^ has been paid since 1914. SUBJECT TO ISSUE AS PLANNED, AND TO THE APPROVAL BY OUR COUNSEL OF NECESSARY FORMALITIES, WE OFFER THE ABOVE NOTES FOR SUBSCRIPTION AT 100 AND INTEREST, TO YIELD 7J/fc%. Subscription books will be opened at the office of J. P. Morgan & Co., at 10 o'clock A. M. on Friday, March 26, 1920, and will be closed in their discretion. The right is reserved to reject any and all applications and also in any event to award a smaller amount than applied for. Amounts due on allotments will be payable in New York at the office of J. P. Morgan & Co. in New York funds to th .V order, and the date of payment (on or about April 9, 1920,) will be stated in the notices of allotment. Temporary Notes or trust receipts of J. P. Morgan 6r Co. will be delivered pending th?. preparation of the definitive Notes. J. P. MORGAN & CO. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, New York THE NATIONAL CITY COMPANY. New York GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK March 26, 1920 vator interests there, and had stated that the Grain Corporation has jeceivcd only 28 per cent of the grain cars since March 1, an.l that he wanted 50 per cent. It seemed to be the prevailing impression here that more cars will be given the Gram Corporation for moving wheat, ami that this may have some bearing on the future of the market. Corn?Pronounced weakness developed in the market during yesterday's session and I prices broke 4 to 5 cents per bushel from an early upturn of about a cent. Reports from Chicago that the Grain Corporation wants 50 per cent of the cars was given a bearish construction, although the prin? cipal bearish feature of the day was a rumor that the 200,000-bushel limit for individual operations in corn was to be reinstated. Receipts were again mod?r?t?, J but there was some indication of probable improvement, ami this served to under? mine confidence and to bring about more general selling. The recent talk of Fed? eral Investigation, as well as rumors of probable attempts on the part of the Fed? eral Reserve Board to check speculation, had more or less influence on the market, while the break in hogs and hog product were not without their effect. Yesterday's Previous Year New York: close close ago Corn, No. 2 yel!ow.$1.79 $1-82% $1.78% Chicago: May . 1.53% 1.56% 1.48 July . 1.48% 1.51 1.37 Oats?The market showed more or less firmness early In the day. but later broke sharply under heavy liquidation in sym? pathy with the weakness in corn. Re? ceipts were moderate and country offers were light, but buyers appear to have little confidence at the moment. Yesterday's Previous Year New York: close close ago ?No. 2 white...$1.07% $1.07@1.07% $0.75 i Chicago; ?May.85% .87% .64% I July .78 V. .79% .63 By?.?Market easy. Yesterday's Previous Year I New York: close close ago ! No. 3 West.$1.95% $1.97 $1.80 Flour and Meal?Quotations were: ? Yesterday's Previous Year New York: close close ago i Minn, patent $13.00 $13.00 $11.70 ?Cornmeal... 4.05?4.15 4.05@4.1S 4.00<8>4.20 Bye Hour .. 9.00@9.50 9.00@9.50 9.004J.9.50 Lir.n. 68.00 68.00 48.00 Cottonseed Oil The market was under pressure through? out the greater part of the day, and despite the fact that shorts and refiners were good buyers on the break, prices closed weak at 33 to 37 points net lower. The pronounced weakness in lard and prain were the principal bearish factors uf the day, although the lts4.t cash de? mand also served to undermine confidence. Total sales were 33,400 barrels. The ranp-c of prices follows: Wednesday's Open. High. Low. Clase. o'.oae. Spot- --18.75 @ 19.50 19.00 Mar--18.75(1/19.60 19.00 Apr- 19.20 19.20 19.20 19.05? 1'J. 20 19.25 May- 19.90 19.90 19.54 19.53!.. 19.53 19.?JO July... 20.10 20.10 19.SI 19.90? 19.93 20.23 Aug- 20.05 20.05 20.00 19.50020.05 20.25 Sept...- 19.SOftf 19.93 20.10 Sugar and Coffee L Current Year prices. ago. Sugar, granulated, per lb... 14? 16 9 Coffee, Rio No. 7. per lb...". 14% 7.28 Cuffee Santos No. 4, per lb.. 21% 16% Sugar?The raw sugar market was ir? regular yesterday and somewhat easier on sales of prompt Cubas. Several large refiners wore believed to have bought up? ward of 125,000 bags Cubas. March, April shipment, mostly April, at ll%c cost and ireight. The same refiners also bought 90.000 bnf?s Curto Ricos, same shin rient, at 12 %c c. i. f. part to go to New Orleans, with un additional cargo of 25.000 bags Porto Rlct.-n ?<r New Orleans. March ship? ment, al l_%o ?a 1. f. to ?'ithrr an oper? ator or to a trade buyer. There was a sale, of 20,000 bags Cubas, .April shipment, at 11%C f. o. b. less ?j per rent. At the close of the day refiners showed further interest at ll%c c. f. for Cubas in special positions, but holders did not appear to be interested. Coffee Futures?The market opened un? changed to 5 points higher and later worked up a few points but the full ad? vance was not maintained throughout the session. The only fresh features In the market were the liquidation of May by i loncs, who took commit mente in later i months, and the buying of near months ?A FINANCIAL MEETINGS THE HOCKING VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Columbus, Ohio, February 25, 1920. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual meeting of the Stockholders of THE HOCKING VALLEY RAILWAY COMPA?A'? will be held at the principal ofllco of the Company. Spahr Building, Columbus, Ohio, ? on Tuesday. April 6, 1920. at twelve o'clock noon, for the following purposes: (a) for the election of Directors: (b) to consider any und all action there- ! tofore taken or authorized by the Boanl of j Directors or by the Executive Committee of the Compan**,- which may be submitted to the ? meeting; and (c) to transact such other business as may ? Ihm fully como before the meeting. The stock transfer bonks will close at the ' office of the Company, No. 61 Broadway, New A'ork City, on Friday, JUurch 19, 1920. at I three o'clock p. m., and will reopen on | Wednesday, April 7. 1920. at ten o'clock a. m. By order of the Board of Directors. A. TREVVETT, Secretary. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING ? TO CONSENT TO VOLUNTAKY DISSOLUTION. Notice Is hereby given that a meeting j of the stockholders of Marsellus, Pitt & i Company will be held at the office of Louis | II. j'orter, 30 Broad Street. Borough of ! Manhattan, City of New York, at two o'clock In the afternoon of the 14th day j of .?iprll, 1920, for the purpose of voting i upon a proposition that such corporation ; bo forthwith dissolved. MALCOLM R. PITT. FRANK A. MARSELLUS, HARRY AV. PITT, JOSEPH R. SWAN, Directors. ,' by local trade interests, whi sold the far months. The Rio and Santos spot mar? kets were not officially quoted, but through | private sources Rio was sai?l to be 75 reis ! lower. The local market closed 3 points ! net higher to 2 points net lower. The range of prices follows: AA'ednesday'3 Open. High. Low. Close. close. -.Mar....-14.009' 14.05 14.00 May... 14.28 14.35 14.25 14.26? 14.27 14.25 ; July... 14.56 14.61 14.56 14.64@14.56 14.51 Sept... 14.35 14.40 14.2S 14.;.:; ii 14.35 14.33, Nov.... - ?.? - 14.33?14.36 14.33: Jan... - - - 14.30?14.32 14.31i Feb.... - - - 14.28@14.30 14.30 | Butter, Cheese and Eggs Butter ? Receipts were 4,173 packages.; Creamery, higher than extras, pound, 68? j 68%c; (.?.tras, 92 score, G7%c; firsts, 90 to I 91 seo;-??, 65%?67c; firsts, 88 to 89 score,1 63%?65c; seconds, h.'. to 87 score, 59? ! 62%c; lower grades, _5?58c. Held, ex-? tras, 63?63%c; lira'.:?, 58?62c; seconds,! 54@57c. Unsalted, higher than extras, 71 % j @72c; extras, 70?71c; firsts, 64@68c; sec? onds, 59?63c. ;'!::t-' dairy tubs, finest, 65. @67c; good t. primo. 69@64c; common to fair. 45?58c. Renovated, extras, 55c; firsts, j 62@54c. Imitation creamery, firsts, 46? : 47c. Ladies, current make; firsts, 44@45c; second;?, 40@41c; lower grades, 38@39%e. [ Packing stock, current make, No 1, 1 lu ; j No 2, 40c; lower grades, 3C?36c. Cheese?Receipts were 1,476 boxes. State, whole milk, fresh fiats, colored, pound, 24 ; ?25c; whites, 24?24%c; average run,: colored or white, 22%?23c. Held flats, i specials. 30@31c; averago run, 28@2'jc; lower grades, 14@27c. Twins, held, specials, whites. 29?29%c; colored, 29?30c; aver- ; age run, white or colored, 27% it 28c; lower grades. 18@27c; fresh, as to quality, ' 206 23c. AVlsconsin. whole milk, held, twins, 27@29%c; sing!?- daisies? held- 30? 31%c; double daisies, he!?!, 29@?lc; Young I Americas, held. 33?33%c; fr?-sh. 32@32%c. State si Ims, fiats and twins, held, specials, I7@20c; fresh specials, 16@18c; prime to: ? ?). ice, !3@15c; fair to goo<I, 10@12c; gath rod, extras, dosen, 51@52c; extra: . sta. I9%?a50c; firsts, 47%?4So; seconds. i'a-i.a. dfrtles, No. 3, 44@45c; Ro. 2' and poorer, 42@43c; oh^ks, good to cb.oi?in, dry, 38?40c; gooso eggs, prime, $1.30; duck e;;gs, Baltimore, 78?80c; ! state. Pennsylvania and nearbj Western, hennery whites, <?xtr..s, 59?60c; firsts to extra, firsts, 54@58e; .gathered whites, firsts to extra firsts. 54?i'5Se;''v\*."estsrn whites, under gradea, 62?53o; P_cific ! Coast, whites, extra flvsta, 56c, nrats. 53? j 54c; .mall, Petalutna.48? 4?>c; other AA'est- ! ern and .Southern, gathered whites, 49? 56c; state, Pennsylvania and nearoy, hen? nery browns, extras, 64? 56c; gathered brown and mixed colors, extrar, 61? 52c; firsts to extra firsts, 48? 50c. FINANCIAL MEETINGS CHICAGO AND NORTH WLSTEKN RAILWAY CO.VIPANV. NOTICE OF SPECIAL AND ANNUAL MEETING. Notice Is hereby- ?.ven that a special meeting of the stockholders of the Chl ?go and North Western Railway Company. ! duly called by its Board of Directors, and lie annual meeting of said stockholder? will be held at the General Offices of the Company, at No. 226 West Jackson Boule? vard, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, on Tuesday, the 13th day of April, 1920, at 11 o'clock A. M? for the purpose of con? sidering and decidles: (1) Whether the stockholders of the Companv will concur In and authorize the creation of a bonded Indebtedness, by the issue, ut such times n:*d in such amounts as from time to tum Itu Board of Directors or Executive Com? mittee may de, ermine, of bonds, payable in gold coin of the United Stales of Amer? ica of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness, and limited so that the amount thereof ai any one time out? standing, together with all outstanding prior debt of the Railway Company, af;?r d"ducl'.ng therefrom the amount of all | bondj reserved to retire prior debt at or b-*lore maturity, shall never exceed three times the outstanding capital Btock of the Company, or of a successor corporation, maturing May 1, A. D. 2037. and bearing a rate of interest, not exceeding the lawful rate, to be determined by the Board of. Directors or Executive Committee at the time of lssu>, payable semi-annually; and the execution and delivery by the Com-' pany of a First and Refunding Gold Bond Mortgage to Trustees to be designated by the Board of Directors, dated May 1, 1920, : conveying In trust the corporate property a,id franchises described therein, to secure the payment ot all suen bonos which are to be issued for the puranse or purchasing,1 redeeming or refunuing, ?efore, at or after ' maturity, the outstanding obligation? ot l the Company, and of other companies wr.o!.e properties now are or hereafter Bhall be owned or acquired by the Chicago and . North Western Railway Company by con? solidation, purchase or otherwise; for the pt'rpost. of the f'turo enlargement, Im? provement, extension and equipment of the properties of the Company and of such ether companies; for * the construction, purchase or acquisition of other rail? ways and property, or for t?e purpose of j reimbursing the Company for money? which at any time may. be or may have; Leen expended for any of the purpose? of and will approve such mort* eat;e in the form to bo submitted at aal4 meeting, and will ratify the action of it? Board of Directors authorizing the crea? tion ot such indebtedness, and the execu? tion of ?uch mortgage, and (2) Whether the Stockholders of the Company will au? thorize the purchase of all the property. Including all franchises, rights, Privileg?? ?nd Immunities pertaining thereto and all ?ppurtt nan' ts thereof whatsoever, of each of the following named proprietary companies: Wolf Rn*r Valley Railway Company. Belle Fourche Valley Railway Company, James Rivor Valiey and North Wester Railway Company, Macoupln Count> Extension Railway Company, low?. Southern Railway Company, Missouri Valley and Blair Railway and Bridge Company, Wyoming and Northwestern Railway Company, Pierre. Rapid City and North-wester? Railway Company, Pierre and Fort Pierre Bridge Railway Company. v The De Pue, Latid and Eastern Railroad Company, and The Aibuny Rail Road Bridge Companv, In consldetatlon of the payment t? ear"? of ?aid companies of the sum of one dollar and the assumption by this Company of ?il the debts, liabilities and obligations of each of said companies; and will ratify the action of its Board of Directors au? thorizing such punha?eB upon such term? ?nd conditions. The further purpose of said meeting will be the election of Directors and the trans? action of such other business as may com? befoie said meeting. Transfer books will be cicsrd on Friday. March 12, 1920, at the ciose of busine?? on that day and will be reopened o? Wednesday, April 14, 1920. By order of the Board of Director?. l-atea Chicago. Ili'-vois, Januarv 21. 19t?. ?/??Yi11/I-,IAM H- FLN-LET. President. JOHN D. CALDWELL. Secretary. Declares 40% Stock Dividend The Autocar Comoany hag declared \ 8?ock dividend of 40 per cent on the $3,000,000 outstanding capital (stock F?yay?. t0 holdere of record or? March 31. FINANCIAL TO HOLDERS OF CERTIFICATES Ul DEPOSIT FOR EVANSVIIXE -IN ?lANAPOLIS RAILROAD (OMPAM FIRST MORTGAGE SIX PVR tEM BONDS, DUE .JULY 1. 1921. AM? EVANS VIM '? ?V INDI WXPOl-ISR-"' li(IAI) COMPANY FIRST CO?0li DATED MORTGAGE >I\ PEK CENT BONDS, 01 E JANUARY 1. I92* ISSUED IMint AGREEMENT OATH? .ll'I.V !). ?I14. BETWEEN THE COM MITTEK THEREIN N.4MED AND THE HOLDERS OF s Ml) BONDS WHO SHOULD BECOME PARTIES THERE? TO: NOTICE Is herebv given that a Plan -? Agreement, dated March 16, 1920. for the re? organization of Evansvillc & IndlampoH? Railroad Company has been prepared an adopted and approved by the undersl?iw Committee ondei said Agreement dated -ul) 9, 1914, as mi difii : an : am nded, mid tha' a copy of Laid Plan an?! Agreement has be*r filed v.?h The Farmers' Loan .ml Tru? Company, the 1 ?? ,?? tary under ??aid Agi"?*1" man? dated July 9, 191 I. Any holder of a Certificate of De**?*. Issued under said Agreement of .nay 9. c. may. within the ihi a riod pretK-rtDM by said Agreement ( vvnti h thirty ?lays will expire on April 30, 1920), file wall IM Fanners' Loan and Ti st Company, the uj* posltary, at its office, No. 22 William 5?__Si New York City, a written nmiee of djjff"* from said Plan and Agreement, speeOfW* the date or dates and the number or n'-Tn; bc-rs of th.- Certificates of Deposit -?a 'J him. Unless la ?.le. s of outstanding Certn leates of Deposit Issued under said A?ree mem of July 9, 1914. representing more titan one-third In amount ol ?aid E-zansville * Indianapolis Railroad Company First ?or? gase Bonds or more than one-third i?Lain'''T, of said Evansville & Indianapolis R8';1"?'] Company First Cons ?dated Mortgage Bonn deposited under Bald Agreement shaa n? Buch written notice of -lissent from sa.? Plan and Agreement In the manner ar within the period In said Agreement of JWJ 9. 1914. prescribed, said Plan and Agreemw? shall be eltective and binding on all ??*"" of Certif?cales of Deposit issued and Ota standing under said of Ju'*,*' 1914, and all such holders will become Part'", to -aid Plan and Agreement without toe w?? of new Certificates of Deposit Holders ol said First Mortgage Bonds c. First Consolidated Mortgage Bonds not Mr?* tofore deposited under said Agreem?? ? July 9. 1914. may deposit the same wl.? "j? Depositar} thereundei < :i or before April ?-? 1920, together with me coupons July 1. 1914, and all subsequent vou-wru ami receive therefor Certificates o. ?jej/v Of said In posltary. , __.?, Holder- of Certificates of Deposit, ?"> "??. to avail themselves of the privilege 01 "**: coming Subs, i Haut- Depositors as ln " , Fian and ?\greement provided, must, ?J? before Anv 10. 1920. present their '-el;;'> Icates of Hep, 't to The Farmers' ^-SH Trust Company, Depositary un.der,?wiHU_? and Agreement, ai its office. No. --?*?,,;,;.. Street. New York City, for ?rpr?Pf-B1?, Btamplng, and must, on or before .-_?_ . 1920, pay to said D. ,.?. ?tary, ''??i a'u.V\h<* the Committee, th* sum-.. reQUirea m The Committee will act as Ri-organl-atlo Managers. a?, ,n Copies of said Plan and Agreement. ? which i, ference Is hereby rna-ie for ? ?yJ; statement of tho terms, conditions ana v- .? sions thereof, may be obtained from IB- ? Depositary. ??. Dated, New York, March 16, 1920- ? HAROLD PADAGANO. Cht-rB3_? WILLIAM B. CAHDOZO. ELLIS W. (?LADWIN, EDWARD H. LAW?. ?''?a RAYMOND M SMITH, O. T. TOWNSEND, Cenimtue?. DIVIDEND NOTICES ___ LIMA LOCOMOTIVE WOUKs. ->?*>? PORATED. 30 Church Street, K?" *M?rch ?th. l?S . The Hoard of Directes has ?J"''1 *'".,-. quarterly dividend of one and tiny***J*"| . i -,',) per cent upon the Prei? Stock of this Company tor th. '? months ended Maren Slat, '.'?-':! ^a;?r,t May 1. 1920. to Stockholder- "r ''a'"0'.;'?. the close of business on April ??. Transfer books do not close. u L. A. LARSKN, Secretary and Treasured The firm of F. J. AVaters & S*'J?3S bera of the Consolidated Stock Ex.-'!1*?' has been formed to take over *h<? ?u,*lntil, cf Frank J. AVaters. Members M *?? ?ew Arm are Frank J. AVaters. Dann*. - > -.ullivan and James H. McNamara