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Italian Government 5-Year 6Vi%% 1925 Principal and interest payable in Near York: in U. S. Cold DoU lars. Price 97% and int. Circular M-61. Merrill. Lynch & Co. Investments Commercial Paper 120 Broadway New York Members New York Stock Exchange Underlying Railroad Bonds We shall be glad to send upon request a copy of our April list of underlying rail? road bonds, which we are offering to yield from 5.15% to 6.50%. Price ranges since 1910 are included, showing that present prices are near the lowest level of the past ten years. Members New Tork and Fittsbnrj-h Stock Exchanges. 33 Pine St. New York Union Arcade Bl?g. Pittsburgh Western Electric Co. 5 Year 7% Convertible Gold Bonds Due April 1, 1925 at 98*4 and interest Yielding about 7.35% Convertible at any time be? tween April 2, 1922, and October 1, 192+, into the 7% Cumulative Preferred Stock of the company, par for par. Net assets 2Va times total funded debt. Net earnings for year 1919 2.45 times annual interest charges on total funded debt. Circular on request.. Coggeshall & Hicks Membera New York Stock Exchange 128Bro?dway 203West79thSt New York ? Foreign Bonds Government & Municipal Many high-grade Foreign issues are now selling at prices which return a very liberal yield and in addition offer possibilities for market profit. We specialize in the purchase and sale of these securities. Hartshorne&Battelle Members New Tork Stock Exchange 25 Broad St., New York Investment Securities RCMegargel&Col 27 Pine Street-New York 12 Per Cent Rate For Call Money Induces Selling Stock Market Action Dis? appointing, in View of the Arrival of $9,300, 000 Gold From London Twelve por cent call money induced general Bellini, of stocks in the closing hour yesterday. To interests working on the constructive side of the market, the falure of prices to mako a more vigorous and uniform response to the news of the actual arrival of $9,300,000 in gold from London, was disappointing. For this was the development upper? most in the mind of the trading ele? ment since it confirmed in a measure much of the rumor and gossip that has been going the rounds of the financial district for several weeks. The market, however, labored under the handicap of a break in its lines of communication to the West and South, due to the storm which inter? rupted telegraphic connections for the greater part of the day. As a rosult, practically no business camo through from the West which has been such an important factor in the market sinca the rise started. The wire trouble was mainly responsible for the falling off in business, transactions at the ex? change dropping under the million share mark. Stocks started out with a fair degree of strength and there was again plenty of action in the highly nervous motor and motor accessory shares. But the movement was not general nor well sustained, a fact which was soon seized by the- the professional traders as a basis for selling operations. Selling became widepread in the afternoon when the market encountered stiffen? ing money rates. Call money renewals j were made at 8 per cent and the rate | held there until after mid-day, when I it moved up to 9 per cent. A short while i after it was again advanced to 10 per j cent, followed by another rise in the ?final hour to 12 per cent. Preparations I by the banks to meet government with? drawals to-day probably accounted for the short supply of call money, which caused the tightening in rates. It, is believed, however, that somewhat easier money will be experienced before the end of the week. The gold received from England was turned into the local Federal Reserve Bank and should, therefore, reflect in this week's state? ment. Individual movements of stocks were interesting, but not important. The further spectacular rise in Stutz Motors, which soared to a new high of 337, after early weakness was. per? haps, the outstanding feature, although Crucible Steel attracted attention by suddenly spurting to 261, thereby equaling its top price of 1D19. Steel I common displayed early firmness, but I yielded with the general run of stocks j in the final dealings. Oil shares were ! rather weak at the close, while among I the specialties Columbia Gas and Elec \ trie responded to the publication of the ? annual report with a spirited advance. Ever since the first intimations that | England and France were considering ? shipping gold to this country as one ; way of meeting the $500,000,000 Anglo French loan maturity of next October, j the argument of the stock traders has I been that such an influx 'could not j help but be beneficial to the general i credit situation, since large gold im? ports would tend to build up impaired I gold reserves. Now the first gold has ? come through. Another shipment, esti j mated at $10,000,000, is reported en j route to New York. Plow extensive the ; movement will be cannot be learned. It would not be surprising if $50.000,000 were to be shipped from overseas in the course of the next few months. It is believed England can spare the gold. It is only a question of whether such a large shipment would be a wise proceeding, for while it would undoubt? edly help here, it also would weaken the position in London. Bankers in touch with the domestic credit situa? tion held that it does not necessarily follow that such gold as arrives will be used for basis of additional credits such as the stock market following might desire. The thought is that the gold is needed to bolster up present reserves,, which have been reduced to a dangerously low level through a rapid loan expansion at a time when gold was being lost on export. The foreign exchanges were easier yester? day. Money and Credit Call money advanced to 12 per cent yesterday, following a renewal rate of 8 per cent. The rise was attributed in banking quarters to continued shift? ing of funds incident to the passing through the banks of checks received by the government in payment of in? come taxes on March 15. The April 1 dividend and interest disbursements are not yet a factor in the call money market, according to bankers. Time money rates were unchanged. The ruling rate for money yesterday, compared with a year ago, follows: Yester- Year Call money: day. ago. On mixed collateral... 8 0 On industrial collateral 8 61,. Time money (mixed col? lateral) : Sixty days . 8 ?? 8% 5V_@5% Ninety days . 8<?8% 5%@5% Four months . 8(aSV. 5%@5% Four to six months 8@8% 5%@5% Bank Clearings?Bank clearings in New York and other cities yesterday were: Exchanges. Balances. New York_$606,102,421 $86,169.716 Baltimore - 13,323,225 6,498,584 Philadelphia... 68,412,632 23,522,022 Sub-Treasury-United States Federal Reserve credit balance, $83,277,954. Silver.?London, 71%d; New York, $1.26%; Mexican dollars, 97fi. The Dollar in Foreign Exchange Despite the arrival on the Lapland on Sunday of $9,000,000 of gold from England, sterling exchange reacted yes? terday. Demand sterling closed at $3.8775 yesterday, compared with $3.93 on Saturday. The rise on Friday up to $3.96 for cables discounted the arrival of gold.. Francs and lire also were weaker yesterday. Yesterday's rates, compared with those of a week ago, follow: (Quoted dollars to the pound) Week Yesterday, ago. Sterling, demand.$3.8775 $3.7775 Sterling, cables .3.8850 3.77 Sterling, sixty days._ 3.84125 3.73 Sterling, ninety days... 3.8225 3.7150 (Quoted units to the dollar) Francs, checks .14.62 14.29 Francs, cables .14.60 14.27 Belgium, francs, checks.! 3.87 13.72 Belgium, francs, cables. 13.85 13.70 Lire, checks .....20.24 19.77 Lire, cnbles.20.22 19.75 Swiss francs, checks.... 5.77 5.84 Swiss francs, cables. 5.75 5.82 (Quoted cents to the unit) Guilders, checks .36.78 36.50 Guilders, cables . 36.8125 36.625 Austrian crowns, checks .46 .46 Austrian crowns, cables .47 .47 Sweden, checks . 21.30 20.73 Sweden, cables. 21.40 20.83 Denmark, checks . 18.25 17.70 Denmark, cables. 18.55 17.80 Norway, checks . 19.10 18.20 Norway, cables . 19.20 18.30 Pesetas, checks.417.32 17.37 Transactions Yesterday in Listed Stocks Record of Stock and Bond Averages (Copyright, 1920, New York Tribune Inc.) Day Year Yesterday. Before. Ago. 20 Railroad stock? . 66.83 67.20 71.00 30 Industrial stock* . 101.33 102.73 89.97 50 8tocks._ 87.54 88.52 82.38 10 Railroad bonds . 73.07 73.11 79.96 10 Industrial bonds . 88.78 88.66 94.97 5 Utility bonds . 73.40 73.40 85.40 ?5 Bonds . 79.42 79.39 87.05 Range thus far 1020. Range full year 1919. nigh. 68.70 110.30 92.06 76.28 91.45 74.53 81.71 I.OTT. 58.60 88.70 77.14 71.76 83.66 73.24 79.37 High. 78.80 119.33 99.54 82.80 95.70 87.75 87.91 Low. 63.35 79.20 75.92 72.83 90.58 71.80 80.21 Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings (Copyright, 1920, New York Tribune Ine.) Day Before. 88,200 638,700 726.900 Yeaterday. Railroad stock? ... ' 99,700 Other stocks ...... 764,200 AU stocks . 863,900 Yesterday. Day before. U. S. government bonds. $6,243,000 $4,091,000 Railroad bonds . 1,191,000 792,000 Other bonds . 1,880,000 1,426,000 All bonds . 9,314,000 6,309,000 Year ago. 134,100 602,600 736,700 January 1 ta date. 1919. 1918. 7,948,600 8,299,500 34,641,700 28,264,700 42,490,300 26,564,200 Tear ago, 1920. 1919. $8L219,000 $779,316,000 $588,343,000 1,964,000 86,892,000 81,119,000 2,881,000 108,416,000 99,114,000 13,064,000 975,624,000 766,576,000 1920. 9,691,700 68,114,800 67,806,200 Year ago. High. Low. Dir. 1920. 1920. Rate 381/., 25 ? 46% 341/4 ? 72 65* 6 2% V/s ? 2'/a 1% ? 53f8 361/4 ? 95'/2 75 8 12834 105 10 61% 38% ? 14614 124i/a 12 15Kb 113/4 I 139 S5 I 30% 181/2 I 122 9.01/2 53?/a 38 ! 120i/2 87 i 14'/a 1234 87% 7438 | 108'/4 82 I 44 30% ! 30!-a 16% ! 72 E6 | 50 39 ! 140'/2 123I/2 i 106% 77 I 100% 96'a i 74% 543-? i S7% 02'/'2 M65?/2 1121/2 61% 38% Adams Express .... Advance Rumely ... Advance Rumely pf. Alaska Gold Mines. 2% 2'/a 44 89 Net Sales. Open. High. I.ow. Close, chge. Bid. Ask. 100 38 38 38 ' 38 ? Va 33'/2 37 1800 40% 46% 44?/2 44'/2? 1'/a 44 45 200 70'2 70/2 70(/2 70/2? !4 70/a 71 -100 2's 2',8 2/8 2/8+ Va 2 2/a Alaska ?luneau . 1100 2% 2% 2% 2% Allis-Chalmcrs . 300 44% 44% 43% 43%- % 43 Amer Beet Sugar... 1400 88 89% 88 89+1 88 ?mcric?n Bosch .Mag 5900 119 124 119 119%+ 1% 119 120 American Can . 1100 49/a 49/2 48/4 48'/4- 1/4 48/4 48% Amer Car & Fdry? ? 12800 143 146% 141 ?/* 141%- 1? 1^% 80 Am Drug Syndicate. 13900 13 13% 13 13%+ % 13% 13% American Express . 1600 135 139 135 137/2+ 5/2 132% 1o8 700 27/2 27/a 27 27 ? Va, 26/a 27 600 1173a 117% 116/4 116/4? 1/2 115 H? 200 52 52 52 52 + Vz 6? 52 3700 102% 103% 100% 100%? V/a 100% 101/4 ?00 ' 13 13 13 13 - 13 13/4 Am Hide & Leath.. Am Hide & Lcnth pf Amer Ice Securities Amcr Inter Corp.... Amer La France Amer Linseed . 200 83/a 83/2 83 Amer Locomotivo ... 3900 1C5 106 Amer Malt & Grain. 2C0 35 35 Amer Ship & Com... 500 24% 25 81 ? Va. 82 83 103 103/o? 1% 103 % 104 S5 35 - 35 38 24% 243,4- 24 Va 24% Amer Smelting . 1400 69/4 69% 68 68 ? 1/a 68 68% Amer Steel Fdy. ?600 47/2 48 47/2 47%? '/? 4% 8 Amer Sugar . 1200 130 132% 130 130/4+ /4 130 131% Am Sumatra Tob... 4600 102/2 102% 99 99 ?3% 99 99/4 Amer Tel ?S. Tel. 300 97 97 97 97- 96% 98 Amer Tob Soc ..*... 6900 67 67 64% 65 ?1% 64% 65% Amer Tob pf new... 700 97 97 97 97 - 96?/e Amer Woolen . 2600 133% 134% 131/4 131 /4? 2 131 Amer Writ Paper pf. 100 48 48 48 48 ? 1% 47 21% 59 Vz 65! 2 67% R6% 82 176% 15% - 50 6 54 4 43 ? 76 6 76 5 137 10 54% 19% 12/2 ? American 7-inc . 200 19% 193/4 American Zinc pf.... 200 54% 54% Anaconda . 4600 64 64% 63! 4 Asso Drv Goods. 200 43 43 43 At, Ton & San Fc. . 700 83% 83% 81% At, Top & S Fe pf... 100 79 79 79 At! Gulf & W 1. 5900 169% 172% 165 Auto Sales Corp. 100 13% 13% 13/; 98 132 4P 19/4 19/4? % 19% 20 55% 63% 44% 54%? % 54 63%? 1% 63! 43?2 421 81%? 138 81% 82/2 79 + % 78 165 ? 3 105 13%+ 1 13 ?Jlgh. Low. Dir. 1920. 1920. Rate. 9134 63 6 Lackawanna Steel... Leo Rubber & Tire.. Lig & Myers Tob ris. ., Loews. Inc . 1200 29% 30% 29% 30% . .. -, .__ -mn. on /. 201/. 2O/2 20/g 38% 28 ? 16% 15% ? 32 25% 2 28 17% ? 183% 145% 12 9 8 ? 393/4 7 18% ? 18% ?' 47% ? 117% 7 Sales. Open. High. Lew. Clow. ?*<???"? ?_*? 1300 79% 80 78 78-1% 77% 78 400 34% SB'/?. 34% 35/4+ % 34 35 800 16% 16% 16% 16%-? ,n|. 62/t 37/ 35/ 623.? 134 29% 30% 200 8% 8% 7% 100 50 60 60 100 37 37 37 100 31% 31/a 31 200 54?4 55 54% 100 132 132 132 161% 10 21% 2 222 26 71% 62% 18% 11 18 31% 49% 40 69 Vi 51 40 72?i 12 8 ? 89% 66% 6 86% 72% 6 Lorillard, Pierre, rts Manhattan Elevated. Maxwell Motor Co. . Maxwell Mofr ctfs. Maxwell Motor 1 ctfs May Depnrt Store?. . Mexican Petroleum. . Miami Cons Copper.. 7% 60 37 31 55 132 8 51 35% 31% 56 22% 42% 9 6 8% 21 36 38% 6138 36% 35% 44 1.20 Middle States Oil 8600 201 200 24 3200 317. 202% 196% 197 24 23% 24 + 31% 31%. 31/4? ? 4 Midva.e 'Steel . 200 47% 47% 47% 47% Minn & St L new. . . Mo, Kan & Texas Mo, Kan & Texas pf. Missouri Pacific. Missouri Pacific pf. . Mont Ward & Co Montana Power . Mullins Body . 5600 46% 47% National Acmo . 200 37% 37% National Aniline . . . 200 65 65 Nat Con & Cable .. 100 11% 11% Nat Enam A Stamp. 200 78 78 400 200 200 600 200 1000 100 14% 16% 16% 15% 15% C% 8% 83/4 83/4. 14% 14% 14% 14% 29 29 28% 28/4? % 28 441/, 44% 44% 44%? Vz 44% 39% 4.0 39 39 ? % 39 68 68 - 68 46% 46%+ % 46 37% 37%? % 37% 65 65?1 64 11% 11%- 1'% 77 77 ? 1% 7% 60 36 31 60 131% 133 . 196 197 23% 24 31 31% 4634 47% 15% 16% 68 68 Nation a! Lead . 300 83% 83% 82% 82%+ % 77 82 14 7% 17% 47% 117 77% 36% 48% 61 14234 103% 3% Baldwin Locomotive. 52600 135% 135% 131% 131%? 4% 131% 132 EC 13 102% 17 15 100 124% 11% 29% 28% 85| 2 46 75/2 09 134 104% 4934 - . 1 ? 81% 5 10% ? 10 ? OS 7 93 10 7% ! 22 ? 17 ? 74 6 273/4 ? 65 7 59% 4 115% 10 72 5 Rarnsdalc . 400 4934 49% 49% 49%? % >/* 49 1 28% 96% 15% 1% 1/4+ 20% 2S%? % 95% 95%? 1% 15% 15%? % 11% 11%? % 11% 97 97 - 97 121 121 ? 1 120 10% 10%- 10% 49% ; 1/4 28% 96 1534 12 98 122 10% 61% 45% 4 164% 117% 10 59/, 47 4 10% 7 ? 27% 21 2 42% 30% ? 61% 45% ? 91 % 75 7 1203,4 113 8 110 78 6 Baiopilas Mining ... 100 1% 1% Reih Motors . 600 29% 29% Beth Steel, Class B. . 12600 97?a 97% Brooklyn Rap Tran.. 400 15% 15% Booth Fisheries . 200 11% 11% Brown Shoe pf. 100 97 97 Burns Bros . 700 121% 123 2 Butte Cop & Zinc... 1300 10% 10% Butle & Sup Copper. 1200 28 28% 27% 27%? % 27% 27% i Caddo Oil . 200 23% 23% 23% 23%- 23% 233/4) 1600 81% 81% 81% 81%+ % 81 3C9 39% 39% 38% 38%? 1% 38% 100 69 09 69 69?2 63 400 67 67 653,4 653/4? 3% 60 300 123/a 123% 122% 122%? 2/2 122 2600 87| 3 87% 86% 86%? % 86% 1600 56% 56% 53% 53%? 1% 54% !?8 12900 160 164% 156% 157-%+ % 157% 153 14 ? 4% - 14 1 37% ? 92 10 64% 5 233/4 30 45 363/4 23% ? 100% 83 7 84% 68% 7 77% 5030 Nat R R Mex 1st pf Nat R R Mex 2d pf . Nevada Consol Cop. N O, Tex & Mex New York Air Brake New York Central . . N Y, Chi & St Louis 2% New York Dock - 5 New York Dock pf. . 300 14 3900 5% 400 15/ 100 41 200 108 600 75 400 33 8% 15 28% 45 39% 69% 47 38 65 12 78 83 14 6% 14 14 14 + 1% ? 7% 5% 7%+ 2% 6 15% 15% 15%+ % 15% 15% 41 41 41+1 41 44 108 108 108 - 107 109 75 74% 74%+ % 74% 75 33 33 33+1 32 34 100 200 4634 46% 40% 40%? 6% 40% 45 51 51 51 51?3 51 55 NY.NH&H. 1600 34% 34% 34% 34% 96 96 79?4 80 413a 66% 2;'.'. 41% 40% 44% 65! 2 67 70% 93% 20% 93% 13% 95% 107 23% 64% 54 15% 31% 33% 36% 36% 53 55% 75 16% 78 10% 76% 101 35 % 25 %f?1 129 California Packing.. California Petroleum. Calif Petroleum pf.-. Calumet & Arizona.. Canadian Pacific .. . Central Leather .... Cerro Po Pasco. Chandler Motors . . . Chesapeake & Ohio. . Chic Great West. . . . Chic Great West pf. . Chic, Mil & SI Paul Chic, Mil & St P pf. Chic & Northwest... 8 Chic ?*i Northwest pf 6 Chic Pneumatic Tool Chic, P. I & Pacific. 7 Chic, R I & P 7% Pf 6 Chic, I? I & P 6% pf ? Otile Copper . 1% Chino Con Cop. 1 C'jca Cola . 3 Co! Fuel & Iron_ 1 Columbia Graph .... 5 Col Gas & Elec. 6 Consol Cigars . 7 Consol Cas . 2 Con Int Cnllahan M. 7 Continental Can .... 1 Continental Candy . . 4 Corn Products . 7 Coin Products pf. . . % Con Textile 12 Crucible Steel . 13100 245% 261 81% 39 70 70 123 ?7 400 57 57 100 9 9 400 25 25'--, 700 38% 38/ 209 551/2 55/ 300 87 87 300 119% 119% 11934 119%+ 2% 117 1P0O 100 106 99% 99%? 4 700 36% 37% 36% 37 ? % 200 75 75 75 75 ? % 200 65% 65% 6D% 65%? % 300 19 19 1834 18%? 3? 600 37% 37% 36% 36%? 1% 500 36/2 36% 36% 36%? % 300 39 39% 39 49% 62 52 44 50% 38% 53/4 4% \ 9! 2 6% ? 145 120 8 41% 28 ? 66 4 37 ? 71% 6 6734 7 37 4 40 3 20 ? 11 ? 23% ? 42% 34% 3 82% 48% ? 15% ? 89 8 51% 5 100 400 1100 800 100 100 141 200 32 62% 62% 62% 62% 51% 51% 61% 51% 45 .45 44% 44% 5% 5% 5% 5% 8% 8% 8% 8% 141 141 141 32% 31% 31% 7C 43 108% 103% 47% 43% 36 16 32 91% ! 113% 1123? 7 Stand Oil of N .1 pf 108 | 90% 73% % Shell Trans Tor .. j 54% ! 9934 16% ' 29 ; 147 ! 15% i 25% I 17% j 95 ? 9034 36% 39% ? 89% 9 9 ? 99 5 9% ? 17% ? 12% ? 65% 8 85 8 26% 3 ! 135 100% 10 48 33 3 36% 21 ? 19% 12 ? 192 175 8 75% 08% 6 3% 2% ? 172 152% 8 410 225% 1 89% 85% ?S'/a 10234 55% 73% 9% 24% 64% 92 49% 31% 84% 68 Vp 6 6 7 1 6 7 6 ? 2 33 5734 50 13 80% 50% 41% 84% 66% 18% 93% 61% 4% 3% ? 16% 9% ? 135 11234 6 114 110 7 51% 27% ? 76% 6 ?? 111% ! 84 I 69% ! 91% 26% i 51/o ; 21% 72 7 60 7 70% ? 193/4 ?. 35% ? 15 ? ! 19% 13% ? ! 152% 108 4 i 98% 96 7 | 33% 27% 2 48% 24% 1.20 Keystone Tire Norfolk & Western. 100 96 96 7 Northern Pacific ... 6C0 79% 30 5 Nova Scotia Steel 2% Ohio Fuel . 4 Ohio Cas . % Okla Prod & Ref. Ontario Silver . . Otis Elevator .. . Otis Steel . Pacific Devel . . . Pacific Tel & Tel Pan-Amer Petrol Pan-Amer Pet B- 100 97 97 97 Parish & Bingham.. 1400 43 43% 43 Pennsylvania Rail . . 400 42% 43 42% Pcnn Sea6 Steel ... 600 34% Peor?a & Eastern . . 100 12 P?re Marquette _ 200 28% Philadelphia Co _ 600 39 Pierce Arrow . 10700 71% 200 13 300 92 200 62 400 68 200 92 800 32 300 68% 68% 68% 6S%? 1% 68 72 ?00 40 40 40 40 ? 1 39% 42% 91C0 104% IO434 993/4 IOO/2? 3% 100% IOO34 97 + % 96 43 - 42% 43 + % 42% 33%? 1% 333/4 12 - 11 28%? Va 28 38%? % 383/4 39 68% 6834 9634 43% 43 34 13 28% 34% 33% 12 12 29 28% 39% 3834 71% -673/4 68%? 2 13% 18 18 - 92 92% 61% 61 %? 134 68 68 + % 92 92 _ 31% 31%? 34 31i/8 32 1% 19% 19% 100% 101% 92 Vi 63 68 92 32/ 200 *20% 20% 19% 19% 400 102% 102% 102, 102 18 18/ 91% 94 61 62 67 69 90 92 Pierce Oil . Pierce Oil pf. Pittsburgh Coal .... Phillips Jones . Phillips Jones pf. . . Pitts & W Va. Pond Creek Coal . ., Pressed S.eel Car ., Pullman Pal Car ... 200 120% 120% 120 120 + 2 119% 122 Punta Alegre Sugar 2900 85% 8534 82 82%? 1% 82% 84 Kail Steel ?Spring . . 300 99 99 98 98 - 97 98% Ray Consol Cop _ 700 1934 20 1934 19%- 1934 20 Reading . 8600 86% 87 84% 84%? % 84% 85 Rcm Typewriter_ 100 86 86 85% 85%+ % 80 85 Rep Iron & Steel.'.. 13100 109% 109% 105% 105%? 3% 105% 105% Replogle Steel . 800 "45 45 45 45 ? 1% 45 46' 110% 93% 5.50 Royal Dutch N Y Sh. 5600 105% 105% 103% 103%- 103 103% 80% 73 6 Savage Arms . 300 79% 79% 76 76 ? 6/4 75 78 ?Saxon Motors . 1600 1734 1734 17 17 ? % 16% 17 St Joseph Lead. 500 16% 16% 16% 16%? % 16% 16% ?Si L & San Fran- 200 22% 22% 22% 22%? % 22% 22% Stand Oil of N J- 100 805 815 802 808 + 6 803 807 400 112% 112% 112% 1123^? % 112% 112% 4600 7934 30% 77% 77%? 1% 77% 78% Cuba Cane Sus;ar . . . Delaware & Hudson. Den &: Rio Grande. . Emerson-Brandt Rnclicolt-Johnson . . . Erie . Erie 1st pf. Erie 2d pf. Famous Players . Fanions Players pf. . Fed Min & Smlt pf.. Fisher Body . Fisk Rubber Tire..'.. Freeport Texas . 200 25% 25% 25% 25% Gaston Williams . ., fi'rncral Chemical.. General Cifrar .... Gen Elec rts. General Electric . General Motors ... Genera! Motors pf. . (?en. Motor.- G% deb Gen Motors 7% deb ?Gen Motors ctfs. 16800 37% 37% Goodrich, B F. 1400 63% 72 Goojlrich, B F, pf. . Granby Mining . 800 49% 49% Gray Davis . Great North pf. ?fit North Ore subs. . Gulf ?'".ate Steel. Has & Bar Car Co. . Hupp Motors . Illinois Central . Inspiration Copper .. Inter-Cons Corp .... Inter-Cons Corp pf. . Inter Harvester .... Tnter Harvester pf. . . Inter Mer Marine. .. Int Mer Marina pf. . Int Motor Truck 1 pf Int Motor Truck 2 pf Int Paper . 130O 85 int Nickel . 48100 24% Iron Products . 600 49 Jewel Tea . 400 15/ Jewel Tea pf. 500 38 Kansas City Southern 200 17 Kelly Springfield .. Kelsey Wheel Co pf Kennecott Copper .. Sinclair Oil . 2600 Sloss-Sheff ?St & Ir.. Sloss-ShefT St fi. Ir pf Southern Pacific . . . Soulhern Railroad . . Southern Rail pf. . . Stewart Warner . . , Stromberg Carb Studebaker . Stutz Motors . Superior Steel . Tenn Cop & Chem .. Texas Company Texas Co 30% pd . . Texas & Pacific .... Tobacco Products . . Tern C & F P Co. . Transcon Oil ../..... 2200 Transue W Steel_ Cnion Bag & Paper. Cnion Oil . T'nion Pacific . Union Pacific pf. 43% 3% United Drug 1st pf. . 57% 5 United Dyewood _ 44% 443/4+ % 74 74 ? 1% 93 ? 99%? 1% 23%? % 57%+ 38 46%? 1% 89?5 93 99% 23% 57 46% 89 44% 74 91 99% 23% 57% 46 80 44% 76 99% 23% '-4 72 45% 25/4 62% 72% 46 25% 62% 1/4 39 67% 64% 17% 90% 60% 59% 59%? % 59% 4% 4% 4%- 4% 15% 15 15 - 15 GOO 1287s 128% 126% 126%? 3% 126 129% 200 113 113 113 113 + 23/4 111% 113 37% 37'/a 36 35?1 3534 36 96- 96% 93 93%? 1% 93% 95 200 77% 77% 77% 77%+ 200 65 65 65 65 3900 400 300 2800 20O 500 500 20?0 45% 46 4600 75 75% 100 93 93 1800 1003s 101 400 23% 233/4 200 57 57% 2100 48% 48% 1600 94 94% 11900 107% 108% 105% 105%? 2 105% 105% 2200 315 337 300 329 +11 333 " 340 600 57% 57% 57 67 - 55 56 5600 11% 12% 1134 1134+ i/8 1134 ii7/8 5100 213 215% 209 211 ? 1% 209% 211 100 207 .207 207 207+8 ? ? 1800 4434 44% 43% 43%? % 4314 4334 600 74 74% 72% 72%? " 300 46 46 46 46 ? 25% 25% 25% 25%? 100 62% 62% 62% 62%? 700 111% 111% 110" 110 + 4% 108 110 160C 34 34% 33% 33%? % 33% 34 300 120% 121 11934 1197/8_ 7/B 119^ 120 66% 66% 66% 65%+ % 66 67 50% 50% 50% 50%- 501,'8 50/, 57% 57% 57% 57%- _ -?I 03 200 200 "+ % 198% 200 12 12 12 12 ? % 1134 12 22% 22% 2134 2134+ 134 21% 22 , - .. r , ? , 54'^ 5*V4 54% 54%+ % 63 55 I a ] a ,, 1V- 10? 65'/2 65^ 64'/2 S4'/2? Vz 65 U ?S Ind Alcohol.... 71C0 95% 98% 93% 93%? 4/? 93?% U S Realty & Imp.. 2600 5634 58% 56% 56%- 66% 2600 80 80% 77% 78 ? 2% 77' 113% HO/4 110/4? 1% 110% 110% 113 113 113 + % 112% 113% r( ., n J2Y* ?Y* 7VA 71/4-1 68 70% 56100 105% I0534 103% IO334? 7/a 10334 10374 ..'..-. -? "- 11278 113 - .A '? 73% 78% 77% 773/3- 1 7-ya 78 68% 63% 66% 67 ? 1 66% 67% 73%? 1% 73% 75' 112 112% 300 2C0 200 United Fruit . 800 200' United By Invest. USCIP&P,,,. U S C I P & F pf. 100 300 400 85 24% 49 15% 38 17 83% 24% 47 15/ 38 17 83%? 1/4 2'!%? % 47 ? 1% 15%+ % 38 - 17 ? % 600 136 136% 133% 133%? 2% 132 133% 100 96 96 96 96?1 95 97 1600 32% 32% 31% 315^- 34 3V/z zw 331? 36% 36%? 1% 36% 36% United Retail Stores. U S Rubber . 11600 112 U S Rub 1st pf. 100 113 U S Smelt & Ref U S Steel . U S Steel pf. 400 113 Utah Copper . Vanadium Steel .... Va-Carolina Chem . . Va-Car Chem pf. .. . Wobash . Wabash pf A. Wells Fargo Express West Maryland _ We?t Pacific . West Pacific pf_. 300 Westinghouse Mfg .. 8100 Wilson Co . 400 Wheeling & L E_ 300 White Motors . 18900 68/ Willys Overland _ 4600 65% 9334 777/8 113 900 4600 400 74 74 300 111% 112 600 V 93-3 9 200 28 200 63 10?/ 31 es1 100 3900 28/ 63/ 10/ 32% 66 73/ 111% 112 + 9% 9% 27% 27%? 63 63% + 10% 10/2? 31 31 + 65 65+1 -4 9 9% 27% 27% 58% 63 95% 67 6 *Ex dividend. 10?% 31 64 54% 54% 53% 53%- 34 53?/ 73% 73% 73 73%+ % 73 11% 11% 11% 11%+ y 11% 69% 66% 67%? % 67 Woolworth ...." ?50 iSK ??? ?o7Z ?i3A- 24% 24^ Worth Pump &M.: K % T* ^ ? + g? ? 10% 33 66 53% 75 11 % 67% Yester? day. Pesetas, cables . 17.40 Greece, checks . 10.75 Greece, cables . 10.80 Manila, checks . 48.75 Manila, cables . 49.00 India, rupees, checks.. 4(3.50 India, rupees, cables... 46.75 Japan, yen, checks.4(3.50 Japan, yen, cables. 4G.75 Argentina, checks.102.40 Argentina, cables.101.90 Brazil, Rio, checks. 27.75 Brazil, Rio, cables. 28.10 Marks, checks . 1.31 Marks, cables . 1.32 Czecho-Slovakia, checks 1.34 Week 17.35 10.70 10.80 48.75 49.00 45.00 45.25 46.00 46.25 102.90 102.40 27.75 28.00 1.23 1.24 1.32 Bid and Asked Blil. Asked. 111,1 AnlnxH Alb & Sus...- 160 [Col Grapn p. 93 3, Al ( lia!m_ pr SS'/s 85'?|l'o!i Clgiu-s pr S1V4 v' ho com ins Co.. 75 t,? Hb Corn J'n-,. p.-.105V4 107 Am Afi (.'lieau S: ?lu pr . pij Am Buk Xote ?!? )ir 41 11 Long Island Railroad February gross...? 1,318,636 Dec. 583.934 \ Vet. after, taxas. 047,64', Inc. 622,095 Net opcr. deficit, 712,166 Inc. 664.411 Two nin.-i. gross. 2,975,268 Inc. 73,055 Def. after taxes 874,290 Inc. 637,395 Net o per. deficit. ;>?I4,S.'3 lne. 620,5CS Pittsburgh & Lake Eric February gross.. $3,253,376 Inc. ?ST8.334 after taxes. N( 1 oper. inenme Two inns, gross. Hal. after taxes. Net oper. income 310,123 419,775 6,037,617 602,267 792,829 la Ire. Inc. 1 iec. Dec. :ir?. 5C.807 869,735 508.905 269,305 Southern Railway A JJoet is pr A B S & l'y 90 do pr .210 Am l'an j.r.. '.?7 A O ?V I? pr. 111 Am Cm Oil. 47 47V? ?to pr . si ss" Am In. Seo pr ?.?.'I 66 A Uiiseod pr ?L? Am J..U-IJ pr.U'."i 1",; Am Shlpbldg. ? 125 Am Smelt pr. Sl'i :?.',> <l?> pr A_ 82 v; Am Sauir ...105 111 ?In pr . 80 Pi) A St Fy pr. 91M 92 Am ?-tugar pr.lii 11 ?a Am Tel & C. Mi .-i5 Am Tobacco..260 270 Ann Arbor .. liu 12 e:o pr . 24V4 2.r, Assets HI Co. 4 -*? 1) C, ist pr 65 do 2d pr. .. 63 70 Asso OK ...11?, 11!) At lllr ?t A. 7 8 At ('.'.ist L. . f?s 90 All & \V I pr 65*<4 117 Auto Sales pr 20 29 P.ald Jjoco pr.100 102 Har Leather pr 8S '.?5 Barrett Cu pr.l?o Batopilas M.. 1 Be: h Steel .. Si? th pr Cro?? Carpet . 00 ' ul ? Am Se.i:io 4;,o ?l?J pr .li)2 107 Deero Co pr. 99% lui l> U *c W. ..185 190 OSHpianjond M...II.-, i,;u D S S ??v- A. 4H "'i do pr . 7 U) Durham l?os .*,27? 57*A do pr ... .100% loi Glkhorn H pr. 37 44 Km r.r ?1" pr . 82 Bfle ??c Pitts, 55 Pislier ny; Oeti Chem. ...185 do pr . ill. Gen Cigar pr.100 do pr deb S7*?4 OM Su, No.. SH ' pr JOS 190V4 '."j 102 92 W 10 ,0 M ?S 1st pr 90 hi 97 41 Hartman Corp S8H :'0,? * - Horn make .. 55 58 February gross. .$11,479,475 Inc. $1,971,771 J.'a!. after taxes. 881.884 Inc. 611,783 Net oper. income 5,'ir,.l45 Inc. S16.134 ?Two mos. gross. 25.520. J 51 Inc. 6.891.01S Bal. after- taxes. 3.869,823 Inc. 2.573.241 Not oper. Income ?.047.S49 Inc. 2.018.011 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy February gross. .$13,216.614 Tno.$2,7:i7.2?8 Bal. after taxes. 1,660,654 D^c. 237,096 Vet oper. Income 1,137,716 Dec. 559,505 Two nuts. {$mss. 2.>,7S?,9C2 Inc. 7,660,536 Bal. ?after taxes. 6,684,882 Inc. 2,965,165 Net oper. income 6,041,763 Inc. 2.5'j5,S7t? Pennsylvania Western Lines February gross.. $7,699,667 Inc. $923,809 Def, after luxes. 1.683,319 Inc. 1,092.028 Not oper. deficit 1.630,090 Inc. 1,062,671 Two mos. gross. 17.206,559 Inc. 2,957,914 Def. after taxes. 931,496 Dea 177,962 Net oper. deficit. 930,905 Deo. 323,331 do 8th pr. .111% 112% Blui Edison..; i)"i 97 Bkn Cn C,ns. 5U 60 Brown. Shoo.. 95 101 Burns BtS pr.100 HO Butterlek *... IK*; 21 Can Southern. 41 50 Caso J I pr.. !>C 98 ?Cent J?oa pr.102*-; 105 Cell of N .T.. 191 205 C & S A T.-allO 114 Cortahitecd . Chi .t Altoi do pr .... C & K 111. do pr . s CSP M & 0 (in do pr Int l'ai do pr atpd.. 7?i Iowa Cental 1. 5 Ivayser J ...100 ilo 1st pr. ..1U7 K City So p-. 4ti Kelsey Wheel". ;4 02 ; do pr . 93 '.?3 Keok ?v 1) M. 4 08 do pr . no Hi ?Kress & Co. 93 I do pr .... Lake E & \V pr 06 6 SO 83% ? 98?4 ? 10?i 12 16% 22% Bid. A.s*.ei! N'orf & So.. 22 23 Norf & XV pr. OS :; Niag Fl' pr. ? Otto Eler pr. ? oils Steel pr. ? Owctts Bot M. 03 lern 101 101 ;l'i do pr Pacifie Coast. do 1st pr.. Pacido M.ill. PettI Mull?... 36 do 1st pr. .. !i7 Plerea Ar pr. 98 Plt?s St'-el pr f-'H P S C N J.. 63 101 40 115 103 Bid. A.? ?Type pruno , "O 2d pr... 96 \ ? a "'i, :::J"sa.i ' '':,t ???? Ariz 11 % l'iilewaier 011.215 2 J ???m City it T 31 I ll" P' . -- Un Cigar ?St. .110 i i ?lo pr .135 1 Un Ry In pr 23 "' S r Al pr. 97 1 Woolworth pr.lii 1 WP & M pr A S9 1' do pr B_ 7C>4 iked 9?. 98% Dividends Stock Banks Oil Compun.r?A ?tock dividend of 6 per cent has been declared. In addition to the regular quarterly dh-ideml of 6 per cent, both payable' April 15 to stockholders of record March 31. Regular Declarations Holdf Period. P'ble. of R Q May 15 Q L-W Biscuit. do 1st pr.. ?lo 2d pr...lll 127 Lorillard pr.,10? 112 Louisv & .V.103 117 Mackay Cos. ..64 70 Mardi? P.pach % 2% Manhat Kl_ 47 53 Manhat Shirt. 80% 31% - Rockwell. 58 coy. 98% 54%|.Martin Parry. Lt? 9% Mat Al W... 23 29 17 MSP4 S ?S M 72 77 10 do pr _i. .. 90 ?jil lo i do !.,d lilr-s. ,-,i os 66 Morris & K?. ? 69 07% MuUiiM .By pr 97 C O C 4 .3 L 49% 5S%i.Vash ?fe Chat. 10.*. 113 do pr . G5 tw^jNat Aemo ... 37 .33 Cl & Pitts...-- SO Nat Biscuit. ..115% 118 Cluett Po\b.. 91 !?4*4aN"YC&SL 1st. 57 ?0 tli? pr .10? ios ! do 2d pr... 46 50 Coj & So.... 24 25%?N Y Dock ... 40 -58 do lrt pr... Bl 53 do pr . 83% **54 do !d pr... 40 4J IS T i * W?. 8S 90 Rate. Am Radiator. . .$1. 00 do pf. 1*; Millil'in Bros- 3.00 Pa On L & p pf .so Rad turn Mat pf 1% Fist Na Bit Bkln 2% May 16 Apr 10 Apr I Apr t Apr 1 Mav M ay Mar Mar Mar Mar Baltimore & Ohio February gross. . $13,989,717 Def. after taxes. 2,047,701 Net oper. deficit 2.290,205 Two mos. gross. 31,333,385 Def. after taxes. 1,068,531 Net oper. d?flcit 1,290,415 Inc.$2,760,731 Dec. 323.519 Deo. 217,783 Inc. 6,772,232 Dec. 2.890,062 Dec. 2,924,387 ?Chesapeake & Ohio February gross. . Bul. after taxes. Net op.r. income Two mos. gross. Bal. ufter taxes. Net oper. Income $6,236,381 700,397 868.037 12.050.892 1,004.80'.! 1, '?'20,636 Inc.$1,440,332 Inc. 544.405 834,898 1,828.773 527,363 1,084,651 In Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Mar. Mar. Apia ?Mar. Apr. ?Mar. Apr. Mar. Mar. Alar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Mar. Mar. -Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. .Mar. Mar. I Mar. ? Apr. Apr. ? Mar. Apr. Mar. Apr. I Apr. Apr. I Apr. , Apr. I Apr. | Apr, Apr Stocks Ex Dividend 31 Allls-Chambers Mfg pf. 10 American Beet Sugar...!.!]! 9 American Ico ........ 9 do pf. .;; 1 Amer ?Steel Fdrs temp...... 3 Associated Dry Goods . 31 Central Coal & Coke . 31 ?o pf . 9 Central Leather . 30 C, C, G dt St I, Ry pf. 1 Consolidated Cigar Temp .... SI Detroit Edison . 1 Domes Minos, Ltd.! 31 J-'ifth Avenue Bank of N Y.' 31 First National Bank .1 31 General Chem. ex In com stk.2 ;> General Motors pf. 5 do 6 per cent deb.! ! 5 do 7 per cent deb temp.... 31 Gold ?fe ?Stock Tel. 10 Harbison-Walker Refrac pf 10 Ingersoll-Rand .' . . 9 Inspiration Cons Copper.. 31 Int A?? Corp pf. 31 .Iones Bros. Tea. 31 Kansas City So Ry pf.!!' 31 Monongahela Val Trac pf...! 31 National Biscuit . . . 8 National Cloak & Suit.!!!"' 1 N Y Cen R R . 31 Niagara Falls Power pf 31 Nova Sco Stl & Coal. Ltd 31 Ohio Fuel Supply , 31 Otis Elevator . . " " 31 do pf .'..'..'. 31 Pacific Gas & Electrlo . 31 do pf . 9 Pittsburgh Coal '?f'pe?r?! 9 do pf. 31 Second National Bank. .8 ' 2 T.* S Food Products H V, *? Industrial Alcohol pf ! ! ! ! 5 V S Smelt, Ref & Mlnlntr_ 5 do pf . 5 Virginia-Carolina' 'chem' 'pf! ! * \anadium Corp of Amer temp 1 v, estlnghouse Air Brake . 2 "Westinghouse El & Mfir 2 do 1st pf ...#.. , 5 WorJ-h Pump & Mch VT ctfs! ord & 3 Buffalo, Rochester & Pitts. February gross. . Def. after taxes. Net oper. deficit. Two mos. gross. Def. after taxes. Net oper. deficit. 4 $1,223,042 193,948 20,165 2.545,746 311,898 6,054 Inc, Tnc. Dec. Inc. Inc. Dec. $155,140 100,983 33,426 77,870 148,833 117,227 PiUs., Cin., Chi. & St. L. February gross.. $7,410,094 Inc. $767 5 Def. after taxes. 1,753,077 Inc. 1,641, Net oper. deficit. 1,857.694 Inc. 1,676,4 Ttvo mo?, gross. 17,990,606 Inc. 370.8 Def. after taxes. 164,869 Ino. 70, Net oper. deficit 541.669 Inc. 303, In Wall Street New Sinclair Financln* Expected Report? were carrent In Investment circles yesterday that the Sinclair Consolidated Oil Corporation is planning to do some new financ? ing to carry out a program, in? volving an ' increase in its tank ship tonnage capacity. It is be? lieved that the expected financing will take the form of a note issue con? vertible into stock at a price several points above the current market quo? tations. The company, it is under? stood, is in need of more tankers to carry oil out of Mexico. The corpora? tion is now producing and selling Mexican crude at the rate of approxi? mately 65,000 barrels a dav, com? pared with the total movement of about 245,000 barrels daily. The Standard Oil Company, of New Jersey, is buying daily from the Sinclair in? terests 36,000 barrels of light Mexican crude, or at an annual rate of more than 13,000,000 barrels. The first of the additional tank ships of the Sin? clair company now building will ne delivered in April. Others are under construction, and by the end of 1920 the company will have twenty ships operating between Mexico and other points. With the increased business in prospect it is estimated the com? pany could easily use twenty more. New financing at this time would en? able the company to immediately pro j ceed with the construction of addi? tional tankers. Prosperity and the Railroads John Muir, in discussing the gen? eral railroad situation yesterday, de? clared that there is a hundred times greater need for an era of swift rail? road building now than in the joyous days of contractors' subsidies. "Then" he said, "it was for the individual, now it is for the people. This coun? try, rich in resources for which the whole world now calls, needs an im? mediate building up and extension of its transportation system. The neces? sities and raw supplies of our coun? try are scattered far and wide and we cannot now brins them promptly to places of manufacture or con? sumption. Does not prompt and i speedy transportation affect the price | and maintain the ability to compete i with and meet the demands of the | people all over the world? As the railroads run, so runs the prosperity J of the country." Stntz Motors Stutz Motors added another chapter to ? its stock market history when it leaped ? yesterday to 337, setting a new high I record. And the striking thing about the frexh spurt in this rapid performer was that it occurred in a market that i was extremely irregular, with the ' trading element worried over the rise ! in call money rates to 12 per cent. Stutz ? displayed early weakness, but soon re I covered from, its sinking spell. It | sold as low a? 300 before the new high i was made. When most other' stocks ? were showing substantial net losses Stutz actually registered a net gain of ! 11 points. The turn-over in the stock | was only slightly more than 3,000 ' shares. The fact that some 80 per cent | of the outstanding stock of the com- : i pany is held by one interest has led ; many stock market followers to steer ; clear of Stutz as a speculative medium. Professional bears particularly qre said to be wary about getting overextended ' on the short side. Columbia Gas The move in Columbia Gas and Elec ; trie yesterday was quite widely tipped i as being the forerunner of a still fur i ther advance. It was reported in the ! gossip of the Street that a strong pool has been formed to handle ! the market in the stock. It was ; one of the strongest spots in the market, getting up to 64%, closing : about at the top. The rumor in con ' nection with the strength of this' issue ' j had it that a large block of stock , 1 which had been overhanging the mar- j j ket has been taken over by private sale. ! The company issued its report for 1919 , | last week, showing $6.51 a share earned ! on the $50,000,000 capital stock, com i pared with $6.39 in 1918. Anaconda Copper The Anaconda Copper Mining Com? pany, it was reported yesterday, has , cleared up its differences with the gov , ernment over Federal war taxes. The | Inspiration Consolidated Copper Com j pany's tax schedules were approved ; some time ago. It was claimed by ? government officials that a number of ; tho large mining companies, including , Anaconda, Inspiration, Kennecott, i Utah, Ray, Chino and Nevada, bad not | paid enough in war taxes covering the ; war years' period ?o 1919. In the case ; of Anaconda and Inspiration it was J held that these companies charged off j too much _or depreciation and deple ? tion, and therefore owed the govern \ ment approximately $4,500,000 each. It is understood tijjat the decision of the Department ot Internal Revenue has been in the case, of these two com? panies that their charges for depreci? ation and depletion were proper. The | matter of the war taxes of the other i companies has not yet been fettled. Norway Seeking Funds Here Norway is planning to raise funds i in this country through the sale of I bonds to Norwegians resident in the i United States. According to the pro ? gram, the selling campaign will be j confined to Norwegians and the ad? vertising will be done exclue vely in | the Norwegian press. Unlike the Ital ; ian plan, which is now being put to i the test, the Norwegian bonds will be j internal instead of dollars bonds. Reserve Bank Gets Gold The Federal Reserve Bank vesterday: purchased from J. P. Morgan & Co. ! ?$9,000,000 of gold (approximately, 1500,000 ounces) which was consigned ? to the firm by the British Treasury.; j The gold arrived on the Lapland Sunday . morning, and was taken to the United ; States Assay Office. The gold became credited to the Reserve Bank as of the I close of business yesterday, and was physically delivered late in the after 1 noon. It is understood that the gold i was in anticipation of the Anglo-French : maturity, which becomes due on Octo j ber 15. Another shipment of Bimilar ; amount is on the water. Any effect , that the gold will have on the money market will not be shown until to-day. j Federal Smelting'* Net Falls As a result of operations in the year ended December 31, 1919, the Federal Mining and SmeltingConipany returned a balance after taxes, charges and other expenses, cf $718,149, which . compares with $1,?24,293 in the pre? ceding year. Total receipts last year were $2, 474,864, from which operating ex ; penses of $1,417,356 were deducted, leaving net earnings available for taxes of $1,057,508. Tax payments absorbed $52,518 of that amount and : charges $286,841. After stockhold ! ers had received $449,478 in dividend ? disbursements, surplus was $268,671, j against $285,440 in the year before. _ ! Columbia Bank Buys Control of Tradesmen's The Columbia Bank yesterday an ; nounced that it had purchased control ? of the Tradesmen's Bank, formerly j the Wcstchester Avenue Bank, which ; was bought a year ago by McClure, j Jones & Reed, 115 Broadway. Its rc i sources and deposits, which have ifA-V" *year'now amouut to Correspondence Invited We invite correspondence on Stock Market commit, ments and all investment subjects. Frequent analyti? cal reports issued and mailed gratis. E. W. Wagner & Ce, -f-ta.K.A.4 188T. CM**?? ! y. T. Stock S^h?nm Members -j N. T. Cotton ????lu [ Chicago Jlear? of Tro?, 33 New Street (%?) New Tert _ . J Mad Ave. S iZd 8t Branches *J ,BS w>sf ir>li g" OI* Y OUR account is j not too small to j interest us, or too I large to overtax the j ? facilities of our or- \ r ganization. We aim j i to give quick execu- j ? tions and prompt re- < J ports combined with j ? personal attention to ? E individual needs. < r < | CAR^TAI^S <_r CO. ! Jferrtoerj yew York Btock Exchange ,Y?i* York Cotton Exchange Philadelphia Stock Exchange 71 Broadway New York 1419 Walnut St., Phlla. Odd Lots Our service meets the needs of those interested in odd lots, whether for cash, on margin or partial pay? ment. Hartshorne, Fales & Co. Members N. Y. Stock Exchange 71 Broadway Telephone 7610 Bowling Oree?. A Stock and Bond Register in which may be listed the securities held, the prices paid and other data, is available for your use. If you will send in your list of holdings we will enter them for you and for? ward the register to you without charge. George H. Burr & Co., 120 Broadway New York MILLER & CO. Members Now York Stock Exchange The 1920 Edition Trader's Companion may now be obtained at our main office EQUITABLE BUILDING 120 Broadway . or at our branch ofHc.a .is fifth: AYENCB 8. W. Cor. ?6th Street ?-ONGACRK BCILDINO N. B3. Cor. 4 2nd St. & Broadwar NEW YORK Maine Central Railroad February gross.. $1,034.381 Dec. ?-?*?*;* Def. after taxes. 668,S03 Inc. 49S*i?, Vet oper. deficit. 663.08T Inc. <S3.J'i Two mos. gross. ?,628,72? Dec. 89*?,i Def. after taxes. 6*6.184 loe? 34l.*<? Net oper. deficit T0?.7T8 Inc. ?M.*?'