Newspaper Page Text
Building Lags Here Despite Need for F?ats Lookwood Committee Told That Fewer Apartments Are Available in ?City Mow Than One Year Ago Many Homes Going Up1 One and Two Family Houses Will Not Supply Shortage, Investigators Are Warned Sujrjrest.oT-.s for overcoming the hous- I ir.g sJ ** submitted to the Lockwood legislativ? committee, which is investigating housing conditions, at its sess ' City Hall yesterday, ? ?,y representatives of the State Recoir-! lission, the Mayor's 7 - 7i Housing and the Citi ?ns' ? witrtcss was Clarence S. : S :' the housing corn- i .cl on I tmnis- : sion. 1 that d ??ite the need -' during the year I : - :" ' ?a . r " U rj L, L920, than were a ry 1, 1919, ? ? ? -ad two . More Apartments N'e?eded "All ling of i oi - than in -. itness, ... artment I pparent that the 7 . . ? c re ty. - me c ? ' ructivQ ."? rent laws. while i it continue : ty is crowd ? : ". ... , r ? - . y for I V ' .. arc used i iws." ? Big ?.'roblem r .?? ? ? ... . . uilders. He - . Itruci f fina ; new bu id ? ago. t! tpposed ?. : . , He I I '73. ,. ' . ib. and : state ? ? ? plan foi ling I will ?Typl ks Charted Sh pp ing News - 1 THF titves HlKh wntT I,ow wntT AM I'M AM PM Snn.1v Hook.l? IS ,14:66 (1:714 " ?29 ?Jovernor'a Islam!..12: 13 12? r?r. ?V44 7:52 Hell Qat?. 3:a6 ?:R6 8:40 9:21 N<rte.??The abov? tlauron are Ptanilar.l tfrn? and not New York stute time. ARRIVED V EST RUI? A V Ve*??]. Tort. Departure. Adriatic.P.?uthsmpton .. .July 28 Auaable.Rotterdam .luly 18 Wheaton.London .luly 24 t?annock... .Buenos Ayres... July ti aw. Sun .lu?n.luly SI Bvelyn.Cristobal .luly 26 Gaelic Prince.Boston .Au*. 3> .Newport News? .Auk 3 Newton.Barbados .lui) 89 Raillant..Tampico .Tul> 37 I.An-illa .luly 31 Rannock.4,.Shields .July 22 Topllo.Phllmlelphla ...Aug. 3 Hagon.Tamploo .rulo? 31 Socony.Port Arthur... .July 28 Caracas.l,n Guavra.Tul y 26 Chlckasaw.Rosarlo .July 1 Angtia.Baltimore .Auk. 4 Lake Superior.Kingston . City of s'a van nah. . . Savannah . JefferiBon. Norfolk . Ma um.-,'.Bonton .? Port Stophona.Hull . Al'.ianca.COlon . mino.Lisbon . INCOMING STEAMSHIPS Pue To-day Michigan.London .July T? 'rlnce...Havre .July 28 Si Jean Laurent....Havre .July "' .Cristobal .July 30 line To-morrow Imperator.S,? ut lu. m p ?on . . . .July 31 ?Vdgentlna.Ti leste.July 21 .Marseilles .July 22 K roonland ........ Southampton .luly 29 Carrillo.Santa Marta.luly 31 ?v A Victoria. Soul hampton .luly 31 Pu?? Monday Antienne.Llv? rpool .July 27 Re ?ritaiia.Genoa.July 18 Piraeus .luly 26 ? mil uda .auk 7 SVheaton ... London .July 24 Hue Tuesday " nnyson.Rio Janeiro.luly 24 ia.Poi nat lbuco ... .July 23 ?. rona.SI ' imas .Vug l OUTGOING STEAMSHIPS Sail To-day Mail Vessel s Salla IPi Iphla, South ton. 9:30 AM 12:00 M a Burgas.10: m AM 2:00 PM N i] les.1" 30 AM 2:00 PM Iflstobal . 7:00 AM 11:00 AM lb . Barrios. 7:30 am 11 > A M ...... .?. ?. M 12:00 M . San .lu?n. 8:30 AM 12:00 M 7.: ? r. ...-". .Vera ''ru.- - 3 ? AM 12:00 M : St Thomas.. . . 8:30 AM 12:00 M Turks Isle. 9:30 AM 1:00 I'M ["ransport, .. . .12:00 71 3:30 PM .- 12:00 M .... . Havre?- 12:00 M Ipol.- 12:00 M ?gyptlan, 12 I - . - 12:00 M London.- 12:00 M ' ?.-ana.- 12 :00 M ? . Havre.- 7 2 DO M i' eaux. . - 12:00 M City '.'?? fast...- 12:00 M ...-? 12 7.! Mu lia : 'adre. .- 12 00 M Bahia.- 12:00 M Ogden. Havana. ??????? 12 7,1 i. V .... -? 1 2 00 M . ? . Rico. . - 12:0 ? M ; nce .- 12:00 M Sunapi .?. St las.!. . .- 12:00 M ?? tion, Kingston.. - 12:00 M Sail Monday r Rojo, Hambu g. . .-? 12:00 M .... ? n ?- 12:00 M . : 2:00 M ? I'M - ? AM 7 2 :O0 M 'ara . VM 1:00 I'M i. Bahia _12:00 M 3:30 PM "?ail Tuosday '? " ' ? ? ? . v DC \M 12:00 M Stephen. D ir. AM 2:00 PM Cristobal .. 7:00 AM 7 : ?. : ? AM 1 .Wo I'M AMERICAN PORTS BALTIM 77 ? : - . Arrived: Bur i Du), Rotterdam; Fork; West Hol ' ; ' Bell Haven, New York; ! Pon Lobos ' ' . 7. t, V"'- ? ma ( lanal. En t va ?nj i ?:. Allentown, J (.Dutch), ! ira tnmi n ian, Kamburg; I i ? : ?? s??i heil i I Br), R?t? is Vatis . .:,.-.. er, 7 >en : ? .... i i ? ? ? tltal), Norfolk 1 Ni \v '?. : twerp; los ' Mar del Nort? CSi an ), lai bu .: . : . ? . stad (Nor), ? ystal, Boston Passi ? Cape Henry, bound out from Bnltlmor??: Nemah?, Karachi vin Now York; Ilnd?Ulnr iN'?ni, Main?... Manchester Porl (Br), Man? chester; Moldegaard, Porl Tampa; Baal Chicago, Avonmouth; Masca, Norfolk BOSTON, a tig o Arrived; Brandon, Norfolk; Cowan. Norfolk; Gloucester, ?Philadelphia!, Rallad: Porl Antonio (Nor), Port Antonio; Sepulga, Norfolk; Lake l?'a lama, Philadelphia; Garibaldi, Philadel? phia. CHAIU..E8TON, S G, Aug C--Arrived: Ice King, Cuba Now York: Christian Krogh (Nor), Frederlitstad; Lenapo, Jack? sonville and prot.ded t?> New York; Apache, Now York. Sailed: Caxambu (Bzn). st Nasaire, GALVESTON, ?Vug. 6?Arrived: Bonhsrn. Havana; .1 1-7 O'Noill, Philadelphia; Luke Forsby, Philadelphia; Red Mountain. Brest. Sailed: Kerponkson, Rio do aJnelro. KBIT WEST, Fla., Aug. 8?Arrived: Sagua (Br), Sagua. Sailed: 5th, Tamarac (Br), Btlxham. England. MOBILE, Aug 6?Aarlved: Str Man-* Isle, Matanza?. Culm. Sailed: Sehr Anulo Murphy, Havana. NORFOLK, Aug 6?Arrived; Strs T.a Grange ii?"r>, N??w Orleans; Homocllffe (Br). Shields; Masea, Halt ?mor??; Achilles, Cristobal; Arapahoe, New York; Helmen a Prank (Br, sehr). Marseilles: Hanno. Nlel Bon (Nor), Christiansen; Lake BJIsstvorth, Hull; Briton, Providence; Havo (Nor). St Nar.alre; Walter D Noyes, Boston. Sailed: Strs Arlington, Boston: Bilwyn Eddy, Bos? ton; Homocllffo (Brj and Erroll (Br), Ga i veston. PHILADELPHIA, Aug 6?Arrived: Strs Mount Vernon (N'oi?), Port Antonio; Charles Braley, Matanzas; Paraguas', Reaumont; Persian, Boston Lake Copley, Clenfucgos; transport Northern Pacific, Hoboken. Delaware Breakwater, Dol, Auf 0- Passed out from Philadelphia: Strs City of Flint.! Rotterdam .???...1 Hamburg; Lackawanna l Br), Llverponl; estpool, Rot.Ii rd mi; Aragon, Sagua la Grande; Mundelta, New York. Sailed: Sehr Henry H Chamberlain (from Philadelphia), I'.inland. Reedy Isl- ; and, Del, Aug 6 Passed down from Phila? delphia: Str Bayonne, New York. Marens Hook, l'a . Aug, (1 Passed down from Philadelphia: James Otis, Baltimore; Man gore, Santiago; Piqar del Rio (Br) Perth Ambov. PORT ARTHUR, Tex.. Aug. 6?Arrived : Gulf of Mexico, New York; PInthls, Gal voston. Sailed: Gargoyle, Boaumont to ne; .1 M Guffey, north of llaneras. PORT TAMPA, Fla, Aug 6?Arrived: Str Jean, Norfolk. Sailed: Str Kenbane Head . illr). Cork via New Orleans. PORTLAND, Me, Aug G- Arrived: Strs i Lake Inglenook, Gaspe, Quebec; Freeman, Norfolk. SAND 1CF1T, Fla.. Aug, 6?Passed: M'est bounw, 5th, Kayo and barge, Lake Bridge; Baton Rouge and bars", S S Hunt; 6th. Gulf Queen. Argok, Bayway. SAVANNAH, Aug 6 Arrived: strs Al- ; stern. (Swell), Manzanillo; Babooslc, Ja ? Bonville; Cretan, Jacksonville (and sailed for Philadelphia; schrs Dorothy, Calba rien; Frederick A Duggan, Leghorn. TAMPA, I'.? , Aug 6 Arrived: Schrs Charles R Wiebe, Cardenas; Burkeland, Havana; Lizzie A Williams, Matanzas Sailed: Sir Lake Farlstell, Mobile; sehr Jubilee, Matanzas. FOREIGN PORTS Bepnrtnrrs for New York TT??n:r ?7. ?is: ?S S City of '?ram. . ? . | --?- s s roi lb i i Colombo?S S Coelleda. Molli ndo S S Cssequibo. Bueni a Aires S S Hyactnthus. Nai les s S Pro?. Idt nce Hamburg?S S Mur M- diferranean. i: .???:?:., - .? ESratting ?borg, Halifax- S S Pula! kl Panama Canal, Cristobal?S S Bessie I lollar, Santa Marta. Hull?S s Lefonto. Gl isg w s S 1 ,??..minster. ?i s s . iconee. Liverpool -S S Wampum. Shiel Is?S S Indian City. Bi erlg S S Lj ngenfjord. I la rbado? - s S Tennj son. llavr ;?S s Rochambi au Arrivals from New York Prlstol -S S 17a. ter City. Christiania?S S Toledo Bridge. burg- H .' ; h ideli i, Atlantic Sun ? pel .?.? n s s Easti rn i 'rag. Palermo?S S Duca l'Aosta. A ? ? mdria- S s : ?akot a. 7.i?S S Nn ya rino. Hal fix ?S S 7. . :- uporto, Manchester -S s Strathfillan. Accra- -S s M? gua. Barbad is S ??' SI ? phen. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS The connecting mails close tit th" Gen eral Post iflici anil City Hall Poi toffl ?? station. New York, at ,: i>. m. as !' lli ?.va: Hawaii, Fiji islan Is, Ni w Zi aland and ?. u! ' r . lia \ la ? a ncou?, er, ?. C . stea mer Tahiti. August J 1. Japan. Corea, China, Siberia, Slam, French Indo-China, Netherlands East In die??- and Philippine Islands, via Vancouver and Victoria, lt.' C. steamer Empress of Japan, August 12. i ihiti, Marquesas, Cook Islands, Ne?? Zea lane1 and . ; ? la I y a Idressed mall fi . Australia via San Francisco, steamer 7 ugutd 1 5. Hawaii, San an Islands, Australia and. New V. ..?an,' ?. ?a San Francisco, steamer Vent ui a. August 1 ? Shanghai Observatory Issues Book l?ir Marines ? : _ ? 11 b - ? fore - ? . ? Centra'. \ -?-is arian Treaty . ??? < - . v by iragua, Costa ? I .. ?. In a ...? commun ~atir':; ':?'.:. the "all : .... law, and ?' entire 7- it tronger Dr. \\ ise to Preach in Heights ? ? I ft r the ? larg? o ? ?. It. ?v E. hall is RUCTION -Tton St. York ONE 305 Washini * * ?J Brooklyn, .Ne Spuoni FaU Term Be?in? bn??L?0?'? sf;,27th ww2!end tor Catalogue ! E from both Brooklyn ?nhattan liorout,1!?. ? ?v Stations^ I'^'" [XG INSTRUCTION LOVELL'S 637 MADISON AVE. Cor.59thSt. 184 10c" ? ' \ss - - ' ? 9 LESSONS $5' . : > ? .: s \s ro u i?. jr. [?OINTMENT. COPY FOR REAL ESTATE ADVERTISING intended for the Krai Estate Section of the Sunday Tribune ??M b- livered COM ?LETE m The Tj "See not later than 4 o'clock on Saturday afternoon. COMPLETE means nuts or cuts be provided with the copy for any . . ?>/, special borders or ipr ial signatures. Advertising received too late for inserti >n in the Real Es ???e Section will be inserted 111 another section. Sheep Shearers Get ?50 Day $35 Is About Minimum Daily Earnings DENVER, July 20..Sheep shearers ike as much as $50 a day, the State Department has learned. In hearing evidence in a wage dispute it ?cl ised that the contract price is 7 7 7_, ,.,;,? a a "shear." i further disclosed that ?? th modern equip 200 sheep a ?lay. which is considered about journeymen '. . ; ?cperts can ?; a day, which net?, them 7. Degenerates Hulc<l Mandalay Wanton Sacrifice of Lives Forced Britain to Step In Until barely forty years ago, when .. with its 12,000,000 people, was annexed by the British, there ruled in ty ol Mandalay an utterly wicked leen and a weak, despotic king; de? ttes who sacrificed human lives ly, lived in rrorgeous i n the .varni igs of a civilized ?. : - . i eform, ai i who oppressed thei'r ] i thai I became neces i.. foi ?. ? Bril to step in. The queen, named Supyalat, is said be living a: Madras, India, . e was kept in confinement, ?band, Theebaw, di< . rlish first were attracted to - nge country by the countless ?' which the country boasted; ? ? i mi rcial ?nl ercourses had . s " ?'? to develop il resources. They were called barbarians" by the reigning queen and king, and the latter, angered .- last ordered that the Englishmen : ? c< mpelled to observe Far East cus take off their shoes when they ? i? palace throne room, and otherwise bow to the tyrannic ruh? of the land. They refused, and sent in tro' 3, 1 ? fore the king? and queen realized it the soldiers were walking into the palace gates and had entered the throne room. The rulers could not escape, The taking of Mandalay was bloodless. To-day a small number of soldiers patrol the streets, Detroit News. EI?ectric Trains Now Pass Through St. (?othanl Tunnel BERNE, July 19.- Electric trains are ''? passing through the St, Gothard 17 e St. Gothard Railway is to be entirely el led, a further sec-' . Erstfeld to Goeschenen, jiist hav- ? iag beer, completed. Speculator Buys Jersey Factory ; rles Galewski purchased from the Cockberry Corporation th? three rein? forced concrete Seproof factory build on plot 7?? 1x275, at the corner of Monmouth and Twelfth streets, Jersey City. Tin? property is opposite the Erie i ; yard, and has a railroad sid? ing. Ilenry Little was the broker. Buys Home at Morristown Eugene V. Welsh has sold for Mrs. Sarah L. Burr her dwelling at -1 Mount . Avenue, Morristown, N. J., to Mrs. Hertha Brankamp, who will occupy the premises shortly. Bowery Realty in New Hands Jessi? " Ridley sold to Benjamin Harris the throe-st uy building, 24.Ux 196, at 229 Bowery, near Rivington Street Army Orders From The. Tribune's Washington Bureau WASHINGTON, Aug. 6.?Army or? ders issued to-day follow: Honor:?.lily Discharged Reynolds, 2d 1.7 H. J., San. C. t, Capt. '?'?' .'?.., eng. . I ipt. V. ' ' . C A. C. . ' ' , i -. i ' A., inf. ?'. It. Capt. L. L., Med. C. Winsett, !.: C. V., Med. C. 7 , i !,-. II 7.1.. Q. M. C. mick, !.t. C. A , 77 P. A. ry. Lt. O .'-.'' A C .-"? hullz, Capt A. F.. Mod . ??-,. l.i. .1. 17. Med. C. ????? Major S W . I "?:-. C. Muni, r, I.-. E 7 . ,'? |. C. '?? ?. 7' W }].. F. A. '??7* or ' ;. A Pease, 2.1 I.- H. R.. i av. i'uhse, 7; P, J? Ord Dept. Campbe I, 2d Lt. K. 1!., Vet. C. All . 3, i lapt. A. 17. San. i'. -National <?uar?l Following to F*orl Sill: Armor. Capt. II. 77 . Cat son, ' ''it'!. J. A. ; l lunl hei ? 7a pi G. ? ' . Buck, Capt I. G. ; V? iu n.-. Ca? i S G.; Depew, Lt. C, B. ; Puffin, 1.1. I.. H Ral '' ?. Lt R R. ; Goo Ison, 77 1.? G. A.; Cari ... 2.1 Lt. C. I: ; ICrouse, 2d Lt. A. !'. : Pohlson, 2d Lt. C. I. ; '?'i. tyer, 2d I.'. O. A., Pago, 2.1 Lt. S. C. ; II mti r 2d Lt. J. 1? :? ?' llowing to Fort Monroe: W?hle, Capt. W. C. G . Matthews, Capt. W. ; Ruh? mann, Lt. G. W. Jr. Miscellaneous Cohee, Chaplain O .1 . f.?, Camp Grant. Hol Capt. \Y. 11., oui,-., to Camp II i: ? ? Capl D. O., eng., to Camp H am? i's. il. W. B., Adj. Gen.'a Dept., to Camp ,??7?: 11 s Myer Capl A. .' jr.. cav., r s. a cepted. Evans, C; pt 1'. '?' Sig. ?'. lo Camp Vail. 1 >a ugherty, ? 'apt. W. F , Slg C, to C imp ? t re, Capt. W. E., C. A. C, to San Francisco. 7. t, Capt, A. T., Q. M. C, to South boy M? Naughton, Lt, .T. N., Q. M. C, to Fort venworth. Lambdin, Lt. Col. W. M., Finance Dept., ?. ! ',, ?..? ma. M ijor J., Med. C, to Mitchel Field. M ii gan, 2.1 Lt, .1. W , Vet. C, to Seal ? ... M : |or v M . Chem. Warl to New York and Fort Sam Housl n. Gill, Capt. B. B . Chem Warf ? ?? .to N-w fork an?! Fort San. Houst' Schultz, Lt. Col. T., ? av.. to SI 1. i v. al ? r, Lt. R. M., San. <* , to Camp Mea le Infantry Kungle. Capt. A. S., to Camp Benning. i i'Connor, Lt. B. F., to Antwerp. Coleman, Lt. Col. F. W., to Atlanta, Navv Orders j From The Tribune's Washington Bureau WASHINGTON*, Aug. 6. -Navy or? ders issued to-day follow: Baggaley, Com. W., to U. S. S. Humphreys. Baugh, Lt 11. V., to naval air uta! -, ; .-, go, Carroll, Lt. Com. P. L., to I*. S. S. Fox. ' ? ... Lt. Com. H. B . to Atlantic. . Lt. 11. W.. t.. Atlantic. :h, It. (j. g ) A. F.. to Atlanl ?. ... Lt. ' ' T., to naval air si ttl in, Hampton !'?? ads. ,t. (j. g.) G. C, to r. S. S S-15. Lt. 1?'. 11.. to naval training sta .:. '',"? it Lakes. Foley, Lt. \V. . to X???vport News. Gleisb, Bos'n P., to Portsmouth. Metz, l,t. Com. B. C, t? Navj Department, Washington. 17?. ,i. i.i. J. B., to F. S. s. William It. Preston. Sayles. Capt W. R., to Y\'a?-hlngton. Selrtuin. i.t. A. .! , to naval air station, Hampton 17 ads. Sexton, Ens. H. C , to U. S. S. Reina Mer cedes Skyl - Ens. W. F., to na\al air station. ton Roads Son A. G., to I*. S. S. Boggs. Stone, Mach .7 B., to Atlantic. stump, l.t. F. B., t.? Atlantic. Tucker, Ens C, to naval air station, San Diego. White, I.t. 11. J., to naval air station. San Diego, i Young, Ens. O. H-, to naval air station, ! Hampton Roa la Avery, It. (J. g.) I,. C, to naval air eta-' tlon. San Diego. Dork?. I.t (J, g i C. B., to naval air sta- ' : Ion, San I 'lego. McMahon. I.t. (j. p ) A. W., to Atlantic. Mettchen, Ens. II. F.. to naval air at San Mi-go. ?i. Lt. (J g.) H. H.. to Atlantic. I re, En*. F. H.. to naval air station. Sun Diego. Ruling on Cotton Loans by Reserve Board Is Denied Ilanling Explains Le#isla lion on Limit hy Member Banks; Answers Plea of "Forced Sales'" of Crop WASHINGTON, Aug. 0.? The Fed? eral Reserve Board bus not advised member hunks 113 to what loans they should make against this year's cotton crop, Governor Harding declared to? day in a letter to the Department of Agriculture. The letter was written in answer to reports reaching the department that "duo to an existing financial strin? gency, stocks of cotton were being forced on the market at sacrifices in prices." Such action, the department intimatod, hud been prompted through "a ruling or other form of instruction from the Federal Reserve Board which limited loans ?>n cotton to that ?>n!y which was in procesa of shipment." In answer to this Governor Harding explained thai Congress hail been re? quested early in the year to amend the existing tatutcs, which originally re? stricted loans to individuals by na? tional banks in excess of L0 per cent of the bank's capital and surplus. "Congress acted upon the sugges? tion of the board," Governor Hard? ing wrote. "The amended statute now provides thai foi a period of six months out of any consecutive twelve months a national bank may lend to an individual, firm or corporation up to 26 per c??nt of its capital and surplus, where the excess of 10 per cent is se cured by warehouse receipts." Commenting ?r?, the accumulation of low-grade cotti ?a ?""Governor Hardlng's letter stated that this was due par? tially to difficulty in making financial ! arrangements necessary to sell it to j the mills in Central Europe, adding| that "member banks in the .South no doubt feel reluctant to carry too large a volume of loans on collateral which is not readily salable." Dog Tr?tT~900 Miles Lost Collie Reaches Old Home After 8 Months ALBUQUERQUE, N. M? July 28.? ! Two years ago Roy M. Coo and family moved here from Fort Scott, Kan., bringing with them the family pet, Bud, a collie dog. Last November Bud i disappeared from home and, although i Mr. Coo advertised and offered a sub? stantial reward for the dog's return, no trace of him wa sfound. The other day Mr. Coe received a messape from his brother-in-law, an employee of the Fort Scott Gas Com , pan;.-, reading: "Bud, somewhat tired, walked into the gas plant and lay down." The ?lot?; apparently had con sumed about eight months making the trip of approximately 900 miles. Tho trip to Albuquerque was made by train, consequently on his eastward journey Bud had no familiar landmarks to guide him, unless he followed the rail? road. Flour Up 60 Cents MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Aug. fi.?Flour advanced 50 to 60 cents a barrel at the principal mills here to-day, quota-j tions for family patents in 98-pound cotton sacks, carload lots, being $13.35 to $18.80. This records a jump of 95 cents to $1.30 within the last two days. Camels Thrive in Australia Used in Mountains to Trans? port Mine Output Moro (han one, species of mammal which have been introduced into Aus? tralia have thrived exceedingly in their novel environment. Among these may he included the camel. In Australia | the offspring of this animal, owing no doubt to the climate suiting its char? acteristics better even than thnt of the land of its origin, are more hardy than their parents. Men of Assyrian and Afghan origin are employed as drivers and to look after the camels, and these men also thrive in the sunny climate of Australia. Their satisfac? tion is no doubt further increased by the fact that their earnings are many times greater than they would receive in their own native countries. The camel has great ability to withstand fatigue, manage on a minimum amount of water (a great consideration in a country like Australia), and carries heavy loads, five hundredweight being no exceptional burden for him to bear for many miles without tiring. In the district in which the camel Is used it is not an uncommon sight to see one of those animals barnessed to a cart and being driven in exactly the same way as a horse. The Broken Hill j silver mining district in New South ] Wales is well known as being a center for camel transport, and many teams are seen leaving or returning. Strange- I ly enough camels do not thrive on rich grass, but grow fat on dead leaves from the gum tree, spinifex or porcu? pine grass (th?3 grass covers hundreds of square miles of territory in the in? terior of Australia) and mulgu. These seem to be great delicacies, and the more thorny the better they are ap? preciated. Christian Science Monitor. RESORTS RESORTS RESORTS Canadian National ? Grand Trunk ajt.n,?*?LASX?, - OwmHr~^s across Canada ri" 'iTective June 7717th, 1920. The Cenailinn National and Grand Trunk Railways wel inaug?ralo a new 1 ranucontinent-.! nervice on the following ?chedulea: <fl**+*i TO0OHTO New York?Toronto- - Winnipeg?Edmonton ?Vancouver Prince Rupert New York?Montreal?Ottawa?Winnipeg?Edmonton Vancouver?Prince I'.upert ?Lv_New York (L.V. R, '.'..) I 6.17. : Lv Wa?hington(B.&0.R.R.) 3.0JPM? u Lt Baltimore (B, & 0. R R ) 2LS1 ! M ? Lv Philadelphia fi7?,v!<.f(j<,i'"6;3'3_PM?^r Ar Toronto " ? 9.40 A MIM o \ . M tOARA PAIXSV Lv Toronto Ar Cobalt Mo|Tu I We [hi rlS W?Th r MoTu Mo Tu Mo|T_ Tu VVc (Ea*. Time) ?1.00 PM|?Mo|T Ar Winnipeg Lv Winnipeg Ar Snskatoon Ar Edmonton Lv Edmonton Ar I super Sa? -.-il Park I Ar Mt. Roblen Canadian I'ncHa.l Ar Vancouver Ar Victoria Ar Prin i 12.00 PM|Tu (Cent. Time)! 6.00 PM We 10.25 PM We CMtn.Time) 12.30 PM Th 11.25 PMTh 12.10Arr?!Fr (Pae. Time)! 9.22 AM Kr Rupert 12.06 PM|Fr 9.00 AM S a 3.00 PM Sa 7.00 PM "~ wc rh Th Fr '_'?': Is? !?.- ? ?a Su ?_ Th IFr ?S.I ISu Th Fr Sa Su Fr Sa S : M Fr >a Su Mo Sa Su IMoTu Sa |Su Sa ?Su Sa |Su Su Mo Mo Tu Mo ru Tu ?We Tvi We WeTh WeTh WelTh Mo Tu Mo Tu Su IMoITu W?|Th_|Fr ru We r/hjFV Su i . .ITu !.. ThL. Lv NW York (Rat. R. R.) \ 7.45 PMjSu |Mo|Tu |Wc|Th ??Fr ?Sa Ar Montreal Lv Montreal Ar Ottawa 7.52AM|Mo|Tu IWelThlFr (E*?t. Time; 6.10PM|Mo|Tu] 9.10 PM Mo Tu 6.50AM!TuiWc 11.30 AMJTulWc 7. ISAM:.., Th Ar North Hay " Ar ??udbury Ar Port Arlbur " Ar Fort William (Cent. Tim?)! 7.05 ? ?VT Ar Winnipeg " i 9.45 PM Lv Winnipeg " 10.25 PM Ar Saskatoon (Mm. TW>il2.30 PM Ar Edmonton " 11.25 PM Lv Edmonton " ?12.10 AM Ar Jasper (Pac. Time) 9.22 AM (Nadara! rark) Ar Mt. Robson " 12.06 PM (Canadian Kocktoal Ar Vancouver " I 9.00AM Ar Victoria ,|Th . Th Th SFa .?Sa ?Ve 17 Fr WeTh Fr Th Fr Sa Th Fr Sa ?Sa l Sa 5u Su ?Mo ?Mo . Sa . L I [Ar Prince Rupert 3.M>PM? 7.00 ?v Mo Tu Tu a pu Sa JS?7 Sa Su Su ?Mo Su ?Mo Mo!. Mo Mo Me Tu Tu We We We Th Th Thl Unexcelled equipment, including Obaervation Cars, Sleeping Cars, Dining Cara, Tourist anj Colonist Cars ?and most modem coaches For all information, Fares and Sieepins Cnr reservations, apply to A. D.CHOWN, Gen. Agt. Pasuenser Dept., 1270 Broadway N. Y Ci! AKW TO UK STATE TRAVEL TRAVEL Orange Lake Park, NeWburgh, N. Y. High Clni-, Outing Park and P?enlo Grove. Ail oui loi - amui emi ni b. I >r nclng, Boatli -. ... 1 I Ing. Aurai - tlve A In ' larti Restaurant, Reai In 1 : i Steamers, : all roads and by motor over ,v.j.;?j High? attention to Church and Club ? u ?nions. F istrated folder and particulars addn MANAGER. Orange Lako Por'?, Newbur?h, N. Y. ?! A l?HK.UT. N. J. V?, PENINSULA HOUSE Sea Kriicht, N. ?J. ' ffi ??.: -, inn ? . . niele Ni? n?.- ?t ?J ??i : ? : ?? \ w York. Pea hud vin Route, '...... . 7.7. 17 j. n.\ nn, Mgr. ATJ.A.Vllf CITY. 2S. J. ? ix^YMOiRE-ATLANTICCmi TOLD'S GREATEST HOTEL SUCCESS TRAVEL M A1V1> RSCTuJ-RN On Sieameis Opercted by the Cornmiisioners of the P-illsadcs Interstate Perk !>:?;!?-, including Sundays, Un-,ii;ht Savin?, Time. Str. Clermoiit . - : B I ? r.n. P.. R . .' ? 'ity, 8 :'.10 A. ' '? . I ' - A. Bat ?.. : th 1. 77 V !<? :00 A. M. leaves Bea r M unta n, -1710 P. M. Str <?nt??or:i leaves R.? itl n Pier, W, ? . 77. V. c . 0::?o A. M Returl i: r Mountali 7 :30 ['. M. Fare 60c. Round Trip Hat . Sun. sr! Floli lays 86c. Ck?urt-n Under 12 ?l?li Irure. Cafeteri* Ltaci ?ttte rrmir v.r. puteaskd*" COLONIAL LINE BOSTONS k??$4.67' PROVIDENCE !5,?rV.* 33.24 AUL ?l , ??!!>.. STA'l KKO?MS $1.08 to ?4.U0 r Tax Boat Leaves Pier 39. North River 'out W?3?t Houston St.!, Daily ?x Sunday at 7j :j0 P. M.. Daylight Saving Tin.?. ?Phone .-;)rini?; oioi. Wore ?-'cr. it.10. PrnTl.-?en.p rllreei.?'? 70. ,??>tatfi?.<m>'is. sins,, S'MO. 1-'??.:/, ?. .udine Sunday, a :ai) P. M. From Fiet 19, hi. R. Phone 2700 Ue*k??B. TlekeU ?it ?'iir er Candil.?led Tl?k?t 08** ?"To f-ilGMLANO.S-SEA BPlGriT-' .?A-NG D?rA?CM-ASBb'ft f i ' W ' -? ? . p.m., S.i Hatter? I'ler :? . I I p.m.. S ,9 la Excursion Fare ^^^^^ $1.50 i. - ' . ?? . : . ..-?,..* 7, !'. M. I' . ' .....; .... . M itlil Three Trips Daiiy ?fo??A10 Lvj. Battery Pier *9:30 a.m., 1:30 & 8 p.m. MUSIC, DANCING. REFRESHMENTS. Trip IT~?~ en^ :?? :! Uiy Omil e?J M :..- * "re t)UC 7:. SVa! rax) Telephon?* Broad 7380-6034 |-Mi?..iM?i?-??H]ni?ir..ii.-mna..Li,.iiMiri,|.^. and New England Points ?smaT.M ri"g'?rrf7^arrrsaazr'ri??Jtci?aa? via FALL RIVER LINE Four Splendid Steamers in Servica Sailing Daily, including Sunday Orchejtra Concerts Eirollent Caisim Coo . C'HTt.VruJjlo Btatfirooam Soh'iKiu!'!?Eiui'.-rn Sta.idiu-d Tim? Dayll/?lit Ssvtag TTJpo. On? Hour L?t?f F*V. Kiror Uno, dally ?t I".ir H, N. B. (JAiltoo Bt I, ? ?"?) r. m. Due Ko?ton, South Pt?l?->n, 7:25 p.. m. New ?ax?.1i;.-i (Norwich) Line, daily n. miss, Pier 40, N7 il (Hoiwtou St), 4 p rr,. riar 70 17 )7 22nd 3t ? 5 p.m. Bridgeport IJro, daily except Sunday, Pier 27. ??. R. (Citherlne 81 ), 1 p. IS. I'ler ;j 70 II B. 22nd St. ). 1 15 p. m. 1 7.-it Bedford Lino (Nsw Bedford. Cap* fl i ?! tnU Bu tard'a Bay pain-?. Martha's u Vineyard and N'anturttet). Loate pier ?<0 B N It. (Houaton fit ) et. Sunday, 5 P. M. NEW ENGLAND STEAMSHIP CO. UP TSI? HUDSON Cool, breezy, all-.lay .sail on th? k:'<-:? 2 ' teel . te urn n UDI' r#?A 99 Plymouth Fall River Line. ?-J 7ft war tax , .turif vi??! ? . (no landing;?) Muslo?Restaurant ? Lunch Counter?Staterooms r.earc I'i.r 10, North River, New York (fool Houston St.), 10:13 A. M, J)uy liirht ??:i\ins Time, Returning iluu to arrive New \ ?>rU about 7:30 P. M. The New England Steamship Co. ??Siw Trips Up the Hudson io MOUNTAIN. aa ^ Str."Grand Republic"-^-?.?,%Vt"oam' EXTRA BOAT SERVICE Sundays I-^X"^ I.v. BATTERY, 9; IV. |33iul St . 0:30 \. M. ?i??ndTr?o Far860? ??^?? ? ? if? Sa,s A Suns 85c Children 5J4 II I'SIC?REFKKsilVlIlNTS?DANCING. ?JTEDNTISDAYS, AIT.I.ST ll-'TJ.-,. i Leaves W. 23d St. 7:45, Liberty St. 8:00 v M . Jackson Ave . ty, 8 ! 7 \ M., !'? ad Ht.. Newark, 5:12 A. M. :.: 1 tine. Uirect v???.ti? -r serrtce fr m New Voris ri? l??n*xiii Canal. ?-?!7u? at Cal'.ao. Ar?.?:a, iqu.qui\ Anto/agait* a -? d V'ai¶UO. S?. Haut? Elia?. XT?. Santa Luis?. -S>. Santa A.D?, - i Teres?. I ??'.- ? tls Sill?n??. W. R. GIUCB * IX>., Asen?, ttanoror Sqtuxe. N. T., or Local Ai- nt. ,1?U U LlriC street. Brooklyn. For Porto Rico. Curacao & Venezuela ?... vus- ' : Zulla.Aus. 1* 1 ? :. .,! ?Iphln .Aug - ? M ? ' ?? albo ..S pt, 7 BLISS, DALLETT ci CO., Gen'l Mu:rs. Phono 10072 Hanover. si Wall SKreet ? ?<".J* ^?r-jJ^^ DAILY, INCIXDINO SUNDAY "??Yoshlngrton Irvingr," "HendricTk Mtnlion." "Robert Fulton," "Albany." "De Witt < linton" in ? . -. 1321. Dire t Rail C nnoctlons All thr j?'i rail t: kets between *'????? : and Albany ?r lepted. Music. Re - iui mt, Daylight Saving Time .Vf h '.: un I. Th? ?'.-.:.: 7 k pal? Sat. Si rvlce : Ser\ . Special New \ ?. : .-: 1 lesbr isses Pc. . West ?t 2d -S? .. . West 12Dtri St. . Tonkers. .' -, r ? : : : tin ' ?'.'. ? it Point . . . ?.vail. 7 ev '? :-:: :i. 'oughkeepsie.. Kingston Point. ? ? . . :. ! !?: Ison. Albany. .?"'?7?>, "10: U2:20? tl:40 20 J i0l 2 15 i 7<) t2: ?0 .: ? - 20? ?C1 ?7. 30 ' OX IReturn si ? ?me day from :.- i marked f. ?? il?. ?ept Sunday. ?Thl i land ing made on Sundays only if capacity per? mit s. I lea r M mm aln pa ?sen ?' ? .. ? ? ad vis It : ?turn on " 10 P. M, steamer. Ideal one-day oiitln^?. ?xHudsoiiT River jLin Desbrosses St. Pier New York y?mat M*K>*!jpiW^*Miim?mas BENNETT-DUNNING Tours of Distinction AROUND THE WORLD September 17?November 20 INDEPENDENT TRIPS National Park?Great Lakes Saguenay River SOUTH AMERICA December 1?February 23 ; ,.': Itineraries and Information Bennett's Travel Bureau Ti,)') Fifth Avenue, New York, N. V. smESBmaaatBBEBk^SEBB?w 3}rm ?tmmbutit (Ea CONEY ISLAND Schedule i??r SATURDAY, VUG. Lve. IT. 120 St.[Fier I, N. R.lConey 10 .' ; ; ?3 a- in. 7 2 15 1:15 10:1 ; M.:., 1 2 .',.( ' 1 : 1 ?) Trips marked ' ili> not k<? to I :!?th Trip murk,?! f .1 oes not stop ?U ?Vier 1 R?CKAWAY BEACH tii. ?land. ?7:10 S 2'. 'j :25 0 p. m. St. . TV R. NEW YORK?HAVRE NIAGARA . I.A LORRAINE. KOCHAMBBA? . LAFAYKTTK la .- won: FRANCE. I.A TO! RAIN K ?0, .- ??.t. 17, Oct. 15 - - 2 i i ? ?? 2 Bt. 3, Pt. S ? let. '7, N )V. J .Sl-pt 1 i, < I.-! ??;, x -, ; . NEW YORK?BORDEAUX CA KO LINE. Au<. 1 ?) tOlU'M?S OFFICE, I? STATE 8T? N. V. TKAVEL TRAVEL PACIFIC LINE <? SOUTH AMERICA/ DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICE NEW YORK to WEST COAST PORTS VIA PANAMA CANAL t "ESSEQUIBO" AUG. 28 "EBRO" SEPT. 25 v and Monthly Sailings Thereafter. The Largest Steamers In the Trade. THE PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION CO. SANDERSON & SON, General Agents 28 Broadway, New York Pborje Broad 53<8? or ?any Steamnhli? Tleket Agent. NDAY Highland Falls NEWBURGH BEACON g.- TRIP POUGHKEEPSiEA^mM'? Palatial Steamer 'BEHJ. B. UDELL" MUSIC RESTAURANT ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^J LUNCH ROOM This delightful I00-mi!e sail gives you an opportunity to enjoy the finett ri?r?T srenery in the ?world. Visit Washington's headquarters or Downing Fark, hi NWburgh, or ride up famous Mt. Beacon, "Nature's Grand Stand." Leave SUNDAYS?Franklin St , 3 A. M ; West 129th St , 9:30 A M. r.alr or shin?* CENTRAL SUNDAY EiCCURSiO^ ^p^^^^^rk^i'^f-r^ y*7T:. <8r ?O ?EWBURGH AND RETURN $1.2 5 MEAT WH<sVe',FlWr "TROJAN" Will leave I'ler S3 A. M, Ml SIC?K ESTA I IS W." HUDSON ftAVFGATIOft COMPANY ,V NIGHT BOATS TO ALBANY AND TtiOY, G P. AI. AM) 7 P. AT. r:' m si l'iaiiiUisi; : biih mam .-.??. g.:' w e International Mergwhie Marine Compaq AMEftiCAf* LINE WMIE STAR LINE - N. T.?CI1EKBOURG?SOUTHAMPTON N- v.-CHERBOIHC?SOI THASrPT?N Philadelphia. . 12 M. Aug. 7 Sept. 4 Oct. 2 Adriatic. I I A.M. Aug. 14 Sept. 15 ?Gel.16 New York. . I I A.M. Aug. 21 Sept. 18 Oct. 16 . Olympic . . .4 P.M. ?. pt. 18 Oct. 9 NEW YORK?HAMBURG *Mo! il? . Aug. 21 Sept. 25 -'? .11AM ?\ug.28 Oct. _ vM,v. 6 t. ?< Nov. 13 and.) REO STAR U8E Mongolia ..5 P.M. AuS. 14 Sent. 23 Nov. 6 lf*K Manchuria ..4 P.M. Sept. II Oct. 23 Dec. 4 ? NEW VORK?AZ IR!?.??-' ?BRALT.U? . \7'I E ?t.i.VOA Sept 16 N. Y.?SOUTHAMPTON?ANTWERP ..?,,-- rt-rt? T- ? ? J? Kroonland .11 A.M. Aug. 14 Sept. 1? WHITE STAR-SS.^fflCjl] Lapland .4 P.M. Aug. 2.1 Sept. 25 MONTREAL?QUI ? LIVERPOOL Finland .11 A.M. Aug. 28 Oct. 2 Megantic . I. 18 Oct. 16 Zeeland .I 1 A.M. Sept. 4 Oct. 9 Canada .Aug. 24 Sept. 25 Oct. 30 Offices, 9 Broadway, New York. Piero 53, 59, 60. 61, 62, North RiVer. te?* esa gj-ai rwa g&> i&b 9\ nj 15 Cl D i A 9 F F D I- C U 1 m U ??LT ?L?u??u Go This Afternoon Special Trips 313 Round Trip ON THE HUDSON i ($1.10 inc. war tax) Ticket?, (rood this -'-.ti' only. Str. Homer RamndcU leaves 1 Pt , I P. M. ; W. 129th St., 1 177 P. M . : :? 77 t Point ?: 1 Newburgh, ' ' n necta with Str. BenJ. 13 O tell f r re? turn to 7?. j An Ideal twilight outing o? 120 miles on I . river. . . r?.k 17?. 7' . ? C M . r return to N. Y. trl? ? ? CENTRAL HUDSON LINE F Aast: ri ulk AND cKtKiHT SLKViLtS .rnperator .N?-w ^ ork to Cherbourg and TT-out.-.amptor? K. A. Victoria.New York Calabria .Now York Caronia .?..New York \quitani*.New York f'annonia .New York VUuretama.New York Imperator .New \crk ??v. A. Victoria.New York Columbia .New York Caronia .New York Acco;?: modati ns ? ?a? 21-24 STATE' STRB?t/nEW YORK. .-Aug. L>\ erpool .?. Au^j, Hamburg and Danzig....Aug. LiverptjSol.Aag. Cherbourg ??no Southamf ton.... . . Aa?j{. Na] les, Dubf< vnik and I rieste.Aug. Cherb mrg and S uthampton.Sept. Cherbourg and Southampton. Sep?. Liverpo?)l . Sej !. Londonderry and (jiasgow. .'-?pt. Plymouth and Cherbourg.Sept. i llabl? for is and . ? ? ' > s. ?V ?J. S. ill STEAMSHIP COMPANY, m Sailings, New York to Bremen and Danzig Cabin and Third Class Apply at 45 Broadway, New York City Also to Local Agents Eastern Steamship Lines, In?a. To METROPOLITAN UNE AH the way by water via CAPE COi) CANAL ritMRirri tray* Pier JS, North Ri?;?r. ft, ?f Murmy Si. PHONE BARCJ..AY UUM?. Daily at 5 P. M. 11 J.i-flight. Tijue) .?????????p'???^?mtmmmma^K?m^fKmmtmmmtmmm^ SWEDISH AMERICAN UK GOTHENBURG?SWEDE? Short Route to Sweden, Norway. Dr an. a; it. .inland. Russia. Germany, &c. - S. S. DROH N1NGH0LM.. Aug. 28 Ortv 7 S. S. STOCKHOLM.Sept. 16 Oa.--) Superior accoi t, la . *. ..? . -Je? Pwieng? Office, 24 Suto Su N. K,"