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Industries of prance Crippled ?y Ruhr Rising (Ration of Coal Ship? ments. Added to Fall jn Value of the Franc, Creates Serious Situation Relief in Treaty Seen government Names Eco? nomic Board to Reach Terms With Germany By Ralph Courtney Special Cable to The Tribune am-risht. j.j_o, New York Tribune Inc.. PARIS. March 25 ?French industry b? crippled by t,ie cutting off of . ' supplies from the Ruhr district ?. Germany- The 20 per cent depre? ciation 0f the franc in the last few Ljs, the disappointment caused by ..' failure of the national loan just osed to be a striking success?sub? scriptions amounting to only about ;000,000.000 francs?the bankruptcy ,.? Germany and her inability to pay *(jemnities. and. on top of all, the -nation of coal shipments from the Rhine Valley because of Spartacist activities have brought about a very ario-- situation in France. Indus .jies are literally starving. De? bite these pressing difficulties, how irer, France's statesmen insist the na aoa'will be able to face the future if ?j-t conditions of the treaty are ful? ge-. Official figures place the amount of t*? France must have from the Ruhr strict at about 2,000,000 tons monthly; ?iiis is that district's contribution to .? 65.000,000 tons required by France :a_ua?:y Need 25,000.000 Tons from Ruhr Despite all extra quantities French sejotiators now in London have suc kf?eded in obtaining from England and Ikstwhere, French industry needs 25, S0OOO tons annually from the Ruhr .?strict. It is officially declared that ?JM coal jjerived from the Saar Basin M no more than is necessary to sup df Alsace ar.d additional territory nined by France as a result of the war The Spartacist occupation of the Ruht Valley is the most pressing of France's .robiems. She may unofficially have -o?hing a.ainst he Spartacists them? selves, but the Ebert government can tot guarantee coal deliveries under the rreaty so ?ont; as France is unwilling r.her to intervene herself, failing ol r.ierv-entior, by the Allies, or to ullow lk German government troops to take sossession of the Ruhr. Under these conditions it is expected ".ti the Allies will agree to the Ger? man request for permission to fight thf :58rtacists. In return the Germans will first guarany to evacuate the jr.try within a given time; second >y ?-.ill submit to some kind of Allied ??-<??!. and, third, they will give a '?ouaterai guaranty which will be for? ced in case they fail to carry out lie conditions. Foch to Determine Guaranties ?; is believed "hat Foch will settle is exact nature o*" the guaranties fern an mil'tary envoys who havi inched Faris. declare the German gov Hument has massed enormous forces Or.the other hand, the probability of t peaceful settlement remains open be ??see- Berlin and the Spartacists. C-storrs questions between Franci itii Germany are now under discus ?ios by the joint Franco-German com mission. Recent events appear to hav? ?i"en rise to sharp differences of opin ion between France and Britain, whio ?.are been reflected in the French press The "Temps" this evening says: "R'e must ?c? a union be iween the Ail tes, for despite ourselve re have been compromised. Just be ~jse an alliance between France an ngland i? vital to both countries w iil to understand why British agent "?often oppose France's legitimate in ?rests in Turkish, Russian and Gei :an questions." The French government has ju. pointed M. Seydoux, of the For "n Office, M. Serrays, of the Mir (try of Commerce, and M. Bollei -irector of the Customs and Dutie administration, members of a con Vision charged with the elaboratio ?; an economic accord with German; h Goeppert, president of the Germa ?tace delegation here, will act fc Jennany. Continual complaints have bee "?vie in French circles that German ?'as violating the terms of the peac ?toty by discriminating agains ?rench buyers in the sale of good 3* exportation, selling the sam i.'ticles to Swiss buyers at half th Wee charged French customer! ?M is considered here to be a viol* m of the provision of the treat ?'ohibitin** discrimination in econom ?tions. Turks Get Tartars to Kill 17,000 Armenians Massacres Since Armistice Laid to Failure to Define Azer? baijan Boundaries LONDON, March 25.?Tarsars recent ly massacred 17.000 Armenians within the boundaries of theN new Armenian state at the instigation of the Young Turks in the Azerbaijan government, according to Archbishop Kholn, an Armenian from Erivan, who has ar? rived in London to confer on behalf of the Armenian Republic with Allied au-~ ike.rities regarding the situation in Armenia. Three thousand persons are being .herded in Tartar villages, and portions of the Armenian frontier aro being held by the Tartars, according to the Arch? bishop. He says that in December the Tartars murdered 14.000 Armenians at Akoulis, in Azerbaijan, on the pretext that Tartars had been massacred in Armenian territory. The Archbishop said also that many massacres since the armistice were declared to have been due to the fact that the frontiers be? tween Armenia and Azerbaijan were not clearly defined. ?-. Socialists Renew Attacks r? Government Severely Arraigned in Italian Chamber of Deputies ROME, March 25.?The Chamber of Deputies was again the scene to-day of severe attacks on the government's policy?nationalist acquisition, unpro- i ductive colonies and wasteful expendi? ture?by radical Socialist members. The Socialist Graziadei declared that the public debt amounted tao 160,000, 000,000 lire and that the budget deficit would reach 10,000,000,000 lire, and, de? spite this deplorable situation, the budget for the coming year was higher than ever. v Attacks were also made against the government policy with respect to Fiume. ? ("adorna Writes History; May Hold Until His Death ROME, March 25.? Lieutenant Gen- ? eral Count Cadorna, former command er-in-chief of the Italian army, in an interview to-day, said he had written a'history of the war, but that he had i not decided whether to publish it before his death or to leave it for his heirs. He added that he was considering a ; title for the history. Five titles were available, but as yet he had not de? cided which one of these would >^e chosen. LET SPRING-TIME BE MUSIC-TIME We are Selling Agents for the World's Best Musical Instrument Makers Our stock represent? the most remark? able collection of things Musical ever assembled in New York. A Few Suggestions Autoharps . $6 to $25 Banjos .$25 to $80 Banjo-Mandolins ..$15 to $13G ?J Banjos, Tenor. . . .$34 to $80 * Banjo-Ukuleles ... $6 to $18 Bugles . $3 to $12 Cornets .$25 to $90 Dinner Chimes. ... $7 ta $90 Drums . $2 to $125 Fifes ... . ,. $1 to $5 Flutes .$30 to $135 Guitars .$15 to $175 Harps .$75 to $3,000 Mandolins . $5 to $150 Music Rolls. $1 to $5 Music Satchels.... $2 to $18 Piccolos .$10 to $65 Saxophones .$75 to $105 Trombones .$25 to $65 Taropatches .$15 to $35 Ukuleles . $6 to $25 Violins . $5 to $750 Violoncellos .$70 to $375 Catalogs free on request. Telephone Murray Hill 4144. Chas. H. Ditson & Co. 8-10-12 East 34th St. 5800 Pair of Men's Full Fashioned Silk Hosiery Specially Priced for Friday and Satarday Only At 95c Instead of $1.50 a pair ^heer, lustrous, perfect fitting silk sox of fine SI.50 quality offered to you just in time for wear with low shoes. A saving of 55 cents on every pair. Colors: Black and cordovan. Charvet Ties, $1.35 were $2.50 Rich,' full-bodied, silks. In beautiful greens and grays, warm maroons, Burgundies, etc. Spring Shirts, $8.65 were $12.50 of high quality jersey silk and broadcloth; also Shantung silks with embroidered pleated bosoms. 1456 Broadway Broadway, at 49th St 47 Cortlandt St 279 Broadway 2 Fiatbush Ave., B'klyn 44 East 14th St 125th Street at 3d Avenue ? An ?aster Special Women s French Glace Finished Dress Gloves ? 150 dozen high grade, finely finished Gloves made in a two-clasp style. Some are Real Kid, others are of soft, pliable French Lamb. In White, Brown, Cham? pagne, Grey and Tan. These same grades will retail later at 4.00 to 4.50 per pair, and the real Kids are now selling elsewhere at 4.00. A Remarkable Value 2.50 ** *. Imported Neckwear (for Women) At 3.00 Each Just received from Brussels, low and square neck lace Guimpes suitable for wear with the popular Eton Jackets. Extra Special! Batiste Collar and Cuff Sets elabo? rately trimmed with Val. lace?also small round Brussels Net, hand em? broidered collars. Valije 1.75. 1.25 Exquisite Veilings ?that add a fascinating note to the xsmart Spring hat. Fine French Meshes in fancy and colored dot effects?all of the newest shades are used with telling effect. Value .75 per yard .50 Fr The Y. W. C. A. helps girls after busines? hours to become better employees during busi? ness hours. Send contributions to Mrs. Stephen Baker, Treasurer, 600 Lexington Ave. c/WnolD, Gm?taKte ce C o. Qtftc/fauemie at 4-Otl?j^toBet Announcing Our First Spring Sale of WOMEN'S AND MISSES' APPAREL An Interesting assortment specially prepared for Easter Week festivities and in anticipation of Spring and Summer needs. Priced for this Event Less than Usual Misses' Eton Suits?Model illustrated is of fine Men's Wear Serge?handsomely stitched ? braid trimmed. Skirt accordion pleated. Reg.Retailed at $48.00 39.50 Misses' Dresses of lustrous Taffeta?two smart Spring models. The-one illustrated has the new, irregular col? lar effect and the jaunty sash is typical of youth. Reg.Retailed at $35.00 29.50 Women's Tailored Suits of Tricotine and Hair Line Stripes?highest type of tailoring?in belted and braid bound styles. Reg. Retailed at $72.00 59.50 39.50 Suit J9.5U Dress M 37.50 Women's Dress 59.50 Women's Suit Misses' and Women's Dresses of Georgette and Foulard combi nations, also Taffeta and Georgette Combined? embellished with smart beaded effects. Very Specially Priced at Velour de Laine Wraps?reproduction from a Jenny model Specially Priced at 37.50 55.00 Newest Novelties in Spring Cretonnes at .64 yard Fascinating color schemes in floral designs and stunning striped patterns on dark and light backgrounds?cre? tonnes that vie with each other in vivid contrasts?such is the exceptional as? sortment now on display at this price. Regularly .95 Yard Special at .64 per yard Colored Silk Umbrellas (Sun and Rain Styles) At 7.75 Each Regular $10.00 qualities All new and made up in colors to harmonize or contrast well with new Spring costumes. Bakalite trimmings to match the extra fine Silks?rings or corded handles. Also Women's Cotton Storm Umbrellas, 2.25 ea. Instead of $2.85. Men's Cotton Storm Umbrellas, 2.35 ca. Instead of $3.00. Important?The Pre-Easter Sale of Every item featured has been specially selected as appropriate for Easter Costumes Note the Reduced Prices: Printed Georgette in leading color combinations of raie charm?an irresistible assortment ?40 inches wide. In Stock at 3.25 per yard. Special 2.95 Black All S??k Voile will make delightfully appealing morning or afternoon frocks. 40 inches wide. In Stock at 3.50 per yard. Special 3 .Of) Fancy Sport Satin in self colored designs that proclaim their smartness by their variety. 40 inches wide. In Steck at 7.00 per yard. Special at Q 5Q Figured Foulards and Radiums, weaves that arc greatly to the fore on this season's fashion list?Imported and Domestic Silks in large and small designs. 40 inches wide. v In Stock at 5.50 per yard. Special at 5.00 2,000 Yards AH Wool Suitings-comprising Navy and Black Gabardines?Navy and White?Black and White Hairline Suitings, Navy Cheviots, Silvertones, etc. 54 inches wide. Regularly 6.50 per yard. Special 5.75 Midnight Blue Tricotine?--56 inches wide. An unusual value. Regularly 6.00 per yard. Special 4.75 Extraordinary Values Featured in Men's High Grade Shirts Exceptionally Fine Qualities Better grades of woven Madrases in the most wanted patterns?Extra fine quality mercerized Cot? ton Shirts in silk patterns?White mercerized Cheviots with neckbands or sport collars on. All new Spring 1920 Shirts?made plain negligee style with soft French cuffs. .__________ ___ . .-.._ Regular Retail Value $4.50 o? AD Each Plaid Steamer Rugs .Very Low Priced The remainder of an order placed two years ago, and just received. They are not only more valuable to-day, but are scarce and hard to find at almost double their price. ?Made from fine, soft yarns that are nearly all wool -r-full sizes and self fringed?neat, subdued colorings that make them adaptable for Ocean Voyages Traveling Automobiles Couch Covers, etc. To-dafs Real Value Is $12.00 While they last 6.95 Children's New Easter Togs ?must be right in line with the prevailing styles shown for grown ups. These prices are of particular interest. Children's Coats in Serge, Wool Checks and Polo Cloths ?sizes 2 to 6 years. Specially Priced 14.50 to 69.50 Children's Tailored Hats?2 to 6 year sizes. Specially Priced 4.95 to 11.75 White Dresses of Voile, Organdy and Lawn?lace trimmed and finished with ribbon belts or sashes. 2 to 6 years. Specially Priced 4.95 to 9.75 Girls' Coats?sizes 6 to 14 years. 19.75 to 58.50 Girls' Serge and Wool Plaid Skirts?29 to 33 inch lengths. 13.50 to 19.50 Children's Underwear : Knickerbocker and straight Drawers. .50 to 2.25 ? Band Skirts?Hamburg and lace trimmed?4 to 14 year sizes. .95 to 1.95 Princess Slips-?with lace and embroidery trimmings. 2.65 to 4.95 (The above priced according to size.) Women's Silk Sweaters Specially priced this week All pure Silk Tuxedo Sweaters with a smart tailored belt. In various shades. An exceptional offering. Regularly $32.50 23.75 Dainty New Blouses t To Heighten the Charm of Spring Costumes Striped Colored Voiles whose keynote is charming simplicity?a tucked model with convertible collar?also WHITE VOILES, embroidered and lace trimmed. 2.95 Embroidered Georgette Blouses with elastic waistline or in tie-on effects. Coral, Bisque, Blue and Flesh. 9.75 Batiste Blouses?all hand made?the single or double hemstitching and the dainty tucks are smart style notes. 5.75 Unusual Offering of Odd Table Cloths Clearance of 192 ODD TABLE CLOTHS of our standard all Linen quality. Because the range of sizes is broken we have decided to close them out at these extraordinarily low prices. Quantities Sizes Sale Prices 35 68 x 68 Cloth?, 8.25 17 70 x 70 Cloths, 10.75 19 72 x 72 Cloth?. 12.50 9 72 x 72 Cloths, 11.50 15 2?4 x 2?4 Cloths, 16.50 11 2y2 x 2V2 Cloths, 23.50 27 2y2'x IVi Cloths, 26.75 9 V/z x 3 Cloths, 20.00 i 6 IVi x 3?/2 Cloths. 23.50 5 2|/2 x 3J4 Cloths. 30.00 j 39 Round Scalloped Cloths?70 inches?9.7S Ea. Oriental Rugs and Carpets At Less Than Prices Quoted Elsewhere Mousoul Rugs in rich, lustrous effects?average size 6.0x3.8. x Usually Sold for $95.00 to $145.00 Each. Now 85.00 t0 128.00 Buluk Carpets in soft tones of blue and tan?size 8x12, 395.00, to 11x18, 765.00. A limited number of extra large size Persian Carpets now being offered at 1 -3 below marked prices. / ___-? __J ?I New Couch Hammocks i At an Interesting Price Range !j Strongly constructed and made in various styles?each distinctively different from the other? some are trimmed with braid?another model has a luxurious upholstered back, and a third boasts of roomy magazine pocketc From 15.75, 17.50 to 29.75* Stand* .6.95 Canopies.7.50 i