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?feC?ftrriKS OFFK?tKD AND WANTS!) ??."'?"r.Jn '. '" nn'nf.niifci?iii?i r,r ?., r?. ..i, i , ???aaSaasaaaaaa?aaaafaaaa^ 0?.^e^AC4XBuyaS?ll Atlantic Lebot Bilkers Trwt * Cum Exckam? Bank "Rtt." Gty of New Yoiit IiuitraBc? fawers LtHan&Tratt Stock fan* Netl Bank "atyki" HltTPirk Buk "Rifkt." National Surety Stauuiard Screw J.K.Rice,Jr&Co. Phones 4909 to 4010 John. 31 Wall St., N. Y. U^Memll, ^e Hat industry" Lynch BooUe?M7i ? /?> Seat upo? request. 120 Broadway. N. Y. Members Ne? York: Slock Exchange Marte A. Nobte ?fheoalwo C. Oorwta NOBLE & CORWIN SS Broad St. Haw York Nat. City Bk. Otis Elev. Pfd. Guaranty Trust Wall St. Exch. TaaaptWMM Jill SSr-Mat j Lima Loco. Pfd. American Cigar I Amer; Cyan. Pfd. Borden Co. Corn ta. Bk. Rts. Guantaaamo Sag. I Nat, Pl>.. Bk. Rts, Federal Sugar Stone, Prosser& Doty JS2 William St. Hanaro? $%?f Trumbull Steel Director? Vote 25% Stock Dividend WAHKfcN, Ohio, July 8.?Directors of the ,Trumbull Steel Company here have authorized a 25 per sent stock dividend? amounting to $3,500,000, and stockholders will meet on August 14 to decide whether the common stock shall be reduced from $100 par to $25 par, thus issuing four shares of new stock for each share held. The reduction will make stock more readily available to employees, officials pointed out. The total capitalization of the com? pany, including preferred and common stock, will be $35,000,000 with the stock dividend. Kresge Co. Capital Increase At a -special meeting of stockholders of the S." S. Kresge Company a propo? sal was adopted to increase the com? mon stock from $10,000,000 to $20,000, 000. An issue of $3,000,000 7 per cent serial gold notes, with three maturi? ties of $500,000 each and two maturi? ties. oX.3J50.000 each, was also author? ized^ - - ? Mi s celia n e o us .M a r k e t s * Walte Utility Securities Stock? Ask?*. Am Light ft Traction com.? 18 **% ?to pfd.T* "J Adirondack ?loo Power comj.. 18 4* ?to pfd..... '0 "' ?Am ?as a Electric com.IM *J* ?do pf. 86tt 3? Am Power * Light com...48 f? ?Id pf. . 88 ?< Am Publie Utilities com.? ? ?O pf .? ? Am Waterworks Elttctrlc. S J do participating pf..8 ' * do 1st pf.88 *' Carolina, Power a ia?ht com... 88 .? Cities Service, com.828 388 do pf ...,. 68 ?? do bankers' certificates .- 3? s? do t p c. aeries B, 198?.139,, 143 do 7 p e. series C, 198?. 9JH J| Colorado Power com. ... 9 12 do pf. 8? 90 ComweeJth Pr Ry ft L com-1? if do pf. S9 .41 Denver Oas a Electric Gen 6s.. T8 88 Electric Bond A Share pf.-80 86 Empire District Electric pf-56 68 ? Federal Light * Traction com ? ? do pf_;. 40 45 Oas ft Electric Securities com..360 389 do pf.. 91 VT Northern Ohio Bleo com...... ? ?J do pf .....? 46 North Ont Lt ft Pow com. 10 14 ?f 0 pf. . 60 65 Northern States Power com.... ? 45 do pf....78 80 Pacific Gas ft Electric pf-.. 80 84 Republic Ry A Lt Co com.... "8 11 do pf. 33 8T Southern Calif Ellison com.... 88 86 do ' pf. 93 9T ?Standard Oas A Elec com. 13 15 ?do pfd. 36 87 Tennessee Ry Lt ft Power com. 1 3 do pf . 3 6 United Light ft Rys com...... 19 83 do 1st pf.,.. 67 60 Western Power com . 14 ? 16 do pf. ^S 61 ?Par value 350. Bonds Appalach Power let 6s. 69 63 Cincinnati Oas ft Blec 6s. 1916. 79 83 Col Oas ft Elec Ss, 1927. 79 81 Dallas Elec 5s, 1922. 99% ? do 7s. 1921. 99 100 El Paso Elec col 6s. 79 83 Oreat West Power 5a. 1948_72 74 Midwest Utilities 1st 5s.. 86 90 Miss River Power 1st 5s. ?0 7IV4 North Ont Lt & Power 6s_.. SI 63 i* Nor States Power 6s, 192?. "S 82 t Miscellanea?? Stocka Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. Am Chicle 38 do pf . . . 70 ?AmLeath ?S 60 ?do pf... sa 8? Am Mfg...l49 153 do pf... 85 89 Am M ft F150 160 Am Td pf 3V4 3Vi Am Typ F 48 46 A D TNJ 36 36 Atlas P C 55 65 BBft S lp 84 89 de 3d pf ?6 ? BorC Mk 103 106 Bush T pf 67 73 C?l!u!eld...l58 165 Childs Co. 86 89 do pref. 92 t'5 City lnves 65 75 Crk AV pf.90 97 D L ft W15S 162 Draper C.130 132 Int Sll pf. 9? 96 Lima Lpf 86 38 Nat Caah.186 116 N J Z w i.195 200 N Co 1 pf. 87Vi 100 O'Neill pf. 38 ?314 Phelps D..170 200 rtfpfll ? Ry Bak P125 140 do pref. 8? 86 Singer M?.117V4 120 8 L 1MAS 43 47 Stoll S pf. 95 98 SDK pf.13? 1?2 Valvol pf. 97 100 V Raalt In 26 32 do pf. . . 67 72 W ft B pi. 10S 1?6 Yale ft T..275 285 Sacar Stacks Card Am. 19 13 illat-AnC. 2? 2? do pf... 70 89 Car Sug.. 57 60 C Agulrrel23 126 Fajardo . .345 260 Godch'x S 57 6? Gt West..410 426 do pref.113 118 G*tanamo.ll4 11D ?do pf.. 75 102 Michigan. 11 12 National...15? 163 NI NiqueoSOO S60 S Cec new 24 26 do pf .. 73 78 8avanah.. 53 67 1 do pf.. 87 9? Chemical Stecke Am Cyan. 25 80 .Hook Elec 6? 7? do pf... 60 55 do pf .. ?? 7? Graselli ..1SS ? Ky Solvay 80 11? do pf. . . ? 96 Mec Co p. 88 9? By-Prod.. 97 105 iMerrimac. 79 81 Cassln Co. 40 45 ?MulfordCo 4S 52 Dow Ch..259 260 Semet G...170 175 Du P C p. 9Vi 10>4lSolv Pne..200 250 Steel and Ordnance Stack? Am Brass.195 200 ,Colt A-49 61 Atlas Pw.l?S 165 Du P PW.2S0 290 do pf .. 10 84 ?do pf... 79V? 81 \i Bab ft W.107 110 East Steel ? 8? CnFftF.196 201 ?Emp S ft I 35 ? Carb Steel ?0 85 ?do pf. . 75 80 do 1 pf. 96 183 ?Here P...215 220 do 2 pf. 73 76 I ?do pf. . 92 96 BANK STATEMENTS [ BANK STATEMENTS tfo. 1,250 ? - REPORT OF CONDITION OF The Mech.anics and Metals National Bank fTMto York, in the State of New York, at the close of business June 30th. 1920. RESOURCES 1 a Loans- a.nd riU cbtrats, uicluuir.? rediscounts (except ?Low shown in b and f-r .$171.4*9,457.83 b a oeptsaoee of other bank*, discounted.. S,1S4.219.36 c t *t?!omers" liabil? ity areoant of ac oeptsjices of this bank purchased or discouu'.ed jy St. 91.S50.00 ?Tou: !ji^s .81S0.056.327.21 I?edu<.t. ?i NVtea and bills re fii.wi'Unted with Federal- Res er re Rank (other than 1 ar:k acceptances said) (see Item ."-",?i ?12.80O.000.OO f A<v?pia?ices of other basks payable at totora d*t?. guar? anteed ' t>> Uiis bank hy indprse i.i. nt or otherwise (see Item 5V). 8.441.697 63 E rvnigirirl'h of ex ??idisr -or draft? ? M ?rKii indorse mei;! of this bank, not shown under item d above (aee Item .'5d) . 402.SIS.50 - 21.647.526.13 8158^408.801.08 Overdraft*., secured. IS.1S5.97; unsecured. ?S.?fo.26 . 17,032,23 t Ciftoafcrs' liability account of --"acceptance?" executed by this bank and by other banks for ac? count of this bank, and now out? standing . 6,681.357.16 1 h Government securities owned Deposited to secure eirvnlation (C 8. bind* par value)_11.000.008.00 l'ift Wed to secure postal ??Tings de? posits fpar value) .. 610,000.00 Hedged-as collateral for s'ate or other de? posits or bills pay "Kifl jam. 15.761.500.00 napTaTXi? unpledged 2.ISO.941.22 War Sa?iiigs Certjfl ,?tes? a and Thrift ?p s actually SU.13 sited with sute nrlt!? in accord with provisions o**ec. 11-K. Federal Reserve Act _?... SCO.000.09 Deposited with Trust Department in accord? ance with provisions aCSSae. U.K. Federal Kj*?na Act . 50.000 00 Jotal' V. 9. get arament securities . 30,102,812.39 Other bonds, securi? ties, etc : Batida Mother than V. Am,bond?) pledged to assure postal ?at mg? deposita. 139.900.00 Bonds and securities (other than V. 8. as s? pledged as |w st?'? or ?Its (postal bills payable . 767,617.00 d Bonds loaned (other than 1" S. bonds).. ?5,750.00 e ftocurtUes. other than U. S. bonds (not 10 o'.udfng slbcks). owned and unpledged . 4,685,653.48 r Collates*] trust and other noses of cerpo rauone- issued fer not lass than one year car-asaca than tare? years' time . 875.090 00 g Deposited with state authorities to accord? ance with provision? of jSec^.H-K. Federal Baser??'.?.el . SSS.TlT.ll STotal. ?bonds, se rurtiiea. etc., other thsn V. S. T.14S.9ST.S8 f. Stocks, other than Federal So servw-Baak stock. 286,598.07 & Block of Federal Reserra Bank (50 per cent of subscription).... 610.000.00 9, a Value of banking house, owned and unencumbered . 3.000,000.00 10. FUralaifb and fixtures, safe de? posit igftts .r?. 98.399.9? IS. Lawful reserva with Federal Ba? ser?* Bank. 30.809,589.90 13. Men? with Federal Beaerr* Bank In proreas of collection (not avails?!* as reserve). 4.794.893.58 14. Cs?h to vault and net amounts due 'rom national banks. 13.338,^4.99 15. Net amount* due from banks, bankers . and trust companies in the rnffevj States (other than in? cluded to Items 13. 13. or 14).. 190,893.99 18. Exchange? for clearing house.... 65,?r-i,413.43 17. Checks on other banks in ths siffle du or town as reporting bank (other than Item 16). 1,951,413.52 Total of Items 13. 14. 15, IS and 17 .855.265*76.4S IS. Cheeks on banks located outside of city or town or reporting bank and other cash Items . 1.229.7S6.14 19. Redemption fund with I'. S. Treasurer and due from I". S. Treasurer. 240,000,00 20. Interest earned but not collected ?approximate?on note? and bills receivable not past due . 772.0S6.15 21. Other assets. If any . 1.961,466.30 Total .?306,486,286.15 LIABILITIES 22. Capital stock paid In . 310.000.000.00 23. Surplus fund . 10.000,000.00 24- a Undivided profits..85,262,177.35 b I/ess current ex? penses, interest, and taxes paid . 332.661.29 -4,929,516.0? 5. Interest and discount collected or credited In advance of maturity and not earned?(approximate). *",.5.941.91 26. Amount reserved for taxes accrued 1,034,449.04 27. Amount reserved for all interest accrued . 255,110 53 88, Circulating notes outstanding... ? 30. Net amounts due to national banks . 21,996.705.73 81. Net amounts due to banks, bank? ers, and trust companies In the Vnittd States and foreign coun? tries (other than Included in Item 30) . 46.ROS.272.45 32. Certified checks outstanding _ 31.620.994.56 33. Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding . 1,833,056.43 Total of Items sn, 31, 32. and 33. 8102.349.029 17 Pemand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days) : Individual deposit* subject to check . 129,849.439.58 35. Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) . 377,027.81 36. State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of as? sets of this bank . 295.811.27 37. I>eposlts requiring notice, but less than 30 day? . 18.676.95 38. Dividends, unpaid . 504.903.97 Total of demand deposits (other than bank de- . posits subject to Iteserve. items 34. 35, S6, 3T and SS .3131,1)43.859.56 Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings) : 40. Certificates of deposit (ether than for money borrowed) . 1,483.205.12 41." State, county, or other munici? pal deposits secured by pledge of assets of this bank . 1.159.679.12 43. T'ostal savings deposits . 597.548 15 43. Other time deposits . Total ef time de. * posits subject to Reserve. Items 40. 41. 42 and 43... .83.906.794.70 44. rntted States deposits (other than postal savings): War loan deposit account . 463.500.00 War savings certifi? cate and thrift stamp deposit account 4.217.66 467.717.?? 43. a 17. S. Government Securities borrowed without furnishing col? lateral security for same . 1,453.870.25 49. Bills payable with Federal Re? serve Bank secured by V. S. Gov? ernment securities . 32.10O.D00.00 51. Letters of credit and travelers' ?.?hecks ?old for cash and out? standing . 277,769.?9 52. a Acceptances exe? cuted by this bank for customers .86.526.0S5.97 Acceptances executed by other basks for account and under guarani?? of this bank, .... 372.T92.18 Total .86,898.878.15 Leas acceptances of this bank purchased or discounted (see Item 1c) . 91.650.00 6.807.22845 *btal .8806.4W.2S8.15 ; 55. a Liabilities fer rediscounts with Federal Reserve Bank (see Item Id) . 12.500.900.0? Acceptances of ether banks pay? able at future date, guaranteed by this bank by Indorsement or otherwise (see Item lc> . 8,444.697.63 Foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with indorsement of this bank, not shown under Item ?v ?bore (see Item If). 402,828.6? Total contingent liabilities (55 , s. c and d) (not including item? In schedule 23 of report). 831.647.526.13 -o?, vr tne total loans and discounts shown above, the amount on which interest and discount was charged at rates in excess of those permitted by law (Sec. 6197. Rev. Stat.) (exclusive of notes upon which total charge not to exceed 50 cents was made) was 84,237,? T43.62. ThvTnuniber of such loans was 681. I. GATES W. McGARRAH, President of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of ray knowledge and belief. 6ATE8 W, McGARRAH. President. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of July. 1920. . HENRY AUMANN, Notary Public. Correct?attest : S. F. PRYOR. AMBROSE C TODO. JOHJ*?Mcje.UQ?i, Y Directors. Notary Public. Westchester County. Cer? tificate filed In New York County No. 61. New York County Register No. 1177. Com Bstseios expires March SO. l?Jl. Mlles B-P 88 IOS i Win Cor.. ?SS 4TS Scov Mf*\. ? 41? Woodward 60 SS Them Iren SS ? 1 ?Ex dividend. . Trnat end Safety Alliance.... 76 ?S ?Am Trust. ? Am Surety. TS TS Bankers, ..SSO SSO Bond ft Mtg*40 360 B?tlyn T Co.48? ?10 Cent Union. 3*6 376 Columbia ...326 SS6 Commercialisa. ?? Equitable. S8S S96 Empire Tr.SSO Lawyrs T.. 14? 148 Lincoln Tr..l40 160 Manuf&o'rs.. ? SOT Mercantile.. 300 3SS Metropol ..SS? ST? Mtge Bond. SS SO Hut T of W.10S IS? Nat Surety,. 188 196 N Y L IAT.68S ?SS N York T...695 610 N Y Tille...130 1SS FrmreLeVmo 400 l-eeplea ....276 Pulton _S70 Fidelity ..'.200 810 Guaranty ..345 355 Tamil ton ..26? SIE ludson T. .186 ? Claga Co...63? 66? Mtge.. 11? 1SS Realty AssolOO 110 T G A T...3S5 336 Un States...830 860 TJSM&T.400 410 ?ST Oner 8? SS trestr.bester.136 ? W * BTAM. 166 ITS tSee New York Title ead Mortgage. t Includes Americas Trust Company stocks. Tobacco Stocka Bid. Asked. Bid. Ask.. <3 W HmelSO 1?? R Jf ReyASOO ?16 do pref. 88 94 do s B..465 486 JEYoungl28 136 do pf. ..?7% ?8*4 do pf... 86 96 Weym B..160 170 ?MacAAF.110 eos do pref. 88 94 P R-A. T.115 120 ?Jnlv Leaf.14? ? ?Ex dividend' 80%. New York Baas Stocka America ...205 216 Oarfleld N.886 S4S Atlanta ...815 ?Gotham ...16? ??? Am ExGh....275 S860reenwlch...82S ? Battery ...195 SOSHarrlman ..345 355 Bewery ...41? ?Hanover ...818 ? Bryant P..18? ??Industrial ..2?S ? ?way Cent.:*? l??Im A Trad.68? 646 Bronx Nat..160 ltOMrving N&203 212 ?Butch AD 27 43Llberty ....316 35? Cen Mercanl95 ?Lincoln ....276 S86 Chaee .400 410.Manhat Co.216 226 ChatftPhoe.27B S86Mech A Met325 ?36 Chelsea Ex.135 146Metrop'tan..350 ? Chemical... 560 66SUutual ....49? ? City.395 40EKat Am....16? ? Coal A I...370 ?New Neth..l86 S?6 Colonial ...360 ?K Y N B A.48? 48? Commerce...220 225|-ark .?60 700 Columbia ..176 ?pacific .It? ? Corn Exch..330 340publlc .855 370 Cosmoptan.il2 126geaboard ..660 ?7? Com'cial E.425 ?Second ....42? 476 Com'wealth220 2S0?tate .1?? S?# Cuba .18? 18?i3d Ward..16? ? East River-165 --rnitedSrteslSS 196 Fifth Nat. .110 KOTjnlon Ex..178 186 Fifth Ave.,.900 925 WchesterA.??? ? First Nat...890 910Y*rkvllle ,.JT| _ Foreign T B 65 75, Iitaoranee CompanI?? Am Alliance..70 SOOGreat Am. 3?? 270 City of NT..205 217Haoover ... 8? ? Ccm'Wuh ..30? S26Home . ...510 625 Contlnl .... 68 73Nat Llbertyl35 150 Fid A Phoe.6S5 ?Niagara . ..18? 26? Franklin .. 76 86 Stuyvesant.. 60 76 Globe A R..1100 ? Standar?! Oil Stocka Bid. Ask. Anglo-American Oil Co. Ltd.. 23 22% Atlantic Refining Co.1150 1200 do pf . 104 106 Bome-Scrymser Co . 425 475 Buckeye Pipe Line. 85 87 Chesebrough Mfg Co cons.... 220 230 ,do pf. 103 108 Continental OH Co. 118 125 Crescent Pipe Line Co. 27 30 Cumberland Pipe Line Co.... 165 185 Eureka Pipe Line Co. 100 103 Galena Signal Oil Co pf, new. 90, 93 do pf, old. 90 93 do com . 43 45 Illinois Pipe Line Co. 150 1?0 Indiana Pipe Line Co. 84 87 Internat! Petroteum Co. Ltd... 34 36 National Transit Co. 26'.s 27?, New York Transit Co'. 160 165 Northern Pipe Line Co. 90 95 Ohio Oil Co. 376 ?80 Prnn-Mex Fue) Co. 42 45 Prairie Oil & Gas Co. 565 575 Prairie Pipe Line Co. 198 203 Solar Refining Co. 340 360 Southern Pipe Line Co. 120 130 South Penn Oil Co. 265 270 Southwest Penna Pipe Linos.. 64 68 Standard Oil Co of California. 312 317 Standard Oil Co of Indiana... 660 670 Standard Oil Co of Kansas... 620 540 Standard OH Co of Kentucky. 365 380 Standard OH Co of Nebraska. 420 450 Standard Oil Co of New Jersey 650 660 do pf . 103?* 105 Standard Oil Co of New York 386 390 Standard Oil Co of Ohio. 420 440 do pf . 105 108 Swan & Finch Co. 60 75 Union Tank Car Co. 108 110 do pf. 96 98 Vacuum Oil Co. 375 380 Washington Oil Co. 27 83 Miaeellaaeona OU (Companle* Atlantic Lobos OU Co com... SS 48 ?Jo pf. 96 106 Coaden ft Co. 74 , 7H 81k Basin Cons Pet Co. S ' 8 Vi Imperial Oil, Ltd. 100 165 Magnolia Petroleum Co. 375 400 Marrltt OU Corporation. 16 H l * % Midwest Rennina Co.. 148 180 Mountain Producers. 13 14 Northwest Oil Co. SI SO Producers ft Refiners Corp. opm 7 7 % Salt Creek Producers, new.... 18 14 Sapulpa Refining- Co. 8% 6H New York City Bond? ? Form. Rate and Maturity Bid Ask Tleld Interchangeable 4%a, 1067. S3 93% 4.80 do 4Ha, 196b. 93 93*7 4.90 do 44?, 1968.83 ?3*2 4.90 do 4Via, 1967. 93 93% 4.91 do 4%a. 1966. 86 86*1 4.99 do 4%s, 1964. **6 8684 4.99 Tlo 4?4?, 1968. 8? 86*4 4.99 do 4%s, 1960. 86 8641 800 do 4Vfa, 1960 op 30.86 86% 8.09 do 4s, 1989. 114 834 8.03 do 48, 1958._. 814 824 E.03 do 4a. 1967. 814 834 6.03 Registered 4s. 1956-'E6.... 814 824 6.05 do 4a. 1936. 88 89 . 4.99 Interchangeable S4s, 1984. 73 74 4 6.06 Coupon 3 4s, 1964. 73 744 5ftfi Register. 34?. 1960-19S4 tnc 73 744 6.06 do 34s. 1940-'50 Inc.. 5.49 5.10 ? Registered and Coupon (serial) 4 4a. -ao-'io Ine 6.00 5.35 ? do 4H.a. 1930-'S1 ine 6.00 6.38 ? do 44?, 19S0-'32 Ine 6.00 6.35 ? New York State Bond? issued In coupon and registered form, not Interchangeable. Coupon bonds regie (?rable. Canal Imp 44a. 1964.100 103 4.40 Highway Imp 44s. 1963..190 102 4.40 Canal Imp 44s. 196S. 94 98 4.35 Highway Imp 44s. 1965... 94 98 4.S5 Barge ?an Ter 44s. 1945.. *4 98 4.35 Highway Imp 4s. 1967_904 ?24 4.37 Canal Imp 4A. 1967. 904 92% 4.37 High Imp 4a. 1960-1962 Ine 904 924 4-3* do 4s, 1958. 904 924 4.40 Canal Imp 4s. 1960-1962 ine 904 924 4.39 Palisades I S Park 4s. 1961 904 934 4.39 Barge Can Ter 4s. 1942-'46 91 94 4.40 Federal ?ad Joint Stock Land Bank Bonds Federal Farm Loan 5s, 193S op 1923. 96 97 5.25 Federal Farm Loan 44s, 1939 op 1924. 88 894 6.40 Federal Farm Loan 44a 1938 op 1923. 87 89 5.4s Federal Farm Loan 4 4s, , 1937 op 1922. 87 89 6.5C Joint Stock Land Bank 5s, 1939 op 1924. 84 88 6.05 Joint Stock Land Bank 5s 1938 op 1923. 84 88 6.10 Short Term Securities Security, Rate. Maturity. Bid. Ask. Tleld Am Cotton Oil 6s, 1924... 894 91 -8.75 Am Chicle 6s. 1921-'3S-. 96 98 4 7.6C do 6s, 1923-25. 91 96 7.7t do 6s. 1926-'27. 88% 92% 7.6C Am Tel & Tel 6s, 1922... 93% 93% 9.5? do 6s, 1924. 98% 92% 8.86 Am Thread 6s, 1928. 93 96 6.7c Am Tobacco 7s. 1920.100 100% 6.2( do 7s, 1921. 99% 99% 7.2( do 7s. 1922. 99% 99% 7.K do 7s. 1923. 99% 100 7.Of Anaconda Copper 6s, 1929. 87 SS 9.0J Ang-Am Oil Ltd 74s. '25. 99% 99% 7.6? Armour conv 6a, 1920-'24 94 99 ? Bethlehem Steel 7s, 1922. 98 98 4 7.8't do 7s, 1923. 96% 97 8.1C Canadian Pac Rv 6?. 1924. 93 93% 8.0< Cent Arg Ry 6s. 1927... 81 83 9.5S C B & Q R R (jt) 4s, ?31. 93% 94 11.8C Chic Pneu Tool 6s, 1921. 9S 100 6.Of do 6s, 1922. 97 100 6.01 do 6s. 1923. 94 100 6.0( C C C * St L Ry 6s, "29.. 84% 854 8.3? Cub-A Sug 1st lien 6s, '21 994 100 6.Of Cudahy Packing 7s. 1923. 97% 98% 7.7( Federal Sug Ref 6s, 1924 914 93 4 7.71 Great North Ry 5s. 1920. 99% 99% 9.61 B F Godrich conv 7s, ?25 94 4 94% S.3( Oulf Oil 6a 1921. 96 98 7.9! do 6s, 1922. 96 96% 7.5! do 6s. 1923. 93 96 7.2< Hocking Val RB 6s, 1924 86 91 8.6( Inter R T conv 7s. 1921. 68 70 - Kan City Ter Rv 6s, 1923. 92% 93% 8.5' Kennecott Cop 7s. 1930.. 92% 93% 8.0? Lac G L 1st & ref 7s. '29. 90 91% 8.*! Lig & Myers Tob 6s. 1921. 96% 96% 8.11 N" Y Contrai R R 6s, 1920. 99% 99% 8.1 Philadelphia Co 6s. 1922. 91% 92% 11.6' Pennsylvania 4%s. 1921.. 97H 97% 6.4 Procter & Gamble 7s, '21 99% 100% 6.9' do 7s, 1922. 99% 99% 7.1 do 7s, 1923. 99% 99% 7.1 Pub Svc N J conv 7s, '22 ?2 85 ' 15.6 R J Reynolds Tob 6s, '22 95% 95% 8.2 Southern Ry 6s. 1922_91% 91% 12.1 St P Un D guar 5%s. '23. 93 S4 7.4 ?wift. & C? 6s. 1921. 97% 98% 8.1 Texas Co 7a, 1923. 97% 98 7.7. Utah Sec Corp 6a, 1923.. 844 86 13.7 West Elec conv 7s, 1925.. 98 98% 7.4 Markets in Other Cities Baltimore Sales. Open. High. Low. Last. 100 Atl Pete. 3% 3% S% 3% 60 Cons Coal. 77% 78 77% 78 116 Cons Power... 79 79 79 79 60 Coml Credit B. 38% 39 38% 39 75 Davison . 37 37 37 37 60 Houston pfd... 71 714 71 714 BO.Texana Sugar. 6% 6% 64 ?4 77 U S Fidelity. .120 120, 120 .120 2 W B A. 14 14 14 14 Bonds $50000 Balto City 4s.83 83 83 83 4000 Un Ry incomes 45 45 45 45 Boston 150 Ventura ..' 16% 17 16% 17 IfiAhir.eek . 61% 61% 61% 61% 10 Ariz Coml_ 11 11 11 11 875 Bigheart . 11 11 10% 11 175 Cal ft Ariz... 69 59 59 69 3 Cal & Hecla..31? 315 315 315 200 Carson . "i 27 27 27 338Cop Range_ 38?; 40% 38 40% 275 Davis Daly... 9% 9 % 9% 9?* 60 Daly West- 4% 4% 4% 4% 530 East Butte... 13 13% 13 134 25 Franklin . 1% 1% 1% 1% 100 Helvetia . 2% 24 24 2 4 ?9 Island Creek.. 684 69 5S4 58?? 60 Lake Cop. 3% 3% 3% 34 535 Mavflower O C S 6 5% 6 30 Mohawk . 62 62 62 63 140 New Arcadian. 2% 2% 2% 2% 855 New Cornelia. 17 17 16% 16% 100 New River_ 27 27 27 27 195 do pfd. 88 90 SS 90 200 Niplssing _ 9 9 9 9 790 North Butte.. 17% 18V? 17% 184 15 Old Dominion. 25% 25%. 25 4 25 4 lOOOjlbway . 1% 1% 1% 14 10 Osceola . S9 39 39 39 25 Pond Creek... 17% 17% 174 17% 10 Qulncy . 61 51 61 51 60 Seneca . 13% 13% 13 % 13% 75 Shannon . 1% 1% 1% 1% lOSt. Mary's-42 42 42 42 107 Sup ft Boston. SU *it 3% 3% 125 Trinity . 1% 1% 1% Is? 300 Tuolumne - 68 68 58 58 SUS Smelters. 69% 694 69 4 594 20 do pfd. 44 44 43% 434 100 Utah cons- 6% 6 4 ?4 64 ISO Victoria .2% 2% 2 2 25 Wlnona . ?0 50 60 50 40 Wolverine ...16 16 15% 16% Rails 5 Bos ft Albany.125 -125 124 124 181 Bos Elevated. 63 63% 624 624 SO do pfd. 82% 83 82% 83 70 Boa ft Maine. 34 34 334 33% 65 Maine Central 60 60 60 60 375 N T, N H & H. SI 31% 30% SI 20 Old Colony... 73 74 73 74 178WestEnd. 40 40 39 39% 60 do pfd. 50 60 49 49 Miscellaneous 80 Am Agr . 87% 87% 87 87 ? 3 do pf . 88 88 88 SS 270 Am Oil & Eng. 5 5*6 5 75Amoskeag - 80 80 78% 78% 60 do pf . 72% 73% 72 4 73% i 31 Am Pneu pi.. 7 7 7 7 6 Am Sugar ...127 127 127 127 5 do pf .10,7% 1074 107% 1074 ; 295Am T ft T... 93% 93% 93% 93% ' 16 Am Wool pf.. 95 95 94% 94% ! 10 Atlas Tack .. 30 30 30 SO 4 Beacon Choc .. 8 4 8 % S % S % ] 85 Boston Mex .. 24 24 2% 2% 590 Eastern Mfg .. 33% 344 33% 34 50 East Bost - 5 5 5 5 V 17 Edison .148 148% 148 148 j 15 Gen Electric. . 142 % 142% 142% 1424 ? 1213 Gray . 22% 25 224 24??! 15Greenfteld .... 394 394 39% 39%' 200 Int Buttonhole 4 4 4 4 55 Int Products . 18 18 17 4 17% I lOIsfand Qll ... 6% 6% ?% 6%' 465 Libby. 12% 13% 12% 12% I 5 Loewa . 10 10 10 10 395 Mass Gas _ 60% SI SO.% SI 5 do pf . 68% 58% 58% 68% 27McElw 1st pf. 95 95 944 94% 135 Mex Inv . 37 37 36 36 j 856 Nat Leather .11% 11% 11% 114 I 30 N E Tel. 85 85 85 $5 ! ::6 0h!o Body ... 26% 26% 26% 26% ' 60 Orpheum . 28 28 28 28 ! 10 Parish . 35 35 35 35 ?0 R Buttonhole. 14% 144 14% 14%' 400 Root . 38 39 38 88 185 Slmms . 21% 21 % 21 214 ' 150 Southern Phos. 26 26% ?6 26% I 60 Stewart . 43 43 43 43 75 Swift.108 10S% 108 1084 1 120 do Int . 38% 38% 37% 374 26 Torrington ... 66% 67 66% 67* 51 Uni Drug lat pf 44% 45% 44% 4541 210United Fruit .203% 205 203 205 357 United Shoe . 40% 42% 404 4>?. : <* ?do pf . 24% 24% 24 4 S4UV 150^entura . 16% 17 16% 17 150 Waldorf. 21 21% 20% "?0% 60Walth&m - 30% 30% 30% 30% 2 do pf . 69 69 69 69 SSSWalworth _ 19 19 19 19 ' 55 Warren lat pf. 61 61 61 61 , S20Wtck Wire .. SS SO 28 3fc j Bonds 19000 A G W I 6s., 70 T0% 70 76Vi 1000 Miss Riv 6s. 72 72 7? T? -"Aa-'*L**. ???-? *<%. 84% f" Boston Cork Market Bid. Arts Ext ... 3 Arts Silver.. 14 : Bohemia ... 1 Blk Hawk...60 Bos A Mon.,63 j Calavera... 1 I Chief Con... 3H ?Con Copper. S .Crown Res..10 I Crystal aew.SS ^Denbigh... .# *$?? 1?,iSa|r,eBB S1T-1? ? IV? Fortuna_ 6 ?8 Gadsden ...So T? 7S Hotna OH ...? jo ? Houghton ..J6 60 S?4Iron Bios.. ? s? S V? Iron Cap ...? ? 13 Jer Verde... ?5 ?S SS 1a Rose ... ja 4? Bid. Majestic_17 Hex Metals.50 Midw Moss..70 Moj Tung:...? Monarch . . ? Nat L A Z. 4 New Baltic. 3 Nev Doug?13 Nixon .20 Pilgrim _10 A<k. Bid. Asked. 20 Pioneer . ... 80c 1 70 Rang Peie...l6 20 SO Rainier .... 1',? 1*4 Sev Metals...10 18 S W Ml f p.. 4 5 Silver Reef.. 4 5 Texana .... 7 9 U Verde Ex.31 32 Yukon . 1 1*4 40 10 4 18 SO 13 Chicago 300 Arm T^eather... 55 do pf . 400 Armour pf. . . . 25 Beaver Board. 250 Briseoe . 50 Canal & Dock . 125 Case . 25 Chgo El Ry pf 200 Chgo Pn Tool. 375 Cont Motors.... 100 Hupp . ISOOLibby . 7200 do rights .... 475 do warrants . . 50 Llndsav Lgt pf 350 Mont Ward. . . 100 do pf . 200 Nat Biscuit . . 625 Nat Leather . . 25 Quak Oats pi. 700 Reo Motor ... 3 6 Sears Roebuck. 50 Shaw . 1800 Stew Warner.. 50 Stewart Mfg. . 325 Stand Gas pf. 3 75 Swift Intl - 4 50 Swift . 3100 Un Carbide .. 800 Wahl . 55 Western Knit.. 150 Wilson . 15*4 94-% 524 48 4 9*; 60 ' 14*4 94 10*i 17 4 12*4 lit 124 9% 34 103 107 HH 90*4 224 20.1 72*4 424 42*4 35 374 108 4 67 604 18 59 35*4 94*4 924 48 4 9 ?4 60 14?? 7 95 3 0*i 15*4 94% 91 48 49 60 144 7 94 15 ?4 94 ?4 91 48 49 60 14*4 30** 17 *4 13 12 H 14 1 3-16 12*4 124 9U 9*4 34*4 34 101 101 307 107 11*4 90*4 22 4 203 43 4 42*4 90 4 224 203 724 42 4 43*4 35 36 374 374 108 4 3 08 67*4 67 52 504 3S 18 59 59 10*4 17*4 33 1 5-16 12* 9*4 344 101 107 11*4 904 22 4 203 73 434 42*4 56 374 1084 67 4 52 38 59 Bonds $4000 ChgoACCRySs. 40 40 40 2000 Peo Gas Ref 5s 594 ?94 594 Detroit 40 594 100 Colum Sugar.. 384 184 "4 1*4 575 Cont Motor ..104 10'* 3 04 30 4 675 Detroit Edison 98 4 98 4 97*? 98 100 F?deral Truck. 35 35 35 35 25 Lincoln Motor. 444 444 444 44U 200 Michigan Sug. 334 H *? 334 3 1*? 300 Noble O & G..1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 394 22 4 394 22 4 444 444 >4 315 326 335 32? 115 144 30 58 4 224 19 4 1*4 30 42 86 77 44 674 40 22 4 194 14 77 H 654 40 250 Packard . 394 194 1900 Reo Motor ... 224 22*? Philadelphia ' 609Amn Stores ..44 4 44 4 ?50 Brill . 44 46 656 Elec Storage..127 5 Gen Asp pfd. .115 1065 Lake Superior 14 64 Ina of N A.. so 241 Lehigh Nav. . 674 12 Lehigh Valley 43 330 Phil C 6% pf 324 139 Phlla Elec .. 234 210 Phlla R T ... 194 107 Tono Belmont. 14 60 Union Trac. . . 30 272 Unit Gas Imp 42 Bonds 32.000 L Val C 6s. . 86 5.000 P C con 6s std 77*4 10.000 t'n Ry inv 5s 65 4 1.000 do gold 4s. 40 Pittsburgh SO Am Roll Mills 60 1030 Ark Gas .... IS 800 Carbohy pfd.. 3 4 403 5 Guffpy Oll'pte. 27 4 78 Habir Elec . . 144 265 Ind Brewing.. 24 715 Lone Star Gas 27 4 1180 Marland Rfg. 44 100 Mfrs L ft-Heat 524 135 Nat F P pfd. 13 13 30 Ohio Fuel Oil. 24 4 24 4 130 Ohio Fuel Sup 60 185 Oklahoma Gas 32*? 15 Pitts Brewing 4 4 25 do pfd ...13 100 Pitts Coal pf. 874 3000 Pgh Mt Shasta 35 10 Pitts O A Gas 15 10 Stan San Mfg.1144 114 4 114 4 114 4 10 Union Gas ...3194 1194 1194 1194 130 West Elec ... 50 50 50 50 Montreal Bid. Ask., Bid 13 4 1? ?i .? 14 4 521 60 324 4 4 13 S7 4 35 15 34 274 144 24 27 4 44 524 124 244 60 324 44 33 S74 34 15 22'4 194 14 30 42 77*4 67 4 40 134 34 294 14 4 24 28 4 4 524 13 244 60 32*4 A P * P.. 80*4 81 do pf.. . ? ?74 At Sug Rel37 138 do pf ... ? 160 BrTLftP 43 434 Brmp Pa..1434 ? Can Cent.. 61 62 do pr .. 90 ? Can St ma. 75 75 4 C M & S... 25 S5?4 Det U Ry.10? 10S 4 Dom Bdg. 93 Ask. Dom Gis*. 65 4 Dom Steel 67 Dom Text. ? L Wooda.203 MLM&PC. 84 Natnl Bw. 63 4 Pnmn Ltdl34 4 Rrdn Pa p. 20 3 4 ? Shaw'gan.lll 112 Spn Rlverlie 116 4 do pf . .120*4 ? Sti Co Cn. 75 76 ??S 63*4 Toronto Bid. Adanac - 1 Apex ......? Atlas . 4 Bailey . S Beaver Con.. 4 Ch Ferland. 6 Contagaa .. 2 Crown Rea. 4 Dome Ext.. 4 Pome Lake. 3 Gold Reef...? O Northern.? Hargravea,..? Hoilinger.... 4 Keora, ..?.n Ask.. _ Bid. Ask. 4 ?Lake Shore. % 14 3 Mclntyre... 1*4 it? 4 Mln C of C. 1*4 2 5 Newray .... S 10 - 4 Ptran Lake. 7 16 1? Pore Crown 3-1? 6-1? 3 Pore Imp....? 3 *i Pore Tisdale? 3. 4 PrEDome....? 3 7 Tk Hughe?. S 10 3 Temisk'm'g. 4 % S Thorn Krtat .3 S S Vacuum Q.. H 14 5*A Waaaplka,..? JjH J? .West Dome. 3 4 -tnt sttft* sufius 374-378 Grand Street New York Branches ' MAXHSON SQUARE BRANCH Sta Avenue at 39th Street ?TPTH AVENUE BRANCH ? ?th Avenu? sad U5th Street CLINTON BRANCH ISO Eeaex Street ITNION-WESTCHESTER BRANCH 158th Street and Weatcheeter Avenue BROWNSVILLE BRANCH Stone acd Pitkin Aveauea, Brooklyn WELLIAMSBURG BRANCH Graham Avenue aad Varet Staxet, BxeoUjre Thirtieth Aiiniversary of lank New xork $&ember of the New York Clearing Honse Association July 9th, 1890 July 9th, 1920 A progressive, successful and up-to-date insti? tution managed by active business men. Thirty years ago this bank was organized and during the entire period has preserved its individuality. It has gained in strength year by year through its own efforts, with? out merger or consolidation. Approximately $36,000,000 of deposits nave been gained during the past eighteen months and in this same short period individual ac? counts increased 26,000 in number. The officers and directors wish to thank the bank's depositors for their co-operation ic the results thus achieved. Deposits ( July, 1890 January, 1900 January, 1910 January, 1919 July, 1920 Organized $3,234,000 12,366,00C 36,718,006 72,751,000 Officers VL C. Richard, President A. I. Voorhis, Vice-President F. A. Pappi, Ass't Cashier C. C. Schnecko, Ass't Cashier W. L. Burckett, Vtce-Presiaent P. M?ller, Ass't Cashier S. Kneisel, Vice-Pres.Sf Cashier W. B. Roth, Vice-President C. A. Smith, Vice-President ?.W. Voge?, Vice-Presi?ent C Wootiwonh Auditor C. ?. James, Ass't Cashier E. W. Rasp, Ats'l Cashier P. L. Tuchman, Ass t Cashier A. 3. Van Pelt, Ass't Cashier M. M. Teicher Manager Foreign Dep't Curb M-arket (Continued from preceelns pase) Sale?. Open. High. Low. Close. ! 1500 T S A 8 v t.. 30 314 30 33 4 ! 200 ?Todd Shipy..l77 178 177 178 200 ?Union Carb.. 674 68 674 68 100-Un Rtl St C. 14*4 14*4 14*4 14*4 300 *U S H S T. .. 31 31 31 31 3700 U S L & H... 2*4 3 2*? 3 10000 U S St Co- 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 i 500 -Un Pic P C.. 14 14 14 14 i 1800 Un Proft Sh.. 1*4 14 1*4 14 I , 300 ?Wm Davies.. 394 394 394 394 i 400 ?Wyllis Cp_ 19 194 19 19 ? 100 -do 2d pf.. . 59 59 59 59 100-W. I & S Co. 504 504 504 504 i 11000 ?Wr Mar Aero 64 7 *4 7 100-Ygstn S & T. 85 85 85 85 Standard Oil 500 ?Anglo A O... 234 234 234 234 TO ?South Pa Oil.? 268 268 268 30 ?Stand O of C. ? 313 310 313 Other Oils 700 ?Allen Oil. 2 24 2 24 10000 ?tAllled Oil... 27 28 27 28 62000 *A B Wyo Oil 4 4 4 4 200 Ark Nail Gas. 13 134 13 134 14)00 ?do rts. 14 1*4 14 IS 100 ?At! Gulf Oil.. 80 80 80 80 i 3700 ?Boone OH.... 3 4 3*4 3 4 3*4 | 250 High P 4 R... 304 11 104 11 25000 ?tBos-Wyo Oil 14 14 l-rV 14' 3000 ?Carib Syn_ 19*4 204 19*4 20 i 1500 ?C S B T Sh.. 384 364 364 3?s. ! 2100 ?Col Emerald. 84 84 84 84; 3000-Col Synd. 74 8 74 7T4 5500 ?Cush Pet. 4 14 4 1 1400 ?Dorn Oil. 104 104 104 104: 100 ?Duq Oil. 4 4 4 4 ?00 ?Big B Pet... 8 4 8 4 84 84 : 2600 Eng Pet. 1*4 1*4 14 14 1000 Bsm Oil & G.. A, ? ?. v? , 2500 ?Fed Oil. 24 24 24 24: 1000 F'-nsland Oil.. 194 124 104 124 300 ?Gilliland Oil.. 28 4 28 4 28 28 100 ?do pf. 814 814 814 8I4; 1"00 ?Glenroi-k Oil.. 24 24 24 24: ?oo ?Granada Oil.. 94 304 94 104 I 1500 ?G-Gillpie O... 27 29*4 27 29 400 ?Indian pf. . . . 8*4 8*4 84 8*4 300 ?do rfg (nw) 194 20 394 20 600 ?Int Pet. 36 > 36 354 354 ISOOLIvingst Pet.. 74 7*4 74 7*4 600 ?Lone St Gas.. 264 28 264 28 500 ?Man Oil. 7 4 7U 7*? 7*4 6000 ?Mara Oil. 26 4 29 26 4 28 4 300 ?Mer Oil Corp 16 16 164 154 "?Ma-Fan Oil.. 15 15 144 144 650?Midw Ref_160 150 1484 150 3500 ?tMldw Tex O. 8 9 8 9 100 N A O & R. . . 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 1 200 ?Okla N G_ 32** 32?* 32 32 i lOOOO O * G (new) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4*4 300?Panh P pf... 64 64 64 64 300'Pennok OU... 6*4 6\ 5*4 5*4 500 ?Pitts O & G. . 144 144 144 144 200 ?Prod & Ref.. 74 74 74 74 400 ?Red Rock Oil % 4 *4 *4 I 2500 ?Royal D Rts. 324 324 32 324 I 700 ?Ryan C w i.. 30 30 28*4 284 , 800 Sait C C Oil.. 334 34 334 34 500 ?Sapulpa Refg 5 4 6 5 4 6 S600*Slmma Pet... 164 16*4 15*4 16 2300Skelly OH. 11 11*4 11 11*4! 700 ?Sunerlor Oil.. 17*4 17*4 174 174! S00 ?Sup C T rects 19 19 19 19 ?Mi'lH-KPtl OH. 14 14 I4. 1%\ 2000T<?xas-R P & R 4 4 4 *4 480Q ?Texon O & L. ?4 ? *4 il i 2000 ?United T P.. . ?4 t? *4 11* suu* victoria Oil.. 14 1*4 14 14! 200 ?Vulcan Oll... 14 14 14 14 2100 ?White Oil_ 194 194 19 19 $00 '"Y" Oil & G. A A ? ?U Minia?? 1700A1-Br Col Met 1 & 1?*, T| 1,*, ! 3500 *Alv MIn&MIll 134 154 134 15 400Arix GI Cop... S 4 H %\ 3500 ?tAtlanta. 2 2 14 14 4200 ?fB D (a pros? 34 34 3- 34 3500 ?do Ex(a pr) 44 44 34 4 6600 Big Ledge_ A A *i A 1200?tBooth . 4 5 4 6 1100 tBos & Mon'.. 60 61 60 61 1500 ?fCaledonla. . . 23 23 22 32 3400 ?Cand Silver... ?V ?V A A 1200 ?tCashboy. ?4 ?4 ?4 ?4 200Cons Vir SU... 24 24 24 24! 6200 ?Cortex Silver. 60 61 68 ?1 2500 Div Ext (pros) 26 26 25 26 ISOOtBmma Silver 7 74 7 74 1090 ?Eur Cr M Co. 4 4 M 4 i 750 ?tEur Holly... 1111 600 ?Golden Gate.. 4 H % 4 1500?tGoldfl Cons.. 10 10 9 10 2300 ?tQold Dev.... 7 74 ?4 7 350Hecla Mining.. 4A. 4A 4 4J? lOft'Hon Am Syn 164 164 164 16/*4 2000 ?tJlm Butler.. 13 12 13 13 ISOOtJumbo Ext... 6 54 5 5 3 200 ?tKewanas- 14 14 1 1 2300?fKnox Div... 64 84 B 6 4600 ?Louis Cons... H M *s 4 3000 ?MacN Min... 4 A 4 2000 ?tMarsh Min.. 12 13 12 12 1800 ?Moth Cop.... 6*4 5*4 6*? 6*4 j 200tMtn St Silver ?* *? % *4 | 100Mur-M M Ltd. 7? 76 7? 76 35 ?NJ Zinc.1?? 1?7 134 4 195 700 Nip Mines Co. 87* ?T* 8t* 8% 1 4800 ?Reco Div Min *? *4 V4 . *4 I 1000 Rex Cons. T 7 7 T S700Rop-Or M Co.. A A A A! 200 St Croix SU... 14- 14 14 14 2000 ?tSJI Kin? Div 3 8 3 3 1509'tSllver Pick.. ? ? 6 6 100 stan ait L. U . fc , H. H 900 ?S Sil Lead... 1A lA -% *A S00 ?tSunb Minea. 36 25 SS SS ?00 ?Sutil Divide.. S t% i S An offering in blocks ( 2 Shares Preferred [ ? $300 of three shares \ 1 Share Common j ^ The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company of Akron In addition to doing approximately 20% of the automobile tire business of the country, this company also is a very large pro? ducer of mechanical rubber goods, of shoe soles and rubber heels. Every working day the Goodyear factories turn out almost six miles of belting, plus five tons of packing, plus eleven miles of hose. The sales of these mechanical rubber goods are now running 80% higher than during the same period of last year, due to a constantly increasing industrial and agricultural demand. This year's production of Ne?lin Soles will total 4,000,000 pairs, an increase of 40% above last year's output; 191 shoe manufacturers will place Ne?lin Soles on some 600 different ctyles and types of shoes. Compared with 5,500,000 pairs of rubber heels produced the year before last and 12,000,000 pairs last year, the factory is now working on a yearly basis of 38,000,000 pairs?an in? crease of 215%. ' In twelve years both the business of the company and its total net assets have increased more than one hundred times ; earn? ings on outstanding common, after preferred dividends, averaged 54% per annum. Cash dividends of 12% annually have been paid on the com? mon stock and stock dividends have been paid as follows: 4 1908, 100%; 1909, 100%; 1911, 100%; 1913, 20%; 1915,100%; 1920, 150%. We are offering the unsold portion of $20,000,000 7% Cumu? lative Preferred and of $10,000,000 Common Stock in blocks of three shares (2 Preferred and 1 Common) at $300 per block. The above offering will cease with the close of business July 15, 1920, unless sooner terminated by the sale of this issue. BORT?N & BORTON ri&WH?LL, NOYES & CO. Cleveland 37 Wall Street .___ ___ _ . _? Member? N. Y. Stock Exchange JELKE, HOOD & BOLLES KELLEY, DRAYTON & GO. 40 Wall Street * -40 Exchange Place Members N. Y. Stock Exchange Member? N. Y. Stock Exchange? The information contained in this Advertisement is obtained from source* are oelier? to be reliable although we do not gu?rante? its aoctireoy M 250 ?Tono Beim., i4 14 1*4 1-1 1250 ?Tono Divide.. 14 14 1A 14 32? Tono Ext. l?t Hi ?l?? lti 250 ?Tono Mining. 1A 1*4 1 1 420 Un SAstern.... 24 2% 2*4 2JJ ?OOO?tU 8 Cont M. 74 74 74 74 8500 ?tVlc D <a pr) 6*4 ? 6 54 500+Waah G Qrts 1 1 11 350 tw E Cons.... 14 lA 14 lA 196? tWh Caps Mln 10 11 10 U 1000 tdo ex (a p) 2 2 S 3 1500 Wtlhert Min. .. 4 4 4 4 ? 44 Bonds ??lea (??? omitted). On?? Wirh T^ivr T.*? -. ' # i 3680 ?Ad Fruit ?s.. S? SS <?S*4 US*? f. 20000 ?AJliw? PW 6* 71 Tl ?0 TO i 150OO*A T&T ?* '2* 93 V? 33 Vi ?V? ?3*4 ? ! 3000 ?do 1934...*. 924 9??* SSV* ?SS? ! ?6000 ?A A O Ihk? wi 99*4' 99*4 9?% ?9?, \?0<W ?CCC&SL *8? 29 85*4 S5>4 g? hi i 10000 ?CNWS** 30 ?? ?9*4 106 S9% 99% : ?03000 ?French 4s.., fS 69 S8 .6? (?O?006 *do i?. 73 75 73 75 4hf>n t?r.adr 7? 35 wJ 94% 94*4 34 S 34*? 4010 ?Gov of S 6?... H\ MT4 ?44 S*H { 3S0*'fl ?in Rap T 7?. ?9 0i, M*? *:5 ; 7000 ?K??rif <"p 7?. OS !j S:m; S?K %:h. \ ??OOii .fljn ?.for.E TMtrt .''S '?<! ??* 97? I ?nn d ?t-i-i -, f. - ? ??- if- ?-. <?> "Ill* ?refold 4 ????* *??* *??* 1M* "w' "' *t Bie-c 7a 9*4 Jt t, ?j a? fierraan. Internai Bonds fQ*K*ed i?, .ioito,. p?, tWrnatn*) StA! -?rt5?*af''? ??*'-" ?-ff?- --**? --*". ?>,'?m '?i ?citrlin ??.... 24*? ' *s ?i. ii 5o'??i:uu8n.,.do?f 4-^, ? ? ? 800't?T> ?Hainb g 4**?vv?*? ?s?? ?s ?su t5tt*4<>?SfuiMeh 4a... :?. '..??ru i? 87 ?1