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QVEKN* BEAL ESTATE Ql EKNS REAL B8TATB IDEAL COLONIAL HOMES At Leas Than Present Cost Small Cash Payment BALANCE LIKE RENT IN ESTABLISHED COMMUNITY Six, Seven, Eight and Nine Rooms Every Modern Improvement City Streets and Sewers; No Assessments FLUSHING, N. Y. C. OPERATORS ASSOC, INC., Parsons Ave. and Hyacinth PI. TELEPHONE FLUSHING _024. Nine Rooms and Three Baths MOTOR Ol"T TO-DAY and ser tiiis un? usually attractive Colonial house, con? taining 9 rooms and ;> hath?, located In the most beautiful part of Flushing, only five in I nut cm' walk from the Broadway Flushing Station an?! only 20 minutes by express trains from the Pcnn. Station. ' The plot, which i.s 100 by 14 0 feet, front ins on Broadway at the corner of 27th Street, Is beautifully lamlscaped and has room for a ule?- garden in the rear. The rooms ??re all lar(fe an?l the house is thoroughly modern In every respect. Full particulars may be obtained at our local oftlce, corner Broadway and 2L'd Street, opposite the station, or at 62 Vanderbllt Ave.. N. T. Telephone 9484 Vamlerbilt. Rlckert-Brown Realty Co. ?^FXBNISHEn APARTMENTS TO LET BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS Just Completed 2460-2170 ?JNIVERSITY AVENUE | Bloc'* No. Fcrdham Rd. at 188 St. 3-4-5 Room ?pfs. With Large Foyers LARGE, LIGHT and A?RY With every conceivable tad modem improvement Oppoiite beautiful Devoe Park With Perpetual Light front and rear. Three minutes' walk froj:i Ford ban Re?'! Station, the Jerome Ave. lUbway and th? ?7th an?! <ih Ave. ??_" Four blocks to Cniverslty Heights station. New York Central Railroad. On Fordham Road. Moderate Rentals. Agent on Premuet UNIVERSITY HEIGHT Just Completed Ready for Occupancy 3-4-5-6 Room Apt?. Similar to Park Ave. Apart? ment Houses. LAftGE, LIGHT & AIRY with ?very conceivable improve? ment. Location restricted and countrified. University & Andrew? Ave. Block front Cor. 183rd St. t minutes' walk fr,om "SP.rd St. Sta ttn of the Jernm^ Ave. Subway and tfcBlxtb and Ninth Ave. L. 4 Blocks to University Relebt? Sta? tion ot N. Y. C. R. R. On Kordhani Road MotJCTit? Rental- Agent on Premises. ?jlllimilllllllllUIIIIIIIUIIHIIillUHIlHlU I JUST COMPLETED ? ?-EADY FOR OC'Cl'PANCY = I Apar?fcnents j~ Location :_ ; FORDHAM HEIGHTS ? BEAUTIFUL = ! ROOMS I ~ With Every ConceivaLle 3 5 Improvement ?5 5 Grand Concourse & Fordham Road ~ Z ? Block? East of Jerome Ave. & r: ? Lexington Ave. Sub. Station. " 5 6th and 9tli Ave. Elevated 2 At Fordham Road. _? Select tenants only. j?; 5 Agent on Premises. ^ Phone Intervale 2110. = auitiiiimiiiimiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiun 3-4 Rwdy for Occupancy inCAI APARTMENTS IUML LOCATION ? ENTIRE BLOCK IRONT 1S65-1575 Grand Concourse Cor. 173rd St. 3 k C D BEAUTIFUL ?*?"D-D ROOMS *?? tnty tonwhreblt tmprov?m?nt Urg? Foyert 3 Bi?lu East of Jerome Ara. ? Lexington Ave. Sub. Station M? * ?tb Av?>. Elevated at Beimont Street ???Ul. Aj?.nt as Prsralnjv Hotel Royalton I 44 WEST 44 ST. Bachelor Apartment Unfurnished 3 Room?, 2 Batht 2 Rootni and ua,h 1 Room, Alcove and Bath a:i ?ndl? Ap't?Ground Floor '?*L a- r_*m* '?'' '"??*? 'rum Oct. JJ* Apartment? ?hwn any (irr.*. "otel ?Service & Restaurant CROOK I, Y N V **ae~l. T,"E KARRIBT I**** i?l *' ? v*r* attractive ?wo and en*tt<?. 4-2. -??-?^? ?-?it??, bath ?r?'l kltch M?-B g* ?owptoUd in th?? ??.out ex KJn5_>_.'??f*1 *'* Klv'n AI'?ly tf W?U?f ?? ???">? Wl!ll?rr.?b?ir? ?72 l'I^?nSO APARTMENT? TO _ET~ _*??_?_?.: ^*~??n <?th an?5 ?Oth ?ta ? S^J ???^__:p*r,i!'~'),? P-M'/r, b?4r?x?m an? {S VttSEiL **" "*?&* ??rrlc?, to ?ublirt z?mTrWnJSli%!m* NMWlN? Apply Mi?* -??AltTMIWT WANTED E_B.tfA???NT' ? ?? ? wo?"?: Tr,5S?? * r"?th?r -ni1 ??o'1 onnrm to i,kt <?"?!?'*? >?*n<_wna otT1e?to, con ?_? *W ?quar? f?-t In all; ?oo?1 -SI?..*'!**1; ???"?tor ??rvir,*. ?*??. M flow, ?* Ktad? Ht,, 18 Minute? from N. Y. Business Tapestry brick ; 6 large, beautiful rooms and cozy breakfast room. Every con? venience. Colonial fireplaces. Large English sleeping porch. Mower garden portico. Garage if desired. C. H. TABOR the well-known architect, is building these ideal houses. Each a gem. $12,000, and worth it. Join this delightful American colony; good neighbors assured. Big in? terests are making this one of best home sections. Much favors It. Highest eleva? tion in city ; healthy. Wonderful transit. Tabor Homes Co., Inc. 12th Avenue and 63d Street 4!h Ave. (Sea Beach) Subway to Fort Hamilton Ave. Station (11th Ave. ?iid). SIX" ROOMS. WELL FURN?SHED IN' PRI? VATE IIOI'SB; EXCELLENT SECTION IN BROOKLYN; CONVENIENT TO SCR WAY; $:<00 PER MONTH; WILL CON? SIDER LESS: TO RBFINEO PERSON WILL RENT FOR $150 WITHOUT Fl'R NISHINGS. A. HERNANDEZ, 17 LAT? TERY PLACE. LONG ISLAND REAL ESTATE BUILDERS' ?"DEVELOPERS' OPPORTUNITY Offering 53 acre estate In Great Neck; 3.?300 feet street fiontugo with sewerage; pan. waier and electricity Improvements. 10 min? utes' walk 'o station. Have ten clients ready to pay ?1.000 deposit each on $12.000. $13.000 and $13.000 houses to he ready April 1st. 1921. Same can be made part of contract. Maps and full particulars apply I. C. WOLF, 1270 Broadway, N. V. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY AT KENSINGTON GREAT NECK. L. I. New Colonial residence, i master bedrooms and 2 baths: 2 servants' bedrooms, bath, and servants' living room; 2-car garage. Large plot, ISO root frontage. Can arrange terms to suit. Owner leaving for Europe. T. G. WOLF, 1270 Broadway, N. Y. Tel. Penn. C1M1 or Sunday 35 ( Neck. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GREAT NECK Hav? several beautiful homes for $l?a000 ?a $30,0??*). Inspect same before deriding. I. G. WOLF, 1270 BROADWAY, N. Y. Tel. Penn. 6944 or Great Neck 3i5. FAR ROCKAWAY?Cottage. Tn rooms and bath, perfect condition, electricity, gas. situated fines' section Rayswator; plot i:Tx 123: possession October; price $9.000; :.-1 a.s to suit. T. A. & J. ??. FOG'ARTY. 117 W. 33d st. Telephone Fltzroy 5498 or Far Rockaway 563. LYNBROOK, L. T.?House for sale; ? rooms, not Including sun parlor, e|eo tra- laundry and bath; modern and up to ? late In every respect; newly decorated and painted in and outside; plot 80x1'?>. grounds splendidly laid out; prb'o $12.000. E Crab. 1C Wyoming ave., Lynbrook, L. I. NORTHPORT HARBOR RESIDENCE Residence near Northport Harbor for Bale, 14 rooms, one-half acre; shade trees, three-car garage, good barn; near schools, churches, &c; suitable for two families. Address C. M. Lewis. Northport, L. I. DOCGLASTON, 7 mlnut??' waik from sta? tion, 8 rooms, 3 baths, 2-car garage, bedroom and bath, 1 acre water front, for sal-. Tel. 29 Bayslde. QUEENS REAL ESTATE READY FOR OCCUPANCY AT BEAUTIFUL QUEENS COURT Six large r^oms and hath, all modern Im? provements: inclosed porch; built-in bath, shower; tils? bathroom and kitchen, open fireplace, st?m heat, parquet floors, etc.; decorated to .uult. Three blocks from Queens Station. B. SCHAUM, BUILDER. Phone 2535 Richmond Hill. A FEW four and five room apartments for Immediate occupancy are being offer? ed on the tenant-ownership plan in the Hlcks-Stryker Apartment Building, Wood side, L. I.. 18 minutes from the Grand ?'entrai Station on the subway; up to date '. buildings; ?mall cash payments, balance : monthly. Take subway at tiraiid Central Station to Woodslde, or phone Newtown | 41? or Newtown 23'31 for appointment. S7500. Don't fall to see the blggeat ralui for the price ?round N?w York. J. W. Rosa. Phone 1039 Jamaica, or Call at 475 Hillside Av?. NEW JERSEY REAL ESTATE 'CROSS AVENTE, near North Elizabeth Station on Penn. Railroad?We have sev? eral new seven room houses which contain every modern convenience; hardwood floors, steam beat, tile baths, gas ranges, electric fixtures and wall decorations. Wn are offering these properties on exceptional j terms of $930 cash and balance In pay m?tm of $100 per mon'h, by which meth? od of payment you will own the property outright, subject to a first mortgage only, In about five ?nd a. half years. Why be a renter when you can purchase on such terms? Elizabeth office, 20S Broad st., I open Sunday? und Labor Lay. Burton Thompson &. Co. Inc., 135 Broadway. I ELMORA DISTRICT. Elizabeth. N. J ? '< Short waik to station on Central Rall : rond. in this location we have several I new ?Ix and ?even room house?, >acli con? taining all modern Imprnvmont?; hard woo.1 floors, ?team heat, tile baths, gas : range? and ??L'-rtrlc fixture?. Complete and !i'?<ly for I?,mediate occupancy. Terms $1.000 down and balance In small monthly payments. Why be a renter wh< n you can ! pur. huso on wu' b toini? of payment a d?? sirable home In an excellent Lection 7 ' Elizabeth office, 2"1 Broad St.. open Sun? day? mi'l Labor Lay Burton Thompson ! & < 'o. Jnc , 135 Broad wny. FOR RAI.B?Well-built, homey ten-room house, with four open fireplace?; on beau? tiful grounds. )lUx200. with perennial gar? den?, appl? trena, grape arbors, currant and raspberry bushes; 3 minutes' walk Erie *ta tlon; too large present owner; prbn $1 i.000. Address owner, 152 Nutley Av., Nutley.N. J. ENGLEW00D ?????;. Ktt, H. Wtatkcrby A C?., Eng ?cwoed, N. J. I.ACKENRACK?7 room house, modern; bath, electric, steam; good plot and lo-aiion; I9.U00. Hhaffar, 726 Main fit., lit' kenaivk. TO J.ET Von BVBV?l%BB Pt'BFOSKS TO LEAHE. -Large factory, 70.000 squar? fm?t, center of labor market and ?hip. ping ffeciHM?*: bandy to W|l!lsrn?burg Bridge. ARTHUR fl. qA?TMAN, 111 Ursatlway, ?roolslya. 1 , Real Estate News Drop in Cost Of Materials For Building Hudson R i ver Common Brick Sold as Low as $ 15 a Thousand Last Week and Best Grades at $20 Covered Wire Cheaper Manufacturers to Cut Prices 5 Per Cent; No Change Looked For in Cement Basic building materials at the week? end developed their first definite post? war tendency to return to a buyers' 1 market, according to The. Dow .Service I Daily Building Reports. Hudson River common brick is listed I as having been sold as lo>y as $15 a 1 thousand, wholesale, as the autumn j building season opened. The best ! grades, which a fortnight ago ware j being hejd rigidly at $25, plus the j usual additional charge for handling, I haulage and 15 per cent covering de | livery to job, were topping $20 on : Saturday. It is significant that simultaneously ?with the introduction of counter '. bidding, at first secret and later open, I some of the largest speculative apart | ment builders definitely decided to start at once with the erection of huge high-priced projects. The projector.? frankly stated that they had succeeded in breaking through the building price barrier in nearly 'every department. Quantity purchasing by strong buyers succeeded in obtaining concessions on the part of manufacturers, but when it became known that shading had actu? ally occurred almost the entire market i settled down to open counter-bidding. It has been known for some time that'desirabie quantity business offered in the lumber department brought at? tractive concessions, and from that I point, which dates hack to around the first of August, there have been signs I of willingness on the part of certain manufacturers to meet the others. The j momentum increased as the week drew i to a close, and there were indications i that this week will show a noticeable ! buying movement in such departments I particularly lumber, brick, lime anil ; plaster; also that th? re will be some i stimulation in the volume of new work ! going on architects' boards for new i figures under the new market. Cut in Rubber-Covered Wire An illustration is found in tho elec , trical supply department. Rubher j covered wire has been slow to move out ; of manufacturers' and distributors' i hands. Whenever the market slumps i on steel conduit this condition exist3 in the electric wire department be i cause about three feet of electric wire is used to every foot of steel conduit. When there is a slump in building i there is sure to follow closely a slump i in the steel conduit business, and elec? tric wire suffers accordingly. Recent I ly there has not only been a slump in ' the volume of building construction, ! but also in the delivery of steel con ! duit over the railroads. The result is i that the electric wire manufacturers ! contemplated at the week-end to cut | the price of rubber-covered wire this I week, possibly 5 per cent, in order to 1 induce prospective builders to antici? pate their requirements for the immc ? diate future. The glass department IVE.3TCIIE.STEK COUNTY REAL ESTAT? WARNING You like the country. You may perhaps buy in October. BUT by October we shall have sold these places. RYE ? KALE, $10,000. ?'harming frame hous?, 14 rooms, 2 baths. ?:,, rag? . 77 acres. No. U-17 I. GREENWICH ? SALE. $50,000. 50-acro farm. OUI hoiis?. in tin- con? dition. |Magnificent trees. -Sound view. Bargain. .No. 250>j. JERICHO, L. I.?SALE, $05,000. Remodeled farmhouse. Perfect ren? dition. V u 1 1 modem equipment. ?;ar??ye. et?.-. In h'-ari of tiuntlt.g country. No. :;:)-!,. 15 East 54th St., N. Y Plaza 1125 GREENWICH RYE Tel. 1717 Tel. 880 -limiBWIIIIIIII-IHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIMIIIIIIIIill Here Are Some Real True BARGAINS 7)3 mln. via Putnam Dlv. N. Y. C. n. R. ELMSFORD? Beautiful sttn-oo, noven I rooms, hath, basement ; all Improvements cx rept heat; five lots; also garage; easily eon ! verte?! into a two-family house; price $7,000; ' let ms. ? NEAR ARDSLEY STATION?Three-story hrlelt building, with Improvements. $4.000. i Also R-room house, no improvements, 7i l<>i:s $.-:.r,00; good chance for speculator. lteautlful 10-room house, steam heat. Plot 175x100; near station; $0.600; terms. Small building, 5 rooms and Mure; also 'garage; occupied by owner; plot 50x100. Crapes, fruit trees, etc. Opposite nation. ; $?.ouo. Several other houses from $2,750 upward. T. J. HAYES. at R. R. Station. Ardsley, N Y. Telophor.e 17'J-W Dobbs Ferry. AT LARCHMONT 1 Own<r moving to California offers her vrr-u built stucco house of 10 rooms, 2 baths, hardwood trim and floors, hot water 0LC?TT&EGGER, ^m^u.V.S Sun. & Mon. 'I'M i.iirthmonl 'JL' -ICUtiBK LAST CHANCE BARGAIN ??'tone residence, 16 rooms, garage, nil Im | provemonts; aero ground; beautiful l??<-a tlon; 40 minutes Times N>juar", hear sta? tion and trolluys. Phon? Owner, 33'iij Yonkers. NOTHING FOR RENT WE HAVE MANY DESIRABLE HOMES AND PLOTS OF LAND FOR SALE. EDWIN W. FISKE REALTY CO., 14 Depot Place, Mount Vernon. N. Y. TO LET FOR IlCrilNKSS Pt'fiPUHSB TO LET for two years, desirable office spaco, approximately 1.1R0 square feet. 17fth floor Emmett Building, OS Madison Avenue, good ventilation, good light; jani? tor servie.? and electric lighting Included In the price of $71 jier S'luare foot; wood and ?lass partitioning furnlsh'-il gratis. Apply Standsrd Paint Co., Woolworth llldg., Marclay 748t. BTORAQB OR MANUFACTURING, 2,B00 lo 100,000 square feet; Manhattan; r??ii sonable; possession now or October; Ion? leas?; elevator, watchman. JOHN A. yoWEK, 22? Wjttt 424 et. ??70 Bryant, also reveals something of this counter bidding1 movement. The building material market trends | upward and downward since the first of the year were favorably impressed with the attitude of the great steel in- , forests in keeping their prices steady.! The fact is that the steel mills show \ no indication at this time to change their prices upward despite the fact that they can operate as fully as pos? sible during the remainder of the year and still have a comfortable back-log running into 1921. By the end of the next thirty days there ought to be con? siderable shrinkage apparent in the premium situation in this department, and the prospects ?re that the change will be downward. The change in the building material ; price .situation is being felt in the cement department. Although the in? quiries during August for cement, have been greater than ever known, exceed? ing the totals for March, April, May, June and July combined, and at the first of the month the cost of electric power in the I.ehigh manufacturing district advanced 331 per cent, there does not now seem to be much indica? tion that prices will be advanced above the present lave!. 20 Families Find Homes In New Flatbush Colony Pittsburgh Builders Find Ready Market for Homes With Long Term Mortgages Seekers for homes are finding the houses recentlv erected in the new sec? tion of Flatbush, in Hast Forty-eighth, Forty-ninth, Fifty-second and Fifty third street-?, .and on Schenectady Ave? nue, vary maca to their liking. Tiie Pren-Brook Corporation has sold over twenty of these houses in three weeks, I and inciuiries are pouring in. These are the 100 homes erected hv a Pittsburgh syndicate and financed by fifteen-year mortgages advanced by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. ' It probably is the largest single home building operation completed in New i York City this year. ?City and Suburban Homes To Go on Auction Block Bryan L. Kennelly will sell at public auction on a special salcsday, Wednes? day. September 22, 70 West 102d Street, a five-story flat; 418 West Fifty-sec ( ml Street, a five-story flat; 725 and 727 White Plains Avenue, Tuckahoe, two three-story flafs; 5'.? Hon Air Avenue, lion Air Park, Xew Rochelle, a two and one-half sforv Colonial dwelling; a two and one-half-story Colonial dwelling t on Lomond Place, Highland Park, New Rochelle; 227 West Union Avenue, Bound Brook, N. J.. a two-story Co? lonial dwelling en about six acres, and the Buena Vista dwelling, on Mountain Av< nue, Bound Brook, -\. .1., on about two acres. Keccti?. Buyers of Dwellings Pincus I>. Epstein is the purchaser of 'the dwelling 145 West 120th Street, sold recently by Abraham Roseman. Margaret Dermodv is the buver of the dwelling at Li'.?'West 103d Street, sold recently. Nathaniel R. Norton is the buyer of the dwelling at 111 Fast Seventy eighth Street, sold through Pease & Elliman. ; Edwin A. Harris is the purchaser of 'the dwelling at 1314 West Eighty-second , Street, sold recently, James H. Pleasant is the buyer of the dwelling at 102 West 132d Street, sold recently. Find Homes in Wcstrhester Duross Company sold far !.. Y. Rich ens to Walter Scott Shim 17 Living? ston Avenue, Dobbs Ferry. C. Milliard Ross seid the dwelling 53 Arthur Street, Yonkers, to Mrs. Doro? thea Senior of this city through Thomas S. Burke. Mrs. C. M. Murdoch and Arthur S. Hawley sold for Yester Ris his home m We?dt Avenue, Larchmont (enter, to William Meyer. Sale in West 46th St. The Beekman Holding Company and Anna Rosenberg sold to Oscar F. Bren? ner the four-story building, with store, at 107 West Forty-sixth Street, 25x 100.5. Lot Auction Sales Follow Opening of New Transit Coster and Walsh Estates in East Bronx to Be Parti? tioned by J. P. Day TTie first auction sales of lots, lo ! cated along the now Westchester Ave j nue extension of the Lexington Avenue r.nd Southern Boulevard subway, in the Schuylervillc and Throgg's Neck sec? tions of the East Bronx, since the ex? tension of subway service to the 177th Street station, was announced yester i day by Joseph P. Day to take place on : Thursday, September 23, in the Real Estate Exchange Salesroom. The properties to be sold at absolute | auction include the estates of Henry A. : Coster and Margaret Walsh. In all ! 403 lots are to be sold. These prop i erties are both located on East T're ' mont Avenue, the Coster estate at the . corner of Eastern Boulevard and the : Walsh estate at Waterbury Avenue. They are situated in the East Bronx, near the Westchester Country Club, the bathing beaches, Pelham Bay and Pel ham Park. The Coster estate sale has been or? dered by O. Delancey Coster and Miss Martha E. Coster, trustees; the Walsh estate sale by the Guaranty Trust Com? pany and Clarence W. Quinn, execu? tors, Cardozo & Nathan are the attor? neys for the Coster estate, and Stet? son, Jennings & Russell for the Walsh estate. The Fort Schuyler trolley, which runs on East Tremont Avenue from i Westehester Square, passes both prop : erties, which are but a few minutes' walk from the Westchester Square sta? tion of the new Westchester Avenue subway, at present ?n operation to 177th Street, and to be operated eventually to Pelham Bay Park. -? ?Sixth Ave. Corner Building ' Leased for ?350,000 R. Telfair leased for the Potter es J t?te to Aaron Kosofskv 74 to 78 West Forty-sixth Street and 810-812 Sixth I Avenue, southeast corner, for twenty I one years at an approximate aggregate rental of $350,000. Ashforth & Co., In<\, were associated brokers. Mr. Kosofsky I will extensively alter it for the Hudson ! Bay Seal Company, of which he is the head. The Victor Talkincr Machine Com? pany leased the twenty-second floor in the National Association Building, 25 West Forty-third Street, for offices. through the Cross & Brown Company. who have also leased the stove at 100 West Fifty-seventh Street to Win. W. Princeley; two floors in the Green hut-Siesrel-Cooper Building to the New York Furniture Exchange Association, Inc.; space at 1780 and 1782 Broadway to Pre l er rod Utilities Company ; at 10-42 Fast Twentv-second Strict to Frederick Almy & Co!; at 105 Fast Fifty-seventh Street to Madge Lee Moray; at 549-51 West Fifty - second Street to Simon Sosnovitch"; at ]0?-t08 West End Ave? nue to (3. M. S. Motor Sales Company. and in the Goodyear Building to the Planerer Box Company. Cushman & Wakefield, Inc., leased 1 for August Heckschor offices at 50 East Fortv-second Street to Universal Inter I ests.'lnc, W. II. Van Winckcl and F. W. i Loughran. John J. Meenan, Inc., leased for the Halpin Kstate two five-story buildings 'at 45'.)-58 West Nineteenth Street to Mc : Cormick & Dnly. -*- ? Fire Record A M LOSS. ' 12 30?10 MorrlM Street; South la.raia a K. It. clock.Trifling | i :00? 4 is i ? nt ral Park West ; Ruby Scott .Unknown SURROGATES' NOTICES IN PURSUANCE Or' AN ORDER OF HON or? ble John i' Cohalan, a Surrogate ot the County of New York, NOTICE is here? by g:vi;i ?.. hII persons having claims! against John Bye, la;? of the County of .New York, deceased, to present t_-? Bam,? with vouchers thereof to th? sub? scriber, at rer place of transacting busi? ness, m in? office of her attorneys. Stetson, Jennings S7- Kussell, No. 15 Broad Street, in the City of New York, on or before the fifth day o? November n*xt. Dated, New York, the 27th day of April, 1920. HANNA GOTH1LDA RYE. Executrix. , 6TETPON. JENNINGS A RUSSELL, At- I torneys for Executrix, 15 Broad Street, New Yo-K City. PLATT. FRANK H. -IM PURSUANCE! OF an order of Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, NOTICE is hereby glv?-n to all persons having ?'.alms against Frank H. Plait, late of the County of New York, deceased, to . present th? same with vouchers thereof ; to the subscribers, at their place of trans- ! acting business, the office of their attor? ney, l?eorge W. Field, No. 120 Broadway, i Manhattan, in the City of Now York, on j or before th? 2?d day of October nexl. Dated, New York, the 14th day of Aprl!, ; 192?. CAROLINE LIVINGSTON PLAIT. ! LlVlN'iSTON PLATT, Executors. OBOKGE W. FIELD, Attorney for Ex? ecutors, 120 Broadway, Borough ot I Manhattan, New York City. MATHER. JESSIE A?IN rORSUANCH of an order of Honorable JohB P. Co . halan, a Surrogate of the County of New ?York. NOTICE is hereby given to all per? sons having claim? against JESSIE A. : MATHER, late of the County of New Yora, I deceased, to present the same with vouch I erB thereof to th' subs?rlber, at It? prln ' clpal place of transacting business, No. $1 , William Street, In the Borough of Man : hattan. City of New York, on or before the ? 11th day of September next. Dated. New York, tho 26th day of Feb? ruary. 1!>20. THE FARMERS' LOAN AND TROST j COMPANY. Execute?-. GELLER. ROLSTON & BLANC, Attor- ! | neys for Executor. 22 Exchange l'laee, ? New York. N. T. DUBOIS. HAUT R. J.?In pursuance ef aa o.der of Honorable John P. Cohalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, notice ; 1? hereby given to all persons having claims against Mary R. J. DuHois, late of the Ceun ! ly of New York, den-eased, to present the I same with vouchers thereof to the sute > ?< rlber, at hi? place of transacting business, ; at the ofllce of his attorneys, Messrs. Daly, Hoyt St Mason, No. 15 William Street, Bor I ?ugh of Manhattan. In the City of New York, en or before, the 15th day of September next. Dated, New York, the ?th day of March, '< 1(20. ALEXANDER T. MASON. Executor. Mssirs. DALY, HOYT ft MASON, Alter neys for ExecU.OI. 1j William StrMt. New York City IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF HON OKAHLE JOHN P COHALAN, a Surro? gate of the County of New York, NOTICE I? hereby given to all persons having claims Julia Livingston, 1st? of tho County or New York, deceased, t? present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at his place of transacting buti? nes*, at the orTi<e of his attorney?, Messrs. pe. :e;nn. Anderson, lseiin <v Riggs, No. 24 Bioa?l Street. In the City of New York, on or 1.-fore the 12th day of October next. Dated, New York, tho ?th ?lar of April. 112?. P. CHAUNCEY ANDERSON, Executor. PENDLETON. ANDERSON. I8BLIN * RIQG8, Attorneys for Executor. 25 Broad OREGORY, SARAH W? IN PURSUANCE of an order of Honorable? John P Co? halan, i? Surrogate of the Count v or New York, NOTICE Is hereby given !?? nil per? son* having claims against Sarah W Gregory, la!? of th?? Ounty or N.-w Vorl., cloeesse?|, to present the mimt with vouch? ers thereof to th?? subscriber nt hi*, plain of transacting business, No. 120 Broadway, I in tho Borough ?.r Manhattan, City of Now liorlt. on or before the 21st duy of Ooto I ber next. Dated. New York, the 14th day of April. 1920. ~ AL.BERT B, BOABPMAN. BuoutOIW SURROGATES' NOTICE land New York, the 7th day of July. 7a. LAl.'RA II. JENNINGS, Executrix. STETSON, JENNINGS & RUSSELL, At- I Iorne s f r Executrix, 15 Broad Street, New V nit City. McKIM, ROIJERT ALBERT?IN FURSU anee of an order uf Honorable John IV Cohalan, a Surrogate "f th.. County of '? Now York, NOTICE is hereby given to all persons having claim? against Hubert Al? bert McKim, late of the County of New York, deceased, to r li?? ?ame with voucher? llieu-nf to tin subBcrlber. at p'.ac" of transacting business), at iliv office of her attorney, Adam Wiener, No. 51 Chambers Street, Borough of Manhattan, In the City of New Y ark, on or before th? 18th (In J of 1 'ci -a..her next. I I'?Led, New York, the 11 th clay of June. 1920. CAROLINE R. McKIM. Executrix. ADAM WIENER, Attorney for Execu? trix, No M Chambers Street, Borough of Manhattan. City of New Voris.. BUSHE, EUGENE L.?IN PURSUANCE OT an oidor of Honorable John P. Cohalan. a Surrogate of the County of New York, NOTICE is hereby given to nil person? having claims aguinst Eugene L. Hushe. lat? of the County of New Y'ork. deceased, to present the samo with vouchers thereof to the subscriber, at. its principal place of transacting business, No. 22 William Street. In the Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on or before the 18th day of Septem? ber next. Dated. New York, the 3rd day of March. 1?3?Q. FARMERS' LOAN it TRUST COMPANY. Wil.LARD A. MITCHELL, Attorney for Executor, 141 Broadway, Manhattan, New York ?City. DELANO. EUGENE.?IN PURSUANCE OF en order of Honorable John P. ''chalan, a Surrogate of the County of New York, notice Is hereby given to ail persons having claims against Eugene Delano, late of the County of New Yo K, de. rase.i, to present the sam? with voucher? thereof to the subscriben at their place of transacting business at th* office of Lord, Day & Lord, their attorney?, No. 43 Wall .Street. In the City of New York, on or before th? 10th day of November next. Dated, New York, the 1st dav or May. 192?. WILLIAM ADAMS DELANO, M ?r.EAC DELANO. Executor?. LORD, DS? * LORD, Attorneys for Ex? ecutor?, 4 3 Wall Street, New Yorll City. I _ .. ._. ? .... COCHRANK. MADELEINE?IN PURSU i urn ... .,t nil order* i?r Honorable John P Cohalan, ? Surrogate of the County it New Y'ork, NOTICE Is hereby ni\.-n to all per s..i,i Ian ma claims againsl Madeleine I Coehrane, U.t the County of New York. ?deceased, to present the s.itue with vouch? ers I hereof to the subscriber, at his plu. e of transacting business, the office of his attorneys, Essolstyn & Hailghwout, No. 2 Rector St, Manhattan, New \ork. on or I before tho 27th day of next. Dated. New York, the 16th day of Juna. mo. CONDI? T W. CUTLER. Executor. ES l.STYN A- HAI'iiUVOiT, Attor navs for Executor. 'I Rjctor Street, w Yol k i'ity. CARLHT, ELDRED A.?IN ri'RSl'ANCB of an order of Honorable John P. Co? halan. n Surrogate of the County of New | York, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against Eldred A Carley, late .a I ho County of New York, deceased, to prcaent the same, with vouchers thereof. to the subscriber, at Us place of business, No. 177 Montague Street, Borough of Brooklyn, City ..f New York, on or before tb" Jith dav of I?, cemler, 1320/ Dated, Brooklyn New York, tha ISth day of Jiin-a ly-jo. BROOKLYN TRUST COMPANY. Executor. CULLKN * DYKMAN. Attorneys for Ex ?c.utor, 177 Montagu? Street, Brooks ly?j. N. T. b-.-F-- ?__ -y^ant Ads -"*-? Busine? Card, [?j VV ISiOL AQS G_=_ Situation? Wanted Busmest ?Opportunitiwi _ ?-<??-? m ?j. ?? _a-^m?w Room? and Boarder? LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS LOST.?Sunday, 9-.30 a. m.. brown silk hand bag, containing sum of money, jewelry, etc, in black tajclcab taken from corner 5?Uh. 7th av., Carnegie Hall to Grand Central station. IRVINE, 1013 Carnegie Ha! I. LOST?Diamond brooch, evening August 31, between s ami 10:30 on 2 or 3 5th Ave. bus; reward. John Meyer, 32;'.6 Broadway. REWARD for return sable scarf lest Penn? sylvania train No 723 leaving New York 2 p. tu. August 2 for Deal, N. J. Cortland Lost Bankbooks LOST - Dankb^ok No. 1??6.205, the New York Savings Rank. Payments stopped. Finder please return to bank. _ FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET East Side S5TH, Its EAST?Splendid accommoda? tions; ?me large room adjoining bath. West Side CENTRAL PARK WEST ,ncar Circle) - I.c.rge room, private family, $14. Colum? bus 5(i4S WEST END AVE., 7155?Attractively 'ar nished large private room and bath; also a number of finely furnished small reome without bath COUNTRY BOARD SEPTEMBER bathing is the best. Do yours at Bayport, L. I. Board $10 to $17, weekly. Blui? fishing ami snip- shooting. Address "Private Cottage." Bayport. L. I. HELP WANTED FEMALE Domestic ( Icncral 1 Imi-ou urk -- Every morning except Sunday. Pleasant sur? roundings. Courteous treatment. Breakfast and dinner. Will ar? range hours so that you may work else? where in the afternoon. Grady, 234o Foster Ave., Fiatbush. Mans? field 3315. WAITRESSES with hotel experience. Ho? tel Cramatan, Uronxville; write ur phone Bronxville lf,n. Miscellaneous A WOMAN over fort\ years of age |n the oriler department of "The Great War". mother of an ex-service man preferred; previous business experience unnecessary, but best of references r?-r|Uired; hours 10 to I. Apply 1. 80L-. Tribune. BOOKKEEPER, single find double entry. g.1 position for compel? nt young lady. call Tuesday. Montgomery Ward <? Co., :;u:i ?;th ave., 7th floor, corner 19th. DRESSMAKERS WAIST DRAFFRS WAIST FINISHERS LINING RECTIFIER ON WAISTS LINING FINISHERS SKIRT FINISHERS EM R RO11 )F R IC RS FO R C RO? CHET & BEAD WORK APPLY TUESDAY TO MAISON JAQUEL1NE 20 E. 46TH ST. GIRLS WANTED S 15.00 A WEEK TO START $85 TO $100 A MONTH SOON REACHED EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS RAPID PROMOTION STEADY WORK POSITIONS ARE OPEN IN OUR SEVERAL DEPARTMENTS APPLY AT MANHATTAN 11 SS BROADWAY. CORNER 27TH ST. 1'5 BROADWAY, CORNER DEY ST. BRONX 370 EAST 1S0TH ST. BROOKLYN SI WILLOIUHBY ST. 1336 BROADWAY. OR TELEPHONE MADISON SQUARE 12000. NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY OFFICE WORK- women 20 t.-,. 30 years; ho?:r- from i .? m to 77 p m ; exp'"rlen>.e ??tine. ..>.,! ?-y ; i-alary ndiusted a' interview, ?"ail Rootn l?'.?)3, :t Walker M i SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR with knowl? edge or riling: chance for advaacemenl; salary, start. $i... Jones & Leigh Jlfg. Co., '.'i Fulton st. SWITCHBOARD operator, refln-d Chris? tian girl: ateatly employment; good wag. h. Apply Egleston Uros. & Co.. is-i youth st., city. TYPISTS for billing anl copying, Reming? ton or Underwood operators, beginners with fair speed Acceptable; permanent ponl tions; advancement. American Book Com? pany, 100 Washington Square. ?TYPIST, competo,! and willing. Call Tuesday. Montgomery Ward & Co., 303 fit h ave.. 7th floor, corner l'-th Instruction M ? ? )N'S PE? RET ARIAL sen? n.'i.s For CO ami 60 day courses. Stenography. 30 ?la\s. secretarial, ^0 days; standing contrscts with Urgent ?Irm? f*r our graduates; free trial lessons. 60 B. Ma Ht., N. ?., aud 214 Livingston fe'L, Btofkiyn. HELP WANTED FEMALE Miscellaneous WOMEN 21-35 YEARS OF AGE FOR NIGHT WORK AS TELEPHONE OPERATORS HOURS 9:30 P. M. to r:00 A. M. Opportunities to earn $90.00 to $100.00 a month in six months. $18.00 a week in two weeks when assigned to j night hours. $15.00 a week during in struction in the day time. Rapid advancement. Higher salaries tor more responsible positions. If interested call at 1158 Broadway, New York City (Cor. 27th St.) or telephone * Madison Square I2OOO NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY , YOUNG WOMEN?A lending downtown establishment has nti opening for sev? eral young women as salespersons: sal- j ary $14 a week to start, opportunity for ? advancement. congenial surroundings. D 20. Tribune. HELP WANTED MALE BOYS Several bright boys GOOD ? IPP? ?RTDNITY l'ait RAPID ADVANCEMENT. CALL TUESDAY MORNINO. ASK KUH MR. ROBINSON. .MAX RUBBER CO., '22O West 5-th St. BOY', agreeable work, pood hours, rapid rrd- ' Apply Room 210, New York i Public Library. 42 I st and Fifth ave ! BOY wanted 10 leain irade. 41 West Slx : teenth st. ?LUMBER INSPECTOR wanted, exp?rl-| ei.i for largi retail vard: m.1 position to right man. Box 123, Suite 406, 110 : W0yt -1-"" St- ____ ! MANAGER SALESMAN j inside, wan'.-.!, about 2.1 !o 20 years old, Catholic, energetic, educated, of pleasing , I sposltion and Mb!" to s. 3i. steady position I for 1 Ight man. I. v .'?:,, Ti ibuin SALESMAN f r N'.av York metropolitan district to take ? are of high class trade: must 1.0 b"tv/o?n 7a, und :?? years of age; Catholic .du. at.-d, fluent talker with seliing aptitude. I. ; :< 1 ! Tribune. WATCHMAN, r.rivate, wanted for Western city; must be active atal able bodied;! ?au-.f $2.1 p.-r week ; transportation fur? nished. Apply after Pi a. in., 22 Trinity Place, first floor. Instruction ' AUTO INSTRUCTION.?We tca^h repairing and driving m short lime. License guar? anteed; ladies' classes; also Ford ?essor.* American Auto S. hool, 72?! Lexington ave i l?Dth). Plaza 4016. AUTO INSTRUCTION. II? Day. evening; Cadillac, Studebaker, Mitchell. U. & M. Co., 130.1 Lexington ave. (SSth). LEARN TO IE A CHAUFFEUR?Pleasant aial profltab'e work; day and evening classes. Send far free booklet and visitors Mil West Side Y. M CA. 201 West *:th ?t SITUATION WANTED FEMALE Chambermaids CHAMBERMAID?Useful, newly arrived bright Irish girl, ?aty onlv; 5C. Shea's Agency, '3 E. list St. .Murray Hill 6771. Cooks ?#OOK?Hungarian, first class; country preferred; $90: four years' reference. Sh.-a's Agency, C E 41st et. Murray Hill |)7 7 I. General Houseworkers, Etc. I IIOI'SEWORKER Capable, young, ex La undresses. Etc. Nurses, Etc. Waitresses Miscellaneous COMPANION?Position as rompsnton to lady, or chaperon. For particulars ! please write to Mrs. A. McDonald, 1? 17, ! Tribune LADIES' MAID (Krencn-I'.ailan ), useful. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE COLORED COUPLE Butler-useful excel? lent cook, .-mire ?ork, S IC. 0 . country,ex? cellent reference? Ml?* Sheu'a Akency, 6 13 11st. Murray Hi' '?7 74. ?HOUSEMAN -Capa. experienced; $75. b'-sl references. Mit ? SHea'a Agency, ? E. 4iou Murray UM ?124? SITUATION WANTED MALE COUPLE, colored, wish position; useful chauffeur, careful driver, wife cook. ex. perlenced housekeeper; reference. Clarence Faison. 2110 Madison av. JAPANESE domestic help by profession?! worker?. 106. West ?6th St. Bryant 77S7-96?>S YOUNG MAN, 33. experienced in paints and painting, house and ship, capable of taking churge of department, wants posi? tion. In or oat of city, after September 15; excellent references. Write B. K.. fel 2d It . H ,bo7..n _ EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Professional Help Female and Mai? DOYLE AGENCY. 1? East 40th at Madison Ave.. 1?4 Nassaa. ?t.. Tribune Building or 215 Mcrtague St., Brooklyn?Stenographers, typists, book? keepers, clerks, comptometers and switch? board operators; good positions tor begin? ner* and experienced - i ? _ BUSINESS CARDS Carpeta and Rugs STILLING?. IN''. R24 MAPISON AV (53th si i offers an el. gant new : :. ( slight l\ used) CARPETS AND III'G S in Wilton. Axmir.sler Brits.? s ? ? ????. ???*: n and Im? pel:? d) in Rokaia Oriental patterns, in i.iui'c browns, grays, green, woolly color? and mixed patterns, .1 ii^t ??? ! and washeit like new: $1. $;, $:t, $4 yard up; rue? all prie. s. all sizes, plaih. mixed Oriental de? signs. $15 $.?'.. }*'> up; making over, .-?e<tn ?np. laving, repairing, dyeing, i .-usouabl??, reliable, beautiful. PLAZA S S 715. Furniture DON'T sacrifice your household effects. Fur? niture, ?"at?t?ts. Oriental Rugs. Works of Art. 1-in nos. Linens, before sou s?-e me. I'i'IINKR. 1?4 University Place. StuyvesanC WH P^T hlghe?t prl-es fir fumitory pianos, antiques, bric-a-brac, books, art. ?'?? nil'.VY. 8S University PI. Stuy -rsant Z377. riTREE PR ASS BEDS. I ?IN IN?; ROOM table. g..!d parlor set; must sell quick. ?31 W. st ?.'.;; d st , s? cond floor. Diamond?, Jewelry, Etc DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY BOUOH'? FOR CASH, estates appraised, purefcatsia, BENNETT. 175 Broadway, upstalra, ... m Patrata PATENTS Over 7$ Tears' praitire, all commonloa tlons strictly confidential; handbook ?a patents free on request, special facilities for office consulta'lun. Mutin A. Co . pat? ent attorneys. 607 Woolwortb Building. New York. Pianos and Musical Instruments V1CTROLA, mahognnv cabinet, used very little. ICI St. Nicholas av. U83d rt ). Trunks BIG nAROAIN?New an?l used war?1roba trunk? 50? Sixth ave. bet. I0th-31st its. SURROGATES' NOTICES HAMMOND, FREDERICK A ?The People of ihe Slate of New York, by the grace of <;<?.!. free und Independent. To Caroline I! Gibson Robert II Gibson. Lydia Gibson Mestre. Katherine Gibson Van Cortlandt. Ht sit-i Gibson Huntington. Carolyn Van Cort? landt. Catherine Rlbby Van Cortlandt, Robert W Gibson, Committee nt the property of Caroline !! Glltsun, Incompetent; Arthur I!. Smith. Guardian of Roheit H Gibson, In comp tent ?ml to nil persons Interested as i-reilllors lecatees. n.c of kin or otherwise. In the Estuie of Frederick A. Hammond, de t-enseil, who h the tune ol his .bath vas a r?-Mid?-nt of the City or New Y?<rk, ?end greet ing: Upon th" petition of Robert W. Gibson, residing at Avel-y Farm. Woodbury, Long Island. You and each of you are hereby cited to show cause before the Surrogates' Court of New York County, held at the Hall ?.f Records, in the Count: of New York, on the 21st ?lay <>! September 1920, :H half-pasi ten o'i-|oel< in the I.noon of tbnt day, why th.. i,p. ouni of proceedings <f Robert W. Gibson, as Testamenta r> Trust.f the Las' Will an?l Testament of said deiense.l, should no? be . ?d : illy m ttled In testimony whereof, wo have caused the seal of the Surrogates' Court of the said Count;, of New York to bo ...- hereunto erTlxed. Witness. Honora? ble John P Cohalan, a Surrogate of [L. S.J our said Count) at the ? uunl) of Now Vtn k, ' :, ? llrd ?laj of Aug ist, In th ;.. a r of our Lor?l, ? i:e tiiou s.ii, I nine Inn lre?l oini i wenty DANIEL 1 DOWDNEY. ? '>!?:: . r 1 he Surrogat, s' ? "ourt. IN PURSUANCE ?*"?F AN ORDKR OB Honorable John i' Cohalan. a Surrogat? of th.> County of New York, NOTH'E Is hereby given lo all persons having < ?alms against Al?-\un?ler Ctlstudoro, late of th? Counly of N?w York. de<-eased, to present the same with vouchers thereof to the subscribers, a- their p?a. e of transacting bus.teas, at ihe office of ihe'r stlornsya Cadwalader. Wlckersham *. Tafl, No. 4? Wall Street. Borough of Manhattan, In the ?City of .New Yoik. on oi b.fjre th? fit i. '-nth ..lai of N ?veuiber n< <t. i Dated, New York, the twenty-first day of Ap:il. : 120. ARTHUR CRISTA DORO, FLOUENCB Cl.IS/1 A i ? iRO ! I".- utora i CADWALADER, WICKER3HAM *? TAFT. Attorneys for Executors. 4* i Wall Street. Borough of Manhattan, New York City. FISHER, SARAH M ?In pursuance of as order of Honors!.In John V Cohalan, a ' Surrogat?? of the C? nnty of New York, notice I? her-' y given to a.l persons bavin?; claims against Sarah M F her, 'hi- of -he Count?/ of New York, de?-ean-d, t., present the same. vi.-.h vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, at Its placo ?r transacting business, No 1441 Broadway. In tlie liorough of Manhattan. Id the City of New York, Mate of New York, on or before tho 30:h ??ay of October. ;>3?. 'Dated New York, the 321 day of April. 1920 COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Li?, uter. JULIUS R BAER. Attorney for Executor, Office en I P. O Address. No 3 Rector Street, liorough cf Manhattan. New York ; ( ny. ! IN PURSUANCE np AN ORDER "B Honorai - John P. Cohalan. a Surrogate of the County ol New York. NOTICE Is hereby giver, to all persons having 'U:-;?s against Lily Lee Cross, late o? the County of N-w Yo'k. deceased, to present the same with i vouchers thereof to th? subscribers, a' ; their place of transacting business, at tbs ofh. t? of Guaraity Trust Company o! New ? York, No HO Broadway. In the City of New York, on or before tue 6th dsy of Niivrntii-r next. , Dated, New York, the 27tn day of April, ! 1930 JOHN (V'. OP.C'SS and GUARANTY TRCST COMPANY OT NEW YORK executor*. STETSON, JENNINGS & RUSSELL. At torneys for Executors. 1C Broad Street, New York City RUSSELL JOHN IL ? IN PURSUANCH , f an ? ??!? r , I Honorable John P. Co hi...- i .- j i ! gat? ?f th?; county of New Y t. ?? is hereby given to ad persons ... - . :? inf. against John II. R iss-ll, ;,,-,. ; j .... i ?;? ty of New "? ?ri: d ???-aiU'l lo present the same a:t!i vouch? rs th? reo? to the ?ubs? ? ,b> r. .?t Its place i f transa ; ?ii. ? bus re -s ?- at the o Hi? ?? ' its ?II r :. .?? Mill r. King, Lane & Tratford. at No. ?? Broadway. Horougn of Mannattan, :n : ti,? city ??:' New >.>rk. .m or o-?^re ths ' twntti'ih day of January next. I Dated New iork, the Cruij day of June. 1 "central union trust COMPANT ! i?F NEW YORK. Exe.-uto?. MILLER KIN?:, LANE 4 TRACK' RD. Attorneys for Executor, No. t>0 Broad wiy, B r .ugh of Manhattan. New York City. BURT. GEORGE II -IN' PUR3UANCB OB tp ord?r of Honorable John P Cohalan. a Surrogate of t :.?s County of New York. NOTICE i' hereby given to all persons having claims against George H. Bun, ?ate ?.; the County ot N-w >.iVK, de-euS?d, to present the same, w;?h vou hers thereof, to the sjbs t.?-r. at his place of trans aetln-j business:- at ?he office of Aibert O. Thorn?, his attorney, at No 37 Ceiixr Street. In the H. lojgh of Mannattan. City, County ami State of N?w io;g. on or be? fore th? 1st day of October, next. Dated. New York, the 24tb ?lay ?> March, 1921?. OBuIUJB FREDERICK BURT, Administrator. ALBERT O. THORN?. Attorney for Ad? ministrator. Office ami P O. Address, No 17 Cedar Street. Borough of Man? hattan. New York City. COOK, FRfcDERlOv F?IN PURSUANCB of an order of Honorable JohT P. Cohalan. a Surrogate of the County of New York. notice In hereby given to all persons having , ;a!ms against Frederick F. Cook, ?ale of the Count} of New York, deceased, to present ?h? same with vouchers thereof to the sub ?<rll>er, et ?tie ..T.ce of Its at torne)?. Breed. Abbott <?? Morgan. No 22 Liberty Street. Borough of Manhattan. In the CIt) of New York, on or bef?te the JOlh day ot October next Dated. New York, tbs 21st dsy of April. 19?0 UNITED HOSPITAL FUND OF NEW YORK. Administrator C. T. A. BREED ABBOTT * MORCAN. Attotrt?r? for Administrator C. T A . No. >i Lib i erty1 Sti??et. Borough of Manhattan; City 1 ot Mew York?