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LAWS OF NEW YORK S(-ctl??n Eighteen "T Article Si\ of the ,?,-n?titution. in Relation to Children's Court? and Courts of Domestic pela Hon* s?, i. m 1 Resolved ?if the \? concur). That seilt i ht? i of article six of th? constitution b" amended t . road ?S follows j lj Inferior local courts . jurisdiction may be establ ?bed by the l??g'..??'.a'?''ir''? ,M't *??? Inferior loval court hereafter created shall be con 2^-ert [Tin- : . rovid, d ! '?ite leclsi.itu-..' shall not hereafter confei ur^n ac.y Infero?!- or local court of Its creation, any equity Jurisdiction or any ?real??' Jwritsdlctton in other reajMCts than h conforre.; upon county courts hy or im? iter this tMi'cle. Th* teflttfatur? may ? 'egh chaire* s COM? - On .' -o vie? ri'a.'tO>i.'. OS separate courts, o>- <:* iniri'i of tI,j(..u eotti ts or r to be fvente.i. and ic.v. confer upon them ??? ^xfictie,* as may be necessary for :/>?? cor. .. ? position of i. ? or i and ?? - : ' - punishment and <-,.? ? ? ,? tit? of adults c ?.???>'?"? ;'>.? for or c jisj to s et or depen? dency, and to compel the .-.:,!?;?' of a ftti'id o? ... tharfeablt ??????? >'h who abac -, Uet to support any of them. In ,-<>?? ju.-h ".? '' ' " ' '?' '? >-:-" -. it fed (;? ?. ' any person by par,,;,. ?,: ,. ?a- guardianship. U shall be so com er p.c. - ;. ?? ? - ?:.'..??: ;?.)? governed by persons, ?. e' a r<rson, of tht samt ??< .??-,.. fian as 'he eh Id. in rhe exercise of snch ItrisdKtiem such courts may hear ?rmito SKCh io:iw?'. uHts\ or without a Jury, except those I'li-o.'i i?? ' Except a* hrrei-i otherwise provided, all Judicial oitl ?ers shall '??' elected or appointed at such times an 1 In such manner as th? legislature ?a? il j S. R the Assembly concur), Thal the foregoing amendment be r? .,'...,. ?; : nature to be . h isen :.; . , ? -\? . (senators an : fourteen for three months previous to thu time : such el< TH OF NEW Ti IRK IN SEN '.7 . ,.,,? ;?.. 19J0 The for ?* Ing resolutton was il -,,..-?. , . ?. .- ? d vo in?; In ; ? ? ' S nate. . : V v' WALKER, ." ? ?, EW YORK, IN ASSBM i 2 V IT? M Th" f ? major he ?.- ? cd to tt* M?< : ng In fa r thi rcof. B ? ? . C. SWEET, Sp< aker. ?3TATE ? IF NEW Yi iRK, 7 vs Off| a of the Seer? te, ?j I ha?" con ' ?- I tin ng ??? -,-?.- i ' concurren! Rice, and do is a correct ?-an-' rlpl ' m and of the whole there t G;v:' le? mj han '. ar 1 th" seal of office of thi :' ? tarj of State, [TL. 8.] at ? he t; of ilbany. thii - '. thou - . ? ? . ? ?? state Tin r ST.-7* OR! e of thy Se tai t?te . Purs ? ?, ' : - ? - ? I - :. hund? . ' . nt; fra: ? - ' . . AMENDMENT NUMBER THIRTEEN ? ste and ' ' Sect! ' - ir). Thai - read a ! " ' ? - ? ?7 ftresl 13 Wild II - ' - : ? - ? ? ?ate fr from S ' ng 1 ? 7 . : :??...? - :? . " . Thi ntui - - ? ? of st re; I ---..i ? ? e. been ? : ' ? n : ? - I - ? ? term ?... ? r Uli ?. ? petti "','"' I 2 ? ? ? rhat th. ??.?.? :? ? - ? ? at I : ?. . '? f?e ? is to the time ol sue7 . -. etli ? S ' rORK, - 20 -. 7> 2 I The f, ?-...- was ; ass- I : ? :' : -, i. i ;. dent. IN ASSE 271. X921 The foi ??U8>id, a rr.ajorltj In fa\ t-erevf i EL'S ' '. SWEET, ? 'eof ..... nd and 1 ? ? 8 ? a- ? bm : - eai ? ,-.... - M i-ll-'i ;". . ? .- ti ? : --??; ? Matter lu il new ? ?Um .;. ,v to 1 - is-f\ .7, l? M ???Mal election o! ! 0? h. ??'...??. FRANC 1 LAWS OK NEW YORK shall he applied to the improvement, super- : intendenca or repair of the remaining por- : tion of the canals. I .: Resolved (If the Senate concur). i.iai the foregoing amendment be referred to th.? legislature to t?, chosen at tho next general election of s, nuiem and in con? formity with section one of article four-, leen of tho constitution be published for three months previous to the time of euch . on STATE OC NEW YORK. IN ASSEMBLY, Apr, 10. 1920. This bin was duly passed, a majority of. all the members elected to the Aeseniblv voting In favor thereof, three-fifths being By order of the Assemblv. Til API'Ill's C. SWEET. Speaker. STATE OF NEW YORK. IN SENATE. I?'- 23, lT"2l*i. This bill was duly pass..!, a majority of all th- Senators elected voting In favor ? thereof, three-fifths being present. By order of the s >i ate HARRY C. WALKER, President. STATE OF NEW YORK ' Office of the Secretary of St.?>t?>v as : Albany, ?7mJ> i, 1920. ! have compared the preceding copy of concurrent resolution with t he original . resolution on file in thi? office, and do hereby certify that the same is a, correct pt therefrom and of the whole : hereof Olven under my hand and the seal of office of the Secretary <?t* Slate. ?.L. S.] at th? city of Albany, this lirst ? day of July, In the year ono thousand nine hundred and twenty. FRANCIS M. HUGO, Secretary of State. FIFTEEN Explanation Matter In italics Is new; matter In brackets [ ] Is old law to bo omitted. STATE OF NEW YORK. Office of the Seen tary of state. All .?.?? July 5. 1 ?20, Pursuant to the pro- of section one ' irtlcl? f lurl ? ri of : hi i Ions! Itut Ion of he Si ate of N? w Y - -.. and si ctlon t\?, ?> hundred nlnetj five of the Election Law. notice is herebu given that the following proposed amendment to section eii;ht. of seven of tho Constitution of tho State of Nev ' referred to the l<glr> Intun to be ch sen at tho n??xt general ? lei tion of senators In this State to be held on the second day of November, ? Ineteen hundred twenty. FRANCIS M. HUGO, S, retary of State. AMENDMENT NUMBER FIFTEEN Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and Assembly Proposing an Amendment to i tion Eight of Article Seven of the Constitution, In Relation to a Certain Portion of the Erie Canal. ?? 1. Resolved (if the Senate con cur), That section eight of article seven of 'h-, constitution be amended to real as 5 i The legislature shall not sell, lease or otherwise dispose of the Erie canal, th" ? n ?-? ? ? mal, the Champlaln canal, tho ; Cayuga and Seneca canal, or the BlacH River canal; but they shill remain tho ? ? ? ? ?rl ?-? ol : 1 ?? Bta ' ?? and ui 1er its ?van - ' ??? r. Th?? pr ihlbltlon of lease, * a I? or oi llsposl'.li n !?, r< In c ntained, \ ? ? . : to the canal kn iwn ? a tho ? ? ? canal, situated i ? :?: i, .-"1 which oxti nds from the west? rlj line ? Main ? westerh of Hamburg ? ;. noi that pol . : the ? dating n the i I ? lea, i etw ? n ? . . ,, street and lino . treet, provided ' '?? ? ' :"., ?. t to 1 itreet to fei .1 that fill ? f T h 11 street ?? . :? ? . ? ? ? ' ? i on of the exist? i E\ ? .. ecu th ion f tht villago of M h ? ?V nnd ? ? i . i ? da. All fui I ^ ? hal ease sale or other ? .. shall be applied to | rln ndenci or repair .' - ?, Ion ol anals. : :? . If thi Senate c ncui), - - . ; ami ndmen t be r< - ? . be cho en at the i. xt election ( senators an i In con - with s ? : n , no of article four I the - itlon be published for - : .'. ? ? m ml I..i previous to I he : line of su?, li STA "IE OF NEW YORK, IN ASSEi] BLY, U ?- 11, 1920, ily pass : i majority of men ers elected to the Ai or n fa- : thon f, three-fifths being y oi : f thi A ss' mblj. TliA : il : - SWEET, Spi aker. STATE OF NEW YORK, IN SENA" 17, -4pr. 15, 1920. This bill was ?' : is I, ,. majority of all tho Senators i ,'oting in favor ???'??: thi ??.-::: ? lis being pr. t ' ly ordei i the - ? natf . IIAHR? i v\ A LKER, /'. ? sident. STATE OF NEW YORK ) of thi - retarj ? : m pi ? ? ? ? ling cop?, n< .? .- ??-.-..- th . . on o In th - an certify thai ... ' 17 i and of ihe i Lh : nd and the seal of c ? fie? ? ? ;" ? .- ret : S ta te, [L. S.] t tl ty of Alb .... this : J in ? h<3 year ???? - nin - hundred and twei ' FRA '..:,- -? HUGi ?, ?S'? ' ? tary of State. SIXTE 7, :'? inntioi Mai ? is new ? I ?- ? ?? '?'. ! ; ?s ol . law to be ' ' TOS O! ' t to tl ns if section oi ' ? ' ? : : tion two n ?'? five of Ih '7 ? given that : , . ?. ? Idoios, tent to ac-onon ten of i ' ' ' tutiun ?>! Statj 1 to t le g 1 ge.'1'.'i ? ' ' ? ? - tobe! ? ? mber, nineteen hundn d ?? FRANCIS M. HUGO, : AMENDMENT NUMBER SIXTEEN ? ' n ...f the Sen ite ai : : ..? ? ? ? - ? , Section Tei I El ; _: ? he i Ion lelation to the Amount to II Tux for Cornty or Cil Pui intie nid Cit les. IO it 1 ? I I ' ? I I. ? ? - . ? ' itutiull I I . : ., . ? ? .-. city, t iwn or i : give an] property - to or ii poration ? lie ownci : bo of,.- ? 1 a ti o n o r hal) ;u:;. such counl j. city, : ? . ? vlll . ? be e ... ?. : to in u nesa excel ?. I ir county, clt>, . . ? 'ses Thi s sei tioi : ' ; u ? . , city, ?'? : ? making such provision for the ? . ? may be ., u ? : bj la ,v. N > i ounty oi citj shall I to 1 ome Indebted for ai a n am i n t w h 1 c h dneas, shall ex coed ten per i of t he ass? ss- d ? city subject i ? ' red by said i uni ? ty on th ent for. Btai or i intj ? incui : ing , ndel II s in excess li t ? ? : sol lit oly void, c: : , .. . . ! So count) ' present Indi bterl -:????- ox ? ?? Is | ? ?. : ccntui oi i; -.??? I valual .. ,-..,,. ? to taxation Shu : bi Indi bted m any I urther ? unt , such Indobte Iness shall be re such limit. This sect!..n shall ? ued to prevent the Issuing ol ? . ? Indebti dm ss oi re\ ? . .. i in antl ill ation of the colb c- . ., ol taxes for amounts actually oon . ? ined In the taxes for .... : sui n i erti?catea or i bonds are Issued and payable cut cd such taxes nor to prevent the city of New York from issuing bond.?* to be redeemed mt ?. year next succeed ng t* their issue, pro?, . I ah? ? ivl ?. ? . - r in i x ? of l ? ?. ahall not ex nth nlum ol th?; estate ol ' ' - : ixution. Noi sh il ; be cons! rued to previ nt Ihe nds to i thi supply of ..... (hi t? : i?, ol the bonds Issued to . . ..-, .,:.. tor lh' suppl: of '....:? -. In excess .,. the limitations of lnd? bt dm ss tlxi d h, ??. in Bhall not exceed twenty years, and a . be crea : on the ssuing of the.aid bonds tor their redemption by , , ? ? annually a sum which will produce an amount equal to the sum of the prln : i interest of said bonds at their ? I, i, bl in -< issu, d m antlcipatl n ? I '-? ', f taxes, whl h aro ri l r? ? ..... end any debt h; r? tier os any port ".ti or part of a city, Bhull be any Buch debt, shall be m the power th? rwlse Indebte l; excj pi , Incurred by tho city of N, w . .;,. fi,.S| o iy of January, nine? , ,',; hundred end tour, and debl ? In urred ,v am citj ?7 tl ss ?'?' ' ;?" rirat day of January, nim teen hundred and '.'.n, and debts incurred by any city ot .,.,. third d .ss after the llrst daj ol Jar. an ! t, n. to provld pplj oi water, shall not bo so ??eluded- and except further that any debt thereafter incurred by the city of New, York for a public Improvement owned or to bo owned by tho city, which yield? to LAWS OF NEW YORK th? city curr.-nt net rev.muo, ?itt?-r making anj necessary allowance for repairs and maintenance for which tin? city la liable. In excess of the Internal on said debt and of tin- annual Instalments necessary for us amortization, may be excluded in as certalnlng the powei of jrnbl city to bo come otherwise Indebted, provided that a sinking fund for it-? amortisation shall have been established and maintained, and thai tin? Indebtedness shall noi be ?o ??>: chid, i eiui Ing any period of time when ih.? revenue aforesaid ?hall not be suf? ficient to equal the eu id iatercal and aiii"i n/.aiion Instalment?, und excopl further thai any imlebtednoaa heretofore Incurred hy the olty Of New York for any rapid transit or dock Investment may be so ex? cluded proportionately to the ext??nt to which the currenl not revenue received by sai?l city therefrom shall meet tho Interest and amortization Instalments thereof, pro? vided that any Increase In tho ?lebt ttt currlng power of tho ??itv of New York which shall result from the exclusion of debts hen tofore Incurred shall bo avail? able only tor the acquisition or construc? tion ol properties to be us., l for rapid transll or dock purposes. Tho legislature shall prescribe the method by which and the terms and conditions under which the an,<oin; of nnj debl to he so excluded shall be determined, and no Buch debt shall be i \ lu I l i xcept In accordance with ih.? determination so pros i?lbed. The legislature ma> In Its discretion confer aj?propriate Jurisdiction on the appellate division of the supreme courl In tho flrsi ludlcial department for the purpose of ite termiuing tho; of any debt to bo so excluded. No Indebtedness of a city valid at tho time of its Inception shall there? after become Invalid by reason of tho operation of any of the provisions of this section. Whenever the boundaries of any city are tho same as those ol a county, or when any city shall Include within its boundaries more than one county, the power of any county wholly Included with? in such city to bocomi indebted shall cea.?... bu* the debt of the county, hereto? fore existing, shall not, for r'.ie purposes ?if this section, !??? reckoned as -., part of the city debt. The amount hereafter to I", raised b> tax for . luntj or ell t pur? poses. - rcfn ?: ? of ai pr ,priations ?? r , du cational pii rp, x ?. In any ? -. uni y . ing a city of over one hundred thousand inhabitants, or any such city of this si ite, in addition to providing f ir tho ; rln Ipal and Interest of existing debt, shall not in the aggn gate ex.I n anj < ne year t wo per centum of the assessed valuation of th?? real and pers mal esl ite of ouch count) or city, I" be ascertained as prescribed In thi? section in respect to county or city debt. ?1 ?. Resolved 'If the Senate concur), [?hat the foregoing amendment be. reforred to the legislature to be chosen at thi in ?tl general election of eenetors, and in con? formity with section one of article four? teen of the Constitution be published for three months previous to the Limo of such election STATE 0]r NEW YORK IN ASSEMBLY, _. Apr. 20. 1920. This bill was duly passed, a majority of nil the members elected to th" Vssi ? h ? voting in favor thereof, three-fifths being ; i ' sent, Hy order of the Assembly, THADDEUS C. SWEET, STATE OF NEW YORK,0 *' IN SENATE, ' Apr. 2.1. ?920. Tlds bill was duly passed, a majority of all the Senators elected voting In f?voi thereof, thre? fifths ! ? Ing : - sent. l'y oi li r f th s nal Il A I1RY i 7 \V S.LKER, Pn lent STATE OF NEW y. IRK ' ifl Ice of t hi S?cr?tai y of Stal I have compared the preci h . i ' ' iri nt : ? - lutloti with the ol ' ? ?' ? : on Ule in this oft : . ? ? : ? ; hat il:-, sam Is n rrcel transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof. Given under -i j ' mil 11:.. seal of .?f?r., of the S? ci itui ? :' PI ?? [I.. S.] the citj . ?' Albany, this first day of July In tho > ear . ?, ?!. lusand nine hun Ired und twenty h RANCI!? M UUOO, Sec n tary of State. SEVENTEEN Explanation- Matter in italics Is new; matter In brackets ! j Is old law to be . mltl ? d, STATE i IF NEW YORK Office of tho Se - ? ? ? ?. ol fil it?, .?..-, I 120 Pursuant to the -, ro? isions of si I of arti .?? foui :??? n of I he i Ions II il on .-( the State of New i'ork : ion t ivo . nineO :??. ? the '.: tion notl i is hi re by gl .-en that tho 1 .ving Ian ndn nt to section i ven of article eight of th Con uf tho i of Ne ?.'.? York Is re i i I to c lature to be ch sen al th ne ? ? general tion of senai is in this Stati ;?? : on i he second da y o? Nuvi mbi r, nlnetei n hundred twent y. FRANi 'IS M. HUGO, ;?: ???-':?_ o) State AMENDMENT NUMBER! SEVEN? TEEN Concurrei I Resolution f thi te and Assembly Prop ? an An ? : nl to .-? ? : ' m El ?ven i . ? e Eight of I he ' nsl .' tion, in Relation ? ; ?. t?te : Charll es, th? " .' i .... ? and tl ? ? :.?:." i on gieiie. 1. Res ..?? . ,. ., cur), That sect ? , elghl : ? nstltui ?. 1 ? ami-nded to read as ? '1 7 .?.? . ill j ? ? tat oard of charll ? h shall visit u II I Institi r stati county, : ' I, In incorporated, ... 7 are ol ? i . : . . . .,...; , .. ,. .-. , . ..... . , . . , .. .. ; state list it ' . ' educo -. i . ? ?:??:? and .:-,.- : ???-.. ' : I .... ' . : to the visitation and ii f ? he mm herelnaftei mentioned, LI till reforn ori 1 ? \ . : ? ? . ? I u 11 m of felon ? ? . rr on mental hyp . ... .-. lie or i .-ab : : ' . ? ? . ? ? ? r, -, ? did ? iot I ? ? - . ,-isii I ii ?? titu !..? . : of sai tiduli god . ? . . convicted i oi detained at iviti 52 Resolved til the A si ibly concur . Tha : : he : regolng amen ni i rel red ! . ? he legislature to bi it the next g< i eral eh ctlon of Ben itoi In con fi rmlty with section or..? of ai : ur .... n of the constitution be published for three months previous to the time of such ? STATE OF NEW YORK, IN SENATE, Apr 2 7 1920 The foregoing resolution was all l ho Si ... toi ..? ted vot i then ' : . ordei oi le Si nate, HA RRY C. WA LKER, / ? ?i klent. STATE < iF NEW Y? iRK, IN ASSEMBLY, 2 ; 1920 The foreg Ing resolution ? i I ? ? ; issed, ?. if all the m ted to the Assemblj voting In favor thereof. By ordi r of the mb I?, C. SWEET, Spt akei. STATE OF NEW YORK, I ss ? ? iff?.f tin Secretan of State 1 ha .. ?? compi.1 the ; ? ling cop; i n in nt resolution ? Ith t he origin ,1 Ion on ti.-? m this offlci , and do hereby certify that the same Is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole ? '.? ? Given under my hand and the seal ot office of i le? Si en tar\ of .-late, at [L. 6] lb?? ' .' ? ' : \ ?.'?'? ? ' : of July In the > ? ar one thousand nine hun ired und l ? ? ? '-'y. I??R ANC 11 ? H L" GO, e, , , , ? state. EIGHTEEN Explanation? Mat ter In ? Is new : matti r In bra? ki ts [] Is old law to be tted. STATE OF NEW Y< ?RK ..... , the Seci t State Vlbanj . July I, 1920. Pursuant to the provis ons - tion one of article fourteen of the Constitution ot the State of New York, and section two . Ired ninety-five of the Election Law, ? ? e m hereby given that thi fol owing ? posi rl ?: .? n !:;.? nt ; ? si ction two ot ar? ticle twelve of the Constitution ol the -? ite of New Vor!, is referre l I ? the legls ire to b? i 7 :? n ..' the next genera - n of senators in this St - ' ? hi Id on the second daj :". nineteen hundred twentj. ..,,,.. FRANCIS M. IH GO. Sect tari of >" ate. AMENDMENT NUMBER EIGHTEEN cu ? : ? Ri solul m i and nb Pro] 'Sinti an A n n ' n lit t Two of Art! ol thi .' institution, in R lati n to ' 3 lion l Resolved (if the '? ? ?? v.\,:-. c n ir), That bi ctlon two ol artl twelvi I of the constitution bo amended : ?? read as ' follows: ? 2 All c'.tlcs are classified ?? : ng t i ?the latest state enumeration, as from time to time made, us f.,?lows: The firsi i lass includes all cities having a p pulatl u ol oi? hundred and seventy-five thousand or . , ? ?ties ha\ ing ., of fll -.?.? l ii .usa:).! ., ci II ss than one hundred and seventy-five thousand: the third class, all other cm. s. Laws re? lating to the propel ly, affairs or gov? rn mem ot eitle?, and the several di pai cnients dtvidod : : . . . ,.n . ? ?. lal cltv law v genera aws are which i ro all the cities ol on re classes; si -' ? .-. hich relate to n 7-'. or ??> less than all tho cities ol city lav, ? shall not i??? passed except In con wlth th provl ons of Lhls , Aiier any bill for a spo? I nv, re? lating to a city, hai been passi ! bj both branches of Ihe legislature, the house in v. htch it originated shall immedl itelj tranumit a certified copy thereof to the i mayor of such city, and within fifteen days | thereafter the mayor shall return such bill to tha clerk of the house, from which i? was sent, [.orj who If the session of' the LAWS OF NEW YORK legislature nt which such bill was passed luis terminated, shall Immediately transmit the some to the governor, with tho mayor's certificat? thereon, stating whether the city has or ha? mil accepted the same. In every city of the first ?duns, the mayor, and In every other city, the mayor and the legislative body thereof concurrently, shall net for such city h=i to such bill; hut the legislature may provide for the concur? rence or the legislative body In riti..H of Ihe fl?flt class. The leglslutur? shall pro? vide for u public notice and opportunity for n public hearing concerning any such bill in every city n? which It relates, before action thereon, Such a bin, if it relates ? to more than one city, shall be I rausmlt t'?d to tin? mayor of each city to which It re? lates, ami shall not be deemed accepted unless accepted ns herein provided, by every such city. Whenever any such bill Is accepted as herein provided, It shall b.< subject, ns are other bills, to the action of tho governor, Whenever, during the B08 Bion at which It was pAssod, anv such bill Is returned without the acceptance of the city or cities to which it relates, or within such tllfteen days Is not returned, it mav nevertheless again be passed bv both branches of the legislature, and it shall then bo subject, as are oilier hills, to the action of ihe governor. In every special city law which has been accepted by lha city or cities to which it relatos, tho tul" : shall be follow,?,! by tho Words "accepted by the city," or "cities." as the caso may be; m every such law which l? passed ! without such acceptance, by the words "passed without tho acceptance of the city," or "cities." an the case may be. 8 2. Resolvd (If the Assembly concur) That the foregoing amendment be referred to ih" legislature to b<- chosen at the next general election of senators, ami in con? formity with section one ot article fourteen of the constitution be published for throe months previous to- the time of such elec? tion. STATE OF NEW YORK IN SENATE Apr. 2.1. 1920. The foregoing r?solution was duly passed, n majority of all the Senators elected vot? ing In favor thereof. By order of the Senate HARRY ('. WALKER, Pr?sident. STATE OF NEW YORK. IN ASS EM 171, Y. Apr. 21, 1920. Tim foregoing resolution was duly passed, a. majority of all the members elected to tho Assembly voting In favor thereof. By order of the Assemble. THADDEUS ?7 SWEET, speaker. STATE OF NEW YORK I Office of the Secretary of States ss-: I have compared the preceding copy of concurrent resolution with the, original n solution on tile In this office, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct Iranscript therefrom and of th- whole thereof, 'inen under my hand and the. seal of office of the Secretary of Stat<-, [L. S.] at the city of Albany, this first day of July In the year on?- thou? sand nine hundred and twenty. FRANCIS M. HUGO, Secretary of State. PROPOSITION NUMBER ONE. Explanation.?Matter In ?(alles Is new; (matter In brackets [ ] Is old law to bo omitted. STATE OF NEW YORK, <i!T!ce of the Secretary of State, Albany, July 1. 1920. Pursuant to the provisions of section one 'of article fourteen of the Constitution of the State of New York, and section two hundred nin '? five or the Election Law, notii ? Is hereby given that ih" following F pn >osl ion, chapl r elghl hundred seven ? .7 i le? law a of nin- teen hundred ? ?. ?. ?. II be submll ted to -the people for the i in ; of voting Llier? on al the nexl ? ?m ral election to be held i n the second ?lay of November, nineteen hundred ... n t y. FRANCIS M. HUGO, Secretary ol Stale. PROPOSITION NUMBER ONE CHAPTER .".72 '.?: Vet Making Provision for Issuing n Is i ? the An ount of not to Exceed Forty-five Million Dollars for the Pay meiil if n Bonus to Persons Who Served in tho Military or Naval Service of the itod St al es at any Tl ne Between t he Sixth Day of April, Nineteen Hundred and Si ?? ? nteen, and the Eh i-enl h ! ?ay of November, Nineteen Hundred and Elght ? '. and Providing for a Submission of the Same to the People to bo Voted Cl n al the Gem cal Election t..? be Hi I in tho i'ear Nineteen Hundred aid w e n t y Bi ? , law May 21, 1920. with the. ap i ?,.,.ii of tie? Governor. Passed, three fiftl : : ins ; sent. The Peopb of the State of Nexo York, represented in Senatt and Assembly, do enacf llui i i', oi 1 Issue authorized. There : isued, in t he ma nni i and at the : ? ' ? ina fier ri cil ed, bonds of the si ite ;a an anio,unt not to exceed forty five ' ?ilion dollars, which bonds shall be Id 1 tin si ate and the i? ... eeds : h in of , . : lut . the .-.',.,;> treasury, an.', so much. i : i !????? as may be necessary expended for i ho pay..:.>nt of a bonus t.. persons who . thi ? llitary or naval service of I'nited Stal es, al any 11 ne 1?.?' wei n ihe sixth day of April, nineteen hundred i eventi en, and i he ele?, i nth day of ,-cml ? ninel en hundred and eighteen, ., . In ?? inaftcr provided. Such bonds when sha Ii be exempt from tax?t i m. ? ?:. -i.y.... Interest The comptroller Is i . eby direi ted to causi !.. be pr< pared t?o- bonds of this state to an amount ? ? ?. ? ? ? ed : rp live million <! dial s, Buch boi is to b nr te si at the rate of not lo exceed five per centum per annum, which interest si,,7:1 be payable Beml-an n tl ' of '??'? '.'?' York. Such t nd ?. or I he p irtl m : hi reoC at a ny time shall be made pa ya ble In twenty ual annual Instalments, the ftrat of shall be paj able one year from late of issue, a nd i he iasi of which shall bo payable twenty-six years from ? issu?? The omptrol lei 1 . reby ??'.?., I v, Il h ; tie d il ? o? s Hing sucl bonds .. : not 7 sa t han par to the hlghi ?' :?. Ider ., 'I ? r ad\ ert ising for a ! ? : :,? ?. ul .?? <!.i ys, Sun ? a I, in .] least two da ily to ws pers printed : I f New Vi rk, ,-. the city of Albany, Ad vert ?se . ?-..:.. ; p ro vi si on l ? . t the i ptroller, in his dls !.. ? . reject an; or all bids made i pursuance . . idvertisei en : s, and lb? ??? f su rejection, t he comp lUtl ?izi d to readvi rtl ??? fi r the form und ? inn r ; bove ?!?? . ? li times as in his Judg? ment ma; be necessary to effect a Batis? ta li , wie. ?. , i mmission to distribute proceeds, roceeds of su :h bonds, after appro i or appn prl itlons therefrom by in . sha:I be distributed by a special commission created by the legis? lature for su h purpose, to the persons entitled thereto, under the provisions ol i'1 ;., act, on application within a time t.? be presi ribed b> i he legialal ure. 5 .;. Disability fund. The legislature .. b; law fi r the establishment and administration of a fund to be used for : hi an ? in oi the condition ol ms mate who are sufl erlng Incurred In the militar) or , . . ihe United States at anj lime bel v. ? I he sixth day ol April, ; niin i.i ?. hun I red a n I se rent een, and : he date ? hon tl we honoi ablj si pa - ?. : . : 7 hargod : rom such servti ? s, ... ,.... pi rson who so desire to assign to such fund the bonus . ?h 1.? Is ? nt itled under this ac t. ?. ;, ](. puses !.. certain persons who ?a. In the service of the United States ?. the war with the ('".-man empire and ! its ailles Every person, male or female, ,..!: . was enlisted, Indu ted, warrant! l >r ?, i, an I who servi d honorably in active duty in tho military or naval serv.d the United States at any time between the sixth day of April, nineti en hundred and sevi nteen, and the < le .??: ' n day . ? Novi mbi r, : Inete? n hundred and . eighti en, for ?< period . ng' r than tw > m i,th- a :. 1 who, at the lime of ? ntering Into ich sei fl< e was a r? si 7 nt of l lie stute of Ne? i Ltid i a resldenl at the time : and who was hon .,,.'. r dlsch . i :': i such servi.;? v. 7., Is still In active sei . , l ... : r has been fui loughed ?? . reserve, ? hall be entitled to i ; ;. ; .Is of ;? ich bond i ? l onus the sum of ti n dollars for ? ach n nth ., or iv.ic- Ion thi reof that such 1 person was In active Bervice, of not exc.1 Ing a total of two hundred and fifty dol "-.. person shall be entitled to such , lyment or allowance who ,it the time ot being sei trat i or dis harged from such . or at the time of being retired n lughed to a reserve, or at the lime of his death In the service, was an offlcei In th ?.:??_. or m.. ? Ine corps ab i\ e the grado of captain, or In iho navy ai?. : . grade nt, senior grade. No per . bi i ni" led !.. sui h pay::, int or ... ho being In the military o r ?: . of the 1 nited States subse ? : sixth day ot Api ... ;...-;? ?. nte< n, refused on i >nsci :. other grounds to sub? ject hiinsell i ? mil II u y dis ipllne ..!..;, :. ? : service, or v. 7 , serviei was in the students' arm) training ,?ho I veil f rom anol !:? r state . of a lir.e nature ? led tor !.. this act. The husband or .?/lie, child, mother, father, toother and sister in the order named and noue other of any deceased person, mule or female, who was enlisted, Inducted, warranted or commissioned, and who served honorably ?n active duty in tho military or naval service of the United States, as provided in this si ctlon. shall be paid the sum or al owance that such' deceased persons * ?'oui I b entitled hereunder if du ceas I pen ..ns had lived. jj 6. Payment exempt from taxaiion and execution. All payments or allowances made under tins act shall be exempt from all taxation, ami from levy and ?.?.io un ? X ? ? . : . ? 7. Submlssl ?n of i.?w to i This law sh ? effect uni il it shall at ., n ha beeu submitted to the 1 people and ;>... ?, .... . ity of all the votes cast foi and against it it seen n and the same shall be submitted : ? the people of this state at the general .. to bo held In November, nineteen hundred and twenty. Tho bal.,?is to be fur . for the us-- of the votera upon the submission of this lav.? shall be In th'? form , prescribed by the election law and the i proposition or question to be submitted thai! b? printed thereon In substantially the following form, namely; "Shall chapter LAWS OF NEW YORK eli;ht hundred and sovonty-two of tho laws of nineteen hundred nml twenty, entitled 'An act making provision for Ipsultu: bonds to tho amount of not to exceed forty-flve million dollnrs for the payment of a bonus to persons who served In the military or naval service of the United Stales at any time between the sixth day nf April, nine? teen hundred and seventeen, and the eleventh day of November, nlnete??n hun? dred and eighteen, and providing for a sub? mission of th" same to the people to be voted upon at the general election to be held in tho year nineteen hundred and twenty,' bo approved?'' STATE OF NEW YORK, J ,, . Office of the Secretary of State, <?"?? I have compared the preceding with th? original law on filo in this oft ice, and do hereby certify that the sum" is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whulo uf said original ?aw. Given under my hand and the seal of office of the Secretary of siato at [L. B.] the cliy of Albany, this tlrst day of July in tho year on?? thousand nine hundred and twenty. FRANCIS M. HUGO, Secretary of State. Form for Submission nf Amendment Number One 'Shall the proposed amendment to Sec? tions Two, Four, Flvo, Eleveh and Twelve of Article Seven nf the Constitution, In re? lation i" debts contracted by the slate," be approved '.' ?Form lor Submission of Proposition Number Ono "Shall chapter eight hundred seventy two of the laws of nineteen hundred and twenty, entitled 'An act making provision for Issuing bonds tu the amount of not to exc.1 forty-flve million dollars for the payment of a bonus to persona who served In tho military or naval servie?? "I* the United States ?t any ilni" between tha sixth day of April, nineteen hundred und seventeen, and the eleventh day of Novem? ber, nineteen hundred and eighteen, and providing for a submission of tho same to the people to be voted upon at tho pen. ral election to be held In the year nineteen hundred and twenty,' be approved?" STORAGE NOTICES WAREHOUSE SALE OF COODS FOR UNPAID CHARGES In accordance with the provision of law, there being due and uni.aid charges, for which the undersigned, Liberty Storage and Warehouse Company, Is entitled to lien as Warehouseman on tha goods herein? after described, and due. notice having b'.'.n given to all parties known to claim an Interest therein, and the time specified in such notice for payment of such charges having expired, there will be sold at public I auction, at the auction rooms of W II I I'l.ATTAi: <t SUN, SOUTHEAST CORNER . [OF 1STH ST. AND UNIVERSITY PLACE, . MANHATTAN, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 17TH, 1920, and continuing each Tuesday ! and Wednesday thereafter until all the following property has been sold: Household goods, consisting of bureaus, chiffoniers, desks, wood. Iron und brass beds, mattresses, linens, pillows, portieres, books, bedding, dining room furniture. rockers, chairs, carpets, mice, pictures, mirrors, sewing machines, library and par? lor furniture., office furniture, records, let? ter lib's, boxes and contents, barrels and contents, glassware, china, brtc-a-brae, upright, Bquare and grand pianos, vl : .i i. ng machines, violins. vloloncel guitars, banjos, mandolins, zithers, music records, trunks and contents, wearing ?ip ?..n. l. costumes and wl?s, clocks, souvenirs, trophies, bath scales, electric lamps, ?? trli fixtures, electric motors, toys, ? nnis r ' kcl i, golf I .,: s, pi rsonal effei ts, cloth ing and miscellaneous, held for the ac count of MRS. A. S. VATABLE, PETER 71.INT, MHS. I?. HEATON LONG R. 11. SANBORN, F, A. R. STRENSCH, MRS LEROY M. TAYLOR, K7 A. 1-717 i ! Y HERMAN PUBLICATION SOCIETY INC THEODORE SUTRO, PRES MRS WII ! ' ?AM M. HOUGH & COWPERTHWAlT'fi FURNITURE COMPANY, MRS P M ?,;; FORD, CARRICK MAJOR, MISS MARIE F. NOYES, MISS FRITZI SCHEFF MISS ETHEL WILSON, MLS. FLETCHER DEX? TER, MAURICE GABRIEL, I \! FRBESE, TditS. w. T. WORDEN, MISS MAUDE BEATTY, !.. C, F KI1.L1W MLS. ADA O'MAHONEY, MRS MARY HUXLEY, S I. FERGUSON. ESTATE OF .MKS. JOSEPH V.7 HERBERT IR JOSEPH W.'HERBERT, JR., & LUDWIfJ liAl'MAN COMPANY, MRS. VV. s GILL A. WOODHAM, as their interests may ap? pear. All being now scored with said Com P ?ny, in its warehouses, and all r . be more spoclfii ally announced and desi rlbi d a' mo "l said sale. The -?roods i ay be seen at the place of sale on the Monday preceding the sale ih?? Liberty Mom?,. & Warehouse Company Nos. 43-47 Wesl iHth Street and Nos. 43-50 West Both Street, New *i ork City, N Y _ WILLIAM K. WOOD, SECT SUMMONS SUPREME COURT, RICHMOND COUNTY ?FREDERICK RADWAY, doing busi? ness und?,? the firm name and stylo of I. L. RADWANER SEED CO Plaintiff against LUIS CASTA?A OLIVA, doing business under tha namo arid style of SOCIEDAD AN?NIMA CASTANE De ; ? n d a i ? TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT? YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED ' ? an ''?v">' the i oi ;.. ilnt In this action, and serve a copy of your answer on the P ilr hit's attorn* y within i >v< nty laj s aftei i ? service of this sum::: >ns, exi luslve of the day of service; and In ca -?? i f ?. iur I ... a; pear or answer Judgment w talian against you by default for the re liel dcmai ded In t ho c m plaint Dated, New York, tins 2d day of July. ELIAS BERNSTEIN, Attorney for Plaintif! Office and P. i i Addroi.--..?? i. id Str. el . B ?rough of . Ma nhai ?.. n, New 7 rk Cil TO LUIS CASTANE OLIVA, doing busi? ness under the name and stylo of SOCIEDAD AN?NIMA CASTANE The foi ??>-: oing summons i ? .- rvi i upon you by publication pursuant !.. in order of Hon. Am?.n !.. Squires?, JusU' ? if thi Su : i ? i ' ? lurt of ; he Sta te of New Y rk, dated the 5th day of August, 1920, and (lied with the complaint In tho ...'!> ? ? h' i llerk of the Supremo Court, ..? the County Court House, In the County . : Richmond, state of New York. Dated, New York, this 6th day of Au? gust, 1920. ELIAS BERN ST LIN, Attorney for Plaintiff, Office and I*. O Address, 30 Broad Street, Borough of Manhattan. New York City. SURROGATES' NOTICES PECK, REBECCA G.?IN PURSUANCH of an order of IL.n. .?ohn P. Cohalan, a Sun gate if the County of Now- York, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all ; r sons having claims against REBECCA G. PECK, late of the County of New York, leceased, to present the same with \ iu ti? ers thereof to the subs ribera, at their ; ,., ,? f transacting business, at the offlc? of Putney, Twombly i Putney, their ?t terne;, s, al 2 Re? tor Street, In the U r ..,:?, of Manhattan, in the City of New York, State of New York on ur before tho 71U day of Novomber, 1920, Dated. New York, April 30. 1-120. FRANCIS W. PECK, IRENE D. LUDLUM, Executors. PUTNEY, TWOMBLY 4?. PUTNEY, At? torneys for Executors, Office & Post office Addresw, 2 Rector Street, Hur ough of Manhattan, Now Y'ork City. Mess, FRANK.?IN PURSUANCE OF AN order of Honorable John P. Coha Surr? - ite i ? tho County of New York, NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons hav ? .- . ilms against Frank Moss, late of the County of New York, di.ased, to present : me v. li h vouchers thereof l i he sub? scriber, at her place ol transacting busl : ?. he ..;-.: ? uf Moss, Mai ... & Wels, :,. r atl ? - : -, at No. 233 Bi adwaj. In : he ,???;,? ;' Ni w York, on or l. fore tho 15th day of January - Dated, N< 1 1920. ELIZABETH J. MOSS, Executrix. MOSS. MARCUS & "WELS. 233 Broad I way. Now York ?City. York, the 2nd day of July, Cable Ship Arrives ; No Attempt to Land British Craft Lays Off Miami Awaiting Orders From Embassy MIAMI, Fla.. Aug. 6.?The British cable layer Colonia, under charter to the Western Union Telegraph Com? pany to land the new Miami-Barbados cable, arrived to-day off this port, but remained outside the three-mile limit. The Colonia was boarded bv Rear Admiral Bcnton C. Decker, command? ing tho flotilla of destroyers sent here to preve_t the landing of the cable; A. H. Hubbard, British vice-consul at Miami, and W. J. Brenheim, general traffic manager of the Western Union Company. Vice-Consul Hubbard announced later that he had taken charge of the Colonia and that she would remain outside of the three-mile limit until further advices had bi en received from the British Embassy at Washin?gton. When the officials returned to shore ?hey were accompanied by Arthur Dearlove, of New York City, chief i ngineer of the Western Union, who was aboard the Colonia. The four destroyers ordered here by I the Navy Department continued to i patrol the outer harbor. U. S. Aviators In World Cup Contest Named , Captain Waltor G. Kilner, Holder of Altitude Rec? ord, Commands Squadron Which Departs Aug. 20 Plane Details Kept Secret Ail-American Machine Capa-! ble of Making 200 Miles an Hour Will Be Used Tho United States Army Air Service announced yesterday the personnel of its entry for the Gordon Bennett In ternatiqnal Airplane Trophy that takes place in France next month. The en- ? try consists of a Verville-Packard air plane, whose specifications and dimen sions are withheld, which is expected \ to achieve an average ?speed of more than 200 miles an hour. The personnel will sail for Paris August 20 under command of Captain j Waiter G. Kilner and will consist of Captain Rudolph W. Schroeder, holder <-:' the world's altitude record; Captain Corliss C. Moseley, Lieutenant Alfred I. Puryear, Master Sergeants Warren C. Bailey. John Dolan, Homer Gorby, Oscar Bach, StalT Sergeant John Ross, aviation engine mechanic J. D, Smith, aviation mechanics Joseph M. Pallisard, George Tribbett and S. A. Christian? sen and foreman assistant Charles W. I Dworack. Secrets Closely Guarded Regarding the machine entered by ! the Air Service, its secrets have been ! closely guarded by the War Depart? ment. The official announcement yes? terday regarding it was as follows: "The airplane entered by the U. S. Army Air Service is known as the Ver? ville-Packard and is of ail-American design and manufacture. The motor :.; a 600 horsepower engine, the most powerful ever built in this country, and was recently designed by the Pack? ard Company under the guidance of J. G. Vincent, one of the co-?reators of the Liberty engine. "The Verville plane was designed and constructed especially for this en? gine, but it is, however, in no way a freak racing plane, it is built for both service and production. The plane it? self has been developed by the en? gineers of the office of the Chief of Ai? Service at the Engineering Division at McCook Field, Dayton, Ohio. It is felt that, in face of the terrific speeds which will undoubtedly be shown by all planes entered in this year's event, the Army Air Service entry has an ex? cellent chance to win." The course this year for the premier ; rophy in the v.?. rid of intei nat ional aviation will be over a closed circuit of 100 kilt met ?<?-?? 62 mile ? . starl ing and arriving tit the aerodrome. Each entrant will cover this course three ? im . without b si p. maki ng ; hi total distance 300 kilometers (186.3 miles). The winner will receive a prize of 10, 000 francs from the ?Aero Club of France, in addition to other amounts offered by private interests in France. The cup itself is valued at ?2,500. Either France or America can win the trophy outright this year, as both have won two contests. Great Britain has won the only other event. The trophy has not been raced for since 1913. Every country in Europe, with the exception of G rmany, hich is barred and a few of the smaller coun? tries, have entered machines. Sweden has entered and it is generally felt that the Swedish entry represents German development. Schroeder Chief Pilot The Dayton Wright Company and the Aero Club of Texas, through 7?. F. J. Cox, are the other two American en-? tries. Captain Kilner, commander of the army entry, is one of the oldest aero? nautical officers in the United States; Army and has had extensive experience .:: this count ry and Fi a nee. El? vas in . omm? nd of the 3d A' . uct ion Center at Ei. idon, in Franc ?. Captain Schroeder will be chief pilot and Captain Moseley is going as his alternate. The latte.r served with the 27th Aero Squadron of the First Pur? suit Group at the front during the war. Lieutenant Pur* ear will be the j supply officer of the expedition. Roosevelt Ends Duties as Assistant Navy Secretary Sends Farewell Message to En? listed Moj? and Employees; Goes to Dayton WASHINGTON, Aug.'?. ? Franklin D. R osevelt, Democratic Vice-Presi? dential nominee, to-day concluded his dutii ; as Assistant Secretary of the Navy and left for Dayton, Ohio, tend notification cerem mies to-morrow for Governor Cox, the Democratic Pr? sidential candidate. Before leaving the department, in ; which he had served for nearly eight yea\'s, Mr. Roosevelt held ait informal reception, at which he greeted officers and civilian employees. Later Secre? tary Daniels, on behalf of employees ; of the navy yards and stations and the Navy Department, presented (lie retir? ing official with a silver loving cup. Mr. Roosevelt bade farewell to the officers and men of the navy who are at sea in a message sent by radio to all ships. It read in part: "1 am honestly proud of the Ameri? can Navy. 1 am happy, too, in the priv? ilege of this association with it. No : organized body of men in the nation is cleaner, more honorable, or more im? bued with true patriotism. "We have grown greatly, not merely in size, but in right thinking and in effective work. 1 am very certain that this country can continue to give ab . solute dependence to the first line of defense. The navy will carry on its splendid record, ?"Please let me, in the years to come, ? continue our association." Mr. Roosevelt sent a somewhat simi? lar message Ho the employees of the navj yards and naval stations through? out the world. Board Won't Hear Yardmen Mediator?! Refuse Audience to Chicago Strikers WASHINGTON, Aug. ?j. -The United : States Board of Mediation and Concil i iation failed to-day to hear a delega ! tion of striking railway employees, hi ided by John Gr?nau, presiden?, of the Chicago Yardmen's Association, ap? pealing in behalf of men anxious to re I turn to work. Members of the hear,i were not present nd ,; e delegation I was informed that it.' would be neces? sary to file formal application for . lerat ion. W. L. McMenimen, deputy president of the Brother! lod of fra acting on instructions from W. G. I.,. ?, presiden?: of the order, notified the board that I e tr nen's organization il a party to the proceed? ings and tha-. the claims of the strikers should stand on their merits. The strikers were said to be ready to return to their old jobs in view of the recent wage increases. Lout and Found 11 F M Al Help Wanted Honln*-?? Curd? W 51 tl T ?HC Wtnatlon?. Wnr.ieA Bntln???? Opportunltie? TV ?CI>**'V A Jk<Ur>?W Kn'in.?. nml rti,:inl??.?1 LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS LOST ?-RAKT 25 FEET LONG, 5 FEET WIDE AND 5 F1-7KT DEEP FROM PIER no NORTH RIVER. PLEASE COM? MUNICATE INFORMATION ABOUT 1T9 LOCATION TO DANIEL FARREL.L, PIER II, NORTH RIVER, ROOM ti, REWARD. L< 1ST I!!ni?k satin flat purs?, between Stern'? ari'1 Mirror store, 42d st.. contain Ing aeven $100 Mil?. I,lii?-?ral reward. Not iiuestlona asked. Dyer. 34?; West "l?t ?t. I .fist Bankbooks DORT--RnniilK-x-ik No 121,662 nf th? Excel Blor Savings Hank, 77? West 22<l st. Pay ment stopped. Please return to bunk. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET East Sid? LEXINGTON AVE. 1025 f73?l).? Light, airy room, nicely furnished, modern apart ment. Murphy. 29TH ST., EAST, 148.?Front bedroom, with private family; reference r?;<iulred. A. Ed m or Iston. 85TH ST-, 118 EAST --Splendid accommoda? tions ; large and .?mall rooms. West Side ??ROADWAY f9lth st.), Monter-sy Hotel, Room 1.027, evenings frem 5 to 6 ; Jewish young man would share room with business man : rtferences. Felix. WEST BND AVE. 266.?Attractively fur? nished large private room and bath: also a number of finely furnished small rooms without bath. 6DT7H ST., 1 WEST?Beautifully furnlshei room, overlooking Park; running water; large clot!)??? presa; two In family; no other roomers; sentlemen only. Col. 4967. B6TH, 204 WEST.?Attractive room, high class apartment, privat?.? family, $'.2; non-housekeeping suite, grand plano. $100. Oilman. 021?. 75 WEST.?2 connecting rooms, c!?-an. comfortable; kitchen privilege?; gentle in? n. Mi i ',7 ?? 102D ST., WEST.--2 large front rooms, prl- ! vu:,? bouse, near West En.J ave. Bubwav '-. 103d Bt. and liroalway, reference. Riverside 3C10. 108TH ST., near Riverside Drive.?Two beau tlfully furnished larg-? double rooms; all ' conveniences: private bath; one room, $;>,o I weekly; two rooms, $:."> weekly; gentlemen preferred; strict references. Academy 1813. Brooklyn MACON ST., 212A.?Alcove room; large front hall room; business couple or gen? tlemen. Phone 4,'05-M Bedford. BOARDERS WANTED ??3D ST., 1 EAST.?Beautiful rooms, w!ih excellent meals? special rates until Sep tember Phone Plaza ii',13. _ COUNTRY BOARD New York State HADDEN* HEALTH RESORT, BABYLON", N. V Nervous conditions, and invalid?.. Out of door sports; delightful rooms and large grounds. Hex 615, Babylon. N. Y. HADDEN CAMP. 2.", miles from N. T., week end parties specialty. Babylon, N. Y, Box 615. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE Chambermaids [ CHAMBERMAID, French, experienced; first clase references. Address Pelnengler. ; 25 2- West 24th st. Cooks C? lOK and waitress and hou?ework?r, Finnish-English girls; fine references. Lehtl's Agency, 58 E. 125th. Harlem 5515. Professional STENOGRAPHER ?Thoroughly experienced, capable; high school graduate; desires per , manent position; salary J:!0. L., Box 97j, Tribune. Miscellaneous COUPLE, Finnish-English, cook; man but? ler, useful Inside, outside; fine references. Lehtl's Agency, 58 E 125th. Harlem 5515. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES ! Professional Help Female and Male STENOGRAPHERS BOOKKEEPERS CI.ERICA I,. YOUNG WOMEN SALARIES: 520, $25, $30, *7?5 The Willis Hawley Exchange 32 COURT ST . BROOKLYN Nine Army Corps Areas Await Baker's Approval Order Abolishing; Six Depart ment?? Prepared Under Terms of Reorganization Bill WASHINGTON. Aug. 6.?An order abolishing tho six departments of tho army and establishing nine corps areis, as provided in the army reorganiza? tion act, has been prepared in the War Department and is awaiting the ap? proval of Secretary Baker. The departments which would be abolished are the Northeastern, Boston, Major General Edwards commanding; Eastern, Governor's Island, N. Y., Major General Bullard commanding; Central, Chicago, Major General Leonard Wood commanding; Western, San Francisco, Major General Liggett commanding; Southern, Fort Sam Houston, Tex., Major General Dickman, commandinp, and the Southeastern, Charleston, S. C, Major General Morrison command? ing. The geographical boundaries of the nine corps areas have not yet been announced. Each area would be under a major general, as are tho present army departments of tho country, and there would be located in each four divisions. Two of these would be re? serve organizations, which would exist largely on paper and would be called only in case of a national emergency. One division would be of regular troops and the fourth of National Guard. .Wither the regular nor National Guard division would be at full war strength, but under plans now being prepare,! thev could be recruited to that strength when the necessity arose. A full quota of officers drawn from the officers' reserve corns would be avail? able for these divisions at all times. Custom House Employees Given Salary Increase Collector Newton Succeeds in Obtaining Raise for About 1,800 Examiners and Others Bj ion R. Newton, Collector of the Port, returned yesterday from Wash? ington, successful at last in his re peated efforts to get salary increases for Custom House employees. In? creases of from $200 to $600 a year will be received by about 1,800 em ployees, the higher pay being retroac? tive to July 1. Laborers, who get the least of any, are not included among those whose salary is raised. Their wages are fixed by an act of Congress passed several year? ago, and the Treasury Depart? ment has no authority to change it. Collector Newton has made an ap? peal on behalf of the elevator opera tors in buildings under his control and believes that he will be able to obtain more pay for them. They get from $720 to S840 a year and can get more at job? in other building??. So many of them quit that recently it was necessary to discontinue service in four elevators in the Custom House. The biggest increase in pay will go to examiners at the Appraisers' Stores. Linie, the old scale some of them re t ceived only $1,800'a year although cx i pert and responsible men were re? quired. HELP WANTED FEMALE MUcelrsneoart ?T'APHIER ?Woman for flown'own r??nt?': rant. ex perlen? ?? not mtrMMrJ*. sgc ! IS* 30 years, at ill and r???arrt a vtMlt; mast have a g?r>1 m'.ther. L, Box 97a. T,~'o?jns GIRLS We have positions open in several departments. They are permanent. The work is interesting. No experience is required. $15.00 a week to start. Industrious girls can soon reach earnings of $85.00 to $100.00 a month. Apply at I It? BROADWAY, MANHATTAN, CORNER 27TH ST. S7t B. 150TH ST., BRONX. SI W?LLOUGHBY ST.. BROOKLYN. 195 BROADWAY, MANHATTAN. CORNER DEY ST. 13?S BROADWAY. BROOKLYN. Or telephone MADISON SQUARE 12000 NEW YORK TELE? PHONE COMPANY. SALESLADIES. ? Experienced rna?azlr.f so-. iicitors 'or monthly publication , m :.??: txa refined and of neat appearance; references; salary ?ni commission; permanent producers ?.?an advance to managerial posi? tion. Apollo Motion Picture Pr? lucing Co., Itoom 1" 7. Columbia Theatre l?.Jg . 47th st.. off Broadway. SECRETARY for bUBlneas manai??r of monthly literary magazine an?* -- > ; must tie good stenographer; pleasant work? ing conditions; salar) SSO. I.. Boat SS, (Trib? une. STENOGRAPHER AND TYPIST 772 A LARGE I? i\VNT >WN HOUSE: GOOD OPPORTUNITY; l'l.:7^ AXT SURROUNDINGS; GO? I? SALARY' AND PERMANENT POSITION K . WHO IS COMPETENT APPLY 7. TER ONLY MILLER & WRIGHT PAPER CO., 65 DUANE ST. TYPISTS.? Experienced; insurance corn pan'. ; good chance for Address P. O. Box 326. City lia.. Statjijp, N. Y. C. WOMEN 21-35 YEARS OF AGE POR NIGHT WORK AS TELEPHONE OPERATORS HOURS 9:30 P.M. TO 7:00 A. M. Opportunities to earn $90.00 to $100.00 a month in six months. $18.00 a week in two weeks when assigned to night hours. $15.00 a week during in? struction in the day time. Rapid advancement. Pligher salaries for more responsible positions. If interested, call at: 1158 Broadway, New York City (Cor. 27th St.) or telephone Madison Square I2OOO. NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY YOUNG WOMEN.?For positions as clerk? and file clerks In office of large anee company; experience unnecessary: Rood chance for advancement Address P. O. Box 727,. City Hall Station. N V C. HELP WANTED MALE BUYER wanted for our bargain wash goods, linens and ?om - Must . he fully competent an I ??? . In uir gressl\e merchandising Good sa 1.road gauge operator. The Pal ., 1. ; Washlngi, n. 1' ' ' STOCK ? r,ERl ? ? 82, In ? holes? le portunlty for energetic young man. Cull ?l 41 Worth si Instruction LEARN* TO BE A CHAI F*F*E1 R PI Lsant and pr? fltal le wort ; ?, ... I ? nil ,; 7i sses Sen I for 1 ? ? ? ? .. I pass. W?t .?lio Y M C. A-, 2.0 West. ''?h st_ SITUATIONS WANTED MALE COUPLE, colored, wish positioi chauffeur . repairs cook, teeper or maid 59th st. Columbus ?648 COUPLE. e< maid or i >ok, butler ; wil ? inn, reft:! en? a 1 lixon i . ?. Apt. 42 JAPANESE dornest workers, 10?3 W. 46th st Bryani *7t7-S6?6. SUPERINTENDENT OP CON SI 17 >ears in genoral building work country, architect an I irpent?. development . bouse ecu best reference. P. O. Lox 474, Port Ri?-h ?.:?. in I, S. 1. ? YOUNG -MAN*. 21, N Y 1 law student. honor, ged from th? U tary service, ??irK.t position at anything for i.bout o or 6 hours t?.a,_ii lay. li Feuster. 284 S--I ?'.nd ?r._ BUSINESS CARDS Carpets STILLINGS, IN''. $24 .MADISON AVK7-7UFV ijiith st i. offer i- : 111 - i irjK?t? ant rugs m Sloanes, tVlltons Axminsten sels, plain ?r mixi : ?? -' I $2, t3 yar.i up; rugs al: prices, all a '?????. i $?'? ? jp, Hilfst ?.??Jut?.?? aver offered ? >i icir^ii?. mjkii.h' over cleaning, laying, recall .:.?., ;e weaving, dyeing; reasonable, beautlXi? PLAZA 8S3S 4 Diamond.-., Jewelry, Etc. . ? DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY BOrOIiJ FOR CASH, catitea appraise.!, purchase?!. BENNETT, it ? Broadway, upstairs. Express and Trucking B'klyn & New York Deliveriei Long distance hauling?-Contract work Dally Loag Island tripe a? far as '.'-.--?.i >-_ Ilodack Express & Trucking Co Telephone Decatur 15j5 Furnkur? WE PAY hlgheut pri?es for farn'tun?"!. planos, antique?, brlo-a-brao, books, %rt etc. GAB.\Y. ?j Uh.verity i>\. atu?. vesant 2377. Trunks BIG BARGAIN-New and USf\ , trunks. 503 Sixth a\e.. ?et. I0th-31st tu.