Newspaper Page Text
_;_ ' TRAVEL ?a ... ? sEjasK^BSE w&?m??m?S???^ TT-^ 'Washington It-??ng" "Hendrick Hudson" "Robert Fulton" "Albany" "De .Witt Giinton" in Service May 1921 The Ideal Reute Between ork an Calling at Yonkers, Bear Mountain, West Point, Newburgh, Poughkeepsie, Kingston Point, Caislrill and Hudson Magnificent river scenery, large, beautifully equipped steamers, devoted exclusively to pass? - see. Music. Restaurant. Direct Ra:i C is to all points in the Catskiils, Saratoga, the Adiron dacks, he West and North. All through rail tickets between New accepted. Daylight Saving Time " '?" ' ling - oday, D sbr. sa? s St., 8:40 A " ' - '? . ston Pa nt, ? Jai - .. . i Crosses St.. 9: 10 A. M.; ?"''--"' ' M . Y - ,v. m . tor B? m s. Sundays), Newburgh Pouehkeeesia ? ? ' ' ?0 r M.; ?' P. M., for irgh, PouBhkeepsle, Kingston . ''* '''??''?' " ?> marked t. ". OUTING 3 Hudson River -Day Line ?es Si. Pier i anal New York . .Ill?.IIIIWBM??!?.mi|^ :s? : SUNDA1 H?ghSand Falls EWBURCH BEACON 3 n ?*m ?i (OU! TRIP JGHKEEPSlEre\nudrn$l? Palatial Steamer ?. ??ELL' "BENJ MUSIC RESTAURANT LUNCH ROOM give? y i an oj ortun ly lo - i >y 'ne 6ne?l river [ -.-, tieadqi irters or Downing Park, ia I , Grand Stand. .10" A. il. Rain or sh'ne. ?i ce^i m . .m lie EWBURGH AND RETURN $ i . 2 5 - k CREATE FLIER "RENSSELAER" | Wil . . ;. ? - .s ;? , J; ?J .Y JL ', I P. il. ,l( ? MOST M KANT HUDSON . 2?TSOH CCMPAHY CKOl . Y >i. '..NO 1 I'. M. - s ? r "' "' ''" '"."" ... - coc 48B. Co i his Afternoon Spec;:1 Trips $=8 Round Trip . ': ($1.10 inc. war tax) i ?. . _ f. . ? ? : i '? ? - p - : ? N Y. i ? Cl i ?AL HUDSON Li^?E ? ? ? y . ;?, i ?- ?: plea: aine? h w BOSTC [ and New England Points via FALL RIVER ONE Four Splen??id SJ-^m-rs in Servie? Sa?iLg Daily, including Onaest-a Conc-rtj Excellent Cui?ia? J Sehwijt?.? lYi.tern btaiiilaj-d Tlsn? i DlJj^s Sarins T?ino, O' ? Hour Lr.teT J ?t. Kl?? L?a? d?i y at Piar 14. NY R. 1 4 -JO p ai. Du? Be?tico, ?5 ?? .. - - - M ?. o. ?tw Lee ? b Une, dulJy ?a. -???' ?*? a o S'->, 4 BsUIiuj? -? - .--. i ,cr ?. *. K .. t h?rtn? at i. 1 v- ?? f??' M. ? K. ?tind st ... . - ; Jww !.. Cap? i-?;-! ? I BiuBaitt'a Bay poli ? ?I Tla^rv? ?id N'aataiasat). :. .?? ?i? a? ??8. u - :, 1" M. NEW ENGLAND STEAMSHIP CO. riT*"''"p. ?.10. ProTi.l*-ii?-r direct .S'?.70. "TVTFJUO??>t?s. ji.o.K. ?i.e.'. $3.1?. ?v*'**- ? <uUruK ?^?..ijiy. ..-o ?Y U. ??;W ?Y. 18 . , .;.??. '"??te ?t PUf er Cinaa?da?iO TuSurt OU??, j --7^*^B|v>*nv>?aa?caaB^as>MB?aaBaanaMMaiH^a.* ? %? & isM ??% ? P ^X^f .'?ree Trips Daily S;?,!c ^?Bs;.;,.r/ p?.r :;.30 i 3^ S 8 p.m. q"X??ffMona> ?*"" 50*" -. w~ Ta.t) Telephone? Broad 73S0-6034 On Steamers Operated by the Commissioner? e: the Palisades Interstate Park lull's , 1NCI i DING Si MJAi" Uaj (ig hi Saving Time. S ?-. t lei i?.; ? ?..:.. ?J ?7 . '< .0 j. in. ; s . . I .-. . r, N V , !):??<) :i. in. ..s y it i 11, 4 :Jio p. in. Onl porn Iva Re re ?; Ion 1 I? r. V,Y \ ? ' 9:30 it. m. . B . : M. unta in 5:3?> p. :.?. Fare 60c. Round Tr?o t?at . Snn. and H lldays s5c. Children Under 12 Halt' Far?. CaiaUri? Uac? KA? ?r?ps ?p ine Hudson to ?M* MGUHTAlfA Sir. "Grand Republic"^?; i8?TTA"Y?.u EX rRA BOAT SERVICE QUUnAV^ Strs* "Highlander" Oui?bH.O & "Grand Republic'' 1 \. BATTERY, i): \v. i: ?nd St., A. ?1 BoundTrio Far8 80c ?&z&p& IIWUCIU JM;/ Sata & ?un?.. 35c. ChiWrea M? tlUSlC?Uli 81 .-ii.Vii:.N TS? ?AM1.NU, .?. Uns Grt -. n .'i. .'-. y/a PANAMA CA GRACE HSLR ANAL ^S/' lineN S. S Saut? '? i. -; s s.-i:', Terrna. ? I Ina. S. S Stita I/oiaa. - , .. , Axila, IqulQUW, Auto- j I tai?? '" ? ? Sa?iaji, i \V. K. URACK * CO., Agent?, i Hanover tin., Smrn YorU, or ?Local Agent, j ?Expert Predicts Bumper Crop Will Lower Food Prices Statistician of Commerce Chamber Takes Optimis? tic View of Prospect for Grain Here and Abroad From The Tribune's Waahinoton Bureau WASHINGTON1, Aug. 13, ? Lower food prices as the result of bumper crop.-? in nil parts of the United States were predicted to-day by A. W. Doug Las, chairman of the committee on stn and standards of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, in his monthly bulletin on crop and busi? ness conditions. Receipts of grains at primary points have not been heavy, ?Mr. Doublas re? ports, largely because of thc? lack of cara, but ho contends that prices have been on the toboggan slide because of a KT?"-at surplus, which sooner or later must ftnd not only a domestic but a foreign market. "There is no longer any question as fu ;tn abounding harvest in nil manner of agricultural products," the Douglas report ?said. "The winter wheat crop will be about 535(000,000 bushels and the spring wheat not less than 275, 000,000 bushels, despite severe locnl damage by black rust in some states in the Northwest. With a few more time? ly rains there will be 3,000,000,000 bi hela of corn, of which the Southcjrn states will furnish about, one-third. "There will Ijc a plentiful supply of other products-.grain, tuber-forage, fruits and vegetables for man and Beast. The wheat surplus in Kansas alone, taking into account that carried over from last season, is more than 100,000,000 bushels. "The promise now is for a produc? tion of 12.300.000 bales of cotton, bar ring those fifty-seven varieties of i things which may happen in the next three months. "It is a great season for water? melons, with shipments close upon 30, 000 cars before the season is ended. About 1,00?) cat'3 are received daily, not only from the Southern states but even from far away California. Georgia leads? with nearly 10,00?) carloads, with South Carolina and Florida each ap pro::imating about 4,000 cars." Touching on business conditions, Mr. Doublas said: "Indecision and hesitancy still char acterize textiles and some leather products. Reduced working days ami sometimes entire closing down of the mills mark textiles in some localities-?. Lack of transportation is the principal hindrance to better and larger distri? bu! ion. "Building operations are much ham? pered by almost everything that can happen to them, scarcity and the hijrh ' price of labor and material and diffi? culty of financing loans on construe ' tion projects." RESORTS I RESORTS | RESORTS I Canadian National?Grand Trunk across Canada cob** TVaONTO Effective June 27th. 1920. The Canadian National anr?! Grant! Trunk Railwayi tvrri inaugurale a new 1 ranscontinessital otsrvic- on tfce f.j.iowins leticdule?; ^^^^^^^^^^_ New York?Toronto?Wmnipe<?? Edmonton?Vancouver New York?Montreal?Ottawa?Wlnnipee-Ednjo-ntoi? Prince Rupert Vancouver?Prince Rupert Lv Lv Lv ?_ Ar Toronto Lv Ar New York "17Jl!* Waahtngi 3.00 PM 0 R. R.)\~3. Philadelphia (P.&RJt.R.) 6. 51_PM 40 A M ?AR* HIW 1 onxuo Cobalt Winnipeg Winnipeg Saskatoon F.iir.ocion Edmonton jajper N? ??-.??ni Fortil Mt. Robjoo ?Cano s ?? Kovlda?) Vancouver Victoria (Ea*. Tuae) w (Csnt. Tiaie) 11, 12 6 - |10. (Mtn. Tune): 12. ?11. " 132. (Pac. Time)1 9. ! lo i"? Tu W? Mo OOPMi-Mo .00 PM OOPM'jWe 25 PM We 25PMT1) 10 AM Fr We Th WeiTh Tu ?T Ar Ar Ar Prince Rupert OGPH'Fr 00 AM Sa 0?>H;Sa ?Su VVc Th Th ? Fr ?Sa i . Sa iSu Th ThlF Fr ?Sa Sa Su Sa Su Su ?Mo y Mo Mo Ta Mo Tu Tu ... . S? Sa Sa ?Su Su Mo Mo Tu Mo Tu Tu We Tu We WeTh WeTh Tu Wc 1 ,;A Lv i, . \ ,?ric (Rot. R. R.) '.r Montreal Lv Montreal (?a?t. Tune) rYr Ottawa " k? North Bay " Ar Stidbury " Ar Port Arthur " Ar Fort William (Cent. Tune) Ar Winnipeg " Lv Winnipeg " Ar Sukstoon (Mta. Time) \t F.ilmonton " Lv Edmonton " Ar Jasper (Pac. Trae) 7.45 ?y Su ?M^ T-?Z^Wlu 6.10 PM Mo Tu Mi. R'sbson UJ?iBa?i~,? Kackl Vancouver Victoria Prince Run-rt 9.10 PM Mo 6.50 AM Tu 11.30 AM Tu 7.15 AM 7.05 AM! 9.45 ?M\ 10.2SPM? 12.:'0PM| 111.25 PM! 12.10 AM 9.22 AM; 1 ?2.03 P.?' i I 9.00 AMI 3.00 PM ! 7.00 PMI Unexcelled equipment, incluais For ell infoim?tien, F area on-J S's ? trvation Cars, SJer; Car reDcrv itiom, a ig Cisro, Dininc Car;, ? \ B.CHOWN We Th Th Th Fr Fr Sa Sa Sa Sa Su ?Su Mo Mo ?TV ???J ?Tu Sa Su Mo Mo l ourist an: Den. A?-:. P st Ca:-3 and most r.-.c Dept., 1270 Eroa Y sroachea .City TR ut.: TRAVEL to cnilTI iUFS?IPi DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICE NEW YORK !? WEST COAST FORTS Via PANAMA CANAL, Calling at CALLAO, >101,I.1.M:<>, AlilCA, .?<!? IQtTE, ANTOJFAGASTA, VALPARAISO. ''ir?SFflfTTlUT" ?I?G 9M ?NI 6? ?B A? and Monthly Sailings Thereafter. The Largest Steamers in the Trade. THE PAMF?C STEAM IG?T80N Go. SANDERSON i SON, General .\ Broadway, New I'oi ? Phone Broad S3C0 or i.isy Steamship Ticket Agent. NTERNATiONAL MERCANTILE MARINE COMPANY i\MlM? WHITE STM LI Ni v. ? ' UERBOl KG?SOI TIIAMPTON Sew \ irk I IA.M it. Paul .. ! i 28- Sept. 25 Philadelphia, i i A.M. S, t. 4 I t. 2 Oct. 30 NEW VOKK?Il UIU a..5 P. M. Aug. ! : Sept. 23 Nov. 6 Manchuria .Sept. I I Oct. 23 Doc. 4 RED S?Arj > Y.-?O? HI \MPTON?A VriTEHP Kroonland .11 A M. A ,14 Lapland. P.M. Ai MONTREAL?QLEBEC?LiVEKl'OOL . in ,.s I .11 A.M. A .?; . i Oct. !? .Il A y .Augi24 Sept.25 Oct. 30 Offices, 9 Broadway, New York. Piers 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, North River. X. T.?CIIKRROI HU?SOUTHAMPTON . i ; A.M. Aug 14 Sept. 15 Oct.16 t. \ti Oct. Ij NEW VOKK -LIVERPOOL Sept. 25 ...Il \ M ' et. _ Nov. 6 ... UVLSq i. 4 Oct. 9 Nov. 13 ?(Formerly Cleveland.) NEVt JYORK?AZ KE?-?LBRALTAB v? GENOA P M. Au ?.31 Cretic. Sept. 16 WHITE STAR?Domini hse aa K.. A. \ ictorta. . . ala a . Caroni*. ?Y: titania .New \ r : k rannonia . New ^ ork Wauretania.New I rlc Impera r .N sw i'ork K. A. Victoria.New York Columbia. . New ^ ork Caronia.New York Aquitania .New ^ k I i?..:. :' SEM ? . .'. .-. and Danzig.Aug, . New York " .Aug. .Aistj. , Dubrcvnik and Trieste.Aug. Cherbourg ar . ton. Ac? on .S< pt. ourg ar.d Southampton.Sept. .Sept. j ind Glasgow.Jej t, Plymouth and Cherbourg.Se| 7. ?" ? Scutha .Sept. : - ? ' -' s und sal.:iia'i 21-24 STATE STREET. NEW YORK. 11, S. MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, ? Sailings, New York to Bremen and Danzig Cabin and Third Class Apply at 45 Broadway, New York City Also to Local Agents BENNETT-DUNNING si ours of Distinction ?? AROUND THE WORLD | September 17?November 20 jf INDEPENDENT TRIPS National Park?Great Lakes Saguenav River SOUTH AMERICA | , December 1?February 23 ? ] Bennett's Travel Bureau | .'.??; Fifth Avenue, N.-u 'iorU. N. V. 13 i_3 TUCSON tWFR WIGHT LINES ''^l'**it!lt"^7.?.'{';7;!'v.j,t ???smu^'M^u mt^it*. w^..i^.-;,-,^^-'??a-js'^^!^^^..<ift.-^a l?*i!y Saillnca Prom Pier -i. N. _. (at i>?skbr?.'.?r? St.) wee!? days. U P. M. and : P. si. tun day* und Holidays, ?> f. M. and !> P. M. Went UJ.V. >?... half hour later. (Daylight ?avine time.) Duo Albar .... :-.g r-.irr.snir. Truy, 7:15 A. 74. Dire t kail conn? ? 3 ?? Ubahy to ail pointa North, l^ss 1 :'. Exprewi Prrielif SerYiee. Atstoi Carrie ?HUDSCH t?AVIGATiQH?OhiP?h* Phoue Canal l-?'jO. i l'LEASA NT BEAC II, V .J. THE LE?GHTON ,T. POINT 1'l.lJ VS s.M' BIUA? H ? ? ? ? Y a ! ? ? cool. Orcliestrn, Dancing:, Tennis, Golf; Ex? clusive; lnforcmil. HOIiERT M. CROUCH. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. RAYNOI^-ArLANT?ccrnj WORLDS GRE4TEST HOTEL SUCCESS TRAVEL 2Ntt ?Steamboat ?& ; GO^EV ESLAVO Sohedu!? for SATURDAY, ?S G. llrli. I.v. AV. 1ZU Ht.}}>ier I, V I: ?.'?m'y Island. 2:4 : IS 1:15 12:25 t>:10 10:30 ..??7.1 ' : . ' U T2:10 A. M. ' 1:00 ? ? 8:25 j : . . ?? . .s 2:00 r : 15 .J .5 9 - ?? 7:30 2:45 ; ? ? J' 30 Y . 25 1' 7.1. Trips marked <!?> no( ?-.>> fo l'?Oth St. Trip mai J.. .1 ?'?? does not stop sit Pier 1, N. K. R0CKAWAY BE?SH I.v. \Y. 129 St., \. "' . Pier I, N. R., ? . V. M. KOCKAWA?, Telephone Whitehall 1279. [I Compagnie G?n?rale ?Transatlantique 1 g_ fopre.u Postai Service ?fijl new ?qm?Havre I.A LORRAINE. . JY 0 M ?i.UJis ... Vu - - - ? : . Y s Y?". \; . pt. 2.1 ? ? ? .'??.?:.?" i-. .... : 7. : ? ? s WOIE.<??! ? ?:. ? ? FRANCE.Sei Nov. 3 LA TO! ?7 ?!\I ? : .v. 20 Ti?W YORK?BORDEAUX CAROLINE .Aus-. 1? COMPANY'S OFFICE. 19 STATE ST.. N. X. SWEDISH AMERICAN LINE GOTHENB?i??SWEDEN Short Route to Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Russia. Germany, &c. S. 5. DROTTNlNGHOLM..Aug. 28 Oct. 7 S. S. STOCKHOLM.Sept. 16 Oct. 23 ...... Lai, J- . ju Passenger Office, 24 State St.. N. Y. Eastern Steam*hJo L;n?s#, In?. METROPOLITAN LINE All me way by waier v?a CA??_ Cv>U CANAL Steamers leave Pier I?. North Rirsr, ft ol Murray St. PHONE BAKLLA? 500?. Daily at 5 P. M. Uiarlirht Tim?) TKr; public be i'lea^eo" COLONIAL LINE BOSTON8* ^$4.67 PROVIDENCE A S3.24 ?i.i. ?.?? . ?? i ?4.30 I'ATEROOMs $1.1 ... aoat Lev.? Pier is. North hi? ?.?out WiMtt houston &t . Uailj ?x Sumta* at o.^u ?J. M.. Ui>?lont Saving Ti,u?.'. 'Phono Spring 9491. Hen tin" i - y ? - 'i. '-: ?' . Curai.i lela \..u. I ? ^u&. JJ > libo.. .Sept. J Caracas . . ' ? . ? Phona 10072 Hanover. ?2 Wall ?traet INSTRUCTION I3$?VW? V\T 305 Washington St. ?JIvU?TiLlIil Brooklyn. New York LAW SGHQCLs Fail Term BeSi.-s Monday, Sept 27tk Send for Catalogue ONE MINUTE from both Brooklyn and Manhattan Borough Hall Subv/av Stations DANCING INSTRUCTION LOVELL'S 637 MADISON AVE. Cor ??9?hSt PHONS ?L-Ut ??'??'S'?. 4^4, pLiZi 1ft? s xU?L ? ?? ">U !0 dance , the Isteal modern i ?u .i.. J eorrectlj, ! 9 LESSONS $5 ! PR1TATK JLE.S.?..N3 I 10 ?. M. TO 11 P. M. WITHOUT AlTuiNTAEE.NT. Busings Card. [?] W?llt .Ad?!? G=D S?iS?Sm W?ted l?sin-.a Opportunit??_ w w ?*?* * * *T-*%-?<g - R Boarder. LOST, FOUND AND KEWABDS ( LOST?Umbrella; gentleman's odd silver handles initials a. J. M. ; left In tele? phone booth', Hudson Term^pal. August fi : fln?l?T pi.'?'?o Communicate with A. .?. Moran. 100 Hudson St. Telephone? FranitUn 2441. LOST?Illai-k wallet, containing sum of money und automobil? registration runt tor Packard cif No. 180241; also .irtver's license in name of A. P. Parker. Reward. No que m lona asked. A. P. Parker, 111 Broadway: Rector r.?; to. LOST?-Brlndle Boston bull; brown, whit? breast, white stripes between ej?n; Aun. ">. 1 i P. m., midway Ocean Park ?sray. Reward. Beck. 214 12. 68th Ht. Plaza S567. LOST?Ot.n sold mesh has--. Ntmm'i De? partment 'Store, Wednesday; valued ?rraduation present. Tifetle, 63 Ft. Oreen? Place; Prospect D993-M. LOST.?Baum Marten fur, one skin. Finder kindly telephone Main 2689. Reward. Losi Bankbooks LOST.?Bankbook No. 813,988 of the Union Dime Savings flank is misRlng. Any per son having si claim to it Is hereby called up<-n to present the .?time within ten days or submit to having -said passbook canceled and a new- one Issued. LOST ?Passbook -No 117!. .".IS of the Hast River Sa\ Ings Institution. Payment ?topped. Finder please leave it at the bank, 291-3-6 Broadway, New York City. All per? sons are ?.sxusioned not to purchase or n?.-go tiate th" same, LOST.?Bankbook No. 73 847, the Metropoli? tan Savings Bank, 1 Thini ave. Payment itopped. Finder please return to bank. LOST.?Bankbook No. 141,961, North Klvor Savings Bank, JIL West 34th st. Payment Kindly return to ; IXFORMATION WAITED Information wanted conc-Tning Irene Orenell, In order to Bottle estate. Howard G KJemper, Attorney, 212 Mutual Hume Bldg., Dayton. Ohio. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET East Sido 86TH ST.. 11.8 EAST,.?Splendid accommoda? tions; large and small rooms. West End LAROE, comfortable room and bath, facing Mount Morris Park West Sid-; all Im? provements; finely furnished; ?10 weekly. Phi ne Harlem ?S340. H1LSTON, 18 West 120th st. RIVERSIDE DRIVE, 647-^Large, delight- : ful room, overlooking Hudson; beauti? fully furnished; modern conveniences; ele-I ipartmenl also small room. Reeves, j WE ?T END AVE., 265.?Attractively fur? nished ?.-?rire private room and bath; also a number ?if finely furnished small rooms without bat's-.. 67TH ST., IS WEST.?Room for p ntl man egant apartment; references required. Witl ;enstein. T?l. Columbus 2951. 70TH, 31?i WEST.?Communicating rooms adjoining ?..:., other large rooms; $0 up; by day or week. Columbus 251. 71ST, JJ7 WEST?Cool attr ctive : oms, pri bal hi. elei tri s . ? J uni a? s? , sum m r ral es. 93D, -?J! WEST?Furnished ro m -. all mvenlencea Phono?River I 16 102D. 235 WEST ?S lite, parlor, I i baih s '-'.', ph ae ; elevator ; ge ??". ... n. ? ?TH SI -Fr? nt a lite; also single gen oi ?; refei -?-. e. A pi 9 109TH ST., 'J1'! WEST. -On or I ??? o rlooking J J private fam ; ? ROADWA5 ' mi te, off cutsid ? ? ? in ing \\...<_-r, eic Iirooklyn THREE I ?-: i com ng r ?oms and kit furnished lectric parquet; ral cated; fine Bedford 5312. BOARDERS WANTED COUNTRY BOARD [MPANTS up ??? one year, Moth r'a care. asonal ites ? R R fare. Apply "NURSE." Hoi . Henry, West I.s J. X. J. E I, 2 to 10 /? ars. I .... . re ta . .7Ji month. box 615, Ba . .. j. :_ HELP WANTED FEMALE Domestic Help IRY G< ?VEl ' OS ' HTLD AGE 2: ORE i T S'ECK ON H S 'BAKING FRENCH J ? AL '. EST 44TH, MONDAY, MRS. PARKER. PASTRY COOK ? -Exp? ? ?-? id. Call Miss h y. W. ' i feterla, : ' 'laza 10100 Miace?atteoas CLERKS AND TTPISTS WANTED METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. s over 17 : irs I . tiours !) to 4 l o'cl -.. Advanc? ment within ::.ontha. ?.?s s. rvi ?: Expi ? en i unni ? s ?ary. Apply in ; ? ":- ?? bi s ween I and 1:30 Room 5033, Me an Bldg. 1 Madison ave.?at 23d st.. N. ?. City. GIRLS W'e have positions open in several departments. They are permanent. The work is inter es ting. No experience is required. $15.00 a week to start. Industrious girls can soon reach earnings of $85.00 to $100.00 a month. Apply at 115? BROADWAY. MANHATTAN. CORNER 27TH ST. J70 E. 160TH ST.. BRONX. * ( 1 W IL LO OGHBT ST., BROOKLYN. IDE BROADWAY, MANHATTAN. CORNER DEY ST. 1J3C BROADWAY. BROOKLYN. Or telephone MADISON SQUARE ?aooo NEW YORK TELE? PHONE COMPANY. SALESLA DIE ?? '.????'?? $ 17 ; ? ? 3 STENOGRAPHER, young girl, kn of bo? ' ?? isistant; IIS. A. ?Y . ...:. i Co. Inc., h Si STENOGRAPHER^-Experlenced; permanent (.,.-. tion f?'r right party. Aluminum Co. of i m ri? a UO ?*aa sau st STENOGRAPHER, typist; young la.1v. ? all Samuel .1 Aronsohn, 77 Madison Av?? TTPISTS.?Experienced; insurance cim pany; good chance for advanrsen-.-nt. Address P. O. Bux 325, City Hall Station, N. T. C HELP WANTED FEMALE Miscellaneous CLERKS B. F. Good rich Rubber Co. Thin company bas 2 open? ings for clerks with statisti? cal experience to start in at ..n. ?-. Tli-- appll? ants should ba at I.-aat 21 yours of age and have had several yenrs' exper? ience. Tho wirk consists of compil? ing reports and statistics. Applicants should be resident? of lower New York ?jr New J'-rsey. Salary paid will bo in a'c^r.! anca with agu ami ?experience. Mr. D. W. LAMP PARK AYE. & 15th STREET HOBOKEN. NEW JERSEY WOMEN 21-35 YEARS OF AGE FOR NIGHT WORK AS TELEPHONE OPERATORS HOURS 9:30 P.M. TO j :00 A.M. Opportunities to earn $90.00 to $100.00 a month in six months. $18.00 a week in two weeks when assigned to night hours. $15.00 a week during in? struction in the day time. Rapid advancement. Higher salaries for more responsible positions. If interested, call at: 1158 Broadway, New York City (Cor. 27th St.) or telephone Madison Square I2OOQ. NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY TOUNG WOMFJN.-r,,. positions as clerk? an-.! i,!? clerks In large Insur? ance company; ... ha ?:?? ' i- ?-.. Address '?' " I'-"? "-'". Cii ;?_ is- :.-???? n, NY V C. HELP WANTED MALE ARE Y( >?J UNDERPAID and n i '??--,' - - me propos pportuni t y if j and earning $fi less?Inl . 'ness, BACK B< INE. ?Y-. e to tra out of town. ' ?01 ; - ? a ry ' commission, is hes Y ? nee un and gr cha :-,!?-? ? who, 1 with us. ' s !-.. ? heart a I soul into I he? confident I t 1 ir honest efforts a all er rights definil me. Apply room 1610, 100 Fifth Ave., New York B ? '. Dowi ' - ?' esi ? she ! con ..??...- pros peel a for advan -, salary $60 per , -;? h. \ live Superheater ?7o., 30 Chur si St. j CLERKS B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co. This company has 2 open is-,-; s for rks with tal stl ,.., 1 experience to i?:;trt in at ioulrl least 20 years .1 ! ha I everal years The work piling reports ?? ?: ?'. b les. lents of lower New 3Tork or New Jersey. Sala ry . lJ ' will be In ai -J - anci w y h age and expi . ? e. Mr. D. W. LAMP. PARK AVE. & 15th STREET ib iBOKEN, NEW JERSEY preferred ? HA V!) COMPl - IP at P Co., 318 W. 39tb st , N? i York SALE3MAN Fl Y. :-Y<" RIT jjjjj ... nal open r for r witli lene. - , '? ? - itabllshed investi sell I i issued .... ? - ? - rag \ .?.-?:. ? . . ! ; Issu? d and sold to publi mate bu - - ? ? - men i. I i. s t hese i n v eign ' !:.'.....-: ??-.;.. ' s ids . I ? itial. Write REN?E Js ...77 & COM? PANY i JJ. ab shed 1333). Bankei .. ... w ? ,,-,.. mted i ? write Arthur Frank &, ? ... to go i ? r . i w . orporati floor, 43 Ex . MAN. with Mai :? a Instruction LEARN T?Y BE A Ci ,UK.?Pleasant and ."-? n:ng - . pass v.'-.. Side ?. il .;. a., SOS W??t :_??:_ .___ SITUATION \\ ANTED FEMALE Cooks COOK, ??'.:' tress and houseworker; Finnish girl en i - Lehti Agency, ? i East 125th t Harl? m Nurses. Etc. NTTRSE.?Ene i royal family nurs? own hems. Abba Johnson ave . St ra! I Professional J'Y '..J'Y refer - SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 'NTANT ?All lultatio? ?-. ' H j. Ja:;! - S'T ANT.?American Christian. 4?. s- raanu ? . go anywhere. \v, I* Cathe CHEF. first ?: , refer j ,:r'.??)n. CI INTRA sirpemer ... ? g remodel ,.sc.n i lias. JAPANESE domestic N.-Jp by pre.'. wor?wra. lUt? W. 4<itf. st. Rryaij-l 778T-SSS*. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NORTHAMPTON, MASS?Large famJly, ng house. <*st?b'I?.hfl tw T?|* years; open year a- ? ?? eJt?*M?lt'' refined al?? caters to Smith Coll'ge faculty and .sfcu !*ms: unusual opportunity; easy terini. i, 77Y Tribune. LICENSED ELBCTRIQAL OsNTRA'-'TuK ;-. ?Vnred; small . ? . lietwusn 4 an'i i o'ci<xsk, JJ43 West 4JKh st.? _? 1 TO LET?CANDY PRIVILEGE for Jaew 2,2i)"-seat :. .:?.- theatre. PI O. Box ?33. City Hall iT-tai.on. N< ?r York A FULLY equipped m<i-. hi? - ; a good paying housvhoid a H. E. R., 3 it Tribune. BUSINE3S CARDS Carpets and Rasa REALLY BEAUTIFUL CARPETS. Rns, Royal. French V.' i Manhattan ii'.s?-!, bovght at ^.. - ? . , . green, gray brown, plain, sala i -. uni washed 'ske new; 3.?WO-. her i '..-;?.-.??. S: DC, 5- W), $7J u;. Rug? all .. -?::??.-, ??.QO t?? S-Y7, O'J up. Makij?? o t ..".?. iay.r.g. re pairiDs. dyeing; r? srsT: llixo>v - 14- Mad m Ave. -j? ->>-i. Diamonds, jewelry, Etc DIAMONDS AND JE'.VELHT BO TOST . FOR CASH, estates appraised, purchase?!, BENNETT. 17: Broadway, upstairs. ..-,-?- ?? m Express and Trucking B'klyn & New York Deliveries lona distance hauling?Contract work. Dai;y Loig ls?anl trips as far as Freepert, Hodack Express ?Sc Trucking Ca Telephone Decatur 1525 -?.- m Furniruro WE TAT hl?hest prices for furniru-??, piano?, antiques, b:io-a-br?c, books, art, et.--. GABaY. as University PL Stuy v- ?an: 2377 Trunks BIG BARGAIN?New and uj"*-5 warl-o^t trunks 506 Sixth ave., bot. 39th-3lst ata* I. ? ' :rrr^==nr:-_ ; ?-sr=J?? SUMMONS SUPREME COURT RICHS \J? Y'U'NTT. ?FRE'Y'EKH.'K BADWAY, doing busi? ness isnd'-r the f 7. !.. RADWA7NER ?77ED CO., Plaintiff, against LUIS CASTANB OLIVA, business under the name ai SOCIEDAD AN?NIMA CASTANB, De? fendant. Tu THE ABOVE NAMED PErENTANT: Y-.i' \P.K HEREBY SUMMONED to an? swer thi end to s.- answer .?si th 11 ff's atl i fallare t.. appi . will bo. ?the r? lint. Dated, New ?urj;, this 2d ?lay of Ju'.y. - - . ET T \=: BERNSTELN. & I ? -?? foi I'. O. Address, -?h of York ? it v. TO LUIS CA 7 ... - ? busi tyle of >..(?!!-;;?.?.;. an?nima castanE: The : . i upon you by publl ??? . .' th? Su? preme Cou i te of Ne? 120, an?! E .- .. '.,:? Court, at the the County of ?. New York, this .. ..,?? uf Au TJU?t. ^ . ELIAS BERNSTEIN, Attori ' ' .> . SURROGATES' NOTICES PEfK, REBECCA G.?-IN PURSUANCE of an or.:,-:' -.,: H n. John P . ? County of n?i? YorltJ NOTICE IS HEREBY Q1VE.N to all ?v-r B na having claims against .' EBECCA <i. PECK, late ?. !' the County of New York, de eased, to present the same With i ers thereof to the subscribers, it '!ii?r place of transacting business, at the office of Putney, Twombly .? ?"u'rtey, thesr ?t lorneys, .?: jj Rector Street, is? s he Bos ,,? i of Manhattan, in the City of Now York, State of New York, on or before the 34 day "i Novomber, i ?20. Dated, .Now ?.irk, April 30. ITTJO. FRANCIS \v. PECK. IRENE D. LUDLUM, Die? York PJ-T--.-EY. T'.V"MBLY & PUTNEY, At i rneya for Executors, Offl? ? it Post? ?te.?-. Address, 2 Rei Bor? ough of Manhattan, .Now York Csty. -. FRANK.?IN PURSl A\?7?7 OF AN va y of New NOTICE Is hereby given to ?i: persons hav? : . .-?? ?-:.C ' criber ?> . - '. '-Ws, ... ... Y . ?? m 151 as : 1, New Y.s S. the 2nd day ..f July, ELIZABE1 r ad ... Army Orders Frowi 77is Tribune's W ? Burean VVASHINijl . ?ra issued lo-di . Hororabl] Di-'lntrseil ? Eng. . .-; ' ? ? ' '? .; ? . M. ? . aiming Q M. C. ?? C. V -.! T. C. J R., F A. ?Y S A ' .. Lt. Col. T. R., Judge .'^!v. O'-n. Mfiliini Corps ... H. J.. to ? M. ... Maj. .?r H., to F?r1 ? . ??. to Ca lord -s.. . l'Y NY, i . Air >.'r?;.v s ta?, . ;<n Lt. C.,; Lt. O. B. i ipt. R. IL, bjj ' - Wa*a inji Quartermaater Corpa L.. to ? -d. i .? ston. KieUl Artillery i ? .te. - Lew la . Dental < ?irp^, .- mery, ? a, : . to 1-" j. t Lea? an Miscellaneous j . Weat Point. Camp t le Mai ? . . o ... Clark, Maj T. A, ?J. A. C, to Fort O. P., U. .S. A., retirad. t?? ,!a<. . oville. Lt A. A., C. V. B , to Kd?'j -1 Lt h. ?; . . ? -pt.. to ..: ,. J: . A U ?.-ru., to Waah J. Q. A., U. S. A., retired, J-, a, C W. 8., to Fur? . ?ton. Navy Orders From The Tribu* '?'.on Sureau Aug. It?Navy order? . Dunra?, il. J, to dest. squad. 3, - lt., to naval air ata.. I?j.rr;p^ : iada Y ^?. W., to U. S. S. Craven. ? I Ramal le En? H. to 17. B 8. Relief. I r div. 21. I* C., t.? staff of conw -A.n. ?i. IL Y Bum. Vf. 8., i? ititl of com. Vice Ad H use. \ Tugtjle. Lt. ?J. g.) R. B, to U. S. S. Long. ?h, Gun. M. U.. to L". S. S. Ra detesky. Lt. (j. g.) E. A., on inacuv? duty :n Eui | Busk::i. Lt. J. J., to U. S S. Relief, son, Lt. vj. g ; p. v., to U. S. B, i Relief.