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$t)?attitt? & ^cm Founds^ 1797 Seasoned Investments 30 Pine Street New York The purchase of sound long term railroad bonds at this time affords to the in? vest?^ the following ad? vantages : High degree of security at prices which are near the lowest level of this generation. Prevailing high interest returns over a long period. Appreciation of principal as interest rates decline. Ready marketability. Upon request we shall be glad to send a copy of our cir? cular giving a list of bonds of the above character which we recommend for investment. Members ?w York and nttsbur?h Stock Exchanges 33 Pine St. New York U_M Arcade Bids. Pittsburgh Week's Bond Market Week's r?1920 ItlM (000omltte<1> c!ua-. Hl?h. Low 3232 Lib 34a 1947. 89.98 100.40 89.30' 8 do 34s 1947 T. . . . 90.110 96.70.S'.?.70 It do 1st 4s 19 4 7... 85.70 871.48 83.00 71 do 2d 4s 1942.... 85.10 9L'.42 81.40; 391 do 1st K'-.n 1947.. k?.90 94.00 84.00, 41)04 do 2d 4>?s 1.? 4 2 . . 85.20 92.86 SI.lui 2716 do 2.1 4?*3 1328.. SS.60 9;".00 85.80! ?ill do 4th 44s 197'.*. 85.77-1 971.00 82.00: 341? do Vic 4\s 1923 95.50 99.40 94 80 317? do 8>\a ls23. 95.50 97.40 '.?4.6? ill Ang-French 5-yr 6s. & C? "?, 1 n 0 934. 4 Argentine Gov 6a.... 68 H 75 68'., ?Chinese Oov Ry on... 43 50 41 llClty of Bord-aux 6s. S3 i?j 92% 82*< ISC ot Copenhagen 54a TS?), SO?* 74 9Clty of Lyons 6s_ 84 92?? 83 1 City of Marseilles 6s. 81 93'a 82?; 105 City of Paris 6s. 93"-? 94'? 88b! ?City ot Tokyo 5s. 53% f l 50 5? Dominican Rep 6s... SI 87% 79 10 Don? of Can 5 4a n 21 98*4 98-, 95 4 31 do 5'-s notes 1923. 91 974 89 4 ? do 5s, 1921. 9 8 !'?7? 9.'. 7i? 32 do is 1926. 88 95 86 4 1 do 5? 1331. 88 ?j2 4 84 4 175 0t of Swz ?? S a, t ret a. 10114 107? H 1004 IMImp Jap 1st 44s. 71 82 69 l*?lmp Jap 2d 4 4*. 72V? 8 2 67 4 ???lmp Jap str 1'jan 4?... 67 4 71 62 4 l??Kof Bg si "48.JPM r 95% 101 ?6% 7Kot Belgium 6s 1321 984 98% 984 l?Xof Bele'.um 6s 1925. 924 98 *'J TK of Italy64a,BerA.'25 62% 954 93 UJUpubo! Cuba 6s. 1304 86 62% 86% IRtp of Cuba 44?---- 704 76 "04 ll??nK o? atB?~IS%s,'Sl 96 X 97 H 62 4 Hirn K Of ntB_154s.,23 61 % 95% 894 l?lCn K of G;B??:I54.'i,,39 84% 95% ?3 IMQa Kot OtBftI5%s,'37 82% ?OH 814 !? IT S of Mexico 5s_ 37 43 29*4 Ml? 8 of Mexico 4s. 284 37 26 15 N Y City 44s. 1963.. 90 1004 88 14N T r.v/ 44?, 1965.. 90 1004 894 ?NT City 4'.??. I960.. 83% 95 4 ?14 ?NT City 44s. '57. May 89% 100?H 894 . IK T City 4?, 1957_ 80% *9 804 i IN Y City 4a, 1353.. . . a0 61 80 State bonds: ?IVdfla, Brwn Br. CtfS 63 66 f.O lAlabama Mid 5s. r-A4 924 904 I 11 Am A?r Ch 1st cv is 87% 93 14 87 % SlAm Agr Ch deb 5n_ c'l 100 89s* ?Am Dock & Imp 5s.. 98 98 96 4 ' 114 Amer Smelting 5a_ 75 864 73% ; ?9<ixa Tel ft T cvt 6a.. 65 4 954 92 *? do eol tr 6s. 78 4 83 H 7 2% 11 6? on 44a. 80 85 774 14 do co 4a. 754 80 73 J do en 4a. 634 ?9 62% II A? Writing Paper 7s. 78 ?3% 74 JAns Arbor 4a. 62 68 474?! ?JJArmourftCo ri est 44? 76 844 734 i ?IT ft S K cvx 4s, '55 67 694 ?0 ?- ?? cn 4s. to. 82 4 89% 77% j ?J do gen 4a. 76 4 83% ?9 J* *o sdj 4s. 68 H 714 62 ?? do ?dj 4s atp. 6i*4 71 % (3 ? ?0 4<At, CaiiAr <31v 764 81 63 \ do 4?. Rky Mt. dlv 69 69 644 ?Atlanta ft Blr 4s. 68 64% 62 ? At Char Air L 6a?erB 87 4 88 H ?1% ?AU Coast L lit cn 4a 74?? 80 69% ? ? L*N COI tr 4i_ ?74 724 ?0V* 5 ???Js J P M rets... 69% 934 95 UAtl Fruit tern rv 7a. 84 85 83 tliA,~Jla ?V N-western 6a 83 8 5 83 ?S*B * O ta. B9% 92 914 2?! ?n 44?. 69 69 67 { ft1? V.???% 70 674 j? Prtor lien 34s.80% 84 78 *! ?j? <?? P.I.EftWV ?liv 60 V* 61 51% li 2? !Ho. P.JAMdlv. 78 78 66% Mi 2??H* H"Mr' d!v ? 75H 77% 67% ? do 4a. Toi _ Cln d.v 62 4 6 3 4 4% 3lE a2?n?Co^*!r ??- s<i% ?? ?? l?_b_! Co l? ?** A 49. 73% 76 68 ?.?JlrnRT 7a TrCo ctfa 564 47% 34? ?jBtthltheta Bleel r?f ?-?? P m (a. l?l'^fn Copier ?a.. Jftv.1 ?? 6? ser A 4 ll???BT;'TrC<,ci;";,l!? 47% 344 ? ?? 1*. 27 60 85 {pJ^Wn 6s. 25 26 4 21 ilwS Vn,r'n ~? '?t ?S. 55 64 65 ?jAyUolon (laa 5a.. 7 4 79 70 I?__ S*n*I,lU c?n 6s 8? i?2?4 85 f a} T*rm B'0? 5?. .70 82'4 71 J Tn ?fn ??. 684 SIS ?8% ? 22 ??n C". ?0 *>VH 75 4 ?4C?b? t *tob!;? dlv... 82 Y'i 764 w do ttWJY.7,; ?2^ 7?l* MesLa! '''ri' *??? <?H 70 62 4 ??ft?i*.0?1? "?????. ?3 *S% 79 ? _?__.." "S ?a... hi ? o ?U do?,?!"-. 8:"A ''* ?*? ??i ?o ?T( ?^0 ft ; do 3\i ** ?n i. ?i ?i ;*n ?-". 4?C^??Alt^rfC?.. ?7 Z V. N. *l ??% . "1 S"*.n.fl,i".7* 77 4 ?7 75 77 6>;V4 44% 4? % 67 73 ?6 4 i i i*1 K?" *?. 7? 811 1 * i*' A?? dtv.7?u a? ? to^1?^-??? "8 n H do *f'nJ"'4 N,t' dlv- H'-'* 9? ni lt Tf fcT;0 lr"" ?s. ??? ft V?' Tr '" c" ?late w""rn ?? wvs*?&?*.* A &**"it........ m ft A??1*?? ?????? " ?s ?2L ? 7*? Urn <****?*% io? 3 2 4 32 Ml 19J? 73% 84 C?,4 '.r, 64 60% ? *S-TSr-*Y*>? s?r ?. ?o% 72% r,o tteiHi^l0*^?. 73 74 67% M?L"> ?/> CTt 44 . 71 73 ?1 * ** SaStaii1,/?;:. 7?i* 7?'5? 70 6? % ?8 1 K?*"t?. ?> ?8 84% ??"?? *?. 73% ?? ?7 "~W__>? t.*P. 7;,% 7ZI* 7o ?il _7f *???_??. ?6 ?8 % 60 4 4<-.b 6a 85 ?7 4 78 lf?t. 10 3% 105 J00 .... 77 *.'/, 1i>>b au t- ??n ?a. , . * S^?404, Human Side of Bear and I Bull Markets Compared Inexperienced Speculators Gradually Eliminated in Continued Lowering of Prices; Many Believe Turn in Values on Exchange Has Come at Last Ever since the philosopher Kant wroto his "Critique of Pure Reason" the market position of unadulterated logic has been on the down grade. The bear crowd in the competitive field of ideas has been attacking "pure reason" these many years, and now part of the coin of the realm is the knowledge of the important part emo? tion and instinct play in the guidance of men's conduct. In the surging bull market days in Wall Street, reason as a controlling factor ebbs sometimes almost to the vanishing point. The spectacle of mounting prices gradually shakes men's faith in the law of action and reaction, and at length the masses of unskilled market plungers are swept forward in a movement based on the assumption that the celestial regions are the only limits for ascending stock prices. Tho economist, the analyst, the skeptic, the cool calculating in? dividual? all these are regarded as "below par" in the frenzied days of pyramiding stock market values. The spirit of enthusiasm in the infinite possibilities of extracting wealth pain lessly out of the continued upwarc movement of stocks grows in geo metric proportions, and before it i: overcome by an end in the bull move ment it often seizes folk whose train ing ought to make them know better. Bear Year So Far If 1919 was, broadly speaking, a bul year, then 1920?at ?east up to date in the major movement on the stoc! market- has been distinctly a bea year. The principal downward swin started last November, and, despit recoveries and rallies, the main move ment since has been downward. Th recent recovery of tho stock market i interpreted in some quarters as an ir. dication that the main forces of reac tion have spent themselves, and thn the turn for the better has unmistal ably come. That is an opinioi Events will test its validity: flow ever, the recent turn in the market f least gives one a vantage point t look back wi{h some sense of perspe? tive on the great boar movement whic the Street has gone through, and t compare its human side with that < an extended bull period. In times of downward reaction thei is no dearth of excitement, especial during the days of precipitate declin when the false values of inflation a effaced with startling rapidity. Tl fluctuations of a particularly full'di often remove the margin which se arates speculators from poverty, ai et over a period of many months a ear market seems much calmer, much less stimulating to the emotions than a sustained bull movement, which is perpetually challenging the predic? tions of the cautious. A protracted reaction in the stock market does not enthrone "pure rea? son." In fact, just as usually the over enthusiastic overdo a bull movement and carry securities far above their worth as evidence of part ownership in business ventures, so in an extended bear market the disciples of pessi? mism usually go too far. They get the market in an oversold condition fre? quently, from which upward reactions must come. Observers of the major swings of the market over a long per ? iod of years become impressed with the ; pendulum conception of finance and business. They expect conditions to vacillate perpetually from one extreme to another. Theory Ha? Merit This theory undoubtedly has much ! merit and has often be< n verified by j events. But its weakness lies perhaps , in the fact that if centuries hence ? civilization were facing destruction ! and securities values in their declines i were forecasting destruction, the ad : herents of the pendulum theory would i be admonishing their fellow citizens ? that the swing in the direction of bet? ter times was coming. The experienced trader is more likely to get the attention of the novice in stock mark?>t affairs after a big break in prices than during a bull market. After the bear i movement the inexperienced trader i has been disillusioned of his wild I est hopes, and at length is ready i to believe that analysis, knowledge and | foresight play a part in the selection | of securities, and that the function of the speculator and the investor is ; broader than acting blindly on "tips." After stratum upon stratum of weaker operators has been eliminated i from the market by progressive de ! clines stocks get into different hands, | commonly called "stronger," who are I to a large extent interested in pros? pects for the long pull than in the I fluctuations of the moment. As a result, as it advances a bear market | in its last stages tends to thin the ranks of customers of brokerage of? fices, whereas a bull market as it de? velops progressively attracts new ele? ments to the market and the army of adherents of the tape becomes ever i larger until the bubble breaks. I Week's-1910 Sal?s (000 omitted) clos?. Ilitch. Low. 5 Colo A Bothrn 1st 4s... 77% 86% 74 34 do rfg 4%s. 72'j 7.1 66% 26 Cons Coal Maryland 6s 7?> 75% 7" 37 C3onsl Gas evt 7s. 98%im% ?114 111 Cuba C'n Su cvt dob ":t 8 8 u 100 s s 18 Cuba R R 5s. 72'j 73 ?ai 6 Cumberland T & T 5s. 7'? 85?; 7< 13 Del? A Hud tem;^ 102% ?.;? t? 2 cvt us . M 'a 86',, 72 3! do r--f 4s . 7 ." % H ?7 f? Den A Rio <_3d Imp 6s.. 73 7.'! ?'.3 221 do rfff 6s. f. 4 "? 65% 2S 4.". do rf?r ?.s Tr Co ctfs. f,2 (.2 39 1 do 4'us. 68% 71 ?;:;?; 37 con 4s . 65% ?".7% 58% 3 Des M & Ft l.> 4s. 451% 45 H 40 7 Dot Rvr Tnl 4V?. 720a 80 69 7 Lot I'ntd Uvs 4%S.... 59 i39 68% ? 1 East T Y * (?a con 6s. 13 91 71?, 5 Krle 1st ron 7s. ?8% 99% 93 % 10 du 3JpU D'iS. 91 >-j 92 91 % 64 do prior lien 4s. 57 67% 47 162 do gen Urn 4s. 47% 47?, 38 134 do e\t 4s Series A. . . 44 44% 32 139 do CVt 4s Serlrs B... 43H 43 Vi SO 176 do cvt Is Series I>... 47 47% 34 1 Florida H Coast 4%s.. "6% SO 73% 24 Cen Electric deh Bs. ... 9?. % inn 95% ? 5 Georgia Midland 3s... 46% 46% 46% 2 ?iront Northc-rn 4V*s... 77% 85% 70 3 Hark Val 1st eon 4%s. 70 73 60% I 124 liuri A Man ref ?s s A. 69 60 64 3?30 do adj inc 6s. 23 23 Hi 13 1 IC4I3 StL&NO Jt5ssA. 76% 83', 70% 16 Illinois Central 5%B... 87% 93 83 20 do rfg 4s. 7 2 76 Ml 6 5 23 do 4s, 1962. 70 74V* ?2 4 Illinois Steel deb 4%s. 7S 84 7 2 % 3 Indiana Steel 5s. 8? 9374 83 ?a 298 Interb-Met 4'ja. 16% 19% 11 16 4 do4%s Tr Co ctfs... 15% 1'? % 1? 457 Interb Kap Tr ref 6s.. 47 68 41 H 6 Intl Agrl 5s. 76*4 84% 76% 129 Int Mere Mar b f ?s. .. SIS 83 S 80 S 22 Iowa Central rfg 4s... 44'j 44% 36', 1 K C, Ft S & Mem 6s.. 92*8 loo 92-% 83 do 4s. 65 70 68V, 60 Kansas City 80 6s.... 69 "4, 75% 63 91 do 1st 3s. 55V, 59 49% 42 do Terminal 1st 4s.. 70% 76% 62% 1 Kentucky Central 4s... 68 Vi 75 63 V? 1 Kcokuk A Los M 6s... 70 73 66 6 Lack? Steel 6s. 1923... 90% 96 "0 7 Lake Erie & W 1st 6s. 74% 81% 72 16 L S A M .? g-n S'4b.. ?7'<j 70 65 3 do d"b 4s, 1928. . . 82 Vi 87% 76 6 do deb 4s. 1931. 80 84% 74% 3 Lehlgh Valley i?. 96% 103 92 K Liggett & Myers 7s...l04%lll 101 17 do 5s . 8 1 98% 77 13 I.on'? Island re? 4s... 64 69% 60 4 Lorlllard Co 7s.103% 110 100 10 do 5s . 787, 88 75% 17 Louisiana A Ark 5s... 70% 75 70% 2 Louis & Jeff Bridge 4s 62% 65% 61 . 29 L & N 7s, J P M rctn.101% 102% 99% 4 do col tr 6s, 1931... 85% 91 84 19 do unified 4b. 78% 84% 72 5 do 4s, At K A C dlv. 69% 76% 63 8 do 6s. 8t L dlv. 98% 100 96% 4 do 3s, 8t L dlv. 49 61% 42% 6 do 8AN-A1 con ts *68 80% 80% 76% 7 doSo Ry Motion Jt 4s 63 65 68 2 Man Ry con 4s tax ex. 60% 60% 49% 1 Mich Cen deb 4s, 1929 73% 81 72 61 Midvali Steel cvt 6s.. 77% 86% 76% 1 Mil A Nor con 4%s... 75% 77% 75% 74 M A Pt is ref A ext 5s. 62 66 42 ?2 do 1st rfg 4h. 44 44 85 2 MRtP&SS Marie con 4a 76% 82% 70% 12 Mo K A Eastern 1st 6s 40 40 23% 1 M K A T of T 1st 6s. 60 60 45 81 do 1st 4s. 69% ?0% 62% 48 M K A T 2d 4s. S3 24% 26% 3 do 2d 4s T Co ctfs. 33 33 27?* 8 do rfg 4s Tr Co ctfs 86 37 30% 3 Missouri Pac con 6s.. 98% 98% 96% 7 do rfg 6s 1623. 89 91% 84 8 do rfg 6s 1926. 84% 90 79% 472 do gen 4s. 68 69 61 ? 1M A O new 6s. 91 102% 91 10 do 6s St L dlv. 78% 78% 75 5 do 4s St L A C dlv. 72% 74% 63 ? Mont Pow Co Cs ser A. 80% 86 76% 2 Nat Rys of Mex 4';,? 20V* 21% 20 1 N O T A M 6s ser A 93 90 90154 62 do Inc 6s. 60% 67 46 208 N Y C A H R deb 6?. 91% 93% 86 19 do rfg A Imp 4%s. 76% 79 69% 7 do dob 4s 1934. 73% 83% 69 ? 29 do con 4s. ?9 73 63 i 7 do rfg 3%s. 66 70 61% 6 do ref 3%s reg- 64 64% 61 ? 22 do L Sh eol tr 3%s 60% 62 65 6 do Mich Cen 3%s reg 68 68 68 INT C A Ht L 1st 4s. 73 81A 68% 6 do deb 4?. 69% 71 64 ?NY Lock Co 4s. 64 67 68% 8 NT O E I. HAP col 6s 76% 85% 74% r, do pur m 4?. 61 76% 68% 44 N Y N HAH cvt 6s '48 7?% 76% 65 4 NY NHAH deb 4H.1956 60 68 44% a do deb 4s, 1956. 61 65 46 8 docvt deb 3%B, 1966 43% 60 39% 9 NY Ont A W 1st ref 4s 63 fJ3 62 ?NY Hallways rfg 4?.. 21 32 19% It do ref 4s, Tr Co ctfa 20 21 20 7 do ?dj 5s. 5 7% 4% ?NY Sus A West gen 6s 40 40 It Week' ??1920 Sales CO0O omitted) clon? Hltrh SON Y Telephone deb 6s. 88% 9??; 130 do pen 4 ?is. 7?% 81% 36 N Y West A Ros 4%s. 4?;?,; 46?' 1" .N'orf A South 6s p?r A '.."? ,MP, 72 .N'orf A West cvt 6s...101% 104 ?^ 19 do aon 4s. 75 ?o 42 do dlvl 4s. 7,|i^ 7* ?j 1 Non horn Pacific 4?.,s. . 7v 8 1?, 6" do pr lien 4s. 7>> '* 80 ?4 83 do gen 3s. .-,4 fifi 1 do 4s, St P A Lui dlv 82% 8 2', 1 Ogdensb A L Cham 4s. 60 ra) 2 Ohio Connecting Ry 4s 80 80 122 Oropon g. (_'ai ?3t r,s... ?7% 93 7 Oreg Ry A Nav con 4s 76 81 4 Oreg Short Lino 1st 6s 9.8% 101 1 do con 5s. 8?; ?-a 93 23 do rfg 4s. 80 85 6 Crop-Wash RR A N 4s 69% 10 Pacific Gas & Elce 5S. 747^ 3 Pacific Tel A T?l 5s. . 8 2 25 Pa.i.10,1)1 A 111 4%s . . 75 2?! P H It tem 7s. 1930 % 8 i 109 do 5m 1968. .. . 4%s, 1921. .103 . 86' ' - 1 83 88%' 76 103"? pe,-, 4%S. do gold 4s, 1906. 1 9 4 S . . in 4.' d o 4 s, 1! 11 3 Pe 16 P.-orla A East 1st 4s. . 67 do Income (is. 7 Poro Marquette ref &8. 3 do 4s . 4 Phi la Co dob 6s, 22 Philippine Ry 4s 12 PCCAStL 4%s. ser A 6 Pub Serv of N J 6s. 69 Heading gen 4s. 1922. 82% 36 Readinp-CRRNJ col 4s 82% 894 12 Rep Ir A St col 6s, '40 88% 96 80' 13 Rio Gr A West 1st 4s. 6? ?37 68 20 do col tr 4s. 64% 55 48 29 Rock I A A Louis 4%s 67% 67% 68' 3 St L I M AS gen 6s.. 85 94% SO 74 do ref 4s. 73% 70 66 12 do 4s, R A O dlv. .. (?9 1 St L A 8 F gen 6s '31 85% 72 . 92% 275 Co pr lien 4s ser A. 59% 60 327 do 5s ser B. 71 98 do pon Cs ser C... 87 ad I 'is. 6? 71% 6 2V? 12 2 8 12 St I ; nt- 0s. Swn 1st 4; 102 d< on 4ii. rm 42 St P A IC C S L 4 Vis.. 7 St P M A M con 4%s 4 do 6s Maa Cen dlv.: 11 S An A A Pass 1st 4s 1 Seal) A L gold 4s stp 38 do rfg 4s. 241 do a.lj 5s. 6 So Bell T A T Cm. 291 South Pac cvt 6s.... 196 do cvt 4s. 143 do rfg 4s. 50 do col tr 4s. 67% 1 do San Fr Term 4s 66% 64 Southern P.y con 6s.. 84 102 do gon 4s. ?0% 2 do 6s Memphis dlv 83 16 do 4s M A O dlv.. 68 1 Syracuse Lt A Pw 6s 67% 1 T R R A of StL rfg 4s 68 2 Third Avenue 1st 6b 76 3 do rfg 4s. 85 do adj 5?. 14 T S LAW 60-yr 4s 6 Lifter A Delaware 7 t'nlon Bag A. Paper 6s 85 U, 1 Union Oil s f 6s. 88 62 Union Pacific 4a. 97VJ 243 do 1st 4s . t<i\ 86 do cvt 4? . 81V, 4 3 ref 4s . 75% 17 I'n RR S F 4s Co otfs 2.", > 5 I'n Ry I 1st 6s Pitts Is. 66 12 I'n Sla RI A Im 6?. . . 136 U S Rbr tem 7%s 19 30. 11 do 7h . 33 do 5s .' 13 r S Sml Ref A M 6s. . . 227 L'ntd Sta Steel s f 6a. . 1 do 1 f Su reg. 91 6 Utah A Northern 6s... .88 9 Utah Pw A Light 6s. . 72% 46% 77 ?.9% 21% '60 4s 5 2 8 0 ?.? 97? 91% 62% 4 9 '.; 41 % 73 73% 87% 61% 85% 58% 70 73% 84 61% 31 6 0 62 9 0 88 103% 8 5 % 88% 1 1 3 % 90 105 99% 9 7 92% 8 5 V* 11 Vlr-Cr Ch cvt deb 6s.. S?3% 101 8 do 1st 6? . 91 96% 6 Virginia Rys 6a. 79 85% BWabash 1st 5s. 86% 81 t do 2d 6s . 83% " ?Western Blectrlo 6s... 93% 19 Western Maryland 4s. 66% 2 West N Y A P let 6?.. 8 3 24 Western Pacific 5s.... 79 7 West Ln col tr 6s. 79 22 do real est 4%a. 74% 10 Wist Shoro 4s. 74% 32 do 4s reg . 70 1 Wheelg A I.k B 4%?.. 63% 32 do con 4s. 6 6 % 80 Wilson A Co 1st 6a... 86% 16 do cvt Cb. 83 89 Wisconsin Cent gen 4s. 70% 80 do -in .4 A L dlv. 69% 1 Wlnston-Halem So 4s. 68 97% 8?;% 86% 34% 66 98% Course of the Bond Market -? ? This graph ?hows the weekly fluctuations in the average prices ol ten rail? m& ten to?ntxiaa md fire Kubliejatility bund? since April 30? 19?9. I Investment Information j Question* of general interest te investors will be answered in this column, in which case only intfiaU will be used. Others will be an? swered by mail. Address oil ??i? quiries. inclosing a stamped, ad' dressed envelope, to Financial Editer, The Tribune, 15? Nassau Street, New York City. Liberty Bond Tax Exemptions Question?I know that the first lisue of Liberty bonds Is not subject to any In? come tax. I understand that any citizen ran buy J5.000 par of the second, third or fourth issues and have them tax free. Will you advise me 1f it is possible to buy more than that amount, provided the citizen has not subscribed for any Liberty bonds at all ? ? A. R. B. Answer?The limit of income tax ex? emption on Liberty bonds, exclusive of holdings of 3?6 per cent, consists of $.",000 in the aggregate of first 4 per cent, first A1/*, per cent (issues of May i>, 1918, and October 24, 1918), second 4 per cent, second 4% per cent, third 4% per cent, fourth 4%, per cent, Treasury certificates and war savings certificates, $30,000 of first 4% percent (issues of October 24, 1918, only) until the expiration of two years after the termination of the war, $.'3-0,000 of fourth 4Vi per cent until the expiration of two years after the termination of the war, $15,000 in the aggregate of first 4 per cent, first 4Vi per cent (issue of May 9, 1918, only), second 4 per cent and 4% per cent and third 4% per cent, as to the interest received after January 1, 1918, until the ex? piration of two years after the termina? tion of the war. This exemption is con? ditional on original subscription to and continued holding at the date of the tax returns of two-thirds as many bonds of the fourth Liberty loan. Middle States Oil Dividends Question?Klndlv state the condition of the Middle States Oil Company. When are the dividend periods??T. B. T. Answer?The Middle States Oil Com? pany pays quarterly dividends of 40 cents October 1, etc. An extra of 10 per cent in stock was paid July 10. The company reported to the New York Stock Exchange, net after taxes of $980,980 for the first quarter of 1920, equivalent to $2.80 a share on the then $3.500,000 capital stock (par $10). The capitalization has been increased to $7,800,000, cash dividend requirements on which arc $312,000 a Quarter at the present rate. Would Exchange Common for Preferred Question ? May I ask your opinion re? garding the following stocks: Mils Chal? mers preferred. Advance Rumely preferred. International Mercantile Marine preferred? Do you consider them a good purchase at prevailing quotations? 1 havo about $10, C'Oi) worth of common stoeic of United Slates Rubber, Studebaker, Chandler and AMI? Chalmers, and I have been figuring on changing same Into the above preferred slocks, especially the .Mils I'halmers. Can you tell me why tie stocks of concerns that manufacturo farming machinery are out of line with other preferred storks? la, you consider United States Foo?l Prod? uits a srife purchase?-?!. 1. O, Answer The three preferred issues that you mention are not seasoned se? curities. That is, their dividend rec? ords are not of long standing, although the companies' earnings at present are ample in each caso to care for divi? dends. We regard all as fair invest? ments. Marino preferred was a specu? lative feature, in that there are 42 per cent dividends accrued. The common stocks you hold are highly speculative, being sensitive to earnings and other influences. Farm machinery concerns, being only one line of business, do not enjoy that diversification of business such as United States Steel and other similar concern? For that reason prob? ably their preferred stocks aro not en? titled to as high a rating. United States Food Products is said to be doing a very satisfactory business, its divi? dend being amply earned. However, the stock is speculative and we do not recommend it for investment purposes. Desires $75 Yield for $1,000 Question?Inform nie of a few stooks that can le- purchased where the risk would be minimized as much as possible and the Incomo to yield nbao' $75 a year for $1,000. Would also appreciate an ex? pression from jou us to the status of Golilwyn Pictures and American Telephone and Telegraph. The latter was bought when It was selling at 93%.?I. A. L. Answer?The following stocks, all preferred, return over 7 per cent per annum. All are well secured, in our opinion, nnd have long dividend rec? ords: Endicott-Johnson 7 per cent pre? ferred, General Cigar 7 per cent pre? ferred, American lirake Shoe 7 per cent preferred, Bethlehem Steel 7 per cent preferred. Goldwyn Pictures is specu? lative. The company is said to be op? erating well at present, yet the moving picture production business is an un? certain one, at best. We do not. rec? ommend such issues for investment. American Telephone is doing better under private operation. The dividend is amply earned, and we regard it as a very fair business man's investment. Atchison Bond as Servant's Reward Questton?I desire to make a gift of $600 or $800 to a faithful domestic who has been with us for nearly twenty years. Needless to say, I want this to come as ! near a government bond as possible In the way of seasoned securities. I have In mind a $1.000 bond of the Atchlaon, Topeka & ; Sania Fo Railroad 4 per cent general ; mortgage, duo 1996. Kindly give me your opinion of the Investment and state the security which backs the bond. Would ; you suggest anything better. If bo, what? , ?(}. I. T. Answer?There are few if any better ; bonds than Atchison general 4 per cent. They aro secured by first lien on the ! entire main line, some 5.241 miles of : road. Bonds of this class or Liberty issues form the best possible invest? ments. German Bonds Far From Safe Question?I havo been advised to buy German city bonds as a safe speculative investment. I'leaso let me know how safe land how speculative you consider such an i investment.? Miss 1>. D. K. Answer?German city bonds are i not a speculative investment; they aro j a gamble, and there is no moro than ; what the chemists call a trace of safety I in them. If and when the bonds are : paid they will be liquidated in German currency as it exists at the tinie. If it is worth more then than now, you i win; if not, you lose. That is, provid j ing the government ?lands up and the ? bonds are paid at all. Germany has been printing money by the bale. All ! she earns for the next few generations j belongs, by the terms of the armistice ' to her enemies; that is, all Bhe make Executor Trustee Chartered 1822 \ The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Nos, 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue At Forty-first Street New York London Paria Foreign Exchange Administrator Guardian Member Federal Eeserre System and New York Clearing House Week's Stock Transactions (Continued from ortf?nJInn naje) Lo- Di v. K Dato. 1920. Dot*. In $. Bale*. High. Low. Close, tr Apr 12 84 Feb 13 8 Presar? Steel Car.. 1300 97 94 97 + Feb 2 96 May 22 7 An pi . 4C0 98? 2 98''2 98"24 Mar 13 108% May 24 8 Tullman Co . 500 114!/2113 114'/a4-: Apr 19 66 Au* 16 5 Punta Alesrc Sucar. 1200 74 7034 74 f Jan 3 36 Au? 9 4 Pure Oil . 4C00 38% 38 38? c? Apr 12 88% May 20 8 Rway Steel Sprint:. 400 96 96 ?6 - Feb 17 97 June 3 7 do pf . 100 100 100 100 ? Jan 5 13%, Aue 9 1 Ray Con Copper... 3000 16% 14?:? 16' 4 l Apr 27 64^4 Feb 11 4 Readin?: .119100 94% 88'2 92^4 - Apr 27 32% Mar 9. 2 do 1st pf. 600 44 42 43' 2 ? Sept 2 33? 4 Mnr 9 2 do 2d pf... 100 45^ 45', 45% } Jan 3 45 Aug 10 ? Remini/ton Typewr.. 800 53.4 51 52 ? July 7 34? 2 Ffcb 26? Replogle Steel . 8000 8434 72% 77'8? Jon 3 76% Auk 9 6 Repub Iron & Steel. 11900 85' 2 8".% 85? 2 - Jan 26 92'4 Au? 19 7 do pf . 300 93 93 93 - Jan 2 26 Sept 2 ? Repub Motor Truck 18700 3S7 H 2G 30^? May 10 69"'a Au?r 5.20 Royal Ilutch N Y shs 0900 843a 82% 84' s J Apr 12 14% Jan 2 1 St Joseph Lead.... 2800 17 16% 17 - Sept 2 15% Feb 13 ? St h & San Fran... 63000 2854 24% 23' 4 ( S-pt 2 23?/2 Jan 14? do pf . 1500 42% 38 42 f Sept 3 11 Feb 11 ? St L & SoV?st. 32800 29' ? 21% 29 + Sept 2 20% May 24 ? do pf . 9200 39% 32'4 39%+ June 18 12 Auk 19 1 Santa Cecilia SuRar 600 15 1378 14% + Apr 5 39'4 Auj? 10 6 Snvnire Arms . 3C0 40 40 40 + Jan 13 ? 5% Auk 27 ? Saxon Motors . 1800 5% 5' 2 5'?,? Feb 19 6 July 2? Seaboard Air Line. 10500 9 7' ., 879 ? Mar 1 10 July 1 ? do pf . 5200 18'4 15'4 15;'4t Apr 14 130 Aus 10 8 Scars Roebuck . 1400 140 139% 140 ? Jan 17 8'4 Auk 24 ? Shattuck Ariz Cop.. 100 9 9 9 + Jnn 28 45% Au* 12 .74 Shell Trans & Tr'K 9300 52% 50% 51% + Jan 5 23'a Au* 9? Sinclair Consol ... 73800 32% 26% 32' ,2 + Jan 26 59 Aus 9 6 Bloss-Sheff Stl & Ir 2600 70% 67% 70% + Apr 19 87 June 5 7 do pf . 6900 89 89 80 + Jan 3 88? a Feb 13 6 Southern Pacific ... 373CO *96% *92'8 *9Q34-i June 3 137% June 3 6 do ctfs . July 12 13 Feb 11 ? Southern Kvvay _ 51700 29' Auk 4 60 Feb 13 5 do pf . 3600 62 Apr 14 100 Auk 10 12 So Porto Rico Suirar 500 124 Mar 24 600 Au? 13 20 Staniiard Oil N J... 150 670 Mar 25 100?/a June 17 7 do 7 p c pf. June 24 83 Sept 1 7 Steel & Tube Fdy pf 300 85 Mar 26 26% Au? 13 4 Stowart Warn Speed 2600 34 Apr 8 50 Feb 13 4 Stror.iberg Carb .... 1C600 75 M.i>* 8 58% Aug 17 7 Studebakor . 53000 63"?.; &j>< t, 41 Feb 13 6 Superior Steel . 600 51 J i 12 96 Au? 31 8 do pf . 100 96 Apr 7 40 Aun 13 4 Temlor C & P F pf A 500 42 Mar 31 9 July 29 ? Tenn Cop & Chem.. 247C0 93, May 6 40% Auk 6 3 Texas Co . 45900 50'4 Mar 22 25 Feb 13 ? Texas & Pacific... 21200 38% July 7 35% Sept 1 .60 Tex & Pac C & O.. 92C0 41' j Mar 15 9% Au* 6 ? Third Avenue R R. . 900 11 . July 15 21% Sept 3 ? Times Sq Auto Sup. 4300 24'. = . Jan 3 57 Auk 13 6 Tobacco ProducU... 8100 67'E Jan 7 83% Auk 20 7 do pf. 100 84 Feb 27 10% Feb 18 ? Toi St L & W ctfs. 7C0O 14^ Jan 3 15 May 28 ? do pf ctfs. 2300 213, , Jan 5 9 Sept 1 ? Transcontinental Oil. 47600 13'< > Jan 3 40 Aujr 9 6 Tran? Wms Steel... 500 46 Jan 28 108 Auk 31 7 Cndcrwood Typew pf 100 1C81 ; Apr 14 73'/a ?May 22 8 Union ling & Paper 8400 88 Jan 9 25% Au?/ 28 ? Union Oil . 2900 29 l Jan 3 110 Feb 13 10 Union Pacific . 34800*124'. V Jan 3 61% May 24 4 do pf . 2500 65 Jan 5 38% Auk 18 4 United Alloy Steel. 200 40 Jan 14 105% Auk 31 8 United Drug . 700 106 Jnn 13 44 Auk . 6 3% do 1st pf. 100 44?, Jan 9 86! ? Feb 9 7 United Dyewood pf. 100 86!-; Apr 14 176 Feb 11 12 United Fruit . 1600 196 j Mar 18 7% Aug 12 ? United Kway Inv.. 28J0 10' ; Jan 27 13 Auk 9? dopf . 3200 21 Jun 3 59 Auk 9 3 United Retail Store? 29800 70^> Jan 3 12% Auk 10 ? U S C I P & Fdy.. 100 13?, I over what is necessary to keep her in i ! condition to earn anything at all. How,! j then, is Germany going to make the mark worth anything near par? Un ! doubtedly her 60,000,000 people possess tremendous recuperative power, but I they need all of it, and redeeming anil : putting value behind the mark is not ! the first charge on their efforts. We ! do not believe marks are as chean as : they look. Earlier in the year there ? was a wave of speculation in them hero which carried the price up. Now that has subsided, and the quotations are falling otf. Lots of outside specu? lators are loaded up with marks at close to 3 cents. No Reason to Swap Bonds Question?I hold City of Lyons 4'.j per i cent bonds which I bought some time ago at 53. These bonds have sine? declined to about S3. I have In mind to exchange these bonds for Denver A Rio Orando Kailroad first 4% per cent. In doing this I could recoup the loss on the Lyons bond?. Will I you kindly advise whether above men I tinned railroad bonds are a better, or Just i nu safe an Investment aa the City of ! Lyons bonds, and whether, In your esti? mation, you would advise the exchange? ? ? 11. K. Answer?When you speak of recoup | ing your loss on Lyons bonds by pur ' chasing another security you forget | thnt your loss on the Lyons bonds may | be only a temporary ?bne. Tho reason : for the drop in price of this issue is largely due to money and credit condi? tions. Denver & Rio Grande 4V? per cent bonds sold not very long ago at considerably over par. The Lyons bonds pay 6 per cent, not 4'"a per cent. The yearly income on Lyons bonds is 7.20 per cent, while the yearly return on Denver & Rio Grande bonds is less than 7 per cent. We see no good rea? son for making the change. Rock Island Preferred Fairly Safe Cuesti?n?Please advise as lo what voit think of Chicago, Ruck rslsnd A Pacifie ? lier cent a ral 7 ;?? i . ?r.! prefer?' d . a.s ? New York, New Haven .?.? Hartford Would > ou a a .a. ? bu> ing < tthor of llieso .it pre?. i III | ,.c,.., for a safe Investment ??( i. J. I!. Answu??Most of the railroads should d? ?citer now that increased rates are established. The dividend on Rock Isl? and preferred stocks appears to be fairly safe, although it is 'not a high grade stock. New Haven is not an in? vestment issue. It pay3 no dividends, and while it may offer speculative op? portunities, we do not advise it3 pur chasa unless you can afford to specu? late. _ Four frill columns of in? vestment questions and an? swers are published in The Tribune every Sunday. Price Trend on the New York Stock Market -?? . ? ? the graph shoits the weekly fluctuations in the average price of twenty railroad stocks in, one linejmd ?thirty industrial stocks in she otfe simce April 30? 1919?, " Foreign Collections FOREIGN COMMERCE is developed ?*? not alone by ships and cargoes, but by adequate facilities to finance it. Among such facilities those devoted to collections are of transcendent importance. Our numerous branches, correspondents and affili? ated institutions in all the important parts of the world afford the most direct service for making collections, as well as caring for other matters per? taining to a general overseas banking business. We solicit inquiries. BRANCHES AT Shanghai Tokio Yokohama Paris San Francisco Soattio OFFICERS Charle? A. Holder, President T. Fred Aspden, Vice-President E. B. MacKenzie, Secretary & Treasurer Parjc'Union FOREIGN ?BANKING CORPORATION 56 Wall Street, New York Paid Up Capital and Surplus. $2450,00*%, LONDON JOINT CITY & MIDLAND BANK LIMITED HEAD OFFICE: S, THREADNEEDLE ST., LONDON, E.C. 2 OVER 1,460 OFFICES IN ENOLAND AND WALES Subscribed Capital - - ?38,096,363 Paid-up Capital - - 10,840,112 Reserve Fund - - - 10,840,112 Deposits 'June 30th, 1920)- - 367,667,322 OVERSEAS BRANCH: 65 & 66, OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON, E.C. 2 FOREIGN BANKING BUSINESS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION UNDERTAKEN Atlantic Office?: "AQUITANIA," "IMPERATOR," "MAURETANIA" The Right Hon. it. McKENNA?Chairman ,-?-7-1 AFFILIATED BANKS: BELFAST BANKING COMPANY LTD. THE CLYDESDALE BANK LTD Over 110 omces in Ireland Over ISO Office? In Sootlan? T?ic-h 1320. 55% 78 ?s 1161,5 103^4 G9'i 1433/4 115'2 76 47% 109 1153.4 803 i 12% 97 80' 4 1121.2 119 21 20? ; 76 12% 20' ; 323 4 69 89', 4 139 55' i, 14'/. 26'4 69'/s 3154 32 93 82 ?,'s 33 145 95 ?j Date. Apr 7 Jan 5 Jan Jan .Apr Jan Jan Jan Mar 26 Jan 5 Jan 30 Jan 3 Jan 2 Apr 16 Apr 14 Jan 7 June 18 June 11 Feb 24 Feh 21 Veb 19 Mar 30 leb 24 leb Apr Sept Mar Jan Jan Feb Sept 2 Msr 29 July 23 Jan 3 Jan Jan Feb Apr Jan 3x di 5 5 27 14 27 l?der i.ovr 1920 41' 2 53 3B 77? 2 90 40 80 101 60 417, 837'8 1043 8 56'8 7 42 59'/ s 104 76 12% 20' 2 i 4 43 8% 11 2d 2 54?. 2 80'a 10134 441/2 9 15 42'% 24 15 75 5C 8 23 100 55 d. Dir. Date, in S Auk 24 5 I-'cb 13 6 leb 13 8 Aus 6 7 Feb 13 ? Aus 9 8 Aue 9 8 Aus 9 C June 14 3' Aus 9 5 June 18 7 Aus 9 6 Aus 25 ? Feb 13 6 Feb 13 4 May 3 8 Fob 13 6 Aus 10 2 May 20 ? leb 11 ? May 19 ? Feb 13 ? July 30 ? Feb 13 ? Feb 5 4 July 13 7 Aus 9 7 May 20 4 June 23 ? May 21 ? Sept 1 4 Aus 24 ? Sept 2 1 Sept 2 7 Aus 9 Au? 9 June 3 Aus 9 Net Sales. Rush. Low. Clone, che?. do pf . 200 41*4 41*4 41*44- ? 4 V S Food Product?. . 3~,00 60% 581? 60%4- ?,, U S Jnd Alcohol.. S800 84% *82' 2 *83?, 2? Vit do jfF . 300 93 9 3 93 *- 34 TT 8 Realty & Imp. 3500 51 47 51 + 3 U 8 Rubber. 9500 86'/2 83*4 88'. 4 f- ?4 do 1st pf.'_ 100 104 104 104 4- % U 8 Smelting Ss Ret 2300 57 62 67 + 3% do pf . 400 42 417, 42 - ? S Steel.103900 90'/? 87? 2 89^8? 1'/a do pf._ 3800 107 1061/4 107 + % V/tah Copper . 12700 64% 60% 64 4- 2 Vtah Secur Corp... 800 8 7'4 8 4- V? Vanadium Steel ... 28700 73' 4 66% 70 - Va-Car Chemical ... 1000 68% 65' 2 6838 ?- 2% do pf . 500 107% 107' 2 107'. ? - 2' 2 Va Iron C & C. 200 112 112 112 - 6 Vivaudou, ?nc . 6C0 15 14 14% ~ 34 Wabash . 174C0 10'4 8 10 ? 1% di> pf A. 24800 29'j 25 28% -i 2?4 do pf B. 400 19' 2 1*i 19' 2-3 Well? Farso Fip.. 500 58 4 65 68%-- 1'i Western Maryland.. 13000 11 ? 9% 11%J ''.4 do 2d pf. 5300 19% 13 18 -?? 3\/a Western Racine ... 12600 31' ? 27 31'2- 3% do pf . 400 69 68 69 - 2 Western Union Tel. 400 84 83 84-1 Wt'house Air Brake 400 104 103' z 104 - Wsstinshouse Mfs.. 2000 48% 46% 483i - V/4 Wheel & Lake Erie. 15800 13'/4 1C% 12%4 1 do pf . 10700 26 17% 25 4 3'/, White Motors . 9900 47% 42'2 44?/,? 1 Wickwire Spencer.. 300 25 24>2 24l,r? 1 Willys OTerland_ 9300 18% 15 15 ? % do pf . 2C0 76% 75 75 ?3% Wilson Co . 600 57 56% 66'/?? % Wisconsin Centra!.. 2700 33 27 3?, + 4'4 Woolworth . 700 106% 106 106%? ' s Worth Rump & Mach 1300 62 5834 62 +? %