Newspaper Page Text
SECUr. H'IES OJ 'FERED AND WANTED FOREIGN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES The \ temporary low rate? of f? reign exchange make It po? tble to purchase sound later? t-bearing mcutIUm at espect? illy attractive prices. Writ? for our Hftok?et W, a. B. | 23 describing; the prin? cipal ft ?sue? of the'European nation* . W^ hivestm?il Securities ^? 43 Exchange P lace New York Telephone? S3 00-16 Honorer Kirby Lumber, Com. & Pfd. Davis Coal & Coke ,. Vacuum Oil New York Tran?t i Woodward Iron, \K2jCOk5ojst-?XS? 25 Broid St., N. Y. P3on* 7160-1-2 Broad J.K.Rice, Jr. & Co.WIlISe?l 100 American Meter 100 Armstrong- i'orp.. 25 K. W. Bliss Com. 50 E. W. Bits? ??liichtV 50 Eastern Steol < <> .:. 100 New York Stute l?yg. Com. SMS Niagiirn Insurance 10O Ward llakins: Cc m. J,K.Ricc,Jr-&Co. Phones 4000 to 4010 John. Wall St.. N. T. Baragua Sugar Liggett International Pfd. Old Dominion S. S. FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. y?> ftnwv MV ?77"--. :?!?: :^f- Tel Rector My> ??OSTOS CHICAGO Ph:lA,f.5f.TPK>i. PrrrS?lBfjH Bank & insurance Co. Stocks Morton lacheribtHch. & Co. 42 Bfoad Strict T^cw^i^Vj CHICAGO DETROIT PiULACEU??lA PlTTSSURca* Private Wire 'iff Offices. Bid and Asked Till. Asked A rtk Note pr 4 1 IS A I'"- 'Sir "? S5 A H S Ac 1' pr ? A C ?; F ? r 107 ' l? A i'-i Oil ;? \ m I '? Se pr 57 Am Loco pr. 89% 101 Am Ma i & <; : "4 An? Shlpbidg. ? l'-"> A1?. Sm pt A 71 7?'. Am SiiiiiT . . . 100 101 P.M. Askod ICCFSAM pr. 60 Kelly Spr j>r 83 ?. oy \\ ?i pr 82 I? ?;, & i? M. 4'i ? pr . 20 Kr? 58 .v Co. , 81 ....10O La! > K & W 84% 30 '.?77% a* Ata Sup:? A Sum T Am 'IVI .v Arn Wh pr A?n Ztac pr A"" Ail., r pr.lC 1? pr 00 1014 ? or . 17 'JO !. ,. M T.I 1514 155 ... pr .100 102 I " HI cult. .;.. l-i pr !d pr. '.,.?, 105 .103-y? 125 .100 105 l. rillard s s 93 Mackay Con 4114 4S Manat? Su pr 87% 30 11 lfil? Manhat Beach > 2% . 2614 10 Mar Rockwell. 45 5S14 Mat A: W. . 33 4?i May Dept St. 7614 82 do pr . 9414 102 M. x I'.t pr. 93V4 '??' M ' rentrai. 77, 85 ?.r '???.'; ??:?.. MSP&SRM pr. SO 85 do Isd lines. 50 ??. Moi I Power.. '.:? fll II" Morris & Es. r.s I , , i ; Hv pr 93 ? i -, .-. CI ai OS ll'i i A 1) G 2d Pt 57 A-? nu . . B0 AMai.t; C 1. M krlaiitli- Kcf.1150 AC .'.? W I pr 63 Fin!. I Loro Barm-it Ij Barrett Co pr 103 Puto il .i- M.. ; lUali s 7th pr !>?) Bloi KdUon. SI Brown Sh ie.. 7 ', N <|.) pr U . ?S14 11! !' S pr pr 100 !.:; Huff ?. <1? pr , Hnsli Term ?'il! ?c A ; 7 ?' O??:'. Southern 40 ?Vn r,t X .!. 200 .1 H w ? & S III. in 614 C & N \v pr.iob <3 S I" M ? o 68 IN Y 1, k x y ? ? .v w 17 Bo.., 19 v.,-;? s vv pr 05V \" ?rth Am . . 50 Ohio Fuel . J7 IV . . . ! r< ? v ...110 . ,1? pr i Owi - i B 125 90 103 C 1'eV I pr. I A. 8 1st pr. a It* 2d IT . (?on. Clears pr. Suit c\ii. pr. 100% 46 1_'0 7?-. fhvi - i Bol pr. ? I'. Itlc Coast.. 25 do 2d pr. .. 45 Peo ?; & c 16 l'a.- Tel &? T in f'L'A S I. pr 60 66 Peor?a & E.. 0 *.- Pitts... 7,7 62 IV: ? Mnr pr. urtt Peah .. 73 77 do prior pr. 54 '? PctU Mulll. . 30 do 1-! pr. .. 05 rut-; Coal pr ?4 PFW f. C pr 115 : I'itU 'Ste?>l pr 85 P ?- W Va pr 74 1 ' S ? ' V .T . ? lllnnd Mines.. 2S i Reading 1st pt 41 Item T 1st pr ? 1 Rensselaer ... 95 'Savuire Arm^. 47 S L & S F pr 30 95 ?PXb A L... 7 4% Sears Roe pr.105 814 S-S S ? I |>r 87 sn 4!?'i SPR Sn pr. 100 in?! ?7 Standard M1U.115 150 122 do pr . 78 85 3814 -'ip St(?el jrr. P1-'-? - ? 82 Temtor A . . . 40% 49 do R . 38 ? 65 T &- P hi tr.'.!so 7!90 Tldi?water mi. l so 210 120 TSI.A W ctfs 11 15 109% do pr etfs. 17 1?19 Twin City R T 34 !'l do pr . 65 ?n 100 Underwood T.164% 170 do pr rich, sn'i S5 do pr .105 117 C.w? Motors pr 7i'. 70?4 T.'n Cliar St. .130 175 GranPy M 35 37 do pr . 95 1"'. C, M & N pr 28 30 I'nlted I)ni?..llo' 130 Int Altri pr. 80% 82% do 1st pr ?Born Prnd pr.lOl'j lot ?ftrex Carpet. . 54 5? ?S-ii SiimI pr. 94?4 95 6?i Am Su pr. 100 ins ?rrn ('.> pr. 95 99 Bet Edison. .. r?K ru int. 10! 29 43% 105 34% 7% Durham II?*. 4s do pr . 94 Eire St Bat. 115 ElShom C pr. ','. Km Brant pr 7314 Brio & Pitt.-?.. 47. Fairbanks ... ? do pr ..OS FI ?her Body..1U do .pr . ,...10'? {?on Oiem ..160 do pr .... 92 (ini Cigar pr. :<?;>., In M T 2d pr 65 lut Paper pr 95 do pr ?tj .1 7 '? Int Nit-kel pr 7^ Tut Salt _ 00 Tima Central 4 ?*el Tea . . 11? ? do pr . 80 JnTies Tea ... L!?> Kayser .1 93 I Al pr 93 98 . 105 " I tali See ?'.irp 3 9% 74 Va Car Cli pr 101% 107'L 80%|\Vabnsli pr B.. 15 17 W'i M! ?d pr 13 10 6 Wcafso M 1st. r.l 1 : ,|\vii on Co pr ? so 38 Woolworth pr 102 110 -..''"-.. \VP & M pr A so 87% 1?." do pr I! ... 00 65 DIVIDKM) NOTICES ? ? > p Fie a ? ? F I?OCKWOOD, URBBNB * CO., Managers BOSTON, MASS. ' The quarterly dividend of 1%% upon the preferred stock of Lancaster Mills lins b*en declared payable August 2, 1920, at the offlce of il- Transfer A?r?-nts, the New Bnglnnd Trusl Cornpany, Boston, Mass.. to all stockholders of record at the close ?t>f business July 23. 1920 LANCASTER MIT.T.S. .T Dcvereux Winslow, Trensuror. LIMA LOGOMOTITE WORKS. INC. :w Church struct, N? w Cork, .lint.- 28, 1920. The Board of Directora has declared a quarterly dividend of one und three quarters. ? l ?, '7 1 per <-.-nt. upon the Pre? ferred Stock of this Company for the three months ended June 30, 1920, pay ?.title July ?".!, 1920, to stockholders of Rflord at the Close of business on July 16. 1S20. Transfer books do not cluse I. A. uARSBS, Secretary and Tu usurer. nrFFAf.O. KOCHESTKIt * P1TTNBI R<iH RAILWAY CO. Dividends of Three Dollars per share on ?the Preferred Stock and Two Dollars per ?hare ou the Coinn.yn Stock of this Com Mtiy have been declared payable August |*th, 1920. to stockholders of record Au? gust 4. 1920. R. M. YOCNGS, Assistant Secretary. MSEMANN MAGNETO CORPORATION. DXVIDBND NO 4. Now York, July 14, jojp A ?f??tti!sr quarterly dividend of $1 75 per sha;e on the Preferred Capital Stock of this Company has be? n declared, payable August 2, m'o. to stockholders of record : ?at the close of business .lulv 20, lf?20 ^_!?' S JEROME, Treasurer. FINANCIAL THE fiKST NATIONAL BANK (7k Mount t*irroil, locutod m Mount Carroll, It) the ?tale of llHroi?, |? closing Its af fsJr* All nots holders and other creditor? | of the association me therefor hereby no? il?? ? ?a r. present the the* Miscellaneous Markets Publie Utility Secoritl-wi Bid. Amer Light * Traction com... 1*0 do pf . *t Adirondack Gas & Electric com 12 ?lo pf. 7* ?American Gas * Klectrk? com.100 ?Jo pr.". . ?? American Power * Light mira.. 46 do p{. 68 American PuMto Utilities corn.. ? do l'f. ? Anin Waterworks Electric .... . do participating pf. * >U> 1st pf. '6 Carolina Power ft Light corn.. 83 Cities Servie? rom.SI0 ?n> pf. 6614 <1o bankers' certificates. ?14% do 7 p ?'. Berit?? H, 1 96?. 1 ?5 ?lo 7 p c, series C, 1966. 94 Colorado Power com . 6 do pf. SO Comwoalth Pr Rv ft Ij com.... 1? do pf.'. 38 Denver Gas * Blectrio Gen 6?.. 78 Electric. Bond ft ??ha?? pl'd- 80 Emplie District Electric pf.... 66 Peilcral Light * Traction corn.. 6 do pf . 40 G;?s ft Electric Securities tom..5il) ?Ui pf. 67 Klrtharn Ohio Biectrlo com... ? 1? ?>c . ? Northern Gotario l.t ft Pow com. 10 do pf.x. 44 Northern State? Tower com... ? do pf. 76 Pacific (Ina & Klectrlo pf. 80 Republic Ry * I,t Co com. S do pf.?. 31" Southern California Edison_ 8S do pf. 93 Standard Gas & Electric com. . 12 ?do pf.-35 Tennessee Ry l.t ft Power com. 1 do pf. 3 United I.ttrht ft Ry? com. 19 <lo 1st pf . {?** Western Power com. 18 do pf . 68 Asked. 126 86 16 78 105 S7 60 70 10 26 4 9 40 28 SIR 07 36 140 97 12 90 19 40 85 85 ?6 10 46 350 77 2 0 4!S ?Par value $60. Ronds Appslach Power 1st 6s. Cincinnati Gas & Elec 5s. 1915. I'ol Gas ft Ek-e 5s. 1927. 1'allas Elec 5s, 1922. do 7s, 1921. 101 Paso Elec col 5s. Great West Power 1st 6s. Ml?lw<sst ninth's 1st 6s. 85 Miss River Power 1st 5s. North Ont l.t & Power 6s. 61 Nor States Power Cs, 1926. 81 Steel and Ordnance Stocks Am BrasslOS Atlas Pw.160 do pf. . . 79 hi Bab ft W.108 Ca F & F. 160 Carb Steel 80 do l pf. 98 do 2 pf. 72 Colt A_ 49 Du P Pw.270 do pf. . . 78 198 165 81 </4 112 170 85 102 75 61 286 80 East Steel 70 Em S & I 35 ?do pf . 75 ?Here P. .215 ?do pf . 9 4 Mlles B-P. 96 Scov Mfg.370 Thorn Iron 39 Win Cor. . 425 Woodward 5 0 90 7 1 \ 6 3 \. 80 220 y7 475 63 ?Ex dividend. Miscellaneous Stocks Bid. ! Am Chicle 39 do pf... CO ; ?Aml.eath 35 ?do pf.. 82 I Am Mfg. .149 do pf . . 85 i Am M & F150 I Am Td pf 3 ?4 ' Am Typ F 40 I A D T NJ 25 Atlas P C. 52 B B & S Ip 84 do 2d pf 65 Bor C Mk.102'-. Bush T pf 67 Celluloid. .150 Chihls Co. 86 do pf .. 92 City In ves 6 0 Crk W pf. 9 0 Ask. 40 65 60 89 153 89 1C0 3% 46 35 60 89 104 7.3 160 89 Ask, 160 Bid. D I. & W.155 Draper C.130 Int Sll pf. 88 Lima r, pf 85 Nat Cash.105 N J Z w .193 197 N Co 1 pf. 0m? 100 I'helps D.170 200 P & \V pf. 9 5 R Rnalt In 26 do pf. . . 70 Ry Hak P. 125 do pf . . 80 Singer Mfgl26 S L 1M&S 4;c Stoll S pf. 95 S D W pf. 95 Valvol pf. 95 w & a pf.ioo Vale & T.275 95 115 82 140 85 98 105 28 6 Sugar Stocks Card Am. 19 rio pf .. 70 Car Sus.. 5 5 C Agulrre.l 1 s FJrrio new. 120 Godch'x S 57 Grt West. 415 do pf ..113 CO 120 IGtana. new 20 21 Mat-Am. . 20 20 *do pf.. 75 102 Michigan. 11*4 12 H National..158 161 Ni Ni(|ueo300 360 Savannah. 56 CO do pf .88 93 Chemical Stock? Am Cyan. 25 do pf .. 50 By-Prod . 9 7 Cassln Co. 40 Dow Ch. .2 50 Du P C p. ?Ji Graselll ..135 30 105 45 260 tlo pf . . illook EI?c cp do pf . . 60 Ky Solvay 8 0 Mac Co p. H.s Merrlmac. 79 10'.! Mulfd Co. 48 ? Semet G..170 96 ISolv Pne.200 Tobacco Stocks G W BmelCO do pf. . . 90 J E Youngl28 <!o pf. . . 85 ?MacA&F.llO P R-A T. .112 168 I 118 120 R J Rey A600 do S B. .440 do pf. . 98 Weym B..164 do pf... 90 Univ Leaf. 140 70 70 110 175 250 630 470 100 'Kx dividend 50?J. Insurance Companies Am AHi'nce.270 City Of NY. 2 06 Com'w'lth .300 Contin'l ... 68 Fid ft Phoe.635 Franklin.... 70 iOOjGreat Am. .2 111 anover .. . Home ... .5 iNat Liberty 80 ifjara 170 ! 150 Stuyvesant, & It. 110? New York Bank Stocks A merlca . . . 2or, Atlanta ... .315 1 Am Exch.. . 270 Battery ... .195 Bowery ....420 ? Bryant 1'. . .150 1 Bway Cent. 150 I Bronx Nat.. 1 50 i Hutch & D. 37 ' Cer, Mercan. 19 5 , Chrtse .400 Chat & Ph.275 ? Chelsea Ex. 136 '? Chemical . .550 ! City.375 Cual ft. I. ..250 i Colonial . . .350 ; Commerce . 220 Columbia .. 175 ! Corn Exch.330 j Cosmop'tan .112 ! Com'elal ?. 426 I Com'w'lth . 220 j Cuba .180 East River. 165 j Fifth Nat. .160 ! Fifth Ave. .900 ? First Nat.. .890 I Foreign T B 64> 160 160 160 43 410 285 145 565 3S5 .345 .815 .205 925 '.10 7 Gotha m . . G re nwich ! f arriman Hanover Industrial Im ft Trad. 5 20 ?Irving Nat.202 Liberty _395 Lincoln .... 275 Manhat Co.216 Mech & Met325 Melrop'tan .350 Mutual ....190 Nat Am_150 New Neth. .196 N V County.135 N Y N B A.460 Park.450 Pacific .135 Public. .355 Seaboard ..650 Second.425 State .190 23d Ward. . . 150 frit?l States.186 Union Ex... 175 Wehest er A..2 00 Yorkvillo ..375 Trust and Surety Companies Alliance . . . 1Am Trust.. Am Surety.. Hankers Bond ft M.. Bklyn T Co. Cent Union, i Columbia .. Commerc'l . Equitable .. Empire Tr.. Frmrs L&T. Fulton . Fidelity . . . i Guaranty . . ! Jla mi I ton .. ! Hudson T. . Kiritis Co. . . Law Mtge. . 490 365 3 00 390 27 0 200 35 5 15 5 63 0 115 78 275 265 610 : 7 5 335 305 400 210 365 285 661 12! .300 ?60 Lawyers T. .140 Lincoln Tr. .145 Manufac'rs Mercantile M et ropo I Mtgo Bond. 85 Mil T of W.105 Nat Surety. 188 N Y L I&T.526 N York T. .695 N Y Tltlo. .130 Peoples .. . .275 Realty Asso.100 T O & T.325 Un States..830 U S M ft T. 400 U S T Guar 80 West.chester.136 W & BT&M1C5 285 225 335 370 675 475 200 145 207 326 270 i 90 : 125 ! 195 625 610 ; 136 I 290 ! 110 j 3 3 5 ! ?G0 410 176 145 98 90 92 42 155 160 tSee New.York Title and Mortgage. {Includes American Trust Company stocks. Standard Oil Stocks Bid. Ask. Anglo-American Oil Co Ltd... 20'/i 21<4 Atlantic Henning Co.1160 do pf . 102 Rorne-Serymser Co . 425 Buckeye Pipe Line. 85 Chesebrough Mfg Co . 220 do pf . 103 Continental Oil Co. 115 Crescent Pipe Line Co. Cumberlanil Pipo Line Co... Eureka Pipe Lino Co. Galena-Signal oil Co pf, now do pf, old . do com . Illinois Pipe Line Co. Indiana Pipe Line Co. ' Internat Petroleum Co, Ltd, ' Nal ion,il Transit >'o. New York Transit Co. | Northern Pipe Lino Co. 92 j Ohio Oil Co . 2S0 ! Fenn-Mex Fuel Co. 40 Prairlu oil ft Gas. 565 Prairie Pipo Line Co. 196 i Refining Co. 350 Southern Pipe Lino Co. 125 i South Penn oil Co. 266 j Southwest Penna Pipe Lines.. 65 Standard Oil Co of California. I Standard Oil Co of Indiana.. Standard Oil Co of Kansas. . Standar?! OU Co of Kentucky Standard Oil Co of Nebraska Standard Oil Co of New Jersey 635 do pf . 106 Standard oil Co of New York. ,'?>;;, Standard Oil Co of Ohio. ?..v. ?i? pr. ios Swan & Fin h <'o. 65 Union Tank ? '?ii Co. 113 do pi . 95 Vacuum Oil Co. 372 Vi ashlngton Oil Co. 27 Miscellaneous Oil Companies Atlantic Lobos Oll Co com.... S4 do pf . 93 Cosden ft Co. 7 Eli. Basin ? '?>iih Pei Co .. Imperial Oil Ltd. Magnolia Petroleum Co. Merrltt Oil Corporation .... 16 MIctwcBt JOfinlng Co. 163 Mountain Producers. lju . ?6 ?H so 7 665 620 370 420 1200 105 108 125 29 156 101 9 8 160 ?.7 33 2S? 200 370 13 0 675 640 385 450 645 105 H 3?5 277 38 106 ?Vi ' '*?* 97 360 o?; loo 3S0 164, ,155 14 VI 80 F*?* New York City Bonds Form. Rate and Maturity. Bid. A?kVl>lfl. rntor. 4 ?is. 1967. pi 14 (12 ^4.95 do 4>4s, 19R5. 91H |?2 4.95 do 4i(,s, 1963. 9114 9a 4.95 do 4'is. 1957. 9114 92 ,4.90 do 4?4s. I960. 8514 8?(M>( ?iii.00 d?> 4 ?A?. 1064. 85 Vf, 864, ?li.00 do 4<*h, 1902. 85la 8fm '5 02 do Ci?, 19C0. 851?, H?5V4jt 5.04 do 41,s. 1960 op, 30.... ?514' SffVf/.J 5.00 do 4s. 1 959. 81V? -r? <io 4m. i???,s. 81 ^ _;? .i Ti<1-: *8. 1857. 81V, -,i Heulst.? e.i 4s 1955-1966... XI 82tt4.lS.05 d?l Ik, 193? . 85 ,XK 15.00 Inteii'hnnsrenble 3 >^fl. 1954 72 74 : 6.10 Coupon 3?,8, 1954. 72 74 .4 5.10 Register 3V4a, 1960-1S64 in? 72 74 ??16.10 do SVfes, 1940-1950 Inc.. 6.40 S.lof? ? i?rirtster?-ii nmi coupon ,. serial 4Vi?. 1920-1930 Inc.6.00 B.2R i, ? a? <Us, 1920-1931 Inc.. . .6.00 3.2* (?i ? do <>;?, 1820-1932 inc.. .6.00 0.26 j?? ? New York State Bond? I I Canol Imp 4%n. 196?.100 102^4 40 Highway imp 4><?s, 1963..100 lfl2',ti?4 4o Kanal Imp 4'is, 1966. 94 97 *40 ? BlKhway Imp 4Us. 1966.. 94 07 ? C40 Bcirp Can Ter 4^3, 1946 94 97 4.40 ! Highway Imp 4s. 1967.... 91 92 V4*1 4.37 Canal in?, 4s TpG7. n, 92V4?4.37 HiKh Imp 4s. 1960-19B2 inc 91 92Vf,f 4.SO ? ?o 4s. 1958. ?11 02 Ms 440 I Canal Imp 4s, 1960-1962 Inc 91 92H,.?4.39 ! tallsailes I 8 Park 4s. 1961 91 02ii,V4.39 ; Bargre Can Ter 4s. 1942-'46 91 94 4.40; Federal and Joint Stock Land, Rank' Bonds Federal Farm Loan 6s ?1938 op 1923. 95 Vi 96V4.5.3C2 JTederal I-nini Loan 4V4s. 1939 op 1924....88 891* 6.3(8 Federal Kann Loan 4 Vis 1938 op 1923. 83 89V4 5.401 Federal Farm Loan 4 "?is, 1937 op 1922. 88 89V4 6.451 Joint Stock Land Bank 6s, 1939 op 1924 . _ 87 6.15* Joint Stock Land Bank 6s. 3 933 op 1923 . _ 87 6.20* Short Term Secnritlm Am Cotton OH fis, 1S24 . . . Am Chicle Pi. 1921-22 do fis, 1923-26. do 6s, 1926-27. Am Tel ft Toi 6?, 1922.. . ?lo 6s, 1924. Am Thread On, 1928...a., Am Tobaren 7s, 1920. do 7s. 1921. do 7s, 1 922. do 7s, 1923. Ai.neonda Cop C?. 1929. . . Anglo-Am Oil Ltd 7'fes, '25 Armour Conv (is, 1920-24.. do 7n, 1930. Bethl-hem Steel 7s, 1922. do 7s, 1923. Can Pacific Ry ?is. 1921, l'en Argentine Ry fis. 1927 C, B ft y joint Is, 1921 . . Chi ft N'wesl Till 7s, '30 Ott Pneu Tool 6s. 1921 . . . do fis, 1922. do fis. 1923. C, C, C ft SI L Ry fls, 1929 C-A Sug. 1st lion 6s. 1921 Cudahy Pack 7s, 1.923 Federal Sugar fis, 1924.. Great North Ilv fus, 1920. B F Goodrlch v?n 7s. ia*26 Gulf Oil Corp 6s, 1921,. . . do 6s, 1922. 89 96 91 88 94 94 92 1)2 100 99-**, 09U, 99% 88% 0 8% 93 96 V. 98% 97% 93 3 1 93'? . 9 9 ?-i 99 98 97 8 3 ?i 9 3'i 90% 98 % 96 92% 94% 9 5 g G loot; loot,*, 100 100 89*>4 9 9 9 S 96% 99% 93 93% lOOV,, 1110 10 0 100 85', 99% 97% 97% 9 2 93 Vf, .99% 99% do 19 2 3. Hocking Vnl lilt 6s, 1924 Int Rap T conv 7s, T92I .. K C Terminal Ry 6s, 1923 Ken Copper Corp 7s, 1930 Lac G I, '..'?! A- ref Vs. '29 Liggett ft Myers fils. 1921 N Y Cent R rt ?Is, 1920. . . Philadelphia 6s. 19(22. Pennsylvania 4%s. 1921.. Procter ft Gambler's, 1921 do 7s, 1922. . . .^. do 7h, 1923. Puh Serv N ,1 con 7s. '22 R ,1 Ui'vnolds Tob. 6s. 1922 Southern Ry 6s, 1922. . . 9 St Paul U D 1?URP 5'?,s, '23 Swift 6s, 1921. . Texas <*?> 7s, 19*23. F S Rubber 7s, 1920. Utah Securities 6s, 1922.. 83 85 West Bleo ?-on 7.-, 1925... 96% 97% ;?:! 96% l oo U 100 i oo % 84 9 6 98% 9 8'-, Markets in Other Cities Baltimore Sales. Open. High. Low. Last. 50 Amsterdam Cas 23 23 23 23 300 Atlantic Pete 3% 3% 3% 3% 35 Cons- Power.. 97 97 97 97 50 I'oml Credit.. 39% 39% 39% 39% 1 Exchange Bk.156 156 158 156 22 Md Casualty.. 75 75 75 75 40 Mt Vernon pf 70 70 70 70 40 Penna Water. 8 0% 80% 79% 70% 40 Wash Bait An 16 16 16 16 Itonds ?IIOO Uslfo Trae 5s 87 1000 Cons Pow 6s. . 92% Boston 87 87 87 9 2 % 9 2 % 9 2 ' 2 10 80 100 60 2250 ISO 5 1370 50 10 2 50 08 0 1 9 0 500 130 5 0 10 360 4 0 370 60 15 215 2 0 COO 250 240 3 10 60 Mining Allouez . 26% Arcadian cons 2% Anaconda .... 63% Arizona Cml. 10% Big Heart . . . 9% Cal ft Arizona 58% Cal ft Heela. 3 00 Carson . 24 % Chile . 14% Chino . 29 37% 8% 11 % 64% Cop Range Davis Dab East Butte Franklin Helvetia .. Island Creek Kerr Lake Muss Con .... 3% Mayflower O C 5% Mohawk . 61 New Cornelia. 17% New River pf. 86% Nipisslng . H% North Butte.. . 16% Old Dominion. 24 Quincy . 48 Seneca . 13% Shannon . 1 % Superior ft Bos .'? % Trinity . 1% U S Smelting.. 67 do pf. 44% Utah con. 6 Utah Metal... 1% Winona . 50 "Wolverine ... 15 Rails 26% 2% 63% 10% 10 58% 300 26 14% 29 37% 8% 11% 8 3 1 % 3% 3% 26% 2% 53% 10 9% 56% 300 24% 14% 29 37 8% 11% 70 i % 64% 3% 86% 8% 60% 17 86 8 % 1 5 % 2 4 4 8 13% 1 % :t ),% 26% 63% 10 9% 66% 300 26 14% 11% SO 1 % 66 3% 3% 60% 86 8% 1 5 % 2 4 4.S 13% 1 % 3 43% 1% 6r 5 Boston Elev 410 Boston ft M 10 Maine Central. 62% 4;', X V. N II ft H 23% 64 West End. 39 1 do pf. 48 02% 62% 63t% fi2% 6 2 % 28% 33 62**% 281% 3,'?t% 48' Miscellaneous 147 4 5 146 10% 4 3 % 63 Am Agr. S3 85 8 3 16 do pf. 8 5 86 85 4 Amoskeag .... 75 75% 7 5 6 Am Sugar pf. . 108 108 108 405 Am T ft T_ 95 95 94% 25 Am Woolen.... 83 83 83 45 do pf. 93% 93% 93 195 Atlas Tack. .. . 27% 27% 27 112 0 I'.ost Mex Pet. 1% 2 1% looo Century Steel. .2 2 2 170 Eastern .Mfg... 30% 31 30% 1 4 Edison .146 145 Eider . 27% 17 O, n Electric ... 140 30 Gorton . 1 4 L80 Gray . 22 216 Greenfield .... 38 35 1 in Cement.... 25 % 960 1 tit Products. . 17 230 do pf. li is:, Island Oil. 6% 50 .1 T Connor Co i :: >., 13 195 Libby . 12 % 12 115 Mass Gnss. 81 SI 5 do pf. 60 60 10 McElw 1st pf. 93 93 60 .Mex lnv. 36 36 632 Nat Leather. .. 11 % II 250 Nut Oil. 6% 6 17 N i; Tel. S3 85 50 ? ?hio Body. 26 26 ISO Orpheum . 20% 26 20 Pacific -Mills...152 153 1 2511 Root . 36% 36% 25 411 Shawm Steam. 23 % 23% 23% 620 Simms Mag.... 17% 17':. 15 125 Southern Phos. 26% 26% 26 400 International. . 33% 34 32% 335 Swift ft Co.. . .107-% HIS HI6% 117 Torrington ... 66 65 65 125 l'nited Fri?t..l98 19S 195 1310 United Shoev . . -4 1 % 41% 40 865 Ventura ....... 16% 16% 15 165 Waldorf ...... 20 20 18% 675 Walth Watch. 20 :*(>% 30 25 Walworth .... 1S 18 18 .Bonds ?3000 A G W I 6s. Ji. 70% 70% 70 1000 Carson 7s...;. 104 104 104 3000 Pond Creek Cw. 92 92 92 34 6 2% S 6 75% IOS 9 5 8 2 9 3 1 % 31 1 4 0 27% 139% 14 2 5 ' s IS 6% 8 5 25% 26% Bouton Cyrb Market i% Bid. Ask Ariz Ext ... 2 Ariz. Silver. .14 Blk Hawk..? Bos ft Mon.65 Calaveras... 1 Chief Con. . 3% Crown Rsv. .10 Crystal new. 27 Denbigh ... 14 Eagle B B 2 1-16 Foriuna ... ? Gadsden ... 50 Boina OH . . 60 Iron Bloss. . 20 ,Ter Verd Iron Crip La Rose 8% Bid 2% (Majestic ...15 16 ?Alex Mel?is. 50 65 l'ungs Monarch Nyat I. ft '/ Nt-w Baltic. 3 Niiv Doug. . 12 Nitxoli R.tng Pet....16 RisTnler .... I S-vm Metals. 12 S IV Mi f p.. 4 Siltver Reef. 4 Texana.. **> U Ver 'Ext . .30 > Yaikoo. . 1 20 23% 15 33% 10 7% 2 0% IS .Ask. 20 70 Qiica?o. 4 1 Am Radiator. CO Am Ship B pf 1200 Armour Leath 250 Armour pf . . 25 Beaverboard.. 400 Case Plow . . . 110 Chi El Rys pf 85 Cudahy . 60 Com Edison ... 225 Cont Motors. . 700 Hupp . 1600 Libby . 120 Lindsay Light 1000 Mont Want . . 25 ?lo pf . 1500 Nat Leather.. 200 Peck . 50 ileo Motor . . 1 10 Sears Roe . . . 200 Shaw . 4700 Stewart W 1 100 Swift lull ... 1200 Swift ft Co. . . 1300 Union ? 'arb . . 260 Un Paperbd . . 280 Un Iron . too Wahl . 100 Waldorf . 126 W Knitting . . 5%| X3 102%? 3 0 % 101 11% 40 22% 139% 6.S 3 9 % 107 5 % 8 3 .102% 9 14% 12% 7% 3 i '101 11% 40 22% :n?\ 6 s 3 9'-i 33 % 107 M31 1 5 % 9 2 4 9 83 S3 102%.102% 14% 32% 7% 30% 101 11 4 0 22%, 14 H 1 2 \ 101 11 221 138 6 7% 38?. 1 9 %M I 9 % IS Ms 1 0C V, 63 _ 4 9 % 19% IS Bonds $16000 Armour 7s .. 9r>'? 95% 95% 13000 t'hl City C 6s 38% 38% 38 3000 Chi C R 1st 6s 65 65 66 3000 Com Edi 1st 6s 78% 7&% 7?% 6000 Peo Gas R 5s 68% 5.8% 68% 2000 Swift 1st 6s.. 8*1 % 83% 83% Detroit Columbia Sug. 17% 17% 17?? Cont Motor. .. . 9%. 9% 9 Ford .359 \*!60 358 Lincoln Motor. 42 42 42 Mich Sugar... 12% 12% 12% Noble 'i ft Gas 1.15 1.15 1.14 Packard Motor 17% 17% 17% Paige Motor.. 26\ 26% 2fi% Re?) Motor.... 22% 22% 22% 100 1200 700 1900 200 19% 95% i 38 65 78% 58% : 83% | 1?% 17% i 26% 2 2 % Philadelphia 200 Am Store?.... 4 3 % 7 5 Brill . 88 782 Elec Storage. ..US 166 Gen Asphalt pf 96 275 Insur Co N A.. 28 760 Lake Superior. 13% 105 Lehigh Nav. . , 59 40 Phil Co fi% pf. 31 761 Phil Electric. . 21% SlfiS Phil Rap Tran 14% 57 Phil Traction. 61 % inp Trmppgt, R?l . 1 % 44 3 8 117 95 ?8 13% 69 PI 21% 16 'ft 43% 43% ! 114%* 116% 91 91 28 28 12% 69 31 21% 13% 61 Vb 1%., 12% ? 69 31 : 21% | 14 61% | 1% fc? I G ? ? imp 40' ?Jj? ?0? ?tMJmM?tkU?* U?.fll4 % Bonds Sales. Open iT'.irh. Low. Lost. $"1000 Na Pro Co 4-6s 6 6 5 5 WOOO Am U & H 6s. 71 7 1 "' 7? ySUOO I'hh FA 1st 5s. *0 SO 80 80 ' ?2000 Reading Gen 4s 79 79 79 To Pittsburgh 95,Am W Cils Miull 1 111 110 200 ?I?) ut'.I'll I? I I'" 110' I nl , |3035 Ark ?Ins. . . lno Ouffey Gill. 30 Hablrshaw Bl. 15"7, 1! 50 Knv ? '?> Gas. .. I :,? 100 I,mi" Star lias. "S'? 28V9 -S ' 675 Marland lWii,. 4-'?? -I r-? 4' 26 Rlfrs L & 11 . ,.. 4!?U 4!? \ 49 100 Na FIreprf i>f. 13 3 3 13 82 Ohio Fuel Sup. 48% -l*Mi ?I*'1 50 Oklahoma Gas 31 3 1 .!07 3500 PkIi All SluiHta ..'Ct .33 .30 230 Pgh Plate GIS.160V4 150V4 150 KIPbIi Trust Co..200 200 20? 140 1! S Steel.,. 8 9'ti 89% 88 60 Westh A B... 103% 104 lo.". -1 43 Westlngh. l?lec 48 48 4 7 \ Montreal Bil?. Ask. Bid. A P &: P.. ??I '? 82 I'll TM & S 2DV4 At sug du pf...lH4 Bell TolephlfOa BrTL&P. . ?1 % ?'o C ?s;- F. - - do pf. . .11/0'a Can Cnint 10 1 HI do pf. Cn Stmshn Car Fac.? Bid. Ailanac? .... 1 Apex .,. 1 Ba ley .... ? Boaver Con.. V Goiilagajs . . 2 Crown Itsv.. '! Dome Lake. 2 (irt X'lUm. .? llargEa-ves, ? Hollims'er.... 4 Lake Shore. ' Mi-liitv:-R, ... 1 Miib 0'i> Cn i .121 . 130 H?'t I' liy.104 l,int?ll,til..l 17 Dom Steel ??a? Dom 'l'.vtl. 139Vj MLM&PCn 83 U Kriln Pap.214 ?i?) Sha vvn?n . . 110 Spn Hv 7l-\ do pf. 27 Stl Co Toronto Ask. 4 [Newrav .... 2 3 |Ptrsn Lake. S Por..- Crown. Porc Ts?Il ..? Poro Imprl ? Pra B Domo 1 Tk Hughes. E Temiskam'g. Thmps Krlst 4 Va? uam G. . Wasapllca... 10 West Dome., 3 28 I 5 % 4 8 U? 1?0 20 0 104 47% i ion 1 17 2 14 Vi 1 I I Vf, 124 71'.i % Bid. Ask. 8 13, Vi 4 2 4 10 i&er y Polleemaii In Auto Chase 'iijgitive Car Halted When Patrolman's Shot Hits Leader; Four Arrested; Saved From Angry Mob Patrolman John K. Trimble- killed Max Yunnan, 139 Suffolk Street, a .striking fur worker, yesterday, when he fired at a fleeing automobile from the running board of anott?er machine as they raced down upper Broadway. The fugitive car halted and Trimble arrest? ed Yunnan's four companions. They were charged with felonious assault upon A. J. Komarow, 3828 Broadway, it furrier. Trimble's bullet had pierced the base of Yunnan's skull. He apparently was killed instantly. Samuel Abramowitz, chauffeur and owner of the fugitives' car, halted at J-llst Street. Trimble and reserves from the 152d Street station saved them from an angry crowd of pursu? ers. At the police station they were registered as Irving Hochberg, twenty one, of 321 East Eighth Street; Max Xcchner, twenty-three, of 1322 Pros j pect Avenue, fur workers; Samuel -Cohen, twenty-six, of 502 Claremont Parkway, messenger, and Abramowitz, who is twenty-eight, of 925 Union Avenue, Bronx. CohoTi, in a Western Union uniform, walked into Kamorow's shop and asked I ? l'or a "Mr. Smith," the furrier told the police. The others entered, say? ing they were from the union and | wanted uo see Komarow. His wife called hrm. and as he came from a room at 'the rear, he alleged, the men began betiting him, using an iron bar. a lire extinguisher, and tools in the shop. Jacob Marks, Komarow's son-in-law, rushed out Eor Mie police. Then the visitors fled, boarding an automobile which was tending at the curb, and sped down Broadway, changing the License plate as they went. Hundreds joined the chase, many in automobiles. Patrolman Trimble board? ed one machine and shouted for the fugitives to halt. The race was then started which ended in the shooting. A. J. Kaufman, president, of the In- ! terrtational Kur Workers, declared that '? the men had been appointed at a meet? ing in Beethoven Hall yesterday to de? termine the truth of a report that Komarow was employing scab workers. Komarow. he said, started a row, and "the committee retreated, defending themselves against his blows. {?oma Tow and his wife. Mrs. Lena Komarow, shouted: "Thieves, catch them!" ac? cording to Kaufman. Alton Bushel, union attorney, bailed out the men, and the union instructed him to ?communicate with Mayor Hylan and the Police Commissioner to find out whether Patrolman Trimble was justified in shooting. A union board will meet to plan pro? vision for the widow of Yurman, who is about to give birth to a child. She was married ten months ago, when Yurman was honorably discharged from the army. Mrs. Rebekah Yurman, his mother, identified the body. British Isles <".los?ed to Mannix LONDON, July 27 ?The ambiguous statement of Premier Lloyd George in the House of Commons yesterday th^t Archbishop Daniel J. Mannix, of Mel? bourne, Austii<lia, would not be per? mitted to land in "England" because of his recant utterances, was cleared up this afternoon when it was declared in nftKinl qunrters that Archbishop Mannb: ??:?{.i li?t be allowed to land in the British Isles. Curb Issues Slump On Heavy Selling; Recoveries Slight General Asphalt Breaks to New Low of 59 ; Aetna Explosives Weaker ; Mid? west Refining Declines Professionals took the bear side of tho market for the greater part of the session on the Broad Street curb yes? terday and prices slumped rather easily, sovoral active issues reacting sharply. Even the slower moving in? dustrials were weaker and eased off fractionally. General Asphalt was under pres? sure, which in the absence of buying orders carried the stock down to a new low of 59. Although it rallied later to 60 on coverings by shorts, there wa3 not much display of strength and the tone reflected the un? certainty of the entire list. Cleveland Auto and Chalmers sold lower, the latter probably on the rumors which caused a decline in Maxwell Motors on the Stock Exchange. The delay in ef? fecting the proposed merger of the two companies has had an adverse ef? fect on both stocks. Some believe that insufficient securities have been deposited to complete the consolida? tion. Aetna Explosives turned weaker when it became known that the sched? uled meeting of directors for to-day had been called off because Benjamin B? Odell, president, is out of town. Many stockholders are. known to be opposed ot; any plan which would dis? tribute the assets in the form of a divi? dend, or reduction of capital by pur? chase of common shares. Directors have been told that the opposition is based on the necessity of showing conserva? tism and keeping the company's large working capital intact. Many believe that large capital is needed now for business expansion, in view of the great increase irt the sales of by-pro? ducts, which are said to be running now at the rate of $500,000. Midwest Refining broke sharply under heavy selling at one time, but recovered later. The decline carried the stock down from 156 to 151, but the upturn left it off only 2 points at 154. Salt Creek Producers sold down to 341,i from 36. but moved up slightly at the close, the net loss be? ing little more than a point. Most of the other prominent oils were from a fraction to more than a point lower. White Oil sold down to 17%, rallying slightly on the last sale, and Simms Petroleum was off Vi . SiVU Transport rights were fractionally weaker. Industrials P.-,),-.,* Open. High. Low. Lait. 3100 ?Acme Coal. .. 2% 2 Mi 2% 2% 300 ?Aetna Hxp. . . 10% 10% 10% 10.% 100 "Alum Mfg pf..8!) 89 HO 80 100 ?Am Chicle. . . 40 40 40 40 100 ?do pf. ?1 '?I 61 'll 100 ?Auto Fuel S.. HO 00 60 ?o 50 ?Borden .U?0 101% 100 100 BO ?do pf. 84 84 84 S4 100 ?British Emp.. 23% 23% 23% 23% 100 ?do 7% pf... 7)1% i?l% 51% 61% 200 ?Br-Am T coup 14 14 14 14 600 ?Bulck Carb... 11% 11% 11 H% 100 ?Bucyrua Co. .. 20 26 20 26 500 ?Car Lt fr Pwr 2% 2% 2% 2% 100 ?Caracas Sup.. 65 56 65 55 100 Cenl Ter Sug . 7,', 5% fi % 5% Too ?Chalmers Mot ? 2 5600 ?Chgo Nipple.. 1 :: r* 14% 13% 13% 700 ?Cleve Auto.. . 00 CO 55 55 ?.m :'i 'nnley Tin F. 23e;, 23s; 23 % 23% 300 *Cont Motors.. 9% 0% 9 ' ?. 9% 2 in?) ?Crude ? 'hem . . I ' I % 1 '? 1 % 300 ?Dominion St I. .'.7 - ? 58 57 % 58 300 ?Empire T & S. 10% 10% 10% 10% 500 ?Farrell Coal. . 28 % 28% -T 27 11000 ?Gen Asphall . (?2% 63 VI all 61 1600 Grape-l >la. 2% 2 Vi -'k 2% 1800 do pf. 2% 2% 2 Va -7? 300 *D W Grit Inc. 15 15 It 17, 600 ?Hercules Pap. 26% 26% 26 20% 2000 ?Heyden Chem 4% 1-7s 4% lis 100 Hydraulic Stl.. 30 30 30 30 100 ?do pf. 81% SI % 81 '-I- 81 % 100 ?Kay Co Cas. I i ? 1 % 1 % I :'i 200 ?L McN&L rts. 12% 12% 1 J % 12% 100 ?Nat C Bit rts. 02% 92% ?1 91 200 ?Nat Leather.. 11% 11% 11% 11 1 i. 1300 No Ar;? P& I'.. 6% 6% l! -\ 6% 3000 Perfection Tiro 2,',; 2 fa 2 fa 2,1,, 900 ?Pyrene Mfg. .. 10% 10% 10 10 000 ?Radio Co w 1. 1 % 1 ?"-, 1 Vi i % bOO ?do pf w i. . 2% 2% 2 % 2 % 200 ?Roy Fr TP Inc 5% 5% T% 5 V? 50? ?Sohulte'sR St. 62 63 02 63 4000 Sub Boal. ! 1 % 11% M 11% i 0 ?Swift Inter. . . 33% 33% 33% 33% 200 ?Texas Chief Ola 17, i :? 17, 100 ?Union Carlflde 64 \ 64 \ 64 % 64 Vi 300 Cn Profil Shar. I % 1 % 1 % 1:-, 2000 *U Ret St Can. 13% 13% 13 Vi 13 ?4 Mio *U S 11 Spd T.. 31 31 30 30% 1400 U S l.l K- Ht. . 2% 2% 2% 2% 100 ?Un l'ict Prod, 1 Vi 1 U 1 % 1 % 100 *Wm Davies... 39% 39% .".9% 30 ^? 100 ?Willys Corp. . 18% 18% 18% 18"% 100 ?do 2d pf. ... 01 61 01 61 100 ?Wood 1 ?.- S.. BO Vi 60V? 50% 50% 17,0 ?Win VVrigley.. 77. 77, 75 77, 1500 ?do rts. 4 Vi I % I 4 Standard Oils Sales. Open. High. Low. Last. 1500 ?Anglo-Am Oil 21% 21% 20 20 10 ?Std i ul of Cal ? 310 310 310 Other Oils Sales. (?pen. High. Low. Last. 17,. ? : -A llieil Oil. . . 21 24 23 24 1600 . A Bell Wyo. . % % % % 1 100 Arcadia Oil. ... 1 \ 1% 1 Vi 1% 100 ?At lantlc Gulf. 711 \ 70 '., 79% 79 \ 300 Bigheart P&R. 9% 3% n% 9% 3500 ?Boone Oil. .. , 3% 3% 3 V4 3% 3000 ?tBoston-Wyo. 1 fa 1% 1 fa 1% 200 ?Cent An, Pet.. 35 35 35 35 8500 ?Cushing Pet.. % % % % ; 100 ?Del Tex Oil. .1 I % 1 1 % 1500 ?Dominion Oil. 10% 10% 10% 10% 2000 ?Ell< liasin Pet 7% 7 \ 7% 7% 1500 Engineers Pet.. 1% 1'* 1% i(, 1000 ?Federal Oil... 2% 2% 3% 2% 1600 ?Glenroek Oil.. 2% 2% 2% 2% 500 ?Granada Oil. . 10% 10% 10% 10% 500 ?Guffoy-Gillesp 2S% 28% 28 28' 1500 ?Harvey Crudo fa % fa fa 1500 ?Hudson nil. . . fa fa fa A 700 ?Imperial OIL , 1 ?1 10% if, if,% 500 ?Indian P?ef, n. 201;. 21 20% 21 400 ?internat Pet.. 31 32 31 " 32 1000 * I.,-?norm Pet . . 1 % I % 1 % 1 '.'.. 7,00 Livingston Pet. ?"? r, 43* 4% 2000 ?Maraeaibo Oil 22% 22-% 2 ? % 22 500 ?Merritt Oil... I", 15% 15 15% 300 Mex- Panuco. ..12 12 12 12 I 150 ?Midwest Ref..155 165 151 153 1000 ?tMIdwest Tex. 6 7 5 7 3500 ?Nat ? 'il N .1 . . 6% ?.;% 6% ?; s4 . X.i Am ?J & I!.. 2% 2% 2% 2% 2000 ? Hear O&O new 3% 3% 3% 3% 1100 ?Orpheum ?'ire. 26% 26% 25 25% 100 ?Panhan Pet pf 67 67 67 67 ', 200 ?Prod & Ref. . 6% 6% 6% t?% 400 "Red Rock Oil. % % % % 300 ?Ryan Cons w I 23% 23% 22' 22 1500 ?Salt I'k Prod. 30 36 34% 35 1100 ?Shell T&T rts. 19% 19% 19% 19% 1700 Skeily (Ul. 10% 10% l?ns 10 v8 1500 ?Simms Pet... 16 16 1 t % 15 400 ?Superior Oil. . 16 1?! 15 ?!?, 15?; li'.oo ?do C t rets. 19 19 19 19' 6700 ?Tcxon O ?fe L. % % % s>, 700 ?Tropical Oil., in 19 18 18 2400 ?Victoria Oil. .1 1 '? 1 1 ?;, 1200 ?White Oil- 18% IS Va 17% 17% Mining Sales. Open. High. Low. Last. 2200 Alaska-BrCM. }fc |j? ts )(? 3500 ?tAllanta. 2 2 1 % i >.. 4300 *i Belch D (a p) .". 3 2 Vi 7; 7,70?i ?Belch Flap). 1 I 3 Vi 4 16000 Big Ledge. A A fa ?., 27011 ?tit,?Uli. 4 " 1?., 4 1 1" 17,00 ?tCaledonia ... 20 2? " 19 20 " 800 Canada Copper ??, 11 % % 1600 ?Candelaria Sil fa fa % j>? 1 2600 ?tCashboy. 7% 7% 7 7% 100 Cons Vir Sllv . 2% 2% 2% ?>% 3400 ?Cortea Silver. 61 62 ' 60 62 7600 Div Fxt (a p).. 23 21 23 23 1633 Emma Silver.. 6 ti 77, (?> 6000 ?Eureka ?'r M. fa fa fa ? 11,00 ?tBureka Holly 1 1 r? 1 " l"~ ? 1300 ?tGold Zone D. 13 13% 13 13 1100 ?Goldiin Gate.'. % % % ^ 3500 ?fiioMM ?' 8% 2125 ?fGolrtfd Dev.. 6 ?1% 5 " C 1 7.?a ?tGoldfd Mor.. lili 150 Hecla Mining.. 4 4 314 311 1300 ?Hows Sound.. 3% 3% 3% 3% 2300 ?tJIm Butlar.. 14 14 13 13 1700 t.lmnbo Fxteti. 4% 4% 4 4 1600 ?fKewana?.. .. 1 1 u i 1 ii 2000 ?tKncix Divide. ?S 51^ 514 5?? 2000 ?Louisiana Cons fa % ?-, 3500 ?tMacNam Min % % /. u 1500 ?tMarsh Min. .11 11 ?o n 100 ?-Motherlodo C. 6 % 6% 5% 5% 69 *N Jersey Zinc.194 191 19-?' 192 200 Ophlr Silver M. % % 44 " ^ 100 Prince Con.... % % % 14 4000 Rex Cons. . 6 7 fio 5700 Roper-Croup M fa fa fa 1 100 St Croix Silver ! 1 1 ' 1 1000 ?fSlIver K Div. 2 2 2 o 2700 ?tSIIver Pick.. 5% 6% 5 5 400 ?Simon Silv L.. 1% 1% 11: ,u 3O0 Stand Silv L... % % 1. C 1500 ?fSubcesa Min. 4 4 44 3600 ?Sutherland D. 1% 2 1% 2 1270 ?Tono Belmont. 1% 1% 1 jl \ r? 2200 ?Tono Divide. . i? u^ jY i 7? 3700 Tono Exten.... l^ t? j J? ~ 376 ?Tono Mining.. 11* 1% 1 v; 12 lioo United Eastern 2-? '?fa 2% "C! ?OO0 ?ti; S Ont M. 0% 7 6 u ?r* ?700 -tVU?, D???!, ( 6 6i- 6i TOt tWuh A QU,, % % ?g ?2 Recovery Follows Decline on Selling Pressure in Cotton Covering by Shorts Checks Depression by Bears ; Oc? tober Shows Weakness ; May Extreme Advance A further declino occurred In the cotton market yesterday which lasted until prices had declined from 13 to 45 points under the previous nicht on tho more active positions, ?fter which there was a strong upturn that car? ried them well above the previous close, mainly on active covering by traders who had gone short of the mar? ket In the forenoon. A feature of the day was the rela? tive weakness of October In contrast to its recent strength. This was the result largely of a reversal of strad? dles and increased offerings of new crop cotton in the South. The close was steady, with prices un I changed to 70 points higher, May show j ?ng the extreme advance. There was ! little chango in the weather situation : and crop news continued generally i favorable, pointing toward bearish i private reports on conditions this week | and to a favorable government crop ; roport on Monday: practically all of j these will cover the crop up to July I 25. The trade was a little surprised, however, at tiie reports in a local trade I paper on Missouri, Mississippi and | Louisiana, which indicated that con | ditiona would be no better than last | month, if as good. On the other hand, there was im? provement in Alabama and a gain in condition. In view of further rainfall in the belt, with little prospect of any change in this respect within the next day or two, there was a disposition to act more conservatively on the crop outlook, although sentiment is still bearish as a whole on the situation. Much Wall Street selling developed during the day, but most of this was based on financial and industrial con? ditions which were construed by stock houses as still unfavorable. The trade, Liverpool and Japanese interests were among the best buyers of the day un? til the late afternoon, when short cov? ering provided most of the demand. If was expected that the weekly govern? ment weather report to-day will be somewhat unfavorable as to the Caroli? nas and Georgia, where rains and cool temperatures have prevailed, but will be favorable as to most of the balance of the^ belt. Southern spot markets were "practically all unchanged for the day. The local market for spot cotton was quiet and unchanged at -10c for mid? dling. No sales were reported. The range of prices follows: Monday's Open. High. Low. Cloafa. close. Aus... 35.06 35.GO 35.00 35.50? - 35.00 Sept... ?- 33.75? - 33.70 Oct.... 33.50 33.73 32.05 32.50?32.63 32.50 Nov... - ?? - 31.75?-31.50 Pee... 30.57 31.05 30.32 30.90 ft; 30.95 30.65 Jan... 29.80 30.25 29.60 30.25?- 29.85 .Mar... 29.05 29.CS 29.05 2!)'c5 <?? 29.68 29?18 Apr...-29.40?-28.75 May.. 28.45 29.20 28.40 29.15? 29.20 28.45 June... ??-29.00? - 28.30 Southern Spot Markets ? Galveston steady, unchanged at 3sc; sales, 785 bales. New Orleans quiet, unchanged at 39.75; sales. 102 hales. Mobile nominal, un? changed at 39c; sales nil. Savannah nom? inal, unchanged at 41c; sales nil. Charles? ton steady, unchanged at 40.50; sales nil. Norfolk quiet, unchanged at 40.50; sales nil Augusta quiet, 25 points lower at 40c; sales nil. Memphis steady, unchanged at 39.50; sales, 100 bales. St. Louis steady, unchanged at 39.50; sales nil. Houston steady, unchanged at 36.50; sales. 3.126. r-allu bales. 13 .10; sal? 900 Cotton Statistics Last Last Yesterday. Week. Yr-ar. Port receipts.. 7,214 8.455 15,310 Exports . 12,603 2,787 325 Exports season 0,323,537 6,284,036 5,381.000 N ,634 510,929 3.000 32,141 85,144 833,152 1,270,377 2.500 7.O0O 6.50O 12.500 3,853 151 Cotton, a fa ir Spot . July . A ug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. 5'eb Y stocl 1'ort stocks. . . Tnt receipts. . . Int. shipments. 6,000 N Y arrivals. . 760 Liverpool Cables?Spo business doing at 33 points decline: mid? dling, 26.06d; sales, 8.000 bales. Ameri? can, 6,000; Imports. 3,600 bales; non?? American. Futures opened steady, at 17 tu 23 points decline. Closed shady at a nel decline of 28 points to an advance of G points; July, 24.28; October, 22.62; De? cember, 21.66; January, 2 1.39: March. 20.83. Manchester: Yarns in moderate de ma mi ; i-ioths quiet' r. Cottonseed Oil The market showed arr easier tone early In the session In sympathy with the sharp declines in the grain list and with cotton. The firmness in lard, however, discouraged aggressive selling, and during the latter half of the day prices developed a firmer tone and closed with net gains of 10 to 30 points. July shorts were active buyers, and this seemed to strengthen the entire list. Total sales for the day were 12,000 barrels. The range of prices follows: Monday's Open. High. Low. Close. Close. -12.50? 13.25 12.00 13.00 12.25 13.00 12.75? 13.50 12.45 12.74 <i 12.76 12.48 12.66 12.98 12.66 12.93<? 12.55 12.73 13.01 13.17 12.98 13.12?B 13.14 13.00 - 12.30?! 12.95 l'.'l'O 12.50 12.65 12.60 12.65@12.80 12.55 12.50 12.60 12.50 12.69@12.80 12.56 12.60 12.62 12.60 12.80@13.00 12.66 Butter, Cheese and Eggs Butter? Receipts wore 9,878 packages. Creamery, higher than ?-xtras, per lb, 56% (r?'5fi>-?c; extras, 92 score, 55'4 "if 55'-.e : firsts 90 to 91 score, 54@56c; firsts, 8S"to 89 score, 521j53 \?c ; seconds, 83 to 87 score. 49@61c; lower grades. 47@48c; un salted high?'!- than extras, 59@59%c; ex? tras. 59@59?/*!C; extras, 58@68',4c; firsts, 54@571-..c; seconds. 50@53c; state, dairy, tubs, finest, 64@65c; good to prime, 61% @53c; common to fair, 45?51c* ladles, current make firsts, 46'/a@47c; seconds, 43"i4?44%c; lower grades, 42@43c; pack? ing stock, current make. No. 1 44c; *Vo. 2, 43c; lower grades, 38?42c. Cheese?"Receipts. 1,144 boxes. State, whole milk, fresh Hats, colored or whites, lb, 27@28c; average run. colored or whiles, 25V4?26c; lower grades, 20@26c; twins. fresh speeiiils. 26V4@27c; average run! white or colored. 25@26c; lower grades, 20@25c; Wisconsin. fresh twins, 26'?? 2?il;c: single daisies, fresh, 26 V? @27 Vise ; double daisies, 26la 'a 27c; " Young Americas, fresh, 2S <? >ti 29 '?c : fresh spe? cials, 17? 18c; prime to choice, 15@16M?c; fair to good, 12? 14Vie; lower grades, 5 if 10c. Kggs.?Receipts were 13,557 cases. Fresh gathered, extras, per dozen, 54??55c; extra firsts, 51@53c; firsts. 4817 50c; seconds, 44?47c; dirties. No. 1, regular packings, 38?40c; checks, fair to choice, dry, 33? 37c; slate, Pennsylvania and nearby West? ern hennery whites, extra, 68?70c; whites, extra firsts. 65@67c; firsts, 01@64c; gath? ered whites, firsts to extra firsts, Cl@67o; undergrades, 54@60c; Pacific Coast, white, extras. 68?70c; extra firsts, 65@67c; firsts, 61@64c; other Western and Southern gathered whites. 52@64c: stale. Pennsyl? vania and nearby Western hennery browns, extra, 68?62c; brown and mixed colors, gathered graded, extras. 54?55c* firsts to extra firsts. t7@53c. Slump in Coffee Futures Causes /VW' Low Prices Current Year prices. ago. Sugar, granulated, lb. 21C@22.50c 9c Coffee. Rio, No. 7. 11 %C 22%c Coffee, Santos. No. 7 . . 22 %c? 23vgc 28??c Yesterday's coffee market was on the downslide throughout most of the sea Executor Trustee Chartered 1822 The Farmers' Loan and Trust Companys Nos. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue At Forty-first Street New York * V London Paris Foreign Exchange Administrator Guardian Member Federal ReBerve System and N&w York Clearing Honse Stone & Webster INCORPORATED 147 Milk Street 120 Broadway 38 So. Dearborn Si. BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO EXAMINATIONS AND STUDIES of Industrial and Public Service Properties REPORTS on Valuation and Operating Efficiency National Oii Company (of fietw Jersey) Owns and operates CARGO VESSELS OIL TANKERS OIL BARGES In addition to its exten? sive oil - land holdings in United States and Mexico. Information regarding the Common Stoc!? of this Companv will be furnished on request. M- S-Wgxjee* ? Co. 41 BROAD STREET, NEWYC?JFC Phone .Broad. 25 WEM ?-!-? sion, except for a mid-afternoon rally of 15 to 20 point*, with prices easing off later r.nd closing a few points up from the bottom. On th.' call prices were 1 to 5 points lower, but broke sharply on trade sell- j ing and offerings from importers on private ?epoits of a lower Santos mar? ket, and this was later confirmed by official cables reporting a decline of 75 to 375 reis. The trade seiling was attributed to the acceptance of low bids sent to Brazil. Or. the d?clin?; there were large lots of December picked up by out? side investment buyers and for awhile this hail a tendency to hold the decline in check. At the low point of the day September was 10.03c, December 10.20c and Maich .10.28c, or the lowest point touched since the reopening of the exchange. Firm offers fron- Santos were for well described 4s at 143ic to 15c, which were slightly above the lowest recent .?ales. The local spot market was quiet und lower. Ric 7s wert quoted at 11 xu to 12c. The exchange closed at net losses or* 35 to 75 points. The range of prices follows: Monda* 's Open. High. Low. Close. July... 11.25 11.2". 11.00 10.75@10.85 11.50 ?.ig. . . - - - 10.2] ?: 10.25 10 ii Sein... 10.42 10.42 10.03 10.11 @10.13 10 0 Oct....- ? 10.1S@10.19 10.54 Nov....- - 10.24?10.25 10 10 Dec.... 10.65 10.67 10.20 10.31(3)10.32 10.07 Jan.. .- 10.34@10.35 10.69 Feb....-10.38@10.39 10.7*3 Mar... 10.74 10.74 10.28 10.41@10.43 10.78 Apr....--10.44@10.46 10.82 May... 10.83 10.8:! 10.4?} 10.47@10.50 10.86 June...- 10.50@10.52 10.89 Sugar?The market for raw sugar was a little more active yesterday although the volume of business was not heavy. Some small lots offering In Cubas, Porto Ricas and full duty sugars were absorbed by local and outport retiners at lower prices. Transactions included 15.0(10 bags Cubas. early August shipment, with outport op? tions, at loVaC cost aifl freight; 10,000 bags ('ubas. prompt shipment, outport options, at li'.ic cost and freight; 8,000 bags Cubas, early August shipment, outport options, at 1','ic cost and freight; 150 tons Perus, prompt shipment, at I4.75< c. i. f.. to Arbu.-kl"; 10,?ion bags Porto Ricos, afloat, to Warner at 10.30c c it', and 7.000 bags Cubas at 15%o c.J.f., early Au? gust shipment, to the American for Phila? delphia. This places the spot duty paid price at 16.30c. Little or no chang?- was reported In re? fined sugar. The American Is offering su? gars for shipment next January. K?-bruary and March at 17c regular terms. Livestock, Meats, Provisions yesterday. Year ago. Live steers, fair to prime, 100 lbs. $13.60*9)16.00 $14.00? 10.75 D r p s ? e d beef, sid?-s, lb.16@ .25 .17? .23 Uve veal, com? mon to prime. 100 lbs. 17.00@21.00 . 15.00@21.00 1> r e s a e d veal. Hty. lb.28@ .33 .26? ,33 Uve ewes. 100 lbs. 6.00? 9.00 ''. '-*?".''i 9.50 Dro8sed mutton, city, lb.14? .22 .123 18 Uve Iambs, fu: to prime, 1 Qj lbs. 15.00<a 1 " 50 13.00I& 17 25 Dressed lamb s, city, lb. .25? .36 .*J0 ?ap 2r, Hogs. 100 lbs... 16.60@17.60 23.00@23 ?0 Oressed hogs, bacon, lb.23*ii@.23T? ,31>14@.32>4 Mess pork, bbl... 3;',.00@ 3 4.00 34.60?34.?0 Mess beef, bbl... 18.00? 19.00 33.00@34.00 Lard. Middle West, 100 lbs. 18.50@ 18.60 34.85?J. .14.9". Sales. Open.Hleh.Low. Last. ' 3600 tW End Cons.. l ,*>, i ^ ]% \ % 2500 t\V Caps Min . 10 10 9 1(1 3000 i W C Kv (a p) l'a 1 i:. J% ) i3 ! 3500 Wilbert. Mining 4 4 " 4 4 " j Bonds Sales (000 omitted). Opr.n. nigh. I^ow. $15 ?Allied Pack 6s.. 69 69 68% 69 7'- ?Aetna ser H 6s.. 65 ?5 fl;{ gj 5 ?Am Ti?-T 68 '22. Mi, 04?-, 94'? '.M'? 35 ?Ang A O 7 %s w 1 ?S % 08 % 98 % 9g ?4 50 ?Armour 7e-w I. . 95% 'j5% ii5 ?.? 95 ?y ! 5 Goodr 7% "25 w i 04's 'M?,, 94 94 ' 10 ?Ovt of Swed 6s. .14% 8??^ R4 s4 G ?Inter R T 7s. . . 66% 66% 66% 66 V, 20 ?l'an 9m P 1% wl 9 4 ?S, 94% 94% 941t, 6 ?Sinclair Con 7 %s 97% 97% 9774 q77? 2 ?Swiss C.vt 5'?s. . 84% 84% 84 84*2 4 ?Tex Co 7% notes 9*1 H 98% gs ni? 30 ?U S Rub 7%swl 98% 98% gg ,0 3 ?West Elect 7s.. 97% 97% 97 97 German Internal Bonds (Quoted In dollars per 1,000 marks.) Mark* (000 omit'd). Open High. Low rast 1 320 ?Berlin 4s. 21% 22%. 211 ?>?> ?0 *Gt Berlin <???? -l ?tl ?20 20 10 ?Bremen 4?. 3?% 24% 24% 24%' 40 ?Cologne 4s. 24% 25 24% 24% 6 ?Dresden 4?. 24 24 24 24 20 ?Dresden 4%s... 24% 24% 24% 24 % 15 ?Frankfort 4s... 23 25% 26 25% 150 ?Hamburg 4%s.. 23% 25 2:i?4 23% 5 Leipzig 6a. 26 26 2C 26 5 ?Mannheim 4s... 23 23 23 23 5 ?Stuttgart 4s.... 24% 24% 2 * i j 24% 160 Vienna 4a. 7% 7 ?, 7% 7% 120 ?Vienna i%s... 7% 7% 77 7', ?Unlisted. fSells c^nts per share. Financial Items S. Stern, vice-president of the Columbia Trust Company, sailed Saturday to visit the company's correspondents ip Englaml and France. R. M. Grant & Co. are offering a new isiue of $265,000 city of Salisbury (X ('.) 6 per cent Improvement bonds, due from 1923 to 1935, at prices yielding from 6% to 6 per cent, according to maturity. A L. Chambers * Co., of Buffalo, an? nounce the removal of th-lr New York Ji'ilce from 3Z Liberty Street to t?O Broad? way. A Common Sense Talk on Oil Copy on Application Lloyd, Pettigrew & Meyer i 25 West 43d St. New Yotk I j Phone Vanderbill ANDREW .: M . . ? r. - REGI'LAR AI ."!'!? ?N S KTO?t KS AS? liovn .By ADRIAN H. MI I I 1 ?t & SOX, ? IFFICE, 55 WILLIAM STR WK!).\K'1I\?, .11 t.V 28TH, 1930, ai 12 .?? EXCHANGE S. NOS il AND 16 VE For Ai . ounl o Who It M 7,600,. : Con Im!, i ? ; 5 (0 000 255 Fifth w Mtg? Inter, si i I 200 si : m sha iiuti . '? 1 sh. ?'? . IS, 7 7 si.- /?; lOO shs. I-:. . ? i - : ? I Is 2 si 50 shs Fie '?> 000 shs Carolina ? ; Railway <" 45 000 shs. Livid,- .-'Midi, ate Mini! - 4.50" shs. x, vada Hon? y H- - M i 3 1-3 sha. Trebllg Realtj ??? Construction Co . Inc. 66 ?sha. Alpo Hat I 5 .shs. H. W. Jo 20 shs. 2 Id Ward Bank. 22 Bhs Rob? rtson > 7c !'>'? Works. * 4f 268 sha. Hi 2.? 1 10 shs Corn ' 10 shs. 1 Bn?f> neering , 2" Hhs ! ? ? '" * - " ' . ' 100 shs ' , -. . 100 sha. t I ., ; lOOsh '-,'"..' kronen City o? < Bda 500,000 mai ka German ? 200,000 kronen Citj ? i 4' Bds 118,000 marks i Bda 100N000 kronen City I I na 4 B<!i 100.000 markH City of D 800.000 marks ? ity of Hi Hide & Leather Has Deficit The quarterly financia! statement of Che American Hide and Leather Com? pany issued yesterday showed :? >!-7 cline in the balance afterTharg taxes of nearly $1,500,000 from '*?<; preceding qnarter. Operations in the quarter ended .U'-"* 30 showed a deficit after taxes of $810,697. This compares wiW a surplus in the preceding quarter <? $238,135 and in the corresponding Pe" riod of last year of $1,098,780. Monthlv Earnings Norfolk '& Western June gro?? .??,388,?<8 In- i??M?? Deficit aft-r fix. 2.:'!.'.72?! Inc ?-'?'?a Nel op. deflcil 1,751,180 In..-. -??'!??" Sis n . 99? Inc. UH'S? l)?-tliit after tax. ?.661.641 Inc. ?.?*?*? Net op. deficit.. . 01^,104 Inc. 6.34i.->l?