Newspaper Page Text
Gompers Beats Lahor Party in Merger Fight Virtual Elimination of Cen? tral Federated Union Is Assured by Call for La? bor Amalgamation Here Tammany Rule Charged Plan Alleged to Have as Ils Aim Surrender of Workers to Democrats A bitter struggle between the factions o'' Samuel Gompers and the New York Labor parfy, at the meeting of the Central Federated Union, at the Labor Temple, Eighty-fourth Street and Third Avenue, last night, resulted in the defeat of the Laborites and the virtual elimination of tho Central Federated Union. The question at issue was the mode to be pursued in putting through the lond discussed plan of the executive council of the American Federation of Labor for amalgamating the Central Federated Union and the Centra! l.:ih?>r Union of Brooklyn into one body, The Compevs faction was led by P. Holland, president of the State Federation of Labor, who ap? peared ;?t last night's meeting of the ('. F. U. for the first time in three years, and William F. Kehoe, of the International Brotherhood of Team? sters sisid secretary of the Central La? bor Union of Brooklyn. Police Await Summons-, The anti-Gompers forces, which turned ??vit ts? be i:>. the minority, were led !.. Abraham Lefkowitz and Willfam .?. Kohn, both Kaders of the Labor party. So bitter did the fight wax ??'? ? I E. 1. Hai esident of the ( '. F. U., announc? I tl a pol us? rgeant had bei . door waiting to be < sc ?"- ice. In order to calm 1 ice Mr. Hannah an ? . 1th; ?rgeant art, "knowing that h?- would not le y? eded." iki I by the ri ad? ir.;,' of ;i communies tion from Mr. Gompers and th? executive council of the Amerii a bor in? forming the C. F. U. that the counc I had decide! to summon delegates from I labor ui ? ' ?reater New 1 ?? , i the eve tkatic *f* SUNDAY, August 15 WEDNESDAY, August IS SPECIAL TRAIN Easl . : . Time - 7:30 A M. - I : :: ua.1 A ': Ectumiii?, li-arcs Atlantic Cily - 7 .? ) P.M. Tl kills good only on Special Train in innsylvaiiia im? System HG^Etsfssahes from Slight ?oMs "is&xatiwG ,99 r ?< .y' the Headache by Relieving the Cold. ?.2fc& YTcrzrt^ CHAS. H.LOUIS, Woolworth Eldg. New Yorkj. Aug. 13, 1020. The New York Times: One hundred and ninety-one replies were received to the Help Wanted Male advertise? ment for an assistant to man? ager, inserted in The New York I tmes. 1 he applicants were particularly high-class, and a gogd man was obtained. CHAS. H. LOUIS. y Milk m For infants ^ <?: Invalids Nt> Cook?B? A Nutritious Diet for A?! Ages Quick Lunch at Home or Office ?Avoid imitations and Substitutes FREY ^Advertising Illustrations F?.ATIRON BUILDING He Commands Former German Dreadnought Captain J. T. Hellwig, his son, Vincent, and pet dog Spottie, on the Ostfriesland, now anchored in the Hudson Hiver. ning of September in, at which Mr. I Gompers will preside. Each local union is t?> be represented by three delegates. At that meeting the new central labor body of greater New York ?s tu be formed. '! i is plan of procedure is also the! i ? bat was adopted by the Brooklyn Central Labor Union but. rejected at .1 I revious m i? I ng by the C. F. U. The communication from th" A. F. of I., was s : ' s' irm m :.:i ultimatum and was reinforced by the presence of liupjli I rayne, local organizer of the A. F. of I.., who in addn sing the ig informed the delegates that they \vi re bound to accepl the A. 1-'. of 1.. plan or stand the consequences o?. havii ?i harter revoked. Bad Faith Charged Mr. Lefkowitz, Mr. Kohn and others of their faction charged that the plan forced by the A. F. of !.. m? n upon the ('. F. U. was in reality the d ; - oppo site s?r that proposed by Mr, Gompers! and the council of the 1'? deration in their original proposal for the amalga? mation of the central labor bodies of greater New York. Lefkowitz a: ? rt I that Mr. Gompers and the A. F. of L. leaders reversed th ? el? s when, as he said, they realized that their origi? nal plan "would not bring about the realization of their purpose the crush? ing of the progressive forces of the labor movement in New York." iwitz charged ; Iso h??.; the new pli u ord? : ed by t he A merican F? dera? tion of Labor was in viol?t ion of i he rights ??!' autonomy of cent ral lab >r bodies provided for in the American Federation of Labor constitution. Lef? kowitz conter.?!, ii that the real plan of Gompers and his lieut enant 3 in this city was to reorganize the labor move? ment in New York so that it would r< pudiate the Labor part y and i ? the Den ? ratic party. J; was ch? i ? by other delegates thai J he local G im pe? n ' n wi re seeking i o rocaptur? the ; bor movement of this city for iy Hall. A ft r prolonged and 1 ;ti er discus- i c m? ? I ing by a h i g< majority, ' . tin plai of the A. F. of L. Couir. cil. Wl ?"ever, the Labor pai J y ! bow ?ng to t he de? ? sion of tl e ? ?d that the C. F. ? '.. own account, send notices to the 050 local unions in this city call in : their att? nt ion to the decision of the A. F. of L. and asking them to i comply with it, Delegates Kehoe and others of the Gompers faction fought the motion. This immediately provoked an at? tack from the Laborites to the effect that by their opposition to this motion ! the Gompers' spokesmen "indicated the measure of their sincerity." The Gompers men then withdrew their ob - - ? on to the motion and it was, adopted. Another point on which a fight was provoked was on the charges brought I kowitz and otht rs againsi Peter .]. Bradv to the effect that he had sup? ported the I.usk bills. Mr. Brady de? clared Im was ready to be tried by the body in full session. Deb gs ? Rybicki. of Typographical Union No. 0, proposed thai the matter be referred for trial to the executive committee. The motion was voted own by the Gompers men by a majority of a few votes. During the vote erics of "Fraud!" were raised bv the opposition, Rybicki and otherft charging that men who were not delegates had voted on the mot ion, some of them i aising both hands. On Mr. Brady's own proposal, however, foil? vii j ('? mands for n roll call and on indications that the op? position would demand u roll ch the verdict that might be rendered, the Gompers faction ? d itself and voted to refer the matter to the executive commit I ? e. ?Shevlin's Work Wins Dry League's Approval Anderson Says Prohibition is E n j o r red Fearlessly by Head of Supervising Agency William H. Anderson, superintendent of the New York Anti-Saloon. League, said yesterday that James S. Shevlin, supervising agent of prohibition en? forcement in this district, is enforcing the prohibition laws without fear or Favor and to the satisfaction of the dry element here in this state. ? "Mr. Shevlin," said Mr. Anderson, "is handicapped by a Bmall force to enforce the prohibition laws here, lie has been handicapped in that office by a small force ever since he accepted the oflice. I believe that he has been faithful and conscientious in the ?discharge of his duties, and I have every reason to be? lieve that he will cpntinue the onforce of the prohibition laws. "There has been some criticism of Mr. Shevlin's administration of the pro is laws in New York. I can say on this point that Mr. Shevlin's worlt in ? enforcement has been entirely satis factory to the Anti-Saloon League." The Tribune in road by wide awake and us ei . ployi ? ?. T? !? obone Jt/our Help Want Ad tu Beokmaa -UU0.?-Advu Stage Ham1!s Fight for increase1 of 50 Fer Cent Managers Insist on Contract, hut Employees Expect to Win Without Strike Not a strike, but an appeal for a 50 per cent wage increase ;is a square deal is the policy of the International Alliance of Tl catrical Stage Employees and Motion Picture Op?r?t ors, accor l ing lo 1?. !.. Spencer, assistant pre i dent, yesterda' : J ; hat ro pi r cent of the 25,000 ? hands had made s?i : : 'actorj ngr? n its and that ? ? ? Vork did not cet a trikc, s hought their rciju? o i anted. At i he ? j:; i of ] ocal \To. I, : s 30 i Wc st Fil Street, it was said ::? :. ? d i mi ? ? . .... she avi rage bein ?? . ' a ivei J;. under conditions more onerous than those of d1 ;['.: ?10 si day. New :al? s is: y. e be en presented to the I. "Tin .il bunk, I be liev?," Leg?n loi a, ??-. evs cou ' - ' 'Th se. ? :an't : nd any I expense, : \ ?ver, and the stag ?? mployi es mu? '. stand on their conti i ," '1 he manag? thai they have i vow ract with I e hi j ha I i he pre ? '? scales hold s ? empl iyi trai and that no su? h a/ re san ; ?? rcasom d oui ?.' si coi ; rea? tied a ? ?.' : ? ? ? .. y "thi s -, '? on as t hey i re for a \ ar or two." '? '?? j ??;, that lid nol take ace mnt of the rise in liv i : | ? ? ses. Among I manag ri s who conferred I'daj .. ' : Y : E, ?'>.,?.,: ??, |-,.?? I'e senl ing A. L. Erl : ger; Ralph Loue;, t'epi entinp al ; Mark A. iUeschcr, r< present ing the llippod uid Francis X. Hope, r< presenting ieorgi ? ihai . Curb Official Surs for Libel; Editor Arrested John V. Dunne Seeks $100,000 Damages for Alleged Defam tory Publications Horace Cutler Graves, publisher and editor of "The New ?ork Curb," was arested yesterday at his office at il Broadway, b: Deputy She E stein in a libel suit for $100,000 dam? ages brougl in t inn me ?' iurt by .) "; n V. Dun ne, chai rman o F I he w< ! fare committee of the New York Curb Ma i i. ? Ass ..esai ion. M r. Graves de? posited :?' : .i 0 ca i. ! ; i! with Sheriff Knott and was released. One o nts in "The Mew York Curb" to whh h M r. Dunn? exeep ?on -: the curb ?? larki I ottic al proi "cats and dogs" in 1 he curb n ... : : ' I rtzi acted lik ' pur cei ?. J. ?? ! : - ? : within ; he ::..'.. ' Mr. Dum ohj ted fui ther to an arl ?cl | ubli hed on .1 uly 31, tlie caption of vvh ich rend, "Dunn ? Ou ?1 cd From 11? nso ?'?? Job." ? The article s iid thai while ;:s?' plain? tiff i d the sup? : of the of cui b mai ket s' ock i, he him ?elf wa ; ihe promoter of get-rich-quick ex pll it .1 > 111! . Mr. Dunne all - ? th? se state? ments by tin? defendant's publication were false and defamatory and injured his good name. s Two Ex-Sailors Are Shot On Street; .Assailant Flees One Wounded Three Times; Gunplay Follows Argument; Wonian Mentioned Victor Curley, twenty-three, until recently a sailor in the United States Navy, was shot three times in front of the Naval V. M. C. A.. It;:: Sands : < ?. Bro iklyn, last night. He was taken to the Brooklyn Hospital, where it was found ho was wounded in t-he chest, forearm and leg, His assailant escaped. Charles Martin, twenty, of ( hicago, also was wounde. Cha s'' ndent of the Naval ^ . Y.. C. A., told the police that Curley, Frank Lorraine, twenty-one, of Sykeman Street, and Martin, who is also a rormer sailor, enj aged in an argument ?:i the lobby of the Naval V. M. C. A. last night, fie said the name of Curley's wife was mentioned. Joslin said ho ordered the men out of the building. Ae few minutes after six shots were heard and Joslin, run? ning into the street, says he found Curley lying on the sidewalk. Martin, suffering from a bullet wound In the left side, was still on his feet. Another num. Joslin says, was hurrying down Sands Street. Martin's wound was treated at the Cumberland Street Hospital, where he is held by direction of the police. Operators and Miners Meet To Fix Scale Men Caucus Without Reach? ing Decision on Exact Wage Increase They .Will Ask at Cleveland Parley Resume Session To-day* Representatives of Every State Organization of the Unions to Take Part CLEVELAND, Aug. 13.-?The wage : scale committees of the bituminous coal operators and union miners of the central competitive field met in execu? tive session here to-day in pursuance to n request of President Wilson to consider a change in wages and, after organizing, adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow morning. President .lohn L. Lewis of the Unit cd Mine Workers of America explained that because, the notice of the meeting wan short it was impossible to have i had all the miners' delegates present to-day. Michael Gallagher, Cleveland opera? tor, was elected ehairifiian of the con fcrence and William Green, secretary treasurer of the miners, was named secretary. Demands of Miners Uncertain The miners held a caucus this morn? ing without, reaching a decision on the j exact wage increases they will demand. The figure generally mentioned is f,;2 i over the present wage of SO paid the men by the day, who comprise about 27 per cent, of the industry. Several committeemen freely admitted to-night that if the day men received their lull demand the tonnage men also would probably ask an increase. President Lev. is declined to comment on this. Although only the scale committees ?n the cen*ral competitive field, com prising Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, are actually tak? ing part in the conference, representa? tives of practically every state organi? zation of the miners' union are here. Iowa, Washington, Central Pennsyl? vania and Kentucky miners' officials arrived to-day. Oklahoma and Kansas men are expected to-morrow. According to J. G, Lewis, state president oi the Iowa miners, Alexan? der Howat, of Ksuisas, will represent the in? n from Kansas. He said Iowa miners are demanding increases for tonnage as well as day workers and that JsS a day is the day workers' goal. Palmer Approves Conference Frank Farrington, president of the Illinois miners and the storm center in the recent Illinois strike, said: "I don't know what the rest will got but I do know the Illinois men will get $8 a day." Most of the scale committee mem? bers are under indictment in Judge A. B. Anderson's Federal Court in Indianapolis for charges growing out oi the great coal strike last fall. When :. ked whether they might be embar? rassed by a possibility of contempt of court action if they undertook to tam? per with the present agreement, operators' officials said to-day that "had been taken care of." The conference here was called by ?President Wilson, it was said, with the approval of Attorney General Palmer. Longshoremen Ratify Decision lo End Strike Vote Unanimously to Sustain Loaders in Agreement With Shipping Companies The prolonged strike of the coast? wise longshoremen in this city, which since last March had crippled the oper? ations of the Port of New York, came definitely to an end last night, when the longsnpremen voted unanimously in approve the decision of their lead? ers to call off their strike. They ratified the new agreement between their organisation and the steamship companies. The longshoremen met at Veronica Hall, Barrow and Washing? ton streets. The action last night was purely formal, as most of the men had already i urned to work. More than 3,500 longshoremen, representing the four locals of the organization in this port, attended the meeting. Joseph P. Ryan, vice-president of the International Longshoremen's Association, presided. A committee headed by Mr. Ryan will wait on representatives of the ship? ping companies to-day and inform them of flie men's decision. Alleged Woman Bigamist Goes to Jail in Luxury Mrs. Oakley Protests Lack of Comforts in tier Cell and Court Provides Them BABYLON, L. I., Aug. 13. Insisting on having "nothing but the best," Mrs. Lydia Oakley, twenty-one, to-night ! ut the town authorities to much trouble to obtain the3e before she would aeree to spend the night in the ? -. n jail following her arrest on a bigamy charge. She is the first woman to occupy the building ami the cell was devoid of the "comforts" she demanded. Finally Justice Cooper sent, out a constable, who purchased a comb, brush, towel, soap and other articles of toilet. When he saw the bare mattress in the cell the woman indignantly demanded: "You don't expect me to sleep on a bed without a sheet'.'" The justice said he thought sin? could for one :i iei:t. but she again won out and a sheet and blanket were purchased for her. She then was persuaded to oc? cupy the cell. She had been unable ' to raise the $500 bail fixed by Justice. ! Cooper. Union Dispute Threatens to Cause House Wreckers' Strike __ William Zarenko, president of the House Wreckers' Union, announced yesterday that he had written to Mayor Hylan and F. II. La Guardia, President of the Hoard of Aldermen, asking them to settle a dispute between the house wreckers?, and the Building Trades Council which threatens to result in a strike, it is said, unless the difficulty is settled early next week. The men are seeking admission to the Building Trades Council but have been kept out because of a juris dictional quarrel which the house wreckers have with the House Shorers' Union. -? Explosion on Cruiser Fatal CHERBOURG, France, Aug." 13.? Three sailors were injured In an ex plosion on board the American cruiser Pittsburgh here yesterday. The most seriously injured of the men died this morning. The other two will recover. Shipping News TUR TII?BH J Hull wiit <>r Low wiit^r AM PM AM I'M Hnndv Hook. 7 : :t I 7-.T.3 1:28 1:44 Governor'? Island. S:(i?l B:37 ?Mi 3:10| Hell (?.-?te . 0:07 lOstO 4:03 4:25 Note.?The above nguroa are niiuidard time und not New York State tlino. ABRITES YESTERDAY Vrsnrt. ' Port. Departure. Rochambeau.Havre .Aug ?! Minnesota.London .Inly 30 fosarle .Glasgow .July 28 Lako Frumot..West Hartlepool.July 22 Woe! Quooehe.Copenhag? n . . .July 29 Mormugao.Npw Bedford.. .Aug Hi Zi nYui.Iie.Crist?bal .Mie ;. Carolyn .Philadelphia ., Aug m San Mateo.Boston .Aug 12 Belllngham.Hampton Roads. Am: i 1 Lake ?esha.Clenfuegos .Vug in ??up? lie-,ll.Barrios .Aug 3 Soveranoo.Galveston .Aug 8 I,upland,.Southampton . ..Aug B Baron Inehcapo_Bristol .July -it Lake Gardner.Havana .? -? ?VBplnet . . . .Calcul In .'""" 1 ' Panuco.Porto Mexico. . .July JJJJ ?uiii. i-.Beverly .- - ., Captain Planes.Havana .Aug .. ? JIty ?if Montgomery.Havannah ...... -??-? i ira le n.lacksonvlllo ??? ? ?- ~ Otterburn.Cardiff .-'"'v -, Algonquin.y in Domingo , .Aug ?s Zulln.i???iiiiiiii . Mitchell.Patros .? - Oshkosh.Pireaus . INCOMING STEAMSHITS Due To-day Michigan.London .J?Jy \\ St Jean Laurent....Havri.J.ujy g* Uberubu ,. .Pornambuco . ...Juiy?.-1 Panama......_Cristobal .au?j 0 Algonquin.Turks Isle.Aug 8 Boverle.Port Said.Inl.v 1 '?> Francisco..,,.limi .\n* r,l Borland_7.Shields .'"'y -' Montevideo.Cadiz .'?'y ;'2 Zulla.Mayaguoj? .Aus v Korona.Domerara .Vug ? Du? To-morrow La Lorraine.Havro .Aufe 7 Mobile.Liverpool .Aug 6 M Washington.Santos .luly 1? Pastorea.Cristobal .Aug 8 Tlvlves.Kingston .Aug 'J Due Monday Frederick VI11.Copenhagen ....Aug E Due Tuesday Bergensfjord.Bergen.Aug ( Maraval..Trinidad .Aug ? Outgoing steamships iSail To-day Mall Vessel Closes Sails Kroonland, Antwerp.. 8:00 AM 12:00 M Adriatic, Southampton 8:00 AM 12:00.M K Auguste Victoria, Liverpool. s:no AM 12;0? M Mongolia, Hamburg, .. 3:110 PM 5:00 I'M Argentina, Patras.10:00 AM 2:00 PA Calai ...?s. Havana. .. 7:00 AM II :00 AJ Rosalind, St Johns_ 7:30 AM i 1:0.0 AM Banan, Kingston. 7:30 AM 11-.00 AA Bspcranza, Vera Cru/,. 8:30 AM 12:00 M Moh?wk, Sun Juan, . . . .- :30 A \l 12:00 M \ . - tris, Buenos Ayr? s. R:00 AM 10:00 Al Iroquols, Turks Isle. . . ''y:?i AM I :00 PA Alllanca, Cristobal. . . . 12:00 M 4:00 PA. Nortonlan, Liverpool.. ? ? 12:00 M Mesaba, London.- 12:00 M West Grove, Manches? ter . - 12:00 M Wi st Nohno, Glas gow. - 12:00 M Idaho, Antwerp.- 12:00M I.? ?bin .m, Havre.- 12:00 M Munaniar, Nipe. - 12:00 M Sail To-morrow A nun-, Yoko? hama .- 12-.00M LyiigenEJord, Bergen.. - 12:00 M .sail Monday P. de Satruste^ul,Cadiz 8:00 AM 12:00 Al Haddon, Burgas.12:00 Al ' :00 l'A Sareoxie, Dunkirk.- 12:00 M Cabo Cruex, Seville...-?- 12:00 AI Lake Farlston, Kings? ton .- 12 s 0 0 Al Nul Tuesday Grecian Prince, Cape? town . 7:00 AM 1 i :00 AA Niagara, Havro. 8:30 A M 12:00 M Calabria, Hamburg.... 9:00 AAI 1:00 PA St. St i phen, Dakar. . . . 10:00 A M 2:00 PA Canada, Piraeus.10:30 AAI 2:1 ?? !'A Tivlvi s, Sanl lago. J :00 AM J 1. A A Ben Novls, Para.10:00AAI 2:00 l'A AMERICAN I'OUTS BALTIAIORH, Aug U Arrived: Str Concordia (is-). Savannah; Ignacio (Sp) N'oi ???[:-.. Springburft (Br), N ri'olk; ?'?si i J or?n Purl Ta uipa . Easl Gate (Br), N ir folk; Ye toi lous, Antwei p. Clea red : S! r M innie ib I.:? rrin Lga l Br), Astoria vi Pa n:i : i Canal; Firmore. Norfolk a? IN. port ?News; Ki y West, Norfolk sue! New port News; Rosenberg (Dan), Bamlholm ftuss (Dan), Copenhagen ; Blaamyr: (Nor), Christiansand; Telesfora de Lar rinaga (Br), Gothenburg; ? Ity of SI Jo seph, Bare Y ma, etc; i 'oitu ni su. t?loi Y holm; \ Irglnia (It), Sa\ ! . Sail I : Si r .lobshaven (Du), Rotti rdam; ' rd i (Dan), Copenhagen ; Peter I i l'rowdl, New uort Ne?\ s : Sa ii Va lero (llr), Tuxpam Honduras i Nor), Port Antonio; M irylam ?Br), London ; ' 'oni liai ; i. Mu m J ter vi oik; Snug ! lai bi r, Portland, Ale. Cap Henrj. Va, Aug ! 3 - Pa s ul oui fron Bail Unore: S' ri i lollinsl :? (Br), Ah en si ilria; Western Light, Antwerp via Boston Hah Ira, Port Lobos; Nos lina, Skaw l fo ? i ; I ?avenporl. Rio ?le Janeiro ; Alan de\ ?lie i Nor), Porl Anti nil ; i ipequan, Ne? York; Northern King, Boston; Westerdiil (Du), Rotterdam; Lord Downshiro (Br) I loll.. 31 ; limbo Mend i (Sp), Norfolk am >.'.-??? p . s Nom s; Lake ' Jal h? fine, K ingston Lako !'r. eb ?rn, l'or! Tan pa. Pas ?ed in fo Bail Imore: Strs Hilton, Port '1 .... ? a; Ala Caspio (Sp), Philadelphia. BOSTON, Aue" 13 Arrived: Strs Texa (Dan), Copenl.en, Gotlenburg and Chris ( ianla vis? Shii Ids; J lowden (Nor), K a .. ton, Jamaica. CHARLESTON, s C, Aug 13 Arrived Sirs Lenape, New York (and proc '??]: Jacksonville) : dimanche, Jacksonvill (and proceeded to New Fork). Sailed Strs Carolinian, Philadelphia for Stuck holm : Cotopaxl, Port Tampa; Moshii ? , : ?i Gulf port. GALVESTON, Tex., Aug. 13..Arrived ? ' rs Antiopo i Br), Gibraltar; l ira? hers fols (Br), Livi i pool , El Capit?n, Nu\ A ork ; Emilie, Foil Barry ; ? s ???? : ?? '1 ampa ; U illiam ! s. Burton, Phlladelphli Sailed: Strs Fursi Bulow (Br), Lm Sklpton Castle ? Br), Antwerp; Willn In il? bsi ii. Tamnico. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Aug. 13.?-At i'v? .1 : Sis- licneral ... II. Ernst, Tocopilli Chile; b.iiges Northern 18 and Norther 31, New York, In tow. Sailed: Sti Bogaso, Havana; Lako Flume, Boston. KEY WEST, Fla, Aug 13 Saili d 1211 Sir Darden, Porl Aislen-. Arrived: sn West Durgee, Antwerp; Afalkey, Nica ruts u;i. AIOBILE, Ala., Aug. 13.?Cleared: Sti Lako Arthur, Porto Barrios, Guat; Hoi man Winter, Porto Barrios; Maple, Port Barrios. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 13.- CI. arei Strs Cop m (Hont1), Oi oa via Porto Cos t?-v-: Isabela Porto Rico; Lake Fondula Mobile; Atetapan, Bocas Del Toro vl Havana, Kingston and Cristobal; Nav gator ( Br), A nl is erp ; Ni pi un??. I 'ronl ? ? Surina me, I 'ort ! la rri? Tegucl gal| ( Bond i. Seiba; Ulysses (Dt), Rotterdam NORF? ILK, Aug 13 An Iv? d : Strs S Ye-s m (Br), Mai : n Seo? Hm J .'a ; Ellin (Gk), Gibraltar; Mandevll ?Nor). Tela; Liverpool (Nor), Galvestn Wi an (Lit), Baltii ore: Egremon ( Iran ; Bylayl, ! urtia nd, Me. : .',uii?,,:,.. ', ronto; Capto (Nor), SI ?kholm. Saile' Strs Eastgagc (Br), Philadelphia; Lai St Clair, Santa ? Jruz : Rhodesia ( ! ia n Aarhus; Piavo (It), Dakar; S; Vuguatin Gin ; ?OW : Ada ma utos temos (Gk), Gin gow; Eglantine, L J'lai i; Afel, G ilvesto I! II Asquil li, Rotterdam ; Pi sir: , ., nl 'l?ampien ; Canoga, Buenos Ayres; Arnci can (lit). Ani.v, erp. NEWPORT NEWS, Aug 13?Arrive Strs y rabien i I ian i Norroll? : Asslnlpi Norfolk . s '? s i-.'. /.J (Gk). Norfol '?: Embirlcos (Gk), Sundi rla nil . Nu (Nor), Norfol ; . Si gauchi, Norfolk i a Mendi . . . ' Haiti . \\*a a . Morfol Sailed : Ardoyno ' 's.- I, Norf ilk ; Arn > M? m (Sp), Piulad? Ipil .i : Epltai io Pi sso?i, 1 Je zilian ports; Ipswich, Santos; ?rtsk (Rus Philadelphia; Nuddea (Br), Australian porta; Nannastub (Nor), Norfolk; Titian (l?'i), New Viuli; bark Trio (Nor), Norfolk; Ocsfin (Nor), Greakor, PHILADELPHIA, Aug 13 ?- Arrived: Veetnorge (Nor), Port Antonio; Emnriu'l Nobel (B'li, Rouen; Yamag&ta Alaru (Jap), Now V?.rl?; l?-r???leriek Lu?kenbaob, Now Yorli; Ken,?haven (Dt), Norfolk; Roanoko, Tampico; Gulfmald, Port Ar thur; Algier?, Carteret; Dorchester, B??n ton; Svaland (Nor), Fowey; Asquith (Br), Oonalvo?; Perry Setzer, Sun Raphael. Dcltiwaro Bi.-nkwaf.-r, Del, Aug 13? Passed ?.us from Philadelphia! Teespool (Br), Copenhagen, et?' West Tacock, Liv? erpool and Antwerp; Arm (Br), Rouen; Margaret Throop, Reatlgouche, Reedy Island, Dot, Aug 18 -Passed ?lown from Philadelphia: city ?if Juliet. Corea; Osa Itls, Casa Blanca; Arkansas (Dan), Copen hagon and Christiania; Lake Copley, New J'ork; Manchester Merchant (Br). Alsui- | cheater via Norfolk, Marcus Hook, l'a, j Vug 13- Passed down from Philadelphia: Santa Barbara, Now York. PORT ARTHUR, Tex, Aug 13? Arrived : Strs Capitol of Nebraska, Mobile; Occi? dental, New York; Radlolenco (Br), Cette; Gulflahd, New York; Oulfoil, Philadelphia; British tales, New Orleans, Sailed: Strs Sylvan Arrow, Sabino; Westwego, Barrow. I'iiltT IflADS, La, Aug 13?Arrived: Star? Baja California (Nor}, Ceiba; Domburg (lu), Rotterdam; Eastern Moon, New V??ik; Grelfryda (Br), Norfolk; Konnebec (Br), United Kingdom; Lake Orania, Tampa; Nucalulu, France. Sailed: .Strs Agawam, Glasgow; Baywsfy, Norfolk; Bethnor, Gothenburg, Sweden, and Copen? hagen, Denmark, via liublin; Delmira (Br), Tampico; Hercules (Nor), Bergen and Christiania, Norway, Via Copenhagen ; and Philadelphia; Lucellum (Br), Havre; Managua (Nie), Bluoflelds; William Isom, Tampi? o. PENSACOLA, Fia, Aug IS?Arrived: ' Str Lake Pachuta, New Orleans. Sailed: \ SI r Barbadian (Br), Liverpool. PORT TAMPA. Aug 13?Arrived: Strs ; Holden Evans, Tampico. Sailed: Jean, Baltimore; Lake Sebago, Boston. SAND KEY, Fia, Auk Li?Passed east bound, 18th: Morgan Line; westbound, 12th, Herbert G Wylie, Chamblee, Tregar then (Br), San Tirs?? (Br) ; 13th, Paul? boro, San Silvestre (Br), Lake Grandon, Sagua (Br), Alatinlcock, Rathlin Head (Br), Langollen ( Br). SAN FRANCISCO, Aug 13 ? Arrived: Si is Hyades, Kahului; Eastern Belle, -Bos? ton. Salle?l; Sir Cuba, I Inn?.lulu. SAVANNAH, Ga, Aug U! Arrived: Sirs Lako Clear, Havana;- Alerrimack, Jackson? ville (and sailed for Philadelphia). Sailed: Strs Lake Elizabeth, Nuevitas; ,i. M. Guf fey, fl'amplco; ljjth, Alkaid, Philadelphia. TAMPA, Fla, Aug 13?Arrived: Motor ship Narwhal, Nueva Gorona. Sailed: Str Alexoil, Tampico; sehr Beatrice, Cai baricn. TRANSPACIFIC MAILS Th?? connecting mails at the Gen? eral Postoffice and City Hall postofflce sta tlon, New York, at o p. m., as follows: Hawaii, Fiji Islands, New Zealand an?! Australia, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, steamship Tahiti, August 15. Tahiti, Marquesas, Cook Islands, and spe? cially addressed mail for Now Zealand and I Australia, via San Francisco, steamship ? Tofua, August 10.. Japan, Corea, Siberia and specially ad- | dressed mail l'or China, via Seattle, steam- i ship Katorl Alaru, August 10. Hawaii, Japan, Corea and specially ad- ) dressed mail fur china, via San Francisco, . steamship Korea Alaru, August 1 >;. Hawaii. Samoan Islands, Australia and I New Zealand, via San Francisco, steam- | ship Ventura, August 19. The S taw Door Ilolbrook Blinn, it was announced yesterday by William Harris jr., will i be presented the night of August 30 in ; i a new comedy by Porter Emerson | I Browne, entitled "The Bad Man." The Century Promenade will have its two usual Sunday night concerts to? morrow, one at 9 o'clock and the other at 11:;130. "Scandal" will begin its rehearsals to-day preparatory to its opening at ; the Shubert-Riviera on Labor Day. Howard Truesdale and Thais Lawson I are to appear in important r?les in "Mystery," which is to open in Atlantic City next week. The members of the cast of "The Greenwich Village Follies cf 19:20" I were the guests last night, of W. T. . Benda, tiuj illustrator., who is assisting ! in staging the production. Mr. and 'Mrs. Coburn are to be pre? sented in "French Leave" in the near future, it. was announced by Marc Klaw, Inc., yesterday. The play is run? ning at the Globe Theater in London. 1 Langdon McCormick, author of "The Storm," has gone to Chicago to super? intend the stage arrangements for the play. It opens there next week. Vivien Oakland, recently in the Cen- ' tury Roof productions and in "Betty Be Good," will have an important part in "The Girl in the Private Room," a new play with music. ? Mrs. Lillian Trimble Bradley, gen? eral stage director for George Broad hurst, has found there are at least two other Lillijin Bradleys in the theatrical profession. So in order to avoid con? fusion in mail, telephone calls and the like, she has changed her name for the 1 time being to Mrs. Trimble Bradley. Palisades Am?sement Park's dance hall is the scene of large crowds of dancers these nights, despite the warm weather. Night swimming in the pool ; also is attracting many persons. Frank Fay, a vaudeville actor, an?! Harry Langdon will appear in "Jim Jam Jems," a musical production, which opens out of New York August 30. Claude Gillingwater bsis returned from his vacation and will begin re? hearsals of "Three Wise Fools," which will open in Boston August 30 and later go on tour. "The Lighjtnin' Hair Bonnet in Four Moves" is the name of the latest hair dressing asrrangement invented by Beatrice Nichols, leading woman with Frank Bacon in "Lightnin*. " It is in? tended to obviate the necessity for wearing hats, owing to the high cost of millinery, it is said. All August admittance records for a single week have b< en broken this week at the Hippodrome, with 62,000 tickets sold, it was announced yester? day. Two Bank Employees Held for (?rand Jury on Fraud Charge Edward do Scioro, secretary of the M. Berardini state Bank, 34 Mulberry Street; Alfred Rosi, a bookkeeper at the bank, and Joseph Harmon, of 1536 St. John's Place, Brooklyn, who were arrested on suspicion of defraudine- the v . UNDER TWO FLAGS" TEA ROOM S^| 16 East 39th St. ??j^j A la Carte?Home Cooking?Prompt Service. Motion Pictures of France Shown. Hours 11.30 to 2.30. ge ?lie Cnsit?l) Coffee f^ou?e-i4?.44t??t. ? (formerly :28 West 43rd St.)? Afternoon Tea, Hot Waffles, 2:30 to 5 P. M. Special Feature Dinner Daily?5:30 to 8 P. ML Home Cooking?Constant Change in Menu?A La Carte All Day ALOHA-Where horn TEA KU'.M 32 W. 4,'th ! cooking Is at it? b?.-?t jncheun, 15 10 60o. Dinner, Vic to $1. S18TKKM T1IKEE TEA 8H0J? Mew Ko? hell? itiuuch 5 3JJ I'elhaiu IJiet.l KlTerythlns hoe.? cooiit-d a la cart?. The Armchair at One-Fifty East 150 East Thirty-Fourth Street THE PIROUETTE Mw?K&em. Luncheon, Ten. Special Dinner $;.(<<i. Th? out-of-the-ordinary places of New York, where unique atmosphere and food peculiar to varied tastes invite the discriminating, will appear under "Enchanting Tea Rooms" in The Tribune ?ach Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. i-i'l? A Pound of Oysters for 25c. Cheap? Yes. AN OYSTER is an Oyster, no matte? how much water they contain. It's perfectly proper that an oyster should be handling nearIy aI1 Water' clse nature would not and distri- have made ** tha* way. A pound of button of oysters will give you 13% of solid food at milk there a cost of 25 cents. is less waste than in any Milk contains 12% of solid food of the other food. finest possible quality. Milk and oysters give you about the same amount of solids pound for pound. Yet the milk costs but 6 cents, while the oysters cost 25. In addition to being a cheap food it should be remembered that milk ?s a complete ration. It contains everything that you need in the food line and is easy to assimilate. Sheffield Farms Co., inc. New York bank to the extent of $65,000, waived examination yesterday in Tombs Police Court and were held for the grand jury on charges of grand larceny. Alexander Giordano, of 1343 Sixtieth Street, Brooklyn, who was arrowed with them, was held for examin?t? Thursday. America'?? Foremost Theatre? and Hit?, Direction ?if Ills ? ?. I. SHPBMg ci T| MR F T!"'a ? w K'*?~m WfNTEB GARDEN SSSfAA-SS: t MATINEE TO-DAY AT '?. CINDERELLA ON BROADWAY!? "GORGEOUS NOVELTIES."?rime*. To-Mor. Night Rr Concert I gygy LADIES'NIGHT" ?2 :-?!. ?.- er w Atop Century Theatre % ? I'iiK KS SI, $2, $3 AT Theatre, Jvr-,ui?vaj. THE CHARM SCHOOL HUDSON ? MAT. TO-DAY 2:39 i B'in?. ?*. ;J?4iac JR* HOLMES^* A!?.-- Beautiful Girls Id The World. PRICES S1.0O. Si, $S, $5.00. Dining ami Dancinii [n Open, ?J .j on. ?L TO-MO. NIGHT?TWO STAK ,JL, ?* < ?>\( r.KTs? AT i) AND 11:30 7C GOMEDY Si;.:- ].v V,,::-: Fjj- 8:3? THE AMERICANS IN FRANCE^I^JXE " CROOKED GAMBLERS" FULTON SOOTH ?^Jr KOTSOLCNGAGO moves ^ fiORfl tA?ts :;;??- ^gnd?y ~MffiBPUBLK^????;"TI BEG. TUES. EVE., AUG. 17 . ^-SEATS NOW ?'P3 UfY'"-' w- 42ti St. Etbs 8:30 LAST 2 ?WiuCBS BEI Last Mat. TODAY, 2:30 TIMES LWYNNURXIV? v. ill] i.D. \Y\ NX, "Tl ???:.. Next Tuesday Evening H^JS 1 Ii \ N K llliilCiI "TICKLE ME" A M islgirl ? me y. H. W?OUS <K- ?"? AN UNUSUAL PLAY._by E?rl Csmtt.f, GEODCE QAUUR0BINS3N NEVg BOLD !j=- ?and a distinguished eorroony 'F~ 'ACIMft T ??' CENTRAL THEATRE JKttlWff? SSV3S CHARLES PUP.C?IL *m "Air M ITINEE I s? ii 'S VI "3L-V)5?N5 biS?BST. MU5/CAL IL. Hif^ ? :? ? B'?vay Evs. ? s30. My- Il day .v Wed., -. , ?. PL?YHGUS ?^ 3<"/ LAfS IN E.'/?<V HOUR.S ?** '2iS U h-Sj?' .'Y'iiil ??(.. near l?'wuy. NOW PLAYING VAI^DSRBfLTT^ SitsSi Ski MATINEE TO-D^? . - Seal H 0 Weeks in I j M ITED ENG AGEMEST WILLIAM FOX Presents AUG. 16 a tu i ? LLIAM FARNUM'ENTER MADAME ?7 v. ? ?,l|.l> \ GARR?CK Theafre m ?i;M \\ ? ! \??lt Novel By Justin Uuiitly M ? artl Tile Or?ate?* Screen l'riiilui linn of the ?ear. Directed by Gordon Edwards Twice Daily 1:22 Prices?rl?in. 50-7 r ;j. UTTLE THEATRE EmilyStevens ,? ? ; : 'FOOT-LOOSE" AUDITORIUM?OCEAN GROVE, N. J. TO-NIGHT AT 8:30 NIN \ MOKC \NA, Sopr i 10 ALBERT STOESSEL, Violinist. Res? i-vi ?1 .-? ata, $?2, f3, 55, plus lax; Gen- I era) Admission $1. On sale al A .11? Sp ial t: siJn for "\ Now York after concert. Hardmati PI ? ? used MKt. Met. Music Bureau, 33 West 42d St, Vandei bill 1745. Theatre 8A?S Broadway & 45th Street picture Tl EVENING ? 30 -50c, 75c, $1.00, SI.50, $2.0?) ? Ira M I ra H r.w ay at ? fey? ???'''? ?' -vt S\ II \Y' HAPPENED r?J .IONICS." JilVi Ll ? III? J.i? ITiA la I A L T 0 i to M A N C K. " I CRITERION "Humoresque" ? j. . , ii I'.tli Si ?m anual List & CLorus, IMlTl ligia Carnaval. "Scarl C?3"\W*V?l 21 StrtWi Dance," I3ih .i. ?.--.?, i M . V K. ? M) IIIUIIEE i- ?- i , Tom Moore '.?s "Ri p Tu, f." . ? , .. "The Stase il. ? l." Quln . ? n .. Meist? r is -?????? i:.... y l . ^PPJi? "Couldn't ne buttt.r" ?E E :,y ^-\r BllrruvRiircsi .?/jYiiSe^Is Selling 8 weeks in <sdv<ar,? OPEN AIR CONCERTS NATIONAL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. u.iJ.?i.iJiUJNU? in/ni\\iJ:..Y Coudu ting live Ule -?s s ... ling Sunday. Carolina Lazzarl?Alina Claybungh. 13Stli fil. ?v An?* ? riiain Au. Scats 2io. 50c, il. 12. (i STADIUM At &&. BB0A?WAY B?THi^lG GIHLS ^?s "l'ICKI.i: WOMEN," Feature Drama. 151!.IA B. V \N t OMEDY, FREE CIRCUS Children Irre Weekday ?i?i??Y 'SLAM? Afternoon? with Parent* E JfV-A THE I I AW PLACE CJJla&Y '"'SURF ?. POOL BATHING MARK ANNETTE KELLERMANN ...: Women Urn 'is ,-.?>-, *7tli BL mBr Strand Or battra. NEXT Katbartne MacDunald In WEEK 'Ttio NoUiriuit? Mis? lAiia." Strand NEW ?OKK'S LEADING Ti.J.UREI ?NEW AMSTERDAM THEATRE] Mat. Today, 50c to 2 -?i. ?BMMnniB| U f 1 o T a^B|^B|^B|H M A Tl N Efc 10 ? U A Y 1 KNICKERBOCKER ! ?? VII TOlt lii KHI i S the G?RL the SPOTLIGHT Produced JOHN (?OI.DKN Gal ty. 1? ! E?. S il'.v'f?..?, A W?c, ?? Cohan & Harris y , HONEY GIRL rr HENRY MILLEBSJR??? LVLf. ?-20-6 - c &A? 2 20 HENRY KILLER ???? BLANCHE BMES? 64 JAMES FOB8I ' THE sea rOIL/MPHj U SB* ? ?V rlL S^ COHAN Tlu W?LL?AM R0QKS ; "SILKS AND SATINS" ?Jorin i)n;'/jAvi.'at?"'? ABRAHAM LINCOLN ? ? COST A?ftSettwvJ?b VVtf y- 1 ? - J Liberty JVf 'The Night Beat' ^ 6LOBE ^ CSOgfCE WH?T?S SCANDALS oP!920 Ut?ft ANN J^NNNQTOf