Newspaper Page Text
PERSONAL TOR ADOPTION.?Beautiful boy, 4 years jold; parents on both sides of old New phgland Mock. Don't answer unless fully Qualified a? to means and responsibility. ?uardlan. A.. Box S97, Tribune Office. LOST, FOUXD AND REWARDS f.OST.--Wednesday. March 24th. diamond and platinum bar pin: Hudson Tube to Fulton street to Broadway subway to ?rand Central to Madison avenue, 46th jdreet. Fifth avende and shopping; district. Tleward. John R. Greason, 12 John street, city._'__ LOST.?-Diamond brooch, bow-knot design, set in platinum, Monday evening, March 15, between 41 East 6tst st. ?nd 903 Park ave. Valued for sentimental reasons. $200 reward If returned to 41 East 61st st._ LOST.?Brown brindle dog, near Grand Central; black studded collar; white forcpaws; male; reward. 166 Bast 46th st. LOST.?Gold football watch charm on West 125th st.; reward. B. T. Price. 140 Broadway. _ _ LOST BANKBOOKS LOST?Bankbook No. 141,587. North River Savings Bank. Payment stopped. Kind? ly return to bank, 31 West 34th st., New York. LOST.?Bankbook No. 137.071, North River Savings Bank. Payment stopped. Kind !v return to bank, 31 West 34th st., New York. _ FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO LET APARTMENT.?One room, bath, kitchenette; $100. Aprd 1 to September 1. Telephone Circle 7312. FIFTH AVE.?Studio apartment, two. Im? mense rooms, dressing room, kitchenette, bath; exquisitely furnished. Appointment telephone 26o Murray Hill. PARK AVE. AND 52D ST.?EXCEPTION ally furnished apartment, nine rooms, three baths, to sub-leas? for short time; present lease $1,000 per month; will sac? rifico to some extent; immediate occu? pancy. Frederick Fox & Co., Inc., 14 West 40th st. Phone 540 Vanderbilt. JCTH, WEST (near Fifth ave).?Two rooms, bath, kitchenette, fully fur? nished; electric cooking; quiet: cool; $135; April 1st until fall; no children. Phone Stuyvesant 7303. 60TH. 4 2 EAST.?Front basement, furnished to suit; open 11 to 2. Phone Plaza 2974. 72D.?Facing park, 2 rooms, bath. apt. Piano; hotel; $160. 7941 Col. Apt. 61. 76TH ST.. 46 WEST.?Two and three rooms, tiled bath, kitchenette; lease; $1,200-$1,600 yearly. OttensoFer, Owner, 235 Fifth ave. FURNISHED ROOMS 1 WEST 69TH ST.?Elegant corner suite overlooking park, consisting of large sit? ting room, piano and bedroom; -gentlemen only; real home; no other roomers. 97TH ST. (758 West End ave.)?Desirable front room, running water; gentlemen. Kutters. WEST END AVE., 818 (100TH ST.).?Large front parlor; alt;o small hall room. Phone Riverside 1909. HELP WANTED MALE INSTRUCTION* ARE YOU IN THE RIGHT POSITION? Thousands are in wrong positions. They do not know their capabilities. Your prog? ress, success and satisfaction depend upon selecting the work for which you are best fhti-d. Before making a change find out what : our life work should be. Through an analy sls of your abilities from a study of the face our trained analysts can determine the right ;ob for you. This study is based on known scientific laws. Call here for details. Book? let '?_" on request. MERTON INSTITUTE, INC., 96 Fifth ave. (at 15th st.). New York. Tel. Chelsea 4054. . LEARN OXYACETYLENE WELDING Great demand for trained men. Eight weeks' course. Class now forming. 23d St. Y. U. C. A.. 215 West 23d St., N. r. LF.ARN TO BB A CHAUFFEUR?Pleasant and profitable work; day and evening r'.asses. Send fo> free booklet and visitor's r-s-ss. West Sid*? Y. U. C. A., 30S West (7th at. MEN?Good paying proposition to operate moving picture machine in theater; ex- , perlenes unnecessary. Call day or evening, i American Theater Building, entrance 644 j ?t h av. (43d st.). 'Phone Brvant 1519. Spanish! Frrnch t Spanish! French!! 1 missed a $5,000 job ns export manager beoauae 1 did not know Spanish; then I ! learned it by a quick, practical method i and would not part with the knowledge j for a round sum of money; write me lor I a free book, explaining an easy method to learn all modern languages. Cortina Acad? emy, 14 E. 4 6th st. _ HELP W ANTED?ALE A GOOD JOB WE WILL TEACH A TRADE TO A FEW YOUNG MEN. POSITIONS PAY $18 A WEEK TO START. . RAPID ADVANCE? MENT TO THOSE WHO MAKE GOOD. GIVE AGE, EDUCA? TION AND NATURE OF WORK AND LENGTH OF EM? PLOYMENT IN YOUR LAST TWO POSI? TIONS. BOX A, 896 TRIBUNE. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A CHANCE TO MAKE GOOD? Success in life does not come through hoping or wishing, but through effort. I DO NOT CARE WHO OR WHAT YOU ARE. If you are honest, ambitious and industrious, aged 21 to 35, we have an opening for you with excellent pay and a won? derful future; act quicklv. Ap? ply, by letter only, N. f., 930 Tribune Building, New York. BOY to make himself generally useful in machine shop; no experience necessary Hoovers Bros.. 100 Schermerhorn st., two Mocks from Borough Hall Station, Brooklyn, HOY, about 16 years, wanted for office work ? must be refined and reliable; no experience necessary Call front office. Garrlck Theatre. t*j Weal 3oth st. HOYS wanted In large advertising agency; chance for advancement. Call J. Walter Thompson Company, 24 4 Madison ave.. New \ ork City. BOYS wanted for errands; good pay and ex? cellent chance for advancement. Apply Dentists' Supply Company, 220 West 42d st. BOY, about 15, who likes to draw letter? ing; few errands; paid while learning. Apply Room 1212, 32 Union Square. BOY wanted for stock room in iron works: partly disabled man will do. Mark ? Mo.'il. Third ave. and 6th st.. Brooklyn. BOY, ambitious and conscientious only need apply; good opportunity: bring references. Grossman Mandel, 127 W. 26th st. BOY wanted in largo fire Insurance agency. W. L. Perrln & Son, 54 Maiden Lane. HOY for general office work; good "oppor? tunity. Noe, 63 West 2lst at. UOV wanted to run errands. Phillip Apffel : Co., 56 John et. BOY for errands; ?12. Apply A. J. Brandt ! & Son. 80 Washington st. BUSHKLMAN.?Good pay. short hours, i steady position Arnold, 60 Newark ave., i Jereey City. ERRAND BOYS; good chance for advance- ' ment.", Bliigliuni Engraving Co., 239 West ittbvt* HELP WANTED MALE BOYS FRANKLIN SIMON & CO., 5th Ave., 37th & 38th Sts., ?ftrer the most liberal salaries to \ BRIGHT BOYS as stock clerks, messengers, etc.; permanent positions and opportunity ior rapid advance? ment. 'Apply APPLICATION OFFICE, 6 West 38th St., 9th Floor. CLERK good opportunity for young man to enter ser? vice large corporation. Auditor, Bradstrect's, 346 Broadway. CLERK.?Hotel wants young man to learn the business; must nave reference; hotel experience not necessary; salary $90 month. Hotel San Rafael, 65 West 45th st. DRAUGHTSMAN WITH EXPERIENCE ON STRUC? TURAL STEEL AND CONVEYING MACHfXE FOR SUGAR REFINING COMPANY. LOCATED IN NEW YORK CITY. STATE EXPERIENCE. AGE, SALARY EXPECTED, ETC. ADDRESS STRUCTURAL, BOX 48, LONG ISLAND CITY.. EXPERIENCED and junior draftsmen. Apply Carrier Engineering Corp., 39 Cortlandt st. GROCERY CLERKS, experi? enced; excellent future for right men; opportunity to be? come managers. Apply 159 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn. OFFICE BOY, intelligent; chance for ad? vancement; salary $12; must come well recommended. Troy & Co., 1309 Flatiron Building. OFFICE BOY. Christian; some experience In wholesale house; good opportunity. Kruger, 80 Wooster st., near Spring st. SALESMAN WHAT A SALESMAN CAN DO TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS. If you are alert, ambitious, healthy, and can talk intelligently, then you are the man we want. Experience is not absolutely neces? sary. It is more important that the man we employ be honest, capable, industrious and of good address. His inspiration should bo the desire to build up a business connection which will return him more money than will anything else. We will teach him how to do it, no matter what his previous occupations may have been. The business of selling sound securities offers exceptional oppor? tunities to men who will work diligently and conscientiously, and theere Is no cleaner, more educa? tional,? more elevating or more profitable an occupation. There are no obstacles to be over? come in the employment we offer. There is everything to create tho buying Impulse; every requirement of the prospect is anticipated; the talking points of our proposition immediately make the prospect re? sponsive to a closing argument. An unusual degree of profitable success awaits the salesman we employ. The industry is one of the foremost and the Corporation Is a combination of several going, successful plants and properties. Besides tho liberal commission ar? rangement which makes large earnings easily possible there is a bonus reward for quota work. Tell your story briefly. Appoint? ments will bo mado mutually convenient. "International," Box 239 Tribune. SALESMEN IMMEDIATELY. ONLY THOSE i EXPERIENCED GROCERY SPECIAL- ! TIES. STRAIGHT SALARY AND EX- ! PENSES. TERRITORY NEW YORK. NEW JERSEY. PENNSYLVANIA, MARYLAND, I DELAWARE. WEST VIRGINIA AND OHIO. EXCELLENT FUTURE IF SUCCESSFUL. ? REPLY" IMMEDIATELY, STATING EXPE- , RIENCE. SALARY, LAST FIVE YEARS, AND GIVING PHONE NUMBER FOR AP? POINTMENT. A., BOX 899, TRIBUNE OFFICE. STOCK SALESMEN WILL BE GIVEN OPPORTUNITY TO JOIN HIGH CLASS SALES FORCE; COMMISSION AND UNIQUE PROFIT ! SHARING BASIS: WILL TRAIN A FEW ?JUNIOR SALESMEN. ADDRESS MR. ! BENSAQUEN, ROOM 618. ,_5 BROAD ST., j NEW YORK CITY. SUCCESSFUL SALESMAN who would like to locate in New York City, Is wanted to represent a large cor? poration In negotiations of a diffi? cult nature. Position worth $'.,000 to right man. J. H. Huntington, 105 West 40th at., between 9:30 and 1 o'clock. | The W. F. Powers Company, Lithographers ; AN UNUSUAL opening is available to two *.oung men of personality having some ad? vertising experience. Contact desired only with men ambitious to develop and capable I of fulfilling important positions In general ? sales work of this company. Apijolntment ! will be made only with such applicants whose I replies indicate capacity. Write W. F. Pow? ers, President, 30 Ferry st., New York. i W* ANTED.?Boy to make himself generally ' useful In art department of advertising j agency; one who desires to learn commercial art preferred. Call Room 808, 95 Madison j ave. '? WANTED, boy In law office, about 16, capa ble, neat and dependable. Call Room 1616, : : 71 Broadway. I YOUNG man to assist buyer ; must have experience in I women's ready-to-wear line. | Address P. 0. Box 3, Maidson I Square Station. j j YOUNG MAN.-?Office assistant large whole? sale butler house; salary $17-$18: chance for advancement; steady position; give full qualifications by mail only. Lowenfel * j Sons, 348 Greenwich st. HELk? WANTED FEMALE Q1RLS for perfumery factory. We can use Kir's with or without experience; good surroundings; pleasant work; must have references. Klotz, 90 Fifth ave. GIRLS wanted on light mecnamcal work; no ' experiences necessary. Roovers Bros., 100 ' SchermerhoH? st.. two blocks from Borough ?Hall Station,. Brooklyn. Glitt.!-' wanted; light, clean, steady work; experience unnecesaajry ; good salary. J. W. McCabe Company, ? I Greene at? ? es HELP WANTED FEMALE 1 GIRLS AS CLERKS AND AS TYPISTS Girls, age 17 and over, want? ed for permanent positions. HOURS 9 to 4.30 SATURDAY, 12 LUNCHEON SERVED FREE. Free Medical attention, Dental Advice, Insurance, Circulat? ing Library, Gymnasium. Classes in Stenography, Type? writing, Dictaphone Operating, French, English, Home Nurs? ing, Millinery and Dressmaking, with competent instructors and without expense. OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS WITH SOME HIGH SCHOOL OR BUSINESS SCHOOL TRAINING IN TYPEWRIT? ING TO QUALIFY AND FILL EARLY VACANCIES. RAPID ADVANCEMENT TO THOSE WHO MERIT IT. QUALIFIED APPLICANTS WILL BE STARTED IMMEDIATELY. | l , Apply any day between 9 and 4.30.. (Monday and Wednesday until 6 p. m.) ! ROOM 5030 METROPOLITAN LIFE BUILDING, 4th Ave. & 23d Street. Use Madison Avenue elevator to 5th floor. GIRLS WANTED $15.00 A WEEK TO START Position?*? open in several departments ALSO NIGHT WORK FOR WOMEN (21 years and over) (married or single) $18.00 A WEEK TO START No experience required. Rapid advancement. Permanent work. 48 hours or less a week. Earnings of $85.00 to $100.00 a MONTH soon reached. BMPLOTMBNT OFFICES: JIBS BROADWAY, MANHATTAN. 8 A. M. to S P. M. .53 EAST TREMONT AVE., BRONX, 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. 81 WILLOUGHBY ?ST., BROOKLYN, (1 BLOCK FP.O.\? HOYT ST. SUBWAY STATION . 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. ABOVE OFFICES ALSO OPEN SATURDAYS TO 4 P. M. SUNDAYS 1 P. M. TO 5 P. M. 105 BROADWAY. MA.NHATT.?.?*?*, N. AV. CORNER OF DEY ST. 9 A. M. TO 5 P. M. 1336 BROADWAY, BROOKLYN. (NEAR GATES AVE. "L" STATION.) 'J A. M. to 5 P. M. Or telephone MADISON SQUARE 120-0 NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY -| GIRLS ? FRANKLIN SIMON & CO., 5th Ave., 37th and 38th Sts., Offer the most liberal salaries to BRIGHT GIRLS As stock clerks, clerical work- j ers, messengers, etc. ; perma- j nent positions and opportunity for rapid advancement. Apply APPLICATION OFFICE, | 6 West 38th St., 9th Floor. GIRLS OR WOMEN ' TO PACK CANDY PIECE WORK ONLY THOSE WHO ARK QUALIFIED EARN FROM $18 AND UPWARD NEED APPLY; ?STEADY POSITION'S GUARANTEED TO ALL WHOSE EARNINGS EXCEED ?18. APPLY EMPLOY M ENT DEPARTMENT. 84 VAN DAM ST., N. Y. HENRY HEIDE, Inc., Spring, Hudson and Van Dam. HOUSEWORK, general ; girl; $60 a month; : tlireo In family' country. Phone \V. P. Morris, '.95 Gramerey, LADIES' MAID wanted to wait on two i hallas; must understand sewing and have personal references. Cull before 12 o'clock, ' Hoiel Lorraine, Fifth ave. and 4iHh st., Apartment 2.9. MAID.?Ltgnt housekeeping and mother's ', helper, with 2 young boys; good salary; nice home. Apply L. J. Frank, Beth Israel I Hospital, 70 Jefferson st. STENOGRAPHER. ? Beginner; Christian" I Blako Manufueturtn? - 8*1?? Co.. 7? F\*l? ton at STENOGRAPHER and dictaphone operator i wanted In main office of large manufacturer (Christian) ; an intelligent beginner will be : considered at $18 weekly to start; must be able to write correct English; stute age ai?! experience if any; excellent chance for ad? vancement. T., Box 24, Tribune Ofllce. TYPIST wanted In large fire insurance i ugency; salary to start*. $15. W. L. Perrin | ?I Son. f>4 ?Maiden Lane. WANTED.?White woman of motherly in- ! stlnets and experience as "mother's helper" ', In doing general housework and helping with i children, by family in Jamaica, L. I.; three i children; no laundry or other drudgery; very ! pleasant room and surroundings. Write fully, i giving age, experience, references, wages ex? pected. This Is an excellent and permanent I home for right woman. Address A., Box ? m, Tribune Office. * HELP WANTED FEMALE PACKERS FRANKLIN SIMON & CO., '5th Ave., 37th and 38th Sts., Offer the most liberal salaries to PACKERS. Bright girls, over 16, who have had experience in specialty shop or department store ; per? manent positions and opportu? nities for advancement. Ap.R]y APPLICATION OFFICE, 6 West 38th St., 9th Floor. WANTED FOR COUNTBJf.:*' Cook and second girl (white); three children In family; good wagen; comfortable home; might take cot pie. Mrs. G: M; Hubbard, Phone 415-M. Summit, N. J. . .."*? , WOMAN ??"?,, ?? over 30 years, as entry clerk; extended expe? rience not necessary : permanent position. Auditor, Rradstreefs, 346 Broadway. ? *.. YOUNG LADY for entry work; experience not necessary; must write legible hand. Auditor, Brad street's, ,116 Broadway. YOUNG WOMEN t? tram ror nurses, 18 months' ??ourse; pay whllo learning. Apply Brooklyn Eye & Ear Hospital, 94 Livingston st., Brooklyn, N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE i A.?A.?COUPLE?American and Hungar I Ian; chauffeur and cook; $160; man under I stands all curs; wife excellent cook; good long references. T., Miss Hofmayer's ! Agency, 10 East 43d st,, 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. BUTLER, useful, young Filipino; expe i rienced ; $85. G., Miss Hofmayer's Agency, ! 10 East 43d st., 3d floor. Telephone 8947 I Murray Hill. COUPLE.?French butler and nurse or cham? bermaid; has child 3 months old; $100 $110; both highly recommended. R, Miss Hofmayer's Agency. 10 East 43d St., 3d lloor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. EAKM SUPERINTENDENT desires position on gentleman's estate; life experience; expert on cuttle, sheep, poultry, grass seeding and laying out of roads and lawns; understands handling of men; best of references. B., Box 7S9, Tribune Oflice. GARDENER'S situation wanted by single ? man thoroughly experienced in all branches Of gardening outdoors and under glass; also care of men ; best of reference:! furnished. B., Box 801, Tribune Office. JAPANESE cooks, butlers. Japanese Em ployment Bureau, 111 West 42d st. Bryant 7787. REAL ESTATE MANAGER, experienced renting, repairing; $30. A., 45 West 114th st. SALES or representativo position desired; experienced salesman; city or travel; staple advertised line; no securities, books, Insur? ance; position with future desired; salary to begin no object. B? Box 791, Tribune Office. YOUNG MAN, 30, 9 years' experience as executive in wholesale mill supply busi? ness selling patented articles, etc., wishes to change; foreign representative preferred; can speak French and furnish proper references. Answers treated confidentially. Apply Box A., 895, Tribune Office. YOUNG COLLEGE MAN. 19. desires to connect with reliable concern; advance? ment; Al reference. B., Box 802, Trib? uno Office. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A.?A.?CHAMBERMAID OR WAITRESS ?Excellent long references; city family; $55-$60, B? Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 4 3d st , 3d floor. Telephone S94 7 Mur? ray Hill. COOK, CHAMBERMAID, WAITRESS.? Voting Norwegian, one Inexperienced, the other fi'-? years' references; wages $100. T., Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d st., 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. COOK.?Young Irish woman; small family; city apartment; wages $65, T., Miss Hof? mayer's Agency, 10 E. 43d st., 3d floor. Tele? phone S947 Murray Hill. COOK.?Thoroughly capable; good manager; city or country; exceptional references. Miss Fitzgerald's gureau, 366 Fifth ave. INFANT'S NURSE, hospital trained; highly recommended; charge of baby from birth; $70. 13., Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d st.. 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. NURSERY GOVERNESS.?Young; take 2 children; city or country; exceptional ref? erences. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 366 Fifth ave. NURSE.?Infant; thoroughly capable; ex? ceptional references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bu? reau, 366 Fifth ave. NURSE.?Young, hospital trained; excellent references. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 366 Fifth ave. NURSE.?Thoroughly capable; city or coun? try. Miss Fitzgerald's Bureau, 366 Fifth ave. REFINER widow, aged fifty-two, speaks Ger? man and English, would like to keep house i in nice horre for widower; not more than i two adultu. B., Box 790. Tribune Office. WAITRESS where parlormaid is employed; ' equal to butler; excellent references from prominent families; $60. M., Miss Hofmayer's ? Agency. 10 East 13d st., 3d floor. Telephone j 8947 Murray Hill. WORKING HOUSEKEEPER.?Young Amer- ! kan with child 9 years old; excellent refer- | ence from last employer; $50. '/.., Miss Hof- ? mayer's Agency, 10 E. 43d st., 3d floor. Tela- | phone 8947 Murray Hill. _^^^^ j BUSINESS CARDS Carpets for Salo 5 000 YARDS WILTON, AXMINSTER carpets, plain, mixed Or Oriental patterns, $1.25 yard up; (slightly used) suitable all purposes. Hugs, all sizes, seamed or seamless, plain or bordered, $15.00 to $65.uo up. Making-over, cleaning, laying, dveing, repairing, reasonable; beautiful. ST1L1.INGS, INC.. 620-628 Madison Ave. (59th st.). Plaza 8S3S. Diamonds DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY BOUGHT FOR CASH, estates appraised, pur? chased. BENNETT, 175 Broadway, upstairs. Furniture Wanted HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture, an> tiques, planos, bric-a-brac, books, art, etc. GABAY, ?8 University Place. Phon* Stuyvesant 2377. I Men'B Clothln* COME UP! WHEHE PRICESARE DOWN : Buy a Stitch Suit or Top Coat, direct from ; maker to wearer and save retailor's profit. Wonderful values, $29.50 to $43.50. Stich Co.. ? 621 Broadwuv, eighth floor. Bieecker street subway ur "L" station._ QUALITY, REFINEMENT and CHARAC? TER ar? features of A. & B. Clothes. Mi>n's-Young Men's? Spring; Suits &? Top Coats AT $29.50 and $32.50. VALUES TO $60. SAVE TRY-ON TROUBLES. A. &. B. CLOTHES SHOP. 62 W. 33d ?at., Opp. Hotel McAlpla. Patents PATENTS. Over 70 years' practice; all communica? tions strictly confidential; handbook on patents free on request; special facilities for office consultation. Munn & Co., patent at? torneys, 611 Woolworth Building. New York. Rugs ORIENTAL RUGS ?? ???*??: tlty bought for highest cash; appraielng ft specialty; call or write. Bnsnajlan, It West 46th at. 'Phone 6101 Bryant. HIGH WATE? _.. Aj[ PM Handy Hook .- - V'q? Governor's Island .- ?or Hell Gato. 1:*7 2.25 ARRIVED YESTERDAY Vettsel Port Departure ?San Pablo.Greenock.Mar 13 Defiance.London .Mar ? Saucon.Liverpool .Mar 11 Vestris.Liverpool .M,ur \\ Amiuam.St. Thomas.Mat* 1? Fort Victoria.Bermuda .Mar 2.) Adelina.Havana .Mur 19 La Perouse.Havre .Mar it Yaque.Charleston .Mar 22 Graciana_.Hull .Mar 11 Gulfstreum.Chester, Pa.-* Polycarp.Para .Mar 1* Olenaffrlc. . ..Santos .F"e*? 2'1 Antletam.Tu in pico. - :-~~ 3 B Hunt.Port Arthur. . . ..Mar 19 INCOMING STEAMER? Da? To-rtuy Daltotan.Dunkirk.Mar 11 Toronto. ._.Hull .Mir 4 Lake Frumet.St. Michaels-Mar 11 Lancastrian.Antwerp .Mar 9 Olenaffrlc.Victoria '.Mar S Gen. O. H. Ernst. . .Cristobal .Mar 15 Briatol City.Bristol .Mar 7 Tongrier.Brlxham .Mar 12 Alaskan.Antwerp .Mur 11 Tlvlves.Kingston .Mar zj , Gel. W. C. Gorgas..Cristobal .Mar 18 f-Santa Ana.Balboa .Mar 18 Manco.Manon?.Mar 10 Vltellla.Glasgow .Mar 12 Ancon.Cristobal .Mar 19 Zulla.Curacao .Mai 21 Duo Tn-morruvr Lapland.Southampton . . .Mar 18 America .Naples .Mar ? Duca d'Aosta.Genoa .Mar 10 Lysefjord.Curacao .Mar 21 Kerlew.Dartmouth .Mar 12 Hue ?Sunday * La Lorraine.Havre .Mar 20 Pftrrnonia.London .?Mar 19 r*'i*.l Hue Mondiiy Pastores.Havana .Mar 2f. Fort Hamilton.llTinutla.-Mar 27 (loaran.?Sun Juan.Mar 24 " OUTGOING STEAMSHIPS Sail To-?lay Mall \'essel aloses sails Ozankee, Danzig. R :00 AM 12:00 M San Tlovannl, Genoa. 9:00 A.VC 1:00 PM ?Mar Rojo, Bordeaux... ?- 12:00 M Chinese P., Cp. Town.12:00 M 3:30 PM Alliance, Cristobal_12:00 M 4:00 PM Yamhlll, Antwerp.- 12:0OM Moravia Bridge, Dublin-? 12:00 M Sail To-morrow New York, So'hampton 8:00 AM 12:00 M La Savoie, Havre. 8:30 AM 12:00 M C. Lope/, y Lopez, Barcelona . 8:00 AM 12:00 M Manchuria, Hamburg.. 12:00 .M 4:00 PM Snntarem, Danzig. 8:30AM 12:00.M Calamares. Pt. Limon. 7:00 AM 11:00 AM Stephen. Rio Janeiro.. 7:00 AM 11:00 AWL? Tennyson. Pernambuco 7:00 AM 10:00 AM Santa Luisa, Cristobal 7:00 AM 11:00 AM Ft. Victoria. Bermuda 7:30 AM 11:00 AM Monterey, Vera Cruz.. 8:30 AM 12:00 M Brazos, San Juan.... 8:30 AM 12:00 M Iroquois, San Domingo 9:30 AM 1:00 PM Mono Castle, Havana. 8:30AM 12:00 M Bardic, London.- 12:00 M W. Grove, Manchester.- 12:00 M Stureholm, Stockholm. - _2:00 AL Tunica, Piraeus.- 12:00 M L. Daraga, Guant'mo.- 12:00 M Clan McMast, C. Town.- 12:00 M Satsuma, ?Manila.- 12:00 M Clearwater, Alexandria? ?-- 12:00 M O'cmulgee, Clenfuegos.-?- 12:00 M Amelia, Kingston.- 12:00 M Aniwa, Naples.-? 12:00 M Madonna. Marseilles.. -? 12:00 M Coronado, Havre.-? 12:00 Ml W, Hematite, Bord'x,- 12:00 M Sarcoxie, St. Nazaire..- 12:00M Walton Hall, Constanza-? 12:00 M Munamar. Banes.- 12:00 M Camaguey, Tampico...-? 12:00M Lake Elllihorpe, Para.- 12:00 M Putnam, Madeira.- 12:00 M Helen, Fajardo.-? 12:00 M Sail Sunday Luxpallte, ?Marseilles..-? 12:00 M Sail Monday Isle do Panay, San? tander- . 8:00 AM 12:00 M Saint" Michael, Per- ? _ nambucn .- 12:0lK\T Volumina, London....- 12:00 M Panola, Gothenburg....- 12:00.M Danebrog, Bilbao.-? 1_:00M Stephen, Rio Janeiro..- 12:00.M BUSINESS CARDS Typewriters TYPEWRITERS RENTED Non-Visible. 3 Mos., $5. Visible, 3 Mos., $V50 up. lnuial nayment applies If purchased. AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO., INC.. 31.9 Broadway, at Worth St. 5 Tel. 5408 20 li 23d ?St., opp. Madison Ave. (Franklin THJ. TYPEWR'TKU EXCHANGE!. 10 Barclay St. Tel. 4738 Barclay. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Notice is hereby given that the Harts of 1018 unpaid Nassau County taxes have been made. Unless such taxes, with in? terest and accrued penalties, be paid on or before the 15th day of April, 1?20, the property against which such taxes are levied will be advertised, and on the 1st day of July, 1920, sold. The sales books containing these lists will remain open for examination In the County Treasurer's ofllce at Mine?la, Nassau County, New York, until the said 15th day of "April, 1920. Any taxpayer Interested may send a brief description of his property to the County Treasurer, and a bill for the amount of the unpaid taxes, it any, will be forwarded to him. WILLIAM B. LUYSTER, County Treasurer of Nassau County, Mine?la, New York. SURROGATES' NOTICES PARROTT, JULIA PAU LI UNO.?-IN PUR suance of an order of Honorable John P. Cohulnn, a Surrogate of the County of New York, NOTICE is hereby given to all persons having claims against Julia Pauld ing Parrott, late of the County of New Tork, deceased, '.o present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscribers, at their place of transacting business, ^t the office of Sullivan & Cromwell, their attor? neys, at No. 49 Wall Street, In the Borough of Manhattan, in the City of New York;, State of New York, on or before the 1st day of May, 1920, next. Dated, New York, the 22d day of Octo? ber. 1319. MADELEINE BRUCE, GEORGE P. PARROTT, Executors. 6ULLTVAN & CROMWELL, Attorneys for Executors, Office and P. O. Ad? dress, 49 Wall Street, Borough of Man? hattan. New York City. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, NOTICE is hereby given to all persons having claims against George Blair, late of the County of New York, deceased, to present the saine with vouchers thereof to the sub? scribers, at their placo of transacting busi? ness, at the office o? Jonas & Neuburger, their attorneys. No. 115 Broadway, Bor? ough of Manhattan, In 'the City of New York, on or before tha 9tli day of Septo ber next. Dated, New York, the 4th day of March, 1920. MANUFACTURERS' TRUST COMPANY MARY BLAIR, Executors JONAS & NEUBURGER, Attorneys for Executors, 115 Broadway, New York City. ARNOLD, WILLIAM II.?-IN PURSUANCE! of an order of Honorable JOHN P. CO HALAN, a Surrogate of the County of New York, notice is hereby given to all person* having claims against WILLIAM H ARNOLD, late of the County of New York; deceased, to present the samo with vouch? ers thereof to the subscribers, at their place of transacting business, at the cilice of their attorneys, Messrs. .Spencer Ord way & Wferum, No. 27 William Street, Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on or before the 7th day of July, next. Dated New York, January 2nd, 1910 WILLIAM B. ARNOLD, GEORGE L. CHE.VBY, Executors. SPENCER. ORDWAY & WIERUM. At torneys for Executors, 27 William, Street. New York City. KING, BENNETT J.?IN PURSUANCE ? of an order of Honorable John P. Co- i halan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, Notice Is hereby given to all per sons having claims against Bennett J King, late of the County of New York deceased, to present the samo with vouch? ers thereof to the subscriber, at his place of transacting business, at the Office of hi? Attorney, William C. Orr, Esq., No. 51 Chambers Strefct, Borough of Manhattan City of New York, on or before tha lath day of June next. Dated, New York, the 11th day ot De? cember, 1919. EDWARD B. KING, Executor. WILLIAM C? ORR.. Attorney for Exec?. tor,, No. 61 Chajj?bers Street. Boroufb ef Manhattan. C_f/- ot New Tor*. ; i AMERICAN PORTS BALTIMORE. March 25?Arrived: Sir? Independent Bridge, Benlsaf; Cuannet, Ben Isaf I Medina, New York; Regulaa (Nor), Norfolk; Mount Shasta, New York; Allies, Avonmnuth; Clavarack, Norfolk. Sailed: Str? Sarcoxle. Bordeaux; Buyo Maru (Jap), Rotterdnm; Awcnsdaw, Mal mo; Lake Fanquier. Nanto?; Bvansvllle, Antwerp; Rosarlo (Ital), Savona; Gulf trade, Tampico. __ _ CAPE HENRY, Va. March 25?Passed out from Baltimoro: Stre Lake Glebe, Banes; Scottsburg, Rotterdam; Baygowan (Br), Casa Blanca; Ooodspeed, Tampa; Lake Elon, Newport News; Lake Glrardeau, Norfolk. Passed In for Baltimore?-Sir? .T M GufTey, Port Arthur; Caxambu (Braz), Savannah; WIMesden (Br), Cherbourg ; ?chr Ella Pierce, Portland. BOSTON. March 26?Arrived: Strs Lake Frumet. Lisbon via Ponta Delgada; Frank mere (Br), Buenos Ayres; Cabegon. Buenos Ay res via. Rio Janeiro; Covodalo, Norfolk. Sailed: Strs San Mateo, Havana and Port Limon; Lake Flambeau, Philadelphia; Cretan, Philadelphia; Nantucket, Norfolk'; Lake Elizabeth, Norfolk; Chaco (Arg), Norfolk; Lake Wlmlco, New York. 1 CHARLESTON, 8 C, March 25?Sailed: ?Strs Tulsa, New York; Caoba, Havana; Clcoa, Havana. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. March 25?Ar 1 rived: Strs Western Front, Savannah; Lonape, New York. Sailed: Strs LacVa wanna. Bridge, Bremen; Welkia, Fernand ina; Persian, Philadelphia via Savannah. MOBILE. March 25?Arrived: Strs Asian (Br), Liverpool: Lake Marlon, New Or ; laens. Sailed: Sehr Lucy Evelyn, Agua i dllla: str Dayton, Tampico. ! NEW ORLEANS, March 26?Cleared: I Strs Honduras (Nor). Port Barrios via Belize, Stann Creek and Livingston; Lake ] Fern wood, Santiago, Cuba; Lake Fisher, j Progreso; Lake Pickaway, Havana; West ! Wauna, Mahchester, England, and Swan | sea, Wales, via Norfolk. j NORFOLK. Va, March 26. ? Arrived: Strs West Islip. Newport News; Lake Elon, HaltlmoA; Pampa (Arg). Boston: Arcadia, Baltimore; Lake Guardeau, Baltimore; West Cohas, Bremen; Donato (Span), Mar? seilles;, Roda (Br). Nuevltas; Consehocken, Philadelphia; Coyote, Galveston: Mexican, Newport News. Sailed: Strs Flint (Nor), Baltimore; Roda (Br), Queenstown, for orders; \V H Woodln. Baltimore; Port Mel? bourne; Achilles (Dutch), Curacao; Lake Hurst, Cristobal: Calico Rock, Valparaiso; Montello (Ital), Genoa; Lako Arlln, Balti? moro; Western LlgJit, Newport News: Ir vlngton, Newport News; Lake Elon, New? port News: Isantl, Newport News. NEWPORT NEWS, March 25?Arrived: Strs Fluorspar, New York; Irvington, Nor? folk; Kearney, Boston; Mlnosa (Swed), Norfolk; Serbler (Belg), New York; Tu? nisler (Belg), New York. Sailed: Strs Arl zonian, Ponsacola: Fluorspar, Norfolk; Mexican, Norfolk; Santa Fc (Br), Queens I town; Tampico, St Thomas: West Isllp, Norfolk; AVearbridge (Br), Norfolk. PHILADELPHIA, March 25?Arrived Strs Manchester Shipper (Br), Manches ter; Texas (Dan). Copenhagen, etc, vis Baltimore; Manchioneal (Nor), Santi ?Marta; Bayonne, New York: Brandon Beverly; Lake Benbow, Baltimore; Lak< Charlotte, Capo Jelllson, Me; sehr Jeai Campbell (Br), Port Spain. Delawan Breakwater. Del., March 25?Passed ou from Philadelphia: Strs Naples Man (Jap), Antwerp; Port Antonio (Nor), Por Antonio; Mongabello '(Ital), Gibraltar, fo orders; Guetaria (Span). Genoa; Lake Fos torla, Savannih; Edward Luckenbach, Rot terdam; Consehocken. Norfolk. PORT ARTHUR. Tex, March 25?Ar lived: Strs Jules Henry, Marseilles: Ala baiAa, Jacksonville: Gulfoll, Baltimore Sailed: Strs Gulfland, Providence; Vir glnla. Providence; Louisiana, Charleston motor barere Texaco, Amesville. , PORT EADS, La.. , March 25?Arrived Strs Atenas, Bocas Del Toro; Brazos (U ! government). Colon; Calno, Mobile; Flor ida. Port Arthur; Lake Sanford. Progreso O T Waring, Jacksonville ; Sagauche. Mo bile; Yoro (Hond), Ceiba; bark Port (Port), Portugal. Sailed: Strs Ellis (Nor) Tela: Houdia, Boca.? Del Toro via Cristoba and Havana; Lake Ferrona. Newcastle an. Hamburg via Norfolk; Median (Br), Liv erpool; Metapan, Kingston via Cristoba Bocas Del Toro, Port Limon and Havana Omoa (Hond), Omoa via Port Cortez Rochelle (Br), Prestorr. Cuba. ' PORTLAND. Me., March 25?Arrived Str Turcoman (Br), Bristol. Sailed: Str Challenger, Antwerp; Covena, Norfolk sunr Mary F Barrett, Norfolk. PORT TAMPA, Fia., March 25?Arrived Strs Lako Fear, Havana; Lake Elslnorf Kingston. Sailed: Strs Lake Wilson, Bal timor?: Miami, Key West. SAND KEY. Fla, March 25?Passed eas 28th: Str Normanbridge; west, 24th. AA'a Kahn (Br). -Fram (Nor). Light Burne Baldhill; 25th, Hermoine (Br). SAN FRANCISCO, March 25?Sailed Strs Mchanno, Balboa; San Jose, Cana Zone. SAVANNAH. Ga.. March 25?Arrived Str Nesslan (Br). Brunswick (for coal) Sailed: Strs Calaveras. Cristobal (for or ders); Fordinian, New York: City o Savannah, New York: Lancaster. Yoko hama and Kobe; Junlata. Baltimore Cleared: Strs Afel. Havre and Hamburi via Norfolk; Helder (Nor), Baltimore. TAMPA, Ela, March 25?Arrived: St Shawmut, Havana. Sailed: Schrs West way (Br). Sagua La Grande; Nellie Dixoi (Br), Honduras. FOREIGN PORTS Departures for New York Copenhagen?S S United States. Antwerp?S S Yaklok. Gibraltar?S S Lake Ellsbury. Havre?S S Nlpmuc, Eldena. Hamburg?S S Mar Caspio. Quoenstown?S S Milwaukee Bridge. Liverpool?S S Haliartus. Cebu?S S Cape May. Liverpool?S S Belgfc. Singapore?S S Intan. Dundee?-S ?S Trojan Prince. Shields?S S Columbine. Buenos Ayres?S S Sudbur.v. Arrivals from New York Genoa?S S Aguidale. La Palli?e?S S West Lsshaway. Rotterdam?S S Lebanon. Gibraltar?S S Doca, Magyarorszag. Havre?S S Leopoldina. Yokohama?S S President Grant, City of Norwich, Bellflower. Calcutta?S S Kandahar. Lelth?S S Hambleton Range. Montevideo?S S Hortensius. Bahia?S S Uberaba. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS The connecting mails close at the General Postofflce and City Hall Postofflce Station, New York, at 6 p. m., as follows: Hawaii, Japan, Korea, China, Slam, Si? beria, Cochin China and Netherlands East Indies, via San Francisco, steamship Ven? ezuela, March 29. Japan, cor??a, China, Slam. Siberia, Cochin i China, Netherlands East Indies and ? Philippine Islands via Vancouver and Vic ! toria, B. C, steamship Empress of Russia, j April 3. Tahiti, Marquesas, Cook Islands, New Zealand and Australia, via San Francisco, : steam.hlp Tofua, April 4. ; Anglo-American Oil Notes Offered To-day . A public offering* will be made to-day of $15,000,000 of five-year 7}_ per cent I gold notes of the Anglo-American Oil Company, Ltd., which represents the so-called Standard Oil interests in Great Britain, by a syndicate consist? ing of J. P. Morgan & Co., the First National Bank, the National City Com? pany and the Guaranty Trust Com pary. The company is one of the Stand? ard Oil units which was segregated by the Supreme Court decision of 1911, and its shares were distributed in the form of a dividend to the stockholders of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey. This represents the first note issue the company has sold. The notes, will be offered at par. The earnings of the Anglo-American company in 1919, according to an of? ficial estimate, reached ?1,800,000, and, after deducting for taxes and depre? ciation, the surplus for dividends was il, 125,000, compated with a surplus for dividends of ?1,039,711 in 1918. Dividends of not less than 25 per cent have been paid regularly since the dissolution of the old Standard Oil Company and the present rate of 30 per cent has been paid since 1914 on 3,000,000 shares of stock outstanding, which have a present market value of $81,000,000. The National City Company an? nounced that its offering of $5,200,000 of Virginian Railway equipment trust certificates'had been fully subscribed? and at the offices of the Guaranty Trust ? Company it was said that the $12,000, 000 issue of Canadian Pacific equip? ment trust certificates were going well. Howard V. Wolfenden, formerly aseo- >. elated with Kean-Taylor & Co., has been appointed manager of Northern New Jer- ? sey for Hollister, White & Oo. TRAVEL TRAVEL VISIT HAVANA NOW Gay, care-free and scintillating?the popular Cuban capital is more alluring than ever. Ample Hotel Accommodations despite the many visitors. Our luxurious steamers, sailing weekly from New York, will take you there with greatest comfort and convenience and at moderate cost. WARD LINE General Offices Foot, of Wall St., New York >^erT^YOli^ AMERICAN LINE (ffi) RED STAR LINE ?. S. Mail Steamers N*?? Splendid Larje Steamen Steamers Newly Refitted Throughout. Accommodations include Numerous R? With Private Bath. Etc. Professional String Orchestras. "" NEW YORK-PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON One Class Cabin and Third Class New York.... Mar. 27 Apr. 24'May 22 St. Paul...... Apr. 3 May 1 ?May 29 Philadelphia . .Apr. 10'May 8 Joue 5 and regularly thereafter NEW YORK-, UHAMPTO? ANTWER First, Second and Third Clai*, lepleni .Apr. 3 May 8 Jane 12 Finland Apr. 7 May 15 J0Ee], Kroonland .May 1 Jane s Zeel,nd .JM?2? INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE CO. 9 BROADWAY, NEW YORK c?mmmmmncriOM Passsnser and Freight Services. llaIla .NW York to Genoa ?*nno.nia .New York ' Pairas, Dubrovm'k" and Trieste.A? ?"",?..^??otk " P'^"^ "?-bur? and London.fc Mar. 3f g and Liverpool.Acr' 10 SE^.:::::::^ f.Tv-,??:::::::::?:: ?3 : ?^7 "d ^??:::::::::& ????nia .New York" Liverpool ..".._?*? ^aubanr.New York " Liverpool ..'.?H Croma M vi ? ^crbourg and Southampton. U.? t, A. Victoria.New Yc Imperator .New Yc ? --...??7 -i Londonderry and Glasgow.May 11 k " Liverpool .May 29 k " Cherbourg and Soutiiamplon.June 19 r?r Inter sni!inrs apply to 2'.-24 STATE STREET, NEW YORK There is a new charm to Bermuda in the Spring Months, with balmy skies and beautiful flowers everywhere about ?it is a veritable "Nature's Fairy? land." All land and water sports F?RNEsT BERMUDA LINE Fast, twin-screw, palatial steamers S.S. "FORT HAMILTON" 11,000 Tons Displacement Sailing from New York every Wednesday S.S. "FORT VICTORIA" 14,000 Tons Displacement Sailing from New York every ?Saturday No passports required for Bermuda. For further particulars auply to FURNESS BERMUDA LINE Furness House, Whitehall St., New York European Steamship Reservations Now Is the best time to plan your Euro? pean trip. We are officially appointed agents of all the Transatlantic Steamship lines ant are authorized to make reservations, fur? nish latest sailing schedules and diagrams and issue actual tickets at regular Com? panies' tariffs. Also furnish complete passport Infor? mation. FRANK TOURIST CO. (Established 1875) * 489 Fifth Ave., New York Phone 7390 Vanderbilt 1 COHPA?HIr. BinmiZ "ftANS?TtAHTIQUg a_pre?9 Postal ?arvice NEW YORK?HAVRE US?VOIF ?. Mar*27?Mfly 22 ?SA V Uli- ?* June i9_ju|y i7 LA LORRAINE *? sfc3!?& 2? LAFAYETTE ?'fc&?* 5 rl-A_1V?i June 9?Julr 7 ROCHAMBEAU ^?r"t3S& "7 LA lUUKAlniL juiy ""g?juiy 21 COMPANYS OFFICE. 19 STATE ST. N. T. GET YOUR STEAMSHIP INFORMATION' from General Headquarters In any city the Raymond-Whitcomb office Is the place to bring your steam? ship problems. We are officially ap? pointed agents of all Transatlantic and Transpacific lines and can furnish choice ? ?nervations and tickets to Europe. West indies, ?-outh America and any part o* the world. Come to us and let our expsrts tell you just what you want to know; about sailings by all lines and comparative cost of accommodations? RAYMOND & WHITCOMB CO. 4L H. Q. for Steamship Information 225 Fifth Ave..N. Y. Tel. Mad. 8a.. 6370 "THE PUBLIC BE PLEASED" COLONIAL LINE BOSTON -^4.40 ! PROVIDENCE ?Ai S2.97 ! ALL ?ULTbUiL ?STATEROOM-? ?LOS to M-M i Bath trice? Include War ?as. Uex Umm Pier 3?, Nerte Siv.r. Dally 4 ?_-__?, **..??. M. 'P-est ?aria? ?M?l. CENTRAL HUDSON LINK NEWBUR?H, POCGHKEKPSIK. KINGSTON Tel. LISPENARD 6737 ! , HLDSON RIVER DAT LINE Daylight service up the Hudson will be resumed May IS. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAlfcWAV Hotels?-Trans-Continental All-Year Rout* f. t?. PEIIIIV, O. A, Pan. Dent?. 1.81 B'WW. -MT. : AM?iUCAN l?l\i, Past ?Ma i I Steamers NEW YORK-PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON New York. u Noon Mar.27Apr.24 May 22 |t Paul., j 2 Noon Apr. 3 May. 1 Mi- 29 Pfcfl".12 Noon Apr. 10 May 8 Jon? S NEW YORK-HAMBURG Manchuria4p.m. Mr. 27 May 8 Jo. 19'JIy. 3! Mongolia.Ap. 10 May 22 Jly. 3 An. 14 PHILADELPHIA?LIVERPOOL Haverford .Apr. 10 May 19 July 2 RED STAR LINE N. Y.-SOUTHAMPTON-ANTWERP Lapland 5p.m.Apr. 3 May 8Jane 12 Finland i p.m. Apr. 7 May 15 Ja.? 19 Kroonland 3 P.M. May 1 June 5Julj.. Zeeland. J_ne26 WHITE STAR UNE N- Y.?CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPTON Adriatic3 p. M.Apr. 24 May 29 July 3A.?*. 14 A-Ml Rerolartr Vhertattat ULlMrlC July 8 Aug.4!A?|.2l NEW YORK-LIVERPOOL Cedne .'.... 8P. M..Apr. 10:-1?? [Wtic .3P.M..Apr.l7May22il-M-? Megantic .Apr. 211-' Ori-na .end Apr.!-> Celtic s P.M.May ISJnt l9\J?fU NEW YORK-AZORES-GIBRALTAR NAPLES?GENOA Cret?c ?P.M. Mar.31 May27!Jt_y2l Canopic ?- P.m. ...May 12 July 6|??? InternationaJ Mercantile Marine Company 9 Broadway New York Cc*_u*tes*y? Satisfaction ? Best Service ? Reservations Everywhere Accurate Passport Information AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL TRAFFIC AND TRAVEL BUREAU 21 Park Row- Suite 3li - Barclay 5277 NEWARK OFFICE: 8-5 IJKOAD ST? ROOM 3. TELEPHONE MARKES H?9? SCANDINAVIAN ^'"ERICAN NORWAY, SWEDE? DENMARK, POLA?-? _onU__ntai Ear.p Otear II.Apt- ? Frederik VIH.May ? United State?.May-? ^^^^^^^ O.ear 11.J"?* 3 For Pasaencer Rale?, etc.. 1 B*way, * *? Make it your headquarters while in Europe. Official agency pftht SWISS FEDERAL RAILROADS 241 Fifth Avenue, New York Pflfllf'C Travel UUUfV 0 Service COVERS THE WORLD THOS. COOK & SON MS B'WAI Ml FIFTH ???* RED "D" LINE '^?TB?^ For Porto Rico. Curacao and Vsneius?., Zulla.Apr. t? Philadelphia .Apr. ^ Marar&ibo. ..Apr. 14!Caravas . _ ? jj'j: BLISS. DALUBTT * C?:9^-,,i^msk t..? iui< _,??.._ st Wall Sir??? Phons 1M7* Hanover. Short and Ideal Route to Ortsali ?J???