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MACKAY&CO. BANKERS If investors refuse to be ?distracted by surface manifes? tations or passing events, they ?can secure exceptionally ?high returns with safety and an eventual appreciation of their principal. Suggestions on request. 14 WALL STREET NEW YORK Member? New York Stock Bxchano? Great Earning Power High Yield Empire Gas and Fuel Company Preferred Stock TO YIELD OVER v The Issuin^Company is one of the largest producers of high grade refinable oil in the United States, a com? plete unit within itself, do ingj through subsidiary and' affiliated companies, a pro? ducing, refining1, transport? ing and marketing business. Circular E-36 on request Henry L Doherty & Company Bond Department 60 Wall Street, New York National City Bank Rights Battery Park Nat'l Bank Stock Our Bank Stock Depart? ment is prepared to furnish full information and quota? tions of ?all New York Bank and Trust Company Stocks Colgate,Parker & Co, 49 WaU Street New York ?SEW DESCRIPTIVE BOOKLET 18th Edition Revised to Date On STANDARD Mailed Upon Free . Request L ISSUES This booklet contains all the 1919 financial statements of the Standard Oil companies issued to date, to? gether with other important in? formation and a comprehensive re? view of the general oil situation. ?ARL H.PFORZHEIMER & COL Dealer? ?a Standard 03 Securities 25B?csdS?. Phone?Bread4880-3-2-^4 btmr-T*wiw'w.mwwn ? si Miller &6q .Members NeuAiork Stock Excdodnri* Securities Bought for In? vestment or Carried ?on Conservative Margin 120 BROADWAY Branch Offices 212 FJFTH AVENUE' ???v cv*. 26'sm.tzr I?N?ACREBUIlXHNG^ N. CAR 472ni ?5T *- BttGAOtfAX* j National City Bank Right? Bankers Trust Co. [Tuill ii n ' fimiiiii ? MeCUmS, JONE* ?ft REED |? Memter? Hew York Htoeh Kxchano? It* ItaMMtSNW PfkaM mi UeeUse ?lj&scrtlc?sl Items IMttW at iba ?ptUtet ? ia*<w CorporatUin \gptmm**r iff to attit. W i?.???r i w c?)U not?? i?t? gtummis s? ?49 a **>*r?. n*> ??at?/a| mt?** CorporatUm luse^humn ' r iff to atKtteriz? taaue ! Stock Market Is j Unsettled by Sales For Short Account Professional Pressure In? creases in Dull Trading Session; Steel Trade News Less Favorable; Money, 7 Action of the ?tock market yester? day . was generally disappointing, for the setbacfc in prices occurred- just when the Street had begun to talk optimistically of a sustained recovery. What happened, however, was that the professional traders; on finding signs of weakness at the outset, seized upon the opportunity to apply pressure to the whole list, with the result that the entire market suffered. Declines were sufficient in many cases to wipe out the ground gained on Monday and not a few industrial shares displayed pronounced weakness. The reaction oc? curred without definite news develop? ments to account for it and demon? strated quite conclusively that the market is still in an uncertain position and will likely continue so until cur? rent credit troubles have been over? come. It is to be said, however, that sentiment is much more cheerful than it was a few weeks ago. Improvement in the investment market has been suf? ficiently pronounced of late to create a favorable impression in financial circles. In the stock market yesterday a number of the issues which were so strong the preceding session suffered quite severely. There was Mexican Petroleum, for eiample, which had risen buoyantly on Monday on the an? nouncement of an increase in the divi? dend rate. This and the other Doheny issues were -subjected to professional pressure from the outset, forcing rather sharp declines. The bears made capital out of the late reports from Mexico, which indicates a hostile atti? tude on the part of the de facto govern? ment regarding the controversy over the property rights in Mexico of the leading American producing companies. The steel shares, with one or two ex? ceptions, were weak. This was es ?>ecially true of Steel common, which ost more than a point. As is usually the case, the weakness of the market leader had a depressing effect upon the rest of the industrial list. . The weekly reviews of the iron and steel trade take a less favorable view of the outlook for the industry. Buy? ers of pig iron and steel are holding out of the market in increasing num? bers on the theory that prices will be lower in 1921. Cancellations of exist? ing contracts are said to have been fairly heavy of late. The monthly un? filled tonnage statement of the United States Steel Corporation, which will be published at noon to-morrow, ought to indicate the extent to which cancel? lations have gone in the case of the largest producer of-steel. Pig iron production during August gained sub? stantially as a result of the improve? ment in transportation conditions, so that the month's output was only ex? ceeded this year in March. / Borrowers at the Stock Exchange found an ample supply of call funds available yesterday at 7 per cent, which was the prevailing as well as the re? newal rate. At the same time further evidence of a relaxation in the money market position was supplied in the larger offerings of time funds. Brok? ers in recent days have been able to obtain a substantial amount of time money for periods of thirty days to four months at 8% to 8% per cent. The natural inference is that lending institutions see tangible evidences of improvement in the general credits situation. Money and Credit Call money rates held at 7 per cent all day yesterday. The most interest? ing development in the money market was larger offerings of time funds. The government will withdraw to-day $3,270,000 from the banks. Yester? Year day. ago. On mixed collateral...? 7 6% On industrial collateral 7 6^ Time money (mixed collateral): Sixty days .8@8H 6%<?6 Ninety days.8@8V4 6%@6 Four months .8@8% 5%@6 Four to six months..8@8tt5%?6 Bank Clearings?Bank clearings at New York yesterday were: Exchanges, $735,251,693; balances, $62,249,161. Silver?London, 59d; New York, domestic, 99%c; foreign, 94c; Mexican dollars, 71%c. Sub-Treasury?United States fund reserve credit balances, $45,493,459. Canadian Exchange?New York funds in Montreal, $104.38 premium per ?1,000; Montreal funds in New York, $94.51 discount per -$1,000. The Dollar in Foreign Exchange Sterling and French francs wer? steady yesterday and Belgian francs were a shade weaker. Lire rose some? what. The second shipment of gold from France in connection with the Anglo-French loan is reported about to leave, and the first shipment is still on the water. Yesterday's closing rates, compared with those of a week ago, follow: (Quoted in dollars to the pound). Yester- Week day. ago. Sterling, demand.$3.5350 $3.5625 Sterling, cables .3.5425 8.57 Sterling, sixty days... 3.4950 3.5225 Sterling, ninety days.. 3.4750 3.5225 (Quoted in cents to the unit). Francs, checks . 6.79 6.95 ' Francs, cables . 6.80 6.96 Belgium, francs, checks 7.22 7.41 Belgium, francs, cables 7.23 7.42 i.ire, checks . 4.36 4.69 T.ire, cables . 4.37 4.70 '^wiss, francs, checks.. 16.42 16.45 SwLs, francs, cables.. 16.45 16.50 Marks, checks ........ 1.91 2.03 Marks, cables . 1.91 2.03 Guilders, checks .31.60 81.&0 Guilders, cables .81.626 82.00 Austrian, crowns, chks. .48 .47 Austrian, crowns, cbls. .48 .47 '.woden, checks .20.15 20.10 Sweden, cables . S0.26 20.20 Denmark, checks . 14.35 14.30 Denmark, cables . 14.40 14,85 N'ofw-.y, checks . 14.40 14.20 Norway, cables . 14.45 14.25 Pesetas, checks .14.857 14.95 Pesetas, cables .14.89 15.00 ?reece, checks . 10.85 11.00 Greece, cables .10.95 11.125 Manila, checks .48.25 46.50 Manila, cables . 46.75 46.75 India, rupees, checks.. 83.25 34.50 India, rupees, cables.. 83.50 34.75 Tapan, yen, checks-51.125 51.125 iapan, yen, cables-51.375 51.875 Argentina, checks_ 84.25 86.00 Argentina, cables .84.50 86.25 Brazil, Rio, checks_18.25 19.50 Brazil, Rio, cables.... 18.375' 19.625 Czecho-Slovakia, ehk?. 1.64 1.70 Czecho-Slovakia, cbls.. 1.64 1.70 Paris Market Active PARIS, Sent. 8.?Trading was active on the Bourse to-day. Three per cent rentes, 55 francs 25 centimes. Exchange on London, 62 francs 63V? centimes. Fiv? per cent loan, 87 francs. The dol? lar was quoted at 14 francs ?2fc cen? times. a . m London Money Market LONDON. Sept. 8,?Bar silver, C9d an ounce; bur gold, 115? lid. Money, Ifo ^Is/?, ?*?*>??' **t??-Short bins, 6%<a?613-16 ?per cent; ' throe month Mil?. f%m tf-ifi p?r etBt. Gold nremiurn at Lisbon, 140. ' * ? - Transactions Yesterday in Listed Stocks Summary of Stock Exchange Dealings (Copyright, 1920, New York Tribune Inc.) , Day Year Jaaaary 11? date. Yesterday. before. aro. 1920. JL1919- 19?. Railroad stock? . 226,300 198,700 Holiday 26,299.400 71.798,500 20.891.200 Otli?r stocks . 313,600 407^00 Holiday 131,192,300 164,621,100 70,784,600 Ail stocks . 639,800 G0&.9OO Holiday 157,491,700 286,319,600 91,675,800 Yesterday. Day before. Year ar?. 192?- 1919. U. S. "rovernment bond?. $4,917,000 $4,983,000 Holiday $2,064,714,000 $1,673.528.000 Railroad bonds . 2,391,000 1,198.000 Holiday 270.319,000 217.221.000 Other bonds . 2,221,000 2,983.000 Holiday 252.649,000 262,366,000 AH bonds _. 9,529,000 9,169,000 Holiday 2,587,582,000 2,133,115,000 Record of Stock and Bond Averages (Copyright. 1320, New York Tribune Inc.) Stocks Year ago. 68.70 108.17 92.38 Yester- Day day. before. 20 Railroad stock? . 67.25 68.15 3C Industrial stock? . 86.66 87.10 5? Stocks . 78.90 79.62 Bonds 10 Railroad bonds ...._ 73.15 73.25 76.40 10 Industrial bonds . 83.33 83.07 93.08 5 Utility bonds /.. 68.97 68.95 79.80 25 Bonds . 76.38 76.32 83.75 Ranrre trina far 1920. High. 68.70 '*?10.30 ' 92.0^ 76.23 91.45 74.53 81.71 Low. ^63.60 82.53 74.46 66.73 82.92 67.64 73.94 Ran?? foO year 1919. High. Lovt 78.80 68.! 119:33 79.? 99.54 75.? 82.80 72.? 95.70 90.! 87.75 714 87.91 80.? Hifrh. Law. 192a 1920 40 2% 3 Div. Rat?. 63% 92 95 96% 99 103% 128% 61% 25 ? ?44 6 1 ? 1 ? 28 1 70?/? 7 75 8 84% 6 99 7 70% 8 81% 10 30% ? Adams Express. Ajax Rubber . Alaska ?Gold Mines.. Alaska Janean ..... Allis-Chalmers. Allis-Chalmers pf_ Amer Amr Chem_ Amer Agr Chem pf. .Amalo; Sosar 1st pf. Amer Beet Sugar... Amer Bosch Ma?*.... Amer Can 147% 124*/? 12 I Amer Car & Fdry.. 64% 15?/, 30% 122 68 119% 14!* 93 IO91/4 107 17% 30% 72 100'/4 115% 60 93% 23/4 9% 13 72 63 64/2 9/2 61% 82 95l/2 11% ? 163,4 ? Amer Cotton Oil ,80 Amer Drug- Syn ... Amer Hide & Leath. 'Am Hide ft Leath pf Amer Ice Seenr pf.. Amer Int'l Corp .... Amer La France ... Amer Linseed ....... Amer Loco . 2100 Open. Hi??. Low. Closs. 35 35 35 47 47/4 47 I/4 1/4 1'/4 1% 1% I/2 34/2 34/2 34 72/a 72/2 72/2 81/a 81% 81 87/a 87/2 87% 99 99 99 77 82/4 77 8434 863^ 843/4 34% 35% 34% 14C0 135/4 135/4 I33/2 134%? 400 25/2 25/2 25% 253a? 10% 10% 10 13/a 13/s 1234 73 /a 73/z 71/2 58 58 68 72% 75 n/2 10 10 9% 69 69 " 63% 9534 95% 94/2 Bale?. 200 400 100 1200 800 100 300 300 90 6800 1400 2800 Net chge. Bid. 500 200 4100 300 11900 600 300 10% 1234? /a 72 ? 1% 58 - 74/8+ 1/s 9%? 1/s 683/4? 34 67/a g5 ? 1 ? 94/2 6234 85% 86 33/8 85 142% 109 106% 74 yA 100% 210 9734 165/2 61% 66/2 24 6% 67/4 74% 125 86/a 82 8% 93/a 92/, 102 85/4 72% 28 ? 49/a 4 19 ? 2 ? 23 4 55 6 86/2 6 76 6 72 5 4 ? 82/8 7 176/a 128/2 10 19/4 4 ? ? 148% 100 7 44 27% ? 62/4 40/, 43/2 35 154/a 114 m/2 IOO/2 7 1% % ? 32/a 5/8 ? IO2/2 68 6 ft 9/4 ? A?er Loe? pf . 300 100i/2 100/2 100/2 IOO/2-}- % 100/2 102 Amer Safety Razor... 300 13/8 13'/8 13 13 + % 12% 12? Amer Ship ft Com.. 400 20 20/a 20 20 - 19%, 20V Amer Smeltinar . 6800 60'/2 61/8 60 60 ? % 60 60', Amer Smelt pf . 300 91% 92 91% 92 - 91 92 Amer Snuff . 100 105 1C5 105 105 +2 104 111 Amer Steel Pdy _ 200 36% 3G% 36/2 36%? V? 36 36'/ Amer Steel Fdy pf.. 100 87/? 87/? 87/? 87/?+ 1 % Amer Sugar. 2900 110 112/4 110 Amer Sumatra Tob.. 800 85 85% 85 Amer Tel & Tel. 3100 98% 99% ?8/4 /I11/2+ I/2 1T1'/4 112 400 11334 1183/4 118 Amer Tobacco B ., Amer Tob pf new.... 100 90 Amer Woolen. 6100 82/2 Amer Writ Paper pf. 300 53% Anaconda . 4100 55/4 Austin Nichols . 100 19 Assets Real Co. 100 2% Assoc Dry Goods_ 300 31 Assoc Dry Gds 1st pf. 100 59 Associated Oil . 600 89% Atch, Top ft San Fe. 3300 84 Atch, T & San Fe pf. 400 76% Atl, Birm ft Atl_ 200 7 Atlantic Coast Line.. 200 92% Atl, ?ulf & W I.... 600 136 Auto Sales Corp- 200 4% Baldwin Loco Co- 19C00 110 Balti ft Ohio. 7900 42 Bait & Ohio pf.. 1000 61 2/2 Barnsdall B . 100 38 ; 8 Barrett Co . 200 135 136/4 135 7 Barrett Co pf . 100 101% 101% 101/t Batopilas Mining;_ 300 % ? % ?i Beth Motors. 2900 6/4 6% 5^ 13/4 15 129 11% 27/4 28% 134 104% 108/a 215 61% 164 61% 14% 10% 27/? 42/2 61 Vz 91% 111% 41% 68% 79. 66 21/4 44/4 40?4 29% 43 65/2 67 56 93% 40% 14% *>05% 43% Beth Steel Cl B. 6900 Bklyn Rapid Tran.. 600 6% ? Bkijm Rapid Tr ctfs 200 6% ? Booth Fisheries Co... 200 84 10 Borna Bros . 600 6% ? Batte Copper ft Zinc 1200 11 ? Butteriek Co . 400 10%? Caddo Oil. 100 110 10 Canadian Pacific 49 6 Central Leather _ 6100 96 7 Centra] Leather pf... 1000 173 8 Central of NJ .... 100 i 33% 4 Cerro De Pasco. 1000 79/2 10 Chandler Motors_ 1600 47 4 Ches & Ohio. 1400 4% ? Chi ft E 111 pf. 6?0 7 ? Chi Great Western.. 600 19% 2 Chi Gt West pf. 800 30/4 ? Chi, Mil & St Paul.. 2800 30/4 ? Chi, M & St Paul pf. 7100 Chi & Northwestern. 2600 Chi Pneu Tool. 300 Chi, Rock Isl ft Pac. 9100 Chi, R I & P 6% pf. 300 Chi. R I ft P 7% pf. 300 Chi, St. P, M ft O... 100 Chile Copper . 800 Chino Con Copper... 600 Coca-Cola . 200 Colorado & So. 800 Colorado & So 2d pf.. 100 Colombia Graph .... 6100 Columbas Gas ft Elec 800 Compat Tab Record.. 200 Consolidated Gas ... 100 Con Int Cal'hn Min.. 400 Continental Can .... 600 Continental Candy .. 400 Corn Products . 1400 2% Cosden ft Co . 4100 85'/4? 98/4? % 118 ? % 90 + 1% 81% 8I/4? 1/4 63 63 ? % 53 63 ? 1% 19 19 ? Vz 2% 2%? Vm 30/4 3O/4? 1 69 69 ? Vz 89/4 89/4+ 2% 83% 83%? % 76% 76%-? 7 7 - 92% 92%? /? 134 134?2 4% 4%+ Va, IO8/4 109 ? 1 41% 41%? 1% 50/4? 1/4 38 -? 135%? 4% 101%+ % 34? % 6%? % 76 ? 134 11%? Va 8 - i 92 ? 234 734? V* 12%+ % 15/z? ?4 6O/4 38 108% 109 41% 41/4 119% 120 % 119/2 120 67 74/4 23% 64 64% 68 12 * 24% 30/4 20 35 . 19% 50 43% 73% 9% 74% 10/a 76/4 SO 278% 115% 60% 36% 7 69% 32% ? 85% 75% 7 150/4 165 9 4 16% 9 13 9/4 115 18 6 7 5 V/t 4 4 1 6 4 7 2 7 1 4 ? 1/4 + Vz 130 28 147 16% 25% 1834 95 91% 43 36% 19% 192 100 172 42 85% 93 85% IO234 55% 843/4 41% 15 - 34 15% 77% 109/2 23% 46% 93% 61% 4% 16% 10 Crucible 8teel . 49C0 123% 124 12134 122%+ % Ccba-Amer Sugar Cuba Cane Sugar... Cabo Cane Sugar pf. Del, Lack & West.. Denver & Rio Gr.... Denver ft Rio Gr pf. Dome Mines . Elec Storage Battery Elk Horn Coa!. Endicott-Johnson ... Eric . 200 237% 237% 237% 45/2 + 37/4? % 37 * 37 V? 77 ?- 76% 77 2371/2? 2/z 237% 240 53/4? Va 5% 53'? 12%? % 12% 12-% 11%? Va 11/4 11/s 62 5 Endicott-Johnson . .. 800 .9% ? Eric . 6109 17%? Erie 1st pf. 4800 12/2 ? 65% 8 80 8 25% 3 20 ? Wt ? 127% 128/4 + 13% 120 2?.% 23/4? % 63% 68%? 2% 150 90 134 19% 68 78% 49/a 84 31% ? 67% 7 30 4 7 ? 25% ? 14% ? 50 4 75 ? 13 1 21% ? 80% 7 43% 4 3 ? 8% ? Erie 2d pf..... Famous Players Famous Players pf.. Fisk Rubber Tire_ Freeport-Texas Oil .. Gaston, Wms & Wir. ?Gen Chemical Co.... Gen Chem Co pf... 800 1800 300 300 13100 300 210 159% 159% 159% 159/2+ 3% 157 100 90/a^jWi/a 90% 90/8- 90 142% 112% 7 51% 111% 170 91% 26% 9% 20% 47% SI/2 7% 30 21% 49% 33% 48% 91% 23 38% 49% 206% 130 21% ? 70% 6 37 ? 62% ? 15% ? 6% ? 20 S0% 36/? 5/4 20 13% 40 22 13% 63 16 21 39% Gen Electric Co. 600 143% 143% 141 % 141/4? 3% 141% 144 General -Motors _ 9800 21% 21% 21 21%? % 21 211 Gen Motors 6% deb. 600 69 69 69 69 + % 68% 69?, Gen Motora 7% dab. 400 80 80 79% 70/2? 1 78?/2 801 Goodrirh, B F . 400 65 65 64% 54%? 1 64% 55 Goodrich, B F pf... 200 86% 86% 86/2 86%- 86/4 90 Granby Mining . 100 36 36 36 36 ? 1% 35 37 Gt Northern pf. 5100 78% 78% 76% 76%? 1% 76% 78' Gt North Oregon subs 1800 32 32% 32 32 ? % 32' 32' Gulf Mobile ft No.. 200 12% 12% 12% 12%? 34 i2i/2 -?3' Gulf Mobile ft No pf 100 28% 28% 28% 28%? % 26' 30 Habershaw Elec - 300 14% 15 14/2 15 - 15. 151 Haskell ft Bar Car Co 700 71 71 68 68%? 1% 68% 69 Houston Oil . 100 105 105 103% 104 ?2 10S' 105 Hupp Motors. 80O 15% 15% 15/2 15%- 15% 15: Hendee Mfg . 2400 24% 24% 24% 24%?- % 24% 25 Illinois Central . 100 88 88 88 88 ? % 88% 89 Inspiration Copper, .. 2000 48% 48% 4734 4794? % 473/4 48 Interboro-Con Corp.. 100 3% 3% 3/2 3%? % 3i/2 3: Interboro-Con Corp pf 800 11% 11% 11 11 _ i/a 10% 11? Int'l Harvester . 100 125 125 125 125 +1 125 127 Int Mer Marine. 600 25 25 23% 2334? s/a 23% 23^ Int Mer Marine pf... 200 75 75% 74 7434? 1i/4 741/3 76 Int Motor Track.... 1000 44 44 43 43%? % 42 45 Int'l Paper .... 800 8034 8034 79% 79%? 1% 79 79 Int'l Nickei . 1800 1934 19% - *|9/8 19%? /4 19 19: Indiahoma . 500 8/8 8% 8 8 ? % 8 8 1.20 India Refining . 3900*20 Invincible Oil . 4400 36 28 161% 62% 30% 38 137% 107 222 26 71% 52% 18% 80 11 18 31% 50 69% 61 40 86% ?7 80 88% WA 7% 17% 47% 117 T>V9 41% 86% 18% 11% ? 96 10 38% 7 19 2 7% ? 70% 8 97% 7 148? *h? 18% 10% 37' 9 <? ?3 7 3%r ? Iron Products . 800 44 ? Island Oil & Tr. 5600 6% 2 Jones Tea . 600 20 ? Kansas City South,. 1400 20 4 Kan City Sooth pf.. 400 46 2 Kcnnecott Copper ... 200O 26% 1.20 Keystone Tire . 900 16% 6 Lack 8teel . 1000 69 ? Lake Erie ft West pf 500 23 2 Lee Rubber ft Tire.. 100 21% 3% Lehigh Valley . 1400 48% 12 Lis- & My Tob Co . ? 100 141 2 Loews, Inc . 2000 20% Loft Candjs. 1800 13 35% 40 21 36 59 32 32% 44 83) 40 80 70% 4% 10% 31 89 84% 23% ?3% Manati Sugar 7? Manhat Elevated ... 2 Martin Parry . - Maxwell Motor Co... 8. May Dep't Stores_ 7 May Dcp't Stores pf. 2 Mexican 1'etrolruni. . 2 Miami Cons Copper. 1.60 Middle SUtes OU... 4 Midvvle Steel . - Minn ft St L new... 7 M, St P & S SU M.. Mo, Kan ft Texas... M?, Kan ft Tex pf.. -? Missouri Pacific ...', - Missouri Pacific pf.. 3 Montana Power ..., 4 Mullios Body . 200 102 200 43% 100 21/4 600 9% 600 74% 200 101 21400 170% 400 20% 6100 13% 3000 40 1000 1434 200 79% 11900 8 4800 13% 2000 27% 6800 48 100 61% 100 32 % 1% 101% 101 171% 166% % 3% National Acia?. 400 ? National Aniline ... 6800 7 National Aniline pf. 300 6 Nat Cloak ft Salt .. 300 6 Nat Enamel ft Sip.. 600 ? National Lead . 2000 ? Nat It It Mex 2d pf. 300 1 Nevada Canso! Cop.. 800 ? NO, Tex ft Mea ... 2300 10 Now York Air Brake 100 8 Now York Central .. 2800 ??- NY, Chi ft St L... 1800 ? N Y, N II ft H .... 6400 % Hich. Low. Dir. Net 1920. 1920. Kate. Sal?s. Open. High. Low. Close. chge. Bid. Ask. 100J4 85 7 Norfolk- ?ft Weetern. 400 95% 95% 95% 95'/*? 1'/a 9434 95% 59'/a 48 5 North American ... 100 51% 61% 61% 51%? V? 51 52 84% 66% 7 Northern Pacifie ... 3900 79% 79% 78% 78%? 1'/* 78 78% 77% 42?/a 6 Not* Scotia Steel .. 1000 4? 49 46 49 + 4% 49 60 57? 3% .40 Okla Prod ft Be? .. 1400 4 4 3% 37s? V? 3% 4 4174 19% ? Otis Steel . 12C0 23 23% 23 23 + Vz 22% 23% ?l1/** 4T/4 6 Pacific Gas ft Elec.. 300 45% 45% 45'/8 45?/?? % 44% 45% 116% 7134 6 Pan-Amer Petrol ... 12900 90?/4 90% 88% 89 ?1'/? 89 89% 111% 67% 6 Pan-Amer Pet B ... 2800 84 84 S2'/2 82-72? 1'/2 82 83 47% 23?/a 4 Parish ft Bingham.. 800 24 24 23'/2 23'/2? 3% 23'/2 25 43|/2 37% 3 Penn Railroad . 2000 43 43 42% 42%? V? 42% 42% 36% 16 ? Penn Seab Steel ... 1400 20 20 19% 19%? 1% 19 19'/2 16 9 ? Peor?a & Eastern .. (500 12 12 12 12 ? V? 12 13 42 27 ? Peoples Gas ft Coke. 300 34'/., 34?/2 33'/2 33%? 2 33?/2 34/2 32' 22 ? P?re Marquette .... 1800 25'/2 25% 24i/2 24?4? '/4 243,4 25 68 66 5 Perc Marq prior pf.. 200 60'/4 60'/4 60>/4 60% + % 60% 63'/2 42>/2 30% 3 Philadelphia Co _ 1800 37 37 36'/2 36%? % 36% 37 44i/2 33 Vz ? Phillips Pet . 600 37 37 36% 36%? 1% 36% 37 82% 34% ? Pierce Arrow . 5100 36'/2 37'/2 36 36%+ % 36;/9 36% 23/a 11 ? Pierce Oil . 600 14'/s 14% 14 14 ? V? 13% 14 98 79 8 Pierce Oil pf . 200 81V? 81 Va 81 81 ? % 80% 84% 64'/4 61'/4 5 Pittsburgh Coal .... 3800 62'/2 64'/2 62% 63%+ % 63% 63% 94% 83 6 Pitts Coal pf . 200 84% 847s S47s 84%- 84% 88 33% 211/4? Pitta ft W Va . 200 30 30 29?/2 29%? Vz 29?4 30 27% 12/2 1 Pond Creek Coal ... 1400 16'/a 17?/4 16% 17%+ % 16 17 113% 84 8 Pressed Steel Car .. 200 96 96 96 96 ? Vz 95 96 104% 96 7 Pressed Steel Car pf 300 100 100% 100 100%+ % 100 101 50% 36 4 . Pure OU Co . 700 39% 39% 39'/, 39?%? Vz 39 39% 124 109 8 Pullman Co . 200 115% 115% 115'/4 115'/4+ % 113% 115 120 66 5 . Punta Al?igre Sugar 61001 75% 77 74%- 75'/4+ % 75 75% 1C6/2 88% 8 . Railway Steel Spring- 200 95 95 95 95 - 94 - 95 22% 13% 1 Bay Consol Cop .... 200 16 16 15% 15%? % 15% 16 9434 64% 4 Reading . 1580O. 93 93 91?/2 91%? Vz 91% 91% 94 45 ? Remington Type ... 200 52 52 52 52 --t 52 64% 124% 76% 6 Rep Iron ft Steel .. 2600 85 85 82% 83 ? 2% 82% 83'/4 553/4 26 ? Rep Motor Truck .. 1000 31 31% 31 31%? % 30 31 93% 34Vz ? Replogle Steel ..... 3600 78 82% 78 79 + 1 . 79% 80 123% 69% 6.50 Royal Dutch ........ 3800 8834 8834 87% 87%? 1% 87'/4 83 21% 6% ? Saxon Motor? ..."... 1900 5% 534 5% 5%? >/4 6% 534 17% 14% 1 St Joseph Lead .... 800 16% 17% 16% 17'/4+ '/4 17 17?/2 283/4 15% ? St Louis & San Fran 9100 273,4 27?4 26% 26%? 1% 26% 26% 423/? 23'/2 ? St L & San Fran pf 400 40% 40% 40 40 ? 1% 39% 41% 29% 11 ? St Louis Sonthw .. 1800 27% 27% 26% 263/4? % 263/4 27 39% 20% ? St Louis, Southw pf. 3100 38 383/4 38 38%? % 38 38'% 9% 8 ? Seab Air Line . 800 8% 8'/2 8% 8%? % 8 8% 18% 16 ? Seab Mr Line pf... 200 16% 16/4 16'/4 16/4? 1% 16 16?/2 25% 12 1 Santa Cecilia Sugar 400 14 14 14 14 ? % 11% 13% 243 130 8 Sears Roebuck . 300 140 140% 140 140 - 139% 141 90% 45% .74 Shell Trans ft Tr... 3900 53% 54% 63% 53%+ % 53% 63% 48?4 23%? Sinclair Oil . 138C0 32% 32% 31% 31%? 1 31% 31% 82% 59 6 Sloss-Sheff St ft Ir, 5900 72 7234 703,4 71%? 71% 72 105% 83% 6 Southern Pacific ... 11800 95 95% 94% 94%? 1% 94 94% 310 100 20- So ?Porto Rico Sugar 100 138 138 138 138 +14 130 140 30% 18 ? Southern Railroad .. 8900 28% 28% 2734 2734? 1 27% 27% 62 50 5 Southern Rail pf ... 600 60 60 59% 69%? 1% 59% 60% 850 600 20 Stand Oil of N J ... 30O 662 662 661 661 ? 1 660 670 113% 100% 7 Stand Oil of N J pf 1400 105% 105% 104% 105 ? V? 10434 104% 118% 50 4 Stromberg Carb _ 1000 73?B 7334 72 72 ? 1% 71% 72 120% 58% 7 ? Studebaker . 14100 62% 63% 61% 62 ? % 61% 62% 60 41 6 Superior Steel ..... 200 51 61 51 51- 50% 61% 13% 9 ? Tenn Cop ft Chem .. 1900 10 10 9% 9%- 9% 10 51% 40% 3 Tesas Company .... 18100 50% 60% 43 49%? 1% 49% 49% 47 25 ? Texas ft Pacific .... 800 37 37 36% 37 - 36% 37 53% 35% .60 Tex Pac Coal & OU 400 39% 39% 39% 39?%? Vz 39% 39% 17% 9% ? Third Are RaU .... 200 11 12 11 12+1 1t 12 229 190 8 Tide Water Oil _ 100 206 205 205 "205 - 190 205 95% 57 6 Tobacco Product* .. 1000 65 65 64 64 ? 2% 64 66 34% 21% 2% Times Square Auto.. 60O 22 22 21% 22 ? % 21% 22 3834 9 ? Transcon Oil . 11600 14% 143,4 13% 13%? % 13% 13% 66% 40 6 Transue W Steel ... 200 46 46 45 45?1 43% 45% 200 156 8 Underwood Typo Co 100 156 156 156 156 ? 5 150 170 38 2534? Union Oil. 1100 28% 28% 28 28?1 2734 28% 124% 110 10 Union Pacific . 3100 122% 12234 121% 12134? 1 12134 122 53 38% 4 United Alloy . 400 40 40 39% 39%? % 39% 40 224 176 ?2 United Fruit . 300 196 196 196 196 - 196 1993,4 13% 7% ? United By Invest .. 1400 11 11% 10% 11 ? %" 10% 11% 2934 13 ? United Ry Invest pf 200 21 21 " 20% 20%? 13,4 20 20% 25% 12% ? US Cast I P & Fo.. 100 14 14 14 14 + % 13% 14 55% 41% 5 U B C I P & Fo pf. 200 40 40 40 40 ? 1% 383,4 42 78% 53%. 6 US Food Prod _ 600 59% 59% 69 69%? % 58% 69% 116% 77% "8 V S lud Alcohol ... 2200 83% 84 82% 82/2? % 82% 83 96% 69 3 United RetaU Stores 2100 68% ?8% 67% 67%? 1% 67% 67% 1433,4 80 .8 U 8 Rubber . 2100 87% 87% 85% 85?%? 1% 85% 853,4 115% 101 8 U 8 Rub 1st pf- 100 107 107 107 107 +3 106 1C8 76 60 6 U S Smelt ft Ref .. 303 69 59 69 69+1 68 60 109 83% 5 US Steel . 29600 90 90% 88% 88%? 1% 8874 89 11534 104% 7 US Steel pf . 1200 107 107 106% 1067a? % 106% 107 803,4 66% 6 Utah Copper . 2600 64% 65 63% 63'/<s? % 63% 63% 127b 7 ? Utah Sec Corp .... 200 7% 7% 7% 7%? % 7% 8% 97 42 6 Vanadiun Steel _ 3500 69% 70% 68% 68%? 2% 68% 69 80% 59% 4 Va-Car Chem . 200 67% 67% 67% 67%? 1 66% 68 119 76 6 Va Ir, Coal ft Coke 100O 118 120 118 120 +5 118 122 21 12% 2 Vivaodou . 300 15 15 15 15 + % 14% 15 ' 10% 7 ? Wabash. 6800 9% 97? 9% 9%? % 9% 934 31 20%? Wabash pf A . 2000 28% 28% 27% 27%? 3,4 27% 27% 127a 8% ? West Maryland - 2400 11% 11% 10% 10%? % 10% 1l' 20% 11 ? West Mary 2d pf ... 400 18% 18% 18 18 ? % 17 18 3234 20% ? Western Pacific - 2C0 30 30 2S% 2974? % 29% 30 69% 54% 4 Western Pacific pf.. 300 69 69 69 69+1 68% 69 89% 80% 7 Western Union Tel.. 300 84% 84% 84% 84%- 84 85 119 101% 7 Westing Air Drake.. 200 104 104 104 104 - 103 104 55% 44% 4 Weatinghouse Mfg .. 1100 48% 48% 48% 48%? % 48 48% 82% 50% 5 Wilson Co . 200 57 57 57 57 + 34 56i/2 67i/2 14% 9 ? Wheeling ft LE ... 1000 12% 12% 12% 12%? % 12% 12% 26% 15 ? Wheeling ft L E pf. 200 2* 24 24 24 ? 1 24 24'A 69% 42% 4 White Motor? . 80O 44% 45 44 44 _ 1 44 441/i 32 15 1 Willys Overland _ 2200 15% 15% 15% 15%+ % 16% 15% 95% 55 6 Worth Pump & M.. 15tf0 61 61 57' 57 ?4% 58 61 ?Ex dividend. Bid and ?sked Bid. Asked. AdT Rum el j.. 80 81% do pr .61% 83% Alb A Sus...120 140 AU Am Cable. 103 100 Am Buk Not? 45 49 do pr . 40 45 Am Beet 8 pr 79 81 AB S & F pr 85 88% Am Can pr.. 89% 92 A C ic F pr.109 110% A ?>>t Oil pr. 62 65 Am E*p reis.. 130% 135 Am Ice Sec.. 38 89 A Unseed pr. 84 90 Am Malt & O ? 38% Am Bhlpbldg. ? 100 Am 8m pr A 73 73V? Am Snuff pr. 78 87 Am Sugar pr.108 110 A Sum T pr 84 90 Am Tel & C. 47 50% Am W'ool pr. 95% 97 Am Zinc pr.. 44 49 Ann Arbor ..15 25 do pr . 23 35 ADC, 2d pr 55 62 AO & \V 1 pr 62 67 Atlantic Re?. 1150 1300 'In pr .108 Bald Loco pr. 90 98 Barnsdall ... 41 43% B:i!"ictt Boa... 50 60 do pr .80 90 Beth Steel ..73 77 do 7th pr.. ?0 9S do S jwj pr.l0H% 107% Bku Edison. ..83 90 Bkn Un (Jas. 48 51 Hums Brs pr 98% 115 Brunswick ... 4% KU Buff It A p, r,8 8.-, . d?i pr . 80 100 Buff & Sus.. 70 ? <_d? PJL . 42 45 Bush Tenn. .. _ r-, ?'al Pet pr... 69% 70% cm & Ariz.. 5?i% ou % I ail Southom. 30 50 Case .1 I pr.. 90 91 Pertalntecd ... 52 55 CU & Alton. 9% 10V, ,,,"> pr . 17% 18% C & N W pr.103% 122 CSPM4 O pr 86 95 C C C 4 8 L. 5?% 50% ?^ pr . C7% ? CI & J?ltts.. 78 SO Cluett I*iab... 70 7"-\ _d0 Pf . 90 10?-, Col Dratrti pr. 7? tin Consol Cigars.. 75 70 - ??- If . 83 8", ?ont Ins Co. BS 7/ Com Prod pr.100% 103 Cms Carpet... 55 60 C:u Steel pr.. 94 9-, Cu Am Su pr. ? \M Denre Co pr.. 93 941. 0e1* M;:'! lbf do pr . 8 10 Durham Bos. ?,i 47 EJkhorn C pr. 85 38% tin Braut .. lj 20 do pr .? j. F>?dt John pr 94*4 B?5U Erle * Pitts.. 43 53 Fairbanks ... 4<j ??i PmJ M A 8. 10 1> do pr . 33 3? Plshor Bod?.. 100 i05 do pr :-100 1004 Om Cigar pr. 88 90 do pr deb. 75 83 0?n Motors pr 72 74 ?Jray Datls .. ?S'A 2iiu Oulf State 8153 51 Hartman Corp. 78 m llome<talce ..47 49 Int Agrlnul... 18 jysi -*?J? ."% 79% P,twII.?r. Pr ?1?3% 105 Ta M T lat pr 77 7? do id pr... 59 6% Int Piper pr. 114 lor do pr stpd. 73 72% ?nt Ntoksl pr?t ?? ?nt Bm& ?".? n M Iowa Ontmd. 4% ? Jewel Tea pr. ? 1? Kayaer J* ... 81 ?7 ??__ Bid. Asked. TvCFSAM pr.. 53 ? K CTty So pr. 4? 48 Kelly Spr pr. 82% 84% do 8 pc pr. 91 95 Ke1s??y Wheel. 55 68 ? do pr . 82 89 Keok St D M. 4% 7 d<> pr ',.... 20 ? Kress A Co., 80% 97 Laclede Oas.. 36 S3 I.ako K & W. 12% 14% L A M T pr.100% 105 do B .130 150 L-W Biscuit.. 44 48 do 1st pr... 93% 98 do 2d pr. ..101 lot LorllLard pr.. 95 105 Loulgv & N.102 103% ?lackay Cos... ?0% 64 ?d,? pr . 59 60% Mallinson ... 18 20 do pr . 60 71 Manliiu Beach % Manhat Shirt. 20 Mar Rockwell. 40 Mat Al \V... 29 Max M 1st pr 19 do 2d pr... 5% Me* Pet pr. 90 Mlrh Central. 77 MSPAS8M pr. 86 do Isd lines. 53 Mont Pow pr S3 Morris & Es.. 60 Mall?n? By pr 93 ? Nash ft Chat. 102 110 Nat Biscuit...107 112 do pr .105% llu N ?; & H pr 81% 85 N E & S pr 90 95 Nat Li'iid pr.,100% 101% NBR M 1st pr 7 14 NYCASL 1st. 60 70 do 2d pr... 54 5?; >?' Y Dock... 22 2? do pr . 40 48 N Y L. ft W 78 P3 N Y O & W 19% 21 Norfolk Ho ..20 "i ^irf & \v pr. ?7? 7.; N?rth Am ... 51 Ohio Fuel ..48 5" li'llo BHly . . ? Wev ...122% 128 22 58!S 9?Vi 00 99% ?It pr 82 100 45 pr. 45 % - Bot M. 47 do pr . 90 Pa?;ltlc Coast.. 77.?. 'lo 2d pr. . Piwiflc Derel. Pacific Mall. Pac Tel ft ' Penn .r ?' p:. Pcre Mar .... pee* s 1. IVttl Mullt... ^^^ do 1st or... 95 : p. Plill Jones .. r?) . r? Pierce Ar pr,. sf y," Pierce Oil |,r. S0% . P V \\ & C.113 120 Pitts S tel nr S3 ?11 P A W Va pr 'I 74' P 8 C N J. ? Ry st spr pr.100% i?-, Ifoad?ig i,t pr ?;-% 44 do 2d pr .. 45 40 ?els A Co ... 10 M ?do pr . 70 (.j "em T 1st pr. 00 DO Rensselacr _ tfj R I A S p? 94% Bf.1? ?arago Arma.. 87 39 ?PR Sugar. 125 1.13 ? do pr .104 Standard Mill. 120 dr. pr . 73 Stuilebaker pr. 00 Hup Steel pr.. 95 T A P Id ?r.300 Tnb Prod pr. 8i 10S 140 93 TOLA W rtf?; ?V4 ,, _do pr ?ft.. 20 Twin CMty B T 34 ??? Pr . 85 Uader'd T pr ? Un Cigar Ht..ISO ,,*> pr ...... 08 I,lilted r?ror tin do W 22 40 85 117 ?73 _ _ Bid. Ask. Un Dyewood.. 5.1% 56 do pr . 80 !hi U S Express.. 6% U S I Al pr. 91% U S B A 1. 49 L-Sa A H pr 42% t*f. Va Car Ch pr.107% 10?? Waliash pr B 18 20 Woila Fargo.. 55 68 95 50 U?? _. Bid. Asked, v.est Pao pr. 68 69% West Un TrJ 84% 85 V?lir?n Co ... 56 sa ?lo pr ._ Willys O pr.. 75 wls Central.. 31 ??.olworth pr.103 WP A M pr a ? do pr B_83 05 70 sa 310 90 6G E?quipment Bond? 4%-5 6 (Quoted on Incoma Name. Rato. Halt & Ohio. . 4% Beth Steel_ V Bost & Alb. . . 4% Buffalo, R & p 4%-5 do. 6 Canadian Nat. 7 Canailian Nor 4 %-E Canadlan Pac 4% do .?... 6 ' C C C A St L. 5 do . 8 Ches A Ohio.. 4% Ch R I & Pac 4V.-6 Chi A N W. . 4M, C St L. & N O 5 Del A Hudson 4% Erie . 4%-6 Frisco Cons. .. 5 III Central_ Kan City So. . Louis & Nash Mich Central.. 6 do . 5 MSP A SSM 4%-5 do . C do . 7 N Y Cent U.. 4% N Y Cent R R 4% do . 7 Norf A West.. 4% Nor Pacific... 7 Pac Kr Kxp.. 7 Pennsylvania.. 4-4?4 Reading Co... 4% Seaboard .... 4V3-5 Southern Pac. 4% 4%-5 7 7 7 4% G 4 %-5 percentage basis.) A,I, BM- Ask. Southern Itv.. I nlon l'a. ,;"?, Union Tank.. do . N Y C A St L do . N Y X H ft II Vlrjjlnian Ry.. Wabash . ? 1920--27 1921-'.'10 1920-'27 1921-'33 1921-'33 19 35 6 1920-'20 1920-23 1920-'32 1921-'29 1921--27 1920-'27 1920-,27 J920-'23 1920-'21 1322 ? 1920-'27 1921--23 1920-'27 1920--24 1920-'23 1921-*32 1920--3C 1920-'26 l?21-'30 1921-'30 1920-'2S 1921-'32 l!)21-'30 1920-'24 lf'2!-'30 i?>!;5-':?5 1920-23 lU21-'27 5 P'20-'2 7 1920.'25 l?'24-'35 1920-'28 1924-'35 ir? .T?o .'?2l-'?,5 19 21-'28 19..1 5 ll^O-'CS lyju-ao 1921 8.00 7.75 7.C0 7.60 7.75 7.35 8.75 7.50 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.50 8.25 7.75 7.75 7.37 8.25 8.50 7.50 7.75 7.E0 7.50 7.60 7.50 7.50 7.75 7.50 7.50 7.25 7.25 7.15 7.15 7.60 7.37 7.50 7. .25 7.25 7.00 | 6.85 ! 8.76 ; 7.15 I 7.50 : 7.00 | 6.75 i 7.00 I 6.85 ! 6.75 7.25 6.75 7.00 6.50 7.00 7.60 7 00 : 7.00 ' 6.75 6.75 6.76 ?' 7.00 ' 7.00 ; 7.00 7.00 , 7.00 6.80 6.60 6.75 ; 6.80 : 6.75 ! 6.75 7.50 7.00 ; 6.80 : 7.00 .65 ' 8.50 7.717 10.00 6 -?0 7.00 6.75 7.50 7.00 7.00 Stock? Ex Dividend Pet, 3% 1% nato. Crm?ia,i?. Soptll?Am. Beet Suirar Co., pf SrptH?.Am. Hide & [..-ath.r ?Jo'nf Se,,t 13?Am. K.jCorn6tTvo Co P Sept 13?Do. pf. . Sept 10?Atl. Gulf & \V.I.S.S."un'e's"Df i ?J Sept m?entrai Leathtlr Co pf ,P ?> Sept 10?Chandler Motor Car' Co'. M 7 1.. Hil 1\ -% Sept to??. com, rash . Sept 10?l>o. pf...!!!!"" jo?Cuban-American Supar Co Sept 10?Do. pf..7;. Sept 13?Electric Smragre Battery'Co" Sept 9?Ueneral Electric Co_ Sept 10?Guanuuiamo Su ept iu?uuanutnamo Co., %,& % Ex. Sept 15?.1. I. Case Thresh. Mach. Co.. 1% Sept 10?I.ackttWiinna Steel Co. 1 v? 1% 1% 1% Sept 10?Do. pr. .,. 1>% Sept 0?St. Joseph Lead Co... . % A % Ex. Seilt 10?Woolwoiin. b\ AV., ('o., pf. . 1%, -,-. British Trade is August LONDON, Sept. 8.~The August ! ntatcment of the Doard of Trade shows the following changes: ? Importa .Ina. ?4,505,000 Export* of British products. .Inc. 40,130.000 ! lie-exports .Inc. 1.143,000 'Mini .tporta .Inc. 4S.072.000 r in...iris .Deo. 37.567,000 In Wall Street | ?.. One-Year 'time Money Brokers reported yesterday that some of the banks were willing to lend time money for ? period of a year at 8}? and tf per cent, according to the oollateral. Although Stock Exchange firms have been complaining for months that bullish operations could not be conducted so long as loans could be called from day to day they ad? mitted that they were unwilling to commit themselves on time loans run? ning for twelve months. It was argued that the desire of the banks to place i their money tor so long a period was an indication that they expected the mency market to work easier after the crop demands had been taken care of. In quarters where a continued slowing up in business is expected, the policy of the banks was also interpreted as meaning that stocks are heading foe lower level3. Froeport Texas .One of the few strong spots in the market yesterday was Freeport Texas, which advanced early and held its ga?n tc the close. The sudden revival of activity in this issue was accompanied b^ reports of buying for control by competing interests. In a certain brok? erage hou?e an interesting story was told of a man who came down to mar? ket early and put in an order lor the purchase of 1000 8hares cf Freeport Texas. This man, it was said, had been told to buy a block of stock in order to take advantage of a rise that was coming.. He bought his stock around 21 and could have sold it at better than 24 before the end of the session. Central Leather An interest close to Central Leather affairs said yesterday that it is prob? able that the current price of the stock will fully discount the losses incidental to the reduction of inventory values. "There is an old saying in the leather trade," it was stated, "that 'high priced hides go into low priced leather and low priced hides make high priced leather. The meaning of this is that almost invariably the seven-months period required to produce leather from hides in the vats marks a general change in the condition of the mar? kets. The inference may fairly be drawn that recent large decreases in earnings have followed the purchase of hides at very high prices seven to twelve months ago; whereas, if there is any business at all, the next year should show proportionate increase of profits from the utilization of hides now being bought at low prices. The leather business ?3 one in which con? stant purchase of raw material is essential t? the continuance of oper? ations." ' Standard Oil Dividends Dividend disbursements of the Stand? ard Oil Companies in the current quar? ter will establish a high-water mark for that period of the year. The total amount to be paid out to stockholder for the three months ending September 30 will approximate $29,500,000, all in cash. This is the largest total in the history of the Standard Oil group with, the single exception of the second, quarter of 1916, when $30,406,000 was' disbursed. The total dividend pay? ments for the full year of 1920 will approximate $112,000,000. Steel Tonnage To-morrow To-morrow that interesting barom? eter of business conditions, the monthly statement of unfilled tonnage of the United States Steel Corporation will be made public. Wall Street will be agreeably surprised if the report shows an increase in unfilled orders. As a matter of fact, most people an? ticipate a decrease^ for it is well known that cancellations of contracts have been heavy of late, while many consumers of steel have been holding out of the market in hopes of cover? ing their needs at lower prices later on. Moreover, shipments during August were on a large scale as a result of improvement in transportation condi? tions. Investors Buy Pennsylvania Current strength of Pennsylvania Railroad shares is attributed to the best kind of investment buying, which is said to have run into large figures in recent weeks. As a result, it is said that the list of Pennsylvania stockholders as of the first of this month will show, when tabulated, an? other substantial increase. On August 1 the number of stockholders of the road stood at a high record of 127,395. Investors have been buying Pennsyl? vania apparently in the belief that the 40 per cent increase in freight rates .will put the system in much the strong? est position in years despite recent heavy additions to operating costs by reason of the wage increases granted a short time ago. Brokers Advise Caution The general trend of brokerage opin? ion yesterday waB that the railroad list was likely to run into some profit taking~before a further advance can be expected. The long ran-re view, how? ever, was that rail shares have a long way to go before they fully discount the beneficial effects of the rate ad? vance. With few exceptions the in? dustrials have few friends, and traders sensing this yesterday resumed their hammering tactics in this department. As usual, ijuch issues as Steel common Baldwin and the Dohenv stocks were* made the special targets of their operations. Considerable headway was made in Mexican Petroleum and Pan American Petroleum and Transport, de? spite the announcement that these properties had more than doubled their leases in Mexico. Ford ?Company Speeding Production According to figures made public in the financial district yostej"d3y, the Ford Company is not feeling the ef? fects of the slowing up in the demand for gasoline driven vehicles. The com? pany is said to be reaching a produc? tion schedule of 4,000 cars a day. A new high record was established on July 22, when 4.200 passenger cars were turned ou*. Last week 23,481 passenger cars were produced, an . average of 3,913 for each of the six working days. In the same period 2,:?88 tractors, or an average of 398 a day, were made. During July 9,7'?;> tractors were tnrn?|d out from the company's four plants at St. Louis, Des Moines, KearnjS N. J., and Dearborn. France a Money Lender Aceor.):ri? to tho best information obtainable, slightly more than half of the Ardo-Freiuh bonds, aggrcfr-ttinr $,", wh:ch mature on October 13"t,'.'ire still on the market. The other bonds have been bought in. chiefly for British accourt. Great'Britain lies mad-- arrang-ep'.t-nts to take care of the small balance outstanding. It is under? stood that France, which created its credits here later, his lent out money in various ways in >?ew York to yield a higher return tb-sn would have been obtained in recent months by buying in the bonds in the open market at a discount. New York Metal Market On the New York Metal Exchange tin was steady, with Class A quoted 44 50?46.60; Class B offered at 42.00, und Straits shipments, 44.60(^45.50. Lead easy; New York spot, 8.5?, and East St. Louis, 8.76. Zinc easy; New York spot, 8.16, and East St. Louis. 7.85. . London metal markets follow: Cop? per, standard spot, ?96 10s, and futures, ?97 6s. Sales, 100. tons spot and 400 tons futures. Electrolytic spot, ?111. and futures, 4117. Tin standard spot, ?26fr and futuras ?272 16s, with sales of 100 tons spot and 200 tons futures. Lead spot, ??13 6s and futuras ?36. Alabama Great Southern Railroad We have issued a special circular giving a very complete and compre? hensive anaylsis of the remarkable earning ca? pacity of this railroad and indicating why the ordinary and preferred shares, now receiving dividends at the rate of 7% per annum, should prove an exceptionally profitable investment at current prices. Write for Analysis 10J12 SpencerTrask&Co, 25 Bread Streot, New York ALBANY BOSTON CHICAOO' Member? New York Stock Exchange Members Chicago Slock Exchange Banking In France And Belgium Our close relations with Lloyds and National Pro? vincial Foreign Bank, Ltd., enable us to offer complete banking facilities through-v out France and Belgium. Branches in Cairo and Alex pndria, Egypt, throughout Morocco and West Africa. Special equipment for h?nd t-pn?actions in Tunis and Algeria Our New York Agency invites inquiry. Bank of British West Africa New York Office. 100 Beaver Street Agents R. R. IIowlan? Surra Head Office: London 4 A First Mortgage Railroad Bond Selling at 73. Investors who desire to secure a high yield and ample protection for their principal invtr.iod will be interested in a bond we are recommend? ing. Secured by a closed mortgage at $25.0?00 per mile and with inter? est guaranteed, this bond is a legal invest? ment for savings banks in several states. Write for a copy of nur Letter No. A-16.?, which gives detailed information. Herrick & Bennett Member? Ai?u? York Stark tjcrltang? 66 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Telephone Itertor '.iCOO BRANCH OFFICES 51 East 42fid St- PcekaldS New York City New York Empire Gas & Fuel Company Preferred Si?r;ck TO YIELD OVER 9% Earnlnjr? moro than eicht ttmM preferred dividend regulp menta CIRCULAR ON REQUEST H. D. Robbins <& Co. Incorporated ?1 Broadway New York Send for Circular Burk Petro'.eum Corporation A i>ro-ducirg Oil Con-pany *TheOninJt-;trjr";'| monthly, debated to impartial o?l ne ivs -w il be sent upon request wuii?ut charge. R.CMegargel-2. Ca 27PineStieet~Ke: ??FNRV Pi ?TWQ 9- Pf Iembcrs ?? >. v. i,i<i? r 11. 13, 13, 17 and 19 Bro -d St., N.T? la ,r.( lillowrd .... a , ...nia*? 'n".-;.ot I? rln ? a- . J ->oi* )s*ut?* o? Railroad hiH 'I CoSl ..a.t. .. II,,,! , , ,i , . , . . .?.: *?? FOREIGN I.FTTF.KS OV mr.I)lT ISStJs* LIBERTY BO^DS Brant* IR20 rifth Ave. .*?'? tjjion -<i?J? ?MHc?is;<; ira Dnanc M. 1 tr. East <W* m JO Cuurt gt., 3tif ail.3? II. Su I ERIE oith. j RAILROAD An Intri cm In? discussion of t3ii? ?nld rall:-oad stock favorita OthT feature* and rf-vicw* ;n MARKKT Ol'INION?At* for B-6?. I R.K.M?cMASTERS&G% AfcmbsT* Consolidated Stock Kj-ch., S. ? 62-84 Broad St. New York. Phon* Brood 6SS?i Pint Ml CHICAGO MM.WAl-KKB'-jl