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Text of Senator Harding's Speech at the Minnesota State Fail* Urges Farm Policy to Stop Exploitation of Resources Candidate Declares Agriculture Has Suffered in United States Because Energies of Country Have Gone Into Cities ST. PAUL, Sept. 8.?-The full text of Senator Warren G. Harding'8 speech at the Minnesota State Fair to-day follows: "Fellow citizens of Minnesota, it is' a matter of very great satisfaction and a very particular interest to me to join with you in this notable exhibition of the agricultural industry of your wonderful state. I come to you with a co?nmon interest and awery common concern for the welfare of our country. While it is in my thought to speak to you specifically concerning agriculture, I want to so convey my thought as to have it known that I am thinking not of the welfare alone of those engaged in agriculture but the welfare of ag? riculture as it relates to the good fortunes of the United States of Amer? ica. "I very much deplore the present-day tendency to appeal to the particular group in American activities. It has become, a very common practice to make one address to those who consti? tute the ranks of labor, another to those who make up the great farming community, and still another to the manufacturing world and its associates in commerce, and to other groups of less importance. There is a very nat? ural and a very genuine interest in each and every one, but the utterance of a poiitica! party nominee ought, in every instant?, to be inspired bv a purpose to serve our common country. If America is to go on and come to the heights of achievement, we must of necessity be all for one and one for all. Dollar Wheat Story Explained "Let me say, in passing, I hope it is entirely seemly to remind you that no public man, particularly no public servant, from the great wheat-raising State of Ohio, would dare to think, much less to say, he believed in dollar wheat amid the price wildness which the world is contemplating to-day. I speak of it because we are getting ac? quainted to-day, and I do not mean to have any misunderstanding between you and me, and I will not be ?grossly and unfairly misrepresented. "I have helped to cut 60-cent wheat. I have known it to sell at 40 cents. I have followed the cradle and sweated behind the reaper when binding was a cross to bear, and I know I spoke the truth when I said, some years ago, that Ohio farmers, in the normal days be? fore the war, rejoiced to raise dollar wheat. That statement had no refer? ence to war time, none to the present after-war period. Conditions, as well a? prices, have changed since I made that perfectly natural and truthful statement, and other great and impor? tant changes are in contemplation, and no misrepresentation is necessary to bring them about. Conditions Cause Concern "A good many years ago a Chinese philosopher uttered a profound truth when he said: 'The wellbeing of a peo? ple is like a tree. Agriculture is its root, manufacture and commerce are its branches and its life. If the root is injured the leaves fall, the branches break and the tree dies.' "It may seem strange to many good people that at this particular timo any one should quote this saying of a wise o!d Chinese. Never In aii our history have prices of farm products ruled so high, measured in dollars, as during the past four years. Farm land in the great surplus-producing states has ad? vanced to unheard-of prices, with every indication that but for the tight money conditions it would <ro still higher. ?Apparently the farmers of the land are enjoying unprccedn^Red prosperity. Why, then, even by implication, suggest that something may bo wrong with our agriculture, and that the trouble may be communicated to our manufac? tures and commerce? People in the cities are disposed to think that if there is anything wrong it is in the cities, where food is selling at such high prices, and r.ot in the country, where the food is produced. But both farm and city students of national problems see in the present agricul? tural situation certain conditions which give cause for real concern to every lover of his country. ' Agriculture Discussed "An intelligent discussion of oui agriculture at the present time must take note of what has happened since the middle of the last century. At that time a fine rural civilization had been built up east of the Mississippi River, with Ohio in the heart of the corn belt and standing in about the ?.ame relation to the agriculture of that day that Iowa stands to-day. The agri? cultural frontier had been pushed beyond the Mississippi and abundant food was being raised to support the growing industrial life of the Bast. "Then came the Civil War, and fol? lowing it the great Western migration into the fertile, open plains of what is now the central West. Through the homestead law the government gave o farm of the richest land in the world . to every man who wanted one. Rail I roads were built, the prairies were F plowed up, and almost overnight the agricultural production of the United States increased by 60 per cent. Graini were produced and sold at the bar? cost of utilizing the soil, and the farm? ers of the older states to the casi were smothered by this flood of cheaj grain. "The only thing that could be don? with this superabundance of food wai to build cities out of it. And great cities we did build, not only in tin United States, but across the seas. Farm Production Aided Cities "The world has never seen, and prob ably may never again see, such t terrific impulse toward city buildin? on a vast scale as that which wai given by the overproduction of farrr products during the latter part of th? nineteenth century and tho first f?M years of the twentieth. "What are ordinary dull statistic! will strikingly illumine tho situatioi which I have been trying to convey In the decade from 1900 to 1910 th? city population of the United State) increased 35 per cent, whHe the rura population increased only 11 per ctnt The number of farm utilities probabl] increased less, but we do know officially that the city population increased mon than three times as rapidly m thi rural population. "The figures are not y?st complet? for the decade ending this year, but sufficient reports have been published to give us a very dependable estimate The indications are that no increase will be shown in the number of fartni and no increase in strictly farm popu? lation. In all probability, dating fron 1920, we shall estimate our farm popu? lation as 30 per cent of the whole while the urban population will mak? ?p the other 70 per cent. Danger la Changing Condition? "Another interesting fact to reveal the danger in, changing conditions Only a few decade? ago, indeed, from the very beginning, the export? ol the United State? we*? ?oil-grown ot farm-produc?d materials. On the othei hand, matt ofr?ur importa mtat* mann? ?sztvroi *rt$LM. I? th? tost hail g> century, year after year, the exports of farm-grown products have decreased? except during the World War?and ex? ports of manufactured products have increased until again we are rapidly reaching the zero mark from the stand? point of agricultural supplies to the world. "Each year our imports show larger and larger quantities of farm-grown products, and the time is almost with us when the imports of farm-grown products will exceed the exports?in short, when our farm population will not be 9upplji*ng the products neces? sary for our own people. "The farmer suffered during this changing period. Overproduction means low prices, and he overproduced with a vengeance, though it was an In? evitable part of the scheme of Ameri? can development. He was obliged to practice grinding economy, and to live as far as possible from his own acres. He did live essentially within his own productivity, and the farm was the factory for the agricultural home. "'Land poor' was a common expres? sion in the farming country. Boys Attracted to Cities "Many, and especially the ambitious boys, abandoned the farms and added themselves to the growing population of the cities, driven by the hardships of the farm and attracted by the greater rewards offered by the cities. "By 1905 it was becoming apparent that? the consuming power of the cities and industrial centers would soon be large enough to equalize the producing power of the farms. Prices of farm products began to advance, and with this advance came an increase in the price of farm land. Improved ma? chinery increased the numbw of acres one man could farm, thereby decreas? ing his1 cost of production. The ex? pression 'farm poor' was no longer heard. Men who had not secured farms of their own began to seek them, and the march to the West and Northwest was resumed. Irrigation projects were started and the homestead law made more liberal in order to make the settlement of??)the semi-arid country more attractive. New areas of govern? ment land were opened for entry. Cities Built Up on Cheap Food "In the mean time the consuming public had become concerned over the prospect of paying higher prices for foodstuffs. Cities and industrial cen? ters had been built up on ridiculously cheap food. Indeed, their building was the first essential in developing farm values. Then the increase in price called for readjustment and required wage advances. Organizations of city busi? ness men began to take an interest in farm affairs and preach the duty of increased production. "The 'back-to-the-land' cry began to be heard. Increased appropriations by Congress and by state legislatures were made to stimulate better methods of farming and thus increase produc? tion in the hope of keeping down food prices. The rural uplift movemeniXwas started with the thought that by making conditions on the farm more attractive the drift from the farm to the city might be checked. "The work of agricultural colleges was strengthened by the addition o? extension departments, the function of which is to take the teaching of better methods of farming and stock growing into the counties and small? er communities, and especially ic stimulate an interest in farming among the boys and girls. All sorts of efforts were made to check the drift from the farm to the city and to maintain farir production. Farming Became a Science "In truth, here in America farm ing came to that stage where it cease< to be a mere struggle for sustenance and it found its place amid the com petition for achievement. It was n? longer the inherently directed opera tion with the soil for restricted living but became a commercial, scientifi operation with Mother Nature to shan in the accomplishments of a moderi life and know a participation in mod em rewards. "Then came the World War, whicl accelerated greatly the movement whicl was already under full headway. Th? cry for food which came from the na tions across the sea caused further ad vanees in prices of farm products, a well as in prices of farm land, and botl profits and patriotism stimulated pro duction. "But with this increased demand fo the products of the farm came als an increased demand fjr the product of our factories and othfr industria enterprises, resulting in higher wage! and the city continued to pull from th farm large numbers of young men wh did not have farms of their own an could see no prospect of getting then and who thought they cou'd see in th city better wages and greater oppoi tunities for advancement, as well a more attractive living conditions. "If the facts were available it woul be found probably that during th period from 1906 to 1917, the time o our entrance into the war, the drii from the farm to the city continue with little abatement, notwithstandin the moro hopeful conditions on th farm. "Farmer 100 Per Cent American'' "The splendid part played by th farmers of the nation during the wa probably never will be understood o fully appreciated by our people. Moi than '?h per cent of all our fiehtln men came from the farms, and afte sending thoir sons to the camps th fathers and mothers, with the help c the younger children, turned to an produced more food than was ever bi fore produced in the history of th world in the same time and from th same nrea of land. Their workin days were measured not by the cloc but by the number of daylight hour "They took to themselves the r? sppnsibility of feeding not only oi own people, but also our allies acroi the sea. In more ways than one ot farmeis made the wnr their war, ar counted no sacrifice too great to he! fight it through to a successful finis The stary of what they did, written I some one who understands it, wi furnish one of tho most glorious cha?, ters jn American history. One thir f may 'say- in every American coi flict, from the revolution for ind< pendence to the World War for mal? ?tained fights, the farmer has been 1< per cent American and ready for evei sacrifice. Stock Producers Suffer "Without spraking at length of far production und prices during the wa ft is necessary to note certsin result if wo are to deal understanding^ wit the agricultural situation at the pre ?nt tiipe, and sneak intelligently of future'police TVidr ?conditions put premium on grain growing at the e: pense of llvflstocV production. As consequence, many stock producers ar Ut?tra nava ?uffarad heavy and, i lonta ess*?, mlaoflis tost??. If this ?sot dition should continue we are in dan? ger in the near future of having to pay very high prices for our meats. "For two outstanding reasons the maintenance of a normal balance be? tween livestock and grain production is a matter of national concern. One is that we are a meat-eating people, and should have a fairly uniform sup? ply at a reasonable price. "Conditions which either greatly stimulate or greatly discourage live? stock production result in prices alto? gether too high for the average con? suming public or altogether too low for the producer. The other is that the overstimulatlon of grain production de? pletes the fertility of our land, which is our greatest national asset, and re? sults in a greater supply than can be consumed at a price profitable to the producer, and finally to *x widespread agricultural distress, from which all of our people suffer. "As a reconstruction measure, there? fore, our government should do every? thing in its power to restore the nor? mal balance between livestock and grain production, and thus encourage the prompt return to that system ol diversified farming by which alone we can maintain our soil fertility. This is a matter of immediate importance to all of our people. Period ol Unco alnty i "No one can forecast with certainty the trend of prices of farm products during the next two or three years Recovery from a world crisis such as we have experienced is slow inevita? bly. It is like the human convalescence from a long and dan?erouB illness. Oui relations with the world at large ure such that important happenings in other lands have a marked effect upon conditions here at home. "Order must be restored, industries rebuilt, devasted lands reclaimed transr ortation reestablished, the vast arn.ies reabsorbed in the occupation! of normal life. The near futur? promises to be a period of uncertaintj for the farmer, as well as for the mer engaged in industrial enterprises America has no greater problem thai returning securely to the normal, on ward road again. This isn't lookinj backward?it is a forward look ti stability and security. "It must be evident, however, to an; one who has given the matter evei superficial consideration that we hav now come to the end of the long perioi of agricultural exploitation in th United States. No longer are ther great and easily cultivated areas o fertile land awaiting the land hungrj We have now under the plow prac tically all of our easily tillable lane though idle areas await reclamatio and development by that genius an determination which ever have mad nature respond to human needs. "I Want a Soul In Farming" "Additions of consequence which w may make to our farming area, froi this time on, must come by puttin water on the dry lands of the arid an semi-arid country, or by taking wate off of the swamp lands, of which w have large areas in some sections, o by digging the stumps out of the cut over timber lands of the North an South." There are, of course, large poi sibilities in intensive farming, in tin land thrift which admits of neithe waste nor neglect, and in ever-improi ing methods, which must be as inspi: ing to agricultural life as to the pr< fessions or to commercial leadershv "I want a soul in farming, to s< aglow the most independent and sel respecting activity in all the world. "The time has come when, as a ni tion, we must determine upon a del nite agricultural policy. We must di cide whether we shall undertake t make of the United States a self-su taining nation? which means that w shall grow within our own boundarii all of the staple food products neede to maintain the highest type of civil zation?or whether v:e shall contint to exploit our agricultural resourc? for the benefit of our industrial ai commercial life, and leave to posted' the task of finding food enough, 1 strong-arm methods, if necessary, support the coming hundreds millions. For a Self-Rellant Nation "I believe in the self-sustaining, i dependent, self-reliant nation, ag) culturally, industrially and political! We are then the guarantors of o own security and are erual to t task. "If we should unhappily choose t course of industrial and commerc promotion at the expense of agrict ture, cities will continue to grow at t expense of the rural community, ag culture will inevitably break down a finally destroy the finest rural civilii tion, with the greatest possibilities, t world has ever seen. "Decreased farm production v, make dear food and we shall obliged to send our ships to far aw nations in sear-h of cheap foodstul the importation of which* is sure intensify agricultural discouragcmi. and distress at home. Ultimately th? will come the same fatal break-do and from the same causes which h? destroyed the great civilizations centuries past. "If, on the other hand, we shall termine to build up here a self-s taining nation?and what lover of country can make a diffeient choi. ?then wo mu<?t at once set about development of a system of agricult which will enable us to feed our poo abundantly, with some to spare for port in years of plenty, and at pri which will insure to the farmer i his family both financial rewards i educational, social and religious liv conditions fairly comparable to th offered by the cities. FtUr Return Essential "A sound system of agriculture c not be maintained on any other ba Anything short of a fair return u invested capital and a fair wage the labor which trocs into the t? and enough in addition to enable farmer to maintain tho fertility of soil and insure against natural iiaza will drive large numbers of farmer: the cities. "A frank recognition by all of people of this ?!??;? h necessary if we are successfully work out this great nat?o: > ?? It is a matter of even greater cone to the people of the cities lain tu farmer and the farm community, we cannot, by painstaking study wise statesmanship, arrive at such derstanding and application of nomic laws as will enable us to b? about a fair balance between our ui and rural industrie?, bringing pros ity to both and permitting neithei fatten at the expense of the other, cannot hope for concord, and witl concord there is no assurance for future. Farmers Rapidly Organizing "Heretofore the farmer has beer individualist. Living a somewhat latcd life and being compelled to v long hours, it has not been easy him to gather with, his fellows. He not had a ready means of def< against the stror,? organizations both capital and labor, which in t own interest hnve at times imposed fair conditions upon him. It is that at times during the last years thero have been temporary fai organization? brought together to < bat some unusually burdensomo co tion, but usually breaking down v the emergency has passed. "But of late years there 1 sprung up farmer organisations < quit? diff?rant sort ? organis?t with a very large memhership, an aggressive and intelligent leader? ship, and with a way of raising what? ever* funds they may find necessary to promote the interests of their mem? bers. The leaders of these organiza? tions are learning rapidly how to adapt to their work the methods which business men and working men have found successful in furthering their own interests. "The fruit growers of the western coast have become so strong that they are now able not only to do away with many of the expenses heretofore paid to others, but also to influence the price of their products. "The grain growers of the West and Northwest have become strong enough to bring about many changes they de? sired in the marketing of their crops. The farmers of the corn belt states are rapidly perfecting the most powerful organization of farmers ever known in this country. All of these are nat? ural developments in the evolving change of relationship and the modern complexities of productivity and ex? change. "It is more than conceivable, it is ap? parent, that we are able to deal more wisely and more justly with our agri? culture than we have in the past. Un? less we do deal more fairly there may come a conflict between tho organized farmers in ( the surplus-producing states and those who insist on buying their crops below production costs. We have witnessed the restricted produc? tion of manufactures and labor, but we have not yet experienced the in? tentionally restricted production of foodstuffs. Let us hope we never may. It is bur business to produce and cor. ? rerve, not to deny, deprive or destr>y. Farmer Needs Fair Chance "I have no thought of suggesting that the government should work out an elaborate system of agriculture and then try to impose it on the farmers of the country. That would be utterly repugnant to American ideals. Govern? ment paternalism, whether applied to agriculture or to any other of our great national industries, would stifle am? bition, impair efficiency, lessen produc? tion and make us a nation of depend? ent incompetents. The farmer requires no special favors at the hands of the government. All he needs is a fair chance and such just consideration for agriculture as we ought to give to a basic industry and ever seek to pro? mote for our common good. "Some of the things which ought to be done, if we are to put our agricul? ture on a sound foundation, have been mentioned in the national platform o? the party to whose pledges I am com? mitted." "First, the need of farm representa? tion in large governmental affairs is recognized. During the last sever years the right of agriculture to t voice in government administration has been practically ignored, and, at times the farmer has suffered grievously as f result. The farmer has a vital interest in our trade relations with other coun? tries, in the administration of oui financial policies and in many of th? larger activities of the government' H?3 interests must be safeguarded by men who understand his needs; he must be actually and practically repre? sented. Expense Must Be Cut "Second, the right of farmers tc form cooperative associations for th? marketing of their products must b? ??ranted. The concert of agriculture i? as essential to farms as a similar con cert of action is to factories. A pros perous agriculture demands not onlj efficiency in production but efficiency in marketing. Through cooperative associations the route between th? producer and the consumer car and must . be avoided. Unnec essary expenses can and must b< eliminated. It is to the advantage o all of our people that every possibl? improvement be made in our method, of getting the products of our farm into the hands of the people who con sume them. The legitimate function of the middleman may continue to b performed, by private enterprise, un der conditions where the middleman i necessary and gives his skill to ou jcint welfare. The par?sito in distri bution who preys on Doth producer an consumer must no longer sap the vi tality of this fundamental life. "Third, the Republican party pledge iteelf to a Scientific study of agricul tural prices and farm production costi both at home and abroad, with a vie to reducing the frequency of abnorme fiunctuations here. Stabilization v/l contribute to everybody's confidenc? Farmers have complained bitterly c the frequent and violent fluctuation in prices of farm products, and e? pecially in prices of livestock. The do not find fluctuations?such fluctuf ticr.s?in the products of other indus tries. In a general way prices of fan products must go up or down accor? ing to whether there is a plentifi crop or a short one. "The farmer's raw materials are tr fertility of the soil, the sunshino ar the rain, and the size of his crops measured by the supply of these ra materials and the'skill with which 1 makes use of them. He cunnot contr his production and adjust it to the d mand as can the manufacturer!?. But 1 can see no good reason why the prie? of his products should fluctuate so vi len'tly from week to week, and som times from day to day. We must get better understanding of the facto which influence agricultural price with a view to avoiding these violei fluctuations, and bring about av?rai prices, which shall bear a reasonab relation to the cost of production. \\ do rot offer any quack remedies in th matter, but we do pledge ourselves 1 make a thorough study of the diseas find out what causes it, and then app tho remedy which promises a cure. "Fourth?We promise to put an ei to unnecessary price fixing of far products and to ill-considered effor arbitrarily to reduce farm produ prices. In tim?'s of national erisi when there is a known scarcity of ai necessary product, price control for tl purpose of making a fair distributi? of the stores on hand may be both ne essary and wise Hut we know th there can be no repeal of natural la\ --the eternal fundamentals. The hi tory of the last three thousand yea records the folly of such efforts, the price of any farm product, for e ample, is arbitrarily fixed at a poi which does not cover the cost of pr duction, the farmer is compelled to r duce the production of that particul crop. This results in a shortage whi in turn brings about higher prices th before, and thus intensities the dang from which it was sought to escape, times past, ninny nations have trie?! hold dewn living costs by arbitrar fixing prices of farm products. Ail su efforts have failed, and have usual brought national disaster. "Government drives against fo prices s"ch as we have experienc during tho past two years are equal vain and useless. The ostensible pi pose of such drives is to reduce t price the consumer pays for food. T actual result is unjustly to depre for a tim?! the prices tho farmer i ceivea for hi? grains and livostoi hut with no appreciable reduction the price the consumer pays. Su drives simply give the speculator a the profiteer additional opportuniti to add to their exactions, while th add to the uncprtainty and discouraj ment under which th? farmer is lab< ing deving this period of readjustme T*Flfth--We favor the administrai of the farm loan act so as to h< men who farm to secure farms of th? own, and to gfv? to them long tii credits needed to practice the best methods of diversified firming. Personal Credit Tor Men "We also favor tho authorization of associations to preside the necessary machinery to furnish personal credit to the man, whether land owner or tenant, who is hampered for lack of working capital. The highest type of i rural civilization is that in which the land is farmed by the men who own it. Unfortunately, as land increases in j value, tenancy also increases. "This has been true throughout his-* tory. At the present time probably one , half of the high-priced land in the corn belt states is farmed by men who, be cauae of lack of capital, find it neces? sary to rent. This increase in tenancy brings with it evils which aro a real menace to national welfare. The land owner, especially if he be a speculator who is holding for a profit through an advance in value, is concerned chiefly in securing tho highest possible rent. The tenant who lacks sufficient working cap? ital, and who too often is working under a short time lease, is forced to farm the land to the limit and rob it of its fer? tility in order to pay the rent. Thus we have a sort of conspiracy between the landlord and tenant to rob the soil upon which our national wellbeing and indeed our very existence depend. Amid such conditions we have inefficient schools, broken down churches, and a sadly limited social life. We should, therefore, concern ourselves not only in helping men to secure farms of their own, and in helping the tenant secure the working capital he needs to carry on the best methods of diversified farming, but we should work out a sys? tem of land leasing which, while doing full justice to both landlord and tenant, will at the same time conserve the fer? tility of the soil. "Sixth?We do not longer recognize the right to speculative profit in the operation of our transportation sys? tems, but we are pledged to restore them to the highest state of efficiency as quickly as possible. Agriculture has suffered more severely than any other industry through the inefficient railroad service of the last two years. Many farmers have incurred disastrous loases through inability to market their grain und livestock. Such a condition must not be permitted to continue. We must bring about conditions which will give us prompt service at the lowest pos? sible rates. "Seventh?We are pledged to the re? vision of the tariff as soon as condi? tions shall make it necessary for the preservation of the home market for American labor, American agriculture and American industry. For a perma? nent good fortune all must have a com? mon interest. If we are to build up ? self-sustaining agriculture here at home, the farmer must be protected from unfair competition from those countries where agriculture is still being exploited and where trie stand? ards of living on the farm are much lower than here. We have asked for higher American standards; let us maintain them. "The farmers of the ..orn belt, for example, are already^ threatened with unfair competition from the Argentine, whose rich soil is being expoited in heedless fashion, and where the rent? ers who farm it are living under con? ditions more miserable than the poor? est tenants in the United States. In times past duties on agricultural prod? ucts were largely in the nature of paper tariffs, for we were a great surplus producing nation. Now that consumption at home is so nearly reaching normal production the Amer? ican farmer has a right to insist that ia our trade relations with other coun? tries he shall have the same considera? tion that is accorded to other indus? tries, and we mean to protect them all. "So long as America can produce the foods we need I am in favor of buying from America first. It is this very preference which impels development ard improvement. Whenever America can manufacture to meet American 'needs?and there is almost no limit to our genius and resources?I favor producing in America first. I com? mend American preference to American productive activities, because material good fortune is essential to our higher attainment, and linked indissolubly are farm and factory in the great economic fabric of American life." "Under a sound system of agricul? ture, fostered and safeguarded by wise an?! fair administration of state and Federal government, the farmers of the United States can feed our people for many centuries?perhapo indefinitely. But we must understand conditions, and make a new appraisal of relation? ships, and square our actions to the great, underlying foundation of all human endeavor. "Farming is not an auxiliary; it is the main point, and geared with it in? separably is every wheel of transpor? tation and industry. America could not go on with a dissatisfied farming people, and no nation is secure where land hunger abides. "We need fewer land ho?gs, who menace our future, and more ?at hogs for ham and bacon. We need less be guilement in cultivating a quadrennial crop of votes and more consideration for farming as our basic industry. "We need less appeal to class con? sciousness and more resolute intelli? gence in promptly solving our problems. We nel?d rest and recuperation for a soil which has been worked out in agitation, and more and better har? vests in the inviting fields of mutual understanding. "We need less of grief about the ills which we may charge to the neglect of our own citizenship and more confi? dence in just government, along with determination to make and hold it just. Farmers to Have Full Share "We need to contemplate the mir? acle of America in that understand? ing which enables us to appreciate that which made us what we are, and then resolve to cling fast to all that is good and go confidently on to great things "Wo need to recall that America and its triumphs are not a gift to the world through paralyzing interna? tionally, but the glories of the Re? public are the fruits of our own na? tionality and its inspirations ? of freedom, of opportunity, of equal rights under the Constitution, of Co? lumbia offering the cup of American liberty to men thirsting to achieve and beckoning men to drink of the waters of our political life and be rewarded as they merit it. "I think that the paths which brought us to the point where the world leadership might have been ours ?as it might have in 1919?in the first century and a third of national life, ought to be the way to the an? swered aspirations of this great Re? public. I like to turn for reflection some times, because I get therein the needed assurance for the onward marcn of the morrow. "To-day we have contemplated Amer? ican farming in the broadest possible way, have been reminded where we have been remiss; to-morrow we want to greet the farmers of America in the freedom and fullness of farming pro? ductivity, impelled by the assurance that they are to have their full part in the rewards of righteous American activity." Mrs. Algoe Out for Senate PROVIDENCE, R. I., Sept. 8.?Mrs. James W. Algoe, a ?teading suffrage worker in Rhode Island, to-day an? nounced that she would be a candi? date for the Republican nomination of State Senator from Providence. In notifying the Republican leaders of her purpose she declared that she would run on a "women-and-children first" platform. Harding Says Farmers Are Hope of U. S. (Continuai! fn?m gw ?il_ open-air theater where the presentation was made. Picture Meant for White House "This pieture can T>e seen to best ad? vantage from a distance of twenty-five feet," said Mr. Roe, "and there is a building in Washington in which all Amenons have an interest in which we hope it will be displayed after March 4, 1921." In accenting Senator Harding said: "Since this most plea*sant gift comes from you I am going to leave it to you to decide where it is to be exhibited." When the applause ended ho contin? ued: "I congratulate you as fellow countrymen that in America, where we are less than a hundred years old in our development, we are now having, with agricultural progress, time, inter? est and concern for the development of art, which adds to the refinement and enjoyment of practical life. "I want to go one step further. I want to find not only art encouraged and developed in the general progress of every community throughout tho na? tion, but I want to reach that stage of mutuality of interest and common ad? vancement where there is just as much art on the American farm and among . the American wage earners as there is in the more fortunate or better com? pensated of our people." Turning to Mrs. Harding, who stood near by, Senator Harding said "This is the artist in our family," and the introduction was acknowledged with more cheers. Visit Farm Boys' ?Camp From the art exhibit the Senator and his party were taken to the farm boys' camp, where lads who have shown a special aptitude for agriculture or animal husbandry in contests are being given a short course in scientific farm? ing. As the Senator entered the building that served the half-grown boys as a combination classroom and dormitory these youngsters in work clothes, with ! sun-bleached hair and large hands, familiar with plow handles, began to sing, "Here's to you, Senator Harding." When they finished the Senator said heartily: "Boys, here's to you in re- ? turn. I like to show my good wishes to a bunch of prize winners wherever I find them in the United States of Amer? ica. I like fellows who can win. That is what I am thinking about myself. "It doesn't make any difference much what pursuit one follows in life. The big impelling thought is be the win? ner, boys, in whatever you undertake. It is fine to be out in front. "The best product of the American farm is leadership of the citizenship : of America. The best crop in America j consists of the farm boys and the farm ? girls of this country. I don't care j where you go, whether it is in the large cities of the Northwest or the still larger cities of tho more populous East, there the farm boys are having ! their great say about the trend of hu? man activities which lead to the tri? umphs we all so much rejoice in. Says Opportunity Still Beckons "Don't let anybody ever tell you that the American farm is a poor place to begin. It is the best place in the world to begin. Don't let anybody ever tell you thac there is not an equal chance for you in American life, boys, because there is just as good a chance fo.' any of you sitting before me to-day as there ever was in any single period '? of this .republic, and the rewards to- | day are greater than they ever ^mj in American life or in the civiiw,tu? of the world. "Men may tell you that oppo^a^?-*. are not like they used to be. ???j, give you a little illustration of Km* wrong they are: They used to j|?tu the United States Senate was the Wk man's club. Did you ever stop t? ]mv into the story of the men who conati tute that great legislative body? ^^ "Take your own Senator Knut? Jto. sou. immigrant boy, and your otW Senator, Frank . B. Kellogg. D?^??f know where he came from? He'S? a farmer boy up in the AdirondacSeJS? tien of New York State. That it 3? ho amounts to something. He ttartt? on an American farm and has cook into eminence. "I could tell you the story of tweet* Senators, and in no case would it h? the story of some one favored by cea, ditions. It would not be the success 3 privilege; it would just be a typta? American boy in each case who had i? his heart the ambition to get on asi succeed. Why, one of the Senators whs sits next to me in th? Senate, or at lecst not far away from me, started S a jockey, because he was slight ?>{ build and had a big. strong heart and could ride to win. This boy. without any other chance in American life, roda his way into a trusted place i? th? United States Senate. "I only tell you that, boy?, bacsci? out of the American farm comes ta? most promising citizenship of the S*. public. And I want you winners to m on in leadership and lead America into the full realization of the possibilit? of this wonderful land of ours." As Senator Harding was leaving the building and the boys' cheers die?! away one of them, in a tattered gray sweater and overalls, voiced a though that was frecjuently expressed in Tart. ing forms in St. Paul to-day. g( said: "Gee, that ole boy sure look] like a President!" The Senator was led through the horse show ring, where brood marei and Shetland ponies were corapetiaj for attention. "Mrs. Harding is the horsewoman," said the Senator to the fair officith who were leading him about. "Youwanl to show her these animals." After luncheon at the fair ground he was taken to the grandstand to d* liver his ?speech. It was there tail Governor Cox was heckled about his Irish stand a few days ago. But thtn was no heckling of Senator Harding In fact, there was a great deal of com? ment, contrasting the warmth of tb( receptions given. the two candidat? under similar circumstances. By at odds, neutral observers said, Senat? Harding was given the more enthusiw tic greeting. Greets Thousands at Club When he had finished his formal ad dress, Senator Harding was dirven t Minneapolis, where he and Mrs. Hard ing were the guests of honor at a H ception at the Lincoln Club, nhakin? hands with thousands of residents 0 St. Paul's twin. There were -jo man people there that it finally becso necessary to close the doors of th club. To those inside Senator Hardi? made a short talk, taking the League! Nations for his subject. He pledgt himself to protect American 'onstitt tional rights. "If I am elected Pred dent," he told them, '"there ihsll 1 no surrendering of nationality to pa! alyzing internationally." There was a wild yell of approval. Returning to St. Paul, Senator it Mrs. Harding went to the home ( Senator Kellogg for dinner and at o'clock went to the State Capitol whei there was an official reception, wtj Governor J, A. Burnquist, State And tor J. A. Preus (a candidate for til Governorship), Senator Kellogg an many other officials, in attendant Senator Harding and his party vere I start back for the front porch at Ml rion aj/ll o'clock to-night. e Painters' Strike The Brotherhood of Painters are on strike owing to the refusal of the members of the Master Painters' Association, the Society of Interior Decorators and the Cabinet Makers' Association to meet their demands of $10.00 per day. The proposed schedule forbids work on Sat? urday mornings under any circumstances, and makes various . arbitrary demands that tend to cause inconvenience to the public and higher cost of work. The employer organi? zations believe that the time has come to re? sist these demands with all their power, at whatever inconvenience or cost, and confident? ly rely upon the public to sustain them. Since August 1st, 1919, the pay of painters has already been increased fifty per cent, which is largely in excess of the increase in cost of living since that time. There is every indication that the decline in general prices already begun, will continue, and the argu? ment for further increase of wages on account of the increase in the cost of living is not tenable. This is but another imprudent and unjustifi? able stoppage of essential production. The painters can increase their income to the amount now demanded if they will work on Saturday mornings as is customary in all other trades. If they insist upon being idle for an entire working day each, week, the cost of maintenance for their idleness should not be a charge upon the public. The owners of the buildings under construc? tion, almost unanimously, have signified their approval of our position. If the employer or? ganizations have the benefit of full public support at this critical time, a great obstacle to the construction of much needed homes will be speedily removed. Many false claims of success in securing ac? ceptance of the(new demands result from the active propaganda of the strikers in the pub? lic press. The established organizations, which employ a large proportion of painters of the better class, oresent a solid front in op? position. Statements to the contrary should lot be accepted without verification. In this situation the employers are not prin? cipals, but trustees of the public, whose inter? ests primarily they are serving. The Society of Interior Decorator? of New York City The members of the following organizations are too numerous to he given individually. The Association of Master Painters and Decorators of the City of New York The Cabinet Makers Employers Association of New York The following- are the Members of THE SOCIETY OF INTERIOR DECORATORS OF NEW YORK CITY: L. Alavoine & Co. Wm. Baumgarten & Co. J. R. Bremncr & Co. Carlhian & Co. Charles of London Cowtan & Sons, Inc. Henry J. Da-vison, Inc. Chamberlin Dodds F. N. Dowling Franklin P. Duryea & Co. Emil Feffercorn Duncan Fraser, Inc. P. W. French & Co. Hampton Shops Herter Looms Herts Bros. Co. D. S. Hess & Co. Theo. Hofstatter & Co. H. F. Huber & Co. John H. Hutaf Jansen, Inc. H. F. Dawson A. Kimbal & Son, Inc. Leed. Inc. Lenygon & Morant, Inc. A. Lowenbein's Sons Jos. P. McHugh & Son Horace Moran John J. Morrow Victor J. Petry George P. Reinhard Frederick Rose & Co, G. W. Richardson & Son Schmitt Bros. F. O. Scrruller W. & J. Sloane J. Greenleaf Sykes Tiffany Studies C. Victor Twiss Warwick House, Ltd. Waters & Crowninshield Clarence Whybrow Mack, Jenney & Tyler James Duane Taylor. Inc. Irving & Cassen. A. H. Davenport White, /-dlcna & Co. R. Leventritt