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I JosepMM&Co. 120 Broadway, New York Membert New York Stock Exchange Foreign Government Bonds Private Wires t<? .'rinripal Cities Make the Most of it The prices at which many of the most con? servative investments arc selling present great op? portunities f.or obtaining exceptionally high inter? est returns A gradual return to more normal m o n c y rates should mean not only a profit on the principal invested now, hut also a much more valuable in? come. For a suggestion sent? fo_) Circular No. 11-79 (Handler &gomp,w e?cofti>Q?*v?e 35 Pino Street, New York ; ? ...- ... Boston N? iv Haven Baltimore --:?.d-.- ? h" El Paso Electric Co, does all the electric railway, lighting an?l commercial power business of El Paso and vicinity, and owns the two toll bridges to Juarez. Net earnings last year were about fi'/o limes inte ~-t requirements. We Offer the 5 Year 7% Gold Notes Price 96 and interest, to yield about 8% Ask for Folder TE 8*2 Uol?st?r, White & Co* ,ft(i??M.-(. ?*? Cedar St., Cor. Trinity PI. Telephone Ke<-tor :>'joi NEW YORK tost?n , Philadelphia drockoitfwYork A noteworthy in*s-?,stment opportunity. A new issue: 51/2% Guaranteed First Mortgage On a modern Apartment house. Issue of $125,000 on property worth double the loan. Mortgage divided into amounts from $100 up. Write today for Special Booklet. New York Title & Mortgage ,3i 9rlSit'~r ?3 Mam ara? St. H ?./**w,?fo*k0 Brooklyn 3..1 Falt?n St. Bridie Fl??.a Jajnalrn L. I. city Tffff THE MARINE TRUST COMPANY BUFFALO. NY. SEVENTIETH YEAR OF SERVICE CAPITAL AND SURPLUS SEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLARS fit Fresh Break in Market Sels New Low Pri?e Level Industrial Shares in Average Touch Lowest Point of Year ; Rally in After? noon When Shorts Cover Liquidation of speculative holdings induced by the sudden and unoxpocted break in prices late Monday reached laVgc proportions at the exchange yes? terday. ; or the first half of the stock market session prices receded in pro? nounced fashion before a series of selling wave:-, and declines of <k to S poipls were registered in the rywi spntativc industrial share.;. With \ie selling movement gaining momentum | activity increased heavily. But, in the afternoon, after , a temporary, lull, stocks displayed rallying tendencies and a moderate recovery occurred. Thia gave the list a hotter appoaraiun at [ the close, although the market was still well .under the tinal prices of the pre? ceding day. The average price of thirty industrial stocks used in making up The Trib? une's daily average touched a new low for the year at 81'.00. The previous low was 87.93, mad?: on the break last I May. In the interim the average has i risen ? above 95. At the low level of yesterday the industrial average Was approximately 24 peints under the high of 1020* and 32 points under the high, reached last year. Professional traders who were the; aggressive leaders in the selling move? ment on Mopday kept up their raiding ! tactics (or the first half of the session, i It. is probable that the list would have rallied earlier had it riot been for the persistence with which the bears kept hammering away at prices. Efforts of the professionals were largely cen? tered upon Steel common, which had proved vulnerable to the selling the previous day. When Steel continued to give ground again yesterday it brought a sympathetic reaction else? where in tlie industrial list. Steel dropped to 87%, setting a new low for the year. It rallied later, however, closing practically unchanged at 89%. The forenoon selling . uncovered weakness in the same speculative fa? vorites that had declined so swiftly on Monday. These included Baldwin Lo? comotive, Mexican Petroleum, Vanadi? um, Crucible Steel and Republic Steel. A special drive against General Motors stocks supplied an interesting feature. One house' was credited with having sold 75,001? shares of the 100,000 shares of the stock traded in at the exchange. It broke to a new low of 20").;, closing 2 points off. Railway shares reflected the general unsettlement. Offerings of rails were accompanied by rumors, obviously with out foundation, that the decision of the Interstate Commission in the matter of ! an increase in freight rates would be j announced before the end of the week and would be extremely unfavorable to ? the carriers. In the bond market many of the old line railway bonds slumped severely, dropping in some cases a point or more between transactions. TI e rally in the general list in the \ .-ft, rnoon started before the call money , rate had been reduced from 9 to 8 per; cent. Stocks had been sold,to a stand- j still and apparently the largely ex- j '? nded short interest saw that the time had arrived to take profits. The buy- j ing that came into the market in the late afternoon was almost entirely for j the account of traders who had sold stocks on Monday and early yesterday j in anticipation of the decline. Such ? recovery was to be expected in view j of the extent of the break. Little happened in the news which j had much bearing upon stocks. An- j nouncement of the shipment of $3,200,- | 000 gold from Cherbourg, France, was a matter of interest since it suggested the beginning of a larger movement of i the metal in this direction. A financial | representative of the French Treasury is now on his way to this country to make arrangements for taking care of the French portion, of the Anglo-French loan maturity next October. The for? eign exchanges displayed a better tone yesturday. ? Money and Credit There was a less urgent demand for i funds on the Stock Exchange yester- ! day after the bulk of the loans had ? been made for the renewal rate of 9 per cent, and the rate for call money ] eased ? If in the afternoon to 8 per cent. ! Further Government withdrawals will ! be made from the banks, to-morrow of $8,000,000, making more than $10,000,- j 00 i f ir the week. Time money was i unchanged. Tester- Year I d;iy. ago. On mixed collateral.... !? 6 On industrial collateral. 9 6% Time money (mixed col? lateral): Sixty days.8??8M? 53i@6 Ninety days .8(ft8?? 5\@6 Four months .8@8% 5Ti(ft6 Four to six months:8@8M? 5%@6 i Bank Clearings?Bank clearings at New York yesterday were: Exchanges, | $755,316,604* balances, $?33,930,895. Silver London, 55%d; New York, domestic, 99%c; foreign, 93%c; Mexi? can dollarhs, 71c. Sub-Treasury United States funds: Reserve credit balances, $49,651,028. Canadian Exchange?New York funds in Montreal, $135 minimum per $1,000; Montreal funds in New York, $118.94 discount per $1,000. The Dollar in Foreign Exchange A much better tone reflected in the foreign exchange market yesterday. Both sterling and francs were in bet? ter demand. Announcement of the shipment of gold from France helped sentiment. (.Quoted in dollars to the pound) Yester- Week day. ago. Sterling, demand. $3.7925 $3.8350 Sterling, cables . 3.80 3.8425 Sterling sixty days_ 3.7525 3.7950 Sterling, ninety days... 3.7325 3.7750 (Quoted in cents to the unit) Francs, checks . 7.85 8.19 Francs, ?t&bUs ...'. 7.86 8.20 Belgium, francs, checks 8.35 8.70 Belgium, frases, cables. 8.3(5 8.71 Lire, checks . 5.54 5.79 Lire, cables ...:. 5.55 5.80 Swiss, francs, '.hecks... 17.15 17.38 Swiss, francs, ?tables... 17.20 17.40 Marks, checks . 2.45 2.54 Marks, cables . 2.45 2.55 Guilders, checku . 34.45 34.70 Guilders, cables.84.55 34.80 Austrian, crown?., chks. 6.25 6.6 Austrian, crowns, cbls. 6.25 6.7 Sweden, checks . 21.45 21.05 Sweden, cables . 21.55 21.75 Denmark, checks. 16.20 16.40 Denmark, cables ?.. 16.25 16.45 Norway, checks . 16.25 10.45 i Norway, cables ....._ 16.30 10.50 Pesetas,- checks. 15.57 15.80 Pesetas, cables. 15.*i2 15.85 Greece, checks. 12.45 12.65 Greece, cables . 12.55 12.70 Manila, checks. 47.50 48.00 Manila, cables .i. 48.00 48.25 India, rupees, cheek?. . 37.25 37.50 India, rupees, cables.., 37.50 3S.00 Japan, yen, checks. . . . 51.50 51.375 Japan, yen, cables. 51.75 51.625 Argentina, checks .... 8S.15 90.40 Argentina, cablea . 88.40 90.65 Brazil, Rio, clucks.... 21.70 20.00 Brazil-, Rio, cable?. 21.80 20.125 Czecho-Slovakift, checks 2.152 2.24 Czecho-Slovakia, sables 2.22 - ? Reserve Officers Iteappointeri WASHINGTON, July 27. President Wilson to-day reappointed Governor Harding as executive officer of the Federal jfieserve Board and Edmond i'iutl, t?- neue, t member <_>f the board, as vice-governor. Transactions Yesterday in Listed Stocks Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings (Copyright, lOSO, New York Tribune Inc.) Yesterday, Knilroad stocks . 116.400 Other ?took? . 948,500 All storks .1,064,900 Day Year January 1 to date, before. ago. 1920. 1919. 1918. 91.400 306,800 24,951,200 31,816,900 18,964,100 526,400 860,100 116,944,300 130,969,700 66,998,300 617,800 1,166,900 141,945,500 162,786,600 85,962,400 Yesterday. Day before. L\ S. government bonds.$11,187,000 $6,149,000 Rnilroad bonds . 1,127,000 . 984.000 Other bonds . 1,915,000 1,303,000 All bonds . 14,229,000 8,436,000 Year ago. 1920. 1919. $8,384,000 $1,857,946,000 $1,410,302,000 1,379,000 200,141,000 197,641,0(X? 3,553,000 223,819,000 211,131,000 13,316,000 228,200,800 1,825,074,000 Record of Stock and Bond Averages (Copyright, 1020. New York Tribuno Inc.) Stork? ' Ranee llius Hange foil Pay V*ar Tar 1920. year 1919. Yesterday, brfore. ago. High. Low. High. Low. 20 Railroad stocks . 61.40 61.75 75.15 68.70 58.60 78.80 63.35 30 Industrial stocks . 87.60 88.20 111.83 110.30 87.60 119.33 79.20 80 Stock? . 77.12 77.62 97,16 92,05 76.96 99.54 75.92 Bonds 10 Railroad bond? . 69.88 70.01 78.07 76.28 66.73 82.80 72.83 10 Industrial bond?. 83.26 83.25 93.87 91.45 83.05 95.70 90.56 5 Utility bonda -S- 69.05 69.02 84.50 74.53 68.34 87.75 71.80 25 Bond* . 74.66 75.11 85.68 81.71 73.94 87.91 80.21 High. Low. ?Dir. 1920. 1920. Rate. 46% 72 2% 3 25% - 61 6 53 6 1% -- 1% ? 7 Advance Rumely Advance Rumcly pf.. 200 62% A'iiv Kubher . KOO 53 Sales. Open. nigh. Low. 600 30 30 2? 109% 103'2 53'a 30' 3 74' 4 76 84*8 39 74-''4 92% 56% 35' 2 92 P5 96' _ 48' ? 10334 128% 60 613^ 101 88% 7 1473g 1241 g 12 5438 39% 4 10', 2 2700 2400 400 6000 200 95' 14% - 78% 7 :-8 4 77 6 72! 2 3 89' 4 7 82 6 11% ? 16'4 ? 15| g 175 30% 122 53! .? ; I9| 2 95 99% 103'4 17% 30', 2 72 56 1001/4 89 50 35 142% 119 10634. 77 100% 92 283 205 165' '2 81 61% 21% 06' 2 6% 671.4 74% 86' 2 82 ?) 176'2 137 24 2134 ? 19'4 5% ? 30% 15 3 148', 2 103'/2 7 38% 27% ? 49% 40% 4 154% 114 8 32% 17% ? 96% 77!2 5 102!, _ 81% 5 114 104 8 Alaska Gold Mine?... 1300 1% Alaska Juneati . 400 1% All Amer, Cable. 40 104 Allis-Chalmers . 1700 34% Allis-Chalmcra pf ... 600 76 Amrr Art Chctn_ 400 83 Amer Agr Chm pf.. 400 85% Amer Hank Note_ 300 43% Amrr Rrrt Sugar . Amer llosch Mag.. Am Br Sh & Fdry.. American Can . American Can pf. . Amor Car A. Fdry. Amer Cotton Oil. . . .80 Am Drug Syndicate 6 American Express ~ , Am Slide S: Leather Am Hill-? & I. pf Amcr Ire Securities. Amrr Inl'l Corp. . . Amer I inseed . Amer Linseed pf. . . Amer Loromoti>e .. Amer Safely Razor. Amcr Ship & Com. Amer Smelting . . . Amer Smelt pf. . . . Amer Steel Fdy. 1600 35 Amer Sugar . 1900 121 Amer Sumatra Tob.. 3600 83 Amcr Tel & Tel. 1200 95 62% 54% 1% 1% 105 34% 76 84 85! 2 43% 85% 95% 58% 38 90% 62% 53 1% 1% 104 33% 75Tb 83 85% 43 83 92% 58% 37 90% 85% 95% 58% 37% 90% 2400 132% 133% 131 500 41 42 41 3900 10% 11 300 134 134 1000 14% 143 80'., 40 79% 75 89',, 91% 14% 23% 56% 89% 2900 200 4100 1400 100 8100 1400 6000 3900 300 1600 81 40 79' 2 ?5 89% 93% i*r'B 23% 57% 89% 36 121 84% 95 10% 132 143,4 78% 40 77 72% 89% 91% 14 21% 56 89% 35 119 83 94% 38 ? 1234 ? .53 4 2% ? 28 4 ?5 6 r?j 6 12 5 5 ? 10 Amer Tobacco . Amer Woolen . 6600 Amer Writ Paper pf. 600 American Zinc . 800 Anaconda . 6100 Assets Real Co . 200 Assoc Pry t'ijods. ... 73 A.ssoc Dry (ids 1st pf 200 Atch, Top & S F. . . Atch. Top & S F pf. . Atlantic, Rirm & At. Atlantic, Gulf & W I. Austin Nichols . Auto Sales Corp. Auto Sales Corp pf. . 300 209% 209% 205 n<? Close, rhge. Rid. Aak, 29 ? 2% 29% 30% 62%? % 58% 63 63%? 4% 63 63% 1%+- % 1% 1% 1%- 1% 2 105 - 103 105 34%? % 34 34% 75%? % 74 76 .83 -t- % 82 83 85%- 85% 86 43?1 40 43 84 ? 2% 83% 84% 93%? 1% 93% 94 68'%? 1'% 57% 58% 38 - 3734 3? 90%-f- % 89 91 V33% + 1% 133% 134 42 - 41 45 Wa? % 10% 11 132 ? 5% 132 135 I434- 15 16 81 I- % 80% 81 40 ? % 40 40% 7834? 1% 78''j 79 74% I *% 74% 75 89'4- 88% 90 92%? % 92% 92% 14% -I- % 14% 143/4 22%? 2 22 23 56%? 1% 56% 57 891 '2? % 88 90 35%? % 35% 36 120%? 1% 120 120% 84%? % 84% 85 94%? % 94% 94% 205 ? 5 205 210 83' 2 84 81 46% 46% 44 13% 13% 13 54 54 53 2% 2% 2% 31 31 31 59 69 59 79% 79% 79 73% 733/4 73% 6 6 6 2100 148% 151 148% 151 + % 160% 161 100 21% 213/4 21% 2134? % 21% 22 1C0 5% 5% 5% 5%? % 6 10 100 15 15 15 15?5 13 21 36CO 500 1C0 Bald Loco Co. 66100 110 111% 108% 110%? % 110% 110% Halt. & Ohio. 3000 31% 31% Bait & Ohio pf. 800 43 43 Barrett Co . 2600 131% 137 . Beth Motors . 3100 18% 18% 13% 62 15 129 8% 11% 29% 27% 28% 85' 2 46 134 100 19% 104% 108% 61% 164% 59% 27% 42 % 61% 91' a 111% 41% 66% 55 21% 44% 40% 44% 27 65% 923,4 67 56 93% 203R 97% 14% 105% 46% 43% 6% ? 48% ? 7% ? 93 10 6% ? 20 ? 12 ? 15! 4 ? 62% 6 26 ? 110 10 93 7 10% ? 57% 5 98% 7 40% 4 86! 2 10 47 4 19% 2 30% ? 45% ? 67 5 78 8 54 ' 6 42 ? 14% ? 100 8334 16900 85 300 104 500 7 100 4834 100 7% 600 103 300 5% 27 Bethlehem Steol ... Beth Steel, Class B. Beth Steel 8% pf. . Bkly'n Rapid Tran. . Bklyn Union Gas.. Booth Fisheries Co. Burns Bros . Brunswick . But le Cop & Zinc . . Butte & Super Cop. BiUterick Co . Caddo Oil . Calif Packing . Calif Petrol . Canadian Pacific . .. Case, J I, pf. Case Plow . Central Leather . . . Cent Leather, pf. . . Cerro de Pasco. Chandler Motors ... Chesapeake & Ohio. Chic Gt West pf. . . Chic, M & St P.*. .. Chic, M ?Si. St P pf. Chic ?S. Norlhwn... Chic Pneuni Tool.. Chic, K I & Pac. . . Ch, R I & P 6% pf. C, C, C & St Louis. Chile Copper . 273/4 1% Chino Cons Copper. 30% 4 Coca Cola . Col Fuel ?fi. Iron. . . Colo & Southern . . . Columbia Graph . . . Columbia Graph pf. Col Gas & Electric. Coraii Tab Record . . Consolidated Gas Cons Int Call Min. . Continental Can . . Continental Candy . Corn Products . 12600 91',, Con Textile . 5900 31 2% Cosdcn & Co. 200 36 8 Crucible Steel . 17800 144 833, 857/ 104 7 30% 31%+ % 31% 32 42% 42?%? % 42 43% 131% 137 + 3 136 136% 18 18%? % 18% 19 8334 833/4? 1% 82 84 823/4 84%? 3/4 84% 84% 104 104 ? 1 105 107 7 7 - 6% 7 48% 4834 48%-? 48% 49% 7% 7% 7%? 3/4 7 8 104% 100 104%? 3 102 105 5% 6% 5%? % 6% 6% 8 8 8 ? % 734 8 21% 20% 21 ? 1% 20% 21% 12% 12% 12%? % 12% 13 15% 15% 15%? % 153/4 16 68% 68/2 68/2? % 68% 70 27 27 27 -- 2 27% 29 2100 118% 120% 118% 120%+ 1% 120 28 3 20 ? 24% 1 80% 50 44 74% 10% 78 10% 76% 25 30 278' a 115/2 8 603a 44 7 59% 39% ? ?35% 77 7 99% 83% 9 210 165 10 9 4 ? 16% 9 ? 13 9% 1 130 115 12 3% 3 ? 28 18 ? 29 151/4 ? 400 23% 7100 27% 100 80% 1600 54 200 43 1000 75 600 11 200 82 1400 12% 147 104% 15% 25% 17% 95 91% 16% 44% 48 36% 19% 75% 76% 172 42 85% 93 85% 4934 84% 41% 84% 46% 77% 109% ?3% 93% 27 88 61% 4% 16% 74% 5 93% 7 9% - 17' 2 ? 12% ? 65% 8 80 8 10 ? 26% 7 27| 2 3 20 -- 11 ? 58' g 6 49 2 134 8 20% 68% 80 57% 13 1 80% 7 13% ? C9 5 47% 4 3% - 9% 142% 11234 7 115 105 7 51% 27% ? 76% 6 Cuba-Amer Sugar . . . Cuba Cane Sujrar... Cuba Ccnc Suirar pr. Delaware & Hudson. I) L & W. Denver & Rio Gr. . . . Denver & Rio Gr pf. Dome Mines . F.lec S'.orago Battery. Klee Storage Bat rts Elk Horn Coal. Emerson-Brandt .... Endicott-Johnson ... Endicott-Johnson pf. Erie . ? i > Erie 1st pf. Erie 2d pf. Famous Players .... Famous Players pf.. Fed Min & Smelt. . . Fed Min & Smelt pf. Fisk Rubber Tire... Frccport-Texas Oil... Gaston, Wins & Wig General Cigar . Gen Amer Tank Car. Gen Electric Co. General Motors .101600 Gen Motors 6% deb. 200 (?en Motors 7% deb. Goodrich, IJ F. Gray-Davis . Great Northern pf.. Ct North Ore subs.. Gulf States Steel. . . . Hendee Mfg . Has & Bar Car Co. , Houston Oil . Hupp Motors . 2100 Illinois Central . . Int'l Agriculture Int'l Agricult pf. Inspiration Copper Inter-Cons Corp . Inter-Cons Corp pf 3600 45 45 44 443/g? 91C0 43%* 44/4 43 43%? 1200 77% 77% 77 77 ? 800 88% 88% 85% 88 ? 200 200 200 200 203 - 1200 4% 434 4% 4%? 600 914 9% 9% 9%+ 400 10% 10% 10 10'/2 100 115 115 800 3% 3'/, 400 21 21 100 15% 15'/< 3100 76 77 200 94 94 12 12/4 1400 19 19 600 1-3% 13/, 18C0 72% 74 200 84'% 85^ 12 12 33% 33/j 29% 30^ 21% 22 11% 11/ 62 62 73% 73% ?14 100 200 3600 500 500 300 400 400 81 2900 57% 400 21% 14C0 68% 3800 34% 400 5538 700 28! 2 3900 69 3800 100 14% 200 83 200 21 . 400 8O34 2600 49 200 3% 200 10 139/2? % 139% 140 21/2?2 21% 21% 71 - 70 72 81 ? 3% 80 81 59 + 1 58% 59 213/4? 134 22 25 68%+ % 68% 69 35 + % 34% 35 56%? 34 56% 57 28' ? 2% 22 28 68 ? 1% 68 68% 10434+ 6% 104% 105 14%? 1% 14% 14% 82%+ % 82 83 20?2 18 20/a 80%? 3% 80% 82 48%? % 48% 49 3%- 3% 3% 10 ? % 9 111% 170 84 91% 79% 26% 9% 47% 51% 7% 19! 2 48! 2 152'. 2 105 33% 48% 91% 43 50 ? 72 7 62% ? 70 6 15% - 634 6 36% ? 36% ? 6% ? 13% ? 40 4 85% 4 95 8 24% 2 21! 63 Inl'l Harvester . 1200 127% 127% 125% 126?%? 13/4 125 105 - 105 28%? % 2714 78 ? 1% 77/s 53%+ 1% 52 80 ?- 80' ?' 79 ? % 78" 73%-- 72?/ 18%+ 34 171,/. 7%- 7 42%+ % 43 45%+ 1% 4434 6%? % 6I/4 17 + % 16 45 - 43 91 + 2% 90 98?2 24%? ?/< 24%? % 24 100 4400 3800 3900 500 200 Int'l Harvester pf Int'l Mer Marine. . Int'l Mer Marine pf Int'l Motor Truck. . Int'l Mot Tr 1st pf. Internat'! Paper .. . Int Paper pf stpd.. Internai'l Nickel Indiahoma Invincible Oil ^. 17100 Iron Products . 1900 Island (Til <?. Tr. 10100 Kansas City South... 1600 4 Kansas City So pf... 500 4 Kelly Springfield . . . 3?400 3 Kelly Spgfd 8% pf 2 Kennecoti Copper 1.20 Keystone Tire .... 6 Lackawanna Steel . 37 ? Lucledc (?as . 47% 393/4 3% Lehigh Valley _ 36 22 2 Loews, Ine . 3900 22% 28 14 ? Loft Candy . 1400 143,4 183% 131% 12 Lorillard, P . Louis & Nashville . . Mackay Cos pf. Mauali Sufrar . Manhat Elevated . . . Mariin Parry. . Max Motor ctfs. Maxwell Motor Co. . . Max Mot 1st pf ctfs Max Mot 2d pf ctfs Mexican Petroleum . . 31600 180 Miami Cons Copper.. 800 20 1.60 Middle States Oil ... 17800 2034 4 Midvale Steel . 4100 3934 Minn & St. L new.. 2200 12% Minn, St. P & Ste M 500 683,4 Missouri, Kans & Tex Missouri Pacific .... Missouri Pacific pf.. Mont Ward Co. 1400 30' Montana Power pf.. 400 95 100 105 105 105 3100 28% 28/, 27% 1900 77% 78% 77% 1000 53 53% 52 200 80 80 80 5100 78% 79 76% 30 73% 73/2 73% 2000 17% 18% 17/4 1000 7 7% 63,?, 127/ 97% 101 24% 24% 30! 2 ?5% I12/2 97 7 64% 59% 4 151% 101 10 52' a 38% 7 20 ? 10' 2 ? 12% ? 24 ? 11% - 161 10 18% 2 20' 39' 9 _ 63 7 3% 21 ? o2% 30% 222 26 71% 52% 18% 80 11 31% 49% 36 ? 40 30 ? 100% 95 7 200 200 3100 1000 100 600 6% 3600 24?4 2800 41% 180% 176% 1791,4? 20% 20 20' ? 21 20% 21 + 40% 39% 40% + 12% 12 123/4? 08% 67% 67' z? V% 6 6%? 21 24 24%? 4P 4 403% 41 _ 30% 30 V 30%? 99 95 8? ? High. 1920. 61 40 11? 86% 98 80 13 89' z ?3'/4 110 71a 17% 47?4 117 771/2 361/2 48?/2 61 36P4 843 g 77% 293? 5% 9% 4 Us 65 73 38% 116% 111% 431/2 36% 94 42 32 42% 441/2 82% 108'/2 23'/8 98 64% 33% 27% 113% 104% 50% 124 120 106'/a 106% 223/4 943/4 45 94 23 84 12434 10634 5534 93 % 123% 21% 17% 26?4 18 30 18 '/j 25% 243 13 90% 483/4 82% 105% 310 30% 60 ?/a 870 Low. Dir. 1920. Rat?. Halm Net chge. BW. Aak. 32% 32 Vi 103% 44 83 62 7% 63% 72% 100t'8 4% 11% 31 92 64/4 23% 28 45 23% 66% 49% 25% 3% 5% ? 2U 3 4 1 6 6 3 8 47 40/2 28% 71% 6734 37% 20 ? 90 7 30 ? 22/4 ? 33% 3 36% ? 43% ? 90 8 13 ? 8 5 MuUiiu Body ...... 200 National Arme . National Biscuit pf.. National Aniline . . . National Aniline pf.. Nafl Cloak & Suit. . Nat'l Con & Cable. . Nat'l Enam &. Stomp. National Liad . National Lead pf. . . NRRof Mex 2d pf. Nevada Con Cop.... New Or, Teje & Mex. New York Air Brake. New York Central.. NY, Chi & St Louis. New York Dock New York Dock pf. . N Y, N H & Hart. . Northern Pacific .... Nova Scotia Steel. . . Ohio Body . 40 Okla Prod A Ref. . . Ontario Silver . Otis Steel . 2100 Owens Bottl Much Pacific Dovelop't Pncifir Mail . Pan-Amer Petrol . . Pan-Amer Petrol B. Pennsylvanie R R. Penn Seab Steel_ Penn, J C pf. Peo Gas & Coke... P?re Marquette ... Philadelphia Co. 1000 81 51% 21% 15% 84 96 37 109 74 88% 96% 15% 643/4 33% 58% ? 15 ? 75 ? 84% 6 93 7 37 ? 34% 73% 7 ? 14% 1 15% ? 11 ? 20% ? 10 ? " A Phil Petrol . Pierce Arrow . Pierce Arrow pf.... Pierce Oil . Pierce Oil pf. Pittsburgh Coal. Pitts & W Va. Pond Creek Coal. . . Pressed Steel Car... Pressed Steel Car pf. Pure Oil Co. Pullman Co . Punta A leere Sugar. Rlwy Steel Spring:. . Rlwy Steel Spring pf. Ray Con Copper. . . . Reading; . 24900 Reading 2d pf. 100 Remington Typewtr. 200 Rela . 400 Reis pf. 100 Rep Iron & 8teel... 12900 Rep Iron & Steel pf 200 Rep Motor Truck... 500 Replogle Steel . 6100 5.60 Royal Dtch N Y Shrs 4900 Saxon Motors . 2400 St Joseph Lead. 300 St Louis ?S. San Fran 7100 St L & Southwtn... 2900 St L & Southwtn pf 800 Seaboard Air Line pf 800 Santa Cecilia Sugar. 600 Sears Roebuck . 200 139% 13934 1393.4 1393,4+ 1% 136 113% 100% 51% 37% 118% 126% 101% 105 60 13% 50% 47 53% 17% 95% 106 34% 38% 66% 38 124% 69% 53 224 13% 29% 25% 55% 37% 78% 116% 693/4 96% 143% 115% 76 47% 109 138/2^8 8% ? Shattuck & Arizona. . 300 66% .74 Shell Trans Ter.... 3600 27% ? Sinclair Oil .28100 Bloss-Shei Stl & Iron. 600 Southern Pacific .... 15900 80 Por Rico Sug. .. Southern Railroad . Southern R R pf. . . Stand Oil of N J.. Stand Oil of N J pf Stewart Warner . .. Stromberg Carb . . . Studebaker . ?KG! Studebaker pf .... Stand Oil pf. Superior Steel .... Tenn Cop & Chem Texas Company 61 6 88% 6 200 20 18 ? 50 5 625 20 7 50 4 59 7 92 7 100% ? 41 6 9% - 43% 10 25 ? 42 IO/2 ? Texas & Pacific. 88C0 .60 Tex & Pac C & Oil. 603/4 6 85 7 27% ? 13% ? 47% 6 27 ? 110 10 61% 4 40% 4 176 12 8% ? 17 ? 1534 ? 42% 5 6 ? 53% 6 77% 8 40 ? 64 88% 104 56 . 41% 87% 11534 10434 8O34 64% 97 - 80% 119 21 10% 31 76 12% 42 59'/a 76 16% 7 20'/; 48 8% - Third Ave R R._ Tobacco Products . . . Tobacco Products pf Times Square Auto.. Transcon Oil . Transue W Steel_ Union Oil . 2600 Union Pacific . 19C0 113 Union Pacific pf. United AIlo> . United Fruit . United Ry Invest_ United Ry Invest pf U S C I Pipe & Fo U S C I P & Fo pf U S Express. U S Food Products.. U S Ind Alcohol_ U S Realty & Imp. . United Retail Stores 12900 United States Rubber 12100 U S Rubber 1st pf. U S Smelt & Ref. V S Smelt & Ref pf 600 U S Steel . 69100 16 23% 17 28% 13 18 138 10 67 27% 67 90% 285 27% 57% 641 105% 39% 79% 653,4 95 104% 52 9% 44 % 35% 43 12 64 323/4 *20% ? 67 119 55% ?32% 14% 22% 59% 32 93 33 145 95/4 54% 4 103 7 44% 4 51% 5 9 ? 15 ? 47 4 16% 1 77% 7 25 ? 100 8 60 6 *Ex dividend. U S Steel pf . 1400 107% 107% 106% 106%? 1% 106% 107% Utah Copper . 2600 Vanadium Steel ... 44100 Virgrinia-Car Chem. . 700 Virginfa Iron, C & C Vivaudau . 1000 Wabash . Wabash pf A. Wells Fargo Express Western Maryland . . Western Pacific .... Western Pacific pf.. Westing Air Brake. . Westinghousc Mfg . . Wilson Co . Wheel & Lake Erie. Wheel & L Erie pf.. White Motors . 4800 Willys-Overland _ 10900 Willys-Overland pf Wisconsin Central Woolworth . Worth Pump & M 300 100 100 106 2900 60' ? Equipment Bonds (Quoted on income percentage basis) Name. Rat?3. Maturity, Bid. Ask. Halt & Ohio... 4VS 192?-'2? 8.50 7.60 Beth Steel ... 7 1921-'30 7.75 7.25 Bost * Alb... 4Vi 1920-'27 7.50 7.00 Buff, R & P.. 4Vi-5 1921-'33 7.50 6.75 ?do. 6 1921-'33 7.75 6.75 Canadian Nat. 7 1935 7.35 7.15 Canadian Nor 4V4-6-6 1920-'29 8.50 7.25 Canadian Pac -i Vi 1920-'28 7.50 7.00 (lo. 6 1920-7:2 8.00 6.75 , C, C i St L 5 :r)21-'29 7.75 7.00 do. 6 l'J21-,27 7.75 6.75 Ch?s die Ohio.. 4Vil 1920-'27 7.50 6.75 Ch. R I & Pac 4Vj-G 1920-'27 8.25 7.00 Chi & N W_ 4 Vi 1920-'23 7.50 6.75 C. St L & N O. 5 l?t?O-'?? 7.75 6.75 Del & Hudson 4V4 1322 7.50 6.50 Erle . <V?-6 1020-'27 s'5 7.00 Frisco Cons... 5 1921-'2 2 3.26 111 Central_ 4Vi-5 1920-'2? 7.50 Kan City ?so.. 5 r.?20-'24 7.75 Louis & Nash. 5 1920-'23 7.50 Mich Central. 6 1921-'32 7.37 do . 5 1920-'30 7.37 M,SPtS?M 4V?-5 1920-'2? 7.50 ?lo. 6 1921-'30 7.60 do. 7 1921-'30 7.60 N Y Cent 1. .. 4Vi 1920-*28 7.37 do. 6 1920-'22 7.37 N Y Cent R R 4 Vi l9?l-'33 7.60 do. 7 1921-"35 7.15 N Y, C ?fe St L 4 Vi 1921-'26 7.75 do. 6 1931 7.25 N* Y, N H * H 4V4-5-6 1920-'28 9.00 Norf & West.. 4 Vi 1920-24 7.25 North Pacl?c. 7 , 192"l-'30 7.00 Pac Fr Exp.. 7 1925 -'35 ?.00 Pennsylvania.. 4-4','j 1920-'23 7.12 Reading Co... l'? 1921'27 7.12 Seaboard - 4'.i-5-6 1920-'27 8.25 Southern Pac. 4 Vi 1920-'26 7.25 do. 7 1924-'35 7.00 Southern Ry.. 4Vi-5 l920-'26 x.oo Cnion Pacific. 7 1924-'35 7.00 Virginian Ky. s i:?20-'30 7.?o Wabash . 5 1921 10.00 Sell British Columbia Bonds Announcement was made yesterday of the sale in this market of a new issue of $2,800,000 Province of British Columbia 6 per cent five-year gold bonds. Blyth, Witter & Co. and the Seattle National Bank made the offer? ing. The bonds were offered at 92.85 ?And interest to yield 7.75 p?r cent. i They mature June 30, 1925. McEiwain Co. Earnings Grow The annual report of W. H. Mc? Elwain <fc Co. for the year ended May 31, 1920, shows net earnings, after de? preciation, were $4,079,626, as com? pared with $1,643,099 in 1919. After deduction of Federal income and profits taxes, profit-sharing, etc., the balance ? was $2,448,710, equivalent to 34.29 per | cent on the amount of first preferred | stock outstanding at the end of the year, against 19.53 per cent in the previous year. ??-?? Paris Market Irregular PARIS, July 27.?Prices were irregu? lar on the Bourse to-day. Three per cent rentes, 58 francs 90 centimes. Ex? change on London, 48 francs 35 cen? times. Five per cent loan, 88 francs 65 centimes. The dollar was quoted at 12 francs 72% centimes. London Money Market LONDON, July 27.?Bar silver, 55%d per ounce; bar ?-old, 108s 9d; money, 5% per cent; discount rates, short bills, 6(?x6% per cent; three month bills, 6%@6 11-16 per cent; gold pre? miums at Lisbon, 140. -????-_ Slocks Ex Dividend Date. Company. July 31?Allts-Chalmers M ffr. Co... 1 ft July 31?Am Drug. Syndicate.. 40c Julv 30?Atcly, T. & S. F?;- Ry. Co. . . 1 ttft July 30?Barnet leather Co. inc.. ivaf? July 31?Colorado Fuel & iron Co.. M* ! July 31? do pf . 2 ft July 31?Columbia Gas & Elec. Co 1 Vi % July 31?Conn. Ry. &? Ltgr. Co. l%% I July 31? do pi . lH,"o j July 28?Contln. Bank of New York jl?! July 31?Eastman Kodak 6 %, July 29 ?Lincoln National Bank . 2 14 ft July 31?Nor. ?fc W. Ky. Co. adj. pf. j if, July 31?-Pullman fo.?-.. o ^ ? July.31?Sears-Roebuck ?fc Co..... ?. ?, j July ?8~S10SB-She? 8. & I. (%.. . luftl July 31?Stewart-Warner Speedom? eter Corp.^ j ^ In Wall Street "Coppering" the Expert? So many of the market writers for brokerage firms have been wrong thi? year in their diagnosis of price move? ments that a hopeful sign was seen yes? terday in their predictions of still lower quotations in the near future. With few exceptions the majority of market letters that went out last night were saturated with indigo. If past observations count for anything the commentators are just as likely to be wrong this time as they were when they were advising their customers to buy stocks when prices were much higher. Now they are laying great em? phasis on the strained credit situation when conditions were no different al few weeks ago, and, in the opinion of ? conservative bankers, are not likely to j get any worse, despite the expected heavy demand for crop-moving pur- , poses. Genera] Motors Weak More than two-thirds of the selling in General Motors yesterday was re? ported to have come from one house. On the floor of the exchange it was said that brokers representing this firm put in buying orders in other parts of the list to give the market an appearance of strength so that the j liquidation in G. M. could fro on without ; attracting too much attention. The ? stock was weaker than it has been at j any time since the exchange from the i old $100 par value shares. After open ing at 23% selling orders appeared in : great volume, and it was not until the iast hour that the stock showed vn>' rallying power. The total turnover amounted to nearly 100,000 shares, of which it was said 75,000 shares came from one house. At 20% the stock was only three-quarters of a point above the price at which the Morgan group ; recently underwrote 1,419,000 shares of ? new stock. The high of the year was 42. ; United States Steel's Report United States Steel's report for the June quarter, in which nearly $4 a share was earned for the common stock, was considered a good one, consider- j ing the relatively small April earnings. ! In order to offset a drop from $15,704, 900 in March to $12,190,446 in the first! month of the second quarter May and June had to greatly outstrip January and February, and this was done with a total margin of $1,066,686 for the sec? ond quarter. With business coming in at the rate it was in Mai'ch, the only apparent explanation for the sharp j slump in April was the outlaw railroad j strike, which hr.d the effect of greatly i restricting operations. The Steel Cor? poration was also handicapped by the fact that many of its own cars had been j diverted to other lines by the railroad j administration and had not yet been ! returned the first month of the second j quarter. Frisco Income 6s The syndicate which has been offer- ! ing the $10.000,000 block of St. Louis ; & San Francisco income 6 per cent bonds, sold originally in France, has i practically placed the whole issue with investors, it was learned yesterday. The bonds were offered at 47 to 47V?, , and have been pronounced an attrac? tive speculative investment by invest? ment bankers. It is asserted that the full 6 per cent will be paid on the bonds next October when the payment, is due. Crucible and Houston Oil The shorts in Crucible Steel and Houston Oil experienced considerable difficulty yesterday in buying back stock sold in anticipation of a decline without spiritedly bidding up the prices of these issues. Houston Oil was the I particular star performer in this re sp'ect, as the stock advanced from 93 : to 106, and closed more than seven ! points higher, at 104*^4. A drilling campaign on the company's property in the Hull field, Texas, has resulted in the completion of four new wells in ' the last two week3, with a combined initial production of 5,000 barrels. Crucible lived up to its reputation as being a mystery stock by showing greater rallying power than the other steel shares. After selling down to ; 141% it recovered at the close to 148, where a net gain o? 2% points was recorded. i _ No New A. T. & T. Financing Despite that this is the time of year when American Telephone and Telegraph officials begin figuring on how much capital will be required to meet the company's financial require? ments for another year, it can be stated : that no new financing plans are now j under consideration. This is not to say, however, that the management | would not take advantage of any favor? able opportunity that presents itself for financing purposes, as it has been -.he policy of the company in the past to look well ahead in providing for its needs. _ Union Pacific's June Earnings Although its net operating income for June was $1,504,876 less than for the corresponding month a year ago, the Union Pacific has still been able to report an increase of $?.,686,095 in the six months net, the operating in? come, for the half year being $19, 914,572. Gross for the six months ; ended June 30 amounted to $92,882,262, a gain of $13,608,912. This sum, how ever, includes $3,176.206 back pay for handling mail during the vears 1918 and 1919. General Electrlc's Orders It was, estimated yesterday that the General Electric Company billed orders at an annual late of $260,000,000 in the six months ended June 30. This is under the estimate of three months ago and was revised because of the railroad strike and the subsequent transportation tie-up. In its profit and loss account submitted to the Boston Stock Exchange for the five months ended May 31 the company reported net income after all charges, depreciation allowances, etc., but before Federal taxes, of $15,286,687, indicating a net. for the year o? $ 6,688,000. This figure compares with last year's total of $36,077,970. Japanese Exports The Japanese government intends to adopt a moro liberal attitude toward exports, according to reports received from United States commerce agents in Japan. While export control of cer? tain commodities remains in force, it , is said, the government, owing to the : recent commercial and financial crisis, ; has decided to relax export embargoes ; and restrictions as to licenses. Prod? ucts affected include paper pulp, print- ; ing paper, with the exception of news- j print; fertilizers, rice, wheat,Parley arid cotton yarn. Dividends Initinl Atlantic Sugar Refining Company,?An initial dividend of 10 per tient a share ha? hi en declare.) In addition to a dividend i of L'S per cent on the accumulative pre- i fcrred. Regnlar Declaration? Stork holders of Rate. Pd. Pable, record. Am. AV'r Wks. & Kl lnc 7% nir p/.J \", Aug. 16 July 31 i Am. H. & Leather Co. pf.1H* Q Oct. 1 Sept. 11 On. A?ph*t Co. pf.lV?,7o Q Sept. 1 Aug. 16 Lcndon Joint City A Midland B Ltd int.9* S-A ?. S. St?el Co-114?, Q Sept. 8? Au?. 30 do pf .I**,*? Q Aug. 30 Aur. t Stern Bros. pf.... l>K'*? Q Sept. 1 Aug. 30 do pf., back pay.lli' Sept. i Aug. ?*?> Con Ci? <"orp. pf.i?t'r ?_j piept, i auk. 16 Arniuur Leath. Co.": % Sept. 1 Aug. 11 Exempt from all Federal Income Taxet $35,000 City of Gaston?a, N. C. 6% BONDS Dut July hi. 1931 to 1951. Gaf!.0^ h" ? .Populaikm of over l?.UUU and u the ju?diei<?J sett of Gaston County, one of the betf ??gricultural counties in North Car?> line. These bond? are a t*aerj obli gation with an unlimited tax to pn principal and interest at maturity. Price to Yield 6% Spitzer, Rorick & Comp-any Eilabtithed 1871 Equitable BIdg., New York Toledo Chicago How Strikes Affect the Farmer Under-production a Safeguard Discussed in this week's issue of THE BACHE REVIEW Tht REVIEW It Issued and Coplea mag be had upon retmut. J. S. Bache & Co. ESTABLISHED I8W Member? Nete Yark Stock Exchange 42 Broadway New York Brsschss and Correspondants throughout ? ht I'?;?*, but?. Earned More Than the Government Guarantee and showing further im? provement for 1920 is the exceptional record of the St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company We are offering the 6% Adjustment Bonds of this Company at a price of 61 to yield about 10% (subject to sale) Interest paid since dat? of issue. Full participar? gladly furriehed on re?ueat. CAJR?TAI1\S frCa If ember* Tfe") York Stork Errhang? New York Cotton Exchange Philadelphia Stock Exchange Telephon? 6110 Bowline ?jreen 71 Broadway New York 1419 Walnut St., Phiia. ?TyTTT^VT? '??*????' ryy^M Wiile market swings Indi ate a difference of opinion? Both Market and Value Side of HOUSTON OBL covered In a sis; also other special artii . a .tures la MARKET OPINION? Ash tor B-56. R.H.MacMASTERS&CO. Uembers Consolidated Stock Kreh , JT T 82-84 Broad St. New York Phone Br;nd ?380 WMrat Fiaar CHICA(K) MILWAUKEE Odd Lots IVnte Dept. It. ?AjSHOLM &(hAP?MAII Uembers .Veto York Stock Exchange 71 Broadway New York City Uptown Office.60 B. 4?nd St. Circle OfflYe.205 W. 57th St Uarlem Office. 290 I-enox Av., cor. 126th ot Brom um? -.jji E. MSthSt. Brooklyn Office.32 Court St. Yonkers Office.12 N. Broadway Newark Office.~'~ Broad St. PRICfflTT & OQ M-embers NY. Stock Exchange SIXTY BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY. I. M. TAYLORS CO. Incorporate INVESTMENTS 7 Wall Street Boato* cl*Tv#1??f PhiUdelphi* Plttsbsrf? Bonds for Investment Ham's, Forbes & C PIlM Stroot, Corn.r William NtW YORK City of Copenhagen 3l/I* Spot Delivery HUTH & CO. 30 Pin? St., New York fiSune John ?AI4.