Newspaper Page Text
? ffiS?L a- Want?d? s ??.*?? h?*% fOUND AND REWAKP8 LOST.-*B<rtw??n n?w Y6rk Centr?t an? Burquehanh?. ateel beaded hag. Saturday. Audubon Sfiif._^ ~~* IX>ST BANKBOOK? LOST? Bankbosk No. 4*6,?IS of th? Union. Dime Savings Bank Is missing. Any per. ?an having a claim to it I? h?r*by called ??on to prssant th* M8M within tan days or ??Emit to having ?aid passbook cancel?! and a M? on? Issued. ,_ fcOST.?Bankbook No. 311,384 of th? frank-. lin Savings Bank, lamied to Patrick Sweeney or Sarah A. Sweeney. Payment ?tapped. Pleas? return to hank, 658 Wtghth ?vs.. New York City. All persons nre cau? tioned not to purchase or negotiate same. tOST. -Parkbook No. 226,708 of th? Frank-, ?In Savings Bank. Issued to Basil* H.*1 LSslttowler or Joseph F. Llghtowler. Pay? ment stopped Plea?? return to bank, 6SS Eighth ave.; New Y?*k City. All persona ar* 'cautioned not to purchas? or negotiate same. LOST.?Bankbook No. s 1SS.SSS, Seamen's Sank for Savings, 74 and 7? Wall st., N?w v?rk. Payment stopped and cancellation ap? plied for. Please return to bank. tasT.?Bankbook No. 47S.S?6, Bowery Bav Inrs Bank. I?S Bowery. New York. Pay? ment stopped and cancellation applied for. Please return to bank. LOST?Bankbook No. 133,S5S of the Excel ?lor Savings- Bank, 7? West ?Sd st. Pay? ment stopped. Pleas* return to bank. tosT.?Bankbook No. 848,875 of th? Bank fer Savings, 2S0 Fourth ave. Payment itoppMl. Please return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 1,081,561 of the Bank for Savings. 280 Fourth ave. Payment ttepped. Pleaae return to bank. LOST?Bankbook No. 1.078,369 of the Bank for Savings, 280 Fourth ave. Payment ttepped. Pleas? return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 8*6,841 of th? Bank for Saving?. fSO Fourth ave. Payment ?topped. Please return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 971,960 of the Bank for Savings, ?80 Fourth ave.. Payment stopp* i. Please return to bank. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET * West SWe WEST BIND AVE.. S65.?Attractively fur r.iah-d large nrivate room and bath: a'iso a nurnbor of finely furnished small rooms without bath. WEST ENF>. 617.?Large room, bath, cool, modern, comfortable; high ciass home. ?TTH. 1S8 WEST tRalelgh Hall).?A resi? dence for mon : attractively furnished room? With and without baths or showers; * writing, smoking, lounge, billiard rooms. I1ST, 1C7 WEST.?Gentlemen; 2 light, airy rooms with piano and twin beds; all con? veniences ; parlor and connecting bedroom ; privileges. Caldwell, telephone Scnuyler 6454. 103TH. 301 WEST.?Exceptional rooms over? looking Riverside ; block from subway. Academy 4105. ATTRACTIVE large front ; also small room. Peters, Columbus 1714. East Side IITH ST.. 118 EAST.?Splendid accommoda? tions, private house, small and iarge rooms. New Jersey OCEAN GROVE.?Furnlsl'ec". rooms ; also rooms for light housekeeping, by week or ?e&son. Sagamore Villa. 67 Embury ave. ROBEVILLE, N. .T.?Large furnished front room for rent, near station and trolley; suitable for two. Phone Branch Brook 821S. FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED HARVARD graduate entering business de? sires small room at once, neighborhood Washington Square or Central Park. Ad? dress 605 Lennox st., Baltimore* Md. BOARDERS WANTED West Side 121D. 114 XVEST, near subway.?Large and ?mail rooms handsomely furnished; excel? lant table. TOVXG business women or students ; room and two meals, $10 weekly; references. ?4 Wes'. 20th st._ HELP WANTED FEMALB Domestic Help HOC6EWORKER.?Small family, Ridge wood, N. J., will pay 375 month for com? petir? white woman. Telephone Prospect 4S?2-W in afternoon. HOU SE WORK ER wanted (general) ; four in family ; sood wages ; sleep out. Schuyler MSI. MOTHER'S HELPER, elderly lady. 134 Beach 113d st., Rockaway Parle, L. I. Phone 1591 Belle Harbor. _? NURSE wanted; public health and child welfare work; must have Red Cross re? quirements. Public Health Center, Bridge ten, N, J. WOMAN for housework. 8529 109th st., Richmond Hill. Phone Richmond Hill 5169. Miscellaneous COMPTOMETER operator; J16-S20 to start; noon Saturdays all year. Call or write The Celluloid Company, 36 Washington Place, Mr. Walsh. ?UlLS WE WANT TO TAUC WITH GIRLS who seek perma? nent business positions where there is definite as? surance of rapid advance? ment. GIRLS who seek a busi? ness occupation they can be proud of. GIRLS who want to have the satisfaction of doing something worth while for good pay. ? We now have positions for such girls in several departments. No expe? rience is required. The starting salary is $15.00 a week. Capable girls can soon reach earnings of $85 to $100 a month. Apply at _ roadway, Man Corner 27th St. 11SS Broadway, Manhattan 27t ~ ?70 ?. 160th St.. Bronx ?1 Wllioughby St., Brook?y-j ?0,S* ?r?ces also ?pen eveurjge until ?M-- *na Saturday? to 4 P. M. Sunday?. 1 p. M. to I P. M. 1SS Broadway, Manhattan (Corner Dey StT) ?IS? Broadway, Brooklyn. M Or tela phone Madison Square II.Its NEW YORK i TELEPHONE COMPANY. ~G?RL? a??. LEAVING SCHOOL OPPORTUNITIES TO EARN l! $17.75 A WEEK ($15.00 a week during the first month) RAPID ADVANCEMENT TO $100.00 A MONTH f:h APPLY AT: ?158 Broadway, N; Y., Cor. ?> 27th St. HEU? WANTED FEMALE Miscellaneous B0OJ?Rrefer, by ?ilk hour,?; must he tnc perienoad and know double-entry and typ< ??*L m.uJ't 2*$e we? recommended. ?. ?{.. Sachs, ISO Madison ave. Model Site''42^ Sr?i'h,?"t0l?tt '?"Y* drew? hou**. Oreen - weld. Friedman A Co., 6 Bast SSd at. Models Size 36 ??r?h?fh-.clft? *M***t> Oreenwald, Free? man & Co., 6 Bast 32d at. M vSSPiVa5tyl?^' ??rtect **? 8Ult8 ??* ???*?? Maer A Brahms, 3S1 Fifth ave. ?ALBSLA.D-jf experienced, cloak? and suits. Mr?. 8. Cohen1023 Stxtl?. ave*, *7th at Shop,-fl868 Broadway. . SECRETARY-CORRESPONDENT for high oiaaa retall establishment; must be cap?. ri?t ?i ?n?>yerlng all correspondence; ex ???i *?** *??S1V0IL tor capable person. Box 4t.l, 209 Cable Building. STENOGRAPHER. ~- Manufacturing; firm ? ,.r.?q. e* competent stenographer and LIP t: K??0(i ??rroundlnga; hour? 8 to 5:15; salary $28. L., Box 35. Tribune. STENOGRAPHER.?Permanent position for wiaeawake. experienced stenographer, pref? erably high rchool graduate, with large ex? port and Import concern ; Christian house ; salary 120 to ?tart; advancement commensu? rate with ability. Call 60 East ?2d st., Room 3001. STENOGRAPHER.?Must have at least S years' practical business experience; refer? ences required. Call offlto F. A W. Grand, 8 East 14th st; . STENOGRAPHER.?Experienced Gentile pre ferred: salary 126 per week. General Tire ft Rubber Co., 1776 Brpadway. TYPIST.?Experienced in addressing .and lining In ; good salary ; bright prospeots. Room 324, 164 Nassau st. TYPISTS <21, one with some billing expe? rience; $i8-$20 to start; noon Saturdays all year. Call t>r write The Celluloid Cora pany, 36 Washington Place. Mr. Walsh. HELP WANTED MALI BOY.?An offlco boy wanted- Win, H. "Whit? ing & CO., 41 Park Row. DRAFTSMEN and designers wanted imme? diately on plans for sulphite mill exten? sion ; want men familiar with reinforced concrete design and equipment and piping layouts; need one good steam plant designer; give statement of experience, references, sal? ary wanted and time could report In first letter; single men preferred; permanent posi? tions for good men ; no other? need apply. Rlordon Company, Limited, Mattawa, Ont. SALESMEN.?A national educational insti? tution which numbers among Its- students several thousand heads of big business? "hat is, "Captains of Industry"?In writ? ing of -us, said among other things ; "They are a live organization employing up to-date idea? in selling. An opportunity to Join their soles force ought to be a good one." (Letter on file.) You can make $100 or more weekly by WALKING, TALKING and TELL? ING the TRUTH. Reference? required. Call 10 a. m. or p. m. dally. Suite 1014. 26 W. 43d st.. N. I. Suite 1612 Flatlron Building. N. T. Suite 306, 182 Nassau st., N. Y. Suite 81, 166 Montague st., Brooklyn. Suite 62, 15? Market st.; Newark. N. J. Suite 306, Munsey Building, Washington, D. C. SALESMAN AT ONCE?I want three men of neat ap? pearance over '.'j years of age to work with me in the sales capacity of New York City and vicinity, to handle the distributing end of our service ; experience helpful but not essential. Call after 10 a. nv, Rcom 313, ; 891 East 149th st. ; SALESMEN, experienced selling PAPER TOWELS or other sanitary products. : Splendid opportunity to grow. Salary and ! commission. WRITE for appointment. State ? i particulars. Universal Sanitary Products | Co., 254ft Water st., New York City. I YOUNG MAN, about 22, with exporienee, to ! assist in trafftc department of wholesale i house; knowledge typewriting desired; state , education, salarv, religion. J. D. S., Box 162, ! ' Tribune. i-'-;-i Instruction ! LEARN TO BB A CHAUFFEUR.?Pleasant i and profitable work; day and evening ! ? classe?. Send for freer booklet and visitor's I ! pais. West Side Y.'^M. C. A., 306 West; 57th st. LEARN OXYACETYLENE WELDING Great demand for trained men. Bight ' weeks' course. Class now forming. 23d ; j St. Y. M. C. A.. 21 ? AYcst 23d st., N. Y. ! SITUATION WANTED FEMALE i Chambermaids CHAMBERMAID, waitress or useful maid; j . young Irish girl : *65-$60. J-, Miss Hof- I mayer's Agency. 10 East 43d st., 3d floor. | Telephone 8947 Murray Mil!. CHAMBERMAID or LAUNDRESS?Young Irish girl; excellent laundress. A., Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d St., 3d floor. Telephone 884f Murray Hill. .. j CHAMBERMAID, WAITRES.S.--Exceptlonal 5 years' reference. Miss. FitzGerald's Bu- j I rfau, 366 Fifth ave. Cooks ! COOK.?Excellent 3 years' reference: $7-5. ; H., Miss Hofmayer's Agency, 10 E. 43d st., ] ; 3d floor. Telephone 8547 Murray Hill. General House-workers, Etc. j HOUSEWORKER, with baby 15 months old. \ young Pollen woman ; excellent 3 years- ! I reference: good cook, bakes bread. P., Miss! , Hofmayer's Agency, 10 East 43d st., 3d floor. ? | Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. LIGHT HOUSE or chamber work, or as I ' housekeeper, by . thoroughly experienced ! I woman, with good references; would take I ? care of child. Address, by letter only, Minnie | Huber, 229 West 130th st., city, care Beach. ? Nurses, Etc. i NURSE.?Child's: excellent 7 years' refer? ons; children over 3. N? Miss Hofmayer's ? Ageucy. 10 East 43d st., 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. NURSE.?English ; young; 2 children; ex? cellent. Miss FitzGerald's Bureau, 366 Fifth ave. Professional , STENOGRAPHERS, typists, assistant book? keepers, clerical beginners; experienced; i reliable. Roberts Agency, Bryant 4041 Waitresses WAITRESS, equal to butler, wishe? em? ployment for six weeks; $76. A , Miss Hofmayer'B Agency 10 East 43d ?t.. third floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill,_ WAITRESS.?Young ; thoroughly capable; excellent references. MisS Fit?Gerald s Bu? reau. 866 Fifth ave. - _-? SITUATION WANTED MALE ADVERTISING MANAGER, assistant, 12 i years' experience; dally newspaper ad j vertiaing ; control- L-, Box 264, Tribune. ! BUTLER.-rColored ; can valet and willing to be useful; excellent 16 years' reference: $110. R? Miss Hofmayer'B Agency, 10 East j ?aa st., 3d floor. Telephone 8947 Murray Hill. ' JAPANESE domestic help by professional workers. 10? West 46th st. Bryant <787 ! ?698._ i MAN? intelligent, wishes employment with opportunity learning typewriting. AJerni ; ko?, 220 Moore st., Brooklyn. ^^ ' YOUNO MAN, at present employed as shirt salosman, wishes position for evenings In haberdashery or similar business. L? Box j 266. Tribune. BUSINESS, OPPORTUNITIES^_ AUTOMOBILE FACTORY, first cla?? equip? ment, active business, established 15 years, making high grade automobiles; will ?ell entire business tO Immediate buyer ; not less than $200,000 cash required. Don't apply un? less you mean business. Write only to 1928 North 7th ?t., Philadelphia, **?? _ AOBNTS wanted, ?jwlu*??/e territory. perma? nent business ?elUng to dealejtiarticie In demand: reference? and small investment re Sired. 'Room <0>. ?ft Broadly. BUSINESS CARDS Carpets 4 500 TARDS FINE CARPETS faiicht'ly used), in Sloan??, wlRon?, Ax mintter?. Whlitall?, Brussels, In Frenoh. ?rav blue brown, green, tan. m.lx?d and Oriental pattern?. IL $S. M yard up; ?ult 1$ ?y ?aT bOTtk,;11 Ante b^?ui. TgEghteiff ?2S Madison ave., 89th ?t. PLAZA a a a?. Fornitura WE PAT highest price? **TJ^tot*Jl,**a** antiaue?. brlo-a-brac. book?, ?art? ety? ?Xbay. st University PI. Stuyveean: StTf, BUSINESS CARDS Diamonds ?*^ONDS_ ANd! JBWBLRY BOW?? B t SASH, est?tes appraised, purchase?. BTT. ITS Broadway. Upstairs. Men's Clothing 'come UP' Where Prices Are Down Buy a Stich Suit or Top Coat direct from Maker t? wearer and save retailer's preat. Wonderful values, ?28.50 to $35.00. Palm ?each or 811k Mohair Suits at 114.50 and tll.S*. Stich Co., ?81 Broadway, eighth floor. Bleecker st. subway or "L" station. Mttltlgraphtng LETTERS written by expert, circulars pr?. pared; nominal charge; campaigns con? ducted; mailing, addressing; printing all kinds. COXALL. car? Hallmark Press, 254 West 3<th ax. Patents PATENTS Over 75 years' practice: all communie?. tions strictly confidential ; handbook on rlatent? free on request; special facilities or office consultation. Munn & Co., pat? ent attorneys, 667 Woolworth Building, New Tork. * ?ting Printing?24 Hour Servic% HO letterheads, cards, envelopes, $2; mut* 1,graphing a specialty; folders, circulars. if ?sonable; modern equipment. Hallmark ?ress. "a print shop with a reputation," 154 West 34th st. Trunks BIO BARGAIN?New and used wardrobe trunks. 506 Sixth ave., bet. S0th-3lst sta. Typewriter? T?TBWRITER9 RKNTED. Ken-vltible. 3 month?. $5; Visible, 3 months. $7.B0 u? AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO.. INC., S4S Broadway, at Franklin st. Tel. MOI 20 E. 23d st., opposite Madison st*. rrsnklla THE TTPEWRITEIt EXCHANGE, 10 Barclay st. Telephone 4738 Barelsj. Express and Trucking B'klyn & New York Deliveries Long distance hauling?Contract wprk. Dally Long Island trips as far as Freeport. Hodack Express & Trucking Co Telephone Decatur 1525 Electrical Supplies ELECTRIC PANS CLEARING SALE 15 per cent off; ?5,82 up. CORUBIA ELEC? TRIC, HT K. 2Sd. Toi. Gram. 190?._L LEGAL NOTICES OHAS. D. BARNEY & COMPANY CERTIFICATE OF LIMITED PARTNER? SHIP. The undersigned being desirous of forming a Limited Partnership pursuant to the provi? sions of the Statutes or the State of New York do hereby certify as follows: I. The name or firm under which such Partnership Is t> be conducted Is CHAS. D. BARNEY & COMPANY. The County wherein the principal place of business is to be lo? cated is the County of'New York, Borough of Manhattan. II. The general nature of the business In? tended to be transacted fs to carry on the business of brokers and to buv. sell and deal In stocks, bonds, grain ana other commodi? ties. ( IIT. The names of all the General and Special Partners Interested therein and their reapectlve.places of residence are as follows; GENERAL PARTNERS. HENRY E. BUTLER, residing at Cushing Road, Plalnfleld. State of New Jersey. PHILEMON DICKINSON, residing at. Sten ton Avenue and New Street, Chestnut Hill, City of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania. JOHN P. GRIER. residing at No. 48 West 69th Street, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, EDWARD H. LEVIS, residing at Mt. Holly, State of New Jersey. J. FORD JOHNSON, JR.. residing at 176 West 5Sth Street, Borough of Manhattan. City, County and State of New York. ' ALAN L. COREY, residing at 270 Park Avenue. Borough of Manhattan, City, County and State of New York. i GEORGE WILLING. JR.. residing at Ard more Avenue. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill, City of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania. - SPECIAL PARTNERS. .T. HORACE HARDING, residing at Rum son. Mnnmouth County, State of New Jersey. HENRY SANDERSON, residing at Oyster Bay, Nassau County, State of New Tork. All of ?aid partners are of full age. IV. The amount of capital which each Special Partner has contributed to the com? mon stock is as follows: J. HORACE HARDING has contributed One Million i$1.000.000) Dollars. HENRY SANDERSON has contributed Three Hundred Thousand ($300.000) Dollars,. V. The tima nt which the Partnership is to begin is July 1st, 1920. and the time at which the Partnership is to end Is December 31st. 1921. . Dated, New York, June 30, 1920. HENRY E. BUTLER PHILEMON DICKINSON JOHN P. GR1ER EDWARD H. LEVIS J. FORD JOHNSON. JR. ALAN L. COREY GEORGE WILLING. JR .7 HORACE HARDING .HENRY SANDERSON STATE OF NEW YORK, CITY AND COUN? TY OF NEW YORK, as. : On this 29th day of June. In the year One Thousand Nino Hundred and Twenty, before me personally ramo J. HORACE HARDING. HENRY SANDERSON, HENRY E. BUT? LER. JOHN P. GRTER. PHILEMON DICK? INSON. EDWARD H. LEVIS, GEORGE) WILLING. JR., J. FORD JOHNSON. JR., and ALAN L. COREY, each to mo known and known to me to be the Individuals de? scribed in and who executed the foresoing Instrument and severally acknowledged to me that they executed the samo. HAROLD CLAUS. Notary Public, Westchester County, New York State. Term expires March 30. 1921. Certificate filed In New York Co. No. 811. New York Register's No. 1346. CHAS. D. BARNEY S: COMPANY AFFIDAVIT OF GENERAL PARTNER. OP LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. OF PAYMENT IN CASH OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO CAPI? TAL STOCK BY SPECIAL PARTNERS. STATE OF NEW YORK, CITY AND COUN? TY OF NEW YORK, as. : HENRY E. BUTLER, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he Is one of the Gen? eral Partners in the Limited Partnership of Chas, D. Barney & Company, formed by the Certificate dated June 30. 1920, signed by the General and Special Partners of said firm, to-wit : .HENRY E. BUTLER. /PHILEMON DICKINSON. r>?n?r?i VOHN P. GRIER. Partners BDWARD H. LEV,.?, fanners \j FORD JOHNSON, JR. (alan t.. 'Vor?iy. '?GEORGE WILLING. JR Special S.T. HORACE HARDING k Partners (HENRY SANDERSON. und that the sum specified in the said Cer? tificate to have been contributed to the com? mon stock by each of the Special Partners has bien actually and In good faith paid in cash, that Is to say, J. Horace Harding has paid in/cash the sum of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) and Henry Sanderson has pnld In cash the sum of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($360,000). HENRY E. BUTLER. Sworn to before me this ?Oth, day of June, 1920. HAROLD CLAUS, Notary Public, Westchester Countv. Cer? tificate filed In N. Y. County No. 311. Clerk's Office, County of New York, ss. : Let the terms of the foregoing Limited Partnership be published once a week for six ? successive weeks in the New York Law j Journal and New York Trlbuni?, two papers ! published and having a circulation in the : County of New York. Datei!. New York, July L 192u. iSeaD WM. F. SCHNEIDER, CVrlc. Montana Ranch Owner Buys Walsh Estate in Greenwich GREENWICH, Conn., July 8.?The estate of the late Judge Robert R. Jay Walsh, in the? Rock Ridge section, has been sold by R. S. Wilbur, of the Lau? rence Timmons Real Estate Agency, to John Maclnnis, a Montana ranch owner, -who was a resident of Sound Beach last summer. It was held at $125,000. The Walsh residence has for years been one of the show places of Greenwich. Buys Orange Site for Home Payson McL. Merrill Company sold for Jacob Schuster jr. to Arnold W. Francis a plot of about one acre nt the corner of Brookway and Wildwood Avenue, Llewellyn Park, West Orange. Mr. Francis will erect a dwelling on the site. Lots at Deal Park Sold Joseph P. Day sold twenty-four lots tit Deal Park, N. J., in the Vesey Street salesroom ta Albert S. Church for $2,700. Real Estate News Tenants Buy Two EPdway Apartments Swampscott and Brockton, at 180th Street, Bought From Builder on Co-op? erative Basis by Renters Th? Swampscott and the Brockton, at Broadway and 180th Street, have been bought by tenants in the build? ings. The deals were closed bv Jules Nenring for the tenant syndicates with Alonzo B. Kigh, who held the apart? ments. Tho houses are of the elevator type, six stories high, and cover large plots nt the northeast and southeast corners. The Swampscott has stores and suites of from two to seven rooms and th? Brockton stores and suites of two to fiv? rooms.. The apartments yet unsold will be offered on the cooperative plan. The mortgages have been arranged to run permanently until paid oh* from the earnips of the properties. Buys Wadsworth Avenue House The two five-story apartment houses, 99.11x100, at the southwest corner of Wadsworth Avenue and 177th Street, have been sold by the Wadsworth De? velopment Corporation to the Potential Roalty Corporation. Amsterdam Avenue Flat Deal Judge Joseph Marks and Charles Leopold sold the iive-story flat, 27.2x j 100, at the northeast corner of Amster l dam Avenue and Sixty-Hixth Street. John Peters ?old for the estate of i Annie E. Waters to Dominick Dumba ! 512 East Sixteenth Street, a four-story I flat with stores, 25x103.3. | $10,314,000 Mortgage Loans in Six Months One of $3,000,000 on Wool worth Building; Another of $2,250,000 for Theater William A. White & Sons report the i largest mortgage business for the first [ half of 1920 ever done during a similar period in the firm's history. The total for the six months is $10,814,000. The ? largest mortgage, with the exception of i the $3,000,000 loan on the Woolworth i Building recently announced, is one of | $2,250,000"negotiated for Marcus Loew | with the Metropolitan Life Insurance I Company on the office and theater ; building being erected 'at the north | east corner of Broadway and Forty fifth Street. It fronts 120 feet on I Broadway and 186 feet in Forty-fifth i Street, running through to Forty-sixth I Street with a frontage of 103 feet. The i Broadway front is boing improved with j a sixteen-story office building, with a | theater in the rear. Some of the other recent large loans were $150,000, for ten years, on the | Kew Gardens Inn, Long Island; $185, | 000, for one year, on the northwest | corner of Madison Avenue and j Thirtieth Street; $100,000, for three i years, on the northeast corner of Grand and Greene streets; $125,000, for five years, on 242 to 248 West Sixtieth I Street, a building and permanent loan ? in three payments; $150,000, for five ? years, on 14 and 16 East Sixty-seventh I Street; $75,000, for five years, on 20 John Street; $150,000, for five vears, on j 423 to 435 East Fifty-sixth Street, a I building and permanent loan in three ? payments; $200,000, for five years, on ? the Advance Candy Company's fac [ tory, at. Willow Avenue and 138th i Street, Bonx, a building and perma ! nont loan in three payments; $200, ! 000 additional to $550,000, for four ; years, on the Royal Bank of Canada's j building, at 68 William Street, and : $320,000, for ten years, on the south | east corner of Gold and Frankfort I streets, a building and permanent loan j in seven payments. -.-_, Notion Dealers to Pay $450,000 for Lofts M. &. L. Hess, Inc., leased for Theresa ? D. Browning 502 and 504 Broadway, I through to 44 to 62 Crosby Street, five ] story and basement building, contain? ing 110,000 square feet, for an aggre? gate rental of $450,000. S. Blechman & ? Sons, dealers in wholesale notions, now i at 59 Canal Street, are the lessees. They will occupy the building as soon jas the present leases expire. Cross & Brown Company leased for McCoy & Stilwell the store at 312 Madi? son Avenue, to the Central Union Trust i Company of New York, to enlarge its i branch office at Forty-second Street and I Madison Avenue and install safe de ? posit vaults. ? The same company leased for the ; Path?'Exchange, Inc., a floor in their ?building under construction at 35 to ; 39 West Forty-fifth Street, just west j of Fifth Avenue, to the Associated Ex? hibitors, Inc., for executive offices. -0 Buyers of Dwellings Recently Reported Sold William D. Kilpatrick is the buyer of the dwelling at 145 West Sixty-first i Street, the sale of which by Gaines, I Van Isostrand & Morrison, Inc., for the j Farmers' Loan and Trust Company was j reported recently. Leon Markus is the buyer of the five three-story flats at 344 to 352 East ! Eighty-second Street, sold recently by Ernest N. Adler for Elizabeth Winter. Latham G. Reed is the buyer of the : dwelling at 116 East Ninety-fifth Street ; sold by Harris, Vought & Co. for Ella i Hirsch. Margaret Keenan bought the dwell? ing at 110 West Eighty-first Street, sold by the Wood-Dolson Company, I Inc., for Clara Kritzer. Juan Cortada is the buyer of the j five-story residence at 621 West End Avenue, northwest corner of Ninetieth ! Street, sold by L. J. Phillips & Co. for I Mrs. Elisa P. de Migel. Mary C. Mahoney bought the two story building at 908 St. Nicholas Ave? nue, sold by John A. Bensel. ? ?Long Island City Apartment ( And Business Properties Sold The five-story apartment at 60 and j 62 Fifth Avenue, northeast corner Web ! ster Avenue, Long Island City, has been 'sold by V. H. Freeland for J. Kostal. ! The same broker has also sold the .two family brick house at 118 Wilbur Ave? nue, to J. McCarthy, and the two-story garage at 226 Hancock Street to Michael ' Grazini. Richard IL Gosman reports the sale for Edward W. Fitzpatrick to the Gar? land Automobile Company of the garage, 60x200, on Sixth and Seventh Avenues, near Washington Avenue, and for Louis Weber to Mr. Fltspatrick a plot 26x163 feet on the ?west side of Seventh Avenue, near Washington Avenue. , , e Insurance Concern Pays High Rental for Maiden Lane Space Harold L. Lewis concluded negotia? tions pending several months whereby De Witt Fox, M. C. Huffman and Rachel Rich, executors ef the estate of A. Rich, leased the old four-story building at*65 Maiden Lana. 25x60, to the insurance firm of Schiff, Terhune & Co. The leaao ia for twenty-one year?, at an aggregate net rental of $175,600. The estate, which has held the prop? erty unimproved since 1W, *?*12Z eeivea an income ranging from ?8,000 to $9,000 net a year. investors Continue to j Buy in Downtown Area Leonard and Washington Street Lofts and Factory in Mon? roe Street Sold Daniel Birdsall & Co., Inc., sold for the Bates Brothers Real Estate Com? pany the five-Btory building-48 Leonard Street, 87.8x100. The five-story 16ft building, 3?,.9x69.1, at 256 Washington Street, southwest corner of Murray Street, has been pur? chased by Carl L. Dingfelder from Frederle Gallatin. James G. Dubln bought from Edward Siegman 212 Lafayette Street, facing Kenmare Street, a five-story business building, 26x100. Huberth & Huberth sold for Francis K. Pendleton the three-story factory at 882 Monroe Street, 26x100, to Isaac & Julius Grossberg, present occupants, ? ..a Select Dwellings In Lexington Ave, Subway Vicinity Mvs. C. E.Pellew Parts With House in 78th Stfeet; Buying in Harlem and in the Heights Sections Pease &. Elliman sold for Mrs. C. E. Pell?w the five-story dwelling at 111 East Seventy-eighth Street, 18.8x102, to a buyer for occupancy; also the two j story dwelling at 169 East Seventy ! eighth Street, 18x102.2, beside ' the ?three-story dwelling at 320 West j Eighty-fifth Street, 16x102, for R. M. i Brannon to a client for occupancy. I The three-story dwelling, 17.7x45, at 1553 Madison Avenue, southeast corner of 105th Street, ha3 been sold by Sarah ; Smith to Sarah Paley. ' Victor Kuzdo is'reported to have sold ?322 West Seventy-first Street, a threc ; story dwelling. 17x100. i The Ararat Realty Corporation, V. Z. M. Boyajian, treasurer, purchased 131 ?East Thirty-first Street, a four-story j dwelling. j Tristram Coffin bought from Frank ' Lugar, as executor, the three-story ?dwelling, 18x100, at 770 West End Ave ?nue, adjoining the southeast corner of Ninety-eighth Street. Charles R. Purdy sold the four-story dwelling, 18.6x100, at 143 West Sixty third Street, to L. A. Moran through | Haggstrom-Callert Company. ; Louis Sihrag sold 54 East 124th I Street, a three-story dwelling, 18x100, | to Delia Conroy, who recently pur ? chased through Mr. Schr?g the adjoin i ing property,at 66 East 124th Street. I Charles Fredericks sold for a client of Thomas W. McKnight 213 West ? 127th Street to Pauline Higgins, the ? present tenant. Jacob Bloch sold for the Cruikshank | company to the Rhona Realty Com 1 pany the dwelling at 260 West 131st j Street, and resold the house to a client j of C. C.-'Mohrman for occupancy. G. Tuoti & Co. sold to V. Claps 25 | West 184th Street, a three-story dwell j ?"g Henry Hof sold for John B. Harri | son to George Hampton a six-story | walk-up at Nos. 3 and 5 Sylvan Place. j " ? Takes Over Dwellings Near j Home of Charles M. Schwab C. Royce Hubert leased for Hannah ! C. Romaine the two four-story dwellings j at 290 and 292 West End Avenue to ; Kathryn B. Duggan. The houses are ! directly opposite the residence of i Charles M. Schwab. j Jersey Home for Brooklynite S. S. Waldstrum, Gordon & Forman : sold for the estate of Joseph H. Chris ; topher to G. W. Jones the dwelling at I 266 Prospect Street; for the Ridge ' wood Realty Corporation to Fred C. | Robbins the business property at j Franklin Avenue, Broad and Chestnut ; streets, and for Mrs. Gertrude F. Har? rison to Raymond J. Van Wagenen the ! dwelling at 4 Washington Place, Ridge | wood, N. J. ' -a Deal for Larchmont Corner E. C. Griffin and P. H. Collins sold ( a large plot at the corner of Larch, ; mont Avenue 'and the Bo3ton Post i Road. Larchmont, to Edward F. Albee ! for the Larchmont Holding Company. ; The same brokers rented the Oakley cottage on Pryor Point, Larchmont, to ? Mrs. Henry C. Jackson, of this city. --# Gedney Farm House Buyer Prince & Ripley, Inc., sold a large Colonial house at Du Pont Avenue and I Ridgeway Road, Gedney Farm, White Plains, to T. Frederick Lee, of Pleasant : ville. The property was held at $30,000. .-?-?-? , ! Company Sells at Edgeniere The Lewis H. May Company sold for the Harriman Avenue Realty Company ! a dwelling at Edgemero, L. I., to I. ! Harris. | Hotel Plymouth, in 38th St., Bought by Woman The Hotel Plymouth, the nine story structure at 257 and 259 West Thirty j eighth Street, near Eighth Avenue, has j been purchased by Frances Leahy from j Amelia OCkler. It is assessed at $95,000. ! The seller acquired title in October, 1917. -. New Maiden Lane Office Building to Cost ?1,000,000 , Plans were filed yesterday by York & i Sawyer, architects, for an eight-story ? office building and storage at 91 to 97 i Maiden Lane and 4 to 8 Gold Street, for the City Real Estate Company. The ; building will be erected on a plot j 72.9x irregular x42.3, and is estimated to cost $1,000,000. ?Small Suites for Dwellings Leased for $225,000 Slawson & Hobbs leased 140, 142 and i 144 West Seventy-fifth Street, three I dwellings, 62x102.2, for Mary A. Watts, j for twenty-one years at an aggregate ! net rental of $225,000. The lessee will j remodel the houses into suites of one, i two and three rooms and baths. House for Judge McCarthy Payson McL. Merrill Company sold for Mrs. Arthur H. Hagen to Judge James W. McCarthy her furnished cot? tage on Oceanic Avenue, Fishers Isl? and, N. Y. - . . New Rochelle House Buyer J. Clarence Davies and William H. Thompson sold for E. L. Couch, of Hartford, Conn., to Harry Bernstein, of this city, a frame and stucco resi? dence at Rochelle Park, New Rochelle. a Home Buying in Bronx Richard Dickson has sold for John i C. Damm 753 Home Street, a, three 1 family frame dwelling, to John Kear ; ney. rCKMSHED COTTAGES FOR RENT. . All sutdaer Adirondack- mmatonj. Circular j M. B. KAB8HAIX. Mar., take J'Ueld. X T. FCRXISHEP SUMMER UOMti ' Long Island & BEAUTITUL, summer place at East Hamp? ton, near the beach, to sublet; 8 master bedrooms, ? baths, newly furnished through? out: *are?e: tenant pays 13,000 season; any good offer will be considered. Address W. J H., Room 1611, 8S West ?d st.. N. X. Phone Vanderbllt 254?.y KKAL SKA? ATAC?TSON j BBA?, ESTATB AT AUCTION [ ?EAt MTACT AT' ACCTIW ???????????????????te^^ Tor MR. FRANK HEDLEY, President of the Interborough Rapid Transit Co. T'jJt No matter what they say about the Interborough. everyone* concedes that you are the greatest Rapid transit operator in the world. Interborough lines run up the east side and the west side o? ^ the Bronx nearly to the City Liner but the line operating through V the centre of the borough stops at Pelham Parkway. The north central part of Bronx needs an I. R. T. Subway - Extension. ' ' Now. what do you think about this: The New York. Westchester and Boston R. R. taps your lines and runs straight up the middle of the north Bronx. Why not lease trackage rights over it to the City Line and save the public the cost of a new extension and yet serve the public a? well as if you had such an extension? m HAVE YOU $20? HAVE YOU $50? ? $20 Secures a $200 N. Y. CITY Lot $50 Secures a $$00 N. Y. CITY Lot 10% on Day of Sale?10% in 30 Days?80% on Mortgage THINK_ ACT RUY The Eastchester Company's property, with Gun Hill Road Station of N. Y., Westchester & Boston R. R. right on the property, must be sold to settle the estates of some of the original owners. v GO TO THE Absolute Public Auction NEXT TUESDAY, July 13th, ?t 12 o'clock noon, in the Real Estate Salesroom, 14 Vesey St ~*l 1 A ?9 NEW YORK CITY f /\TO ItyV?te EAST BRONX LtKJ 1 D TO BE SOLD SEPARATELY On Allerton Ave., Eastchester Road, Gun Hill Road, Burke Ave. and adja? cent Avenues, between Pelham Parkway Station and Gun Hill Road Sta? tions (on the property) of the N. Y., Westchester and Boston R. R., which runs through the property. The Gun Hill Road Station of the White Plains Road Subway is convenient to the property. ?Lf?Qfl EXCEPTIONALLY LIBERAL TERMS ? UV A/ io% on Day of Sale, 10% in 30 Days, Balance (80%) in m.?V 24 EQUAL MONTHLY INSTALMENTS And^u?^T:^t0neyi 80% at ?% Send for Bookmap Harris & Harris, Attorneys - 70% at 5%% ?t William'St., New York _ ; . 60% at 5% Louis B. HasbroHck, Attorney / 25? Broadway, New York 50% at 4V?% Emmet, Marvin & Roosevelt, May /?m*in "n mortgage ' for three years. Attorneys 67 Liberty St. Representing Harvard University Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 62 Wall St., New York Policies Free Cortlandt 744 TO INSPECT PROPERTY Take the Bronx Park Subway to E. 180th. St., transfer on sama platform to Whito Plains R?ad Extension, get off-at Gun Hill?-.? ^t Road station. Auto buse3 meet trains?Take Bronx Park Subway to E. 180th St. or West Farms r **H Station, or Lexington Ave. Subway to Hunts Point Ave. station, or Third Ave. Elevated to 9 ?-j 129th St. station. From any of these stations transfer to N. Y., Westchester & Boston R. R., ' *v f get off at Gun Hill Road station, on the property. Representatives at both stations. MORTGAGE LOANS Placed by us since January 1, 1920 $10,814,000 on Mortgages We still have funds for good mortgage loans. Wm. ?. White & Sons Established 1868 46 Cedar Street Tel. S700 John MANHATTAN REAL ESTATE \ - EAST 61st St.?$20,500 17x60', 4 sty. & basem't, nr. 3d. FRANK I,. ?TSHE? CO;, 00 East ?d St. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO EET 3GTH ST. (near 5th ave.).?Studio apart? ment, large living room, two bedrooms, kitchen and bath, all handsomely furnished; two or three months. Telephone 2412 Greeley. 84TH, S3 WEST.?Bargain, lease on hand? somely furnished/parlor floor, 3 rooms, bath, kitchenette; ?120 monthly; imme? diately. 84TH, 431 WEST.?Apartment, attractive, well kept. 2 large rooms, kitchenette; Im? provements ; electrio lights ; private house ; $48 monthly; business couple preferred. Rhinelander 7276.. FURNISHED' apartment to sublet during July, AuguBt and September; nicely fur? nished three rooms and bath. Hotel St. Hubert, 120 .West 57th st. Inquire Mme. Claude Riviere, 2?0 West 42d st. Bryant 9783. YONKERS.'?Furnished apartment (Val-berk Leighton) ; five minutes from Von Cort- ; landt subway station ; five rooms and bath ; overlooking terrace ; three exposures ; exclu? sive neighborhood; elevator service; rent $175 '. per month. Telephone 374 Yonkers, Flagg. TJNEURNTSHBP APARTMENTS TO LET LEXINGTON AVE. (?3d st.).?Five story; $5,1)00 net: also East 60th st., 2 rooms, bath; $130. Phone Plaza 2974. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. First, story apt:. 86$ Riverside, corner 109th st.-; $300 a month. Will arrange to suit phy? sician for 2 entrances, 9 rooms, 2 baths. At 460 Riverside Drive. 7 rooms, duplex rear, $175 a month; on premises. E. Francis Hil? lenbrand. 10;o Amsterdam ave. - Brooklyn B?L>jFQRD SECTION Six attractive unfurnished rooms, consisting o? two. upper floors of a private dwelling; gas. hot water heat and electricity; $100 monthly; references required. Phone Deca tur 417S. 8 LAROE ROOMS and bath, with kitchenette, electric light, heat, parquet floors; Imm?? diate possession; m?sy be rented separately. 99 Lincoln Place, Tel. 97 Sterling or 447 WIllfarnsDurq, BUSINESS PROPERTY TO LET Very desirable light floors, con? taining 2.000 square feet, suit? able for high class retail trade. Apply on premises. Wheeler Reajty Corporation, 9 East 57th st. BROOKLYN RKAI. ESTATE TO CLOSE ESTATE, will Bell 1 family. room aemi-bungaiow for $7,250 on easy j ferma? rea.dy to more in. Inquire Amserfort : Park Realty Co., 1674 Flat bush ave., corner Avenue L. Phone Millwood 2230. WESTCHESTER COUNTY REAL ESTATE i NEW ROCHELLE Exquisite colonial home of 10 rooms and 3 baths, all improvements; largo corner I plot; -oar garage. Located in Idea! park. superb Sound vfws. A tfreat sacrifice. DRCMMOND. 17 West 42d Street. Tel. .Murray Hill 7323. I -1 | AT HAHT1NGS-ON-H17DSON. 10 ROOMS,! 2 baths; stone and shingle; half acre; | fine river view; 10 minutes to station; 'house in perfect condition; $?4,000. Phone I 701. R. M. DEVINE. I ,_,_' ?FOR SALE?FARM LAN!) IN THE HILLS i I of Northern Westchester County; $200 per acre and up; no brokers/ William G. ; Barrett, 16 Court st., White Plains, X. Y. , ! ATTRACTIVE! HOME?. * room?, 3 betas; i all improvements; steam iu-at; near sta tion plot 62x110: garage. Hartem division ; ?. Y. C. R. R., price $13,500; Imm?diat? I poseasion; 30 minutes from the Grand Cen Eral. Realty Office, Clarence O. Martens, ! 1416 Broadway (Sith st). Bryant $191. homes in New Kochelle vicinity ? O'CONNOR' ?"?S.'fe? i I Ml Humenot 8c TeL Kt. New Bacaell?. S. T.. QIEE.VS REAL ESTATE forest $???0 (totoen* ? M Mlaate? frasa ret?a. Statte* M???*? ?Bel V?la Plete f?r tel?. SAGE FOUNDATION HOMES CO. ?1 W. Util SU er Pura? Mili?, X. L i A PERFECT LITTLE COLONIAL HOME IN FLUSHING.?8 rooms and tiled bath ; extra servant's toilet and basin; large open ; fireplace In living room, parquet floors, large ; living porch and tea porch; every modern improvement; 7 minutes' walk station; beau ? ?Iful section. Price $12.600, $3.100 cash. ? JOHN W. PARIS. 141 West 36th st. Tele i phone Qreeley 0604. NEW JERSEY BEAI. ESTATE SEASHORE high class furnished apartments, 1, 2 or 3 outside room?; bath, hot and cold water; opposite and facing ocean; prettiest location Atlantic Coast ; being continually ?wept by cool ocean breeze? ; rents moderate for season. Call or write 650 Ocean ave.. Weit End. New Jersey. Harrington Co. COUNTRY PROPERTY MAINE FARMHOUSE!, near Auguatar new building, partly furnished. ..?odern ?n?- | provemerit?. seven room?; good garden ?ad : ' ?table accommodation?; $20? p?r /?*,*. Tsl.uhon? mi Bryant fe ' RHODE ISLAND REAL ESTATE - ?" ; A BIG BARGAIN.?Seashore bungalow piot. I 3,843 square feet; College Point; five cent | fare; near depot end trolley; worth $1,000; sacrifice for half. MURRAY, 57 Second ave.. Edgewood. R. I. eOTTAOKS WOK SALE SHELTER ISLAND HEIGHTS?Attractive? ly furnished I-room cottage for summer, located Spring Garden ave.; reasonable ren? tal. Owner, David Harris. 60 "Wall ?t. Tel? ephon.? Hanover iso?. NEW YORK STATE REAL ESTATE WMMtWffl/? For Rent ADIRONDACK CAMP Blue Mountain Lake, N. Y 1,000 Ft. Lake Front Living room 1^x3.1, 7 bedrooms, S 2 bathrooms; 2 or'?n r?mpj, S Launches. boots, canoe. Tsttnis $3 iuur!, vegetable garrien, pure eprtng 'S water. Membership in n<*?rbjr?g?*f* a club and Hupply of ice and ? wood $j included in RENT $3.000 MARCUS M MARKS, 200 Fifth Ave., N LONG [SLANT* HEAL ESTAT* FOR SALE.?Unusually attractive a::-year home, new Colonial brick dwelling, with garage; first floor baa large living room, dining room, kitchen; extra toiler and laun? dry in basement ; second floor, 8 bedroom*, tiled bath; interior finished throughout-in white enamel woodwork and mahOKany-An ished doors; parquet floors throughout ;. -hat water heat, gas, electricity; sewer, etc. ; ""re? stricted section; ti<> assessments; 5 minute?' walk to largp park and bathing; one bleck express station, IS minutes Urand Central, 5-cent fare; $8.000 caah required, balance on terms. For plan and photo call, wrtte or l.hono .1. B. WITHER?. 62 VanderMlt, eye.. New York, Room 1314. Phone Y&nderbiit T667. _ _ . HOMES?$6,600 upward, cury ?erms.>*-H**D|$ & BAXTER, Port Washington. L. T. I- ? ? i . . , . - ,L ^ l R?CKLAND COUNT* REAL ESTATE ROCKLAND COUNTY. N. T. SPRING VALLEY and VICINITY, V. T. I?Kj-KOOM HOUSE, all impts; fine location; can be arranged for two tamiile?, gaVage, ?nd aome fruits. $12,000.'-" Z?40 ACRES. 16-room house, all trhpls. ; outbuildings, etc.; ?mall lake on pr?fcerfy. It's a good buy at $22,000. 3?II ACRES, 14 room house, all, impla.; fine garden, etc. Could not be duplicated for the price of $26,00?. ' 4?S3 ACRES. LI-room house, slj impts.; outbuildings, etc.: this is a grand oid nun slon. with irout pond. $2?.000. 0?16 ACHES. 14-roorn house, aH -up-to date Impts.; very choice location;' out? buildings in Al condition. $*0,000-, tf?14) ?CR1CX, 20-room house, all T:/ij>ts'; outbuildings m" al! kinds; all fafrn uten? sils go with the sale of properly. "^25\009. THEO. B. IIOHK. _Teil. 2a -Spring Valley. X. Y. XXW JERSEY SEAL ESTAT* ALL THE ORANGES No finer or rr^re convenient suburban Ifr? cation than "The Oranges." Modern houses- of every description. FVsrnVrll. Taylor (note 1st name), opp. Brick 'Sta., East Orange. -.,, ........ COUNTRY HOMES. ESTATES and -FARMS. Morristown and vicinity. HARVEY J. GRNUNO and'' ? ARTHUR C. DAY, Park Place. Morristown, N. >:3. REAlHesTAt?T^^ A .SQUARE DEAL "~ An excelleii' houae, honestly bjil'.Vw?* fee*. eatly priced?having advents?* ot ,a\m*rlee material? purchased at lower costs than now prevailing ? beautiful .oonris designed tor utmost comfort : hardwood floors, oper tlre plece, tiled bath, steam heat, gas, electrleity and a model kitchen. Built on handaomaly shaded corner plot in nefrfcy restricted reel dential community affording every social and educational requirement. Price flE^ft?. |$v! ?VH^e^^D1ne%A.a,rr^^i?; LOCKWOO?. l?th fteer. 69 UaloatSau?vri New York Clt? r**^'